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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1922)
THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND; JULY 9, 1922 13 70,000 ARE ASKED WEEK Invitations Have Been Sent Throughout 14 States. teur theatricals In Portland's Little theater. Mr. -Reddle will play the part of Colonel Gray. Hildegarde Repinen and Arthur Johnson, both of Portland, will have the parts of Ginevra and Stephen Rollo. The other parts -will be handled as fol lows: Amy, Mrs. Norma DobieTSolve of Eugene; Cosmo, Alf Korn of Eugene; the nurse, Mrs. Kathleen Durham of Bay City, and Richard son, Katherine Watson of Chicago." LARGE CROWD EXPECTED Portland Manufacturers, Jobbers and Merchants Lay Extensive Flans tor Annual Event. , Seventy thousand Invitations have been sent throughout the 14 west ern states, British Columbia and Alaska by Portland manufacturers, jobbers and wholesalers, inviting re tail merchants to attend the tenth annual Pacific northwest merchants convention, commonly known as "Buyers' w-eek," to be held here Au gust 7-12. Already acceptances are being re ceived at Buyers' week headquar ters, and indications are that the at tendance will be ire excess of that of last year, when 1600 visiting buyers registered. Several letters have been received from merchants in Petersburg, Wrangle. and Ketchikan, Alaska; British Columbia and Mon tana to the effect that the writers are planning attending the conven tion. Replies from merchants in California, Idaho, Utah and Wash ington also have been received -asking for more complete details of the programme for the week. Public Auditorium Kngagwl, The executive committee is mak ing elaborate preparations for a record-breaking attendance. To ac commodate the visiting buyers at the various entertainment functions the public auditorium has been en gaged for two events, and two floors cf the Chamber of Commerce, in cluding the main dining room and the green room, have been reserved for the annual dinner. Many entertainment features are being scheduled, including a fash ion show, receptions, smokers, the ater parties for women buyers, auto mobile rids, a night excursion on the Willamette and other events. Portland's wholesale and jobbing houses and manufacturing plants will hold open house during the week. Goods wili be on display ana a corps of employes in each estab lishment will be on hand to escort the visiting buyers through the dis play rooms, and heads of firms will be on hand to greet their patrons. Rail Fare Refund Planned. As an inducement to stimulate buying, the executive committee has decided to follow the custom estab lished in- former years and refund one round-trip railroad fare to each firm which purchases goods amount ing to at least $500. This rebate is applicable only to fares paid on the certificate plan of one and one-half fare. Visiting buyers s'ho come to Portland by automobile or boat will receive the same rebate, based upon the railroad fare from their home town. . Arrangements have been made with the officials of the local auto mobile camp to extend courtesies to visiting buyers who come by auto mobile and who dsire to remain in the camp during their stay tn Port land. It is said that a number of persons have expressed a desire to avail themselves of these privileges. TAXES HELD INVESTMENT Dividends Exceed All Others, Says Dr. D. C. Sowers. That the ' money paid out in taxes Is by far the best investment made by the average family Is the contention of D. C. Sowers, director of the Akron, O., bureau of municipal-research. He declares that divi dends from taxes exceed those of other investments, taking as an il lustration the fact that while a fam ily may pay $100 a year in taxes on a house, it costs a local govern ment usually more than that to edu cate one child of the family for one year. Dr. Sowers, who is a former Uni versity of Oregon professor, was in 0 BISHOPS GOMING Ell Church Heads to Arrive in Advance of Delegates. EPISCOPALIANS TO MEET About 4000 Eminent Clergymen to Attend Annual Gathering Here In September. Approximately 100 bishops of tie Protestant Episcopal church will arrive in Portland on August 30, one week in advance of the general con- ONE HUNDRED EPISCOPAL BISHOPS TO