The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 44

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' ' " HU. BS M Af W AOS? i L I If" 1 ' "fif"S-i 'JVLMvr
J. . J. viAV, -If 1 .Y. AST-' .VOi-. .-A-.r.1 V. . VV.V.Vi VkV.'.', .v.v.'.Wif.V.l' H ,T .'-.'JV. .' . ' Vft . A .-.v.-.V.v '. .V.
onfnued Fro.n Wn,t PaEe. ) , 'V jST " , LU4l t2
-1 s j4 III 1
I S" " I " III . inursaay arternoon, nonorin? Mrs. 1 1 m t Bff!!iH-
Wit J , ' Mr. and Airs P. T Dnnwnrth nf 1 1 . - H? iill
W4 Ml
in I
of Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis is at
the Good Samaritan hospital recov
ering from an operation for appendicitis.
An important social event on the
calendar for this week is the wed
ding of Miss Doris Henningseji a.nd
Severin Harkson, which will be so
lemnized, next Saturday evening at
St. David's Episcopal: church. Revr
Thomas Jenkins will officiate. Miss
Henningsen has been delightfully
entertained eince the announcement
of her engagement, and has proved
one of the most 'popular brides-elect
of the season.
At an impressive service. Miss
3orothy Sanford became the bridft
vof Leonard Dale Wilson last eve
ning in the Unitarian church, with
Kev. William G. Eliot Jr. officiating.
The church was effectively decorat
ed with delphinium, Shasta daisies,
fiyringia and huckleberry. Ralph
Hoyt- played the organ and Misses
Jane and Anne O'Reilly accompanied
him on -Violins, The ushers were
Winn Nicholas, Jay Russell Coffey,
Harold Sanford and Robert Ellen
wood. York Wilson of Boise, Idaho,
attended his brother.
A headdress in oriental style with
bandst of looped erys-taJ beads sus
pended from a coronet of rare old
Ja.ce was most , attractive to the
.' bride. HeT gown was of white crepe
satin made in straight lines. Bead
ed ornaments at the waist and an
outline of pearl trimming on the
tunic were the only trimmings. Her
flowers were1 ophelia roses, white
isweet peas and lilies of the valley. '
A quaint gown made in Dolly Var.
den style, was worn by the matron
cf honor, Mrs. Harold Sanford. It
was of fuchsia shade taffeta with a
basque and tiny nosegays inter
spersed with blue ribbons on the
fckirt. She wore a silver wreath in
her coiffure and carried a colonial
Little Virginia Gault was a petite
flower girl, dressed in white or
gandie with a blue saah and carry
ing a basket of roses. A black vel
vet suit was worn by Master Tom
Coffey, the ring-bearer.
No reception was held following
the ceremony, but a wedding supper
was served to the bridal party at
the home of the brides parents, Mr,
and Mrs. I. C. Sanford.
After a short motor trip, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson will make their home
In eastern Oregon.
The wedding of Miss Lura Tamie
ele and John M. Lansinger of Chi
cago. will be solemnized next
Wednesday evening at the home ot
the bride s parents, Dr. and Mrs. J
Phillipe Tamiesie. Only members of
the immi-diate family Will, witness
the ceremony, but friends will at
tend a reception afterward. Miss
Tajmiesie is an attractive and popu
lar girl and has a hast of friends
who will regret-the fact that she is
to make her home in Chicago.
Mrs. William Reginald Jackson
(Elizabeth Jacobs) has arrived in
Portland and is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Frederick A. Jacobs, at the
Mallory hotel. Mrs. Jacobs will
honor her daughter with a luncheon
this week.
Mrs. Oscar Meijefee and her
daughter. Miss Flora Jane Menefee,
are in To. L!aiid and are residing at
the Mallorjc, hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Hartwell
and their small daughter Victoria
5fc -''3S n
fill f C er-J9'SX H "X. .
7 iW!k
I All j-'s t m
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motored down to Nea-Kah-Nie Fri
day. Mrs. Hartwell will be joined
by Mrs. Kenneth Beebe and her chil
dren, who will pass a month at the
Hartwell cottage. Mr. Hartwell will
return to Portland this week.
