The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 18, 1922, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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Reparations Problem Held
I Badly Handled. ..
Germany Declared Able to Meet
J : Obligations in Full and Fur- '
I ther Temporizing Futile.
firmer French High Commissioner ta
' M-nnvriirii. 1B22. by The Oregontan.)
PARIS. June 17. (Special by
Wireless.) The bis reparations
tru&gle is next on the calendar.
5"he less Germany pays the more sho
talks about reparations, and it does
BOt seem that France's chances of
collecting are any better than they
were IS months ago.
J, It is unnecessary to repeat the
vents which have led to the present
crisis. Germany's reply on May 21
promising what the reparations
Commission demanded was based on
the hypothesis of an international
loan. The bankers' commission de
cided Che loan was impossible unless
Germany's debt was reduced, which
Fance declines and which the trea
ties stipulate shall not be done ex
cepting by unanimous vote of the
i France's present position, being
founded on Germany's promises,
which in turn are based on the un
realized hypothesis, certainly is not
favorable. For the present we are
cperating under the Cannes agree
tnent, which provides for only 720,
000,000 gold marks annually, and
when Belgium's priority is deducted
there is little left for France,
t Business Badly Conducted.
This whole business still is being
Ibadly conducted. Take the case of
the bankers, for instance. Their job
ia to sell securities to the public
They must consider whether thdir
wares will please their customers.
An absolute prerequisite is a guar
antee of sufficient annual payments
to meet the interest and amortiza'
tlon. If this condition is not ful
filled it is useless to talk about
a loan.
.Yet the bankers were called to
gether before any effort was made
to compel Germany to arrange such
annual payments. Naturally the
bankers decided a loan was lmpos
slble. When they suggested a re
Auction of the debt they merely
tneant it was easier to borrow one
iillion than ten billiona Faced by
Jhese facts, many Frenchmen are
despairingly asking whither we are
trending, i, myseu, ao not- snare
this pessimism. Why? Because,
considering the way the reparations
natters have been handled for 30
months, it would be more astonish
ing if any result had been achieved.
The whole thing now must be un
dertaken anew with certain diffi
culties that did not exist in 1920,
but which are by no means insur
mountable. ..
Action Held Necessary.
inese airierences are of two
JUnas, moral and financial. Undev-
astated Germany certainly can pay
in full, but the notion that she can"-
not has spread and taken root
throughout Germany, making a psy.
chological obstacle. Moreover, Ger
many, by her mad inflation policy,
has caused the mark to fall so low
that It no longer is worth anything,
hence a monetary obstacle.
When Germany has been taught
by appropriate action occupation of
the .Ruhr is unnecessary for that
that peace treaties are serious af
fairs and payments must be made;
when marks have been stabilized,
even at a very low rate of exchange,
and revenues from taxes can be cal
culated with ' some certainty, and
when German taxes are made
equivalent to the Frenchman's, then
annuities can be arranged and loans
based upon such annuities will not
be difficult Then and then only
can a reduction of the debt be con
sidered based on an equivalent re
duction of all other war debts.
V Facts Must Be Faced.
For two years the allied policy
has been consistently the cab be
tore the horse. Discussions of all
sorts covering allied debt cancella
tions, loans and many others wholly
unrealizable have taken place, but
until Germany's resources are defi
nitely utilized for regular payments
nothing can be done. Sooner or
later this condition will be fulfilled.
If Germany needed a year or two of
respite France would have to h
temporary help, and-this would give
Great Britain the opportunity to
show her solidarity with France
without risk, and this would have
a happy effect in America.
At any rate, we cannot continue
turning our backs to the truth both
In London and Paris, because truth
win prevail as always.
Radicals Threaten Life of. Head
",, of Steel Corporation.
"CHICAGO, June 17. Police con
stantly guarded Elbert H. Gary, ui me uniteo states Steel cor
poratlon, on his tour of inspection
of the steel mills at Gary, Ind., to
day. They had been warned his life
was endangered by radicals.
Captain William Linn met Mr
uary outside uary with a squad of
police armed with shotguns and
pistols and persuaded him to ente?
the city by automobile instead of
he nas studied for two years with
Franz Kneisel. This fine programme
is given for Rose Festival visitors
and every public and private receiv
ing station in Portland and vicinity
Will be crowded., to capacity to
hear it.
