a THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, rORTLATTO, JFNE 18, 1923 WORK DEi F IMS QRHARMONY Efforts Under Way to Put Down Factionalism. CHANCE TO WIN VISIONED Indications Are That C. C. Moore and 31. Alexander Will Be Parties' Standard Bearers. for congressional and state office do not have to file their nomina tions with the secretary of state. The law requires candidates for judges of the district court and members of the legislature to do bo. So far there are four filings of rec ords for judges of the district court They are as follows: Albert H. Featherstone of Wal lace, republican candidate for judge of the first district, incumbent. H. E. Wallace of Caldwell, demo cratic candidate for judge of the seventh district. Judge Bryan, in cumbent. Charles L. Crowley of Idaho Falls, republican candidate for judge of the ninth district; Judge Gwinn of St. Anthony, incumbent. Wallace M. Scales, republican candidate for judge of the tenth district; Judge Scales, incumbent. The declarations of these candi dates are all signed by prominent attorneys the districts in which they desire to run. . CONVENTION SPBEE STORY 0M11 EDITORS HOLD SESSION BOISE, Idaho, June 17. (Special.) While it seems to.be generally accepted in political, circles in this state, both republican and demo cratic that C. C. Moore of St. An thony, who a week ago announced his candidacy for the republican nomination, and M. Alexander, as yet unannounced as a democratic candidate, will be the standard bearers of their respective parties at the coming election, it has developed that there Is uncertainty among many of the democrats as to whether Mr. Alexander will enter the race. More persistently than ever is being heard "the names of other men prominent in the party who are considered gubernatorial timber. Mr, Alexander, is in the east and has been for some time on a buying trip for his string of clothing stores. He is one of the prominent clothing dealers of southern Idaho and east ern Oregon and is probably as wide ly known in the two states as any other man in Idaho. His friends say that on his return he probably will not announce his candidacy, leaving the selection of, a nominee for governor up to the delegates to the next state convention. W. M. Morgan Possibility. Indications of this uneasiness come from Twin Falls, where the Jefferson club has issued a call for a meeting of democrats to be held in that city next week to hear an address by William M. Morgan, forr mer chief justice of the supreme court, on state political Issues. Linked with the announcement is the clear intimation from Twin Falls that a movement has been quietly going on there for some time to groom Morgan for the guberna torial nomination. But, failing in this, his Twin Falls friends say he will be asked to get intp the run ning for representative from the second district. Just how much factionalism there is involved in this movement demo cratic leaders refuse to say. It is known, however, that there are two factions of democrats in Twin Falls county, one being for Alexander for governor and the other for Morgan or some other man big enough to make the race, such as E. W. Van Hoesen of Council, a member of the state seriate. Morgan is known to be a staunch friend of the Days, Harry and Jerome, of northern Idaho, who have always been active in democratic politics. Days Oppose Nugent Wing. Jerome Day served for a number of terms in the state .senate from Latah county and was democratic state chairman. The Days stand in opposition to the so-called Nugent wing of the party. That name, however, is a misnomer now' be cause former United States Senator Nugent is not a resident of Idaho but is serving on the federal trade commission at Washington. How ever, the faction , that followed Nugent during his palmy days Idaho politics is still intact. It is composed of the younger men in the democratic party. The clashes between ex-Senator Nugent and Harry Day are celebrated political history in the democratic partfy. Alexander always has been a friend of Nugent and when the op portunity came to appoint a suc cessor to the late United States Senator Brady, Alexander, who was then governor, named Nugent. This naturally was not pleasant to the Day faction and that faction, if all reports are true, proposes to have something to say about what goes on at the next democratic state nominating convention. Van Hoesen, comparatively a new man in