The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 68

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Summer Session of Ten Days Will Be Conducted at College of Puget Sound by Outstanding Leaders in Religious Education Who Have Specialized in Their Respective Departments Programme Broad.
TEN-DAYS' summer school of
I religious education and Sun
day school methods, of college
grade, will be conducted at the Col
lege of Pug-et Sound, Tacoma, Wash.,
from July 25 to August 3, under the
auspices of the board of Sunday
schools of the Methodist Episcopal
church and will be open to all per
sons regardless of denominational
This school for Sunday school
workers will employ the methods of
the classroom with textbooks, study
neriods. recitations, examinations
ami all. Several years of ' practical
use of this method have demonstrat
ed its superiority. This is the only
school of its kind in the Pacific
Fourteen of the outstanding lead
ers in religious education and Sun
day school methods will be members
of the faculty. All of the,m have
specialized in their several depart
ments. They are as follows: Bishop
William 0. Shepard, resident bishop;
F. C. Kis&lPn, Ph. D., of Garrett Bib
lical Inst'tute; Professor Albert E.
Suttoers of Ohio Wesleyan univer
sity; Ernest A. Miller, Ph. 0., of the
faculty of summer schools at Syra
cuse university and author of "Mak
ing the Old Sunday School New";
Ernest Fremont Tittle, pastor of the
great church at Evanston, 111., and
A. A. Heist, S. T. B pastor at Aber
deen, Wash.
The following experts of the board
of Sunday schools at Chicago will
also be present: Harry C. W'lson,
D. D., Bert Edward Smith, D. D.
Warren T. Powell, A. B., Mrs. W. T.
Powell, A. B Mrs. N. M. Hayner, A.
B. , and Mildred Moody, A. B. These
will offer 19 courses, covering the
Bible, both Old and New Testa
ments, psychology of childhood and
adolescence, pedagogy, missionary
education and every phase of Sun
day school activity, including rec
reation and story-telling. The course
in missionary education will be
made especially strong. A course in
daily vacation Bible schools also
Will be given.
An important feature will be spe
cial courses for training Boy Scout
and Camp Fire Girl leaders, under
the leadership of Dr. E. K. Warne
and Miss Ruth Brown, respectively.
Mr. Warne is the regional Boy Scout
executive of Washington with head
quarters at Spokane. Miss Brown
occupies a similar position with the
Camp Fire Girls at Seattle. '
As this school comes at the time
of the production of the "Way
farer" at Seattle, arrangements will
be made for those enrolled to at
tend the -pageant in, a body. A fine
block of seats has been reserved for
this purpose. Reservations must be
made by the first of July to obtain
a seat in this section.
' .
Of statewide interest to religious
workers is the county conference to
be held In Eugene Friday, June 30,
at which the results of the 'Lane
county church and community sur
vey, recently completed, will be pre
sented. Dr. Alfred Williams An
thony, executive secretary of the
Homo Missions council, New York,
will conduct the conference. Frank
Eberhart, general secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. at Eugene, is acting
as organizing secretary in Lane
county. The survey will be present
ed by the Rev. John D. Rice and Rev.
Joseph D. Boyd of Portland.
Similar conferences are being held
at various other centers in the coun
try and by means of them much of
the survey data gathered by the in
terchurch world movement are be
ing salvaged and made the basis of
constructive programmes for church
strengthening and extension in the
rural fields.
The survey to be presented at Eu
gene was made by Rev. Mr. Boyd in
1920. Since then supplementing
studies have been made by Rev. Mr.
Rice, whereby the survey has been
revised and brought up to date.
The whole work shows an immense
amount of data, facts and figures,
which have been charted and
mapped, so that a clear picture of
church and community conditions in
Lane county will be shown.
Every pastor in the county has
been invited to this meeting, to
gether with two delegates from
every congregation. A number of
the denomlnatlpnal superintendents
and other officials who are keenly
interested in what the survey will
Bhow and in working out an effect
ive programme are also expected to
be present.
Arrangements are being made for
the religious patriotic service to be
held in the afternoon of July 2 on
the Vancouver barracks parade
grounds. The Vancouver churches
and pastors are uniting with the
post to make the occasion one of the
strongest religious-patriotic serv
ices ever held in the county.
All the patriotic orders of the city
and county and Portland are being
invited. Chaplain Bronson says he
is endeavoring to reach all the
churches in the county outside of
Vancouver, directly or indirectly.
The time set for the programme, 3
P. M., is such that it will interfere
with very few of the regular serv
ices of churches. However, some of
the Vancouver churches are consd-
ering suspending their evening serv
ices in lieu of the afternoon pro
A few selected hymns will be sung
by the gathering. The combined
choirs of the Vancouver churches
will aid in. the singing and render
special selections besides. The 59th
infantry band will play. A special
order of service Is being arranged
lor tnis occasion.
While the Vancouver pastors will
take various parts in the programme
they have united in inviting Dr.
Thomas Jefferson Villers of th
White Temple, Portland, to give his
sermon lecture, "The- Love of the
For the Episcopal convention to be
held here in September John W.
Lethaby, executive secretary, reports
that more than 1800 reservations
have been made to date. The daily
mail runs well over 100 letters.
Hotels will care for some 2000, while
between 2000 and 3000 must be cared
for in private homes. If these fig
ures are maintained the general
convention in Portland will be one
of the most successful and well at
tended In the history of the church.
The only previous occasion when the
general convention was held on the
Pacific coast was at San Francisco. '
A special map, giving the location
of the public auditorium and the
different hotels has been mailed to
4AA0 inquirers. Forty hotels will
care for the deputies during Sep
tember and hundreds of private
houses will extend hospitality.
