The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 52

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Russian Envoy at Genoa Declared to Have Surpassed Other Dele
gates in Generosity to Servant. '
Major Baldip.ger,' Harding's Newsboy in Old Days, Is Taken Back
to Marion by President Harding During Visit.
(Copyright, 1922, by The Oregonian.)
BY R. T. S.
rASHIXGTON, D. C, July 8.
(Special.) By far the best
story that has emanated
from any of the numerous European
conferences of the last few years
has just come to town. In more than
one respect it is what the English
would call a priceless story. The
tale is going the rounds of the con
tinent and is vouched for by a trav
eler just returned.
It seems it was the last day at
Genoa and the leaders of the British,
French, Austrian and Russian dele
gations were having supper to
gether. When the. head waiter
brought the bills, Mr. Lloyd George
took a sovereign out of his waist
coat pocket and put it on the table.
The waiter bowed respectfully.
M. Barthou followed with a 50
franc note. The waiter bowed, but
not quite so respectfully.
Then Schober, the Austrian, took
out of his pocketbook a strange
document covered with signatures
and stamps.
"Is that a check?" asked the
waiter with some hauteur.
"No," replied Herr Schober, "it is
a bill of lading. A wagonload of
kroffen is at the station for you."
The waiter, in the regular order,
turned to Tchitcherin, the soviet
leader, who nonchalantly threw a
little parcel on the table. It gave a
metallic chink. "Some church jew
els, I suppose," murmured the waiter.
"Not exactly," said Tchitcherin,
"just a stereotype plate for 1000
ruble notes. Print as many as you
And with a sublime sweep of the
hand the bolshevist left the table.
President Harding's statement in
his speech at Marion that the fed
eral prohibition law must be en
forced no matter what the cost was
received in Washington with a great
deal of satisfaction by government
officials, especially those connected
with the law-enforcement branch.
It is realized that public sentiment
mirst assist if prohibition is really
to become effective, and there is no
surer method of arousing public
sentiment than through utterances
of the chief executive.
It is of no avail at this time to
discuss the wisdom or lack of wis
dom of the prohibition amendment
and the Volstead act. The fact re
mains that they are the law of the
land and when these laws are per
mitted to fall into disrespect all
laws go by the board.
This is particularly true of a fed
eral law.
Time was in this country when
the federal law and federal officers
were feared even as the anvenging
angel is feared. It was all very
well to take certain liberties with
city or state laws, but tradition
had it that once the federal author
ities got on your trail there was
nothing to it but surrender.
It was felt thre was some par
ticularly mysterious force about the
federal machinery that would reach
out and get you, no matter how
many years were required in the
process of getting. The federal
court and the federal grand jury
were regarded with respect border
ing on awe by even the most hard-
ened criminal.
Inability of the federal govern
ment to enforce the prohibition -law
in all its phases has broken down a
great, deal of the former respect for
federal law. All government offi
cials, all judges have felt it. Presi
dent Harding agrees that the gov
ernment cannot fail. It is quite
true that the task of enforcing a
law which makes a criminal of a
man who merely continues to fol
low the habits of a lifetime, a law
Each Change of Season and Each Neft Fad Brings in Its Wake
Great Variety of "Don'ts."
BERLIN, July 8. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Berliners are
finding the familiar "verboten"
of war and pre-war days more irk
some and omnipotent than ever un
der the republican regime.
When Richard Enright, New York
city police commissioner, who is
here to study police methods and
regulations, together with the Ber
lillon system, called on the authori
ties he was shown the city's awe
inspiring list of "dont's" ranging in
categorical shades of law breaking
all the way from keeping off the
grass to assassination.
Each change of season, each new
fad, each successive rise in prices,
appears to bring in its wake a fresh
variety of offenders for addition to
the metropolitan police blotter.
The latest monthly statistics
enow that an average of more than
327 persons were arrested daily.
The last month saw 234 arrests for
kissing in parks and similar mis
demeajiors tending to lower the
standard of public morals.
Despite the high prices of alco
holic liquors there were 847 arrests
for drunkenness and there were 155
"dead beats" arrested for trying to
eneak out of bars without paying.
