The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, SECTION FOUR, Image 55

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Dramatic, Photoplays and
Rose Festival Pictures
NO. 26
lFfT.rr- ,
J" '' 'V'Jfrfc.-gj..
potts, received a most enthusiastic
US METZGER, inanager of the reception. ' The prediction is made
theater. last week In that "Hurricane's Gal," which is
ious newspaper advertise- forthcoming First national attrac-
ments asked the tlieatsrrgoing pub- tion. will be a surefire winner,
lie a very . pertinent (jut s-tion re- ' , . . ' : .. . .
grarding' their attitude with refer
ence to good pictures, ,, v :
On a -comhination . vacation and.
business' trip, Salvatore Santaella,
Considering the present persistent conductor at" the Rivoli theater, Is ,.
cry for better photoplays,, the quear- In New Tork. W hile in the east -tion
was aptly put; Manager Metz- visiting: relatives and renewing
ger is a member of the censor board.' acquaintances In musical circles.
He was playing an. attraction .that Mr. Santaella will purchase music
was worthy of the nmst enthusiastic and orchestra scores, to' add to the ...
support. Did he get it? . He . em- Hivoli' musical library. '. During his
phatically did not!- absence the. orchestra will be con-
In' the early part of the run of ducted by Harry Linden, assistant
that particular captivating picture, conductor and concert master. The
which was noted for its excellent latter, before,, he 'joined, the Rivoli
story, wonderful characterization, orchestra was an instructor in the
and which contained every essential Metropolitan school of : music in
element of a really standard .photo- Chicago, where ; he was alsi con
play, Mr. Metzger became so dis- nected : with 1 the Chicago .Grand
gusted with the slim patronage that Opera company. , "
he decided to take oft the sterling " :;,.,.;.'
photoplay and put on something ' J. C. Stille, . ex-manager oT the
.that would at least pay expenses Rivoli theater, now representing in
oven if the picture he had in mind. a special' capacity the Universal
was necessarily of a lower standard Film corporation,, spent a: few days"
tJfan the one that was playing. He last week in Portland visiting with ' .
would have been justified Jn ..his ac- Gus A Metzger, his ex-employer,
tion. He Is not running the Rivoli Stille for a - few . weeks - was in
for. his health. . He; and not. unlike charge of the Sea.ttle theater owned
other managers in this-crty, is stren- by the Universal. For a time he
uously endeavoring to give the pub-' was in Salt Lake City on uie same
He the better class of pictures and mission. '
nine times out often when the man- ' ' '
agers do exhibit something that is Lo's Weber, star; producer, airec
really worth while they lose money! tM and alt around woman, who re-
Mr. Metzger was prevailed upon centiy returned from Europe,, staged ''
to give the picture a further chance. a studio revue at her "plant re-.. ,
Not only he but 'the photoplay centiy with stars galore appearing.
critics had their fingers on the 11 'waa a benefit for the Postwar ,
pulse. And before the run of the Service leagoie. Stars were on hand,
picture was finished that pulsation t0' because they posted 100 forfeit
was so discouragingly weak that the for nonappearance, and all. worked
entry on the business book of the that Ruth Roland, who . is
Rivoli for that week was radicaUy sama 8lnset. warbled and yodeled,
and incidentally unflatteringly n,d "" t-"r were on the big
Siv Pa piiiiiiip;t .
y 4
f W
V 1 f
Liberty Wallace Reid, "Across the Continent." .
Majestic Monte Blue, "My Old Kentucky Home." ,
Rivoli Jack Holt. Bebe Daniels, "North of the Rip Grande.'
Columbia Thomas Meighan, "Our Leading Citizen
Hippodrome Doria May, "Boy Crazy."
Circle De M ile's "Fool Paradise." .
mfumi- is-1 jr.
f4 .j
on the wrong side of the ledger!
