20 THE SUXDAY OREGOXXAJT, PORTLAND, JUNE 25, 1922 BCSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. SURETY INVESTMENT COMPANY, 310-11 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder Sts. SURETY Confectionery, cigars and soft drinks; $13o0 will buy this old established business, thor oughly equipped for manufac turing candy; present owner has operated 5 years; west side location, large staple stock, doing a fine cash busi ness in confectionery, cigars, soft drinks, periodicals, etc This is a wonderful buy and a great sacrifice at the price. Owner retiring from business. SURETY Cash grocery bargain, aoing a fine business, excellent lo cation; great opportunity for the right party to increase the business 50 per cent; fine fix tures, Dayton scales, refriger ator, cash register, showcases, etc. Rent only $20 a month; 2 large living rooms, large staple stock of groceries; price -J150O., and It's a bargain. SURETY Cigars, marble soda foun tain, confectionery, etc. This absolutely is one of the best locations Jn Portland, right in the business center on the busiest street; clearing $400 a month net above all expenses; .valuable lease over the fair, "with exceptionally low rent; $1500 handles it Location and lease worth, the price asked. SURETY Pressing parlor. Opportuni ty to buy this -well estab lished business. In connection with one of the most promi nent hotels In the city, right in the hotel district, thor oughly equipped, new Hoff man press; valuable lease with exceptionally low rent. If you are interested in this .line do not fall to investigate, as this i is a wonderful proposition ; $500 cash handles. SURETY Manufacturing, A business chance of a lifetime. A man with executive ability and re sources can buy the equip ment and state right of Ore gon for manufacturing one of the best staple articles ever offered; paying 100 per cent net profit, oid established in California state, doing a won derful business. Do not fail to investigate this. For fur ther particulars see owner at 310-11 Panama bldg. SURETY Partnership offered to a re liable man with ordinary edu cation In established business; work pleasant and easy to learn; previous experience not necessary,, ae owner will teach you. If you are capable of meeting the publio and satis fied with . $17o to 2u0 a month, don't fail to. investi gate, as this' Is a bona fide proposition. SURETY Cafeteria bargain. Oppor tunity to buy one of the clean est and best cafeterias In Portland at a great sacrifice. Thoroughly equipped, every thing new, excellent location, west side business center; must be seen to be appreci ated ; $500 cash, and it's a great bargain. SURETY Exceptional cigar stand buy. In one of the best and busiest office buildings In Portland; beautiful fixtures, doing a fine business in cigars, tobaccos, magazines, candies, period- icals, etc. No night or Sun day work. . Any lady man can easily clear $200 a month, greatest value ever offered for the money; price $1100 cash. SURETY Partnership. If you have 52230 to invest in an old es lished, legitimate business, netting JS00 a month profit above all expenses and a guar anteed drawing account of $75 a week; references required and exchanged. This is a wonderful opportunity and don't fail to investigate. Buyers! If you don't eee what you want in our ads, call at our office and look over our large list of exclusive listing No obligation. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bldg., 3d "and Alder Streets. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES GENUINE BARGAINS. $700 grocery, doing a dandy busi ness, no fixtures to buy, Mving rooms, garage; you can't beat this." $1200 will handie confectionery and light grocery; a beautiful place; you should easily clear $200 month; living rooms, garage. $1900 or invoice grocery, cash and carry; apt, house district, west sidfi; average $53 a day. $1600 or invoice grocery, sale was over $1700 last month. $3250 grocery, cash and carry; $125 day; this place Is well, located and in a modern bldg. We select the places worth while. Many others. . Z. EAKINS. 315 Couch Bldg.. 109 4th st. ONE-THIRD interest can be obtained in a profitable and established account ing business by a high-grade- man who has a partial knowledge of accounting, but who is chiefly a good salesman and can devote his time to increasing the business alretady organized. The work is all with small retailers and is Indorsed by the- leading business asso ciations of Portland. It must be a cash investment of $2000 and will pay over $200 a month as on-third of the present nt profits. This amount can constantly be Increased. The proposi tion will bear the closest scrutiny and Jnveetigatlon will prove all above state ments, uan Mr. Lewis, Main 4038, for an appointment. j " SOLD IN TEN DAYS. ' FOR QUICK ACTION list your bust- ! ness with the livest. strongest and fast est selling organization specializing in all lines of business in the northwest. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Partnerships formed, additional cap ital procured; business is good with us, we havesmany buyers waiting; our selling system, backed up by expert salesmen, NEVER fails; It's results that count; we have sold many others, why not yours ? ' We can sell your business in ten days; MAKE- US PROVE IT. Phone Bdw. 265L Not our column of sales ads ' GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO . Suite 347, Plttock bldk.. Wash, and 10th $2100 BUTCHER SHOP in good dls trict; lease; reasonable rent; doing $60 a day. $1500 will handle. $2300 West side grocery fine loca tion; doing a dandy business; good living rooms in- con nection, $9200 Grocary dolnjr $100 a day cash. Good location; Jow rent; a fine buy. 4TO0 A dandy grocery, good west side location; doing $125 to $140 day cash; S good living rooms; reasonable rent; lease. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 252 Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak. AUTO REPAIR PARTNER WANTED." As this is the busy season, here is a splendid opportunity to buy an equal half Interest In an established, well known shop; no better location, com pletely equipped; if you are mechani cally Inclined and a willing worker - this Is your chance to learn the busi ness; also clear better than Siro month for yourself from the start; only $250 required to secure equal half-interest; absolutely the best repair shop opening in Portland; see this before you locate. Meet owner. 347 Pittock block. Washington at 10th. AUTO PAINTSHOP PARTNERSHIP Are you looking for an opening to get into business for yourself? Here is a chance to secure an equal half in terest in old established auto paintshop in best of location, strictiv fireproof building, shop always full' of work owner is firNt-class finisher and will teach you the business; you can eailv clear $160 a month for yourself. $550 for an equal half interest. See Mc Cauley, 211 Railway Ex. bldg. DJ DTVPD - xt m r An opening occurs for a man who is handy with tools and is honest. and not afraid of work to secure a partnership with a good mechanic in one of the best and busiest auto Repair shops in the city; located In large, modern con crete garage, fully equipped and doing a large volume of business; your earn ings should exceed $170 month. Priced only $ri00. See McCauley. 211 Railway Bx. bldg. . AM IN POOR HEALTH, want partrTer", business will pay you $350 per month take care of books and look after men; half interest $2000. See owner at i.-aint snop. inn ana couch. WANTED Energentic young man for partner In real estate, by prominent business man; fine credentials. S 752, Qregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, owner desires to quit business, doing good business, good location, rent cheap. A 7o3, Ore gonlan. GROCERY and confectionery by owner, very desirable location; nice living rooms furnished and garage; cheap rent. E.