Friday night Herman. Renin's or
chestra will play its first programme
of dance music in. place of George
Olsen's orchestra, which has been
playing regularly on Friday nights
during the past 21 weeks for The
Oregonlan radio service. The Olsen
orchestra leaves for the Deacn aur
ing the week and the Kenin orches
tra, also under Olsen management,
will be substituted during the sum
mer months. It likewise is an ex
cellent orchestra and will provide
the same kind of lively dance music
Tonight, Tfo 8 Church
services by Rev. J. F. Huckle
berry and quartet from Grace.
Baptist church.,
Monday, 7:80 to 8:30 Vocal
trio and solos by six different
vocal and instrumental art
ists. Wednesday, 8 to 10 Rose
Festival programme. May
Dearborn Schwab, Dom J. Zan,
Louis Kaufman, violinist, and
Newberg Berrian band.
Friday. 8 t6 9 Regular',
weekly dance music concert by
Herman Kenin's orchestra.
Another Man Injured
Crash Near Astoria.
lots, Wedderbum and Gold Beaoh
never has had first-class tele
phone service, at least for Ions;
distance work, but this lack of com-1
munication will be corrected by im-
Curry Telephone company Is install
ing, including several miles of new
poles and a. copper circuit. In "the
past and even at present it is almost
invariably the case that important
news from Curry county cannot be
obtained relfdily over the telephone
system, such as a recent shipwreck
and election returns. Earl W. Gates,
superintendent of the lines, declares
that the improvements now under
way will make for greatly Improved
service. .
Clatsop ' Coroner's Jury Advises
Prosecution of Proprietor of
Whistle Inn, Near Flavel.
as the Olsen orchestra has delivered
to the radio audience.
The Oregonian's set will continue
to be operated by the Shipowners'
radio service.
Programme to Be Broadcast From
Vancouver Barracks. '
CL8. the United States army
broadcasting station at Vancouver
barracks, will be on the air tonight
with af varied programme of vocal
and instrumental music from 8 to 9
o'clock, starting at the termination
of The Oregonlan programme. Four
of Vancouver's most talented musi
cians have volunteered their serv
ices for the occasion, and Master
Sergeant Silvermaster, in charge of
the post signal school, announced
that the entertainment would be
one of distinction.
Sergeant Silvermaster said it was
Impossible to broadcast on request
outside of the regular broadcasting
hours. The station would be glad
to do this, but requests have become
too numerous.
Tonight's programme as, arranged
follows: Violin solo, -Adoration,'
Vivian Vaughan; vocal solo, "Kashi
mlrj Song." Avis Dodge, with violin
obligato by Vivian Vaughan; piano
solo, "Prelude, C Sharp minor,"
Frances Westhoff; violin solo,
Vivian Vaughan, "Kamazur"; vocal
solo, "Till I Wake," Avis Dodge;
piano solo, "Witches' Dance," Fran
ces Westhoff; violin solo, "Songs
My Mother Sang," Vivian Vaughan;
piano solo, "Country Gardens,"
Frances Westhoff; vocal "solo.
"Banjo Song," Avis Dodge, and vocal
solo, selected, Mrs. Ruth Barnes.
The accompaniments will be played
by Frances Westhoff. - .
Army Lieutenant and Sergeant
Burned to Death in Crash, V
LOUISVILLE,' Ky., June 17. An
"aid circus" to raise funds for Wav
erly Hill3 sanitarium, where many
ex-service men are patients, ended
tragically here today when two
aviators crashed to their death. "Both
bodies were burned beyond recogni
tion when the gasoline tank ex
ploded following the crash. The dead
are: Lietuenant Robert E. CHanley,
26, commanding officer1 of the sev
enth protographic section, air serv
ice. Camp Henry Knox.
Staff Sergeant Arthur upperman,
45, air photographer, Camp Henry
When about 100 feet from the
ground the plane, piloted by Lieu
tenant O'Hanley, plunged downward
and crashed. Officers rushed to the
scene in an effort to rescue their
companions, but the flames already
had enveloped the plane.
' (Continued From First Page.)
red JU Olson, will be given. The
trio is composed of Vulah Andross,
soprano; Lois Muir, mezzo-soprano,
and Frances Jones, contralto. . The
wloists are Oiga Ruff, soprano;
nrris Ail, baritone, and Sylvia
weinstein, violinlste. Accompani
sjients will be played by Frances
Jones and Olga Ruff.
