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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1922)
Section One Tages 1 to 20 IPO Pages Nine Sections VOL. XL I NO. 26 Entered at Portland fOrauiw PpBtofflce as Second-das Matter. PORTLAND, OREGOX, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 25, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS I RAIL DIVORCE CASE ILTERTOOZEJR CRTJ JQ0!.E RADIO WILL ENLIVEN; MARBLE CAVE FETE KING GEORGE, TAFTS, DINE WITH HARVEYS RATHENAU SLAIN CITY DEDICATES BY FIGHT IN AUTO IS SET FOR OCTOBER NEW HIGH SCHOOL TRIANGULAR AFFAIR PULLED OFF OX STREET. . THE OREGOXIAN TO PRESENT EX-PRESIDENT DRAWS LINE AT KNEE BREECHES. INTERSTATE COMMISSION FINE CONCERT TONIGHT. ISSUES NOTICE. SUGGESTS REPUBLICAN HEAD EPUBLGWfl V A 1 State Central Commit tee Organizes. KLAN FORGES ARE ROUTED Full Support for State Ticket Pledged. 36. DELEGATES PRESENT Executive Committee Instructed to Investigate Faults in Direct Primary Law. Support of the republican ticket from top to bottom and a determina tion to triumph In the general elec tion in November was the main idea expressed by the republican state committee, which yesterday or ganized by electing Walter L. Tooze Jr. of McMlnnville, as chairman. A. H. Lea, who had the backing of the Ku Klux Klan. received six votes to 30 received by Tooze, two of Lea votes being cast by A. A. Bailey, committeeman from Multnomah who also held' an outside proxy. It was a regular old-time repub lican gathering and for the first time in years every county was rep resented. The committee pledged it self unequivocally to the republican ticket and authorized the executive committee to investigate the abuses of the direct primary law with the ultimate object of preserving repre sentative government and recog nize party organization. Campaigning; Lasts for Days. The election of Tooze came after several days of campaigning. The klan was anxious to obtain control of the Btate committee, but in view of the attitude of that organization against Ben W. Olcott,, republican nominee for governor, an over whelming number of the state com mitteemen decided to play safe and see that the party organization would support the ticket and not place the machinery in the hands of' men who might decline to function later.- ' Mr. Tooze, who for 14 years has been a member of the state com mittee and who served at national headquarters In the Harding cam paign, was a 'supporter of I. L. Patterson in the primaries. Per sonalities were disregarded in the committee and the one thing that" the committe wanted was the selec tion of a chairman who would back up the nominees of the primaries. E. E. Blanchard of Josephine county, presented the name of Tooze, which was seconded by Roy D. Smith of Hood River and E. C. Klrkpatrick of Polk. Mr. Bailey offered the name of Lea, which was not sec onded. The ballot showed 30 for Tooze and six for Lea. Sir. Bailey Haa Proxy. Mr. Bailey, who in addition to his own vote had the proxy of A. V. Swift of Baker, which proxy was originally supposed to be in the hands of George Huntington Currey, declared that it would be a mistake to elect Tooze as Lea was the man who could bring the different fac tions in the republican party to gether. To members of the com mittee, earlier in the day, Bailey asaerted that he represented 9000 votes in Multnomah county and unless Lea was elected he. Bailey, would bolt the convention. Bailey took his hat and departed when he saw that his candidate was de feated and before the result was announced. In offering Tooze, Committeeman Blanchard declared that republicans cannot permit a trifling difference to' injure the republican party, and "when in the booth at the election, with your conscience and your God, you will stand for the republican party and let nothing interfere." Accepting the office of chairman, (Concluded on Pass 8. Column 3.) OHfVt A GOOD rAANY ftC&NY )ETYEfe 5VA H f0UU &60O R.S.ASON "CZZ- '-, WmY VME. CAN r 1Z -T r ' " i I . J ' Man, Wife" and Another Man Land in Hands of Police ; '.Air ing Tomorrow "Promised. The "eternal triangle" landed three persons man, wife and "the other man" In the hands of the police yesterday afternoon and provided a thrill lor hundreds of pedestrians and autolsts in the vicinity of Fifth and Morrison etreeta. The three were J. I Miller, his wife, Mrs. Olive L. Miller, and W. L. Duvall. According to the story which Miller told Police Captain Lewis, Duvall has been paying at tentions to Mrs. Miller for some time. Yesterday the husband saw the couple in an automobile on Morrison street. He leaped on the running board and commenced a fight when Traffic Policeman Larson, seeing the affray, deserted his