The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 76

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Hair Declared Curled in Manner That Gives "Golly Woggish" Effect Elinor Glyn Asserts That Low
Waistlines Make Figures Seem out of Proportion at Parties.
This is the fourth of a series of letters
T Elinor Glyn, distinguished novelist, to
the flapper, in which she tells the mod
ern girl bow to achieve and bold true
(Copyright, King Feature Syndicate.)
Thera was one thing I no
ticed about you as you went
to to your ball. Your heads, wheth
er bobbed or otherwise, seemed a
little too big for good balance. Rath
er "trolly wog-grish." (Did you have
a doll over here a year or two ago
called the "Golly "Wogg"? It was a
trsnny creature with a big frizzy
..The present-day low waistlines,
and the -bushy hair, somehow make
the prettiest figures seem out of
proper proportion. Stand back and
look at yourselves in a big glass, or
look at one another, and then you
will see what I mean. The heads
are really much too big for the
bodies. Bobbed hair need not give
this effect unless it Is curled all
ever the crown.
' It is much more becoming just
to have tho ends curled, and so keep
the actual head small. And when
the hair is long, puffs andi pads in
side it, not to make it appear that
you have a great deal of hair, but
that you have a great big head, give
the Impression of water-on-the-fcrain,
as la babies!
Air of Dignity Lacking.
A tiny head is the beautiful thing,
and a etraight, slim, upright body,
supple end pliable, la my "Reflec
tions of Ambrosine," which was
written 18 years ago before most
of you were born! I made one of
the characters say that a perfect
woman should took "straight as a
dart, supple as a enake and proud
as a tiger Illy." And I still think
that is a good description.
..Well, some of you are straight,
and some are supple, but I have not
often seen any of you look "proud
es a tiger lily." Alas, Flappers! I
tiave seen you look saucy, and sure
of yourselves, and self-confident,
and yes, even insolent. But that
ftlger lily" pride, which suggests
repose and reserve and aloofness
and. dignity, is mot often found in
this age, which is an age " which
tticks its chit in the air, but does
not hold its head high two very
different things, my children.
Now,-1 would like to see, with
your exquisite " complexions, lovely,
lithe bodies and fine legs and feet,
that you held your heads high. This
can only be attained by an- attitude
of mind,- a supreme self-respect
ijf J
Elinor Glyn.
which then automatically draws the
respect of others.
Whereas sticking the-chin in the
air is the reflection of an attitude
of mind also, but it is one -which
has no real self-respect, but wants
to impress others with its importance.-
I ddd - not go ' out of the
hall, and was only there half an
hour in any case, so that I did not
see you dancing. - But I shall see
that before I leave. I love this mod
ern dancing.
I think it is the most beautiful
and graceful form of exercise which
has ever been invented, provided you
don't hold each other in some un
seemly way, with the arm round the
neck, as I have seen once or twice
in the west! It is nonsense to in
veigh against the fox trot and the
one and two steps. The rhythm in
them is perfect. They are not the
romps of old polkas or the jumping,
bumping ugliness of the old deux
temps waltzes. No, Flappers, I am
with you. Your dancing is charm
ing, and stick to it, and enjoy it as
long as you can. Using good taste
in the way you hold yourself and
each other, of course. I dance even
at my age and it is the best thing
for health In the world.
- I thought some of the dresses that
I saw were too rich and grand for
very young girls, and some, again,
were too short for proportion not
for propriety. Balance is what you
ought to be very careful about, but
in general I thuught the girls I saw
were Just like lovely flowers, and
that is what irritated me when the
boys seemed too familiar, and as
if they were not valuing the ex
Quisiteness sufficiently.
The bloom on grapes is worth
kecDine. because no art in this
world can ever restore it after it is
rubbed off. And human nature puts
a colossal value upon a thing once
it has lost it. Now, Flappers, you
possess perfectly wonderful treas
ures, which you are inclined to
squander every ... day without a
thought. .