," The big programme of the week
will be given Wednesday night be
tweeo 8 and 10 o'clock.
1 Between 0 and 10 o'clock three of
the best artists in Portland will
provide a concert for radio listeners.
The Newberg Berrian band, directed
by H. L. Campbell of the Seiberling
Lucas Music company, will give
epecial Rose Festival band concert
for radio in The Oregonlan tower
between 8 and 9 o'clock, and Imme
diately afterward another special
concert featuring May Dearborn
Schwab, soprano and mother of
radio singing in Portland; Dom J.
Zan, one of the best baritones Port
land has to offer, and Louis Kauf
man; 7 violinist, who recently re
turnvl from New York city, where
Fire Destroys Oil Tank.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 17. A
three-alarm fire in the yards ot the
Standard Oil company here today
was confine to one tank of 55,000
barrels' capacity, which contained
about 35,000 barrels of oil. The loss
was estimated at from $125,000 to
Company employes said they be
lieved the fire was incendiary.
ASTORIA. Or June 17. (Spe
cial.) Two women and one man
were killed in an automobile acci-.
dent last midnight on the Seaside
highway, half way between here
and Warrenton. The other man in
the car sustained a fractured hip
and several broken ribs.
The dead are: Mrs. A. Backstrom,
aged 40, of Seaside; Miss Billy West,
aged 25, 'of Seaside, who has- been
operating a barber 'shop here, and
Sam Luoma, aged 32, of this city.
The injured man is Alex Coutts, also
of Astoria.
Leonard G.' Stinson of this city,
owner and driyer of the car, was not
Injured, but he was held in custody
pending the coroner's Inquest which
was held this afternoon.
The coroner's jury placed no
blame for the accident on Stinson,
saying it was the result of the car
skidding. The verdict added, ''ac
cording to the testimony of the two
survivors of the party, they had
visited the Whistle inn near Flavel
just prior to the accident and had
bought several rounds of intoxicat
ing liquor.
Prosecution Is Advised.
"From the series of fatal acci
dents which have recently occurred
to parties visiting the place known
as whistle inn, we strongly recom
mend that the county officials im
mediately go the limit in prosecut-J
ing and cleaning this place. The
party was returning from Seaside
and went to the Whistle inn, where
the surviving members . say two
rounds of drinks were bought, be
fore they left for Astoria."
When near the entrance to the
lower Columbia Oil & Gas company's
plant the car went off the pavement
and crashed into some lumner. One
of these pieces caught the rear end
of the car and plunged it into the
ditch. ' .
Miss West, who was in the front
seat, was thrown against the wind
shield, a piece of the broken frame
or standard piercing the left side of
her throat. Her body hung there
until removed by the coronor. Mrs.
Backstrom was in the rear seat and
was pitched through the top clear
out of the machine, her head strik
ing a tree, which fractured her
skull, causing instant death. Sam
Luoma also sustained a fractured
skull when he was thrown from the
car and died at the hospital about
three hours later. Coutts sustained
a fractured hip and several bones
Drinking Is Admitted.
At the coroner's inquest both Alex
Coutts and L. G. Stinson, the driver,
admitted taking two drinks at the
Whistle Inn, but the" latter declared
herwas not intoxicated and was per
fectly able to handle his car. -
The accident was the second of
the kind wltnln the last lew days
in which the victims had been drink'
ing' at the Whistle inn. As a result,
complaints were filed this afternoon
against the proprietors of the inn.
One of them, 3. & Lotter, has been
This morning a letter signed by
Pacific Klan No. 3, Knights of the
Ku Klux Klan, and urging that
steps to be taken to close the
Whistle inn and other roadhouses in
the county, was received by Sheriff
Nelson. -
The communication said:
"The conditions in Clatsop county
relative to the ruthless, open and
repeated violations of the state and
federal prohibition laws have
reached the point where they are a
disgrace to the county, to the state
and to the nation. If you do not
take immediate steps- to clean out
the so-called Whistle inn, located
near Flavel, as weU as several other
'Joints' in the county almost as bad,
thjs organization will take prompt
and drastio action, not only to clean
out some of these violators of the
law, but also to clean out some of
the county offices that are in t
measure responsible by their pas
sive attitude and Indifference
toward the performance of their
sworn duties for the terrible condi
tions that exist in Clatsop county
at the,,, present time. Yours for
active law enforcement."
Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends
Observes Progress In Educa
tional Branch.
Mrs. Sarah Jane Larson.
OREGON CITY, -Or., June 17.
(Special.) Mrs. Sarah Jane Larson,
widow of F. P. Larson and resident
of Clackamas county for more than
50 years, died at the home of her
son, C. W. Larson, at Stafford,, last
She was born in a prairie schooner
while her parents were crossing the
plains in 1S54. She had lived in the
Stafford district more than 30 years,
later moving to Willamette.
Mrs. Larson Is survived by
brother, J. H. Beeson ot Willapa,
Wash., who was born In the early
days in a log cabin in the west, and
a sister, Mrs? Kate Dutcher of Ore
gon City; her children, C. W. Larson
of Stafford, O.. F. Larson of Wood-
burn, Mrs. E. P. Carpenter and Ar
thur Lee Larson of Willamette; her
h a 1 f-b r o t h e r s and half-sister,
Charles Gordon of Raymond, Wash.
Captain William Gordon of .Seaside
and Mrs. Mollie Brown of Oakville
Wash. Grandchildren are: Mrs. Net
tie Mulkey of Seaside, Leonard Lar
son oi Pasco, Wash.; Marvel and
Peter Larson of Woodburn; Mrs. Jen
nie Benner of Colfax, Wash.; Ar
thur, Jane, Clarence and Wayne Lar
Bon of Willamette, and Chester and
Frances Carpenter of Willamette.
The great-grandchildren are Jean
and Betty Mae Mulkey.
More Than 20 Amendments
, Pending in Congress:
NEWBERG, Or., June 17. (Spe
cial.) The educational work of the
church occupied the attention of
Oregon yearly' meeting of Friends
this afternoon, with reports from
Greenleaf seminary at Greenleaf,
Idaho, and from Pacific college at
Newberg. '
The report of the Pacific showed
the largest attendance in the his
tory of the college during the past
year, the largest financial resources
Since the college was organized, and
a decided advancement in educa
tional standards during the pasVt
year. Advances in many lines are
being made rapidly in order to meet
as soon as possible the conditions
forstandardization. New equipment
and books have been ordered, and
additions to the faculty are being
made to meet all the requirements
for the recognition of the college.
The morning session was devoted
to' the interests of peace and the
work of the American Friends Serv
ice committee.
With almost complete unanimity
the yearly meeting adopted a pro
gramme for the coming year, which
will mean a strong work in the
Oregon field, including Idaho and
parts of Washington, and the unit
ing of Oregon yearly meeting in the
home and foreign mission work of
the five years' meeting, the na
tional organization of Friends. This
programme, proposed in the annual
report of L. Clarkson Hinshaw, gen
eral superintendent, was adopted.
and Mr Hinshaw was again appoint
ed general superintendent by
unanimous vote.
Full Rights for Women, Uniform
Divorce . Laws and Other
Issues Are Involved.
Modification of the constitution of
the United States is today the qfject
oi more man 20 different resolu
tions pending beforecongress. Both
members of the house and . senate
have contributed new amendments.
Lately there have been proposed
two additional amendments to the
constitution having as their object
the prohibition of child labor. ;
Out of protests -that wealthy per
sons had sought to escape the higher
surtaxed by Investing their money
iu municipal, state ana leaeral
Some Quarters Hazard Guess That
Republicans Will Have 40
Representatives in Dail.
DUBLIN, June 17. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Lacking definite an
nouncement of the outcome of yes-
terday's election for a Dall Eireann,
the results of which are not ex
pected to be known until next Tues-'
day at the earliest, the estimate is
hazarded in some quarters that the
republicans will have 40 representa
tives in the new Dail, that tho
group which represents pro-treaty
sentiment in the old Dail will have
80 members, while the newcomers
will number 28.
If all the newcomers support the
treaty, the likelihood of which has
been pointed out, it would give the
free state forces a working ma
jority on the treaty issue. The re
publicans, however, do not expect
the division will follow these lines,
and prefer to regard the new par
liament as likely to consist of 103
old Sinn Fein members against 28
net attached to that party organi
zation. .
