The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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    rm yjfDAr oregonian, Portland, jxjly o, 1922
"Psychologist" Regulation
Is Demanded.
Six Represent Multnomah
on State Committee.
Citv and State Health Officers
Plead for Regulation of
Visiting Practitioners.
Demand for the regulation of the
so-called "psychologists" and psy
choanalysts who have come ' to
Portland during the past few years
was voiced yesteraay by, leading
medical men of the city and state
and county health officers.
"We examine and regulate every
dentist, physician, corn doctor, bar
ber, . electrician, dancing master,
beauty parlor operator and truck
driver," said Dr. George H. Par
rlah, city health officer "yet we
allow any fly-by-night fakir who
cares to class himself as a phychol
ogist to come Into our city and
tamper with the unstrung nervous
and mental systems of weak
minded people. We will have to do
something, and do It quickly, to reg
. ulate and put a stop to the per
nicious practices of these self
proclaimed psychologists."
Dr. Parish and others who are de
manding regulation are not taking
tnto consideration any particular
man, although the subject had been
brought to their attention by the
presence In the city of Orlando E.
Miller, a lecturer who was denied
the -use of the municipal auununuui
and whose record has been illumi
nated by the better business bureau
of the Portland and Seattle Ad clubs.
Miller is but one of a long line of
loquacious "psychologists" who have
visited Portland In the past few
years. Most of them have silently
drifted away after extracting many
dollars from the pockets of credu
lous folks.
Offender! Hard to Reach.
"Psychologists, who ere without
proper qualifications, are a menace
to the health and well-being of the
community," said Dr. Frederick D.
Strieker, state health officer. 'Yet,
by a queer twist of the law, we are
unable to reach them or to bring
them under our Jurisdiction.
Pyschology 13 a science, a deep
science and one that requires years
of study. To be a good psychologist
a man or woman must first be a
good physician, able to understand
the physical as well as the mental
side of life.
"The majority of these fellows
who are preaching "psychology' and
taking in thousands of dollars by
, holding classes and curing mental
ills have no medical knowledge or
training whatever. I hold that the
practitioner who tampers with or
attempts to correct defects in the
mental or nervous makeup of an In
dividual should be a physician of
the highest type.
"Since this fad of psychology has
swept over the country . we have
witnessed a horde of ex-patent med
icine fakers, medicine show men
anu oLiiero ui iudu ........ '
field and grow rich at the expense
of the weak and sick. In my opin
ion the state will have to do some
thing to put these psychologists
under control."
Fraud! Openly Denounced.
Dr. George Parish was emphatic
tn his denunciatlbn, of self-appointed
"The medical profession recog
nlzes psychology and psycho-analy-8ia
as a science," he said. "To un
derstand the subject requires years
of study and experience as a medi
cal man. . A physician may treat a
man's arm or a man's leg, do a poor
job and cause the patient to lose
that member. But these fakirs who
get control over mental cases de
scribed as ibeing on the borderland
between sanity and insanity can
soon wreck the future of such a pa
tient by driving him or her incura
bly Insane.
1 think that any man who goes
nj e. lectuTe platform and poses as a
master of this science, that any fel
low who conducts classes lu psy
chology at from i&Q to J1000 a class,
ehould be subjected to the same
rigid inspection that is given the ap
plicant for a license to practice med
icine. These fakirs have gone far
enough. It is time for the medical
mrotession to stop their practices.
Dr. C. J. MeCuelcer, president o!
ia Oresron State Medical assocl
tlon. would subject the psychologist
to a rigid examination before allow
ing him to practice.
Character Also Factor,
"No man ought to be allowed to
follow this art unless, he is able
rTucth0adSTshourat rst I
have a proper medical! education ana
know the physical as well as the
mental make-up of man. These psy
chologists should bs regulated and
subjected to license and- examina
tion." "
The character of "psychologists"
Is an Important factor tn their work,
declared Dr. S. E. Josephl, well
known mental and nerve specialist.
Dr. Josephl, too, held that the psy
chologists should, be sub jectadi to ex
amination and license.
"Because of the intimate and deli
cate relations between th psycho
analylst and his patient," said Dr.
Josephi, "it Is necessary that the
practitioner be a man of irreproach
able character. Too many oppor
tunities for blackmail, hypnotism
and other reprehensible practices
are to be found in this science to
allow a man with a black past to
engage in it. t
Test Held Essential.
