The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION FOUR, Page 5, Image 59

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W'&&sM'nsiiriiiiarr NHM j J iiiaamaj
- . Underwood & Underwood.
Left to risnt Arthur Mlddleton, baritone) Rndolph Grnen. pianist, and Pan! Althonse, tenor of the' Metro
politan Opera company, -who will sail soon for An Htralla to make a five months' tour of the antipodes. -
PORTLAND'S representative of
the Royal Academy of Music of
England, Carl Denton, con
ductor of the , Portland Symphony
orchestra, has received his Invita
tion to be present for the centenary
celebrations of the academy, which
will be held from July 10 to July
22. In addition to the distinction of
being the honorary local representa
tive of the academy, Mr. Denton
was a fellow student of many whose
names appear on the long pro
gramme. York Bowen, Arthur
Alexander, Lionel Tertlus, Spencer
Dyke, Bertie Withers and Lieuten
ant Neville- Flux were among- his
friends and acquaintances while he
attended the academy. '
The musical festival, which will
commemorate the 100th anniversary
of the Royal academy, will include
a thanksgiving service at St, Paul's
cathedral, a series of 12 chamber
concerts given by past and present
students at Aeolian hall every aft
ernoon and evening from July 10
to July 15 and -six performances of
Knglish opera at the Royal Acad
emy of Music between. July 10 and
July 22. The works performed will
be SuUivan's "Yeoman of . the
Guard," Goring-Thomas" "Nadeshda"
and Mackenzie's - "Cricket on the
Hearth." t There will also be two
dramatic performances on July 17
and July 20. .
There will be a reception at Queen's
hall oh Monday evening, July IT, and
three orchestral concerts at Queen's
hall on July 18. 19 and 20. The pro
gramme of the first and second of
these will consist entirely of
works by composers educated at the
R. A. M., several of which have been
written for the occasion. The or
chestra will be made up of old stu
dents. Mr. Denton is unable to attend
the centennial, however, as he has (
departed for Los Angeles to be pres
ent for a series of symphony con
certs to be given in the Hollywood
bowl In the Hollywood foothills, be
ginning today. Mr. Denton's object
In going south for the musicale is
largely eduoational and he expects
to derive great inspiration from at
tending the concerts He will con
sult with Charles Wakefield Cad
man while there on the interpreta
tion of a suite l of his. entitled
"Thunderbird" and based on Indian
themes. Mr. Denton has recelved,the
score and parts of the work and
will, put it on as one of the sym
phony concerts this coming winter.
Sixty concerts will be given with
in, the ten weeks' season In the south
6y an ensemble of 65 of the best
members of the Philharmonic
orchestra of Los Angeles. Alfred
Hertz, conductor of the San Fran
cisco Symphony orchestra will be
cme of the conductors. F. W. Blan
chard, manager of the former Los
Angeles Symphony orchestra, for
many years actively interested in
musical matters of Los Angeles, and
Mrs. J. J. Carter, one of the most
successful advocates of music as an
essential community asset, are dl-
The Hollywood bowl season' is being
sponsored by the Community Park
and Art association, which owns the
bowl, a natural stadium, by acoustic
conditions and natural charm ideally
suited for open air ooncerts.
Portlanders who remember Signor
Manfredo ChiaffareiH, impressario
and concertist, who used to come to
Portland with his band or as di
rector in. well-known musical organ
Izations, will learn with interest
that he will direct a programme of
music to 'be given tonight at St.
Bhilip Neris' church. East Sixteenth
and Hickory streets.
. The -programme Is of further in
terest in that it includes two num
bers composed by Signor Chiaffar
eiH. une Alght in Venice," an
operetta in two acts, and "Grand
Fantasy," a clarinet solo. Additional
interest will be afforded in the sing
Ing of May Dearborn Schwab, Kath
ryn Chrysler Street, Hal Young and
Mark Daniel, who will -give the
quartet from "Rigoletto," and the
sextette from "Lucia di Lammer-
Other numbers on the programme
March, Alda (Verdi);- overture,
"II Barbiere di Slvlglia" (Rossini)
Album Leaf (Wagner); march.
"Fault" (Gounod); "La Vedova Al
legra" (Lehar): "Huntirig Scene'
BugaIossi); overture, "Martha"
(FlotowX "I Vesperi Siciliani'
tVerdi); "II Giovane" (Wolsteind)
"Inno Italiano-Amenicano'" (Gobatti
end Herbert).
The entertainment is given under
the auspices of the Sacred Family,
an Italian organization, and the en
tire Italian colony will participate.