- 35U3. FOR SALE: Cleaning, pressing shop, es tablished six years. Hoffman press. Rent $15. Four good living rooms. A bargain. Wqodiawn 6304. YOUNG "man with Ford can make a profitable deal. Call at 664 West Lom- bard street. FOR SALE Restaurant, just right for man and wife. 22 North Tenth st. BCSIN'ESS OPPOKTtNITIES. GOING LAUNDRY. Full equipped laundry, doing! about $900 per week; $12,000, in cluding building and all-; cash, balance easy. . HOLLY REALTY CO., 436 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6053. PAINT SHOP. With all necessary equipment; Foru truck; in live town in eastern Oregon, on highway; population 700; -only one in town; always busy, never less than $300 a month net; will sell at invoice; large trade from surrounding coun try; aoout $1600. Owner has been in . business 37 years; retiring. , Will stay and acquaint buyer with the busi ness if desired. Don't fail to see this if you want a good buy. 633 Morgan Diag. ,t LEANING AND DYEING. $8500. Her Is the best business chance in Portland. Well established, centrally .located, and doing high-class -business. Owner must sell on account of health. This price Includes everything, real estate, all equipment, in fact, every thing you need to do business on. Everett Phllpoe, Sales Manager, NEIL AN & PARKH1LL. 219 'Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY and light grocery line, finest location, big cash business, established ten years, rent $50, including five modern liv ing rooms; about $2000 stock at- in voice, all fixtures, soda fountain, root beer barrel, ice chest, meat slicer, can dy and cigar cases, counters, shelving, for $600. For further information on this sacrifice buy call at 435 Railway Exchange. SECRETARY and treasurer for large manufacturing corporation where there is a great future; guarantee $200 a month to start; money fully secured; good, profitable investment; $4000 re quired. This is a high-class proposi tion and will stand the strictest in vestigation. Full details at 633 Mor m gan u.dg. i FOR SALE Splendid small store, dry goods, notions, art work material; good, clean stock, good location; doing good business; no other place near; rent $20, with living Tooms furnished. This Is no cheap run -down place. Well worth the price, $1550; business has called me from the city. Give phone number in answering. S 754, Qregonian. NOB HILL GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. It is rarely we can offer -anything in this district, so.be sure to see this one; rent only $35, with lease: price $3250. Call Broadway 4664. 320 Lumbermens bldg. A MONEY MAKER. , h Well-located west side restaurant, doing good business, for sale cheap or owner will accept an equity in a good Portland residence In exchange. .This is a barJln, price $1750. For full particulars call Mr. Young. Main 5062. SACRIFICE THIS POOLHALL Three pool tables, cash register, ,Dayton scales, two wall cases, 3 large showcases, counters, soda fountain, ice box, stock, etc, good location; $800 takes it, ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY: Located in Sunnyside district, doing good business and may easily be en larged; nice and clean;' be sure to see this before buying. Call Broad way 4G64. 320 Lumbermens bldg. $50,000 BUSINESS A YEAR. A real- creamery, needs man with .truck and about $1200 cash, can show one of the grandest propositions in this line ever advertised. See us for information. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. WEST SIDE GROCERY. Doing $30 to $40 per day; reason able rent; nice place ; will invoice stock. Call Broadway 4664. 320 Lum bermens bldg. s COUNT K hotel, 31 rooms, all modern; gross $1000 or .more,-nets better than $500 a month; rooms engaged In ad--vance all the time; has own electric laundry, etc., splendid fishing and boating; best eounty In western Ore gon; $7000 will handle. 633 Morgan bldg. TO LEASE Building of 60 steam heated rooms, 6 stores, 2 large store rooms. $100 per month. J. D. O'DONNELL, 803 Spalding. " GROCERY .SNAP. Doing $35 per day, with rent at $25; nice living room; price of $1650 in cludes some furniture. Call Broad way 4664. C20 Lumbermens bldg. PARTNER WANTED. If you can invest $350 and your services in an old established business manufacturing signs, tc, where you can clear $35 week. Call room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE A small contract, $2223, drawing 6 per cent Will discount $250; a good safe investment; descrip tion of property: Lot 1, block 6, Wood lawn Heights. Those interested write Henry Johnson, Gen, Del., Albany, Or, 100x10 GARAGE Full of steady storage at $10, high class west side location ; account of other business owner will sell right. Fuil investigation solicited; particu lars room oix .Kan way mxenange. GROCERY stock and fixtures, lot 35x75, building 20x30, three living rooms up stairs, everything for $1300; will take auto as part payment; deal with owner. Call at 42d and Harrison st Mil waukie. Or. $250 FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOM. Two living rooms, elegant fixtures, free rent, lease, seats 36 people; all goes for $250. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. NEWLY invented electric lamp; lasts 200 per cent longer than lamps used now. Big opportunity for right man with some money. Mr. Adams, 209 Stock r Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Beauty store, good location, business established, living rooms in rear are furnished; snap; party going south; rent reasonable. Look this up. You will be convinced. Walnut 7182. CIGAR STAND, west side; first time on the market, low rent, big business; only $2500; look It over; some bargain. Universal Sales Co., 435 Railway Ex change. FOR SALE Half" interest in fine con fectionery, $500 cash business weekly; sickness is the reason for selling; will furnished positive proof of business; 10-year lease. AP 600, Qregonian. GOING CHEAP. Best located cash-and-carry grocery in Vancouver; low rent, going business. Price right. J. D. Jones, 6th and Washington sts., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Gen. mdse. business, leading store in place, well-balanced stock, in voice $13,500, fixtures $1800, dally cash receipts $200. Don't pass this up. Box nu, narrifpurg, - r. GARAGE and blacksmith shop, plenty vi uucMire-aei unu a Dargain ror cash. Storage pays rent Come out and in vestigate. Phone Wdln. 2869 between 8 and 5 o'clock. BIG GROCERY, cash trade, only $1800. doing $50 a day, closed on Sunday and evenings. This is a real grocery; first mijjo on marKei;. universal sales Co., toa rtauway jaxenange. Sunday, VULCANIZING shop clearing $250 per month, busy part of town; rent only $10; price $425; owner will stay a week and teach business. 633 Morgan bldg. tAbti grocery and confectionery by vwirci , euuu nving room, 3 years' lease at $20 per month; no aeents. Sellwood 3045. MUST seU on account of sickness, sub urban grocery doinsr a fin a h.iiina Plenty of living room and low rent! FREE RENT ONE MuNTH Grocery school store, fixtures $375. stock &7aa 4 rooms; owner has too much on hand. w m j. uTin r-t.., t wjuo u)i.& uar. GROCERY store, fruits, cigars; soft drinks, candy, etc.; downtown, west Bine, a. in on in net ; aoout $-000 ; (jOb''ttis; tiuuKic restaurant, $850; fine tracre. jjaKing money. Terms. Broad way 7672. McFARLAND. 20S Failing Bldg.. bTUKAUK space tor rent, either In full iiour space or mommy storage, basl carlos d lots or less. Bdwy. 3 54a. OPPORTUNITY to get acreage for your cuuit?;.ioiiery or restaurant, Jtsir 757 Oregonlan. 1 REASONABLE Motion-picture show coast town. No opposition, AV 427 MY GROCERY. 1014 Belmont, for sale, take $3500 to $4000 to handle; will inventory, r. nope, laoor Uilfl. ONE of the best-paying vulcanizing shops in the city. Opportunity pf a lifetime. 433 Stark. ONE-HALF interest in weil-paying auto freight line. AB 754. Qregonian. 5l0 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.20. Rose City Printery. 240 Wash, st., bet. 2d and 3d. WE WHOLESALE razors, snears. knives, etc. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 Sixth st. FURNITURE repair shop for sale. Best in city. East 6744. ', BCSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. - POSITIVELY OPPORTUNITY." Up-to-date going business In one of the livest communities of the state, doing over $3000 per mo. Will invoice about $10,000; build ing $2000; haJf cash, balance terms or might consider Port land home. MUST BE SOLD. PETERSON. YORK CO., INC., 80 Fourth St. Bdwy. 80 IB. A SPLENDID east side grocery, cash and carry, good lease and sub-rent part, income from lease, will invoice stock; v $2000 will buy. t A cash and carry grocery, west side, near market. Good lease, cheap rent; approximately $3000. A good takery in live town id valley can be bought at a sacrifice. General merchandise in small com munity. Stock and fixtures about $4500. A splendid opportunity for good party. DE GRAFF & SCHOUBOE. 