Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1922)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, . JULY 9, 1923 V Hoops MOBILIZE pany property when the blow (crushed his head and killed him almost instantly. TO 0 Half Dozen States Assemble Soldiers. . PICKETING IS ENJOINED Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Obtains Order New Or leans Court Also Acts. (Continued From Ftrt Page.) Troops Sent to Mine. BARBOUR VILLE, Ky- July 8. Governor Morrow late today ordered troops to move from Hapkinsville and Livermore to Madisonville, when county authorities at that place advised him the situation at a strip mine proved threatening and that local authorities would be un able to handle the situation if trou ble developed as they anticipated. 94 WATER PERMITS OUT work,'. Mr. Jewell today reiterated his assertions that the first move toward peace must come from the railroads or the iabor board. Except for the disorders at Clin ton, 111., most of today's violence was confined to clashes between strike sympathizers and workmen due to the efforts of the strike sym pathisers to persuade the employts still at work to quit. Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky and California were among states that had either assembled troops or were prepared to do so in case disorders occurred. Train Schedule Disrupted. Train schedules were further d's rupted as a result of the str'ke to day, the Missouri, Kansas & -Texas company announcing the annull ment of 43 trains in Missouri. Okla homa, Kansas and Texas, while fie Chicago & Alton abandoned ail service in and out of Bloomingtoi. 111., due to disorders there. Labor board members said to night that they expected E. H. Fiti- grerald, president of the Brotherhoo-1 Railway and Steamship clerks. freight handlers, express and station employes here Monday from Cincin nati to enter into negotiations witli board members regarding the clerks' strike. Confidence was expressed that an agreement would be reached by which the strike of clerks would- be postponed or called off. BOY IS KILLED BY GUAUI) Two Men Also Wounded in Out break at Clinton, 111, CLINTON. III., July 8. (By the Associated Press.) First trouble in the railroad shopmen's strike oc curred here today when a guard em ployed by the Illinois Central rail road shot and killed James Fitz gerald, a 12-year-old boy, wounded his father, James Fitzgerald Sr., a striker, by shooting him through the leg, and wounded a passerby, Elmer Hanklnson. The latter was shot through both legs. It is said the trouble started when the guard told a number of strike sympathizers to keep off the right of way, declaring he would "shoot the first man who stepped over the deadline." Fitzgerald, it is claimed, stepped over, whipped out a pistol and invited the guard to "begin shooting." The boy died shortly after being wounded. He was shot through the right lung. The father and Hankin son were taken to tha hospital here for treatment. Early tonight about 600 strikers and strike sympathizers were col lected near the Illinois Central shops and trouble was expected. This afternoon they stormed down town stores in attempts to purchase firearms. Policemen and deputy sheriffs were inside the stores aU tempting to keep the men out but their efforts were practically futile. Sheriff Persons sent a telegram to Lieutenant-Governor Sterling at Hockford, III., asking for troops. All men working at the Clinton shops had deserted their jobB and the guards stationed at the shops have fled. Anxiety was expressed by many residents who feared a further out break before the arrival of the troops. Feeling was still at fever pitch and it would not take much, residents said, to start another out break. The Clinton shops of the Illinois Central employed about BOO men be fore the strike and 4O0 of these walked out July 1. No strike break ers were imported by the roads, it was said, and outside of the hun dred men or so who remained at work only a few "drifters" came in to augment their forces. Between 70 and 75 guards were stationed about the shops. Irrigation of 24,073 Acres of Oregon Land Involved. ' SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.) During the month of April, May and June, 94 permits for the appropria tion of water from the various streams of Oregon were issued by Percy Cupper, state