The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 45

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vr. Jl Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes of Little
Rock, Ark., are also visitors at the
Read home.
Edmund Zan Coman, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Coman was
a visitor in Portland last week. He
left last night for San Francisco,
where he will become established in
Miss Virginia Gile-s will return
Wednesday from Cleveland, where
she has been attending Miss Ferris'
high school and Reed college stu
dent. He is now associated with
the Pacific Motor Boat magazine
with headquarters in Seattle.
Announcement has been made of
the .engagement of -Mrs. Margaret
Bernard to George Li. Dunn of Chi
cago. Mrs. Bernard, who has been
connected with the Kubll-Howell
company for several years, has
many friends in business and social
circles of Portland. Mr. Dunn is a1
prominent business man of Chicago
kand after the wedding and a trip to
California and Canada will take his
bride there to live. The marriage
Miss Lucy Vogler of Indiana is J will be solemnized, in August.
h -w.- 1 u&m: PA
c MScrSej Siter ,Sf uyr Sft&L Ms y4M
Anna Sredinsky, formerly of Petro
grad. The news came in a letter
recently received by his parents,
Colonel and Mrs. Henry E. Dosch.
The ceremony took place May 11 at
the Grand Hotel de Genes in Genou,
Italy, and among the guests were
Frank A. Vanderlip, New York
banker; Lincoln Steffens, well
known journalist; Joe Davidson,
American sculptor, and Charles
Smith, a former Portlander.
Mrs. Dosch-Fleurot is the daugh
ter of the late Nikolas Sredlinsky,
who was councilor of state under
the regime of the czar, a life-long return next week.
oiiiciai 01 tne imperial ministry 01
agriculture in Petrograd, and a well
known botanist. Her mother, Helene
Xasarieva, was descended from the
Cossack general, Shah-Nazaroff, and
her brother Alexander, who now re
sides in Paris, was formerly secre
tary of chancery of the council of
Mr. and Mrs. Dosch-Fleurot are
now living in Berlin. He was a
special war correspondent in Russia
during the war, and after the revo
lution he there met Mrs. Dosch
Fleurot. They are planning to come
to Portland in the fall.
2?0-vt jr-ror S"cvf- --j? SrZjs'jj
and Mrs. W. A. Davis of the 27th in
fantry, Mr. and. Mrs. C. A. Compton
of San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Mann, former residents of
Portland. The Johnstons plan to
Miss Mary Helen Spalding enter
tained last Tuesday at a bridge teat
complimenting Miss Doris Henning-
sen, bride-elect, whose marriage to
Severin Harkson will be an event of
July 15. Guests made up four tables
of bridge and a number of the
younger society maids' called during
the tea hour. Miss Edith Marshall,
Miss Harriet Griffith, Miss Suzanne
Caswell and Miss Margaret Cook
Friends of Joseph Francis Marias,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marias
of this city, will be interested to
hear of his marriage to Miss Regina
Kinslow on June 29, in Manila. A
cablegram to the bridegroom's par
ents announced that the ceremony
took place in the private chapel of
the archbishop's palace, after which
a large reception was held. The
bride, who is the daughter of John
Kinslow of Santa Rosa, Cal., is pop
ular in San Francisco social circles.
Mr. Marias is head of the United
Etates shipping board at Manila.
Miss Flora Marx of San Francisco,
the house guest of Miss Edith Ot
tenheimer, was honored Thursday
evening at a dinner dance at the
Portland hotel, when Ludwig Por-
korney was host. Covers were placed
for Miss Marx, Miss Ottenheimer,
Miss Elise Fleischner, Miss Elise
Phillips of San Francisco, Miss Har
riet Griffith, Miss Mary Helen Spald
ing, Miss Elizabeth Ducey, Miss
Katherine Seller, Miss Martha Hoyt,
Miss Jane Seller, Gerald Graham,
Shirley Baron, Orin Grossman, Dr,
Albert Grossman. Holt Berni, Junior
Pallett, Russell C. Ralston, Jack E.
Berry, Joseph Ehrman and Mr. Por
Portland alumnae association of
Chi Omega entertained with a smart
bridge tea at Waverley Country
clubhouse yesteTday afternoon.
At a quiet and impressive cere
mony in. the study of Rabbi Jonah
B. Wise, Mrs. Clara Clemens became
the bride of Samuel Solomon Tues
day. The bride wore a handsome
white crepe de chine gown made cn
pimple tailored lines, a large white
leghorn hat and a corsage of orchids.
