The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1922, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Evacuation Slated to Be
Complete October 30.
Step Regarded as Logical Out
come of Admiral Kato's Suc
cession to Premiership.
TOKIO, June 24. (By the Asso
ciated Press). Japan today sealed
her pledge to promote world peace,
taken at the limitation of armament
conference at Washington, by de
claring her final decision to with
draw her troops from Siberia and
announcing to the world a policy of
The diplomatic advisory council at
Tokio, fixed October 30 as the day
when the last Japanese soldier must
be out of the maritime provinces of
Siberia, while a foreign office offi
cial declared that the decision was
intended to place Japan on record
as a "non-aggressive nation, striv
ing: to maintain the peace of the
Property to Be Protected,
It was announced in connection
with the programme to withdraw
from Siberia that Japanese warships
would be stationed at Vladivostok
during the process of evacuation to
'protect Japanese nationals and their
The diplomatic advisory council's
approval of yesterday's cabinet de
cision is said to have been the logi
cal outcome of Admiral Baron Kato's
succession to the premiership.
Kato, who led the Japanese' dele
gation to the Washington confer
ence, returned to Tokio thoroughly
imbued with the spirit of that gath
ering and strongly in favor of his
country adopting a non-aggressive
policy. '
The official announcement of the
Siberian evacuation says:
"The Japanese government has de
cided to withdraw all troops from
the maritime province of Siberia by
October 30. Suitable measures will
be -taken for the protection of Japa
nese residents." i
Official Makes Comment.
An official of the foreigir office,
commenting on the decision to quit
Siberia, said:
"It has been a matter of regret
that various circumstances prevent
ed Japan carrying out her desire to
withdraw her troops from Siberia.
"It cannot be said that' political
conditions there have attained full
stability, but a change has occurred
In the general conditions of the
whole of Russia. Communistic meas
ures seem to have been modified.
The powers have altered their atti
tude towards Russia, as attested by
the invitations to the soviet govern
ment to attend the Genoa and The
Hague conferences and conclusion
of non-aggression and non-propaganda
agreements with Moscow.
These latter promise to improve re
lations between the powers and the
soviet government.
Trade Agreement Expeetrd.
"In view of these conditions, Ja
pan has decided to carry oui' her
original idea to evacuate Siberia.
"Japan believes that with this re
moval of the Chita government's
cause for suspicion the far eastern
republic of Siberia will strive to
reach a commercial agreement with
In conclusion, the foreign office
official declared:
"Japan also believes that this
withdrawal, togethu with Japan's
conciliatory attitude at the Wash
ington conference will be understood
by the world as evidence that Japan
is a non-aggressive nation, striving
to maintain the peace of the world."
Figures on Last Year of Albany
. High School Made Public.
ALBANY, Or., June 24. (Special.)
It costs $81.70 to educate a stu
dent in Albany high school, accord
ing to figures made public covering
the last year of school. The average
for each student was $73 in the pre
ceding year.
Running the high school for the
year cost $32,428, of which $28,228
was. for salaries for the city super
intendent, high school principal, 16
full-time and 11 part-time instruc
tors. The cost for each student at
the Sweet Home high school was
$115.30. for the high school at Gates
$188.82 and for the high school, at
Halsey $60.
(Continued Prom First Page.)
effaced in time." continued Sir Ar
thur. "Norway. Sweden and Scot
land are making headway in the
; movement, n is spreaaing In Eng
- land. Ireland will be about the
1 last to submit.
; "It is a bigger problem in the
Latin countries. It will be the next
generation that will benefit by m-o-
hibition. In Central Park ' I saw
thousands of people and did not see
- one drunken man."
Lady Doyle was quite as enthusi
; astic as to her reception as was Sir
, Arthur. She said she was on the
verge of tears because she had to
leave the United States where she
: has been cordially received.