"While I do not believe that the
psychologist ehould be subjected to
the same examination as those who
practice medicine, I do hold that he
should be subjected to a test that
will how he knows the principles
of psychology and that he 1 a
reputable and trustworthy man.
"There is great danger for pa
tients who trust their cases to the
hands of quacks. Mental and nerv
ous disorders require skillful treat
ment. A man who attempt to cure
or correct these ailments without a
proper knowledge of his work is a
decided menace to the health and
well-being of th community."
Not alone from the medical stand
point is the psychological fakir re
garded as a nuisance and a men
ace. The police would like to see
their operations curbed.
"It is a well-known fact 1n east
ern police circles," said Chief of Po
lios Jenkins, "that many of these so
called psychologists are simply
blackmailers. In order to treat and
cure mental troubles they insist on
their patients writing out full and
complete histories of their lives. In
New York the police have broken up
several gangs who did a rushing
business In celling back these inti
mata diaries to foolish, people who
SflCI Vp 1 All r-JV f .
TTrs.rrjnk O.Northrujoi TTrs.Lee Davenportrtrs A.M.DiblIe.
t h I 14 W 1 K''-lA ' -f 1
spilled secrets. I would like to see
something ,done that would give us
a chance to regulate the activities
of these fellows. Psychology offers
a wonderful field for the blackmail
er and a man with a black record
should be barred from operating
in it." .
Mrs. Keid Makes Statement In
Connection With Lectures.
A series of lectures on "The Hid
den Dangers in the Teachings of
Applied Psychology in the Hands of
Fakers" will be begun this after
noon in the Star theater by Mrs.
Patricia Reid. Another lecture will
be delivered tonight at 8 o'clock,
preceded by a half-hour's musical
programme. The lectures will con
tinue through the week.
Mrs. Reid denied last night that
she was making a personal attack
on Orlando Edgar Miller, self-styled
man of the hour,:' who is delivering
lectures here. Mrs. Reid contended
that her purpose was to expose a
lot of lecturers on psychological
Shoe Store Proporietor Succumbs
After Poor Health for
About Two Years.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 8.
(Special.) J. H. Jaggy, pioneer
business man of this city, died at
Seaside, Or., suddenly this afternoon
of heart disease. He had not been
well for two yqars and went to Cali
fornia last spring in the hopes that
a change would benefit him. He did
improve, and had been In his store.
at Main and Sixth streets since,
though he did not work as hard as
he had for many years.
For many years Mr. Jaggy oper
ated a department store at Main and
Sixth streets, but -sold all but the
shoe department about ten years ago
and specialized in that.
He is survived by his widow and
two step-sons, Winfield Eberle, wno
has been managing the business
here, and Captain Sidney Eberle of
the aviationi corps.
Funeral arrangements - have not
yet been made. t
Portland Assemblies Will Hold
Joint Ceremony in Hall.
Oregon assembly No. 1, United
Artisans, will install officers for the
ensuing term at a meeting next
Thursday, in Woodmen of the World
hall, 128 Eleventh street. Liberty
assembly No. 52S will install Its new
officers at the same meeting. The
following officers-elect will be in
stalled: Past master Artisan, Dr.
William G. Keller; master Artisan,
A. P. Aplanalp; superintendent, L. C.
Langlols; Inspector, Roy Crane;
secretary. Dr. E. E. Van Alstine':
treasurer, John Rusself; senior con
ductor, Carrie Courter; master of
ceremonies, Adolph ( Halverson;
Junior conductor, Frank Fischer;
musician, Emma Zurfluh.
Dr. G. E. Eschelman, supreme
medical director, will act as install
ing officer.- The cadet team of
Liberty assembly will assist ; In
putting on the work. All visiting
Artisans are invited to the meeting.
Demise of O. N. Sullivan of Ray
mond Investigated by Coroner.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., July 8.
(Special.) The body of Dr. O. N.
Sullivan of Raymond was at the
county morgue here today and
Coroner Henderson- was making an
inquiry into the death of the well
known oculist.
Dr. Sullivan was riding with a
party of friends at an early hour
yesteTday morning when they dis
covered that he was not sleeping in
the back of the car, as they thought,
"but was dead.
