THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1023 9 K V CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070, 5S0-95 Sunday Editor Main 7070, SH0-M5 Advertising Dopt. Main 7(170, 560-85 Superintendent of BIdg. . Main 7070, 560-06 OREGONIAN" AT RESORTS. Subtcribe with the following agents, at your Bummer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City rates.. Subscriptions by mail are payable In advance: Barview, Or Mrs. Georgia Fisk Bay City. Or. O. B. Shelly Bay Ocean. Or P. D. Mitchell Breakers, Wash J. M. McArthur Brighton, Or A. W, Rowe Cannon Beach, Or... .Cannon Beach Mc. Co Carson, Wash Mrs. M. St. Martin Carson, Wash.. .. ,.Shlpherda Hot Springs Carson, Wash Carl R. Smith Chinook, Wash R. Knutson -"Ecola, Or Cannon Beach Merc. Co. Garlbaldl.Or. D. C. Ellis Garibaldi, Or. J. L. Kidder Gearhart, Or ." W. 3. Robinson Hot Lake. Or Hot Lake Sanitarium Ilwaco.Waah A. C. Pesco Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauhal Manhattan Beach, Or L. Stainaker Manzanita. Or E. Kardell Moclips, Wash I. James Nahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown Xeah-kah-nie Beach, Or A. C. Andereon Nehalem.Or D. C. Peregoy Newport, Or Y. E. Sharp Ocean Lake, Or -. , -1. Stainaker Ocean Park, Wash Emma Campbell Pacific City. Or D. F. Edmunds Rockaway, Or L. Stainaker Seaside, Or Roth Drug Co. Seaview, Wash George L. Putnam Tillamook, Or .'. . . i. S. Lamar Twin Rocks, Or .L. Stainaker ' Wheeler, Or. ...:.R. H. Cady Wheeler, Or. WillianTCypert AMUSEMENTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures con tinuous daily, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily, 2. 7 and 9:03 V. M. THE OAKS (Amusement Park) The Armstrong Musical Comedy company. Take cars at First and Alder. VIOLIN-MAKER OF PORTLAND CELEBRATED FOR HIS SKILL For More Than Half Century Robert Robinson, Now 72 Years Old, Has Been Master of His Profession. Sherwood Wants Pickers. There Is a heavy demand for berry pickers in the Sherwood, Or., district for harvesting the berry crop, according- to John B. Vincil, secretary of the Press club and a berry grower of Sherwood. Mr. Vincil said that unless a supply of labor was ob tained immediately the growers would lose much of their crop. "Al ready every man, woman and child in the district is employed to har vest the fruit and man the local cannery, and that is not nearly suf ficient to take) care of the fruit," eaid Mr. Vincil. He said that there -was a stood camp ground for pickers and In addition it was but a short drive from Portland. Picker he eaid could be placed through E. D. Hosmer, secretary of the Sherwood chamber of commerce, or the super intendent of the local cannery. Ex-Baker Folks to Frolic. Ex Baker residents how living in Port land and 'Willamette valley cities -will gather at Laurelhurst park Sun day, July 16, for a reunion and pic nic. A programme of music and sev eral talks have been arranged for the afternoon and basket lunches will be carried along by the picnic parties. Judge and Mrs. " John L. Rand of Salem, who formerly re elded in Baker, will be among those present and talks will be made by H. H. Corey, public service commis sioner, and possibly by Mayor George L. Baker, formerly of Baker. Musical numbers will include those by Alice Price Moore and Mrs. Nat Cooper, according to arrangements -which have already been made. Mr. Ketseb to Take Trip. C. P. Keyser, superintendent of parks, will leave Tuesday morning on an extended motor trip along the Pa cific coast. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Keyser and their young eon, Joe. Their trip will include the Jo sephine caves. Eureka, Cal., the big trees, Muir woods, Lake Tahoe, Cra ter lake and other interesting places. Mr. Keyser will make a study of the recreation systems and administra tion, of the national parks. He will also devote considerable time to the study of automobile camp grounds, comparing their equipment and ad ministration with that of the Port land camp. He will return home early in. August. Caterer to Visit Birthplace. , For the first time in 32 years, Fred D. Thomas, well-known local ca terer, has found the time to take a trip back to his birthplace in Geor gia. He left Portland last week and intends to visit a number of the large eastern cities