The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 51

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City Editor Main 7070. 560-85
Sunday Editor Main 7070, 560-05
Advertising Department. Main 7070, 560-95
Superintendent ot Bids , Main 7070. 560-95
Subscribe with the following agents, at
your summer resort, to secure the- most ,
prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City
rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable
in advance:
Barview, Or Mrs. Georgia Fisk
Bay City, Or O. E Shelly
Bay Ocean, Or P. D. Mitchell
Breakers. Wash.... J. M. Arthur
Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe :
Cannon Beach, Or .
Cannon Beach Merc Co.
Carson, Wash Mrs. M. St. Martin
Carson, Wash Shipherds Hot Springs
Carson, Wash Carl R. Smith
Chinook. Wash R. Knutson
Ecoia. Or Cannon ' Beach Merc. Co.
Garibaldi. Or D. C. Ellis
Garibaldi, Or . J. L. Kidder
Gearhart, Or... W. J. Robinson
Hot Lake, Or Hot Lake Sanitarium
Ilwaco, Wash A. C. Pesco
Long. Beach. Wash .W. E; Strauhal
Manhattan Beach, Or......L. Stainaker (
Manzanita, Or K. Kardell
Moclips, Wash Mrs. L. L. James
K'ahcotta, Or H. J. Brown
Neah-kah-nie Beach, Or.. A. C. Anderson
Kebalem, Or D. C. Peregoy
Newport, Or , ..V. B. Sharp
Ocean Lake, Or.'. . ...L. Stainaker
Ocean Park, Wash ..,... Emma Campbell
Pacific City, Or D. P. Edmunds
Rockaway, Or L. Stainaker
Seaside. Or .Roth Drug Co
Seaview, Wash. ...... .George L. Putnam I
Tillamook, Or J. S. Lamar
Twin Rocks, Or.. .....L. Stainaker
Wheeler, Or R. H. Cady
Wheeler, Or '. William Cypert.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures con
tinuous daily, 1:15 to 11 P. M
PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder)
Vaudeville. Three shows daily, -2, 7
and 9:05 P. M.
THE OAKS (Amusement Park) The
Armstrong Musical Comedy company in
"Bits Prom Broadway." Take carl at
First and Alder.
Remodeling la WANnsD.-r-Three
applications to " remodel present
buildings for use as apartment
houses and flats have been filed
with the city council for considera
tion. G. E. Wilson seeks a permit
to maintain a two-story frame
building on East Sixth street be
tween Mill and Market streets, as
an apartment house; TV. Dorres
wants permission to remodel-a two
Btory building on East Sixteenth be
tween Belmont and Taylor streets
for use as flats and N. A. Odalovich
has applied for permission from the
council for a permit to make an
addition on a two-story building on
Wheeler street between Halsey and
Clackamas street for use as a six
family apartment house.
Bn on Pumps Considered. Legis
lation placing a ban on gasoline and
oil pumps on curbs in the city of
Portland will be considered by the
city council next Wednesday morn
ing, It was announced yesterday.-'
The proposed amendment would, if
passed, prevent the installation of
any additional curb pumps and pres
ent curb pumps would be required
to be removed by January 1, 1925.
Advocates of the amendment state
that similar legislation has been en
acted in many of the coast cities.
Strong opposition from garage and
automobile salesroom owners is .ex
pected to develop next Wednesday
when the ordinance comes before the
council for consideration.
Street Vacation Wanted. C. P.
Keyser. superintendent of parks,
will go before the city council next
Wednesday to urge the vacation of
East Nineteenth street from East
Yamhill to East Taylor street and
the vacation of East Yamhill for a
distance of 100 feet east of East
Nineteenth street. The vacation will
be sought so that the street area in
cluded in the petition may be used
by children for park and playground
purposes. The streets are directly
in front of the new Central East
Side park and Superintendent Key
ser feels that the vacation of the
streets is necessary to safeguard
the children who will use the park.
New Church Organized. Formal
organization of the Alameda Park
Community church CCongregational)
was effected last Monday night at a
meeting of the charter members.
Rev. Robert Allingham, pastor, -presided.
Dr. G. M. King was .elected
clerk. Edward P. Nelson and E.
Newton Bates were chosen as dea
cons, and J. Weston Hall, H. C. Var
ney, O. W. West, E. Newton Bates
and Earl W. Gordon as trustees; O.
