mis SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1922 j5hmda(9rfptttan ESTABLISHED BY HENRY L. PITTOCK. Published by The Oregonian Pub. Co., 135 Sixth Street. Portland, Oregon. C. A. MORDEX. B. B. PIPER, Manager. Editor. The Oregonian la a member of the As sociated Press. The Aaaoclated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Ail rights of publication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. Subscription Rates Invariably in Advance. . (By Mall.) ' Daily, Sunday included, one year . . . .$8.00 Daily, Sunday Included, six months .. 4.25 Daily, Sunday included, three months 2.23 Daily, Sunday included, one month .. .75 Daily, without Sunday, one year 6.00 Daily, without Sunday, six months 3.25 Dally, without Sunday, one month . . .60 Sunday, one year . . 2.50 (By Carrier. 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The medical director of the mu-. nicipal court of Boston does not ex aggerate the importance of theere striction of the traffic in narcotics as a means of reducing crime. This is particularly true, as was shown in Chicago recently, and as has been demonstrated in other cities, of the incidence of first offenses. A considerable proportion of petty robberies and small holdups are now committed In efforts to pro cure the means with which to buy, injurious drugs lor which the ap petite has been previously created hy peddlers seeking a market for illicit warea In a larger number of Instances inwhich drug stores are the victims of highwaymen and burglars the criminals seek the drug direct. " The number of arrests in Boston In 1920 cited by the director 245 for violation of the narcotic laws and 837 for other offenses committed by addicts is a meas ure of the relation between the two kinds of crime, but it does not tell the entire story. A still greater number of crimes committed by narcotic users go unpunished for a time, until the offenders, embold ened by their success and rendered unfit by use of drugs for any pro ductive employment, venture into more serious enterprises. There comes a time when most of them are caught, but meanwhile the cun ning which use of narcotics seems to stimulate in some minds makes them a serious menace to society. The recent strengthening of the Harrison narcotics law by the unanimous enactment of the Jones Miller bill marks a step in the di rection of overcoming the so-called "crime wave," but it will be a futile step unless it is accompanied by vigorous pursuit of the illicit pur veyors of drugs and by heavy pen alties for offenders. The conse quences to society of a policy of in activity in this field are only be ginning to be appreciated. The pur veyor of illicit drugs, from what ever source obtained, is responsible not only for the making of addicts a heinous offense in itself but for a large increase in the number of criminals of other kinds. When the peddlers have been put behind the bars, a great number of other crime problems will have solved themselves. k SUBSIDIZING LITERATURE. . The curious notion that literary genius is a plant capable of being nourished by pecuniary subsidy has but recently found favor in the United States and here only to a fortunately limited degree. In France, where .the popularity of a literary creation is less dependent upon the verdict of public opinion than in this country and where the awards of juries are ' taken much more seriously, a curious situation has arisen in which the savants are loudly protesting that too generous prizes . have a tendency to blight real art. They point out that since the great body .of French readers incline toward giving undue weight to awards, and since open discus sion and criticism are not as com mon as on this side of the Atlantic, the effect of the prize system is bad in two ways. It creates & motive for writing not calculated to pro duce the best work and it places at ' a disadvantage those who have done excellent work but with whose merits the juries of awards do not happen to agree. It is probably truer of writing than of any other profession that it is basically inspired by a funda mental desire for self-expression, so that the writer who "has it in him is unlikely to be repressed by pov erty or by any other-cause. There are not many mute, inglorious Mil- tons in the literary field, with the price of white paper and ink Its low as it is in this day and gen eration and with publishers avidly competing with one another for the honor of discovering new geniuses. The prize usually takes the form of royalties and this is apt to be very much . more substantial than any formal award- '.The American juries of awards consist of a vast body of critics whose work appears in, newspapers and magazines and the final verdict, which does not Invariably agree with that of the critics, depends upon the extent Jo which the book answers to a deft nite demand. A recent example of work which won a formal prize which the people as a whole did not endorse was "The Triumph of the Lgg, and one that has pros pered notwithstanding a good deal of severe criticism is "Main Street.1 The latter triumphed over certain inherent weaknesses of structure because it set people to thinking about themselves in a new . way. Neither the. award nor the refusal of a p'rize to its author would have been likely to affect its success ma. terially. Story-telling and the-poetic in Btinct are gifts, which can be im proved by study of technic but which cannot be created by any - method. The potential author who K has not yet. unburdened himself of the inside urge but who would , do so if a large money subsidy were offered as an inducement is prob ably a non-existent type. When the brain of your poet or story teller begins to seethe only one thing is going to happen subsidy or no subsidy, he is going to sit down and write. NO GREAT CAUSE FOR REGRET. Regret among republicans at the defeat of Senior McCumber by Lynn J. Frazier in North Dakota will be- modified by consideration of, the character, political course and degree of ability displayed by the rejected candidate. McCumber is a straight republican leaning to conservatism, but he is not the stal wart champion of republican prin ciples . against the -non-partisan league delusion that the situation in North Dakota demands and that would have won hearty support from the conservative voters. He has been too passively opposed -to the league to play the part desired by its' determined foes; therefore apathy prevailed among many who might have rallied to him. Oppon ents of the league may rally to O'Connor, the democraticf nominee for senator, as the means of saving the state fnom being represented by a believer in. the league's ruinous theories. 