engineer. The permits cover the irrigation of 24,073 acres of land, development of 4200 horse power, and the use of water for mining, municipal, domes tic and other purposes. The esti mated cost of construction work under the permits was estimated at $1,008,000. During the three months two permits to construct reservoirs for the storage of 47,635 acre feet of water were issued. The cost of these reservoirs- was estimated at $540,000. Included among the per. mits was one issued to the Ochoco irrigation district for the storage of 47,000 acre feet of water, for the irrigation of approximately 22,000 acree of land. This project, upon completion two years ago, cost $1, 350.000. Included among the more impor tant permits issued during the months of April, May and June were the following: - . Corvallis water commifl&ion, for the storage of 533 acre feet of water from Hock creek and the appropriation of the stored water for a municipal, water sup ply for Corvallis at an estimated cost of J 100,000. City of Eugene, for the development of 1955 additional hore power on the Mc l?nzie river at an estimated cost of $120,000. E. A. Thompson. Portland, for the ap propriation of water from Crooked river for the development of horse power at an estimated cost of 30.000. Enterprise Electric company, for the development of 1137 additional horse power with the waters of east fork of Wallowa river at an estimated coat of $100,000. Camp Creek Water company of Baker, for the irripation of 100.r acres of land at an e-stlmatpd cost of $42,000. The Whitney company. Portland, for the appropriation of water from Hobson creek for a municipal water supply in Tillamook county. - The Portland, Eugene & Coos Bay Land company, Cooston. Or., for the ap propriation of water from tributaries of W'illanche creek for municipal purposes in Coos county. CHECK CHARGE ADMITTED Arthur C. Knight Pleads Guilty at Vancouver, Wash. VANCOUVER. Wash. July S. (Special.) Arthur C. Knight, alias Ji. E. Johnson, today pleaded guilty to passing a check for $10 on J. J. Padden, local merchant, when he had no funds in the bank. Judge Simpson took the plea, under ad visement and will pass sentence next week. Meantime Knight is in the county jail. Knight broke away from Henry Burgy, chief o police, as he was entering the city ' hair, but was caught after a mrt of eight blocks and after, the chief had fired a shot at the fugitive. SHOP STRIKE CONTINUES ULTIMATUMS TO WORKMEN DECLARED INEFFECTIVE. Shops Running, but Largely With Men Engaged by Companies Through Advertisements. Ultimatums to striking shopmen issued by the various railroad com panies, it is said, have not had the expected effect. The strike con tinues, the majority of the men are out, and, while' the shops-are run ning, the men employed, by a big majority, are those ho have been hired through advertisements. The Union Pacific three days ago issued notice that its men must return to work by 3 o'clock yesterday after noon or lose all seniority rights with the company. A small per centage of old employes returned tn their tasks. The shop forces of the Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway were in creased yesterday to some extent. The superintendent of the Albina shops of the O.-W. -R. N. Co. re ported that from 30 to 40 rrien were being put to work in the shops dally and that ;within a short time the forces, . though composed of non union men, would be back to a nor mal basis. The Southern Pacific continued to .hire men, as did the Spokane, Portland & Seattle. The union leaders contend that they are causing the railroads much worry and that trains are being Re layed on all lines. This has been branded as "propaganda" by rail road officials. v Pickets are stationed at all shops and they are going about their tasks peacefully and not attempting to cause trouble. The unions have cau tioned the men to refrain from starting trouble with the men re cently hired or with those who con tinued at their jobs in the shops. Three Kail Guards Quit. LA GRANDE, Or.. July 8. (Spe cial.) Only three of the 75 guards at the O. W. R. & N. shops here quit as a result of the order yesterday prohibiting them from carrying weapons. A "no help wanted" sign has also been hung out at the rail road special agent's office, al though earlier in the week it was announced