The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 44

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the Poirtland hotej. Covers were laid ace who wag k'MJe'ft during the lt
; (Contlnuftd From Yrnt Pagft )
sttn set off by a Spanish comb In
her coiffure was most attractive to
Miss Elizabeth Hailey.
Miss Catherine Honey wore velvet
in crushed rose tones.
Miss Louise Linthicum was
dressed in black satin ornamented
with touches of jade green. '
White tulle trimmed with tur
quoise blue and pink riblon was
Miss Beatrice Locke's dress. '
Miss Miriam Holcomb' wore ger
anium pink silk dotted net over
gray silk.,
Black jet ornamented .Miss Elea
nor Kilham's black gown.
Mis Annalee Miller was attractive
in crushed raspberry satin.
Miss Gladys Dunne wore an un
usual frock of black and white satin
with a black velvet band and silver
leaves in her coiffure.
Miss Jeanutte Dentler's dress waa
of orange silk net, and she wore a
circlet of silver leaves in her hair.
Midnight blue with touches of sil
ver was the color scheme of Miss
GWladya Bowen'a costume.
Mrs. Robert Morton wore coral
Ilk embroidered In heavy silk of
the same hue.
Miss Dorothy Sanford is one of
the most popular brides-to-be of the
season. A large number of affairs
have been given in her honor and
are planned for next week. Miss
Sally Sabin gave an informal
luncheon for her Friday at the Port
land hotel. Yesterday she shared
honors with Miss Constance Piper
and Miss Helen Stover at a tea given
by Mrs. Wallace Caufield.
Miss San ford's marriage to Leon
ard Dale Wilson will take place
July in the First Unitarian church
instead of at her home, as was orig
inally planned. Rev. W. G. Eliot,
Jr., will perform the ceremony. Mrs.
Harold Sanford will be matron of
honor, and York Wilson of Boise
will act as best man. The flower
girl will be little Virginia Gault,
and the ring bearer Tom Coffey.
Never In the history of the Port
land symphony orchestra has there
been a more notable event than the
complimentary concert given Mon
day night. This was given by the
members of the orchestra to the
guarantors and subscribers in ap
preciation of their patronage. Many
beautifully appointed dinners pre
ceded the affair, held in the ball
room of the Multnomah hotel. The
ballroom was very attractively dec
orated with lovely cut flowers and
the throng of beautifully gowned
women lent an atmosphere of charm
to the scene.
Among the hosts at dinner that
"night were Mr. and Mrs. William
D. Wheelwright who entertained a
party of 12, including Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Kerry, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Love of Honolulu, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Patterson, Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Scholz and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett
entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs.
James B. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam MacMaster, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L.
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B,
WJlcox, Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas D. Honeyman,
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Wilson and
Mts Loib Steers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayers" guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler,
News of the betrothal is of special
interest at this time, because Miss
Henningsen is one of the Rose Fes
tival princesses. She was grad-l
uated from St. Helens hall and
Briarcliffe manor in New York. Mr.
Harkson, who is the son of Henry
Harkson, Danish-vice-consul, and
Mrs. Harkson, is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska. The wed
ding will be an event of July 15.
Mrs. George Maxwell was com
plimented at dinner last evening by
Mrs. Erie F, Whitney, who enter
tained a group of society folk.
The Catholic ladies of the city
will give & moving picture and so
cial on the lawn of the archbis
hop's residence. Sixteenth and
Myrtle- streets, Portland Heights, on
Thursday evening. "The Bride's
Play" is to be shown at 8:80 o'clock
through the courtesy of Mr. Jensen
of the Liberty theater. Frederick
Goodrich will have charge of the
musical programme. Sponsoring it
are P. J. Cronin, chairman; Mrs.
Edward Boise, Mrs. P, J. Flynn,
Mrs. A. D. McDougalt, Miss Mar
garet Burke, Mrs. W. P. Sinnott,
Mrs. M. Baldwin, Mrs. E. F. Smith,"
Mrs. J. A. Maloney, Mrs. J, A. Sul-
iivan, miss Ann sjnenocie, urs. a.
M. Cronin, Mrs. F. Lyman, Mrs. J.
E. Donovan. Mrs. F. Carful; Mrs. C.
B. Duffy. Mrs. M. J. CfUIahan, Mrs.,
H. F. Wheeler, Mrs. W. A. Evers,
Mrs Fairchild, Mrs. M. Powers, Mrs.
M. J. Kerby, Miss Cora Fleming and
Mrs. James Kelly.
Refreshments are in charge of
Mrs. Felix lEherwood, chairman; as
sisted by Mrs. John Daly. Mrs. John
Kavanaugh and Mrs. J. P. Cook.
