The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 12, Image 54

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Clearing the Stocks of All Broken Lines and Odd Lots in Summer Wearables Reductions in Some Instances Ranging to a Full Half.
Hundreds of Unadvertised Items on Display Throughout All Sections of the Store. A Time of Unusual Savings on Seasonable Merchandise.
Man Orders Filled
Out-of-town customers and people sojourn-,
ing at the beaches are invited to make full
use of our efficient Mail Order Service at all
times. Orders forwarded as received.
Olds. Mfartman
Trading Stamps Given on
Charge Purchases
if paid in full on or before the 10th of each month.
Dont overlook this direct cash saving on the
money you spend. Books redeemed 3d Floor.
High- Grade Blouses
, Underpnce for the: Clearance Sale
Second . Floor Selected lines of ' Women's Fancy
Blouse-- reduced in price for Monday's selling.' Beau
tiful models with short sleeves and sashes. V and
round ncks." Beaded, embroidered; and lace trimmed
made-up in Crepe de Chine and: Canton Crepe: in
a large assortment 'of the latest sport shades and
black. Sizes, range from 36 to 44. Clearance $6.98
Dainty Hand - Made Blouses
Of Sheer Voiles and Batistes
Second Floor You must see these lovely Blouses to fully appre
ciate their attractiveness. Delightfully cool and fresh- looking
they're much: the vogue for warm weather wear. Large selection
of styles ranging from the smart tailored effects to the more fancy
models trimmed with Irish and filet laces, drawn-work, etc. Of fine
white Voiles and Batistes. Sizes 36 to 52. Priced- $3.50 to $17.50
Sweat er Clear ance!
Sweaters for street and Routing wear priced to .
afford splendid savings. The wise womqp will
be prompt to take advantage of these low prices.
Women's Sport Sweaters
Special $6.98
Second Floor Wool and Imported Mohair Sweaters reduced for
quick Clearance. This lot is made up of lines selling formerly at
much higher prices. Tuxedo and slip-on models, with or without
belts and sashes. Latest sport stripes and plaids plain or fancy
weaves. Some are trimmed with brushed wool. QQ
Light and dark colors. Special Clearance price DUfO
Wool Sweaters $8.95
Second Floor Women's and Misses' Wool Sweaters in the much
favored Navajo patterns for sport and outing wear. Plain knit and
novelty weaves. Tuxedo and slip-on effects, with belts and sashes.
Orange, beige, rose, red, brown, white, navy and black. (PQ QJT
All sizes, 36 up to 46. Special Clearance Sale Price &0.f U
Silk Sweaters
Second Floor We show an exceptionally attractive line of the
new Silk Sweaters in coat and . slip-on styles. Checks, block pat
terns and fancy stripes. With or without collars. All the latest
colors and combinations. Sizes 40 to 46 also outsizes 48 and 50.
Special low price range, $19.95, $24.95, $29.95 to $38.50
High - Grade Linoleums
At Special Clearance Prices
Third Floor For attractive
ness, durability and cleanliness
Linoleum is unsurpassed as a
: floor covering for the bedroom,
kitchen, hall or bath. Begin
ning Monday, best standard
grade Inlaid Linoleum on sale
at the follow special- prices.
Great variety of
Keg. $1.75 grade, fljl OF
square yard, now at tDA.OtJ
Reg. $2.00 grade, CO
square yard, now at DA.JO
Reg. $2.25 grade, OA
square yard, now at-PA.Of
Reg. $2.50 grade, j- QP
square yard, now at DA.f i)
Extra charge for laying.
Remnants of Linoleums
Clean-up of short lengths suitable for pantry, halL I dT
bath or other small rooms. Splendid assortment of t
patterns. Don't fail to bring exact measurements of k t
your room. Regular values up to $2.50 in this lot
On sale Monday very special at $1.00 square yard
Clearance of Women's Dresses
v Another Under-Selling . Event , That . Will
; " Bring Throngs to the Garment Store Tomor-i '
row. Be Here Early in 'the Day and Share
' in This Exceptional ' Bargain Of fering. .
Women's Dresses
Over 150-Dresses in the sale depleted lines of the sea
son's' best selling models. In most instances only one or
two of a kind. The assortment is large enough, however, to
afford satisfactory choosing. Beautiful high-class frocks
made up in the ' following materials .
