THE SUNDAY OREGpNIAX PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1932 17 WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Re pair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcanization at & savins of over 800 per, cent; put it on cold, it vulcanizes Itself in two minutes and la guaran teed to last the life of the tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particular how to make big money and free sample, address Amazon Rubber Co., Philadel phia, Pa., Dept. 79. AGENTS $5 to $15 commission daily easy; sworn proof; your pay In ad vance; introducing new-style hosiery; must wear or replaced free; no capi tal or experience required; just show amples, write orders; we deliver and collect. Outfit furnished contains all colors, grades, including silks. Spare time satisfactory. Mac-O-Chee Mills Co., Dept. "081, Cincinnati, Ohio. GAUTSIDE'S IRON KUST SOAP CO,. 4054 Lancaster ave., Phila., Pa., mfrs. of the BEST and the ORIGINAL. IRON RUST SOAP, wants agents. Trade mark, print and copyright registered in U. S. patent office. This soap re moves iron rust, ink ana other un washa ble strains from clothing, mar ble, etc., like maglp. 25c tube; big profits. TAILORING AGENTS We need a few more hin-ias salesmen to sell our wonderful $2y.50 tailored to order suite, overcoats, $20 cheaper than store prices. Protected territory. You keep deposits. Wo train the unexperienced. J. B. Simpsorf 831 "West Adams street, Chicago, Dept. 182. AGENTS $15 a day commission, easy, quick sales, free auto, big weekly bo- " bus, $1.75 premium free to- every cus tomer; simply show our beautiful 7 plece solid aluminum handle cutlery aet; appeals instantly. We deliver and collect; pay daily. New Bra Mfg. Co., 803 Madison st. Dept. 136 K, Chicago. AGENTS Sell Minltmend Ttlres and tubes; coats 2c repair; surpasses vul canizing; saving 500 per cent? every auto and accessory dealer buys; profits amazing. Shaw, made $21 first day; Murray $140 first week. Particulars and free sample. Colonial Rubber Co., Dept. 25, Philadelphia, Pa. BTATE and district distributors only. Al men wanted to distribute an ex ceptionally fast-selling necessity. Such opportunity just once in a lifetime. Kaleamanager, Mr. Markus, Hotel Sew ard. "Week or Sunday, . 9-12 A. M., 5-7 P. M. IlKN AND WOME S10 to $50 commis sion per day distributing literature of wonderful new discovery; full or part time; no experience or Investment. We furnish everything. Write quick for FREE particulars. Box 1022, New Haven, Conn. ' 100 PROFIT, no investment required; sell automobile owners -new automobile washer, made with high-grade sponges. Attaches to any garden hoae; recently patented;, wonderful "seller; exclusive territory. Write Never Scratch Auto Washer Co., Denver, Colorado, IEN $1)0 commission weekly, travel by auto and install new stove converter in every home; wonderful invention; cook and bake all year without coal or. wood. jno gas or electricity needea. we lur nlnh auto. Thomas Mfg. Co., Converter 432, Dayton, Ohio. GREATEST SENSATION, elevenpiece- soap and toilet set, selling like blazes at $1.75 with $1 dressmaker's shears FREE to each customer. Other unique plane. E. M, Davis Co., Dept. 704, Chicago. AGENTS $300 commission per month, steady pay; new-style written guaran teed hosiery; must wear or replaced free; experience unnecessary; eample free. Trial will prove. Jennings Mfg. Co., Dine 109, Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS Sell Milburn puncture-proof tubes, demonstrate by driving nails in tire; every owner wants them. Ex clusive territory ior big producers. B. F. Milburn, Tres.. 343 West 47th St., Chicago. AG ENTS $10 commission daily easy, ironing board covers, selling like wild fire ; sure sale where shown ; expe rience unnecessary; sample free. Rallen Mfg. Co., dept. 8347, Baltimore bldg., Chicago. AGENT-S Record repeater, phonograph owners buy instantly; dealers purchase thousands; dollar fifty; wholesale one dollar; quantity price oeventy-five. Repeatarecord Company, Markham bltlg., Hollywood, Cal. AGENTS $60-$200 week commission, free samples; gold sign letters; any one can put on store windows; big de mand; liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chi cago. AGENTS $3. 50 commission an hour to workers; new guaranteed hosiery pro-position; sure sale where shown; wears year or replaced free; no experience or capital required. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 2432 Rome, Dayton, Ohio. TURN your spare hours into dollars. A post -card wili -bring you full Informa tion regarding our line of quick selling h-qjisehold and office specialties. Dyneh A Co., &04 Exchange badg., Portland. Or, A BUSINESS of your own, make spark ling glass nameplates, numbers, check erboards, medallions, signs; big il lustrated book mailed free. E, Palmer, 240 Wooster, Ohio. iLEN $3 commission an hour, newest kitchen tool, . every woman uses 20 times dally; easy seller; big profits. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 832 Camp, Dayton, Ohio. XgEXTS making $200 commission week iy selling our hand-power solid cop per vacuum washer; only one with a valve. Beats 'em aW. Sells on sisrhL Duplex Mfg. Co., Dept. V, Detroit, Mich. HJi.AL.iH, accident aud nospitai insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbert bidg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESS for restaurant, $16 and board, 8 hours, 6 days. Call Skinner & White, 35 N 2d. Bdwy. 05. GIRL or middle-aged woman for, general housework; modern home with all con veniences, five in family; must be fond of children; good home with liberal privileges to satisfactory woman; ref erents, n-qujreu. rnone mp:re oiou. WE NEED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED INSURANCE, LAW AND RAILROAD . STENOGRAPHERS TO FILL -EX CELLENT POSITIONS NOW OPEN. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 504 SPALDING BLDG. 4 LOGGING camp waitreses, $60, room and board; 2 logging camp waitreses, $05, room and board. Apply before - 8 A. M. Office open all day Sunday. Carter's Employment Agency, 245 An keny. WANTED Women to work in the l Gresham cannery; tents, mattresses, ' stoves and fuel furnished. Good pay. piece work, or by the day. In. parties of 5 or more. We will call for you and your luggage. Phone Gresham 1871. HAN, WIFE, hospital work, out; dish washer, city, $2.25 day; waitress, out; cook for camp, people; housekeeper, man, two children; second girl, city, $50. Portland Labor Agency, 301 Ral eigh bid- " WANTED EXPERIENCED HOSIERY SALESWOMEN. Position permanent, state experience, references and salary expected. B 794, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for gen eral housework; all modern conven iences; wages $30. Call Sellwood 2918 Sunday before 10 A. M. or all day Monday. WANTED An experienced cloak an'd suit saleslady. Address with references and salary expected in first letter, otherwise application will be disre garded. The Parisian, Bend. Or. GIRL to assist with general housework and care of 2 small children; must be neat, educated and experienced with children. Walnut 6316. GIRLS to learn beauty culture and elec trolysis, thorough course. Betty Jane Hair Shop, 401 Raleigh bldg., Wash ington st., near Broadway. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by a respect able man on ranch.;. Call at Berkley hotel, room IS, 190 3d St.. 2 to 5 I M. Sundav. WANTED Experienced hemstitching operator, onu wno can ao aresFmaKing, for o ut of to wn. R 783, Oregon lan. CONGENIAL young couple will give cood home and wages to high school girl In return tor liht housework. E. "Mil. WOMAN for light housework and help convalescent patient; 3 adults; good wages. R 777. Oregonian. WOMAN cook lor 12 to 15 men, $90 a month (has one helper)). Oregon Labor Agency ao. i q. upen Sunday WANTED Experienced cloak and suit saleslady. Apply Monday at 202 Plt tock block. DINING room girl and general helper for kitchen in country hotel. Call East 1775. EXfSivIEN'CED waitress wanted at Moonlight Restaurant, 123 North 6th st. No phone calls answered. WANTED-Good reliable woman to care for child, mother employed jgood home. C 7(9. Oregonian. WOMAN, 25 to 45 years, companion for V . ora ir,; . , ?V ""lLii wages. East f3S6. 