THEI SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 25, 1922 : -7 : BUILDING ACTIVITY CONTINUES STRONG IN THE CITY WITH' MANY BUSINESS STRUCTURES AND A LARGE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES GOING UP. BIG BUILDINGS ARE GOLD UP li CITY EW WAREHQySE will be rushed to completion as speedily as possible. Mr. Ertz is also putting -up a. number of other resi dences indifferent sections of the city, including one for himself cost ing $10,000. 3. R. Haight Gets Bigger Office. Larger quarters on the ground floor at 351 Ankeny street, corner of Broadway, have been taken by J. R. Haight, with a view to In creasing hia sales force for the han dling of a general real estate busi ness. Mr. Haight said that he an-' ticipated an improved real estate market and the expansion of the business section of the city west ward. TO RISE AT E Meier & Frank Structure to Aspect of Downtown Sec . tion Undergoing Change. ; u ) Cost $300,000. MORE SPACE IS NEEDED HOMES ALSO ARE RISING MUSEUM GETS FOSSILS NEW SPECIES OF MASTODOV , IS FOUXD. Eight-Story Building of Concrete Indications Are That Records In Residence Construction Will Be Broken This Year. Will Relieve Congestion at Downtown Store. 1 - - iSr3---miiU : , . - .: . ...... mm. w.-fcitf 'GZ-1 rm mmwmimtsn . . : . x- If w- m m m si S3 m mw Is- -WiV.- M fi H W mm TOHMffl hTrnTrrrm1 ui puao kiwih . mffim is 'H I l 3-3 s S iSi S3 Unusual activity is noted in the construction of large buildings in the downtown business section with the result that in some places the aspect of the districts is being changed. Jt Is estimated that there are now under construction jn the city buildings of this type aggregat ing at least $3,000,000 in cost. The long list of structures under way includes the $1,000,000 .Elks' temple at Eleventh and Alder streets, the steel work on which is now go ing up rapidly; the J. K. Gill build ing under way at Fifth and Stark streets, to cost in the neighbor hood of $S00,0O0: the Ambassador apartments at Sixth and Madison streets, costing about $750,000; the Sovereign apartment hotel, costing $500,000, now under way at Broad way and Madison street; the five story Starr building at Fourth and Tine streets, costing in the neigh borhood of $100,000, and the new ga. rage building to be erected by the Meier & Frank . company on the ruins of the old warehouse at Broad way and Taylor street ' .,' i Buildings erected on Stark.- Oak and Burnside streets, just west of the old business district, have changed the aspect of that section of the city, a number of old struc tures having been torn out to make way for modern buildings. Besides these are a large number of smaller type structures going up in various sections of the city. Plans' for the extension of the north portion of the Pittock block at a cost of $500,000 were also recently announced. It was said that this work would be carried forward in the near future. Building operations in Portland for the first five months or the present year exceed the volume of new construction for the correspond ing period last year by more than $4,000,000. Construction of all kinds from January through May of this year, including permits for repair of . buildings and electrical and plumb ing permits, aggregated $12,070,600. Residence construction js especial ly active in the city now and indica tions are that all records in the his tory of the city will be broken by residence construction this year. Valuation of residence permits issued during the first five months of this year reached $5,559,825. Per mits for 17 apartment houses have been issued so far this year, involv ing an expenditure of $588,800. These do not include the Sovereign apart ment hotel. CHUKCH WORK PROGRESSING Carpentering on Westmoreland Edifice Is Under Way. Work on the new building for the Jloreland Community Presbyterian church is progressing well and the carpenter work on the main struc ture began this week. The concrete masonry for the foundation and basement has been comDleted. Th building is being erected at East Eighteenth street and Bybee avenue in Westmoreland at a cost of $22,000. The building is 75 feet by 80 feet ana wui De out one story and base ment. The main floor will consis of the auditorium, which will have a) seating capacity for about 500 per sons, a study, choir room, prayer room, Sunday school classrooms. The auditorium will bo equipped with a pipe organ. In the base ment will be a kitchen and dining room ana sunaay school classrooms. W. F. Tobey is the architect. Until the new buildintr IK rnm. pleted the Sunday school and church services are being conducted in the Sellwood Community clubhouse. The building