The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION FOUR, Page 4, Image 58

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one; then came Jack Ford, the direc
tor, followed by Charles Jones and
Shirley Mason. Tom Mix hasn't been
heard from, but Tom thinks more of
his horses than he does of his car,
so the old boat will probably do for
a while'.
The stage career of Dustin Far
num began in his teenB with the
Ethel Tucker company. He later
played with Chauncey Olcott. He
starred in "The . Virginian," "The
Squaw Man," "The Ranger," "Cameo
Kirby" and "The Littlest RebeL'
His screen career has included
film versions of several of the above
and with Fox "The Scarlet Pimper
nel," "The Spy," "Durand of the Bad
Lands," "North of 68," "The Primal
Law," "The Devil Within" and "Iron
to Gold." His current picture -is
"Strange Idols."
Shirley Mason is taking a little
vacation in Southern California be
tween pictures. : It isn't often Miss
Mason leaves , her Hollywood home,
but she has been working hard, and
went away for a change. ".;-'
Eastern Theater Records Smashed by Photodrama Founded on Lang
don McCormick's Story, Providing Capital Entertainment.
Frozen-Face" Contributes Mirthquake, "My Wife's I Relations,"
Which Is Unquestionably His Greatest Comedy Production.
I'- ,
1 " U
- - " ' 3
House Peters, who is scoring: the
Langdon McCormick's powerful
UNIVERSAL has every reason, to
feel proud of "The Storm."
This feature, founded! on
Langdon McCormick's story, vaude
ville sketch, and stage play, is capi
tal melodramatic entertainment. The
story i very well told and grips
the interest from first to last and
the producers are deserving of every
credit for the manner In which the
beautiful winter scenes are produced
and later the raging forest fire. No
expense was spared! on either and
they y rve to preserve the atmos
phere of the etory admirably. An
other Temarkable feature of "The
Ctorm" is the flight of Fanchaud
and hl daughter, down, a swift
stream, after Fanchaud has escaped
from th mounted' police. The spec
tacular dive from the high ledge
into the stream, with ?he camera
pointing straight down showing him
hitting the water, is but one of the
novelties of this unusual film.
House Peters is Burr Winton, the
silent, etalwart trapper and gives
Directorship Won After
s Hard Struggle.
Hugh. Hoffman Awarded Univer
al Post In Recognition of 13
Years' Preparation.
HUGH HOFFMAN has been given
a company of his own at Uni
versal City. Another ambition
realized. Ninety-nine out of every
100 in the production end of the
business want to be directors. One
out of every 1000 realize this ambi
tion. Hoffman has only been trying
for 13 years, so there is still' hope
for others.
Starting as a newspaper man, a
trade newspaper man, Hoffman rap.
idly became well acquainted with
everyone who "belonged," producers,
actors, directors. He studied as as
sistant editor of the World their
work at first hand. To get closer
still he often played extra parts, for
directors he knew well, like King
Baggot and Harry Myers, who were
then directing for Universal, at
Coytesville. Going then through
various publicity jobs he went into
the scenario writing end of the
game, and was very successful at
writing original scripts and contin
uities. With, such an all-around training
he was regarded as an ideal man
for the Job of film inspector, one of
Mr. Laemmle's pet plans for im
proving production at Universal
City. Of course, Hoffman, who is
one of the most sociable of men,
knew that he 'would have to ignore
all friendships and forego every
thing that would tend to bias his
judgment. The best evidence that
he had succeeded is that he was
given a company by Mr. Laemmle on
Mr. Thalberg's recommendation.
Film Rights to "Timber"
Are Bought by Mayer.
Production Will Be Made Elab
orately Under Direction of Bar
Iter. LOUIS B. MAYER announces the
purchase of the famous Har
old Titus novel, "Timber," as the
story for Reginald Barker's first in
dependent unit production. The dij
rector is now selecting an all-star
cast for the picture, which will go
into production within the, next two
Noted for his expert handling of
big, spectacular dramas, Mr- Barker
plans to film "Timber" "on an elab
orate scale, sparing neither time
nor expense in the effort to make it
one of the outstanding photoplays
of the year. s ' .
J. G. Hawks, for three years man
aging editor at the Goldwyn studio,
and , now managing editor of all
Mayer productions, is preparing the
Record "Set" Constructed
for Special Film.
