SECTION THREE Editorial Page and Doings in Realm of Society VOL. XLI PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1933 NO. 35 1 1 , 11 1 1 I . i! . .. 1 . . ii i . i . ... ,i, i ... i iii .u i nil.. H.. ' : - Jj - ' t s 11 II 1 1 If (MM rt 4 , . ; XrS iVs- .-' ' '...-.-1 lUv V - - iOJ . L t i; w y- ws'- tmiSJ . vl . ' i'ju via li4 v wi. 'f 1 if will pay u rili(r, ivir iiiu iura J xa iun- ; I I , w . v v 4W wt I i A homage to Queen Harriet this dore, Mr and Mrs Lno V Hauser, I ' , s- fe t " " . - i-"' f'M. I 1 ' ' Mr anil Mri Ottn W Mnllkc Mr X VI I " l w 4 . i 41 V I course Queen Harriet and her court - t Pt h . l will be the feted guests In evi- - - ,f r 1 ' x's r4,"V flence will be Prince of Rosaria, Vii'ff ' . V ' V i . J Iiric V. Hauser, and Crown Prince 1 - JT f f' - , - " - V 1 - Frank McCrillis and dukes of the 7111111 1 11 ' I : ' i A realm. W. J. Hofmann. Dean -Vin- I 1 : I " r K . ; ; cent, C. C. Colt, -Frank E. Smith and J ipilf I I . 4 v " V lw " 1 ' K J.Jaeger The pmy council con- Is !' v " f f J0IS-- 'V - - " 1 r sists of J H Dundore. prime, min- f -K t S0- ' VI ister. Dr. Edward Allen Pierce, lord l f " 4jT ' Vi' ' ' Is high chancellor. O C Bortzmeyer, 4 , Jf " . . - . 1 lis' V V S ? - i a v mam .? i ' l nrmvm - . ' f-iMirm mi. IIJ ' PORTLAND homage to Queen Harriet this dore, Mr. and Mrs. Kric V. Hauser, week. Beginning with Tues day, when the royal barge will bear her highness to Rosaria. all activi ties will have as their inspiration the rose tiueen and her eight charm-, ing princesses. Miss Harriet Grif fith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T.. Griffith, will be a beau tiful queen. . She - is of medium height and has heavy dark, curly hair, but better than that she is a real, unspoiled girl . who. will . truly represent the city. The eight prin cesses, daughters of prominent fam- secretary or state; Robert Krohn, flies, are Miss Janet House, Miss captain of -the guard; ti. J. Mathis, Elizabeth Ettinger, Miss Alice Bow- lord high chamberlain; O. W. nan. Miss Edith Ottenheimer, Miss -Metlke, prince of Rosaria;., John. M. Margaret Cook, Miss Pauline Titus, Saari, lord' high sheriff; Frank V. Miss Mary Helen Spalding and Miss Smith, master of the wardrobe;. R. Doris Heningsen. The coronation A. Stewart, lord chief justice; Wal of the queen will take place at 2:30 ter D. "Whitcomb, secretary of tor o'clock Tuesday afternoon and ,will elgn affairs;. J. C. Boyer, director of be followed by the official opening arts and crafts. of the rose show, festival center,- The floor committee for the ball and the sportsmen-tourist show at consists of Robert Krohn, chairman; the armory. Society maids will have an opportunity to show their latest and most summery frocks at these events. The combined - effect of E. V. Littlf ield, George "W. Herron, W. J. Roope, Winthrop Hammond and H. J. Blaesing. . Floral pageant day," Friday, will pretty maids In pretty frocks and witness the one and only parade of the thousands of exquisite roses will he festival. It is rumored that fftme be like- a single bouquet of a thou- prominent society women who have sand colors. Flowers and sunshine not participated before are- entering will be reflected- in the dainty exceptionally attractive and unique clothes of Portland's maids ' and floats. - . matrons. '-' Lovers of sport are looking for ward to Wednesday, "Regatta day." Admiral Roy T. Bishop will be mas- The most interesting guest during festival week will be Miss Alice M. Robertson, the only woman member ; of congress, and personal represen tor of ceremonies and will be guest, tatlve of President and Mrs. Har of honor at the admiral's ball in the ding. It will be an honor and great evening at the i '-Multnomah hotel, pleasure to welcome .the-Illustrious The speed boat races and water carnival will be the' occasion for the girls to don their Jaunty sports cos tumes, and the weather permitting it should be a gala day. Thursday is army and navy day. guest who Is not only a brilliant personality, but also a charming and lovely woman. . v Tomorrow Mrs. Richard MHford Blatchford, wife of General Blatch f ord, will give a tea In her honor In prominence will be the group of at the Vancouver post. Over,100 in naval officers from the battleship vitatlons have been sent to Port. Connecticut and the six destroyers land and Vancouver society women, from Bremerton.' " THey ' will be At 4 o'clock troops of the 69th In among the honored- suasts at the fantry with Colonel Willian H. Royal Rosarian ball at Cotillion hall Jordan as regimental commander, that might Seven hundred attractive will pass In review before Miss Rob- Invitations were sent , out by the ertson and General Blatchford and - ; " - ' committee In charge, and it will be staff. announcement of the engagements Daryl Klein, -and was