127 East 16th st. GIRLS with office experience; permanent positions, gooa wages ana Don us and travel. Mr. Brayne, Hotel Byron. DESK ROOM tor public stenographer in law ana oroners onice. 024 ienry Plug. air, -riuaf. PARTY that was In room 5, VaJiey hotel. July 1-2, call at 214 12th et ready lor worn. TEACHER or college student, must ap ply at once, a aa. uregoman, fclK-r.TARTTO iftfiy, f hour? workJ ex- caaugs xoo l ana do jl uuoor HELP WANTED FEMALE. TEACHERS SUMMER WORK. Positions open for several teachers or women with equivalent educational equipment. National sales organization can use a number of high-class teach - ers during summer months; will pay guarantee and railroad fare, also gene erous commission and bonus. Our rep resentatives earning $200 TO $350 PER MONTH. Call personally. H. F. Curtis, Mult nomah hotel, Portland. LADIES $5 to $15 commission dally. Sworn proof. ' Guaranteed hose, selling every home. 6 pairs $1.40, guaran teed 6 months. No capital or experi ence needed. Just - show samples, write orders. We deliver and collect. Your pay daily. Outfit furnished, contains all colors, grades. Including Bilks. Spare time satisfactory. Mac-O-Chee Mills Co., Dept. 734JL Cincin nati, o. WANTED A woman to assist with housework and care of Invalid girl 9 years old. In return for good, congenial home and small wages. No objection to woman with girl between 8 and 12 years old. Must he neat, cheerful. In telligent. Give full particulars first letter, age, religion, etc, AB 7dl. Ore gonian. WE WANT a woman of Intelligence as our representative in every community. Will require only part of your time. Pleasant, dignified, profitable occu pation. Old established house. Write immediately if you want to take ad vantage of this opportunity. Box 1870, - Seattle, Wash. WANTED A southern colored woman between 25 and BO years old, for per manent position as cook and house keeper for bachelor on modern farm near Eugene, Prefer woman who has had some experience living in the country. Good position to the right party: John S. Beall, Walnut 3171. COLLEGE woman or teacher of highest Christian character for position with old an. successful firm; applicant must be free to travel, willing to work hard for Income of $1800 to- $3400 a year; give telephone and write fully. AF 766, Oregonian. WANTED .' WANTED I A splendid position for competent, reliable girl. General housework. Every electrical house appliance; room, board and wages. Call East 4343. 375 Vancouver ave. WANTED EXPERIENCED LEGAL STENOGRAPHER WHO IS CAPABLE OF DOING SECRETARIAL WORK. SALARY $100-$150. CALL MAIN 3730, CLERICAL PLACEMENT BU REAU, 309 CORBETT BLDG. WANTED Woman or girl or man and wife for modern ranch house. 10 miles from Harrisburg. Woman to cook and some housework, man to help on ranch and chore. Call 8 o'clock Monday -veiling. Main 3191. LADIES $10 commission daily easy. Spare time. Every housewife will buy ironing board covers. Experience un necessary. Sample free. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. 7847, Baltimore Bldg., Chi cago. COOKS, chambermaids and waitresses, man and wife, also kitchen- and h. work girls want work. SQUARE XHAL EPLOY1MtNT OFFTOEv 50 Goodnough Bldg. Main B727. POWER machine operators to sew mat tress ticks, experienced tick sowers preferred; steady work. United Manu-) racturing Co., 25 Holladay ave., Roi City Park car. ESTABLISHED business offers perma nent employment to mature woman with adaptability and resourcefulness who can give entire time. E 799, Ore- gonlan. ake orders to be delivered through the grocers for Peerless Food Products; ones who can leave town preferred. Call 105 North 2d st., between Flanders and Gllsan. WANTED Al-around 'laundry woman, who understands rotary body ironer and starch-work press er, $20 week ; 8-hour day. Troy Laundry, Willows, Cal. WANTED Girl to go to beach, to do some housework and care for boy, 8, or mJddle-aged woman preferred, one thatvould like home and small sal- STENOGRA1 .1ER in downtown office is permitted by employer to take in extra work; charges reasonable. Call East 0223 Sundays, or Main 1103 week day afternoons. WANTED Two girls between 18 and 22 for advertising proposition; good money and paid every day; chance later 'to travel. Apply 6523 85th st, S. E., ML Scott car. SALESWOMEN. Attractive opportunity for experi enced book women or teachers for a profitable connection. BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, 132 10th st. YOUNG lady , for Spanish dancing, teach if willing to learn; call between 7 A. M. and 12 today only. 352 Harrison st. AT ONCE Five ladies to travel, demon strate and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per week, railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 101BB. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Middle-aged permanent Ger man Catholic housekeeper; references exchanged; must be neat and clean. AH 772,Orego n lan. STENOGRAPHER, young lady of attrac tive - personality, capable of meeting the public. State age, experience and .salary expected. S 779, Oregonian. 6 GIRLS at $15 per week to take orders to be delivered- through grocers for Peerless food products. Call 105 N. 2d St., between .Flanders and Glisan. MAN with 4-year-old boy wants house keeper; middle-aged preferred; no ob jection to one child. AF 789, Ore gonian. WANTED First-class pantry woman, 1 capable to do pastry work and general cooking If necessary; give references in answer. Y 761, Oregonian. POSITION open with large eastern firm; applicant must be capable of meeting the public; splendid xtjture. Call 319 Artisans' bldg. WANTED Versatile young lady, good personality, for vaudeville act; will coach amateur; give age, full descrlp- tlon. AF 798, Oregonian. WANTED unincumbered elderly lady, looking for a good home as companion. Require good entertainer; light house- tiom auties. call evenings, Tabor 767. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, Mayfalr and ' Alexander sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car 20 WOMEN wanted to work on raspber ries and cherries; must have health cards. Apply 7:30 Monday morning Starr Fruit Pro. Co., E. 2d and Yamhill. COOKS a-nd waitresses wanted at the Square Deal Employment Office, God- nough 'bldg. 506. Tel Main 5727. STENOGRAPHER, general bank work. State age, experience and salary ex- pecteq. u iva, uregoman. YOUNG girl, living in walking distance of 45th and Hawthorne, to assist with housework few hours daily. Tabor 8190. LADY for general housework, go 'home evenings, $30- a month. 475 Holladay aye. PLAIN middle-aged woman, German or Swiss preferred, for helping in light housework In plain family. Tabor 433. SEVERAL live solicitors can 'make $10 per day 1039 Chamber of Com. bldg., ii;. ropei STENOGRAPHER Insurance office: state age, qualifications. D 789, Ore- gonmn. TH" FLORENCE CRITTE'NTON home is reaay to neip any girls iu distress. 955 rs&sx. liiisan. ".vtv" car. East SI 6. GOOD home for young girl, light work and care of children. Phone Walnut wanted Middle-aged competent housekeeper, fond of children; four In lamny; gooa nome. Walnut 4635. BANK Burroughs posting machine op oraLur, aiaie age, experience ana iai ary expected. R 800, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cafeteria cook. Apply manager J.ip xop caieteria. 13th and 3iorrisoii. EXPERIENCED waist operators, steady work. Apply Menzln & Fulop, 4th and A GOOD proposition for middle-aged lady aure io riiert uin puDiic. Apply JMon- ay nmci Amelia, V. W. JJee. WANTED Experienced millinery maker ror out-oi-iown position. Apply 9 A. M., . uuinciiQit. ai. . jjimia way. GIRL to do cooking and he In wlfh km.. work in private boarding house. Main YOUNG girl to care for children and do ngni worn. oiu Princeton St., St. j 011ns car one uiock soutn. WANTED Good waitresses; mostly counter; city; sieaay worker only. Ap ply 300 Burnslde. COOK No children, for family of 6 on ore nar a iarra near Portland. Steady ji-u, buuu . ltuniM. w ma. wregoman. EXPERIENCED cap operators. Apply Globe Hat & Cap Mfg. Co., Alnsworth Dtag., aa ana uaK sts. LADY for soft drink and fruit stand. VUL y i nijr. an t rvunn St. 1 woman. unin oca non restaurant, -t . . r f-: flwa . . 