to study cater ing conditions there. Mr. Thomas came to Portland in. 1890 and was steward at the Portland hotel for 13 years. He was later in charge of the T. M. C. A. lunch room for five years, was steward at the Irvington club for several years, and then entered the catering business which he has continued up to the present time. Mb. Macket Is Elected. Dr. A. E. Mackey of Portland was elected president of the Pacific Northwest Urologlcal association at the. annual gathering held in Spokane last week in conjunction with the convention of the Pacific Northwest Medical as sociation, according to news re ceived here yesterday. Dr. N. R. Boak of Victoria, B. C, was chosen vice-president, and Dr. W. J. Pen nock of Spokane secretary-treasurer. About 50O physicians from all sections of the northwest were in attendance at the convention of the Paclfio Northwest Medical associa tion Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Builders Plait Outing. The an nual outing of the Builders' Ex change will be held at Montrose park on the Sandy river, two miles east of Troutdale, Saturday. There will be baseball games and various other sports and a programme of dancing. There is a sandy bathing beach on the grounds for those who care for bathing. The exchange will furnish Ice cream, punch, sugar and cream. Transportation is being provided for those who desire it. Peottet Opening 69 New Stores.- The J. C. Penaey company, which has operated a successful store in Portland for a number of years is opening 69 new, stores in different sections of the country, according to advices received here. This will give the company 371 stores in all. The gross volume of sales last year amounted to ? 46,641,928.20. "Lara Understood," Topic. The So eiety for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer as organized by F. L. Rawson will meet In room 405 Fliedner building Monday night at 8 o'clock. "Life Understood" will be the subject. The public is invited. Better Glasses for less money at Geo. Rubenstein'e, the veteran op tlclan. Eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated. Reason able prices. 226 Morrison st. Adv. Henrt W. Jacobson, The Tailor, office and salesrooms now located temporarily at my workrooms, 605 Royal building, Broadway and Mor rlson street. Adv. Exsax Svectal, $25, while thay last, imported Irish crochet blouses, former price $37.50. McRae Petti coat Parlor, 10th and Yamhill. Adv Waldemar Seton has removed his law office to S09 Failing building, Third and Washington streets, over railroad ticket office. Adv. Frank Schleoel has removed his law office to 309 Failing building, Third and Washington streets, over railroad ticket office. Adv. A New Science for eye troubles; no glasses. Consultation free. Good Sight Institute, 306 Alisky building. Adv. Perfection Plaster, Wall Board, cheapest and best. Cress & Co., 1S4 becona street. aov. I' f 4 'y r M i & ir r in n r -j j ... Ht" I III' ? ryP--"."".'"" CSiiinsw ROBERT ROBIIVSOtf. TT TVING alone in what Tie calls his I j den, a dark room 10 feet square, partitioned into . reception, room and workshop, the one Jiung with musical instruments of . alj sorts, the other littered with tools and materials, is Robert Robinson, fiiddlemaker. In hardly larger thiafl.a cell, situated In a secluded spot on the second floor of the Russei building. Fourth and Morrison streets, dweili-s one of the most skill ful and one of the best-known (at least ito'vioHntets) manufacturers of violins in the United States. Few persons know' this. It is only- by seeking him. out that ho may be found. Only those who have reli ance in his ability and faith h him as a violin export take their work to him. - To get to this man one first looks for a- stairway. This stairway is not difficult of acces, but there is nothing upon it or by dt to indicate that Robert Robinson lives at the top. There are no guiding signs assisting the searcher to hi-s rooms. The head of the stairs is readied; the climber hears on his right the strains of a violin, and his eye, fol lowing his ear, sights a dark en trance to a dark room. The door is entered, two or three strangers are elbowed to one side, and a man- with silvery gray hair, blue eyes, a cigar- stained mustache, a gray coat and Erav trousers of a different