"The Eternal Flume," Featuring
Norma Talmadge, Forces Ex
penditure. THE largest motion picture; "set"
ever registered by the motion
picture camera, not even excepting
the gigantic sets in the spectacular
foreign productions, will be seen 'n
,'The Eternal Flame," Norma Tal
madge's forthcoming eight-reel fea
ture production, directed by Frank
Lloyd. It is a big ballroom scene of
the period of Louis XVIII, in which
800 men and women, in court cos
tume of the second restoration dc
'signs, appear on the dance floor anu
in promenades.
Some idea of the magnitude of the
"set" an be gathered from the fact
that five carloads of lumber .were
required in its construction, and 45
tons of piaster were mixed to cover
the lumber framework, and to be
used in the delicate scroll work on
bigrgest hit of his screen career i
screen production, "The Storm.'
one of the best characterizations of
his long: screen career; Matt Moore,
as Dave Stewart, the city-bred
youth, gives a character study, fin
ished and convincing; Virginia Valli
is Manette, and she has a role that
suits her admirably. In her dra
matic scenes she rises to the occa
sion and' gives Peters good support.
Josef Swickard plays Fanchaud, the
wily old Frenchman, deftly and nat
urally. The other members bf the
cast are well above the average.
"The Storm" was first a vaudeville
sketch, then as a legitimate play
won wide publicity.- Its principal
appeal on the stage was the forest
fire scenes and the love interest.
Universal has added much to the
original sketch there is a binding
blizzard and the situation of two
men "snowed in" all winter long
with a young girl who has lost her
father, and then the big forest fire.
The scenes of the canoe shooting
the irapids on a wild stream are
among the most sensational ever
the pillars and tiers of boxe& these
scrolls being faithfully reproduced
from designs in the palace of Ver
sailles. More than $350,000 worth, of spe
cial lighting equipment was rented
from the surrounding studios in Los
Angeles to light these scenes, which
necessitated the operation of six
big motor generators. About 15,000
feet of cable and 35 electricians
were used. , ,
For the ballroom costumes 45
dressmakers, costumers,- wardrobe
mistresses and designers were en
gaged, and 15 hairdressers were re
quired to arrange the authentic
coiffures of the period.
All of Dustin Farnum'a produc
tions during the coming season will
be made in California, as Dustin
simply refuses to leave the. coast.
with its motorboating and big game
nsning. . .
There Ib an epidemic of new cars
out at the Fox Hollywood studio.
First John Gilbert brought in a new
goQ-upg of rifrnTof k
I f p J I w
Thomas Melghan and his wife, who on the stage formerly was knows a
Frances Ring, at breakfast in their charming home, located In studio.
land. .
HOMAS MEIGHAN is just a reg-
.ular fellow off the screen as
well as on it. In his home and
among his friends he is known ai
"Tom." He Is a sfx-foot, easy-going
fellow, always at east, with a wealth
of Irish humor, and a wholesome af
fection for children.
There is nothing' stagey " about
Thomas Meighan, no trace of af
fectation, never a conscious pose.
When you go to his home he makes
you feel thoroughly welcome. The
conversation seems to drift off nat
urally into almost any subject. An
interviewer has difficulty trying to
induce him to talk about himself.
MrsMelghan, too, is a very inter
esting person. She used to be on the
stage. In fact, she and Mr. Meighan
were playing together in Cleveland,
O., when they were married. Her
stage name was Frances Ring. For
several years after their marriage
she continued her career, but
after her husband bucame a Para
mount star the Joys of home life at
tracted her.' They have no children,
but children are often to be found
romping about their attractive home.
This characteristic caused him to be
cast for the leading role in f'The
Bachelor Daddy."
. Despite his six feet and 190
pounds he doesn't claim to be a super-man
and he sometimes relates
how he played with Pauline Fred
erick in "Sapho." When the time
came for the filming of the scene
where he carried Miss Frederick up
three flights of stairs gracefully,
joyfully, you know he began to
wonder just how much a director
Gloria Swanson Denies
Rapping Hollywood.
Statements Attributed Her While
Abroad Repudiated by Star.
LORIA SWANSON has indignant-
denied making any state
ments while in Europe that were in
any way a reflection upon Holly
wood. She had been back only a
few days at her California home
when some of her associates in the
Paramount organization Questioned
her about remarks that had been
attributed to her In French news
papers. '.
"I never gave out any sort of an
interview In Paris," she declared,
"let alone one attacking Hollywood.
Why, rather than detesting the
place, I love it eo much that I am
starting to plan a new homo here,
which I hooe will o into construc
tion within a few months. .Travel
has made me more firm in my re
gard for Hollywood as a place in
which to live.