"Even those who critized our
spiritualistic beliefs have been
" friendly in their criticism,", said
; Lady Doyle, "and, after all, no great
I movement can progress without
; friendly, constructive criticism. But
I shall come back with Sir Arthur
! next year when he returns to take
. up the cause of spiritualism where
he left off: k
; "When we cohie again, it will be
to talk to your great west. This
i time we did not go west of Chicago.
' Everybody had been lovely, to us
I and I dearly love the American pub-
lie. They listened with attention
and respect a man's views. When
! they differ with him, they are least
friendly in their arguments against
- him."
I Sir Arthur's stateroom was the
Center of attraction on board the
' Adriatic and the door swung wide
open. Many persons unknown to
him came In to grasp his hand and
bid him good-bye.
; lidj'. Play With Snake.
i "All went well until the two boys,.
Malcolm and Dennis, took a king
snake from a bag and began to
f play with it, whereupon the women
in the party beat a hasty retreat.
- The boys said that the snake was
presented to them by Raymond L.
Ditmars, "snakeologist" of the
. Bronx park zoo, .who learned they
J were fond of snakes. The snake
was about four feet long. To tire
delight of some and the consterna
tion of others, the boys wound the
snake about their necks and bodies.
At one time' the snake curled itself
about the necks of the 'two boys in
"8" fashion, its shooting tongue
tickling the ears of Malcolm.
Just before the Adriatic sailed. Sir
Arthur was asked what change he
noted most since his last visit.
"Your police department," an
swered Sir Arthur. "While I "was
here a few days just before the out
break of the war, I did not -have
time to study your men. . My last
impression is that of . 2& years ago,
when' the department was composed
of pot-bellied, red-nosed patrolmen,
who looked more for graft than for
criminals. Today that condition is
ohajig-ed. Now you have la. fine lot
of youn,g, alert, upstanding, athletic
men, who are on the outlook for
crooks more than for graft."
As the Adriatic drew .from her
pier. Sir Arthur and his family etood
on deck waving goodbye.
AT AGE OF 8 7.
Prominent Mason and Knight
Templar Passes Less Than
Year After Wife's Death.
EUGENE, Or., June 24. (Special.)
Silas M. Toran, one of the best
known pioneer residents of Eugene,
and formerly active in republican
political jdrcles and high in Ma
sonic lodge work, died at his home
here today at the age of 87 years.
Mr. Toran was born in Herkimer
county, New York, January 26, 1835,
coming from an old Holland stock,
whose ancestry can be traced back
ill ii lirraii rtWrrtffl
Silna M. Yoran, who died today at
to the first settlers of the state of
New York.
In 1883 Mr. Yoran came to the
Pacific coast and settled in Eugene,
where he engaged first in the ware
house , business for two years, and
afterward established in partner
ship with J. M. Hodson. of the. Eu
gene Register. He later engaged
in the retail shoe business until
he retired from active business sev
eral years ago.
Mr. Yoran was married in Her
kimer county, New York, in 1859.
His wife died November 9. last
year, and he is survived by the fol
lowing children: Colonel George O.
Yoran, William C. Yoran, Darwin
E. Yoran and Mrs. C. A. E. Whitten,
all of this city.
In his fraternal relations Mr.
Yoran was one of the most promi
nent Masons in the state, having been
made a member in Monticello lodge.
No. 173, and then Eugene lodge No.
11, of which he was a past master.
He was made a Royal Arch Mason
in Monticello and held membership
in Eugene chapter No. 10, in which
he was a past priest. He was also
past high priest of Grand Chap
ter R. A. M,
The late meeting of the grand
lodge in Portland was the first
meeting of the order that Mr.' Yoran
had missed in 30 years. He was
made a Knight Templar In Monti
cello commandery No. 16, and there
past excellent commander and was
at the time of his death past com
mander in Ivanhoe commandery No.