4 McCumber's record shows him not to be as loyal a worker for the republican policies to which the administration is pledged as his party had a right to expect from a man who has reached his high position, in the senate. He has re peatedly pushed forward his own policy ott the soldiers' bonus in op position to that of President Hard ing, trying to give his bill prece dence over the shipping bill which the - president deems of first im portance, even to interject it in the midst of the tariff debate. The new conditions under which his tariff bill comes before the country render difference of opinion among repub licans, but he has ascribed criticism by great republican newspapers -to sordid mercenary motives. Such a man is not qualified to lead his party In the fight for one of its basic principles, and he weakens it by refusing to do teamwork with a republican president The North Dakota senator is a its details a legitimate subject for product of that vicious seniority rule which raises men to the chair of important committees without regard to their ability to lead. No party would have chosen him for chairman of the finance committee from a free, - open field. He is a third-rater, and therefore does not command the confidence of his col leagues or evoke loyalty in them. The same accident which raised him will make Senator Smoot his successor as chairman, a prospect which affords much consolation, for the Utah man has a knowledge and understanding of the tariff and finance which mae him looked up to as a natural leader. He also works in co-operation with the president and the body of his party in the senate, and would not spon sor a legislative programme to which they did not consent. If the republican majority in 'the senate should be reduced at the coming election, there will be decided com pensation if it should weed out such men as McCumber and others who do not play the game. THE SCIENCE OF GOODNESS. Professor 'William Morris Davis of, Harvard, who told the Phi Beta Kappas the other day that issues of right and wrong belonged in the field of science and ought to be in quired into and discussed in the spirit of scientific research, may have only anticipated another con flict between science and religion concerning 'the. proper limitations of their respective fields. But he scores a point when he says that the controversy is not new, that re ligion as it has manifested itself in various times has not infre quently attacked . the truths Re vealed by science, and that it has not made good its claim to the ex clusive right to deal with issues of morals and ethics. "Just as surely as all questions of a geological or astronomical or evolutionary na ture," said Professor Davis, "have now been permanently taken over from religion by their respective sciences, so conquest, will be made of all questions concerning right and wrong r by that division of science which concerns itself with the natural history of goodness as a matter of purely human experience, in .contrast to goodness as a matter of supernatural revelation." The two sciences which naturally suggest themselves to the speaker in this connection are eugenics and psychiatry. Doubtless there are others, and if we concede the scien tific standing of the metaphysical the field is widened immeasurably. Underlying motives, perhaps, and underlying causes certainly are a proper subject for calm reasoning. Science is adjudged cold and harsh by many who have some reason for their judgments, and Professor Davis admits that "some scientists are very tiresome fellows who do science a disservice," but there are, on the other hand, too many "who resist the .methods of science only because they themselves, being gov erfcd by purejemotionalism, are in capable of appreciating the calm, free spirit $t inquiry and are un willing to follow free inquiry to an unwelcome conclusion. They em body the species of cloudy thinking which will not accept any verdict which involves a large sense of human or individual responsibility, and which takes refugOn a con venient and fatuous optimism. They are symbolized by a class which rejects the philosophy of evolu tion because, as they fastidiously phrase it, they do not like the idea' of being descended from monkeys. "Natural history of goodness" is by itself an engaging phrase. We shall achieveteomething worth while if we discover proof that right ethical and moral standards are not merely relative, but on the con trary, that they , are answerable to natural laws through the violation of which they are impaired or de stroyed. The promise that scien tific inquiry in the field of natural history of goodness may remove from the minds of intelligent think ers the ancient view that punish ment, either in this world or in hell, is .the best means of sup pressing evil does not seem impos sible of fulfillment. Professor Davis thinks that it will be done and that there also will be found a better method of promoting good than by a system of rewards, either in this world or in the next. He adds There is great need of finding some' thing better than reward or punishment as a means 01 Improving the world, can the scientific study of the natural his tory