"They quote me as saying I went
to Europeto 'escape irom nouy
wood. I went overseas for a change,
a Test, and to absorb foreign, atmo-
snhera for mv new picture, which
ha manv scenes laid in France. It
waa a vacation, not an 'escape.
"Some of the dearest friends I
have live in Hollywood. It is the
abode of serious, hard-working- peo
ple. I owe a great deal to my work
in this city and it was a shock to
return and find that words derog
atory had been ascribed to me by
some one I did not even see.
Much rested by her ' trip, Miss
Swanson- has begun' work on a new
Paramount cloture entitled "The
Impossible Mrs. Bellew." Her trav
els in France are expected to prove
of value in the making of this pro'
ductlon, a part of which is laid in
the famous watering place at Deau-
ville. . , '
The headline In the;' newspaper
read. "Lenin ' not Paralyzed," ana
Robert Z. Leonard, directing Mae
Murray in Metro's "Broadway Rose,''
read the headline, thereby observ
ing: the just rule of turnabout.
"Lenin not Paralyzed,", said Mr,
Leonard to Mrs. Leonard, .who is
known on the screen as Mae Mur-
rav. "Well, maybe not. But it s cer
tain he's had one drink of red wine
too many." . -
If Eugene O'Brien, in the charac,
ter of John Smith, had not been pa
roled from the prison in which a
scenarist had incarcerated him there
never have been such a Selxnick
film as "John Smith." Soon "O'Brien
fans" will see all that happened as
a result of John Smith's good for
tune, following good behavior wh'le
serving sentence
Clara Kimball Toung, soon to be
seen in Richard Washburn Child's
story, "The Hands of Hara"' and
please mention that Metro la re
leasing it has received . a" protest
from the committee of lour of
civic betterment society in Kansas
protesting against the film as
poker drama. Honest. ...
Owen' Moore was recently mar
ried to Marjorie Daw in a studio
"scene. His wife, Kathryn Perry,
looked on.
i '
could demand. The first flight
wasrt't bad, but before he had gone
far up the second flight the famous
balcony seemed miles away. Then
the director began to criticize the
way he-was placing his feet. He
wasn't graceful. . So they started
over again. Meighan says this hap
pened several times It seemed like
a million. After that whenever anv
one asked him to ttiscuss the realms
oi tne pnotodrama he didn't hesitate
io quauiy as an expert.
"n mis experience he - was
something of an athlete. He was
tona or swimming, walking and rid.
Ing, hut since that time he has maria
all; these things a regular part of
nis aauy regime, instead of an 0C'
casional pastime. (;.
Meighan's first picture for- the
Lasky -company was "The Fighting
nope, in support of Laura Hop
Crews., Before becoming a Para,
mount star ha supported Charlotte
waiicer, mancne sweet, Edna Good
rich, Marie Doro. Pauline Frederick,
Valeska Suratt and Blllie Burke.
His work for . the films has al
ways been highly effective, but dat
ing from "The Miracle Man
through the William de MHIe pro
duction "The Prince Chan." "Con
rad in Quest of His Youth," and the
Cecil B. DeMille pictures "Male and
Female," and "Why Change Your
Wife?" he has gained steadily in
popularity. Among his more recent
pictures for Paramount are: "Cappy
Ricks," "A Prince There Was," "If
You Believe It, It's So," "The
Bachelor caddy" and "Our Leadin
Citizen," an original story by aae, '
II i
"Harrowing" scene from "My Wife's
produces another highly ludicrous
BUSTER KEATON gives the Lib
erty theater patrons, a (real
mirthauak in n two-reel com
edy "My Wife's Relations, Anyone
with relatives and almost everyone
has suffered with them at one time
or another canappreclate the com
edy possibilities in such a picture.
My Wife's Relations" takes these
possibilities and makes, them into
realities as It unfolds in. two reels
of splendid gags and situations that
bring continuous laughs.
Buster is unjustly accused of de
stroying windows in a rough ne'gh
borhood. A robust woman of the dis
trict catches Buster and draes him
before a Polish justice of th9 peace
who does not speak English. A few
minutes before a Polish couple had
telephoned to the justice, stating
that they would be right over to be
married. When the woman leads
Buster In to have him bound over
to keep the peace the justice pre
sumes it is the couple wanting to
be married, and he performs the
ceremony. . t
The woman leaves with Buster
Author Carries Walking Stick and Nearly Always Smokes Cfgar,
But Might Pass 'for Business Man.