The public is invited and the enter-
talnment is free. In addition to the
music there will be games, sports
and refreshments. Signpr Chiaffar
elli's last appearance in Portland
was in 1903. when he played at the
armory as director of Eilery s band
Since then he has toured America
and Europe and for seven years he
has been in Venice, Cal., where he
is a concert director: ,
; The closing recital for five voice
tudents of Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed
Friday, June 30, in Sie Multnomah
ballroom, was a decided success
Five-singers made their initial bows
to a Portland audience and all were
.well received and applauded.
chorus of 10 women's voices as
sisted and gave three fine numbers, i
Mrs. A. W. Stone accompanied the
chorus and Edgar E. Coursen played
for the soloists.
The students . were presented in
musical groups as follows: l
Waltz song, "Haymaking" ... .'.N-eedham
"Vale" (Farewell) Russell
"You ia a Gondola" Clarke
Mrs. Irene ttrowbridge-Wheeler, soprano.
0 Mio Fernando" (X.a Favorite
"All For Too" Martin
"Homing" Rtego
Mrs. Charles W. Tending, contralto.
Aria, "Un Bel Di" (Madame Butter
fly) Puccini
"Cousells a Nina" Weokerlln
"Roses After Rain" Lehmann
Miss Oveta Weber, soprano.
"The Blind Woman's Song" (La Cieco)
"Mattlnata" . Leoncavallo
"Smile Thro' Tour Tears" Hamblen
Mrs. Richard C. Williams, contralto,
of -Sherwood, Oregon;
"II Baclo-" (The Kiss Waltz) Arditi
"Some One Worth While" Stephens
"The Robin's Song" Anna Case
Miss Mildred Anderson-Hult, soprano,
of Colton, Oregon.
Members of the ladies' chorus who
took , part were Mrs. George W.
Joseph,. Mrs. D. L. Blodgett, Mrs.
Sanderson Reed, Miss Adel Bar
nickel, Miss Lola Kernan, Mrs. Belle'
Willis-Sherman, Mrs. John H. Tut
tle, Mrs. Gladys Dobson, Mrs. Don
ald Lamont, Mrs. W. W.. Gabriel,
Mrs. Richard Williams, Mrs. Joseph
L. Stafford, Mrs. Thomas Roholt,
Mrs. Tracy Ray Grove. Mrs. Rov C.
Conaway, Miss Frances Tatman, Miss
Gertrude Ost, Mrs. R.- H. Torrey,
Mrs. Fred Jewett, Mrs.'R. W. Hun
ner. Miss Cinita Nunan, Mrs. Irene
Strowbrldge Wheeler, Mrs. JX C.
Bogart, Mrs. Blanche Berreth-Stan-ton,.
Mrs. C. R. Spackman Jr.; Mrs.
Arthur B. Holderman, Mrs. Raymond
McKalson, Mrs. R. M. Eobinson, Miss
Mary Ellen Mullen, Mrs. Emmett
Drake, Mrs. E. M. Ringer, Miss
Elizabeth Hulme, Miss Josephine
Woolery, Miss Carolyn Clarke, Miss
Mae Silcocks, Mrs. Charles W. Yield-
ng, Mrs. C. M. Brink. Miss Oveta
Weber, Mrs. Percy Willis, Mrs. J. E.
Bonbrlght, Mrs. E. C. Reed, Miss Jo
Torrey, Mrs. J. M. Hiatt, Mrs.
H. Hansen, Mrs. Helen Fromme
Concert patrons throughout the
United States affectionately recall
the distinguished - piano virtuoso,
Xaver Scharwenka, whose appear
ances were everywhere acclaimed as
among the finest in the annals of
musical America. Owing to the late
war and his recent spell of ill health
he has not been heard from for some
time. His return to th'e concert
platform in Germany, where he ap
peared as conductor of the Berlin
Philharmonic orchestra, was phe
nomenal. His fourth concerto for
piano and' orchestra, which he re
cently conducted, presenting one of
his pupils In the solo part, met with
tremendous success in B'erlin.
Scharwenka, who is one of the few
surviving exponents of the original
Liszt school, virtually holds the po
sition or "pianist laureate In Ger
many. He is more familiar to
Americans as the composer of the
familiar "Polish Dance."
Miss Marie Soule. prominent mu
sic teacher of this city, spent the
last year in Europe with her pro
tege, Gordon Soule, studying with
Herr Scharwenka. Miss Soule, who
recently returned to this city, has
received the following letter from
the master, written June 20:
'Please receive my sincerest
thanks for your pleasant letter,
which gave much pleasure to my
family and me. I am very sorry that
you and Gordon had to leave us so
soon, but I sincerely hope that you
will beable to return to us m the
near future, as I shall take great
pleasure in working with this highly.
talented and capable "kunstjunger"
(young maestro) who, as I firmly
believe, may hope for a great future.
We shall then ardently study, be
Cann Photo.