The chairman of the women's
housing committee asks that all
those who can offer rooms at II a
night up communicate with her by
letter or telephone. Mrs. J. J. Pan
ton, 515 Thompson street, is the
head of this important phase of the
work. Those who can make possi
ble the visit of people of moderate
means will be conferring a great
pleasure on them and also do much
to make Portland true to its record
as the friendly city.
To date reservations have, been
made for bishops and other clergy
from Jerusalem, Japan, China, Cuba,
the canal zone, Brazil, Honolulu,
British Columbia, Ottawa and Eng
land. To show the unique character
of the deputies in one house bish
ops from Alaska, California and Pal
estine will be the guests.
The Willamette Baptist Young
Peoples' association will hold Its
quarterly rally at the East Side
Baptist church Friday evening at
7:45. Awards wlil be made on at
tendance, distance traveled and
standard of excellence. Miss Elsie
Simonson, secretary, will present
the annual report. Election of offl-
cers will be held. Dr. Thomas J.
Villers of the White Tempje will
deliver the address of the evening.
Religious services will be con
ducted in Laurelhurst and Peninsula
parks under the auspices of the
Portland Council of Churches during
the months of July and August.
These meetings are under the direc
tion of the department of evangel
ism, of which Rev. Harold Leonard
Bowman, I. D., is chairman. Rev.
H. F. Given, pastor of the First Unit
ed Presbyterian church, has been
ap,pointed chairman for the meet
ings at Laurelhurst park, and the
the Rev. W. L. Riley, pastor of
Highland Baptist church, for the
meetings at Peninsula park. Spe-
c,, atienrion is oeing given io ne , 1Q0 mem,ber representing Pro
music and this will be an attractive ' , ., nhritn n.minMoSu in.
feature of the meetings this year.
The churches in the vicinity of the
two parks are co-operating to make
these meetings an even greater suc
cess than the two previous years.
Ten years of earnest effort by the
members of Lincoln Methodist
chuTch, East Fifty-second and East
Lincoln streets, has made necessary
a larger house of worship. This Is
especially true of the Sunday school,
which hag outgrown the capacity of
the building, two classes being
forced to meet on the outside. One
class meets in a nearby garage
building, and another in the par
sonage. To meet the needs of this
rapidly growing congregation, the
official members have voted a $7000
improvement to the 'plant.
This afternoon at 3 o'clock all
Portland Methodism is invited to
visit the church, witness the corner
stone ceremonies, and inspect the
new building, which is partially
erected. The special service will be
in charge of Rev. W. N. Byars. pas
tor. Rev. C. C. Rarick, Portland
district evangelist and representa
tive of the district superintendent,
will lay the cornerstone. The prin
cipal address will be given by Dr.
Charles MacCaughey, pastor of Centenary-Wilbur
Methodist church;
and a short talk will be given, by O.
C. Bortzmeyer, prominent layman.
Special music will be furnished by
singers from the larger Methodist
The new church will occupy the
same site as the old building. It
will provide three times as much
space for the Sunday school and
about twice as much room in the
main auditorium. A modern kitchen
and social rooms -will also be in
cluded. Eager to assist in the erection of
the new plant the 154 members of
the Sunday school recently under
took to raise $1 each within three
Sundays. They more than reached
the goal. $168.50 having been raised.
This money will be used to build
a fireplace in the social room, which
will be used by the smaller children
Sunday mornings and by the Ep
worth league Sunday nights. The
league is now in a campaign to raise
its $50 pledge to the new church.
Each member has been asked to
earn a dollar In some peoullar way.
At a social held several days age 21
of the members turned in. their
money and enlivened a party by re
lating the experiences encountered
in earning their dollar.
SHANGHAI, May 29. At what was
held to be the greatest religious
gathering ever held In China, the
National Christian conference, which
assembled 4n Shanghai In the first !
week of May with 1200 delegates at
tending, a review of the whole vast
field of Protestant Christian mis
sion work In China was undertaken
and changes of procedure of the
mg-nest importance to Keneral mis
sion endeavor in China were au
The main body of delegates that
came from all parts of China num
bering a thousand was about even
ly divided, half Chinese and half for
eign, in addition to these some 200
visiting delegates from foreign coun
tries atienaed the conference in
cluding 2 from America, 19 from
Great Britain and five from coun
tries of continental Europe. Among
the prominent figures attending th
big meeting from other lands were
Dr. John R. Mott of the World's Stu
dent Christian federation, F. S.
Brockman of the Y. M. C. A., K. S.
Latroutte, formerly of the Yale mis
sion and now holding the chair of
missions at Yale .university. Mar
shall BroomhaM of the home staff
of the China Inland mission, Dr. H.
T. Hodgkin of the Friends' Foreign
Missionary association, J. H. Old
ham, secretary of the International
Mission council; D. Carl Hei'm of the
Bazra mission, Count J. Moltke of
the Danish council and Bishop Nich
olas 'of Serbia.
Regret Is Expressed.
An outstanding feature of the
conference was the voicing of a de
sire and purpose by a purely Chi
nese conference commission that a
united Christian church indigenous
to China shall come into being. The
single big achievement of the con
ference, however, was the authori
zation of a decided modification in
the method of co-ordinating Protest
ant Christian mission work in China.
In offering the report it made, the
Chinese commission, composed of
men and women, expressed regret
that Christian Chinese are divided
by denominationalism of the west.