the state, having come to Idaho from New York, is not identified with any of the so-called factions, but is said to have the support of the Days in the north. He proved himself to be an able man in the last legislature. Democrats Want Harmony. While there is some plotting go ing on within the democratic party, and not a little maneuvering for advantage, the leaders wish to keep down any factionalism that may ' arise, that there may be harmony in selecting the ticket at the state convention. They believe the party has never had a better opportunity to win than it has this year. They believe that the situation is ideal because of the state-wide complaint over high taxes and the general grumbling which they say is going on over the manner in which state affairs have been managed. . This situation, they assert. Is ideal for a candidate who is willing to! go oerore the people and insist on a reduction in taxation and who will show his courage in vetoing appro priations made by the legislature Increasing the tax burden of the people. The rank and file of the democratic party, they claim, will insist upon such' a candidate. The leaders Want the, heads of factions to forget their differences this year and agree upon a ticket that will command the respect of the voters ana a set of candidates who can stand on a platform that means something. . Moore's Status Is Fixed. The announcement of C. C. Moore as a candidate for the republican gubernatorial nomination met with general favor in all parts of the state. Republican party leaders say that the announcement definitely fixes the status of Mr. Moore and removes all uncertainty as to wriether he was to be a candidate. There is nothing now to indicate that another candidate will get into the running In the republican ranks in opposition to Mr. Moore. But that does not prevent a possible dark horse bobbing up in the con vetition. Unless all of the political signs go wrong the main contest in the republican party will be over the nominations for the minor state offices and over the state platform. Many advocates of the primary law insist that a straight out-and out state-wide primary plank be placed in the platform. They hope to have sufficient delegates in the stale convention to rorce that issue. They claim in support of their stand that it will be utter folly for the republican party to go into the next campaign unless it is pledged to a state-wide primary, because the people want the primary and the democrats will declare for it in no uncertain terms. Under the Idaho law candidates MEETING AT OLYMPIA OF SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON. Republicans at Chehalis No Wetter Than Others. SEATTLE NOT PERTURBED Liquor of Course Was Obtainable, but Drunken Convention Charge Is Declared Groundless. Resolution Adopted to Effect That Local Advertisers Should Get Same Rate as Outsiders. OLYMPIA, Wash., June 17. (Spe cial.) -The foreign advertiser ' will have no advantage In rates over the local advertiser In Washington newspapers If a motion adopted at me soutnwest Washington group meeting of the Washington State .tress assocaition is carried when the entire association meets at Pull man next month. Thirty publishers at today's meet ing voted unanimously to present a lesolution to the state body pro viding that the minimum rate charged for foreign advertising be equal to the net rate for local ad vertising with the 15 per cent agency discount and the 2 per cent cash discount added. , The action followed discussion of the problem of some large foreign advertisers placing business with newspapers through their local agencies and obtaining the" local rate from which they deduct dis counts when paying the bills. This the publishers viewed as discrimi natory against the local advertisers, to whom they agreed they owed loy-' alty first. Russell Mack, advertis ing manager of the Aberdeen World, lea tne discussion under the subject, "Is Foreign Advertising Placed by Local Representatives 'Local' or 'Foreign'?" - Other speakers were Dan Cloud, editor of the Montesano Vidette; Herbert Campbell, publisher of the Vancouver Columbian; Fred L. Wolf of the Newport Iliner, Fred W. Ken nedy of the University of Washing ton department of journalism, B. L. Knapp of the Morton Mirror, W. L. Spencer, dean of the State univer sity department of journalism, and J. Newton Colver of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 1 111 Health