Miss Gertrude Kearney, -nho was
presented in recital recently by
- Rose Cijursen Heed. - -
sides his adored favorite, Liszt, all
the works of our great classicists.
and I am ' looking forward to this
moment. When you two kind peo
ple left tis I was ill in bed and I am
still suffering from the after-effects
of a severe grippe. My heart was
affected by this sickness, which was
followed by a nasty bronchitis. Only
lately have' I begun to recover.
Since a few days we have returned
to our summer residence at Saarow,
where I hope to recover fully.
"It gives me much pleasure to tell
you that I have now finished my
autobiography. It will appear about
Christmas and will be translated
into the English language.
"I had to neglect my pianlstic
wprk.entirely on account of my ill
ness and therefore, with a few ex
ceptions, have not been able to ap
pear in public, but plenty of music
was given us .last season in Berlin;
in fact, more than ever, and mostly
from foreigners who more or less
'delighted' us with their art. There
were especially Russians who
brought us a true innovation In mu
sic The great success, however, Is
due to an American singer, Louis
Graveure, who caused a true sen
"We remain here until October 1
(Saarow and Berlin) and it should
make me extremely happy to hear
from you and my dear Gordon soon.
Hoping to see you again soon, I re
main, with many cordial wishes for
you and Gordon, in which my family
join me, sincerely,
The one municipal opera in Amer
lea furnishes an object lesson in the
entertainment and education of its
citizens for Portrand, according to
Miss Lois Steers of this city, who
has been in attendance at the na
tional convention of the Concert
Managers' association in St. Iiouis.
One of the features of, the conven
tion was the visit of the managers
to municipal opera, where they saw
"Certainly there is nothing . in
America like the St. Louis municipal
opera, said Miss Steers. "We saw
i thoroughly fine performance of
Sari,' given with a fine orchestra.
under excellent direction, with
great singing cast, and with that
remarkable chorus of 100 St. Louis
boys and girls, trained at the ex
pense of municipal opera, as a first
step In the establishment of that
free school of light opera to which
the profits of each year are being
devoted. We saw an audience fill
ing a big amphitheater, which seats
9720 persons, with a part of the au
dience occupying some part of the
1700 seats that are absolutely free
and no one paying more than J2 for
the best seats in the theater. We
saw opera made an art that Is living
and vital, and art for all the people
instead or a. society function at pro
hlbitive prices.
"And we learned that while that
opera is not only self-supporting
ana.maKes a profit, while it showed
$24,000 on the right side of the
ledger last year, and should pay
more than that . this season, the
profits must- under the theater's
charter, be devoted to better produc
tions and jimprOTements in the the
ater plant. It was an. eye-opener
in civic spirit. ;Nobody makes
profit. Everybody works to make
St. Louis a happier place to live in
in the summer months.-
"We found in the theater itself
a gem, in a setting such as no' jew
eler ever conceived, so beautiful
were it surroundings. We found a
tremendous factor in civic musical
culture yet providing its education
in sugar-coated form, as It were. We
found a civic enterprise which at
tracted visitors' from every part of
its own state, from surrounding
states, ana wnicn provided enter
taiiiment to give the utmost nleas
ure to' visitors from, elsewhere. An
enterprise . of the utmost obmmer
cial importance In making their
visit to St. Louis pleasant to buyers
from everywhere and surrounding
them with a wholesome, pleasant
and artistic atmosphere. We found
a community spirit of incalculabl
value centered about that meeting
piace xor every citizen as demo
cratic as a bail game, but sDiritu
ally uplifting because it Is art. And
finally we found a big business en
terprise expending 120,000 .on each
of its eight weeks of production,
employing a score of principals.
staff of 60 stage hands and their
executive directors, a chorus of 90
and an orchestra of 70. And we
Know irom those of our own mem
Dersnip who have had experience i
operatic productions that from 70
to 80 per cent of that money goes
directly back into St.-Louis trads
wiaiiiieia- propHDjr even more.
it was a great experience. " And
after ail, .we talk . of our house
oeauiirui. - in a bigger wav th
same thing is our citv h,.iii,,i
And In the house beautiful we plan
fpr a music room because we appre
ciate the spiritual uplift and the
beauty of music. - Municipal opera
is me music room in St. Louis' house
beautiful. There Is no citv anv-
where but might envy it, because
of Its fine character, .because of the
worth-while things it does, because
It Is an asset and never a liability,
as its successes show.
"More than that, of course, is its
aspect as a civic asset. The coast
cities the northern - cities have
ineir oreezes and their waters: th
west has Its mountain playsrrounds.
but the middle-west city just has
to trust to luck and the weather
man. if it's not 'too hot life is en
durable. But St. Louis hasn't been
satisfied with that. It is seeking to
make life endurable, to make its
citizens contented, to make one glad
to live In St. Louis above any other
city in the middle west. And mu
nicipal opera goes a long way to
ward helping in that direction.'-
Mrs. Laure Jones Rawlinson, who
recently returned from an extended
trip abroad with Mrs. Carre Louise
Dunning, has resumed her. activities
as a normal teacher of the Dunning
system and is conducting a training
class at the Dunning-school here.