Dr. T. T. Lew, spokesman of the
commission, pointed out that this
denorainationalism is based upon
differences, the historical signifi
cance of which, however real and
vital to the missionaries of the west,
is not understood by the Chinese.
For this reason, he said, denomina
tionalism. instead of being a source
of inspiration, has been and Is a
source of bewilderment and ineffi
ciency. The speaker expressed the
belief that it is only the united
church that can save China.
Committee's Work Ended.
The change made by the confer
ence in the method of co-ordinating
mission work brings to a termina
tion the activities of the China con
tinuation committee, a body that
grew out of the missionary confer
ence of 1913 in Shanghai and , a
number of preceding conferences at
Canton. Shanghai, Tsinanfu, Pekin,
Hankow and Mukden. Since It was
formed this committee has served as
a means of communication between
the Protestant Christian forces of
China and mission organizations of
western countries. Us aim has been
to promote co'-operation and co-ordination
among Christian forces in
China and generally to serve as a
clearing house in connection with
all aspects of missionary work in
Through the change effected at
the conference this work is being
taken over and its scope enlarged
Prominent Methodists will take part In
East Firry-second and Lincoln streets, this afternoon at a O'clock. I lie church is enlarging Its plant at a
coxt of 97000 to care for a rapidly grow Ins: Sunday school. (From left to right) Rev. W. it. Byars, panror
of the church, who will. preside at the services.) O. C. Bortameyer, who will make the financial appeal! Rev.
C. C. Rarlck, district evangelist, who will lay the cornerstone and act as the personal representative of
the district superintendent, and Dr. Charles MacConghry, pastor of Centenary-WUbnr Methodist Episcopal
church, who will preach the sermon. "
by a national Christian council hav-
testant Christian denominational in
terests and acting in an advisory
capacity without, however, having
any powers in connection with doc
trinal or ecclesiastical questions.
SCIO, Or., June 24. (Special.)
Tomorrow will be observed at Provi
dence church by a celebration in
honor of the founders, early min
isters and former members of this
church, under the direction of Job
B. Horner, historian of the Oregon
Agricultural collecre.
In 1862 a large -train of im ml-1
grants came to Oregon from Mis
souri, and in 1853 felt the need of a
church, bo on April 9, 1853, they met
on the Providence church site and
organized a Baptist church through
the efforts of Rev. Joab Powell. Nine
members of the Powell family, five
Berkleys, three Moores, Jacob
Snoderly and Stephen Davidson,
were the original members, all being
baptized Into the United Baptist
church in Missouri. J. G, Berkley.
R. Chidle and Joab Powell were
elected elders, and later J. G. Berk
ley was elected pastor for one year.
At the termination of his term
Joab Powell was elected and served
as pastor until his death, more than
20 years later. During the time
Rev. Mr. Powell occupied the pulpit
Providence church became known
as- having the largest membership
of any church in the northwest.
Rev. Mr. Powell had never at
tended school and could hardly read
at all. After coming to Oregon he
became a devout student of the Bi
ble, said to be the only book he had
ever read. Two children, A. T.
Powell of Scio and Mrs. Ann Car
miichael of Redmond, survive him.
Rev. Mr. Albers of Albany is now
in charge of the Providence church.
Salem Boys Will Sing at
White Temple Today.
Dr. Villers Will Preach on "What
. Love Does."
THIS morning at the First Baptist
church (White Temple) the Sa
lem section of the Whitney Boys'
chorus, heard by thousands at the
Rose Festival, will sing. Dr. Villers
preaches on "What Love Does."
This evening there will be a serv
ice of special music, beginning with
an organ recital by Mrs. Milly Per
ryn Canfleld; "Festival Prelude on
'Ein Feste Burg'" (Foulkes); "The
Lost Chord" (Sullivan); "Evening
Song" (Johnston); followed by quar
tet "How Lovely Are the Messen
gers from Menaeissunn s ol
Paul"; contralto solo, "O, Rest
in the Lord" from Mendelssohn's
"Elijah"'; quartet, "Prepare Ye the
Way" (Garrett); soprano solo,
"These Are They" from Gail's "Holy
City"; duet for male voices, "Watch
man, What of the Night" (Sergent).
Dr. Villers speaks on "A Songful
Christian. ,
Rev. W. N. Ferris, state mission
ary for the Baptist churches in Ore
gon, will preach in the morning at
the Glencoe Baptist church. Rev.
W. B. Stewart, pastor, will speak
this evening on "Sleeping In
This church will conduct a "Daily
Vacation Bible School" commencing
tomorrow morning at 9 o clock. Miss
Rubv Lee Burkhart, primary teacn
er, will have charge of the smaller
children. Kev. Eugene Fantettl of
the industrial work will teach bas
ket weaving, hammock making and
raffia work.
The women of the church will in
struct children in needlework and
there will be. interest in every de
partment by capable teachers. A
welcome, is extended to all children
to attend. -
The regular meeting of the
Baptist Sunday School Teachers
and Workers' union will be held
in the Third Baptist church Tuesday
at 7:30'P. M. Dinner will be served
at 8:46 The subject for the evening
will be "The Object and Method of
Conducting the Devotional Service
of the Sunday School.
This morning in the East Side
Baptist church the pastor, Dr. W. B,
Hinson, will preach the 23d sermon
of the series on "The Real Lord's
Prayer." When this series of 26
sermons is concluded it will be be
published in book form.
Tonight at 7:45 Dr. Hihson's sub
ject will be "The College of a Wise
Fool." This will be the last time
Dr. Hinson will preach for several
weekB, as he leaves tomorrow on a
vacation. There will be baptism at
the close of this evenings service.