of goodness find something better It ought at least to try to do so; for a I have noted that study included a search for- the forces by which good thought and actions may be encouraged and strengthened and bad ones inhibtedv The four processes employed by the scientist are available in this as in other investigations. They are observation, invention, deduction including experiment, and verifica tion. Professor Davis believes that the case -method lends itself pecu liarly to this kind of presentation. Its' facts could be set forth in studies of various kinds of behavior, concerning which pupils might make their own judgments and generalizations. - Meanwhile special ists would carry oh experiments concerning all sorts of conditions. Undoubtedly observations would be difficult and experiments would be exceedingly intricate, "but both should be conducted with a view to determining how far the love of goodness and the hatred of evil can be cultivated and how far the "cul tivated love of goodness, the spir itual happiness that comes . from good deeds, together with the cul tivated hatred of evil and thet spir itual distress that comes from bad deeds, may be trusted as guides to conduct, in preference to rewards for good behavior and punishmept for evil-doing." Systematization of the study of human conduct with a view to Its improvement at least can do no harm, though it has a forbiddingly academic sound to the ear of one whose mind is tuned only to con crete things. It, is, as Professor Davis suggests,' a mighty task as ponderous as the process of eVolu tion itself. Yet. religion-need not meanwhile suffer. The professor concludes with this defense of his position r "There will be those who will say that, just as in, replacing special creation by evolution, so in replacing the,revelation of goodness by 'its ' experimental development, we are acting as if .we had lost faith, as if ,we were unbelievers; but for my part, I hold that we are thus acting as most sincere, most earnest, most devout believers, and as having the greater faith." THE DIKE THAT HELD. ' It is so much more inspiring to be celebrating the holding of a dike than -to be participatingin a. me morial to the victims of a levee that broke down in an emergency that the example set by th people, of Woodland, Wash., seems worthy of widespread emulation. Prevention is literally worth s'o much more than cure in cases of the kind that more attention, ought to be given to It. The exceptional tragedy is so much more impressive' in the news than the everyday escape from it that insufficient weight is usually placed on preventive measures. On a previous occasion the back waters of the Columbia river had broken through the retaining em bankment, causing heavy damage to crops, m the vicinity, The, strengthening of the dike was an obvious procedure, but celebration of a victory oyer the forces of na ture is not yet so common as to be unworthy of comment. It. will be worth while to continue the prac tice. Long after memory of the particular event of which the an nual affair is a memorial has faded will have value as a reminder that the sensation that : did . not come to pass also contains a practi cal lesson for us all.- - PROGRESS OF THE NEGRO. . Principal Robert R. Moton of Tuskegeo institute, successor to Booker T. Washington in the lead ership of the movement to uplift the negro race in the United States, has statistics on his side in his con tention that, his peojile have the necessary capacity to work out their own industrial salvation. In an address at the northern Baptist convention the other day, he said that in sixty years negroes have ac quired 22,000,000 acres of . land, not as speculators but, as working farmers, that , they own 600,000 homes aa 45,000 churches. They are operating seventy-eight banks. 100 insurance companies, and some 70,000 business enterprises of va. rious kinds, with a capital of $150,- ooo.ooo; Even more to, the point is his showing in behatf of education, Illiteracy, says Principal Moton, has "been reduced to 26 per cent. This, as is well known, is due to the general advance in , public . school facilities, but 44,000 negro teachers are doing their part and there are more than 400 normal schools and colleges for negroes. - ,' It was the view of Booker Wash ington that the members of his race would prosper most by a policy of education which would make them industrially self-contained and eco nomically independent.,. It js not lorgotten that ne- naa a long, up hill fight to overcome the opposi tion of misguided theorists who dis agreed with him, and who talked in terms which they themselves probably did not understand about ideals and aspirations Which only grew more nebulous as the dlscus sfbn was protracted. That there is room for indefinite, cultural de velopment within the intensely practical course which Washington adopted and which Moton has pur sued with scarcely any deviation is attested by the by-products of the system. . But the conservative lead ers who have held that the first duty to the people was to establish them in industrial independence has been amply justified by the event. In the south, as it is working out. the communities in which the ne gro is most respected are those in which he is known as a farmer who does not disdain the most modern methods of agriculture, whose boys and girls'have their lubs! at which farm economics and husbandry are studied, and whose county demon stration agents are contributing not a little to the Increased wealth of their- states by fostering improved methdcJs of agriculture. In this re spect. it is possible that the negroes who are being taught by Moton and his followers have something to teach the white farmers who for two decades or so have been mov ing to the towns faster than the towns have been able to assimilate them. The problem has not been solved In its entirety, but Principal Moton shows that Tuskegee is do ing its