The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 11, Image 53

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Cool Evenings Bring About Good Business for Companies That Play
to Large Crowds at Gotham, v
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NEW YORK. July 8. (Special.)
If managers could have
foreseen the very cool days
of the past week fewer closings
would have occurred. As it Is the
remaining play houses had large
crowds and some of the shows that
closed in anticipation of hot weather
(Continued From Pasre 7.)
Minto and Mrs. Jessie Minto of
Salem were domiciled in the Dorothy
Gish cottage for a few days last
week. .
Villa No. 5 was recently occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long and
family of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fellows, F. E.
Reed and Myrtle G. Hams occupied
a cottage on Wise Way over the
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Vance and
famHy of Corvallls were located in
one of the W. A. Wing cottages last,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers of Spo
kane, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hardin,
Mary and Jack Hardin and Richard
Rogers were on Wise Way last
"he Wallie Reid cottage of the
.star group housed for a brief so
journ last week Mr. and Mrs. A.
Conhurores of Portland.
Over the week-end Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Baver and family of Forest
Grove, E. J. Boos and Eleanor Hoff
man of Portland were domiciled in
the Dorothy Gish cottage.
Myrtle Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Hoelk and family of Portland had
a cottage on AVise Way for a few
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Burnell and
family of Portland are spending a
week in the Charlie Chaplin cottage.
Roekaway Hotels and Cottages
Crowded During1 Holidays, v
ROCKAWAY, Or, July 8. (Spe
cial.) An influx of approximately
4000 persons, wftc flocked to the
beach for the three-day celebration
of Independence day, filled every
available cottage and camping place
over the Fourth, and constituted one
of the largest crowds Roekaway has
ever held.
Surf-bathing, dancing and water
sports, occupied Sunday afternoon
with a huge bonfire on the beach to
close the day. Dozens of "hot do
sandwiches, and cups of coffee were
dispensed to the crowds who
thronged Roekaway Park beach.
A bathing girl parade was- the
main feature Monday. Out of the 30
entries, Miss Nina Stallcope of Yam
hill was awarded the first prize.
Miss Harriett Vanderval of Portland
was second. At night a street car
nival held sway, with painted
clowns and costumed revelers cut
ting capers to the music of the
Yamhill band, which furnished mu
sic throughout the entire celebra
tion. i
An automobile parade which
formed at Twin Rocks apd paraded
to Manhattan and back, featured-)
July 4. W. H. Schuhmacher led the
line of march on horseback. The
st prize for an industrial entry
was awarded to B. E. Reynolds,
whose float consisted of an Inde
pendence day design- frozen in
blocks of ice. The Roekaway studio
received second prize.
The United States life guard won
first prize for the best decorated au
tomobile, Mrs. Billings, Woman's
Relief corps entry, receiving secortd.
The Portland Oregonian carriers re
might easily have shared in the
profits from cool evenings. Too bad
that weather cannot be accurately
forecast much trouble would be
saved all around.
The Theater Guild will bring a
production up town next week which
is practically new, though produced
at the Garrick a few weeks ago for
ceived first prize for group entry,
and the goddess of liberty, float won
The New Princess theater won
first and the Girl's' Jazz band of the
Darby orchestra, carried off first
and second prizes, respectivelyv in
the comic entries. Miss Lena Hurst
of Carlton portrayed the godess of
liberty during the day, and was at
tended by two attractive maids,
Misses Lduise Ebing of Roekaway
and Miss Maurine Rand of Carlton.
Rev. Mowbray Tate of Portland
gave the address of the day, and
Miss Doris Painton of Roekaway
read the Declaration- of Independ
ence. Beach sports occupied the
afternoon, Henry Sause of the
Whitney Logging company at Gari
baldi winning first ip .the log rolling
Miss Ora Johnson of Portland has
arrived at Roekaway to remain with
her father during the- season.
The J. M. Poormans of Forest
Grove are installed in their attrac
tive summer home El Su Mar for the
A party composed of Miss Hilma
Thomas, Miss Virginia Thomas, Mr.
and Mrs. I. J. Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Thomas, Carol and Ethel
Wright and Allan Comber of Port
land are occupying The Twin's cot
tages for a week..; They will return
to Pertland by motor, pn Tuesday.
Guests at the Elmore hotei last
week, included; W. Walter Blair,
J. S. Roark, J. W. Donovan, W. E.
Taylor, Ethel Tuppe and Clara M.
