The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Image 67

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Women, Churches, Books,
Schools and Features
NO. 26
If You Are Planning Vacation at Shore or Mountains With Summer Club Membership as Part of Programme Smart Clothes May Be Planned Tennis Frocks of Linen Are Made in One-Piece Models.
ll ' ''' 1
I 1I-V? 1 : i - AltVSw" J "life. v W - if ClL ' fVrld I I ' !i54T. A?.
i n n fe'fe v - , i mi . - . ., ... ...I- - m w w.v
I If l I v jcte s?zf zer jests'.; sy, J7 'I-
ill f r j- v m nil .1 ui . mv in i; ' c r, s,"-
v. " iL l jl&i " : : : . . .. ..... -. .. ., .- . , - I r -t "
4 f I w 1 II
not and a strenuous gam of ten- during the -water sports in silken the country clubs. They are de- frock (2119) Is of blue and white
nls on a hot day usually means a frocks, organdies, embroidered lln- llghtfully cool ' and smart, when striped tub silk with plain -white
silk bodice that sticks wetly to ens and the like, while the con- built in simple, tailored style and conar and cuffs. '
shoulders and back. Silk has ' a testants in the-sports do all the accompanied by hat and parasol in Fans are beng used at daylight
blow-about grace that Is alluring as hard work. . vivid color. Many of the silk frocks
its wearer runs, but Iinem has a cool Parasols, lovely hats , and en- and blouses for sport occasions are afalrs thls summer and you see
crispness and freshness that is even chanting frocks you see' in. the eath- embroidered with very small white these dainty little fans, ornamental
more alluring on a hot day. . ering of the lookers-on; and "this beads put on in an effect that looks rather than practical, on country
Sport togs that only pose about year pretty fans have been added like long and. short-stitch embroid- "club verandas where those "who do
and do not go into for rough and to the costume accessories. After- ery at the edges of panels and not indulge in active sports look
tumble experiences in games, are noon fans are now as fashionable draperies. on at those who do. The lady
a feature at any country club. As as evening fans.. The afternoon - The girl who plays tennis, plays (1848) in the extremely smart hat
the "associate members" of a liter- fan is of lace stretched across a in ,the limelight if her favorite which has a straw rose, each petal
. ary or musical ciuo Deiong ior tne light frame that is attached to a game Is enjoyed on the courts of of which is piped with white kid,
" sake of "belonging," so the "looker- carved wood or shell handle. A a country club. Always there are Is holding one of those frivolous
on" members of a country club fringe of ostrich in shaded . tones observers about either of her ten- little fans; made of black chantilly
iu lummuinu .iiiiuui auumgio aroops irom tne-eage 01 tne mce nis or her costume and "any old lace with a fringe of lavender and
glory except in the way or fan all. around. Such a fan makes thing" will not do at all. She must black ostrich. ' .
( 0
THE country club Is an inetitu-. dance on hot summer nights In " . ' " , - - - -."....b w .u uo oeaumuny n simpiy aressea. u you attend a country club or cade ago. Beautiful evening frocks of periwinkle blue chiffon witn
tlon that has given an impetus sweet , little dotted Swisses and a11 the best dressed people at any noon costume, when the shaded The smart tennis frock this year Is yacht, -club., dance, in a fashionable are the rule now,' JeweUd coiffure pearl bead 'embroidery. It has the
twv onlv to nntrfnnr snorts, but frilled Thse costumes club event You note them along feathers on the fan match the tone of crisp linen or of soft tub silk community vou won't find the eiri. hi. ana . oil th mnflt AernUetxea in favor now
also to summer fashions. One does ore for the afternoon. At most club the sidelines at the tennis tourna- of hat and parasol. ' and the latter has a blowy quality in' simple "organdies and dotted other details of dress-up regalia, and a vejy decided Irregularity of
not wear any old thing for athletic dances in the evening you find elab- ment, or sitting on j.the-veranda Pongee frocks are appearing at that is very graceful. The pictured Swisses as you might have a de- The lovely frock pictured (1850) is hemline. - -
games when those games are en- . orate evening frocks, ornamented
joyed In the vicinity of a country coiffures and gorgeous fans. And
club house " where smartly attired stunning wra-ps are im order for the
people foregather. Costumes for breezy verandas.. -At a very impor-
golf, tennis, boating and other out- tant yacht club on the Massachu-
door games must be as correct from setts shore last summer everybody
the fashion standpoint as are the wore full evening ' dress but the
costumes that stay on the veranda matrons who "sat out" as spectators
ProklGitvs f Drssiriakin
worsted handwork done In the blue
matching the stripe in your skirt.
Have the tuxedo jacket of the can
ton, with the flannel collar and tie
belt. ' .