James Rockey of Raymond, " who
was driving the car, immediately
came to South Bend and notified the
coroner. Death was believed to be
due to heart disease, and Dr. Sulli
van suffered from high blood pres
sure. Dr. Sullivan was unmarried
and lived at the Raymond hotel in
Papers Expected to Be About 200
Short of Required Number
if Ratio Continues.
' MEDFORD Or., July 8. (Special.)
Checking of the names on the
petition filed Wednesday for the
recall of Sheriff Terrill is being
continued by the county clerk. Out
of about 800 signatures, 83 per cent
have been thrown out as illegal.
At this rate the petitions will be at
least 200 short of the required '125
when completed.
Filers of the petition have re
quested that they be allowed to fake
the petitions out and have the
stricken signatures corrected and
verified. The county clerk has re
fused to allow this, as an official
document cannot be removed.
John J. Jeffries of Portland is in
the city. Mr. Jeffries is represent
ing the Ku Klux Klan in the I2B0,
000 suit against the organization
filed by B. F. Lindas of this city.
Attorney Jeffries has informed the
county clerk that unless the names
were put back mandamus proceed
ings to compel him to do so would
be Instituted. The mandamus pro
ceedings will be allowed to proceed,
as such actidn will put the burden
of proof that the signatures are
legal on the recall backers.
John J. Hoogstraat. local kleairle.
said before the recall was filed that
the klan "had no official connection
with the recall, therefore it is -assumed
that Attorney Jeffries is act.
lng for other interests in his threat
or a mandamus."
The five- days allowed for the
sheriff to resign expire Monday.
More requests were received today
for withdrawal of names, but these
will be held until the legality of
such action is established.
Two Women Sent Home; Youths
Jailed; Wine Destroyed. .
A box-car liquor party. In which
two young women, three youths and
a jug of wine were the principals,
ended disastrously for all concerned
early yesterday. The girls, sorrow
ful and repentant, were sent home
to their parents, the youths went
to jail and the wine flowed into the
Willamette river via the sewer.
The party was staged on a siding
on the Southern Pacific tracks In
the vicinity of East Twelfth and
Clifton streets. Residents, noticing
the gang climbing into the car,
called the police, believing that car
robbers were at work. Detectives
Persinger and Wescott and Patrol
men Jewell and Flemmlng answered
Two Men From Philadelphia Explain Organization as One to Pro
mote Good-Fellowship Among Travelers; Club Formed at Tampa.
HE "Tin Can Tourists of the
organization recently formed at
Tampa, Fla., according to A. Krlve
ruk and James J. Paulero, who yes
terday arrived at the city auto park
from Philadelphia. The organiza
tion was formed as the result of
friendships contracted during a
merry tourist season at the palm
shaded auto camp at Tampa. .The
emblem is a tin can with the initials
"T. C. T." and Is placed In some con
spicuous spot at the front of the ear.
The purpose of the fraternity is to
promote good fellowship on the oad
and to secure the benefits of co-operation
among travelers in their
common problems, such as brigand
age among merchants, Information
as to roads, etc. .
Mr. Kriveruk and Mr. Paulero
have been nine months on the road.
It is their second tour of the United
States in an effort to find a suitable
place to locate. Mr. Kriveruk claims
the distinction of crossing the At
lantic 81 times. , .
- . f
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sturm arrived
at the camp yesterday from Okla
homa City. Their reception, they
ay, was decidedly too warm, Mrs.
Sturm narrowly escaping being hit
by what was apparently a bullet
from a 22-caliber rifle fired from
behind the Peninsula park hedge,
probably by a small boy. The bullet
crashed through the windshield and
the call. They found the two girls
and Rudolph Bayf r, 22, Alvin Adams,
19,' and Everett Park, 19, in the car.
The girlss hopelessly intoxicated
were Bent home. The three youths
went to jail. When the trio ap
peared before Judge Ekwall later In
the morning Bayer received 15 days
in jail and the other two ten days
each, s ,
of John
Rathie Will
SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.)
The body of Elvie Kirby, alias
James Owens, who was hanged In
the state penitentiary here yester
day for the slaying of Sheriff Tay
lor of Umatilla county in 1920, will
be buried In the local Catholic cem
etery Monday. Burial of the body
here was ordered in a telegram re
ceived from Kirby's parents last
night. Brief funeral services will
be held at the grave.
The body of John Rathie, also
hanged here yesterday in connec
tion with tha Taylor murder, will be
sent to Idaho Falls - for burial.
