The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Concessions Must Be Made
if Problem Is Settled.
Economic Experts See No Hope of
America Helping' Under
Present Conditions.
(By the Associated Press.) Solution
of the German financial and indus
trial problem rests with France, in
the opinion expressed today iy well-
inforced economic experts of the
United States government. Partici
pation in any relief measures for
German rehabilitation under present
conditions was regarded. by some
officials as an economic impos
sibility.. - ' "
Viewed from the economic ange,
the German situation, it was de
clared, was solely a question of Ger
man credit, which rested upon the
reparation terms. Unless Prance
is willing to make concessions in
the matter of reparations to enable
Germany to carry her burden, Ger
many, it was asserted, cannot hope
to borrow money to continue her
rehabilitation and meet reparations
German Credit Believed NIL
Under present reparations condi
tions, some officials regard Ger
many's credit as practically nil, and
with a loan from the United States
government out of the question, it
was seen how funds from private
sources could be raised in. 'this coun
try un4l a rearrangement of the
reparations system would free suf
ficicient German securities to en
able the flotation of a loan.
France, in view of some officials,
is facing two courses with respect
to Germany, either the maintenance
of the present attitude of standing
firm and taking eventual German
payments or granting of repara
tions concessions, permitting Ger
many to make some payments in
the near future with the resultant
increase in French stability.'
French Fntne Kalllng.
The French franc, officials pointed
out, is falling, as well as the Ger
man mark, and it is believed here
that a more stable German currency
would be reflected in a improve
ment of the French exchange po
sition. The probability of Germany's
failing to make the reparations pay
ment of 50,000.000 gold marks on
July 15 was not regarded 'by offi
cials as foreshadowing any serious
economic consequences, as it was
explained that it would only be a
postponement of payment. Officials
added, however, that should the Ger
man payment be made some disrup
tion of exchanges affecting British
pounds. Scandinavian currencies and
probably the French franc, as well
would result from the purchase of
gold by the Germans to meet their
LONDON, July 8. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) American, embassy
officials said today that, while no
formal representations had been
made by the British government
looking to the participation of the
United States in allied efforts to
rehabilitate Germany, the subject
had been discussed for some time in
diplomatic and other circles and the
hope expressed that the United
States might be induced to lend its
support to the project.
It is generally pointed out in
financial quarters' here and else
where In Europe that in the present
state of Europe's' financial depletion
little can be done by the allies to
restore Germany's shattered eco
nomic structure without the assist
ance of the United States.
publican facade and that Berlin'B
laws will be-, defied by the Ba
varians. "
Secret Societies Powerful.
The center of the "consul organi
zation" founded by ex-Captain Ehr
hardt is in Munich. It has thou
sands or active members every
where. It issues orders "to suppress
by any means every movement
(based on internationalism." ,
I TViaf maane oil ii.Iia Aaaia an
derstanding among peoples and who
don't put German selfish ambitions
above everything else. The mem
bers of the "consul organization"
are instructed never to argue with
such elements, but to use their
weapons unhesitatingly. They are
urged further - to invent "new.and
irresistible weapons, for instance
the firing of explosives at a dis
tance by electricity, and to select
particularly resolute men for special
duties." " -
Hundreds of such secret societies
exist with plenty of money, power-
fl fnfl,.AnAn A x
for civil war, and thousands sup
port them for their "'patriotic mo
tives." . v ,
Poison Penetrates Deep.
This poison has penetrated too
deep and the blunders of the victors
have been too many to hope for the
speedy healing of a government
whose next task will be to notify
creditors that it cannot pay its
A clear but unthreateningr declar
ation from the powers might help
the situation in Germany. It should
be to the effect that:
"Every help will be accorded to
assist peaceful Germany, but there
will be no intercourse with a Ger
many returned to monarchism."
An international congress of un
official liberal leaders should follow
this declaration.
The German republic, however,
will be safe when it needs no other
protection than its constitution and
a proper public spirit. .
(Continued From First Page.
. mts repuDiic is colorless, dull
and unglorious, with only the tre
mendous burden of its predecessor's
debts, then naturally the belief
arises among the people that the old
times, with their orderly, spruce
conditions and their low prices were
The masses readHy believe that
their illness is the result of a fever.
Policy Arraigned Scathingly.
Given such ignorance, one can
readily imagine the effect on the
unpolitical German mind of the fol
lowing series of declarations since
the year 1918:
1. We were not defeated in the
war, but betrayed by the socialist
democrats, the Jews and the pacif
ists on the eve of triumph.
2. We were cheated of our prom
ised rights by a faithless enemy.
3. Since then we have been insulted,
robbed, dishonored by breaches of
the treaty, by the extortions of the
reparations commission, by annexa
tions and by the presence of black
troops on our soil.