Two picture houses in the down
town theatrical district are. now on
the dark list. One was a represen
tative house, the other played ex
cellent ' -econd-run' pictures. . The
truth of the matter is that those
houses did not close for repairs, nor
to give the managers a vacation.
bill, which -was followed by a regu
lar Saturday night dance.
s. ' ' ;
. Alice Brady wears glasses before
the camera for the first time in her
motion picture career In "Missing
Millions," .'which Is now in produc
tion at Long Island Studio. . Miss
Brady effects a disguise with the
glasses, which Is essential to the
Seldom were inferior Pictures shown isn&k role whlch sne plays , this
at the Peoples theater. Yet it had
to close; and despite the fact that
It belonged to a chain of theaters
controlled, by a powerful- organiza-
'Boston Blackie" story.
Gloria Swanson .has comimenced
work on her next Paramount p4c-
tion, it could not be permitted to ture, "The Impossible Mrs. Bellow,"
continue playing a losing game ow- at -the Lasky studio. Previous to her:
ing to lack of public support of return from Europe, Sam Wood, who
good pictures.
is directing the picture, took many
According to various, announce- .of the scenes in New York in which
ments from various organizations, the star does not appear,
the public has been making a de- T. Roy Barnes will welcome the
mand upon the theater managers daywhe'n he can:appear In public
for better film attractions. Man- with his face barren of the tramp
ager Metzger has stepped out and beard he has grown for his role of
turned the tables. The managers Hapipy Jack in "The Old Home
now undoubtedly will do a little' de- stead," . directed by James Cruze.
mandlng of their own. If the public "I'm tired," he explained, "of steal
really wants nothing but the very ing through back alleys to get to the
highest class of photoplay attrac- studio." ,
tlons the managers will screen pic- ' " '-.'
tures until they are blind seeking A black cat-figures almost ' daily
the right attractions regardless of on the call sheet at the Lasky studio
the enormous price that the pro- for -Irvin WiUat's production for
ducers tack on to them. But when Paramount, "On the High Seas,",, in
they find them, exhibit them and which . Dorothy., Dalton .and Jack
exploit them, those same managers Holt are featured,
are absolutely warranted In -making . .
their demand that those attractions Tw different types of ghosts will
be fittingly supported. - be seen shortly in Paramount pic-
, t tures. In "The Ghost Breaker,"
"In the Name of the Law," the Wallace Reid's picture which Alfred
Emory Johnson production, . Is the Green is .directing, they will , be
latest motion picture to break int Spanish spectres wearing armor,
a Broadway theater, which hitherto In ' "Borderland," Agnes Ayres"
has devoted itself entirely to the Photodrama directed by Paul Powell,
spoken drama. The big police drama wiu aPDear as dlm sPir'ts
will open for an extended run at "wathed in filmy raiment. But the
the George M. Cohan theater, at n"d ghosts are "bogus," while
Times Square, New York city, be- 8e ln .,,'lrl" ,
ginning July 9.
presumably the real thing 225 of
em. . . .-. .-
Bubbling with enthusiasm and
glad to get back off the road,
Phylljs Haver, Mack Sennett comedy
"Manslaughter," Cecil B. DeMille's
next production,, will soon be com-.
nlAtAri gxpnnliiir rt an annnnnm-
star, again has taken up her studio ment from th. Xhe pfcture
grease paint and mirror. Phyllis wnich ls gald to Contain some, of
In company with Ben Turpi and th. most elaborate scenes he has
Kathryn McGuire, appeared in a staged, will open for a run at
vaudeville sketch on Pantages time tne Criterion early in the falL .
In several of the west coast cities, ; . ' - ..
and while she says that the life of "The Law of the Lawless," a stale
a vaudeville artist, is all that may of gypsy ufe from the collection of
be expected, she, nevertheless, wants ahort stories entitled "Ghitza and
no more of it.' '- - " Other Romances of Gypsy Blood,"
: by Konrad' BercovicI, famous Rou-'
Allen Holubar's "Hurricane's Gal," manian author, has been purchased
starring Dorothy Phillips in a sea by Paramount as a possible vehiele
drama, was previewed at the Cali- (or Bebe Daniels. . .
fornia theater in Venice, Ca., the - Mr. Eercovici did not hesitate to
other night and, according to re- say, on his first visit to the Lasky
studio recently, that he visualized
Miss Daniels, with her dark, strik
ing beauty, in his j tales of ihe
Tslganes, and that he hoped she
might play the first one of his char
acters to reach the screen.' .