Rathie's body was claimed by Father
Roache of the local Catholic church
and W. R. Dolan. ,
Thomas H. Frawley to Be Taken
to California.
SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.)
Thomas H. Frawley, arrested) In
Portland recently on a charge of
bigamy, will be returned to f-San
Francisco for trial. This was an
nounced today when the executive
office here honored requisition pa
pers issued by Governor Stephens of
' The complaint .alleged that ' Mr,
Frawley on April 21, 1912, married
Blanch Frawley In Katisas City. La-,
ter the Fawleys moved to San
Francisco, where, on December 2,
1919, it was alleged, Frawley mar
ried Vira E. Wilcox. Neither
Frawley nor his first wife has ob
tained a divorce, according to the
California officers.
Jackson County Probe Expected
to Start This Week.
SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.)
Investigation of outrages in Jackson
county alleged- to have, been com
mitted by so-called night riders"
probably will et under way within
the next few days, it was announced
here today. The investigation was
demanded by Governor Olcott in a
letter addressed to I. H. Van Winkle,
attorney -general.
Three specific Instances of mob
outrages were mentioned in a state
ment issued by the governor in con
nection with the letter; to the at'
Mrs. Sturm was hit by flyinr elass:
mr. ana Mrs. Hturm visited points of
interest all over the southern part of
tne united States, spent six weeks
at Yosemite and Intend to see Mount
tainler and to visit Yellowstone
park before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter ar
rived yesterday from Boston. They
passed the winter at Los Angeles
ana this spring took the ridge route
on a leisurely trip to ( Portland,
spending some time at points along
the way. They will visit Yellow
stone and return east next spring.
iney Ke tne scenery better in Ore
gon than in California, likening it
10 juassacnusetts scenery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ramsey and
three daughters, who arrived at the
auto camp several days aeo from
Beatrice, Neb,, have decided to make
their home tn Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. Phil A. of Butte, Mont.,
also are lookli und with a view
to settling In "Pv-tond. They an
nounce themselves as vurorlsed at
the reasonable prices of commodities
nere. '
v -
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Mason of Ful
erton, Cal., are stopping at the camp
en route from Vancouver, B. C. Mr,
Mason says he has never seen finer
roses than those of Peninsula park.
Mrs. E. F. Atwater, her daughter
ana Miss Mary Giles, all from Me
rldlan, Idaho, are encamped at the
auto park.
Not One Man From County Named
by Republican State Chair
man, W. L. Tooze Jr.
A noteworthy and unique situa
tion exists in the . new executive
campaign committee of the repub
lican party In tnis state, whereby
every member of the committee from
Multnomah county is a woman. All
the women from Portland on the
committee named by Walter L.
Tooze Jr., state chairman, have been
prominently identified in party ac
tivities for some time.
Mm. Cake Friend of Mrs. Harding.
Mrs. W. M. Cake Is the wife of
Judge Cake. tShe has served on va
rious party committees before and
is a personal friend of Mrs. Warren
G. Harding. She lives at the Nor
tonia hotel.
Mrs. F. O. Northrup, who lives at
153 East Sixty-eighth street, served
as alternate at the republican na
tional convention in Chicago in 1920,
when President Harding was nomi
nated. She served on the state cen
tral committee "in the last presi
dential campaign. Mrs. Northrup is
prominently identified In women's
club activities In the state.
Mrs. Julius L. Louisson has been a
member of republican committees
for the past four years. She is of
the- Council of Jewish Women. She
has been active in European relief
CInb President Is Member.
Mrs. C. E. Runyon has served as
president of the Portland Women's
club and on the Rose Festival board.
She has also been active in women's
club activities throughout the state.
Great service was rendered by
Mrs. Lee Davenport as chairman of
the Americanization department of
the .Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs. She has served for some
time as a member of the republican
women's committee.
Mrs. A. M. Dibble was among the
first women to be appointed to the
republican state committee four
years ago. She Is prominently iden
tified with fraternal and club ac
tivities. Autos Beach cloud cap
Two Motorists Make Drive Up Mt.
Hood's Steep Slopes.
HOOD RIVER. Or., July 8-(Spe-
cial.) C. C. Casey, npper valley or-
chardlst, and M Burkltt, Portland
capitalist, were the first two motor
ists to reach Cloud Cap inn this sea
son. -
The traveling was verygood td
a point about a mile below the inn,"
says Mr. Casey, but from there on
up It was certainly a terrific grind.