Dogs are being increasingly taxed
and this resulted in the throwing
of 162 ownerless dogs on the streets
during the month, while 655 fell
into the hands of the law for going
out minus their muzzles.
In all, the monthly figures show
Ministers of British Cabinet and German Leaders Being- Carefully
Guarded Against Frantic Youth of Old World.
(Copyright, 92, by The Oregonian.)
LONDON, July S. (Special cable.)
The cult of violence, the use
of pistol and bomb for pur-1
jvoses of political debate, continues
to be held in high regard by the
youth of the old world, if it is not,
indeed, gaining in favor. All the
ministers of the British cabinet, and
those nrembers of parliament who
have taken prominent parts in the
Irish controversy are now being
carefully guarded lest some frantic
young man empty his automatic into
one of them by way of an additional
"gesture" for the cause. Germany's
leaders, who had grown a little
careless, are now, after the Rath
enau and Maximilian Harden inci
dents, more closely protected than
ever before. It's a dull day in Italy,
when the wholesale grocer's son
which says that an act may be en-J
tirely legal one day and wholly
criminal the next, is the most dif
ficult ever" faced by any govern
ment a task which in the last an
alysis, reauires nrvina into nearlv
every man's home. But the task is
there. Congress placed it on the
federal government and .it is. now
up to congress to provide the gov
ernment with the necessary means
of enforcing the law.
Someone has estimated that in
order to enforce the Volstead law to
the last letter would require an
army of 300,000 prohibition agents at
an annual cost of $1,000,000,000. That
may or may not be true, but if it is
true it is up to congress to provide
the funds. A federal law should
not be allowed to become a thing of
contempt. The. prohibition officials
feel they are making steady head
way against the professional liquor
traffickers with the means at their
command, but private violations of
the law are going on apace.
Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont has been
reported as having stipulated when
she donated the money for the new
headquarters of the national wom
en's party up near the capitol,
known as the "Watch Tower on the
Hill," that-no man should be em
ployed about the place "except in a
menial capacity."
Ouch! That is getting back at the
sterner sex with a vengeance. But
the question now has arisen as to
what did the woman mean, menial?
The big dictionaries say that me
nial means servile, low, mean, sor
did, degrading, abject, cringing,
fawning, obsequious and sycophan
tic. Possibly there are some other
definitions, but these seem quite
enough. Then there is the noun
menial, meaning "one employed in
low or servile offices."
Now, then, suppose the bathroom
spring a leak in the "Watch Tower
on the Hill," must those in charge
of the headquarters wait until they
can find a woman plumber, or must
they search until they can find a
plumber willing to sign an affidavit
that a plumber is menial?
Suppose the roof needs repairing,
where, oh, where can you find in
all Washington a woman roofer?
Likewise where can you find a me
nial roofer? Anyway, when one at
tains the roof he cannot be said to
be occupying a "low office."
The only solution is that perhaps
she regards all men as menials and
maybe she's right. Who knows?
At the British embassy here they
are wondering Just what sort of
hash the average Englishman is
going to make of the new title of
Lord French, at one time commander-in-chief
of the British expedi
tionary forces in France. ' Lord
French has become the Earl of
Ypres one of the few Englishmen
to -choose a foreign geographical
location for his earldom. Lord
Beatty became Earl Beatty of the
North sea and Drooksby, because of
his participation in the famous fight
against the German high seas fleet.
Lord French was in command when,
the tfntlsh. made their gallant stand
at Ypres, a salient in the line which
was never given up. To hold this
bit of Belgium became a sentiment,
symbolic with the British and while
they lost heavily from the constant
fire of the Germans, who occupied
high ground on three sides of the
once beautiful little city, Ypres has
never surrendered.
But the pronunciation of Earl
French's title place is the rub. The
Belgian or French pronunciation is
"Eep'' or "Eep-er" or rather some
thing in between the two.