403 Exchange Bldg. PARTNER wanted to heip finance and build a new gas engine, which As valveless, therefore no valve grinding, no valve warping, no va-ive springs, no cam shaft, no waste of piston dis placement and has only two moving parts in each cylinder. In other words a common -sens?- motor. - I am in a position to show, you where you can- . not keep fjcom making money if you join me. If you are a good mechanic you will be employed at once oh the building of the engines. Address P. O. box 3336. city. SACRIFICE. EAST SIDE CONFECTIONERY. -Family trouble compels sacrifice of well-located east side corner confec tionery, lunch and light groceries. This store good for $50 to $60 daily business easily. . Rent $35, lease. -SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. OWNER HAS OTHER INTERESTS. East side business property with residence and store, in home district, near school, with grocery and confec ' ttonery stock and fixtures; will Invoice contents and sell or lease property; bargain price to quick buyer. M 754, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS BAKERY LOCATION. Two towns close together, no bakery in either place, fishing, logging, saw mills, about 3000 peopled concrete building, living rooms, free rent to start. See us for particulars.' . ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-tf Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. MANUFACTURING. Partner wanted for this growing business. Owner looks after the manu facturing and wanes a reliable part ner to take charge of the business end; office, etc.; can draw salary $200 month, also large profits. Full partic ulars room 401 Dekum bldg. BIG CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH ROOM ON BROADWAY. , Cash sales yesterday $225, good lease, a high-class place for high class trade. $3000 cash will handle. " SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. GARAGE for sale, near Portland on highway; buildin 5txiOO with Buick agency and 3-year lease; full line of tools and some accessories. Will be at room 7, Empress hotel, from 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Sunday. Must be sold at once. - Price $500. jSAST SIDE BAKERY. " Located in good district, doing nice business; rent $35 with 5-year lease; price $3000, some terms. Call Broad way 4664. 320 Lumbermens bldg. YOUNG man with $1500 as partner to invest in established business; money secured; who is willing to work for nominal wages; 50-50 proposition. This is a good opportunity for the right , man. State age. , occupation and sal ary expected.' AB 763, Qregonian. CLOSE-IN GROCERY. Good east side district, doing $50 to $80 cash business, no fixtures to buy, 3 nice, , clean living rooms. . Price $2000; some terms. SIMMS, 610 - HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE On Pacific highway. In southern Oregon, lfiO acres with estab- , llshed -store and filling station; excel lent site for hotel and garage; free cattle range; sickness reason for sell ing. For particulars address F. L. Young, route 1. Grants Pass, Or. FOR QUICK SALE. Grocery store,- close in: owner must go to Europe at once. Will sacrifice; fixtures valued at $600, for' $200, and invoice stock; doing good business; good location; deal by owner. Phone East 7330. .A REAL MONEY MAKER. Grocery, cash and carry, $600 for fix tures and invoice stock, about $1700, doing $60 per day, 4 living rooms. long lease; will stand close investigation. 314 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. BARBER SHOP AND CONFECTIONERY Netted $1S1.60 last month, doing bet ter this month; lease, low rent, good location; wit! invoice and take used car as part payment; leaving city. 205 Montgomery st.. corner 5th. CIGAR STORE. Best place in city for sale at in ventory for stock and fair price for fixtures; very central location doing $80 day; requires about $4000. Room 511 Railway Exchange. SHOE repair store, equipped with stitcher, finisher,- nailer, sole cutter, skiver, catcher, aJl other tools. $1575 takes it as it stands. Small rent, good business, good location. AN 757, Ore- ironian. CIGAR stand, busy corner, downtown; large sates or magazines, candies, to baccos, etc; a dandy piace for couple or 2 ladies; lease; sales $30 a day, can easily be increased; sacrifice $1100. 633 Morgan bldg. A BARGAIN. WeM-eBtablished hemstitching busi ness. ' -Good location, small rent. Just right for one or opportunity for dress maker. PHONE EVENINGS. MAR. 4722. WANTED A man mechanically in clined as partner in old established auto repair shop; owner sure you can make ?175 month or better if willing to work. Price $650, which is secured. Room 51 1 Railway Exchange. DANDY NEIGHBORHOOD STORE. Doing $30 to $35 cash and carry, 3 good living rooms ; $1500. J5IMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. RESTAURANT MAN. Do not pay a bonus for a business; lease my furnished dining room and build your own business; low rent; good proposition. 412 10th st. N. HALF . Interest in garage, on Pacific highway, best -town between Portland and San Francisco; $500 will handle; must be a mechanic. 305-6 Buchanan Bldg. BUSIEST CORNER IN CITY. Handling soft drinks tobacco, fruit, etc., sell for only J3000. big trade es tablished. Se for yourself, Y 753, Qregonian. - SPLENDID opportunity for man with some capital to connect with new manufacturing concern. Call at 624 Henry bldg. ' NEAT, clean little restaurant, rent cheaD, in isirrey, togging town; price 4UO. or will trade for car. Inquire at North itanic notei. Vancouver. Wash. ROOT BEER stand, soft drinks, cigars. etc., on Broadway; monthly profits $300; rent only $25. Will sell at $1500 11 taKen soon. t.SB Morgan bldg. GROCERY and delicatessen, doing ex cellent business; fine fixtures, clean stock; living room ; near Rose City; only $1500. 314 Cham, of Com, bldg. K'&i i tuu, successful Dusmess woman wants partner in a business netting spienaia returns on small mvestment. FOR SALE Well-established business, manufacturing' syrups and fruit juices. wholesale and retail, will sell at in- voice. AC 7di, uregonian. NEWSPAPER for sale in small country town in Marion county, doing good Dusiness. Aaoress xsox roa. Turner, Oregon. AUTO shop tools and Ford service car in good condition; owner going to Alaska. Phone Woodlawn 1964 Sunday or evenings. FOR SALE Grocery store, two living rooms back, 2 years' lease; little cash will handle. G. A. Lane, 422 Chamber of commerce biag. PARTNER wanted for a good and re liable business; a good proposition for tne rignt man who is willing to work. ri iQ-t, uregonian. FIXTURES for sale, building for rent; good piace for general store; in Wil lamette vaiiey town. JN. M. Ohrung, Anlauf, Or. , 20-PASSENGER new bus that we will put on run to reuaDie party on shares. G. BROTEN, Broadway ?160. 323 uoucn street. PARTNER wanted to enter apartment nouse ousiness in a smau way. A T51, FOR SALfi Shares in Great Northwest ern Line Stock Loan Assn. T 773, uregonaira. GROCERY and confectionery, living rooms luriiiBucu, 015 sacririCS, $730. See today: 1442 Mllwaukie. FOR SALE Vulcanizing shop and fill ing station, or will sell either .seoa rate. 839 Union ave. North. FOR SALE Camas, Wash., property or traue ior grocery biock. uaii wood lawn 3315. - WANT partner; fine feed, grain and fuel business. Write Cart Brown, Nook- sftck. wasn. TWO barber chairs and case cheap. 