ARRIVE IN ADVANCE OF CONVENTION. , 3 1 rtl Tho Riirli t Rev. Thomas F. Gallor. D. B., btshon of Tennessee and ' president of the bishop's council of the Episcopal church. Right The Most Rev. Daniel Sylvester Turtle, D. D IX., D., presiding bishop of the Episcopal church and bishop of Missouri. Both will be In Portland for the gathering. , - ! the city yesterday conferring with City club governors and committees. Before coming to Oregon in 1915 he was Identified with the Carnegie foundation and traveled extensively. He was a $taff member of the6 Day ton bureau of research, and later became the director of the Akron bureau. He will return to Ohio this week after having spent his vaca tion in western states. "Having its origin 15 years ago through a group of New York men interested in getting more returns from the tax dollar, the bureau of municipal research is now an im portant factor in the government of many American cities," said Dr. Sowers. "The bureaus are usually organized as unofficial bodies to make a dispassionate study of civic problems in order to effect a maxi mum return on the tax dollar. An important by-product of such a bu reau is that city hall affairs are speeded up, simply because an unof ficial group is known to be on the watch." J LUMBERMEN TP FROLIC PICNIC TO BE HELD AT BON NEVILLE WEDNESDAY. Games ot All Sorts and Old Fash ioned Lemonade to Feature Up-River Outing. Lumbermen of Portland are gbing to forget forest fires and domestic ' and export orders, lock their of fices and journey to Bonneville Wednesday, where they will hold their annual picnic. The affair, ac cording to its promoters, promises to be "the greatest thing that has happened on the Pacific coast since the San Francisco earthquake." The press agent declares that there is going to be lemonade on the grounds "an old-fashioned bar rel of lemonade," he says. "There will be a dipper and everyone can help himself. This year it will be against the rules to stick your arm in any farther than the elbow. We hate to be mean about rules, but last year after the picnic we found in the bottom of the lemonade bar rel a fountain pen, three rings, one bracelet, a set of false teeth, a back comb and a plug of chewing tobacco, and we want to avoid that sort of thing this year; it is too much trou ble for the committee to locate the owners." There will be games and sports of all kinds at the picnic. Featured among the events .will be a 'Tars' contest" for wholesalers. The co-n-mittee in charge is composed of '.he following: Carl Crow, Fred Cutler, Elmer Xanten, Forrest Haworth, Fred Roblln, Harry Officer, H. B. Van Duzer, Lloyd Wentworth, Ralph Burnside, Fred Hart and Charles Miller. CHINESE DOCTOR JAILED Purchase ot Opium by Informer Causes Arrest. - Fong Lee, Chinese physician ot 308 Second street, will confine his medical activities, for the next six months, to the treatment of prison ers at the Kelly Butte rockpile. The reason will be the medical man's Involuntary residence at that institution for the stated period. Fong Lee was arrested Friday night by members of the police nar cotics squad after a police informer had purchasod a supply of opium with marked money at the. China man's establishment. Fong Lee ap peared before Municipal Judge Ek wall Saturday, was found guilty and got a six months' jail sentence. CAST FOR PLAY NAMED Mrs. John Lender to Have Title Role In University Xumber. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene July 8. (Special.) The cast for the summer school play, Carrie's "Alice Sit-by-the-Fire," to be produced by the class in dramatization, under tho direction of Fergus Reddie, head of the department, has been selected. The play, a three-act comedy, will be shown in Guild hall, July 21. Alice, the title role, will be played by Mrs. John Leader of Portland, wfeo baa don much work in am a- CAMPUS .ROLL NOW 353 University Summer Attendance , Exceeds That of Last Year. " UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, July . (.special.) ai me close of the first half of the sum mer session yesterday the enroll ment on the campus had reached a total of 353, or seven in excess of the figures for the session of last year. With the Portland enroll ment approximately BOO, the total for the combined