semaphore and arrested the trio. ' Miller's bail was set at $20, which he furnished. Mrs. Miller was re leased on her own recognizance. Duvall, lacking $50, went to JaiL Several hours later Mrs. Miller ap peared at the desk at headquarters and deposited the $50 necessary for the release of Duvall. - The affair will be threshed out be fore Judge Ekwall Monday. EMPLOYE ACQUITTED Supplying Liquor to Party in Fatal Wreck Held Not Proved. ASTORIA, Or., June 24. (Special.) Philfp Price, an employe of the Whistle inn, was acquitted by a jue tice court jury this afternoon on a charge of selling liquor to the mem bers of an automobile party which was in a wreck on the night of Juno 16, when two women and one man were killed. The members of the Jury added a note to the verdict, stating that in their opinion there is no doubt that intoxicating liquor was sold to the party; but that the state had failed to show that Price either sold or served the liquor. The trials of Frank Holland and Sam Stotter, proprietors of the Whistle Inn, on , similar charge were set for hearing, next Tuesday afternoon. FAIR WEATHER FORECAST Maximum Temperature Yester day Recorded as 88 Degrees. Fair " weather1 will continue for several days, in the opinion of the district forecaster. The lowest tem perature yesterday, 62 degrees, was higher than ordinarily, indicating more consistent warm weather. rAt the present time the. state is 7.2 inches- short of normal rainfall, but Forecaster Wells declared there is small probability of . rain for several days at least. , The highest temperature yesterday was 88 de grees, and the day was marked by a fall in relative humidity. At S A. M.'it was 65 per cent, at noon 41 per cent and at 5 P. M. 30 -per cent. Winds will continue from the north and northeast. ' . - WOMAN SUES UNCLE SAM Patience Gone After 57 Years' Effort to Find Husbaifd. , NEW YORK, June 24. Mrs. Anna Dolan of Cambridge, Mass., for 57 years has been trying to get the war department to tell her what became of her husband, Patrick Dolan, after he was mustered out at City Point, Va., in 1865. , . Today she instituted an equity suit in federal district court here to recover damages from the' United States government for injury to her feelings. " PRESIDENT TAKES REST i Executive Week-End Guest at Mc Lean Country Home. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 24. President Harding left Washington tonight with a party to epend a week end near Leesburg, Va., at the country home of Edward B. McLean. He is not expected to return until Sunday night. PSYCHIC SLEUTH Way to Solve Ward Mur der Offered. MEDIUM ALSO CONSIDERED Sir Arthur, Happy Over Re 1 ception, Sails( Home. SPIRITUALIST TO RETURN Noted Author Expected to Visit America Again Next Year. Prohibition Is Praised. NEW YORK. "June 24. (Special.) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, novelist, lecturer and advocate' of spiritual ism, who has been in this country four months lecturing on spiritual ism and psychic problems, sailed to day for home on the White Star steam Adriatic bound for Liverpool. He was accompanied by Lady Doyle and his three children, "Billy," his little, girl, and Dennis and Malcolm, his two boys. Sir Arthur was all smiles because of his receptloji here. He was more than pleased at the interest shown in the cause of spiritualism in this country, which he said was greater than he anticipated. He thought the cause of spiritualism suffered to some extent because of lack of centralization of effort. The same condition obtained in England and the continent, he said. When the process of centralization of the movement grows the cause will grow in leaps and bounds, he thought. As to spiritualistic mat ters, he said nothing other than he has said many times on the lecture platform and in private conversa tion. , - - . Psychic Detective Suggested. He was asked If he thought spiritualism or psychic Investiga tion would help solve the problem of the Ward case. To this question he replied that it was quite, possible to solve the hidden mysteries as to the-, motive for " the shooting of Peters, but that In the -use of a medium for such "work the medium would have to be a person who was in direct sympathy with Peters, the murdered boy. Then again a psy chic detective put to work on the case to a great advantage. Sir Arthur Bald that he did not care to discuss the case in detail because he had not studied it close enough, but from surface indications it looked to him like blackmail and its promptings. . ' English . Medium Cited. Sir' Arthur told of an English medium. Van Burgh' by name, who he thought was at present in the United States, who took the clothing of a missing man and was