6 THE SUNDAY dREGOXlAX, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1922 LAST TRACE QF THE FAMOUS OLD SEASIDE HOUSE HAS VANISHED Final Touches on Broad Promenade at Popular Oregon feesort Obliterate All Material Evidence of Hotel That Once Was Rendezvous of Pioneer Families of Portland and Persons From Other Parts of World. - ' - 1 , - - ... .. ' . . ; SEASIDE, Or., July 8. (Special.) From the rush and crirsh which featured the Fourth of July here, attention of vacationists reverted to the passing of the fa mous old Seaside house, a hotel that brought fame to Seaside before Ore gon's' sturdy pioneers were fairly settled on donation land claims. By a strange coincidence, the final touches on Seaside's most modern improvement, the broad promenade an the ocean front, were made this week, and just as the last boards ,wre torn out of what once was the leading hostelry of the city the "prom" in front of the hotel site was thrown open for use. . - Just as Seaside, with its many fa cilities of today, attracts . Visitors from all parts of the world, so did the old Seaside house, back in the seventies, bring famous men and womenfrom everywhere to this pop ular resort. The, second register used at the Seaside house is now on exhibit at the Seaside land office. This regis ter first was used in the old Claren don hotel, which stood on the block bounded by Front, First, Couch and v Davis streets, in Portland, in the earlji days. When this hotel was burned the register was procured by Ben Holliday an transferred to his Seaside hotel for use there. As a result the first half of the. reg ister is filled with the names of travelers who came to Portland dur ing the seventies, while the latter half is filled with the names of, guests who stopped at the Seaside house. , ' The register covers the period from 1875 to 1881, and on the last page of the book appear the rates, which were $2.50 a day or$14'a Week for room and "keep." The majority of Portlanders who stopped at the Seaside house and there were many did not give their home city the honor on the register. Instead they registered from Ski-; panon, which at that time was used as the boat landing just below. Young's bay. The -travelers Would j be taken from Skipanoh to Seaside : on stages. The Seaside house was established i and operated for many years by Ben Holliday, who was indeed a famous character. Before becoming "mine host," Ben operated a pony express between St. Louis and Sacramento. Among the well-known pioneer i Portland folk whose names appear on the register are the following: Mrs. Isam White, Philip Wasserman, Catherine Therkelson, Mr. and Mrs. , James Laidlaw, J. C. Hawthorne, ! John A. K. Cronini Levi White, B. Goldsmith, Mr. andi Mrs. C. H. Lewis and children, Mary, Sally, Elizabeth, John, Lucian, Eva, Robert W. and baby and nurse; J. Lowenburg, Davis Burnside, Sallie Teal, James j Gleason, John W. Holman, Julius Haas, Gebrge H. Flanders and fam- ! ily. Allen Lewis, George W. Weidler, George H. Chanee, George E. With- ! ington, John A. Foster, Dan Holton, Donal Macleay, D. Zan, Ed Norton, Mrs. Henry Hewitt, Miss May Fail ing, Henry Failing, George Good Theodore Wygant, L. Flelschner, Joseph N. Teal, Martin Winch, F. S. Akin, J. C. Flanders, H. F. Corbett, F. Nicolai, P. D. W. Hardenbergh, Wr. J. Van Schuyver, Sig Sichel, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Corbett, Mark W. Gill, Wesley Ladd, Dave lewis, B. Neustadter, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott and children, Raleigh Stott, Miss Alice Wasserman, Mrs. J. K. Gill and daughters and Mark W. Gill. Hotel Seaside, one of the finest beach resort hotels on the coast, now occupies the place with Portland society and tourists of the world, that was held by the Seaside house in years gone by. The spacious lob bies and sun rooms have been the scene of many informal social gath erings during the last week and numerous dinner parties also have been given. Among the recent arrivals at the Hotel Seaside 'are Mrs. W. C. Bristol, Miss R. S. Howard, Marion Farr-ell, Elise Bristol, Dorothy Shea' and Leslie Kerns. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Brooks enter tained with a house party last week end at their summer home here. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Fairchild of Bend, Mrs. J. H. Stur giss of Pendleton, A. M. Pringle, Ed ward Lyons of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berg and Babe Clark. Mrs. J. B. Bridges and daughter Marie have taken the Oxford cottage for the season. , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadsby and fam ily are domiciled in Mandalay cot tage in Third street. Sherman Miles and family of St. Helens were visitors here last week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Sharpstein of Walla Walla have opened their cot tage in. Hermosa park. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malarkey are domiciled in the Bushong cot tage. Mrs. B. T. Soden is a summer visitor. , Judge A. S. Bennet and daughter. Mrs. Chauncey Butler of The Dalles are visitors here. Mr. .and Mrs. Alex Carlton and children have opened their summer. home. Baron and Baroness Von Eggels- ton were the guests of Mrs. F. G. Wilson at the Piper cottage; also Major and Mrs, Andrews of Camp Lewis, who will spend the remainder of the month. Anthony Stout is a, guest at the Etout cottage on the 'Promenade. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yeon and family are domiciled in their cot tage for the summer. Mr. and Mts.. George West and daughter Jane were visitors over the Fourth. Mrs. Marie Van Ness'-Newman ar rived Monday and is occupying her new summer home. Mrs. A. W. Whitmore and . eon 'Aaron spent the Fourth at the.Whit more cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brix will oc cupy the Whitmore cottage for the eeasoji. Colonel and, Mrs. David Dunn and daughters, Dorothy and Lucile, are In the Dunn cottage in Second ave nue. - i Mr. and Mrs. Lauterwtine and fam ily are occupying a cottage In Tenth avenue. Miss Effie C. Thompson is con . ducting private classes at Union high school, where summer visitors may receive coaching on subject! for high school and grammar grades. Miss Elsa Berry is the guest of Miss Dorothy Logan at the Dobso& cottage. Mrs. Amy Dobson has gone to - Portland for a short stay and will return to the beach In about two weeks. Guests at Hotel Seaside over the week-end included Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whelean, Miss Whelean, Mrs. J. H. McSloy, Mrs. Burke Beeman, James Beeman, S. C. Jaggar and family, Mr. and -Mts. R. Keller, Mr. and ' Mrs. W. L. Kincald, Harrison and Bud Kincaid and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Liebe and Miss Sue Fogherty were week-end guests at the winfelde-r cottage. Carl H. Mett spent several days here last week. E. Cole has been a guest at the Ramona cottage. Mrs. David Clay entertained a group of Portland children and the'r mothers, who are summering here, pt her summer heme last Monday. B E ---.-S'-K' f Y VJ- 'rrt rK-r --w.5, rrrrrrirrr ' Svjr.. r vrrrrCrrrrrr njgrs wfT r-rr-r-rnrrty rr. rr-rVr t rrrrrrrr? v ' V W' w'r .-.A Ct-fJS r"CZ""i'fl ' l B ' B "rr r'r'rr, rr- , ? rrrrr ' '' r -rrrt rr, r 'rr' , rr 4 ' ''VVMcr' rr rrrr ''r'r'rA 5 r r r 7r,'r -rrrr r rS. J ? X'' rrlrr2rrr, r rrr r. r 'r- v' 'v ' r ' "Cri- V rSr- 'V v r tHVrr. ' I r grrW " rvZ ' ' f' ' ' '' ' ' r ' ' ' 1 . , , ''?M4&L ' ' ' v ? r -rr r , JYo JVC VeV" afternoon. The occasion was the fifth birthday anniversary of her son David Jr. t , Mrs., A." McMinn and daughter Alla-Mae, and son Frank have taken a cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hugh and family will spend the summer Here. Mrs. F. Eichenlaub has opened her cottage for the &eason. Joseph Simmon is a visitor at Seaside. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earling Sound and ohildren are domiciled in a cottage here. Among the guests at the Beacon hotel are Mr." and Mrs. Carson, H. E. Richards, W. H. Leadbetter and Mr. and Afrs. T. B. Van Doren. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fenton are occupying their cottage on the south promenade. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olson and daughters Frances and Mary Louise will occupy the Long cottage on tht promenade during. July. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jbnes and family have taken a cottage in" Tenth ave nue for the summer. Mrs. Mary A. Heitkemper is vis iting her daughter MJ3. A. . R. Wascher. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barbur are va cationing with their daughter, Mrs. L. Tallinger. . - Misses Loretta Chapman and Pa tricia Foley were week-end visitors. E. H. James and familyMr. and MrSk Newton Crossfield of Wasco, Dorothy Reed, Dr. Paul Yates. E. -King, J. H. Graham. Bob Stites, J. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Free man are among the guests at the Rollins hotel. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bollinger ah'd son Jack, Miss E)oise Alldredge and jir. ana jars. w. w, Aua.rage, all of Portland, motored to Seaside to spend the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Latourette and children Ann. Jean and Junior, have opened their cottage in First avenue. , Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Rowc are domiciled in the Sunderland cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Pickard have taken a cottage on the south prom enade. The guest list at Hotel Seaside in cluded: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Shreve, Mr.