8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, ; JUNE 25, 1922 "T REFUSAL TO RECOGNIZE BOLSHEVIKI SAID TO BE KEY TO SAVING OF CIVILIZATION Mrs. Hamilton Wright, Author and Member of Opium Advisory Committee of League of Nations, Returns to Washington After Touring Europe and Attending Conference. . bbbbssk Fx : I " i; -Ukl i M RS. HAMILTON WEIGHT, author and member of the opium and advisory commit tee of the league of nations, return ing to Washington after a tour of Europe in which she attended the Genoa conference, declares that the refusal of the Ignited States to rec ognize the bolsheviki or to attend the Genoa conference ad the pro posed conference at The Hague saved the civilization of the world. She described the atmosphere of the Genoa conference as "dark and sor- ABILITY TO MANUFACTURE MAYONNAISE (CUTS EXPENSE Purchase of Dressing From Grocer Puts Hole in Bank Account of Ordinary Thrifty Housewife.' BY EVELBNB SPENCER. Fish Cookery Expert. V. S. Bureau of Fisheries. THIS is to be a practical lesson, step by step, in the making of a mayonnaise for the house wife who has constant trouble and is in doubt as to where she has made a mistake in the proceedings. This is the season for salads; and salads call for mayonnaise. I have often been surprised in my lectures through the country to find that many housewives regard mayon naise making as a laborious task and the use of the dressing as a luxury of the table, rather than an ' every-day necessity, as It should he. It is a high priced article when bought in a small bottle at a gro cery or delicatessen, costing just double what it would if made at home, from oil bought at gallon rates. It assists in making a much cheaper and more seasonable meal in warm weather, than the usual ' one of heavy meats. Many housewives are too timid to even try making a mayonnaise, thinking it a very difficult task. Others approach it in fear and trembling, freighted down with so many rules suggestive of magic in cantations. Gallon Lots Cheaper. - It is very nice to have the oil and 'eggs just off the ice, also an ice cold bowl in which to make it. But I have seldom been able to have such ideal conditions and am very well content to keep the can of oil on the floor of a cool cellar. I would like to urge on the household buyer to always purchase the oil, be it olive, corn or cottonseed oil, in the gallon or even in the five ina act thpTA !h &. verv de cided economy in favor of purchas ing in larger quantities, to say nothing of the comfort of always h.Dini, a liHaral nurmlv on hand. I use it for all kinds of cookery, from cake-making, fish cookery down to all manner of salad dressings. I prefer it to any other kind of fat ,! nvrv a limiiri fat he. ' ' 11 " " " - ' ' ing always ready for immediate use. There are so many dressings and sauces called by the name of mayon naiso. that it is well to fully un derstand that the real, legitimate mavotinaise is nothing but oil, raw . .i, jujno, . " ' a.i anna with salt that, when vnn introduce other ingredients it has ceased to be a mayonnaise, so ac P f Underwood & 1nderwoodMY did and hopeless." Mrs. Wright de- clares that the only hope for the re covery of Russia was to be found in the overthrow of the present soyiet form of government. Mrs. Gifford Pinchot helped win for her husband the nomination for g-overnor of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Pinchot "stumped" the state, mak ing speeches for her husband, and it has been declared that her efforts secured him the nomination, defeat ing the strong Penrose forces in Pennsylvania. Declared by many to be the pret- customed are we to the addition of strong condiments, such as mus tard in this sauce, that when the simple mayonnaise is served it stands out as a new kind of sauce. Strong Condiments Left Out. To illustrate this point: While conducting lectures in Chicago a fish was served .with a mayonnaise and samples passed through the audience. At this particular meet ing, there were 70 professional chefs, cooks and stewards present, who had had a special invitation and presented themselve in a body to see my mode of cooking fish. At the close of the meeting a most courteous Frenchman came to me and said: "Pardon me, Madame, but might I inquire what you have put in that most delicious mayonnaise to make it taste so differently?" "If you .sk me what I have kept out of the mayonnaise, it would be nearer the point," I answered,' as I explained to him just what the in gredients were, simply the oil, raw yolks of eggs, lemon juice and a little salt. When one takes good eggs and fine tasting oil and proceeds to con ceal the taste of them with strong mustard, sugar and other condi ments, it seems a waste