placed in a trance. .In that state Van Burgh described the missing man and told where the body of the man could be found, drowned among some lily pads. The location was so vividly described that the police had no difficulty in identifying the spot.. . "I discovered many very sensitive mediums in the United States," said Sir Arthur, "and attended many seances. Some were interesting in deed and some I found to be frauds. I came across one young girl who has been in spiritualistic communi cation with Professor Henry James and Professor Heary Hyslop. This young girl while in communication with the two professors spoke in highly technical terms used by these men, which were totally unknown to her, and used involved sentences not in the compass of her vocabu lary. I received good advice from Professor Hyslop as to the methods of properly conducting spiritualistic seances." - -v Sir Arthur was greatly Impressed by what he saw of the workings of prohibition In this country. - . "I think the liquor traffic will be (Concluded on Page 2, Column I.) PICTORIAL COMMENTS ON TOPICS IN Fully 2000 Southern Oregon Folk Will Hear Music Broadcast ' to Grayback Mountain. s --r; Four artists,' vocal and instru mental, will take part In a radio concert to be broadcast from The Oregonlan tower tonight between 7 and 8 o'clock, which will be listened to, beside the regular radio audience, by 2000 persons cf southern Oregon assembled on Grayback mountain In connection with the Oregon caves jubilee, which will mark the open ing of the highway to the marble caves In Josephine county. ' Those contributing to the pro gramme are Dorothy Lewis, mezzo contralto; Elbert L. Bellows, tenor; Kathleen Jordan, violinist,' and Stephen Whitford pianist Each artist will contribute from two to four solos and a short talk relative to the marble caves will be broad cast. , . t Dorothy Lewis' voice is new to Portland radio fans. She recently re turned to Portland from three years' work on vaudeville circuits, and has a mezzo-contralto voice that is re markable for its tone and volume. Assisted at the piano by Mrs. Aa W. Stone, she will sing "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," from "Samson and Delilah," "I Pass oy Your Win dow," "At Dawning" ( and "Picca ninny Rose." Kathleen Jordan, violinist, is an other new radio performer, although her playing has been heard from th concert and theater stages. She will play - Lemare's "Andantino" and "Indian Lament" (Dvorak-Kreisler) (Concluded on Page 15, Column 1.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. - YESTERDAYS Maximum temp&rature, S degrees; minimum, 62 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; continued warm; north erly winds. Departments. Editorial. Section 3. page 8 Dramatic. Section 4, page 4. Moving picture news. Section 4, page 1. Real estate and building news. Section 8, page 10. Churches. Section 5, page 2. Books. Section 5, page S. Automobiles. Section 9. . Music. Section 4, page 10. : Chess and checkers. . Section 4, page 11. Radio.: Section 5, page 0. Garden. Section 5, page 9. ... Women's Features. : Society. Section 3, page 1. Women's activities. Section 3, page ft. Fashions. Section 5. pages 1 and 4. Miss Tingle's column. Section; 5, page 1. Madame- Riphet's column. Section 6, pttge 1, ..r - -. W- - Auction bridge. Section 5, page 3. ; - ' Special Features. Science discovers tears kill germa. Mag azine section, page t. Mountain climbing ten minutes from Broadway. Magazine section, page 2. "Eileen" fiction feature. Magazine sec tion section, page 8. News of world as seen by camera. Mag azine section, page 4. Hill's cartoons, "nong 'tis : Mortals." Magazine section, page 6. Why "fair weather" marriage doesn't - pay. Magazine section, . page 6. Thought photography startles science. Magazine section, pago 7. Iove troubles of "perfect" lover. Mag azine section, page 8. Romance announced In festival court. Section 3, page 9. Photographic, review of Rose Festival. Section 4, pages 6, 7, 8 and 9. Memorial to Lincoln as gift for genera tions. Section 4, page IL Darling's cartoons on topics of the day. Section 4, page 7. Prominent women. Section 5, page 8. Margot Asquith surprised at newspapers. Section 5, page 9. . s Flappers heads too large, .aaya Elinor Glyn. Section 5, page 10. Foreign. England is upset by Wilson murder. Sec tion 1, page 15. , Allies all ready at The Hague to meet Russians. Section 1, page 9. Save Vienna, says Maximilian Harden in appeal to Americans. Section 1, page 8. Irish crisis likely to come auickly. Sec tion 1, page 5. Dr. Walter Rathenau, Gorman foreign minister, is assassinated. Section 1, page 1. ' Sun Yat Sen defies leaders at Pekin. Section 1. page 2, Japan