Her attendant, Mrs. Edwin Blumen
thal, was gowned in white silk and
wore a corsage. Edwin Blumenthal
was best man. After the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon left for a fort
night's trip to the Puget Sound
cities. On their return they will re
side at the Ambassador apartments.
Mr. Solomon is a prominent Port
land business man and' his bride, is
& charming and attractive woman.
Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed is in Los
Angeles and plans to go to New
Tork to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Donald Clarke. Mrs. Reed will re
turn in September.
Mrs. Robe?; A. Bowden of Sacra
mento, with her two small daugh
ters, is visiting Mrs. A. Skene
Moody and is being delightfully
entertained. On Wednesday Mrs
Moody gave a luncheon at her home
in honor of the California visitor,
and Thursday Mrs. W. F. Hynes
gave a similar affair at the Uni
versity club.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnston,
who went to Honolulu for the Shrine
activities, are having an enjoyable
time. They attended a formal ball
' at the Elks' club in honor of the
imperial potentate and went to a
governmental reception. They were
hosts at a dinner dance for Captain
Miss Elizabeth Boshke. the much-
feted guest of Miss 'Janet House,
left Saturday for her home in San.
Francisco. She will return in sev
eral weeks to visit Portland again.
Mrs. W. D. Clark has igone to Se
attle to enter her daughter Betty
in the Girl Scouts camp.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong
have opened their cottage at Seaside
and will remain there for the sum
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Morey are
visitors in Spokane, where they axe
Deing entertained.
Miss Lura Tamiesie, bride-elect,
shared honors on Thursday with
Miss iflllzabeth Ornduff at a prettily
appointed luncheon given by Miss
Mildred Steinraetz at her home in
Mount Tabor. Covers were placed
tor tne honor guests, Mrs. William
Crittenden, Mrs. Ernest McKeen,
Mrs. C. M. Maurice, Miss Louise
Gray, Miss Florence Hoimes, Miss
Helen Killen, Miss Marian Mitchell,
will visit their mother, Mrs.. J.
Lowe of that city, for ten days,
making the trip by motor. On their
return Mrs. Burkhart will stay at
the barracks for a few days. Miss
i Virginia Inglis and Master Otto
Burkhart are making the trip with
Frank Hall of New Tork, brother
of Mrs. R. M. Blatchford, and Peter
H. Walton of New Jersey, nephew,
are visiting the general and Mrs.
Blatchford at the barracks.
Captain and Mrs. W. McC. Chap
man left for a trip to California last
Wednesday. They motored , down
with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinsmore
of Piedmont, Cal., who have been
their house guests for the last two
Captain and Mrs. Horace Heath
entertained at bridge Monday eve
ning, July 3, for Mr. and Mrs. W.
V. Dinsmore. Their guests were
Captain and Mrs. K. B. Wise, Cap
tain and Mrs. W. McC. Chapman,
Captain and Mrs. William Rehm.
Captain and Mrs. Jules Bischof,
Miss Margaret Bischof of St. Louis,
Captain and Mrs. T. A. Harris and
Lieutenant and Mrs. E. S. Prouty.
Training on the rifle range start
ed Wednesday, July 5. Officers and
their men walked the distance of
15 miles from the barracks, where
they will make camp until . they
have finished firing the course. Of
ficers now on the range are: Lieu
tenant ciauae Ferenbaugh, range
officer; Captain C. E. Knicker
bocker, Captain D. B. Simpson
Lieutenant W. O. Collins, Lieuten
ant E. S. Prouty and Captain H. W.
Kennard, medical.
visitine her sister. Mrs. E. E. Miller,
at 647 Ladd avenue, and will bej
here until October.. Miss Vogler is
an ex-Portlander and will renew
many old acquaintances. j
Mrs. William L. Bray and daugh
ter. Miss Florence, who are visiting
Mrs. Philip A. Parson, were enter
tained at luncheon Thursday by
members of Kappa Kappa Gamma
at Hotel Benson.
.. !
The marriage of Miss Frances
Kenny and Deo Mallett, two popular
young people of Portland, took place
July 1. The bride, who is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Kenny, at
tended Virginia college in Roanoke,
Va'. Mr. Mallett is in the lumber
business in Raymond, and after a
honeymoon spent in Tacoma tne
voune- couo e win mane meir numc
there. The bridegroom was a promi
nent member of the Multnomah ciud
and represented that organization
in Various tennis tournaments.
