The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 09, 1922, Section One, Image 1

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Section One
Pages 1 to 20
96 Pages
Nine Sections
Entered at Portland lOrKuni
Poitofflce ftjB Second-class Matter.
i nrrrc Dipu unMccIL I nil
di rurvjo rvniiuuno,
Half Dozen States As
semble Soldiers.
IS 51 ILL Ml I 111
Two Men Are Wounded by
Private Guard.
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Obtains Order New Or
leans Court Also Acts.
CHICAGO, July 8. (By the As
sociated Press.) The calling out of
troops In Illinois, the assembling of
soldiers in half a dozen states and
the Intervention of the , federal
courts in the nation-wide strike of
railway shopmen marked the close
of the eighth day of the walkout
The Chicago, Burlington & Quln
ey railroad tonight obtained a fed
eral injunction here restraining
picketing at the Aurora shops, while
earlier in the day an injunction was
issued at New Orleans restraining
strikers from interfering with
trains on the Southern Pacific and
at Council Bluffs, Iowa, the Bur
lington obtained a temporary re
straining order directed against
striking Bhopmen in southern Iowa.
A half dozen other railroads were
expected to follow the lead of the
Burlington here. Department, of
Justice officials at Washington were
investigating reports that strike
disorders were interfering with the
Troops Sent to Clinton.
Lieutenant-Governor Sterling of
Illinois tonight ordered troops to
Clinton, where an outbreak was
threatened following a clash be
tween Illinois Central guards and
strike sympathizers in which a boy
was Wiled and two men, one a.
striker, were injured. - j
One bright ray appeared through
the threatening strike clouds to
night when D. W. Helt, president
of the Brotherhood of Railroad Sig
nal Men, announced that he would
withhold strike orderB to 14,000 sig
nal men pending the preparation
and submission of a programme to
the United States railroad labor
All-Day Farley Held.
Mr. Helt's announcement was
made following an all-day confer
ence with W. L. McMenimen, labor
member of the board. This was the
second time within a week that
members of the board have inter
vened to stop an addition to the
Btrikers' ranks, walkout of 400,000
maintenance of way men having
been postponed in this manner a few
days ago.
With B. M. Jewell, head of the
shop crafts, and the labor board
each standing firm in the attitude
that peace overtures must come
from the other, the railroads tonight
were girding for the second week of
the struggle, determined to maintain
uninterrupted transportation and
thus break the strike.
Many roads were preparing to
open their shops the first of the
week, when the ultimatum to strik
ers to return or lose their seniority
rights expires. Some carriers have
applied for troops to -protect em
ployes and property in this move,
others are making arrangements to
afford private protection to em
ployes who remain at work, and oth
ers that are being employed.
Nothing la Accomplished.
Efforts looking to an immediate
settlement of the strike apparently
accomplished nothing today. Fol
lowing the statement yesterday of
Chairman Ben W. Hooper of the
labor board that the board had no
power to mediate the strike so long
as the men remained away from
(Concluded on Page 8. Colump 1.)
jGW tkcv sort op is scrnx awone. ,
Valuable Rugs, Antiques and
Gems Taken as Baritone
Renders Pagliacci Role.
CHICAGO, July 8. Police today
sought a musical burglar who dur
ing the week looted at least seven
exclusive Chicago residences of
thousands of dollars' worth of jew
els, bric-a-brac and money, after
first lulling suspicions of neighbors
by his rare pianlstic technique.
The burglar displayed a large ar
tistry both as a musician and a
burglar, according to detectives
who investigated his depreda
tions. He cut small holes in glass
door panels and jimmied locks with
a regard for the woodwork. He re
vealed a fondness for Verdi'o com
positions, those who heard him said.
At one home he played a score
from "Rlgoletto" and obtained $700
worth of valuables. At another he
rendered a pleasing portion from
"La Traviata" and selected with the
taste of a connoisseur $1500 worth
of heirlooms and jewelry. In a third
home "Aida" was the accompani
ment as he helped himself to a col
lection of costly ornaments. "II
Trovatore" and an improvisation of
exceeding promise marked the theft
of $1000 worth of gems at another
The burglar sang from "Pagliacci"
in a rich, well-modulated baritone
as he chose from a collection of
rugs, antiques and jewels s.t two
Miss Leona White Is Reported to
Be Slightly Improved.
FOREST GROVE. Or., July 8.