of good materials. The restaurants and ho tels are in a measure responsible for this practice, as all pantrymen have to be watched over to pre vent a deluge of mustard in mayon naise making. It likely originated in a desire to disguise the taste of stale eggs and inferior oil. Try making the plain mayonnaise and see how delicious it is! Chil dren who shudder at the taste of the strong, highly seasoned kind, will be delighted to eat the simple kind ori their bread, or with a baked po tato, and it is the best substitute for butter when the latter is high priced and the family income lim ited. Salad Oil Favored. After much experience in making large quantities of mayonnaise at a time, I would say that more skill and egg yolks are required when it is made from pure olive oil than from what is known, as salad oil, made from corn, cottonseed, pea nuts, etc. The olive oil, being thin ner, takes more egg yolks and longer beating to thicken it.- In making a stock mayonnaise to keep on hand, ready for use in any kind of salad or sauce, the wisdom of keeping it free from any strong condiment can easily be seen. For tiest coming society bud in Wash ington is Miss Betty Byrne, daugh ter of Mrs. Stephen J. Peele, wife of former Chief Justice Peele. Miss Byrne is now one of the capital's most vivid young schoolgirls, but will likely make her debut during the coming season. The departure of the Russian am bassador from the United States will mean that other members of the em bassy -who are social factors in the capital will leave also. Madame de Bach, wife of Henry de Bach, the counsellor of the embassy, who Is considered a most attractive hostess by the diplomatic set, will sail shortly from the United States for her home in Russia. instance, one may want to use it in mixing a fruit salad, diluted with cream, plain or whipped. Imagine the taste of a fruit salad consisting of delicate pineapple, oranges, etc., mixed with a mayonnaise contain ing mustard! Yet I have eaten that very combination in a high-class tearoom in one of the smaller cities of Washington. That is I tried to eat it, but felt too outraged at the combination of flavors so inhar monious, that I acted like a French man to whom the business of eat ing Is so serious, and inquired at the desk who was responsible for the mixing of that salad. Advice Given Cook. The proprietor acknowledged that it was his work! And he paused, ex pecting a compliment! He was such a culinary infant that I modified my wrath and wound up in giving him a little talk on the proprieties of salad combinations, how to make a simple stock mayonnaise, like a soup shock, suitable to be used for all kinds of salads, calling for a mayonnaise dressing, etc. He was very grateful and I could see that his intArARt hni h. , . - -- - a-wanenea sufficiently to induce him to under- toVn a II, .1 ... i i . . o - oiuuying into salad maklner l-tfnra t j...s any more oi his flagrant combinations on the public. The very best beater for making mayonnaise in larger quantities is one made of long loops of piano wire, bound in a wire handle. It Is very light to wield and very effi cient, not only for mayonnaise mak ing, but for the making of white sauces, blanc manges, etc. It i called a cook's whip or beater, and while it is rather a high-priced ar ticle beside an ordinary egg beater, it will last, with care, for a great many years. Chef Guards Tools. Every chef possesses one of these which, with his French knife and collection of carving knives, are his dearest treasures. This cook's whip can be manipulated with one hand leaving the other free to pour the oil continuously, making a much quicker job than when using an egg uomer, wnicn requires the two nanus. 1 A quantity of mayonnaise can be made up in just a little more time than a small amount which saves the labor of constantly washing up oily utensils. Tho A put away in jelly glasses or pint jars, covered with a bit of waxed or parchment paper, set in a cool place and will keep nicely for two or three weeks, or until used up. When making a new lot, any Jeft-over amount can be added to the new each time. ' Simple stock mayonnaise Two egg yolks, three cups to one quart of- oil, juice of one large lemon, or two tablespoons strong vinegar, salt. Have the eggs and oil chilled, or as cool as possible. Place the yolks In a large yellow bowl and with the cook's whip in right hand and ves- j sel containing the oil in the other a i small pitcher is easy to handle j begin to let the oil in drop by drop, stirring as it drops, then beating it until the thickening process has be- gun. Once the oil and egg have in- i corporated and emulsified, there is never any danger of the mayon- naise separating. Then