formerly owned and occu pied by the church at Sixteenth street and Spokane avenue has been sold to the Church of the Nazarene. NATATORIUM NEARLY READY t . New Structure at Newport Will Open to Public This Week. The construction of the Newport (Or,) natatorium, which will have one of the largest swimming tanks on the coast, is now rapidly nearing completion, according to advices re ceived from there last week. It will be opened to the public this week The building is 135 feet in length and 65 feet wide. It will provide every convenience for patrons, in cluding private baths for those who do not care to swim in the pool. A grill room has been established; in the building to accommodatA vrQi hundred persons daily. Male and female instructors will be in attend ance daily. The dance hall, built in connection "With the natatorlum, has been rent ed by the Bi-ho-mar orchestra of .Newport and dances will be con ducted in the afternoons and eve nings. The dance hall overlooks the breakers of the Pacific ocean, only NEW STAIRCASE IS PLANNED Disappearing Stairway Invented for Modern Home. " That the stairway, in the planning of a house, is invariably an after consideration in the contention of some inventive persons who have turned to the solution of the prob lem with the result that the disap pearing stairway has made its ap pearance in the trade market of this city. When not in use this innovation is neatly tucked away in the ceiling, concealed by a few artistic panels. Occupants of a home equipped with this novel arrangement, when de sirous of ascending to the floor above, merely pull an inconspicuous chain and the near-appearing stair case, which is balanced and operates on rollers, automatically drops into place. Another pull on a different chain and it quietly resumes Its place in the ceiling. Realty Head Visitor Here. li. E. Eppich of Denver, who was chosen president of the National Heal Estate association for the 1923 term at the convention held recent ly in San Francisco, was a visitor ii Portland Sunday and Monday of last week He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Taylor on a trip to Sea side Sunday, and Monday was en tertained at dinner at Crown Point by a number of Portland realtors. . v li R H i n 1 Kffl 'hmTrr UJ L r , mssm BHHKII BU I- : . mmwrrv ri p2 p wg mm mm in m m . i . -, m h m m- .. h Esssa te a mm msssi m - Mz', - 1 1 inn itj r a 1 tj .mur- ,.-.- n a t v t .77-7- - - - , , , - 1 1 111 in irati 1 niiiini lanii 111 i-.:. 1 .. f t in in 111 u 1 Above New eistht-iitory building: io tat left) Residence costing 0O0O Newport, Or., natatorlum. FINE STflUCTURE RISES ::s 1 ' r WORK ON ROSEBURG APART MENT HOUSE PUSHED. ;; I Modern Building te Relieve Hous ing Shortage;' Living Quarters ""' Already Rented. ROSEBURG, Or., June 24. (Spe cial.) The"-foundations for the Kohlhagen apartment house, being constructed by George Kohlhagen, a local merchant, hav been com pleted and work has been started on the side, walls. This structure, which is to be .built of reinforced concrete, will be Roseburg's first large apartment building and is to cost approximately $125,000. A large force of workmen has been employed and every effort is being made to rush the structure to an early completion, as there is an unprecedented demand for living quarters in the city and the rooms are badly needed. The apartment" house is located only one block from the main busi ness center of town and fronts on two of the leading streets. R. M. Jones of Portland has been employed , by Mr. Kohlhagen as supervisor. Since work was started Mr. Kohl hagen has rented nearly all of the apartments 111 advance. Many of them have been spoken for by trav eling men who desire to make their headquarters here. Since the com pletion -of the Roseburg-Coos Bay highway, many traveling men who cover the southern Oregon territory between Klamath Falls and Coos Bay have desired to locate In Rose- burg but have been unable to do so because of the lack of living quar ters.- ACREAGE TO BE SOLD SOON Tract South of Ryan Place Plat ted for Sale. A tract of 120 acres of land just south of Ryan station on the Tay lor's Ferry road has been cut up into plots ranging from a, quarter acre to an acre in extent and will be placed ion the market immedi ately, according to announcement made by Harry Beckwith, who has been put in charge of the sale of the property? The property, which is known as Edgeclfff, belongs to the Joseph A. Strowbnflge estate. The land is roll-1 Ag ana there is a variety of wooded and . clear-land. Many of the plots have Beautiful views. The land is rich and Is desirable for use for. . gardening and small farming, in addition to being suit able for development for suburban home sites-.! In all, there are 131 of the plots, which will be disposed of in the. present sale. Bull Run water has been piped to the property and the streets are now being graded. It lies about five blocks from the Oregon Electric. Gas and electricity will be fur nished, it was declared, as soon as there are sufficient settlers to war rant it. Mr. Beckwith announced that he was putting on an. additional sales force for the handling of the prop erty. ; , $9000 RESIDENCE COMPLETE Structure Built for A. R. Johnson Modern Throughout. A new .