18 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POIJTLANiV JUNE 18, 1932 HELP WANTED-MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 Ankeny St., Corner Second. LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC COAST. OPEN TODAY. 7 A. M. FOR GRAYS HARBOR. WASH. Mill and yard men, $3.50; young men for box factory, inside work, $3. See company representative ac oiiicb to day. He will advance your fare. Come eariy. FOR COLUMBIA RIVER CAMFS. Choker setters, Bignal punk, chaser, timber fa Hers, buckers. 2d brakeman. donkey fireman, wood splitters, rick wooa snoppers. BEND. OR. FARE ADVANCED. 8 sets white pine fall era 90c M 4 track men $3.45 SOUTH TO McCLOUD. CAL. FARE ADVANCEp. 4 choker setters 45c hr. 6 dry lumber handlers S.25 0 green chain men 4.00 Board, 35c meal; ship tonight. To Brady, Wash. Fare Advanced. 2 sets falters, 35c. M; 2 buckers, SOo M; 2 buckers. $4.75. Ship Monday, 7 A. M. Tillamook Line Camp Fare Advanced 2 sets fallers. 62 and -57c hour; 1 wood bucker, 42c hour; 1 wood split ter, 42c hour. Ope ratine 8 hours. Board 35c. Large Mill, Willamette Valley. . Ship Today Fare Advanced. One second dogger, 45c hour; 2 tiers, 40c hour; 2 trim saw men, 50c; 1 line up man planer, 42c; 5 yard men, 40c. LATE SPECIALS. 8 section men, log road $3.40 2 camp flunkeys, $53.50 and board. 2 operating millwrights, 70c hour. 25 foreigners, log road $3.40 If you want work in camp or mills come and see us today. We can place you. SAWMILL and railroad men wanted at Brookings, Oregon. Why not locate in the fastest going sawmill town on the coast where you can have a Job the year around? If you adapt yourself to the work you will make and save money. Curry county has some of the best fishing streams on the coast and more deer than any other county in the United States. Now operating on fir; will start sawing redwood, two shifts, about August 15, If you are a teady worker and no loafer, see P. R. Walker at Hotel Hoyt, Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday. California & Ore gon Lumber Company, 'employment manager. WHY WORRY? If you are In need of help just wire, phone or write to us and let us worry. We furnish help of all kinds, skilled and unskilled, male and female; at hort notice. Free of charge. We have been relieving others for 20 years past of this help problem. Two offi ces; one for females only; licensed and bonded. Portland Labor Agency, 11 North Second street A GOOD POSITION is open to a wide - awake, ambitious man. Must be over 25 and able to give local references. Good pay and ( rapid promotion to the right man. . Call at 509 Wilcox after 9:3ft ) A. M. for Interview. FOR RELIABLE RUSTLER WHO CAN MAKE GOOD THERE IS A FINE OP PORTUNITY TO GO WITH ESTAB LISHED REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. MUST OWN HIS OWN CAR. REF ERENCES REQUIRED AND GIVEN. MARSHALL 1084, SUNDAY AND MONDAY. . . THE BIG NEW MILL. We can use a few red-blooded Amer icans for mill and yard work. Chances of advancement. Good hotel accommo dations. Big Incorporated company. On the beach of the Pacific. See us today. Office open until noon. Port land Labor Agency, 11 North Second street. AUTOMATIC air trim merman for small mil); wages $5, 8 hours, first-class ac commodations. Call S. SKINNER & WHITE, 35 N. 2d St. Bdwy. 3205. X HAVE 500 cords of slabwood located about a mile north of Lincoln station on the United railway. I will sell same for 50c per cord. F. O. B. pile. Here Is a chance for a man to make some money. Enquire Tellof Johnson, one mile north of Lincoln Btation, near North Plains, route No. 3, box 101. BERRY PICKER Fifty berry pickers for July 1. One month's work. Loganberries and rasp berries; good accommodations; near Newberg; free fare from Newberg to job, going and coming. Register now. Portland Labor Agency, 11 North Sec ond street. Air trimmer man, $5.50 eight hours. ACME EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 50 North 2nd St. EAST IN THE PINES. Mill and yard men for mill up river; pood little mill, good grub; eight hours, $3.20 and all summer work. Office open today until noon. Portland Labor Agency. 11 North Second st. L REAL opportunity for a live, pro gressive man in the insurance busi ness. A real future with a man's sal ary if ability Is shown. Salary and commission. Call 901 Gasco bldg. 9 to 11 today. MOTORCYCLE mechanic wanted. If you are first-class, let me hear from you; best proposition In Oregon for the right man; no handy man or would-be wanted. J. L. Robinson, 518 E. 2d St., The Dalles, Or. ' SINGLE young man experienced in sell ing dry goods and shoes, general mer chandise store. Curry county ; must have references as to character and satisfactory experience. Phone Bdwy. 1238 Monday. DO YOU want work ? Do you want money ? Do you want a good posi tion? Do you want to get ahead in Portland? If so, give your telephone number - and address. H 747, Ore gonian. WANTED One bridge carpenter fore man, 90 cents an hour; four bridge carpenters, 75 cents an hour; out-of-town. Standard Employment Service, 270 Burnside st. WANTED 50 hustlers, men and boys, for Rose Festival events, programmes, etc. ; deposit required on all stock taken out. Applet Mr. Maple, 722 Spalding bldg. IWOOD contract close to Portland; drag saw and tools furnished free. Fine timber, good ground. Apply today. Office open until noon. Portland Labor Agency, 11 North Second street. TOUNG men of initiative, between the ages of 21 to 35, who want to make ' money In a business at office of great future. AnnJv 334 NnrfhwMt ' "Runlr picrg. alter A. M. ONE OPERATING MILLWRIGHT, $150 f&H. MUA In, 3 MILLWRIGHTS, $6 PER DAY. ( COLUMBIA EMPOYMENT AGENCY, 21 N. 2D. SHINGLE sawyer for small mill; $tt per eight hours, room and board. Apply iuuy. wince open uniii noon.1 .port land Labor Agency, 11 North Second street. FIVE salesmen with autos to become established agents in territories of Ore gon, visit me u you want to see some thing that seils. You earn 75 ner cent. 1071 East !th st. N, Monday after 2:30. V ANTED Cooks in the city for. fry and dinner work. Wages $G per day, 8 hours and 6 days. Apply Lewis Employment, 43 N. 2d. st. Open Sun d ay. MAKE money in your spare time; hand some article; good seller; send 25c for sample and full instructions. R. J. Vrooman, 490 Waahihgton st.. Port land, Or. WANTED A-l machine man for detail door factory, also good bench man and cabinetmaker Tor out-of-town shop. State experience and wages. AV 178, Oregoni-a n . WANTED Concrete paving man and foreman ; commence work about June 22; Eugene, Or. Clark & Bishop Con structlon Co.,..Eugene, Or. WIRE MAN wanted, experienced in both knob and tube and conduit work. Ad dress Sigwart Electric company, Eu gene, Or. WANTED A polite young man; must have some experience in the grocery line; must have the best of local ref erencs. Cill at 267 Yamhill st. Help Wanted Salesmen. $300 COMMISSION month taking orders for our special price smashing $3.98 undon-made raincoats direct from fac tory. Eastern Raincoat Co., Mfrs., 917 itooseveit roaa, unicago. SALESMAN WANTED Young man for wear, etc. Experienced, and ref erences required. Lion Clothing Co., 4th and Morrison. MEN calling on men's furn'g, drygoods and dept. stores to handle side lines; liberal commission. Franklin Leather frooucts Co.. Cincinnati. O. ALESMEN Newly patented household necessity that every woman wants; a real money-maker, savage Mfg. Co., 417 S. Campbell. Chicago. SALESMEN for business section, make from $3 to $io day. See Foskett. Ho tel Madras, 8 to 9 A. M-. ' to 8 P M STOCK salesman, one who can show results, good proposition. See or write A. J. Burns, Kainter. or. WANTED Real estate salesmen with cars. 517 Cham, of Com, bldg. WANTED 2 specialty salesmen with cars. Apply 226 Stark st. WANT salesman, with car preferred; handle real estate.. W 743, Oregonlan. HKf.P TVAVTKn MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. ATTENTION, SALESMEN I We will teach you to sell real estate. If you've sold books, musical instru ments, securities, adding machines, au tomobiles or any article that requires soliciting you can seil real estate and double your earnings. Our salesmen