The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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    I 20
ijiiiiimiitiiif in iiiimiii iiiimi iiim titniE
The Store
i , Beautiful
E'For beauty of structure and
E appointment the Meier &
Frank store ranks, with the ,
5 finest in America. .. E
5 This distinction it has 5
achieved without losing any
i of the kindly human qual-
E ities that have always be- E
come it so well.
It is like the gracious
E hostess who arranges every- E
E thing so beautifully for the E
pleasure of her guests E
5 rathe than delight of her E
E own. E
S We endeavor through
E lavishing attention upon our E
E store to make it the most E
E beautiful of homes to which jjj !
E we warmly invite the people E
E of Portland, our honored E
E guests.
ff 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Peanut Brittle 17c
Special for tomorrow while any of 2000 pounds
remain. Made in our own daylight candy factory,
this honey peanut brittle has that delicious
flavor that is exclusive with Meier & Frank pea
Hut brittle. - No deliveries at this extra special
price pound box 17c. "'""'
Main and Ninth Floors. Basement Balcony
The Quality Store
of Portland'
Audaciously New
are the gay sweaters "and, clever sports togs that
are slipping into the Sports Shop. They seem to
say that while it is good to be brilliant it is even
. better to be brilliant and distinctive and they
promise you both these qualities when you don
. them. Many of the new knit frocks or sweaters
, have a perfectly matching sports hat and if not.
they call for a streaming,-colorful scarf.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
ir 1 1 j "n a m Hi if
Meal Apparel for WJlaimv 5
Smart Modes in Dresses, Suits, Coats, Expressing the Triumph of Distinctive Lines and Beauty of Tone
Special Selling of Imported
Edgings, Bandings and
Reg. 60c-75c yd. 49
Reg. $1.00 Yard 69tf
Reg. $1.50, $1.75 98d
Reg. $2, $2.2581.69
Adaptable for use on. neck
wear and vestees, these im-.
ported embroidered trim
mings of organdie and batiste are in modish colorings of
rose,orange, copen, green, brown, flamej pink and sky.
New Hand-Made Plain and Antique
Filet and Irish Crochet Laces
These laces and their matching bands vary in width from 1
to 6 inches. They are wonderfully effective when fashioned
into the newest modes of vestees, cascades and blouse fronts.
Very new are the hand embroidered net bands that are de
signed to be combined with these laces. Yard, 35c to $6.75.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
j 1 ,i.
A New Kind of Women s
Silk Hose $1.50 ,
There is much to recommend
these lustrous silk hose, which
we are now showing for the
first time. Made with full
fashioned foot, they fit per
fectly, with a shaped ankle
that proves a welcome innova
tion. In a complete Jange of
sizes, these silk hose come in
shades of cordovan, beige,
gray, black.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Ordere Filled.)
' ' 1
Now Being Introduced:
Kanton Knit, Tricbsham
The Newest Silks for Dresses
A wonderful knitted silk
graceful and drapey for
dresses and capes 36 inches
wide. Navy, black and
white. $3 and $3.50 the yard.
Printed Silk Canton
and Crepe de Chine
$2.50 and $3.50
Showing all the newest col
ors and the most recent de
signs, these two materials
are steadily gaining -favor
for frocks and sports cos
tumes. White Sports
In varying widths and an as
tonishing number of new
styles and designs, our white
sports skirtings start at the
new lower price of . yard,
$1.75. ,
Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
The Daylight Silk
is like an. oriental bazaar,
flaunting the most brilliant
of silks of every hue known
under the sun. 'You should
not fail to visit it and while
there, ask to see one of the
very latest arrivals a 40
inch silk crepe material that
comes in shades of navy,
black, orchid and white, with
large square . or diamond
shaped motifs ofchenille.
Meier & Frank's:
Needlework to Interest You
During Your Idle Moments
Remnants 5c to $1 Each
A wide assortment of linen remnants, suitable for dollies,
pillows, scarfs, etc. In pricing them for this disposal, many
have been marked at less than half their regular figure.
Dresser Sets 69 f
Women who sew know the
Damascus dresser sets and.
w.ill be interested in this new
assortment. The set consists
of an 18x50-inch scarf and a
4xl2-inch pin cushion to
match. At 69c they are an
unusual value.