the oil may ; be increased a teaspoon at a time, steadily beating until mayonnaise becomes too stiff to stir easily, then add enough of the acid to thin it off. Now the oil may be added more quickly, a tablespoon at a time, then a quarter cup at a time, until all of the oil has been added, thinning it off in between with the acid, as it becomes too thick to beat easily. Leave the mixture quite thick for a stock mayonnaise. New Start Advised. If, in the, beginning, after a half cup of oil has been added and' the thickening process does not come, the mixture continuing oily and thin, there is no use keeping on, as it will have to be begun anew. Take a clean bowl and beater and begin' again with a fresh egg yolk, drop ping the oil carefully, allowing just one drop at a time, and when the thickening begins the oily mixture may be added to the new a spoon at a time, until all used up. Season with salt. Always remember to use enough oil at the end to leave the dressing very stiff when making a stock mayonnaise, as it may be used with salad materials such as crab, which is often very watery, and when the mayonnaise is thin the whole salad is undesirably loose and cannnot be molded to present an attractive ap pearance when served. It is well to make up a quantity of mayonnaise in the morning, when it can be done leisurely, and it is much less likely to separate than when attempted rn a hot kitchen in the rush of dinner getting. The yolk of one egg will take up a pint of salad oil, if well beaten and slowly made. But it will have to be used up quickly, a it will not stand long without getting oily unless more yolks or less oil is used. Boiling Water Helps. I have found adding a small quan tity of boiling water to the dressing when it is finished, beating it in well, assists in keeping it from oil ing. A tablespoon of boiling water to each cup of oil used, or three tablespoons to a quart of oil. Pre vious to the discovery of using boil ing water I had at times noticed a tendency for dressing made for sev eral days to oil when I had added Ingredients to make it into a sauce tartare. So at my demonstrations I found it wise io make the sauce tartare as sooff as I finished the mayonnaise to insure its being per fect, which it might not be if made later on after mayonnaise had stood in a warm room. But lately I have found that I could add the chopped ingredients for making a sauce tartare to may onnaise which had been standing in a cool place for more than a week, when I had added the boiling water as a finishing ' to the mayonnaise when making it. It is certainly worth while to give it a trial in summer time when the temperature varies o greatly. This is another reason for leaving the dressing very stiff, as the addition of boiling wa ter thins it off. Whole Egg May Be Used. When eggs are high a mayonnaise may be made by using the whole egg, but it is never as stiff, nor will it keep as satisfactorily for any length of time, as when made with the yolks alone. I have found, if making up a dressing whjch does not seem to thicken readily, if the unbeaten white of the egg is added it will cause a certain amount of stiffening sufficient to hold the oil and egg together and keep them from separating if used up at once I would like to encourage the housewives who have hitherto been disappointed in their efforts at may onnaise making; to try again, and if not successful at the first, fol low the old adage, "try, try again." Hundreds of women all over the country have told me of their great pleasure in finding that at last they were able to make a fine mayon naise, after watching me do it, as I have tried to describe in this ar ticle. Women who have always bought it in small quantities at a high price are so delighted to find they can make it themselves and use it daily during the summer sea son and do away with so much heavy cooking. Mayonnaise Sauce Base. Mayonnaise is the basis of so many sauces, that a stock of it on hand, makes easy the preparation of these sauces, which are the making of a fine supper dish.from any cold boiled, steamed or baked fish, which with a potato or combination vege tabl, even a plain lettuce salad, will make a most seasonable and appetis ing evening meal at the close of a hot day. Sauce tartare 1 cup of mayon naise (thick), 1 tablespoon dill pickle, finely minced, 1 tablespoon capers, minced, lemon juice, 1 table spoon onion, finely minced, 1 table spoon parsley, minced, 1 tablespoon finely minced olives. Add the chopped ingredients to the mayonnaise, and set away on ice or in a cool place. If not all used up at once, it will keep nicely in a jelly glass with a piece of waxed or parchment paper over the top. It may be freshened up for use