is THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 18, 1923 1 M'CORMICK "FINE" AFTER (Mil Head of Harvester Company in Hospital. PRIVACY PLANS FOILED Subject as Well as Surgeon Finally Cornered by News Hunters In Chicago Institution. CHICAGO, June 17. Mystery to night veiled the exact nature of an operation performed on Harold F. McCormick, chairman of the execu tive committee of the International Harvester company,, Monday night, the news of which did not become public until today. , At the Wesley Memorial hospital Jt was at first denied that Mr. Mc Cormick was a patient there, al though it was later admitted that he occupied an entire wing which had been walled off from the rest of the Institution to Insure privacy. The operation was performed by Dr. Victor D. Lespinasse, widely known surgeon, who figured some time ago in a controversy with Dr. Voronoff of Paris on the proper manner of transferring animal glands to humans, a branch of sur gery in which he was said to be well versed. After having been questioned at length by newspaper men regarding the operation on Mr. McCormick, Dr. Lespinasse . issued the following statement: "Harold F. McCormick is a patient in the Wesley Memorial hospital under my care. He has been in the hospital some time and has under gone a minor operation. He was here principally for rest, mental and (physical." Gland Questions Dodged. Dr. Lespinasse, members of the hospital staff and of the McCormick family refused to discuss widely published statements that Mr. Mc Cormick had been the subject of a transplantation of glands with the object of obtaining an extension "of his years of youth. Late today Mr. McCormick was visited by his eldest daughter, Muriel, and later by his youngest daughter, Mathilde, and Howard Colby, a close friend of the family. When Mr. Colby was leaving the hospital he was asked by a re porter if Mr. McCormick had under gone a glan a transplantation op eration. "You had better ask him," he re plied. "He Is smoking cigarettes and feeling foe." i Shortly after, sitting up in bed. Mr. McCormick received several re porters. In answer to questions ha said that he was feeling "fine," but asked directly regarding the . na ture of the operation he declared: "You might inquire at the desk. and added that he had no statement to make. Doctor Finally Cornered. Dr. Lespinasses spent most of the day in dodging reporters and when found in his office he first denied his identity and then refused to dis cuss the nature of the operation. He did, however, tell of his experiments in the transplantation of glands. The surgeon asserted that he had known about the transplanting of monkey glands long before Dr. Vor onoff. He asserted that he had now discarded this and operated with human glands. He said that he had been interested in this work, the ob ject of which is the rejuvenation of human beings, for the past 15 years. Mr. McCormick was reported at the hospital to be resting easily to night. Mr. McCormick is 61 years old and recently has occupied much space in the newspapers. Some months ago he was divorced by his wife, Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick, daughter of John D. Rockefeller, on the ground of desertion. A financial settlement' was arranged out of court, the threfe children of th couple being allowed to select which parent they desired to live with. AH three have been living with their father a few blocks from the home occupied by Mrs. McCormick. Other Marriage Removed. Several weeks ago a court battle was threatened when Mr. McCormick was appointed guardian of his 17- year-old daughter Mathilde, who had announced her Intention of marrying Max Oser, a Swiss riding master, said to be 2T years her senior. Mr. McCormick had announced that he would not oppose the match, and his appointment as guardian was Been as an effort to clear away legal entanglements to the union. Mrs. McCormick, however, announced her unalterable opposition to it and de clared in court that Oser was a for tune hunter. Despite this, Mr. Mc Cormick was made guardian of his daughter. Rumors that he might marry again have been frequent since his divorce, one of the names most fre quently printed in this connection being that of Mme. Ganna Walska, Polish opera singer, whose divorce from Alexander Smith Cochran, wealthy New Yorker, was recently announced. TWO KILLED IN MINE Four Others Are Believed to Have Perished in Blaze. BERKELEY, CaL, June 17. Two men were known to be dead and three-or four others were believed to have perished in a fire in the Quartet mine at Searchlight, Nev., which was discovered late yester day, according to information re ceived here tonight at the office of the United States bureau of mines. The four men who were believed to have perished were caught the mine, the information said. The names of the dead and missing had not been obtained at 8:45 P. M. A rescue car left Coalinga, Cal., to night for Searchlight, officers of the United States bureau of minas said. . i The fire, telegrams said, was on the mine's 800-foot level, where tim ' bers were burning. The Quartet property Is a gold mine. The ori in and othw details of the fire had not been learned here. Searchlight is a small camp across the state line from