Causes Suicide, PUGET SOUND BUREAU, Seattle, Wash., June 17. Seattle's new scan dal arises from the moisture of the republican state convention at Chehalis June 10. The horrifying charge Is made that many of those attending the convention, as dele gates and spectators, were actually under the influence of strong drink. Two newspapers published in Seat tle, Mr. Hearst's post-inteiiigencei and Mr. Scripps' Evening Star, have taken the charge very seriously. The Star says it has been fur nished a list of no less than 40 names of more or less prominent Seattle republicans whose conduct at chehalis is-said to nave Deen un seemly to the point of being repre hensible, and Dr. Edwin J. Brown, Seattle's newest mayor, tells the Post-Intelligencer that' he is go ing to bring the whole disgraceful proceedings to the attention of the senators and representatives in con gress from this state, all of whom are republicans and,' as ISaders, re sponsible, according to Mayor Brown, for the' behavior of their party constituents in convention as sembled. If hostile gossip and unfriendly newspaper publicity can influence the public mind, Seattle ought Jo be badly shaken up by these disclo sures. However, the fact is that Seattle is so well supplied with in toxicating liquor at all seasons that the picture even of an entirely drunken convention in another city wduld not cause much excitement here. About the most pronounced effect so far is among certain King county republicans who might have gone to the Chehalis convention had they so desired, and who now feel that they perhaps missed the time of their lives. Convention Fairly Sober. The Chehalis convention was not a drunken convention, and the large delegation' from Seattle and King county was not a drunken delega tion. Liquor was not hard to get in chehalis any more than it is in any other . city of the Pacific northwest. Many delegates took some along with them. Thoughtful purveyors of popular bootleg brands added to the almost visible supply. No one. who wished to drink had to go thirsty, but by far the great ma jority of, those in attendance evi dently did not wish to drink. ' The convention's business, in committee and on the floor, was soberly con ducted. Outside the ' committee which Mayor Brown presided as temporary chairman. It was just as easy to get liquor in Olympia as in Chehalis. The republican conven tion brought about 1000 visitors to Chehalis; the democratic convention brought less than 200 to Olympia. Damply disposed democrats had just as good a time in Olympia as .re publicans of like inclinations had in Chehalis. There was more drink ing In Chehalis because there were more visitors there. The differ ence is entirely a matter of num bers and in no sense a matter of comparative virtue. -. Xo Officials Intoxicated. . - Announcing his determination to bring the Chehalis situation to the attention of the congressional dele gation, Mayor Brown Bays he has been "reliably, informed" that cer tain federal officials charged with enforcement of the dry laws were among the convention drunkards. He also intimates that the Chehalis liquor supply was largely drawn from contraband .stores captured by government officials'. Everyone who attended the Che halis convention knows that this is the loosest kind of talk, utterly without foundation In fact. " The federal officials at the convention had plenty to do in looking after the interests of Senator Poindexter. None of them was intoxicated. No official of the prohibition forces at tended. F. A. Hazeltlne, regional supervisor; Boy C. Lyle, state direc tor, and W. M. Whitney, legal ad viser, were all absent. The impli cation that seized contraband was supplied to the delegates 1b .ridic ulously untruthful. The standard schedule of bootleg prices prevailed throughout the session. The gov ernment stores of contraband have been robbed occasionally, but no politician In the state has yet shown himself strong enough to pry a sin gle bottle loose with the consent of the prohibition officials. The business of bootlegging is well organized. Vendors of various brands make it a practice to be on hand with a supply wherever large gathering of men is to be held. Men who like to drink and with whom the treating habit con tinues irrepressible usually carry a bottle or so with them. No extra ordinary quantity of liquor was con sumed at Chehalis and its access! bility is easily accounted for. The dry law was violated quite openly, Just as it is daily violated In Seat tle and In every other city by those who insist on the exercise of what they are pleased to call their per sonal liberties. As to such exercise It will always be a difficult matter to draw party lines. 