... . ' . : 1 . .
"The Old Homestead" is one of
the first ; pictures in which Theo-"
dore Roberts, the Paramount char
acter actor, ; has appeared In some
time wherein he cannot smoke
cigars. - But he makes up for it
between scenes. "- r :.
. ' -:
--Having found a Hollywood home
with a garden larg 3 enough1 to satisfy-
the- athletic ambitions of Lux,
their German police dog, Mr. and
Mrs. George . Fitzmaurice (Ouida
Bergere)-are now full-fledged Cali
fornia householders. ;
George Arliss has sailed, for Eng
land after compIetingthe scenes for
his newest motion picture, 'The Si
lent "Voice." It will be his vacation
One of the last scenes was taken at
St. Ann's P: E. church, one of the
oldest in Brooklyn.- Dr. Cuthbert,
assistant rector,t is a strong Arliss
admirer, and is also a believer in the
motion picture. The church atmos
. phere for the film has to do with the
star's role as a brilliant organist
who becomes crushed in spirit by!
his loss of hearing and consequent
loss of musical ability. ;
Realism has its disadvantages. Or,
at least, "so thinks Theodore Kosloff.
With j much coaxing, the : Russian
dancer, and cinema' actor, raised.1 a
cute ; little , goatee for his role of
Lord Carnal In'. "To Have and to
Hold," . a . George . Fitzmaurice pro
duction for Paramount
"" But, ' curses'! No one believed; it
real, . all giving-- the hairy adorn
ment a husky tug. ;
, - .
Preparations are now in progress
for the next Norma Talmadge pro
duction, : with-"Infatuation" - com
pleted. . It will, be an adaptation of
the famous stage play by Robert
:Hitchens,'"The Voice From the Min
. aret," a .tale of oriental love and ad
venture. Frank Lloyd wil Idirect.
V ' - '"
' In addition to Niles Welch, who
is Elaine - Hammerstein's , regular
leading man, Mahlon Hamilton - has
been engaged by Myron Selznick to
support -his star in ' "Under Oath."
The feature is being produced at the
: United studios' in Hollywood. .
Mahlon Hamilton is well known
' to all theater-goers, for besides hav
ing supported many of the foremost
stars of the screen, he has also been
featured in several of his own pro
ductions. . He also played for -several
years before the footlights with
Frohman, Belasco and otner leading
producers. .. . . ... . .
After polling its various produc
ing companies, United Artists is able
to report that the final titles of im
portant releases for this fall are
established, as follows: "Douglas
Fairbanks in Robin Hood" (all- one
title); Mary Plckford's "Tess'of the
Storm Country" (no change from the
original name); Charles Ray ' in "A
Tailor-Made Man" (not The) ; George
Arliss, "The - Silent Voice"; Jack
Plckford's ."Garrison's Finish.".. . ;
.. ". ..
A treat in dramatic art is reported
from Logan City, Utah, . where a
reading was given in the book ver
sion of D. W. Griffith's "Orphans Of
the Storm" at the Brigham Young
college. The reading was conducted
by Professor T. N. Cutler, who,, with
out the aid of make-up, special cos
tume or scenery, presented the va
rious characters of the film, from
the lisping orphans of the prologue
to the "Thunderbolt" Danton in the
film's climax.
'..:' - :
- "Whiskers," the underslung, wide
guage terrier that haunts Charles
Ray both at home and at the studio,
has proved himself a "purp" of pa
trician blood by coming out winner
at the recent second annual show
of the Los Angeles Kennel club.