The British "Tommies" couldn't
stand for that sort of thing, how
ever, so they called it "Wipers," and
to a large share of the English pop
ulation "Wipers" it will always be
that 1809 persons were arrested for
committing deeds of violence and
these included 12 arrests for mur
In connection with the campaign
ior tne aetense or the republic
patriots of new Germany are de
manding the abridging of school
text books in which the virtues and
glories of the Hohenzollerns are ex
tolled, from Frederick the Great
on down.
A measure now before the Prus
sian diet urges the central minister
of education to lose no time in con
signing to the scrap heap all text
books which do not conform to the
ideas of the constitution.
The assassination of Foreign Min
ister Ratheson has done much to ac
celerate the growing demand for
uprooting from the schools all ac
tivities tending directly or indi
rectly to inspire the rising genera
tion with reverence for the mon
archist days of old. Radical fac
tions are taking matters into their
own hands in ridding public places
of such vestiges of Hohenzollern
days as statues and paintings. In
many places these are being tum
bled out onto the pavements despite
the fact that the Berlin city council
rejected, 88 to 87, the proposal of
the radical councilmen to purge all
municipal buildings of such works
of art, including the likenesses of
Ludendorff and Von Hindenburg.
doesn't get an opportunity to take
a potshot at the shoemaker's ap
prentice, with whose political phi
losophy he disagrees or the ap
prentice doesn't find an emphatic in
dividualist to hurl a bomb at.
Nansrhty Boy Stops Teacher.
In Ireland the other day a school
teacher, belonging to the wrong
generation (i. e., not this one)', ad
vanced on a naughty boy with an
upraised ruler and changed his plans
nen the naughty boy made a sug
gestion with an automatic. Not so
long ago I saw a parade of Fascisti
returning irom a punitive expedi
tion" in Milan, and the standard
bearer was a promising gunman
short pants and socks, his knees
bare. He was rather rangy to be
still submitting to Fauntleroy
tailoring, but not so big that his
mother couldn t successfully insist
"Thou shalt kill!" says the youth
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Fast flier bound from Camden to
embankment, resulting in the severe
They were mostly worneh and children, en r6ute to Atlantic City to spend
of a wrong signal, splitting a switch
of the extreme right and the ex
treme left; anything is fair in war
and to that confession of faith, this
explanatory footnote: -- .
A war is an armed struggle- be
tween nations, between a nation and
a group of individuals, between
groups within a nation, and even
between an individual and any of
the others a comprehensive defini
tion. It is a curious fact- that the
pioneer evangelists of the cult of
the deed, those who made the
phrases now so popular in western
Europe, are on trial for their lives
in Moscow. The social revolution
aries made "war", on the czar by
killing individual members of his
government; when the bolsheviks
set up their dictatorship the S. R.'s
naturally continued their tactics,
killing Volodarskyi planning but
failing to blow up Trotzky and put
ting two poisoned bullets into , Le
nine, before their organization was
definitely smashed and their lead
ers jailed.
War Develops Blood Thtrt.
If the S. R.'s did much to popu
larize the terminology of the popu
lar and exciting game of political
murder, the war developed a gen
eration of young men whose most
impressionable years were largely
spent in listening to enthusiastic
descriptions of killing, or actually
engaging in it. A great, proportion
of the hearty young killers of Ire
land, Germany and Italy and of
other countries, no doubt, are those
who after years of anticipation
grew up to find no enemy on whom
to use their automatics.
In the "defense of nationalism, in
ternationalism, militarism, or pa
cifism," they are finding opportun
ity for self-expression. ; '
There is a sense in which the
waste paper basket is as sacred as
the grave, says G. K. Chesterton in
hig preface to "Love and Friendship
and other early works,'.' containing
hitherto unpublished writings of
Jane Austin, written by her -before
she was 17.
But the raking out of W. L. Stev
enson s waste basket is another
story. Important published letters
and the manuscript of his unpub
lished play "Monmouth" are to be
sold in London on July 11. The play
is evidently a very bad one. He
himself mocked at it, reciting lines
from it to show how not to write a
play, and those who still hold Stev
enson was a great writer are hop
ing that Monmouth will be bought
by someone .who will keep it dark.
The letters, however, are interest
ing. The largest body of fighting men
famous battleground, where they re
the entire distance to Gettysburg.