Fenenga of Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Conklin of Port
land are spending a couple of days
at -Kimqre i'arK. ,
Driftwood cottage housed over
the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Perk
I: " MiV?$
tl" ' ' "
their members only. It had some
very good notices and a production
was promised for early in the new
season. For some reason the Guild
decided to -take advantage of the
dearth ' of new plays and bring
"From Morn to Midnight" to town
earlier than planned. Frank Reicher,
who directed the play, will con
tinue in the leading role up town
but there will "be several changes
in the cast. When it was originally
produced several irnportant mem
bers of the "He Who Gets Slapped"
company had parts in the play,
later returning to the former, which
is still playing on Broadway to big
business. The new cast . includes:
Maude Gilbert, ' Albert Carroll, Er
nita Lascelles ("Eve" in "Back to
Methuselah") Harold West, Helens
Sheridan, Harry Ashford and some
30 or 40 others. Lee Bimonson de
signed the artistic settings, which
will show to advantage up town at
the Frazee. This, by the way, is the
guild's seventh .production. ,
Kew attractions Coming,
Fred Stone and his company are
"vacating" after a long season in
"Tip Top." Now, this is what Mr.
Dillingham has in preparation for
the new season, which makei one
think that things are bound to pick
up theatrically; A new pfciy by
John Galsworthy called "Loyalties,"
which is being played at the at
Martin's Lane, London; "Dede," a
current Paris success, with Albert
Chevalier; Emerich Kalman's newest
operetta "The Bajadere" (he com
posed "Sari"); a London farce called
"Ton9 of Money" and four from the
pens of American dramatists; "The
Bunch and Judy," a musical, show
with Jerome Hern's music, Anne
Caldwell's lyrics and the book by
Miss Caldwell and Hugh Ford. The
last two have also arranged Lady
Lever's play "Brown Sugar. Eu
gene Walters' new play," "Slippy Mc
Gee," ' based upon the novel of the
same name by Marie Conway
Oemier, and The Only Levi," by
Montague Glass and Jules, Eckert
Goodman complete the list of the
new things that Mr. Dillingham has
up his sleeve. And, if rumors can
be believed, there are one or two
other good announcements to come
Al Woods 'landed the .other day,
and it is expected that he will have
some interesting announcements for
publication just as soon as he is
ready to talk about them.
Sam Harris has decided to feature
Robert Ames, the juvenile who made
such a hit in the Rachel Crpthers
play "Nice People" last year. Mr.
Ames will have the principal role in
"It's a Boy,'-' a play by Anthony Mc
Gulre, who wrote "Six-Cylinder
Love," one of the three i)ig Harris
attractions still in town. The new
play will be brought out in the fall.
Mr. Harris' other plays are "The
Music Box Revue" and "Captain Ap
plejack," which have had all season
Wagenhals and Kemper placed a
new Avery Hopwood farce in re
hearsal the other day. It is called
"Why Men Leave Home," and is said
to be fast and funny. JsTo announce
ment about the cast as yet.
Eddie Cantor Gets a Vacation.
Most of the theatrical folks, im
portant and otherwise, are not wor
rying about vacation problems just
now, but rather whether they will
be able to land something for next
season. Many of them have had en
forced holidays this year and would
give a lot to be busy. Not so Eddie
Cantor, who, according to his count,
hasn't had one in 86 weeks. Most
of that time he was touring in "The
Midnight Rounders" and the rest of
it with "Make It Snappy," his Win
ter Garden show. His contrast con
tains a clause stipulating that he
shall rest two months each year.
He is not a stickler for the exact
sixty days, but insists that he will
start a vacation commencing today
(July 2) and. lasting until late in
August, when "Make It Snappy"
goes on tour. Some people are never
satisfied with their good luck. That
is what the envious ones in his pro
fession who have had more .vacations
than work say.
-Marjorie Rambeau will not play
"The Goldfish" in London, though
the announcement was made that
she would do so. At the conclusion
of her New York engagement she
will take it on tour in this country.
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson, Dr.
and Mrs. Byron White and family
and Mrs. E. G. Seaton and family
of Yamhill and Dr. and Mrs. C. N.
Perkins and family of Portland. N.
H. Perkins is a pioneer of Yamhill
and has been connected with the
lamnui. btate Dank tor many years.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stallcope and
Miss Lucile Goodrich of Yamhill
were at the Brownie Camp over the
Ocean View guests included: Mr.
and Mrs. F. Graapt and family, who
are at wallulah Lodge; Mr. and Mrs.
William Peters of Oregon City, Mrs.
