THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1923 21 N V, BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. DAD'S SMALL CASH PLACES. No. Rooms. Price. Cash. Kent. 200 14 $1200 $ 600 $27 212 15 200 000 ' SS 218 ..10 O00 00 50 222 13 2250 1000 25 224 11 1100 350 45 239 22 1SO0 SOO 35 244 17 1000 700 05 249. 18 1750 1100 60 252 12 2000 700 45 256 9 1200 600 4(1 207 9 SOO 800 33 271 37 2750 1000 83 274 11 1300 -0 00 278 14 " 1400 000 45 804 1000 500 50 883 H MOO 400 35 8B2 10 2100 500 61 237 37 2500 1000 92 846 17 1350 350 50 This is only partial. See our full list. DAD KENNEDY with H. W. OSBOKNK, Realtors, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy, 5387. FORCED SALE. .Lease and furniture of 57 rooms, 17 apts., close in, west side, corner brick, ail modern and all fuii of good steady ten ants. House nets 1(1400, rent $350, 6-year lease. Price $14,000; good terms. See Mrs. Myers, with E.' M. ELLIS. REALTOR, LEASE SPECIALIST. Suite 428 Morgan bldg. Main 5060. 74-ROOM HOTEL 74. High-class locations modern, corner brick bldg., well fur nished; nice lobby; 5-year lease; $15,000 can do business, ' small balance payable monthly. 42-ROOM HOTEL 42. This place is mostly new furni ture; transient location; 4-year lease. Price $8000. good terms. RIERDON REALTY CO. Realtors. 637 Plttock Block. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 23 rooms, White Temple distrlots food furniture, netting $25.0 per mo. and a 4-room. apt. Investygate this neiore buying. IS rooms In Nob Hill district, the best buy In town. Extra nice furnl , ture. $1200 to handle. 10 rooms and garage In one of tha , best locations in Nob Hill; elegant fur niture, Including a piano and Victrola; (500 gives possession. ' 9 rooma. all clean, arid In the best condition, within walking distance of the main part of town; very reason ' Able rent. See this at once. A good , buy. r See Mrs. Casadav. with H. W. OSBORNE CO., ra unamoor or uommerce mag. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. .' AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY to obtain a fine apartment house. " lease and furnishings for a very small initial payment; 24 lovely well fur nished 2-room apartments, west Bide, corner location. Call Mr. Durbln, with MRS. SNOW, 820 Lumbermens Bide. Broadway 4064. WILL TRADE. Long Beach, Cal., 4 blocks from ocean, lot 50x127; garage residence; rent $25; -price $3200, $2000 equity; also 50x60 corner lot, 4-room modern bungalew, disappearing bed, built-in buffet, etc., Dutch kitchen; rent $50; price $5000, $1800 equity; 'trade both equities for 10-room house In Port land and assume balance. See MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 44-ROOM hotel in west side busi ness district, long lease, low rent. All ligh airy rooms, hot and cold water in all rooms and all conveniences; clears $500 per mo. Price $15,000; will trade as first Eayment on large apartment ouse. Yates. 245 Fourth at. HOTEL 100 rooms, brick bldg.. steam heat; lease over the fair; netting $600 per mo.; $10,000 to handle, good loca tion. 76-room apt. house, good location; lease over the fair; netting $400 per mo.; $6000 to handle. See Mrs. Casaday.' with " H. W. OSBORNE CO., - , 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LARGE, handsomely furnished house in one of the most exclusive districts on east side; splendid place for aristo cratic residential hotel, or could be made into apartments; everything first-class. Most attractive house and grounds. Furniture and lease at a real bargain. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. i Gerlinger Bldg. GOOD profit on 15 apartments, close in, rent $350 month. Will accept some trade. PACIFIC FINANCE CO. . 320 Plttock Block. MONEY-MAKER. 15 rooms, close in on 12th st, com pletely and well- furnished for house keeping, always full, nets $100 month summer rates, $150 winter rates; price $2o00, $1000 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007tYeon Bldg. TRADE. loo-acre farm in Willamette valley 0 acres in cultivation, good buildings fully equipped. Will exchange for hotel, apartment house, grocery store or Income property. See H. W. OSBORNE CO.,. Realtors, 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwv 53K7 LITTLE REAITTT 19 apartments, 6 4-room apartments, ; 3-room apartments, 3 single rooms; white pressed brick, corner building absolutely modern; net profit $300 a month; $5000 will handle; price $12 000 Seo Mrs. Keller, . GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 16 ROOMS -Beautifully furnished, some naruwooa iioors; lovely living quarters for owner; a good income and a real home. Call Broadway 4604. BEAUTIFUL apartment house, modern brick bldg., automatic elevator, 6-year lease, lovely furniture and rugs; three 4-room apartments, balance 3-roonl apartments: all with private baths; price $30,000. $25,000 down See MRS- KELLER, .. GEO. T. MOORE CO., I0O7 Yeon BI d g. 44-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. West side, walking distance. In come about $400 per month. Will accept house or acreage and some cash for my $4500 equity. Balanca easy payments. A THOI? lAIVPOTmcMm 405-0 Panama Bldr.. 3d nfl'iHCT S ILL trade for equity la rooming house , or Portland property, 65 acres near Lyie, Wash.; 3-room house, barn good well, not tar from White Salmon; price $1600. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 -Yeon Bid?. 17 apartments, ten 3-room. seven 4-room apartments, all Private baths, steam heat, well furnished, 4-year lease; profit over $300 month; price $0000, reasonable terms See MRS. KELLER, OEO.-T. MOOKKCO.,1Q07 Yeon Blag. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT" 17 rooms and 2 kitchenettes, newly furnished, housekeeping apartments; a.! fuh; net profit with summer rates &125 month; price $3500; $2500 down See Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bide CfilfVTY un'rpr Have one of the best hotels in the Willamette valley. Will trade for chicken ranch or grocery store. See OSBORNE CO., Realtors. 4.!2 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwv. 53S7. CAN invest $500 m partnership, either m auto repair, paint shop or batterv station. Deal with owners only H 407. Oregonian. E O O M I X G HOT'Sli COMPLETEI Y FURNISHED; 10 ROOMS; $1800 TERMS. WRITE 576 BOND ST, AS- 6 i EAR lease and furnishings of over 100 rooms, $31)00 cash to handle Phone Main 5045. Good Luck Realty Co. ..434 Morrison st. 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1000 will handle; 3 years' lease; 5-room flat $350. 5100 will handle, $30 rent, a snap' Broadway 6768. 15 ROOMS of furniture with lease, cheap- ,v . lii., v,ub) a,iu nomeiiKe. heart of city; $1600 cash. 314 Main st. AliObi. 5125 per month net on a $950 cash investment. Owner, phone At water 1911. HAVE $1000 cash to invest in " small grocery or coniectionery. No agents AG 703, Oregonian. HOTEL for saie; doing good business: ail modern equipped; paving crew aeamy AV 182. Oregonian. IF YOU want quick action in selling juui iM.on,,-.