Miss Katherine Hoyt is being wel
comed home after passing the win-
ter visiting in Chicago ajid Milwau
kee. ' V
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swigert are
enjoying a fortnight's motor trip in
Idaho, Washington and
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Burgard
are visiting in Portland at the home
of Mr. Burgard's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Burgard. They will
remain in Portland two weeks be
fore returning to San Francisco,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Guy porter left Tuesday for
New York, where she will meet Mr.
Porter. They will , spend several
weeks there.
Mrs. Anna Moudgin of Los An
geles is the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Clitt Lamping, for a short time.
She is on her way east for an ex
tended visit.
Mr. and Mrs. David Eccles are oc
cupying the John Latta home on
Waverleigh- heights. Mr. and Mrs.
Latta are at present domiciled at 808
Lovejoy street.
, Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster
gave a delightrui dinner at tne
Waverley Country club on Tues
day evening. The guests Included
General and Mrs. Richard. M. Blatch
ford, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Al.
vord, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Reade M. Ire
land, Dr. and Mrs. George F.
Wilson, Mrs. Harrison Corbett, Mrs.
Margaret -Burrell Biddle, Frank
Hall, Henry Jones and the hosts.
Mrs. Gordon ForbeSj and her house
guest, Misa Rozanne Rodebush of
Kew York city, and a party of
friends have been spending the week
at the Forbes ranch at White.
Mrs. Margaret Ayer H-aygen and
her little daughter Betty are among
the visiters at Seaside.
Society Is anticipating the tennis
tournament at the Irvington Tennis
club next-week.- This is always an
interesting annual event and many
prominent Portland people will par
ticipate in it. Each arternoon tea
and refreshments will be served, and
Friday' night a tennis dance will be
given. On Monday Mrs. William
McMaster will preside over the tea
table. She will be assisted by a
bevy of young maids, which include
Miss Anna Wheeler, Miss Louise
Lihthicum, Miss Margaret Biddle,
Miss Polly . Kerr and Miss Elizabe th
Hailey. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Vfc
to,r Johnson will have charge of the
tea table; Wednesday, Mrs. R. VV.
Neighbor; Thursday, Mrs. F. G. Fel
der; Friday, Mrs. L. S. Martin, and
Saturday, Mrs.W. B. Ayer.
Tuesday night' there .will be a
subscription dance at the Waverley
Country club. This will be the
fourth of the series of dances this
season. A number of smart dinner
parties will precede the affair,
M,iss Helen Foster will be hostess
at a tea on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Polly Kerr will be honored
at a tea next Wednesday afternoon
at the Anne Davenport ' tea house.
Miss Clara Teal will preside.
. '
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Donworth ot
Seattle are the house guests cf
Judge and Mrs. Charles E. Carey,
Mrs. Donworth's parents.
Mrs. W. W. Cotton. Miss Blanche'
Catlin and Mrs. E. M. Andrews en
joyed a motor trip to the beaches
over the Fourth.
... .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jay Cohbs
passed? last week endat Agate beach.
An interesting announcement from
Seattle .reports the marriage of Mrs.
Walter Atwood Burleigh and Hugh
Eldridge on Saturday, June 21.
A beautifully appointed dinner was
that for which Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
O'Briep were hosts on Saturday
evening at the Waverley Country
cl;rb, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Edmunds, whQ have recently come
to Portland to make their home.
Covers were placed for Mr. and 'Mrs.
William McMurruy, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick' N. Finch, Dr. and Mrs.
Donald H. Jessop, Mr. and Airs.
Arthur C. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick W. Sercombe, Mr. and Mrs.
James A. Cranston, Mr. and Mrs.
Gustave C. von Egloffstein, Mr. and
Mrs. Coe A. McKenna, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Lonesbery, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Sherman .O'Gorman, Mr. and Mrs.
Natt McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Murray, Mrs. Warren E. MrCord.
Mrs. Etna Ransom, Miss Eleanor
McGinty. niece and house guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds. Samuel
Hering and Eric V. Houger.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur
have invited guests on Tuesday
evening, complimenting Mrs. Harri
son Corbett. who ;s the house guest
of Mrs. William Alvord.