The road was very wet from the
melting snow banks on either side,
and the surface of rolling pebbles
made traction difficult. In one
place we had to shovel the snow off
the forest road before we could go
ahead. The road should be fairly
well dried out by the coming week
Mr. Casey drove an Overland tour
ing car, while the Portland motorist
piloted a Pierce-Arrow.
John Sturdivant Had Lived in
Coos County 49 Years.
MARSHPIELD, Or.. July. 8. (Spe
clal.) John Sturdivant, who died at
his Myrtle Point home, had lived fti
Coos county for 49 years and was 88
years old. He was born In North
Carolina and fought during the civil
war- with confederate troops. He
came to Coos county in 1873 and be
came a rancher, homesteadlng in
the neighborhood of Myrtle Point.
He leaves a widow and seven chit
dren: Mrs. Mary Shove, Los Angeles,
Cal.; Mrs. Alfred Schroeder, Coquille,
Or.; Mrs. George enyder. Empire:
Or.; Mrs., Dan Keating, Marshfield
Or., and George A., Thomas and
Robert Sturdivant of Myrtle Point.
John Sturdivant was the last surviv
ing charter member of Myrtle lodge,
Ancient, Free and Accepter Masons,
of his home city, and was buried
.with Masonic rites.
Car Oveturns Near Ashland Be
cause of Defective Steering Gear,
MEDFORD, Or., July 8.-(apeclal.)
When an automobile driven by L.
J. Orres of Ashland overturned early
today on the Pacific highway two
miles north of this city, three of the
five occupants were more or less
seriously Injured.
The accident was attributed to de
fective steering apparatus.
The occupants of the oar were L.
J. Orres, Ashland, broken arm and
cuts and bruises about the head
and face: H. J. Durfee, Ashland, cuts
and bruises about head and face
and badly bruised shoulder; M.-L.
Hanson and eon Donald of Iowa,
who are Ashland visitors, practical
ly uninjured; Robert Middlefcon, Ash
land, serious lacerations of the face
and head. . v
Tom Word Jr. Funeral Held.
Funeral services for Tom-Word
Jr., who died Friday morning' at the
Portland sanitarium, were held yes
terday at the mortuary of J. P. Fin
ley & Son. His body was taken to
the Portland crematorium for final
disposition. Mr. Word was the son
of Thomas M. Word, ex-sheriff of
Multnomah county and now & spe
cial agent for the department of
Justice. He was 'born in Eureka,
Cat, was educated at the Univer
sity of Oregon, and was employed as
reporter for the Retail Credit com
pany. -
War Hero Returns in Submarine.
LEGE, Corvallls, July 8. (Special.)
Oregon's representative in the liv
ing hall of frame at San Francisco
during the annual convention of
the Disabled American Yeterans of
the World War, Hursey A. Dakln,
Aggie war hero, arrived in Seattle
Wednesday in a submarine. The
three veterans' organizations of Cor
vallls, together with the' Corvallis
chamber of commerce, are .planning
to give him a welcome in the form
of a dinner at the chamber of com
merce rom July. 16,
Experienced Machinists, Machinist Helpers, Boilermakers,
Boilermaker Helpers, Blacksmiths, 'Pipefitters, Electricians,
Freight Car Repairers, Car Inspectors, and Air Brake
Repairers to take the place of men who have declared
United States
Railroad Labor Board
Apply to A. C, MOORE, 513 Oregon Bldg.,
WOULD COST $2,000,000.
Option Reported Already Held on
Site of Old Fialing Home,
at Fifth : and Taylor.
Flans for the erection of a 10-
story office building, costing more
than $2,000,000, on tne site of the old
Failing- home, bounded by Fifth,
Sixth, Taylor and Salmon streets,
are being promoted, It was learned
yesterday. Definite announcement
is expected to be made early this
It was learned that an option on
the site was obtained several weeks
ago from William C. Alvord, man
ager of the Henry Failing estate,
owner of the property, at an agreed
price of $750,000.
It was said yesterday that the
plans for the proposed structure
were being drawn and that the
money had all been raised. Pend-
g final closing of the deal, how
ever, It was declared that the pro
moters preferred to remain in the
Details relative to financing have
been in the hands of the brokerage
firm of Hopkins & East In the Pit
tock block and another real estate
firm, it was learned.