-..,, ui- warn, a partner, call Broadway 2bu6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. PROPERTIES TO LEASE. Downtown hotel, to lease for 5 years, 32 rooms, at a reasonable rental, unfurnished. Possession given September 1, 1922. Modern, hot and cold water, steam heat, a very small amount of money required to secure lease. . i!0-room modern apt. house, 3 and 4-room suites, close in, west side, all outside rooms, to lease for 5 years, unfurnished, at a reasonable rental, Possession given September 1, 1922. 185-room modern bouse of 65 apts., lease unfurnished at a rea sonable rental, all modern, pos session September 1, 1922. This house will net you a large re turn on your investment We have .several more properties to lease. -SEE US if you are in the market for a lease. Mr. Tice, sales man ager. E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR, Lease Specialist, Suite 428 Morgan bldg. Main 5060. A WONDERFUL PIECES OF PROPERTY AT A BARGAIN. IN A LOCATION DOWN TOWN WHERE PROPERTY IS BOOMING. Am reducing this property 1-S Its actual value tor quick sale. Aotual net Income $750 per month. Appraised by large finance company for loan at $85,000, which denotes true value of property. Want to deal direct with buyers and If you mean business will not turn down any reasonable offer. Confidential. If Interested white box X 549, Orego nlan. SOME BARGAINS. WE) ARB NOW IN A POSITION TO OFFER BOMB REAL BARGAINS IN HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. HITHER LEASE AND FURNISH INGS OR ENTIRE PROPERTY. IT SURELY WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AND LOOK OVER OUR FILES IF YOU ARE IN THB MAR KET. SEE MR. ORLEMAN, . J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 801 Bd. of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Bdwy. 679a. LEASE ON NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. 60 2-room apts., private baths, dressing rooms. Individual ga rages for 25 apts., brick building on corner, between 2 car lines, rent $20 per apt.: $7500 cash se curity required; the security will be returned, with interest, as rent monthly over the period of the lease. k Call or write H. V. Burke, with DEKUM & JORDAN. 838-4 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2249. 80 TWO, THREE and four-room apartments, rent $500, long lease, west side, ' brick, corner; auto matic elevator, etc. ; clean as a pin and very- nicely furnished; all light, airy' rooms; price $18,500, easy terms. Yates, 245 Fourth St. WILL SELL YOU OUT. When all others fail don't let peo ple tell you its quiet. Something do ing in this all the time. I adver tise not only in Portland papers but in 38 other periodicals in all parts of the country. They are coming to us for hotels, rooming houses, apt. houses and other business chances. x J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. HOTEL men and rooming house women, attention; will sell long lease and fur nishings of 45-room hotel in live mill town near Portland, for $3200, with only $750 cash; splendid location on' highway, good for steady roomers and transient; dining room and kitchen eeuipped for business but used for other purposes at present. If you are a live wire grasp this opportunity. N 787, Oregonian. CREAM OF LOCATION. 90-room hotel, . large, comfortable ground-floor lobby, elevator, Northwest heat, fireproof building, elegintly fur nished, pink of condition, always full, net profit $1600 month; price $45,000, $25,000 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL BARGAIN. Over 100 rooms, good furniture, ex cellent location, 5-year lease at reason able rent, showing a net of $450 per month; price $10,000, small cash pay ment balance on time, 6 per cent in terest. alBOHN INVESTMENT CO., 216 Panama Bldg. HOTEL APARTMENT. Fine white pressed brick building, hot and cold water, steam heat, private baths, well furnished, rent $350, four year lease; clears $500 month; price $12,500; $4500 will handle. See Mrs. Keller GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HERE'S ONE. FIRST TIME OFFERED 130 rooms, lobby, elevator, finely fur nished, running full; rent on long lease only $3 per room; nets $1000 month. Price $20,000; terms. Exclu sively through this office. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. nrtnr, dt-v 25 rooms, all housekeeping apts., 8 2-room apts.. 9 single housekeeping, 2 baths, rent $60. 4-year lease, net profit $loO; price $3200, $2100 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg 44 rooms, north of Washington st.. rent $280, 3 -year lease; completely furnished, clearing net profit about $3i5 month; price $5500, $2500 down See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 6 2-ROOM APTs: o atrn-r inc Reasonable rent; shows good trcdme nicely furnished, long lease; $1200 wlli handle. i RICHANBACH & CO.. 605-7 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 4143. 16 ROOMS. JUST FURNISHED. 4-year lease at 50 month: new and clean; 1 to 3-room apts; nice profits. Price $1500 on term BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. 11 ROOMS OM rTvn.-. t-r - . -. . - - . - . J 1' i j w v ' I V. Good lease, smalts amount of cash and balance in trade,- clears $150 mo This Is good. . BRUCE GODDARD. 501.2 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Hotel, 52 rooms, nets $S000 per year. 19-room hotel, nets $200 per month F. B. TOMLIN- & CO.. Q'll-2 Corbett Bids- 14 H. K. ROOMS, clean as a pin long lease low rent: $1000 cash; 36 rooms, fine furniture, long lease, brick build ing. 208 Montgomery. ELDERLY woman would like woman partner in rooming house; west side Room 109. Main 5292, Sunday, Mon day 10 to 11 and 3 to 4 P. M $500 HANDLES. Furniture 10 room flat, best location in city. Leaving town, must make tjuicit sale, uwner. .Main 6130. noo(a K-tni. l...-.- V, . . "T-- "! '"-I- mug. neai du. lease. Gross income now $130. Small cash payment. 201 East 5th St., Vancou- 20. ROOMS. housekeeping, lease, clears $160; $b00 down; clean and furniture very good; always full. Bdwy. 8003 10 HOTELS and apt. houses from $3000 to $225,000. F. B. TOMLIN ft CO.. 601-2 Corbett Bldg 11 ROOMS good furniture for less than you can furnish Eame. Owner. East 4854. 20 ROOMSH. K. ; $2500 cash, A. M. Hill, 494 Taylor st! 14 II . K. ROOMS, close in,- west side. - ' " ....m.j. jjyiny. QVUfl, 21 ROOMS or salo by owner. Always lull. 608 Alder. ' BTTxrvKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES? ROOMING HOUSES AND HOTELS REAL SNAPS. $4,400 Rooming House. 80 rooms, long lease, furniture in Al condition; rent is only $175. THIS IS INDEED A SNAP; $2,500 will handle; balance easy terms. Will take good car as part payment, $4,500 Rooming House. 2-room apartments and IT singles with kitchenettes, steam heat, running water in each apartment, furnished; $3,000 will handle. Balance on easy terms. A REAL SNAP. $2,100 Rooming House. GOOD LEASE 20-room furnished, WEST SIDE, good business location. Rent is only $100 per month. SEE THIS FOR A DANDY INVESTMENT. $2,400 Brick Apt. 18 rooms with good furniture; mod ern in every way; two garages; steam heat. YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY. HOTEL BARGAIN LONG LEASE. $6,500 Heart of Town. 89 rooms. THIS IS A REAL CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. Phone at once for an appointment; $3,000 will handle. BIGGEST SNAP IN THE CITY. NEW STUCCO BUILDING. ' $6.000 Long Lease. 12 two-room apartments with built in beds, 'private baths; all furniture in excellent condition. WALKING DIS TANCE. SEE US AT ONCE. BE THE FORTUNATE ONE; i A DANDY ROOMING HOUSE. '$2,750 Home and Income. 