(Special.) The condition of Miss
Leona White, who was thought to
have been fatally injured in an auto
accident here last night, was slightly
improved late tonight. The accident
ocpurred when a car in which six
high school students of Forest Grove
were driving turned over in the
ditch as it was rounding a curve on
the loop highway between Forest
Grove and Gaston.
The occupants were Miss. Leona
White and her twin sister, Leola, of
Scogglns valley, Dorothy Patrick,
Carl Broderson, Gomer Samuels and
Ronald Vandoren, all of Forest
rove. Broderson sustained a' bro
ken shoulder and Samuels' ribs were
broken. The others escaped with
minor cuts and bruises. The injured
girl has a fractured skull and has
been unconscious since the accident
The machine was driven by Leola
White. ,
Fair Weather, With Northwest
erly Winds, Forecast.
Cool weather seems to be in order
for the next few days. The maxi
mum temperature reached at -4:30
P. M. yesterday was 75, the same as
it was Friday. Forecaster Wells
thinks he will slip another cool day
over on the populace today, since
the low pressure area occurlng to
the east of Portland has come to
stay for a short time.
An .area of high pressure which
has been hovering to tha northeast
of the city is moving over to balance
up the low pressure and is causing
the cool winds of the high altitude
to slip down and give Portland peo
ple relief from the 90-degree heat
wave of the , last few days. The
forecast for today is fair, cool, and
northwesterly winds.
Week's Auto Trip From Washing
ton to Ohio Is Ended. ,
President Harding returned to the
White House late today from his
week's automobile trip to Ohio.
During his absence President
Harding attended marine maneuvers
at Gettysburg, the centennial cele
bration at Marlon. Q,, and a recep
tion in his honor at Columbus,, O.
in addition to making several stops
along the route for brief addresses.
The- final day of the return trip,
which was the 31st wedding anni
versary of the president and Mrs.
Harding, was spent in tiaveling
over the mountains between Union
town, Pa where the last overnight
stop was made, and here.
Second Annual Festival
Held at Newberg,
Portland and Other Cities
Send Delegates.
Large and Elaborate Parade Held.
Goddess of Liberty Float
Is Feature.
NEWBERG. Or., July 8. (Spe
cial.) Newberg's second annual
berry festival over which Queen
Evah 1 ruled today with gracious
dignity, surrounded by a resplendent
court, was a successful and notable
event in the community life of this
city from every angle. The weather
was delightfully cool and thlsr
proved to be a strong additional fac
tor in the accomplishments of the
Newberg was host to a large
crowd of visitors from other sec
tions and eyerythlng possible was
done to make their presence enjoy
able. Business was suspended and
the whole city profusely decorated
In honor of the festival and the
guests within the gates
Fairies Precede Queen.
The festival was Inaugurated in
the morning by the arrival at the
city park of Miss Evah Hadley, a'c
companied by her retinue, to be
crowned queen. She was escorted
by R. A. Butt, chief blackcap of the
Berrians, preceded by fairies and
followed by attendants. The as
sension to the throne was heralded
with music by the Royal Rosarian
band of Portland, and the coronation
ceremony was performed by S. M.
Calkins, mayor, In the presence of
an immense gathering that prac
tically filled the park. The mayor
presented to Queen Evah the key to
the city, following which her ma
jesty bestowed the symbol Upon J.
Addison Bennett of Portland, as rep
resentative of the guests from out
side communities, thus emphasizing
Newberg's spirit of hospitality.
This formality disposed of, a Boy
Scout messenger, heralded by the
roll of -drums, arrived before the
throne and presented to the queen.
through Chief Black Cap Butt, a
message from Mayor Shuts of Hills
boro, announcing the coming of Miss
Cecil Emmett, goddess of liberty,
and her court. The goddess was re
ceived by Queen Evah with regal
honors and assigned to a place of
honor beside the throne. The god
dess was accompanied by C. C.
Ferguson, sub-chief of the Berrians,
and W. H. Woodworth, representing
the city of Newberg, as escorts of
honor. This feature of the cere
monies was augmented by a fairy
Check Given Berrians.
Following three songs by a chorus
composed of members of the Whit
ney Newberg Junior band, Chif
Black Cap Butt introduced H. W.
Kent as orator of th.. da,
and following the latter's ad
dress Mr. Kent introduced W. P.
Merry, who presented to the Ber
rians a check for $100 for their float.
Then Mr. Kent presented to the Ber
rians a silver cup as a trophy of
merit to commemorate the float.