Mrs. Rawlinson reaently spoke, at
demonstrations .in The Dalles ana
In Salem, where she conducted the
practical exposition of results gained
in thisway of teaching. In theclas-s
districts from the northwest, as well
as Hawaii, are represented.
Those- who will receive certifi
cates of "completion are Mrs. Ellen
;. Furer. Honolulu; Mrs. Kthel H.O-
wards, Prlneville; Mrs. Ada Nicklin,
Eugene: Miss- Lillian Stickle, The
Dalles, Miss Louise Morrissey, Moro;
Mrs. Nancy Lord Hyrson, Portland;
Mrs. Lew Dry, Vancouver; Mrs.
Stella Veatch. Fossil; Mrs. Nelle JVf ay,
Portland, and Miss Alice Johnson,
Bend. . '' '
Those reviewing are Mrs. Kate
Dell Marden, Portland; Mrs. Iel!a
Webster Andrews, Spokane; . Mrs.
Schantz, Eugene; i-Mrs. Sarah K.
Brasch. Portland: Miss Edith U.
Smith, Spokwner Miss Olga Norgren,
Vancouver; Miss Alice Genevieve
Smith,-Portland;' Mrs. Louise Rice,
St. Johns; Miss Urania Brasch, Pert-
land; Miss Eleanor Petersen, cne
halis; Miss Ida ' Mae Lubbe, The
Dalles; Mrs. Grace Weber, Portland,
and Miss Florence Grasle, Mil-
Mrs. Rawlinson will depart this
month for Seattle -to conduct a class
and will go from there to San Fran
Invited guests were treated to an
extraordinary vio1n recital last
Monday night at"the Boone Conserv
atory of Music, when Miss Loris L.
Gratke. a pijpil of tfle' celebrated
Kneisel, recently returned from New
York on holiday, played a pro
gramme. Although Miss GratKe is a
young girl, her power, execution,
technique and expression are con
sidered very good. She showed her
skill in the Max Bruch concerto and
In G minor and allegro fnergico.
Perhaps Miss Gratke s best num
ber was the andante from Sym
phonic Espagnole by Lalo. The old
favorite, "Tambourin Chinois." by
Fritz Kreisler, was given In a charm
ing manner and showed good bow
ing ability and finger work. A
brilliant future is predicted for Miss
Gratke, who is said to have the as
sets of a great violinlste.
Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed has closed
her studio for the season and will
pend her vacation In New York
city. Mrs. Reed expects to return
arly in September.' .
Miss Vera Schleifman, who is the
granddaughter of Mrs. A. Mesher,
was presented in piano recital Mon
day, July 3. Miss Schleifman has
studied music abroad and is a prom
ising pianist.
Students of Mrs. T. J. Dorgan ap
peared In recital on June 29 at the
Lincoln high school aaditorium.
Those who took part ,werp Helen
Armstrong, Gregory Haefliger, Nel
lie Haefliger, Myrtle Townsend,
Helen Ronten, Clara Fuhrer, Eliza
beth Vuhren Lucille Kennedy, Lu
cille Harrington, Margaret Glover,
Erma Poppino, Ruth Craig, Selestine
McCarty, Helen Wills, Zola Winters.
Tne New York Musical Courier,
June 22, contains an article con
cerning a recent appearance of Har
old Hurlbut- It says in part: "Hurl
but is a tenor who sings likes an
individual as only himself can sUjg."
His Spokane classes compel
Hurlbut to postpone his arrival In
this city until some time In August.
Mrs. Eva Wells-Abbett, soprano.
accompanied on the piano by Miss
Alicia McElroy. sang a delightful
group of songs for the entertain
ment of the visiting ex-army nurses
Sunday evening at a lawn fete hon
oring the visitors at the ex-Service
Men's club. Dr. Earl Abbett, bari
tone, also contributed pleasing num
bers accompanied by Mrs. Earl Ab
bett at the piano.
Miss Elsie Lewis presented 6. num
ber of talented violin students in
recital Friday night at the Lincoln
high school auditorium. Katherine
Lewis Entler was accompanist. The
students presented were Geraldine
Hinkston, Harriet Backen, Olive
Sims. Clotilde Curry, Roderick La
mont, Frances Sims, Charlotte Cobb,
Robert Hosford, Edna Hayes, Ethsl
Crane, Frances Lewis, Frances
Smith and Arnold Dinimen.
.Luclle Cummins presented John
Crofton In piano recital June 28 in
The Dalles Congregational church.
This student has been studying less
than three years and played with
fine Interpretation and good tech
nique, best shown in the Chopin pre
ludes A major andi C minor and the
Godard Valse. - The numbers pre
sented included works of Beethoven,
Grieg, Godard, Chopin, Karkanoff,
Paderewski, Torjeussen, Chaminade
and Bainbridge Crist. ' .