Atlantic City, while travelinir at high
wreckage of its engine and five
at Cape. May, cut-off when the train
Genial Ex-President Highly Feted by British-19 Dinners, 17. Lunch
1 eons and 31 Receptions Tendered in 20 Days.
(Copyright, 1922, by The Oregonian.)
EW YORK, July 8. (Special.)
Weather, brides and air
planes have kept conversation
from lagging hereabouts this week.
Cloudbursts, coming so - thick and
fast that suBways were flooded,
taxis ran in water up to their hubs
like zipping motorboats, and cross
ings simply vanished in swirling
whirlpools, are things to talk about.
The wet and weary folk of Gotham
are not going to forget the merry
Fourth of July interlude for years.
A neck-and-neck race of brides
provided no end of table chatter.
The brides were immigrant Greeks
and ordinarily would have aroused
but passing interest. However, 125
have arrived on the latest bedazzled
ship and their ship took part in a
determined . race with two other
Greek ships to see which would
land before the Greek quota at ifllis
island was exhausted for the month.
The brides won and. 125. beaming
faces lined the rail as the vessel
'" ' .
In addition to demonstrating at
Mitchell Field how easy it is to
bomb a "pill box" from an altitude
of 2500 feet, aviators also intro
duced the publie to the delights of
bubble chasing. Chasing bubbles is
a combination of polo and trap-shooting-
done in the air and its
chief idea is to burst a small hydro
gen balloon which sails along ahead
of your plane. This is a delightful
sport, but not for the aeronaut.
One set of aviators is inclined to
think, the proposed 100-passenger
. hydroplane that can fly around the
world is a species of bubble chaser.
Its sponsors declare, however, that
while the world-encircling hydro
plane is still on paper, it is, never
theless, about to be expressed in
terms of steel, canvas and gasoline,
so if you wish to be one of the first
100 passengers to float around the
globe . between clouds and clods,
make your . reservations early.
If it isn't one mystery it's likely
to be another.' Now it is "Russell,"
He is a bright little ten-year-old
who have Encamped at Gettysburg, Pa., since Pickett's charge during the civil war encamped June 27 on the
- enacted Pickett's last charge. There were S000 marines,, from the marine camp at Quantico, Va., who hiked
- , .
SDeed shortly after midnight July
coaches piled at the bottom in a mass,
the holidays. The cause of the accident is reported as being the result
lumped the track. -
who was taken away from "Richard
Field" by the Children's society be
cause the man Field didn't take
proper care jf the youngster. Not
only has Russell the glamor of a
possibly .kidnaped boy- the police
are hunting for Field and the clew
to the mystery af why he kept the
child for five years without men
tioning his parents but Russell has
also the remarkable good luck to be
adopted by a police captain. He is
the envy of most of the other fel
lows in town.
With the summer season on the
burglars- union is having it a little
easier. For example, a leisurely co
terie of burglars entered the home
of James Morice. president of the
home-manufacturing - plant bearing
his name, just off Fifth avenue, one
afternoon this week. The Morice
family was away at their summer
home, so the burglars worked that
evening until they were tired, slept
in the Morice house and completed
their task next morning, driving off
with a wagon load of loot at noon.
To be sure, although the robbery
was reported, to the police, it was
not reported to the Morices until a
newspaper man called them up some
days later, but a policeman can't be
everywhere at once.
Meanwhile, Greenwich village is
not without its worries. "Lady" is
lost. She's a little white dog, a na
tive of Nice, who has been the pet
of the village for 13 years. Not so
much as a beauty-contest entrant.
Lady, nevertheless, is fair in the
eyes of her owner, who -has set the
whole village searching for a white
dog with freckles on its back. Lady
is a poodle, and . poodles are - no
longer stylish, but until that white
dog with the freckled back is re
turned to Its home there's going to
be very little art done in the art
colony. That's how seriously a vil
lager takes life.
- .
Cornejius Cole, ex-United States
senator, is nut tailing nie-Luu sen
ously at the moment. At the age of
100 he came back to his native place
this week to give Broadway a look
over and to say how much nicer
Photo Copyright by Underwood.