Miss Zoe King was a recent host
ess at the University club for lunch
eon honoring Miss Eltrude Wagner
and Miss Elena Brown of San Francisco.
Mrs. W. L. Ducey, with her daugh
ter. Miss Elizabeth Ducey, is now
occupying her new home at 741
Schuyler street.
A group of prominent women were
patronesses at the recital given Fri
day evening at the Multnomah hotel
by Louise Merrill Cooper. The pa
tronesses included the following:
Mm To Friede. Mrs. C. W. Fulton,
Mrs. 'A. Tichner, Mrs. H. W. Metz
ger, Mrs. David C. Eccles, Mrs. Mary
H. Cardwell, Mrs. E. M. Brown, airs
Ida H. Beyer. Mrs. George W. Reed
Mrs. Henry R. Porter. Mrs. Kenneth
Hauser. Mrs. F. P. Downing, Mrs
F. S. Fuller, Mrs. John K. Kollock,
Mrs. Charles W. Ross. Mrs. A. Healy,
Mrs. Harry Rinehard, Mrs. Percy
Allen, Mrs. E. A. Sommer. Mrs. E. H.
Street, Mrs. A. A. Hampson, Mrs.
Raymond B. Wilcox. Mrs. Frank M.
Taylor, Mrs. E. 'L. Thompson, Mrs.
Dom J. Zan, Mrs. J. R. Ellison, Mrs.
A. Van Rosendael, Mrs. A. L. Leach,
Mrs. L. R. Bailey, Mrs. C. E. Run-
yon, Mrs. W. Hull, Mrs. Carl Gur-
sen, Mrs. Bernarda ttarry enaer
son. Mrs. Painter, Mrs. J. ' N. Rice,
Mrs. A. S Kerry, Mrs. Donald Spen
cer. Mrs. Francis Stanley, Mrs. D. B.
Kelly, Mrs. Lee Hoffman, Mrs. Mary
Adel Case Van. Mrs. J. w.. lUDiner,
Mrs. Alexander Thompson, Mrs. G. L.
Wallace, Mrs. Warren Hanna, Mrs.
A. H. Lea, Mrs. Cameron Squires,
Mrs. C. L. Bowles. Mrs. F. C. Mai
pas. Mrs. Homer P. Coffin, Mrs.
Georee W. Black, Mrs. Walter Bliss,
Miss Mary E. Morton, Mrs. Estella
Ford Warner. Mrs. Zimmerman,
Mrs. Robert S. Farrell and Mrs.
Guy R. Porter.
The following Portland people
were guests at Nimrod inn on the
McKenzie last week: Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Warner, Herbert Bradley., C. A.
English. Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. S,
Smith. Mrs. J. H. Bushnell, Mrs
Jessamine Van Hoevenberg and
Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sichel,
Dr. Howard D. and Mrs. Whiting,
Miss John, H. J. Cress, Mr. and Mrs.
William Gray Purcell with James
and Douglas, Mr, and Mrs. Ferry
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Cor
bett with Gretchen and Lesley, Miss
Lucy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Dirker and Bradley.
Captain and Mrs. Donald Parker
Spalding (Mildred Camp) of Fort
McKinley, -Portland, Me., are re
ceiving congratulations on the birth
of a son. William Frederick Spald
ing. Mrs. Spalding is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Camp of this
Mrs. J. C. Lewis, Miss Eleanor
Lewis, Miss Pauline Bondurant and
Miss Helen Bondurant comprised a
party which left for Beacn uenter.
Wash., Friday to enjoy a stay at the
Schiller cottage.
An attractive tea of Wednesday
was that given by Mrs. Wilbur Mc-
Eldowney, honoring Mrs. Charles
Nelson Johnson Jr., her guest. About
100 guests were invited. A musical
programme was rurnisnea Dy kus
sell Beals. pianist: Miss Alma Van
Koughnet, soloist, and Miss Aileen
Hoffmann, accompanist. Mrs. Harry
Hill poured and Miss Adeline John
son cut the ices. Little Victoria
Hibbard met the guests at the door.
Receiving with the hostess were
Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. H. C. Atwell, Mrs.
Chester Johnson, Mrs. J. W. Macrum
and Mrs. D. H. Cheney.
