The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 46

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With Lines of Beauty
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I&fX (PorotfiyJanfordJvJiose ' -- , 7-J
Vvxw?.- Wedding aas an impxessjir - jqv V
fcfVrj eu?n? 7dst euesung.
1 "tj
at - m
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Tom&cAardspn Coffey. . jtffoj Virginia Gurft.
Son of Mr. andJKt .Znt fss-., tl- e -
(Continued From Page 3.) i
Mrs. Harry L. Namttz, sang "Alone I
in Love's Garden." Mrs. Namitz (
played the wedding march. I
The bride was attired in a dark
Bijtin canton crepe dress with touches
of cerise. She wore a black hat and
black fur scarf, with a corsage of
ophella roses and orchids. Her at
tendants, Miss Kthel Amburm and
Miss Myrtle Kreitnbring, wore white
ellk frocks and carried eweet peas
In pastelle shades. Calvin ' Billeter
attended the bridegroom.
Leaves, carnations and roses were
used to decorate the house, while
Japanese lanterns were hung- about
the porch and lawn. Dainty re
freshments were served to the 100
The young couple left shortly after
the reception to spend their honey
moon at Newport beaoh. Following
their stay at the seashore they will
make their home at Toledo, Or.,
where the bridegroom Is in business.
i Tews-Troedson.
The Augustana Lutheran church
was the scene of a beautiful wed
ding, Saturday, June 1, when, Miss
Elva Troedson became the bride of
Frank Tews. The Rev. Axel M.
Green, pastor of the church, of
ficiated. The ceremony was fol
lowed by a luncheon at the Hotel
For the last two years, the bride
lias been engaged as a teacher in
the Portland public schools. Mr.
. Tews is in the employ of the Pa
cific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany in Seattle, in the capacity of
commercial engineer. The couple
will make their home in Seattle
after a short honeymoon in Rainier
National park. -
One of the prettiest June wed
dings took place Saturday afternoon
when Miss Helen K. King became
the bride of Fred Bock. The cere
mony was solemnized at the resi
dence of the bride's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lalnson, 1625
Court street, Rev. W. C. Kanter of
ficiating. The wedding was dis
tinctive in many ways and was at
tended by a large number of out
of town people.
The rooms were converted Into a
floral, bower for the occasion with
seasonal blossoms in pink - and
White. A archway of larkspur and
greenery was arranged for an altar,
The bride, who is a very pretty
girl, wore a lovely gown of white
satin embellished with handsome
lace. She wore a long veil which
fell from a crown. Her bouquet was
a cluster of valley lilies and roses.
Preceding the bride came her brides
maids, Miss Lavina Rogers of Port
land, and Miss Margaret Warren of
Minneapolis, Minn. Both were cos
turned in smart frocks of lavender
organdy, and carried bouquets of
sweet peas. . Silver wreaths in their
hair completed the color effect
They were met at the improvised
altar by the bridegroom and a
'brother of the bride.
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion and ffet luncheon was served. ,
The following group of aororlty sis
ters assisted in serving: Miss An
nabels Golden, Miss Mary Elizabeth
Bayne, Miss Ina May Proctor, Miss
Hattie Reeder, Miss Nell Richmond
and Miss Alice McClellan. Mrs.
George Croisan and Miss Ralph
Coleman assisted about the rooms.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. King of 378 North
King street, Salem.
At a quiet and simple wedding
service at the home of Rev. I K.
Grimes, Miss Amy Tillotson became
the bride of Lyman A. Pickett July
5. The bride, has been living with
her sister, Mrs. E. S. Scott, since her
graduation from an Illinois college.
The bridegroom, who is Y. M. C. A.
secretary at Astoria, had an excel
lent record during the late war. Mr.
and Mrs. Pickett. Left for. Seabeck to
spend their noneymoon.
Marshall-I.I vena y.
The marriage of Miss Gail J
Livesay of East St. Louis, 111., te
William J. Marshall of Marysville,
Wash., was solemnized at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F.- G.' Livesay, 14?