3. plunged 40 feet down a steep
with a. death list of 20 and 75 injured.
climate they' have in his adopted
California than they have here.
Broadway was only a lane . when
Cornelius Cole first saw the light
of day, and Fifth avenue little more
than an alley. To go- down to the
Battery and watch the sailing ves
sels was Gotham's idea of an ex
citing afternoon, and to walk up as
far as- Forty-second street was to
walk 'way out Into the countryside.
But that, of course, was 100 years
ago, in the days when a dollar
bought something, before eggs were
jewelry. In spite of unfavorable
weather the ex-senator made an ex
tended survey of the town and no
body on Manhattan island has had
a better time this week than he. He
stands ready to admit that the old
place has improved a lot.
Queen Alexandria Active,
Though 78 Years Old.
Mother of KlnK Still Busy With
Royal DutleH.
LONDON, July 8. Queen Alex
andra, the. queen mother, now
in her 78th year, is far more active
than most women of her age. She
might take life far easier than she
does, but she evidently is opposed
to the idea of being laid on the
She likes to show herself among
the people and she is gratified by
the applause with which, her ap
pearance always is greeted. Un-r
doubtedly it acts as a sort of psy
chological tonic upon her and helps
her to feel as young as she looks.
She crowds many activities into a
day. . One day recently . she ap
peared in. public at the carthorse
parade for prizes in Regent's park;
then at a concert in aid of work
shops for disabled soldi?rs, and, fi
nally at the Richmond horse show.
But she makes two concessions to
advancing years. She 'seldom goes
out of an evening and she goes to
bed early, usually playing a. game of
"patience" before retiring.
Child Iabor Declared Blight.
PROVIDENCE, R. I. A final ef
fort to bring all the states of the
union into line to abolish child
labor was urged by Secretary Hoo
ver in an address here before the
national conference of social work.
Failing this, he declared, amend
ment to the federal constitution was
the only alternative to overcome "a
blight that In its measure is more
deplorable than war."
Photo Copy right by Vnderwood. ;
(Copyright, 13-2, by The Oregonian.)
ASHINGTON, D. C, July 8.
(Special.) Official Washing
ton is back in- town after its
Fourth of July celebration. The re
turned sojourners include the -president
and Mrs. Harding, who, when
they went to Marion, took with them
an old Marionite in the person of
one of t)ie president's military aides,
Major Ora M. Baldinger. The major
was of that group of "newsies"
whom Mrs. Harding trained with
such special care, and many of whom
proved a tower of strength to the
Marion Star in its 'formative days.
Mrs. Harding, as you probably know,
was circulation manager of her nus
band's paper and some of the means
Bhe employed to obtain efficiency
from her carriers were strenuous
and entirely out of fashion these
days as much in newspaper offices
as in the school room.
As a lad of 10 the soldierly aide
was promoted : tc the inside office
and served the editor of the Marion
Star as confidential messenger and
other- capacities. - When Mr.
Harding entered politics he took
young Baldinger to Columbus and
later he was appointed a page in
the Ohio senate.' From this posi
tion he took a course at the V. M. I.
and eventually entered the army and
was instructor; in aviation when he
was made an . aide at the . White
House. He, witfi the other aides, as
sists af" all the White House func
tions, looking particularly after
Mrs. Harding pllke' a son might his
mother. - He sees that' she- doesn't
stand too M; - talking or overtax
ner sstrengiij.,, rracticaiiy all tne
White House, aides are bachelors,
but, married or single, they are in
great demand ftr .social functions,
though they, always have to mak
engagements conditional, for thfiy
have to be at the beck and call of
the president.
Vice-President and Mrs. Coolidg
are back In- town after a flying trip
to Fredericksburg, Va., where Mr.
Coolidge took part in the exercises
attending the launching of a drive
to purchase historic Kenmore, once
the home of George Washington's
sister, Betty Washington Lewis.