T OU hav read what thv stars
eat for breakfast, what they f
wnr hnw twv fir thfllr nair.
the color of . their eyes, height,
weight and circumference. In fact.
there is hardly any personal fact
about the actors that has not been
bruited from the housetops. But
such intimation about well-known
authors is hardly to be found at all
in the public prints. ' ,
In the belief that the public is in
terested in such details, the writer
went scouting for unimportant facts
about important people. He wan
dered . into the Goldwyn studio.
where a large proportion of the
American literati has been gath
ered together. - The first eminent"
he saw was Rupert Hughes. -
Major Hughes always carries a
walking stick and nearly always
smokes a cigar. He favors bow ties.
He has no eccentricities of dress,
but would pass for . a prosperous
professional man. His wife, on the
other hand, has-.the reputation of
being one of the smartest dressed
women in America. . He is fond of
talking and is a brilliant conversa
tionalist. He is even tempered, jolly
and kind. The author sleeps only
five or six hours a night, and he is
one of the most prolific literary men
in the country. He is interested in
every conceivable subject. His
build is short and stocky; his health
excellent. He wears nose glasses,
which he takes off when, he isn't
reading. He hasn t time for golf.
Gouverneur Morris, author of. "The
Penalty, Yellow Men and Gold,
Whims of the Gods and other
stories, goes in for loose comfort
able white flannel trousers, which
he wears the year around. His spec
tacles are horn-rimmed and his, hat
slouchy. One gets the impression
from looking at him that he is quiet
and courteous and , iat's exactly
what he is. Yet beneath his soft ex
Lack of Prairie Schooner
Holds Up Screen Story.
Kiser Director Unsuccessful In
Hunt for Absolute Essential.
screen' story, accepted by the
Kiser studios under the title of
"Laurie O' The Mist." is being held
up because Broderick O'Farrell, the
Kiser director,' and also husband of
the writer, has been unsuccessful in
his search for a prairie schooner.
The script called for three or four,
but as yet it has been impossible to
find even one.
Considerable of the action in the
story centers about the beautiful
Multnomah falls. It is a scenic
story, but not one foot can be shot
until the search for the prairie
schooner is productive of results.
Interest In Riser's blgrfimber
story, which has been entitled "The
Prince of Progress," is steadily in
creasing. Many have witnessed
some runs of it at the studios and
are tremendously enthusiastic. It
has not been completely assembled,
and further development has been
retarded by the title 'writer, who
during the . last week has'' been
strenuously devoting his efforts to
combining two of his playlets into
on production for showing tn Bos
ton. . - - '
Titles on "Fleeced for Gold" wiU
be written by an expert identified
with the sheep industry. Such titles
are necessarily more technleal than
literary. And President Kiser is go
ing in keenly for specialization.
' Salvatore Santaella,: wielder of
the baton of the Rivoli symphony
orchestra, has returned from his va
cation in the east, principally in New
York, where he formerly conducted
orchestras. Mr. SantaeMa' returned
by the way of Los An'selea, where
his parents reside. While in New
York Mr. Saiuaella took occasion to
purchase music for the Rivoli mus
cal library, buying the latest New
York .and European successes, as
well as the oldr classics that are
not Immediately available on the
coast. .
' Conway Tearle appears first as a
prise fighter and then as a referee
In his latest Selznick picture, "The
Referee." . - ' -.-.
Bull Montana, the motion picture
comedian, was once a prize'' fighter.
He still keeps his interest ' in 4he
Relations," In which Buster Keaton
picture, supported by Kate Price.
and finds out that she has married
him instead of having him .bound
over to keep the peace. She takes
Buster to her home, where she has
four burly brothers and a rough
father. They make life miserable -for
Buster until they are misled Into
thinking he is the heir to a small
fortune. They then treat him splen
didly and on the expectations of his
fortune, they move into a fine home
and invite their friends to a cele
The combination of these lowbrnw
people in swell surroundings leads
to numerous big laughs until it. is
discovered- that Buster is not the.
heir to the fortune. Then everyone
turn's on him and a beautiful rough
house fight starts doing unlimited
damage to the fine home and every
one in it, leading up to a fast and
riotous finish. :
The picture has splendid sets, a
well-thought out story, many, new
bits of comedy business, the whole
going to make it one of the finest
pieces of work Buster Keaton has
ever done.
terior he harbors strong convictions
and an imagination adventurous.
weird and terrible. He writes
quickly and does most of hia work in
the mornings.. He plays tennis for
exercise. One of his boon compan
ions is Charlie Chaplin.