Announcement of the engagement
of Miss Charlotte Bailin to Chris
topher Story Jr. was made known at
a tea at which Mrs. Ray T. Bradley
and Mrs. Fred Bailin were hostesses
last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Bai
lin attended the University o Wash
ington and the American Art academy
ton and the American Art academy
of New York. Mr. Story is a gradu
ate of. Annapolis and is the man
ager of the Dougherty Marine com
pany of New York. The wedding
will take place the latter part of
this month. Pouring at the tea
table were Mrs. R. Sanstrom and
Mrs. J. P. Richardson. Those cut
ting ices were Mrs. Charles H. Clem
ent and Mrs. D. A. Rich. About 150
maids and matrons called during the
bred, pastor of the Lutheran church,
officiated. The ring ceremony was
used. . A- four-course dinner was
served at 12 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart, after a honeymoon at Sea
side, will make their home in Port
land. ,
i;QQ JTrlno Tno tfeo riao-t,-
ter. of Colonel and Mrs. A. L. Bump,
was the recipient of a surprise
musicale on Thursday at her home
at 800 Borthwick.
Mrs. George C. ' Reiter, wife of
Rear-Admiral Reiter, U. S. N., re
tired, of San Francisco, is in Port
land as the guest of friends and rela
tives. ; .
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Scott
have returned from a trip to south
ern California.
Mrs. J. C. Costello entertained
Friday afternoon at a tea for the
benefit of the Newman club of the
University of Oregon.- Mrs. J. P.
Kavanaugh, Mrs. H. M. Kern. Mrs.
W. S. McGuire and Mrs. Winthrop
Terry presided over the tea urns.
A group of girls assisted.. A musi
cal programme was given by Miss
Nina Dressel, Miss Ellen Costello
and Miss Prospera Pozzi.
Miss Ethel McKown and Earl
Cowan were married Friday evening,
June 30, at the home of the bride
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
Cowan, with Rev. Alexander Evans
officiating. The rooms were deco
rated with Dorothy Perkins roses
and jasmine. Preceding the cere
mony Mrs. Marian Bennett Duva
sang "When Song Is Sweet" and "I
Love You Truly." Mrs. Donald C.
Cowan accompanied Mrs. Duva and
also- played the wedding march.
The bride's gown was of white
crepe de chine and her veil was
gracefully arranged with a coronet
of orange blossoms. Her bouquet
was of Ophelia roses and sweet peas.
Lucile Coate and Shirley Coate were
dainty flower girls, and Master
Charles Coate was ringbearer.
About 40 guests were present for
the ceremony as well as the infor
mal reception which followed. Mr.
and Mrs. William McKown, parents
of the bride, were among those pres
ent from but of town.
. Mrs. George Midgley, who has
been visiting here from " Eugene,
honored Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gor
don and Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.
Albert with a theater party at the
Herlig on Monday evening.
. '
Among those registered at the
Shasta Springs hotel are Miss Anita
E. Smythe, Christie E. Smythe, Law
rence F. Smythe, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mason Ehrman, Mrs. A. Harris and
Mrs. Geisler.
CANBY, Or., July 8 (Special.)
Miss Clara Olson of this city and
Harry John. Stewart of Portland
were married at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Olson of Canby, Thursday, June 29.
The only guests at the wedding
were relatives. Rev. Overt Skill-
A merry crowd -of pieknickers
gathered Sunday at Gillcrest, the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Gill on the Beaverton highway.
Longtables, laden with picnic deli
cacies, were set in the orchard.
Among other amusements a ball
game was' played between the ladles
and the men. The score was 28 to
1J. In favor of the ladies. In the
evening the guests- had the pleasure
rf "listening in" on The Oregonian
programme on the radio.'
The following enjoyed Mr. and
Mrs. Gill's hospitality: Mrs. Mary
Ammer and Edward Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ammer and children.
Mr. and Mrs. John Albright, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Cooper and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Cooner and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cady
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Amort, Mr. and Mrs. Al Holts and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ca
louri and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Regner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Currier, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Laird
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clifford
and children, Mr. and Mrs. George
vvasnington, Mrs. Crowder, Mrs.
Ritchie and daughter, Mrs. McKee,
and Hazel Hursey, Miss Rosemarie
Wambach, Jack Gray, Roland Gill.
Tom Storey and Robert Cooper.
Last Friday Miss Frances Deger
stedt entertained with a luncheon,
honoring - Miss Beatrice Crowther,
bride-elect. Those present were
Mrs. Harriet Shoemaker Barr of
Lebanon. Mrs. Antonia Liest Crater
of Newberg. Mrs. Ralph Gibson and
son Howard and the hostess' mother,
Mrs. V. Degerstedt. Miss Crowther's
wedding will be solemnized July 22
and she will make her future home
in Arlington.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 8. (Spe
cial.) Miss Katherine M. Baker, at
the-home of her parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Baker, announced her en
gagement to Allyn Button, son of
Mrs. Frank H. Button. The wed
ding will be an early, social event.