again by adding a teaspoon of lemon juice. As everyone does not keep a bottle of capers on hand, some finely chopped tender celery may be added Instead, or the sauce is very finely flavored with just the onions, pars ley and pickles. Norwegian sauce 1 cup of thick mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons freshly grated horseradish. Mix together. Cucumber sauce 1 cup thick may onnaise, 1 cucumber. Pare, chop and drain the cucumber, seasoning it well with salt and paprika. Mix with mayonnaise. Olive sauce 1 cup of thick may onnaise, Vi cup of olives, chop in pieces, lemon juice, paprika. Mix to gether. Celery sauce 1 cup mayonnaise (thick), 1 teaspoon onion juice, 2 teaspoons lemon Juice, salt and pap rika. 1 tablespoon finely minced green pepper, 1 tablespoon finely minced parsley, 1 cup of finely minced celery. 2 tablespoons finely mixed cucumber. Mix together and .serve with any cold fish. Gloucester sauce 1 cup very thick stock mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon lem on juice, salt and paprika, yt cup of thick, sour cream, 1 tablespoon Wor cestershire sauce. Mix together and season. Served with cold fish dishes or on fish salads. English salad sauce 1 cup of mayonnaise (very thick), cup thick or whipped cream, 1 teaspoon dry mustard mixed with tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar, saltand pap rika. Add the cream to the mayon naise, mixing in the mustard and lemon juice. Season with salt and paprika. Iiaguna Cotton Crop Is Short. MEXICO CITY. Reports from cotton-growing districts, especially from the Laguna region where the greater part of the crop is produced, indicate that there will be a short age over normal production this year of almost 100,000 bales. The poor harvest is due to continued droughts. SLEEVELESS GOWN IN DASHING ADVENT FOLLOWING PASSING OF SHORT SKIRT . , Writer Names Exercises That May Be Taken to Reduce Fat Arms to Insure Greatest Beauty New Style Discovered on Fifth Avenue Found to Be Unusually Attractive. n oi jne jieeveiess Gown BY ANTOINETTE DONNELLY. NEW YORK. (Special corre spondence.) At a matinee the other day, my companion and I followed an extremely pretty girl to the box office, appraising her with whole-hearted admiration for the rather daring but tremendously becoming large black hat, long skirted frock showing no more than six inches of patents and filmy hosiery, and a close-fitting long cape with monkey fur collar. Pres ently she appeared directly in the row in front of us, dropped back the cape and exposed a pair of beau tifully molded arms, sleeveless from the shoulder. "What do you make of that, Wat son?" exclaimed my companion, a first nighter by vocation, "for an afternoon appearance?" "Startling," replied I. "But her arms' are beautiful, aren't they." "If that's a new style, you'd bet ter get busy," urged my partner,."on how to make arms fit for public ap pearance. Can't you imagine the skeletons that will be out nrfw? And the opposite?" Going home up Fifth avenue, there was a window bearing the official stamp of the sleeveless gown for day wear, in black canton and gray, and beige and brown, on waxen fig ures, hatted and fur necked, ready for the new occupant to step out of a midday where'er her fancy led her, gloved or gloveless, according to taste. Any new departure like this nat urally startles on first appearance, hut given a month or two, eveiy body is following. Undoubtedly ere many new moons arms will be pro jecting themselves wholesale in true bathing euit fashion except, per haps, for a dash of savagery in bracelets encircling both ,upper and lower arms. Funny sector of the so-called hu man race, we wimmin are; since fashion decrees practically no ho siery to the view mutiny breaks out in untrammeled arms, which should teach fashion dictators that you cannot keep even the best of women too covered up. For the beauty of the landscape maybe it were better to have let the 14-inch skirt hem remain! The short skirt Is ancient history now, however, and the sleeveless frock most certainly upon us. If not totally bare, the arm projects its too grossness or too leanness through a filmy layer of transpar ent cloth, leaving arm shapeliness as much to be desired. "I got a blow the otheT night," writes a fair correspondent, "as my husband and I strolled in the path of a romantic moonlight, arm in arm. ""This is just such a night. d?ar, said I, with moon engendering sen timent enveloping me, 'as you pro- nnseri to me.' "Say, dear,' replied my adorer of that other night, "it seems to me voiir arms are getting awfully fat!' " Fat arms are destructive of sen timent, awfully! There is such an ugly flabbiness about them, a de liberate looking piling up of