$9000 residence has just been completed for A. R. Johnson of the real estate firm of Johnson Dodson company, at the northwest corner of East Eighteenth and Stan ton streets. The structure, which was de signed and built by Berglund Bros., has seven rooms and is modern throughout. Features include an English thatched roof, a lounging room with fireplace, a billiard room in the attic and an attached garage. There -also l a largo sun parlor. uw um b b :- ma r mmm tmm nsmm em l r m fm . Jiawil illiii Hi Sa ei bid W B B thl !i WiOTHfim . be erected at Fourteenth and Irvlnar just completed for A. R.,Johnon - CHINESE PUBLISHER TO BE HONORED BY CALIFORNIANS Pomona College to Confer Doctor's Degree on ex-Student Who Came Here as Immigrant From Rice Farm. . V BY FOREST WHITE. (Copyright, 1022. by The Oregonlan.) 1 OS ANGELES, June 24. (Spe cial.) Pomona college, one of the oldest and 'most conserva tive of the high institutions of learn ing in southern California, made a gala occasion of its commencement this week, when a great gathering of trustees, faculty alumni and student lo.dies took pride in conferring honor on one of Its ex-students. Dr., Fung Foo See of Shanghai, China, had returned to the United States to receive the degree of doctor of laws as the highest acknowledgment in the gift of his first college. Forty years ago to the month, Fung See first came to tfie United States. A weather-beateni steam ship from the orient, the smoke from her- banked fires still drifting up from her funnel, lay tied up to a dock in San Francisco. A horde of blinking. Chinese coolies, whipped from their dark pen between decks wit,h oaths and threatening fists, were spewed out upon the dock, bowed jUnder the burden of their heathen baggage of queer-locking paint smudged boxes, straw bales and minor bales and bundles. Coolies Walt for Night, i Theser coolies were herded to wait the friendly coming of night to cover their march to Chinatown, for the city was seething and constantly erupting volcanic hatred against the yellow men in a white man's coun RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSE SALES ACTIVE REAL ESTATE FACTOR. Above New $5000 bungalow just erected for Fred Mallet, Portland detee ttve, at East Sixty-seventh and at the corner of East Twenty-sixth E. I.. Holt to J. C. Flora for $12,500. The sale was negotiated through - the . T. street agency. Many recent hou?e sales, as well reported by the R. T. Street agency. week were also a colonial residence by S. Holm to k ik (jnanton lor East Tenth street worm, soia py e. An additional office has been opened by Mr. Street at the corner of East Thirty-ninth street and Sandy City faric, laureinurst, aunnysiae. Harp is manager or tnia oinco. streets for Meier & Frank company for at the northwest corner of East Eighteenth and Stanton streets. -Below try. It was strategy to -strip the coolies for possible flight that alone would save them from mob violence if discovered outside of Chinatown. With many a squeal and struggle of protest their baggage was sur rendered and piled into an uncer tain pyramid on a flimsy wagon drawn by a decrepit horse. Atop the heap as mere baggage was what appeared to be a squat bundle. The wagon got under way in the gathering gloom. The light of a street lamp revealed the nature of the load to water-front idlers. . The movement of the small brown head that capped the pile betrayed the presence of live and unprotected game. Immigrant Is Pelted. With a yell the pack was in mo tion, heavy missiles first at hand were hurled but failed of their mark, nd a dump of half rotting onions at the curb then furnished more plentiful if less effective am munition until the target, battered and stung, slowly drew out of range. The plodding horse at last turned into the black mouth of a blind alley in Chinatown. Men came in the dark to unload the wagon. The animated bundle scrambled down and was greeted with an exclama tion of surprise. He had been for gotten. One of the men took him by the hand, led him through a dimly lighted basement, through a maze of underground