18. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1922 for nvsr. Furnished Rooms. LINCOLN HOTEL UNDER NEW MAN AGEMENT. ; Nice, clean sleeping rooms, $6 a week and up; double rooma, suitabl; .' for two, $8 a week; transient. $1.50 and $2; house newly renovated, clean as a pin; new carpets; right down town location, opposite Baker theater. 4(t9 Morrison st., corner 11th. ANGELA HOVEL. 625 Wasnington at. A clean, respectable place' to live: free phones in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant in connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rates, day, week or month NEW RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 704 Lovejoy st. Main 8619. Just open to the public; this is the newest and moet modern residential hotel opened this season. Raiee, Including 2 meals, $45 and $50. . HOTEL CLIFFORD PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. J5AST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 8TH; OU1ET. DIGNIFIED AND PjEFINEO; $1.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP: CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE THE WHITEHALL 253 0th St. Rooms single and en suite, modern, at moderate prices; large sun parlor and every convenience. Portland's downtown hotel. H ( T K F. X FIT M P. RI.AXDS. 326 13th ST. at WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up; private bath. $8; fireproof and clean; elope to business center. GRANT HOTEL 451 Wash. st, 1 a day up; by the week, $5 up to $10, with bath. A clean, respectable place to live, Mrs. J. E. Ross, Prop. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooma at tho Y. M. C. A. with phono In each room, shower baths and club facilities. ANSONiA HOTEL. 324 14th st.. at Washington; rates $5 per week and up, ?1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusemer.ts and shopping csnter. WHY NOT , have an apartment while In town? 3 mod. Turn. rms. $12.50 per week. San Marco. E. Sth qnd Couch. E. 1900. CLEAN, newly renovated' H. K. and sleepin g rooms for rent, reasonable ; on carline, close In. 545 Washington st.. near 10th. Northwestern AptS. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON ST3. Attractive rooms ant suites at rea sonable rates by week or month. HOTEL CONRADINE, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. FURNITURE of one room for sale; room for rent cheap. 310 Goodnough bldg., !Sth and Yamhill sts. Call Sunday, 10 to ,5 P. M. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 032 Washington st. Mod ern, private baths, free phones; reason able rate: $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. MATHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. BoTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St., cor. S:ark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates: $5 and up: hot ar.d cold water, steam heat. MARLYN HOTEL. Corner 17th and Couch; large, well furnished" modern rooms; reasonable. flEFiNED young lady wishes room mate in beat hotel in city; references ex changed. B 738. Oregonian. WEAVER HOTEL, 708 Wash, at., cool basement, sleeping room, next to bath :inci phone. WELL-FURNISHED, light, airy front room in west side apt., all conveniences, walking distance. Broadway 2206. UNFURNISHED house on Council Crest for 4 or 5 months; not over $40. Mar shall 850. NICELY FURN. SLEEPING RM. ALSO LIGHT H. K. APT. LARGE HOME, VERY SHADED AND COOL. 243 11TH. SLEEPING room. ' large clothes closet, hot and cold water, parking space. $15 p e r month. 393 West Park. LARGE front room with sleeping porch for 2 young men or ladies; walking distance East -'772. 301 Holladay. NICE, large front room, carliue, home privileges, no other roomers, to two ladies. Walnut 3244. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder; A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HO TEL; SI up Rates by week or month. NICELY furnished room or rooms with board, near Good Samaritan hospital. 72 Lovejoy. ItmPREKS HOTEL, 6th and Stark. Sin gle or double rooms at moderate prices. Special rates to permanent guests. 0c DAY, $2.50 week up; large, absoute Jy clean rms.; baths free; vater alwayi ot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. , ICE, cool front sleeping room, light, phone, furnace heat, $9. 054 East Madison, corner 13th. " NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets, cpecial permanent rates. FURNISHED rooms, i$8 per mo.; walk pg distance; bloc k to 5 carlines. S2S E. Cly street. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th st.. near Morrison Clean and modern "rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. EFAUTIFUL front parlor wRh piano, $25 I month. 393 West Park. FRONT room; large, well use piano, porch: modern. furnished , 327 Sixth. SLEEPING PORCH. West Park st. $8 a month. 201 LARGE front room, with or without ga rp.ge. 604 E. Couch. E. 4970. ROOMS suitable for 2, close 11th street. C. S. preferred. 320 NICELY furnished room with twin beds. Phon At. 3213. DESIRABLE new, convenient. - outside, large or single rooms. 351 6th. FL'RNISHED 368 Victoria st. t'nfartiiwhed Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms and sleeping porch and dressing room, use of bath, itas, phone; no children. Between 7th nd 8th, east side. 447 East Sherman. East 5227. Elderly couple or conval escent ' preferred. In BUILDING at 5th and Stark; steam heat, hot and cold water. Apply Dr. Loeb. Medical b!dj?., bet. 2:30 and 4. BASEMENT, kitchen, withsieeping room, suitable for men; $3 per'weeK. Bdwy. 1084. 660 Hoyt st. 2 UNFURNISHED, newly renovated ' rooms. East 0348. 6S3 E. Stark. THREE very desirable unfurnished rms. Tabor 803.' J'lirimhed Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED room, every modern con venience, half block from library, 208 nth st. FURNISHED room, suitable for two gen tlemen; vacant July 15, at 21st and Flanders st. Phone Marshall 131. LARGE room and kitchen, $16 per month lovely homo for employed lady. East 8528. LaRGE front room in private family m Piedmont district, $15 per month Call Wrfln. 1S7. CLEAN, cheery, nicely furnished rooms. 1 Mock from Hawthorne car; $10 and $15. 254 E. 23d st. S. E. 6060. LIGHT, airy front room in modern home to business or professional woman; walking distance ; $15. Main 7317. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a lovely private home, suitable lor 2 young ii. en, 2H month. ti Trinity flnce. FUltNISHED room, bath adjoining, close in, rent reasonable. Call Sunday fore noon. 420 Jefferson st. NICELY furnished double room, well located, a. nut Park; cooking privi leges. Walnut 3208. IF YOU want nicely furnished room. walking distance in widow's home see 591 H Davis. Bdwy. 8048. ATTRACTIVE room And garage, Irving ton. K. 5142. NOB .'JILL fur. room, private entrance. 84 N. 21st, cor. Everett. SUITE of rooma downstairs; 2 h . k. rooms. 742 Irving. piano, also Main '2425. PLEASANT rooms in an apartment. Main ii2(i;5. NJCE room with sleeping porch, in fine home, with 2 meals. Tabor 8709. COOL room, home privileges, close in modern home. East 3683. TWO nice, clean, furnished or unfurnished rooms. Mar. or 789 Kearney st. ROOM?, women employed. 302 Park st.. corner Columbia: women only. FURN1 S H E D room, Walnut (1500. good car service. FINE room with or without breakfast hot-water heat; close in. East-6381. AIRY, encloi ' num. 3oU -d sip. 2th st. porch for 1 or 1 LARGE front sleeping room on west Ride. 512 a month. Main 2970. 