gross ness that is not to be pitied, for the simple reason it can be worked off, though perhaps not with the ease with which it was . laid on. Simply enough, if one does not wait until the upper, arm resembles the companion piece of a well ordered Dot of cabbage. Skinny arms will get by where fat ones will not! But tnere is happy medium which both may strive for and by the same route, strange -as it may seem; that is, making use of the muscles wh'ch control that particular part of the body. The weighty arm invariably ac companies a general addition of avoirdupois, and may be trained down along with the rest of the figure by a general diet and exer cise regime, the Retails of whloh I shall gladly furnish any interested person. But even this would involve spe cial exercises for the arms and this surplus fat may be got rid of with the following exercises, if done with . - ....Milium... '"..Mii.aMi'W . i - jmmmmmmmm JT" If r "' n v II U w n mmmmmmm regulation, vim, vigor and tho will to accomplish the symmetrical arm. First, assume a good standing position; heels on same line and as near together as your conformation permits, hips level and drawn back slightly, knees straight, body erect, arms hanging easily at sides. Bring hands to shoulders, fingers turned in, knuckles out, elbows close to body. Shoot hands from this posi tion straight out to sides, stretch ing to finger tips, arms in straight line from shoulder, palms down: back. Do five times, putting much pep into the movement until you can feel the muscles taut and firm. Count one, two! From same position, shoot hands high overhead, 'stretching to finger tips, and back. Five times. Again, from hands at shoulders position shoot hands directly for ward and back five times, not for getting the stretch. Second: From standing position brings hands up to almost straight line on chest; elbows in line with shoulders, wrists straight, palms down, fingers nearly meeting. Then fling ' arms out wide. Back. Five times. Third: Extend arms full lengtn on shoulder level, keep body firm, be gin to make circles with extended hands and arms, begin with small ones and increase circles of as large dimension as you can describe with out putting the body out of position. Do five circles on forward start of the hands and five on backward. Then, if you can swim swim every day. The arm swimming movements, whether the breast stroke or the crawl, are simply fine for arm reduction and develop ment. For the under-developed ' girl with arms you'd love to touch if you weren't afraid of breaking them I cannot recommend anything that is half as good .as swimming. I have tried out different forms of exercises, but none with such re sults as swimming for general de velopment. In addition to rebuilding and re moving surplus adipose therefrom, arms have several other items of care if they are to be exposed to critical eyes. That roughened skin on the upper OREGON AUTHOR-PREACHER WINS FAME FROM LEGENDS Young Man Who Wrote "The Bridge of the Gods" Declared to Have Acquired Firm Place in Literature. HOOD RIVER, Or., June 24. (Special.) The ceremonies of dedication last Sunday of the Oregon pier of the new man-made span to cross the Columbia where once, according to Indian legend, an heroic stone arch connected the opposite shores of the river Wauna, would not be complete without some pause to pay a tribute to Frederick Homer Balch, pioneer minister and author, who in his appealing romance, "The Bridge of the Gods," left as a monu ment to himself the sheer cliffsides there on the canyonside through his popularization of them in his book. In a little rural graveyard not far from Lyle, in Klickitat county, Washington, is the grave of the author, who has made for himself a name in northwestern literature. Not far from the gorge of hia In spiring Columbia, and in the eastern foothills of his beloved Cascades, the body of the pioneer writer has found the long resting piace, and perchance the spirit of the youthful dreamer still contemplates the scenes of natural wonder that so thrilled him during mortal days. Knrly Death Deplored. When one really interested in the pioneer life of Oregon and of the legends of the Indians of . the Co lumbia river communities reads the life story of Homer Balch and of his death at the age of 30, he can arms may be smoothed out with the aid of the flesh brush, a vigorous application of it, and then a cold spray or a cupful or two of cold water run over the whole arm, fol lowed by a good rub down with a rough toweL The .circulation Is faulty when the pores are clogged ana the skin on the arm is rough ened. The best way to keep the skin in-clean, unblemished condition is the cold shower dally. The elbows will