share bf seeking to incul cate the lesson that the producer alone is able to justify his relation to society. It js gratifying to learn that Port. land's "Library week" will broaden to a national event under the auspices of the American Library association. What it did for the locallibrary it is to do for all-i-an almost incalculable assistance to the cause of good hooks,. Library finances unfortunately do not ex-f pand with the tendency of expenses I to increase, so that whatever econ-; omy may be practiced must be at the sacrifice of the budget for new books,. "Library week" in Port land, When citizens were asked to give used books to the library, re sulted in the acquisition of many standard reference works and vol umes of literature, fully as valuable to the library as new books, ,and the lack . of which, in many in stances, has .been long felt. Those who gave books to the library dur-' Ing that week, having previously extracted both pleasure and infor mation from the volumes, were public benefactors in every sense of yie term. They made it possible for library patrons to receive the same benefits and they helped solve a library problem. - The adop tion of this . plan nationally is significant of a long step forward in library management, and is cer tain to meet with the assistance and approval of all. MAYOR OLES RESIGNS George L. Oles had the gift of spectacularity. , He was. filled with that" vague and volatile essence known as pep. He was a slangy phrase-maker a. window dresser with words. So it came to pass when Mr. Oles aspired to become mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, his applauding fellow citizens gave him their votes. He became mayor of Youngstown on a platform that promised to permit spooning in the public parks, which will afford you a perspective Of his genius for ap plied politics. From coast to coast the American people read with much interest of Mr. Oles and his dynamic disposition. He resigned a day or so ago, and returned to his food market- where he has built a large business through spectacular advertising and phrase-making and the appli cation of that vague and volatile es sence known as pep: Less than a year at the. helm of Yorlngstown was sufficient to convince him that running a city is not to be classed. among the avocations, and that a mayor who boldly asserts hlmteelf as f or'public spooning is not neces sarily equipped to draft a new traf fic .ordinance or stretch a limited budget over unlimited needs. His resignation seems to have been cheerfully received by the populace of his own home town. Less than a year .of Mr. Oles as mayor was enough for them, as well. CENSUS PUZZLES. It has been noted before that census' statistics are . frequently hard to unravel. A recent sum mary of the distribution of the population of the United States by dwellings and families furnishes another Illustration in point; For the united States as a whole," observe the report, "a de crease in the average number of persons - per dwelling has been shown at each census from 1850 to 1920 for which comparative figures are available. During the same period, however, as a result of the increased construction . of : apart ment houses ' and tenements, the number of families per dwelling has increased from. 1.07 to 1.18." Now it would be reasonably pos sible to deduce from this seeming paradox something tangible as to the social . condition of the people were it not' that the terms "dwell ing' and "family" are employed in a strictly technical sense and not in the manner in which the aver age citizen would use them. Thus, in census families we may have, as the report explains, either a -"private" family, or a "natural" family, or an "economic" family. The term "dwelling," too, is elastic- For cen sus purposes, as we' are are told, this need not be a house in the us ual sense of the word, any place In which 'one or more persons regu larly sleep answering sufficiently to the definition. For example: It may be a hotel, boarding house. In stitution or the like. A boat, a -tent. -av ireignicar or a room in a xactory. store or office building, although occupied by only one person, is also counted as a dwelling, while, on the other hand, an entire apartment house, although con taining many families, constitutes but one dwelling. Variations among the divisions and states In regard to ' the number of persons per dwelling are due in great part to differences, in the pro portion of the population living In large cities, where there are many apartment or tenement buildings, housing more than one family, and often -large numbers of families. . .. In consequence of the grouping of private, natural and census fami lies nd of various kinds of dwell ings (a hospital for the insane, for illustration, containing a thousand persons would constitute one dwelling), it Js impossible to arrive at a conclusion as to our domicili ary situation. . We -shall look in vain for satisfaction of any curi osity we may have as to whether housing conditions are relatively better now than thev were one rr tvJo decades ago. The . "excess of families over dwellings" is shown to be' equal ., to 15 per cent of the total number of families, but the futiUJy of hoping to extract any worthwhile information from this showing is exhibited' in another typical passage from the report: This does not mean that only 15 per cent of the total number of families were living on .January 1, 1920. in plural family dwellings. To Illustrate: Sup pose that 120 families 'were housed In 100 dwellings and that no more than two families occupied one dwelling. In this case 80 families would occupy 80 dwellings and 40 families would occupy 20 dwellings, and the number of famlllM living In dwellings housing more than one family each would be 40, or exactly twice the excess, of families over dwellings. If, -however, 98 families occupied 9S dwellings and each of the remaining two dwellings were occupied