244 Aiaer. juiub mwi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR 25 YEARS I HAVE carried on this business. From a small beginning I have built up a well or ganized mail, freight and transporta tion business within 100 miles of Port land that pays a clean substantial cash profit, with possibilities of future ex pansion that are very attractive, from U. S. government. I have mail contracts that run for four years yet and pay $7700 per year. I have state franchises that give me exclusive rights as a common carrier over these routes. I have everything necessary In the way of real and personal property from a monkey wrench to G. M. C, trucks to successfully carry ' on the business. I have made enough to retire and as my boys are girls I have no one to hand it over to. For a man with some boys this is a great opportunity. I will stay with the party who takes It over till he knows all the details of the business. The work Is not haxd. Is well organized and is making money, as the daily accounts will show. My price is $21,000 for real and .per sonal property, with the mall con tracts and, franchises subject to ap proval by the government. , I want a substantial first payment down. This is a clean business proposition and only men with character and with the money need apply. Address JJ 100. Qregonian. Portland. Or. " GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here is an excellent opportunity to secure an equal half interest in one of the busiest and best garages and repair shops in Portlands ideal locu tion, right '- downtown; completely equipped; electric power drill, "etc; long established, steady trade: cannot rely on hired help; prefer steady part ner; previous experience not necessary if you are handy with tools, mechani cally inclined and willing to learn the business. You can easily clear better than $175 per month for yourself from the start; only $400 required; nothing better at the price. Don't fail to see this before you buy. Apply 347 Plttock block, Washington at 10th sts. . . SEE THE HOLLY REALTY CO. : GROCERIES GARAGES ' APARTMENT HOUSES . MACHINE SHOPS SHOE REPAIR SHOPS CIGAR STANDS . POOL HALLS " - or most any other business v chance. Wre have them, all price and all kinds. . 436 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SERVICE station and auto camp on Pa- cltic highway, iw miles soutn or Jr-ort-Iand, in town of 1000; station equipped with 5-gat. stroke Wayne pump, air compressor and clean stock of gro ceries, oils, gas, tires and, accessories, camp accommodates 40 cars; electric lighted. ity water, tables, benches, etc,. 4-year lease. $25 a month rent. Gross sales running over $2000 monthly. This proposition will stand close inves tigation and is one of the best loca tions in the state and is priced low for quick sale. Price $4000, $2000 cash will handle. Dr. H. H. Owen. Oakland. Or. ' AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. $300 will secure equal half interest In a busy, well-established auto paint ing business; ideal location in fireproof bldg.; most modern finishing room in city; have shop full-of Jitork and large volume coming in. I need a partner; previous- experience not necessary H you are steady and reliable, as I will teach the right man the business. You can easily clear better than $160 every month for yourself from the start. If you want the best buy in the city be sure and see this before you locate. Apply 347 Pittock blk.. Wash, at 10th. CONCRETE GARAGE SPECIAL. Other business compels me to sacri fice my garage, one of ci ty 's bus iest thoroughfares, capacity 50 cars and now filled with steady storage; also handling tires, oils, gas and accessor ies; sublets take care of more than half of rent; books open for Inspection and can show good profits; a 4-year lease with very low rent; $1250 handles: a big deposit on lease included. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce. 4th at Stark. - . EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Here is an opening for an ambitious and trustworthy young man in well known financial concern downtown; a clean, interesting and steady-paying business; special experience not essen tial if you are capable of meeting the public and willing to learn the busi ness; no trouble to clear better than $200 per month for yourself from the start; investment only $500, part terms; references required. Apply 347 Pittock blk.. Washington at 10th. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. Equal hllf interest In high-grade auto painting business; splendid loca tion, long established, steady trade; shop full -of work and large volume coming in ; no experience required in thlB line if willing to work and a hust ler; ho trouble to clear better than $200 every morth for yourself; a bona fide bargain for the right man. Call and investigate at 620 Chamber of Qom. bldg.. 4th and Stark. CIGAR STAND BUSY OFFICE BLDG. Ideal location. In lobby of one of the busiest and best known downtown of fice buildings; complete stock and at tractive fixtures; no night or Sunday work; one person can conduct this steady-paying business; any lady or man will easily clear better than $175 per month here; $1350 full price; noth ing like this ever offered in Portland at the price; a genuine snap. Call 347 Plttock blk.. Washington at 10th st. FOR SALE Garage and service station, corner lot, best business location, on North Bank highway; first garage east of Vancouver barracks; splendid small business now and sure to be a hum mer in normal times; nice building lot . in connection, or will sell only corner lot and garage; equipment and all very reasonable price; call any time. Owner, Willson's garage, 2130 E. 7th st., Van- 'couver. Wash. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. An equal half Interest Is offered to a man who is willing to work in well established fuel business; keeping two trucks busy all the time; has con tracts with responsible institutions; books open for inspection to the right man; $1200 required, to be used in the expansion of business; bo me terms. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Fourth and Stark streets. EXCELLENT opportunity to buy inter est in a well-established business that is clearing close to $500 a month; a ' third interest will require $250; this will stand close investigation and well worth your while; only an honest party who can devote his time to business will be considered. Write, giving name and phone number, to E. H. Salick, 75 East S3d st. North, Portland, Or. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. We have for sale beautiful 100x100 corner lot, 11-room house: no lease, close in on Morrison st. Price $35,000, $10,000 in cash and some trade Port land property up to $5000, -balance easy payments. . SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. CIGAR STAND. Downtown location; clears better than $20 per day on an investment of $2500; good lease, corner location, on west side. See Mr. Black,. JOHN M. KROG COMPANY, 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1375. MINE YOURS. I'll go 50-50 with any good man that will cbme to my immediate assistance enabling me to hold on to my high grade mining property on which over $40,000 development work has been done: money goes into Improvement of property ; ' money with services pre ferred. See me at John A. Meissner office, 821 Gasco bldg. ROOMING HOUSE 9 rooms to rent that brings In $76 per month. Rent of house only $45. Two blocks from Washington street. Sale price $750. $350 down. See Mr. Black, with JOHN M. KROG COMPANY, 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. -' Broadway 1 375. WEST SIDE GROCERY. APARTMENT HOUSE TRADE. Fine corner location, big cash busi ness, no cut prices, several living rooms. Invoice about $3500. No bonus. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. GROCERS, ATTENTION! Deal With Owner. I have a high-class grocery taken In on a deal; best location in city; invoice about $220$: no fixtures to buy. Ad dress AH 734. Oregonlan. DRUG STORE Long established; one of the best locations on east side; , business is and always has been good; large district to draw from; sacrifice for cash; owner leaving city. Address P 773. Oregonlan. MANUFACTURER offers a two-thirds interest to two partners with $2000 each who will engage actively In a sound and lucrative business. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a good cigar store, see us. We have a few good buys and are getting new listings every day. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. $000 CONFECTIONERY, lunches, light groceries; 2 living rooms; low rent. 1414 Main st, Oregon City. Phone 306-J. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store; good corner location, with cheap rent; in business part of city. Broad way 2789. MY AUTO-PARKING interests for $350. Have no time to develop and' handle same. A good pportimtty to build up & paying bualnees. Marshall 1911. BrSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY STORES ALL SIZES. CONFECTIONERIES. ANYTHING YOU WANT. GARAGE BIG AND LITTLE. MEAT MARKET $700 AND UP. RESTAURANTS SALE OR TRADE. FILLiNG STATIONS WE HAVE THEM. TOO. No matter what kind of business you want we hav it. 16 years In the business of handling business oppor tunities in Portland. Let us locate you. MR. CHURCH IN CHARGE, f J BRUCE GODDAJtD, . 501-2 Couch Bids. FOR SALE Third interest in eastern Oregon weekly newspaper for $1500; $500 cash, balance "easy terms; job of editor-manager goes with stock and pays $150; paper has always made money;, present editor has other- in- ' teresus; shop is linotype equipped, do- . ing about $600; editor should have machine, knowledge. AV 278, Ore- - gonlan. . HAVE large real estate enterprise the sale of irrigated lands; settled com munity; farms too large, must sub divide; can take contracts at low valuation, advance will be rapid; . proposition safe, sound; need money and good promoter; ground-floor prop osition; no hot air. E. E. Miller, 712 Dekum bidg., Portland, Or. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCHES. ACCEPT PART TRADE, Dandy lunch room and confectionery in good business district; 3 living rooms; fine place for 2 good women. Price $1100; no trading prices con sidered. - - - . . MERRICK & CO. 304 Panama Bldg. 'Bdwy. 6942. FOR SALE. Eating fountain and ice cream busi ness, loctted on one of Oregon's- main highways; largest arid nicest place In town; good growing business; county seat; fruit, lumbering, with heavy tourist trade; owner retiring; only re sponsible parties need reply. AV 279, Uregonian WOULD you pay $750 fo a nice clean business which will net you from $175 to $225 per month? Experience un necessary if willing to learn. Ideal ' for mau and wife, or one man might handle; three-room apartment in rear; rent very reasonable, lease: ( be sure and see this. Phone Main 1974 for par ticulars. ' ' . BATTERY, WELDING, ELECTRIC AND REPAIR SHOP. f A real - busmess, 100x100 2-story building on corner ; good lease; cheap rent; has all the very best equipment Price $7000 or take good partner at $3500. MERRICK & CO. 304 Panama Bidg. Bdwy. 6042. CORNER GROCERY. OLD-ESTABLISHED PLACE. Grocary, confectionery and soft drinks. 3-year lease at $30 per month; all cash and carry. Price ONLY $2700. We have other good buys, any part of city. MERRICK & CO. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. SEASIDE LUNCH ROOM, ' $500. Completely equipped. Best location on Broadway, rent paid for year in cluded: ... SIMMS, 610 HENRY, BLDG. CHANCE to get In on ground floor of responsible mfg. concern, now in op eration, is open to a party-who is am bitious, honest, trustworthy and finan cially able to invest a few thousand dollars, on .which he may have terms. Give phone number for interview. BJ 754, Oregonlan. - WANTED Capital, a promoter or a manufacturer; I have just obtained a patent- on an engine of ' merit de signed to use gas or steam; very sim ple in construction; no cranks or pis tons and very powerful and low ost. BJ 759, Qregonian. , CONFECTIONERY jRIGHT DOWNTOWN". Making big money. A snap for $2300. Splendid opportunity to get into splen did all-year business. CHURCH with GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg." - A PARTNER WANTED ' - Concrete 60x100 garage, fine location. Owner needs a reliable partner to sell the gas, oils, auto accessories, etc., and be handy In garage. Good profits. Equal interest only $1000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. INSURE YOURSELF LARGEST IN COME Tell me amount ($50 up) you can invest. Interesting proposition, gronnd-floor . advantages, .participation in , real profits, internationally avail able, uncrowded Portland industry. Ad dress AB 758, Qregonian. WANT a party wit- $6000 for an In vestment that will show returns of 5 for 1 within 12 months; no money invested until party fully satisfied of such terms; answers confidential., v ' 751, Qregonian. CIGAR and confectionery store, candy, soft drinks, etc; a fine location, near Yamhill public market; rent onty $60; owing to family affairs can .be bought at a bargain. For particulars call 260 Taylor st. WANTED At once, by printing estab lishment, a live, energetic solicitor and practical printer, one desirous of build ing an attractive business fqf himself . on generous percentage basis, BJ. 767, Qregonian. OWNER must sell garage building, stock and- equipment in growing section of city. Butilding almost new, tile and brick. 140x50; good autd agency, well e dvertlsed, good b usi nees and equip ment. Terms. BC 746. Qregonian. PHARMACIST, lady or man, for a few hundred dollars can step Into estab lished businness as partner that will pay big in. two months. Absolutely legitimate and guaranteed. BC 753, Qregonian. NEW PUBLIC MARKET. 2D AND ALDER. SIMONS' STORE. Want a butter store, drug store, cof fee serving counter, soda fountain, SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Sto6k Exch. RELIABLE concern, manufacturing and . selling a variety of products desires active partner who will invest some money and fill position where best adapted, jbj ioo, uregonian. MEAT MARKET Doing strictly cash Business anu maKing gooa money; splendid equipment, including ice ma chine. Tabor 6016 Sunday morning; Broadway 1531 week days. PLUMBING and tinning shop for sale, fixtures, tools, machinery and stock, at Astoria, Or.; just the thing for a live man; will invoice about $4000. See or write E. Henchelbach, Astoria, Or. PARTNER in established business; clean work ; will teach party the business ; ,' small investment, fully Becured ; can make $5 a day and more,- 505 Swet land bldg. WOOD YARD for .sale. If you have $850 and want a good wood business, it will pay you to see me. This is a good. place for two men. Might consider Ford tour ing if price is right. Call Auto. 627-12. $350 CASH buys a good clean cafeteria doing a good business; must sell on ac count of sickness. By owner. Call Broadway 1770 till 5:30 P. M. ; after that call Main 8457. GROCERY STORE FOR. $700. Cash-and-carry, nice living rooms, ' good money-maker, spttendid location. CHURCH HAS IT AT GODDARD S. Office 501-2 Couch Bldg. 11 ROOMS, all 2-room apts., close In on west side; nets $75 a month now; lease. Price $1275; only $300 down, balance fasy. 505 Swetland bldg. HALF interest in a well .equipped well paying auto repair shop, $450 cash. Prefer a mechanic but not necessary ' if handy with tools. Wdln. 8466. CIGAR STAND In splendid .location, doing good business; for Bale by owner. Tabor 6016 Sunday morning; Broad- way 1531 weeK gays. CQUNTRY weekly paper in Willamette valley, near Portland, for sale; receipts $500 to $700 per month. Want $2000, $1500 of it cash. AV 277, Ore cr o n ian. FO SALE Well-seaured bonds and .bonus stock in developed . and paying enterprise. Inquire 712 Dekum bidg., Portland, Or. S P A C E , IN PUBLIC MAR GET, $10 AND -UP SEE SMITH -WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. FOR SALS: Barber shop, four chairs, 2 shower baths; good condition; 2 year lease; best location ; price $1200. 626 Commercial St., Astoria, Or. MEAT MARKET DOING BIG BUSINESS. Sold at great sacrifice on account ot sickness. Hurry. SEE CHURCH, 801-2 Couch Bldg. . PARTNER with car, established realty business; small investment. P 753, Oregonlan. " PHOTO STUDIO, fully equipped, running. west side; am not photographer, must sell at sacrifice. Broadway 5112. QUICK sale for cash, cigar and confec - tlonery store, owner, 373 East Burn side. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream parlor and cafe, doing good business, live town in Idaho. AV 275. Oregonlan. GROCERS, attention! I have several good grocery stores for sale. F. Gans- neder. E. 2669. OWNER will sacrifice restaurant doing good business; rent $13 a month. Ap ply at 2S1 Front St.. corner Jefferaon. $500 TAKES Bmall-town picture show, terms. Total $2700. 