have to be scrubbed exceedingly well, as they are inclined to take on the appear ance of a much used dust clith If not given especial attention. Mas saging cold cream into them at night will successfully remove this dust and grime and also help sub stitute dimples there for hard caked fiber. ANSWERS TO BEAUTY QUERIES Shirley R. B. With the bobbed hair you have an advantage in de veloping a fine, new crown of glory. It Is easy to brush, easy to mas sage the scalp, and now is the time to do it. Send stamped, addressed envelope for my booklet on hair please. Mrs. R. M. and S. F. Washing the hair frequently will prevent dan druff. You must keep the scalp clean in order to grow glossy, healthful hair. The dandruff rem edy you want is: Sixty grains of sulphur mixed with one ounce of vaseline, applied every other night to the scalp with massage. You must wash the hair every week when using this. V Mae Your backache may be caused from flat foot or broken arches resulting from ill-fitting shoes or strain from wearing heels that are too high. If you will send me a stamped, addressed envelope I will be glad to send you exercises for flat foot. F. R. A girl 18, 5 feet 4 inches, should weigh about 118 pounds. A couple of pounds' divergence either way would still keep you within the standard weight requirements. not help feeling that a loss came to tne literature of the state. It is intensely appealing, this story of the days of the young man hood of the writer of "The Bridge of the Uods." Frederick Homer Balch was self-educated. He spent less than a year attending school. For six months, in 1875, when the family resided on a farm owned by James A. Balch, the father of the author, in the Mount Tabor district, the boy was a student at a school taught by T. R. Coon, who later moved to Hood River. After a few months' study at the Pacific Theological seminary at Oakland, Cal., in 1S89, he was forced to return to Oregon because of illness. Range Job Obtained. Seeking a clime more benign for the health of the mother, the family moved to Goldenda'.e, Wash., and after a short residence there they went to Lyle. While young: Balch was a dreamer, he was by no means an idler. Work was scarce in the early days, but he found employment in his boyhood riding the range of the southern Oregon country. In the solitude of the vast stretches, with the great peaks of the Cascades to inspire him, he felt a first gnaw ing of the ambition to tell the story of the mountains and rivers in books of romance. The impulse of a gen ius had stirred within him before the family left the Willamette val ley, and in his diary is found jotted the following: "To make Oregon as famous as Scott mads Scotland; to male th Cascades as widely known as the highlands; to make th splendid scenery of the Willamette a back- gTOund for romance full of passion and grandeur, grow more and more into the one cherished ambition of my life." Author Works on Railroad. While the family was living at Lyle young Balch, eager to make money, obtained & job as an ordinary laborer In the construction of the old Oregon-Washington Railway & Navigation line. During the day light hours, according to his sister, Mrs. J. W. Ingalls of this city, the boy worked hard with pick and shovel. The late hours of night. however, were spent In reading and re-reading the stories of Dickens and Scott and the essays of Macau- lay. And he was trying: his own hand and mind on weaving romances of the Oregon country. Even before the family had re moved from the Willamette valley the young man had written a ro mance built from pioneer history. Wallulah" the story was called. It was later revised and given the title of "Genevieve." The book, however. has never been published. Young Balch also began another book. which he called "Kenasket." He made a sacrifice of the book "Wal lulah" when obeyine a desire of his mother, he decided to enter the min istry. Kovel Is Burned. "From the stories that are told of this period of the young man's life oy his sister, the young romanticist must have undergone the keenest agony. On his decision to enter the ministry, young Balch's conscience, impelled by the more Puritanic standards of early day morals, told mm that it would be a sort of sac rilege to preach the gospel of Christ and at the same time continue the writing of stories. "Wallulah," which has been declared meritorious by critics capable of judging, was burned, and Frederick Homer Balch became an itinerant missionary of the Congregational church. After serving as traveling minister in the mia-coiumbia district, he took his first pastorate in 1885, assuming charge of the church at Hood River. No church edifice had been erected, and It was through the