Maud Sinclair and children of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marrs, Mr.
and Mrs. H. V. Garvin and son, John
and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Batdorf, all
of Portland, who were down for the
Fourth. I
. Mrs. F. G. Coles and Miss Edith
Cdles of Partland are at the Rus
sell camps for a fortnight.
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs
V. O. Steenrod, Mr. and. Mrs. O, M.
Jacobsen and daughter, Doris, Mr.
and Mrs. T. M- McHugh, Mr. and
Mrs. G. O. Davis and son. Dale, Elma
Davis and F. Feranizon, allf Port
land, and Al Davis of LoaAngeles
were camped over the week-end at
Elmore Park, while making a tour
or the Tillamook . and Clatsop
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Humphrey of
Salem spent a week at the Elmore
Park camp grounds.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Gullette and
daughter, Dorothy Jane, of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Normandin of
Forest Grove are installed at Polly
Anna cottage in Elmore Park for -a
fortnight. .. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Helbock and
son, Fred, are domiciled at Linger
Long cottage in Elmore Park. They
will return to their home In Port
land September 1. '
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hyland of Port- j
land are at Idella cottage for aj
week. They have as their guests
for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Kinkel .and Miss Gwendolyn and
Dean Dickinson, also of Portland.
Portland .guests of the Elmore
hotel over the-Fourth and for a
week or so vacation were: Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. King, H. J. Gervaris, Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. La Painte and fam
ily, A D. Boyd, C. E. White, Miss
Virginia Williams, Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Crosbie, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lore
esbel and children, Mr- an Mrs. L.
GuVer, Mrs.' E. W. Langdon, L. L.
Scott, George P. Piper, Fred Piper,
Lura Leach, Doris Semerlin, Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Arnold and baby Dorothy,
Mr. and Mra Jasper B. Rogers, Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Bancon, Mr. and Mrs.
M. A, Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
J. Goreczkey. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of
Portland are at Elmore Park for a
fortnight and are .installed in Mc
Kinley cottage.
Wilson cottage is chousing Mrs.
Estelle Ford Dudley, Miss Bessie
Ford "and Harold Ford of Portland.
Mrs. Dudley had as her .guests over
the week-end Dr. and Mrs. E. W.
Wheeler and daughter of Portland.
Chickaddee cottage in Elmore
Park is. domiciling Ella and Mar
garet Fitzgerald and Mary Phelan
of Portalnd for a fortnight.
Miss Roberta Edmunds, Miss
Gladys Copenhaver and Mrs. Hepsa
beth Rusel of Tillamook were-installed
in the Oriole last week.
Oriole' cottage Is at present hous
ing Mr. and Mrs. Damon Fleener and
daughters, Vivian and Wilda, Mr,
and Mrs. W. A. Cummings and chil
dren and Miss Bennie Hamon of
Salem. '
Mr. and Mrs. George Wentworth
and son, Vineent, J: L. Scott of Port
land and Leonard Scott of Los An
geles occupied Bluebird cottage over
the week-end.'
Mrs. C. A. Robinson and daughter,
Miss Doris, are sojourning for the
season at Heppner cottage. Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. Robinson and Misses Mel-
ba, Lolita and Loreta Robinson of
Salem were guests over the Fourth.
Mrs. Robinson has as her guests at
present her mother, Mrs. N. I, For
est, and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Patter
son of Portland.
Guests at Noa'Noa cottage of the
Russell group, where Miss M. Isaftel
Phy and F. Elizabeth Cartwright are
domiciled for the season were: Miss
Constance Carlwright, Miss Evelyn
Gebhardt, Brazier Small and James
McClellan of Salem, who motored
down for the week-end, and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Knapp and daughter, Lor
raine of" Camas, Wash., and Miss Jo
sephine Smith of Washington, D. C.
Miss May Cogan of Portland was
the guest of her sister Miss Grace
Cogan, over the. week-end. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crain and
daughter, Barbara, wer,e guests over
the Fourth at Knott Inn, cottage of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelley. Mr.
Crain is managng edtor of the Sa
lem Capital Journal.
A group of cottages, adjoining the
Roekaway dance hall have been
purchased from J. J. Krebe, by Jack
Walton of Darby's orchestra, and
will be occupied summer by mem
bers of the orchestra. Of the group,
Harrison cottage is occupied by Mr.
and Mrs R. G. Harrjss of Portland,
who are on their honeymoon; Grant
cottage by Dorr Gensel and Dick
Miller of Portland and Washington
cottage by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hos
kins and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hos-
kins. who have as1 their guest Mrs.