257 12TH ST. Single, double, hot. water room ; men only. NICE light room suitable for one or two parties, close in. Pnone Atwater 2133. NICE front sleeping room, walking dis- tance. t per weeK. Kast uti2. EXTRA large, pleasant. weJl-furnlshed ' room. 1st iioor. ft 1 1 Colum bia st. 269 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice room, modern conveniences, walking distance. PLEASANT front room, reasonable, vate family. Main 606. pri- LOVELY" clean room in attractive home, near 23d and W'ash. sts. Main 8930. $16.50 NEAT room, joining bath, choice west Aide. Marshall 1650. FOR RENT, Furnished Rooma in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, large, lower floor 'sleeping room; an exceptionally desirable room, In well located home; all modern conveniences. Call in pei son at 723 East Madison. Take Hw thorne car. Rent very reasonable. You see this one and yo u ".1 want It. HAVE good building lot in Spokane. Waeh., and some cash to trade as first payment on 5 or 10 acres for chicken ranch. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-0 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. BEAUTIFUL front room in new colo nial bungalow; every modern conven ience, block from Richmond car. Breakfast if desired and laundry priv ileges. An ideal place for refined busi ness girl. Reasonable. 542 E. 34th st. FOR RENT 5 large, well-furnished rooms in my modern home; hardwood floors, fireplace and bullt-ins; nice lawn and shade trees. Restricted. E. 1091. NICE sleeping room adjoining bath in five-room bungalow, block from two car lines; also garage; home privileges; breakfast if desired. 531 E. 25th. Call Seliwood 3915. NICE front sleeping room for 1 or 2 peop-le in private family, home priv ileges. 340 ia Williams ave. One block south of Broadway. Call Sun. or Mon., Mrs. Ne-Ison. BUSINESS woman can have furnished room with privileges of kitchen in very quiet home; nice "locality, beautiful view overlooking river. 450 Seliwood blvd. SUITE of rooms, well furnished and homelike, for 2 business gentlemen, $12.50 each; breakfast if desired; ref erences. 189 17th st., near Taylor. Call Main 61115. ATTRACTIV E rooms, beautifully fur nished, parlor, piano, home privileges, twin beds, sleeping porch; rates $3.50 up. 61 North 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. FINE, clean rooms with private dress ing rooms and lavatory, large closet, beautiful home, nice view, easy walk ing diatanco. 215 14th st. LOVELY, cool sitting room with large enclosed sleeping porch; automatic water heater, near bath and phone. . 50 Lucretia st. Atwater 3689. EXTRA large well furnished h. k. rm., ground floor, private entrance, running water, hot and cold water. 414 Mar ket St., corner 11th. FOR RENT Large, well furnished room and garage, in fine Rose City park home on Sandy. Phone Tabor 0738 after Sunday. CLEAN, cool room, 3 windows, large clothes closet; right downtown, $15 a month. 228 10th at., or phone Main 5758. FIRST floor of my home, 3 large room. pantry newly kalsomined, everything furnished, rent reasonable, nice neigh borhood. 614 E. 6th st. S. Brooklyn car. NICELY furnished room, all modern conveniences. Nob Hill district; walk ing distance ; reasonable. 706 Irving st. Main 9185. FRONT room, nicely furnished, west side, for gentlemen only. 348 Mont gomery st. Main 3941. NICE furnished rooms, walking distance, and use of piano and grafonola, $2.75 per week. 210 N. 23d st. Mar. 1727. LARGE, pleasant front room, modern, suitable for one or two; Nob Hill dis trict. Main 9485. BEAUTIFUL room in newly decorated well-kept, modern home. Nob Hill dis trict; references exchanged. Mar. 1019. CLOSE-IN very desirable rooms for 1 or 2, breakfast and all home comforts at reasonable rates. 409 Clay. Main 2228. CORNER room in nice home, facing park, all conveniences, close in. gentlemen only. Phone Atwater 0299. BUSINESS CENTER. WEST SIDE. finely turn, rms., h. and c. water, 321 i 12th, cor. Clay. Main 4831. LARGE, light, well'-furnished sleeping room, bath adjoining; separate en trance. 110 E. 20th st. E. 8951. STEAM-heated, furnished rooms, modern conveniences. 604 Couch, apt. 3., bet. 17th and 18th. PLEASANT sleeping room, furnisnea nicely, for gentleman who wishes a nice- place; $3 per week. 451 10th st. S. ; LARGE, pleasant sleeping rooms, $15 and $20 a month; free baths and phone, close in. 253 N. 21st. Main 4078 ROOM, immaculately clean, quiet, all conveniences. Address O 730. Ore gonian. ROOMS, clean, quiet, well furnished; walking distance ; reasonable. 30 E. 15th st. QUIET room, all conveniences, walking distance. 46 Lucretia, nr. Washington. Atwater 2865. "WELL-FURNISHED rooms, walking dis tance; $15 per month. 508 Hoyt. Booms With Board. CaMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day r month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's down , town high -class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women; we give you all the corn- torts oz a home; reasonable rates. Broadway 1180. CHESTERBURY HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. . Rate by day, week or month, Meais served to transients. THE MAJtlAN. An exclusive home for busin-ess women, tastefully furnished rooms, ex cellent meals: every home convenience. 505 GiUan. Bdwy. 2438. WILL board and room 1 or 2 people in our Deautirui nouseboat in Yacht ciub row for the summer; rates reasonable; every day a holiday here; 6c fare. Phone Walnut 0906 for particulars. HOLLYWOOD HOTEL. RESIDENTIAL Newly furnished, excellent meals, water in rooms. 633 Kearney st. Bdwy. 1509. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery.' Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rales; con 'venieht and comfortable. 712 MARSHALL ST. MAIN 8603. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Newly furnished, excellent meals; rates week or month. ROOM and boar a fcr Dusinsas girl; all modern conveniences walking dis l&uce; $5 per week. Auto. -19-.4. U V. "ih st. ROOMS, double and single, hot and cold water; meals; home privileges ; $30 and up. 779 Marshall. Main 4S7S. Rooms With liourd in Private Family. WILL give best of care to small chil dren in my home; board mothers If desired. Walnut 26ol. WANTED 1 or more elderly people to room, board and care for; good home and kind treatment. Tabor 410(. LARGE front room with board for two, $65 per month, close in; a home. East 498. ROOM and board in Irvington home; home privileges. 664 Wasco. East 1992. Reasonable. CLOSE-IN very desirable rooms for 1 or 2, breakfast and all home comforts at reasonable rates. 4ft9 Clay. Main 228 GOOD board and room, $S week, home privileges, close-in west side. 320 Montgomery. -Main. 5370. REFINED middle-aged or elderly couple to snare modern home. BJ i92. Ore gonian. WANTED One or two children in conn try, between ages of 2-6 years. Call East 314o. WILL give mother's care to one or two small children during July .t 726 Ev- eret. Auto. o29-Q2. ROOM and two meals, in private family ror l or 2 - gentlemen; also- garage 350 East Ninth N. East 8172. $50 MODERN furnished flat, all in white enamel. Choice locality. 1085 Hawthorne ave... near 30th. Tabor 8104. LARGE front room suitable for 2 more, close in on west side; good home coo Mr. sr. Phone Mam 6-121. 2 OR 3 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, in modern home, white enamel; adults only. 196 E- 30th. Tabor 5501. ROOM and board for one or two ladles; walking distance; C. S. preferred. Auto. 526-16. WOULD give good home to child 2 years or over, girl preferred ; price reason able. 201 Hancock st. Newberg, Or. WALKING distance, choice single or double room ; meals, just like home; reasonable rates. East 8362. FIRST-CLASS rooms In most beautiful part of Irvington; breakfast if desired. Phone East 5652. 725 Tillamook. WANT Children to 'board in my coun try home. Miss Blake, North Plains, Or. ROOMS with or without board. Homo cooking. . 304 Columbia, corner 10th Main 2S64. WELL furnished, cool room, board op- ti o n a 1 ; wa lkin g- d 1 st a n ce. 70 If o y t. SUMMER rates; refined private home, good meals; central. Main 2219. PRIVATE home, children, mother's cars; 2( years' exp. Mar. 2162. CLEAN, sunny rooms, good table board; Irvington district. East 3778. BOARD and room, home privilege. K. Ash. Phone E. 9016. Garage. ROOM and board modern home place. or housekeeping; Main 9325. NICELY furnished room with or wlth out board. East 3753. WANTED 1 or 2 children not over 6 years Automatio 51&-37, - . FOR RENT. KotmiH With Board in Private Family. COOL OFF SWIM I Near Windemuthy Inman-Poulsen mill. Ford auto plant and Portland Boat club. HOME-COOKED MEALS! - HOME PRIVILEGES! 