- and Mrs. J. C Mdntire and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller", Mrs. and Mrs. O. Laurgaard and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robinson, Jerry Bronaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hirsch, Miss E. Dittenhofer, H. E. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs.- K. K. Kubli. Charles B. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ross. Sol Harris and the Misses Harris. - . Mr. and Mrsi Abe Meier, Miss Jeanette Meier, Allan Meier and Miss Marion Brill of New York motored to Hotel Seas!d for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs P. CWascher and children, Leonard, Billy and Peter, have opened their cottage in South First street. The C. J. B. Malarkey family are vacationing at their pottage on Ave nue G. . v, Omer Mills Is occupying the Clif ford cottage. - Mxs. R. E.'Sewall and son Edward are at the Four Winds cottage. Among tne recent arrivals at Ne- oanicum inn are: Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Waters, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Wat. kins, Dr. and Mrs. C. Stuart Men 2ies and daughters Jane and Helen, L. H. Rossiter, Gladys Gulovson, Do lores Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sehnerdman.-Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rogers and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCorkle and daughter Virginia and ir. ana M.rs. x. Hayes and son.. A no-host supper party Was gives on the beach en the night of the Fourth. Attending i were Hpln O'Donnell, Ben Wlnslow, Frances Prudbomme, Gail Knowles, Leona and Evelyn Prag, Bert Haynes, Jimmy Englehart, BUI SDear. Ralhh t-rag, jerome -Buckley and Martin .Farelius. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Latourette of Oregon City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prehn over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dooly. and family have taken the Gunther home on the promenade for the season. Mrs. Warren- E, McCord and grandson, J. S. O'Gorman Jr'., are late arrivals at Hotel Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brady and family are summering in their cottage here Miss Elrse Flelschner and Mr. and Mrs. WJUlam Ehrman are guests at tne l. n. Flelschner cottage. Helen O'Donneil, Norris Sewall, Ben Wtnslow and lev Huntington were week-end guests at the J,A. rrag summer nome. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Guild, with Master Donald and Miss Helen.! mo tored to the beach and were guests hi .noiei seaside. Among the recent arrivals at the Andora hotel Are: Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Smith, . Harriet D. . Newland, Earl Cash, E. Ordeman, Stuart Hopkins, ti. MotcnKiss street, Mrs. J. E. Bridg water, Kathryn Crysler Street, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Benjamin, Arthur Harris, Frances M. Batson. Loraine DinSmore and Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sehn, Mrs. Francis Cannard and Eileen and! Mr. John Callag-han and llarjorie, who motored flown & Seaside last week' for the summer, are vacation ing in their home on Twejftb, av enue. - Jason McCuhe was a guest of Miss Veryl Blazier at the Biazler cottage In Third street. Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Burpee ah4 daughters motored to Seaside f of a few days. . - . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Ockwig and son have taken a cottage on the sbutk promenade for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs! D. A. Kutor have opened their cottage here. Leslie Wellington spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wellington. who are summering In their cottage in Twelilh avenue. Miss Esther Benson and mother. Mrs. A. S. Benson, aTe among the new arrivals. Miss Veryl Blazier motored to Portland yesterday to meet Miss Marjory PaLmta of San Francisco, who will be her house guest this summer .at Seaside. They will re turn on Monday. . . . Mrs. A. Schumate ana daughter Helen and Webster Corliss spent the weeK-end nere. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Byrne and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Yates are at' the Del Mar apartments. Mr. and Mi's. A. M. Drumm and family are occupying the idavauna cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kinsr are oc cupying their cottage on Avenue G. i. Barde and family will occuDy the Four Winds cottage this season. GEABHART , WEATHER COOt Golf Links,, in Fine Condition, Is Lure for Portlanders. ' GEARHART, Or.. July Soe- cial.) The past week has seen the arrival of many summer residents at Gearhart. The weather here has been delightfully cool and the ocean breezes are most refreshing to those who have come down to escape the warm days In town. This resort is particularly attrac tive to golfers and over the week end many of Portland's golf fans were on the links. The course is in splendid condition. The Y. C. A. camp here