10 rooms-, excellently furnished; NOB HILL- DISTRICT; fireplace; strictly modern. A REAL HOME WITH A GOOD INCOME! Don't de lay. NOTE. The above are but a few of the many hundreds of splendid invest ment opportunities we have for sale. Consult our Business Property Depart ment, ask for J. Logie Richardson, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington bldg. 3d st. bet.' Wash, and Stark. Bdwy. 7171. . DEAL with an old RELIABLE1 firm. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping and sleeping; also fine place for boarders. If desired. Near hospitals, Nob Hill; extra good furniture, new curtains and bedding; Immaculately clean; very attractive outside and Inside. Price $2000, terms. Not a vanoancy. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. Gerlinger mag. FOR SALE by owner, west side. Nob Hill, 22 h. k. rooms with good lease, al Ueht rooms, clean, good ruga, well furnished, walking distance, 2 baths and big yard, will hold 8 cars, good furnace; price $2400; this place is a bargain, $1500. handles; balance easy terms; no agents. iw ntn at-, cot, Kearney. Broadway soi. 9 rooms, H. K., carpets like new, - oak and mahogany furniture, cement basement, wash trays, furnace. Rent $40. Five-year lease. ..Price $1400, half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 626 Henry Bldg? Bdy. 1904. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY. Lot 40x108, six 3-room apts., one 2 room apt., all with private baths; building in first-class condition, splen did location, completely and well fur nished; price $17,000, cash. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WILL SELL OR TRADE. 16 rooms, 8 2-room apts., running water in kitchens; rent $80; 8-year lease. Price $1650, terms, or will trade on smaller rooming house or light car, with small cash difference. SEE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry Bldg Bdway. 1904. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 80 rooms, 31 apts., ' beautifuU corner brick building, nicely furnished and modern throughout. Rent $500 with 3-year lease; clears $550. Price $19,000, easy terms. . SEE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry Bldg: Bdwy. 1904. $400 DOWN, NOB HILL. 12 rooms, netting $70 month. Re member this, you'll never have a chance to buy rooming or apartment houses cheaper than now -until after the fair. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 42-room apt. house, brick bldg., rent $150; shows good Income, walking dis tance; price $8000. good terms: will take in residence as part payment. RICHANBACH & CO.. 605-7 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. $3500 HOTEL SPECIAL $3500. 26-room hotel, alwayB full, with din ing room, netting $500 per month: rent with lease onjy $75; a dandy place for man and wife. Half cash will handle. See Mr. Cokey or Newton at 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808, HOTEL. 60 rooms, rent $300, 5-year lease; steam heat, well furnished, mostly transient, net profit about $350; priee $7500, $5000 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL. $7000. TERMS. 56 rooms and lobby; wonderful money-maker, long lease, cheap rent. In city of 10,000 people; large payroll; always ffood. See Templeman, with J. BRUCE GODDARD. S01-2 Couch Bldg. THIS IS A LITTLE PALACEl 88 rooms, private bath to each room, oak1 and mahogany furniture. Must be seen to be appreciated. For full par ticulars see MRS. HAUG,. 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. 18 ROOMS, rooming house for rent; well furnished; close in; always full; a good opportunity for man and wife or single lady; no agents. BJ 790. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Honscs Wanted. READ THIS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PLACE. WANT HOTEL OR APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE AND FURNISHINGS OR BUILDING. RANGING IN PRICE FROM $15. 000 TO $50,000 HAVE ACTUAL READY BUYERS WHO MEAN BUSINESS. SEE MR. ORLEMAN. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 801 Bd. of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak Bdwy. 6794. I want an apartment house that $1,000 to $1,500 cash down will handle. I am a bona fide buyer. Call Bdway 6653 or come to 436 Chamber of Commerce bids. WILL sell $5000 to $10,000 worth of stock in an old -and well established business which win pay from 15 to 20 on investment. V 780, Oregonian. WILL trade Chicago corner business lot. clear, value $2000, for hotel, rooming house or what? Might pay some cash or assume, au his, uregonlan. WANT to buy lodging house or H. K. rooms. 12 rooms or over; must be a bargain. What have you? P 787, Ore gonian. 1619 STUDEBAKER, fine condition and . $300 for small apartment or good H. K. rooms. East 622M. WILL exchange $1000 equity in furnished Kenton bungalow for W. S. rooming house. AH 789, Oregonian. lOST AND FOUND. LOST July 6, brown pocketbpok con taining valuables; generous reward. Phone Bdwy. 1590. 2S5 N. 21st. LOST At Battle Ground, Wash., park, July 4, gent's open face gold watch. Call Main 8255. Reward. LOST Wednesday, Lipman, Wolff, one head mink choker, brown; reward. Call Walnut 7212. FOUND Bicycle on Columbia highway. Fred Etling, Corbett. Or. - $25 REWARD for ring with setting for 8 diamonds, one missing. Tabor 2010. LOST Gold Cufflink with small diamond. ttewarq. roaqway mm. LOST Gray cape, July 4, on S. P. train. Reward. East 7860. LOST Wishbone brooch, down town Phone East 8750. 1 LOST A bunch of keys at Milwaukie st and Bybee ave.. July 3. Seliwood 0433. LOST Gold Elgin wrist watch, sand col ored ribbon; reward. Main 0941. LOST Black rim glasses in case. Finder please call East 1591. FOUND Kodak. Oiv rlescription and w nere iuhl. av ouu, tjregonian. 1 SETTER dog. Owner call Oregon City 805 W. Sunday. LOST AND FOUND. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWBR CO.. Lost Article Department First and Alder Sts., Portland. Or. The following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. July 7: One umbrella, bank book. 4 lunch boxes, blanket, 3 purses, pipe, 1 cro chet hook, 2 suitcases, 2 handbags. 