summer session reached 850, or almost exactly the number in the preliminary estimates by Earl Kilpatrick, director of the sessions. . Of the campus enrollment 163 are men and 190 women. The graduate work mostly is concentrated on .the campus, with many of the courses in Portland given for undergraduates. A total of 88 graduate students are enrolled in classes on the campus, a larger number than usual in the summer sessions. vention, according to a letter just received by John W. Lethaby, ex ecutive secretary of the Oregon dio cese, from the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gaiilor, president of the bishop's council. Bishop Gailor stated that a special meeting of the bishops had been called a week in advance of the convention to consider the proposed changes in the prayer book, and to prepare resolutions covering the pro posed changes in proper shape for submission to the convention. This announcement means that Portland will be favored with the presence of 1-00 of these eminent clergymen for almost a month, in stead of three weeks, as was origi nally anticipated. Never, before has a religious convention asembled in Portland, which has brought auch a large number of national figures to the city. There are lav bishops in the Ameri can church. About 120 are expected here at some time during the con vention. It is probable that about 10 bishops will be absent, including the retired and Infirm members of the college. One hundred v bishops have already sent in their reserva tions to the diocesan office for ho tel rooms, with the exception of a few bishops who desire to reside in private homes, the entire college will be housed at the Multnomah hotel. ' The convention will not only bring the college of bishops to the city, but also about 4&0D eminent clergy men and leading churchmen. Among the latter will be many of the lead ing business men and financiers of the nation. Committee Faces Problem. The problenvwhich the entertain ment committee is now facing is to get comfortable living Quarters for these clerical delegates sand lay dep uties. Fifteen hundred have already sent in their reservations, some of tnem asking the committee to re-, serve an entire house within a short distance of the auditorium where the main convention sessions will be held. Others are more concerned about having definite arrangements made for them to see the Columbia river highway, Crater lake, and other beauty spots in the state, while others want to take a try at salmon or trout fishing. Instead of spending their vaca tions in some popular eastern sum-, mer resort, a large number of east ern churchmen are planning on bringing f heir families to the con vention and enjoying their vacation in the northwest. Each mail at the diocesan office brings in new re quests for literature on Oregon and its scenic points. ' . Presiding Bishop Is 87. The presiding bishop of the Epis copal church, who will be one of the 100 to arrive by August 30, is the Most Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, D.D LL.D., bishop of Missouri. He Is 87 years old and has been presid ing bishop of the American church for six consecutive triennial con ventions, or since 1904. . There have been 46 triennial con ventions of the American church, 18 of which have been held in Phila delphia arid 13 in New York city. This is the fourth time the conven tion has .met west of the Mississippi river. The other three western con ventions were: Minneapolis, 1895; San Francisco, 1901, and St. Louis, 1916. Telephone Receivership Denied. MARSHFIELD, Or., July 8. (Spe cial.) John S. Coke, Judge of the circuit court of Coos county, refused to appoint a receiver for the Oregon Export Lumber company on petition of the Coos & Curry Telephone com pany. Judge Coke, in making the decision, said that a suit for recov ery could not be started ttrough an action at law by such a small cred itor. He eaid that the. company al ready had an attachment against the Oregon Export company, and no benefit could accrue to the telephone company through a receiver. MASS MEETING IS HELD Beaverton Shop Strikers Hear La bor Ijeaders Talk. BEAVERTON, Or., July 8. ?Spe cial.) The employes of the South ern Pacific shops, home of the red cars, held a big mass meeting at