11 MILLER TD LECTURE PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERT TO ARRIVE TOMORROW. Two Weeks Series of Speeches to Be Given in Auditorium. Admission to Be Free. SHEEP-KILLER IS SLAIN 111 health for a period of more than two years caused Gustav Man- dinos, 29 years old, to take his life by shooting himself through the mouth yesterday in his room at 345 First street. Mandinos had rooms and convention hall the del been unable to work for a long time and he left a note to his brother fTJeorge, only known relative, saying that he did not care to live any longer. William Eastman, proprie tor of the rooming house, heard the Read The Oregonian classified ads. egates fpllowed their several in clinations. Some of them drank a little; some of them dramk a lot; a very few of them showed the ef fects of over-indulgence; but most of them let it alone. shot fired and called the police. Thel. in proportion to its numbers the coroner took cnarge ot tne Doay. Chehalis gathering was quite dry as the democratic state conven tion In Olympia last month, over Large Black Bear Brought Down While Devouring Prey. OLYMPIA, Wash., June 17. (Spe cial.) A- large black bear that had killed many sheep in the vicinity of Chesaw, Okanogan county, has been killed by William Turner of the federal hunter force, according to word received yesterday by Glenn R. Bach, predatory animal supervi sor for the federal bureau of biolog ical survey. Turner came upon the animal eat ing a sheep it had just killed, ac cording to the report. Turner's dogs treed the bear and the hunter then killed it ' Supervisor Bach is receiving many reports of bear killing sheep In the national forests of Washington. Under arrangements completed by a group of Portland citizens' inter ested In psychological study. Dr. Or lando Edgar Miller will arrive in Portland tomorrow- to open a two Weeks' lecture course at the public auaitorium. Dr. Miller's first lecture will be given tomorrow night. All will be free to the public. Dr. Miller has been lecturing in other Pacific coast cities with great success. In both Oakland and Los Angeles arrange ment were made after his first en gagement to bring him back. It was estimated that during his last lec ture engagement in'Los Angeles he spoke to 115,000 persons in three weeks' time. . Dr. Miller, who is an American by birth, though he has lived in recent years in London, is a writer and lec turer on psychology in all its branches. For 15 yeara he devoted himself to a study of nsvcholoerv Aim oiner suDjects. bince returning to the United States Dr. Miller has assisted in the organization of the International Society of Applied Psychology, of which he is now president, and is making his present lecture tour in cne west largely In the interest of a movement the society has inaugu rated to found a university for the study or the science of which Dr. Miller is an exponent. Ilwaco Engages Band. ILWACO, Wash.. June 17 rKn. cial.) The Royal Rosarian band of Portland has been engaged" to fur- nisn music ror July 4 celebration 1 nrdav. E KING COUNTY DELEGATION here. Lieutenant-Governor Coyle of Olympia will be the speaker of thel day and Dr. Laviolette of Bremerton will deliver the invocation. Joe Knowles of Seaview has been ap pointed grand marshal of the day.' A baseball game between Raymond,' and Ilwaco has been arranged. As-: DECLARED WELL BEHAVED. toria will send a large delegation to J Ilwaco. . i . ' I Woman's Statement That Mem bers of Convention Were In toxicated. Held' Slander. "MURDERERS" GO FREE Negro Boys Confess to Killing Which They Did Not Commit. GREENSBORO, Ala., June 17. Two- self-confessed murderers have just been released from the Greens boro jail because their proposed victim turned up safe and sound. The case is rather unique In Sheriff Martin's annals and he 1s Just a lKtle bit puzzled. , A boy dis appeared from his home near Akron and a vigorous search failed to dis close his whereabouts. But two young negroes, aged 15 and 10, told how they had knocked him in the head, first stunning him, then cut ting him to pieces with tneit-knives. They were held only a few days before their alleged victim returned, having only obeyed