Miss Lola Kernan, soprano, is
staging for the month of July at
the First Congregational church.
Miss Kernan has substituted for
Miss Gertrude Porter during her
absence in San Diego, where she- is
singing with the Women s Ad club
octet at the ad men's convention.
Miss Kernan has been solo soprano
for the past year at the Piedmont
Presbyteriair" church. She made her
debut last season under the direc
tion of Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed.
Miss Ruth Condlt, who appeared
in commencement recital at Ore
gon conservatory of music, .
1 Women's Activates
i ii .in. mttt rTW" I F 1 M
Davies Photo.
Miss Louisa M. Hacker, dele
Kate of Business and Profes
sions! Women's dab to national
RS. J. C. GILBERT, retiring!
president pf one of the promir
ent clubs of McMinnville,
has itemized some interesting facts
in her annual report which gives
recognition, among other activities,
to the endowment fund.
The Woman's Civic Improvement
club of McMinnville has; just com
pleted a busy year, handled by 16
standing committees, who were as
sisted by speclaj committees.
The calendar committee arranged
for 17 meetings, the programmes of
which wer handled by various com
mittees. This committee also
aroused Interest in a clubhouse and
worked out divisions to raise funds
for this purpose.
The membership increased to 266
and the club 'took out papers of in
corporation. The music committee provided
musical numbers for ten meetings
and brought from' Portland Miss
Blanche Nelson, dramatic soprano,
and Miss Dorothy Schoop, pianist,
who were greatly enjoyed by the
members. , .
The press committee sent an
nouncements and reports of meet
ings to home papers and also nu
merous write-ups to the Portland
papers and the Bulletin.
Through the efforts of the schol
arship loan committee the club sent
$25 to be added to the state fund
for that purpose. This committee
also secured the indorsement of the
club to a note for one applicant
which enabled this- young woman to
complete her senior work in Lin
field college.
The visiting committee mad
nearly 100 calls on new persons In
this vicinity, (and with the as
sistance of the membership commit
tee gave a reception to new mem
bers and guests of the club:
The Americanization committee
introduced quizzes on the constitu
tion and attended the naturaliza
tion courts, presenting a flag to
each of the 17 "who were admitted
to citizenship here. ' 1
The child welfare committee in
vestigated four homes where chil
dren were i reauested for adoption,
sent 92 quarts o canned fruit to the
Pacific coast rescue homes and co
operated with the county health
nurse in holding a dental clinic in
the public schools of McMinnville.
The civic committee was kept
busy looking after the needs of the
rest room in wmcu uiej vunuu-i.u
a woman's-exchange. Many other
civic matters were looked into and
suggestions for bettering some of
the conditions made to the proper
' The conservation committee In
quired 'into the matter of improving
highways and conserving the nat
ural beauties near them, also the
naming of the memorial highway,
extending from Portland via Hills
boro, Foresr Grove and Carlton to
McMinnville, returning via Dayton,
Newberg'and Rex. -
The educational committee had
charge of the annual reception to
the teachers of Yamhill county and
also worked with the library board
to 'create interest m a county u-
brary. They also listed rooms for
the new teachers who came to the
schools. '
Through the home economics com
mittee -was carried on the sale of the
Christmas seals, over $160 being
raised for the Anti-Tuberculosis so
ciety. This committee also ' took
charge of a label contest In the
grade schools to further the use of
Oregon products and looked into the
sanitary conditions of places han
dling food materials, and listed
rooms for visiting grange delegates.
The endowment fund committee
held a food sale and raised $10.75,
which amount, was turned over to
the federation.
The teachers' committee brought
Professor Horner of Oregon Agri
cultural college, who gave an Il
lustrated lecture on Oregon history.
Other speakers arranged for by
committees were: M1ss Cornelia
Marvin, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, Miss
Frances Hayes, Mrs. A. J. French,
Mrs Minnie Bosworih, Mrs. Lee
Davenport. Mrs. Ida B. Callahan;
also Mrs. Herman Bohlman, vocalist,
and Miss Alderman, pianist.
Th. ciiih inined with, the Commer
cial club in giving a reception to the
newcomers in Yamhill county, and
assisted in making a big success of
the first health clinic week neia m
the county. They are organizing a
win toae-ue through which the
various organizations interested in
affairs pertaining to the community
mav work, in common wnnoui du
plicating one another's efforts.
The Woman's Forum club will hold
Its annual picnic at Peninsula park.
July 12. The memberB are astcea
to bring lunch baskets for them
selves and guests, une entire uj
will Jbe spent at- the park, the guests
arriving at about 10 o'clock A. M.
Mrs. Alice M. McNaught, prominent
Portland club woman, has returned
from a three weeks' camping trip
in nrae-nn. Washington and Idaho.