Freeman's theater tonight. A big crowd of shopmen, their families and all the business men of town gathered together to listen to labor's side of the present strike. Messrs. Zeigler, Kirk and Nash of the labor council at Portland addressed the audience on the issues in dispute. Public sentiment Is strong here for the workmen. Accused Man Posts Ball. MARSHFIELD, Or, July 8. (Spe cial.) H. E. Colby, who was' held on a charge of involuntary man slaughter, posted bail in the sum of J2000 and will be tried at the Oc tober term of court, providing the grand Jury finds an indictment against him. Colby was driving a car between North Bend and. Marsh field on the Fourth of July and, in attempting to pass another car, ran into one coming from the opposite direction. Pete Wheeler, riding with Colby, died from injuries received when their car upset. DDDDDDQDDD D D Q D D DiELD The newest plumbing fitting the MUELLER Tub-Shower Faucet gives you -a shower; bath or a tub bath at your option simply raise or lower the center knob and you get hot, cold or tempered water through spout or spray the hose is permanently attached insist on this faucet for your new tub or have it installed on your old tub. Mueller faucets Made for every purpose for which a faucet is used They last a lifetime and are absolutely dependable. When you need a faucet of any . kind let us show you the MUELLER Line. And ask its particularly about the MUELLER Combination Sink Faucetthe ideal fitting for rinsing dishes, washing vege tables, etc, does the work thoroughly keeps the hands out of the dish water. ' Ask your plumber or write H- MUELLER MFG. CO., DECATUR, ILL. New York Gty San Fraocaco 145 West 30th Street 633 Minion Street Automatic Refrigeration Capacity machines, 200 lb., 600 lbs., lOOO lbs, 2000 lllL, SOOO lbs. These machines excel any ma chine manufactured in workman ship, economy of operation and services rendered. Require no attention. No belts. No visible flywheel. No fouling of gas. Occupy very small space. Perfect automatic control. Particularly adapted for fcomea, meat markets, etc. Consultation free. Bell Ice Machine and Refrigerator Co. 63 East 8th St., Near Oak PORTLAND, OREGOJf Phone East 8872. MEN WANTED ICING GARS ROSEVILLE, CAL. j H Free transportation. - Board and S j room furnished. 50 cents per - hour; 12 hours guaranteed. PACIFIC FRUIT EXPRESS CO. 525 Yeon Building Fruit Jar Rubbers For canning purposes we of fer one of the chief essentials at a low price. , Best 'quality rubbers. The best rings OQn for cold peck, 3 doz. . . MSs To get to our store, take a D-M of N-S car to 27th and Thurman sts.' Khaki Wash Suits Best quality khaki cloth, well made by a well known house. Oliver Twist and middy styles. Sizes up io 8 years. flJO OQ Ward's low price.. viUmUU. New Fruit Press The newest and best. Unsur passed for making jellies and fruit butters. Strains as it presses, well made, qr convenient to operate Barber Shears A shears of good quality 6teel in the gunmetal finish. 7 inches long. An unusual value at a very low price at oip Ward's big store only. atisfaybur Money Bac 27TH AND VAUGHN STS. Store hours, 8:30 5 P. M. Cafeteria, 4th floor. Bigger Values and Savings in Special July Off erings Best Corset Valuer at Low Prices Topless style; elastic inserts. A white c o u t i 1 ; big val ue for, D Front lace; me dium high bust; extra quality coutiL jQ.89. Only .. DO - Front lace; ' me dium high bust, sizes fl0.98 22 to 30, D Reducing corset; coutil; abdominal strap s. Size 32 to JQ.29 36 PO - Drug Sundries Demonstrating our low prices in this depart ment. The Waxdwajr New , . . Bathing Suits New arrivals of quality bathing suits in worsteds, for men, women and children are now ready. Neat, attractive colors m fast dyes. Include one of these in your vacation bag. $JJ9 to m -Remnants Half Price We offer for thrifty shoppers an exceptional opportunity to save by showing this large assort ment of remnants. Just down from our mail order departments, every kind of cloth of woolens, cottons 'and silks, and . Jiundreds to choose from. The best pat terns and colors, good long lengths, and they are all nice and clean. An unusual offering. Half Price Women's $4.75 Brown 1 -Strap Pump s;a it Special July Price Goodyear Welt Sole Neat . and attractive. Summer Dress Fabrics Tissue ginghams 59c Yd, Organdies, . 