the call of wanderlust and gone for a spell, to wander , back whan th pangs of hunger pinched him. ; BIRDS TO FLY 600 MILES Nine Spokane Pigeons to Be Lib erated In Nelson, Cal. : SPOKANE, Wash., June 17. Nine racing pigeons will be shipped from here to Nelson, CaL, Monday night, where the birds will start a 600-mile race home to their loft here. W. D. Sanford, owner of the loft, an nounced arrangements for the race today and said It would be one of the longest ever attempted by rac ing pigeons in the northwest. The birds will be liberated at Nel son Friday morning. Mr. Sanford expects the leaders in the race to arrive In Spokane some time Sat- TACOMA, Wash., June 17. (Spe cial.) Harry G. Rowland, Pierce county ' representative on the plat form committee of the state re publican convention at Chehalis, to day denied - King county's delega tion was intoxicated at the meeting. He declares Maude Sweetman's let ter to that effect was a base slan der. "A newspaper article signed by one Maude Sweetman, purporting to attribute the defeat of King county at tne republican state convention to the fact that Its delegates were drunk and in such condition that they did not understand what was going on about them should be an swered," said Mr. Rowland, who was one . of the foremost prohibition workers in the state for many years. "This article casts a reflection upon every member of the King county delegation, other than four persons named to whom reference is made as sober, clean-minded men. "I am personally .acquainted with probably 20 per cent of the King county delegation. I saw them at the hotel and on the floor ot the convention. Their position in the hall was at the right of the Pierce county delegation, and I am not aware of seeing a single intoxicated person among the entire - King county delegation. Certainly no in toxicated person attempted to ad dress the convention as outlined in this article." terest was received today on $40,000 worth of the fourth Issues of liberty bonds 60ld by Douglas county. The bonds were bought during the war, out of the general fund, and were Id to make up deficiencies now existing in that fund. The amount disposed of was J50.000 dui una county invested $10,000 from its trust funds in these bonds and sold the remainder to Young & Co. or Oakland. SONGS WILL BE PRINTED Oregon Productions to Be Fea tured During Festival Week. In conjunction with a campaign launched by the Community Service to have residents of Oregon "learn a song a day" during Rose Festival week. The Oregonian will print each day the words and story of some Oregon song. The songs to be featured have been carefully selected by the Com munity Service from a great number of popular Oregon productions and will be those which have been most successful and popular at conx munity sings. The Community Service is offering three prizes for the most artistio scrap-books containing clippings from The Oregonian made by chil dren in grammar schools or mem bers of the last graduating class. The first prize will be $5, the second $3 and the third ?2. The scrap-books may be of any size and may be decorated in any way the contestants desire, iney must be turned in at Community Service headquarters at the Norths western Bank building. i Cnres Piles or Costs Notklng. Any reader who Buffers from piles no matter how long stand ing can be quickly cured without risking a penny through the re markable discovery of W. R. Dar lington, 334 Kuro bldg., Kansas city. Mo. Don't send a penny just write Mr. Darlington and he will send you a regular 10-day Treatment abso- ROSEBURG, Or., June 17. (Spe- . lutely free. If it cures sena J cial.) A bid of par and accrued in- I Otherwise you owe minims- Douglas Sells Bond Holdings. iiiiiHiiiiiiniiii in in Wear-Ever 8-Quart Aluminum Preserving Kettles,' $1.69 nnmnuuiinimumituumi School Contract Awarded. HOOD RIVER, Or., June 17. (Special.) Stranahan & Slavens, local contractors, were awarded the contract last night for construction of the junior high school building here. The structure 'will cost about $10,000. The new building will oc cupy the site of the old junior high school, bestroyed by fire in Septem ber of last year. 4 Wiley B. Allen Co.