snidt, is suddenly confronted and is addressed by the interviewer, who, upon maK ing his errand known, is waved to a chair and made immediately com fortable and interested. . . Robert Robinson is a violin maker of 65 years' experience. Though he looks as if he might be of French descent, he is realdy of Scotch par entage. His name and his blue eyes, heavy eyebrows and large mouth, breaking at times into a toothless smile, indicate this. If he did not unreservedly tell yon that he was all of 72 years old, to look at him you -would never think it. He says he has retained his healrfi throug-n all his years and that ho feels -as young today as he did in the days when he first played the violini This violin maker avers that ms devotion to his profession is inher ent, or at least was present from childhood. When, he was asked what Influences were brought to bear to cause him to choose this extraor dinary profession as a life work, he said, "It was bora in me." In the periods when I was divert ed from it, I was all the time mad to return." he said. "Violin making was my profession. I was origin ally brought into contact with all the masters through my acting as a professional orchestra, leader In Boston for a long while. But I soon became disgusted with my career as a player and 35 years ago I made a definite resolve never again to touch a violin as a player. I have experimented in vio-lin- making from that day on. Ihave made many violins for different per sons. The masters huve 'preferrd to have me do repair work on their in struments rather than make them new ones. However, at this time I have an order from Kreisler for one of my violins. I have- four fiddles started. Just now I do not know which one Kreisler will get." . Mr. Robinson is a prodigioua and an untlr.inig worker. . He says he works day and night and seldom rests. . "I have been that way since I was a child," said he. "My grandmother used to rock in In her arms at times when I was a wee babe, but when she would place me in the oradle to sleep I would let out a terrible squawk. During the world's fair at Chicago, when the famous Hindu philosopher, Vivakananda, adept in mysticism, com to this country. I talked all night on the sleeper witih him from St. Paul to Chicago. "Even now, to- rest myself, I go to a moving picture show between the hours of 11 P. M. and 2 A. M., and come back afterward to work. Mr. Robinson loves to talk of the people- ihe knows; "Frita Kreisler is the greatest man in the world today," h de olared. - "You, of course, mean the greatest musician, was suggested. "I mean he is the greatest real man in the world," he repated5 With emphasis. "He is an artist, a mu sician, 'a graduate scientist; he speaks eight different languages, is a big man publicly, is entertain ing and interesting privately, is not conceited and is entirely approach able by anyone. "Elman was wonderful,'! he said. And he grew exuberant in speaking of Kathleen Parlow. "She is one of the greatest of the artiste of the day," he said. '.'And do you know that one of, our own local violinists, this Frenchman Leplat, is great? When Kathleen ParJow was here she heard hm play and said to him afterward, "Why Mr. Lepmt, what are you doing in this town? You should be out in the world with the greatest of W But the Frenchman is too retiring. He does not want f ame. "I believe that HeiXetz has been his best day. Frita (speaking- of Kretsler) told m that if Helfeti's r'ghtrjjand were like Wis left, there would be no violinist in- the. word who could approach him. . . "Heifeti has changed since the first time I saw him. When he came here fffst he came on the stage a good looking, handsome youth. His second appearance showed hint a suddenly -aged man and1 his relay ing was inferior." i . . Mr. Robinson admitted that his one means of recreation was to visit at least one movinig picture show each day. Then, he began to talk evr th various cinema stars and the producers, too. "Charles Chaplin is undoubtedly one of the most genuine artists on the screen," he said. "His humor is never overdrawn and he lends the artistic touch to it which makes it thoroughly .enjoyable. Everything which he offers to the public has first been made the subject of thor ough study. - "I like Ince ,as a director Of