W. West is treasurer, H. J. Hatfield
and Dr. G. W. King, ushers, and
Jliles K. Cooper auditor.
Bible School Will open. The
dally vacation Bible school under
the joint direction of the First Meth
odist Episcopal church, South, Union
avenue and Multnomah rstreet, and
the United Presbyterian church of
the Stranger, Grand avenue and
Wasco street, will open for the two
weeks' 1 summer session tomorrow,
Rev. S. Earl Dubois is superintend
ent of the school and a. corps of
even instructors will assist him.
Public Garage Is Favored. City
Commissioner Barbur will recom
mend to the city council Wednesday
that the application made by the
Portland Trust company for per
mission to erect a one-story con
crete building on Irving street, be
tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth
streets be granted. The building
will be used as -a large public ga
rage. ' f
Garage Permit Approved. A fa
vorable report has been filed with
the city council by City Commis
sioner Barbur on the application of
Robert J. Stewart for a permit to
erect and maintain a one-story class
VI building on Union avenue be
tween Glisan and Hoyt streets as a
public garage and large machine
shop. -
Montana Club to Give Dance.
The next dance given by the Mon
tana club' will be on the Bluebird
Thursday evening, June 29. The
boat will leave the Jefferson-street
dock at 8:45 P. M. Members of the
club and their friends are invited.
Dr. C. Smith Long's treatment for
pyorrhea, trench mouth, crumbly
or imperfect teeth or bad taste in
the mouth is certain in its results.
Consult the doctor at 310 Bush &
Lane building, Broadway at Alder
street. Adv.
Three Divorce Suits Bgun. Di
vorce suits were filed in circuit
court yesterday as follows: Marie
versus Hugh I Rosebrook, Eliza
beth Howe versus Louis C Stahl and
3. H. versus Mary Andregg.
A Man oi- Personality, pep and
honesty, who wants to make money
and believes that with training he
could make a good salesman; give
references. AC 759, Oregonian. Adv.
Lockslet Hall, Seaside, was for
mally opened on Wednesday, the
21st. Dining room is run with sea
food as a specialty. . Write Mrs.
M. A. Gough. Adv. 1
Dr. E. C. Rossman will return July
10, after an extended study of the
newest developments of his spe
cialty in artificial steeth. Journal
building. Adv.
Tired, Aching Feet can be re
lieved. See our foot specialists for
relief. X-ray service free. Knight
bnoe to., Morrison. Adv. . -Rhododendrons
In bloom at South
Mount Hood; roads, fair condition.
Rhododendron Inn. Adv.
Perfection Plaster Wall Board.
cheapest and best. Cress & Co., 184
Second street. Adv.
Dr. Alfred Schilt, dentist, re
turned. Broadway bldg. Adv.
. Dr. M. M. Bettman hag returned.
Ii i "TO- w i33Wk.?. .C t St I UliT- - -K M ' .....
It tT' . m-y v$ - - ii (iff I . nwnMiaw idm& ; t
If 2f1&Btf if! fl - - , MADE IN PORTLAND
' f?:& QT t , 4- li I! BY PORTLAND CRAFTSMEN.
I V T"? V W - f!,: m In manufacturing jewelry our. work is all done either
" '4i4x ft;'r, f II in our own shop or under our personal direction
V r V f'i'l! 1 by Portland experts. Many thousands of dollars are,
" " "1' FJ ' thus left to circulate in Oregon instead of enriching
UV A'fi fjWpa H , industries elsewhere.;, . ,
mwtfcyl. I? ' - ' fj . x We specialize m exclusive platinum, gold and silver
Sw"""''1'"' 'TV' " ' ' ' ' "".'i'lil'ii ,"!, ll jewelry. "We design and .ereate trophies, medals and
, ' Avlk JT 'm'.j'.i'i'.'.' (M . emblems that. are different.
S JaegerBros.
Portland's Only HALLMARK Store ,
131-133 Sixth Street
Coming as a happy climax to the activities of Queen Harriet's retinue
was the announcement of the engagement of Hiss Doris Henningsen,
princess of the Rose Festival, to Severin Harkson. The news was told
at a tea given by Miss Henningsen yesterday for a large group of
society girls. Dainty rosebud cards bore the names of the bride-elect,
who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Henningsen, and Mr. Harkson,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harkson.