by eleven fam ilies each, the number of families living in plural-family dwellings (22) would be only slightly greater than the excess of families over dwellings (20). "The suggestion that we may obtain a rough approximation of the trend toward plural family dwellings by comparing the percentage which excess of families over dwellings repre sented", of the total number of families for a given area in 1920 with the corresponding figures for previous censuses" is. less enlight ening than It might be, owing -to the confusion already alluded to of "dwellings" and "families" of var ious and Sundry kinds. We gather, for example, that the excess of families over dwellings in Oregon In 1920 was 18.5 per cent, whereas twenty years ago it was but 12.6 per cent. But just ' what this means, and whether it betokens relative stagnation of the building programme, or fewer servants per household, or a larger or smaller number of boats, tents, freight cars or public institutions per capita, it is likely that we shall never know. If you cire to learn the number of "families" per "dwelling" in the various subdivisions of the United States, the census report wmtell you. But if .you are interested in finding out whether a greater or lesser number of private families, consisting of blood and marriage relations, are cosily living together under their own little rooftreea than there used to be, you will scan some pages of unilluminating fig urea without result. - , A GREAT MISSIONARY EXPLORER. Just half a century ago, as was recorded' recently in the "Fifty Years Ago" column on 'this page, word, was received in America that 7-T n J-,r TW Qfanla,, 1, a J "f t, n ,) " T"l,- David Livingstone at Ujiji in the heart of Africa, It matters little'to the value, of the incident as a reminder of the work of the greatest- missionary, explorer that, the world has ever known that Liv ingstone himself hardly realized that he was lost, that he was so en grossed by the labor in which he was engaged that he had given no thought to the stir that his pro longed absence had caused among civilized peoples, and that he con tinued so intent upon the purpose of his original undertaking that he stubbornly refused to be "rescued." There Stanley was compelled 'at length to leave him, and there he died a year later, a martyr to his overwhelming- zeal. Llvingtone's is still the outstand ing name in the annals ofthe prog ress of civilization in Africa. His discoveries, his explorations, his contributions' to the solution ofthe problem of the hydrography of the dark continent were momentous and without parallel, even in the" labors of men like Burton, Baker and Speke, but they were excelled by his far-sighted conception of his duty as a pioneer missionary, by his Influence upon the people of the country through, which he traveled and by the inspiration of his ex ample and its effect upon the minds and imaginations of people at home. It is difficult to realize that only half a century has passed since the events which are mentioned took place, so vast have been the changes which have been recorded since then. Livingstone began his active ca reer as a missionary, in preparation for which he obtained an education as a physician. He left England the first time on his mission to Africa In 1840, and soon after that con ceived the idea.'in which he was far in advance of his time, that mission ary success was not to "be calculated In te-ms of numbers of more or less doubtful converts to Christianity. His whole life was a development of the larger background for other missionaries to work upon. He was Indeed the missionary statesman df his period. His largest accomplish ment in a practical sense was the arousing of the world, to the hor rors and i desolation of the slave trade, which had been carried on in Africa since very ancient times. This idea took possession of him in the early '60s, at which time its rapid growth was favored by senti ment fostered by the civil war in the United States. In his work he was hampered by political, no less than by geographical, obstacles, or by the fact that practically two thirds of Africa was a blank upon the maps. In 2000 years or more of exploration for the purpose of local .commerce, other nations had set down nothing by which science had been enriched. Livingtone laid a foundation upon which others might build, after the manner of northern peoples everywhere and his successors created the Africa of the present time- i The state of knowledge in 1866, the . year in which Livingstone plunged into the interior on the final expedition which alarmed the world as to his safety, is revealed by the fact that he was moved to search for the ancient . reputed "fountain" of Herodotus. But he had already discovered the Vic toria falls of the Zambezi, had for mulated an accurate conception of the -configuration of the great con tinent and had published the great est volume of geographical and scientific data concerning Africa, that the world had ever seen. Thereafter he continued his search for the sources 'of the Nile, but meanwhile carried on a larger work in making hideous the slave traffic, at which the Arabs openly, and the Portuguese secretly connived. His actual travels covered a third of the entire continent. His remarkable personality Is revealed in the state ment of a biographer that "in all the countries through which he traveled his name was cherished by the native tribes, who regarded him as a. superior being," and that even the Arab slave traders whom he opposed greatly admired him and styled him the "very great doctor." It was due to him that the trade re ceived its death blow a fact of enormous importance because of its effect upon the trading nations no less' than upon the enslaved- The . semi-centenary of Living stone's death, which soon Will be commemorated, is an event which might with propriety be made the occasion for reflection upon the power of a great idea to