These statements daily have been
hammered into millions of German
minds by innumerable papers and
magazines. The whole flock of
newspapers has sprung up, thriving
wonderfully on the glorification of
kaiserism, militarism and monarch
ism. They have conducted an anti
Semitic campaign and have agitated
preparedness for revenge. Their
thrift has come largely from adver
tising by nationalist business men.
Many of these publications are di
rected by ex-officers, mostlv
and they have been propagated by
letters of recommendation from the
Hohenzollern princes.
Attacks Are Tolerated.
The republican government has
tolerated all of this and even (in
the reparations. Silesian, Rhineland
and-other disputes) has accused the
victors of breaking their word, not
realizing that such declarations
would only bolster up the national
feeling. From this belief, that out
side Germany only scoundrels live,
scoundrels who wish to ruin Ger
many and started a war against the
innocent German empire for that
purpose, it Is a short step to a
fanatical persecution of all who do
not join in the propaganda for re
venge, but who desire Germany's
spiritual regeneration and hope to
see the day when Germany will take
herplace with the other nations,
striking for a purer international
The bill for the protection of the
republic provides stern punishment,
even death and confiscation of for
tunes, and partly reasonable but
largely brutal measures to prevent
the murder wave from growing. But
we must doubt their effectiveness,
especially when we know that in
the second largest German state,
Bavaria. Crown Prince Rupprecht
again is living in the royal castle
and reviewing troops, that mon
archy still is alive behind the re-
One of Oldest Newspapers in
America Long Factor in Local
and National Politics.
CHICAGO, 111., July 8. The Illin
ois Staatszeitung, one of the oldest
newspapers in America and ranked
in its time as the leading German
language American newspaper, will
once more come into being tomor
row. . .
The announcement of the initial
issue of the paper states that a
number of this city's leading pro
fessional and business men are be
hind the venture to revive the .pub
lication. The Illinois' Staatszeitung passed
into the hand's of Otto Doederlein,
former United States consul at Leip
zig, Germany, during the second
Cleveland administration, at a re
cent receiver's sale.
The paper was founded in 1845
under the name of Volksfreund. In
1847 the present name was adopted
and for 75 years its political and
social influence was a factor in the
shaping of local and national af
fairs. Franz Hoffman, preacher, banker,
farmer, national economist and lieutenant-governor
of Illinois, was its
first editor. Among the men of the
Staatszeitung, whose names are
linked with the country's history,
may be mentioned Brenttano, Vocke,
Raster, Rapp, Mannhardt and the
two Hesings. "
The strength of its leadership
consisted in a faithful interpreta
tion and application of the ideals of
true Americanism; and notwith
standing the fact that It had linked
is destinies to the victorious char
iot of the republican party, its chief
concern has been the welfare of the
people, and an uncompromising de
mand for honesty in politics and
political offices. 1
Its decline began before the world
war. And when internal financial
troubles were added those incident
to the war fever, it collapsed. 1
Republican Chief Declared
Surrounded in South.
Fall Breaks Leg and Heel Bones.
RAYMOND, Wash.. July 8. (Soe-
cial.) A. W. Fisher, superintendent
at the railway department of the
Willapa Electric company, had one
bone in his left leg broken and heel
bones of both feet fractured this
morning while repairing a trolley
on the South Fork bridge in this
city. While doing so he received a
shock. In order to free himself
from the trolley he dropped a dis
tance of about 14 feet, and by rea
son of, striking hard on his feet the
injuries were caused. He was taken
to the Riverside hospital,
Many Seek Final Papers.
KELSO, Wash., July 8. (Special.)
Next Tuesday will be naturaliza
tion day in Cowlitz superior court at
Kalama, when the following will be
examined: Albert Boogard, Holland;
Louis Peroutka. Polish, of Castle
Rock; John Welke, German, Stella;
John O'Shaughnessy, Ireland, of Oak
Point; August Pruhsmeyer," German;
Otto Saastamoinen. Finland; Nikolai
Kersela, Finland: Oscar Sandin, Fin
land, all of Woodland: John Steiger,
Austria, of Ostrander; Matt Nor
gaard, Finland, and J. W. Eden,
Sweden, of Kalama.
Phone your want ads to The Ore
gonian. All its readers are inter
ested in the classified columns.
S. & H. green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood.
Broadway 6353: 560-21. Adv.
For almost thirty years
this establishment has
made clothes for
Portland's best,
dressed men.
Men's Tailors Est. 1S03
Diamonds at Lowest Prices.'
J ewelry Watches Silver.
Washington at Broadway
Volunteers Said to Have Enrolled
Freely in Response to Ap-
peal of Government.