Mrs. Henry Rothschild has charge
of the candy booth. The publicity
Is being handled by Mrs. B. Giltner George Millard Reed. Assisting
auoui. lub rooms were mrs. Aen
neth B. Reed,. Mrs. C. H. Schaeffer
of Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. E. Gj
Lough of Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs.
Jay Smith and Mrs . E. E. Shaw
poured and Mrs.. A. S. Pa.ttullo and
Mrs. C. F. Williams cut ices. As
sisting In the dining room were
Mrs. George, Allen Lawrence, Mrs.
John Moirtimer Bruhn, Mrs. Wilson
Coffey and Miss Marvel Tenure
The punch bowl was presided ovet
by Mrs. Addison Knapp and Mrs.
Harold D. Gill.
' Out-of-town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. James Forrest Cobb, parents of
the bridegroom of Berkeley, Cad.,
and their sons. Hart, Murphy and
Richard Cobb; Miss Apphia Jackson
of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Williams of Jacksonville, Fla.
Mrs. Cobb is a charming and very
worth-while girl. She attended the
Oregon Agricultural college where
she belonged to Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority. Mr. Cobb is a University
of California graduate.
Mrs. Lee Hoffman entertained
Rev. Harold Leonard Bowman
read the vows of marriage to Miss
Miriam Reed and James Forrest
Cobb Jr. Wednesday night, at the
First Presbyterian church. A large
number of .relatives and friends
witnessed the ceremony. Mrs.
Blanche Williams Segereten sang
"Tranquility" and "Call Me Thine
Own." The wedding march was
played by Edgar E. Coursen, who
also accompanied the singer.
The bride was stunning in soft
-white satin crepe with pearl trim
ming. A coronet of rose point lace
held her filmy veil in place. Miss
Gretchen Smith, maid of honor,
wore pink chiffon, and the brides
maids, Miss Nancy Holt and Miss
Marion West, were gowned in
lavendar and orchid chiffon, re
spectively. Harl .Cobb, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man. The
ushers were Kenneth Samuel Reed,
Everett Fenton, Sidney Tupper and
Harold Groom.
A reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. with a dinner on Friday evening at
for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dooley,
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Erie Whitney, Mrs. Ralph
Reynolds (Patsey Stewart), Beaton
Taylor and the hostess.
Mrs. Macormic Snow honored
Miss Katherlne Wilkeson, bride
erect, with a picnic Tuesday
Mrs. Vincent Cook waa hostess at
a luncheon at the Hotel Portland
Tuesday, honoring Mrs. Joseph
Clark of Los Angeles; the house
guest of Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Covers
were placed for Mrs. Clark. Mrs.
Rockey. Mrs. Alexander A. Morrison
and the hostess.
Miss , Jane Howard, the house
guest q-t Mrs. Harry Sha,rp, was the
Inspiration for an Informal dantce at
whioh SJiiss Marion Bowles enter
tained A group, of the younger eet
enjoyed bhe hospitality of Miss
An announcement f ltrotereat to
his many frienda in Portland is the
engagement of Leland LesMe Smith
to Mile. Gilberte Aiarrois of Paras.
This news was received last week
by Mr. Smith's parewts, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter V. Smith. Mademoiselle
Garros in the daughter of Colonel
and Madame Lehalle. She Is au ac
complished pianist, having taken
first prize In piano at the conserva
toire. She is the aister of the late
Roland 4arro, the famous French
ter part of the war.
Mr. Smith served overseas as a
lieutenant, in the liaison service, and
following the armistice as a mili
tary observer in Rouimairnia and the
Ukraine. He was decorated, wflth
the Frendi legion of Jonr arud also
with the Roumanian war cross. Fol
lowing h'ia release from the army
he took the consular examinations
and -was assigned to Saigon. The
wedding will be an event of late
Appropriate flags decorated the
grand ballroom of the Multnomah
hotel Wednesday evening, when
hundreds of society folk assembled
at the admiral's ball. The guests
were received at the door by Roy
Bishop, admiral of the regatta, and
a long line of naval officers. Hon
ored guests were the naval and mil
itary men and the queen with her
royal party. .
Beautiful, Indeed, were the gowns
of the women.
Miss Alioe M. Robertson, Presi
dent and Mrs. Harding's representa
tive to the festival, was stately in
a gown of black satin and lace.
Mrs. George L. Baker was dressed
in a black beaded creation.
Mrs. Erio V. Hauser wore black
Mrs. Mayo, wife of Admiral Mayo,
was noticeable in black ornamented
with sequins.
Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith, mother
of the queen, wore a pattern frock
of dainty pink material.
Mrs. Frank McCrillis, who has con-
c eJrv tfcTzr
and Visitine Cards.