passageways to a lower level and to a square Klickitat streets. Below Residence and Thompson streets, sold br Dr. as sales of hc-me-building eites, were Among the houses disposed of last at 490 East Twelfth street North, sold ?btu, and a colonial bungalow at 624 j. Oliver to W. J. Bishop. boulevard for the handling of Rose ana nawtnorne properties. David use as a warehouse and wholesale , chamber hollowed out of the earth, a noisome kennel packed stiff with the herd from the ship. The last comer wedged in and stood with his back to the damp wall. Boy 13 Years Old. Fung See, coolie boy, 13 years old, frail, delicate, such a little fellow, son of a poor rice farmer and denied even his share of rudimentary edu cation for work on the farm where famine had lost its novelty, had ar rived at his journey's -end in the land of gold and .promise. Smuggled from the underground kennel to Sacramento, then retain ing the atmosphere of the mining camps, he was put out to domestic slavery for his keep and $1 a month. On his first venture upon the streets 'he was kicked and brutally beaten, and was glad to drag him self back to his refuge of labor, not to leave it again for many fnonths. Unluckily, as it must have seemed to him at the time, the attentive Fung acquired, a fund of simple English which fitted him for er rands about the town. He had grown weary, was often kicked and beaten, and on several occasions had to flee for his life before a prowling mob. Once he surely would have been kicked to death but for the interposition of some women, their compassion aroused because he was such a little fel low. Thus Fung first . knew the word "protect," and its meaning. It was something he was never to forget. Christianity Is Embraced. A band of Salvation army work ers came to Sacramento. Fung, timid and wary, but overcome with curiosity, drew close on the rim of the csowd at a night street meet ing. The speaker said that Jesus would protect" all who would give themselves into his keeping. The songs reiterated this, and Fung, When Ve" VadV'ask'ed an who .. : - t. n 1 ; v. v. l i . wanted to give themselves into the possession of Jesus to step forward, Fung followed the first man. The band welcomed him with a song of triumph. He was their first Chinese convert, and Fang has kept the faith. - , , : Fung traveled with the Salvation army band. His vision broadened. He learned to 'be a fair stenog rapher. Then he had time to read some good books. They helped him. Secretly he conceived the ambition of working his way through school and college. . Friend Offers Aid. A chance meeting in Los Angeles with Samuel Hahn, a Christian gen tleman, devotedly interested in the cause of education, led Fung even tually to Pomona. Fung made friends and was ac cepted on an equal footing by the student body. He worked his way through three years of preparatory school how nobody knew or paid much heed. Then he sickened. His friends brought a physician. The doctor was shocked.' Overwork and under-nourishment had received their price. Fung had been slowing starving his body beyond physical endurance before the eyes of his teachers and friends. He was ban ished from school for a job in the outdoors, and when he ventured to speak of his ambition for education the doctors told him to "forget it." But a year later Fung came back. The doctor lifted the ban by reason of remarkable improvement. TTnlverstty Course Begun. He worked his way through his fourth year in preparatory school and through his sophoijiore year in college and then went to the Uni versity of . California at Berkeley because there he was able to sub stitute the study of Chinese for ,a modern language, and he worked his way through .the university course, taking his degree of bache lor of arts. Then, followed a year in the teachers' school at Columbia, New. York, and the winning of his master of arts degree. Fung returned to China to take part in modern education work. At Pekin he won his doctor's degree and was designated for official life, ,but never took, up its duties. He preferred the offer that came to go to Shanghai as a member of the Commercial Press, then little more and jobbing headquarters. Belo (at njght) Placing of last girder on than a struggling printshop for the publication of textbooks on modern educational subjects in Chinese and English, but now a $5,000,000 con cern with Dr. Fung See as one of its directing forces. Dr. Fung Rotary Delegate! Dr. Fung is also chairman of the national committee of the T. M. C. A. in China and was chosen as one of the two delegates sent by the Rotary club of Shanghai to the international convention at Los Angeles a fact which gave