The tea table was presided over by Mrs. C D. Bruun, Mrs. Frederick
Nitchy, Mrs. W. F. Henningsen an d Mrs. Ralph Walker. X, bevy of
girls in dainty summer frocks assis ted in the dining room.
Miss Henningsen is a graduate of St. Helen's hall, and attended Miss
Dow's school, Briarcliffe Manor, in New York. Mr. Harkson is a grad
uate of the University of Nebraska. His "father is the Danish vice
consul. During the Vat he was In the aviation service.
The wedding will be an event of July 15, and will be -one of the most
important functions of the season.
Welfare League to Elect. Per
manent officers will be elected and
standing committees appointed at a
meeting of the Irvington Park Wel
fare league to be held at th,e Ken
nedy schoolhouse tomorrow night at
8 o'clock. The organization is con
sidering plans for the development
of that section of the city and aU
residents of the district have been
invited to attend the meeting. The
organization committee consists, of
H. F. King, F. E. Schwan and F. E.
Schoolhouse Firemen's Entry.
The float of Engine 31. in Friday's
floral parade, represented a little
red schoolhouse and bore the sign,
"For Oregon." Mention of the float
in yesterday's paper said that it tjore
a firehouse designed in flowers. The
"boys" of the company said thai
they intended it to look like a
schoolhouse and not a firehouse.
Radio Club Meets Fridat. The
scheduled meeting of .the Sellwood
Radio club, which should have been
held at the community club house,
in Sellwood, Friday night,, was post
poned until June 30, due to the Rose
Festival. At the regular meeting
then a name for the organization
will be considered and other, busi
ness discussed.
Apartment Permit Asked. J. R.
Creighton has appealed to the city
council for a permit to erect a two-
story frame building on Ladd avenue
between Hawthorne avenue ana
Palm street, for use as an apart
ment house. The application will be
referred to City Commissioner Bar
bur . for investigation and recom
mendations. ,
Annual Dance to Be Held. The
annual dance of Laurelhurst club
members will be held on the Swan
tomorrow night, the affair being
sponsored by the women's progres
sive unit of the ciud. ine owan
will leave the east end of the Morrison-street
bridge at 8:30 o'clock
and the usual agreeable party is
Picnic Reunion Today. Ex-residents
of Klickitat county, Washing
ton, will gather at Columbia park
today fop their third annual picnic.
The committee in charge of arrange
ments has requested that those at
tending bring basket lunches for
the dinner.
Herbert Gordon Asks Permit.
Herbert- Gordon has filed an applica
tion -with the city council for a per
mit to remodel a building on the
southeast corner' of Grand avenue
and East Ash street for use as an au
tomobile sales room and a public
garage. . . i '
Store for Rent. The store oc
cupied by H. W. Jacobsen, tailor, on
Morrison street, will be for rent
july l. Apply Portland hotel. Adv.
Jewelers to
Her Majesty,
Queen Harriet
of Rosaria
worn fcjj Queen Hat' '
riei in the Portland
Rose . Festival is of
14 gold and contains
856 gems. On dis-
4 play all this meek at ;
Jaeger Bros. "
Jaeger Bros, have won distinction again. They were chosen to be
jewelers to Queen Harriet of Rosaria and to design and create the
crown and scepter worn and used by Her Majesty last week. As a result
of these orders being given to Jaeger Bros, eveiy part of both pieces was
This is not a' selfish ap
peal on our part, but a
; plea for Oregon indus
tries. We live here let's
support our own state
Paris Address
No. 8 Rue Lafayette
were caused by shrapnel and shot in
world war. r
Ha birth mark on left hip: several
brown tpots quite large. Has tatto marks
which look like ink stains on right hand.
Smokes cisarettes incessantly. Drinks
all -he can get, but does not show effects
very much. Can drink almost a quart of
whisky without showing it. -
Has decidedly Scotch accent, rrommem
an affidavit signed by1 her and
charging him with bigamy in New
York. .
While these documents were be
ing examined, detectives also began
an effort to identify a number of
rthntne-rfl nhn nf wnm.Ti 1 fmmd in I lower -Jawbone. Brown eyes which change
Stewart's effects, with the nrHic- from gray-brown to deep brown with iis
tion that originals of some, at least,
would be added to the list of women
he is alleged to have married.
Mrs. Osbaldeston -prefaced . the
the claim that "in all the world, 1 1 " t'l.'!,ery c"rly'
i. i t : i patcnes.