1 pair of gloves and 1 single glove, hat, 6 packages, lantern, thermos bottle baseball bat, plaster outfit, table, gar den, sprinkler, gas coil, coat, cape, fan. Owners may obtain name upon proper' identification at First and Alder st. station. LOST Last Saturday on Pacific high way, about 35 miles south of Port land, black leather sample case, con taining samples and catalog of Good Mfg. Co. of New York. . Liberal re ward for its return to W. H. Phillips, 434 E. 43th at. N. Phone Tabor 5239. IF PARTI BS who found brief case con taining H. R. Lovett & Son roof paint papers, the 27th of June, will return case and contents to owner at 741 Hoyt they, will receive $20 reward. Phone Main 6094. LOST Will party who picked up leather trimmed, well equipped fishing basket, between Milwaukie and Oregon City early Friday morning, kindly return eame to 1112 Clinton st. and receive reward? Phone Tabor 3616. LOST Between Vancouver and Battle ground, brown satchel containing comb, brush, mirror, gray purse, small change, Yale key. Reward. Phone Broadway 4578. LOST Small brown suitcase, July S; be tween Salem and Scio, containing Bi ble, textbook, wearing apparel, two ra zors, etc. Reward. . R. H. Goodwin, 304 East 1st St. N. DOG LOST Around Lincoln high school; small, light brown, short-haired toy terrier, white ring around neck, very short cut 'tail. Answers to Toy. Wai nut 1969. Suitable reward. LOST Small octagon platinum and dia mond wrist watch, green gold back. Finder please return tn 310 Wanhim-tnn St., $50 reward, or call Broadway 6679. No questions asked. Initials E. D. M. LOST Canvas roll containing 1 blanket, auto robe 'and army overcoat, between Toll Gate and Salmon river. F. waespe, k. a, pox at). Portland. LOST Friday, June 30. aiamond ear ring between 6th and 4th, on Morrison liberal reward. Phone Oregon City 474-W. LOST Friday morning, female Boston short tail. Finder call East 7016, or iuu-iesa mil uqok ave. Reward. L6ST Thursday, near Peninsula 'park, a taupe brown length coat with spec tacles fastened on a button; reward. Phone East 7222. LOST At southwest entrance Peninsula park r naay, a reund basket contain ing children's clothes and towels. Call -mam alter aunqay. FOUND A sold wrist watch and link bracelet on trail near railroad soma distance east of Portland. Call Tabor ZOU4. LOST Saturday In downtown district, book, of green trading stamps. Finder please call Main 7070. Local 40, Mon day. LOST Wednesday, lady's black repp short coat, white collar; Stark to Yam hill market; reward. Mrs. 'J. p. Sommer. Sherwood, Or. LOST Green leather pocketbook on Cap ital highway at Multnomah. Mondav. July 8; reward. A. L. Heltahu, Mult- uuiuan, ur. LOST Mountain fur at noon Thursday in Meier & Frank's or Llpman's, Call Miss Fisher, Bdwy. 948 day, and Auto, . 646-12 evenings. ANY party buying male orange Persian cat write R. J. William's, 708 Mississippi ave., city. LOST Blue coat containrig bill fold with sum of money, near 10th and Salmon; reward. Main 3237. FOUND Tennis racket. Owner may have same at Y. M. C. A. by descrlb- ins il ana paying tor tnts adv. LOST Lady's black bag, Friday, June 30, containing toilet articles, eta Re ward. 1 863 Fiske St. PARTY ,who took bicycle from 1207 Omaha avenue is known. Return at once ana avoia trouble. LOST Friday, downtown or on Rich mond car, garnet barpin. Finder please call Main 4992. LOST One. gray squirrel choker at Peo ples theater, June 21. Reward. Call Main 5653. Monday. LOST Scarf pin, possibly in postoffice lobby. Liberal reward if left at desk of Oregon hotel. LOST Mounted Elk tooth somewhere in Albina Friday P. M. Finder please pnoue w am. zud. LOST No. 2C kodak on Larch moun tain trail. Mult, falls. Liberal reward. Marshall 2635. LOST--l miik cow, fresh; red and white, brand Circle M on left hip. Reward. uau n. e. ivicuarty. Tabor 690 LOST A gold pencil and fountain pen euiueuiHB last ween; iioeral reward. vv ainuc pU4. LOST Lady's amethyst ring, at Glad stone park, along Clackamas - river, jiuesuay, rewaru. peilwooq 3039 LOST Canary bird, Monday, near 23d and Main streets, light yellow, male. f imue cast o.i. .Reward. LOST Cameo brooch containing lock of hair In back; reward. Phone cashier "luiLiiumaii iiuiei. FOUND One long-haired white dog, 9 months old. G 799, Oregonian, LOST Small bunch keys and- bead chain Reward. East 6773. FINANCIAL. pitv r k va RESIDENCES OR BUSINESS PROP ERTY. Straight or installment plan: low est interest rate; we can assist you in financing your home or apt. house; larger amounts, $5000 to $50,000; money available for Willamette valley cities. MR. MARTIN, Loan Department, Coe A. McKenna & Co.. 208 Artisans Bldg.. Bdy. at Oak. SAVINGS INVESTMENT. I must sell my contract on a, beau tiful suburban home, 1 acre, good house and other substantial improvements. Contract is 3 years old and never missed a payment.- No mortgages ahead of this contract. Balance $2200. Will discount 16 per cent. O 498, Ore gonian. RESIDENCE LOANS. As Portland residence- loan corre spondents of the New York Life In surance company we are able to offer ' the best form of residence mortgage loan obtainable. All loans appraised and closed lo cally. NO DELAY. THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. Ground Floor, Wells-Pa-rgo Bldg. 102 FOURTH STREET BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES. MAKE FARM LOANS THROUGHOUT OREGON ,A.VD WASHINGTON AND COLLATERAL LOANS ON THE SE CURITY OF MARKETABLE BONDS AAU aiAt3L.JS LISTED STOCKS. WILL SELL all or part of six $1000 notes, gilt-edge, bearing 8 per cent in terest, all due next year, secured by bankable collateral worth almost dqu ble; perfect safety. Will give extra discount to make quick turn. AB 785, Oregonian. . MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. INVESTMENT. Best dividend possibility on the Pa cific coast in established manufactur ing enterprise; splendid opportunity Phone us today for an appointment. Main 4179. 1136 Northwest Bank bldg $00U MORTGAGE on 20 acres of land uiawuig a-K, miereser payable April 25. 1924; will sell for $525. See Barand. with Sturm-Kefer Co.. 214 6th st LOAN WANTED $1200 for 7 months' time or longer time if lender -desires; best bankable security; will pay 8 per cent interest and substantial bonus pri- ytm..v. pr mi, uregonian HAVE $350 well secured mortgage due in 3 months; will give liberal discount for quick sale. P. P. Kelly, 306 Henry bldg Brondwnv KROO " 1000 PER CENT OR MORE Biggest in' ventlon yet: small company now being formed; don't overlook this; will make ju .umiicuueiK. ao nz. uregonlaiT WILL cash sale contract or first mort gage, $o00 to $900"; private funds ready. Apply 426 Lumbermens bldg. NEW corporation with valuable conces ; slons offers big inducement for addi tional capital of $5000. Your money rcncij. tin, uregonlan. $l00v-j. L. HARTMAN COMPANY pre f erred stock, maturing mo Tnn. x w dividend semi-annually. Bdwy. 6581. CASH paid for mortgages, sellers' .n. tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore- - uuie, oio L.umoermens bldg. CASH for mortgages and sellers' con tracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 ui uin., piqg. roadway 6007. SELLERS' contracts and seconrt mrt. gages bought and sold. C DeYoung & P. R. L, & P. prior preference stock, 4 guinea at fua.uu. o mi, uregonlan. WE LOAN money on automobiles Granning & Treece, 102 N. Broadway. LOANS ana securities. Broadway 5S90. Lee Davenport, 612 Buchanan bldg. WILL buy SMALL CONTRACTS or 2d mtge. Gordon, 631 Cham. Com. bldg. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO ,208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. Stocks and Bonds. WILL SELL $1000 worth Western Rub ber Company bonds for $700, or any part, au vats, uregonlan. SELL 12 shares Northwestern Electric, : o ot com., id. .vi7u, oregonian. SELL 35 shares Pacific State Fire; must nave casn. xj V64, uregonlan, - Money to Loan on Real Kwtate. MORTGAGE LOANS, 1 to 15 years, LARGE OR SMALL , . DWELLINGS APARTMENTS FLATS BUSINESS PROPERTIES. -Low Interest Rates Prompt Service. INSTALLMENT OR STRAIGHT. Unlimited Funds Immediately Avail able. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. OWN YOUR HOME BY PAYING - i .' LIKE RENT. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 8 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privi lege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on me iirst oi eacn month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. . 6 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privilege BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. ' Portland mortgage correspondent the iruaentlal insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yt6n Bldg. Main 8308. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthiy payment plan: $32.28 per month for 36 months, or $25.36 per month for 4S months, or $21.3 per month for 60 months, or. $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest, . Other amounts in same DroDortlun. City loans on improved property or ior improvement purposes, no commis sions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS is LOAN ' ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residence, apartment - houses and other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. ' No .penalties, no renewal charges. Building loans also. Other funds as since 1907. LARGE AMOUNTS. Central Business Property 8. The most complete loan service. y EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., United States Bank Bldg. SIX PER CEN1. INSURANCE COMPANY money for RESIDENCS LOANS. Also farm loans. ; Wuick Service. Liberal Repayment Privileges. - COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third St. Broadway 8068. $250, $400, $500. $750, $1000 AND UP. WE SPECIALIZE in small ' mortgage loans. , Low rates Easy payments 'if desired. Quick action Small business loans. Second mortgages and contracts. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. RESIDENCE LOANS. We have local private funds for im mediate loans on improved city prop erty at current rates, in amounts from ' $600 to $10,000. Keep your interest payments in Oregon. See C. O. Hawk, loan dept., with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171, MORTGAGE LOANS. ANY AMOUNT ON IMPROVED PROPERTY. CURRENT RATES. PROMPT -SERVICE. W. S. POINDEXTER, ' 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. MONEY TO LEND on improved real estate in any amounts. I will negotiate your' loan ior you at least possible cost. W. B. STREETER. 726 Corbett Building. Reference Hibernia Bank. ' MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt and helpful service; liberal - repayment privileges; lowest rates WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property al lowest available rates, MORTGAGE BOND CO., Bdwy. 2921. Wilcox Bldg FARM T.01MS Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth St. . Portland. Or. MnHTfiiair T.T1AWC." in any amount at lowest rates on city or country property; prompt and hel ful service. Plilffir P- Clnipn n . . 283 Stark St., Nr. 4th. Bdwy. 3794 HAVE $1000, $1500, $3000, $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on approved security; prompt, reliable service. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. J-ian xtiug. Main 5371. HAVE money ready now, city or sub- uiuau iHuiicuy. tuicx acuon. Broad way 4837. WILBUR F. JOUNO. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Residence and City Property. 6 and 7 per cent. UNION ABSTRACT m Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. ' J PRIVATE money, lovA rate, yood reel- to $5000. Apply 426 Lumbermens bldg Ask for TTiil MONEY ON HAND. IF YOU WANT A LlA UN IUUK HOUSE SEE ME. GEO. C. HOWARD, 1115 N. wTbANK OIjIHj MORTGAGE LOANS, city, tarm or sub urban property; BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. Broadway 7407. wiiiLiAJfl .H. jKcii, zip fr aiilng Bldg SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. o uaiitv riuiiaing. . $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Ch. of Com; bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Several amounts ready to plaoe, $800 $1500. $1000. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Bax- ter, apaiuing piqg. $300, $500. $750, $1000, II500 OR LARGER Worcester bldg.. 3d & Oak. Tel. 511-25. S500. $1000. $1500. $2000. $3000 7x. Farm loans preferred. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldj MONEY loaned on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto & Hark- son Realty co sio unam. or com. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND AND STARK ST3. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate low rates, no delays. C- DeYoung & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. $200. $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $1500 TO $2300 TO LOAN on improved real estate at 7 per cent. My .own mo n ey. M .795. Oregonian. $2500 TO LOAN on modern Laurelhurst Irvington or Rose City home; must be Al. W 790, Oregonian. $3000 ON IMPROVED residence or busi ness property. Herman Moelier, 426 liUHU'ermEiia mug. $1000, $1500, $22U0. $3000, SGOOO and larger amounts available. Epton East 7504. , MONEY loaned on city property, lowest rates; contracts, 2d mortgages bought. j uaacu urns., Tjimi s-murton CO. $1000 TO $5000 TO LOAN ; my' own money. B 681, Oregonian. $10,000 OR ANY part on improved prosi erty. G 736, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. soiomon e uc. qui h. exen. bldg. HAVE cash for completed building con tracts. Phone Main 72, Francis. $3000 CAN be had from me if you have urst-ciass security, w two, uregon ian. HaVB $2000 to loan, 3 years, 7. STX . iiryer. at rit-ris si. unwy. $2500 TO LOAN, 7, close-in residence. J. Haas. Atwater 3324. $500-$5000 ON improved city or suburban property. East 6329. $2500 TO $5000 TO LOAN. 1-1 ' CHAS. RLNGLEK, 214 Ry, Exc,. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Keal Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. ' i :. '. ' We are in -a position to furnish you with any amount of money you may need at very reasonable rates of- in terest, on Old or newly constructed city homes and apartment houses or Willamette valley farms. Either straight, semi-annual or monthly payment plans, up to 15 years. NO DELAYS. SEe'mR. ORLEMAN. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 801 Bd. of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. Broadway 6794. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE T LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PI ANOS, VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large ot your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us in small monthly paymenta WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT - (Licensed), 806-807 Dekum Bidg. Broadway 685T. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY. We loan money to salaried and work ing men on their personal notes; rates reasonable; easy payment plan; -no se curity; no indorser. All business strict ly confidential. Call and Investigate OCT system of lending money. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (Licensed), 218 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6994. DAN MARX & CO., 315 Washington st. near 6th st.; established over 35 years only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private rooms for ladles; business strictly confidential; under state super vision; all articles held one year. Do business with an old-eatablishsd firm MflNRY TO Ililu Honey loaned on household goods or merchandise ploced in storage with us at regular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., Fourth and Pine sts.. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. rcoaB xroaqway 81 10. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry confidential service, governm't licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., w y HpiiuiSLun st. jsroaqway 6725 MONEY to loan; diamonds, jewelry eto legal rates; articles held 1 year. Vines' icwciijf. cor, inira ana w ashlngton. AUTO and otuer short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Oasco bids:. loans Wanted:. Sao FRANK L. McGUIRE for the following choice loans: $3000 on modern Irvington home; val ued at $7500. $2500 on modern bungalow in Laurel hursts, Floral ave.; value $6000. $4500 on income property, well in sured; value $15,000. $1800 on Hawthorne-ave. bungalow; valued at $4806. $1700 on new bungalow. Floral st., off Milwaukie at.; value $3800. , $1500 on Qtwo houses on Cook and Gantenbeinrent $60 per month; ' value $5000. $1400 on new bungalow, Overlook dis trict: value $3000. $1200 on 5-room house on Vernon ave., near Alberta; value $2800. We have many others in all parts "of the city. See C. V. Hawk with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. PAGET & PAGET. DESIRABLE FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ARB WANTED BY CLIENTS AS FOLLOWS: ' $1000 At 7 per cent, on East side home, 5 rooms. $1500 At 7 per cent, on Piedmont bun galow. $204M) At 7 per cent, on new Rose City park home. $3500 At 7 per cent, on 9-room. mod ern, well located corner resi dence. $4500 At 7 per cent, on 4-flat build ing. Insurance $9500; income $130 monthly. $5000 At 7 per cent, on 14$ 7-10 acres, ' on Columbia boulevard, with improvements. $5000 At 7 per cent, on close-In west side corner, with large resi dence, value $14,000. ' PAGET & PAGET. 283 Stark St. , Bdwy. 3794. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. 0 We have a number of first-class city and farm loans, $1000 to $5000. If you have money to loan, do not fail to investigate these loans.. V BT. CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors, 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. LOANS WANTED. SECURED BY FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. ABSTRACTS AKK .EXAMINED. , PROPERTY KEPT INSURED. INTEREST COLLECTED FOR CLIENTS. W. S. POINDEXTER. 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. LOAN of $1800 Rose City district build ing loan of $3000: Ladd Addition. Wo can place your funds on improved city property. All properties gladly shown. We handle all details and collections without cost to you. Come in and see us. COLUMBIA SECURITIES CO., 600 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4254. BUSINESS MAN WANTED. $1500 TO $10,000 WANTED. . " For 90-day first mortgage building loans, regular Interest and bonus for 90 days. . Money secured by surety bonds in addition to mortgage. Not to exceed 50 per cent value. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. BEAVERTON DISTRICT. 36 acres, all in high state of culti vation; good buildings, bard road, close to school; team, cow, machinery, fine crop. Price $12,000; will take part in trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WIDOWER and young man desire nice clean room in private home, must be comfortable and homelike: widow's home where there are children pre ferred; references. - Please give full particulars in reply. Y 743, Orego nian. FROM PRIVATE PARTIES. $2500 on highly improved Willamette valley ranch. For full particulars call Mr. Rowan. Main 5962. WANT $1500 on 4 lots and modern 6 room house, all In fruit and berries, on macadamized road, 1 block to car, close in; property selling for $4000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Main 8f-2!. WANT $2500 on new Rose City park bungalow, near Sandy blvd. ; paved street. C. A. WAGNER COMPANY. 230 Stark St. Broadway 7150. WANTED Tp BORROW, $30,000 at 8 first mortgage security on property worth $125,000, consisting of suburban lots, acreage and farm lands. AV 6, Oregon ian. ' TEMPORARY first mortgage building loans on residence under construction. Completion guaranteed by surety bond. Owners will pay off with state bonus loans. AE 737. Oregonian LOANS negotiated from $50,000 up, on desirable churches, hospitals, apart ment houses and business buildings. Also bond issues, $20O,00 up. Address P. O. box 422, Seattle, Wash. $2500 AT 6 PER CENT on 13 lots, Lau relhurst add., income $100 monthly. See Bailie, Wakefield. Fries & Co., 85 4th St. $a000 WANTED at 7 per cent, first mortgage loan, on modern Piedmont home. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. I HAVE SOME GOOD FIRST MORT GAGES AND CONTRACTS FOR SALE. GEO. C. HOWARD. 1115 N. W. BANK BLDG. OWNER wants loan of $5000 from private party, new home in Laurelhurst, con servative value $15,000. E 764, Ore- gonlan. WANTED $60,000 at 6 per cent on choice brick building, on quarter block In business district. AP 779, Ore gonlan. WANT $2000 at S per cent, farm worth $5000. Will take auto as part. Owner, AK SOO, Oregonian. $1200. 5-R. BUNGALOW, modern, value $2S00 ; - ?3500 residence," value $0000. 201 McKay. $700 WANTED; 8 per cent is a fine per cent; 3 years: on 100x100; on Rose City corner. Tabor 6559. WANTED By private party, a small sho-rt time loan on good Ford sedan! N 792. Oregonian. $800 8 PER CENT on residence E. Sal - mon st., repay $25 monthly. - East FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WILL SELL all or part of six $1000 notes, gilt-edge, bearing 8 per cent in terest, ail due next year, secured by bankable collateral worth amost dou ble; perfect safety, W1H give extra discount to make quick turn. AB 785, Oregonian. LOAN WANTED $1200 for 7 months' time or longer time if lender desiras; best bankable security;, will pay 8 per cent interest and substantial bonus pri vate party. BF 794. Oregonian. $700 WANTED on first mortgage, $ years, 8 per cent, secured by new 4 room bungalow, with largo attic; lot 40x136, close to car and paved street. Property sold for $2500. East 5548. $3000 WEST SIDE home; first mort gage, 6; no agents. M 778, Ore gonian. $1500 AVAILABLE July IB on good res. idence property In well Improved dis- 1.1 ...... ruuiie Aki.a.ia ma. WANT $800. 3 years, 8 per cent, on mod ern 3-room bouse, near Arleta. school. ' Tabor 42D0. WANT $2000 TO $3000 THIS WEEK ON NEW HOME IN GOOD DISTRICT. GEO. C. HOWARD. 1115 N. W. BANK. BRING me your loan applications either on new houses or otherwise; quick aervr ice, u. j. jonnson, 313 Henry blag. $850 WANTED for one year or longer on improved property of $3000 security in St. Johns. AR 785. Oregonian. WANT to borrow $S00 at 8 per cent on first mortgage on my $2500 homa t-iease inquire luo neon blag. WANTED $500, 10 per cent and 6 per cent bonus, chattel security; worth 'wui. aji lire, oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D AND STARK STREETS WANT to borrow $3200 on new 6-room home now being built in close-In re stricted district. Broadway 1531 WANT to borrow $1500 on nice large 5- mom oungaiow. uroaaway 1551. $1750 FOR 3 years at 8 per cent, Y 798, uregonlan. $8000 FROM private party, on west side business property. X 718. Oregonian. $800 WANTED for 3 years at 8 per cent. X 794, Oregonian. WANTED $1750 loan on new 6-room home. Tabor 0219 Monday, $3500 WANTED for 8 years on $10,00 x lap, uregonlan. $1200 AND $2500 BUILDING loan at 7 per cent. AM 750. Oregonian. I OWNER wants loan at 7 on 'new bun galow, can East 7781. $1500 LOAN on Union ave. store. R. J. McGulre. 