deoides to 'evacuate Siberia. Sec tion 1, page 2. Franco-British ties strengthened, says Tardieu. Section 1. page 7. King George and Tafts dine with Har veys. Section 1, page 1. National. Venus may be inhabited, says official of Smithsonian institution. Section 1, page 13. , ! , Country faces coal shortage. Section 1, page 14. Cabinet officers want new right. Section 1, page 4. - Republican called in to put down one man filibuster by Vogt. Section 1, page 14. S7 W 0? Chief Justice Only Man at Party to Wear Evening Clothes. Police Guard House. LONDON, June 24 (By the Asso ciated Press.) With the Wilson tragedy . fresh In mind, the police took amazing precautions to guard the king and queen, the membersvof the cabinet and other prominent personages who attended the American ambassador's dinner to night. Groups of Scotland Yard men in every manner of disguise were deployed in doorways, alleys and obscure corners, and fully S00 special detectives patrolled the streets- for a radius of several blocks around the Harvey residence, almost as much an object of Interest as the Wilson home nearby. Hundreds of curious waited out side to catch a glimpse of the dis tinguished guests. Detectives were on all sides when Premier Lloyd George alighted from his automo bile, and the other members of the cabinet were similarly safeguarded. The gathering lasted until after midnight, the king and queen re maining until the end, which is un usual, as the sovereigns were never known to remain to such a late hour at previous dinners. The scene within the ambassa dor's house resembled a glittering spectacle of mld-Vlctorian days. A'l the men, with the exceo'lon of Chief Justice Taft, Were attired in knee breeches and the British guests carried jeweled swords. Many deco rations and foreign insignia were worn and the prime minister with - (Concluded on Page 15, Column 2.) National. Women democrats out to get funds. Sec- lion l, page 7. - Governor Small freed by Jury. Section 1, Page 6. , Rail divorce case set for October. Sec tion 1, page 1. Domestic. Chicago booms Carter Harrison for may or. Section 1, page 5. - Labor turns down reds programme. Sea- uon i, page 4. Fresh mine outbreaks expected. Section J. page 6. Northwest. Six initiative measures face collapse in siate. oi Washington. Section 3, page 6. Citizen soldiers enjoy recreation. Section -- 1, page b. v - Idaho; parties priming for fight for state government control. Section 1, page 8. Sports. ' Westerman defeats Henry Neer and wins junior tennis title, Section 2. page 2. Plsy at WimbiedoH opens "tomorrow. Sec . tion 2, itage B, -. . Pacific coast trap tournament will be held next mouth. Section 2, page 5. Pacific Coast league results: At Vernon 7, Portland 4; at Sacramento 3, San Francisco 5; at Oakland 0, Seattle 9; at Salt Lake 8, Los Angeles 1. Section page 1. Whiskaway again beats Morvich. Sec tion 2,. page 1. 4 Many stars to vie for Oregon golf title. section a, page 4. Northwest swimming and diving title meet postponed till August 5. Sec- -tion 2, page 3. Navy boxers carry off honors at open air ngnt tournament. Section z. page . Major league results. Section 2, page Rivers to fight Harper Tuesday. Section a, page 2. Dempsey -Georges bally-hoo lets up. Sec tion z, page a. Giants and Yanks lose .road games. Sec f ion 2, . page 4. ... Six varsity crews clash tomorrow. Section z page o. Commercial and Marine. Close cleanup of white wheat in north west. Section 1, page 18. Chicago wheat weaker owing to rain re ports. Section 1, page 19. Bond market narrow but generally firm. section l, page i. Owner agrees to sell land for pier shed. Section 1, page 18. Steamship Iowan ready to leave drydock. section i, page 17. ' New York buyers bull rail stocks. Section 1, page 10. , Portland and Vicinity. Full sum decreed State bank savings creditors. Section 1, page 9. Crowd thrilled by triangular bout pulled oft in automobile. Section 1, page 1. Roosevelt-high school dedicated. Section .1 page 1. State republican committee to support tun ticket, section l, page l. Miss Robertson against primary. Section 1, page 10. The Oregonlan will broadcast concert to Marble caves jubilee. Section 1, page 1. Trial of Russell Hecker, alleged mur derer, opens at Oregon City Tuesday. Section l, page lli. Street vacation for terminal agreed on. Section 1, page 12. . . Adventlsts campmeeting is great success. Section 1, page 12. Human society scores stockmen. Section 2, page 6. - THE NEWS BY CARTOONIST PERRY. HE 15 MY German Minister Victim of Assassins. SEVEN. BULLETS HIT MARK Hand Grenades Also Thrown by Murderers. AMERICA PAYS RESPECT Flag on Embassy Drops to Half Mast When News-of Death of Leader Is Received. BERLIN, June 24. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Dr. Walter Rath enau, German forelgrn minister, and more closely identified than any other German with the efforts for rehabilitation of his country since the war, was shot and killed by two or more unknown assassins while on his way. from his residence this morning to the foreign office. The minister was subjected to a veritable hail of bullets, one of them striking him in the throat and passing upward t ttfe brain while others struck him in various parts of the body. Hand-grenades also were thrown, almost wrecking the car in which Dr. Rathenau Was riding and inflicting further injuries on the minister. Government 1 Aroused. Chancellor Wirth's government tonight marshaled the nation's ele ments to the defense of the young German republic and organized labor, represented in both socialist parties; again was first to buckle bn the armor, just as it did during the Kapp revolt. Announcement was made that the government would establish extraordinary courts for the trial of nationalist plotters and that state of emergency for Prussia would be proclaimed. All regimental reunions and mili taristic demonstrations are to be prohibited. Yet. despite vociferous cries ,of r "long live the republic," which resounded - th.ough the reichstag chamber at the close of a memorial session to Rathenau to day, thoughtful men of all ranks and parties were silently but gravely apprehensive for the na tibn. Dinger Fully Realized. While the heat of resentment and partisan feeling has not yet suffi ciently cooled to warrant a sure ap praisal of the direction in which, the political effect of Rathenau's assas sination wilt spread, yet this much is certain the goverhment is facing a far more precarious situation than it did when nationalist bullets struck down Erzberger in the Black fores(. 1 months ago. The emotion which marked the brief addresses of Chancellor Wirth and President Loebe before the reichstag reflected sentiments which were shared by many others, while the rioting of the radicals through out what was to have been a de corous memorial to the dead foreign minister reflected the feeling of unrelenting vengeance vowed in be half of the German proletariat. Never did the reichstag witness such scenes of turbulence and exe crations. Dr. Karl Helfferich, the nationalist leader, who attacked Dr. Rathenau in a savage speech In the reichstag yesterday, sat curled up in his seat far to the right of the house. He appeared to be in a very depressed and somewhat fearful state. -- Session Turbulent One. President Loebe had difficulty in getting the session- under way, as the radicals swarmed over to the right, threatening Helfferich and other nationalists, who volunteered to come to his rescue. Chancellor Wirth, who. stepped down from the government bench in (Concluded on Pre 6. Column 1.) R-ST OF THE WoRUO TO T-OX-LCW Central and Southern Pacific Are . Suggested as Component Units i of Single Company. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 24. The interstate commerce commission in a notice today declared that it would probably take up some time in October in its general railroad consolidation hearing the matter of the Southern Pacific and Central Pacific railroad, merger, recently declared illegal by the supreme court. Meanwhile the commission cannot consider requests that it in tervene to bring about some altera tion in the situation precipitated by the decision. The Central Pacific and the South ern Pacific under consolidation plans before the commission are sug gested as component units of a single merged company.. This com pany wouTd be one of the 19 large railroad systems into which, .under the consolidation plan, all major railroads are to be thrown. The dates and places of hearings which may affect the Central Pacific case, said the notice today, will be an nounced well in advance but have not beef! definitely fixed as yet.' WALES IS T0BE VISITED Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foulkes and Daughter to Take Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foulkes. and daughter, Miss Lucy Eoulkcs, will leave this afternoon for a three months' trip to Wales, where Mr. and Mrs. Foulkes were bom. The family has been resident in Ore gon since 1S72, coming to Portland m 1884. They will go east over the Canadian Pacific railway and will sail for Europe July 8. Mr. Foulkes is known locally as the Lloyd George of the Welshl colony and he has five children here, with one son in San Francisco. One son, David Foulkes, is mechanical superintendent of The Oregonlan. While in Wales the party will .visit a sister of Mr. Foulkes and a brother of Mrs. Foulkes. CHINESE CITY STRICKEN