A stout figure should-never wear
PORTLAND, Or., June 7. Dear Ma- an exceedingly 'smart frock. Io uhe tlle satin as it increases the size.
other fish (fresh or salt) with peas
or celery in cream or figaro sauce.
13. Scrambled , egg sandwich
(with or without cheese or bacon)
with asparagus tips or peas or fresh
tomato; tomato or chopped pickle
PORTLAND. Or. Dear Miss Tingle: any tasty combination of thin sliced sauce. .
Answers0 GorfGpotvdente
.' by Lilian Tirtqle
or In club luncheon room. wore hats. This curious ustom,,tliB iwad work to as shown f ov this to your own satisfaction iaj; ?l or minced or diced hot or reheated
The country club Is the center of wemed to be a Massachusetts instl- I have never had occasion to use it Bjnd have th neck and eleev WikI- by placing over your hips a width of one x hjlV6 Ca". fw flour adTdoi't-meats, with or without vegetables, ,P0,RTLP' " .Ju,l? ' fT?Mred
Ksiol interest every out-of-town tutlon; has not Heard of it any- before. .. ings of the geranium taffeta, also satin and a material with the duller car. for it. Thankin, you in advance. . and wtth either brown gravy, lemon SbflV." pick" ?o a Pkind of cof
.mmunity. Few affairs are given where else.' One New York matron, Bult, but do not know Just how to make Inset for blouse and sleeves. A surface. mKa' butter hollandaise. mayonnaise to- fee cake that la baked In a ring and has
tvm m 11 Ti i t v
at home -now everything is "at the invited to go ' to th club danoe It. I had thought of trimming it with saah of the bright color wVuid com- By all means continue with the
dub--Hlances. bridge parties, limoh- along with her young daughter, ap- nne,!ruttSr,he-trtmfn0g 5 Su plete a mo8t teresttog costume low bust corset as they give a far
eons, teas, as well as tournaments pearea-on tn notei veranaa m. a. Also is the ben cull or sleeve being a certainay a serviceaDle one.
wWch gather a crowd of well- stunning evening gown and light V,, Sfing a waist to th!
dressed folk to look at golf, tennis wra.ji. akirt for a three-piece suit.
or polo. People who rely-on sum
mer hotel life for social divers lorn
during the hot weather month com- wr ,v-i . tT X .HSX' 'SST ept. the vest ta of the .erg.
i i av- i . . a '1-niA iaw xorir tiihi roil I) u r un a - "
uituu Liia.. uieio is xiu muio iuu v -' '
lowing: Cream caramels Two
more natural line. There are good cups sugar, cup glucose,
patterns for the fitted bralssere and cup water, Vi cup cream, 2 table
HOPE . you will llke the follow- ' Cr, .oK ,ha. a kind of yellow filling, with flavoring
, , : mato, Spanish or, other preferred th.t u not oinnamon or vanilla. Thank-
sauce, ing you, f BuBbUKitiin.
The sandwich . may be made of I hope the following pickle is
. . . . ,. . . . nr nf whitn ' rv nr e-rahnm what you wantl
T.CSr"V'h wa.-Dear Madam l reel sure your prooiem in mis re- spoons nutter, i teaspoon vanma ;- - "."-"T'--; " . . t,0(, rahhae Pickle Remove the
..' "But my dear." re-monstrated the I am B feet 6 inches tall weigh 145 . ;a"Va ttlZ 'xTJ sPect can be solved. -I will not give (or more if the extract Is weak). " - - ZZ'!' trom heavy flTm, red
Hostess of the party. "You must fZTi "d m'22 you hme? Thara blue' French a number for the brassier as you Dissolve the sugar In the water,- "."a , Cut in Quart anaslice
a. wear your hat. , ' "luoThav. enough navy blue taffeta fw' VZZt best know where you must have the Add the glucose and boil to 245 or B:M ! totaysr. in a
a BKirt ana irimming ior a aress, j iB -i..- ..
, An. I... 1. with uuut u'uisa
. TV. o,tnw nlh feeble fleht- She had no hat with w malt. it. for a .for '?w tne 30ln"8r of. waist, and . skirt,
utuuc7, uubwa. -s, - - - , t , ' - - - sieeves
its wholesomeness and attractive- very thin. Arrange In layers In
bowl or platter with a good sprin-
are long and tieht.flttlns.
Tne back and the front are cut In T havn MulvMi hnln from vou.
.i.-a j jt 1 .mill tro.llr.o- a. twwcl lno ?.B"ela-..i1 .n'ra?'?-. wouia ijne thre. nieces. - Th klrt la H1 (n-h lvn. for
" ut""1 iu ."""s j sometning witn as straignt unes as pos- after 4ttlr. ot h, u .-I.r . ..... ... ll K. ,..( -d . . ,,V hut r.nlv tr.r Informl lnnr.lonn. r.r
j . . i- i.i.. i i, o hAr. nn lipr wAAIr-Am fftja.v.ji out her lniormai wear. A couia prooaoiy- maicn
oa woe.iy v " . . the taffeta. If desirable. Would like
take in" and the comfort as well, to the "firm ball." Add the butter.