They say that the coalition cab
inet therefore is safe against attack
on any policy advanced by the com
bined Sinn Fein wings. The coalition
cabinet is expected to focus its at
tention on administration and the
Ulster problem.
bonds . developed the McFadden
amendment to the constitution? The
measure, now pending before the
house, provides for regulation of
the Issuance of tax-free bonds.
Women Seek Full Rights.
The women's fight for equal rights
brought about another amendment
sponsored by the national woman's
party, to remove all civil and legal
disabilities from their sex. In line
with this proposal is an amendment
sponsored by Representative Rogers
or Massachusetts, giving; the fed
eral government power to regulate
the employment of women and of
persons under 21 years of age.
Several amendments have . been
offered as a result of the decision
of the supreme, court in the New
berry case invalidating the corrupt
practices act.
When, Woodrow Wilson was wor'
rying republicans by the illness
which kept him from public view
during the last months of hie ad
ministration. Representative Fess ot
Ohio proposed the constitution be
changed to permit the supreme
court to determine the disability of
the president. . The amendment is
still pending.
Some friends of the District of
Columbia have put forward a consti
tutional amendment making the dis
trict a state in order to give its
residents the rights of self-government
enjoyed elsewhere in" the
Uniform Divorce Laws Urged.
Those who are alarmed by the
ease with which divorces are ob
tained in some states and the in
creasing number of divorces are
supporting a constitutional amend
ment to provide uniform divorce
laws. ,
The protracted fight over the
treaty of Versailles and the more
recent debate on the four-power
treaty in the senate have brought
about a proposal to amend the con
stitution so as to permit ratifica
tion of a treaty by a majority vote.
At present two-thirds is required.
Some members of congress cannot
understand why the forefathers pro
vided that each new congress shall
be elected in November of next year
and not meet in its first regular
sessi6n until December of the fol
lowing year. They have a consti
tutional amendment providing the
new congress meet on January 1
after the election in November.
Other Amendments Proposed.
The fight over the reapportion
ment of the membership of the
house in accordance with the last
decennial census, has developed
proposals both to increase and de
crease that body.
There are other amendments to
fix the term of members of the
house to four years and to limit the
president to one term of six years,
provide for initiative and referen
dum, and the regulation of the
elections. In addition is the John-
1 ' - - '
Now for
Cooler Clothes
When you have put on
a Mathis summer suit
of Palm Beach, pongee
silk, light-weight cassi-
mere or tropical wor
sted, you will then
enjoy these fine sum
mer days.
The fabrics are as at
tractive as the models,
with the usual Mathis
quality of fine making.
Golf Knickers
Made of Palm Beach,.
Linen, Homespun and
fine Scotch Tweeds,
are cool and good ,
looking. To be worn
with outing . shirt.
Knickers $5.50 to
; $12.50
Shirts $1.75 to $5-
$18 to $45
Fifth and Morrison
(Corbett Bldg.)
Woman Hurt in Auto Collision.
, ASTORIA, Or., June 17. (Special.)
In a head-on collision, this after
noon Between two automobiles on
the Smith's point road, Mra C E.
Bowlsby, 65, was badly cut about
the face and head, but was not dan
gerously hurt The cars, which were
driven by T. A. Sutherland of Port
land and Captain K. P. T. Wood, the
entrance pilot, were badly damaged.
North Bend to Celebrate. -
NORTH , BEND, Or., June 17.
(Special.) North Bend's arrange
ments for its celebration are well
in. hand and a considerable portion
6f the programme has been "adopted.
The sports will consist of street
races, water events, including a bat
tle royal on a large scow; a huge
parade on the morning of the
Fourth, a baseball game each day.
one or two boxing tournaments, pa
triotic exercises, a band, numerous
concessions. Log-rolling contests
are arranged for the woodsmen.' A
queen is to be chosen for the day
And many candidates are now vie
ing for that honor. ,
Phone System BeHng Improved.
MARSHFIELD, Or., June 17.-
(Special.) The territory between
Bandon and Port Orford, Lang-
IiOgger Is Killed.