"Whiskers" won a blue ribbon, two
reds and one white in the wire-hair
classes. The Ray pet is three years
old and this was his first appear
ance in a show.
. Myron Selznick has engaged -George
Archainbaud, the French di
rector, for Elaine Hammerstein's fu
ture productions. . Archainbaud has
a long list of successes to his credit,
notably "Handcuffs or. Kisses,"
starring Miss Haramersteln; "The
Man of . Stone," starring: Conway
Tearle, and "Clay Dollars,". in which
Eugene O'Brien scored one of his
most notable successes. , .-
Pretty soon Wallace Reid'a expe
rience in piloting things on wheels
will be complete, thanks to Jils work
in motion pictres. The Paramount
star has just . returned . from . Los
Olivas, Cat., where he drove the en
gine of one of the few remaining
narrow gauge railways in the world
fop scenes in "The Ghost Breaker,"
directed by Alfred Green. - - "
- ' "- ;
; Sydney Algier, John M. Stahl's as
sistant fn the making of "One Clear
Call' and, "The Song of Life," will
again be with the director -on the
production of "The Dangerous Age,"
Mr. Stahl's next picture for Louis
B. Mayer. Previous to his entry into
the film industry, Mr. Algier was an
actor on the speaking stage, play
ing leads - in musical shows and
vaudeville sketches. -
- Attired in blue and purple trail
ing robes, 250 "ghosts" moved out
of .Hollywood recently
,: Nope, not real "ghosts," just a
group of players attired to give a
particular "astral" -effect in "Bor
derland," the new 'Agnes Ayres pic
ture which Paul Powell ' is direct
ing. And while regular ghosts car
rying a ghosts' union card are sup
posed, to work only at night,, these
visitors from . the ; "world, beyond"
lived, moved, and had their being for
a day neath- the bright California
- .. . . " . '
Three of the biggest ocean liners
afloat were used by Sam Wood, Par
amount director, in filming scenes
for his next production starring
Gloria Swanson. These were the
Olympic, the Majestic and the Presi
dent Wilson
Mr. Wood has just returned to the
Lasky studio from New York and
will shortly begin studio production
on the picture, which is an adapta
tion by Percy Heath of the book,
"The Impossible. Mrs. Bellew," by
David Lisle. It was during his stay
In New York that the scenes aboard
6hip were secured,
v . .
-' Fencing is becoming quite the
- thing around the Lasky studio, what
-with the instructions going on for
members of the George Fitzmaurice
company making "To Have and to
Hold," with Betty Compson and Bert
- LytelL The latter has to do some
clever work with the rapier and so
does Theodore Kosloff, who plays
the heavy.
, An enormous set will be built at
the t Lasky studio to represent the
Spanish castle, which is to be prop
erly haunted for "The Ghost Break
er," Wallace Reid's new Paramount
picture, in which he is supported by
Lila Lee. v - -
Richard Walton Tully,: the creator
of 'The Masquerader," which will be
released - in the fall by Firsl Na
tional, is now-shooting the first
scenes for the second Post pictures,.
"Omar the Tentmaker," . in which
Guy . Bates Post ' played . for many
months throughout the country.
James Young is directing.1
' ' :'.---' - . ' '
: "Give us more pictures of Teddy
and little John Henry.". . t,
Mack Sennett has answered ' this
demand which has been- the basis
of thousands of fan letters received
at the studios during the past few
months, by starting out a new com
pany under the direction of Fred
Jackman, with George O'Hara in the
capacity of co-director, and in which
John Henry Jr. and Teddy, the won
der dog, will share the starring hon
ors, aided by Pepper, Sennett's fe
line artist. '- . -
The first of this series of child
and animal pictures will be known
by the title of "Bow -Wow."
"Day Dreams." Every youth has
them. For all youths are full of en
thusiastic hopes.
' And Buster Keaton is no excep
tion to the rule. Consequently, he
has decided to name his next fun
film "Day Dreams." The scenario
i from the prolific pens of Buster
Keaton. and Eddie Cline, who also
directed it.