is again in full swing with still more added attractions for . the convenience, comfort and happiness of the bust ness girls Who come to spend their vacations.. Among .the Improve ments are a spacious sun porch and electric lights, Mother Larson is keeping up her reputation as . cook and Miss Elsie Wible is hostess In charge the camp. The following Were camp guests over the Fourth of July: Mr. and Mrs. O. 9. Senger, Miss Selma Flodine, Miss Elva Bufton, Miss Grace Angus, Miss Helen Schroeder, Mrs. Sue G. Doran, Jessie C. Bragg, Hermina Keller, Margaret M. King, Hyacinth M. King, Amy A. Snyder, Mrs. E. B. Glover, Ethel Glover, Florence Hall, Lena A. Bergef. Sig- 1 frid DahU Alma Swanson, Mrs. A. B. Westell, -Miss Kathryn Westell nd mrs. - w jl. vv inters. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly and family are here for the summer.; Mr. and Mrs. Felix Freidlander have opened tyeir attractive summer home on the ridge. Judge nd Mrs.- 3. P. Kavahaugh motored down for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Frank are domiciled in the Caswell home. Mrs. E. Bu'rlingham Was the guest of Miss Gretchen Tajdor last Thurs day. . r Dr. and Mrs. Tilzer and children are spending the summer at the Golf hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller have takerf the McCracken - cottage. Mrs. Jonah B. Wise and daughter have returned to Portland. . Matt G. Ennis and family arrived last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Robenblatt and children, Lena, Jean, Marian and Louis Jr have opened their cottage near the goif course. Miss Ann Adams will -spend the summer with her parents here. Mrs. Chester Murphy is enjoying the Gearhart golf course. Dr. and Mrs. George Marshal! are among the new arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. George Black and mother, Mrs. Charles Conn, are sum mering at the Frohman cottage. Mrs. James Murphy and Mrs. D. Whitehouse are occupying the Kin ney cottage. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sullivan are at the Robinette cottage." Mrs. Elliott Corbett arrived Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wolf and sons are occupying their cottage on Ocean avenue. ; Mrs, Myrtle Wood and mother have taken the Honeyman cottage, for the season. R. A. Stewart and daughter Isa bella have opened their cottage here. : Mr,- and Mrs. C. A. Hart and daughter . Katherme have taken Fairhuest 'cottage. Elise Bristol is a house guest at the Tevis summer home.'' Mrs. Lee Hoffman and 'children are summering at the Burns home. .Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Corbett were week-end visitors. - Mrs. H. W. Baies and daughter Annabelle have opened their cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Freeman were week-end visitors at the Bates cottage. ; . ' Mrs. E. J. Hopson and son are oc cupying, their cottage here. Mrs. Fred Lockley has been their' guest Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Corbett have taken the Smith cottage tor tne season. L. Winters and iamfly are occupy ing the Sweet cottage for the sum mer. Mrs. S. . C. Tevls and family are spending the summer at the Mar-r guerite cottag. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hirsch and fam lly will arrive tomorrow. Mrs. Clark Simmond and family arrived laBt week. Among the recent arrivals at the .Golf botel are Ireae , and Dorothy Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ettelson, Mrs. M. Sommers and son Edward. Mr. alid Mrs. a. R. Zellar have opened their cottage here. - . Mrs. Henry Harkson is summering here. R. A. Davis and family will oc cupy the Paris cottage this season. Mrs. B. M. -Lombard from Berke ley. Cal., is visiting at the Lombard cottage- Mrs. Clyde L. Burton has taken the Fehrenbacher cottage. Mrs. Ben Dey is occupying the Lightner cottage. I. L. Webster and family are domi ciled in the Schmidt eottage. Mrs. H. L. Powers and family have taken the Robertson home for the summer. Mrs. K. E. Wright and" Barbara Jean are Vacationing here. Mrs. W. f. Denman and Geraldine are occupying the fc'ewell cottage. Mrs. J. Povey and daughter Dor othy were guests at the Habekost cottage over the week end. T. W. Sullivan and family of Ore gon City are -spending the summer here. , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Shea will oc cupy the Tilzer cottage this Season. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rothschild are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Blitz. J. V. Mason of Portland has pur chased the Chinkapin cottage-. Mrs. Mason and children are domiciled there for the summer months. - She has as her house puest Miss Corinne Powers of Reed college. i. - - NEWPORT HAS. BIG CROWDS Fourth of July Visitors Fill All Lodgings in Resort. NEWPORT, Or., July 8. (Special.) Newport had the largest crowd in years for the Fourth. For sev eral days previous sq many had been coming by train and automo bile that the hotels and lodging houses were well filled and the attto park had an unusual number of campers. Many reported driving in from Corvallis in threo and one5 half boars. -!' - ' '. Newport's celebration"" consisted of a wrestling match, parade, ball game, swimming contests and races. Indian dances, fireworks, etc. Newport's new $25,000 natatorium, built upon the same ground as the old one, will add much to the en joyment of the summer - visitors. The natatorium, besides , a large swimming pool, has the added fea tures of a grill with a dance hall above, occupying the front jart of the building overlooking the ocean. At the- formal dpening . Saturday night and during the entire week the dance" hall has been crowded to capacity. Everyone was delighted with the excellent music furnished by, the Bl-Ho-De-Mar orchestra, which has been engaged by the management for the afternooa and night dances throughout the sum mer. Mrs. mT S. Lane and Miss Bernic Lane of Corvallis are visiting Mr. and Mrs.- F. J. Scott. Hlmer Butzs of Dallas is spending the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Leba non were Fourth of July visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot of Salem are occupying the Greenwood cottage. Mrs. Jennie B. Higgins of Eu gene, Mrs. Minnie Horseman, Mrs. Cora McBride and Mrs. Nellie Fleck of Portland, all past department presidents of the Women's - Relief corps, were housed at the, Old Play Ground for severa-i- days. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson are en joying a few days at the beach. Mr. Johnson Is president of the Benton County bank at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woodcock are domiciled 'A a Nye beach cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Johnson have taken one of the Rest cottages for the summer. . Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bair enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Al len of Portland for a few days. After a brief outing, Miss Truth Huston, returned to her home in Salem. 1 - The Misses Nina Ames and Mil dred Frazer of Newberg ,are guests at the Gumelius home' for two weeks. The Misses Thelma and Margaret Johnson of Santa Cruz, Cal., have taken a cottage for the summer. Mrs. Giffens of Portland is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Susan Hartzog and daugh ter, Deiphine, motored to Newport 1 from Lakeview. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Scott. Mrs. Knauf and sisters are -entertaining their sister. Miss Emma Jones, who is an instructor in the schools of Grand Rapids, Mich. Portland guests at the Copeland are E. L- Lyons and J. C. Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Drake of Al- j bany were among the Fourth of JUiy arrivals. Housed In one of the Rest cot tages are Mrs. Elmer Conky and Mrs. Peterson of Dallas. Professor J. B. Horner is among the recent arrivals. , Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Bosworth and daughter are enjoying a few days at the berch . Walte? Schwienlng, Herbert Ed mondson and Maurice May compose a party at the Old Play Ground. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Assmann of Portland are vacationing for two weeks. Recent arrivals at the Grand are F. A. Krieger, Ridgefield, Wasru; W. M. Grant and Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith of Portland. Fred Young of Portland is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Payne of McMinn ville are domiciled at the Whitten camp. Mr.7and Mrs. John L. Waters of Salem are guests at the Grand. C. F. Breadley and family motored in from The Dalles. J. H.Ezell and family and Mrs. Albin of Salem are recent arrivals. Mrs. Owens of Portland is the guest of Mrs.' Fred Brown.r , Mr. and Mrs. Leach of junction City are spending a few days at the beach. Mra. Harry Buxtom drove in from Corvallis for a few flays' outing at tne beach. She reports making the trip in three and a half hours. Mr. and Mrs. Drinkard of Halsey will make a two weeks' sojourn nere. Rev. Mr. Snyder of the Presby terian church is "among the Cor vallis visitors. Jennie Beeson, Callie Miller, Re becca Campbell and Clara Craft make up a Portland party , at the uia piay Ground. Recent arrivals are Mrs.. "Anne Caley and Grace Norton of Eusrene Mr. and Mrs w. W. Reed or of Ashland are enjoying a vacation -at Newport. Emil J. Vadjansky, the present swimming instructor of the new "nat," not only has a record as a swimmer, but he has also won re nown for courage and bravery. At the time of the Alaska steamship wreck he was the hero who rescued a number of passengers from that ill-fated ship. For a number of years he has been a member of the Oregon unit of the A. R. C.' Life Saving corps at Portland. Formerly ne was an instructor fn the United States army. Sixty Oregon Agricultural college summer scnooi stuaents. chaperoned by Miss Mary A. Ro'lfe. dean of Women, ' invaded Newport and vt clnity during the Fourth. , While here they enjoyed'the hospitality of tne Agate ueacn inn, Agate beach .Frank Cobbs and family and George S. Nevln and family were guests at Agate Beach inn, over the Fourth. Recent arrivals at the Gilmbre In clude. Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Girux. Lolita Lough, R. C. Rehberg, J. W. Smith, Corvallis; Mrs. John W&od Miss' Howe. Portland ;" Mrs. S. M. Mcaimin, wasco; nr.-1. u. Snaff, Independence: Mr. and Mrs. F. T Vehnlng, Blair Lomno, Mr. and Mrs. O. Giebisch, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stoak, Gordon Giebisch, "John Gie bisch, Toledo; Velma Stone, Roy E. Mitchell, Lebanon: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Independence; P. S. Rye and family, Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Snow, Portland; Lester C. Newton, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. j Paul C. GloVer, Blodgett. Professor "Snow and family of Cor vallis are occupying "a cottage at Nye beach. - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blakely ere re cent arrivals from Corvallis. O. J. Blackledge and family have opened their cottage at Nye beach. An Order of tlie Eastern Star, re cently instituted in Newport, initi ated its first candidates Wednesday evening. Refreshments were served; and all reported a pleasant time. Portland guests at the Damon are Mrs. G. E. Fargo, Mrs. S. C. East man and Mrs." Frances H. Lamb. A. K. Berman of Corvallis spent the Fourth with his family, who are sojourning, at the beach. Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Miss R. Wilson, ,Miss H. Wilson, Miss M. Wilson, D.-Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson compose a party who motored in from Aberdeen, , Wash. While here they were guests at the Gilmore. . . Ira'F. Powers of Portland was a beach, visitor over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McKenna and daughter of Corvallis and Virginia Coke, daughter of Judge Coke, of Coos county, were week-end guests at the Abbey. . Mr. and Mrs. 3. P. Vaughn and son and Dwight Kessey of Springfield are domiciled at Sunny Bide lodge. After a brief sojourn at the Gil- more hotel Noble W. Bond left for Eugene. Housed at Sea Crest cottages over the Fourth were G. C. Skinner and daughters Alice and Kathleen of Independence and Dtr. and Mrs. Ward Wisecarver and daughter of Mc1 MinnvlHe. ' Mrs. U. G: McAlexander and Mrs. Caum are summer guests at the Gil- more. Mrs. McAlexander will be joined by her husband In August. Mr. and "Mrs. J. B. Hudson Of Portland are beach visitors. B. W. Bates of Roseburg spent the Fourth with his family, who are domiciled in a Cherry City cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson, who are sojourning at Tent City. . have as their guests Mrs. H. E. Mason and son of Hillsdale, Mich. Judge and Mrs. Fowler and daugh ter of Condon are among the new comers at Tent City. Joseph Paterson has been a guest at the Gilmore the past week. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scott and family and Mr ftn.d Mrs. P. H. Spencer and baby are va cationing at Tent City for , two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. Olson and children of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Olson of Los Angeles are at the beach for a weekv Mr. and Mrs. Guy ana Mrs. feiton of Portland are domiciled at Cherry City. Among those registered at the Abbey are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jef fery and son. Helen Langhary, S. A. Church, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Palmer, T. A. Spencer, Henry C. Judd, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Doyle. Ray M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Deen, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bak'er, G. W. Phillips, all of Portland; 'Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Porterfleld, Independenee; Mr. and Mrs. William T. Branch, H. G. Neb ergall, M. G. Reed, Albany, Robert Johnson. W. H. Kurtz, P. H. Straub, G. W. Corbett. F. E. McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Copson, Corvallis; H. E. Peterson, Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill, Eugene, and George Barnes, Lincoln; Neb. Mr. and Mrs. R. C- Rogers have as their guest Mrs. A. Michael of Stark, Kan. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aldrich of Eus-ene are entertaining Mrs. Al- drich's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Guthrie of Athens, O. E. O. Steen and family of Port land are occupying a Cherry City cottage. Recent arrivals from corvallis are Mrs. J. W. Hayes? Mrs. P. A. Hayes and son Weldon and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Harris of Cor vallis were visitors for a few days. W. B. Berry and family of Port land are Nye beach vacationists. Miss Bertha Weber of Brownsville is the guest of "C. R. Michael and family, who are housed at Tent City. Miss Ruth Scott, of the university of Oregon school of music is spend ing the summer at the Criimore. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mardis left for thier home in McMinrtvilJe. ' Roy McDonald and family and A. F. Courter and .family are Fails CMy vacationists, domiciled at Sunny side- lodcet Out-of-state guests at Tent City are Mr. Kingtworth and family. Kalamazoo. Mich.; M. A. Ezzell, Petersburg. Va.j William P. Mulli gan, Seattle. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burke, with Arthur and Allen Burke, Billings, Mont. C. R- Chapin and family and Dr. E. H. Utter and family motored in from Newberg. They are enjoying the hospitality of the Gilmore. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cosby of Ore gon Agricultural college, are en ioyine: a two weeks' outing. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Roberts of Portland are sea coast visitors Mr. and Mrs. Paul Epperly of Cor vallis are at the Borden for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jarinin were guests at the Nicolai. Mrs. Flora Conger and party of Salem arrived for a two weeks out ine at Cherry City. Ted Cochran and Mr. Cochran of Yoncalla are Newport vacationists. Dr. and Mrs. F. .L. Fugit and fam ily, with their guest, Maxine Hall, are here on their vacation. They are housed at Sunny Side lodge. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Richmond left for their home in Eugene. A. E. Baker, Alia Baker of Eu gene and J. A. Waters of Vancouver comnose a narty at Sunny Side lodire. 31rs. E. E. Arthur of Cottage Grove if at the Gilmore indefinitely. Dr. and Mrs. ThornUn and Dr. and Mrs. owell are among the visitors reiristered at the Nicolai hotel. Mr. and Mrs. F. -O. Breckenridge of Salem are having a ten days" out iner. ' Mrs. W. J. Slmklns and children of McMinhviHe are housed at Sea Crest Mr. Kinman and family of Walla Walla are at Sunny Side lodge. Mr. "and Mrs. 3. C. Mcleed and son have been guests at the -Abbey for a few days. Mr. Mcleod is the high way engineer in charge of the Cor vaHis-Newport , highway. Mr. and Mrs. ' P. M. Tallman of Newberg arrived recently. Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Goshon, O. J. Bates and Mrs. V. H. Smith of Bea verton are housed at Sunny Side lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter have been, spending a few days in New port. - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palmer of Portland are guests at the Cud Play ground. . Mayor Baker, not of Portland, but' of Grass Valley, is enjoying Tent City life with his family. Additional members of the party are P. N. Lem mon and family of Portland. VISITORS 'SLEEP IX OPEX Cannon Beach so Popular Hotels Can't Supply RoomSj CANNON BEACH,-Or., July 8. (SpeciaL)-T-Hundreds et visitors and tourists have arrived at Cannon Beach during the past week. Auto mabile parties started arriving Sat urday and continued over the entire week end. There was not a bed to be had and many were forced to sleep In the open. . Bonfire parties were never more popular and the vacationists have seen many beautiful sunsets and moonlight nights. Miss i Jane Honeyman is here for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Umbdenstock and daughters Lucile, Mary and Vir ginia, Mr. and Mrs. .Harry Sale, Mr. and Mrs.. L. Johnson made up a motor party to this beach. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells and daughter Roberta will Bpend the month of July at Woodmere cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. .R. Dodson spent the week end here. ' Mrs. W. A. story and little grand daughter from Pendleton will occupy Thistledown cottage this month. Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie Reeves of Pendleton motored here for a few days. . One ef the attractive stopping places at Cannon Beach is Jack and Jill's Tumble Inn, where lunches are served by Mrs. C. T. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Mrs. Afice Brown and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stevens Jr. anddaughter Ruth are among the new arrivals Mary Lane, Freda Comport and Mae Comport are vacationing at Tolevana park. Elizabeth Seller, Robert Dodson and Dr. and. Mrs. P. S. Hallor en joyed a short stay here. Mrs.