There is no good in elders scold
ing you, for, of course, you won't
listen to scoldings any more than
the elders did when they were them
selves young! So I am not going
to be such a donkey as to try. I am
just going to appeal to your horse
sense, as though I were one of you
(I only wish I were.1 Young 'and
lovely and full of life! I should
make a splendid thing of it!)
Appeal to Girls Blade.
I appeal to your intelligence to sit
down, a lot of you together, and go
over all your possessions, just as
you would if you were wrecked on a
desert is.'and, with only provisions
which would last-a limited time.
Decide what you have in store, and
haw best you can,!use it, and find
out if any of it contains seeds which
you could grow fresh crops from.
And. in short, how, by thought,
you can obtain the - best ; possible
value out of it. You possess strength
and beauty and freshness. - You have
education and freedom and enthus
iasm. So, for God's sake, don't im
pair the strength, dim the beauty,
soil the freshness.- stultify the edu
cation, shackle your freedom and
dissipate your enthusiasm for trash
which is not worth - while at - the
time and which gives you no return
or hope for fu'.ure years.
Now, I am not going to ibe serious
any more today, Flappers. I am go
ing to tell ' you a secret. Grand"
mamma, I am a grandmother," yof
know, and terribly proud of it)
well, grandmamma Is going out to a
dance. So she will be able to tell
you her tmpresslons of one of your
restaurants. Au revoir. -
Your elderly friend in a very-good
Scientists Promise Rare and Terrifying Display for June Pilgrimage
to Hawaii by Arabian Nobles.
HILO, Island of Hawaii, T. EL,
June 21. Nobles of the Mystic I
Shrine who participate in the
June pilgrimage to Hawaii follow
ing the annual conclave of the or
ganization In San Francisco, prob
ably will have an opportunity of
viewing the volcano Kilauea in the
midst of one of its rara terrifying
spectacular displays, according ' to
present indications as interpreted by
vocanologlsts at the observatory on
tho brink of the crater.
' ".The arrival of the Shriners will
coincide with the beginning of the
Summer solstice in the third week
of June, which brings invariably
a great Increase in volcanic ' ac
tivity because of the usual stresses
placed upon the earth, the vol
canologists said. At Kilauea, partic
ularly, the vast mass of semi-molten
rock and lava rises and falls accord
ing to the strains of the seasonal
periods, and high levels of lava are
almost invariably found at the equi
noxes and the June and December
Solstices, the scientists said. -"
The last violent eruption at Ki
lauea occurred in March, 1921. Con
siderable interest was manifested
this year in the steady rise of the
lava during the month of February,
because of last year's eruption and
the possibility that it would be re
peated in March. The Equinox
passed, however, with the lava col
umn about 100 feet below the rim
Of the crater.
- Ordinarily the lava would drop
Considerably on the passing of the
equinox, but it continued to rise
Without cessation since, with more
pronounced action, until the level
was less than 30 feet below the rim
la the third week of May. Giigantio
crags, the summit of the lava col
umn, crashed their way upward
through the lakes and towered
threateningly more than WO feet
above the lakes and more than 70
feet above the rim level. At night
the sky has been crimsoned by the
glare of the white-hot molten lakes.
The lava should continue to rise
until the June solstice, the vol-
canologists said. Great and spec
tacular overflows at the solstice
seem almost certain, they added,
and it is probable that the lava will
break through the side of ,the moun
tain and overwhelm the desert coun
try toward the sea, as it has done
many times before, plunging its mol
ten mass into the ocean.
(Continued From Page 2.)
Under the leadership of Mrs. E. H.
Barendrick the young people's
chorus choir has prepared for -this
special evening of song and chorus.
The pastor; Rev. Oliver Perry Avery,
will show some of the pictures of
famous Scotch and English abbeys
and cathedrals and tell of some of
the influence and romance of these
beautiful shrines of worship. The
morning service will be at 11 o'clock
and the pastor will preach.