are making money. There's a big de mand for the class of property we are handling. We have just opened three new subdivisions. We need a few more energetic, reliable salesmen. See Mr. Comte. "" COMTE & KOHLMAN, 416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. Largest lot and acreage subdivision sellers in Portland. A REAL opportunity for salesmen that are familiar with bookkeeping; large educational corporation desires to se cure men who have real sales ability. Prefer man that have sold an educa tional proposition. This Is a splendid opportunity to earn a fine income and become identified with a good concern that offers an excellent future and Is backed by considerable! national adver tising. Write J. J. Sher. Federal Schools, Inc., 500 South Fourth at., Minneapolis, Minn. SALESMEN WANTED. National organization selling a busi ness necessity wants real salesmen, for Portland and vicinity, no stock, real es tate nor insurance, but a proposition in demand today. Commission only; no Investment; no advances; big money for producers. Call Mr. H. R. Matz, Hotel Benson, for appointment, Sunday and Monday on i y . SALESMEN Two high -class, ambitious, clean-cut, aggressive specialty sales men who can't afford to work for less than $5000 commission per year, and would rather earn $10,000 commission , for permanent position with one of the livest organizations of Its kind in ex istence; highly rated and of 30 years' standing; a "real opportunity" for pro ducers; references. Address Dept. K-D, 602 Baltimore bldg., Chicago. YOUR OPPORTUNITY I am looking for a few men of a particular type, whose qualification will enable them to faithfully represent a high class manufacturing concern in Oregon and Washington. I can place you where you can earn from $200 to $500 per month. Write now, giving age, ad dress 'and telephone. BJ 737, Orego nian. SALESMAN WANTED. S. N. Clark & Co.. 609 Wilcox bldg., need a salesman. If. you measure up, there's a real posi tion waiting you. Call Mr. Quill for appointment. Bdwy. 6856. WANTED Successful traveling sales man, experienced selling Pacific coast retail drug trade or state of Oregon; permanent position, either on commis sion or salary basis; state age and give references, Adolph Spiehler, Inc., manufacturing perfumers, Rochester, N. Y. (established 1876.) TO SELL, one of the most useful ar ticles manufactured to date; written up In the Scientific American and Popular Mechanics, June number; demonstrated in one minute; 75 per cent of demonstrations mean sales; good commission. Call Sunday 1 to 5 and all next week. 337 Worcester bldg. MAKE $25 to $75 commission weekly extra during spare time selling great est sensation of year : every candy, cigar, delicatessen, drug and general . store a prospect; sell from photograph. Union Specialty Mfg. Co., Dept. D, Albion, Mich. WE OFFER permanent connection with earnings WORTH WHILE to men who are Interested in direct personal sell ing. A proposition of merit, excellent repeat business and no delivering. Portland and nearby cities. Address 836 Northwestern Bank bldg. SALESMAN Traveling territory in auto sideline; sen narvest nats jnuvv tor 1923 season; good commission; only 15 samples ; quick, easy sales. ALL AMERICAN HARVEST HAT CO., Dept. 11, 923 Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo. WANT wholesale man at Portland to sell America's finest spark plug "Liberty" on commission. Instantly demonstrated. Rapid sales. Sensa tional quality; $200 month extra offer. AL. P. Co., 169 Mass. ave B, Boston, Mass. SALESMAN wanted, vacation work. A successfully demonstrated article ana something new. Every lawn owner can be sold. , Requires no capital; lib eral profits. Pleasant outdoor work. See Mr. Barnhart, office corner Front and Flanders street. SALESMEN for freight rate guide and audit system; all manutacturers ana large dealers need It for new freight rate charges; no competition; commis sions $15 and upwards each sale. NA TIONAL FREIGHT BUREAU (Est'd 1894. Rochester. N, Y. SALESMEN Carry our line of high grade advertising pencils; every busi ness a potential customer. Prices lower, quality higher ; commission more lib eral than any on market. Write for in structions. O. K. PENCIL CO.. Louis ville. Ky. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for live wire salesman; Portiajid Industrial se curity. Good returns to- right mam Quick action will make you money Call mornings. 327 Oak st. Ask far Mr. Greene. . AMBITIOUS, energetic salesman to rep resent nationally known, reliable com pany In home territory; highly re munerative to good, conscientious salesman. SHEEHY COMPANY, Mc Clelland bldtr., Lexington, Ky. WANTED A live, experienced salesman to sell a 100 auto accessory, adapt able to all cars. Liberal commission; either city or country proposition. Call or write to F. R, Woodbury, 106 13th st., city. S. F. BOWSER & CO. have opening on their sales force for a good middle aged energetic salesman; man with car preferred ; have good proposition to offer right man. Apply 719 Corbett bldg. SALESMAN wanted to sell patented fabric finish rubber bathroom rugs to department stores, hotels, other high class trade; good commission. JOSEPH SANITARY RUG CO., 314 Caswell bldg.. Milwaukee. Wis. HAVE a splendid proposition, no stock selling, with good territory but need a men with car and sales ability to make it a winner; only one with good record and reference need apply. Conklln, 710 Gasco bldg. WE HAVE an opentng'for an experienced salesman, who can sell goods. Elec trical, radio or automobile accessories; experience preferred. " Commission basis. Call 226-39. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars: earn $2500 to $10,000 commission yearly ; big demand for men; inexperienced or experienced; city or traveling. Nat'I Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 274, Chicago. BRUSH salesmen, experienced and suc cessful, to act as branch managers finest line; best proposition; state your quanncations iuny. ucas 3 rush Co., Railroad bldg.. Denver. Colo. PRINTING salesman, good proposition; full charge job printing dept; first class equipment; all classes of work. Address, giving experience, etc., L 740, Oregonlan. SOMETHING NEW All business and professional men need it : sells S7.o0' costs you $1.50; big repeater. Write for sample. Merchants Assn. Mm neapnllp, Minn. SALESMEN to sell new merchandise and card display holder in connection with present Vine; 20 per cent commission; pocket size sample, Julius J. Jacoby, Inc.. T2 Union st., Providence, R. I. TRAVELING field organizer wanted; should net $10,000 yearly; no corre spondence course; weekly advance3. Merchants School of Advertising, File 41, 22 Quincv. Chicago. $150 COMMISSION week guaranteed by half -million-dollar concern to three producers in this city; state experience. Ellis Co., Operators bldg., Fort Worth. Tex. SALESMAN wanted, must be young and ambitious, to carry high-grade line of knit wear as side line In the states of Oregon and. Washington ; state age and experience. AM 6S8, Oregonlan. SALESMEN; sell merchants and dealers; $10 to $25 commission daily easily; we teach you; every merchant buys; no experience necessary. Sales Manager, su ! ti 221 Manhattan bldg.. Chicago. WANTED Salesman with magazine or newspaper experience, city work, new proposition; no money collected In ad vance. 423 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. WE WANT two experienced, aggressive salesmen for permanent work. Only those with good references of charac- . ter and ability need apply. 630 Arti sans' bldg. EXPERIENCED salesman wanted for business opportunities department. John M. Krog Co., 411-12-13 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 1375. WANTED Two iive salesmen to sell stock in progressive local manufactur ing concern; in active business for two years. AR 733, Oregonian. ARE YOU efficient In organizing, pro moting sales and financially prepared to handle live proposition with large profits? Write Philadelphia Brush Co. EXPERIENCED salesman in haberdash ery trade; road work far eastern house. BC 688, Oregonian. SALESMEN Sell leases 50-50: Texas shallow district: driller owns tools and Ifases. O. C. Mocre. Pioneer. Tex. EXPERIENCED accessory salesman to drive own car, eastern Oregon terri tory. Alemlte Lubricator Co. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. !! WANTED SALESMAN WITH CAR II !!BIG MONEY SELLING REAL ESTATE! ! FRANK L. McGUIRE WANTS a salesman! All prospects and property furnished! ft.LL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO SELL! We close all deals for you AND PAY YOU YOUR COMMISSION THE DAY YOUR DEAL IS CLOSED! NO PREVIOUS EXPE RIENCE REQUIRED! You can learn In our office. You can make thousands of dollars per year. This is your BIG opportunity to get into the real estate business, associated with a live, pro gressive, RELIABLE. ESTABLISHED OFFICE. We offer our salesmen every opportunity to make good. Portland is on the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities in her history! WE NEED A LIVE SALESMAN WITH CAR TODAY. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abfngton Bldg., Broadway 7171. 3d St., Bet. Washington and Stark. WANTED A few high-class salesmen, making Oregon, Washington. Idaho, who are baseball fans and understand the game, to introduce "Big Six," Christy Mathewson's indoor baseball game,- -featured In all the popular magazines and shown nationally on the screen by the Educational Film Co.; gives all the thrills of the dia- mond and Is without exception the most popular game invented In the last decade ; full protection on terri tory. Universal Distributing Co., 506 Worcester bldg., Portland. Or. SALESMAN WANTED. High-grade man to represent a repu table and well-advertised Chicago apron and house dress concern, to call on the drygoods and department store trade throughout the state of Oregon; desirable commission proposition for the right man. If you can qualify, state experience and references. TRIANGULAR APRON CO.. 2510 Montrose Ave., Chicago, Illinois. ARE YOU lookingor a clean, prosper ous and lively position, and one that will give you fine weekly return for your services? Come and join hands with us. Take success as your motto, consequently it will bring business and good cheer to the company, and by so doing you. will understand the real meaning of a sure and honest business, Give phone and address. M 748, Ore gonian. UNUSUAL opportunity for ambitious men. sell Davis $25 quality made-to-measure clothes from maker to wearer, year-round position, quick sales, ad vertising to help you ; entire deposit your commission, wonderful values, satisfaction or money returned, "square deal" proposition ; investigate us, act quickly. Write, giving three references. P. H. Davis Tailoring Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. READ THIS, STOCK SALESMEN. If you are not making better than $500 per month you want to see me at once. This is an - exceptional stock Issue; prospects furnished. We are a large successful Portland Industry and need more money for expansion. Answer today now it will pay you. Star Fruit Products-Co., general offices E. 1st and Yamhill. Ask for Mr. Greene. WANTED Salesmen 10 sell our novelty cartridge pencils and other exclusive - advertising specialties, liberal commis yslon, remittance weekly ; all samples pocket size; every business a prospect, Mne sells all year; fulF'commlsaion paid on repeat orders; established 12 years, just moving into new large factory, need more good men. Heidenreich & Co., 229 8. Jefferson ave., St. Louis. Mo. GREAT one-day sale enameled ware cooking utensils,' big Items to retail for lc each a wonderful sales proposition; can be sold in large or small towns, a large quantity of attractive adver tising matter free with each sale; sold from illustration; a money-making side line; commission $20 on each sale paid promptly. Ohio Valley Enameling & Stamping Co., 180 N. Wabash ave., Chicago. SALESMEN Steady position with splen did opportunity for excellent earnings is open now to man of real sales abil ity, energy and grit; five classes retail trade to work on, previous experience is valuable, but not necessary if instruc tions are followed; line well advertised and inquiries referred to you. Apply the Miles F. Bixler Co., dept. 342, 1922 Euclid ave.. Cleveland. O. SALESMEN WANTED; We have an opening lor two live, ag gressive salesmen with car to sell real estate; prospects furnished; you should be able to clear $300 per month if you are the right man or woman. 820 Lumbermens bldg. SALES MANAGER WANTED TO PLACE NEW ISSUES STOCK OREGON CORPORATIONS. Only experienced men will be con sidered, who have successfully placed issues. Give complete data, issues placed and experience. Replies strictly confidential. J 737, Oregonlan. SALESMEN We manufacture exclusive line beautiful assorted cloth caps, splendid values, fast selling, strictly commission basis; 13500 commission yearly and better; all-year proposition, steady repeat business; small sample case. Robert Jay Co., Great Northern building, Chicago. DO YOU want to make money? Read this week's Issue Saturday Evening Post We have some desirable terri tory open selling the Vacuette Suction - Cleaner either city of country. Call or wrrte Vacuette Distributing Co., 447 Morgan bldg., Portland, SPECIALTY salesmen make $5-$10 and upwards every day they work. We want 50 more men this week. Come in and select town, city or territory you prefer. E. L. Fish, manager, 214 Stock Exchange bldg. Hours 7 to 8:30 P. M. Monday to Saturday. WANTED Securities' salesmen with clientele, for sale ot secured 7 per cent preferred stock in well-known local enterprise. Only responsible high class applicants considered. References and bond required. Address P. O. box 640. city. - LIVE SALESMEN A good position, big money, rapid advancement. Is watting for you; don't answer If you won't work hard. Call Broadway 7581 for appointment. WANTED Salesman for highest grade sweater line. Will give exclusive ter ritory in Oregon and Washington at lVz commission basis. Can offer other lines to established hustler. Wm, S. Bisch Co., 314 Broadway Central Bldg., Los Angeles, CaL WE HAVE an opening for a live wire salesman to handle hotel and apart ment house leases. Must thoroughly understand the business, have a car and be a WORKER. Give phone or address for Interview. D 734, Ore gonlan WE REQUIRE the services of a real live wire salesman to handle real estate exchanges on eommisslon; must under stand the .business, have a car and be a tireless Worker; give address or phone for interview. i 73ft, Oregonlan. AMERICA'S greatest oil burner selling fast, new principle, generator tree from soot filling, cooking and heating burn ers $18 50 up. Write for description. Super Burner, 124 8th st. 84 Minne apolis. Minn. SALESMAN showing line of dresses and skirts, silk woolens and summer ma terials; "side line" of 12 or more num bers, renewed continually; commission - basis. Christopher Co., , 327s S. Market, Chicago HIGH-GRADE salesman calling on the retail millinery trade in Portland and the northwest to handle a profitable sideline that will bring Immediate re sults. All replies confidential. AC 732. Oregonian. WANTED Demonstrator who can dem onstrate ideal and domestic science tireless cookers; must be experienced: excellent proposition, with salary to right party. Apply to the Vinton Co, 5th and Flanders. WANTED A first-class live-wire sales man to sell ''specialties. The proposi tion is strictly a commission one. A drawing account can be arranged to the right party. BP 658, Oregonian. LARGE Portland automobile firm desires the services of a high-gra,de retail au tomobile salesman for popular line of cars; only those with fine selling rec ords need apply. L 729. Oregonian. SALESMEN, sell men's made-to-order clothing, attractive materials, lowest prices, good profits; samples ready; give experience. Emerson Tailoring Co.. 7th and Arch. Philadelphia. lOUNG man of initiative, between the ages of 21 to 35, who want to make money in a business at office of great future. Apply 334 Northwest Bank bldg. after 9:30 A. M. SMART salesman as sole representative for Portland and state of Oregon, good income assured ; must be financially responsible. 