that 150 guards were wanted. The strikers re ported two men returning .. to work today and one additional man quitting. Figures on the number of men at work in the shops were not announced by railroad officials. W. Bollins, superintendent, stated that announcements of the strikers were "authentic." BODY FOUND RIVER T. E. Mitchell Believed to Have '. Committed Suicide. , 1 VANCOUVER, Wash., July 8 (Special.) The body of T. E. Mitch ell, -who disappeared from his home at Camas July 4, was recovered today in the Washougal river, where it was believed the man ended his own life. Mr. Mitchell rethwd on the night of July 4, but got up about 10:30 and went out of the house. He was not seen alive afterward. He was employed by the paper mill in Camas, was 53 years of age and left a son, Bert, 14 years of age. HQQUIAM FITS MAYOR COMMERCIAL CLUB TO SEEK SOLUTION OF TROUBLE. IS OWA UNIONS ARE ENJOINED Interference With Operation of Trains Is Prohibited. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ia., July 8. Federal Judge Wade late today is sued a. temporary restraining order, directed against the six shop crafts unions in favor- of the Bur lington railroad. The order, af fecting all Burlington points in southern Iona, prohibits the unions from interfering with the opera tion of trains and the full protec tion of railroad property. ' A hearing on a motion for an injunction will be held at Keokuk, la., July 17. The Northwestern road was preparing to ask for a restraining order when the Burling ton order was issued and it was said that other roads entering Council Bluffs planned to do the. same. POSTAL RECEIPTS GROW Vancouver Expects Office to Stay in First-Class. VANCOUVER, Wash., July 8. (Special.) Receipts of the Vancou ver postoffice for the quarter just passed were $10,582.60, an increase over the same quarter last year, when the receipts were $10,477.94. This will insure that the Vancouver postoffice will remain in the first class. It was feared that when the ship yards closed down business would not be so good. Acting Executive Is Accused of Conspiring to Hold Office as Finance Commissioner. HOQUIAM, Wash., July S. (Spe cial.) The mayoralty situation is still an active morsel of conversa tion in Hoquiam, after three months of being a city without a head, so to speak. At the luncheon of the Commercial -yesterday, Alex Poison, widely known logger, made a motion that Thorpe Babcock. manager of the Northwestern mill, be appointed temporary mayor. The motion carried with acclaim, but was ruled out of order by Vice- President Kniskern, who ac'cepted a motion that Mr. Babcock be ap pointed a committee of one to call upon the city commission and dis cover the intention of the two re maining city commissioners rela tive to appointing a mayor if he could. An indefinite movement hidin behind the name of "citizens' com mittee" has got to the point where a meeting has been announced for next Wednesday night in a hall to discuss "the selection of ""a mayof and the recall of Mr. (Charles F.). Hill, and other questions concerning the general, moral and civic condi--tions and welfare of our city." . Mr. Hill is commissioner of finance and at present acting as mayor. Some hold that he is re sponsible for the fact that the city has no mayor, because he will not accept Edward Hoover, who was nominated after some maneuvering at a mass meeting"" two or three weeks after W. A. Jacka resigned as Mayor. v The Practicality of Oriental Rugs FOE THE HOME-MAKER who wants both beauty and dura bility in her floor coverings nothing excels Oriental Eugs, and they should especially commend themselves to those who are now building homes. ' Suited to the small, modest bunga low or the mansion; adaptable to hall, den, library, or living room, as well as the bedroom lasting for generations, and always beau tiful in coloring, Oriental Rugs fill a place in the affections of all cultured people. At Atiyeh Bros, you have the benefit of a wide range of sizes, designs and colors, and the prices are within the reach of the average person fortunate enough to pos sess a new home. Come in atyour leisure, and let us take you through our exhibition rooms. - 1 The 'argest 8nd best selected 1 Mfcxji W (M stock in the Northwest. . fCf H Atiyeh-Bros Alder AN AFTERNOON OFF! GEE! BUT WE'RE GLAD! WE, THE EMPLOYES OF ROBERTS