The prospective bride was formerly
a student at the University' of Ore
gon, where she is a membr of Delta
Gamma sorority. Mr. Button, over
seas veteran, having been a mem
ber' of the 65th regiment, coast artil
lery corps,- attended the University
of California. He is a member of
the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
Mrs. Button assisted Miss Baker
and her mother in receiving. Mar
garet' Baker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. A. Baker, niece of the
prospective bride, distributed cards
at the door. Mrs. George Sharp.
Mrs. Trafford Smith, Mrs. Banks
Mortimer and Mrs. Arthur Kolstad
presided at the tea table.
Miss Ruby Seely celebrated her
21st birthday with a picnic at
Wahkeena falls, on the Columbia
highway. Two cars were filled with
friends, including the Misses Doro
thy and Margaret Keller, Francis
Rlchter, Messrs. Justus, Gilbert and
! Clifford Murk, Mrs. Mabel Murk and
daughter Dorothy, Beth and Bonnie
Quinn, Mrs. D. O. Gallup and Miss
Seely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lute
Lake park. All tickets sold for the
first date will be honored on this
occasion. The society will join with
the American Legion in celebrating.
The annual picnic of the Wiscon
sin state society will be held July
16 at Columbia park. (Take St.
John's car at Fifth and Alder
streets-.) A basket luncheon will tie
enioved: the a-uests are asked to
I bring their own dishes; coffee and
cream and sugar will be furnished
by the society. All Wisconsinites
are welcome. Coffee will be served
at 1:30 P. M.
The annual outing and reunion of
the Knights of Columbus will be
held at Estacada park, July 16. A
special train to convey the Knighta,
their families and friends will leave
East Water and Morrison streets at
10 A. M. The K. of C. band mem
bers in their new uniforms will ac
company the excursionists and pro
vide music to and from the picnic
grounds. A programme of athletic
events with suitable prizes for the
winners will be a feature of the aft
ernoon's entertainment, and dance
music will be provided by Van
Perre's orchestra.
On Wednesday evening, July 19.
Scout Young auxiliary will hold an
other of its dances on the excursion
boat Swan.
Scout Young Auxiliary, No. 3, will
hold a reception Tuesday evening,
July 11, at 525 Courthouse, honor
ing one of their charter members,
Mrs. Cora A. Thompson, national
president general auxiliary to the
United Spanish war veterans. All
auxiliary and camp members are invited.
The Federated Societies' picnic,
which was to have been held July
Miss Mabel Everett, Misses Mildred 15, will be given July 29 at Crystal
Miss Frieda L. Schumacher, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schu
macher, became the bride of Ralph
Duerden of Toledo, Or., June 20.
Rev. E. E. Hertzler read the service.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Gladys
Fimmel, soprano, accompanied:
(Con-tinued on Page 4.)
Miss Marv Holmes. Mi, TtopnthlmB' ."" mle 13 visixing miss
Bennett and the hostess Katherine Hart at North Beach.
Miss Ornduff with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ornduff, has
recently come to Portland for the
summer, and is domiciled on Ala
meda drive. She is a member of
Chi Omega - at the University of
Michigan, and attended the frater
nity convention held last month in
Salt Lake City.
Society people are looking for
ward to the Oregon state golf tour
nament at the Tualatin Golf club
July 12. There will be championship
events ior Dotn men and women as
well as handicap matches. Mem
bers of the Waverley club are plan
ning to compete.
Mrs. Victor Johnson is captain of
the women's club at Waverley. Mrs.
Ercel Kay of Salem, who now holds
the women's state championship,
will enter the tournament. It ' is
probable that several enthusiasts
from the Seattle Golf club also will
be present.
Mrs. W. H. Inglis, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. F. O. Burkhart of
Seattle and formerly of Portland,
left last Thursday for Medford. They
word has been received from
Mrs. Mary Scarborough that she
will prolong her visit In the Orient
for another month. She was ex
pected to arrive , in Portland this
week after an absence of several
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Read of 560
Mrs. R. B. Knight celebrated her
birthday at her summer home in
Beach Center, Wash., and was the
recipient of a surprise party. A
group of intimate friends, including
Mr. and Mrs. 'James Manner. Mrs.