Rev. Mr. Bryant, the associate pas
tor, will have charge of the church
work during July, taking his vaca
tion in August.
The Bible school will picnic in Co
lumbia park Tuesday from 1 to 9
P. M. Dinner will be served at 6:30
The annual reception of the Wom
en's society will be on Thursday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. Doern-
becher in Milwaukie.
The Willamette association rally
of the Baptist Young People's union
will be held in this church Friday
evening at 8 o clock.
The pulpit of the Third Baptist
church will be occupied both morn
ing and evening by the Rev. R. E.
Close, executive secretary of the
Portland council of churches. Mr.
Close has recently returned from
the east, where he attended the an
nual . conference of executive secre
taries of church councils, held in
The Society for Spreading the
Knowledge of True Prayer, as or
ganized by F. L. Rawson. has offiqes
at 405 Fliedner building. The of
fice and the reading room are open
daily from 12 to 4. The class in
"Life Understood" meets Monday at
"8 o'clock. All Interested persons
are invited.
the cornerstone laying ceremonies at
Bishop Sumner to Confirm
Episcopal Class.
Prelate to Visit St. David's Parish
to Administer Rite.
THE bishop of the diocese will
visit St. David's parish at 7:30
to administer the sacrament of con
firmation. The class is composed
of members of the chapels, as well
the parish church. In the morn
Ing the rector will administer holy
baptism to several adults, and in
the afternoon at transfiguration to
several children. The rector will
preach at the 11 o'clock service.
By hard work and real self-denial
the women of St. Stephen's pro-
cathedral have made possible the
repairs and renovations necessary.
For years the largest share of the
burden has been carried by the
guild and the auxiliary. Dean
Ramsey, who has watched the pro
cathedral grow from a chapel to
the present church building, de
clares that the men should profit
by their fine devotion. Services
will be: Holy communion, 7:45;
church school, 9:45; morning prayer
and sermon by the dean, 11; prayer
and short address at 7:45 P. M. .
The three chapels attached to St.
David's church need $5000 to enlarge
and erect new buildings. The first
contribution was from a woman
out of work; another gift repre
sented a suit of clothes. At Monta
villa it is planned to spend $2000
on a fitting and dignified chapel.
At the Chapel of the Transfigura
tion the same sum will be required,
while for the excellent chapel pur
chased from the Swedish Lutherans
on Seventy-second street Southeast
a chancel is designed. It is of in
terest to know that St. David's was
started in the year 1869 by a gift
of $1000 from Manayunk, Pa.
The Young People's society (for
merly of St. Stephen's pro-cathe-
arau win meet at 3 P. M. at the
main entrance of the. Good Samari
tan hospital for the purpose of
singing to the sick. All young
persons who may be Interested in
this phase of work will be cor
dially welcomed.
All members and friends are re
quested to bring or send some good
dooks tor replenishing the library
of the hospital. This campaign for
dooks win be carried on indef
initely, as good books are always
welcome in institutions of this kind.
The regular meeting will be held
at 6:30 P. M. in room "A" of the
public library. Miss Martha Batter
son will talk on "The Spirit of Mis
sion." The public is cordially
Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, formerlv
dean of St. Stephen's pro-cathedral,
will preach in Trinity church this
morning. No night services will be
held until September.
H. Edward Mills will address the
Realization league, 148 Thirteenth
street, at 11 A M., on "Transmuta
tion." At 8 P. M. O. J. Honska will
speak on "The Good Things of Life;
or. Constructive Creativeness."
The Independent Bible Spiritual
istic society and church will hence
forth hold services on Sunday nights
at 8 o'clock, and the same time
Thursday night of each week. Per.
manent home, 55 East Forty-seventh
street North. The Rev. Mrs. Ida M.
Schorl, pastor for this organization,
will serve the public tonight with
an address on "Infinite Good to All
Mankind." All friends are invited.
Pastor to Preach Today on
"The Great Crisis."
First United Brethren Congrega
tion to Hear Dr. Clark. .
(rpHE GREAT CRISIS" is the
JL subject for discussion by
Dr. B. J Clark at the First United
Brethren church, this morning at
East Fifteenth and East Morrison
streets. Tonight he will preach on
"The Great Departure." Special
music by the chorus will feature
these services.
At the Second United Brethren
church, East Twenty-seventh and
Sunlher streets, the Rev. Ira Haw
ley will preach on the following
subjects: Morning, "The Time of
Judgment"; night, "The Ambition of
the Twelve." The choir will render
special music.
Rev. E. O. Shepherd, pastor of the
Third United Brethren church, East
Sixty-seventh street' and Thirty
second avenue Southeast, will
preach in the morning on "The
Sleepers' Call," and at night on "A
Man After God's Own Heart." In
the morning he junior choir will
render a special selection, and at
night Harold Rockwell will sing a
The subject to be discussed by
Rev. B. Ross Evans, pastor of the
Fourth United Brethren church,
Tremont station, tonight, is "The
Hiding Place." The morning serv
ice will be consecratory, with spe
cial singing.
This morning at 10 o'clock aj the
Advent Christian church, on Second
street, -between Hall and Lincoln,
there will be a special programme
of music and recitations by mem
bers of the Snunday school. At 11
o'clock there will be a sermon by
the pastor on the topic, "The Great
ness of the Christian Hope." The
young folk will hold a service at
6:30 P. M. The topic for discussion
will be "A Study of Our Young Peo
ple." This service will be followed
by a sermon on the topic, "WhomDanish Methodist Episcopal church
Lincoln Methodist Episcopal church.