- . . , .11 . . . HAM
cream ua to to. . . , 'Mwmii the lavers.
SCIO, Or., June 6. Madame Rlehet: degrees Fahrenheit or to the hard In spite of the name, such sand-. . -
.Wail, BLinlUK ttll IQS LlXUe IU Ul C- -rrwMca a.. 9 uou i .......... ,
. . , . . , . ... . ., hot Rt a, otrone- wras the aihia in hoth suit and dresa . air lotting out nem and 64 inches wid.. I expect to become a mother this fall vent burning. Pour out on a slab be- dui ont
hotel proprietors for entertainment Prt hat. But so strong was tne .ibie in both suit and "res, Th9 ,tjrle ,s wy unbecominl to m8 and t lsh to maka a areM that wl be t bars or into a buttered tin suppers
of the guests are no more if there pressure brought to bear upon her
advise me regarding the above and ?w'i aa . lttva grown much stouter, comfortable and alBO look nice for wear ' , j.,
Next day
rinse and drain in cold water and
pack into cans. Fill up the cans
with cold spiced pickling vinegar
seal at once. This will be ready
eat In two or three days. The
vinegar should be boiled with one
. i t i i ..i.i i ...
trine. ,nM Vw hRt? ,.. ..... . or two laoieapuous miieu viv..i."o
fore no Invitations to affairs at the s the Bostonians do! JLT-L juiy rellnea.tor, the mod-el to. What would you advteo for th. tuxedo I am 5 feet 6 inches tall, weigh 130 luago une-naii iun rots wlth bl.own mint sauce or to- Bpice ana two tiny red peppers for
club. Som. kotls ev6n E far - MonHn. cMtum(8 at ta trjr to rigit lt t,, bftttom we 2J. W lffic.r lllJ' LtZ m" S1"M;. . ehauart. If liked add cup
ana peas witn sjigar for each quart vinegar; cut
or hollandaise. red cabbage pickle is more often
3. Minced .veal with crisp bacon sharp and unsweetened pickle.
be a country club anywhere near, that she went to the dance in her thank you very much. ,Yk'. " ..rTf 7, Jnfi J.;JS:f .T . 8 ' and
And sad is the fate of the hotel tulle evening gown and silk wrap- MRS. jab. o. htlltakd. suitable) to wear with a sport suit, as I please Ttell me some TmateHals tharare? ." ,r.v.,. T"" eu6Besleu lor n" Bana- to
euesi who has no acaualntance with her traveling toque upon her -RS JAS- HILLYARD- A stun- aoJlot look ood ln a vsd"- and ' If I us. the organdie, what would be a jjiij.ii ya-yvi. x w. iu&uft w wicnes.
guest wno nas no acquamunnce tr.t. j l " . J . VT The skirt is cream colored French flan- suitable way to make It and what color M. S. for the following cake recipe: , tu,: j
amone "the cottagers and xnene- .nou mwv.ii-"o, u .... nmg suit wuu oe louna, ami Time nel with a blue
ciud. some soteis even go eo iar o -- , "V "l ','"-BO want it trimmed with whit. Angora or fair, with very little color. Am 22 years molasses 1 cup boiled coffee, 1 cup " 7,7 . u
as to advertise in their booklets: club are usually sport costumes Ratlher tihon the eoutasihe trimming the brush wool; also hat to match. old. ; INQUIRER. - - ,' ,, . , '2. Minced ham
"Tennis and weekly dances at the whether one indulges ln sports or t would suggest the use of the Jjft 'JilitPa'fM? taS' ItaeVi. mauler: Am so happy that you "oot loto. 1 Usswon vtiuii Cr"B' 0r '
club nearbv." But When you get not. . Golf girt wears the regulation hite embroidery braid which has liA 2it.T hJSd. itJ-.S have found heln through this de- f ?0" ..... 8P.n:V a..r, S. Minced .veal.
there you find that membership in aklrt, blouse and sweater; the ten- appearajioe of th bugle bead J.Jnlted. Would you suggest a partment and trust - the selection . t and creamed spinach (also brown It is rather hard to guess what
the club-even "summer member- nls girl cool white linen or striped corrected by a single tlhneod. TMs " S?t LuiFfo find ToT nlv made for you at this very treasured ! a'" '""ff "f. iJJ sauce if des'red). . ' . kind of coffee cake you have in
vou m Icrht trv the fol-
hipM will coat $50 or so.