2. In 1902 he was grand commander
of the grand commandery of Oregon
and belonged to the order of the
High Priesthood. In June, 1903, he
was - elected grand master of the
grand lodge of Oregon at the an-'
nual meeting of the grand lodge at
freight From Northwest to East
ern Territory Is Reduced.-
SPOKANE, Wash., June 24. An
nouncement of a 10 per cent reduc
tion in freight rates on lumber from
Pacific northwestern points to east
ern territory was received today by
W. C. Warner, general agent , here
for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railroad froni J. B. Veitch, traf
fic manager of the company.
The announcement stated that the
rate on shipments from the coast to
Minneapolis and St. Paul and the
Missouri river district will be 60
cents and the rate to points in Chi
cago territory will be 72 cents. It
is expected that the reduced rates
will be effective July 1, It was said.
Ship Proceedings' Dismissed.
WASHINGTON, D. C; June 24.
Justice Stafford of the District of
Columbia supreme court todaydls
missed mandamus proceedings
brougnt by the ship construction
and trading corporation against the
shipping board to compel the board
to accept its bid for 285 of the gov
ernment's wooden ships at $2100
each. The board has contended
that the corporation did not comply
with specifications attending the
Whitney Chorus today. Popular
prices, 25c, 50c, 75c. 3 P. M. today.
Multnomah field. P '
Phone your want' ads to' The Ore
gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95.
will continue to enroH students
for a- few days. Classes are
small. You get individual In
struction and attention. All city
high schools accept our grades for
review work without further ex
amination. We prepare you for
examinations in ' advanced sub
jects. Report to Ladd School Bnllding,
Weat Park and Jefferaon, '
or Call 314-01.
Evenings or Sundays Cal!
C. D. Laxenhy, Woodlnwn 3233,
or I.' A. Mellendy, 022-85.
Deposed President Says He
Is Victim of Treachery.
Navy'ls Declared to Be Loyal and
Plans Are Laid to Regain Lost'
Power of the Government, y
SHANGHAI, China, June 24. (By
the Associated Press.) Sun Yat
Sen, overthrown president of the
republic of South China, defies the
Pekin government, denies,. that he
has taken "refuge in flight and de
clares lie will die rather than yield,
according to advices from Wham
poa, near Hong Kong, where the
southern leader is making his head
quarters aboard the cruiser Wing
fung. . - -
Sun, i when located aboard the
Wingfung at Whampoa, flatly con
tradicted recent reports that his
navy had- turned against him 'and
declared That his cruisers, to
gether with his army in Kiangsi
provinoe, which he has ordered o
return to Canton, would follow his
banner 1 in a counter-revolution
against Chen Qhiung-Ming and the
forces of the north. .
His downfall he blamed on the
treachery of trusted subordinates
led by Chen Chiung-Mtrig, whom he
bitterly denounced as. a "traitor."
He excused his bombardment of
Canton, against which the American
minister protested, as an expression
of - his protest , at the treachery
which had resulted in his over
throw. Sun confidently asserted that as
soon as his Kiangsi army returns
he will attack Chen's forces in the
Canton territory and, backed by his
navy, hopes to regain his lost au
thority.' In any event, he declared, he was
prepared to stake his life on the is
sue in his country's cause and he
was ready to die fighting for it.
Mutiny Fury Thought Spent.
Although fresh reports from the
interior of Kiangsi province are
lacking missionaries and officials
here bVlieve the fury of the mutiny
has been spent and the pillaging
soldiers of the Pekin. government
brought Under control either by
foVce or bribery. Danger of further
widespread violence is believed past.
It is possible, however, that reports
from the districts south of Nan
chang, where communication still
is more. or less disrupted, may dis
close further tragic developments.
It is assumed American and, other
foreign gunboats, which several
days ago started to the zone of ter
ror, have penetrated considerably
south of Nanchang up the Kan river.
T,n TtiTi o-ftwomment is consid
ering sending more . troops into
Kiangsi province to prevent iunner
outbreaks by the mutinous forces
there, according to reports from
Chinese sources.