Having Not Seen Ye Love." During
the morning service several new
members will be received.
At the Mystic Church of Bethesda,
409 Alder street, near Eleventh
Btreet, services will be conducted to
night by Rev. W. W. Aber at 8 P. M.
There will be a meeting at Rev.
Aber's residence, 870 Belmont street,
near East Twenty-ninth street, at
10:30 A. M.
Services will be held at Trinity
Lutheran church today as follows:
10:15,. German, Sunday school; 9:15,
English. There will be no evening
service. The church is situated in
Ivy street, corner of Rodney avenue.
The 16th annual camp meeting of
the Apostolic Faith, corner Front
and Burnstde streets, opens Sunday,
June 26, at the permanent camp
ground. Fifty-second street and
Sixty-fifth avenue Southeast, In the
Woodstock district.
A large permanent auditorium,
100 feet wide and 125 feet long,
without a post inside to obstruct
the view, seating about 2000 per
sons, will accommodate the crowds
which always attend this summer
session. This building is lighted by
an indirect lighting system and the
front end of the building Is flooded
with light.
The meetings, beginning Sunday,
June 25, at 10:30 A: M- will con
tinue for seven weeks. Services
will be as follows: Sunday, 10:30,
2:30 and 7:30; every night at 7-45;
Bible teaching every afternoon at
2:30, except Monday and Thursday,
after the first week. On Saturday
night the "All Nations" meeting
will be held at the usual time.
Children's meetings will be held in
the children's tabernacle during the
At the close of this camp meeting
the Apostolic Faith will move Into
their new building now nearing
completion, at the corner of Sixth
and Burnslde streets. The dedica
tion service will be held just at the
close of the camp meeting. A large,
modern, two-story brick building
has been built to accommodate the
ever-increasing crowds that attend
the meetings throughout the winter
The seating capacity will be twice
that of the od building. Large
Bpace has been provided on the first
floor for the printing and publish
ing department and offices.
Whitney Boys WilJ Sing at
First Methodist.
Theme of Morning Will Be "In
ner Revelation." 1
THE Newberg chorus, one of the
best groups of the Whitney
boys' chorus, will give all the music
at the First Mehtodist 6hurch this
morning at the 11 o'clock service.
The theme Of the sermon will be
"The Inner Revelation." At the
evening service, which will be held
at 7:45, Dr. Parker will preach on
"The Imperishable Name" and the
choir, and quartet will sing. The
Sunday school will meet at 9:45 and
the Epworth and Oxford leagues
at 6:30.
At the, last Sunday school board
meeting, Edward L. Clark, dean of
the Y. M. C. A. business school, was
elected general- superintendent of
Sunday school in place of R. J.
Paterson, resigned. He will assume
his new duties today.
The women of the third legion
of the Woman's association are in
vited to spend next Wednesday with
Mrsv D. G. Wilson, one mile west of
Green hills. Take Council Crest car
to Hewitt station. Autp will meet
cars between 11 and 12 o'clock.
There will be an Epworth league
camping trip, July 3 and 4, at Os
wego lake. All young folk are
invited. Full particulars will be
found in Sunday's church bulletin.
Midweek prayer meet will be held
Thursday evening at 7:30.
. Sunnyside Methodist church will
have two inspiring services today.
An "every member" communion
service will begin at 1,1 o'clock. New
members, recently affiliated, are
especially urged to attend and com
mune in a body. Other "group
plans" are arranged so that such
groups as the official board, Sunday-school
board and class organ
izations will commune in a body.
The night service will be unique.
Walter It. Jenkins, who proved so
popular at the tabernacle meetings,
will have charge of the big "song
fest." A part of this ."sing" will be
outdoors in front of the church. Mr.
Jenkins will also sing "Geth
semane." At the Vancouver avenue Nor
wegian Danish Methodist church,
corner Vancouver avenue and Skid
more street, there will be service at
11 o'clock. The paBtor, Gustav A.
Storaker, will preach on the text,
"Sin Against the Holy Ghost." There
will be a special service at 7:30 P. M.
The pastor will speak on the "Life
of Daniel." Miss Blanche, McKalsen
will play.
The personal equation in church
and community welfare will be dis
cussed at the Epworth Methodist
church tonight by the pastor, Rev.
Frank L. Moore, under the title,
"Being a Community Crank or Self
starter." The daily vacation Bible school of
the Montavllla Methodist Episcopal
church will open for a three-week
session tomorrow. This is the first
year that the Methodists will have a
Bible school in the Montavilla dis-
trict, although the summer schools
have been carried On in the Monta-
villa district in previous years by
both the Baptist and Presbyterian
churches. The Methodist school will
be conducted in the church at East
Eightieth and East Pine streets.
The pastor of First Norwegian-
will occupy the pulpit both morning
and night; The morning subject
will be, "Faith's Glorious Victory."
At night the sermon will be on "The
Slave vs. The Son." ' '
The Sunday school meets at 10
A. M. There will be refreshments
in the social hall at 8 P. M. The Ep-
worth league meets at 7 with
preaching at 8.
The young people's meeting will
be Wednesday night and prayer
meeting Thursday night.
Persons interested In the Irish
question will have an opportunity to
hear a first-hand statement as to
what alls Ireland religiously at the
evening service at the Centenary
Wilbur Methodist church, the speak
er being Rev. William Duff, a native
of Ireland, who has made a lifelong
study of the subject. His topic will
be "The Truth About Ireland."