7 PIANO, violin, saxophone teacher, in or out of city. AO 7i, oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. . h ot el, 9 N. Broadway. GIRL, experienced in lunmber, general office worK. a n, uregoman. GIRL for light housework; Sundays off. AG 7SN, uregoman. EXPERIENCED, cap. operators. Apply la 1 zu'gt-.. oil 1 mr. EXPERIENCED hand ironer wanted Nu-Way Laundry, 408 Hawthorne ave. WAITRESS wanted, 54 Hawthorne. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EX-TEACHER OR EDUCATED WOMAN WANTED AT ONCE. Sales manager. National Home and School Ass'n desires' correspondence from educated, refined woman to fill 3 attractive positions. Work is along school lines and wilf pay successful representatives $1500 to $4000 per year, plus railroad fare. Guaranteed, salary with liberal drawing account to start. Applicants must be 23-45; have initia tive and pleasing personality. Give past experience and state fully your qualifications for this position. Write Sales Manager, 516 Syndicate bldg., Oakland. Calif. WANTED Three bright women, aged about 25 to 45, of fairly good education and good personality, for salesmanship fiotfition; experience unnecessary, as we nstruct, "but some experience desirable in selling or demonstrating: excellent pay, siiort hours, permanent; don't phone. Apiply in person at only 9 A. M. Monday. The Western Distributing Co., 311 Henry bldg. CHAMBERMAID for boarding house. $50, room and board. Call Skinner & White, 35 N 2d. Bdwy. 3205. WIDOWER wants Scandinavian house keeper for general housework. AF 787, Oregonl an. Wanted Domestic. COMPETENT, middle-aged woman for housekeeper In modern home, all con veniences. Five In family. Must be fond of children. Family privileges. Good home and fair wages to compe tent woman. References required. Phone Empire 0160. . ; WANTED! WANTED! A splendid position for competent, reliable girl. General housework. Every electrical house appliance; room board and wages. Call Bast 4343. 375 Vancouver ave. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for cook ing and general housework In family of 2 adults, besides gardener; good wages' to person well recommended. Phone Main 0528. WANTED AT ONCE Kind middle-aged lady aa housekeeper on- farm, for 2 in family. "to assist invalid, mora, for' a (home. Wages $20 per mo. 3 778, Ore gonian. CAPABLE experienced maid for cooking, and general work in four-room apart ment; short hours, good wages; must .sleep at home; call between 10 and 5. Apartment 84. 705 Davis sL WANTED A girl who is good cook for general housework in family of two : Scandinavian preferred; good wages. Main 7928. YOUNG girl wanted to assist with house work and care for children, small wages, good home. Atwater 1120; 591 6th st. , GENERAL 'housework and cooking, fam ily of two. Will pay good salary to competent woman. Phone Sunday be tween 8 and 5, East 9098. . EXPERIENCED girl for genera-1 house work, also to ass-let with care of two children. No cooking or washing. Ta bor 7848. j - EXPERIENCED girl for general houee wortc; 7-room apt., Swedish or Finnish preferred; references, $50. Main 4001. NICE girl to care for children for roam a-nd board at the beach with plain famWy. Tabor 807ft. COMPETENT maid for general work; city references; good East 1330. house wages. COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework and care of children In modern home. Wdln. 79. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; care of two children ;no washing, $25 per month. Tabor 338. GIRL for general housework; good wages; reference required. 195 North 20th st., corner Kearney. HIGH SCHOOL girl for summer months and coming school term. Will take to beach two weeks. Tabor 23fl8. WANTED Experienced maid for cooking and downstairs work. Main 2957. 681 Jackson st. Port. Hgts. WANTED A good girl for cooking and general housework to go to the beach; references. Sellwood 2105. GIRL for general housework, small family; references required. 993 West over road. Mar. 4316. WANTED Maid for general housework - no washing; only two in family. Phone walnut 2o30. WANTED Competent maid for cooking and general housework; no laundry. 304 East 24th st. South. Sellwood 0179. WANT colored girls for general house work. Tabor BJiS. . WANT young lady to take care of house. BJ 7nU, Oregonian. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. BU9 Marshall st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. East 0649. 520 E. 24th St. N. MAID to assist with housework, expe rience not necessary. .Main 7126. , GIRL or woman wanted in family of 2. Call Tabor 9471. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooKing. aza jacKson st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Loganberry pickers for 45 acres of berries, fine camp grounds. mile from carline. at Salem Heights: free daily delivery of groceries and meats; pay 1c per cup with c bonus to those wno stay the entire season. Picking starts about July 6 and lasts one month. B. Cunningham, Salem, or. Phone 21F2. AGENTS WANTED. Either men or women, to Introduce our co-operative date prune planting plan; sells to the consuming public: different; nothing like it ever before offered; no competition. Call or ad- drfiR - OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, 106 10th St. Portland. Or, BERRY pickers wanted; good, clean camp grounds; tents, wood, water and straw furnished; pay 1H cents a pound for loganberries; will pay transporta tion to Woodburh If pickers stay en tire season. Phone 11C1. R. J. Glatt. Woodbum, Or., Route 1; 1 mile from Woodburn. ' WANTED Loganberry . pickers, big patch, gooa picking, 1 cents per pound to those staying through season; shacks, stoves, wod and straw fur nished: city water; grocery wagon every day; take S. P., west, side, fare SB cents J. C. Buchanan. Cornelius, Or. WANTED Two hundred loganberry pickers ror large field within city limits of HUlsboro. Excellent camp ground and good accommodations. Heavy picking. Price 2 cents per pound. Apply to Wall & Mahon, HUlsboro, Or., or for further particulars phone Bdwy. P842. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, pay lc pouna witn o oonus to tnose wno stay throughout entire season; will furnish shaelf and stoves. Phone 625 63 or write Frank Bros.. R. 4. Salem, Or. SAVE YOUR APARTMENT RENT. Man and , wife to clean halls, etc., In exchange for 3-room furnished apt.; man can hold his job. SMITH-WAGONER CO. - STOCK EXCHANGE. WANTED TALENTED BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, SINGERS, DANCERS. MUSICIANS, BOY SOPRANOS. MONDAY 1 P. M. VENABLtG HOTEL. ASK FOR MR. WRIGHT. HAVE openings in small town, close to .rortiana xor Duytng agent; good op portunity for live man or woman; give phone No. as well ag p. O. address m replying. BC.730, Oregonian. BERRY PICKERS that want to pick; 11H.V0 comroriaoie nouses, spienaia water, wood free. Have to 8 weeks' work. No dust. "Phone or write, R. C Deming. Estacada. Ore. RASPBERRY pickers wanted immedi ately. Jersey Lily Dairy, foot of hill at Kelly's Butte, Powell Valley road. Furnish tent for campers if desired. C. Gesme, the manager. MAN and wife, cooks; must be able to handle 200 men; high-class job; must have best references; give references in first letter. M. 78, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED married couple. Apply Air. nans, nroaaway uourt apta,, SZ43 E. Broadway., before 2 P. M. Sunday. MAN AND WIFE on dairy; man must be good milker, woman assist in house good wages. Main 4218. WANTED Berry picKers. Good camp grounds. G. C Molr, 871 Court St., b-aiem, ur. MAN OR woman to do some janitor worn in exenange ior cosy a-room apta Alt itfd, uregoman. LOGANBERRY PICKERfi. PHONE TABOR 1526. 2004 EAST GLISAN. BERRY pickers. Julius Sax. Oregon City car to Rothe station. 