Deposed Official Says He Will Not
' Surrender to Leaders.
HONGKONG", June 24. (By ' the
Associated Press.) Sun Yat Sen,
who claims the presidency of China
through virtue of his election by the
members of the old parliament, has
not resigned his office and will -not
resign under force, he declared in
an interview on board the cruiser
on which he escaped from Canton
when the city was captured by. the
forces of General Chen Chlung-
Ming. Dr. Sun asserted that the
southern navy was still loyal to him. I
"I am the victim of the treachery
of my subordinates ' and supposed
friends." he said. "As a man and a ,.
patriot, I am going to set an ex
ample for future generations .and
will not submit to the force brought
to bear by the Pekin leaders.
"After six years they now admit
they were wrong ty reconvening
parliament and ratifying the consti
tution. They want te reap the ad
vantages and eliminate those who
fought for these principles.
'I am going to fight for humanity
and capitalization, republicanism and
righteousness. I have not resigned
and will not resign to force. I will
only give my resignation to parlia
ment, not to subordinates."
Agricultural College Graduate to
Counsel Wasco Farmers.
LEGE, Corvallis, June 24. (Spe
cial.) Warren Daigh of." Ontario,
Cal.. has been appointed county ag
ricultural agent for Wasco county
to succeed E. R. Jackman, who re
signed to take a position at the col
lege as extension specialist in farm
Mr. Daigh is considered the out
standing graduate in agri-culture in
the 1922 class. He is 25 years old
and has been connected with actual
farm work most of his life.
Fair Democrats to Rule at Com
ing Jackson Club Meet. -.
Women will, rule at the regular
monthly meeting of the Jackson
club to be held in room A of the
Dancing lessons
.The Downey-MacFarlala
I Dance Studios
(Formerly De Honey's)
Open All Bummer.
Lr-eat and Moat Prac
tical Schools In the Weat
Private Leaaona
AU Honra
2Sd and Washington gta.
Phone Main 659T.
14th, Kr. Washington St.
- rine nroaaway ZUU2.
NOTICE Teacaexa Normal School
Open July 1 ENROLL NOW.
Diamonds at Lowest Prices.
Jewelry Watches Silver.
Washington at Broadway
central library Wednesday night
June 28, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bertha
Slater Smith, vice-president of the
club, will preside. - -
This meeting is sponsored by the
following democratic women: Mes
dames Edith Tozler Weatherred,
J.. W. Morrow, Redmond Marshall,
Ora V. Haeney, Josephine Othus,
Elof T. Hedlund, W. S. Belt Fred
W. Vogler. Bertha M. Cook; Sara E.
Moore, Alice Chailan, F. C Whitten
and Misses Leona It Larrabee and
Lillian M. Hackleman.
Greetings will be extended By the
women of the club to Mrs. Peter M.
Oleson of Minnesota, democratic
nominee for jthe United States1 sen
ate and the first woman in the
United' States to attain that dis
Walter M. Pierce, democratic
nominee for governor; Maria L. T.
Hidden and John H. Stevenson, dem
ocratic nominees for seats la the
state legislature, and Elton Wat
kins, democratic candidate for con
gress, will speak.
Clubwoman Convicted of Crimi
nal Syndicalism in California
Faces Prison Term.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 24
(Special.) The petition of Char
lotte Anita Whitney, prominent
clubwoman, social worker and lec
turer, convioted of criminal syndi
calism, to have her case heard and
determined by the state supreme
court, was denied by that court to
day, Justices Lawlor end Lennon
dissenting from the decision of de
nial in which all the other members
of the court concurred. Justice
Shurtleff was absent.
John Francis Neylan, counsel for
Miss Whitney, saflo. an appeal would
be taken to the United States su
preme court.