H. c. Hopkins said it was expected
to close the deal this week, so that
the erection of the building could
be started in .the near future.
He denied that either officials of
the Masonic orders or of the Fed
erated Patriotic societies had any
thing to do with the promotion of
the proposed structure.
The plans for the building, it was
said, provide that it shall be the
largest and most expensive business
block in the city. The tentative
plans provide for an auditorium
with a seating capacity for 15,000
persons, which would be located on
the three upper stories.
Mrs. Jane 'D. Kellogg.
Mrs. Jane D. Kellogg, resident of
Oregon for 70 years, died at her
home In this city, 572 East Morrison
street, on Monday, June 26, at the
age of 72 years. Funeral services
were held Wednesday following at
FInley's chapel and Interment was
at the Beaverton cemetery near
which Mrs. Kellogg had made her
home after her arrival in Oregon.
Mrs. Kellogg 'crossed the plains
from Indiana on a seven months'
honeymoon trip with her husband,
the late J. B. Kellogg. The trip
and arrival in Oregon was made
amid pioneer hardships which she
related In a history written a few
years ago. She and her husband
settled first near Beaverton and
later "they moved to Portland. Mr.
Kellogg "was known for years here
as a hotel man and was for a time
a member of the city council.
Mrs. Kellogg celebrated her 92d
birthday on April 28. She retained
a wonderful memory and could re
late many interesting Incidents of
the early days in Oregon.
She is survived by a son and
Ldaughter, Mrs. Annie K. Long and
Ernest Kellogg of tnis city. An
other daughter, Mrs. J. O. Hanthorn
of this city, passed away some time
There are alse seven grandchil
dren, Mrs. Harold Garyer, John B.
Long, Mrs. Stuart McGulre and Ray
Kellogg of Portland; Claude B. Han
thorn of San Pedro, CaL; Wesley
H. Hanthorn and Faith Hanthorn of
Seattle, Wash. She Is also survived
by four great-grandchildren.
Matthew Small.
; SILVERTON, Or., July 8. (Spe
c'iaJ.) Matthew Small, who had
been a resjdent of Silverton since
1862, and was known as one of the
large landholders in the Willamette
valley, died suddenly at his home at
Silverton yesterday morning at the
age of 8, For more than 50 years
Mt. Smadl operated the farm on the
.siIvai Vails road which is now
owned by his son, Hugh Small. Be
sides his widow, Mr. Small leaves
five children Mrs. Levie uregg ana
Too small of Oillfornia. and Mrs.
J. Smith and Hugh and John Small
of Silverton.
James William Davenport.
OLYMPIA, Wash., July 8. (Spe
cial.) Jaraee William Davenport,
c,i m. DassaA awav yesterday at
his home here. Mr. Davenport had
been a resident of Olympia since
1909. He was born in Crabtree
Springs, Ky., January 12, 1838. He
leaves a widow, two daughters, Mrs.
William Bryan and Miss Mary Dav
enport, both of Olympia, and two
sisters. - Funeral services will be
held Sunday afternoon at i o'clock
from the Jesse T. Mills parlors.
' Amos Ostrander.
THE DALLES, Or., July 8. Spe
cial.) The body of Amos Ostrand
er. If years old, a veteran pi the
fcrike Against
Decision of the
world wax who died In the govern
ment tuberculosis hospital at Walla
Walla last night, will be brought to
The Dalles Sunday for burial under
the auspices of members of the local
American Legion post Service will
be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:80
o'clock. Ostrander lived in The
Dalles In his early years, although
he entered the service from San
Francisco. He contracted tubercu
losis while in the service, and had
been in government hospitals for
many months. Burial will be be
side the bodies of his father and
mother in.the Oddfellows' cemetery
Samuel D. Crockett.
SEATTLE, Wash., July . Samuel
D. Crockett, pioneer manufacturer
and business man of Seattle and
prominent in financial circles
throughout the state of Washington,
is dead here at the age of 72. For
many years he was president of the
Seattle Securities company, relin
quiahing that position a short time
ago because of ill health. He was
one of the first furniture manufac
turers In the Puget sound district.
He is survived by hiB widow, Mrs.
Nellie V. Crockett, and a son and
daughter, residing here. Funeral
services will be held here Monday.
New Highway Route" Planned.