' There is nothing sadder than fail
ure. . .The greatest tragedies are
those enacted within human souls,
when the lealization comes that one
has failed to measure up to his
Roy Del Ruth has completed his
story and continuity and has every
thing in readiness to. begin imme
diately with the production of the
next Mack Sennett comedy.
'- Under the supervision of the com
edy king, Del Ruth has already pro
duced half of the series of two-reel
special comedies featuring Billy Be
van and Mildred June. In the opin
ion of critics and fans this series of
Billy Bevan -Mildred June comedies
is all that is to be desired in this
form of screen entertainment. The
latest of the series, "Oh, Daddy!"
has just recently been titled and
shipped east for distribution.
A loaf of bread costs 1000 crowns
in Vienna today, according to recent
news dispatches. That is one of the
reasons Universal did not send sev
eral hundred hungry actors to the
Austrian capital for Von Stroheim's
forthcoming production laid in that
. once gay city. Portions of Vienna
are now being reproduced at Univer
sal City and Von Stroheim is pre
paring to start production shortly.
The new Vienna in southern Califor
nia will be strikingly realistic in
everything but food prices.
... . m
- Special ' music scores are being
written for Oliver Morosco's first
two pictures. The work of tuning
the films has been turned over to
Werner . Janssen, who came into
quick prominence by his lilting
, score , in Charlotte Greenwood's lat
est success, "Letty Pepper," Jans
sen is now in New York preparing
the; incidental music for "The Half
Breed," which is scheduled as a
June release, and following that will
turn his attention to "Slippery Mc
Gee."" - -
. Charles .Chaplin's next comedy is
destined to be one of his best, judg
ing from the time involved in mak
ing it. He Is not shooting scenes at
Universal City,, where he rented a
large number of massive sets. No
hint as to the nature of the comedy
has issued from the Chaplin head
quarters. .
Allen Holubar is now completing
the editing and cutting of "Hurri
cane's Gal," a spectacular drama of
the sea, with Dorothy Phillips as the
star. Most of the scenes were taken
at sea, many of them being filmed
from hydroplanes, with Director
Holubar issuing orders by radio.
Buster Keaton has just finished
"The Frozen North," a burlesque on
wild and woolly melodramas, and is
making "The Electric House," the
scenario of which promises one of
the most side-splitting comedes ever
made, by Buster. He is now busy
with "Day Dreams."
Haying finished "The Woman Con
quers," Katherlne MacDonald is now
engaged in filming "White Shoul
ders," based on a Saturday Evening
Post story by George Kibbe Turner.
Tom Forman, who is directing, also
plays a part, and the rest of the cast
includes Bryant Wahsburn, Little
Richard Headrick, Nigel Barrie, Lil
lian Lawrence, Charles French,
James Barrows, Lincoln Stedman
and Fred Malatesta. The picture
will contain many thrilling situa
tions and elaborate sets.
While Marshall Neilan is taking
advantage of a well-earned vaca
tion, his studio forces are cutting
"Her Man," a story of small-town
journalism and one of the most un
usual yarns ever filmed. The story
by George Pattulo origThallj ap
peared in the Saturday Evening
Post, and the cast includes Matt
Moore, Leatrice Joy, Raymond Grif
fith, Helen Lynch, George Barnum,
Fritzi Brunette, F. D. Phillips, Dick
Wayne, Josephine Crowell, Tom Wil
son and George Dromgold.
Hope Hampton's latest production,
"The Light in the Darts," is now
being edited in the east. It was
adapted from William Dudley Pel
ly's novel, "White Faith," and was
directed by Clarence L. Brown. ' The
supporting cast includes Lon Cha
ney, E. K. Lincoln, Dorothy Watters,
Doble Davidson and Edgar Norton.
The picture is declared to possess
some novel effects never before seen
on the screen.
A remarkable cast 'has been
chosen by D. D. Griffith for his
'next United Artists picture. Carol
Dempster, who was seen in "The
Love Flower," and "Dream Street,"
will play the leading .'feminine role.