Mrs, Stewart L. Linthicum was
hostess for two tables of bridge on
Thursday afternoon, honoring Mrs.
Gordon Forbes and her house guest,
Mrs. John M. Forbes of Morris
town, (. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton F. Corbett
and Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett have
returned from Gearhart, where they
passed last week end.
( Dr. aud Mrs. James C. Zan and Mr.
and Mrs. Jordan V. Zan left Friday
for Victoria, ,B. C.
Miss Adeline Kendall entertained
with an attractive dancing party Fri
day evening at her home in Irving
ton, complimenting her brother,
William Kendall, who is home on a
furlough from West Point. The
guests who enjoyed the affair were
Miss Katherine Macey, Miss 'Polly
Kerr, Miss Dorothy Van Way. Miss
Virginia Keating, Miss Janet House,
Miss Mary llathis, Miss Helen
Manning, Miss Margaret ilathis
Mies Helen Drain, Miss Anne
Wejntworth, Captain and Mrs. Keith
B. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fowler, Colonel William H. Jordan,
Captain David Sumner. Captain Paul
Hathaway, Lieutenant Claud Faren
baugh, Lieutenant Daniel Buie, Lieu
tenant Stanley Lowden, Ralph
Walker, Philip Chipman and several
classmates of Mr. Kendall, includ
ing Samuel M. Strohecker. Francis
E. Kidwell, Charles W. Van Way
and Arthur M. Bump.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Heming
house have as their house guest
Miss Virginia Perkins of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorrill Swigert and
their daughter, Phillis Dorine, have
departed for Gearhart, where they
have taken a house for the summer.
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Arno Dosch-Fleurot
of Portland, special correspondent in
Europe for the New York World, to
We Emboss
' From Engraved Steel Dies.
Wedding and Visiting Cards.
i. ?U Morgan Building.
Pittock Block
Embroidery and Hemstitching,
Plaitings, Buttons and All
Kinds of Dress Finishings.
F. W. PATT & CO.
Lsdlen Tnflora aud Drespmnkers.
500-7 Broadway Building.
Phone Atwater 048S.
Summer Prices
You don't Know Furs
You don't know .Values
until you inspect
"Hudson , Bay" Furs
Largest Exclusive. Fur
Store jn the West
Hudsoo Bay Fur Co.
Morrison Street
and West Park.
Qar Second
Our entire stock of
beautiful : coats,
capes, suits, dresses
w Sid Skirts . Jpf
"Come and See Our
Tailored Sport Suits
at $35.00
Also Drense and CoatD.
J. K. STERN ff5S
i Alder and 410 V4 Washington
the Shoe You
Should Wear
Make up your mind
.to wear .
La France
They are scientifically
built to strengthen your
arches. ,
'They fCeep Your feet
Feeling Their Best'
in this week!
The cool dark colored silk frocks that meet
all the unexpected demands of July.
Flocks that have that
touch of last-minute
distinction that pre
sages the styles of
next season.
. -
mp Just
W' j "39'5Q
A handsome Navy Hil Z
" .... IWSm I ' r
(Janton is suJc em- I i a I J&K
, broidered in three j 1 A fS't'k.
delightfully com- - Ut J JtSiwv
bined color tones," TT li IS&ffA
and has wide cut ' MM
sleeves, panel front, - ' itf
tying in the back. It - I -k Imf
is illustrated below. ; gir',
13352 V
and all laeaaei
ftl the acain
. Npecestifuiif
Main -HH
Suite 512-13 Bush & Lane Bldg.
A smart effect' is achieved in the all black,
silk braid and Georgette fitted over
Georgette and satin, illustrated above.
These are but two of many recently arrived
The suit pictured
is one of the uew
38-inch coat models
featured now
.1 in our suit department. It is beauti-
fully tailored of navy tricotine, with
innerlined Canton lining, notched col
lar, 'panel back and narrow belt. Its
' price is $55.00. ' ... - ' ,
Other S8-inch-lengtil P?at suits begin
in price at $35,
K-you wish,
use your credit!
Here you may buy what you want
when you want it most, and share
' in the privileges of our
Washington at Tenth Street