Oatman, Ariz. GREETERS ARE FETED Vancouver and Seattle Delegates to Convention Are Guests. A banquet honoring the delegates from Vancouver and. Seattle to the annual convention of the Greeters of America was given at the Port land hotel last night with an attend ance of about 50 members of the local organization' of Greeters and their invited guests. Louis Lucas, national president of the organiza tion, -was the guest Of honor. He is a member of the Seattle Greeters and was elected to the national presidency at the convention held last year in New Orleans. The Vancouver and Seattle dele gations were joined here by A. E. Holcomb of the Portland Greeters and Mrs. Holcomb and will leave at once for Pittsburg, where the na tional convention is to take place June 25 to 28. A stop will bemade in Denver June 20 to attend the dedication of the new Greeters' home. Phil Metschan, president of the Oregon Hotelmen's association, was the recipient of a silver membership card in the Portland chapter. ARREST MADE AT SEA POLICE BOAT MEETS LEVER AND GETS PRISONER. Man Wanted in California Is Lo cated on Majestic-' While --' Steamer Is JDeparting. NEW YORK, June' 17. Justice, a tiny police boat; the world's largest steamship, a Calif ornlan sought' for grand iarceny ana two policemen figured today in an episode that pro vided a thrill for the hundreds of tourists on the outward-bound Majestic. '. Five minutes before noon a mes sage from D. B. Newell, sheriff of Kern -county, California, requesting the- arrest of William ,B. Cheese borough of Taft, Cal., on a grand larceny charge, arrived at local po lice headquarters. Cheeseborough, the message said, was sailing on the Majestic. " " The policemen hopped into the headquarters automobile, reached the Majestic just before her sailing time, noon, and started a search for their man. The Majestic steamed out to sea. Cheeseborough could not be found. The policemen told the captain, the captain wirelessed police headquar ters and a police boat was dis patched to catch the liner. As the Majestic reached Scotland light, outside of Sandy hook, Cheese- borouga was found chatting with another passenger. The police boat. far in the rear, signaled and the liner reduced speed. Cheeseborough and the policemen climbed down a rope ladder to the police boat and the Majestic steamed on. , ANNIVERSARY IS MARKED Sons of Revolution Recall Bat tle of Bunker Hill. - '. With a tribute to the 145th an niversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, the Oregon society, of the Sons of the American Revolution met at the University club last night for their annual smoker. Nearly 100 members wera present. An interesting paper on "The Con stitutional Convention of 1787" was given by George L. Koehn, professor of history at Reed college. A dis cussion of the work of the con stitutional convention followed. The address of President Hibbert of Princeton university in acceptance' of the three tablets mounted on the Princeton battlefield by the Oregon society and the address of Professor T. T. Wertenbaker of Princeton made at the time were also read to the meeting. Wallace McCamant, former head of the society, told of the presentation at Princeton on April 29. Judge Robert Tucker was ap pointed chairman of the committee from the organization to arrange for the observance of constitution day on September 17. MOVIE MANFINED $25 Proprietor of New Grand Theater in Dispute With Censor. Julius Sax, proprietor of the New Grand theater on Sixth between Washington and Stark streets, was fined $25 in municipal court yester day morning because he showed the motion picture, "God's Crucible," without first having t censored by the local board. Mrs. Eleanor Colwell, secretary 01 the local board of censorship, who made the complaint, testified in court that Sax used evasive tactics in his dealings with the board, and that she had made several attempts to view the picture before it was shown and the warrant sworn out. Sax said that other members of the board had seen the picture and ap- , proved it, Dut Mrs. colwell said that was after it had been shown to the public. BANKING REFORM URGED Bill Initiated, by Portland Club Is Filed at Salem. SALEM, Or., June 17. (Special.) A proposed bill, introduced by the Law Enforcement club of Portland, of which Charles P. Church - is president, which provides that money in banks and other similar institutions shall be considered the personal property of depositors and may not be deducted from the as sessed value of the assets of ' the bank, was filed with Secretary of State Kozer today. The bill further provides that the tax commission of Oregon must ac cept the value of the property of public utility corporations at the amount fixed by the public service commission. YOUTH INJURED IN FALL Gerald Shimel, 16, Fractures . Wrist In Tumble From Roof. Gerald Shimel, 16, 527 Taylor street, young drug clerk and radio enthusiast, fell from the roof of his home yesterday afternoon and suf fered a compound fracture of the right wrist, in addition to internal injuries. He was taken to St. Vin cent's hospital. Toung Shimel had been using a wheel, sent to him by Inspectors Smith and Hirsch of the bicycle de tail. The inspectors called yesterday to ask the boy