545 Union ave. East 5407. $1000, 8 PER CENT on bungilow and o iuia, vaiua diniu. mast oov. $2000 ON NEW modern -bungalow; Irv- "'511 mamci. Ji.a3t oo. WANT $1700 on first mortgage, good suburban property. Atwater 0400. SPECIAL yOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 court house. Portland. Orearon. until 7 -so P. M July 19. 1922, for the hauling and disposition of garbage and refuse irom ine scnoot buildings of School District No. 1, Multnomah countv. Ore gon, for the year 1922-1923. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held ' in room 304 courthouse, at 7:30 P. M the same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of properties, oia failing school. First and Porter streets, Portland. Oregon. A certified check in the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25), payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and busi ness manager, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors re serves the right to reject any or ail oios, or divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 5, 1922. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 court house, Portland, Oregon, until 7:30 P. M July 12. 1922. for slate black boards for the Roosevelt high school, Portland, Oregon. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board to be held in room 3U4 courthouse at 7:30 P. M. the same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of properties, old Falling school, First and Porter streets, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for ten per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accom pany each proposal. The board of di rectors reserves the right to reject any or ail uias. . (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 6, 1922. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 court house, Portland, Oregon, until 7:30 P. M., July 19, '1922. for painting and finishing various school buildings, Port land, Oregon. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held in room - 304 courthouse, at i c. jm., tne same aay. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper ties, old Failing school. First and Por ter streets, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for ten per cent U0) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 6. 1922. 20,000 cubic yds. of team work to let. Bdwy. 7464. 414 Exchange bldg. Miscellaneous. THE UNDERSIGNED, as trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of Glen Rob inson, an individual domg business at Stevenson, Wash., will receive bids up to and until noon of Monday, July 17, 1922, at the office of R. L Sabin, 740 Morgan building, Portland, Or., upon the following personal property: A stock of goods, wares and mer chandise, consisting principally of hard ware of the inventory value of $2286.24 together with fixtures pertaining to the same of the inventory value of $686; total, $2972.24. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each ' bid. Bids are to be accepted subject to the approval of the court and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The stock may be seen at Stevenson, Wash., where a copy of the inventory may also be seen, and the inventory may also be seen at the office ot R L. Sabin, 740 Morgan building, Port land, Or. W. G. KELLER, Trustee, 740 Morgan building, Portland. Or. CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE. Grocery and confectionery, located at 882 Alberta st., Portland, Or.; owned by Jack Place; has been sold to A. E. Allen- ft A. M. Allen; anv one having claims against the same must present bill within 5 days from date hereof. MERRICK & CO.. 304 PANAMA BUILDING. Portland. Or., July 5, 1922 NOTICE of Assessment. Notice is given that the assessment work has been done in full on the Skagit placer claim for the year 1921, situated in Slate Creek Mining District, Whatcom county, Washington. Dated this 29th day of June, 1022, at Ruby Creek. H. B. BROWN, Owner. ON AND after this date, July -6, I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted in my name or Dick's Restau rant, 249 Burnside st. A. O. SCHINK. PERSONAL. SIBLICO FURNACES PIPE AND PIPELESS. Simplified methods lead complicated construction, costly and less efficient. Average fuel consumption $34 for sea son.. Saving in fuel represents Interest on an Investment of $400; radically Improved principal produces these re sults. Flpeless installed, $98 to $152. Supply four different types. J. T. Woodruff, 1291 Mallory ave. Walnut 2103. TO INTRODUCE "this new system of vanishing wrinkles I will gfve to a woman and four of her friends congre gated in one home one free - treatment each, absolutely harmless. Address Mrs. Raymond. 606 East 9th St. S DON'T be miserable and lose streneth. I suffered 20 years, cured myself In one day. Learn how to cure piles your self. Address 332 West 74th st., Seattle. Wash. M. M. TELEGRAM unsatisfactory. Can not verify. Friends and relatives un easy. Please, please communicate. R. F. DOCTORS' coats, nurses' uniforms, sport SKirts, nouse aressee maae reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 333 Mohawk bid. Main 7346. WANDA MARKS, human analyst, prao - tical psychologist, permanently located at 321 N. 19th st. Phone 7898. PIANO Harmony, popular songs, bal lads, rag, Jaxz -12 lessons. Waterman Piano School. 313 Columbia bldK. TO SAN FRANCISCO, large, roomy car, want passengers to help me pay ex penses. Auto. 561-86. MINERAL steam baths, massage, vio let ray. Hours 10 to 8. 426 Clay. Main S3.VJ. ur. Kva noiiins. naturopath. LADY driving Frisco around July 15", equipped for camping, take 2 ladles, share expenses. P 779. Oregonian. LADYoing to Indianapolis would shafe expenses with parties going by auto, all or part way. A 781. Oregonian. ROOM for 2 in Dodge car to Seattle Sat urday. East 1616. Dr. Benedict. IF GOING to Kansas or Missouri call Marshall 1650. PERSOHAL. GET WELL KEEP WELL. Circulation,. organio functioning, elimination these are the important factors of physical balance and health. Any upset or disease results mainly from Van overload of acidity or toxin poisonli in the system. The cure re quires' a health-building diet, bet'er circulation, improved organic fnuction ing and Increased elimination of wate and toxin poisons from the body; my body-cleansing system does this scien tifically, easily and in accordance with the laws of nature. Investigate Brown's Hydropathic Institute, Stevens bids., downstairs. Main 8630. Not chiroprac tic, not osteopathic, but always hy gienic. YOUR TEE1.. SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method yur dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J. Apove iuaiestic Theater, 351tj Wash. I OFFER now the great Indian p ict treatment to the public; the greaics: - and surest treatment of modern times. To show its great cure for rheuma tism, blood poison, fevers, gonor.iea and' many accute and chronic diseases I will . treat the first five who will come to 1687 Hereford st., Monday or Tuesday. Correspondence invited. J. M. Teague. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goiter (big neck) can get posi tive information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or dis comfort. There is a pleasant surprise in store for you if you will write. No charge whatsoever. Tell others, it will help us all. Address Dr. Rock, box X737, Milwaukee. Wis. LAFAi'ETTE MINERAL SPRINGS A.mJ SANATORIUM. 85 miles from Portland, one mile from station and one mile from fine high way. The strongest mineral water' on the coast. A wonderful cure for rhini matlsm; massage, medical gymnastics, etc Write for -prospectus or phone Lafayette Mineral Springs, Lafayeue. Oregon. SAN FRANCISCO, $17.50. BY PICKWICK TWIN SIX; PACK ARD; BEAUTIFUL TRIP; REGU LAR SCHEDULEa AUTO TRIP TO SEATTLE M. BOLLAM SS. AGENCY.' 122 THIRD STREET. PHONE BROADWAY 7326. LADIES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER, a soothing, cleansing, healing, germi cidal and Invigorating douche; a great aid in female disorders: 6uo and $1 per box. PORTLAND H OTH1T. rw A n -M a r -v AND ALL OTHER DRUG STORES. PSYCHOLOGY Why worry and be un happy when psychology holds such an : important message for you? It will help you to master difficulties and un lock the door to success, love and hap piness, as given by Mrs. A. L. Stevens, 685 E. 12th St. N. East 4610. WOMEN ONLY. Special treatments to reduoe fat from any part of body; no starving or drugs. Dr. Laura Pipin, naturopath, snember Oregon State Assn. of Na turopath, 70S Dekuiu bldg.. Third and Washington streets. Bdwy. 1037. BRAIN and body buiidins by higher physical culture, self-polarizing the body for magnetic energy, Chrorno theraputlc or curing by light and color, light and color massage; my --proof is result, 300 Jefferson. Main 3520. DR. NETTIE BENSON Electric cabinet and mineral steam baths, hot and cold showers, expert manipulation, electric, violet ray and traction treatments fo: chronlo ailments. 711 Swetland bidg Broadway 6799. - MISS BEE RA.DALL, trained nurse, gives beet steam baths, violet ray. electric and vibratory massages in city. All patients given personal care. 215 Swetland bldg. EGYPTIAN beauty pack, rejuvenator of youth, scientific method without cos metics, sample 25 cents; Zeeno per manent hair remover $2.50. Premier Co., 1005 Market, San Francisco, Cal. JAZZ beginners or advanced guaran- teed. Summer rates $1.50 a week, to tal $15. Practice rooms free. Parker Piano school, 514 Eilers bldg.. Wash. st. at 4th. E. J. H. Must see you at once about R. J.; will see you some .place in Port land if you don't want to come home; will bring R. J. If you say so; H. B. is gone. E. M. w. PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS will secure divorce or other evidence confidentially. Results guaranteed. Private interview address BC 791. Oregonian. 1 GETS both leet fixed up at Dr. Ea ton's. the chiropodist and ARCH SPE CIALIST, who doesn't 'hurt you; 8 yrs, here; exam. free. Blue Mouse bid . 11th and Wash. WHY PAY fancy prices for trusses when you can get them at commercial prices at the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., 200 Morrison st. ? Call and see fur yourself. DR. ADA SCOTT, steam batns, hot and cold showers; electric, mechanical and manual manipulation chronic diseases a specialty. 417 Swetland bldg. CHIROPODIST, MANICURIST MAs sage, under medical supervision; open evgs., Sundays; formerly 216 Alisky now 316 Tilford bldg.. loth and Mor SUPERFLUOUS hair, mole's, warts, re moved by 10-needle method, trial free. Josie Finley. 614 Bush & Lane. Main 6368. I CAN remove excessive rat from any part of body without drugs, diet or ex ercise: a call will convince my method is right. Dr. H. I. Folk, Raleigh bldg. MISS WALLACE, late of Vancouver", B. C, chiropodist, manicurist, face, scalp massage. 350 Morrison st., apartment 214. No phone calij. EMBROIDERY oti i(U linens; mono grams and initials a specialty; hand hemming on table linen; reduced sum mer rates. Mrs. Lewis. East 5676. VIT-O-NET sweats and massage, mani cure, shampoo, scalp and face massage, Mrs. Alice Robertson, 501 Swetland bldg. Broadway 2oC3. 3 PEOPLE to share ext. auto trip. San Francisco, July 15. Call Atwater 5400. LIBERAL reward for information re garding Dixie Eight Magnetos stolen from .airplane at Vancouver. Seliwood 3471. SIX pyorrhea clinic cases wanted: 2 Monday, 2 Wednesday, 2 Friday after 10 A. M. : .Dr. C Smith LOnp, Bush & Lane bldg., Broadway at Alder. . . WANTED To hear from someone wish ing to take course in chiropractic; can save you money. Call Bdwy. 1037 after Monday. MASSAGE FOR LUMBAGO. ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th, 10 to P. M. Also Sundays. VIT-O-NET sweats, electric treatments, for colds, neuritis, circulation. 10 to 7. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. IRENE STOi'. electric cabinet baths, hut and cold showers, scientific massage. 308 Broadway bldg. Main 5177. TRY the treatment of the well-known Bader cure given at 3So Yamhill. Mar shall 1322. WANTED To hear from Mrs. Margaret van stone. Aaaress J. 852 E. 39th et.. city SPECIAL 7-5c a curl for Nestle perma nent nair waving. -Marvel Beauty Shop. 706 Washington street. ANYONE knowinff the whereabouts of Mrs. Stella buinvan Kindly communi cate with 609 D St.. Oxnard. Cal. DRIVING to 'Frisco Sunday, i-passcnger Chandler, can accommodate 3 or 4; share expenses. V 7H4. Oregonian FEBVET & HANEBUT, heading wig and toupe makers, permanent marcel and water wavlngs. 31ft Alder. Main 5411 BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe ciay summer rates. Madam Curtis. 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6902. BATHS, body massage. toW rheumatism constipation, kidneys. Dr. Elma srt... enBen. 508 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 708C. GOITRE, enlarged glands. Cure yourself A R. Strachan, R. 5. Hillsboro, Or. No agents or representatives. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. HAIR, moles, pimples removea tdipiomas Boston. Chicago and state medical board). 801 Broadway bldg. Main 5109. THE much-talked-of Vader (Wash.) treatments can be had at 509-12 Ra lelgh bldg.. 327 Washington, cor. 0th DR. J. D. KELLY, or any one knowing his address, please write M. E.- Kelly 294 Clay gt.. Portland. MAY COULTER, beauty -specialist and chiropodist, Aiaer notei. Bdwy. 5391. $1 AT iuuk nu.uc, ootn teet fixed up. Wvna , i rnneiA i cf a.nh fi.,a ur ,.m DR. L- NETZEU, rheumatism, massage. Damn. v-mmjmta. pl. Jiaiq JQUB. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d St. Sell. 2213 mornings. DOLLY NORTON, MANICURIST. 4UO X3 Uuxl A A AN BLDG. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? V46ro-lf fnllnrlnrs rial..,,.. ....i- CABINET BATH. elec. hand and body massage. H. C. W. Bdwy. 3259. FREE booklet oil gland treatment of all chronic diseases. P. O. Box 1105. PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tion Dr. R. A. Phillips Bdwy. bldfr. SWEDISH MASSAGE; HOURS 1 p M TO 9 P. M. BROADWAY 7091. LEAVING for southern California soon, take 2 or 3. Tabor 4059. PEOPLE to organize colonies; Mexico, South America. X 793, Oregonian. FURNISHED drugless physician's office for sale or rent. X 781. Oreconian. LEAVING FOR FRISCO JULY 11. TAKE. TWO. jALL MAIN S224. 4