Zll Morgan Buildin.
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker, Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett and Dean Bertha
K. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot
were hosts for a party of ten.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
David T. Honeyman, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry F. Chaney, Mrand Mrs. C.
Hunt Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Antoine
G. Labbe and the hosts,..
A no-host party included Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hart, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Grelle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Wil
bur, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Al
vord, Mrs. Margaret Biddle and Miss
Margaret Biddle.
Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Jti. strong en
tertained Mr, and .Mrs. Lawrence R.
Wheeler, Miss Isabella Gauld and
Aubrey Watsek.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt H. , Koehlers
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H.
Klifls, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton F.
Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Squires, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denton enter
tained Mr. and W. G. Purcell, Dr.
and Mrsv Ralph Walker and F. X.
Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab pre
sided over a dinner party. Her
guests included Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Fields, Mr. and Kenneth Hauser,
Mr. add Mrs. Stanley Smith and
Ralph Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eichenlauo
were hosts for a dinner party.
Their guests were Lieutenant-Colo
nel and Mrs. Percy Willis.
Among others who entertained
with dinner parties were Mr. and
Mrs. David Campbell. Mr. and M
404 MORjmoX
1s reducing the prices on all
of the hair goods, this week,
20 per cent, and guarantees all
of the switches, bobs and trans
formations are first quality of
hair. Those interested will do
we'l to examine the goods. .
Ira F. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lea
Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehr
man, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Curry,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louis
Mrs. Elliott R. Ccrbett waa a
hostess Thursday afternoon. A
coterie of society women were in
vited to play bridge and additional
guests called at the tea hour. The
table, whioh was artistically deoo
rated, was presided over by Mrs,
Helen Ladd Corbett and Miss Bertha
Young. Assisting in serving were
Mrs. Hamilton . F. Corbett, Mrs.
Charles E. Miller, Mrs. William Ladd
and Miss Lucy Smith.
The engagement of Miss Doris
Henningsen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Henningsen, to Severin
Harkson was announced yesterday
at a tea given by the- bride-elect.
F. W. PATT & CO.
Ladles' Tailors and Dressmakers.
506-T Broadway Building
Phone Marshall 488
Plan now. for
t the Fall and
Winter baby.
The Rose
Baby Shop
388 Morrison
Near 10th Street
One-Thirty Tenth Street
'A new shipment
White Silk
$22.50 and $25
" Come and See Oar
Tailored Sport Suits
at $35.00
Also Dresses and Coati.
447 Alder and 410 Washington
1 II
White Flannel I
Skirts Xt
! 3 Beautifully tailored,
pearl button trim
fm $13.50 Jp
Atf&VSizes, 28 to 35.
Your Summer Dress
Plttock Block
Hemstitching, pleatlnga, buttons
and all kinds of dress finishings.
Suite 512-13 Bush & Lane BIdg.
Now for the Climax of Our Big
OncTh ird of a CcnturySak
First showing of new "long, coat" suit models designed for fall and
offered at Sale Prices! Two months from now you'll be paying
up to twice as much for the same sort of models.
Smart New Tailleurs
' $33 $43a
They've just arrived ! Advance Fall models ! The general manager said
that everything in stock should go into this sale, so in they went, at
prices 'way less than the New York buyer intended or we could ordi
narily afford. They are the finest buys in Portland.
TheModels at 33i The Models at $43
are of navy .tricotine, with longer
coats, notched collars, button trim
mings and cYepe lined..
are of tricotine and of Poiret twill.
Beautifully tailored. Smartly designed.
Street Frocks of Canton Crepe
will sell for $33.50 and $43.50
Rich, heavy silks in the popular straight-lined ef
fects. Sports colors and delightful color confbina
tions with novel trimmings.
Coats and Wraps
are priced
Sports models ef all the favored ma
terials. 23.50 is much less than
you'd ordinarily pay for them!
Coats and Wraps
for dress wear
Handsomely styled of soft, lovely
shaw-sheen and Normandy cloths. As
smart for Fall as now!
The same splendid
"Credit Gladly" privi
leges are yours during
this sale at all times f
Washington at Tenth Street
Gray Tile Corner,
Do you "know"
our girls'
YouH find everything that is new
and attractive for younger girls, and
youll find prices surprisingly low.
For the last week of this sale we've
planned a dozen splendid specials.
Among them, are
Wash frocks
Scores of them.
$1,33, $2.33, $3.33
Silk frocks
Adorahle little models.
$S.33, $12.33
Dress coats
They're splendidly low priced, you'll
of an excellent Indian head with
collars in white or colors, are only
The Boys' Department, too, will prove
a delight . to mothers and, fathers of
6 to 14-year-olds!