course I like De MiBe,' and some of the others, but I consider Griffith and Ince the two best producers which the moving picture world has." "I like to refer to the past for comparison with - the present," he said. "But-, my mind and hopes are with the future. I make use of my knowledge of Latin, Greek, French and German and have even studied the Cuneiform so as to learn ancient history. But I certainly do not live 4n the past. "My wife has said that .had I not chosen to be a violin maker I should have been a millionaire by this time. Perhaps I might, but give me my den and my work and I do not care for all the money in the world. I confess that I like money, but only as a means of meeting obligations to my fiends. I want to keep my friends. , One reason why I did not confine myself solely to the con struction of fiddles is because of the repair work which my friends want done. Many of the world's vloiinists who require some. . work done while on tour wait until they reach Port land and then send for me. - r "I hove been making- and repair ing fiddles in Portland since 1897 and have been in this one spot for 21 years. I can't devote any of my time to other things because I can't bear to leave my violin, work for a mlnute- ber areas and cultivations of black currants for traces of the disease. It was thought until this fall that the disease had - not reached the western timber until a report ofits discovery in British Colombia and western Washington., was made. Measures are being taken promptly to arrest its growth before it in vades the great white pine districts of northern Idaho. ' One of the peculiar characteristics ofi the disease is its inability to spread from pine tree to pine tree. It can only be transferred from a pine tree to a currant or goose berry bush, cultivated plants being especially susceptible to the infec tion.' From these bushes it is then spread to pine trees of the five needles or white pine variety. FAflM LOANS S2,163,456 AGRICTOTURAIi, AND CATTIiE INTERESTS BENEFITED. Federal Aid in Washington State - and Idaho Includes "Whett . Growers.on Big Scale,; SPOKANE, Wash., July . Agri cultural and livestock Interests of Washington have received $2,163,456 in : loans through' the war finance corporation, according to a recapit ulation by Rl L, Rutter. president of the Spokane &. Eastern Trust company, chairman of the Wash ington agriculturaV agency, which approves the loans and recommends them to the war finance corpora tion. . !. - In a letter to Eugene Meyer Jr., managing director of the corpora tion. Mr. Rutter declares this finan cial assistance "has been a great benefit to these interests." The board has approved for the agency 36 applications for $808,726 and has made direct advances to the Washington-Idaho Wheat Growers' as sociation of $1,354,730. Commenting on the activities of the corporation, Mr. Rutter says in parts "The collateral pledged with the SS applications approved to banks consisted of 391 unsecured and secured notes, nearly all un acceptable , at the federal reserve bank on account of long maturities and insufficient quick assets. . v "The ten applications approved to livestock associations were secured by 30 collateral notes and were, se cured by livestock s conservatively valued at $194,171. - The advances made to the Idaho-Washington Wheat Growers' association, $1,354, 739. have, all been paid back to the war llnance corporation. " : , RHODODENDRON POPULAR Unusually Large Crowd Visits Re sort Near Mount Hood. An unusually' large crowd, spent the Fourth of July week-end at Rhododendron mountain resort. The warm weather made the swimming tank extremely popular. Large crowds from" nearby resorts Joined the Rhododendron folks in water sports. -- Many Maiamas and "their friends were entertained t Rhododendron on their way up to Mount Hood. This annual climb made ' on the Fourth of July always adds interest tor tnose who are staying at Rho dodendron. Nearly every cottage was occu pied over the Fourth and many cot tagers are now settled for the sum mer. ... The inn had the following sruests: Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bowman, Miss Matilda Bowman, Miss Lucile Bow man, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Luellwiti, Mr. McW. Luellwitz, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brockway, Miss Harriet Hamilton of Albany, Mrs. Berdina Cox, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Luckel, Miss Jean Luckel, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe, Miss Evelyn Beebe, Miss Jane Beebe, W. H. Zimmerman of Spokane, Mrs. C. B. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lairg, James Lairg, John Lairg JrJ., Helen Lairg, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jewett, William Jewett, Peter Jewett, W. J. Stephens, and family, T. N. Kennedy and family, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bresie,. Dale C. Over, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Over, Mrs. G. J. Frankel, Mrs. Joe Ingram of Salisbury, Mo.; Dr. H. L. Eouthwick of Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Reed, A. R. Fleming, J. H. Dundore and family, Miss Genevieve Clancy, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Roberts and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Conser. DRUGGISTS TO CONVENE State Association of Retailers Will Gather at Roseburg. Oregon retail druggists will "hold their convention at Roseburg this year'on July 11-13, according to an announcement made yesterday by the executive secretary of the Ore gon Pharmaceutical association. Portland and vicinity druggists are planning to leave for Roseburg by automobile early tomorrow morn ing. They will make a stop at Al bany, where they win be entertained at the Albany hotel by the local druggists.1 Another stop - will be made at Cottage Grove, where .they will be received by their president. Claude Kem, and other druggists of Cottage Grove. There is a possibility that Gov ernor Olcott will attend one session of the convention and will address the members on the narcotic evil as he has found it in. Oregon. Legis latton affecting druggists and doc tors will be discussed during the convention. - A number of California druggists who are visiting , Oregon will be present at the Roseburg meetings.' From advance information received by the association secretary, the at tendance is expected to be the larg est in the history of the association conventions. Flower Vases and Baskets Dainty pieces sterling or hi in ligh-class plated ware. Pierced or plain design. Silverware For Summer Use Summer always means luncheons, , teas, lawn parties and other events pf social interest. And how you will delight in entertaining when lovely silverware makes serving dainty refreshments so easy. ; Especially interesting are Sterling and high-grade plated water pitchers .for cooling beverages. In ster ling or in the best Sheffield plate, as low as $7.00 Sandwich or cake trays of hammered, pierced or plain design, some in basket effect with handles. Sterling or Sheffield plate, as low as $4. Jaeger Bros. ' Portland's Only HALLMARK Store. 131-133 Sixth St., Oregonian Bldg. Paris Address, No. 8 Rue. Lafayette. PRESBYTERIANS TO MEET " 1 ; i OREGON SYNOD , SESSION TO BE HELD AT CORVAXLIS. Moderator of General Assembly . and Others Scheduled for Ad dresses Coming Week,. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, July 8. (Special.) The Presbyterian synod of Oregon will hold its 32d annual session on the - campus next week. The visit ors will be cared for in the dormi tories and will have the use of the swimming pool, baseball field and other facilities for , recreation. "For. the first time the moderator of the Presbyterian general assem bly will address the Oregon synod. Rev. C C. Hayes being scheduled to appear before the visiting ministers. A series of Bible lectures entitled "Morning Hours With Jesus" will be delivered by Rev. J. A Vance, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Detroit, Mich., who will be here during the entire Bession. Other speakers will (include Dr. Edward T. Devine, editor of the Sur vey; R. N. Wooley of the University of Michigan; A. F. -McGar'rah of the New Era movement; H. H. Smith, expert on church publicity; Charles H. McDonald, representing the men's work committee; Fred J. Newton, a missionary from India; W. A. Squires, representnig religious edu cation; varian Banks, treasurer of the board of home missions, and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, president of the Woman's SynodicaV Missionary so ciety. " - I Commerce Safe Deposit . Vaults. 