Before he became an author Basil
King, author of "The Dust Flower,"
soon to. be seen on the screen, was
a minister. From his public speak
ing he acquired a full-rounded voice
and a. nicety of enunciation. He is
a gentleman of the old school, with
courtly manners. 1 Despite trouble
with his eyes, which causes him to
Wear heavy, dark glasses, he reads
constantly and always has a book
under his arm. He Cdlls himself an
old man ha is 63 but . both his
mind and body have the alertness
of abiding youth.
"A woman is as smart as her hat,"
is the verdict of Mae Murray the
motion picture actress whose cos
tumes are the envy of her many
women admirers. -
"It is a never falling source of
wonder to me that a woman can
fail to appreciate the fact that
what's, on her head reveals what's
in it," continued Miss Murray, "and
yet so many women will devote
hours of thought and effort to the
purchase or planning of a gown and
top it off with a hat that may com
pletely ruin the effect.
"If ! you .want to see southern
California and learn to know it bet
ter than the men who make the
maps, Join the movies." This is the
advice handed out by Cullen Landis,
who' is'playing with Viola. Dana In
Page Tim O Brien, her new Met.-c
starring picture.
"I guess I have traveled nearly
five thousand miles during the past
rew years, going from one location
to another," said Landis, "and It all
was done In southern California."
doings of the members of the "box
fighting", fraternity. So when Jack
Dempsey, on his return from Lon
don, was photographed with
monocle In his eye Bull was filled
w'th righteous indignation. "If
that's what comes of visiting Lou
don," he said, "I'm glad Jack didn't
go to Patagonia where meii wear
brass rings in their noses."
T;itipft Pathe
;". . mt . , News
-8 ' ' ' Mutt & Jeff
. ."'.'."', ICE COOLED '
v: Independently Owita lfcpentlr Operated
9 O'CLOCK -OfT TT -Oil 15 4 O'CLOCK
.. A. Chaperon Usher W-samr Always la Attendants .
The Cool
Eugene O'Brien Will Play
Opposite Norma.
Fans Pleased That Former Team
Again Will Work Togretker.
WHAT Sir James Barrie aiscpv
erpfl in Maude Adams, Robert
Hitchens has found in Norma Tal-
madge a. consummate actress to re
create the characters of his tumult
uous novel. '. J '
IJow that Joseph M. Schenck has
accepted "The Voice From the Min
aret" as the first of the Hitchens
novels to be filmed by Miss Tal-
madge. heT admirers are propnesy
.Viof o T.ariv AHriftnnA she will
have what is the most colorful and
emotional of all her roles.
Tki. aiimilniia nrAdimtlnn marks
the return of Eugene O'Brien as
leading man to Miss Talmadgo after
an interval of several years. He
played opposite to Miss Talmadge in
a series of pictures under the Selz
nick regime, when they were recog
nized as the most popular team of
player In the country.
Their assoc'ation In the Hitchens
story should prove especially felici
tous , in view of the fact that Mr.
O'Brien runs tru to the novelist's
type of tempetuous lover.
Anyway, the fans should be well
pleased. They have long mourned
the ways of separate stardom that
denied them a sight of both Norma
Talmadge and Eugene O'Brien in the
same picture.'
Another child screen discovery
h as appeared on the motion plct u re
includes Claire Windsor, Milton
Henry B. Walthall and Irene Rich.
We are holding this "new" picture over
for the second week, for it is worth it.
We call it "new" because you'll find new,
thrills, new throbs, new laughs and new
tears. It is "different" because no one of
the splendid cast does what .you expect
him to do. Ask anyone who has seen it.
Portland's Largest and Best Theater Orchestra
horizon. He is Bruce Guerin, the
3-year-old player who has created
so much attention by. his clever
work in several recent pictures. He
now is working with Vkla Dana in
"Page Tim O'Brien," her new Metro
starring. picture. In this John Mo
roso story, which Harry Beaumont
HI To Keep You Cool
Monroe Salisbury
A picture with a universal appeal. The romance
of a half-breed on football field and in the frozen
wastes of Alaska depicted in drama that plays
upon every emotion tugging at the heartstrings
one moment, lifting you out of your seat the next.
greatest boy baritone
in America.
You can't help loving this
12-year-old boy. He's got the
personality of Wesley Barry,
the looks of Wally Reid, and
a voice, clear, sweet and true
as a Caruso's.
He will sing daily at 2:15.
4:10, 7:50 and 9:45 P. M.
The Day!
is directing, the youthful actor will
have the most important role yet
assigned to him. - His most recent
screen appearance was with
Thomas Meighan in "The BacheUr
Daddy." Previous to that he played
in "Kindred of the Dust" and "The
Woman He Loved."
. A Story
of Alaska .