Needlework 49
There are 1000 pieces for you
to ' choose from, including
, combing jackets, aprons, cen
terpieces, scarfs, lunch sets,
etc. The designs are simple
to work but the results are
attractively effective. Regtr-
lar prices were 75c to $1.50.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
I jl S fj'lj jj
Afternoon Frocks
Daytime Suits
Regularly Priced $35 to $45
It is delightful to find a group of
dresses that include both the slen
derly hung Cantons and the bouffant
taffetas. These are sen in this spe
cially priced assortment in shades of
navy, black and brown. The many
little style innovations that seem so
unimportant and that mean so much
to the smartness of a frock are evi
denced in the designing.
Favored for Many Occasions
Tailored with the long, slim lines de
creed by fashion, these navy tricotine
suits are extraordinarily distinctive ,
and correct in appearance. Made with
long revers and narrowly belted, they .
fasten with two-button links and are
beautifully lined and finished. Such
a suit should have a place in the ward
robe of every fastidious woman and
the price featured here is exceptional.
Coats and Capes
Very Specially Priced
Never have coats and capes been as
graceful, as picturesque, asmodish,
as this season. The styles shown at
this price, are duplicates of many of
the most exclusive pattern wraps;
They range in shade from the deepest
brown to the delicate tans and grays
and include a few of Sorrento blue.
Many show combinations of harmon
izing colors. All sizes.
& Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
What Do the Simmer Months Mean to Your Baby?
Is baby happy and healthy and contented? However warm the day, baby should find the world a jolly place to live in,
clothed in the newest type of baby garments that are, designed with the little wearer's happiness and comfort in
view. ... . : ' ' . ' '
"Annette" wear means more smiles to your baby; We recommend Annette buttonless garments made to tie
instead of buttoning for sale in the infants'-shop.
Tie Binders
Made in all cotton, 80 wool me
rino, and silk and merino, these
baby binders are fashioned without
buttons or the need for pins. 35c,
50c and 65c
. Sliirt-antl-Band
Made of merino or silk and merino,
the "Annette" shirt and band com
binations are the finest garments
for baby and easiest for mother to
manage. They are $1.65 and $1.75.
Baby Shirts
"Annette" shirts are made of cot
ton, merino and silk and merino.
"They tie, having no hard buttons to
bother baby and are made with
carefully finished armholes. 85c
to $2.50.
Infants' bands made of cotton, me
rino and' a combination of silk and
merino beautifully finished and
expertly designed. 65c, 75c to $1.
. , . ' l ' , - . . . y
Blankets and . Comforters for Summer Cribs and Carriages
$3.95 and $5.95
These little comforters are
fashioned of checked and flow
ered materials with one-tone
linings that match them. -
v- $2.85
Fine 80 wool white blankets,
30x40 ..inches in size, with at
tractive border. Double blan
kets, 36x54 inches, $6.95
. 98 - :
Pretty little Beacon blankets, in
30x40 inch size are priced at-
tractively low, and mean excep
tional value to mother.
, $1.
Soft -and downy feather filled
pillows in pink arid blue are a
perfect resting place for baby's
little head.
Here Are Six Interesting Items in Children's Summer Underwear
Pajamas x
Children's pajamas in' ylain colored and
striped percales, made with V necks and
trimmed with contrasting colors. Sizes 4
to 16 years. $1.80, $2.25, $2.70.
. Combination Suits
One-piece combination suits of waists and
drawers, made with drop-seat and trimmed
with embroidery and laces. Sizes 2 to 12
years, 90c to $1.80. y
Princess Slips
Children's Princess slips finished with em
broidered ruffles and beading or with lace :
ruffles and ribbon run headings. 6 to 16
-years. $1.35 to $6.50. In the' smaller sizes,"
2 to 6 years. 54c to $1.80. .
" -
Summer Gowns
Children's gowns of muslin, nainsook or
.crepe in sfipon styles, trimmed with lace,
. embroidery and ribbons. Sizes 2 to,14 years.