BROS. MKTS appreciation of the WEEKLY HALF-HOLIDAY established by the Roberts' Bros. Store in closing on Wednesday at 1' P. M. each week during the hot months of July and August. And we ask the good people who trade with us to kindly arrange to do their shopping in the forenoon on Wednesdays during this period. We will appreciate your co-operation and so will our employer. Mail Orders Promptly Filled :immi!!immiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiimi 'Agents for the Butter- , ick Patterns and Publica tions. All new styles now showing. The. Store That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash Parcel Post Packages Prebaid iiiimiiiimiimmiiiumiimmmmuf Hemstitching promptly and perfectly executed by 3 our skilled operators. For Monday We Announce a Great Half-Price Lace Sale That Will Be the Talk of the Town -Because of the extraordinarv savines nresenf ed and the unusually fine and popular Laces from which you have selection. Not a few yards, mind you, but bolt after bolt, in widths, patterns and qualities that will meet with your instant approval and tempt you to purchase for both pres ent and future needs. It is a fortunate purchase at most important price concessions which enables us to place before our patrons at exactly one-half regular prices Real Hand-Made Edges and Insertions Chinese Laces, Irish Laces, - Cluny Laces, Filet and Point Venise Laces, Etc Just the Kind You'll Be Proud to Possess and That Will Make Up Beautifully. Also Imported Imitation Venise Laces La Boheme Laces Point Alt hone Laces And Other Equally as Fashionable Laces All at Half Price Ruffled Nets and f "P-i-IP Organdie Flouncings at. 2 J- A closing out of a fine lot of 36-inch Ruffled and Tucked Net and Organdie Flouncings at one-half regular selling prices. Included are net effects in cream end white and others in white organdie and, in colored organdie. All are fine quality Flouncings that can easily and quickly be fashioned into dainty garments. Just Received The New RATINE FLOUNCINGS Attractively Priced at $2.95 Fashion's latest and most popular Flouncings shown in handsome spprt combinations for summer skirts and dresses; comes with dainty patterns embroidered in voile and with voile fringe. Lace Section investigating the forest fire situa tion in Washington. Wha left Bellingham on Friday for Seattle, where he will visit the Skagit river fire, which is raging on about 2000 acres of timber. The fire is being handled by city em ployes under the supervision of men from the forest service. Commission's Report Out. SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.) Thp annual, rprtort nf th rtrpe-nYi public service commission for the ' year-1920 has been printed and is now eady for distribution. Copies of the report will be sent to all cor porations, utilities and individuals having business with or under the jurisdiction of the public service commission. - While construction is being com pleted this summer on the McKenzie pass highway, the old military road across the Willamette pass will be looked to to furnish a way through the mountains, it was emphasized by Supervisor MacDuff of the Cascade national forest in a letter to local forest headquarters. Slight repair work will be necessary in keeping the Willamette pass open. Willamette Pass to Be Used. BEND, Or., July 8. (Special.) Masons Have Banquet. CENTRAUA, Wash., July 8 (Special) Nearly 150 members c' the Masonic fraternity sat down to a. banquet last night at the Com munity house, following the laying of the cornerstone of the city's new Masonic temple. A. E. Rice, ex Judge of the Lewis county super'r j-urt. -presided as toastmaster anil informal talks were made bya num ber of visiting Masons. - 01 m Violence Laid to Hallways. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 8. Belief that much of the violence 'and interference with the operation of the railway systems of the country which has been charged against Btriking railway shopmen was in reality the work of paid emissaries of the various railroad systems was expressed today by William H. Johnston, president of the Interna tion Association of Machinists, one of the organizations having mem bers on strike. . .Missouri Guard Called Out. JISFFERSON CITT, Mo., July 8. The entire Missouri national guard, numbering 4021 men and officers, will be formally mobilized and held at instant service tomorrow at 9 o'clock, it was announced here to night following a conference be tween Governor Hyde, Adjutant General Raupp and representatives of five railroad companies operat ing throughout the state. Xegro Killed In Rock Fight. HOUSTON, Tex., July 8. Will McClure, negro, said to be a strike breaker, was killed by a blow on the head during a fusillade of rocks thrown by persons collected near the. H. & T. C. yards here late this afternoon. Tha man was on corn- Scenic Road Xcars Completion. HOOD RIVER, Or., July 8. (Spe cial.) , Reports of residents of northern Klickitat county, Wash ington, are to the effect that good progress is being made on the last few miles of a new Glenwood-Yakia road, and that the entire route will be open soon. Local folk, who con tributed 11000 toward the new Washington highway, declare the new route, which will, cross the Klickitat river and the gorges of tributaries, will open up one of the most scenic sections of the north west, f Missing Boy Sought. SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.) Arthur Girod, aged lByears, who disappeared from his home here re cently, is being sought by the offi cers. The boy has not been seen by hi parents since he left his home July 5. The boy's father told the police today that he may have ac cepted employment on a farm. At the time he was last seen here he was dressed in khaki. Forest Guard Killed in Fire. Roy Goodell, a forest guard, was killed while fighting forest fires at Skagit river, north of Seattle, last Thursday. The local forest service bureau received a telegram bearing this information from Assistant Dis trict Forester A. O. Waha. who is S. & H. green stamps ror cash. Holruan Fuel Co.. coal and wood. Broadway 6363; 660-21. Adv. LIBRARY OF American Law and Practice Complete in 13 vols.. sheep, standard size. PubL by American Technical Society. Special at , $25.00 Only one set at this price. THE A.W. SCHMALE BOOK SHOP Phone Main 913. 290 Morrison St. Diamond Specialist 348 Washington Street Take These New Dance SSil R.prnrHs nn s-a Camping irip 1S900 "Kitten on the Keys." Fox . Trot By Zez -Confrey and His Orch. "Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down in 3ear Old Dixie land," Fbx Trot By Club Royal Orchestra 18901 "Sweet Indian Home," Fox Trot.. By Club Royal Orchestra "You Won't Be sorry." Fox Trot By Paul Whlteman and His Or. 19g00 "California,"- Fox Trot By Club Royal Orchestra "Who Believed In You?" Fox Trot. .By All-star Trio and Or. 1SS96 "Lrfneflorae Land," Fox Trot s Bv All-Star Trio and Orch. "Hand-Painted Ioll,, Fox TrotBy AU-Star Trio and Or. 18851 "Smiliny Fox Trot By Green Bros. Marimba Or. "Somewhere In Naplee," Fox Tro..By Ali-Star Trio and Or. 18SSO "Lovey Dove." Fox Trot By Club Royal Orchestra "You Can Have Every Light on Broadway." "Fox Trot By International Xovetty Orch. 18S98 "Kicky - Koo Kicky-Koo," Fox Trot" By Green Bros. Marimba Orch. "Coo-Coo." Fox Trot Bv Paul Whitman and His Or. 18S81 "Cuddle Up Blues." Fox Trot f. -By the Virginians "My Honey's Lovin' rms." Fox Trot By the Virginians 18885 "Rose of Stamboul," Medley Walts ..v ... By Joseph C. Smith said Orch. "Eery Day," Medley Fox Trot... By Joseph C. Smith and Orch. 18902 "Lovable Eyes." iFox Trot By Club Royal Orchestra "I T.ove Her She lxtvee Me," By Zes Confrey and His Orch. Mail orders given prompt attention.' G. F. Johnson RianO Co. 119 Sixth St., Bet. Morrison, and Alder Prepare for Eye Comfort 2 8 III " I I j ine nrst necessary tiling to do is have your eyes properly examined. We spare neither time nor patience in determining the (formulas that mean so much to you. The second necessary thing to do is to have your glasses scientifically ground. This highest grade grinding is done on our own ' premises under our immediate supervision ; accuracy is guaranteed. The third neces sary thing to do is to have your mounting fitted so that you may have absolute com fort. Our many years' . experience enables us to do this important work dependably. These are the intensely practical elements that will prepare you for long years of superior, sight. But we do more we pro vide you with glasses that become you. I Our own complete lens-grinding plant on the premises. " ; SAVE YOUR EYES Thompson Optical Institute - Eyesight Specialists