- 8 Stores A Beautiful New Brunswick The Ideal Present for Style "212" June Brides and Girl Graduates Brunswick Style 212 is a new model of beautiful lines and beautiful finish. It is the newest product of the great ; Brunswick factories, and a phonograph which, will delight every critical hearer. Larger than other models of like price, -its tone chamber gives out a volume of resonant, beautiful , tone that is of splendid quality,- color and truthfulness. Without change, nothing to put on or take off, it plays with utmost perfection the records of all artists and all makers, and it is.indeed universal in its scope. We deliver, prepaid, anywhere in the Northwest on these " terms: Brunswick, Style 212....... ...$200 Records of your choice. 10 Send $20, pay $10 monthly. .... ; .... $210 Name....;, ........ Address. 148 Fifth St., Near Morrison ! Midsummer Furniture Displays Approved in Quality! Lavish in Quantity! Moderate in Price! ,The House of Jenning's Is the Largest Portland Distributors of ' the Celebrated . Whittall's Rugs and Carpets a A . : ' T7' x T77 - simeriLu a rinvsi nuur coverings Anglo-Persian Wilton Rugs, Anglo-Kerman Wilton Rugs Teprao Wilton Rugs Arabic Wilton Rugs WILTON AND CHENILLE CARPETS IN ALL COLORS AND WIDTHS See our displays and inspect our stocks of these famed Whittall productions. Wonderfully attractive in colors and patterns. Moderately priced. Festival Week Rug Sale! Regular $37.50 Axminster Rugs 9x12 Size $28.65 Regular $35.00 Axminster Rugs 8-3x10-6 Size . $26.65 All of the above are of standard quality in a good selection of pat terns and colorings. A real bargain in low-priced floor coverings. SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS TO HOME-OWNERS: , Refrigerators Lawn Mowers Garden Hose We can furnish you all of these at at tractive prices. Visit our basement salesroom to select. Special 50 feet -inch Molded Garden Hose..:... Sale of Bedroom Pieces at Sharp Reductions $150.00 Walnut Dressing Table with triple mirrors $75.00 $101.00 Ivory Enamel Chiffonier..$50.50 $125.00 Mahogany Chiff erobe i now half price ...$62.50 $ 36.00 Ivory Enamel Dresser i now only $21.90 $ 26.00 Ivory Enamel Dressing Table, triple mirrors... $18.50 $165.00 Walnut Chiflerobe $87.50 $ 95.00 Ladies' Writing Desk. ..$47.50 $ 63.75 Ivory Enamel Dressing Table, ' triple mirrors ... $31 .90 $ 48.25 Mahogany Chiffonier, now half price . .$24.15 $ 48.50 Mahogany Chiffonier, now half price. $24.25 $ 51.00 Oak Dresser now half price , ..$25.50 $ 93.00 Ivory Enamel Dressing . Table, triple mirrors... $46.50 $ 46.75 Circassian Walnut Dress ing Table $23.40 $150.00 Walnut Chifferobe now . . half price $75.00 $ 49.50 Mahogany Dressing Ta ble with triple mirrors. .$24.75 . "Here Comes the Bride" See Our Display of Gifts for The Bride in Washington-Street Window Many pieces never before shown in Tudor and Roman finish ; also many lovely pieces in mahogany and walnut. Visit our Gift Room on the balcony to see full dis plays of gift pieces. $42.50 Simmons Enamel Finish Metal Beds with square tubing, fl?99 K( now half price tD.dlJ $4.95 ON ACCOUNT OF BEING ODD PIECES, MANY ARE OFFERED AT LESS THAN FACTORY PRICE Overstuffed Davenports Extra Special $67.50 Truly astonishing value in tapestry overstuffed davenports. See our dis play of some of them in one of the Washington-street windows. A pre eminent value at our special price. Diamond Alcazar Gas Range $56.75 Designed perfectly plain, making it easy to keep clean. White splasher at back and side and oven and broiler door panels. Gray enamel burner tray and broiler pan. Construction is heavy; triple lined removable oven bottom. Large cooking surface. Oven 20x16 inches, accommodating large size pans and roaster. Burn ers are the Alcazar round spoke model no more burning of the center of the pan! Either right or left-hand oven. Equipped with pilot lighter, requiring no matches to light. An unusual opportunity to buy a fine grade gas range at a very low reduced factory special price. Range exactly like illustration, except glass doors and thermometer. Sold on terms, if desired. THIS WEEK ONLY nr Installed to Stub. DUO.tJ Exclusive Distributors De Luxe Alcazar Twin-Oven Ranges and Alcazar Gas Ranges the World's Best. COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OF WOOD, COAL AND GAS RANGES AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE. Washington at Fifth St Portland Qj '.IENNING Washington at Fifth St. Portland HBNRY JENNING & SONS p o m p I e t e F u r n i she r s o f S u c c e s s f u I Homes itm iiimiimiiiiiHiiim Wear-Ever. 8-Quart Aluminum Preserving Kettles, 1.69 iiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiir.l