East Flanders street, Wednesday,
June 28, at 1 o'clock In the after
noon. Miss Clara E. Livesay played
the wedding march and the cere
mony was performed by Rev. Daniel
Bryant, in the presence of only the
immediate family. The bride was
attired In a gown of grey canton
crepe, embroidered in steel beads,
and wore a corsage of pink sweet
peas and lily of the valley. She
was attended by her cousin, Miss
Danae A. Livesay, who w6re mid
night blue canton, crepe and a cor
sage of salmon and lavender sweet
peas. The groom was attended by
Arthur Wald of Madison, Wis. Pre
ceding the ceremony Joseph A. Fin
ley sang "For Thee," by D'Hardelot,
and "Thank God for a Garden," by
Riego. Following the ceremony the
wedding dinner was served on the
The bride formerly was a school
teacher in East St. Louis and the
groom, following extended service
overseas in the late war, has pur
chased and is operating a chicken
ranch at Marysville, Wash. -
Linelian-Bb.cb.aut. .
A quiet wedding took place in
San Francisco May 24, when Miss
Marlon Brehaut became the bride of
Edward. L. Llnehan. Mrs. Llnehan,
who is a sister of Mrs. t. A. Pat-
tullo and Mrs. H. W. Floyd of this
city, served overseas with base
hospital No. 48. Mr. Llnehan is a
young business man of San Fran
cisco. After a short motor trip to
Monterey, Mr. and Mrs. Llnehan will
be at home in their new residence
In Forest hill, San Francisco.
Miss Celta Slaybaugh became the
bride of James C. Sams at a wed
ding last Monday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Bacon in Rose City
Park. The bride's weding gown was
of white crepe-back satin. The
full-length veil was held in place by
a bandeau of orange blossoms and
her bouquet was of Ophelia roses
and lilies of the valley.
Mrs. Bacon, matron of honor, wore
pink silk with girdle of silver and a
silver wreath In her hair. Her
flowers were a shower of pink sweet
A reception to relatives and close
friends was held, after -which sup
per wag served on the lawn, which
was illuminated and decorated for
the occasion.
The honeymoon included a motor
trip to British Columbia, . after
which Mr. Sams will take his bride
to their new ' home in Olympia,
where he is in business.
Miss Gertrude M. Lirhrs became
the bride of Clifford A. Smith June
30, at a small wedding in the' chapel
of the .First Baptist church. Miss
Luhrs was formerly a Brooklyn
N. Y.. girl. Mr. Smith is a well-
known Portland man. He is the son
of the late Burt L. Smith and Mrs.
Grace H. Barzee. The young couple
will be at home after July 15 at 128
East Fifteenth street North.
Elliott-Marlcle. '
A marriage of Friday evening,
June 3D, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Elliott, 294 East Seventy-
second street North, was that of
Miss Lucile Maricle of Seattle and
Edwin R. Elliott of Portland, for
merly of Terrebonne, Or. Rev. Ken
neth Campbell of McCormick, Wash.,
officiated. Miss Gertrude Osborn
and Raymond L. Elliott were at
tendants and Mrs. Boyd Wagner
played the wedding march. Follow
ing a honeymoon spent at the
beaches, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will be
at home to their friends at 1181
Tibbetts street, after July 15.
Of interest to Portland and Salem
folk is the announcement of the
marriage of Miss Alpha Wright of
Salem, to M. B. Young of Portland.
The wedding took place at high
ties ('
T7rs.WitIiam-:Scm(tman. who
was niss Betty fTae Truitt.
( Dorothy Storror'a), ,
tvAose weddiug COOK ahtt
,i'n ortfyen City.
JTss H32.e? feme Flr'shon
whose ivfdding cud 1& '
$ofemni$ed.t'n Salem 15 day.
noon, June 28, in Portland, arm the
ceremony was performed by Rev. B.
Earle Parker, pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church. The
bride was attractively garbed in a
dark blue suit with a hat to match.
The bouquet was a corsage of
bride's roses, lilies of the valley and
fern. : The attendance at the cere
mony wai limited to relatives. Fol
lowing the ceremony the bridal sup
per was served, after which the
couple departed for the seashore.