M. G. Thorsen, Miss Mabel Johnston
and Miss Violet Calder comprised
the party which entertained her at
a tea.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert M. Denison of
Seattle were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Runyon the past
week. They were extensively en
tertained. Monday night Mr. and Mrs. L. (M,
Harris of 481 East Forty-first street
Jiast Alder street, have as their North, entertained informally for
house guests for the summer Miss I their son Donald Harris, who is a
Ida HolDrooK ot Lancaster, England. graduate of the University of Wash
She is being entertained extensively, ington. and was a former Lincoln
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
Into a bottle containing three
ounces of Orchard White. which any
drug store will supply for a few
cents, shake well, and you have a
quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan bleach and complexion whltener.
Massage this sweetly fragrant
lemon lotion into the face, neck and
arms and hands eah day and see
how freckles and blemishes bleach
out and how clear, soft and rosy
white the skin becomes. Adv.
Mothers !
Monday, July 10th
Our Semi-Annual Clean-up Sale disposing of all
summer wearables at less than cost (I "J A A
over 200 pieces at, each .tpJLU"
Some at 2 for $1.00. Many odds and 1Q
ends at, each ;,X u C
See Window Display. Come Early. Store Open
, . - at 8:00 A. M.
The Rose Baby Shop
388 Morrison, Near 10th St.
f. Portland's Oldest
j Specialty Shop 1 jj
Washington at Tenth '
I2 Price
Regularly priced to $75
' $39-50
Silk and
Y2 Price
Many people have become despondent
because thy .hava been led to believe
that there is no remedy that will reduce
swollen veins and: bunches.
If you will get a two-ounce original
bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil (full
strength) at any first class drug store
and apply it at home as directed you
will quickly notice an improvement
which will continue until the veins and
bunches are reduced to normal
Moone's Emerald Oil is very concen
trated and a bottle lasts a long time
that's why it is a most inexpensive treat
ment. It has brought much comfort to
worried people all over the country and
is one of the wonderful discoveries of re
cent yearn and always bear in mind that
anyone who is disappointed with its use
can have their money refunded. Your
lllllllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllUU? druggist can supply you. Adv.
Every Remaining Spring and Summer
Without reservation or exception! Our
entire spring and summer stocks of suits,
wraps, capes, go on sale at half price Mon
day! Scores of smart, high-quality garments
garments that may be worn through the sum
mer and well into the winter
In many instances offered at but a frac
tion of the cost of materials and trimmings!
surrs wraps capes
Of fine tricotines,
poiret twills.
Formerly $29.50 to $65
Half Price
$14.75 to S32.50
Of Tweeds and home
spuns. Formerly $25 to $42.50
Half Price
$12.50 to $21.75
Handsome, graceful
models of bolivia,
shawsheen, velette, nor
mandies all cleverly
Formerly $25 to $67.50
Half Price ,
$12.50 to $33.75
L o v e ly , enveloping
capes of velours, twills,
tweeds and brushed
Formerly $25 to $65
Half Price
$12.50 to $32.50
Continuing the Sale of SMALL FURS
Every choker
:S 2ip-ce- HALF PRICE
.every cape
every collar
Without Reservation Without Exception
Is Offered at Exactly Half Price!
Chose NOW the small fur that will add the cor
rect touch of smartness to your fall costume AND
We quote below just a few of the extraordinary
savings afforded!
$115.00 Platinum Chokers S 57.50
$ 37.50 Stone Marten Choker Li7Ji
$210.00 Fitch Collar . .T glSg-QQ
$ 55.00 Australian Opossum Stole S 27.50
$ 29.50 Wolf Neckpiece S 14.75
$110.00 Taupe Wolf Neckpiece $ 55.00
"Yes Of Course! They are
The hose that looks best wears
longest and costs less ! "
No. 530 Pure thread silk hose, Richelieu rib, fancy
stitch, hemmed top; black, cordovan, calf, S1.45
No. 580 Lustrous pure thread silk hose, semi- fash
ioned, ribbed top; all shades and white, $1.65
N 2200 Full-fashioned pure thread silk, all shades
reinforced heels and toes $2.25
No. 2400 All silk, heavy, lustrous, full fashioned
, ......... $3.50
They're new they're
cool and, oh!, so
"Already Rolled"
Detachable garter tops
$2.25 a pair
Icy Wool
Slipons :
$3.75 and
Is a ,
124-128 SIXTH ST.