personality and instrumentality of the young minister that a structure, now known as the Valley Christian church, was bunt about three miles southwest of the town of Hood River. Mr. Balch, while here, used to cross the Columbia and preach to the few res idents then living at White Salmon, Wash. Legends Are Studied. Despite his resolutions to drop his writing, the young man, much of whose work was among the In- aians, never lost an opportunity to learn from them the stories of legends. These he has embodied so well in "The Bridge of the Gods." It is said that most great writers reach their moments of climax writ ing their own life history. It was true, indeed, of Homer Balch; for "The Bridge of the Gods" really tells of the sacrifices of the young minister. Cecil Gray, the hero of "The Bridge of the Uods," who sacrificed his life to teach the Indians the religion of J sus Christ, in spite of the advice of members of his New England congregation and his family, typifies Frederick Homer Balch. The young minister, suffering because of the dictates of the sensitive oonscience, id the prototype of the minister of colonial days, who offered up his entire being and plunged away from home and civilization into the dense and unknown wilderness. Siory Completed at 25. But the spell of romantic litera ture was too strong for young Balch, and after deciding that he could consistently continue his work of the gospel and at the same time write of the dreams that were daily his. he completed "The Bridge of the Gods" at the age of 25 years. ( Drawing on his fuud of Indian' legends, he told the story of Cecil Gray and immortalized the legend of the great masses of basalt that rear themselves on either bank of the Columbia at Cascade Locks. The story of the mighty bridge that once spanned "Wauna" is now well known to readers of the entire United States, for the book is in its 18th edition. "The Bridge of the Gods" received its first prominence and publicity in 1911, when as a speotacular drama it was presented at the Astoria Cen tennial exposition. The drama, given for the most part in the open air, with the hills in the rear of the city at the mouth of the Columbia as a unique background, was staged un der the direction of Miss Mabel Far ris. It was later given on Multno mah field in Portland. Parents Are Pioneers. Both parents of Homer Balch were pioneers of Oregon, both having crossed the plains from Indiana. The mother, Miss Harriet M. Snider, the adopted daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, arrived with her foster parents in 1852. Miss Snider's mother and Milton Wright, father of Wilbur and Orville Wright, air plane pioneers, were cousins. The father was born at Sullivan, Ind. He attended Wabash college studying law. He arrived in Oregon in 1851. Both he and his future wife settled in the Willamette valley, near Lebanon, and it was there that they were married. The future author of "The Bridge of the Gods" was born December 4, 1861. September 26, 1908, the memners of the old Fort Dalles Historical society convened at the handsome little structure on the hills of Lyle and formally dedicated the Balch schoolhouse. Following the cere monies at the 6chool, a monument that had been erected to the young author was dedicated. Church Is Near By. Not far away stands the little church of the community, a large portion of the carpentry work of which was done by Mr. Balch him self. An address was delivered by Rev. J. L. Hershner, organizer of the Congregational church for the mid-Columbia district. A eulogy by Dr. T. L. Eliot, pastor emeritus of the First Unitarian church in Port land, was read. The stone over the grave of Fred-, erick Homer Balch Is of rough, nat ural granite, quarried from the hills he loved. But out of the dreams that he could not down he has woven a story and written a book that will ever be a greater monument to his genius and the indomitable energy lhat possessed him than any nillars admiring friends may erect to his memory. HEATER TOASTS BREAD Sew Use for Household Device Is by Ingenious Arrangement. NEW YORK. By an ingenious arrangement a new electric heater is made to serve an additional useful purpose. The heater is constructed entirely of copper and brass and when used as a heater it sets up right on three fiber legs. There is a coil type electric heating element inside with a lamp socket base. Owing to the semi-circular design of the heater the heat rays are well distributed over an extensive area. If you wish to use it as a toaster, place the heater on its back, the handle acting as a rest for It and on the wire guard of the front part of the heater put slices ot bread to be toasted quickly by radiant elec tric heat rays.