J. V. Hoskins of Portland.
Lincoln cottage is housing Mr.
and Mrs. Wilford A. Darby of Port
land. Thursday night a party of
15, including members of the or
chestra, enjoyed a crab feast at
Harrison cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jackson and
son Lloyd and Mrs. N. Nesbltt of
Portland, accompanied by the
Misses Bremm of Fargo, N. D.t mo
tored down to Rackaway tor the
Fourth and are installed at' Twin
Snug Harbor cottage is domicil
ing Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kipple, Mr.
and Mrs. William Knorr and Mrs.
C. N. Hubbard of Portland for a
The B. L. King family of Tilla
mook are installed in A tent for a
week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buxton and
Miss Nora E. Smith of Forest Grove
are spending a' fortnight in Rock-
away. - -
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hughes of
Portland are -enjoying a two weeks'
vacation at Roekaway. '
Tanby cottage, is housing Mrs.
Frank Maud, Mrs. C; F. Marshall
and Miss- Barbara Marshall of
Portland for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Kuhns of Port
land are domiciled here.
Gwinnith Price of San Francisco
is spending a week at the David
Philips camp. . i
Mr. and Mrs. C. Burns, and fam-j
ily of Portland camped on the depot
lots over the Fourth.
Florence Kamph of Tillamook isl
spending the season in Roekaway.
Mr. "and Mrs. E. Linga of Port-;
land are domiciled for the season
at Skookum cottage. . - ;
Myrtle Butter of Jtedmond is
spending the season here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McCord and
daughter Lois of Portland spent the
Fourth in their cottage at Saitair.
Mr. and Mrs. Crowe of Portland
are at the Saitair hotel for a few
Registrants at the Saitair hotel
during the week were Lee Howard,
Steven Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs J. E.
Leabo, L. F. Stores, J. C. Clover,
Myrtle Stevens, F. W. Merrill, J. A.
Irwin and party of Portland and
C. B. 'Johnson of British Columbia,
Frank D. Prinn of Shedd and C. R.
Rowland of McMinnville.
Wallulah and Nokohomis cottages
of the Mann group in Saitair are
occupied by A. I. Epkelson, W.-JIay-don,
E. H. Isensee, W. F. Warner
of Portland and W. M. Kronquist of
Marshfield, who are surveying the
bars at Nehalem and Tillamook, for
the United States government. .
Hiawatha cottage is housing Eve
lynn Bunn and Lola Perkins of
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Mitchell and
son Ashford, Miss Adele Guerber,
Alfred GuSrber Sr., Mr. arid Mrs. F.lOM
G.- Leory and daughter Elizabeth, a I
party from Hillsboro, Orenco and I
Portland, stayed in Villa Rossett , o
over the Fourth. ( A
Lyle Brooks of Yamhill was at I
Saitair over the Fourth. J f
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richards, Mr. 5
and Mrs. Albert Crumbey and' Carl ! 1
Newton of Portland were at Saitair i f
for a week. ' C
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brdckinam of
Portland are spending their third
season at Roekaway.
Mrs. B. R. Patton of Raleigh, Or.,
are installed f or: a fortnight . at
Kopet Mammock.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Edwards and
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Neel of Portland
are domiciled for a week at the En
more Three.
Mrs. Alice Kandle of Tillamook
is domiciled for the season at the
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankhauser
of Portland are at the Enmore One
for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Seabrook of
Tillamook are at E tentlrouse for
the qeason. - - ,
People From Many Sections Motor
to Summer Besort.
MANHATTAN, Or., July 8. (Spe
cial.) Miss Frances Wright of
Portland, who has been the guest of
Miss Ruth McDonald, returned to
her home yesterday, after & fort
night at the beach. .. .
Mrs. Julius Dossche and children
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kienler of Portr
land were week-end guests 'at the
Belmont cottage of Mr" and Mrs.
Kienler. 1
Mrs. Roy Purdy and children of
Portland were at Cloes camp last
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thornton of
Portland are at Manhattan for the
Mrs. A. W. Jones and son Paul of
Portland, will arrive Tuesday at
the Johnson cottage to spend a fort
night. -
M. F. Boker is completing a new
cottage t Manhattan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harvey
and Miss Florence Harvey of Port
land spent the week end at the Sea
shell. .
Mr.-a.nd Mrs. Sam Raker of Port
land are spending the week end at
the Seashell. '
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morrell and son
Malcom of Falrview, with Don
Grant, also of Fairview, are stop
ping at Fairview cottage for a week.