Miss Whitney was convicted by a
lury in Superior Judge Qutnn's court
in Oakland, February 20, 1920, "and
was sentenced to serve from one to
14 years. She appealed to the dis
trict court of appeals. After pend
ing'more than two years, heir appeal
was dented April 25 last. It then
appeared that her only hope of es
caping the eervlng of her sentence
lay in a reversal of judgment by
the state supreme court or execu
tive olemency.
Pending final disposition of the, Miss Whitney Ira been living
at her home, 2121 Webster street,
Oakland. She Is reputed to be
wealthy. Muoh interest has beein
exhibited- in her case by persons who
have considered it a test case with
respect to the ltmlits to which per
sons differing in opinion from the
government might go in time of war.
Water Projects Are Approved.
ROSEBURG, Or., June 24. (Spe
cial.) Sixteen irrigation- projects
have been agreed to by farmers re
siding near Riddle as the result of
the advent of electrical power which
will be supplied from the line now
being constructed by the California
Oregon Power company. Riddle is
constructing a distribution system
for both water and lights, and ex
tension into the rural districts to
provide power for irrigation is
being arranged. Farmers agreeing
to irrigate are preparing io install
expensive electrical equipment and
will improve a larger number of
Moose. Plan Joint Picnic.
EUENGE, Or.. June 24. .(Special.)
The Loyal Order of Moose of Eu
gene, Corvallis and Albany, has
made plans for a joint picnic July
16, the place to be selected later.
Besides the members from the
lodges in these cities It is expected
that, there will be a large attend
ance from other cities of the state.
of other late model Standard
Visible Writing Machines.
at a saving of
35 to 75 from
Manufacturer's Prices
Machtnea sent anywhere ' on
Pacific coaat for 'examination
No. 4 Underwood, No. 10 Rem-,
ington, No. 8 L. C. Smith, 3
months, for 7.50
Send for illustrated price list
or call and Inspect our stock
Retail Department -
Phone Broadway 7481.
Stores San Francisco, Seattle,
Los Angeles, Salt Lake City. '
t . I. G. S.
Reference .
$2.50 Each
Embracing Electricity, Batteries,
Electric Wiring, Telegraphy,
Mathematics, Mechanics. Engi
neering, Minerology, Assaying,
Water Colors, etc.
X00 Morrison St. Portland, Or.
, Carnival Dance 1
Billy Webb's Orchestra
Jefferson-St Dock 8:45 P. M.
Outfits selected
now will be held
for future delivery
no extra
Save 15 to 40 !
Charmingly Distinctive and Very Exquisite Bedroom Suites in Walnut,
Mahogany, French Grey, Old Ivory, Quartered Oak, 'Polychrome Effects.
These Four Are in the Window Today
1450.00 Decprated old ivory 5-piece suite; very large Dresser, full
panel Bed, new Chifferette, Dressing Chair and d'O'TQ flfl
Slipper Rocker, for 6 I UU
. $221.50 Polychromed mahogany suite, six pieces; Bed, Princess Vanity,
Chifferette, Cane Bench, gentleman'a. Mirror 0f7'7 f(
- and Slipper Rocker, at w 1
$184.50 Colonial period mahogany roll-end Bed, Dressing Table. Chif
fonier, Dressing Table Chair, and Slipper . JtllC "7C
Rocker; five pieces PltO. I tJ
- $106.75 Five-piece suite in frosted grey polychrome! ash, flJOJ ISA
a very clever yet Inexpensive setting at.......... wOOtOu
EXTRA! Collapsible , Steel Cots in Bingle size, to close out dJO QJ
the overstick of about 60; $7.50 value for OOtUO
Don't Forget Your Votes !