received with formal. The dance Is given under ; of three of Portland's society girls. Interest because of the popularity the patronage of Governor and Mrs, The past week . has been import- A cablegram, brought, word of the of the -bride-elect and the promi-. & 5V. Olcott, Mayor and Mrs. George - ant In; a social way because of the betrothal of Miss Jean- Meier" to "nence of her parents,1 Mr." and Mrs. and Mrs. Garry C. Nickerson have and a brother of Mrs. Sanford Lo- announced the engagement t their wengart of Portland. He is a rod- daughter. Clea, to Roscoe G. Ashley, uate of the' University of California, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley, and Is In business with ihls father in Both younjr people have a host' of the south. , The .wedding will be an friends and' are socially prominent, event of the early fall. The bride-elect-has the reputation of . being; ; attractive, ; charming , and very worth-while. .' " - House guests have proven the in spiration for a 'number of teas,' din ners and other informal affairs this week. Miss Anita Xevy of San Fran cisco was, charmingly entertained . by her' sister, Mrs. Lloyd Frank. Mrs. .'John C. Spencer of San Francisco ' was. hon&red at luncheon by Mrs. 'L. -Ward White.'- Mrs. H. H." Buffu'm of Boston was feted at a 'tea by Mrs. ', Elliot Habersham and Mrs. 'John K.' ' Dudley. - Mr. and . Mrs. ' Maurice Cxumpacker, are,, entertaining .Mr. ' and Mrs. F. C.Crumpacker of Ham mond, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Miss Anita Levy of San Fran cisco, who visited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd; Frank,, was honored at sev eral smart parties. Mrs. Frank gave a luncheon for -12 guests Tuesday and. a supper party at Crown Point chalet last week-end. Miss Levy made a host offrlends during her stay in. the city. . . : The most important tea since th affair-given Lady -G-eddes t the Waverley Country clubhous i to morrow's .entertatnine-nt in honor of Miss Alice M. Robertsoiu the only woman representative In congress. Mrs.; Richard M. Blatchford, wife of Swigert had as guests Mr. and Mrs. General Blatchford, has asked Mrs. Henry Turrlsh' of Duluth. H. T. Mayo, wife of Admiral Mayo, and Mrs. Clarence E. Dentler,. wife of Colonel Dentler, , to preside at the tea table. Assisting In s-erving- will be Mrs. George Mayo, Mrs. Richard Park, Mrs. Keith Wise, Mrs. Everett Prouty, Mrs. Horace Heath, Mrs. Hubert Miller, Mrs. Julius Blschof, Miss Area Weaden, Miss Anna Wheeler, Miss Elizabeth Hailey and Miss Gladys Dunne. Miss Cornelia Cook i9 chairman of the committee arranging private car entries for the gTand floral parade. She is being assisted by Mrs. Waiter T. Sumner, Mrs. David T. Hny man. Mrs. Robert Schindler and Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman. Guy Webster Talbot has made plans for a beautiful floral show. Among the prominent Portlastfera who plan to have displays are Mrs. William MacMaster, Mrs. Peter Kerr, Mrs. H. U Corbett, Mrs. J. C. Ains worth and Dr. A. E. Rockey. ers leading . to a miniature doll's tmro- """', "- l wedding party. Dainty cards bore """"'". Wednesday,, June 21, has been chosen , by, two attractive ' girls , as the date of .their weddings. Miss Mary Warrack will marry Lieuten ant Wilbur M. -Lockhart,-U. S. N., and Miss Miriam Reed will be wed to James Fprrest Cobb, Jr. .Another approaching wedding Is that of Miss Dorothy Sanford to Leonard D. Wil son. These three brides-to-be are being extensively - feted by their many friends." - --.'''' ; Miss Edith Ottenheimer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J.' Ottenheimer, was hostess at a delightful luncheon Monday when the engagement of . Miss Katharine Seller and Laurence Dickson of' San Francisco was an nounced. Fifteen prominent young girls were Included in the gueet list. The table was beautified by a large basket of pink sweet peas at one end, flanked by tiny vases of flow- the names of the engaged couple. MLsa Seller Is the daughter of Mr. busy planning the social activities of Queen-Elect ' Harriet, who has Julius L. Meier. - Miss Edith -Otten-s erick M-. Seller, and it was then Beimer gave a luncheon 'Monday, in that news .of Miss Seller's engage- compllment to Miss Katherine Set- ment . to-. Laurence Dickson of San pickson Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. lerrdaughter of Mn and Mrs.'Fred-' Francisco -was -made- known. - Mr Joseph - Dickson ' of San Francisco and Mrs. Frederick M. Seller and Is bsen extensively feted since her a popular and attractive girl with election to this honored position, musical accomplishments. She at- tended Mills college for two years and Is finishing at Wellesley. Mr. One of the most brilliant and for mal soctal events of the season will be the complimentary concert which (Continued on fast 2.) ,--(.-