610 Grand Ave. Seliwood 3936. IRVINGTON Nicely furnished room with glass-inclosed sleeping porch ad joining, home refinement and pleasant surroundings, C. S., excellent table board. 20 minutes to city. -523 E. 25th N. East 8627. Garage. VERY attractively furnished front room tor two ladies or- couple employed. Also single room. Splendid home cooked meals, 'A refined home-like place. Laundry privileges. Rates $10 per 'week. Broadway 0914. LOVELY front bedroom with hot water heat, bath and phone, home privileges, excellent home cooking, close in, on east side, one block from car; married couple employed or gentleman pre ferred. 585 E. Ash st. Phone E. 8355. HOLLADAY ADDITION. A very nice home for those who board and room, on Irvington car; not a boarding house a real home. 246 E. 6th N, WANT two respectable young men to room and board; rate reasonable; pri vate home; walking distance; east side. Call East 9218. Good references required. . ROOMS and board, nice clean rooms with sleeping porches, room with pri vate bath, big room with fireplace and piano; just the thing for 3 or 4 young men at 772 Marshall st. BEAUTIFUL airy room, facing park; breakfast and dinner if desired; rates reasonable. 481 W. - FStrk at. Aut. 627-73. LARGE, modern front room down stairs, with good home cooking, very desir able for 2. Price reasonable. Auto. 519-36. BOARD and room for 2 men who will , room together, twin beds; j?ood board and clean room ; $8 per week. Grand ave. S. E. 0020. CHILDREN to care for In my home, school age or younger; best of care, near school; 12 years' experience. Phone Walnut 7307. WANTED Man and wife employed, or two gentlemen for board and room. Rates reasonable, close in, Irvington district. 506 Tillamook. East 2790 FOR ONE or two employed; cool river site; water sports; close in; best cook ing with home privileges. Bdwy. 2650 before noon. WILL board 2 gentlemen in fine, clean, modenn home, with mother and son; real home comforts; 3-window room, next to bath. Walnut 6892. LARGE light room with board, home cooking; price right; walking distance.. 201 E. 1st st, N., near Holladay ave. E. 9283. CHILD, any age, to care for; suburban home; large lawn; Jersey milk; fresh eggs; will board mother. Box 19, Huber, Ot. WILL rent room, home privileges, to motner or lather working, will care for child; reasonable. 188 East 44th street. Sunnyside car, 1 blocks S. NICELY furnished four-room Hat. light. wuLer, garDage ana pnone inciuaea. walking distance, - rent $a5. Phone East 1"QO EXPERIENCED nurse and mother wishes to care for children In her own country home. Price reasonable. Bdwy. 4822. IRVINGTON 2 ROOMS. SEPARATE OR SUITE; BEST THOME COOKING; HOME OF REFINEMENT. GARAGE. EAST 6645. THREE large rooms and porch, bunga- iow apt., ngnts, phone and water free. Vacant July 15; rent J30. B. . 7078. 832 w asco st. COZY single room, with good board, for Dusiness woman; phone, piano, home privileges, close In. 295 W. Park, cor ner Columbia. NICELY furnished room in modern home. walking distance, on west side; excel lent home cooking. Atwater 3930 . NICE home for people who room or board in Irvington, with or without garage. East 1276. WANTED Small child to board and room. Best of care. No other chil - dren. Main 6494. YOUNG man to board and room, small congenial family young people, piano, modern. $7.50 wk. Main 698. BOARD for lady in refined apt., home. comrorts, $iv per month. AM 7.42, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE IN COUNTRY WOULD LIKE CHILDREN TO BOARD. X 759. OREGONIAN. FURNISHED room in private home to couple employed, breakfast and dinner ir desired. 530 E. Madison, cor, of 14th. HAVE room and saraee. 1 or 2 eentle men, win give DreaKiast. Tabor Oii. NICELY furnished room with board, near Broadway bridge. 408 Benton. Furnished Apartments. COOL SUMMER APARTMENT. . $25.00 Completely furnished. clean, airy, 2-room spic and span apartment, ground floor, built in conveniences, clean and cool. . - the Meda Apts., 377 Vancouver ave., blk. north of Bdwy. Just across the Bdwy. bridge. 1 walking distance. MODERN three-room apartment, newly gainted and papered ; new furniture, ath, light, 'telephone and use of laundry: reasonable rent. 310 Crosby st., 2 blocks from east end Broadway bridge. GORDON COURT APTS., 530 Montgom ery I have a very attractive 5-room apartment that I .will furnish up in reed furniture very handsomely for $100. Main 8272. IR.VINGTON, on car line, 3 large rooms, completely furnished, on ground floor, large yard, roses, porch, $55, includes phone, lights, water; suitable for two adults. East 4384. MR. WORKING MAN. On strike? Idle? Low wages? High rent? Drop me a line. Cosy 2 and 3 rooms at your own price in reason. C 776, Oregonian. GOD apartment house, large income, low rent, lease, close-in, west side; will take $1000 cash, some trade, bal ance terms. Main 9529; no agents. EXTRA large 3-room furnished apart ment, private bath. white enamel woodwork, ground floor, front, fine location. 554 E. Madison, corner 13th. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room apts., fur nished or unfurnished, modern, rea sonable. 1578 E. Glisan st. Tabor 7025. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apart ' ment; best location in the city; rea sonable. Hotel Elmore, West 'Park and Morrison. FURNISHED, nice 2 and 3-room apts.. light and phone free, close in. Belknap Hf-Ms., .---,;m, c;ui .wain Ih'.M. FRONT 2-room apartment, nished, clean, $30. Small adults. 562 Glisan st. well apt. fur $24. 3 ROOMS and bath, light, cool and airy, ( one block from car, suitable for three auuits. bop East couch street. LADY to share 4-room furnished flat; rent very reasonable. C S., preferred. AO 704, Oregonian. . NICELY furnished 4 and 5-room apts., fireplace and seeping porch; all newly furnished. Call Wdin. 1945. 2 FURNISHED rooms, outside apt., 8 minutes' walk to Yamhill market, $22 per month. 300 5th at. Atwater 424S. BEAUTIFULLY furnished first-floor apt., must be seen to be appreciated. 110 East 20tH st. TWO-ROOM, furnished basement apart ment, with fireplace and telephone. 1441 E. Morrison. Tabor 8850. MARSHALL Apts. One 3-room fur nished apt,, C24 Marshall. Phone Bdwy. 3851. . IDAHO APARTMENTS. Two and '3-room nicely furnished. moderate prices, west side. S89 6th fit. ALL FRESH tinted, under new manage ment, $15 and up, including light and . gas; walking distance. 099 Everett st. 3-ROOM apt., first floor, private en trance; no children. 1029 E. Alder. Tabor 4277. $26 3 NICE light rooms furnished com plete with linen and bedding. 354 ivy st. ' t HANTHORN APARTMENTS. Completely furnished 3-room apt., 2 disappearing beds, close in. 251 12th. FURNISHED or unfurnished; walking distance: four, adults. 200 East 13th cor Taylor. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 2-ROOM fur. apartments; sink, hot and cold Water; one with private entrance; children. 42iu 6th st. Atwater 2605. FURNISHED 3-room corner apartments. Silver Court, E. 22d and Hancock. Call East 6025. BROOKLYN Apts.. $22.50 to $27.50. 21st and Powell, urookiyn car. HERMENIA, 400 Hall St.. cor. 10th aioaern J-room corner iront apt. CAMAR 704 Lovejoy St., for rent, 3 and 2-room apt. - COOL APT. with sleeping porch for 2 or 3. tii:i Everett, liciwy. 4 205. FOUR-ROOM lower apartment. fur nished. 1111 E. 21st street N. BASEMENT apartment, $6. . East 1992. 664 Wasco. WESTMINSTER. Main 55S2. Furnished and partly, furnished apartments. 2 ROOMS, bath, 414 4th st. porch, reasonable rent. ONE 3-room clean, furnished apartment. MN. iath-U FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. STBLWTN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished apts. in city, in select res idence district, 6 minutes walk from business-theater center by 23d st. or CC car easy walking" distance). Right up Washington street to 22d and around the cor ner (166 St. Clair st.). Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home at mosphere. References required. Lovely sunshiny front outside apt., sleeping porch, Chinese rugs, silk hangings, brasses, com fy wicker furniture, floor lamps, etc. Piano. . A-l service. Ex ceptionally clean. Also single rooms,- by day. week, month. THE STELWYN. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High -class apartment houses near 23d and Washington. 3-room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony. Also a 3-room apt. for employed people on main floor, $47.50. Will accommodate touristB by the week. Call Main 3883. ' THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., outside and French doors and balcony; permanent and transient. NOW AVAILABLE! Desirable 2-room - apts. in modern brick bldg.; large rooms, roomy kitchens, built-in or open beds, linen and silver furnished: noth ing better for the price, $25 to $40. Lincoln apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. . MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. , Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, alt outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main 9400. $37.50 MAIN 3816 $37.50. Artistically furnished, 2-room and small kitchen apartment, tub and shower bath Included, walking dis tance, light, clean and comfortable; garage if desired. Main 3816. DIEL APTS., 7&U E. ANKENY. 1 3-room and 1 4-room apt. Both , completely furnished, just renovated and, retinted ; outside corner rooms, light and airy; private bath and phone, plenty hot water, good car service, parking place. East 1808 or East 4046. BENSON UNDER. NEW MANAGE MENT. 205 N. 20TH. 8 rooms with baby grand" piano, completely furnished. Nob Hill district Bdwy. 4448. THE JACKSON. Three-room fur. and unfur. apts., $30 to $40; brick bldg., private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water; phone; 15 mln. walk to 5th and Wash.; Rose City car. East 2846. 51 Union ave. N. TO SUBLET from July 15 to September 1 or 15, to refined adults, a well-furnished 5-room apt. for exactly what I pay unfurnished, $83. Bdwy. 3233. Bellcourt Apts. . THE DEZENDORF APTS.. 208 16th, Near Taylor. Mar. 128. Completely turn. 4 and 5-room apts., all outsido rooms; ro objection to cfail dren, transients and tourists JULIAETTE APARTMENT. 2d and Montgomery. Unfurnished 2-room itpts. ; private bath ; reasonable rent. Phone Mar. 21SS. SHEFFIELD APTS., 272 BROADWAY Nicely furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, all outside rooms, bath and telephone; tourist accommodations. L. Ash ton, manager. Mam 2o06. THE EVERETT. S44 Everett, between 20th and Ella streets. Very desirable 3-room fur nished comer apt., with balcony; mod- ern; warning distance, isawy. 44uu. ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive, light, , .airy, 2-room apt. in fine modern home, well furnished, heat, electricity, . hot water, phone, garage, laundry and THE NICKOLS Two and 3-room apts., furnished or unfurnished, private baths, phone, garage; children taken. ' Wood lawn 4971. 856 East 6th N. THE LAN DO RE, 288 10TH ST. Furnished three-room apartment and sleeping porch. KING ALBERT APTS. Weekly or monthly rates. 2 and 3 rooms, bath, elevator, kitchen. Main 0359. 3-ROOM apartment, furnished or un furnished, in high-class apartment house with first-class service. 15th and Belmont sts. East 6613. SAN MARCO. E, 8TH & CO0CH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. ETNA APARTMENTS. 8 rooms, dressing room and bath: 'hardwood floors, white enamel; free elec washer and mangle. East 3782. THE ALAMO APTS. Attractively furnished 3-room front apt. Private bath, disappearing bed, bullt-ln buffet, steam heat. 494 Market. THE ORDERLEIGH. 82 Grand Ave. Pleasant, well fur nished 3-room suites; renovated pri vate baths: very reasonable. DRICKSTON APT., 448 11TH. 3 rooms, 2 disappearing beds, newly tinted andpainted, also one 2-room apt. FOR RENT Beautiful "-room suite", first-class, cheap and c'l-je in. Mar. 3214. IRVINGTON. 395; E. 15th st. N.; well furnished 3 front rooms, with balcony; nice lawn, flowers. East 9092. SERENE COURT aPT&, cor. E. 1st and Multnomah; 2 and 3-rra. furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. THE LILLIAN. 3-room apts, west side, close in. Mar shall 1378. 331 Sixth St. UNION AVE, and Killingsworth, fur. apt. $21.50. All ' complete, concrete bldg. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL. 8 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs, private balconies, $35 up. Mar. 1160. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. 8-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2230. THE" MEREDITH. 2-room furnished ,apartment for rent; $38. 712 Wash lngton st., opposite 22d. Bdwy. 6184, SUNNY CREST APTS., AT. 3703. $12 MO. UP; 1, 1 H. Tv. SUITES $28.50, 3 RMS.. BATH, NEWLY FUR. THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room fur. apt., close In 19 1 14th st- bet. Yamhill and Taylor. ALTONIA APTS.. 19tn and Marsnail -2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, ua. furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. ALICE COURT 2 and 3-rm. pri. bath, fireplace, 2 beds, $40 and $50, includ Ing phone. Cor. E. Sth and Burnside. 2 LOVELY apts, one with private bath, walking distance. 493 Yamhill. Main 1030. CLOSE IN, east side, furnished apt., rea sonable rent. East 3100, corner East Morrison at th. st, PENROSE APTS., Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts. finished in white enamel. East 4548. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. THE STANF1ELD. Modern 2-room apt., delightfully cool light, phone, etc.. $23. Main 7392. STRICTLY modern 3-room apts.. also 1 sleeping room, walking distance; summer rates. Mar. 3716. 2-ROOM furn.' apt,, rent $20 and up; base mert apt., $15. 347 Market, bet. Bdwy. and Park. 2 AND 3-room furnished apt. Harrison Court, 394 Sth. FOUR large, finely furnished rooma 1459 E. 3ist sc., near Knapp, WILL share 2-room apt. with congenial 2-ROOM apt.. 1 room and kitchenette; reasonable. 32S Mill. 2-ROOM furnished apts., first floor. 604 E. Couch. E. 4976. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 21st N. 2-room furnished, reasonable. BUENA VISTA APT. MAIN 1052. j aim o iur., j. uuiur. apt. 2 AND 8-KA1. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts., 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 and 3 room apts., opp. Auditorium. Mar. 5566. CAMBRIAN apts. 2 and 3-room fur. apts., n. w iioors. aa mtumom. aiar. 3639. MADISON PARK apartment, 2, 3 and room furnished apts. 262 Park st. THE WENT WORTH, 12th at Main; front, 3-room, modern. Adults. NICE 3-room apt. cheap; adults. Phone E. 3451. 260 E. 23d. corner of Madison. ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st; 2 and 3- room apt. Reasonable. Bdwy. 4730. CARLOIS APT.. 2-rm. modern, furnished apt., reasonable. 14th and Market. 3 BEAUTIFUL rooms, hardwood floors, nUnna. nriwQla KatVi f 1 1tT rtO aU 2-ROOM furnished apartment, light and clean, $25. 115 23d at. North. Main 3610. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th; 2, 3 3-ROOM furnished apt., private bath, walking dist. 383 Wms. ave. East 2582. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt. 697 Wash. st. Broadway 1098. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12th st. Large, light apts. Atwater 0898. . 2 ROOMS with kitchenette, park loca tion, $35 a month. 893 West Park FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. VERY BEAUTIFUL. FURNISHED . APT. 4 ROOMS. 'MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT. ONE FOR $50 & ONE FOR $45 MO. LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY. CONVENI ENT, NIFTY. THREE BED OUTFITS. FIRST CLASS. JANITOR SERVICES, YOU'LL SAVE) 30 PER CENT. WAY OVER ANY OTHER APT. HOUSE OF SAME CALIBER. THEY CAN'T BE BEAT. THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH & CO LUMBIA. . Walking1 distance from shopping;. NOTICE. ' WHEEL DON ANNEX. Did you know that the Wheel don Annex Apartments are un der new management and the en tire building Is being completely renovated and decorated? Here you will find the clean est and most desirable furnished i apartments and single rooms in the city, with hotel service and , reasonable rates to permanent and transient guests; close in to business district. Corner 10th and Salmon sts. ,Main 6641. COOL RIVER BREEZES. One of the homiest apartments in the city beautifully furnished, 4 sunny rooms, immaculate in old ivory and tapestry; built-ins. complete in every detail; telephone, steam heat and jan itor service included; walking distance. The Med a Apts., 377 Vancouver ave.. block north of Broadway, Just across the Broadway bridge. 3-ROOM APTS. 229 11TH ST.. NEAR MAIN. This is out ofithe ordinary and you will like It if you see it. Three beau tiful rooms, bath. hall, large closets, electric cookers, completely furnished; modern brick building; 5 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's COMPLETED AUG. 15. NEW WESTCOTT COURT APTS. , 450 AVE IDLER ST. Make reservations now; each apart ment has large living rooms, balcony, dining room, bedroom, tile bath, shower bath, electric ranges, hardwood floors; all outside rooms. $65 to $80. Adults. WILL rent July 15, two large furnished rooms, kitchen, sleeping porch, bath privilege. In my 5-room apartment, quiet neighborhood, walking distance, to young married couple without chil dren; man must be a Mason; $50; less If lady will look after two more rooma X 756, Oregonian. SUNNYSIDE APTS. Belmont sL, at 37th, one of the nicest apt. houses In city; a quiet, con venient, respectable place to live. Sunny-eld e - Tabor cars. Tabor 3900. ' SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. OWNER WILL SUBLET. 4-room apt., hardwood floor, beauti fully decorated and furnished. Call Mt. Gustoff, Broadway 475. TO SUBLET for 2 months, beautifully furnished 4-room apt., mahogany fur niture and grand piano; hardwood floors and electric range. References. Imperial Arms apts., 14th and Clay. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 272 B ROADWAY Nicely furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, all utslde rooms, bath and telephone; tourist accommodations. L. Ashton. manager. Main 2506. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. Modern brick bldg.. 3 rms., fur nished; private bath; all large outside rooms; reasonable; walking dis. 575 E. Stark, cor. 14th. R. 8636. CHETOPA APTS. 3 rooms and bath in modern house. Hardwood floors and solid oak furniture. Only 3 blocks north of Washington on ISth St. Call Broadway 4936. NOW AVAILABLE,-completely furnished immaculate apartment in hlgh-clasa apartment house, period furniture. Wilton rugs, linen, sliver, etc. Elm wood Apts.. 415 10th st. Main 0600. NICELY furnished rooms, Path and nantrv. 43v. including water, .ight and garbage; 1 block south of Alberta car line on 8th st. Phone before noon. Wal nut 1674. PARK APARTMENTS. Light, cool, furnished 4-room 'apts.; hardwood floors fireplace, new. car pets, west side, reasonable. Marshall 2381. WELLINGTON COURT. UNTER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4-room strictly modern, beautifully furnished outside apt. Only 3 blocks from Washington st. $50. Bdwy. 124'fi. WILL rent July 15 furnished room, prlv- rlece or bath and pnone. in my ciose in west side apartment to a Mason or refined young lady employed. W 758, Oregon! an. FURNISHED 3 laree rooms, large bath, 3 closets, walking distance; rent very reasonable. See Mr. oston, apt. 104, Highland court. 223 and Glisan.. MELCLIFF COURT. EAST 11TH AND ALDER. 1 two-room furnished apartment, high class surroundings. Call E. 1468. ONE AND two rooms, with kitchenette; hot end cold water in every apartment; walking distance. Bdwy. 4292. Jen ninga apts., 245 North 17th st. DEN N I SON APTS., 1027 BELMONT. 1, 2 and 3-room apts., private bath and phone, -Mt. Tabor car line; special summer rates. Tabor 546. WELLINGTON COURT. ' UNDER NiEW MANAGEMENT. ' 2-room strictly modern, golden oak furniture. Bdwy." 125. FOR RENT for the summer months, nice ly furnished 6-room apartment, very reasonable rent. Apply Janitor, Alvarado apartments at Lucretia and Everett sts. BERYL APARTMENTS Lovejoy st. near 21st, 1 large well furnished 2 room apt., newly papered and dsoo rated. Call Main 6254. FURNISHED apartment for rent, also 1 single housekeeping room ; no objec tion to bachelors. Call Monday. 385 . N: 22d. REASONABLE to couple for July and August, west side, - walking distance. Can make arrangements for winter if satisfactory. Bdwy. 4425. 627 Lovejoy. SUB-LET my light, cool 5-room nicely furnished apartment, summer months at reduced price. Kearney Apts. Broad way 2487. 800 E. HOYT ST. Subletting a 3-room fur. apt. for July and August. East 7059 or East 7527. . CLEAN 2-room apts., good bath, walking dis tance; $35 and $45. 855 Hall, corner Park. LAMBROOK APTS., 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062- GOOD money-maker; late popular frozen refreshment fruit' Snow machine and outfit: bargain. William Morton, 101 East Simpson. GODFREY COURT. 500 Vancouver Ave. 3-room, clean, modern apartment, ' adults, near Bdwy. bridge. East 841. BERKELEY APTS., 30 Trinity place. 2 and 3-room outside apts.. modern; walking, distance. Bdwy. 5151. JAEGER APTS. 701 WASH ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WANTED A reliable man with ordinary ousiness aDimy to join a woman ex perienced in hotel and apartments, to go 50-50 AR 793, Oregonian. STRICTLY modern 3-room apts.. also 1 sleeping room, walking distance, sum mer rates. Mar. 3716. TWO AND 3-ROOM APTS. 861 E. WASHINGTON. COR. 28. EAST 2101. 3-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. SELL. Unfurnished Apartments. TRINITY PLACE aPTS. A few desir able apts. aval Kb le at reasonable ren tals. Phone Bdwy. 6360. WHY ride up town? Clean, light 2 and 3-room apts. for rent at St. Johns apts., right on car line. 118 Fessenden. $20 LORENZO apts.. 427 Salmon St. Main 8678; ground floor, one room and kitchenette, water, light, phone. ALTER APTS. 6 rms., sip. porch, tile bath, shower. 21st-Qverton. Bdwy. 1980. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts., $45 front 3-room suite : references. See janitor, Marshall 5753. ROSE CITY PARK 3 unfurnished rooms including gas range. 46th and Sandy. Osburn Pharmacy. $30 LOVELY 3, all outside, and bath, gas range, big porch; Use phone. East 0089. CARLOTTA COURT 17th and Everett. Aut. 513-25; 5 room front, corner apt., $75. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Bdwy. 3300. THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished apartment. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873 THE WEIST. 09 N. 23 D. 4-ROOM unfurnished apt., Wilmar. 742 Everett. Main 5164. . ALTER apts. 6 rms., sip. porch, the bath, shower. 21st-Overton. Bdwy. 1980. 4 ROOMS, $12, water, light free. 75 East 76th st., one diqck: to .vi.-y. car. A AND 5-RM. apt., balcony and Doreh Irving Apts.. 21st and Irving. Main 9239. 3 LOVELY rooms with bath,. 308 Stan ton st. Phone East 3611. 3-ROOM apartment, bath, modern, $25. 466 E. nth st. Jr-none seiiwooa 2414, 3 ROOMS, toilet and bath., 648H Thur- man, near 20th. Atwater 4i61. UNFURNISHED apartment, close in. cheap. East SS57. or O 785, Oregonian, FOR BENT. Vnfurnlahed Apartments. BELLE COURT APTS. Close In, excellent service, one of the choice S rooms, entirely modern. Broadway 543a ABERDEEN. 611 Hawthorne Ave. New apartment house, just com pleted; 4-room apartments, hardwood floors, 2 set French doors, ivory finish, electric ianges and washer, $75. Phone East 6950. LARGE 6-room apartment, located in exclusive building, corner 16th and Tillamook, Irvington. Fireplace, ex ceptionally well furnished throughout. To lease until June 1. 