Henry Hull, distinguished Broadway
leading man, has been enlisted. An
other shining light from the legit
imate stage given a role is C. H.
Croker-King, the star of "Bulldog
Drummond." Margaret Dale, who
was the adventuress in George Ar
lisj "Disraeli," Frank Wunderlee,
Fr'ank Sheridan and Irma Harrison
are other members of the cast. Mr.
Griffith has not. named the picture
. The Adirondack mountains in the
region of Saranac . and Loon lakes
have been echoing - recently the
sound of Herbert Brenon's clarion
notes through the megaphone with
which he is directing a new Will
iam Farnum picture. Having "shot"
most of the interiors . at the Fox
New York studio,' Mr. Brenon left
with his company for exteriors in
the mountain and lake country. The
party includes, besides Mr. Brenon
" and Mr. Farnum, Sadie Mullen, a
new leading woman; Holmes Her
bert and Dawn O'Day.
Thomas H. Ince, who has been in
the east for some weeks, is ex-
pecteM to return to his studios at an
early date. In the meantime, film,
production is being kept at, its peak,
at the Ince plant.
' '
Fred Niblo, former stage star
and internationally famous lecturer,
now has. a company of his .own
under the Louis B. Mayer banner,
producing all-star specials for Met
ro release. His first picture, the
story for which is now being se
lected, is scheduled to get under
ay within the next month. Among
Mr. Niblo's latest successes are:
"The Three Musketeers." "The Wom
an He Married," "The .Mark of Zor
ro" and "Blood and Sand."
One of Tom Mix's horses was in
jured badly when an automobile
plunged among a number of horses
that were being exercised along the
roads near Asbury Park, N. J. Now
everyone is asking what was one
of the Fox star's famous ponies do
ing so far from California.
In the big home-wrecking scene in
the Fox special "A Fool There Was,"
Lewis J. Stone, who plays the Fool,
smashes seven mirrors in his house
as a climax to, his affair with the
vampire. Everyone was wondering
whether Mr. Stone would have seven
years' hard luck. They have no
cause to worry thus far. He had
hardly finished "A Fool There Was"
when he was engaged for another
production and, is negotiating for
still others.
Herbert . Brenon has been up In
the Lake Saranac region looking
for locations for the next William
Farnum picture. Most of the new
production will be taken outdoors
in the Adirondack mountains and in
the neighborhood of Lake Cham
plain. . ..
Max Linder, the famous French
comedian, was so jubilant over his
recent signing of a contract where
by his latest screen classic, "The
Three Must Get Theirs," a rollicking
burlesque of Douglas Fairbanks'
version of "The Three Musketeers,"
was insured its world-wide release
that he gave one of the most unique
polite parties ever undertaken in
Hollywood. The big outstanding
thrill of this select social function
was furnished by a real male lion,
which Linder turned loose among
his guests in his apartments when
the jollity was at its height.
Metro is the busy place. Harry L.
Kerr, four years assistant general
manager at the Keystone ' lot and
more lately in the same station at
TTntv.real liao hMui nie-nfil am inst.
ing director. Harry was overseas
as a number. one lieutenant, was
shot down from a balloon, then came
back to make pictures. Now he is
casting Billie Dove's initial starring
vehicle, "Country Love," to be di
rected by Emile Chautard, recently
arrived from the other Broadway.
Another story soon to start Is "Peg
O' My Heart," under the direction
of King Vidor. Laurette Taylor Is
to star.-
Harry Beaumont, who put on the
"Skinner" series with Washburn, is
directing Viola Dana at Metro in
"Page Tim O'Brien." Cullen Landis
plays opposite the clever star. Viola
is a very regular little person. She
is suffering 'ith a bad cold, but
is right on the job, and between
scenes is knitting. on a nifty white
.silk sport . sweater for her dad.
Everybody surely - thinks a lot of
"Vi." "What, me stay home?" she
tCoocludtd on Page S.)