Other speakers were King Bing of
the Cherrians of Salem and Big
Prune of the Prunarians of Van
couver, Wash.
The parade was much -larger and
more elaborate than that of last
year. It was formed at the city
park, the American legion color
guard and firing squad being In the
van. Then came the official Ber
rian automobiles, followed by the
Berrian drill team and band. The
queen's float was next in line. It
was remodeled from the float that
appeared in the Rose Festival pa-
(Concluded on Paee 6. Column 1.)
Fossilized Record of Faunal Life
of Distant Period Believed
to Have Been Found.
EUGENE, Or., July 8. (Special.)
Oregon's marble hails, the noted
Josephine caves, which have at
tracted more than 2000 tourists
since the opening, of the highway
in the latter part of June, Is also a
marble mausoleum, an archive of the
ages, having stored under its etalac
tic Incrustations a fossilized record
of faunal life which in all probabil
ity flourished on the western shores
of this continent at that distant
geologic time when man first ap
peared upon the earth, isays Dr. Karl
Packard, head of the University of
Oregon, department of geology.
Dr. Packard, with a party of stu
dents in the geology department at
the university has Just returned to
Eugene from a stay of two weeks in
southern Oregon examining geologic
The members of the party last
Thursday found animal bones in
caverns never before visited by tour
ists and it is the belief of Dr. Pack
ard that these caves will reveal to
science not only a history of the
distant past, but also will: give to
geologists a more accurate knowl
edge of the time when the Klam
ath mountain ' system was raised
from a level plain into lofty ranges
of metamorphic and igneous rocks.
From the data gathered by the
university geologists it appears
likely, said Dr. Packard, that the
bones taken from the caves will be
determined as pleistocene in age,
and if such Is the case he points out
that their value will be enhanced,
(Concluded on Page 12, Column 2)
The Weather.
TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature,
75 degrees; minimum, 52 degrees. -
TODAY'S Fai; northwesterly winds.
Editorial. Section 3, page 8.
Dramatic. Section 4, page 6.
Moving picture news. Section 4, page 1.
Real estate and building news. Section
4, page 8.
Churches. Section 5, page 2.
Books. . Section 5, page 3.
Automobiles. Section 6.
Music. Section 4, page 5. ,
Radio. Section 4, page 7.
Garden. Section 4, page 9.
Women's Features.
Society. Section 3, page 1. '
Women's activities. Section 4, page 5.
Fashions. Section 5, pages 1 and 4. -v
Miss Tingle's column. Section 5, page 1.
Madame Richet's column. Section 5.
page 4. "
Auction bridge. Section 4, page 6.
Special Features. -
Girl and plane now foil rattler. Maga-
... - zine section, page 1. "
Benson school leads America. Magazine
section, page 2.
"The Sack" fiction feature. Magazine
section, page 3.
News of world as seen by camera. Mag
azine section, page 4.
H1N'- cartoons, "Among Us Mortals."
Magazine section, page 5.
Masons to erect memorial to Washington.
Magazine section, page 6. -
"The Great TaxJcab Robbery.' detective
story. Magazine section, page 7.
Greenwich village tells worker how to
dress. Magazine section, page 8r-
News of beaches. Section 3, page 6.
Portland violin "maker celebrated. Sec
tion 3, page 9.
Gossip of world capitals. Section 3.
page 10.
Famous women. Section 5, page 6. -Seattle
to show "Wayfarer." Section 5,
page 6.
Darling's cartoons on topics of the day.
Section 6. page 7,
Elinor Glyn writes to flappers. Section 5,
page 6,
Married life of Helen and Warren. Sec
tion 5, page 6.
Demand for investigation as to origin of
world war held certain to come. Sec
tion 1, page 7.
Act of house of lords barring women
from membership -blamed on English
government. Section 1, page 4..
De Valera near capture, is report. Section
1, page 2.
Germany's weak policy is scored. Section
1, page 1.
Premier Lloyd George calls cabinet meet
ing to discuss German situation. , Sec
tion 1, page 12.
Palestine to keep religious liberty. Sec
tion 1, page 6.
German payment of reparations install
ment July 15 held Impossible. Sec
tion 1, page 12. .
Ex-Goverrior Cox studying; league. Sec
tion 1, page 5.
Utah republicans expected to nominate
non-Mormon for senate. Section. 1,
page 7.
Musical burglar robs rich Chicago homes.
Section 1, page 1.
Six states mobilize troops to handle rail
strike. Section 1, page 1.