Swears and uses filthy, bad language
at all times. Can pass as a-min of edu
cation, both in dress and manners, as
well as tramp or laboring man.
Clean shaven. If he grows a mustacne
Beard only grows in
Has strange ideas about women and
t . 1 A.ninatin,r in (hen, falla
About 5 feet or 7 Inches tall, y an nimseif a ..ho man." a "cave man" and
a "beast man.
Collar, size 15; shoes, size 8.
Has bad wound from appendix re
moval. Wears eye glasses with narrow tortoise
shell rims, or spectacles, no rims.
Mrs. Osbaldeston's diary .tells of
her life with Stewart; his alleged
marriage to another woman who
later posed as i his sister; asserted
attempts to swindle other women;
his alIegred,addiction to drugs; state
ments she at first believed but later
concluded were lies; of his deser-
iinn nf hAr for other women, and Of ( India and thA PhiHnnina. invn.lit
kJ . " ?a8. . . iaw was her love for him and determination able personal and international
and. wiry very strong muscularly.
Black, curly hair, streaked with white.
No teeth in either upper or lower jaw.
Wears top set of false teeth all the time.
Has a lower set, but does not wear them
at all.
Age 39 years; says he was born in
India, an illegitimate child of a man
named Duncan (surname), . his mother
at the time being married to David
Stewart of Leith, Scotland. Mother's
maiden name, Harriet Suyden. Date of
birth, November 17. 1880. " -
Has lower jaw broken-: scars .on left
side of jawbone and in neck,- scars on
leg (right) from knee to middle of shin
bone. Scar on left foot, instep. Just
Gale Seaman Visits Cotton ; Mill
Where Women and Children
Work 1 2 Hour? Daily.
You can't lose things
in a desk like this!
STUDY the convenient arrangement of the
desk above the deep vertical files in
bottom drawers, the spacious compart
ments in the uppers and center. A place for
everything. .
Contrast this with office desks where the very
arrangement discourages good order. Note
these striking 'advantages of
Facts concerning the recent inter
national conference of Christian stu
dent leaders from 32 nations at
Tsinghua college, near Pekin, are
contained in a letter received by
H. W. Stone, general secretary of
the Portland T. M. C. A., from Gale
Seaman, international secretary of
the Pacific coast region, who for
merly made his headquarters in
Outstanding features of the gath
ering, Mr. Seaman said, were the
strong sentiment against war, the
desire for complete independence on
the part of euch nations as Cores,
Droken in a light in a ta house in i,Trt limit nf her
Shanghai. China. Teeth knocked out a to nelP h,m to the Umlt ot Jer
same time. Says wounds in leg and foot I pow er.
Hardy Explorers of Bygone Days Underwent, Hardshifls That Latest
Polar Expedition Will Not Have to Encounter.
Vice Crusader Is Believed
to Have More Wives.
Nation-wide Search I,annclie4
for Additional Victims.
LOS ANGELES. June 24. A pri
vate detective agency has be
gun a nation-wide search lor still
more women who may have gone
through marriage ceremonies with
Donald Duncan Stewart, unfrocked
clergyman and vice cpisader, who
is alleged to have taken four known
women as his wives and who is held
here pending extradition to Boston
to meet charges of bigamy, grand
larceny and conspiracy.
' That announcement was made by
the Log Angeles Times in connec
tion ith its pu'Nieation of a diary
kept for two and a half years byJ
one of Stewart's wves, Mrs. Utnei
Turner Osbaldeston Stewart, who
also is wanted in Boston on a
charge of having conspired with
Stewart to effect his alleged mar
riage to Norma Ehrenseller, from
whom he is accused of stealing
$2500. . ' -
In addition to these two, Stewart
is definitely charged also with hav
ing married and deserted Mary Bar
bara James Mitchell at Wilmington,
Del., by whom he had a child, and
Bertha Ellen Grannis at Indianap
olis. He went through, the cere
mony with Mrs. Osbaldeston in New
Tork. He is said to have admitted
the marriages to all except Miss
Grannis. - - - - .
Mrs. Osbaldeston, who says she
"loved him now and always will
love him," and that she hopes to
"cure him of the drug habit," told
in her diary of her life with Stewart.
tain Boald . Amundsen, discov
erer of the south pole, who
sailed from. Seattle last week in an
attempt to drift across the north
pole, will be the first explorer to
keep in constant touch with the out
side world by means of radio. His
predecessors did not possess, the
modern equipment that will be an
important part of the schooner's
scientific paraphernalia.