LONDON, July 8. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Chief interest in the
Irish situation for the moment cen
ters in the operations in the Bless
ington district; 15 miles south of
Dublin, In County Wicklow, owing
to the, supposition that Eamon De
Valera is with the irregular forces
there. The republicans are tightly
enclosed within a ring of national
troops and announcement if the final
success of the government forces is
awaited with considerable confi
dence. '
Erskine Childers, one of De Va
lerate chief supporters, and recently
reported as commanding the rebels
in the area south of Dublin, is said
by the correspondent of the Daily
Mirror to have been badly wounded.
DUBLIN; July 8. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) There has been a re
markable response to the provisional
government's call for volunteers to
assist in putting dowfi the repub
lican revolt. In this city alone
nearly 2000 men have been enrolled
for military service.
Prisoners Are Taken. ,
Substantial progress in the cam
paign being wagei against the re
publicans by the national forces in
the provinces is indicated in today's
official communique. More than 50
prisoners were taken at Arklow,
County Wiclilow; Drogheda on the
Louth Meath border; Newton Cun
ningham, County Donegal and Bal
lymore Eustace, County Kildare.
The town of Ferns, in County
Wexford, which has been strongly
held by the irregulars, has been cap
tured and the garrisons made pris
oner. -In the Ennis Corthy district
parties of irregulars are reported
to be roving about the country seiz
ing food and clothing. Drogheda is
completely controlled by the na
tional forces, the communique said.
National army troops operating
from south ublin and Curragh al
most completed an encircling move
ment around the Brlttas-Blessington-
Kllbride area, into which large num
bers of the irregulars had retired.
army headquarters announced this
afternoon. . .
Operation Is Success.
The operation has been completely
successful, it was declared, more
than 100 prisoners being taken and
the remainder of the irregulars dis
persed southeastward into the moun
tains. Most of the arms and am
munition of the insurgents was
taken. The men captured included
the leaders, A. MacDonnell and G.
The enveloping movement was
carried out on a front of from 15 to
20 miles, the almost complete en
circlement being brought about by
troops, many of whom were only in
training and fresh from other stren
uous operations, the statement de
clared, i
There were several casualties
among the nationals and the
wounded included Commandant Di-
neen. Some of the volunteers were
killed early in the operations.
Architects estimated that it will
require four years to rebuild the
areag devastated during the recent
fighting in the city, this not in
cluding replacement of the Four
Courts building.
The Irish Independent suggests an
Irish loan of f20,000,WQ. for recon
struction. "
, Served 5 to 8 P. M.
This Sunday we feature
delicious Roast Chicken
Dinner, temptingly
served, together with
other good things to eat.
269-271 Morrison St.
A Pleasant Place to Dine
Dancing Lessons
.The Downey-MacFarlain
I Dance Studios
(Formerly De Honey's)
- Open All Summer.
larg-est and Moat Prac
tical Schools In the West,
Private Lessons
All Honrs HALL,
23d and Washington Sts,
. Phone Main 5527.
14th, BTr. Washington St.
roie nroaavray 2O0Z.
WOTICE Teachers' Normal School
4 Open July 1 ENROLL NOW.
Let's Go
Boat Blue Bird
New Dock Location
Lvs. 8:30 Returns 11:45 Sharp
Music, Dancing, Refreshments
Edwards Annual July Furniture Sale Launches
An EVent With Magnitude mnt distinct o-te have
-vii invent vvilu iviagiiiLUUC b,on K,ven n ecoBd ducilan , BPlee
?Jf br nnnouneed July Sale prices of one week ago. The additional cut on
'iT L , """"" ;rnV?J:'L mr" For our eonveniencc to Inspect today, all
SeS he Fmk "reet door have bMn display of
h''rftdr, thi "r"k,l,'V'n " prices, will be held for future delivery
ZZ?rtl l".B'"'r "-m aPPly the same a. though you
"a i ill
Rich Old Ivory
$119.35 Suite of six pieces Bed. Dresser,
Dressing Table, Chiffonier, D. T.'
Chair and Slipper Rocker. See It in
the front -window today, priced at..
Polychrpmed Old Ivory
$109.50 Five-piece suite Bed. Dresser, Dress
ing Table, Dressing Table Chair and
. Slipper Rocker. An exceptional value
3-t .,.......
Frosted Grey-Tone Ash
$106.75 Triple Mirror Dressing Table, Bench '
Panel Bed, Chiffonier with Mirror ,
and Slipper Rocker. This attractive 77 OCT
-Pece setting, a suite you should J .OO
Birdseye Maple
$188.00 Full Panel Bed,.ewell front Chif-
- fonier, Triple Mirror Dressing (PI 10 AA
Ja!e ?A, Spindle-back Dressing JX JLO.UU
. Table Chair. An excellent buy at..