524 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED AGENTS. I AGENTS Crew men. novelty men. Gloo- renw a ouc mucilage fountain pen, everybody buys on demonstration; write for big profit plan. Gloo-Pen Co.. U-56. Pine St.. New York. CHEWING GUM Sell to stores, profit. able business built up quickly with our novel packages; spearmint and popular navors; write toaay, iieimet Co., Cln cln-natl. WANTED Big pay to men everywhere d:strioucing samples, oooKlets, etc., whole or spare time; no experience re quired. S. Meyer, 211 7th St., Louls- vllle, Ky. EVERY scratch a hght wise salesmen sen pen light. Entirely new. Other money-making epecial-ties. Particulars free. Mueller, Importer, 27 Second. AGENTS wanted fverywnere. Violet Ray headquarters, 218 Chamber of Com merce bldg. WANTED AGENTS. SIDE-LINE for salesmen calling on har ness, hardware, implement or general stores in Idaho. Oregon and Washing ton to sell our manufactured sweat pads on commission. Small sample Jine to carry. In replying state exact territory covered and at what intervals. Address AN 241, Oregonlan. AGENTS with auto wanted by manufac turer throughout the country to sell a line f high-ciass merchandise, com prising coffee in vacuum packed, teas, chocolate, extracts, spices, toilet soaps, laundry soaps, toilet preparations, ce reals and household remedies, etc.; di rect to consumers; exclusive territory; big profits. Write early for choice ter ritory. ZINN PRODUCTS CO., 1740 42 23d ave., Oakland, Cal. AGENTS Best seller; Jem rubber repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcan ization at a saving of over 800 per cent; put It on cold, it vulcanises Itself In two minutes, and is guaranteed to last the life of the tlreor tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and free samples, address Amazon Rubber Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Dept. 79. INDIANA manufacturers marketing en tirely new auto accessory making night driving safe, eliminating glare from approaching headlights; want 'state sales managers to open branch office, handle exclusive territory and manage salesmen. Profit possibilities practically unlimited. Some capital necessary. Fay Filter Company, Ma rion, Indiana. GARTSIDE'S IRON RUST SOAP CO,. 4054 Lancaster ave., Phlla.. Pa., mfrs. of the BEST and the ORIGINAL IRON RUST SOAP, wants agents. Trade mark, print and copyright registered in U. S. patent office. This soap re moves Iron rust, ink and other un washable strains from clothing, mar ble, etc, like magic 5c tube; big profits. AGENTS Get our 77 Introductory offer on new style hose, men's and ladies' silk, and silk and mercerized yarn heather hose for summer. Biggest novelty out. Neither capital 'nor ex- ouBt.o uocucu, we ueuver ana cm- lect. Pay you daily. Write quick. xe iirsi ana gran tne cream. Mac-O-Chee Mills Co., dept 6145, Cincinnati, Ohio. MEN WANTED Local representatives iu (.jra-vc rurtu routes in uregon, iook ing after new and renewed subscrip tions to American Fruit Grower. Pleasant, dignified work, position per manent; good pay to men who qualify. Prefer men owning auto. Write Cir culation department 33, Field Service Bureau, Inc., 537 S, Dearborn as., Chicago. I . OWN $15,000 Unincumbered .and un improved, Portland property. I will exchange for a Portland hotel or rooming house and will assume a moderate amount. My property con sists of several pieces, therefore I can trade for a smaller placa. All answers will be treated as confidential, not disclosed to anyone. V 747, Orego nian. AGENTS You've always wanted big money. Here it Is. ( $16 to $32 com mission a day. New patented alu minum handle cutlery set. You sim ply display set and write order. We deliver and collect. Pay you daily. Experience unnecessary. Sample free. Try it out. Jennings Mfg. Co., Set D 448, Dayton, O. AGENTS Both sexes. To introduce "Fill Me," the only perfect refillable powder puff. Will hold enough pow der to last several weeks. Absolutely new. Women everywhere buying on sight. No sales talk required. 150 per cent profit Make $10 a day easily. . Write P. A. Broderick Co., 298 Broad way. New York. YOU CAN easily earn $10 commission daily, eventually Independence, with out capital or experience, silvering mirrors, plating and reflnlshing ta bleware, autos, chandeliers, headlights, radiators, bedsteads; complete outfits furnished. Write for information, Manton-Decie Laboratories, 1133 Broad way. New York. AGENTS $15 commission a day. easy, quick sales, free auto, big weekly bonus, $1.75 premium free to every customer; simply show our beautiful 7-piece soMd aluminum-handle cutlery Bet, appeals instantly; we deliver and collect, pay daily. New Era Mf . Co , . 803 Madison st., dept. 136F Chicago. PARTY to take over distributing and sales of Oregon and Washington.; a patent auto accessory for all makes of gas engines; a proven article of merit: a money maker; every auto owner wants one; the only one of its kind. See me at once if you mean business. "" cn.a. Jianon St., ae 1 1 woo d. AGENTS Sell Mlnitmend tires and tubes; costs 2c repair; surpasses vul canizing; saving 500 per cent; every auto and accessory dealer buys; profits amazing. Shaw made $21 first day; Murray, $140 first week. Particulars . and free sample. Colonial Rubber Co., Dept., 25, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS $6 to $12 commission daily easy; 850 lightweight, fast-selling popular priced necessities; food fla vors, perfumes, soaps, toilet prepara tions, on;. Agent s ouint rree; write today, quick, niw. American Products Co.. 6208 American bldg., Cincinnati. O. AGENTS $300 commission nr mnnth Steady pay. Newest style written guaranteed hosiery. Must wear or re placed free. Experience unnecessary. Spare time satisfactory. Samples free. Jennings Mfg. Co., Trial J 169, Day ton, O. CUTTER on silk waists. Must be , experienced. MENZIN & FULOP, 4th and Couch Sts. EAST, our new flavor, sells and re peats rapidly; distributing our nation ally advertised products, you can quickly develop your own Independent business; exclusive territory. Write for exceptional Distributor Plan, Scotmlnt Co., Dept. 97, Jersey City, N. J. NEVER IDLE Plenty work; $10 com mission daily easy refinishlng chan deliers, brass beds, autos, etc No capital or experience required. Gat busy. Gumnetal Co., 33 Ohi, Deca- AGENTS $50-$75 commission weekly, taking orders silk hosiery; $30 guar anteed; experience unnecessary; sam ples free. We deliver and collect. Marvel Mills, 545 Broadway, G-88, New York. AGENTS $10 commission daily easy. Brand new. Every home needs Iron ing board covers. Selling fast. Expe rience unnecessary. Sample free. Rallen Mfg. Co., dept. 8044, Baltimore bldg., MAKE 600 per cent profit, free samples, lowest priced gold window letters for stores. nfflfM- onvk., An a, i. demand, exclusive territory. Acme Let ter Co., 2804 Congress, dept. P-149 Chicago. BIG MONEY and fast sales. Every own er buys gold initials for his auto. You charge $1.50; make $1.35. Ten or ders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co., desk 505, East Orange, N. J. A BUSINESS of your own, make spar kling glass name plates, numbers, . checker boards, medallions, signs; big illustrated book mailed free. E. Pal- iiier, v w poster, (J. AGENTS To handle staple line home iai m iieueaainea; steady repeat orders; exclusive territory; good com missions. Tango Co., 193 Trumbull at,, AGENTS $60 to $200 commission week, free samples, gold sign letters; anyone can put on store windows, big demand liberal offer to general agents. Me- tatnc Letter i;o is. Clark. Chicago CRESCO products sell rapidly, four new articles just added, sell year round, big profits, new catalog ready. Improved Mfg. Co., dept. 26S. Ash land. O. . NOE-EQUAL HOSIERY; UNLIMITED GUARANTEE; NO DELIVERING AGENTS MAKING UP TO $50 PER DAY. CALL MORNINGS, MAIN 5588, FOR APPOINMENT AGENTS making $200 commission weekly selling our hand-power solid copper vacuum washer, only one with a valve beats 'em all. Belle on sight. Duplex Mfg. Co., dept. V. Detroit, Mich ATTENTION Bonus workers, ex-service men; big money;, pay dally; live wires only. Noel Kinaman, 39 S. State, Chi cago. AGENTS 