: Georgette Crepe
Canton Crepe
Crepe Knit, Poiret Twill
and combinations of two or more fabrics. Detailed de
scription of each individual style is out of the "question;
suffice to say there are, Dresses in the lot appropriate for
sport, street and beach wear. Distinctive styles differ
ent from the ordinary run of dresses. Many are embroid
ered in striking designs, others are beaded in all the new
est colorings,' ; still others are trimmed with tucks and
plaitings. Excellent range of the season's Q QQ
best colors to select from. Clearance Sale PAf .f O
Vacation Dresses
For Juniors
Junior Shop, Second Floor Girls', and misses' Middy
Dresses' of Galatea, unbleached Muslin, Chambray, Soi
sett, Devonshire, Linen and Serge. Exceedingly service
able for outing and beach wear. All white with "blue Serge
collars white, trimmed with contrasting colors and many
in solid colors navy, light blue, khaki, tan, pink-and-whife,
blue-and-white stripes. 6 to 14 at $3.49 to $25
Women's Kimonos.
Special $2.98
Second Floor Cotton Crepe Kimonos just the thing for ' . s
the beach. Floral designs and solid colors also fancy -' c) J f .i 4 l
embroidered designs. Oriental styles with wide flowing fepOrt and UUtmg Apparel
sleeves, and sashes. Pink, rose, coperi and orchid shades. Suits, Coats, Breeches, Skirts, Hats every-
Many women use these as bathing capes.; Full PO AO thing required , for vacation wear can best be
3000 Yards Summer Silks
, A Sensational One-Day Sale of
Great Importance to Every Woman
in Portland and Vicinity.
Values Up to $3
$169 Yd.
Foulards in many beautiful patterns for
street costumes Tricolettes, Taffetas, Satins,
Crepes de Chine, Shirtings and many other,
weaves. Strictly high-grade Silks taken from
our regular stock Silks that will give satis
factory service. For , dresses, blouses, sport
wear, skirts, linings and various other pur
poses. Every favored color is represented.
Regular $1.95 to $3.00 Silks. ?Q
Monday, Special, a yard, only vA.Uf-
Center Circle, First Floor
Sale of Bed Spreads
At i2 Price
Main Floor White embroidered and hem
stitched Bed Spreads, size 2x2 yards on sale
Monday at one-half .regular prices'
$12.0,0 Bed Spreads reduced to $ 6.00
$17.50 Bed Spreads reduced to $ 8.75
$25.00 Bed Spreads reduced to $12.50
$27.50 Bed Spreads reduced to $13.73
Bath Towels 45c
Athletic ribbed Bath Towels strong and
durable. Fine for the beach. A T
Extra value. Special Clearance :Ov
Huck Towels Good size and IQk
weight. Special, $2 dozen each AOv
Bleached Sheeting 81 in. wide, A
Standard make. Special, the yard Jrrl
Remnant Sheetings at Special Low Prices.
Special Lunch
Service ll:SO A. M. to 2::t0 P. M.
Clam Chowder Julienne Soup
Baked Salmon with.
Parsley Butter.
Escalloped Halibut In Shell with
Tartar Sauce
, Italiane Pot Roast, of Beef and
Potato Pancake
Lamb "rienssee and. Dumpling
, OWk Baked Beans and
x ' Boston Brown Bread '
Macaroni au Gratin
Cold Meat and Potato Salad .
with . ,
Pie , ' Oranse Sherbet Cake
Tea , Coffee! Milk .
Tea Room
Fourth Floor
selection of sizes. Special Clearance price
supplied at this store. Dept., Second Floor.
Clearance Sale of Wash Goods
3 Great Lots 38c, 65c, 75c
36-Inch Dimities
TVTOW you can afford to
" have that extra sum
mer dress you have been
wanting! 3500 yards beau-'
tiful new Printed Voiles go
on sale beginning Monday
at from 1-3 to 1-2 off regu
lar prices. Immense as
sortment of patterns, 75c,
$1.00, $1.25 Voiles at spe
cial 380, 650, 750 yard.
Kimono Crepes
Main Floor Japanese Ki
mono Crepes in floral de
sighs and checks. All wanted
shades. On sale OQ
special at the yard
New Percales
Main Floor Great variety
of patterns for house
dresses and aprons. Full
36 inches wide.' On "I Q
sale, special, a yard Af C
Main Floor White Dim
ity in fancy stripes and
checks. For dresses, aprons,
blouses and underwear. 36
inches wide. Regular
65c grade. Special 0
$1.50 Mixtures
Main Floor Silk mixed
Suitings in the newest col
ors and combinations. For
sport skirts and cos- QQp
tumes. Special yard f
Dress Ginghams
.35c -
Main Floor New shipment
just received. Large selec
tion of patterns in plaids,
stripes, etc. 32 inches wide.
'. Specially priced at OfZn
the yard, only ttv
Bandeau Btassief e
Priced Special
Of pink brocade in several
patterns. Back hook CQf
styles. Priced -special wwv
Bandeau Brassieres in the
beautiful brocades. Lightly
boned at the shoulder. QQ
Back hook. Special at fOl
Brassieres in the popular
boyish form effects. Fancy
'brocade materials. (JJI OK
Specially priced at JA.O
Not all sizes in above.