At the Sunday school hour. 9:45,
the men's and women's classes will
unite in the Wesley room to hear
Rabbi Goldman speak on "The
Babylonish Captivity." This will
be an opportunity to hear Jewish
history from the Hps of one who Is
an authority on that subject. The
topic of the sermon will
be "Called to Be Saints." The morn
ing service will be made doubly at
tractive by the singing of a quartet
of boys of the Whitney chorus.
The sacrament of the Lord's sup
per will be observed at the close of
the morning service in the Clinton
Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church on Powell and East Fortieth
streets. The' same will also be ob
served in the Westmoreland chapel.
Milwaukie Btreet and South avenue,
at 8 P. M. E. Sutton Mace is pastor.
Rose City Park Methodist EpVco
pal church at Fifty-eighth avenue
and Alameda drive, is having great
success wtth its second annual daily
vacation Bible school. The enrol
ment is more than 70 and the dally
attendance almost up to the enroll
ment. -
Charles Wesley Huett, pastor, will
preach at both services today. This
morning at 11 o'clock there will be
"The Kingdom of God" and the topic
for the evening discourse will be
"The God-Called Man."
Dr. Bowman to Preach on
"More Than Conquerors."
First Presbyterian Pastor Speaks
on Itature Tonight.
MAN, the pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, will occupy the
pulpit this morning and tonight.
The theme of the morning sermon
will be "More Than ConquerorB."
Halfred Young will sing the offer
tory solo, "Ride On, Ride On, in
Majesty" (Vernon Eville).
Tonight Dr. Bowman will preach
the last' in the series of nature ser
mons, "The Spiritual Message of the
Fields.". The 'quartet will sing sev
eral selections from Maunder's "Song
of Thanksgiving," as follows: Reci
tative and air, "The Gracious Lord,"
Mr. Wedemeyer; "O Lovely Flow
ers," Mrs. Segersten; "The Blushing
Fruits Appear," Mrs. Segersten and
Mr. Young; "Forever, O Lord," quar
tet and Mrs. Skulason; "Let All the
People Praise Thee," Mr. Young.
A nursery for babies and children
of kindergarten age is maintained
from 10 to 12 in room A of the
church house, with a trained nurse
in attendance.
The Sunday school today and for
the rest of the summer is held in
two groups: Beginners and pri
mary children meet In the primary
room. Illustrated talks on Old Tes
tament heroes are given. The other
departments and classes from the
jirniors up meet in the Sunday school
auditorium. An address by Dr. Bow
man will be given to this group
At the Central Presbyterian church
this morning the sacrament of the
Lord's supper will be observed. Dr.
Nugent will deliver a short sermon
on "A Change of Diet." The chorus
choir, under the direction of J. Wil
liam Belcher, will sing. Tonight
Dr. Nugent's sermon topic is "God's
Method of Help." The Sunday night
services will be discontinued during
July and August.
Dr. Nugent will leave tomorrow
night for Denver to attend a law en
forcement conference, held under
the auspices of the National Anti
Saloon league. Following the con
vention Dr. Nugent will go to To
ronto to visit his parents.
The annual picnic of Central
church will be held at Laurelhurst
park Wednesday a-fternoon and
night. Arrangements are in charge1
of the Men's club and the Woman's
This morning at Piedmont PTes
byterlan church the pastor. Rev. J.
Francis Morgan, will preach on the
subject, "What the Lord Hath
Done." Tonight his topic will be
"The Value of Today."
Tonight the Christian Endeavor
society will hold its last meeting
before the summer vacation. Dur
ing July and August there will be
no church services at night at this
church. The regular Sunday school
will also close for the summer, but
a special summer Sunday school for
all those who remain in the city will
be held at the usual hour each Sun
day. -
Wednesday afternoon the Wom
en's Missionary society will hold an
open meeting at Pentnsuia park,
having a picnic at about 1 and a
programme immediately following.
Any woman of the congregation or
community is welcome at this meet
ing. The splendid programme will
be provided by the young girls'
Westminster guilds of the church,
as follows:
Song by the Live Wires; talks on
"Our Missionaries" by the Julianna
circle girls; Miss Katharine Mor
gan of the Gleaners will give a
reading. " .
Services will be held in the Mil
lard Avenue Presbyterlan church at
11 A M. and 8 P. M. The subject
for the morning service is "The
Bible, the Best Seller. Why?" The
pastor, Rev. Henry White, preaches.
A boy soloist from the Whitney
Boys' chorus will sing.
Rev. Levi Johnston of the Men's
Resort and Hillockburn will preach
at the night services. Special music
will be furnished.
The Women's Missionary society
held their closing meeting of the
season at the home of Mrs. W. W.
Dillon. 7811 Fifty-ninth avenue '-point Df view, having for his definite
Southeast, last week. Miss Annajtopic, "The Life That Is Life In-
In Porto Rico, gave an account of
life and conditions there. Mrs. H. L.
Greer read an interesting paper on
Latin America. During the refresh-
ments Miss Dillon exhibited pic-
tures and curios from Porto Rico,
I throwing sidelights on the manners
! and customs of the people.
The Welfare clu-b of the church
met in the church Tuesday night for
a potluck dinner. Mrs. W. W. Oil -
Ion and Mrs. H. L. Greer were the
hostesses of the occasion. About
30 sat down to dinner. Five newthe general public is cordially in-"
members were received. Pledges
covering the expense of the church
music for the summer months were
made. The Misses Hollingsworth
and Mrs. W. L. Ormandy are the
hostesses for the July meeting.
Plans are under way for a Sun
day school picnic to be held at one
of the near-by lakes on or about
July 15.
The season's activities of the La
dies' Aid society will close with an
apron sale in the Grum building
June 30.