Portland's Largest, Most Modem, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment 201-211 Corbett BIdg., Fifth and Morrison Since 1908 Chas. A. Rusco, President and General Manager a: Special Offerings in CanningNeeds 10 Qt. Quality Brand Aluminum Preserv ing Kettles at $1.95 Mason Fruit Jars, qts., doz 1.00 Mason Fruit Jars, pts., doz 90 Mason Jar Caps, doz 27 Jar Rubbers, 5 doz., or 6 doz. for 25 Berry Huller , 10 Jar Wrench .15 Aluminum Mixing Spoons .15 Fruit Press 39 Aluminum Colanders 1.19 Jelly Strainers 1.00 Special Offerings in Women's Summer Hosiery Hosiery of the better sort in fashionable styles and colors at prices you'll be pleased to pay. Unlimited variety in new goods just received. These three offerings of special importance: 'Silk and Lisle SPORT HOSE at $2.00 pr. '. Full fashioned Sport Hose in silk and mercerized lisle made with reinforced sole, heel and ..toe and wide garter hem sizes 8 to 10 in- popu lar colors. Clocked Styles in SILK HOSE at $1.69 pr. Made with seamed iack seamless feet, reinforced lisle heel and toe, wide garter hem black, cordovan, navy and polo, with whit clocking all sizes. " All-Silk LACE HOSE at $2.98 pr. " ' Made full fashioned, with reinforced sole, heel and toe, also wide garter hem neat patterns in black, white, gray, gold, silver, etc. Sizes to 10. IDI Save From $1.50 to $4 Per Cor 4 on Your Wood Order Ask Broadway 6353 - H0LMAN FUELjCO. S. & H. Green Stamps. Fifth and Stark Streets. We offer the greatest fuel value for the least money. m SB V. Great Special Purchase and Sale Women's Fashionable Pumps and Oxfords Both Black and Brown Kid and Calf Leathers (J "J A IT Ta Jv From Which You Have Your Choice at Only -1- A This underpriced offering of some 2000 pairs of woman's fashionable summer Pumps and Oxfords assures you of a positive saving, worthy of a special trip to our Shoe Section. Included are the popular strap Pumps and 5-eyelet lace Oxfords in both black and brown, kid and in calf leathers. Styles with military heels, either leather or rubber, flexible soles and best workmanship. Strictly high grade, perfect fitting footwear at a bargain price $3.45 pair. All-Wool AutoRobes$2.48 5 Exceptional values in fine all-wool E Auto Robes in dark plaid styles. 38-Inch DRESS VOILES at 25c Yd. 5 An extensive showing at a reduced S price. 38-inch Dress Voiles in neat patterns in medium and light colors. Bathing Suits - . -mm- -1 T- I T . il .' !"" MEN'S and c,r-TTi,;r,. ocvmMa in Men's and Bovs' Bathinff Suits is included in our splendid new stock the best styles in desirable tolors anjl all sizes both wool and cotton suits at most moderate prices. - 75 for Boys' Cotton Bathing Suits. $2.50 for Boys' Wool-mixed Bathing Suits. $3!50 for Boys' All-Wool Bathing Suits. $4.00 for Youths' All-Wool Bathing Suits. $1.00 for Men's Cotton Bathing Suits. $1.50 for Men's Cotton Bathing Suits. $3.00 for Men's Wool-mixed Bathing Suits. $5.00 for Men's All-Wool Bathing Suits. HandsomeSportSkirtings In 38 and 40- CA VWl inch widths at O.DV X X dXU S A positive price reduction at an opportune time our ' entire stock of high-grade Sport Silk Shirtings in clever colorings in stripes, checks neat and exclusive designs, 5 and brocade novelties. All in one great assortment at $3.50 yard. All Our White Silk Sport Skirting at Decided Reductions 5 Both Plain and Novelty Weaves. E The Season's Most Favored Styles. HALF PRICE! 50c Yd. for Novelty Mohair SPORT SKIRTINGS A firmly woven, durable material, shown in fancy stripe designs. Figured ' FOULARD SILKS at $1.49 Yd. 36-inch Foulards shown in neat, small figures, especially for street dresses. Sale A Corset Extraordinary, $ 1 .79 ?. & G. Rivoli Lady Louise Lady Ruth Are the Well-Known and Reliable Makes From Which You Have Selection At an important price reduction you have choice from 6 to 12-inch Rubber Girdles in fine satins and brocades semi-elastic girdles, hip confiners, wide rubber-top sport corset, stepin, surgical elastic athletic girdles, wide rubber insert girdles for stout figures, front lace brocade corsets in -fact more than 30 fashionable styles, all in guaranteed f7Q makes and selling regularly at figures considerably higher, are in this sale at DAI U 1 'iiimuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiicitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiui G-