Queen Anne Mahogany
$342.50 Bow-fo-ot Bed, very hand
some Dresser. Chifferobe
with drawers, hat and
suit compartments (full
length mirror on door),
and a dainty Slipper
Rocker at
Polychromed Walnut
$213.25 Five pieces with beaded
decorations. Full Panel
Bed, Prlnces.s Vanitv, new
Chifferette, Cane Bench
and Slipper Rocker. Yours
Quaint Renaissance
$325.00 Suite of five pieces in old
ivory. Full Panel Bed,
. very large Dresser and
unusually good looking
Chifferette: Cane Seat
Chair and Slipper Rocker
to match, all for
Colonial Period Oak
$196.50 Massive Roll Bed, large Dresser, Dress- -ins'
Table, Cane Bench and Slipper fijl
Rocker. No one has seen anything like
this in many a day at
Birdseye Maple
$224.00 Suite of five pieces, also in Colonial -
period. There's a Bed. Dresser. Dressing L I fl
Table, Bench and Straight Chair. Priced 3XJJ
now at
With a Four-Poster Bed
$222.00 Setting of five pieces in mahogany. The -
Bed is a stunner and you'll like the SJ
other pieces too. See them in the front JJX
window today at
Duotone Decorated Ivory
$264.00 Period Bed with Cane Panels.
Chiffonier, distinctive Dressing A n
Tahle. Cane Bench and Slipper CI 7X II
Rocker. This is a most attractive J JJJ
value at
Solid Mahogany With Gane
Davenport, Chair and
Rocker, Worth Every
Cent of $260.00
Finished in the new
antique brown, bases built
like overstuffed and the
loose cushions and base
upholstery are of taupe and
mulberry velour.
Every Hammock
in the store. Values
to $6.00, at
SI. 98 r38mZ
The Most JExquisite
'Also Reduced
$750.00 Polychromed Mohair
Overstuffed Davenport, Fireside
Ghiir.... $475.00
$535.fl0 Taupe Mohair and
Velour Combination Suite of
pieces .,... .... .... $380.00
$375.00 Taupe Velour Over
stuffed Davenport, Chair and
o:ke:....,... . ..... $255.00
Odd Tapestry- Overstuffed
Chairs and Rockers; ffOQ rn
values to $75.00 at 03.3U
9S Cash t Week
No Interest.
9200 R. P. M. speed motor
With phosphor bronzt
alloy bearings.
One-piece cast aluminum
Wheel-driven soft hair
brush that will not pull
the nap out of carpet.
Weight 10 pounds. Heavv
enough to be durable and
light enough to be easily
carried around.
At Prices That Mean Something
-9x12 Japanese Grass $4.75
-9x12 China Matting 8.M1
-9x9 China Matting
-9x12 Art Supreme Grass. 13.S5
-9x12 Reversible Fibers ..V13.8S
9x12 PabcolKn Art Rug8.13.M
9x10.6 Pabcolin Art Rugs.11.8S
9x9 Pabcolin Art Rugs. . SI 0.83
7.6x9 Pabcolin Art Rugs. . l.t,-
6x9 Pabcolin Art Rugs... $6.05
6x9 Axminsters and
Wool Velvets at
9x12 Linen Fringed
Wilton Velvets at
9x12 Seamless Tap
estry Brussels at
9x12 Chenilles.
Plain and bordered,
. $55.00
9x12 Axminster and
Wool Velvets at
.12 Gent
I Wiltons a
9x12 Genuine
Wool Wiltons at
$25.00 "Peninsular"
25 Foot 34-Inch
Seamless Copper
Double-Coil Gas
$3 Cash. SI Week,
No Interest.
Equipped with one-piece
removable burner inside of
all-cast japanned and baked
Jacket. Weight 45 pounds,
height 23 inches and cir
cumference of jacket 23
inches. ,
Don't delay, get your
water heater at tne epecial
price and on special terms
by ordering this week.
Our Exchange Department
Trade In your Old Furniture, Rugs and Range the allow
ance now would be the tame as though you paid full and"
Tegular prices for whatever may be selected.
Very Beautiful Period ,
Mahogany Library
and Davenport
Values to $78 JO
Colonial. Queen Anne and William and
Mary very fine tables, too. There being
less than a dozen in all early selection
is' of vital Importance.
Table and Six Chairs
Walnut finishVand "Queen Anne" without question is
the most enhancing and admirable of all revived periods.
Table has 48-inch oblong top. Chairs have triangle
block supports and the JV'ew Bine Genuine Leather Slip
Seats, ..
AGood PaceTo Tradi- i,
DpTOWTTVf Two separate and distinct Ranges built togeth
T . Wood. Coal and Gas and takes up only a 36-inch
up complete with coils and gas lighter. $20 Cash $3 Week ro Interest.
tier upon one base; burns
space In the kitchen. Set