Nine persons hurt in train wreck. Section
1, page 1.
Y r-rk y
Hunt to Be Started as Soon as
Dogs and Men Can Gather
to Put End to Yells.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 8.
(Special.) Residents In the vicinity
of Thirty-ninth street,, near Burnt
Bridge creek, are living in terror of
a cougar, which has been seen there
several times recently. At 1 o'clock
this morning the cougar amused It
self by giving piercing shrieks like
a woman. Bruce Johnson called the
police and sheriffs' off ice and ar
rangements were made to look for
the animal this 'morning, but dogs
could not be obtained.' However, a
lookout will bkept and probably
tomorrow a hunt for the cougar will
be made. The animal has been seen
by several persons. -
It was less than two months ago
that a big black bear was killed by
Frank Fitch In the city limits. Per
sons living in the east and hearing
of such animals in the city limits
no doubt think this is the wild and
woolly west '
F. E. Judd of Pendleton Buys
Residence of Senator.
The residence of Senator and Mrs.
R. N. Stanfleldat 271 Cornell road
was sold yesterday to F. E. Judd of
Pendleton for 825,000, according to
an announcement made yesterday.
Mr. Judd has leased the residence
for the last year preceding his pur
chase. The home is considered one
of the best and most modern in that
district. r
Pacific Northwest. ., -
Mount Hood climb to be an event , o
July 16. Section 1, page 9.
Republican senatorial battle in Washing'
ton state enters another phase. Sec
tion 1, page 9.
Federal agents expect to involve higher
ups in coast rum-running.-Section 1,
page 8.'
Oregon and California coast counties to
hold road conference tomorrow. Sec
tion 1, page -8.
Two income tax bills on ballot. Section
1, page 5.
Fossilized records of ages past found in
caves of Oregon. Section 1, page 1.
Evah I crowned queen of Newberg's ber
ry festival. Section 1, page 1..
Shrieks of cougar terrorize section of.
Vancouver, Wash. Section 1, page 1.
Ship board lauds Columbia's raouth
Section 1, page 18. sk '
Ministers, urged to do advertising? Sec
tion 1, page 8.
, Sports.
Knepper captures Iowa golf title Sec
tion 2, page 5.
Spokle golf links of Chicago to be scene
of open championship tourney. Sec
tion 2, Page 5.
State golf toufney opens Wednesday.
Section 2, page 5.
Grid bee already begins to buzz. Section
page 4.
Portland Rowing club has strong entry.
Section 2, page 4. -. '
Weismuller out for five records. Section
2, page 3.
Good Catcher key to ball victories. Sec
tion 2; page 3.
Trapshooting championships to be held
here coming week.. Section 2, page 2.
Chicago wins double-header from Boston
Braves. I Section 2, page 2.
Pacific Coast league - results Portland
3, San Francisco 6; at .Vernon 3. Sac
ramento 5; at Oakland 4. Salt Lake
8; at Seattle 4. Los Angeles 1. Sec
tion 2, page 2.
Only two champions in tennis, tourney.
Section 2, page 1.
Suzanne Lenglen is easy champion. Sec
tion 2, page 1.
Wills manager refuses to sign for
Dempsey- fight. Section 2, page 6.
Commercial and Marine.
Frank' A. Vanderlip believes American
bankers could save Austria. Section 1,
page 19.
Unsettled German situation tends to hold
stock market in check. Section 1,
page ID
Survey at mouth of Columbia shows chan
nel is holding Us own. Section 1.
page 17.
Municipal docks handle enormous in
crease in tonnage this year. Section
1, page 17.
Portland and Vicinity.
John Stoughton, last survivor of party
that came west with Marcus Whit
man, is 92 years old. Section 1,
page 16.
Milo C. King, Gresham attorney, thrown
In jail for contempt Section 1,
page 16.
Invitations to buyers' week sent through
out 14 states. Section 1, page 13.
One thousand delegates expected to at
tend bankers' convention to open July
17. Section 1, page 10.
Curb fake psychologists, say city and
state health officers. Section 1, page 14
All Multnomah county members of re
publican state committee are women.
Section 1, page 14.
The Oregonian radio programmes for
week announced. Section 1, page 10.
Fire situation is still critical. Section
1, page 1.
ft-s wow
Hospitality to Princes Is
Rapped by Harden.
Pensions Declared Given to
Men Practically Traitors.
People Held Deluded Into Belief
That Life Under Kaiser Was
a Glorious Bream.