EUGENE, Or., July 8. -(Special.)
Deeds to right-of-way for the new
Pacific highway through the river
bottom-between Junction City and
Harrisburg were filed for record 'n
the office of the county clerk yes
terday. In changing the route of
the highway along the bottom the
county court and state highway
Take Mastin's Vitamon
To Build "Stay-There,,
Flesh and Clear Skin
Easy and Economical To
Take Results Quick
Thin run-down folks should find this
simple test well worth trying: First
weigh. yourself and measure yourself.
Next take MASTIN'S Vitamon two
tablets with every mead. Then weigh
and measure yourself again each week
and continue taking MASTIN'S
Vitamon regularly until you are
satisfied with your gain in weight,
"pep," energy and Improved appear
ance. MASTIN'S Vitamon Tablets
contain highly concentrated yeast-vlta-mines
as well ae the two other still
more Important vltamines (Fat Solu
ble A and Water Soluble O combined
witk true organio iron and the neces
sary lime salts all of which Science
aayi your body must have to keep you
strong, vigorous, well-formed and for
tified against the germ of disease. . By
Increasing the nourishing power of
what you eat MASTIN'S Vitamon help. wppiy Just wt your body nMdg
Far laereMerf waljht. "" aad eherey Mt
try taklai two at MASTIN'S Vltaaea TableU
with eaeh Meal far a chart time aad wateh
the truly amazing raeulta.
Q :
T7-i r r
ljiJU TL Yf
If X?
i a taeJhMSss
If in trouble, don't wait Delays are dangerous.
Portland, Oregon
commissioners had in mind the erec
tion of the proposed bridge across
the Willamette to replace the pres
ent ferry. The bridge would be
some distance above the ferry.
Hermiston Potatoes Shipped.
PENDLETON, Or., July 8. (Spe
cial.) More than 12 cars of "Earli
est of All" potatoes from the HeT
miston irrigated district will have
been shipped over the northwest
when the season on this potato is
over In wo weeks. Nearly a car a
day Is being graded and packed in
lugs for shipment. The potatoes
are nearly all grade first-class, ac
cording to Fred Bennion, county
agent, and bring a better price in
the markets than if they were
shipped in bulk.
Poisonous Still Is Seized.
A still which Is believed to have
manufactured the poisonous moon
shine whisky which caused the
death some time ago of Andrew
Huffer, Indian at Grand Ronde, was
seized in Yamhill county yesterday
by federal prohibition agents. The
still was located near the town of
Summit. Jim Langley, accused of
being the operator, was placed in
the McMinnville jail.
Grade Crossing Permit Asked.
SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.)
The Linn county court has filed an
application with the Oregon public
service commission for permission
to establish a grade crossing over
the tracks of the Southern Pacific
company near Plainview. The ap
plication will be considered at a
hearing to be held later this month.
Or what m an "
an Biy. aiatlltd
unktn eheeks, aanebat nndar 1
ayef, ar a fterswsra. tlckly-
faeel MASTIN'S VlUmaa T...
lata aultkly kaip to altar your akla. ut
flm, healthy flwh an your bones, and
ineraaia your ham faraa and power. Try
than yaunelf aad tee.
10 leea tne sbrunken tissues,
strengthen Internal organs, clear
the skin and renew shattered nerve
force without upsetting the stom-
iKws acn or cauatng Ka. Pimples, boils
chut ana sum eruptions seem to vanish
lj MCMCias If by magic under its healthful.
skips pumylng influence. But It Is not
liwoailonly a question of how much better
you look and feel, or what roar
friends say and think the scales
and tape measure will tell tbnlr
tniU own story. A two weeks' test will
surprise you.
WABNING! Tour safety and
protection depend upon getting
MASTIN'S Vitamon Tablets If it
isn't MASTIN'S It isn't the Orig
inal and Genuine VITAMON the
World's Standard now used by
millions and recommended by
doctors. Beware of imitations,
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upon MASTIN'S. At all sood drug
gists, such as
,'ThOwlDrug Co,i.
1 ll.iu kTJ
The G. Gee Wo Chinese
Medicine Company
162& IIRST ST..
Avoid operations by taking in time my well
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Scrofula, Catarrh, Asthma, Lusg, Throat, Liver,
Kidney, Rheumatism, Blood, Stomach and all
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The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no
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by us from far away oriental countries.