4609 H 67th. at. Soutneast. FOfl SALE or rent, cheap, shine stand, good location. East 3276. PARTNER wanted for a painting and decorating business. H 755, Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP for sale: 432 Washing ton st. See Dick Korkegian. BARBERS Have you a shop for rent? Box 31. Orchards, Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP 3-chair barber shop. I Owner leaving oity. 210 Madison sC business QPFOKTryrriES. THE MAGAZINE "INVESTING FOR PROFIT," ' sent free, is worth $10 a copy to any one' who Intends to investny money; -who has Invested unpromably ; who can save but hasn't learned how to invest profitably. It demonstrates the REAL earning power of . money knowledge generally hidden from the , masses. Shows how to invest small sums and how they grow into for tunes. It reveals the enormous prof its of successful business and shows how oner may make the same profits. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes are made how $1000 grows to $22,000; how to borrow and how to loan. To introduce our iftagazine write us now and we'll send it SIX MONTHS FREE. INVESTING FOR PROFIT, 20 W. Jackson Blvd. Dept. A-243, . ' Chicago. MORE THAN YOUR MONEY'S WORTH No opposition, vulcanizing plant, motor, moulds, air pump, tank, buffer, tire spreader, new Goodrich and Em - pire tires, new inner tubes accessories; second-hand, tires. A. modern plant; owner too old to handle. Price $600. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. FOR SALE. OR TRADE. 20 Bbl. Water Power Flour Mill. Only One Running in the Country. Custom grinding comes a radius of 15 miles; fine water power year around, at junction of two creeks; a snap. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 5618. GROCERY. Doing about $150 per day; fine lo cation; good lease and will -sell at In voice. Investigate this for yourself. $5000 will handie. See Mr. Black. JOHN M. KROG COMPANY. 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. LARGE grocery and confectionery In fireproof building; doing, $65 to $80 cash business dally. Transfercorner; fluuv lor i mures ana invoice biock. Worth the money. A fine apartment house may be had in connection with this store if desired. $10,000 will handle all. i - SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. POOLHALL BRICK BUILDING. Rent $20, free heat, actual expense $2 per day, snooker table, 3 pool tables, keno boaj, back and front bar, ice box, wall case, soda fountain, etc.; clearing $250 per month; price $2000, $L200 will handle. - , ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. BY OWNER. H or 2-3 interest in a good estab lished, finely located and paying busi ness. One partner, wants to retire; will sell at a discount. If you are looking for a good investment that $10,000 will handle, get in touch with owner, by writing to F. S. Bean, 7711 Woodstock ave., Portland, Or. GROCERY DOING $75 A DAY. A snap at $2500. . For full partlcQ lars see Mr. Han thorn, ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors, -204 Morrison St. Main 5962. MODERN CONCRETE GARAGE. Fine west Bide location, good lease, 75-cars storage ; sell gas, oils, acces sories and repairing; average $450 month clear profit ; good reasons for selling and will take just what the stock and equipment will invoice. Room 401 Dekum bldg. , . POOLHALL AND LIGHT LUNCH. Feeding 100 people per day, complete lunch counter outfit, 4 pool tables, cash register, root beer barrel, candy cases, cigar cases, wall cases ; price $1800, $1200 will handle; will consider light auto. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. NEW YORK chemical house with am , pie financial resources, nation-wide distribution of pharmaceutical, textile, rubber, leather, film, building Indus tries, would accept selling agency or consider introducing meritorious njod ucts. Box 57, room 702 World bldg., New York.' CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, tobaccos, light lunches, all necessary equipment for making candy; monthly profits $350; downtown west side, newly papered and painted; a dandy place. Only has to be seen to be appreciated. Full price $2300, terms. 633 Morgan bldg. ' BUYERS, ATTENTION 1 If you do n6t see what you want. we have listings of garages, grocery stores, confectioneries, cigar stands and. many others. Come and see them. We will be glad to accommodate you. SECURE INVESTMENT CO., tkis Morgan isiag NOB HILL DISTRICT. Cleaning and pressing, handles the best kind Af trade, 2 living rooms. modern fixtures, clearing pver , $2uu Fe jer montn guarantee ; rent ou, gooa ease; $650 takes it. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. A real business in which owner will sell an interest to get interested help, want a man who Is looking for a sate and sound business and willing to de vote his .time and energy; draw $40 week and share profits; $500 required. Particulars. 401 Dekum bldg. $450 FOR EQUAL HALF INTEREST. Have opening for good reliable man in light manufacturing business; well established, .orders on hand; previous experience not necessary, as will teach you business. If you will be satisfied with $150 per month see me at 314 Stock Exchange bldg. . A GARAGE SPECIAL. A fine location, good lease, owner had it long time, wants a rest; first time offered for sale. Net profits over $500 month; trial given to satisfy buyer. Sell gas, oils, auto accessories, storage and repairing. A real bargain. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WONDERFUL POOLHALL LOCATION. 5 living rooms upstairs, 3 pooltables, root beer barrel, cash register, wall cases, showcases, everything up to date; $1100 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg.. Th'.rd and Alder. $1000 CASH AND CARRY GRO CERY $1000. Doing $30 or more, good east side, very thickly settled- district, cheap rent, lease, living rooms and bath. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. A PARTNER WANTED. A cash business ; owner prefers an Interested partner to depending on hired help; can draw $30 weekly salary and share profits; requires a small In vestment fully secured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. ' FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER WANTED to buy my first-class, up-to-date meat market; rent $50 per month; 3-year lease; modern fixtures throughout; dandy business; $2250. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO 405-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. MODERN 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP Near 4th and Morrison, 4 people em ployed, up-to-date fixtures, 4-year lease, cheap rent; $2000, $1200 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. -405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. FOR SALE Grocery at Eugene, Oregon, located at the stage terminal: $1800 will handle, with easy terms on bal ance. Good fixtures and doing a paying ' business. Address Mr. Applegate, care hmeeq notei, hJugene. Oregon. FOR SALE- To experienced party only, one of the best paying garages in downtown business district. This Is a genuine opportunity that "will bear Investigation. Owner advertising. S 771, Oregonlan. A CONCRETE '100x100 GARAGE. A fine location, large sale gas. oils, auto accessories, etc., and big storage and repair business; books open to buyer; a real garage -and $2500 han- cues it. Koom 4U1 uKum bldg. ONE OF THE BEST GROCERY stores located on the east side, first class fixtures throughout; good lease, rent $50 ; transfer point ; price $3500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. CENTRAL REPAIR SHOP. Account death this busy shop, fully .equipped ana employing 3 men, can be bought right at $2000, worth more; some terms to responsible party. Par tlculars room 511 Railway Exchange. A PARTNER WANTED. Wood and coal business; owner needs help of steady man ; can each clear $250 month; $800 required, fully se- -cured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. BARBER SHOP. On 6th st.; four chairs; clean, neat location; cannot oe Deat; all ror $sd. Your own terms. Peters, 15 North 5th. A CONFECTIONERY STORE. Well located and a 5-year lease, v clears $250 to $300 month. For sale at Invoice. Room 401 Dekum bldg. BARBER SHOP for sale cheap, three chairs, on account of leaving state. 