6.000,000 Fords need our 25c guaranteed fan belt. Cost you $1.50 per dozen. Teuscher & Son, St. Louis, SALESMAN Money - saver typewriter attachment; can be handled with other specialties. Good commission; R 749 Oregonian. WANT AGENTS Energetic men or women to act as representatives of a household necessity, commission basis. Address AE 747, Oregonian. WHY WORK for others? Make and sell your own goods. We show you how. Free book explains everything. Thos. at9ei, rrea., oaa aiain. Kicnmoryl, Va. AGENTS Sell new soft drink, add nnth ing but water; goes big. Wolverine isoap yjo., nzt water, fortiand. Mich; AGENTS 3 profit selling Radio gas 10 E. 14th st.. N. Y. ' INCREASE your profits selling soap, per fumes, extracts, etc., as side line. La cassian Co., dept. 642, St. Louis. Mo. HEALTH, acldent and hospital insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE CAN USE four neat, intelligent and well recommended college girls during va cation for soliciting house to house in country towns. Each girl to work separately. Prefer girls who have had previous experience soliciting. Will pay $30 per week and transportation. If work satisfactory position will last until school starts. Apply, giving pre vious experience, if any, and at least two cuy references. J744. oregonian. THE UNIVERSITY SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, in Its home department, wishes the sewvlces of 2 or 3 earnest womei over 25 years old to Interview mothers ' on the character building end voca tional guidance of children; we pay $40 to $75 a week to those who can meet our requirements. Meet our supervisor at 218 Railway Exchange bldg. after Sunday, from 2 until 5 P. M. OPERATORS on silk waists, piece work. CUTTER on silk waists. Must be experienced. MENZIN A FTJLOP, 4th. and Couch St a. TEA ROOM training organization, 33 West 42d st.. New York Resident and correspondence ; courses. Wonderful opportunity for ambitious women in tea room, motor inn, luncheonette, cafeteria, coffee-sandwich shop. Train ing under personal direction, Helen M. Woods, former employment manager New York's six largest hotels. Write for booklet. - POSITIONS OPEN MONDAY. Exp. law stenographer, $90. Exp. lumber stenographer, $100. Stenog.-bookkeeper, lumber, $110. Stenog.-dlct, op. whL grocery, $100. S tenog.-sec. , mach i nery, $ 100. WILLIAMS. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST. 604 SPALDING BLDG. WANTED Refined southerly woman as housekeeper, young couple with two children, comfortable permanent home for right party, six-room bungalow, modern conveniences, $35 month. Tabor 2501. WANTED Hign school or college trained woman under 40 to travel; meet teachers, students ; position will pay $80 weekly to right party; railroad fare paid; give phone, address and qualifications and previous experience. G 743. Oregonlan. WANTED Young women for canvassing . who are willing to ' work for, from $3 to $4 per day; experience not neces sary. Apply office Huntington Rub ber Mill, room 14, 120 Grand ave., Sun 1 day morning, 10 to 12 o'clock, & to 12 Monday. Don't telephone. RESPONSIBLE woman, light house work; half days; no Sundays; small apartment, three in the family; good pay. Apply Sunday morning or any forenoon. Cambrian apts, apt. 16. 433 Columbia. WANTED -Two young ladies to give all or part time for organizing work along educational line; salary guaranteed; not canvassing for books; give qualifi cations and phone number. K 744, Oregonlan. : WANTED Two first-class waitresses for one of eastern Oregon's newest hotels who wiil room together; $12 week, room and board, good side money. A place where you can save money. Call 730 Multnomah st. Phone East 7322. LADIES $10 commission daily easy: brand new Ironing board covers, selling fast; experience unnecessary; spare time; sample free. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. 7529. Baltimore bldg., Chicago. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and cashier; must understand all phases of office work. Apply at once; steady position. Enke's Dye Works, E. 3d and Ash sts. WANTED Girl to assist with houseworic ' in modern bungalow ; no washing or cooking; might consider one who has other employment for short hours. Phone Tabor 4496. . SALESLADY Wanted Permanent posi tion with good wages for a thoroughly competent saleslady in the dry goods department; references required. In- quire uannon & jo uregon uity, ui. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHERS. REGISTER WITH THE CLERICAL FLACEMENT BUREAU. MISS A. G. CROSSLEY. MANAGER. 309 COR BETT BLDG. ' WANTED First-class waitress for Chandler Hotel, Marshfield. $55 per month without room. R. R. fare re funded if satisfactory and remaining 3 months. SALAD MAKER WANTED Only girls having had experience in cafeteria work need apply. Celesta Hyde, 9th floor, Llpman, woire uo, YOUNG LADY to operate dictaphone and do general office work. One with experience preferred. AP 727, Ore goman. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phone. Mala H450. DM car. COOK for ranch, $65; housekeeper, $40; 2 second maids, $50, $55; good cooks, $G5. $70. Scott's Emp. office, 329 Henry bldg, ELDERLY lady for light housework in family of two; four rooms, $15 per month. Miller, 6416 72d st. S. E. Mt Scott car. TO 4 COLLEGE students who can qual ify we offer a splendid opportunity for work during summer vacation. AK 731, Oregoman. YOUNG girl living In walking distance hf 4rith nnrl Hawthorne to assist with housework; few hours daily. Tabor 8190. EFFICIENT woman of mature years with ambition and responsibility to earn money. Entire time required. Not office. AG 72. oregoman. WANTED Refined, middle-aged woman looking for home more than wages as housekeeper in family with two small children. 1X1 atepnens WANTED Versatile young lady, good personality, for vaudeville act; will coach amateur; give age with full de- scriptlon. R 745. Oregonlan WANTED Middle-aged woman to keep housft for man and three children. Call 7010 61st ave. Take Mt. Scott car. GOOD home (country), family of 3, to middle-aged lady, for company and l;ght service; references. AH 750, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter; one capable of taking charge of marking and sorting department; wages $25 a week Model Laundry, The Dalles. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, clerical workers, register with the Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau. Broadway at Tay'or. AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, demon strate and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per week, railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. uuiSJH. umana, jeo. THOROUGHLY experienced nurse gir! for 2-year boy; one willing to go to beach for summer; references, 340 Tentn street WANTED Swede, Finn or Scandinavian housekeeper. Call Bdwy. 3424 before o'ciocK toaay. CAN USE a school teacher during sum mer vacation; call Darce. 310 Bush & Lane bldg. EXPERIENCED all-around cafeteria woman. Apply Soller'e Cafeteria, 3d at Burnside COMPTOMETER operator, quick and ac curate; gve pnone, age ana saiary ue stred. D 715, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress, logging camp. Apply" early. Carter's Employment Of- Iice. Jncny. EXPERIENCED hair dresser wanted at once. The May ieiiano jaair fa nop, Seattle. A TEACHER who wishes to procure in teresting remunerative summer work. Add ress BP 734. Oregonlan. WANTED To communicate with some one who does quilting by hand. BF 732, Oregonian. ; DISHWASHER and short-hour counter for cafeteria; can apt. 04. Marvin apt., 415 East Taylor. Sun., after 2:30. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is - ready to help any girls In distress. 95$ East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 816. WANT experienced lady operator on pow er sewing machine lor auto top work. G. G. Gerber, 431 Davis. COMPTOMETER operator for wholesale grocery. State age. experience and pnone numper. xsj ob, uregonian. WANTED Experienced cook for small summer hotel. Write fully, stating experience. W oregonlan. WANTED Exnerienced marker and sorter; must be first-class; wages $22.50 , per weeK. MQflei ijaunary, i ne uaues. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, register with Williams Personnel Service, 504 Spalding bldg. WANTED Young waitress at once. 713 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. YOUNG girl for light housework. Call East 571. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework; small wages. Tabor 1222. WAITRESS wanted; call at Waitresses' Union, room 401, Labor Temple. WANT girl for general housework, family of adults; no washing. Phone East 19S4. WANTED First-class coat finisher. In qulre 94 6th st. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. Opera House Laundry. COAT finisher, first -class. Ray Bark hum. 6th and Stark. WANTED Dental office assistant; state age and experience. AM 732. Oregonian. LADY to serve at luncheon, also to help prepare lunch. 614 Jefferson st., apt. 1. WANT a lady to wait on tables. 233 Yi. Burnside, HELP WANTED FEMALE. TRAVELING .SALESWOMEN WANTED. Reliable firm, established over 30 years throughout the United States, whose saleswomen are earning from $150 to $300 per month, can use In the Pacific northwest 5 or more energetic women 28 years of age or over having f good education who want permanent pieasant ousinesa. in is is not ior pastime work or experimenters.' Per manent employment, exclusive terri tory, worthy educational work. Ex pense allowance and liberal commis sion granted. We train capable women in our vwork. The work is for you to do. In answering state what experi ence you have had, give two refer ences, give home address. 605 Central ' Bldg., Seattle, Wash, THE OLDS. WORT MAN & KING STORE requires tne services of a young woman about 20 years of age who wishes to learn the ready-to-wear business; tern- porarfi applicants need not apply. ln . quire at superintendent's office 9:1C to 10:30 . M. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced saleswoman for toilet goods and drugs. Apply superintendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. , YOUNG woman between 25 to 30 that understands how to take care of chil dren. Small house, two adults and 2 small girls. Also to assist in light housework. Good wages to the right party. 685 E. Stark, E. 8188. Call Monday. . HOTEL .maid, city, $17 week; waitress for resort,. $45, room and board; man and wife on ranch; waitress, hotel, out, $55, board; freneral housework, $60; hotel maid, city, $60. Portland Labor Agency, 301 Raleigh bldg. WANTED Young single girl to take care of a three-room apt. ; must be honest. Fine place and good wages far the right party. Address P. O. Box 4059. Portland. HOUSEKEEPER in worklngman'a home in the city; no family; no objection to widower with one or two children; good wages: references required. V 4, uregonian. WANTED Stenographer for insurance adjusters office, one who has some knowledge of bookkeeping and gen eral office work. Apply P. S. Abbott, 200 3d st. WANTED A Scandinavian or German housekeeper for two Swedish boye. on farm; between 25 and 35. No objec tions to one email child. BJ 744, Ore gonian FIVE extra girls wanted, between 18 ana 20. feeriess r oou rruuuuis 105 N. 2d, between Flanders and Glisan sts. ELDERLY lady to care for children and do very light nousewora, nome auu some wges, give phone number. Y oregonian, LADIES The Franco-American Hygienic CO., Can USe Z Capa.Ul women ill iciu- tory where ousiness is aireuy wu lished. Full or part time. Main 8181 MIDDLE-AGED lady to take care of scnooi gin.wnne momer wuitva, d.ji one who wants home; small wages. .sain w WANTED Salesladies for city and vi cinity; good commissions and a future. Call after 9 A. M 413 Consolidated Securities building. 84 tn st. W LiUD xperienceu wumu die egga ana wrap duudi. WANTED Girl for general office work. Apply today (Sunday), between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M 330 Morgan bldg. WANT experienced stenographer; state experience and references and begln- Mng salary. At' 7t, uregonian TWO women, whole or part time, to sell rubber goods. Salary. Room 331. 407 Washington st. WANTED Waitresses in and out of the city. Top wages. Open 8undays. Lewis employment service, -o-j 11. GIRL to" assist with housework and cnitaren; someone with us w Deacn. wain. znmi. FANCY presser for cleaning and dye week. 7R4 Sandv. v AN EXPERIENCED waitress at Purity Dairy. 133 4tn st. i;au auuui g m EXPERIENCED waitress at the Riche- neu caie. ivivz tig at WAITRESS wanted at Multnomah res taurant, 52 4th st. ' MANICURE girl at Wilcox hjdg. barber shop. 6th and Washington st. WANT experienced counter and table waitress. 154 5th st BUS GIRL for cafeteria, ready to go to work 6 A. M. Monday. 269 Aider st. WANTED An apprentice girL 507 Royal bldg. . Wanted Domestics. WANTED Girl for cooking and light downstairs work, must be experienced and willing to go to Gearhart for July and August; references required. Phone Monday atter ; wages 510. aiam 10a 1. WANTED Competent maid for general housework, good wages. Call at 400 E. 15th N., between 2 and 4 P. M. Phone East 4446. - EXPERIENCED girl wanted for gen eral housework and cooking; two ad ults in apt.; 730 Everett, apt. 1. Call mornings. WANTED School girl to make her home in a private ramiiy, Kose tuy Park, light work, room, board and small wages. Phone Tabor 286. WILL give girl or woman good home and some pay to assist with light housework and child. Call Monday, 2C7 Irving apts., 21st and Irving. NEAT, refined, educated girl to assist with light general housework and care of two small children, uau w ooaiawn 6316 between 9 A. M. and 12. HIGH SCHOOL girl, over 16, to help with housework and children during summer and go to school in the fall, near Jefferson high school. Wdln. 4208 WOMAN to' do housework -and cooking, family of 2, who are at work all day. Call Sunlay between 10 and 2. Sell wood 3109 week days, Sellwood 131. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Family of 2 and young baby. No washing. Call Tabor 3106. WANTED School girl to assist with light housework and care of child. Mar. 1078. , WANTED Woman to do light house work for elderly couple; $30 per month. Call after 9 A. M., 971 E. Stark st. WANTED Gir-1 or woman from 4 o'clock daily to prepare evening meal for two. Belle Court apta. roaaway oj, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST te assist with housework; $25 a month. Apply 481 E. 15th N. WANTED Housekeeper, family of 4; modern conveniences. Vancouver, Wash. Call 605 McKay bldg., city. WOMAN for general housework in small family; good home for right party. Tabor 8386. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work; references. Ap- ply mornings. 1H3 N. 2t)th EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Saturday afternoons, and Sun days on. vnin. uif-.ta. EXPERIENCED finishers on gowns; none pthers need apply. 303 N. W. Bank bldg. COMPETENT maid for general house work; medium sized family. Mar. 3654. 1240 Thurman. EXPERIENCED maid wanted for down stairs work in private family. Mrs. Peter Kerr. Main 7243. GOOD home for reliable girl ; must be neat, honest and love children; knowl edge of cooking necessary. E. 8562. GIRL to assist in housework, small family, no cooking or washing. Apply 6H6 Lovejov st. EXPERIENCED cook to go with private family to the beach; city reference re quired. Mar. 3005. Call Monday. WANTED Young girl to assist witn housework; no washing or cooking; 4 adults: wages $30. Phone Tabor 41. WANTED Good reliable girl for general housework; no washing. Call Tabor 6831. GIRL for cooking and downstairs work, family of four. 393 Vista ave. Main 247. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; wages $20. Tabor 5035. EXPERIENCED girl for general house! work; no cooking. 32S Jackson st. FAMILY going to beach for summer wants competent cook. Mar. 335. GIRL for housework, 3 adults, good wages. 540 E. 21st St. N. GIRL for general housework, 2 adults, child 4 years. East 79R0. WOMAN to cook for family of 4, on ranch. Call Main 4091. WANTED High school girl to help with housework. Phone Monday. Main 6016. WOMAN wanted to do housework, 3 in ' family. Sell. 2012. LADY wishes to take home sewing for factory or store. AG 745. Oregonlan. WANTED A housekeeper. 