3 cents a poun A. RASPBERRY pickers wanted adjoining city limits. Call at once. Auto. 624-73. WANTED All-around clerk, mala female. . AV 22, Oregonian. HFXP WANTED WITH" rVVKSTMNT. PARTNER, wanted in established busi ness with capital to assist In weekly payrolls; personal Interview can be had by addressing A 777. Oregon i an . PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; small Investment; make from $5 to iUj a day, nun tswetiana bldg. WANTED Sa.esman; exclusive Oregon; good opportunity; $250 necessary for stock. W 787. Oregonian. LADY to take interest In established business. Investment and services in office required. H 782, Oregonian. WANT responsible men to operate saw mill by tb rhihiiand 0fe2. &r gon ian, HELP WA X TBT WITH INVESTMENT. SALESMEN WANTED. Want men with sales ability and some money to join hands with us as partners manufacturing and soiling one ot the most complete lines of product on the coast. In answering give the following information: Rhone No., or address amount you can invest if properly secured, age, character and . business ability. We offer unlimited possibilities of a future to men who are willing to work for same. Your in vestigation of us requested.. AO 790. Oregonian, A MANUFACTURING company, about to lose its general manager on account or other business affiliations, sWsires to replace him with a capable man who can handle home manufacturing, sales management ; requires an investment of a few thousand dollars on which the right party may have terms. Replies strictly confidential. Agents need not apply. AM 791 Oregonian. MANUFACTURING Thrbugh one part ner leaving uregon mere is an excel lent chance for good business man with $1300 to become connected with one of the fastest growing companies In Portland. If you are looking for a future and are suitable, thia is your opportunity. For. interview write O 779, Oregonian. WANTED A live salesman r (bookkeep er, capable of earning 9500 a month or more. Prefer man with engineering ov troi'ldlng experience, one who can in vest from five to ten thousand dollars. A going, wholesome business above re proach. BJ 708, Oregonian. ' 130O BUYS interest in a manufacturing business; must be good office man. This Is an unusually good proposi tion. S. BORLAND & CO., REALTORS, 300-2 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 156ft. TRAPPER- wanted now to join experi enced man in taking live animals for fur farm. Trap fuss in winter. Big money for right mam Will need some cash; 50 miles east of Vancouver. Lew Aumock. Stabler, Wash. A PARTNER WANTED Desire man ex- periencea in book and stationery busi ness with some capital. Good oppor tunity in live town. References re quired and furnished. AV 9, Oregonian. MAN or woman, assistant teacher, meta physics and applied psychology, who can invest $1000; wonderful opportun ity Al references; this ad will not ap pear again. BC 793, Oregonian. WE NEED a man who can invest $2000 or in me Dest manufacturing proposition on the coast; prefer a man with office experience or one who is mechanically inclined, p 788. Oregonian. WANT to interest capital in sawmill proposition. B 7'33. OTegoniaTi. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. LIVE and well-trained editor and execu tive, who is also a thorough printer, desires to move to coast and seeks connection, with or without Investment, with solid printing establishment in or near Portland; record open to careful Investigation. Address AV 33, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED salesman with own ma chine wishes to make change and con nect with a reliable firm; will travel either city or country on comnf 1 or salary; not afraid to work; j ma a trial and I will prove my ub...ty R 680. Oregonian PAINTER First-class all round work man; papering, decorating and kalso mining; live wire; A-l references. Can - fiirnish everything on the job.' Will go anywhere. Reasonable price- Mar- en an 19, .HIPPING recefving or stock clerk, ex perienced, used to handling men, mar , ried, have family. Phone Tabor 3073. EiXPEJUECEX), reliable couple would like the management of a large apart ment house; able to take care of all maintenance; good references. C 784, Oregonian. PAPERHANGING, SO CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING REASON ABLE, SPLDNDID WORK, QUICKLY AND CLEANLY DONE. EAST SIDE TABOR 0133. WEST SIDE BDW. 2642. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk and time keeper desires position with construc tion organization or lumber enmnanv. Ex-service man; good references. AB ou, uregoman. JTOUNG man, mechanically inclined and with some experience and training, wishes position in garage, or will drive car or truck, ah 777, Oregonian. BOY 18, 'wants, position in garage as helper, where there is a chance of advancement. Experienced in trouble snooting ana repairing. Bdwy. STOCK man and shipping clerk wants position witn responsible firm. Is am bitious and loyal. Good references. Overseas veteran. BC 785, Oregonian. DRAUGHTSMAN wants position with cunatruction organization; college edu cation, overseas service, excellent ref erences. BF 73, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 21, wants steady position with chance advancement; correct at iigures; Knows city; good driver. Mill er. Wdln. 3H5-6. CARPENTER work of all kinds, new or old. We make -a specialty of repair worit. we are prompt ana reliable. .cast w. PLACE in garage by a steady young man. attending anto school; experience ramer man oig wages desired. J 704, Oregonian. LUMBER invoice and order clerk; young man, familiar with - freight claims, rates, etc., and all lumber office de- tan. iut, uregoman. PAINTING. PAPERINO Let us figure your work. We know xne game ana our prices are right. East 349. 15 YEARS experience in grocery. Would like permanent D-osition or chanae for tvv, uregoman. PAINTING. TINTING, PAPERHANG ING. ROOF REPAIRINNG. WORK u A K ANT K, E D. E, McELROY, YOUNG MAN of good education and several years' manufacturing and grain experience desires change. In or uui. yi mty. a hi, umgonian, YOUNG man, experienced in wholesale. nouse, wants job, either Inside work or selling; references. furnished. Phone MAN AND WIB'E want to run hotel or apartment house, 10 years' experience. Up to 11 A. AL or between 5:30 and 8 P. M. phone Atwater 5878. PAINTING, PAPERING. KALSOMINING. we specialize on house and roof painting.; best materials, lowest prices. A-l references. Tabor 2323. WANTED Position by an experienced general merchandise man; can take charge; best of references. AV 12, Oregonian. 1 MAN AND wife want position as care takers of small place or as managers of apt, house; experience. Aut. 647-03. EXPERIENCED grocery man wants work; good references. Phone Main 1513. - CARPENTER New o? repair work; small jobs promptly done; estimate! cheerfully given. Tabor 5089. WANTED Position by an experienced clothing, furnishing and shoe man; best of references. AV 13, Oregonian. JANITOR wants any kind of janitor work; best of reference. Phone East 4837. YOUNG man with car wants work. All or part time. Call Sell. 3471 after 6 P. M. CHAUFFEUR Young man, 20 years, clean, neat appearance, 4 years' ex perience. best ref. Call Mar. 114. SPRAYING, WHITEWASHING. GET YOUR BASEMENTS AND GARAGES WHITEWASHED. WALNUT 4JS20. ELDERLY colored man wants work as janitor, caretaker or other kindred employment. Call automatic 642-31. PHARMACIST Registered, city or coun try; years of experience; references. firuggi3t, 634 Commercial st. tOUNG married man with bank experi ence wis-hes office position; good ref erences. Main 4413. DRIVER, experienced and reliable, wants steady position driving1 truck. C 7b2, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 22, college education, of fice experience, wants position where a worker is needed. Call East 4SQ2. ELDERLY man wants elevator position or hotel 'clerk. Experienced. R 737, Oregonian. - LICENSED chauffeur wants wbrk; mar ried, reliable; take anything; exp. 0 years, all makes. East 6884. Ktllgore. MAN AND TEAM FOR HIRE. MAR. 3119. CALL SHINGLERS If - you want reshingllng gone reasonaoie, can .Atwater 1U7. PAINTING, CALCIMINING First-class work, reasonable. Walnut 5349. PAINTING AND TINTING. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. ATWATER 1416. PAPERHANGING for good work. Bn- nett. wainut uuii. PAINTING and kalsomlning; work guaranteed. Atwater 1455 or 5882. LAWN mowing, clearing lots of grass ana weeaa, oqa joos. ji;ast loua. JAPANESE wants position as chauffeur or house work. BF 786, OregOnlan. EXCAVATING. General teaming. Atwater 1808. CARPENTER Al BUILDER OF HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR 3323. YOUNG MAN wants restaurant work. -Phone Main 5708, room 3. GARDENING, LAWN WORK AND HEDGE PRUNING. TABOR 6845. PAINTING. East 7830. Lead and oil. Get our prices. You can save money. JANITOR and wife want work; E. 4022. references apt. ho use - KALSOM1NLNG painting, plaster, pairing;- reasonable. Main situations wanted male. CAFETERIA tearoom and lunchroom manager would like to locate in Port land. Interested in permanent propo-. sltlon only. Highly experienced as an - executive and buyer. A student of economics and accounting. Good char acter and reference furnished. Can accept proposition August 15. Com munications confidential. Address P. O. Box 864. Yakima, Wash. NOTICE Will be at liberty July 10 to fill position covering store manager. window trimming, card writing; - 12 years' experience buying for good-sized dry goods store. Reliable firms need ing reliable man, answer. AK 761, Ore- goman MAN, 86, GOOD education mechanical lines, draftsman, designer, familiar . with shop production and manufactur ing methods, executive experience, de Blres to make permanent connection where he can accomplish results. AK 770, Oregonian. MARRIED man of 28, with 6 years' ex perience, mm ana wnoiesaie mmoer sales offices, wants position, preferably In city wholesale office; but will go out with good mill; good references. Write AJ 79L Oregonian. YOUNG man, 85, executive ability, 13 years handling railroad supplies; o years with firm selling gas engines, -scales, machinery, valves; experienced in handling lumber and general office work. A 793. Oregonian. WORK WANTED AFTERNOONS. By young man, 17 years old; can drive any kind of automobile, play any kind of piano, make wireless equipment or be handy around any kind of establishment. Phone E. 8221. MARRIED farmer wants Job by August 1, thoroughly understands the care 01 blooded stock; wife can cook for men; only place paying good wages consid ered and will give value received for same. AH 78ft. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED apartment house couple, no cniiaren, capable or management. Wife has good business ability; man thoroughly familiar with all -repair work; none ether than first-class house considered. E 784, Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshtn- gling and roof repairing, it win pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. East 1928. MARRIED man wants steady work; has been driving and repairing trucks ana touring cars 6 years; references fur nished. Will try anything. AE 800. uregoman. SUCCESSFUL silk salesman, buyer and manager; business builder and money maker; open for change with privilege of investment later. Glade Kinnison, 1521 Alturas st.. Boise, Idaho. YOUNG man, 23, high school graduate. 5, years office and sales experience, ranld tvnist. assistant bookkeeper. Kelley. Bdwy. 1240. Evenings, Main 64 21. WANT position aa superintendent of au tomobile garage or shop; woricea tnree years with last employer; able to give best of references. Phone East 312S or write 126 E. 29th street. YOUNG MAN, 23. college education; some office and sales experience; use typewriter, wants permanent location with firm with chance of advance- ment. AR 781, Oregonian. PAINTING Painting. naDerhaneinsr: soeolal on house painting, by contract or day worn; satisfaction guaranteed. m.r. Snyder. 622-81. PAINTING, SIGNS. KALSO MINING, DECORATING: BEST REFERENCES. 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. WANTED Painting, enameling, wood finishing, first-class work, reasonable pleasing recommendations. Call 121 E. llth st. Phone East 2522. SINGLE man wishes employment, gar dening, taking care or lawns, any &ina of garden work ; want steady work. hi 7Ha. uregonlan. YOUNG ex-service man wishes position as chauffeur for private family or de livery, .car. Can furnish references if necessary. AN 785. Oregonian. CARPENTER, contractor, building. pairing, alterations, promptly attended to, estimates given big or small jobs. u. j. wmitn, isi. aa st. Hdwy. iv73, CHAUFFEUR Pierce, Cadillac, Packard, have state license, city permit, know all highways; will teach, or anything. aj vim, uregoman. WELL-DRESSED man, housecleaner. wants neat housekeeping room in ex change tor janitor work, in good house oniy. K sun, Oregonian. . SHINGLING. All kinds from dog kennels to man sions. ' Prices right. Our motto "Satis- faction." Call Mitchell, Main 7739. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. First-class workmanship guaranteed at lowest prices, J. H. Jenkins. Tabor CORRESPONDENT, credit and collec tion experience; young married man desires permanent connection; normal gatary to srart. sell, aofto. FIRST-CLASS painter and paperhanger wishes steady work with building con tractor or architect; references. G 7a, Oregonian. - WANT year-round job where farming can ims jearnea; experienced nay nan dling and truck gardening; 25, R. B. o jiiasE May ior st. YOUNG man with 6 years city experience wouio line position as truck driver chauffeur; have city references. W 7! Oregonian. v as, 1 jod as nanayman in plant, camp vr notei; win 00 anytning to Keep busy, have carpenter, plumbing and painters' touia. Broaoway 4 n o o. h iKST-CLASS gardener. exDerlenced wants job by the year; first-class city references. nu it, oregonian. RESHINGLING, shingling, roof repair ing, prices reasoname; work guaran teed. Aufeo. 326-16. CARPENTERS. renairirur. reshintrlinir cabinet and mill work. Nelson & Niel- son. S33-S1 or Mar. 224. SINGLE man wishes emnlovment gardener, taking care of lawn; want steaay wont, am 778, Oregon lan. PAPERHANGING. painUnic and tintlnt: paperhanging 80 cents a roll. Atwater Z4H. GENERAL merchandise, storekeeper, commissary, store, hotel or hospital. A i r -? -TV-,-. ; FLOOR SURFACING AND FINISHING. - VV. Jri, j I 3 BITS. TABOR 4Q52. 4S03 32 D AVE. S- E. 3 YEARS' experience clsfk. also ernpi. enced In meat cutting. Julius Patton. P( front st. TWO first-class carpenters want contract wora. Bee us at xzxv liolgate et.. after o sr. :vi. NIGHT WATCHMAN', responsible man, rosiaencea or DUSiness piace. AP 780, CAPABLE and reliable landaoann ftrfl. ner will care for your grounds while yu ibkb your vacation. labor 44 3 7. ROOKS REPAIRED, painted, tarred siHineu -im waterprooiea. References. HArjSHU&NCUD Janitor wants work have first-class references. AL 782, uregoman. CAPABLE registered druggist wants re- nei. wora, experienced. w oo2, Ore- WANTED Work for heavy duty truck ana trailer; preieraoie naullng logs. YOUNG married man wishes bank nun, in or out 01 city; experienced: Al rnfflpn ra A VP TCIH I WANTED Lathing; will contract. Tabor O 1 PU. EXP. OARDEtNER wants situation, sin gle, good ref. AP Til, Oregonian. CARPENTER, day or contract. Call Sellwood 0605. BOOKKEEPING I want a small set to Keep a iew nours oany. Ala 1 n lH3o. CARPENTER, finisher. $6; not less than weeK s work, tsu nn, Oregonia n . iiiAi-. ikuiv anver. . ex-service man wants position. R. J. Engel. East 675. WINDOW SCREENS, mirrors and cabinet worK. wooaiawn usi. CARPENTER work? no job too large or too smaii. rnune r.aat 1 1. PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates furn. Kinder 8c Peterson. Mar. 1828. RESHINGLING, 10 years in Portland get bur estimate. Atwater 3761. WANTED Janitor or housework, morn ings. uau isast ( iv. YOUNG man with car wishes work. 735, Oregonian. HOUSE painted, sau-uo; rooms tinted, ?i-ya; papering;. a.