Neither the sword of an emperor nor
the knife of an assassin has as yet stilled
the trenchant pen of Maximilian Harden,
Germany's greatest writer and publicist,
whose life was attempted last Monday
night outside his little villa in the
Grunewald section of Berlin. Suffering
from eight vicious knife wounds, Harden
was carried Into his home unconscious.
He has shown steady but slow improve
ment and in this, the first dispatch re
ceived in this country since the attack,
Mr. Harden displays no rancor or per
sonal bitterness.
Severely arraigning the republican gov
ernment for Its laxity .in protecting the
republic and permitting a steady growth
of monarchtsm which ha6 made it easy
to attack and persecute those who would
not join in the monarchist propaganda,
the wounded editor nevertheless makes
an impassioned plea for help for the
struggling German republic. Today's dis
patch is a notable addition to the writ
ings of Maximilian Harden, which rang
around the world. ' The news of the at
tempt on his life was flashed every
where, and everywhere there has been
anxiety to know what next would come
from his pen.
Germany's Foremost Publicist.
(Copyright, 1922, by The Oregonian.)
BERLIN, July 8. (Special Table.)
Four years after the fainting fit
which legend politely calls a "revo
lution," the German government in
troduces a bill in the reichstag, en
titled "A bill for the protection of
the republic."
The title alone implies its own
harsh criticism. If, after four years,
it is necessary to protect the re
public by a special law, the republic
heretofore .must have been unpro
tected, threatened and endangered.
Unless states are protected by a
constitution and a penal code they
stand on a rotten foundation. Re
peated ugly experiences show this
to be the case with Germany. Those
who took over the government
thought they would make their
usurpation more palatable by leni
ency toward those who were over
thrown. Lenity Is Censured.
They allowed the princes who
were wise enough not to flee from
Germany to remain at Potsdam, in
Silesia, Schleswig and elsewhere.
They allowed these princes to hold
court ceremonies. They allowed the
ex-kaiser's picture to remain in pub
lic places and permitted the hoist
ing of the imperial flag. They left
old imperial officials in office, and
permitted imperial officers in the
republican army.
Finally they gave huge pensions,
up to'two hundred thousand marks,
to ex-officers so that these ex-officers
might carry on a campaign
against the republic, together with
professors, judges, prefects, teach
ers etc. They even established
"'traditional compapies" in army
regiments to keep alive the remem
brance of Germany's military glory.
All this has been intolerable.
Napoleon, at the height of his glory.
might have called Louis XIV his
predecessor and uncle, but he was
much greater when he called him
self simply "The Son of the Revo
lution." .. Government Is Scored.
A young republic, founded upon
the ruins of two dozen thrones, must
prove daily to the people that yes
terday's apparent glory brought
them only misfortune and that
monarchy and the trappings of state
carriages, parades and militarism in
general were rotten at heart, detri
mental to the nation, and an out-
rrage to the modern spirit.
If this is not sufficiently proved
(Continued on Page 2, Column 1.)
Yr -Oos fvs .Vf THE: fcov:
pt t&ck evu SETTLE.
toOVtfrTOfe AiNWUe" NOV-
Millionaire's Wife Lights Fire
in Yellowstone Park Wilfls
to Guide Searchers.
8. Caught in a blizzard on Mount
Washburn in Yellowstone national
park and lost for some hours today,
the party of tourists headed by Mrs.
Percy Rockefeller of New York was
finally rescued by forest rangers
who were ruined to the scene by a
fire lit by Mrs. Rockefeller herself.
The- party, which included Mrs. H.
F. Byram, wife of the, president of
the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul
railway, left this morning for an
ascent of the mountain. They meant
to motor as far as possible and then
climb. Soon after their d-aparture a
heavy snow storm began and it was
feared they might-become lost. For
est rangers were unable to pick up
the trail, however, because of the
storm, which obliterated tracks al
most as soon as made.
Soon after nightfall a fire, blazing
on an arm of Mount Washburn,
gave the rangers the direction, and
they were soon after the .party.
Mrs.' Rockefeller herself gathered
the wood and lit the fire, feeling,
she said, that the rangers surely
were in search of them.
Besides Mrs. Rockefeller, who is
the daughter-in-law of the late
William Rockefeller of New York
city, the party included three small
children of Mrs. Rockefeller, Mrs.
Byram, Griffith Mark of Forest
Lake, III., a steel manufacturer; A.