95 ,E. 34th st. Tabor 2594. COMPETENT ' girl for housework; no Tvpphing. 211 E. 55th st. Tabor 162S. HOUSEKEEPER for widower. Reiply to M. C, P. O. Box 3932. Portland. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, not over 35 years old, for bachelor. Tabor 8435. WANTED Experienced girl for general ; housework, good wages. Bdwy. 1145. WANTED Girl to assist with general howcrk. 381 10th.. GIRL ,for general housework and cook ing. Apply Main 3694, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Woman living at home to as sist with housework In family living In apartment; prefer person residing In vicinity of 21st and Glisan sts. Call Main 6S78. WANTED Young woman for general housework; experienced; with refer- ences. Apply Monday, 776 Overton st. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by man and grown son; modern farm house; wages J25. T. A. McKee, Jefferson, Or. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE BERRY PICKERS for the H. N. Strong berry farm at Gresham, Or.; should make reservations now. Preference given to experienced Dickers and those who have picked for me before. 140 1 acres in raspberries, loganberries ana blackberries; 70 acres now in bearing. Write giving full information, age, sex of children and experience, inclosing self-addressed envelope for prompt re ply. BERRY PICKERS WANTED Between 200 and 300 pickers wanted for logan berries and raspberries in the Wood burn district. Free camping sites and wood furnished and in many cases stoves and laundry facilities. Reply at once to Woodburn Fruit Growers' Co-operative association, Woodburn. Or. AN UNUSUALLY attractive proposition for men or women who are capable of getting results selling direct, a most complete and attractive line. Promi nent connection. No investment, Rm. 304. Hotel Grant, Sunday. MAN or woman Wanted, $40 com. weekly full time, $1 an hour spare time sell ing guaranteed hosiery to wearer; ex perience unnecessary. 'International Mills, Norrlstown, Pa. WANTED A few wide-awake sales people. Can make money selling the official rose festival song. 727 Cor bett bldg. Call Monday, aTune 19. MAN and wife to help do work in apart ment house for rent of apartment 274 N. 21st st. MAKE money in your spare time. For information, box 37H2. cit)fc TO PICK poultry. Apply Mr. Hoover, Swift & Co., 4th and Hoyt, FAMILIES with camping outfits to pick loganberries. K 762. Oregonlan. WANTED Solicitor i or wood and ooaL Call Walnut 7338. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WILL receive applications for active partners in business from men wno ae sire to become interested In business for themselves ; must be honest, ener getic, willing to learn business and. fill positions best adapted for them and the company. Requires an Investment upon which the right parties may have terms For appointment give phone number, character references, amount you can invest and what line of work appeals to you. We are a home con cern. Y 748. Oregonian CABINET MAKER, MACHINE OPER ATOR. First-class workman wanted at once by large woodworking plant; plant completely owned by company now operating; unusually good chance for man making investment to get ahead fast in organization. B 746, Oregonlan. IF YOU have lots of energy and $2000 cash to Invest with your services ana desire to get into a legitimate business - where profits are large and growing, write us for appointment, giving age, phone number and what line of work best appeals to you. We are hot agents. I 711, Oregonlan. HAVE position for active, ambitious young man who can Invest some money and associate himself with company as partner; give age, reference", amount of Investment desired and phone number, if any. P 718, Ore gonian. PORTLAND MFG. CO. now in operation with factory and sales offices estab lished desires additional help who can make small Investment and becomo active partner; state references and amount you will invest if suited. M 71ft, Oregonlan. JANITOR AND WIFE, thoroughly ex , perienced in apt. house, must under stand steam heating plant, plumbing and kalsom i n jr. Kere re n c es req u ired No phone cal'ls. Office, Grandest. Apts.. 68 Grand ave., cor, stark. SALESMAN Lady or gentleman with small amount cash take half interest good paying business. Call on beauty parlors and drug stores. 165 4th st, room 32. WANTED A man with $2500 and serv ices; good office man preferred; this is a Dona nae proposition. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 222 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. LIVE musician to buy half interest in email music store and play dances; $250 will handle. State all you do. AV 243, Oregonian. WANT young man with $1000 to invest with services; merchandise business; $150 salary to start; share of earnings. Mr. Kelly, James Co., 3Q6 Henry bldg. TRAP drummer to buy half interest in music store and play dances; $250 will handle. State all you do. AV 243, Ore gonlan. WANTED Young man with $125 to learn business; good pay while learn ing. AR 714, oregonian. YOUNG man to invest $300 with serv ices in A-l business. Money secured. AB 732, Oregonlan. EX-SERVICE man with $600. We can use you in a good business that 'will bring good Income. M 707, Oregonian. ONE-THIRD interest in tent and awning business. $800 required. This will stand investigation, uroaaway 000. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXP. janitor, single man, wants work, apt. house or office bldg. Best refer ences. East 4837. CARPENTER'S apprentice, have some experience at finishing. D 740, Ore gonian. PAINTING, kalsomining, 50c per hour: papering 30c a roll ; tools furnished. Ooi. 372. CLEAN, capable young man 17, wants work, very efficient with car or piano. Phone East 89. GARDENER wants to make new lawns. cutting. Main 4122 Kahlfeld. 328 Mill St. WE BUILD small houses and garages and repair old ones; rock bottom prices, 735 East Main. East 3550. EXPERIENCED driver wants position as private cnauiieur; can give reierences Phone Bdwy. 7038 MINER Long experience In both quartz and placer mines, win go anywnere. Address 744 vaugnn st., city. Al TRUCK DRIVER with 10 years' ex perience, with good references. Phone Auto. 3a-iH. WOULD like employment as watchman or elevator operator. Phone Tabor 9560. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes work driving truck or private car; best ref erences. Phone East 5072. FIRST-CLASS horseshoer and general blacksmith, must have work. F. A. Jones. 421 San Rafael st. East 903. PAINTING, PAPERING, CALCIMINING. Best material. Prices save you money. ' Tabor 2328. East 9212. KALSOMINING, PAINTING. PLASTER REPAIRING. REASONABLE. MAIN 2865. KALSOMINING, papering, signs, cold water painting with spraying machine. E. 3857. YOUNG man stenographer, general of fice, machinery and railroad experi ence. W 749. Oregonian. PAINTING All work guaranteed. Esti mates free. Caicimining, decorating. Bdwy. 1702! EXPERIENCED janitor and engineer; make minor repairs. Married. J 740, Oregonian. COLLEGE student desires short-hour work after 6 P. M. Tabor 2055. PAINTING, tinting, exterior, interior work a specialty. East 9982. GOOD carpenter, day or contract, new or repair, reasonable. Marshall 1606. JAPANESE wants place to do cooking. P 746, Oregonlan PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Woodlawn 6613. WANT work in garage or driving car or truck. Main 2121. PAINTING and kalsomining, good work guaranteed. Marshall 1455. NEAT man wishes work, any kind, small invest. AE 729. Oregonian. WANTED Hauling for 24-ton truck. Tabor 9257. BOY W'ith bicycie wants employment for summer vacation. East 9S2. BRICKLAYING Chimneys and fire-p-aces a specialty. East 7968. EXCAVATING, grading, general team work. Tabor 1587. POSITION by middle-aged man as janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. GOOD janitor wishes work. Oregonian. PLUMBER, first-class workman, wants work, any kind. East 4852. HIGH SCHOOL boy 17. 