' -
Interesting services are planned
for the Sunnyside Congregational
church. Miss "Virginia Troutman
will lead the intermediates and Har
old Casto the Senior Endeayorers at
6:30 on the topic "Duties: What
They Are and How to Do Them."
Gladys Morgan Farmer will favor
the audience at 7:45 with an attrac
tive programme, including "Mid
summer Caprice," by Johnston, and
"Fantasia," on "Duke Street," by
The four missionary circles will
hold a joint meeting in. Laurelhurst
park Wednesday noon, when a "pot
luck" dinner will toe enjoyed. There
will be addresses of interest by
competent speakers.
Thursday evening, at the Bible
study hour, the third chapter of 1
. : I ;
Corinthians, will -be the topic, - Dr.
Staub leading.
Monday evening, July 3, , Daniel
Poling, assistant president of the
United Society of Christian En
deavor, will address a meeting, of
all Multnomah county Endeavorers
at the Sunnyside Congregational
The vesper services of the Sunny
side churches in Laurelhurst park
will begin Sunday, July 9, continu
ing through July and August. The
hour of meeting has been set at S
- The ' First .- Spiritualist church.
East 1 Seventh and Hassalo streets,
holds services - every Sunday at 3
and 8 P. M. Short conference meet
ings are held in tho afternoon. The
children's lyce-um and young peo
ple's Bible class is at 4:30 P. M.
The night address will be given by
J. Willard Hills on the subject of
"The New Ago and Its Revelation."
There will be a fellowship pro
gramme tonight, -at which a num
ber of new members will be taken
Ex-Rabbi Joseph Goldman will
speak at the First Divine Science
church 316 East Clay street, near
tho corner of East Twenty-fifth,
this morning at 11 o'clock. The Bi
ble lesson will be read by Rev.
T. M. Minard, the pastor. Mrs. Fra
ser and Mr. Beard will each sing a
solo at this service. Francis Rich
ter, the organist, commences his
organ, recital at 10:55.
The Sunday school convenes from
10 until 10:45 each Sunday nuSrning.
The Sunday and - Thursday night
services will be intermitted for the
summer months.
E. V. Ingraham, from the "Unity"
school of Christianity, of Kansas
City, Mo., will deliver two lectures
Wednesday, June 28, at 2:30 and
7:30. The subjects . will be "Your
Spiritual Resources and How to
Find Them," and "The Psychology
of Success."
Very Fine;
Kansas City Star,
Lawyer Doctor, why do you al
ways run lawyers down?
Doctor Well, your profession
doesn't make angels of men, does it?
Lawyer Why, no. You have the
advantage of us there, doctor.
delivers this
A B Gas Range
to your home
You'll appreciate the ease and comfort of cooking with the A B Gas Range es
pecially during the canning and preserving season. There are probably more A B
Ranges in use in Portland' today than any other kind.
This A B Gas Range is only 35 inches wide. It is finished in black enamel with
gray porcelain cleanout trays, white porcelain oven and broiler doors. The oven ac
commodates the largest roaster made and four large pie tins. An added feature
of the range is the automatic lighter. The price of the A B is only $55 installed.
Powers offers this week
Beautif ul 8-Pc. Period Dining Set
Regularly Priced $- 19 .50
$149.25, this week 1 ItT
$10.00 Down, $2.00 Per Week
Walnut Finish
Queen Anne Period
Similar to Illustration.
The set includes a 52-inch buffet with large mirror, silver drawer,
linen drawer and compartments below; an oblong extension table,
42x48 in. in size, and 5 straight chairs and: one arm-chair to
match; all with genuine leather seats. One of the most attractive
bargains we have ever offered in dining room suites.
The Pieces Separately Priced:
Buffet . . ; . .$39.75 Chairs ..... . .$6.50
Table . . . . ..$33.50 Arm Chair . . .$8.75
fit '4Jn i ) U
l h id '
tTT n'j T' ""
' Our. easy-payment plan makes it possible for
everyone to: buy. - The Victrola: illus- (PI A
trated ia now priced at DAOU
$15 Down $2.50, Weekly
No Interest
Other models from $25 to $415 on relatively
. ; easy terms.