Vice-President and Mrs. Coolidge
are to stay on here until the senate
adjourns and no one seems to know
when that will be. The house of
representatives has declared a re
cess for a few weeks and practically
every member of that body has gone
home, bag and baggage, most of
Recreation Consists of Walk of Five or Six Miles in Vatican Gar
dens Pope Refuses to Stop Work for Rest.
OME, June 18. The daily life
of Pope Plus XI at the Vatican
is marked by simplicity, inces
sant work and regular, exercise. He
labors from 15 to 16 hours a day,
sleeps from six tot sexen, and plays
two hours. His meals are taken
while he examines his mail or gives
directions to his secretaries. His
play consists of a vigorous military
march seven or eight times around
the Vatican gardens, making five or
six miles, and this he does rain or
His holiness takes personal
charge of the direction of the af
fairs of the church, assigning the
routine to his secretaries. The dip
lomatic letters which attracted so
much attention during the Genoa
conference were the personal work
of the holy father.
He reads and delves into the rich
collection of Vatican books assidu
ously. So insistent is he. sometimes,
in seeking just the thought he
wants that . some of the prelates
have been compelled to use a "gen
tle violence" In urging him. when
the night has crept far on. to seek
repose. His energy astonishes the
papal household.
. Health Left to God.
Recently, when it was suggested
to him that he was working far too
hard, Pius XI replied:
"You know that when one is made
pope, life Is finished. All then is in
the hands of God. I will do nothing
to preserve my life one day more,
but I will work until God says, 'It is
enough.' "
The pope rises at 6:30 o'clock
every morning and says mass in his
private chapel before breakfast,
which is at 8 o'clock. This meal con
sists of coffee with milk, bread and
butter. The mail is brought in
while he eats, and the pontiff di
vides it among his seven secretaries
for attention and answers.
At 9 o'clock, Cardinal Gasparri,
secretary of state, is received in the
papel chamber every day except
Tuesday and Friday. On Tuesday
Monsignor Borgongini-Duca, the
pro-secretary for extraordinary ec
clesiastical affairs, is received, and
Friday Monsignor Plzzardo, the sub
stitute secretary of state- One hour
is assigned to each for the discussion-
of affairs.
At 10 o'clock the pope commences
Cloudbursts Flood Subway, Grecian Damsels Race for Altar and
Aeronauts Engage in Bubble Chasing.
ONDON, July 8. (By the Asso-
iated Press.) Few Americans
ave ever had such a spon
taneous greeting or such affection
ate farewell at the hands of the
British as Chief Justice Taft has just
received. The genial ex-president of
the United States captivated all
hearts during his three weeks' stay
here by his joviality, his kindliness
and his unaffected manner." The
Britons, who are accustomed to re
gard their own public men in high
places with something akin to awe,
were frankly surprised to find the
ex-head of 100,000,000 people so
modest, democratic and approach
able, and Mrs. Taft came in for a
large share of their admiration The
chief justice surpassed his own
White House record in speechmak
ing. banqueting and public recep
tions. During hi9 20 days here he was the
guest at 19 dinners. 17 luncheons
and 31 receptions. He officiated at
one christening, attended one golden
wedding, dined with the king.
danced with the queen, met all of
official England' and thousands of
other persons, and was made an hon
orary member of the British bench
Oxford, Cambridge and Aberdeen
honored him with degrees, which,
with his American honors, gave him
them to look after their political
fences, many of which are very
shaky indeed and apt to tumble
down at the next election.
The'speaker of the house and Mrs.
Frederick Gillett have gone to York
Harbor, Maine. Mrs. Gillett, who is
one of the best dressed women in
town, wore a striking gown of gray
and black georgette with a largo
all-over scroll design. This is made
in a straight line with cleverly ap
plied' tunic pieces at one side and
girdled with a narrow string belt
tied in a neat little bow at the back.