Villlers, a prominent London, Eng
land, banker, and J. R. Vietch of
Seattle, Wash., traffic manager of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway. The party suffered no
hardships beyond exposure, but
might easily have been lost during
the night, say rangers.
Bars Valued at $2,500,000 Come
to New York Banking House.
NEW YORK, July 8. Gold bars,
valued at $2,500,000 arrived here on
the steamship Berengaria today con
signed to J. P. Morgan & Co., for the
account of the British treasury, of
which the Morgan firm is the fiscal
agent in th's country. A similar
shipment is on the way on another
While the Morgan firm said it was
not advised as to the purpose of the
shipment, it Is-beleved in financial
circles that the British government
is accumulating a' supply of gold
here for the purpose of using it In
part payment of the J125.000.0fl0
Interest no the war debt due in Oc
Marion County Growers Said to
Face Loss of $40,000.
SALEM, Or., July 8. (Special.)
Unless more pickers are obtained
the next few days, Marion county
berry growers will face a loss of
$40,000, it was reported here today.
The recent warm weather has
ripened the berries rapidly and the
situation was said to be grave.
There are approximately 12.000.000
pounds of loganberries in the vi
cinity of Salem, but much of the
crop has not been harvested.
If saved in its entirety this year's
yield , would return to the growers
approximately $960,000.
Chief Justice Tells of Enjoyment
on Trip to England.
LIVERPOOL, July 8. (By the As
sociated Press.) Chief Justice and
Mrs. Taft sailed for the United
States on the steamer Canopic.
Mr. Taft told interviewers that
his visit to London was "one of the
most delightful episodes of my life."
He said it was somewhat difficult
to say how much of value will re
sult from his investigation of Eng
lish Judicial procedure.
Good Weather and Normal Tem
perature Forecast for Coast.
Weather outlook for the week be
ginning Monday:
Pacific states Generally fair
with normal temperature.
Ve suite
Western Oregon Losses
Are Held Down.
Rock Creek Flames Spread
to Four-Mile Length.
Loss at Reliance "Camp Is De
clared to Be Not as Great as
Thought at First.
fire: situation in north
Situated- in Tillamook, Clat
sop and Columbia counties
still critical. Kerry fire de
stroys logging railway bridge.
Victoria, B. C. Situation re-,
ported somewhat improved,
but new outbreak is feared.
Spokane, Wash. Rain helps
check eastern Washington
Courtney, B. C. Efforts to
halt blaze in Merville given
up. Settlement total loss.
" Centralia, Wash. Tenino
fire breaks loose.
Though no catastroophes or
heavy losses have resulted from
forest fires in Tillamook, Colum
bia and Clatsop counties, the gen
eral situation has been pronounced
critical by Carl C Scott of the
Forest Patrol association. Re
ports yesterday from those fighting
fires indicated that quiet prevailed
in the burning areas.
The forest tires at Kerrv were
still burning and doing a great
amount - of damage. One railway
trestle was reported to have been
destroyed on the Kerry railroad.
It was 600 feet in length. Telephone
lines were torn down by the flam
ing timber.
Big crews of men were said to
be exerting every energy to halt
the progress of the flames, which
were approaching the Kerry Log
ging company's camp.
The fire at Rock creek in Colum
bia county had spread to a length of
more than four Viiles. Crews are
working on both ends of the burn
ing area and had the fire under con
trol. The situation there was pro
nounced quiet yesterday.
Timber Fire Controlled.
The fire at Timber in Tillamook
county, where losses were reported
in some of the holdings of the C. H.
Wheeler Lumber company, was be
ing handled in "good shape," accord
ing to the report received from
there. Later reports from that dis
trict said that the loss of property
at the Reliance camp of the Wheeler
company was not as great as at firs:
A bridge and two buildings were
damaged but later reports said that
the main camp had been protected.
Persons coming in from the Tilla
mook country report that most of
the fires were not causing damage
to the tops of the trees but were
wiping out the underbrush.
Fires Near Nehalem.
Fires were reported near Ladee,
north of Nehalem, but were not
causing alarm as yet. Word was re
ceived that the fire at Silver Falls,
in Marion county, was becoming
worse. The fire was working north
into green timber and causing great
Other fires were reported on the
Portland, Astoria & Pacific railroad
line in the Central Coal & Coke com
pany timber. Timber back of Ver
nonia suffered no damage. The un
derbrush was afire but the tops of
the trees were safe. Men employed
(Concluded on Page 4. Column 1.)
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