Bargain Circle, Main Floor
1 $5 Down If
I il and: '111
Sale of Gas Ranges
Famous Detroit Jewel Make
$5 DOWN AND $2 A
WEEK, will place this
"Better .Baker" Detroit
Jewel Range in your
home, installed without
additional cost. Desirable
size for average family.
16-inch oven of the same
patented construction as
the highest-priced models.
Detroit Jewel Ranges are
wonderful bakers. Make
use of our liberal pay
ment plan and use your
Range while paying for it.
$80 Detroit Jewel Range
Special $59.75 '
5-burner top, occupies 36 inches floor space, full ltxl8
inch double-constructed Detroit Jewel oven, broiler and toast
rack oven. As we have only a limited number of these
Ranges early placing of your order is advis- JETA rTf?
able. $80 Detroit Jewel Ranges, installed, only 50f. I
All Ranges Sold on Easy Pay Plan.
Housewares Store--Third Floor
$5 Down
i i $2 a Week
July Clearance Sale of China, Glassware
Third Floor
White Semi-Porcelain Tea Of&
Cups and Saucers special at "1
White Semi-Porcelain Cof- OC.
fee Cups and Saucers at Js
Pie Plates reduced to 120
Breakfast Plates now at 150
White and Decorated Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware discon
tinued and odd lines priced for immediate disposal. An opportu
nity to obtain everyday dinnerware at exceptionally low prices.
White Semi-Porcelain
White Semj-Porceiain open JP
Vegetable Dishes special at
White Semi-Porcelain Oat- "1
meal Dishes, very special at AUC
Dinner Plates on sale at 200
Sauce Boats on sale at 350
Decorafed Semi-Porcelain
At Sale Prices
Sauce Dishes, .very special at 100
Bread and Butter Plates, special at 180
Pie Plates in Clearance Sale at 150
Dinner Plates specially priced at 280
Tea Cups and Saucers in the sale at 800
Coffee Cups and Saucers, special 400
Open Vegetable Dishes, very handy, 600
Soup Plates in 'Special Clearance 250
Third Floor Good quality
clear glass, neat, attractive de
signs. Take advantage of this.
7-Piece Berry Sets, as QO
above. Priced special at "Ot
Water Tumblers, special 100
Iced-Tea Glasses, bell-top 100
Custard Cups, handled, 150
Glass Mixing Bowls, 4, 750,
Sale of Dinner Sets
. Decorated Semi-Porcelain
46-Piece Sets, morn- PQ QP
ing glory at DO.f O
26-Piece Sets, white
32-Piece Sets, white &A QO
n1 - rnA stamn Df O
32-Piece Sets, pink
border decoration
ing g
46-Piece Sets, white ffO QK
and gold border OO.f tJ
40-Piece Sets, floral
spray decoration
46-Piece Dinner Sets, pink floral decoration, special at $8.85
Sandwich Trays
. $2.48
3rd Floor Round pierced footed
trays, Sheffield repro- (PO AO
ductions. Reg. $3.50 val. dJf.O
$4 Silver-Plated Bread Trays $2.98
Heavily silver-plated on white metal, plain and oval shape with
welded edge. Very suitable for gift giving. Regular (PO QO
$4.00 Bread Trays, in the clearance sale special at V"'0
Furniture Clearance
Desks at 13 Off
Mahogany and walnut Desks in period designs. Many differ
ent styles to select from at off regular prices in this sale.
$80.00 Colonial OK
Desk, mahogany WtJ't.Otl
$60.00 Queen Anne (gf
Desk special at only
$35.00 Sheraton QOQ QC
Desk on sale at VO.OU
Tt $20.00
$33.00 Queen Anne (IJOO
Desk reduced to only Ddd
$30.00 Sheraton
Desk on . sale
All mahogany and gilt
frame mirrors price.
$69.50 Queen Anne Spinet Desk July Clarance special $46.35
$65.00 Queen Anne Spinet Desk July Clearance special $43.35
Furniture Department, 4th Floor
4th Floor
Wash Day Special 2 packages
Solvene shredded soap and one
package of Old Dutch- OJn
Cleanser, special for Oil,
Pork 'and Beans. Del OF.
Monte brand, 3 cans JV
Jersey Corn Flakes, "1 A
a breakfast treat, pkg. AUv
Wesson Oil for salad dressing
and other culinary uses. Gal.,
size, $1.95; -gal. size, $1.00..
Special attention given
to camp and beach orders.
Get your supplies here.