The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, SECTION THREE, Image 43

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I I "iM'-y-i ,,-r-i ,.,1T n ,1,,,, ,,, ifihoro 1 I
- S A REACTION to the -elaborate
June lestivities, including the
Kose Festival entertainments,
the last week has. been Pv,inv ary om0"d, Fred Page and E. C.
... " bhQrman.
quiet from a social standpoint. The . , , . " .,
ifrLor"Tmer'-"-rt' UV A" enement of much interest
of-doors asserted : lUelf last week to Portland society is that 'of Miss
Ztj1 ,ma?y PerSnS le" Jeanfette Meier, daughter of Mr,: and
U d.a 'or trip, that kept them Mrs. Abe Meier, to Walter D. Heller
nn l l y UntU 3fter JuIy 4' 0f San ncUco. which was for- .
One of the most attractive country mally announced at a dinner given
c ub entertainments which - has at the Portland hote! Tuesday eve-
corned the interest of .Portland nins, wlien the parents of L bride--
society was the Tuesday holiday elect were hosts. Miss Meier pos-
celebra ion at Waveriey club. Some sesses much charm and is very pop-'
spent the entire- day , in golfing, ular in tW. younger social-set. Shi ":
Playmg bndge and enjoying : the is graduate of Mlss Scoville'j
unique programme. At an exciting school. in New York,' and during the'
baseball game in : the--morning last year has traveled extensively
Donald Green ..wag -captain of the in Europe. - . -
team made up of; western college Mr. Heller is a graduate of Stan-
Jt eaCOtt ' COOki"gta ford and served overseas in the late
headed those from the east. Water war. - The date ot the wedding has '
6Pom and a swimming. -.contest not been set." ;. f v , i ':
were features of the afternoonand '. . ',.. ' ' . :
fireworks were displayed between Mrs. Robert N.-: Stanf ield, wife of
9 and 10 o'clock in the evening. ; A Senator , Stanfield," returned early in '
dinner party and dance afterwards the week" from Washington D C '
ended a happy day, - The clubhouse She is dqmiciled at 759 Talbot road
was made singularly attractive - LV for the summer months and wilt be '
mrfnTf" hf : SOCiety m"ids,and the inspiration for many charming :
matrons in their smart sport cos- affairs. . . '
lumes, ana the men in white flan
nels and blue jackets.;
Professor and; Mrs. - Samuel ' C.
Anoir thnso -i, ' May, who have been vtRlt.inv in
. - 11XJ iilclue iCaerva-
tiona for the dinner dance were the lor " snort lim. left early
in the week, for Rainier national
Spencer Rirlrtio nnr,,u n ' park, where they will enlor a stav
W. B. Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Defor returning to Berkeley. Pro- '
Van Wyck' Peters, Mr. and Mrs fessor May -Is 'a member of the
William MacMaster; Mr. and Mrs! facultY of the tTniversity ; of Call-,
C. H. Davis .7r at n t,J' fornia. - ;
R. Smith. Mr nrl M.a r t pi..i.u.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bell Mr and Membe of the Portland Hunt
Mrs. B. C. Darnell, Mr. and Mrs Ray- C!"b Wh have not yet desertd
mond B. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs Walter y" the wives and frlends of
Pearson, Dr. and Mrs Guy Strohm th6 SXmy oiticeTa at Vancove post,
Miss- Margaret Cook, Colonel J. b' f,eth, With many 0ther society
Kavanaugh, Alma D. Katz. George' f?'k' "l th.bos and grand
Mason. R. W. .Neighbor, Alfred ftand at he Vancouver race track
Smith, Nat McDougali; J Wesley taf Tuesday to- witness the events
Ladd, F. Graham LaLris. C. A. tZT hH T. ""' SCie
ST BTl CD- Er'eHT i-X"rreg?menrr dlf
cLTi, Smfth,DMrn A ?r '
herrnryTLo warThGates
m. display of colorful summer clothes, the Portland Hunt club. Miss Bacon's were the house guests of Mr. and
Fully .half of the attendance was first appearance was in the qualified Mrs. Spencer Biddle at their country
made up of Portland people, and the - nunt class, when she put Highland place near Vancouver, over the
: Laddie, owned bv: H. - M. TCArron. Fourth
ciuiiuaiasin ol me eatiFo asuemDiy "
! showed that horsera'cing. especially V6k "i" !ueh shion as
that of thoroughbred runners,- as e afrded and blue 18 Catherine Seller was the in-
. well as the steeple-bhase and the Tibbn- 'J.thlrd leg off the spiration for, a theater party at
I jumping classes, could be revived as . racf- MsBacon again dis- which Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Berg
a popular society sport. ' - , , T , ,' T" ... ln
.The most noteworthy feature ot ad of SO yards and all but.winning Heilig.
the meet was the riding of Miss the raoe for He hunt club. ' ' '
. ,i . .. . ... .; .... Miss Clementine Lews daurhtr
Wizabeth . Bacon,' whor represented- Mr., and ills.. William Wheeler' (ComiiiuEd on rase 2 ) '
Fp 106.2 p