They made the trip by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stansbury of
Portland week-ended at Manhattan.
S. G. Harris of Garibaldi, Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Houston and daughters
Kaiherine ana Winona are domiciled
in the Justamere cottage for a week.
Mrs. John Gustason and daughter
of Portland are in the Deming cot
tage for the season.
Pearl Spieler, Rudy Spieler, Louise
Spieler and Mrs. Ruby Wham of
Portland spent the week end of the
Fourth at the Crescent hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kis-swetter and
Ernest Kuehnhausen of Portland are
visiting Mrs. E. "Kuehnhausen at
Bellevue cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warner and
daughter of Portland are at Mrs.
Anna Welche's cottage for a month.
Arthur Purdy and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Purdy and daughter of Portland
spent last week end at Cores camp
in We-Like-It cottage,
Mrs. S. Schmorl and daughter Tilly
of Portland were in the Reifschnei
der cottage over the Fourth.
Mrs. Guy Carlton and son Walter
Wilhelm of Vancouver are in the
Reifschneider cottage for a month.
Lena and Dora Ott, Mr. and Mrs.
Ver Hackett and daughter Elsia
drove down from Portland over the
Fourth and were registered at the
Manhattan hotel.
Margaret Mills of Portland was at
the Manhattan hotel for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T, Jordan and
Carrie, and Wayne ' Jordan Were
down over the .Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Ford of Bay
City spent last week' end in Man
hattan t the Crescent hotel. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Ford's
sister, Mrs. Esther Wood Ford of
Roseburg. -
Mrs. A. W. Jone, Paul Jone, D. G.
Schloth, Mrs. Florence Schloth and
C. J. Carter of Portland were guests
over the week end at the Crescent
hotel. ....
Beach Resort Has Many Visitors
Over July 4.
NEAH-KAH-XIE. Or., July 8.
(Special.) A. E. Doyle. Kathleen
Doyle, Billy, Helen and Jean Doyle,
with Mr. Doyle's brother, E. E. Doyle,
motored here from Portland and
dined at Neah-Kah-Nie Tavern on
Friday. They were joined on Satur
day by Mrs. Doyle, and will occupy
their cottage tor the summer.
G. B. Newsome and A. N. Cannon
of Tacoma spent several days at the
Tavern last week,-making the trip
by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Richardson
and Miss Ruth A.. Richardson of
Portland were guests at Xeah-Kah-Nie
Tavern last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hopkins
and son William Stephen Hopkins
of Portland sojourned the fore part
of the week at the Tavern, motor
ing on to Gearhart for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs.-H. H. Jones of Port
land, who are touring the Tillamook
beaches, motored from the southern
beach to Neah-kah-Nie last week
and were guests at the Tavern.
Barbara and Franklyn Baum with
Mrs. Anna C. Mitchell are stopping
at the Tavern for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Winch motored
down from Taggs farm with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Brock for luncheon
at the Tavern and a stroll on Short
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Insley. Miss
Virginia Insley and Miss Dorothy
Insley, with Mrs. Insley's sister, Mrs,
R. P. Effinger, and Donald and
Lester Effinger, motored to Neah
Kah-Xle Tavern for a week, return
ing on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Witner of Spo
kane have arrived in Neah-Kah-Nie
fora week's outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith and
their son and daughter, of Portland,
motored to Neah-Kah-Nie last week.
Miss Ethel Wakeman of Portland
was at the Tavern last week. Miss
Wakeman is an instructor in the
Washington high school.
Miss Nellie Fox of Portland, and
her nieces, Miss .Virginia Fox and
Miss Elizabeth, are spending a few
days at Isom cottage.
Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Eliot and Miss
Henrietta Eliot had as their guests
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Scholz of Reed
Mr. and Mrs. L. Griswold and Mr.
and Mrs. L. T.' Merwin "of Portland
motored here last week and were
guests over night. . ,
Mr. and Mrs." A. M- Churchill are
domiciled at their cottage for a few
days. ' Mr. ind Mrs. Churchill have
recently returned from the orient.
D. C. Ellis of Garibaldi hiked to
Neah-Ki-Nie for luncheon one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geofrge M. Strong and
Miss Sarah Strong, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Strong and son, were
here on Monday and left on Tuesday
for Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feldenheimer
and Eons Paul and Roy of Portland
and Mr. Feldenheimer's sister, Mrs.