Dedicatory services will be held and flreiY?.y pIans are beinS madH
in Unity Presbyterian church Sun-, "r installing a three manual pipe
day. At the morning service Rev. f,r5a" of 'ates' desS" an adapta
Boudlnot Seeley will preach. Thltlon for church purposes.
pradcrat3 Pf m"9
H. L
Bowman, D. D., will preach the dedi
cation sermon.
At the night service Rev. J. G.
Tate, D. D., will be the preacher.
The funds for the building and fur
nishings have been obtained and
there will be no effort made to raise
money, but an opportunity will be
given to any who may desire to con
tribute, and the money will be used
for the pipe organ fund.
Dr. H. L. Bowman, pastor of First
Presbyterian church, will be the
ppeaker at the Men's Resort meet
ing this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Gos
pel songs by the men and chorus
singing will precede the speaker,
and one of the men will sing.
Wednesday at 8 P. M. there will be
an illustrated song programme given
by Mr. Fry, who painted the pic
tures. All strangers are Invited.
Westminster Presbyterian church
has been very busy the past week
with its daily bible school. So far
95 have been registered, and with
a splendid corps of 14 teachers, most
excellent work is being done. Ses
sions are from 9 to 11:30 A. M.
The school 13 graded according to
public school grades and the work
Is arranged to supplement the study
of the Sunday school. The dram
atizing of bible stories, and all the
expreeslonVl work is developing
great Interest.
Dr. E. H. Pence preaches Sunday
at 10:30 A. M. on "How Jesus Dealt
with Types," and at 7:45 on: "The
Appeal of Meekness and Gentleness."
The special music for the day will
. 10:3ft.
Anthem. "Bond Out Thy Light nd Thy
Truth, Let Them I-ead Me" (Chrle
Gounod), palm xlllil 20 r offertory. "The
Fiftieth Annivemary" (Oabriel Murle);
quartet, "God Guard Thee" (J. Rhien
bergier) (affectionately dedicated to Mr.
and Mrs. George S. Carpenterr.
Anthem. "Songa of Praiae the Ansrels
Sang" (H. R. Shelly); offertory. "Ber
ceuse" (Ph. Salome); hymn-anthem wtth
baritone solo "Day la Dying in tne weat,
sung by Dom Zan (M. T. Salter).
Friday night at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. E. H. Pence, there was
a reception given to Mr. and Mrs.
George S. Carpenter In honor of
their golden wedding anniversary.
Thev have long been members of
Westminster, and Mr. Carpenter has
held many important offices. An
appropriate anniversary book was
presented them and then as a com
plete surprise Mr. carpenter . pre
sented Dr. ai.d Mrs. Pence a gift
from the officials of the church
Saturday being the 30th anniversary
of their wedding
This morning at 11 o'clock the
minister will preach from the theme
"The Symmetry of Life
Tonight there will be an open air
service between the church and
manse the weather being suitable.
This service Will be held at 7:30
instead of 8 o'clock.
The theme of the night medita
tion will be "Temptations."
'Christian Science" to Be
Topic Today.
Churches of Christ to Hold Regu
lar service.
TIB subject of Bible-lesson in
Christian Science churches for
today is "Christian Science."
Churches of Christ, Scientist, hold
regular services this morning at 11
o'clock. This service is repeated this
evening at 8 o'clock in all churches
except Fifth and Seventh.
' Sunday school for children up to
the age of 20 is held in all churches
at 9:45 and 11 except Third and
Fifth, where the sessions convene
at 9:30 and 11.
Testimonial meetings are held
Wednesday in all churches at 8. P. M.
Christian Science reading rooms
are maintained for the public 1133
Northwestern bank building. 33
North Third street. 133 North Sixth
street, and 148 Killlngsworth ave
nue, where the Bible and all Chris
tian Science, literature may be read
or purchased.
The churches are located as fol
lows: First church. Nineteenth and Everett
streets: Second church, Bast Sixth street
and Holladay avenue; Th-ird church.
East Twelfth and Salmon streeetti;
Fourth church, Vancouver avenus and
Emrson street; Fifth church.-4224 Sixty
second street Southeast; Sixth church.
Pythian building, 388 Yamhill street:
Seventh church, 403 Smith avenue, St.
An Invitation to attensl the church
services and visit the reading rooms
is extended to the public.
'Guests of God" Is Topic
of Rev. Mr. Eliot.
Unitarian 4'harch School Has In
termitted for Summer.
(( - UESTS OF GOD" will be Mr.
VX Eliot's theme this morning at
10:80 at the Church of Our Father
(Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill
. The church school is intermitted
for the summer.
The reading room is open dally
after 1 P. M., where one may rest,
read or write. Strangers and visit
ors in the city especially are wel
come. In the worship today at 11 o'clock
in the Lincoln high school audito
rium where the First Christian
church is now holding its Sunday
services the Rev. Harold H. Griffis
will speak on the realities of the
spiritual life, from the scientist's
In the evening worship at 7:45
o'clock the Rev. J. M. Wilkinson will
deliver his famous illustrated lec
ture on "The Passion Play of Ober-
ammergau, which is now being pre
sented in its native country for the
j first time since the world war. Dr.
'Wilkinson has been an eye wit-
. nesses to the "Passion Play" in its
original setting, having spent five
1 days in the home of Anton Lang.
the "Ohrlstus" of the storv. Ad-
mission to this lecture is free and
, The change in the musical min
istry from a quartet to a chorus
choir under the leadership of L.