While in Spokane, Mrs. McNaught
visited her brother and sister-m-iaw,
nd Mrs. A. L. Graves of Spo
kane. She was entertained in that
city by the Good Government league,
a non-partisan organization of wom
en. Mrs. McNaught is enthusiastic
over the Seattle municipal automo
bile camp, where her party stopped.
She says that it has a spienaia com
mimitv house with hot and cold wa
ter, electric irons, a stove on which
an mav cook at one time, a grand
piano, telephone and many other
. .
Peter A. Porter circle No. 25,
Ladles of the Grand Army of the
ReDublic will hold Its regular quar
terly birthday dinner next Wednes
day at noon, at Baker's hall. Kill-
ingsworth and Alblna avenues. At
1:30 o'clock a business meeting will
be held. ' Report of department con
Peterson Photo.
Miss Elizabeth Eugenia Wood
bury, who will assist Shakes
peare Study club In work.
vention will be read. Gracia Sun
derleaf, department senior vice
president, will be present.
r -
The Business Women's club will
meet in the social hall of the Y. M.
C. A. next Thursday. The principal
speaker, .John T. Hotchkiss, will de
liver his Chautauqua lecture, "Some
Modern Tendencies In Books." The
hostess for the day will be Mable
Arundel Harris of the children's de
partment of the J. K. Gjll company.
Miss Bertha McCarthy, vice-president
of the club, will preside. Miss
Adelia Prichardl president of the
club, departed from the city Wednes
day last for the purpose of attend
ing the national convention of busi
ness and professional women's
clubs, which will be held in Chat
tanooga, Tenn. Miss Prichard pro
poses to extend to the organization
a formal invitation to make Port
land its meeting place for 1923. Miss
Prichard has - received assurance
from the Portland Chamber of Com
merce and from Mayor Baker, as
well as from Miss Alice Robertson,
representative in congress, of their
hearty support in urging the na
tional organization to come to Port
land for its next gathering.
Hood River Club Closes
an Eventful Year.
Retiring President Reports Upon
Broad Activities.
dent of the Hood River Wom
an's club, in her annual report, just
completed, has demonstrated the
worth of that club to the commun
ity. MrJ.'Munroe says: .
"The Hood River Woman's club
has enjoyed a successful and satis
factory year. Tne attendance has
been large and enthusiastic.
"Among the leading activities of
the club were the Americanization
and citizenship quiz, under the di
rection of the' legislative committee.
which has kept in touch with na
tional affairs and on numerous oc
casions has sent telegrams to repre
sentatives in congress touching
upon- questions of national life.
"The -philanthropic committee has
responded, nobly to every call of
need in the community and also sent
a box 6f infant clothing to the Al
berYma Kerr nursery home. Words
are not adequate, to express what
these faithful workers have done.
"The child welfare committee did
efficient work in. caring for needy.
children and unprotected girls.
"The . health department gave a
luncheon at the Columbia Gorge
hotel, to which the valley and
neighboring clubs were invited.
More than 200 attended this func
tion and listened to an address on
social hygiene. , , -
"The civic committee conducted a
clean-up week effectively.
"The scholarship loan fund com
mittee gave a public entertainment
from which $114 was realized for
this fund. i
'The home economics committee
presented the domestic science high
school gins, who displayed many
beautiful dresses which they made,
and also prepared the lunch.
"The club gained -much inspira
tion from the visits of the federated
clubs' most brilliant speakers.
Among them were Miss Cornelia
Marvin, state librarian; Mrs. Lee
Davenport, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar
and Mrs. Alexander Thompson..
"Ten dollars was given to the en
dowment fund.
Eighteen - new- members . were
added to the club. . '......'
The committees, with but fewrex-
ceptions, did -the- work assigned to
them, and -by so doing made, this a
successful year."-. , -
A business meeting of Winslow
Meade circle No. 7, Ladies of the
Grand Army, of the Republic, was
held last Monday. Mrs. Eva Bar
heit, past department president, in-
Miss Bertha Carol.
Miss Bert'ha Carol, formerly of
Washington, D. C, but -now of
Helena, Mont., is the house guest
of Mts. Ada Motter, 75 East
Twenty-eighth street. Miss Carol
is vice-president of the Montana
State Federation Business and
Professional Women's Clubs. She
has contributed a number of
articles on women's activities that
attracted the attention of the press
and is a clever' writer of verse. '
1 1
lit lj
i Bushn-ell Photo.