unite civ lized peoples in the advancement of a common cause. rHE BASIS OF THE MENTAL TEST. A thought-provoking contribu tion to the discussion of the value of mental tests in determining in dividual responsibility is contained In an .article by Fabian Franklin In the Independent. Mr. Franklin calls attention to a fact, which must have occurred also to other, that when It was stated that the average mental age of the white drafted men of the country had been shown to be. 13.08 years. which was "probably representa tive of the whole white population of the country," a serious question was automatically raised as to the sufficiency of the measuring device employed. Forof course if It be assumed that the "average man" is mentally but thirteen years old, it must be meant that he is of that age by comparison with- some standard. " Mr. Franklin's article jogs the memories of those who have forgotten what that standard is. The customary assumption, says the writer, is that the mental age of the "average adult" is about six teen years. He continues, quoting from the official report of the surgeon-general on . "Psychological Examining in the United States Army":, The fiifure Is based, however, upon ex aminations of only sixty-two persons, thirty-two of them high school pupils from 16 to 20 years of age, and thirty of them "business men of moderate suc cess and of very limited educational ad vantages." "The group Is too small to taerowe, not typicL High school pu,- plls and business men of moderate suc cess rrobablv do not reDresent the aver age American adult with respect to in- i leutgencs. . . It appears in' the' body of the report itself that 85 per cent of men who had been to high school showed mental ages above average. ,In other words, "the drafted Sen were measured with enormous care, but with a mental yardstick which was not very reliable and which In fact was presumably much longer than a yard." 1 The value of the discussion, however, is not in its uggestion ofk criticism of mental tests in principle, which is express- nL50116.3, bUt ? SfemS lie in certain conclusions which it permits us to draw a to collateral matters. The mental test as an Institution ; has probably come to stay; if would appear to have am ply justified itself as a measure of relative, ability; and as Mr. Frank lin says, it has been the basis of tome remarkably correct forecasts of , relative performance.. But we are impressed by a singular coinci dence in the result of a recent examination of the prisoners at Sing Sing prison. These prisoners are adults and their average "men tal age" has been set down as thir teen years and two months. The question arises whether this war rants sociologists in founding the- entire system of crime prevention upon the idea that criminals are less responsible than other men for their own shortcomings and wheth er they are more to be pitied than adults who do not commit crimes. It is apparently conclusive that these convicts are not criminals chiefly because of inferior mental age, since - their ages correspond very closely with that of the aver age of the drafted army, which was composed overwhelmingly of young men' who have . never been . and never will be in prison. The con vict in fact "hasany number of companions not only of the same mental age' but surrounded by the same economic and social circum stances, the same trials and temp tations, who abstain from crime and keep out of prison all their lives." The figures show that It is not yet time to abandon the safe and reasonable principle of personal- responsibility or to reject the notion that those who steal and kill do so under the impulsion of an inferiority for which they are not to blame. By the showing that the average criminal is, endowed with at least as many of nature's gifts as the average American out of prisop. we are furnished with an argument in contradiction of the mushy sentimentality affected by many doctrinaire reformers which, while it does not . count against humanitarian, methods of prison administration, is likely to supply a foundation for abatement of the -so-called crime wave that will be much sounder than that which be gins with, denial that the offender is to blame for the crimes he com mits. " v " Not less interesting is Mr. Frank lin's suggestion that' further tests need to be devised to determine how far the use to which mental abilities may be put is influenced by a series of factors which are as yet pnly dimly understood. For Illustration: , To . . . an nrdfnnrv riav 1,1mm, the demand that he execute a number of tasks caNlng for .Intelligent understand ing of artificial questions, however sim ple, presents a wholly different aspect from what it does to a person who has been brought up In an atmosphere of In teresting conversation and alert social Intercourse. He may be frightened and demoralized by a demand for the exer tion of his mind which, had he been brought up tn higher surroundings, he would have found pleasantly stimulating. Can we assert with any confidence that an Italian stevedore who makes a poor list at the simple tasks, set him In the beta' tasks WOUld have hn nlt.. awkward if he had been adopted Into neu-io-ao and cultivated American family at the age of two? On the con trary, there is every reason to' believe that hQ would have done better and yet his "native mentality" would have been toe same. The limitations oT the mental test are quite obviously limitations as to the capacity of the judges to Interpret them correctly. This is not disparaging of a principle ca- paDie or increasingly wide applica tion, but it does suggest a word of caution concerning the too ready aaopiion oi methods which are likely to do grave Injustjce in the nanas or charlatans and quacks. Auto licenses issued in Oreeon total 109,001, which means that about 60,000 young fellows will be on the Columbia river highway Sundays teaching girls how to drive. "Financial report of cemetery