Amundsen is the latest of a long
line of explorers who have devoted
their lives to conquest of the poles.
Polar conquest has always bean a
strong lure for the adventurer, es
pecially to those early mariners who
did not know the earth is a sphere
and- who, consequently, faced the
added danger of "falling over the
edge" into 'eternity. In the north,
also, had to be encountered strange
animals, uncharted seas, together
with long periods of day and night,
wierd flashes of the, northern Rights
and floating mountains of ice;, with
the weather often so cold that a
human eye, if left exposed for an
instant, would freeze in its socket-
all of these made polar conquest a
veritable conquest of the supernat
ural. The earliest explorer of these re
gions was said to have been an
ancient Greek, Pytheas, the date of
whose exploits is uncertain. He
claimed to have discovered an island
Iceland, perhaps where the sun
never set all the time he was there.
Aightened at this, he ' hastened
away to the northward, and his ter
ror increased on discovery that he
then was in perpetual darkness.
Confronting a great black wall,
which he supposed was the naraDet
which extends around the edge of
the world to prevent people from
falling off, he hastened home. This
wall has since been explained as
"frost smoke," a dense "mass f fog
which rises in the Arctic when win
ter gives way to milder tempera
tures of spring. -,
Later navigators followed to as
certain if Pytheas' story were true.
Then came the intrepid vikings, who
explored for adventure and are cred
ited by many with the discovery of
North America.
Systematic conquest of the north
was not begun until the theory that
the earth was a sphere had been ac
cepted and men no longer, feared to
fall over the- edge..
Sir Hugh Wllloughtiy sailed from
England-in .1553, seeking a north
west passage! He was followed by
Davis, who explored . the 'strait
which now bears his name. Henry
Hudson discovered Hudson's bay in
1610 and then Baffin sailed through
what later became Baffin's bay.
In 1818 Captains Boss and Parry
of the British navy mads apprecia
ble progress in the northward march
by the discovery of Lancaster sound,
Barrow strait and Melville Island,
arousing keen curiosity as to
whether a passage existed between
I the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
tic. which was. completed on foot,
however, that this passage did exist.
At this time the race for the
north pole was between the Amer
icans and British. Lieutenant Rob
ert E. Peary, U. S. N., at the close
of the 19th century reached the
northern coast of Greenland at a
latitude of 82, eight degrees from
the pole.
Shortly afterward Nansen, a Nor
wegian, put into practice his scheme
of drifting across the pole, start
ing eastward from Norway. He was
not successful in locating the pole,
but, on foot with one companion,
he reached a new "farthest north"
of 85 degrees 57 minutes.
Roald Amundsen himself com
pleted the northwest passage, dis
covering the magnetic pole. An
Italian, the Duke of Abruzzi, then
broke Nansen's record; but it re
mained for Peary, on April 6,' 1909,
to place the. Stars and Stripes at
the north pole.
State Industrial Commission
Makes Weekly Report.
SALEM, Or., June 23. (Special.)
Six men lost their lives in the 506
accidents reported to the state in
dustrial accident commission dur
ing the week ending June 22, ac
cording to the weekly report made
public here today.
The men injured fatally were
Norman C. Nielsen of Salem, a truck
driver; K. H. Lee of Dallas, a night
watchman: John McKinnan of Coch
ran, a tongmanf H. M. Wallace of
Newberg, a policeman; Henry Lar
son of Silverton, a tallyman, and
Herman Alto of Portland, a faller.
Another document credited to her I along the coast of North America.
was a character analysis oi the Sir John ranklin proved, in 1847,
ex-clergyman, and stUl another Vas! by his own voyage through the Arc-
Concrete to Be Allowed to Set for
- 30 Days Before Use. "
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 23.
(Special.) The hard-surface pav
ing of the Biddle cutoff, J. 5 miles on
the North Bank highway, will be
completed tomorrow. The. pavement
is concrete and will be allowed to
set for 30 days before it will be
opened for traffic The entire road
will then be paved from Vancouver
to Camas, 14 miles, with the finest
kind of concrete pavement 20 feet
' By going on the north side of the
track- at the Biddle cutoff .two
grade crossings will be eliminated
so that the railroad track is not
crossed between here and Camas
In -Camas there is an overhead
crossing on the road to Washougal.
friendships, and the unanimous feel
ing of utter dependence upon the
teachings and spirit of Christ for
solution of the present-day prob
lems. The Anti-Christian Student
federation, which sprang up about
two months before the conference
opened, had assumed some inter
esting proportions, Mr. Seaman said,
but the Christian leaders were of
the opinion that in a year or two it
will wear out.