43LTMPIA, Wash., June 17. (Spe
ciaL) Al Olson,, aged 25, head
loader at the Maytown Lumber com-
panjrs camp, near Maytown, was in
stantly killed today when the spar
tree broke while a log was being
loaded, the rigging falling and
crushing Olson's head against the
car. Olson is believed to have
brother at EHma and a sister at
Kelso and efforts are being made to
communicate with them. The body
was brought to the Mills mortuary
here. ,
"Rogue Fishing Improves.
GRANTS PASS, Or., June 17.
(Special.) Commercial fishing in
Rogue river is improving steadily
as further drops in the water are
noted. Yesterday the fishermen
brought In 2500 pounds, the price
now standing at 14 cents. About
eight boats are operating nightly.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
A shower a day keeps
' i" r tl1
1 188 4th St.
Rare and
After you have in
spected my stock you
will understand why
this store has steadily
maintained its high
Convenient Terms
Diamond Specialist v
348 Washington Street
Morgan Building"
nation of presidential candidates by
direct primary.
To this group may be added other
proposals for constitutional amend
ments prohibiting the naturaliza
tion of a person neither of whoso
parents is eligible for citizenship,
compelling the listing of state
securities in income tax returns by
persons in states having no income
tax' and modifying the laws for
holding constitutional conventions.
Belated Pacific Highway Project
Finally Is Completed. '
J EUGKJN1U, ur, june i r. voiicgiaui
rne overneaa cruHaiiig mo
Pacific highwasr Nintersects the
Southern Pacific line at McVeigh
point, three miles south of Eugene,
was opened to traffic yesterday.
The crossing was built a year ago,
but owing to the fact that there was
a big fill to make at the north end
and it had to Settle before it could
be surfaced the work of macadam
izing' was not. begun until a short
time ago.
A. c7 Mathews of Eugene, who
had the1 contract to macadamize the
approaches, finished his worn yes
traffic. This big concrete viaduct
eliminates one of the worst grade
crossings on the highway.
School Contract; Awarded.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 17.
(Special.) The Lee-Hye Construc
tion company of this city yesterday
won a contract for the erection, of a
new school at Grand Mound, which
will replace the building recently
destroyed' by fire. The local firm"
bid, $6950, was the lowest of foul
submitted. Construction will begin
immediately and the school will be
ready for occupancy by September
15. The new building will be 51 by
72 feet In size, one story in height
and of brick construction. It will
contain four rooms, two of which
can- be thrown together into an
auditorium with a seating capacity
of 300.
In three states, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island and New York, and in
the District of Columbia, the white
females outnumbered the white
males in 1920.
son amendment providing the noml- terday and threw down the bars to
Complete service
in everything pertaining to
can. jJ'-
Fine rug's stored
for the summerand
Insured against
loss or damage.
Expert assistance
in furnishing your home.
CAahlisbei ,
For the
Rngs in
warm, soft
tan effects.
Room size $80
4x6 $45
2x35 $25
FINE Oriental rug makes
such a strong appeal on its
own merits that it is easy to
forget eyen the elementary
principles .that, ordinarily
guide the purchaser of home
A properly chosen Orien
tal rug never upsets an har
monious arrangement. It
strengthens it.
When we are given defi
nite information as to the
surroundings in which you
wish to place a rug the kind
of furniture and hangings,
the nature of the lighting,
the predominant colors, the
space to be covered and the
purpose to be served then
proper selection is easy. The
result is satisfying and the
satisfaction is lasting.
Broadway 3433 .
393 Washington St. at Tenth
This Valuable Book
FREE ! '
This valuable, interest
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sent absolutely without
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your part. .
It tells, in plain lan
guage, how fruit i
vegetable growers
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hours after sale. Tells how to eliminate rejected cars, etc.
More Dollars for Fruit Growers
is the title of this interesting book. It is a veritable
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No matter whether yon are a grower, a shipper, a
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Our only reason for sending this book without s
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This edition is limited. So write
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W 1
If 'X'.
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The G. Gee Wo Chinese
Medicine Company
Avoid operations by taking' In time my well
known Root and Herb Remedies for Diabetes
(Cancer In tlmeK Goitre. Fistula, Piles, Tumors.
Scrofula, Catarrh. Asthma, Lung, Throat, Liver.
Kidney, Rheumatism, Blood, Stomach und all
female disorders.
The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no
3rui?8 or poison used. Composed of the choicest
medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark. Imported
bv us from far away oriental countries.
If in trouble, don't wait. Delays are dangerous.