Muslin Drawers
' Children's . summer drawers of muslin,
nainsook and soft cambric-, in knickerbocker
and loose knee styles and trimmed Tith
tucks, ruffle, and lace edgings. Sizes 1 to
14 years. 45c, 81c, $1.35.
Children's fine white muslin underwaists in
plain or lace and embroidery trimmed,
styles. Sizes 2 to 16 years. 68c to $1,13.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor." (Mail Orders Filled.)
THE PICTURE you take is nothing
it your film is not perfectly
developed and printed. Our finishing-
work assures you of the highest
efficiency. Printed on Velox, pic
tures may be tinted at 4c, 5j and 6c.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
VXTHEREVER you go, -whether it
is for a day or a week, tuck a
bcrok under your arm and you pro
vide tor a delightful hour or so.
Have you read "The Way of an
Eagle" by Dell? This and many
other splendid books now at a
special vacation price 75c.
Meier & Frank's. Fifth Floor
THERE'S a lot to learn and to
know about traveling the
easiest way to a certain place or
the conveniences you will find on
the way. The Ask Mr. Foster Serv
ice gives you all this information
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
SUMMER headaches or tired eyes
mean usually one thing that
your eyes need the attention of an
expert. In our Optical Department
eyes receive an examination that
puts them through the most effi
cient tests.
-Meier & Frank's: Mezzanine.
DANCE records, the newest eongs
you will find them all in our
record department. Take along the
most catchy ones when you go out
of town.
Meier & Frank s: Sixth Floor.
To Complete the Costume
Exquisite Cascades or
The popular cascade guimpe combines
the cascade front with a net guimpe that
adds to its trimmness and comfort in
wearing. We have a varied assortment
of these guimpes in. both the elaborate,
real lace models as well as less expen
sive but effective simpler combinations.
One of the prettiest vestees is made of
pleated net, trimmed with val lace with
an over-guimpe effect of dotted swiss.
Another style shows the Peggy neckline.
In many of these vestees, the dotted
swiss forms a contrast in shades of; blue,
orchid, black and white. $2.49 to $12.50.
-Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.(Mail Orders Filled.)
The Life of Your Furs
Is Long or Short
According to the Care You Give Them
It is during the hot, summer months
that tMby need the most careful safe
guarding against the dangers of
moths, dust, loss, theft, etc. You wear
them less you are more likely to
overlook them. Guard your furs,
then, by placing them in our Fur Stor-
nnn 7aiilc a nlaia nrh.ia tin ll i ITV1
can come to them. Prices on repair-
ing and remodeling are at their Rl I O 5
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
T d
lowest now.
Blouses Lend Slenderness
to the Stout Woman
$195 frt
In 'sizes 42 to 54,
tnese white voile and dim
ity blouses express the
newest ideas in blouse
fashion. They are trimmed
with val, filet and Irish
crochet,, lace or, in the
more tailored models, have'
tucks and embroidery.
They feature roll and
square collars with a few
blouses finished in Peter
Pan style. V, square and
round necks. Two exqui
site hand-made models are
shown trimmed with real
lace. These blouses are
specially designed to meet
the approval of stout
A Special Group at $7.50
Regularly $8.50 to $12.50
Crepe de chine and Georgette blouses in white and flesh,
trimmed with lace and embroidery and combind with fine
tucks. Included in this assortment are also blouses in white
and bisque Georgette patterned with square necks, long
sleeve and roll collars. Also a few models in navy and black
Georgette in overblouse styles. Sizes 42 to 52.
. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Charm and Beautv 'Neath
. Summer Sides
Just at the time you want them we make two special offers
in our hair goods department.
Anadon Bobs
A mass of glinty curls
gives youth to your face
and the new Anadon
bob, matching your own
hair perfectly, gives it
that bobbed look that is
' the desire of every mod- '
ern girl. They are ad
justed in a moment and
are so very pretty.
Side Waves, $6.65
' No matter how warm the day, the wave will noi leave these
additions to your -own coiffure. They will enhance your ap- ;
pearance a hundred per cent. , .
Double Mesh Cap Single Mesh Cap
Nets, Half Doz. 37 Nets, Half Doz. 24
No grey or white. Every net full size and perfect.
Meier & Frank's. Fifth Floor (Mall Orders Filled.)