Freundlich of Germany, were here
for three days last week. '
Dinner guests on July 3 at Neah-
TTnh-Nift Tavern wprn Mr. jitii Mrs
j. B, Hulbert and. child, Miss Lois
Prices Are Down! Purchase Your Piano Now
Trices are down, values are worthy. Now is the time to make your pur
chase. In planning this sale we decided to make it very wide in its scope.
We. include both new and used pianos, as also player pianos and phonographs.
Among; these instruments you will find many fine sample pianos, odd styles,
demonstration pianos and players, as also used pianos with splendid musical
qualities, some used pianos in modern case designs. '
Sample Pianos and Used Pianos
Willard Upright, walnut,.. $195
Kingsbury Upright, oak $195
Hall & Son? Upright, ebony.... '.....$215
Scfiaeffer Upright, oak., ..$245
Kensington ; Upright, renewed $215
Delmar. Upright, renewed $265
Hazelton Bros. Upright, used. $295
Chase Bros. Upright, renewed $295
, Smith & Barnes Upright", oak $295
Monarch Upright, new, mahogany, wal
nut and oak .$295
. Howard & Co. Upright, mahogany, wal
nut and oak $345
Franklin Upright, mahogany $345
Delmar Upright, renewed.-;- $345
Winton Upright, new, mahogany, wal
nut and oak : .$375
Franklin Upright, mahogany ... .$395
Howard Upright, new, mahogany, wal
nut and oak , $395
Howard Upright, new, mahogany, wal
nut and oak $425
The Portland Upright, new, mahogany
and walnut .$450
Singer Upright, new, mahogany, wal
nut and oak , $475.
Hammond, demonstration $475
Haines Bros., demonstration ;.$495
Haines Bros., demonstration $575
Hazelton Bros., demonstration. .-. . . .$435
Hazelton Bros., demonstration $575
Behning Upright, new, walnut .....$575
Floyd of Portland, Mrs. M. A. Howie
of Sault St.' Marie, Mien., ana mis.
H.' F. Seaman. '
Mr and Mrs. George A. Lawrence,
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lawrence Jr.,
Mr. , and Mrs. W. B. PeacocK, miss
Marion Peacock and Miss Anne
Lawrence were here for a brief so
journ last week.
C- S. Lee. S. U. Lee, Ji. ivicAuie
and Miss Edith Wilson, comprising a
party from Warrenton ana asiouj,
were here for the Fourth.
Dr. A H. Cantril and tamuy 01
Portland dined here on the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hollora.
and family have leased the Allen
cottage for July.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn w imams,
Miss Sadie Bradley and George
Parker of Portland were here for
dinner on the Fourth while on their
way to Gearhart.
Mrs. Kenneth Beebe ana ars.
timer Hartwell of Portiana . ar
spending the greater .part of July in
Mrs. Hartwell' s cottage.
Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Thompson or
Portland are installed in their cot
tage for the summer.
Morton Inslev entertained at din
ner on the Fourth for his children
and a bonfire on the beacn laierjnn
the evening completed the atrair.
Many Portland Parties Arrive at
Resort for Vacation..
TWIN ROCKS, Or., July 8. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. M. Seaver and
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Neal of Portr
land were at Neal bouse over the
Guests of Mrs. Louise Scott ,at
Scott Villa, Midway, over the Fourth,
were Mr. and Arden Cheney, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Allard and sons, D and
Mrs. Seymour . Skiff and daughter
Blllie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reese
and sons Paul and Adrian, who
motored down from Portland," and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doolittle of Ore
gon City.
A. C. Dilley, Mrs. S. Landingham
and Mrs. E, A. Tamesie of Portland
were at Twin Rocks over July 4.
A fjimily reunion, the first, to be
held on the beach, was that of the
Van Scyoc family. Those present
were' Mr.' and Mrs. D. G. Van Scyoc
of Twin Rocks, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Van Scyoc, Kenneth Jr. and
Shirley and Guy Van Scyoc, Mr. and
Mrs. T. R. Reynolds and daughter
Mary Pearl of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wharton
and daughters Mildred and Eleanor
of Portland are domiciled at Rich
ardson's Rest for the month of July.
Mr. and Mrs'. J. -G. Wilkinson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kress
man of Portland are at Ocean Lake.
Guests of the H. J. Stewarts are
Robert Rea and Helen Stewart of
A. W. Lane of Salem is at Twin
.Rocks for a vacation.
Davies cottage, at Midway, . is
housine D. H. Van Horn. Vern and
Ear! Van Horn, Mrs. Rose Sibley and
Marion Sibley of Portland. ,' '
Mrs. Gerogia A. Hoss, Dorothy
Hoss, Mrs. Roy Briggs and son
Robert, Miss Alys Muri"ay anl Frank
Nooz have taken a cottage at Twin
Rocks for a brief outing.