Many Odd
Dining-Room Pieces
Greatly Reduced
$140 William and Mary walnut Buffet, (PQ"
54-inch" top DOl
$215 Queen Anne period walnut Buffet, (t- AP
60-inch top, with mirror : ... tDilO
$210 Queen Anne period walnut Buffet, QQC
60-inch top, wood back DD
$85 6-foot mahogany extension table, Q A rrp
54-inch top 'D4tJU
$85 walnut 8-foot extension table, flJIQ
Cromwellian period, 48-in. top. . . . . tp' J
$260 Queen Anne period mahogany OA
Buffet, 60-inch top, mirror back...,. DxiU
. $145 8-foot mahogany table to match IQO KA
above buffet, with 54-inch top..... Dlj.uU
Library Tables
$76 mahogany period Library 75
$67.50 mahogany period , $43 75
$49.50 book end mahogany Queen I?QQ r7K
Anne Library Table . . ........ DOV i D
$79 mahogany period Table, $67 50
$42.50 mahogany drop leaf Windsor fi?Q" PA
' table, size 40x48 inches... Ddx.uU
Royal Ardehan Worsted Wilton Rugs
Specially Priced for this week only!
; Not only are these prices exceptionally low, but these fine Wilton rugs are to be
had on special terms with no added charges or interest.
Pay $10 Down, $8 Monthly
An Unusual Rug Value
One of the Bigelow-Hartford high-grade worsted Wilton rugs for which we are the
exclusive Portland agents. A very choice selection of all new patterns.
9x12 size at . . ..... . . $96.85
9x10-6 size at . . . . . . $89.85
The following sizes to match: 27x54 inches, 36x63 inches, 41ax712 feet, 6x9 feet.
room Suites Interestingly Priced
Use Your Credit
Charge No Interest
5-Piece Ivory Enamel
Suite Special $85
A very attractive suite consisting of'bed, chiffonier, dress
ing table, chair and rocker. -
4-Piece Ivory Enamel
Suite Special $119.75
You will be glad to have this suite in your home, and at
this price, it means a big saving, as the regular price is
; Pieces in This Suite Priced
Separately as Follows:
Full-size Bed $29.50
' Chiffonier ............ . . $28.50
Dressing Table $27.50
Dresser.... .....$34.75
Odd Bedroom
Pieces at
Big Reductions
. $77.50
Large period walnut
Dresser, $138, for
Walnut period Dressing
Table, $1S5, for
Walnut Vanity Dresser,
$89 for
Post colonial mahogany
Wood Bed, $68.50 for....
Mahogany post colonial
Wood Bed, $69.50 for
Ivory full size bed,
$43.50 for ,
From the Bedding
Department ,
Crochet Bedspreads, 72x90 QoW
in, special tDi.Uti
Crochet Bedspreads, 80x90 QQCA
in., special tDO.iiU
Dark gray blankets for camp- (jQ CtXL
ing, special, $6.50 and DO.UO
Fringed auto robes, dark plaid AA
patterns, special . DJ.UU
Leather Goods at
Attractive Prices
A snap Genuine cowhide leather handbag, leather lined, fitted
with three pockets, sewn leather corners. A good flQ f7pT
value at $11, but special at DOlJ
Matting suitcase, nicely lined, good hardware and tCO OK
straps, specially priced DumO
Wardrobe trunk, three-ply construction, covered with heavy
vulcanized fibre, good hardware; regular COQ CK
$35.50, special tDO.Uti
From the China
26-Piece Dinner Set, Princess
Dogo, White and Gold
This beautiful set includes 6 tea cups
and saucers, six 7-in. plates, 6 fruit
dishes, one vegetable dish and one 8-in.
40-lb. Art tick cotton felt mattress
Dining Table
6-ft. Extension Table with paneled base,
45-in. top, golden or fumed finish.