If you don't belong to tho club tt heavy quaUty -with, fine etrlpea you car Cor it thia black could be w10"
aa, posstbla.
you have a dull sumnrer of it, elttin a color are popular for fominine usd. -with whJcJi to coudh. If you Thanking you in advance,
on th hotel norch and watclilmr tbe teania costumes thija summer. The tiLoji havimjar a eanfron crei with MRa T.H. S.
for table, but 4. Minced beer and beans, Spanish " " '.. K,
stronger, and add. Put soda ln flour, sauce. . tm. ...d
coffee prepared
' " igiuj - uvo. Vi nr. tin iatalriH nr USA .AAll.a. C H)J ...InhU
texture for the dress I would have T" ."";. ".,T "J "v...:. , , -s--"- ln coffea cakes and honey cake8 or
motors drive up to the club people dainty froc,ks are In one piece and tlhla Idnen, suit them by all means Mrs. T. H. S.-.In the summer you . wear; the softer fabrics are ' 3 " 1 " .aoarat'lv M-ka chocolate wllna"ln cnulney- - Scandinavian orlgfa.
ta golf -clothes and tennis clothes are very simple a deep iem, short, have. a toudh, of tie canton on, the quarterly of the Pictorial Review far better, euch as a. crep de chine eJ B " cake as follows- h irv, v? ' r 86 - b. Coffee Cake One and one
rnid dainty afternoon frocks and wide sleeves and a neckline slastoed euii. Foir example tho collar and you will find on page 2t, No. 9971. or a canton crepe, and they, too, are x Bweet milk W7 u "WsesMee. fourth cups of rich milk. 1 cake
lovelier evening frocks. And your t. the front and finished with the lower portion, of th ouffs would be a model worth the copying foe It cool and comfortable to wear. souares of Baker's chocolate. 1 t " ' Chicken, bacon, fresh compreBSed yeast softened ln
ears are regaled at odd moments by "mU turn-back collar that Is the attractive in last - named fabric can be well lined to your dress. in the July Delineator on page tableSpoorl butter Boll until It to a . ' Iettuc and ' mayn- Cup luke-warm water, 2 table
accounts of what went on 'Tat the fashion Just now. A belt or sash Th design as shown to an axoeiliemt Have the long collar line as shown 24, ,No. 3845, is a splendid model if water' When dona flavor . , L, , " , v spoons sugar, 1 tablespoon butter,
club." holds to the straight frock at a one to copy In the emibroldeffy. and the vest and collar trim, also the when cutting your material you will th i teaspoon vaniUa- cool- then Milwaukee Rye bread, hot 1 teaspoons salt, flour to make
If vou are Dlannin vour summer low waistline. . - Wear a narrow belt of black or 'cuffs of cream linen or crash. Re- allow olenty of lap. ln the drape, ,.p. . ... ' ..' cheese," fresh tomato and lettuce. a sponge. Scald the milk, add the
- .. . -- HUT 1 1 1 1. 1 1 IL UKKlUa LU KtSI. Ul OlUii.V. a J". . r . r. n rt . . I. . . .
' a. V.1 CIllllCU CKK BauUVlbll. mill Bk.,B.lnB. ... Dltfra, tnnl . n !..)..
vacation at shore or mountains with Tennis frocks of linen are made white suede.
move your panel at the back. The which can be let out from time to
"summer club membership" as in one-ipiece models too, with the The taffeta drees wili be more general line can be closely followed, time. The blouse should have a com
part of the program, plan some very loose, short sleeve and thrown-open satisfactory if you will maticli that A stunning blouse to wear with fortaible band of elastic and I would
then spread on the cake.
spinach or asparagus tips, with or warm and add the softened yeast.
vorti.and. or.. Anril 2 s, mim without grated cneese. Add fIur t0 make a drop batter
smart clothes for thev club. Take collar. Limen is a better fabric than which you have rather than, com- your sport skirt is shown In the add at the right side of the girdla Tingle: Pleas, give supgestlons for a hot-" 10. Deviled sardines with resh an(j jet rise until very light and full
Jraur -roui. smartntf.iim.liir -fracVa tar a. tennis frock of stUcwiiea .bi. rU4 annfaW tnaterisJ. : la July Delineator, page 30.- No. '3839. a. .xsfo. which will add a free, loose 'dinner sandwich. Sincerely, M.P.C. tomato and egg sauce. of bubbles, then beat in 3 well-
-J1 course you - can serve sumoBL ' x. -. . r ia4Lea uiiuut, . atuiava
tor the dances. No longer do girls vet sticks to the skin and llmen does eamei Issue on page 31, No. 3836, ia Have the canton creep , with the
(Concluded on Page a.)
(Concluded on Fag. .)