- T. Galbrairh has opened her home here for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Lincoln and son Fred were week-end visitors. Mrs. W. S. Wade and son Billy spent a feV days here. . - , Mr. and Mrs. T. Watts have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family from Ohio. Olga Westergard. Oliver Mclntee and P. O. Allen motored here for a short stay. A lumber mill is now operating on the site of the old government spruce camp. This is the first in dustry of any kind on the beach. Miss Roberta Wells entertained the following guests over the week end: Harriet Sarajeht, Helena Hern and Edna Van Horn. Mr. and Mrs. F.-A. Lewis and chil dren. Mack and Imogene; are guests at the Cannon Beach hotel. Arthur Peavey o Twin Falls. Idaho, s tbe house guest of Robert Dodson. ' Harold -Durham is visiting his parents here. Among the recent arrivals at the Warren hotel are: Mr. and Mrs. George Guild and Donold and Helen Guild, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. L.Burke, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Fiver, Mr. ahd Mrs. A. D. Leach. Miss K. BranUis. Robert Smith and family, .Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kendall and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Moores, Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Backus and sons. Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Cantril, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Sommer and Mr. and Mrs. F. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald West and daughter Helen are In their cottage. Mrs. R. W. Parks and children have taken a cottage for the sum mer. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Sommer have opened their cottage. Mrs. E. A. Gardner is domiciled in her summer home. The guest list of the Hotel Ecoia included: E. T. Gage, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ball and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gram. Mrs. J. C. Pritchard, Mrs. W. B. Teasdale, Margaret A. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. V. Hammer . Marie Guthro of Butte, Mont, and Mae Rotramel of Evansville, Ind.. Jre visitors at the beach. The housewarmlng of the new summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Holohan held over the week-end was, without a doubt, the most unique and elaborate affair ever held on the beach. Mr. Holohan had been invited to come to the beaph to be the guest of friends and did not know that it was his own new home whica had been built and furnished by his wife without his knowledge. Guests at the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells, Mr. and Mrs. George Powls, Mr. and Mrs. Hollls Alger, Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott. Dr. and Mrs. N. O. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. George Weatherly, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Prentiss, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ball and son Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gramm and daughter Doris, Mrs. S. Gumm, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Alger, Mrs. F. A. Jackson, Howard Gavlord. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dodson and the hosts.' An elaborate dinner was served Saturday night and ,the festivities continued all day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hayner and Flavei Hayner are newcomers: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Inderbitzel and daughter Carol have opened their cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Poppleton and daughter Grace and Mrs. Lincoln have taken a cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morden, Mrs. Robert F. Hall, Mrs. Millard-Johnson and A. W. Cochran motored to the Warren for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Shacklin and Helen Donnly spent a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dewart have taken a eottage for the season. , H. E. Burdette and family will spend the season here. G. H. Sherrett, J. H. Bryant and Mrs. Lonergan are building attrac tive new homes on Hogan s alley, a new street just opened. Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Dakin and daughter celebrated the Fourth here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartman are vaca tioning at Schreibers. Elmer Price and William Giles ar rived Monday. LOXG BEACH HAS CROWDS Fourth of July Visitors Fill Vp ' All Accommodations. LONG BEACH, Wash'., July 8 (Special.) Many flocked to Long Beach for the Fourth, arriving Sat urday and remaining until Wednes day. The auto park, newly lighted and with many improvements, was taxed to acommodate the cars de manding space, and was the center of much gaiety. The? hotels were crowded and not a house was to be had. Although many have returned to their homes, many will spend the summer here. An enjoyable event of Monday was the inauguration of the daily swimming classes by the supervisors of the Hill military summer camp at the Natatorium. Cadets ranging in ages from 4 to 18 disported themselves. This fea ture of the recreation programme of the -camp is compulsory, as it (Continued on Pace t .J S