69c Yd. Checked taffetas $1.39 Yd. Extra quality taffeta $1.89 Yd. Random picked values revealing the lower prices offered here. 32-inch All-silk Pongee v II yard Plain Colored Voiles 45c Yd. Colored dimity, 39c Yd. Plain Colored Poplins 75c Yd. Heavy Georgette crepe, $1.98 saves. Mineral Oil, TheMjuart BizebotHe - 89c Bay Rum, . t one pint bottle, 57c Peroxide, one pint bottle 19c Hot Water Bag, - the number 2. size, 74c 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton, our low price, 42c Spray Syringe, two-styles and only 89c Novelty Girdles 45c Summer styles require the wearing of girdles with some garments. This girdle is new, neat, and of smart appearance. Children's Shoe Special Of elk leather in either black or brown; button style with stitchdown soles. A shoe built for hard wear. 6 to 8, h 8 to 11, 11 to 2, $28 $.55 $.98 White canvas SHOES 39c Women's; plain toe, high heel. A fine quality shoe, regular $2.89 Value. New Reduced Prices on Selected Furniture Offerings July Clearance Sale of Fiber and V - Grass Furniture This is an offering of high-grade, best-finished furniture, built by skilled workmen with years of experience. Materials of good quality throughout. These prices offer big savings. Arch-Back Rocker Made of Chinese sea grass over hard wood frame, natural finish, Nice roomy,. comfortable seat. flQ if Special value OO.tciI Arm chair to match, $8.35. Basket-Seat Rocker A reed rocker of real comfort. Strang hardwood frame, broad, bowed back. This, is our regular $7.85 . QP rocker, reduced for this sale Otl.t O Comfort Rocker Light weight and sturdy. Wide, roomy seat, wide arms and good height back. Natural fin- (jrj rjfT ish. Our $8.95 value . . D I I O Arm chair to match $7.65. Cushion-Seat Fiber Rocker Something extraordinary in wicker furniture. Upholstered in neat pat terns. Padded back. Low n PA hung, coil spring seat. tPXO.tlU Spring-Seat Fiber Settees These settees are very acceptable for either parlor or porch use. Have good, wide, well built spring seats, are upholstered attract- Q1 Q High-Back Rocker Fiber reed, finished in gloss brown. Has com fortable high back, roll seat and arms. Extra special price at ; $7.95 ively in different colors Many other articles in summer furniture that will interest you at our new low July prices. All on display in our retail store. Master-Made Bed Springs 120 coils of tempered steel springs that give you th utmost in comfort. Noise less. Fits either wood or metal bed. Our (PI A rjf? price lowest at DJLU4 eJ Colonial Design Dining Tables - . AK inch ton of it1wvr I Oak taHa 45 inch top of either golden or fumed brown finish. An oak table of extra quality and appear ance. Sale CJOi .75 price tOGJ. Oak table of famed! finish; 48 inch top. A very attractiva ta ble and sold at a big reduction. $38.50 Italr S26.85 This Beautiful Table Made of oak, fin- -f O 7 S ished in a dark I X brown finish. A very attractive library table' in every respect and an excep tional value at our low price. Quartered Oak Library Table Oak table with book shelf and drawer, panel end, size 40x24 inches. Extra well fi1 Q A P built. Special ... iDlO&O Golden Oak Library Jable A massive 48 inch table of ex ceptional fine qualities. Real sturdy. $25.75 val- (PI Q f7r ue. Reduced to .. D-L7.4U Oak Chairs $3.95 I A good, sturdy chair -of excel lent quality in a special sale. Compare our new low prices with others. 'Ml it t i nI II - Music Cabinets Well built and finished phono graph cabinets of various styles and sizes in this special offer ing for radio fans. Just the place to . keep . your outfit. Regular values up to $18.50. Our Special price. $7.50 Bed, Spring and Mattress Our low price for dof o the set of three..... tj) Lj Steel bed of two-inch continuous posts, either ivory or Vernis Martin finish. Fabric springs. Mattress is 45 pound felted cotton,-made of good materials throughout. Big value in this set. Offered at our special July price. Master-Made Mattresses 50-lb., Cotton Feltea Layer built of new, clean cotton.' Good quality covering QQ QK with heavy roll edge.. DO5J Kapok Floss Mattress Soft, light weight mattress of eao. treme comfort. Ex- Q- Q J7C cellent value, only.. D04J