The bride is the aaughter of Mrs.
Amy Wright of Satem. She has been
employed by the state accident
commission for the last five, years.
Mr. Young, son of W. E. Young of
Salem, served in the world war in
the navy. He is at present in the
employ f of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company. Mr. and
Mrs. Young will make their home
111 Portland. -
At the old Latourette homestead
near Oregon pity Wednesday, Miss
Alfreda Latourette became the bride
of John David Stewart. The service
was read under one of the fine old
trees planted by the bride's father
in the early '50s. Rev. W. A. Eress
man of Pendleton officiated.
The bride is the youngest daugh
ter of L. D. C. Latourette, a pioneer
of 1848 and for many years a lead
ing citizen of Oregon City and vicin
ity. Her mother, now of Portland,
is the daughter of Rev. Ezr. Tisher,
a pioneer of 1845.
After a .short trip the young
couple will make their home in
Multnomah, where Mr. Stewart is an
electrical engineer with the Oregon
Electric company. .
The announcement of the mar
riage of Astor A. Seaborg Jr. and
Miss Meka Hershberger, which oc
curred at Lewiston, Idaho, June 27,
is of particular interest to Ilwaco-
ans, as the groom's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Seaborg. are former well
known ' Ilwaco ' residents and his
paternal grandmother, Mrs. M. C,
Seaborg, is a pioneer resident of Il
waco. Following a motor trip to
Canadian points of interest, Mr. and
Mrs, Seaborg Jr. will reside at Lew
Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Bettman have
as their house guest Miss Anna
Hertzman of San Francisco.
Mrs. E. H. C. Taylor and Mrs. Will
lam Cass are visitors at Neah-Kah-Nie
at Mrs. Taylor's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glenn of Irv
ington are entertaining their sister.
Miss Agnes Hickman of Kansas City.
Miss Hazel Trouton has returned
to the city after a vacation at Camp
Lewis, Wash., where she visited relatives.
Out-of-town guests at the Solo
mon Clemens wedding Tuesday
were Mr, and Mrs. I. E. Solomon of
Mrs. Harry G. Allen, formerly of
Portland, but now of San Fran
cisco, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
R. V. Smith. Mrs. Allen is accom
Cut. seam, hem, machine pleat
skirts ready to
sew on band,
852 5th St.
Mail Orders
lllUIUililHiHnmi) miimifriUnlmiiHiiiiimiiliuliiihs
Goin8- M
A Vacation Special in
Writing Paper
Linen Finish 24 Sheets, 24 Envelopes
14c Two for 25c
Shopping Baskets
at 75c each
These baskets are made of
the finest Japanese reeds
and come in three styles.
Lily Paper Cups
Package of 5 5c
Package of 50. .... .50c
Package of 100..... 75c
PlainWhite Napkins
Per hundred 1 5c
. Per' thousand. .....$ 1 .25
Paper Towels
Roll .......35c
Flat 50c
Kodak Your Outings
2C Box Brownie.. . $5,00
Takes excellent pictures.
Vest Pocket Folding Ko
daks at $6.50 and $8 each
J V6x2Vz v... ........ 3c
2!4x3!4 4c
2544 J2 and over. . . .5c
Lunch Baskets
Each 75c
White Paper Plates
3 inches, dozen . .... j 10c
4Yi inches, dozen. ... 1 5c
6 inches, dozen 25,
"Make Your Outing Worth While'
Third and Alder Streets
iinmmiiiiiiimii iiiinmiii inn minini? tmimirmTi
More of the New Garments You Love So
Well Are Now Here for You
. In them appears that certain
sense of gracefulness which is
found to make its appeal and give
an unusual measure of satisfaction.
in whirls of color and fabric and
graceful lines that make resort life
and Capes
in styles that the practical and
the Fashion-wise won't want to
in those modes of custom char
acter that meet with immediate
-With No Competition
Growing good reason
VJiumilft. FOR IT. TOO
That thousands of women have found the styles and values
presented by this establishment to be more than satisfactory is
verified by the fact that our volume of business and number
of patrons increase at an incomprehensible rate.