Robert C. McMillan, E. F. Douglas
and Marion Steiwer of Salem are at
Ocean Lake. ' " . "
Mr. and Mrs. W. 'QC. Bollen and
daughter Harriett and Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Bollen of Portland are at Twin
Mr. and Mrs. T- J. Starker and son
Bruce and Jean Starker of Portland
are at Twin Rocks.for an indeter
minate stay.
A party' consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. McMullen, Virginia and Mil
dred McMullen and Marian Burk are
at the Billy-May cottage.
Bonnie Nook cottage is housing
David Warden, Henrietta Hendrick-
son, Helen Halvorsen, Lydia Ingman,
Edwin Ingman, Edward Chalstrom,
Alfred Chalstrom, Albert Olson,
Richard Bergstrom and Victor Pe
terson Of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A, J, Stewart of
W 'ZZl f 1 savings a
Hazelton Bros. Upright, new, iahtg$635
Behning Upright, riew, mahogany $675
Monarch Player, new, mah., walnut and
and oak $395
Modello Player, demonstration. 4 ... .$395
Winton Player, demonstration $395
Modello Player, new, walnut. ...... .$495
Gaylord Player, demonstration...... $495
Gaylord Player, new, walnut $575
The Portland Player, mahogany, wal
nut and oak $593
Modello Player, mahog. and walnut. .$595
Franklin Ampico Reproducer , $595
Franklin Ampico Reproducer $675
Howard Player, new, mahogany. .. .$675
Hamilton Player, new, mahogany $875
Haines Bros. Ampico, mahogany $950
Pay as little as $15 Cash, $10 or
more a numth
An instrument bought ' in this sale will
bring years of delight.
Victor Horn $ 10
Edison Cylinder, recorder and records. $ 18
Victor VI, oak $ 30
Brunswick 7-inch $ 75
Columbia E, new' .'...$ 73
Widdicomb $ 85
"Victrola XI, mahogany , .$110
Sonora Nocturne , $140
Sonora Baby Grand $185
Phonograph Dept., 7th Floor
Pay as little, as $5 and $10 cash and $3, $6 or $10 a month.
" Seventh Floor .
I"M I J. nCjMpn'l DuK,"
Portland are sojourning at Twin
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Maloney and
twin boys of Portland are at Ocean
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson of
Portland are at Twin Rocks.
Miss Margaret Callen, Miss Ber
nice Boyle and Miss Jean McDonald
occupied a bungalow at Twin Rocks
over the Fourth.
Mr. .and Mrs. H. J. Stewart of
Portland are spending two weeks
at Rock View villa. They have as
guests Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart
and Mrs. Helen Stewart.
At Rock View villa spending their
vacation in fishing and bathing are
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piper and son
Wljiton, Mr. ind Mrs. William Ho
decker, Miss Lenora Wilson, Miss
Luetta Wilson, William- Wilson,
Walter McQiiirk and Herman Cohn.
One" of the jolliest auto camp
parties at Twin Rocks for the
Fourth of July was composed of the
following: Mr. and Mrs. McHolland,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swan, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Peterson; Mrs. Pauline Mil
ler, Mrs. H. Jares and daughter. Miss
Doris Jares, and M. Peterson, all of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Yergen of Aurora, Or.
Portland Parties at Lake Lytle
for Woek-End Are Numerous.
LAKE LTTLE, Or., July 8. (Spe
cial.) A dinner dance on Thursday
night opened the season at Lake
Lytle hotel, with the Pair-O-Dice
orchestra of McMinnville playing. A
large number of hotel patrons were
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Van Duzer, Mr. and Mrs. N. H.
Lambert of Portland ana jyiiss- con-
stance Cole of New . York city, a
house guest of the Van Duzers.
stopped over the week-end of the.
Fourth at the Lake Lytle hotel.
J. T. Tomlinson, vice-president of
the Harriman steamship lines of
New York; Erskine Wood of Port
land, Larry Pease of Portlandi and
K. F. Dawson of Portland, compose
a party which are at Lake Lytle
hotel for a week.
Miss Marian Reed. Miss Ada J.n-
galls and Marie Beach Williams of
Portland were registered at LaKe
Lytle hotel over the Fourth. They
are alumnae of the University of
Oregon and members of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority.