shows healthy condition," says a headline. Which rather overlooks the fact that unhealthy conditions make the cemetery necessary. The rush for admission to the country in the first few days of the r iu.ur a new justm- cation for the re-enactment of the Immigration limitation law. We met a man the other day whose sole complaint against Ore gon was that he had never seeh a potato bug here. Inquiry revealed that he sold Paris Green. The big mysfcry to us is why. when so many girls are always learning how to drive, so very few of them ever complete the educa tion. - - , Mr. Borah complains that gag rule prevails in the senate. By some trick Mr. Borah seems to have escaped the operation of the ryle. They will go on trying to climb Mount Everest, but they won't make a populttr sport of it for a good many years to come. The soviet authorities are aot the first to find out that the road to confidence doesn't lie through the confidence game. Radium is down to $13,125,000 an ounce, which in all seriousness1 is a distinct reduction in the cost of staying alive. As between Youngstown, Ohio, and Mayor Oles, it is hard , to tell which was the fjrst to get enough of enough. Business and office building, the cost of which runs into six figures each, continue to be planned for Portland. , Should think the big drawback to selling rain Insurance would be that nobody wants it in weather like this. Poll tax is unpopular because there's no chance to pass it along to the other fellow, The Listening Post. By DeWitt Harry. store or stores that never quite seem to be a success. Frequent changes in ownership seem to have no effect The central business dis trict is no exception, for there are numbers of establishments there flaunting new names every few months. One little grocery store in a resi dence district has' changed hands at least once a month during the past year. With each new owner comes an alteration in appearance and style ot carrying on the trade. First a slovenly woman managed the business. She slumped about the place in a soiled wrapper and did not seem to attract much trade. Then came an old-country Scotch man, possibly in trade at home, for he was exceedingly urbane and made a great show of bowing, smirking and scraping for every customer and was exceedingly def erential. He seemed to have a habit of misrepresentation, so he did not thrive. - The next change saw three buxom girls in charge. All of the owners lived in rooms at the rear of the store. It got to be a usual sight to glance inside the front door and, in a setting of cracker boxes, Vickie kegs and bunches of bananas, see one of the fair damsels toying with her tresses. As the girls went in more for lollipops, licorice stocks, French chocolates and confections than for bacon, spuds and eggs, they too disappeared. '".'-' Now there is a Back of onions in the window and several strings of garlic and dangling sausages deco rate the interior. - The latest pro prietor, as he flashes his White teeth and shakes his curly pate, greets passersby - with a gleaming smile. He least is sanguine, but many others have taken a (ihance there and the place must be a gold mine in commissions to the business chance broker. I This Is hard weather, on the shop girl. They wilt and fade away like flowers in the garden. Most people who study their flowers know when to give them a drink and how to care for them. It would be absurd to turn the hose on a bed of pansies when the hot afternoon sun was' beating down. Pansies like water and sweet peas a meal of substance, but there is a right time and a proper amount to eat and drink. Too bad that girls do not have to eat and drink by rigid rule that could be enforced. Mutton stew, clam chowder, French pastry and coffee for lunch when the mercury hovers around the 90 mark will give any one the willies almost as -fast as moonshine, especially if several gal lons of ice water and other fluids are poured atop. . Take a stuffy day behind the counter, plenty of sweets, and then a night at a dance on tired feet and it's no wonder that the cars are filled with sleeping beauties going to or coming from work or starting out ,or returning from the evening's entertainment. , There's nothing like a cat-nap or a little doze to help some folks along, but others are just made mean thereby. Ice is the gnat preservative this weather. Meat and humidity are great promoters of decay. Florists place reliance on their cold storage facilities as do those In other lines. Though few know it confectibners also use great quantities of Ice in keeping their candies fresh. Dres baugh, with one of the big firms, never allows his best grade chocq lates to leave the ice-box until In the customer's hands. If displayed in this kind of weather the loss in appearance and softness would be enormous. ' - - It's a, dififcult matter to beat a woman to It these daysthey just will have their own way. One de termined young matron bought a pair of shoes and gave In payment therefore her personal . check.' She wore the shoes home and met with much adverse criticlssa at the hands of her family on account of their appearance, and also made the' discovery-that. In search of style, she had made the natural woman's mis take of getting them too small. When she took them back the next morning the store refused to make an adjustment, contending that the ; shoes were worthless to them, as they had been worn. The woman f olrectly' to her bank and stopped I threw tnem oown ana leu ana went paym6nt on the check. Alarmed because she believed her pet dog had swallowed a small rub ber ball an east side woman called a veterinary who Is somewhat of a wag. After hearing the details and promising to come he was asked if he thought he would have to oper ate,' If Mt would be necessary to cut poor Rover open to retrieve the ball. "No, ma'am, I'll be right out and I think can fix it by vulcanizing." i - ' W. J. R. Beach is a civil war vet eran 75 years