The sleeves are elbow length with
hanging square pieces falling away
from the arms and wrists. With this
costume Mrs. Gillett wears a laven
der hat trimmed with lavender and
gray feathers
' . ,-,
Mfss' Louisa Hoar, Mrs. Gillett's
daughter, who accompanied them to
York Harbor wore at a party lust
before their departure a pretty gown
of peach brown taffeta, made with
a- bodice and wide skirt. The skirt
Is very long and, combined with the
drooping shoulder lines, is very
quaint and becoming. At a tea re
cently Miss Hoar wore a gown of
rose canton crepe made on straight
lines with a wide girdle draped
about the hips and looped on one
side of the front. With this she.
generally wears a large hat of pin'
crepe de chine, trimmed with roses.
. When you stop to think how many
important society people have gone
away it appears that every one must
have departed, but such is not the
case. There are really lots of peo
ple here and there is lots going on
Mrs. Thomas F Wilsh, one of our
social leaders, for example, is here
and entertaining frequently. She
gave dinners twice this week. In
fact she gives something of the
sort; more or less informal prac
tically every Wednesday and Satur
day night, and after dinner members
of the party all g to her roof to
dance. Mrs. Walsh is such a hos
pitable person. At the dinner to
night she received her guests in a
brocaded gown of orange and gold.
It was made on princess lines, fit
ting rather snugly to her figure.
There was a panel train, the neck
was cut pointed back and front and
the dress was sleeveless. Mrs. Walsh
always wears a collar of some sort,
both day and evening, and the one
she wore last evening was of pearls,
string after string, held together
with diamond panels, five or six at
his private audiences, receiving car
dinals, bishops, prelates, high civil
personages, diplomats and nobles.
These conferences last until , 1
o'clock, when the public audiences
begin. For an hour the holy father
receives pilgrims, associations and
various organizations who come to
Rome to pay homage to him. At 2
P. M. the master of the papal house
hold, Monsignor Caccia-Dominione.
is received and places before his
holiness the list of audiences for the
succeeding day and asks for their
The pope lunches usually at 2:30.
While he eats alone there are
several of his secretaries present to
receive orders and discuss matters
particular to their charge. The
pontiff also has additional letters
read to him and gives instructions
for the replies.
Meal Is Simple.
The meal is simple. His holiness
is a great lover of rice done in the
Milan style. Then follows cutlets,
or perhaps chicken. But the pope
Is not exacting; he has never been
known to refuse any dish placed
before him. A few vegetables, and
some fruit complete the meal.
A feature of the day which is
never neglected is the walk.
Promptly at 3:30 P. M. the pope
enters his carriage and is driven to
the gardens. Here he walks five or
six miles briskly. " Even on this
tramp there is work. His holiness
will have at his side some prelate
with whom he wants to confer. He
will go into full details of the
matter in hand while walking and
issue his instructions.
At half past five the pontiff re
turns to the papal apartments.
Audiences begin again and he re
ceives cardinals, archbishops and
other prelates in private audience.
These conferences are scheduled to
end at 8:30 o'clock,' but on occasions
of importance they continue much
Supper is served as a rule at 9
o'clock. This, too. is very simple,
consisting of only one or two
dishes. After supper Pius XI goes
to work again. At this hour he
devotes himself to the composition
of important Vatican communica
tions, later going to the library to
read and work. On one occasion
recently he kept the library lights
burning until 1 o'clock in the
the total of 16 titles. In the minds
of Englishmen he has been one of
th6 most successful ambassadors
from the United States in the pres
ent generation.
Old rowing men are mourning over
the decline of the Henley regatta
week as a social event. In pre-war
days it rivaled the Ascot races. The
king and queen made their appear
ance In state on the course in the
royal barge, and residents of the lit
tle riverside town rented their
houses for 50 pounds and the hotels
were all sold out months in advance.
Americans arriving late this year
had no trouble in finding rooms at
any time at reasonable rates.
Henley suffers from competition
with other sports. Ascot week, the
international horse show, polo tour
nament with the Argentine stars In
action, and the tennis on the new
Wimbledon courts, all preceded It
this year, and Suzanne Lenglen in
the championship tennis matches
this week was a strong counter at
traction.' Consequently the Henley
attendance was narrowed down to
rowing enthusiasts.
The event also was marked by
rain. For the rowing men them
selves, however, the Henley regatta
becomes more interesting, as, like
polo and tennis, it assumes yearly
more of an international character.