II :."!'
1 !.1
Los Angeles
! 45-147 BROADWAY
pap led by her sister, Miss Verna L.
Smith, who has been visiting her
for the last month.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Schmoer
with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rupell, spent
the week end and the Fourth of July
at Seaside.
Mrs. Harry Bailey has been de
lightfully entertained during the
past three weeks in San Francisco
and Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Graham
of Grangeville, Idaho, are the par
ents of a second son, born July 3, at
the Sellwood hospital. Mrs. Graham
is upending the summer with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hender
son, 932 Tibbetts street. Mr. Graham
came to Portland the last of June.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ramsdell have
returned to Portland after a month's
visit in New York and Atlantic City.
They are accompanied by their
daughter, Mrs. R. J. Hlmmelright.
. a ii
Do you want a figure, like mine? You can have it,
and at the same time eliminate crowsfeet, wrinkles (the
bane of every woman's life) and look and feel ten years'
younger. For the next two months, beginning July
10th and continuing until September 10th, I am going
to shake Portland and vicinity like an earthquake and if
there are any fat women here when I leave it won't be
my fault.
Beauty of form can be cultivated just tho same as
flowers are made to blossom, with proper care. Woman,
by nature refined and delicate, craves the natural
beauty of her sex. How wonderful to be a perfect woman,
to know what to eat and how to eat. To not weigh one
ounce more than is necessary for your height and all
this can be done safely, inexpensively and permanently
the only natural way without wrinkles, remember,
Better stay fat if you are going to be wrinkled. No drugs,
records, cabinet baths, electricity, etc. There is no other
way, as I will be glad to explain to you Free of Charge,
and if there is anyone else in Portland who has anything
better than I have to offer let them come forward now
and tell the people about it. I invite criticism. This sys
tem of reducing "rings true" and that is what the people
want something that appeals to their common sense.
I do not ask you to do one thing I haven't myself dor.
Ten years ago I weighed 190 pounds and today my weight
is 126 pounds, and the reduction has been permanent.
You may have all you need to eat three times a day or
of tener, and you suffer no ill effects from the reducing,
as I give you just what you are able to do, no more.
The cut shows my figuro when I won first prize in
Physical Culture Magazine for having the most perfect
figure in the United States, but I had to make that figure.
Women, wake up! Be admired. Don't carry around with
you continually a load of ballast you can throw off like
an old garment. You are just a good advertisement to
the public that you are lazy when you do this.
You may pick up magazines and see wonderful reduc
tions. I can show the greatest reduction by any woman
?r. Anarin hr t.hft rlav. -week or month, and you will have
j.u h,-; o ,,,;! ,1TAl-r r.f tbi wnrnWful method MiuSkfamimmwtoSitti
of reducing Tight here in your own city for ,the next two months for the same price that
you would pay for a piece of lingerie. A lady in Vancouver, Wash., reduced 86 pounds in 28
weeks. A woman in Seattle 133 pounds in 24 weeks. I, myself , reduced 63 pounds in 8 weeks.
Now beginning the tenth of July and continuing until the tenth of September, I will reduce the
first 100 women to normal for $10.00 each, and I win also reduce the fattest woman in Portland "
vicinity FREE OF CHARGE. The mail order course is $5.00 during these months, and I can take
care of you Just as thoroughly by mail as though you were here under my personal supervision, so
there Is no reason for any one remaining fat, and the best part of it all is that I take the fat off
where it NEEDS to be taken off. Every woman h&i her problem. Come in classes, individually, or
any way, but don't put It off. Get in all the time you can, and I can reduce you easily at the rate
of five pounds a week. Have your flmre permanently Marnhelled now.
No one in the city can compete with the price and no one can successfully compete with this
system of reduction. Stand by your mirror, take an inventory of yourself, then come.
Suite 807-8 Broadway Building. (In Person) Phone Main 2735. Consultation Free.
1 i'W1 i.4is8