"While we were in the interior
the north China war broke out," he
wrote. The Chinese people cer
tainly have n'ore patience and en
durance and bear heavier physical
an-5 social burdens than any people
I have seen or read of.
"I visited a cotton mill In central
China, where fully 4000 people are
working hundreds of them mere
children 12 hours a day and seven
days a week, most of the women
and children workers geting less
than 20 cents (our money) per day.
To see men starting off with 700
or S00 pounds of coal or other mer
chandise on wheelbarrows for a 60
or 70-mile trip over roads you could
not ride a bicycle on seems impos
sible. y
"Politically, China is in great con
fusion. There are a dozen or more
somewhat independent provincial
governmentsK which in reality are
military oligarchies because nearly
everywhere the military governor
has more power thai! the civil gov
ernor. It is generally admitted that
the gxeart outstanding needs of China
are a commoi language, a common
coinage and a strong central civil
government which can control the
provinces and the military units.
"Splendid progress is being made
in education, though only 4,000,000
out of China's '40,000,000 of school
age are in school." -
Feminine Candidates for Legisla
ture Make Announcements. ,
' DETROIT, June 24. At least four
Michigan women are ambitious to
serve in the - Michigan" - legislature,
that number already having an
nounced their candidacies. -
The list so far Includes Mrs. Eva
Hamilton of Grand Rapids, repub
lican, state senator and only woman
member of the last legislature, and
who seeks renomination; Mrs. Cora
Mae Fleming of Kalamazoo, re
publican candidate for the house;
Etta C. ' Smith of Grand Rapids, a
democrat, who aspires to a seat ;n
the senate, and Mrs. Clara Knee on
Grand Rapids, a democraticcandi
date for the house.
Other women are being urged to
seek nomination and election in
other parts of the state and those
in touch with the political situation
predict that a dozen, or perhaps 25,
will enter the lists- during the next
few w"eeks.
Only installation in the Pacific
northwest of Yale & Towne Change
able locks. It's worth your while to
find out how this lock differs- from
all others. All sizes now available.
Sixth and Morrison. Adv.
S. & . H. "green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co.. coal and wood.
Broadway 6353; 560-21. Adv. ,
Miss Catlin's Schoo
Opens Tuesday, September 6.
Now occupies its new building on
An Ideal Location basketball and
Tennis Courts.
Prepares girls for eastern as well as
western colleges and schools, under a
faculty of able eastern teachers. Num
ber of Primary, Intermediate and High
School Departments Boys Accepted in
Primary Grades.
College Preparatory and Special Courses
Accredited to Colleges and Universities.
Music, Art. Physical Training
and Science. ,
French Taught Throughout the School.
Boarding: Department Special Feature.
Catalogue 8ent Upon Request to
Wewtover Terraee, Portland, Or.
Phone Auto. 612-72.
Efficiency Desk
Office Furniture and Appliances
Printing Engraving Bookbinding
Seals and Rubber Stamps
Fifth and Oak Streets
Broadway 6081
An exclusive Norman
Brother, model de
signed for men wi
demand distinction inr4
drens. . . v
Note the lapels, th
pockets, the back,
the .tile and fit.
EVERY suit made here
emphasizes the person
ality of the wearer.
Every suit is character
ized by distinction, tone,
dignity and finesse.
EJvery suit makes an ir
resistible appeal to the man
who is content with noth
ing but the best. . - ".
Norman Brothers
101-106 Mezzanine Floor
Northwestern Bank Bldg.
3Hxll; 500 $3.00, $4.00 per 1000; $6.00
for 2000. Envelopes, $4.00 per 1000;
$6.50 for 2000. C. O. D. or postage
prepaid if cash with order.
P. O. Box 825. . TACOMA, WASH.
447 Alder and 410V& Washington
Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults.
91 Third St. Private boxes. Adv.
S. & H. green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co.. coal and wood.
Broadway 6353; 560-21. Adv. "
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