3 yrs. high school, wants position. Wdln. 3956. YOUNG man wants job as chauffeur; can operate all cars. Woodlawn 1864. CHEF, first-class all around man, wants work. Auto. 640-S 5. RESHINGLING, 10 years in Portland; prices rignt; reierences. warn, tmu, LAWN MOWERS snarpened, 306 Haw thorne ave. East 17MT PAINTING, tinting, first-class work guaranteed. Phone East 3269. CARPENTER wants work by contract. Broadway 1822. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. DRAFTSMAN. ESTIMATOR AND SU PERINTENDENT; CAPABLE, EX PERIENCED, ENERGETIC AND RELIABLE MAN WANTS POSITION. It 729, OREGONIAN. EXPERIENCED business man, past 15 years with iarge corporation In capa cities bookkeeper, accounting, cashier, timekeeping, executive for 6 years, de sires any kind of work, office or out side. Go any place where family can accompany. Man ot proven ability, with Al reference!. AG 747, Orego nian. YOUNG man, 30 years old, desires con nection with wholesale or manufactur ing concern; past 9 years connected with large wholesale concern in sales and credit department as shUf eierk and cashier. Accustomed to meet ing public and not afraid of work or responsibility. Best references.- 11 712, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED salesman, retail or wholesale, desires position with busi ness firm where there Is chanoe for advancement, best of references, mar ried, good personality and has plenty of pep and initiative to show result. Also thorougtily familiar with book keeping and general office work. M 747, Oregonlan. YOUNG executive, 24. accountant five years wholesale manufacturing lumber experience, fir, hemlock, cedar; also experienced reference advertising sales man recently large eastern concern; single, one dependent, not employed; reierences. rnone awy. 44tt, apt, a. SALES expe rienced particularly in machinery, ,tool and metal-working lines, desires per manent connection; 35 years old, at present sales manager large California corporation. Clean record, good refer ences. BP 743. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man (30) with six years law experience wants work as time keeper or general clerk; permanent; any kind of work; outside or office. If willingness is asset. Must be place where can take family. BD 713. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED jainter, decorator, kal sominer and paper i-anger wants work by the dav or contract: sincrle: will ing to go anywhere; A-l. references, reasonable. H. E. CahlU, Hotel Carl ton. Portland. Or. POSITION as foreman on large farm. experienced in general farming ana dairying; understand pure-bred dairy and beef cattle and handling of men, or will consider place on shares. AL 750, Oregonian. SALESMAN Cap-bJa, progressive, with lime jcttra ciean recora as a prouueor, open for engagement with a ilrst-clajs house. No stocks, bonds or peddling considered. Records confirming ability A. M., 9712 65th ave. S. E. SHINGLING We specialize In reshin gling and roof repairing. It will pay v you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. East 1928. PAINTING, TINTING. PAPERHANG ING. GET OUR PRICES ON FIRST CLASS WORK AND MATERIAL. B. McELROY. 340 SAN RAFAEL. EAST 9434. WANTED Position as elevator operator, watchman or gardener by reliable and experienced married man ; must have work. Address 4520 50th st. S. E., Port land, Or. . PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates turn. Kinder & Peterson. Mar. 1828. LET ME REPAIR OR OVERHAUL your car in your garage or mine, 15 years' experience, best of references. G. E. Cain. Automatic 615-80 PAPERHANGING, KALSOMINING, 65c PER HOUR. PAINTING. EAST 6716. ' CAPABLE office man, 26, 10 years ex perience, wants work; high school edu cation; married; drive Ford; do any thing AN 727, Oregonian. YOUNG man, handy with tools, fair edu cation, wishes steady work in citT re ward for same. Phone Main 2805, apt. 7, ask for Clarence. I WANT WORK as a laborer or any kind of work; lost my mother March 30. Please write or call Auto. 616-14. Ed ward H a r t. THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau furnishes all kinds of office workers. Good types of girls registered. Refer ences carefully investigated. Main 481. GARDENER, experienced in landscape ing, gardening and orchard; works on anything in that Ijne; by day or mo. References. Broadway 2790. YOUNG American couple,, congenial, de sire situation In country hotel, clerk or maid, or what have you? Must be per manent. AO 744. Oregonian. JOB ON a dairy as milker and barnman; can milk by band or machine; also ex perienced in milk house work. Box 87, Ballston, Or. ENGLISH gardener, experienced, re quires steady job, all branches; relia ble. Messrs. Clarke Bros., florists, 287 Morrison st. WANTED, by middle-aged couple, no children, caretaker of house during summer; beat references. P 747, Ore gonian. 5 MARRIED man wishes steady job in wholesale house or truck driver; can give reierences. Bdwy. 3755. F. E. Schultz. HOUSECLEANING, waxing, windows, carpets and landscape gardening, pr manent. AK 749. Oregonian. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. For first-class work and lowest prices call J. H. Jenkins. East 7842. WANTED Position by ail-round kitchen man, middle age. In or out of town. Address R 73S. Oregonian. WE FRENCH dry clean and press ladies' plain suits for $1.50. Joy the Tailor, 104 4th. near Stark. 5 branch stores. WANTED Position of any kind with reasonable pay. Address El lie. Ore gon Ex-service Men's club. Main 7867. EXPERIENCED chauffeur. colored, wants position driving for private f&m ily. BC 733. Oregonlan. FLOOR SURFACING AND FINISHING. W. H. T IBB ITS. 4803 32d Ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. JANITOR, married, experienced In oil burners, wants apt. house work: rmt- erences. BF 71. Oregonian. HANDY man, middle aged, Ten. repairs, understands oil business. AE 748, Ore gonian. A-l AUTO repair shop foreman wants place with garage in Portland ; best of references. BJ 706. Oregonian. "PAIN T UP.' Satisfaction guaranteed; all branches; day or night. Tabor 7652. PHARMACIST registered, years of ex perience, city or country ; references. Druggist, Mil .Kerpy st. BUTCHER Experienced meat cutter desires position, anywhere. L 743, Ore gonian. COLLEGE student wants position in a drug store, in or out of city. Phone Columbia 226. BOY, 14, would like a place in the coun try to work for board and room dur Ing the summer. Call Sellwood 2733. IF YOU are going away for the sum mer I will take care of your home nd lawn for roonfr M2, Qregonia. STRONG BOY, 19, wants any kind of work from 5 to 8A.M. Sellwood 2S05. WANT position as janitor or watchman. Phone H10-31. HOUSE painted. $50-$95; rooms tinted, $l-$5; papering, 3fc roll. Wdln. 6084. CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK OF ALL KINDS. MIXER. TABOR GSS8. BRICK contractor, boiiera, furnaces, fire pi iacesanylindrickworJ YOUNG Norwegian man wants steady work, anything in city. Wdln. 6580. A-l BUILDING CONTRACTOR. HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR 3323. I APERHANGLNG, etc. E. Bennett, 770 Williams ave. Woodlawn 209. INSIDE FINISHER. PHONE 314-57. HAULING, moving, contracting, go any where. cheap rates. Crawford. East 82. DRAFTING work; we can handle all kinds. P. O. box 3370. HOUSE cleaning and janitor work. Tabor 3708. COLORED man wants situation, small wage s. Tabor 3708. FOR $1 each I will catch moles or gophers. East 1502. FOR SHINGLING and reshingllng call Tabor 5274. Empire 2034. EXCAVATING. General teamfcig. Marshall 1808. CEMENT WORK, HAVE MIXERS. TEL EPHONE TABOR 6781. WINDOW screens, mirrors and cabinet work. Woodlawn 1487. HOUSE painting In all branches. Ba.nes & Wilcox, Tabor 6588. PLUMBER wants small jobs; expert re- pa irsjiowesiimaes;a FAINTING, kalsomining, first-class work at lowest prices. Wdln. 534. PLUMBING and repairing, first-class work, reasonable. Evenings, Tab. 8724. A-l VULCANIZER wants job. Call Har per & nan, or write 4Mh ave. CEMENT AND CONCRETE OF ALL KINDS. TABOR 688. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good worK, reasons Die, pen wooa I3ig. TEAMING, plowing, excavating.1 eicT East 210 day time only. 240 E. 8th st. EXCAVATING. PHONE 619-84 rAINHNO AND TIXTIXG, CHEAPEST AND BEST. MARSHALL 60. ; STRONG boy wants work on (arm or ' chicken ranch; experienced. East 1928. A A