91 Third St. Private boxes. Adv. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. r- Only installation In the Pacific northwest of Yale & Towne Change able locks. It's worth your while to find out how this lock differs from all others. All sizes now available. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, Sixth and Morrison. Adv. Library Association OP PORTLAND .offers a nine months' training course in the methods used In the Portland Public Library. The examinations will be held on August IS, and the class will begin work in October. Applicants must be between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five and must have had at least a high school educa tion. Apply In person to librarian for particulars. Miss Catlin's Schoo FOB BOARDING AND DAT PUPILS Opem September 6. Occupies Its Own Building on WESTOVBR TERRACES. . An Ideal Location Basketball and Tennis Courts. Prepares girls tor eastern as well as western colleges and schools, under a faculty of experienced eastern teachers. Number of pupils limited In each class. Primarv. Intermediate and Hlch School Departments Boys Accepted in Primary Grades. College Preparatory and Special Courses. Accredited to Colleges and Universities music, Art, rnysicai j. raining and Science. - French Taught Throughout the School. Boarding department special feature, uaiaiogue neni upon nrqucsi to Westover Terrace, Portland. Or. Phone Auto. 512-72. TAKE VACATION IN GETTING HEALTH at THE MOORE SANITARIUM 828 Hawthorne at 27th. Portland, Oregon MILK DIET AND REST LETTERHEADS 3xll-500 $3.00, J4.00 per 1000; $6.00 tor zuuu. .Envelopes, 4.oo per loo; $.B0 for 2000. C. O. D. or postage prepaia n casn with order. P. O, Box 825. TACO.MA, WASH MAIL ORDER PRINTING CO. 447 Alder and 410 Washington rj - B II B I j 00 Qfl Permanent Protection In the past manufacturers have depended on moist-insulation for protection. But mois ture may evaporate, and water rusts steel that is why the Safe-Cabinet is Dry Insulated. In this safe you have protection that is abso lutely permanent. k Before you buy any safe let us show you the SAFE-CABINET and tell you all about it. "Everything for the Office" Printing: Engraving Bookbinding Seals and Rubber Stamps. Fifth and Oak Sts. Broadway 6081 ELASTIC STOCKINGS Trawci, Abdominal Supporter, Send for Prices and Meas uring Blank. Postage Tald bjr Us. LAVE! - DAVIS DRUG CO. 173 Third Street, fu'rtlasd. Oregroa. STUDENTS JTUDY RUST Investigation of White Pine to Be " Aided by University. MOSCOW, Idaho, July . The sur vey of the timber seotions of the state to investigate the spread of the white pine blister fust will be carried on this summer through the co-operative efforts of the Univer sity of Idaho school of forestry awd the federal government, .according to S. B. Detiler, in charge of the federal Investigation. Parties of students and faculty members from the school of forestry left here last week and will survey the entire state during the sum mer, inspecting all white, pine, tim- An Opportunity to Save SPECIAL PAY S A It i on all odd pieces and discontinued numbers of Desks Chairs and Filing Cabinets JRWM- 391 Stark Street, at Tenth Street Mom A PIANO is usually , bought but once in a! lifetime.' It will remain in.) your home henceforth a monument to your judgment, a witness to your taste. Let your choice, if possible) be a Steinway. There is no other piano of qualities more enduring of distinction so immediately recognized.. 1L. 1 Sherman May & Go Sixth and Morrison Streets PORTLAND Opposite PortofSc SEATTLE TACOMA SPOKANB An exclusive Norman Brothers' Semi-Sport Summer Model L FprM TrA LID fl V, ". , "1 lORMAN BROTHERS', custom .-. - -.. i l. oiifyPp.rl clothes are not made I JL( k , I or men wno no' care or fr tfl - -J ', N-J those who do not know the differ- y V " ; ence between ordinary clothes and U - 1 -- distinction in dress. I - I ' ur customers are that class of :V' i men who are not content with any- 1 I thing but the best and who recog- 1 '"If I true economy as measured over I ) ""' II I Period of yrs- , 7 N ; if tvt r i liurmuii uiuiiicrs t - TAILORS 101-106 Mezzanine Floor Northwestern Bank BIdg. Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian. Main 7070 Automatic 560-95