413 Main st., Oregon City. MORTGAGE of $3500 at 7 per cent on farm worth $7500. Want home close In for mortgage, w 748. Oregonlan. $85 BUYS cleaning and pressing shop; living rooms and a good business. Broadway and Williams ave. DANDY, grocery store, east side; 3-year lease; rent $20; living rooms. $1500 full price. 314 Stock Exchange bldg. A RESTAURANT. In live town, 50 miles from Portland; price $750. Room 401 Dekum bldg. MEAT MARKET Good location, close in, reasonable rent. Bargain. Wood lawn 6675. GOOD location for a butcher, barber, shoe or dressmaking shop. 985 Albina avenue. GROCERY. Living rooms, residential diet riot, $1400. Call 607 Couch bids. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESPONSIBLE corporation wants gen eral sales managers to open branch office, manage salesmen; $500 to $5000 necessary; expenses to Baltimore al- 1 rrmraii it ... II J J ir . ager, 603 N. Eutaw st., Baltimore. Md. FOR SALE Splendid grocery proposition at Eugene, doing a good business; owner sirk and will sell on easy terms at invoice. Address Mr. Applegate, care Smeed hotel. Eugene. Oregon. Bnftinewt Opportunities Wanted. SOLD IN TEN DAYS. FOR QUICK ACTION list your busl t ness with tho livest, strongest and fast est selling organization specializing in all lines of business In the northwest. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Partnerships formed, additional cap ital procured : business is good with us. we have many buyers waiting; our selling system, backed up by expert salesmen. NEVER fails: it's results ( that count; we have !old many others, why not yours? We can sHl your business !n ten days; MAKE US . PROVE IT. Phone Bdw. 2651. Note our column of sales ads. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 347, Pittock bldk., Wash, and 10th BUSINESS OWNERS. For a quick and satisfactory sale list your business with SURETY INVESTMENT CO. The largest and "most progressive selling organization In the Northwest. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. All Business Dealings Absolutely Confidential. BEST OF BANK AND COMMERCIAL REFERENCES. Phone Broadwav 6990. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bldg., "Third and Alder Streets. TO ENGINEERS. CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS, wnglneer of wide experience, clvIL mechanical, mi nine: and metallurgical, wishes to .loin a firm of contractors or contraating engineers or ' industrial manufacturers. Is prepared to pur chase an interest in the business. act In an administrative and technical capacity; references and particulars of experience on application. AJ 744. Oregonlan. WANTED Agencies for Hawaii, especially novelties and notions In candy, cracker and othe lines. General Brokerage Co., P. O. Box 13. i Honolulu. T. H. 1 I HAVE $500 worth of battery servlc station equipment and service oatter ies; want to associate with garage pro prietor or electric service station where cervices can be used as electrical or mechanical trouble shooter as well as battery work: agreeable arrangements easilv made if prospects are good for making decent living. N 774, Orego nlan. AGENTS OR OWNERS ANSWER. I'M A REAL BUYER. Want a noolroom or a combination cigar stand and confectionery. In or "out of the city. If you can Fhow me a real business that can be handled on $2500 cash. I will buy quick. Must be good and show a fair earning. Answer at once. 3 758. Qregonian. EYPFRrexPFD man to establish fufrni ture department in new department store opening about Ausrust 1; oldest furniture stand in best city in southern Oregon; Investigate this before going further. Med ford Building Company, Medford. Or. STOCK AND BOND. MAN WOULD LIKE TO ADVISE WTTH CORPORATION. FIRM OR COMPANY UNDER FORMATION DE STRING THE ASSISTANCE OF AN EXPERT T PLACING THEIR STOCK BONDS: CONSUTVT A TTON CONFI DENTIAL. AP 757. QREGONIAN. I WILL eive $500 to anyone that will give me the name or location of any town In Oregon or Washington where there now is need for n new bank, where there will be sufficient busi ness to justify the organization. BP 7fi5. Orpponlan. - FOR A QUICK SALE. List your business with West Coast Brokerage Co.. the livest concern han dling business opportunities In Port land. Phone, Bdwy. 137R or call 620 Cham, of Com. bldir.. 4th ftnd Stark. A CASH BUYER. To sell yrtur business quickly, quietly snrl wfthout publicity, see or writs PIONEER PFSTNESS ARKN:Y. 1M(J., Rooms 401-402 Dekum Bldg. BUSINESS association desired, will in vest limited caoital in services in go ing concern which will Ftarid careful Investigation: give full details in reply or no attention nain. f TX'.t. oreernnmn. WANTED Newspaper or printing bus! ness. Willamette vaney or ornann nreferrpd Bubstn m ia I cash Vn vment. S. A. Benjamin, 533 S. Liberty. Salem. or. BUSINESS men of means dedrtns: to et tle In Orep-on will consider investing 125.000 to $100 000 In clran. profitable enterprise. AV M. Oreeonlan. GROCERY wanted, about J2000: must be good location, rash and carry, di rect from owner. Prefer one with liv ing rooms. J. Hill. 273 Williams av. PRIXTER with business experience would buy all or part Interest in golne print- iner and stationery business. BD 755. OrAronian. YOUNG man 33, university graduate, experienced executive organlrer. sales man, desires employment where he can make investment in legitimate business. Z, 774. Oregonlan. ' CAN INVEST several thousand with services in business that will stand in vestigation: give all particulars first le-tter: confidential; no agents. . AB 7(11, Oregorwinn. 20 ACRES of land to trade for confec tionery and grocery or city property. Call owner. Woodlawn 378. 109 East 24th st. N. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE. A well-established shoe repair shop, write, giving price, location, etc. P 75ft Oregonlan. WANTED To rent small equipped meat market. In or out of citv. or manage one: exp. meat nan. BC 754, Orego nlan. - A HIGH-GRADE progressive, executive and salesmanager; eastern exnerience, desires connection where ability can be utilized. AC 753. Oregonlan. . WANT to hear from a business man who is looking for a location in southern Oregon. Medford Building Co.. Med ford. Or. GROCERY, In city, about J2000: would trade Buick auto as part cash. V 754. Oregonlan. WANTED A ew good .specialty side lines for city and country. X 739. Oreronaln. WANT shoe repair shop in good location. L. E. Staats. 101S E. Hist st. N. LADY will buy Interest In apartment bouse. BJ 7fi3. Oregonlan. ' WANT to buy or rent a restaurant with living rooms. K 758. Oregonlan. Hotels and Rooming Honwes. ONE OF the best west side residential hotels In the city for sale by owner; 83 rooms, modern, with private bath, good lobby and living quarters on first floor: heautlfullv furnished: leasei un til 127; $15,000 cash to handle; no agents. E 752. Oregonlan. LEAVING CITY. Must sell my beautiful rooming house to first buyer with $310 cash. Piano, new rugs, Singer sewing ma chine, solid oak fur. Must sell Mon- liav. 191 Park. - LOVELY 12-room house on Hoyt st., completely and well furnished; rent $65. Income $150: keep 8 rooms tor own use. Price $2150. $1200 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1"07 Yeon Bldg. WE have a list of the best hotels and apartment houses in Portland; all prop erty thoroughly investigated: we guar antee to give you what you buy: come In and see us. F. B. Tomlln & Co., 012 Corbett bldg. FIVE 2-room and ten sleeping rooms near King and Davis sts., west side, clearing $2oA per month. Lease until Jan. 1st. 1020. Call Bdwy. 7341, 1002 Snaulding bldg. 10 ROOMS, including kitchenette. Price $900. S500 cash, balance $30 per mo. Rent $35. Income $82. Good location. Call Sunday 1 to 4 P. M., or evenings. Mar. 3635. 22 ROOMS, brick building, rent $30, lease, cheap for cash, will consider light car part payment. 