1923, or longer. Phone East 1921. GORDON COURT APTS., 530 Montgom ery Beautiful 5-room unfurnished j apartment available today, $75. These are the most unique and homey apart ments in the city. Main 8272. TUDOR ARMS, 18th and Couch 2. 2 and a 4-room with sleeping porcn. hardwood floors, electric stoves, shower baths; references required. Broadway CHETOPA APTS. Light 4-room and bath apartment with ' good entrance hail to each room. Best location for apartments in the city. Call Broad way 4936. MELCLIFF COURT. EAST 11TH AND ALDER. Two 3-room apartments, high class surroundings. Call East 1408. FRONT 4-room apt. ready the 9th. An other ready the 10th. Hardwood floors and electric ranges. Imperial I Arms apts., Htn ana iay. PARK APTS. 4-room apt., fireplace. hardwood floors', reasonable rent. - Phone Mar shall 23S1. STEPHENS APTS., 791 Northrup Six large outside, rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat. Call Main 9358. 568 EAST ASH New; something differ ent and very desirable; large 3 and 4 rooms, hot water heat, fireplace, tap estry paper, ivory woodwork. Oarage. AUGUST 1, attractive 5-room apartment, on Portland Heights car line; large living room, fireplace, sun porch and sleeping porch; $65. Main 3553. MOVING, $2 PER HUUK AND UP ; FIRS PROOF, 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. . ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445 FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, breakfast nook and sleeping porch. Call Walnut 3943. ( IN BUILDING at Sth and Stark; sttara heat, hot and cold water. Apply Dr. Loeb. Medical bldg., bet. 2:30 and 4. 1. 2 AND 3-room housekeeping apts.. clean, well furnished, modern, walking distance, aduits oniy. 34 juassaj-o st. KING ALBERT APA.RTMifi.NTi 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 31th arid Montgomery. Mali 359. IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt.. 1 blk. off Wras'h. sc.; adults. Bdwy. 2761. IRVINGTON aoartments. 4-roo.n uniur nished apartments. 460 Ease 13th sl North. , GARDNER, 13th and E. Ash Attractive 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat; references. East 2871. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. CHOICE APARTMENTS. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant, strictly modern,' front room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 dressing roqms, bath, fine view; only $42.50 per month; adults; garage if wanted. Phone Mar shall 426. TWO AND THREE furnished apartment, 3-room unfurnished apartment. Call at 1092 Hawthorne ave., apt. A. Tabor J UPSHUR APTS.. 406 26th St.. under new management, everything new; 2, 3 and 4-room apts. Summer rates. . FURNISHED and unfurmsned apts.; ele vator, heat, private oaths and balcon ies 410 Harrison St., oetween 10th aad 11th.1 Phone Main 1320. WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room modern, furnished or unfurnished, excellent service, located 18th and Flanders, west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. LAURELHURST APTS. $ 3-room apt. ahd bath, neatly fur nished., 142 E. 39th and Morrison, Ta bor 2014. ' : THE VICTORIAN 4-room furn. or un- furn. apts., pain, cioaw iu. rca.auwrt.uic 428 Columbia, near 31th. Marshall 2L. CINCINNATI COURT APTS 2. 3s and 4s. Main 2480. 401 Tenth st. LARGE apartments on carline. near car barn. Walnut 2220. 985 Albina. Flats. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, disappear ing bed in living room, new linoleum on kitchen floor, gas range, heat and water: $50 per month. Phone 632-o3. FOR RENT Unfurnished flat. 3 large rooms, with gas range. wa,ter heater, bath, etc. $30 per month; no children; references. Inquire 29 E 14th st.. near Pine st. MODERN 4 rooms and bath, enameled kitchen with linoleum, cement base ment, $22.50 month, including water. Phone' Walnut 0049 or ca41 838 Albina ave. Adults only. 0-ROOM upper flat, close in. west side, light, modern except furnace, nicely decorated, linoleum, front and back porches, fireplace, yard, $40. 305 14th st. Main 5996. . 5-ROOM lower, mouern, clean, newly painted, outside rooms, with or witn out garage, nice lawn; adults. 662 E. Main, cor. ISth. ' $37.50 CHOICE FLAT. Cozy 4-room and extra built-in bed, all In white enamel; furnace, bullt-ins. 10S5 HAW. AVE. TABOR 8104. VERY desirable upper flat, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; 393 10th St., secona building south " of Montgomery. Rent $50 Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. DANDY 5-room lower flat, in good con dition; beautiful location; only ten minutes' walk from union depot. 290 Margin st. East 3612. Rent $30. 5-ROOM upper with sleeping porch, gas range and otner ouiit-m conveniences. 207 E. 25th st., between Hawthorne and Madison. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW FLAT. Lower floor 5 large rooms, Btrictly mod ern, clean ; close in ; $37.50. 823 Kerby. 5-ROOM, lower, modern, clean, newly painted, outside rooms, witn or witn out garage, nice awn; adults. 662 E. Main, cor. 18th. IRVINGTON, modern 4-room upper flat. sleeping porch, furnace, lirepiace, na.ru- wood floors, gas range and water heater. Tabor 8018. MODERN 6-room flats, walking dis tance; desirable location ; aduits. At water 1128. 149 N. 21st st. $25 MODERN 4-room lower, suitable for two; walking distance. , 628 East Main st. NO. 343 N. 23D and Raleigh, 3-room flat, bath, $16.50. Donald Woodward, Bdwy. 7436 NO. 341 Vi N. 23D, near Raleigh, fine 6-room modern flat, $35.60. Donald Woodward, Bdwy. 7436. IRVINGTON Attractive 6-room upper flat, fireplace, furnace, lovely porch. E. 0558. 469 Tillamook st. 5 LARGE,' light and airy rooms, base ment, furnace, tirepiace, rirst iioor; desirable district. 02 Ella st. NEWLY reflnlshed 5-room flat, corner 35th and Yamhill, Convenient loca tion: low rent. Tabor 7421. UNFURNISHED 5-room flat, walking distance. 202 Grand ave.; rent $35.00. Call Seliwood 887. UNFURNISHED FLATS. Modern 5-room Irvington flat; va cant August 1. Mrs. John. East 2735. S22.50 3-ROOM upper flat. 621 Overton. west side, walking distance, water, gas for bath free, least ismm. 5-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, walk ing distance, hot-water heat. 564 Couch st. Walnut 61 78.- MODERN, clean, lower, 5-room flat, ga rage; furniture cheap. 466 .lefferson st. Main 4931. Call after 11 A. M. 4-ROOM modern flat, 772 Osage ave., 1 block south of 23d and Washington, west side; adults. Main 898S. UPPER flat, 03 E. 6th st N., near East Davis; adults only. Call between 10 and 4 P. M. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat. 692 Lovejoy st., between 21st and 22d; rent $30. Bdwy. 303. Open all day. FOR RENT Steam neated Hat in Irving ton. Phone East 4622. . - MODERN upper flat, 4 rooms, breakfast nook, den, heat. .-and water. E. 9789. FOR RENT Three-room flat at 700 Williams ave. FOR RENT 5-room modern lower flat Call East 8877. 6-ROOM flat east side, corner Oregon and Grand. $40. Main 6869. f 3-ROOM flat. 775 Vancouver ave. Phone Wralnut 5019. 5-ROOM UPPER FLAT,, UNFUR NISHED. MAIN 5412. MODERN 4-room flat near Jefferdon high. Walnut 0885. MODERN 6-room with sleeping porch. 700 Hoyt. west side. East 3376. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat, 5B E. Madison st. adults only. 4-ROOM flat, newly renovated. 401 10th st. Main 2430. FIVE-ROOM flat, newly tinted, walking distance. 575 W. Broadway, Main 6907. FOR RENT Modern 5-room quire 426 Sixth street. FOR RENT 5-room upper, modern flat at 773 Wilson st. Phone Main 6120. UNFURNISHEp flat, 6 rooms, for rent. 426 Oregon st. Strictly modern. 508 SALMON st., 8 lovely rooms, $50; ! desirable and clean. Bdwy. 0252. MODERN fiat, 6-rooms. 363 Victoria at, FOR RENT. Flats. 13TH AND CLAY. Up-to-date flat with all modern con veniences, newly renovated; must be seen to be appreciated. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. Third and Yamhill Sts. NEAR - LACRELHURST PARK. Attractive 4-room flat, built-in buf fet, disappearing bed, gas range, gas water heater, linoleum, furnace separ ate, basement ; rent $35. GEO. T, MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 3-ROOM unfurnished flat, block off of Sandy, $30 a month, 1 garage, $5. A. N. Nlkkelsen, 52d and Sandy. Ta bor 2580. CHOICE lower flat, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch. 691 Everett, west side. Phone East 2672. UPPER FLAT, 6 ROOM, $40. BDVY.7348. MONDAY. 5 ROOMS, bath, attic, good condition, close in. 528 Flanders. FurnlNlit-d Flats. $75 LARGE 6-ROOM FLAT $75. 715 WAYNE STREET, NEAR KING. All outside rooms, all on one floor, close in and fine residence , district; heat and water furnished. ! SMITH -WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCHANGE. $40 WEST SIDE FLAT $40. Four large outside rooms, furnished. Heat and water furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCHANGE. FURNISHED upper flat, modern con veniences, sleeping porch, kitchenette, living and dining room. 766 E. Main st., between 23d and 24th sts. Haw thorne car. J 4-ROOM furnished flat, strictly modern, lawn, trees, berries, shrubbery; private front and back entrance; excellent lo cation; half block from car. Sell. 3843. FURNISHED 5-room lower flat, half block from Washington; grand piano, velvet drapes, permanent tenant de sired. 59 King st. Bdwy. 3399. MOTHER and child will share 6-room furnished flat with congenial couple, lights , and fuel included, $25. 193 Union ave. N. VERY attractive 3-room flat, well fur nished, large, cool home, telephone, lights and water furnished. Phone Walnut 323S. 1113 E. 15th st. N. 5-ROOM bungalow fiat, hardwood floors, tile hath sleeping porch fireplace fur nace piano. 310 Glenn'ave. Hawthorne car, 10 to 5. WELL furnished three rooms, private baths, hot water heater, furnace. $40 permanent; adults; references. East 4911. NEW, clean, completely furnished. 2 sleeping porches; walking distance By month or lease. ' Adults. East 858. COUPLE to occupy 5-room flat with lady enfrdoyed; walking distance. 405 Ben ton. East 3525. FOUR large, clean, well furnished house keeping rooms, $25. White Temple district. Phone Atwater 4326. FOR RENT Furnished five-room flat, with bath. Call at 684 E. Morrison, or phone E. 7705. $25 COS1" flat for 2 months; sleeping porch, private bath, large shady porch. Adults-. til Belmont st. FURNISHED flat to share with work ing man and wife or two working women.- 884 Belmont. MODERN six-room furnished flat for rent, $30. 184 Gibbs st. Apply Louis Gevurtz. 185 First Bt. ul-OSE INi west side, three-room fur- nlshed flat, $-21 per month; adults. Main 3787 Monday. 328 PARK ST., west side, lower flat, furnished: open 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. lictvry. 4431. WILL sub'et 5-room furnisTled flat with garage lor 2 months, beginning July 15. Walnut 3208. 4-ROOM furnished flat; yard, west side: reasonable. Bdwy. 3045 Sunday N or after 6. 8-ROOM. furnished flat at 826 Vaughn st.. $21. call 745 Roosevelt. Atwater 3719. 5 ROOMS and private bath, rent $32.50, including phone, water and garbage removed. Phone East 7737, morninga 0 LARGE rooms, clean, good furniture, S. Portland. East 4S54. WILL share furnished flat with couple or 2 working girls; walking distance, 426 11th st.. west side. 5-ROOM heated upper flat, newly pafnt ed. $45; references. 126 N. 23d st. 4-ROOM modern flat, 014 Commercial St., 10 until 5. Atwater 2812. MOD. 5 rms.. reas. ; cool, clean; porches. close in; opp. Mult, club. 592 Salmon st. FINE 6-room upper flat, unfurnished. 330 I3th. furnished Main 5999. $1C 3-ROOM furnished flat, floor. 274 Mill. $28 5-ROOM furnished upper flat. E. 12th, cor. E. Mill. SMALL flat, fireplace, close in; couple. 568 East Main. 'Atwater 1020. 3 ROOMS, nice flat, private bath, close in. 689 E. Alder. E. 7S20. 4 ROOMS, cool, nicely fur., large grounds. piJino. Mil Davenport st. P. H. WELL furnished upper flat. Walnut 24HO. 759 Williams ave. 6-ROOM furnished flat, one-room served, cheap. 452 E. Market. 4-ROOM newly finished flats, adults, $37 and $40. E, 3305. 290 Fargo. NICELY furnished 3-room tiat. Aduits. 674 East Stark. 4-ROOM flat, furnished. 497 Columbia st. HoiiwekHMing Rooms. $4.50 A WEEK, 2 nice, clean, well-furnished h. k. rooms; walking distance. 261 Chapman. Main 7618. THREE h. k. rooms, 2 beds. $18. One h. k. room, $2 week. 372 Haw thorne, corner of Union. SINGLE housekeeping room (furnished), light, gas and furnace heat, $12. 554 E. Madison, corner 13th. 53 N. 18th; clean, cool 1 and 2-room h. k. apts.. hot and cold water, light and phone. $3.50 up. ' . SNAPPY 2-rm. .11. K. suite. Just new. Modern. Place for car, reasonable. 302 Tillamook, near Williams ave. 54 N. 16TH. COZY, clean h. k. rooms, kitchenette; reasonable; walking dis tance. No children. SMALL 2-room H. K. apt. tn basement; cool and convenient: very reasonable. 507 Clay. Atwater 3602. 1 FRONT room and kitchenette, hot and . cold water in rooms, free phone. 331 Montgomery st., near Broadway. FOUR rooms and pantry. $30; 3 rooms, 306 4th St.; 2 rooms. $20. 300 4th tt. Real close In. 1 H. K. ROOM, $25 mo.; gas and light free: 1 room with kitchenette, $30 mo . 233 10th st. and Maid. 3 PARTLY furnished h. k. rooms. 1st floVir, private entrance: no children. 1029 E;ist Alder. Tabor 4277. NICELY furnished housekeeping apt.; reasonable rent. 086 Overton st. Main -2399. 3 FURNISHED H. K. .rooms, with or without garage. Close in on east side. Tabor 4198. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, lower flat or suite; children welcome. Phone Bdwy. 780S. 321 X. 19th st. . FURNISHED sleeping and housekeeping rooms for rent. 293 Weidler at. Will lanw ave. car. Phone E. 8331. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms with light and water. 409 E. 12th st. East 0373. 1 NEATLY furnished 3-room suite. $25; adults. Phone Wdln. 2975. 1090 E. 15th St. N. OUTSIDE h. k. rooms, electric lights phone, bath, $3 and up. 244 Mont gomery VERY desrlabie downstairs front; D. M. . ca-r from Union depot. 16S 13th and Morrison. Atwater 245. THREE furnished light housekeeping rooms. 561 Fourth st. Rent $25. Main 4948. ROOM and kitchenette, first floor, sin gle rooms $15 monthly. 655 Flanders SINGLE steam-heated a. k. rooms, hot water, $3 to $7 per week. 147 13th. WAUCOMA cottages for h. k. st, Hod Fiver. 461- E. MORRISON, cor. E. 2-room furnished h. k. apt.. Sth, 1 and reasonable. TWO front rooms, suite; phone, bath. North 20th st. Broadway 4123. . H. K. F.OOMS with sleeping porch; all modern house. Phone Atw. 3213. ! AND 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Main 3899. 388 12th 'St. 831 WEST PARK ST 2 front rooma nicely furnished, close in. CLEAN, well furnished .1 and 2-room apts. 693 E. Madison. East 8911. TWO CLEAN H. K. rooms, gas. 'light and phone. 2626.50. 686 East Ankeny. FURNIrwIED one-room and kitchenette. 133 IHth st. North: ' HOUSEKEEPING room, kitchenette and dressing room. 7W E. Broadway. LARGE, clean, airy housekeeping room, close In; no bath. 511 Columbia st. 2 FURNISHED h. k. r. 7D3 Belmont. East 6175. 1 AND 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. 271 N. 21st street. SUMMER prices, downtown fur. h. k. rooms. 253 Wash., cor. 3d. EXTRA large furnished housekeeping rooms and garage. 815 22d st. N. BEST H. K. rooms for the money; run ning water. 30 N. 17th, ne.ar Wash. 3-ROOM furnished H. K. suite, on car line. E. 3 562. WELL furnished room. Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill. Inquire of engineer. SINGLE H. K. rooms, for women emp., $3 per wk. 306 12th st. UNFURNISHED housekeeping walking distance. 392 6th st. SUITES, $8 MONTH. 163 1ST. FOR RENT. lIouKekee'itng hoom. $5 WEEK Ideal light h. k. room, high ceiling, large windows, O. K. condi tion. Very comfortable furn., elec, plenty h. and. c. water, laundry priv ileges, free phone, desirable neigh borhood, easy walking distance. Suit able for 1 or 2 emp. persons; also cheaper rooms. DEL MONTE, 107 Stout St.. One blk. of 20th and Wash. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, to $10 per mpnth; 2 and 3-room suites, $12 to $18; lobby. Special rates ex-service boys. The Vaughn Apts.. N'- lstn and Vaughn sts. FURNISHED 2 rooms and kitchenette and 2 large closets; light, phone and water furnished, laundry privileges, outside rooms, clean and cheerful, on north side i building, $25. East 4193. 628 Williams ave. NEW FURNITURE. NEW HOUSE. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, $4 WEEK. FREE PHONE, BATH, LIGHTS. ETC. VERY NIFTY FOR ONE OR TWO. 507 EAST ASH. NEAR EAST 13TH. EXCEPTIONALLY clean, cool, airy fur nished or unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, ideal location, 768 Park ave., close to city park. Take Council Crest car. Main 4278. A VERY desirable light, clean front h. k. . suite, sleeping porch if desired, gas range, running water, west side; walk ing distance. Nob Hill district. Summer rates. 658 Glisan. Call Bdwy. 3935. $4 TO $5 A WEEK, completely furnished housekeeping suites, absolutely clean; desirable people only. 288 H Third St.. near Jefferson. NEWLY decorated light housekeeping rooms. $3.50 and up a week. Phone East 7234. 370, corner of Pine and Union. LARGE, clean h. k. rooms on first floor at summer pr:cea; walking distance: no children. 510 Flanders, corner of 13th. H. H. Ratran. Bdwy. 1465. ONE CLEAN furnished ii. K. room, good locatoln, large clofc-t and two windows. 391 Russell st., half block east of Union. East 1740. . FOUR furnished living rooms with bath, tugether wtih store. 1M Gibbs st. Rent $25. Apply Lewis Gevurtz, 185 First st. CLEAN, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite, reasonable rates. East 5652. 355 Hancock, near Union ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, $12 per month. Also 1 room, $2.50 per week. 553 Hood St., cor. Lincoln. Phone Main 3954. HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette, very clean ; walking distance; phone, light and water free; $5 per week. 535 Johnson street. . THE BEAVER, 12th ana Marsnail Fur nished H. K rooms, $15 up, tncludlne hot water, e icirtc lights, laundry room. NICELY furnished housekeeping apt-. reasonable rent. 25 N. 21st. Main 5309. SINGLE and dougle H. K. rooms, alo 2 basement rooms, running water. 268 Montgomery. DOUBLE. H. K. rooms, close In. $1. up a month. 16 E. 6th N., corner Burn- V side and E. 6th. V FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, alp. porch, hot and cold water, reasonable rent. S3 N. 21st st. NICE, light outside rooms, walking dis tance. 509 Mill st. Phone Atwater 2772. . CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, summer rates, close in. 521 Johnson, cor. 15th. DESIRABLE room with all conveniences and privileges free. lQnQ E. Main. SINGLE room for bachelor. $2.50 week. 327 Third st. Opposite auditorium. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. PARTLY furnished or not, modern home to lease ; 5 rooms h porches ; ideal location for chickens; fruit, garage; surprisingly low rental; owner. P 776. Oregon ian. A WIDOW with a nice large home, close In, will rent three unfurnished house keeping rooms and home privileges to a small family at $25 per month. Phone Walnut 7186. WAVERLEIGH H EIGHTS. Front bedroom, use of kitchen, home privileges; suit a ble for 2 ladles em ploy ed11.1316. WORKING woman alone will share well furnished flat, close in, with two girls or couple at very reasonable figure. Phone East 202. IN MODERN home. 3 pleasant outside h. k. rooms, pon-h, shady yard, couple or mother with son or daughter. 1S7 74th st. N. E. Tabor 6036. TWO h. k. roums. brass bed. mahogany furniture, ivory breakfast set, private home, $20 per mo. Phone Walnut 4375. 870 Albina ave. HAV E nice housekeeping rooms, clean, cool, furnished or unfurnished, walking distance. 546 E. Alder, between 12th and 13th. ' NICE couple will appreciate these 2 absolutely clean h. k. rooms. See them for yourself. 107 N. 17th, any time Sunday, after 4 P. M. on week days. BASEMENT apartment, light and airy. Everything lurnished. $15 month. . 36S Multnomah st. Eust 8051. 2 ROOMS equipped for light housekeep ing, outside windows, gas and t'' tricity. 607 Marshall st. Bdwy. 2965. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple or working girls. Walking distance, $4.50 per week. East 9062. 3 LARGE, cool H. K. rooms, two beds, walking distance, reasonable. 493 Mont gomery. $25. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, every thing included in rent. can oerore noon. Atwater 3230. ENTIRE second iioor, 2 or 3 rooms, clos ets, bath room, kitchen,, turnianea, i. 671 Kearney st NEAT single housekeeping rooms, $3.50 up. 206 13th st. Others steam heated, $3 up. 445 Columbia st. 3 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, walk ing distance. Broadway 2043. 70 N. 15th st. TWO CLEAN, well-turnished h. k. rooms. lights, water and bath free. Walking distance. 346 College st. NICE cooi beuroom and kitchen in Irv ington home, 53 ; .single room grille privileges. $12. E. Sjri'.i. H K ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. 3 FUR. H. K. rooms, adults, walking dietance. elec. phone. 13 E. 7th. , PARTLY fur. h. k. rooms, on 24th and Haisey sta. East POT. DESIRABLE rooms. heat. light and phone furnished. 690 E. Burnsiie. 2 li. K. ROOMS and 1 separate sleeping room, reasonable. East 4!H2. NICELY fur. b.s k. room, gas. bath, phone, walking distam-r. East 7172. 2-liOOM apt., nice, clan, furnished or unfurnished. Mar. 3456. or 7S9 Kearney. FOUR housekeeping rooms, unfurnished. 127 East 32d st. Tabor 232S, 2 H. K. ROOMS, close in, reasonable. 513 Montgomery. FUR. 11. K. ROOMS. 17.r,o. Tabor 4147 DUPLEX house, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Phone E. 43S4. 420 E. 12tli st. N. 6 ROOMS, modern. 1 block from Broad way car; rent $45. Phtme East 7737, morninga WE HAVE several houses, furnished and unfurnished, for rent. Hawthorne Realty Co.. cor. 36th and Hawthorne. 4-ROOM house, good iocatlon, not mod ern; no boys. Inquire 660 Kerby. 5-ROOM bungalow, near car. $20 steady tenants. . Walnut 3796. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mc Gulre, Ahington bldg. 3-ROOM house, ready July 15. Newly decorated. 127 East 3 2d st. T-abor 232. NEW five-room bungalow. 58 Jessup fct. Owner at house after 9. 7-ROOM house, 480 Hancock. East 5608. FOR RENT 3-room house. $15, Call Walnut 6268 Sunday forenoon only. -ROOM house, modern. 1933 E. 28th N. Open 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 5-ROOM house, 812 E. Ash st., $27. 5 0. Broadway 5Q80. IRVINGTON, classy bungalow. 11th st. North C-ROOM bouse and garage. 653 Kirby. corner of Monroe. Mam 5395. 0-ROOM house, clean, close in ; adults. 385 Grand ave. S. East 1390. 8-ROOM house, 60 Ella st. Key next door. ELEGANT, modern "-room house and garage. 729 Northrup. Atwater 1310. MODERN 6-room house, furn sice, iray. gas, electricity. Key 87 E. 17th. A. M. FOR RENT 6-room modern bungs low. 701 55th st. North. Call Aut. 62-S-28. WILL lease my beautiful Irvinfrton home for one year; references. East 2794. NEW 6-room bungalow ; $35. 862 E. Kelly. Phone Oak Grove 141 J. SMALL house. 39th. between Richmond and Woodstock cars. Maiu 3540. $20 SPLENDID modern 7-roorp house. 294 North 18th St. East 03. VI $35 CLOSE-IN modern home, 6 rooms, fine yard : adults only. 361 Weidler. MODERN 6-room house for rent on the 18th. 1365 Mllwaukie. Sell. 2670. 8-ROOM house, garage and fruit, $30.60. 114 East 20th St. East 2911. IRVINGTON. classy bungalow. 517 East Jlth st. North. 998 HAWTHORNE, corner 33d Clean 6 room modprn house. Call Sunday. 5-ROOM house for rent. 150 E. 28th st. N.. $30 Tabor 1719 CLEAN 5-room cottage, adults. Inquire 10 E. 14th st... after 10 A. M. ft-ROOM house, fine condition, near I Washington high. Tabor 7bStiL A