-c ron. wdln. 6084 FAMILY gardening, lawns, house-r.if.fln. mg, caretaaer, rers. u 730, Oregonian PAINTING, papering. Kalsomining: low est prices; best material. Auto. 624-30. ROOF painting and repairing; b?st paints: prices rcaamiaoie. AUto. B24-3, PLC M BIN G and repairing, first-class WOrK. rtm"-. ""-"'"'' 'iiw)roi;i STINTING. PAPERHANGING. PLAS TKH tfA lr.uiv. J--"" 'un -IDJa. CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK OF rJ., wTa MTYITP TilSAti flDOU FEMBNT WORK. HAVE MIXEB3. TEJ, PAINTING. tinting. papering; good work, reaaonapip. ornwwQ iisvv. MAN with 5-passenger auto wants work. W hat nav yu" ot;rn. YOUNG man wants work, nut 4168- Phone Wa, GARDNER Landscape and pruning by experienced man. v iiu, uregoman. HIGHEST grade paper hanging by the day or roil. Main 747. SAUSAGE maker wants place out tot city; experienced. AG 701, Oregonian. SHINGLING. Tabor SITUATIONS WAXTEIV-MALE. MARRIED man to take charge of farm. several years - experience; know how to prepare soli and put in seed, cure hay and harvest crops; understand raising of hogs and beef cattle for the market, also care and feeding of dairy cows; good worker and good teamster; can handle men to get results; prefer part salary and part percentage, of would consider plan on ah area. F 735, Oregonian. ' ALL-AROUND mechanic of long expe rience, steam and gas engineer, plumb ing and tinning, some electric and car penter work, will take anything where a handy man is needed only. Write Waltenberg, o29 Kearney St., Portland, Or. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. MR. BUSINESS MAN, have you an open ing ior an energetic young man wno wants to get started in accounting profession? Am well educated, having had two years of high school and "a complete business college training. Am taking LaSalle course In higher ac counting. Can also handle stenographic work. What have you? W 73V. Ore gonian. YOUNG man, protestant, experienced aa assistant bookkeeper, timekeeper, typ ist and payroll clerk, will be open for position July 20, part time outside pre ferred ; can drive auto ; resided here since 1001. N 778. Oregonian. RETAIL salesman, experienced in gen- erai retail lines, desires connection with progressive firm who recognize faithful work; will go anywhere. For 1 n terview write AK 765, Oregonian. YOUNG lumberman, order and invoice clerk, competent stenographer, whole sale, retail, car and cargo experience, wishes position. AC 786, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Experienced bookkeep er; timekeeper or commissary aesires position; no objection to out of town. D 734, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale and mill ex perience, open Tor position, m TUa, ore gonian. YOUNG man, 29, 10 years' experienced accountant, correspondence, onice man ager, A-l references. N 703. Oregonian. AUDITS made, systems installed, books Kept, income tax statements. Main woo. TO OPEN YOUR BOOKS. C. W. TYLE, AUTO. 610-24.. Help Wanted Salesmen. POSITION as salesman wanted by young married man; prefer tires or automo bile accessories; I have had four years' experience in selling; will accept place in or out of city. AV 24, Oregonian, SALESMEN Solicitor wants steady posi tion with large firm. Now employed. Salary and commission. References. Mr. C. Behm, 803 8th N. Phone E. 4O04. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LADY going to San Francisco wishes to elderly lady for expenses. AO 703, Ore gonian - LITTLE girl, 13, wishes pUce to work ror -ooard, room and go to scnooi. Mrs. Anna Martin, Portland, Or., cars of steamer America,, Brown s landing. HOUSEKEEPER wants position in wid ower s nome. uooa plain cook. j 778, Oregonian. ' SWISS, educated, with training in baby hospital, wants position, can do any kind of work. B 777. Oregonian. YOUNG- GIRU wishes chance to learn trade. Prefer store work but will con gider anything. 64Q-85. YOUNG lady wishes position minding office, answering phones doctors oltice; any light position. Call Marshall JIM. CAPABLE pianist wants experience playing for moving pictures. wages no object. AL 74, Oregoniam WOMAN wants position out 'of town f:ood cook and good reierences; not ess than $65 a month. Broad was 4741. 547 Hoyt Sc. GRADUATE piano teacner with expert en-ce. Lessons at your home. 'labor 6542 LADY wants position minding office, an swering phone, doctor 3 onice, any light position. AF 794. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper by competent widow of 40 m home or re fined gentleman. B 796, Oregonian. YOUNG ladv wishes DOsitlon as book keeper; competent to taice cnarge 01 ruil set or dooks. aj its-it. uregoman. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, cash ier or saleslady; experienced, call a on Una 8, Beaverton. Or. - HOUSEWORK in small family or wid ower's home with children, is 781, Oregonlam GERMAN woman wants position as cook in city, with city references. AH fau, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS MARCELING AND HAIR DRESSING. 901 CORBETT JJLUli. MAIN 3S37. EXPERIENCED woman wants manage ment of apartment house; best of ref erences. Sell. iW7. RELIABLE woman wants work by the day, 40 cents per hour, carfare, ref erence. Tabor 4641. EXP., TRUSTWORTHY lady wishes wasmng. ironing, sewing, rnone At water 6059. HEALTHY MOTHER WOULD TAKE POSITION AS WET NURSE. AP 783. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bakery clerk wishes situation at Seaside for season. Ref erences. R 790, Oregonian. A RELIABLE young lady wishes to care for child B or 4 years old, an or part of the day. E. 50S1 before 11 A. M. GIRL employed during day wishes to work mornings and evenings ior ooara nnd room. Call East 2790. YOUNG lady, working, desires good home In exchange ror ner services in evening. EaBt 0381. REFINED lady will do light housework or take care or emmren ror room ana board. A 785, Oregonian. SITUATION as managing housekeeper, first-class apts. ; reierences Ai. Auto. 619-39. EXPERIENCED Bwltchboard operator, general office experience, wishes va cation position. Bdwy. 7167. - WILL make women's house dresses, bun galow aprons and children s outfits reasonably. Auto. 017-90. YOUNG married woman will give bear of care to child under five. $18 month. Call Monday, q:t7 Rhone st. EXP. WAITKiETSS wants position; coun ter work preferred. References. Aaj T89, Oregonian. WANTED Cleaning by reliable woman, 4 to 6 hours, 40c hour, carfare and lunch. K. 7S5-2. Apt. 103. OPERATOR would like one hour's serv ice a day on any exchange for the ex perlence. Call East 2414. RESPONSIBLE woman wants day work. Thursdays and - Fridays; reference. Tabor 1789. S. D. ADVENT ST, experienced woman. wishes position In small family. 080 Market st. Phone Main 354. EXPERIENCED woman wishes any kind work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Sellwood 1932. HOUSEKEEPER wishes place in hotel or rooming house or linen room. Room 204, Almlra apartment. - GIRL employed wishes to exchange light services for board and room in C S. family. BJ 789. Oregonian. MOTHER and daughter want to do coqk ing for crew of men; will go out of town. H 783, Oregonian. WORK in grocery or confectionery by experienced, woman. Ref. N 785, Ore- gonian. ' WANTED Care of children by Austra lian girL References. Phone Main ' 8022. WANTED Position In chiropractic .of fice; 2 years' experience. AH 798. Oregonian. WANTED By experienced, accurate tvpist, work half days or full time. Add ress A 793. Oregonian. MEN'S laundry and ladles' fine waists. Hose mended, 5c. Tabor 3871 aiter Sunday ' WIDOW, cultured ,and capable, desires position as housekeeper in refined home. P 7S2, Oregonian. - STRONG woman wishes pos-ltlon. any camp; good cook; references. Bdwy. 4741. 547 Hoyt. Not less $7-0 a month. WANTED DAY WORK. " EAST 5871. MRS. DAVIS. YOUNG lady wishes housework, 35 cents hour and care fare. Sellwood 2005. PIANO taeeher, lady, wishes pupils in their homes; reasonable. East 9318. CARE of child or invalid in home. Tabor 3871 after Sunday. . WOMAN WANTS WALNUT 0790. WORK BY DAY. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Reference. East 8492 Monday. COMPANION for elderly lady. CC car, first house on Talbot road. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 32 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. East 619C. EXPERIENCED maid wants day work. Phone Sellwood 3410. WOMAN wants day work by hour. Wal nut a . WANTED Work by exp. laundress. Call Bdwy. 4T0L LADY would like day work or part day from 1 to 0. Automatic 635-41. YOUNG woman wants chamber work. Call Mrs. Mahoney. Atwater 4473. COLORED woman wants work by day or hour. Automatic 511-32, room Si, WANTED Housework by day or hour. Tabr.r 3332. ' EXPERIENCED girl wants housework at beach. AF 788, Oregonian. HEMSTITCHING, 6c. Room 403 Ralefgh bldg. 327 Washington st. Bdwy. 3742. iEAT, experienced houseworker desires wor-iy hour or day. Auto. &45L SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALK. WANTED A position in a stationery store by an experienced lady. "Can do all the buying as well as selling In every branch of the business, including kodaks. Can take complete charge 01 any store or department. For per- ' sonal Interview, address V 712. Ore gonial WANT position as assistant In doctor's office; had some experience in nursing, can do typing, but not shorthand; ac customed to meeting the public and can be generally useful. Call Beth Johnson. Main 6600 or address 175 12th street. YOUNG lady wishes housework; neat, trustworthy; take interest in the home, assist with' children; seldom out eve nings; can go to beach; references; J0AL 765. Oregonian. MARRIED woman. 28, would like re sponsible position managing apt. or rooming house; must be nice locality. Full particulars in first letter. S 7S7, Oregonian. - EXPERIENCED elderly lady wants to manage rooming or apartment house. Can give good references and security. Address P. O. Box 370, city. POSITION by high school girl caring for children. Beactu preferred. Experienced and reliable. Phsrne Sellwood 2418 after Sunday. CROCHET work, lunch sets, pillow slips or scarfs, tatting. Armenian lace and all kinds of embroidering. East 9237. r?twec-n 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. CARPENTER, contractor, building, re pairing, alterations, promptly attended to, estimates given Dig or small jons. C. J. Smith, 02 N. 3d st. Bdwy. 1975. WIDOW tvlshes position as housekeeper ror email family or widower, or win go to coast; best of references. 1180 Shil ler st. POSITION as manager or housekeeper. hotel or apt. house; exp.; room and some wages. Call. Main 5202. Room 206, Beverley hotel. MULTI-COLOR press operator; also have had several years experience around printing office; would con sider leaving town. B 790. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper in or out of town, call Sunday between SAM. and 3 P. M., East 5347. YOUNG lady .pianist would like position an suburban picture tneater or worts as accompanist. Empire 1833 after 6 P. M. Sunday. . GOOD manager and cook will take charge of lumber hotel or cump. nave my own help. Will take salary or contract. Bdwy. 2893. 148 N. lth st. Ilookkeeperg, Stenographers. Office. A LOCAL concern is closing its office in Portland and would like to secure a "position for a young lady who has prgven her ability by excellent service, comptometer operator or switchboard operator. 8 781, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, capable as suming complete charge douDie entry books, two years lumber experience. Excellent references in oiner lines. Easy dictation, fair typist. Main 4S78. STENOGRAPHERS OFFICE HELP. QUICK SERVICE CAREFUL SELECTION. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. Bdwy. 6953. 504 Spalding Bldg. STENOGRAPHER with tw o years' ex oerience wisnes nosiuon. law or com mercial; experience mora of an object than salary. East 514L COLLEGE girl wants position for sum- mar. Experienced stenofrraoner ana bookkeeper. Will supply for vacation positions. AO 705. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants office work for afternoons, doubie-entry bookkeeping and filing; well educated. M t02. Ore gonian HIGH GRADE BOOKKEEPER- STENOGRAPHER desires temporary or permanent posl- tton. Salary $25. E. S'J. apt, aa-j. YOUNG girl with high school education wishes general omce worK. au Aut. 324-83. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper wants either temporary or per manent position. AG 78. Oregonian. CAPABLE bookkeeper - stenographer, thoroughly experienced, desires perma nent position. Tabor U50. GIRL wants position as stenographer and general office work: some experi ence, moderate salary. East 9200. YOUNG GIRL wants position; Commerce high, graduate. Some experience. Sell wood 1769. COMPETENT, reliable, thoroughly ex perienced stenographer desires substi tute work. Main 2425. INSURANCE, city experience, all depart ments; prefer full charge or to do all the work. N 784, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position as stenog rapher and general office assistant. No bookkeeping. AC fftB. Oregonian. STENO.-BOOKKEEPER desires clerical position. Call afternoon, between 2:30 and 5. Atwater 523B, apt, 9. EXPERIENCED law and public sten ographer desires position. AM 783, OreKonian. 1 LADY wishes bookkeeping and office w o r k; experienced. East 1004. YOUNG girl wants typing position. Walnut 21M3. . FAST typist can take some dictation; reasonable salary, can Atwater zivv. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEP ER. PHONE WOODLAWN 3212. D re sunt a kr. DRESSMAKER One who knows her business and in whom you may have perfect confidence, wishes sewing by the day in families. Can give best of references. East OR10. DRESSMAKER, designer, Chicago and English experience, is opening connec tion In Portland by the day: style, workmanship, guaranteed. Aut. fllS-69. ENGAGEMENTS by day. years exper ience in suits, dresses, gowns. Remodel ing:, designing. Reasonable. Work guaranteed. East 75QH. - NURSES uniforms, doctors' coats, sport skirts, house dresses, made reasonable, satisfaction guaranteed. 333 Mohawk hlflg. Main 7348. CHILDREN'S sewing and tailoring, dresses 50c up, coats and capes, $2.50 up. East 3315. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants work ; had S years' experience in first-class dressmaking parlor. Main 2980. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by day; rea sonable; references; alterations. East "Arts. DRESSMAKING by day, work guaran teed; alterations a specialty. Walnut 6715. WANTED Sewing for women and chil dren; prices right. Call at 422S Powell Valley road. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, home or out. best references, satisiactien. Jdain S3S4. WwA'NTtE Sewlrvg by experienced seam stress. Call East 3334. TAILORESS and dressmaker, home or by day. Main 3006. apt. 7. DRESSMAKING DONE AT MY HOME. MRS. GOOD. WALNUT Ij8. FINE dressmaking and first-class tailor ing; special summer rates. East 9961. DRESSMA-KING, ISO East 45th st. Chil dren's clothes a specialty. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 122 12th St.. cor. Wash. Bdwy. 6970. PLAIN sewing or any kind of day work. Columbia 577 ANY kind at your charges reasonable. home or mine; Sellwood 3H53. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3 day. Also sew at home. Walnut 0905. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew- ing hy day. Men. -.'. SEWING by day or hour; children's work a specialty. Wdln. 6013. DRESSMAKING dona at your home or mine. Call Atwater 3S74. Nurse. REFINED lady want position as nursery governess or companion for elderly lady, speaks French and German. A 7S4, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse will care for Invalid or elderly; will do light work. Bdwy. W70. READER, nurse, diet cook for convales cent at home. Mary Pelton, v Long Beach. Wash. RESPONSIBLE, cheerful, practical nurse will take case. Physician's ref erences. Marshall 2018. ATTRACTIVE, healthy, private home for invalids. Elderly. Good table. Gresham, Or., route A. box 226. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse would like cases, maternity preferred. Walnut 15S6. . PRACTICAL nurse, thoroughly exper ienced, wishes position by day. week or month. .Main 4578. NURSE will care for patient In her own home: desiiabie location. Tabor 5733. PRIVATE maternity home. pafients. East 0S68. Best care to COMPETENT- nurse wants mental pa tient in he 'home. Wdln. 3834. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of references. East 4811. SWEDISH massage in your oVn home. Ladies only. Miss Poulsen, Tabor 106. PRACTICAL nurse is ready for any kind of nursing. East 5327. EXPERIENCED nurse, care of flick, in valid, convalescent, elderly. Mar. 2883. COMPETENT nurses, day or night duty. Atwater 0P. NURSE Graduate masseuse gives elec tric treatments and massage. Sell. 2930. COMPETENT- nurse. Auto. 643-46. House keepers. HOUSEKEEPER in the district of Ladd school; prefer ts stay home night. J 785, Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged woman wishes position as housekeeper. Phone Mala 8643 or write BC 782, Oregonlaa, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. WIDOW, refined, wishes position as housekeeper where she may keep her 17-year-old daughter with her; capable of taking fll charge -of house; am good plain economical cook; neat and clean. P 73S, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper near city by young woman, companionable, sensible cook, good manager, excellent recom mendations; son aged 3. Prefer place with little girL AO 768, Oregonian- YOUNG woman with child, 2 years, wishes position as h. k. in widower's home. Write 430 E. Yamhill, apt. 10, or phone East 7581. . THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau furnishes all kinds of office workers. Good types of girls registered. Refer- nces careruuy mvestigatec. Main i. MOTHER and daughter, 9 years' apt. house experience, wish housekeeper po sition, hotel or apt. Best of references. A 74, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for men or working people, am middle- aged, good cook; can give the beat of reffrences. AP 7S4, Oregonian. REFINED young lady wishes position & rtouseKeeper in widower s nome, witn one ohild; no triflers. AJ 703, Orego nian. WANT position as housekeeper in busi ness couple s nome; good nome ana kind treatment. 244Vs Broadway. Main 427. Mrs. Fullerton. BY MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent. position as housekeeper for elderly man with or without grownup suns.. C 7i'6, Oregonian. REFINED widow with two children wishes housekeeping for widower In city, beach or on ranch. Tabor 293ti, S 769. Orogonian. A COMPETENT refined ynung womnn with daughter, 30 years, desires a posi tion" as housekeeper. Can give ref. Call after 10 A. M.. Aut. 521-61. CHRISTIAN woman seeks posit ion as nouseKeeper tor widower witn cniid or adult son- Good cook, neat. AL 77S, Oregonian. REFINED woman with 2 children. 7 and 9, wants housekeeping for 2 or 3 men, city or country. Box 253, Albany, Or. Phone 3S.I. REFINED woman, 42, unincumbered ; country. AV 25, position in city t Oregoninn. EXPERIENCED housekeeper will do light housekeeping for two or three adults. Phone Woodlawn 1809. HOUSEKEEPING for widower about 45 with modern home, city or country. AM 792. Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants housekeeping. Call before 2 P. M. Atwater sail. P 78L Oregonian. WIDOW wishes housekeeping position, city or ranch. Mrs. Parke, Barton hotel, 455 Alder, apt. E, ground floor. WIDOW with 2 children, ages 14 and 10, desires position as housekeeper, coun try preferred. AV 11. Oregonian. WORKING housekeeper wants position, good cook, clean and economical, ref erenres. C 7S9, Oregonian. WIDOW wants position as housekeeper, bachelor or widower; no triflers. AK 764. Oregonian. j , ELDERLY woman wants housekeeping for widower for home and small wages. H 701. Oregonian. LADY with two childre wishes houae keeping. Address 304 H E. Morrison st. Domestics. TRUSTWORTHY young womsgi wants to assist with h. work few hours daily in small family, home or apt. Must be on v west side in vicinity of 23d and Wash ington. Go horn e -nigh ts. Bdwy. 6S33. RELIABLE woman would like place to stay, this slimmer or permanent, with filain. Christian peop.e. Useful and wili ng. AO 71-!. Oregonian. A STRONG foreign girl wants a family position. Call Wdln. 250. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lifts of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apartments and flats, with definite In formation pertaining to each; sleeping roomR. 1 Newcomers to Portland w!U find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANTED 6 or 7-room unfurnished house on paved street by permanent, ' reliable family; must be in good, clean condition and will be kept so; any good neighborhood, near school and car; Kerns school preferred: references ' given; $33 or $40. Call Tabor 9437. WANTED TO RENT liouae near Gresh am where Portland telephone, also Gresham phone if possible may be in stalled. Couple can give best refer- ences, will take excellent care of prop ertj Write Box 12S. Gresham. ; 1 WANTED To rent or lease, 4-room house close In, east or west side, aisu 10 or 12 rooms furnished -or unfur nished. RALPH HARRIS CO. Bdwy. 554. 310 Cham. Com. Bldg. WANTED To lease, someone's handy, strictly modern, 6-room or larger city home; -large grounds, first floor bed rooms; applicant is good pay and good caretaker. J 0.5, Qrf Konlan. WE HAVE intuiy cans lor nouses and flats and can ;-ent yous; let us handle your propertv and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO. 210 Stark St WANTED July 15. two or three-room apt. cr house, lufiusiiea; must ue reas onable; permanent tenants. Phone Sunday East fuSST. WANTED Home to care for while fam ily Is on vacation by two employed re fined ladit-s. Good references. Phone after Sunday Sell. 2M0. WANTED To rent by man and wife and adult son, unfurnished house of 6 to 8 rooms on east side, in desirable neigh borhood. C POO. Oregonian. MODERN house, close in; prefer east side, north 4f Holladay: 0 rooms or more; adults only ; references if de sirpd. Phono East P33 WANTED Hy reaponyihre party, 0 or 6-room furnished house In Al residen tial district. Adults. Can gius ref erences. AO 77, Orogonian. WANTED Well-furnished bungalow or house, 5 to 7 rooms, good location; must be fir?t claas in every particular. Phone E. 47ft1. . LARGE furnished house, having 0 or more bedrooms with large grounds, suburban location would be considered. Walnut 5463. $10 REWARD to person finding furnished house. 10 to 15 rooms. Park to 15th or north of Wash., close. Main 4354. 5 OR fl-ROOM modern bungalow, option to buy, good tenants, best of reference. Home people, always Improving place. Sell. J3P5. WANTED To rent modern house in Irving-ton preferred, or Alameda, by August 1, or sooner, by aduits; four sleeping rooms. B 7S5. Oregonian. WANT to rent, by responsible couple, cottage at or near Long Beach, Wash., latter two weeks in August. V 70L Oreffonian. BY YOUNG couple, no children, fur nished house or bungalow for one or two months from Aug. 1. AJ 797, Oregonian. WANTED Year's lease on 5-room house, not over $25 per month; near Catholic school. BJ 788, Oregonian. 0 OR 10-ROOM house with room suitable for bedroom downstairs, west side, walking distance. O 7!7. Oreponian. IF YOU want to lease your house, let us know. Clients waiting. Thomson, t.20-21 Henry bidg. 5 TO 7-ROOM house, near good school, prefer suburban or will lease if reason able; responsible party. Tabor 6100. WANTED Furnished house, about five rooms, will pay $40. Wdln. 6723. KELIABLE young couple desire 4 or u room furnished housr. Bdwy. 3118. WANTED to lease. -House on Portland heights Main 7457.' 1 looms. WANTED Furnished room in private home where my two girls, 2 and 0 years, respectively, will be cared for during day while mother works. Phone Walnut 510., QUIET, refined young man would appre ciate clean, airy room with private family on west side; rent not over $3 per week. AE 7S0. Oregonian. Roms" With Board. WANTED Board and room for an 8-year-old girl in private family with piano a.nd where there are no other children boarders. Must be in the city and clese to schooL No others need answer. Give ttni particulars in tirst letter. AG 700. Oregonian. NICE home for boy and girl, ae 6 and 4 respectively, congenial people who really care for children. Please give particulars. AL 780. Oregonian. WANTED A home by young man em ployed, also board and room in north west part of city; would be willing to drive any standard make car evenings. 425 E. 7th st. N. BOARD and care for girls, 6 years old, where man can room; must have ga rage. M 7Sft. Qregontan. BUSINESS girl wishes board and roe with private famny; walking distance 1 state price. AE 788, Oregonian. SECRETARY wants room and buard in private home, west sld Main 0213. Mlfec-ellaneous. WANTED TO JRENT. AUTO. B14-S0- WHEELCHAIR. EO 106.2 L