old. He is.an' insur ance agent at Forest Grove and. In a recent communication to the state rating bureau says: "When a very plain individual takes advantage of only one outing in his entire life period and must crowd everything Into five days and one suitcase, his mind must be cen tered on that one thing, and there is the Juice of the whole business. Returned late last evening. Don't like it, too much wind, hills and overcoat. They are great on flow ers, dog fennelnd dandylions. Try It. According to' warm-weather ob servations life seems just one fcwitch after another. - In the la It Is un derwear that tickles the epidermis. but the sweet young thing you may Bee shaking a temperamental shim my as she waits for her sundae to day is Just trying to wriggle her chafing garments away, from the burned area, and it is a large one, not covered by her one-piece bath ing suit. ; They say your ears will burn if someone Is saying nasty , things about you. Wonder how the girls cart telL during this hot weather, whether it is gossip that heats the ears or merely the mass of hair that keeps them aglow, Lazy Roads. By Grace E. HalL There are lazy roads that loiter along Past orchards that are sweet with pinkish bloom, Down etee'p banks into the valley , - stretches Flanked by fennel and the vagrant marguerite. Up hilrs where thistles vie with .Scotchbroom for a place. And through the woodland where the creeks slip by Under the roadbed, making muffled murmur there Where once a culvert spanned the little ditch. x On and forever on the drowsy old road goes. Running through sunshine and through the winter rain. A dull gray wanderer, holding close together r Fields of wheat and gay-fringed , - oats, full-plumed and heavy headed: ' . Until, quite suddenly developing a , thought, Tt runs straight up a little knoll To stop before an old moss-covered . house. Where all the family sits upon the long, gaunt porch ' While twilight slips a gray veil over Nature's face. The mother. generous bosomed,' and with a most amazing girth And apron area, rocks contentedly , her palpitating bulk With maddening regularity and monotonous click -clack-click; While, lean and spindle-shanked, his vest a sunken front Of spattered, brindle hue whereon his old pipe rests. The father dozes in his creaking chair, top-tilted to the wall; And climbing, crawling, rblling, as they please, The lucky hodge-podge, juvenile, of miscellaneous sex. Disports itself upon the porch and ground. The shepherd dog,- tongue lolling, " mixing in Gay partner of all joy that may accrue. The morning-glories, clambering on the lattice work. Hang now with drooping heads at close f day; The bee-hives in the back lot are peaceful, silent homes; The clothes line in the door yard flaunts a denim shirt, And just beyond the woodshed is -a row of bright tin cans Wherein the yellow cream awaits the morning cart: While In the garden, where the let tuce curls its green leaves up. And ripening peas show purple blossoms here and there, A scare-crow flaps his broken arms as though with pain o'ercome, His rakish hat Jammed down upon his wholly-lacking ears. The old road passes by the gate,' like a tramp who pauses to look in. But must go on again, having no part in all that is inside Dusty and dejected, it slides across a piece of meadow land And slips through an open gate, then out again into the open space Whee roads are supposed to go, unnamed, unknown, unkempt, Following their early training, e'en as men; It crawls down a hillside where sharp rocks cuddle in the brown earth. And lazily takes up its idle way But suddenly, as man greet? man upon a narrow street. ' It meets the concrete pavement coming down Gives up its aimless wandering and both run back to town. .OW I SKK. 'One thins I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see. St. John 0-2.Y Now I see, who once was blind; ' See the hand that gave me sight, BaYidages of grief unwind: See the bent and feeble wllir Growing straight and supple, till It will reach at last the light. What care I what griefs may be. Now I see. j Now I set;, who groped for aid; See a hundred hands outspread. Timid, blindly, half afraid: And (through him who gave me eyes Through his grace that in me lies), Now I succor them Instead. None in vain can ask me, Now I see.. And the talent that God gave. Long within the earth lain hid. Springs in blossom from its grave. For his voice has bid it bloom. Called it from its quiet gloom. Pressed apart its heavy lid. Life is opened by love s key, Now I see. MART ALETHEA WOODWARD. ' LOVE'S i;arde. One youthful day. the, Spring's warm rays ,;. Begat a strange quest for flow ers. And straight way garden fay I sought, Through Love's idyllic bowers, v The graces Splendor, Pleasure, Joy ' .. With artifices sublime. Decoyed the radient Psyche, who In time was wholly mine. Then life became an Eden fair. Where blossomed holy love; Thft nniil nf beinar. thus evinced The plea bf Him above. For as the pansy,heartsease, balm, Must propagate its kind. So love flowers blossom, that again May man expression find. PEARL GREGORY CARTLIDGE. THE BROKEN IMAGE. There once ,was a little maid who bore An exquisiteimage of love in her heart. Well guarded, behind a hidden door. Untti in a shining moment she Brought forth her treasure for him to. prize, . Tenderly, shyly, T-everently. He -held it in his indifferent hand. Lightly, and carelessly let It fall For it was not given him to under stand. She knelt in the dust and tried in vain With a woman's eternal, unwaver ing faith. To mend the image in tears and pain. CHARLES 'C. OLSEN. - THE BIRCH TREE. Could words be things lTo touch or feel, They should be cold. Pure silver when they speak to you. Could words express In their true color Nature's thoughts. Then all the rainbow would encircle you. Could words, like wind. Be heard to sob And sigh for you. - Then might '"they utter ' The soft swishing of your branches. KATHRYN BASTHAM.