Pomona college the long-wished-for oppor tunity to honor him. and will give Dr. Fung an opportunity to visit Columbia college this summer to keep himself abreast of modern educational methods. It is thus that Fung See, the coolie boy immigrant of '40 years ago, came back to America, to the land of gold, the land of promise. Farm Products Pool Forming. PINCHER CREEK, Alberta The formation of a general farm prod ucts pool is under way by the local association of the United Farmers of Alberta for handling the 1922 crop. The provincial board of direc tors has been instructed to proceed with arrangements for incorporation under the provincial co-operative as sociation act. Under the plan pro posed each member "would bind him self to sell his produce to the pal for a period of five years. It has not yet been decided whether or not the membership would be restricted to the members of the United Farmers of Alberta. Law Compels Bug-Hunting. SAN FRANCISCO. Down in Amer ican Samoa, where the naval gov ernor makes the laws, failure to go beetle-hunting is punished by a fine or imprisonment- Recent advices from Pago Pago, capital of this AIc F? ? f 5 Jen alties, or 30 days in pail on default of payment, being imposed on na tives who neglected to chase bugs. The significance of the court's sen tence lies in the fact that the beetles deBtroy the cocoanut palms and that cocoanuts are the source of most of the island wealth. CLEAN, cheerful, dustless floors those that are covered with Armstrong's, Linoleum It's' surprising how inexpensively you may cover your floors with it. Let us estimate the outlay for you. We furnish the materials and lay it on your floors. CORK FLOOR PRODUCTS CO. Linoleum and Cork Tiling. BROADWAY AT TAYLOR. T-rfti ini-ini rnr Outstanding amonsr the building I activities of the past week was the announcement that work would start immediately on the erection of an eight-story building to house the wholesale and jobbing departments of the Meier & Frank company and for use as a warehouse. The struc ture, which will cost in the neign borhood of $300,000 will be put up I on the half block on the south side of Irving street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. The contract for the erection of the building was let last week to Parker & Banfield and cajls for the completion of the construction work in February, 1923. Structure to Be of Concrete. Plans for the structure have been prepared by . Sutton & Whitney and provide for' a reinforced -concrete building of the most modern type. There will be a basement under the entire building and with this the aggregate of the floor space to be furnished by the structure will be approximately four acres. Facilities will Include trackage connecting with the west side rail road yards. There will also be three freight elevators and one passenger elevator. All the latest scientific ap paratus for the handling of freight will also be installed. Sprinkler to Be Installed. It was said that the new building was especially needed by the com pany in that it would provide for much needed expansion of some of the retail departments in the down town store. Sprinkler systems will be installed for the protection of the stock and equipment on all floors. It was announced that the erec tion of this building will be fol lowed later by the erection of a still larger structure to be located on the block bounded by Thirteenth Fourteenth, Everett and Flanders streets in the same district. The site has already been acquired although definite date for the erection of the structure has not yet been decided upon. The site for a 'large garage across from this has also been pur chased. ' The Meier & Frank company be gan business in Portland in 1857 In a 60xl00-foot store at Front and Yamhill streets. The floor space now used by the company is declared to aggregate 12 acres. From an orig inal staff of five persons the pay roll now!. includes 2500 persons. FLOOR LEASED FOR MARKET Brown & Hogan Declare Many of Stalls Are -Taken by Farmers. The entire lower floor of the building on Alder street between First and Second streets now occu pied by Simon's department store, has been sub-leased to Brown & Hogan for use as a public market, according to announcement made yesterday by the Smith-Wagoner company, which negotiated the deal. The property, which is 100x200 feet, is being remodeled. It was announced that most of the stalls have already been spoken for, many of them having been taken by farmers. The market will be opened to the public about the first week of August. The Smith-Wagoner company also reported the sale of a site of 30 acres in Beaverton, known as the Concannon