Pneumonic Plague Reported to Be Raging in Foochow. . SHANGHAI, June 24. (By the As sociated Press.) An outbreak of pneumonic plague in Foochow is re ported by Rev. Dr. C. M. Lacey, ar riving here from Foochow. The plague has not. yet reached epidemic proportions, he said, but has already taken the lives of two medical missionaries. Br. Edmond Fellgws Lawson and Dr. Marcus Mc Kenzie contracted the disease while attending the oick, and diedv ATTORNEY IS ATTACKED j , Recall of Prosecutor as Well as Sheriff Is Wanted. . ASTORIA, Or., June 24. (Special.) The executive committee of the Astoria Law Enforcement league, which has indorsed the movement for the recall of Ole Nelson, sheriff, also has adopted a resolution favor ing the recall of L. O. Erickson, dis trict attorney. The matter will be considered at a meeting of the league to be held next Friday. JUSTICE GETS WARNING Death Threatened Unless Alleged Murderer Is Freed. WHITE PLAINS, N. T., June 24. Supreme Court Justice Morschauser, who has held several hearings in the case of Walter S. Ward, . charged with the murder of Clarence Peters, has received a threatening letter warning him that he would be shot unless Ward were freed. Receipt of the letter was an nounced today. . NORTHCLIFFEJS BETTER Publisher Improving, but Is Still Confined to His Bed. LONDON, June 24. Lord North- cliffe, says a statement issued today from the Carmelite house, where h Id a vat-i.Tlt 4 TnllP.h imnrflVAli. The publisher is still confined o his bed. 1 v i H JL-A ' ' i " -r- s Roosevelt Building Cere mony Impressive. WIDOW SENDS MESSAGE President's Last Message Read to Crowds. ST. JOHNS HAS PARADE Fifth Great Classical Institution of City to Be Copied After Franklin High. Marked by the formal dedicatory ceremony of the Masonic grand lodge and made even more impres sive by the reading of the note of appreciation sent by Edith Kermit Roosevelt, widow of one of the greatest of presidents, to the board of directors of school district No. 1 from her Sagamore Hill residence in New York, the cornerstone for the fifth great classical high school of the city was laid yesterday after noon. Roosevelt high school will not only live long in the hearts of the people of St. Johns as the symbol of American education, but it will be revered in memory of Theodore Roosevelt. The ceremony, a tribute to a president, was typical of true Americanism. Thanks Are Kxpressed. , "Please express my thanks to the board of directors for having chosen my husband's name for their new school," read the message from Mrs. Rousevelt, "I shall be glad if you see fit to read the enclosed quotation at your opening." And amid the silent tribute while men "stood with bared heads and. tears glistened In women's eyes, W. F. Woodward, school director, read this last publio statement- of Theodore Roosevelt: "There must be no lagging back in the fight for Americanism. If an immigrant comes here he shall be treated on an 'equality with everyone else re gardless of his creed or birthplace or origin. This is predicated upon a man being In very fact an American and nothing but an American. Divided Allegiance Impossible. "There cannot be divided alle giance at all. We have room in this country for but one flag the Amer ican flag; we have room for but one language the English language; we Jiave room for but one soul loy alty and that Is loyalty to the Amer ican people." Hundreds of people from St. Johns and many from Portland stood for an hour in the heat while the cere mony was tn progress. Officals of the grand lodge of Masons weTe in charge of the ceremony. Captain George L. Edmonstone, superin tendent of properties of school dis trict No. 1, was acting grand mas ter. The authorized acting grand lodge officers in their regalia head ed a parade through the streets of St. Johns. In the parade was the entire membership of Doric lodge, No. 132, of St. Johns, the St. Johns district police force, headed by Lieutenant R- L Crane as grand marshal of the day, and the Masonic band. Crowd Gather at Siand. .Arriving at the'new high school building, which is located at the corner of Alma and Ida streets, just off Lombard street, southeast of St. Johns, the grand lodge officials marched to the platform while the members of the St. Johns lodge and Portland visitors and the populace of St. Johns gathered close about the stand. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, as grand chaplain, led the prayer. After the formal ceremony, W. G. Wharton, grand tyler, declared the cornerstone officially laid. . William F. Woodward, member of the Portland school board, gave an address upon Theodore Roose- (Conoluded. on Page 14. Column 4.) . H CtVSEL o &QUbT . ? TP' 'P p