201 East 5th St.. Vancouver. Wash. 240 ROOMS, over 100 apartments, with private baths. Will give lease. For particulars call Mr. Holmen. Broad- wavtwmj. A GREAT sacrifice in rooming house of 9 rooms, good basement, furnace heat, everything in good repair. Call owner. Broadway ztHii, FOR SALE! 11-room rooming house, rent $45 A good buy at $1350, $350 cash, good terms. F. B. Tomlln & Co.. 601- 13 rooms H. K.. good furniture: can have 2 years' lease, low rent; $1000 handles. Call Monday, Broadway 4835. 19 ROOMS, good lease, rugs, furniture first-class, nets $160; $2500 handles. 861 11th st BIG BARGAIN' 12 rooms, all H. K., west side, $1550, half cash. 34-7 Hall st. Main 7637 ; GOOD BUY 11 housekeeping; clean; good Income; trade for small ear or first mortgage. 310 Sixth st. MORTGAGE sale, full price, $925, half cash, balance can ran. 191 Park. 19 ROOMS, money-maker, close In. $2250, term Dubois, 801 Spalding bid BTTSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming .Houses. MONET MAKING APARTMENTS. . EVERY ONE GOOD. . 42 rooms, cement bldg., pries $8000, $4000 cash. ' , 45 rooms, frame bldg., pries $5000, $4000 cash. 4o rooms, brick bldg., pries $13,000, $7000 cash. ' 34 rooms, frame bldg., price $7500. $5000 cash. 77 rooms, brick bldg.. price $12,000 $6000 cash. 71 rooms, frame bldg., pries $15,000, $7000 cash. 83 rooms, brick bldg., price $24,500, 18.000 cash. 92 rooms, cement bldg., price 40000, $6000 cash. 74 rooms, brick bldg., price $9500, $4000 cash. These are SPECIAL BUYS, money makers, to sell again foe ths FAIR. Don't overlook this ad, keep It and compare lists later and see what you lose by not buying NOW. See DAD KENNEDY, with H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS, 432 Cham. om. Bldg., BcVwy. 53S7. RIERDON REALTY CO, 637 Pittock Block A wonderful buy In a first class little transient hotel, cen ter of business district; strictly modern, clean, furnishings are of the very best and as good as new; 57 rooms, many with prl , vate bath; 4-year lease, doing a wonderful business, and $16,000 talks. Never on market before. WASH. ST. HOTEL. Modern corner brick bldg. of over 70 rooms, tine ground-floor lobby, furnishings are good, lease for 5 years; price $25,000. Will make good terms to right parties. $3200 37 ROOMS of first-class furni ture ; close in on west sme; good lease until after fair; present owner sacrificing, as mut leave, town.- A money tn aker $4500 26 housekeeping and sleeping rooms; greater part of fur- , . niture new; flose in on west ide; lease until after lair. Location such aa this will soon be taken. 122,000 li'7-rooin hotel, west side; lease until after fair; nets about JiMM) a month. $45,000 For a west side uptown ho tel of 101 rooms, good fur nishings; 4-year lease; fin location; steam heated; good reputation; nets $1000 a mo. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 222 Henry Bidg., Fourth and Oak. 45-ROOll hotel, good bldg., and furni ture, steam heat, lot 100x116: a new double garage, improvements in and paid for; located on the Columbia river and highway, in one of Oregon's best towns; 45 steady boarders at $i3 a month, besides transients, clearing $G00 a month; price $26,000, terms: will take in a nice Portland residence on first payment:, this Is a bona fide proposition; here is a nice home and your own landlord; apply your rent in paying for your own hotel and home; we will gladly show you in our auto. "We serve to please." BARNEY JOHNSON & CO.. Realtors. 66 Ella St. Bdwy 71(47. LEASE TOR SALE. 4-year lease on a modern cor ner brick apartment, partly fur nished. This is one of the 'nicest apartments in the city; full price $5000, good terms. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3628. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. Acknowledged leading hotel and apartment-house brokers. WE WRITE INSURANCE. Instead of advertising a few of our many good buys, we invite you to in spect our flies. You will find that we have just the investment that you have in mind, whether large or smalL Our service will please you. CARS AT YOUR SERVICE. 620-21 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak st. ONE OF THE BEST. Thirty-four 2 and 3-room apartments, fine west side location, 4-year leaee, cheap rent, 4-story modern brick building, Northwest heat, apartment clearing $1000 a month. Do not fall to Investigate. $16,000 will handle. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors, 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST. 90-room hotel, large, comfortable ground floor lobby, elevator. North west heat, absolutely fireproof bldg., elegantly furnished; pink-of condition. Always full; net profit $1600 month. Price $45,000, $25,000 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY. Lot 40x108. 20 rooms, 6 8-room apt., 1 2-room apt.; all with private baths; building In first-class condition; splen did location; completely and well fur nished. Price $17,000. 4 cash. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 107 Yeon Bldg. APT. BUILDING AND FURNITURE. Why buy a lease and pay rent when you can have a building and furniture with a better income than the same ?loney will buy in a lease? Brick and He building; $10,000 cash will handle. Call Mr. Dustin, with MRS. SNOW. BROADWAY 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg WONDERFUL LOCATION. 52-room hotel, 9 private baths, 4 year lease, well furnished, white pressed brick bldg., city heat, clears $600 month. Owner called away on urgent business, must sell at once. Price $15,000. $5000 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. BIG SACRIFICE. Forced to leave the city and will Bell this well-furnished 7-room house, all filled, for $400; make no mistake, this is a REAL snap. MERRICK. & CO. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6943. ANOTHER ONE. 72-room hotel, corner brick bldg., 24 private baths, Circassian and ma hogany furniture, lease to Sept., 1926; net profit about $S00 month. Price $22,000, $16,000 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LOOK AT THIS. LOVELY white pressed brick cor. bldg., 12 B-room apts., 19 sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, rent $350: good lease; net profit over $500 month. Price $12,600, $5000 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldf. APARTMENT SNAP. 64 rooms, pressed brick, comer on 2 carlines, close in. east side, rent $350 month; good lease, clearing $500 month: price S12.000. $4500 will han dle. Morris 165 4th st., room 21, with Mlllershlp and Stewart. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 12 housekeeping rooms, rent $40; may have lease; price $1500; ea7 term. See E. O. Magoon, RICHANBACH & CO., 605-7 Chamber of Commerce Bldf, Broadway 4143. ' HEART OF BUSINESS DISTRICT. 20 rooms, on one floor; rent only $55; 3-year lease, price $2100, includ ing $165 up on lease; clear $.100; $1500 will handle. See Mrs.. Haug, 526 Henry b:dg. Bdwy. 1904. FOR SALE by owner, 27 rooms, house keeping, all on one floor, brick bldg., new four-yeax lease at $100 per month, or wKl take smaller place and some cash. Rooms always full with good net income. Price $3500, with terms. Phone East 825, owner. LEAVING city, must sell my 16-room rooming house, completely furnished for housekeeping. White Temple dis trict; direct from owner; $2500. 266 12th street. A LITlE paying boarding hours, a real home; piano and everything; am leaving town; a small payment gives possession; better than working for wages. r.at jnon. A SACRIFICE 9 rooms, all full, mostly housekeeping. White Temple district. Yours for $550, b$r owner. All cash. Mar. 3342. ; WEST SIDE H. K. 11 rooms in good boarding house dis trict, clean, good furniture; $950, your own terms. Owner, 149 Lownsdale st. 10-ROOM h. k. apt., everything new; close In, east side; rent $45; long lease; price $1000. Sutter, 246 E. Broadway, $300 CASH payment, 12 h. k. rooms, dandy location. $35 rent, 4-yr. lease, full price SS00. 101 Park. HOTEL for sale: doing good business; all modern equipped; paving crew nearby. AV 182, Oregonlan. 26 H. K. ROOMS by owner, cheap with lease. 117 North 18th St. 11 ROOMS in two flats, or boarding or rooming: will sacrifice for quick sale. East 4854. 12 H. K. ROOMS, W. S., rent $30 with lease. $800 cash. 268 Montgomery. FOR SALE 1 rooms, H. K by owner: $500. 26$ JeUersoa.