estate, opposite the Beaverton high school, to the Pre mium Picture company. This con cern, which already has a studio in Arizona, has let a contract for the erection of a studio. The first unit, 135x200 feet, will be erected im mediately and the company plans to start filming' about July 15. Hardwood Business Taken Over. The former manager and his as sociates of theN Gaynor Hardwood Lumber company, 312 East Madison street, have taken over the business of that concern and will continue it under the name of Rowell, Brown & Co., it was announced last week. The concern, it was said, would con tinue to deal in the same stocks of the various hardwoods in all stand ard grades and sizes. $17,000 Home Under Way. Charles W. Ertz, architect and builder, has started the construction of 'a $17,000 residence for Dr. Fred E. Gerllck In Alameda i'aric. xne residence is now well under way and are Smithsonian Institution Specimen Include Species of Camel and Horses. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 24. Animal fossils throwing a new light on the little-known animal life of America in the Pliocene age have been added to the collection of the Smithsonian institution by the field explorations conducted in Arizona in the last year and described in a re port by the institution. Among the most interesting specimens discov ered, the report said, are a new species of mastodon, a large and small species of camel and two or three species of horses. J. W. Gid ley, member of the Smithsonian staff who conducted the explora tions, says the collection of fossils "represents practically a new fauna of the Pliocene age, containing about 60 vertebrae species." . Dealing with the astrophysical field work, of the institution, the re port said the observations of the sun now being made at its station on Mount Montezuma. Chile, are be ing telegraphed daily to Buenos Aires and "employed regijlarly by the Argentine weather bureau f,or weather-forecasting purposes." "While the Smithsonian institu tion," the report said, "is not yet in a position to champion the use of statistics of solar variation for weather forecasts, the great inter est which its studies of solar varia bility have aroused here and abroad seems clearly to warrant the con tinued maintenance of its two sta tions until a satisfactory basis for a test of the solar variability as a weather-forecasting element has been laid." fUCIFIG BEACH OPENED ATTENDANCE IS FAR BEYOND EXPECTATIONS. Manv Persons Go Surf and rrosli Water Bathing Musical Pro gramme Is Provided. PACIFIC CITY BEACH, Or., June 24. (Special.) With the biggest opening, day in its history. Pacific City beach, Tillamook county, was officially opened to the public last Sunday. The attendance, especially from Portland and Willamette val ley points, was far beyond expecta tions. All day Saturday and until noon Sunday machines were arriv ing. Many took the opportunity to go surf bathing or fresh-water swimming in the Nestucca river. As a surprise to their guests a musical programme had been ar ranged by the management. Miss Harriett Leach, well-known soprano of Portland, as, the principal singer, and delighted the crowd. A full programme of vocal and instru mental pieces was given, as well as a saxophone solo by James Gor ton of Salem, and a violin solo by Ted Tuffly of Salem. A baseball game in the afternoon was played between Pacific City and Grand Ronde, in which Grand Ronde won, 6 to 3. Many good catches of fish, both fresh and salt water, were reported by the visitors. The fishing is very good at this time. A dance in the evening concluded the opening pro gramme. The management is preparing plans for an elaborate July 4 pro gramme, in which a number of Portland artists will take part. A real old-fashioned celebration is planned. Its Best Form. Boston Transcript. There is more real charity in get ting one man a job than in feeding four in idleness. "DEPAIRING pipes is second nature to us. We under stand the business of install ing plumbing in factories, of fices, public buildings and homes as well as stores. We can give you the same high class services that you would re ceive from the highest priced sanitary engineer in the land. ALASKA PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 363 EAST MORRISON ST. East 2954 FURNACE We have the Richardson-Boyn-ton Furnaces both the plpeless and the regular kind. We are experts on heating and ventilat ing. We will give you the benefit of our forty years' experience in this line. It will save you future trouble and expense by installing the right furnace in the right way. J.C.Bayer Furnace Company 204 MARKET ST. I A PIPE TO REPAIR I WILL PROVE v THAT I'M