Friday, June 30; "Tour Favorite Organization" Voting Corftest closes;
votes are giver with every purchase even though delivery Is not wanted
till later. Ne .lome builders can take advantage of reduced prices and
get votes as well this week; furniture selected will be delivered next
month if not needed till then. '
Values Far Greater Than
N You Expect in Dining
Tables and Chairs
See those in the front window today. Every one an ' up-to-the-minute
period style. Terms to fit your requirement. Two of .those
displayed have no duplicates. Think of getting; -7! fA
Period Table and six Chairs for
Clean Sweep on Summer Rugs
Size 9x12 Foot Wash
able Fiber and- the
Best Grass Rugs at. . .
And That Isn't All There'll Be
-9x12 Wiltons at .'. ,...S.50
-9x12 Chenilles (three colors) at ,. ' ..855.00
-9x12 Wilton Velvets at .....- S40.50
-9x12 Seamless Axmlnsters at - $38.75
Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard... $L35, $1.45, $1.55
Edwards Orders $30,
K Jt
This will be a clean-up extraordinary the efitire stock has been gone over
and all single samples, discontinued patterns and surplus stocks are listed.
The sameeasy terms no interest will apply with every purchase as though
you paid full and regular price. See the windows today they are filled with
bargains. .' r
NOTE THIS: Single sample and discontinued patterns will remain at re
duced prices until sold surplus stocks, such as Peninsular Gas Ranges,
Sellers' Kitchen Cabinets, SleepweU Mattresses, etc., will be sold at reduced
prices only until the surplus is gone. -Early shoppers will naturally have
choicest selections to pick from. '
Quality, Service
and Comfort
55 pounds' of felted cotton, built
up' in layers (like so many com
forttva) inside of flower-strewn art
ticTcs, with heavy relied edges, and
reinforced boxing of long
cotton. " x.
SleepweU Mattresses are abBO-"
lutely guaranteed, not to lump or
shift. Try one for 60 nights: if it's
not as stated, return at Edwards'
Easy Terms - No Inttnsi
I n n ft i a iinlw
L i
Overstuffed and
Six Exquisite Suites at Fully
25 Off
For Tour Convenience Four of Them Have Been
' Arranged in the Front Window Today.
$750.00 Polychromed frame and covering suite of
three pieces. This is a stunner JgQ QQ
$550.00 Gothic model Davenport, 2 Chairs dj 1 f ff
(brocaded mohair covering) iP4iluU
$535.00 Mohair and velour Combination Davenport
and two Chairs with cutaway 7 00
$470.00 Mahogany-with-cane Davenport, Chair and
Rocker, Polychromed covering, 24 00
$375.00 Mahogany-with-cane Davenport, Chair and
Rocker; cushions and pillows (noj ff
covered with flame back mohair Ou I.UU
$375.00 Taupe velour overstuffed suite of three pieces;
a value that's really extraordi- 25 00
TWO EXTRAS! One tapestry and one velour overstuffed
Davenport with Arm Chair to (inn ff
match, for 01J7O.UU
Look Here!
$42.50 Ravac Electric Vac- dJOO Efi
uum Sweepers (5 only) at...
$50.00 Sloane Electrio Vac- An Cfl
uum Sweepers (3 only), at... w4fciuU
' 50 f. Cotton Hose with A
couplings. H-ln. size at..
H it. Cotton Hose wth (J
couplings in -in. size at wki
All Trunks, Bin and Suitcases
Reduced for This Sale.
miminiiiiii 1 1 1 1 ii ii 11 11 ii in
See the windows.
They're filled
with bargains
55 T"-'lwtl . ii
Fine Overstuffed
Chairs and Rockers
Values to $85.00
Very similar to illus
tration; odd ones to
close out; five in tapes
try, two in damask and
one in cretonne.
Priced at
Purchased by the government
for use in camps, but they were
never used. Worth not less than
16.00, as the bevel-plated mirror
alone is worth $3.75.
Built to comply with army
specifications, of solid oak, in
golden finish. See them in the
front window today. This is a
real, genuine bargain and, when
they're gone, it'll be too late.
Order yours this week. (No ad
ditional charge to out-of-town
folke for packing.)