F. C. McGuire of Tillamook, su
perintendent of the Coates Logging
camp, was at Lake Lytle hotel last
J. B. Louce of Monmouth is at
the Lake Lytle hotel over the week
endi. y ,
Louis R. Centro of Portland spent
the week-end of July Fourth at the
Bake Lytle hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCorkle and
Miss Virginia McCorkle of Portland
weye" at the Lake i.ytle hotel last
week end'.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barry enjoyed
the week-end of .the Fourth at Lake
Lytle and were at the hotel. Mr.
Barry is chief cost accountant of
the United States army. "
H. Levin of Portland was down
over the Fourth at the Lake Lytle
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pideon and
child of Minnesota were at the Lake
Lytle hotel last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bruder of Port
land were at the Lake Lytle hotel
over the Fourth
Mr. and Mrs. J. Depenning, Miss
Coral Van Kirke andi J. C. Depen
ning, all from Portland, were at the
Lake Lytle hotel .over the Fourth.
Mrs. Robert Jay Bain, formerly of
Richmond, Va., and of Portland, and
Miss Eleanor Church are enjoying
a week at the Lake Lytle hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marx and' Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Diggles were reg
istered from Portland at the Lake
Lytle hotel over the week-end. Rradlev of Portland nent
last week-end at Lake Lytle at the
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Aldrlch, Mr,
nd Mr, H. .W. Aldrich Jr., Jrs,
x $130 to $500
Mary Aldrich and Miss Eleanor
Reynolds, all of Portland, motored
down for a week-end at Lake Lytle
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Pratt, Dr.
twvi iu.i. j. r . waruc ana jiiss
Gladys Watt of Portland sojourned
over the Fourth at Lake Lytle hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. J. .W. Donovan of
Portland were here for a brief so
journ at Lake Lytle hotel last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Peacock, Miss
Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Lawrence Jr. and Miss Lawrence
were Portland visitors over the
Fourth at Lake Lytle hotel.
Two Concerts Received, One From
Portland, Other From Seattle.
MANZANITA, Or., July 8. (Spe
cial.) -E. Kardell has installed a
radio in his store and has received
two concerts, 8ne from Portland, the
other from Seattle, over the instru
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Gogl and
daughter Evaline and Mr. and Mrr.
H. M. Battaheim of Portland are
domiciled in the Marguerite cottage."
vli. aim iuis. vy . u. -liiLl Ol ivion-
ler are installed in the Lane camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl O. Jones of
Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones
of Whiteson are camped in Manza
nita' grove for an outing. ,
Guests at Geysbeeke cottage are
the Misses Edith and Effie Rhoden
of Portland, Mrs. Turkinftton o:'
Pawpaw, 111., Mrs. Spracht and
daughters Grace and Maud of Ne
braska, Geraldine, Naomi ind Ronald Van
Groov of Forest Grove are in one ot'
the Geysbeeke cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Jacob and fam
ily of Portland are at Lanes.
Guests of Mrs. C. M. Lanning at
Lanning's Rest last week who mo
tored over for the Fourth were Mr.
and Mrs. T.' B. Parcher. C. L. Lind
ner and son Jack and Mrs. Nellie
Lindner. Mr. Lanning also motored
from Portland to spend the week
end at his, summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Murdelle of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves and baby of
Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Inkelin, also
of Phoenix, are camped in Schmidt's
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Evans
spent the Fourth in Lane's grove.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Spencer of Salem
are installed in their cottage for the
summer and have as their guest
Miss Alice Peterson of Aumsviile.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Amble of Port
land are domiciled in La Paloma cot
tage. !
Miss Pearl Anderson of Spokane is
tlA l,,iti rt 1V.Tioa ........
Miss Grace Wilson and Miss Sip
ley of Portland are living in Fir
duna cottage for a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. C; H. Little of Port
land are sojourning at Manzanita.
Mrs. Baldwin Brown and son cf
Portland are domiciled in Field
house cottage for the season.
Mr an A Mr T W nnfnn1 .
two sons of Portland motored here
over the Fourth and camped in
Lane's grove.
American Legionnaire Making
Trip From Texas to Gotham.
CHICAGO. Those "last long
miles" hiked by Monte Smith, Amer
ican legionnaire, on his way (by
foot) from Dallas, Tex., to New
York city, may be more remuner
ative than those hiked in France. If
he reaches his destination withiu
the 300 days allowed him he will
be the possessor of a $10,000 wager.
Six other legionnaires, Smith de
clares, started out together. Three
fell by the way, and one in love,
who married at Topeka, Kan. The
other, Wick. Jones, Is till on the