Mr.. Marine Deaton, who was
honored by Woman's Relief
corps appointment. '
vested Mrs. Lillian Thomas with the
office of department patriotic in
structress and Mrs. Diva Rounds
with the-office of department sec
retary. Mrs. Lucy Beck, department
president, installed Mrs. Laura Van
Valkenburg as president, Mrs. Mary
Ryel as senior vice-president, and
Mrs. Estella Martin as. junior vice-
president of Winslow Meade circle
Comrades LaMar and Thomas were
given the full privilege of member
ship. Among the visitors were Mrs
Eva Barheit, Mrs. Leila Maffit, Mm
Grace Worden and Mrs. Lillian
Thomas, representing the depart
ment of Oregon, and Florence
Hamil, patriotic instructress of the
Shiloh circle.
Monday, July 18, this circle will
hold a reception in honor of the
newly-elected officers at 525 court
house. All members of the organ!
zation from Portland or elsewhere
are invited to attend.
Royal circle, Neighbors of Wood
craft, last Wednesday night held a
large and interesting meeting. A
dinner was served to 200 members.
Mrs. Grace Riner and Mrs. M. Wert
hemer were Speakers of the eve
The Myrtle chapter social' club
will give a card party in Pythian
temple next Friday evening, at 8
o'clock. All Eastern Star members
and friends welcome.
The recently postponed meeting of
the American Legion auxiliary will
be held tomorrow at 8 P. M., in the
Oregon building.
Members of the board of directors
of the Portland Women's club will
be entertained at luncheon by Mrs.
Charles E. Runyon at 1 o'clock
Tuesday. A business meeting will
Shiloh circle. No. 19,'Ladies of the
Grand Army of the Republic, will
give an ice cream social in th
afternoon and evening of July 13
at the home of Mrs. O. E. Lent, 8817
Fifty-sixth avenue. A small charge
will be made for admission
Mrs. E. C. ' Wegman of this city,
who visited her daughter and son
in-law in New York city for several
J months,
returned home last week
Mrs. Wegman spent several days in
Buffalo and Niagara Falls
Professional Women to
Hold Annual Meeting.
Improvement . of Facilities for
Business Training Slain Object.
( HATTAN'OOGA, Tenn July 8
J Improvement of faclities for
training women ' for business and
professional occupations will be th
principal subject considered at th
fourth annual convention of .bus'
ness and professional women's clubs,
which will convene here Tuesday
The convention will deal especially
witn means of aiding the acBual o
prospectve business woman in train
ing for the position for which she is
best suited.
Delegations from women's club
in all parts of the country will at
tend the convention, those from the
extreme northwest journeying here
on special trains. Many parties from
the middle west, east and from vr
tually every city in the south will
make the trip by automobile.
The visitors' will be welcomed to
Chattanooga by Miss Olah Sweney,
president or tne Chattanooga Bust
ness Women's club, hostess Jo the
national convention, and the re
sponse will be made by Miss Forba
McDaniel, Indianapolis, president of
the Indiana federation.
Mrs. Lena Lake Forrest, Detroit
national president, will follow with
her annual address. The convention
will then get down to Its business
sessions and When not engaged i
the work of the general body, dele
gates will be busy with depart
mental and committee meetings
The election o officers will be held
on Friday.
The annual luncheon at noon
Wednesday, the banquet Thursday
evening and motor trips to points
of historical interest because of their
connections with the civil, Spanish
American and world wars are among
the many social entertainments o
the programme. Every -effort is
being made by the hostess club to
show the vlstors true southern hos
pitality, and in this connection the
men's civic clubs of the city will
lend a hand by tendering a barbe
cue at- Burnt Cabin Springs, on Sig
nal mountain.
Miss Fern Milham of Seattle re
turned to her home this morning
after spending the last 2 weeks in
Portland where she has been mak
ing a post-graduation visit at the
home of Mrs. H. E. Veness, 119 West
Liberty street.
Mrs. Estella Thomson will have as
her guests Miss May Combs and
Miss Neal Mead of Santa Rosa, CaL,
and Miss Hazel Taylor of Berkeley,
Cal., who have motored from the
south -and intend to pass the sum
mer here.
v '
Mrs. Robert Corruccini and son,
Robert Jr., with the former's
mother, Mrs. Ida Linton, left Port
land July 1 for an extended visit
at. middle west points. They will
leave Chicago August 15 for the Ca
nadian rockies and will be met at
Banff by Signor Corruccini. They
plan to return, to Portland early in
September .
Service circle No. 850, Neighbors
of Woodcraft, held its regular meet
ing on Monday in Woodcraft hall,
Tenth and Taylor streets. All mem
bers of Service circle No. 850 who
would like to visit Silverton circle's
next regular meeting are cordially
invited ' to meet at Oak Grove ,on
Monday, July 10, at 5:80 P. M., where
machines will be in waiting. Serv-.
ice circle wil hold its next regular
meeting Monday, .July 17, at which.
all Neighbors araj welcome. r
Auxiliary to Over the Top post No.
81, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will
entertain with a "600" party on the '
Swan Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.-
Refreshments will be served. Hand
made prizes and a useful door prize
will be features. Proceeds will be
used for veterans', families relief
work. ,
The Portland Psychology club will
hold the last meeting of the year at
tne nome or Mrs. Alice Weister. 775
Stanton street, corner Twenty-third
street, tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock. v
Take the Broadway car.
The Housewives' council has ad
journed until September. At the
last 'regular meeting it was unani
mously decided that the organiza
tion file a complaint with the public
service commission asking that body
10 set tne macnmerji in motion to
reduce the present street-car fare.
Jilton Watkins, the speaker of the
day, took as his theme the qualifi
cations of a candidate for congress.
Betsy Ross tent, Dauehters of
Union Veterans of the Civil War.
was represented at the department
convention at Newport by the fol
lowing women: Mrs. Josephine CIpt-
get, Mrs. Ida M. Ellis, Mrs. Annie S.
Warren, Mrs. Harriet Mellon, Mrs.
Delia Lacy, Mrs. Nellie Pollock, Miss
May Pferdner. Mrs. Valerie Benne,
Mrs. Cora M. McBride, Mrs. Eugenia
Westaberg. Mrs. Luella Austin and
Mrs. Carrie Pierce. The Daughters
obtained the name of each veteran
at the soldiers' home In Roseburg.
Mrs. Ionia Hancock and Mrs. Lydia
AVendlick were the committee to see
that each veteran received a spe
cially prepared pacKage of candy for
his .Fourth of July. .
Mrs. Vergal Knight returned Sun
day from Newport, where she was
page at the state convention of the
ladies of the Grand Army of the Re
public. .
Mrs. Bruno E. Mauro returned
home on Sunday evening from New
port, where she attended the Ladies
of the Grand Army convention, act
ing as assistant conductress. She
was elected delegate at large to the
national convention to be held in
September at Des Moines, Ia.
Members of the Mount Tabor gym
nasium class celebrated their annual
picnic Thursday at Sylvan park.
Luncheon was served by the com
mittee and' games were enjoyed
The Daughters of Isabella will
hold but one meeting each month
during July and August. The grand
regent, Miss Mazie Murphy, who
has returned from her motor trip
to California, will preside at both
Branch. 2 of the Lavender club
will be entertained at the home of
Mrs. Dumant, 927 Union avenue, at
the corner of Skidmore. on Tuesday,
July 11, at 2 P. M. The response
to the rollcall will be performed by
each member giving a quotation.
The next meeting of the Penin
sula Park Lavender club will be
held on Thursday, June 13.
NEW YORK, July 8. Members of
the National Federation of Busi
ness and Professional Women's
Clubs who attend the organization's
fourth annual convention In Chatn
tanooga July 10-16, will be able to
park their babies when they attend.
session. The federation announces
that special quarters will be set
aside for the infants, with trained
nurses in attendance. Every diet and
amusement that a child could, need
or desire will be provided in the
nursery. Dr. Bertha Maxwell Hunt
ington of Williamsport, president of
the Pennsylvania state federation,
was the first mother to announce
she intended bringing her youngster.
Miss Emily C. Tillotson of New
Yprk city, national educational
secretary f the Women's Auxiliary
of the Episcopal church, passed
through Portland Saturday on her
way to the summer conference of
that body in California. While in
this city, she conferred with the
local executive committee concern
ing preparations for the general
convention wjilch is to be held in
Portland in September. :
Speeders to Go to Hock Pile.
LOS ANGELES. Cal, July 8.
Drivers who break speed laws in
Los Angeles county will b in
vited to shov their speed on the
county rock pile, it was decided Fri- .
day at a conference between Justiceo
William S. Baird and Sheriff Trae
ger. Secluded indolence behind the"
bars will henceforth be reserved
for offenders of other types, while
crowded condjtions in the county
jail will be relieved by turning
speed violators out in the open to
play at making little ones out of
big ones. t
Blood Reveals Double Death. .
PITTSBURG, Pa., July 8. Blood,
seeping through a floor, Friday led
the police to an apartment in Mc
Kee place here. They Broke down
the door and found the bodies of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Smith, who
-it was said formerly resided in
Steubenvilie, O. After investigatins
the police said they believed Smitli
killed his wife after a struggle and
then shot himself.
J. MacMillan.Muir
English, French and Italian
Based on Scientifically Ascertained
Physiologicalt Principles.
Studio: 25 E. Broadway.
rhone rftHt 8460.
Piano Playins
(5 Down, ft Week
Tor rive weens.
Total Coat 15.
Beginners or adva.nced learn by playing
latest Popular Songs. Satisfaction or
money refunded. Open evenings. Prac
tice rooms. Broadway o639.
Parker Piano School
ST5 Ellrre Bldg. Wanh. St.. at th.
Pianos and Player
Talking; Machines
Prices reasonable
for expert work.
Corner Sixth and Morrison
Band and or
chestral Instru
ments. nianos.
Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.