Carroll Day was effected last Sun
day and the new arrangement is
proving satisfactory with the wor- '
shlpers. Today at both morning
and evening services Mr. Day will
provide special choral numbersT also
the regular programme of solos and
duets. In the new building now un
der construction at Park and Coliim-
I bia streets careful attention is be-
I ing given to the musical eaiilnment
pafiur, jiev. j. n. jrvine. will assist
Rev. A. F. Lacy In community cen
ter services at Estacada in all-day
services. I
Services at the Lincoln Methodist
Episcopal church, corner of East
Fifty-second and Lincoln streets, to
day will be at 11 A. M., the topic
being "Our Divine Creator," and at
8 P. M., "Satisfaction. Apparent and
Real." Rev. W. N. Byars, the pas
tor, will speak at both services.
The Christian Endeavor society of
Moreland Community church gave
their play "Whiskers." before a
large audience at i the Sellwood
school recently. The society has
been giving a series of entertain
ments to raise tholr apportionment
of the building fund for the new
church building. .
Excellent Music at First
"Who la A'nrroirf Who Broad f"
' Dr. McElveen'a Topic.
llfHO IS Narrow ana Who Is
VV Broad?" is Dr. W. T. Mc
Elveen's topic at the First Congre
gational church this morning. The
quartet choir, under the leadership
of W. E. Robinson, has prepared a
fine musical setting for this sermon.
Tonight Dr. McElveen will answer
three Questions! 1 1
that limit the number of Jewish
students in their classes Christian?
2. Why cannot we have a United
Protestant church? 3. Should a
Christian attend Sunday baseball
games?. Dr. McElveen will answer
these questions very briefly in order
that the chorus choir may give it's
farewell sacred concert of the sea
son. At the Golden Rule forum at 12:30
o'clock, noon, Herbert Powell Lee,
the leader, will discuss "How Far
Should Our Governmi n Conserve
Human life?" The forum, in addition
to the Sunday noon meetings in the
pastor's study, holds .a luncheon
every Friday noon in the gray room
at the Young Woman's Christian as
sociation restaurant.
Monday evening the deacons and
their wives will meet at the pastor's
home in East Taylor street, for
their monthly session.
Tuesday afternoon, from 2 to 5
o'clock, there will be a shower party
at the home of Mrs. R. M. Gray, 620
Wasco street. Thursday night Dr
McElveen will give another of his
popular "little Journeys." The topic
of this lecture is "A Little Journey
Through the Jewel of India." This
lecture will be illustrated by 47
Beginning with next Sundav
morning.- a group of lecturers wlil
give illustrated stereopticon lectures
at the church school. hi-a i.
list of topics and lectures for the
month of July:
July 2, "Life of Christ," Mrs. VV
B. Hargreaves; July 9. "Life of
Christ," Alva Patton: July 16. "Life
of Christ," H. (1. Colton; July 23
"The Story of Ruth." Miss Margarei
Bates; July 30, "Obscure Heroei-.'-Dr.
A. J. Sullens.
The regular joint meeting of the
four missionary circles of the Sun
nyside Congregational church wi::
be held In Laurelhurst park next
Thursday. A luncheon will be given
in the park, after which the busi
ness session will be in order until
late In the afternoon.
At the Atkinson Memorial Center
(Congregational church), East Ev
erett and Twenty-ninth streets, at
11 o'clock today. Rev. E. E. Flint
will preach on "The Magnetism of
Tonight the congregation will be
taken by some choice films to the
great wonders of the world in na
ture. These consist of trips to na
tional parks, likewise a study of na
ture from many angles that lead out
to a discovery of God. The Atkin
son Pilgrim Boys' chorus will sing.
The pastor will lead an interest
ing meeting on Thursday night and
conduct a Bible study.
The pageant "Children Out of the
rsime. given y tne scnooi iBst Sun
day, wac one of the greatest serv
ices ever held in the church. The
request has come for it to be re
peated .and as soon as those taking
part can be reassembled It will be
again given.
The service today at the High
land Congregational church will
partake of the spirit of summer fes
tivities, in the sermon this morn
ing, tne pastor, rtev. niawarcl (jon
stant. will speak on "Lessons
Taught by the Flowers." In the
evening there is to be a summer
concert under the direction of Mrs.
W. K. Caldwell. Vocal selections
will be given by Mrs. Van Groos,
Mrs. ciark, Mrs. s. Hunt and
Messrs. J. Henderson, R. Desmond
and Ray Macauley. There will also
he a number by a boys' quintet.
Miss S. Dennlson will give a cor
net solo and Carltoh Collins will
contribute a violin solo. The brief
talk of the pastor will have for its
tcplc "The Thoughts of a Summer
At the Pilgrim' Congregational
church, Shaver street and Missouri
avenue, the sermon this morning
will be preached by Rev. c. W.
Wells On "Lessons From the Proph
ecy of Isaiah" The evening serv
ice will be in the nature of a rally
of the Pilgrim boys' chorus, hi
which members will tell of their
James H. Price will be in charge of
the service and will deliver the
chief address. The annual picnic of
the Sunday school will be held at
Peninsula park Tuesday.
At the Alameda Park Community
church the programme for today Is
as follows: Church school Ik nt iti
and worship and sermon at 11:15.
Jesus." Mrs. Eloise Hail Cook wlil
sing. The last of the Young: Peo
ple's meetings will be held st 8
o'clock. All are Invited.
The First annual picnic of church
and Sunday school wii; be h--M ni
Columbia park next uturda
A -muBii-al programme- wi., e
given in the Waverly Heights Con-
gregational at 8 o'clock tonight.
(Concluded oa Page 10.)