to return the bicycle, finding him at work upon radio aerials. He slipped to the ground1 as he started to descend. Governor Hart to Lead Parade. ABERDEEN. Wash., June ' 17. (Special.) The invitation to lead a morning parade and deliver the chief address at the dedicatory services for - Aberdeen's new state armory at Third and I streets -on July 4 has been accepted by Gover nor Hart. The invitation was sent to the Governor by Captain Frank Partridge, commanding 489th com pany coast artillery, Washington national guard. With the governor will be Adjutant-General Thompson and Major Elmer Brady of the na tional guard and a staff of Camp Lewis regular army officers. The seventh infantry band of 30 pieces from Camp Lewis wijl be here for the services. EH BREAKS IN SENATE Democrats Accuse Repub licans of Intent to Delay. NAVAL BILL IS HELD UP McCumber Declares Harding Will Sign Measure to Reward World War Veterans. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 17. The soldiers? bonus fight broke un expectedly in the senate today when democratic senators attacked the reported compromise agreement of republican leaders not to call up the measure next Monday, but to have it follow the tariff bill. , For two hours the party leaders clashed, but with no effect except for additional indications that the republican , plan would prevail. It was openly declared by some of those present that an effort would be made in any event to call up thek bill next week, and the eituation was further complicated by failure of the senate today to dispose of the naval bill, which went over until Monday largely because of today's protracted discussion of the bonus. The senate- fray followed confer ences between President Harding and republican leaders, at which the president was assured that Monday's conference of the republican sen ators would result in holding the tariff before the senate, but with a declaration the bonus bill should be passed before congress adjourned. Veto Plan Scouted. That the president would sign the bill if passed, and that it undoubt edly would be passed before ad journment, was stated during the senate, debate by Chairman McCum ber of the senate finance commit tee in charge of both the tariff and bonus measures. The senate debate was enlivened by a charge from Senator Walsh, democrat, Massachusetts, that "an honest majority" of the senate was not behind the bonus bill, and that a group of senators professing to favor it were "ducking and dodg ing" and seeking to avoid going on record. Senator Ashurst, democrat, Arizona, who initiated the discus sion, demanded early action, on the bonus measure, and' predicted its de- 'feat if it should not be put ahead of the tariff. Congress would ad journ after disposing of the tariff bill, said Senator Ashurst. McCumber Is Qulzced. ' i Senator McCumber was asked point blank- by Senator Ashurst whether he intended to carry out his plan announced June 8, to call up the bonus bill and lay aside tem porarily the tariff measure within ten days or so. Interruptions of other senators prevented Senator McCumber from replying imme diately, but later, in a lengthy statement in behalf of the bonus, he said he would be content if the republican conference Monday would renew definitely what he said was, the pledge of the party in power to pass the bill before ad journment. ? Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, said the republican conference deci sion didot bind individual sena tors, and that he had not attended the conference which declared for passage of the bonus measure. Senator McCumber said rumors were current that some democratic senators intended to filibuster against the bonus bill in order to delay the tariff measure if the bonus should be put ahead, but Sen ator Ashurst denied that any fili buster would be attempted. What's Become Of REV. ARTHUR JUDSON BROWN, for seven years pastor of the First Presbyterian church here? He is now in New York as secretary of the Presbyte rian board of for eign missions. His position is - such that he spends a great deal of time in travel, to " keep in close personal touch with the many missions of the church. He has traveled ex tensively in Asia and has made two " trips around the world. He left Portland in 1895, but has returned at "various times on his travels ana renewed friendships. Dr. Brown served as chairman of the commission on relations with France and Belgium of the federal cuuncii oi cnurcnes or Christ in America and has been a member of various other commissions' of this nature. He is also a .member of several other interdenominational organizations and is a judge of the Hall of Fame. He is the author of several books dealing with the far east. MISS PADDBT MARRIED Vancouver Girl Becomes Bride of Robert F. Rennard. VANCOUVER. Wash., June 17. (Special.) At a wedding Wednes day in Saint James' church. Miss Barbara Padden, daughter of Mrs. Thomas W. Padden, became the bride of Robert Frederick Rennard, Rev. Father Placidus, O. S.B., of ficiating. The church was prettily decorated w'th delicately tinted roses with masses of green. . The bride, an attractive girl, was charmingly gowned in periwinkle blue canton crepe with bead trim mings, and picture hat to. match, and carried a shower bouquet of 1 I J"" Investigate Our Service Intensive Summer Term New Remember Our Slogan: "We Put Business Into You; Then, You Into Business" Day School '" " x (Formerly Link's 407 MORRISON ST. TILFOHB bride's roses, orchids and lilies of the valley. ' Her sister. Miss WInnifred Pad den, who was maid of honor, wore apricot canton crepe with hat to match and carried an arm bouquet of sweet peas. William I. Winn of Spakone was the best man. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the Padden home- on Seventh street. - , Mrs. Rennard is one of the younger members of a pioneer family,, a native Vancouver girl, and a graduate of Providence Academy. She is a sister of Mrs. Peter J.'Kirwin and of Mrs. Joseph J. Donovan of this city, of Mrs. John P. Redmond' of Walla Walla and of Mrs. James D. McGrath of Fall bridge, r- . FAIR TAX UP TO VOTERS $3,000,000 MEASURE TO GO OJf NOVEMBER BALLOT. Total of 16,000 Nahjes Placed on Initiative Petitions Promot ers of Exposition Hopeful.- With completion yesterday f the task of getting 13,000 names on ini tiative petitions that will place the proposal for a $3,000,000 tax meas ure. . first of the 1925 exposition funds, on the November ballot for approval by the ' voters, definite progress has been made toward making- Oregon's big show an as sured fact Although , but 13,261 legal voters are needed to accom plish the submission of the meas ure to the people at the coming elec tion, many more than that number of signatures were obtained, which shows, proponents of the exposition project believe, that the people are in favor of the enterprise. John E. Gratke has been in charge of this work and he was much gratified yesterday at the sue cess attending the effort. He said the whole state participated in sup plying the names, and Mayor Baker, vice-chairman of, ine managing committee, directed the campaign for signers. Fifty mayors of Oregon did their part in assuring repre sentation of their communities on the petitions. The 13,000,000 tax measure to be voted upon in November affects Portland alone, but it was neces sary to have the whole state par ticipate in the signing of petitions. The amendment authorizing the tax must be approved by the state at large. Simultaneously with the campaign for the adoption of "the tax measure there will be carried ,pn a public stock subscription of a state-wide character, there being no stipulation as to quota or district. An exposi tion tax commission will be named by city ordinance to administer the funds raised by taxation. . Public stock subscriptions will be under control of the stockholders, who", in turn, will select the board of directors, .from which the manag ing officials will be named. The statewide organization re sponsible for the financial pro gramme has full confidence that the people of the state will indorse the movement and that the project will be carried to a successful conclu sion. - Exposition administration is still incomplete. It could not advance its programme further without settling upon a method of finance. A pre liminary fund of between $50,000 and S100.000 is being raised by the finance committee to put into mo I lion the machinery necessary to carry through the preliminary de tails of the enterprise. FIVE MINORS MARRIED Young Oregon Couples Go to Vancouver for Weddings. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 17. (Special.) Of the 13 couples mar ried in this city today, five of the persons were minors, two couples being minors. George R. Marcum, 17, of Portland, son of Edna Marcum of Los Angeles, Cal., and Miss Margaret M. Baker, 16, daughter of Mrs. Minnie i E. Baker of Hood River, Or., were married here this' morning. The second minor .couple were Lotan Z. Cromwell, IS, of Hillsdale, Or., and Condace , Reid, 17, of Beaverton, Or. Harley B. Chase, 26, of Portland took as his bride Miss Florence L. Weshneske, 16, of Maplewood, Or. Autoist Hurt in Collision. Louis Clich, 227 North Twenty- first street, suffered! internal i juries and injuries to his back early yesterday afternoon when the auto mobile in which he was riding was struck by another machine at Sev enteenth and Lovejoy streets. He was taken, to St Vincent's hospital. Clioh was riding in a machine driven by John Bostrom, 657 Savier street. going east on Lovejoy street. At the intersection a car driven by Dan Voss struck them, turning over the Bostrom machine and damaging t badly. Voss said his clutch failed to work. Fire Started Without Permit. HOOD RIVER,"' Or., June 17. (Special.) J: H. Powell, sub-contractor on the Booth hill unit of the Mount Hood loop highway, pleading guilty today to setting a fire with out permit and then abandoning it was fined 5 and assessed costs by Justice of the' Peace Onthank. For est Supervisor Sherrard and Ranger Walters discovered the fire last night. . The burn was menacing ,a. body -of heavy timber. Mr. Powell had started the fire in order to clear a space for teams. Assistant Postmaster Resigns. EUGENE, Or., June 17. (Special.) . W. F. Landrum; for two years as sistant' postmaster of Eugene, has tendered his resignation, to take ef fect as soon as the department can procure a successor, according to announcement of Postmaster Camp bell. Mr. Landrum came here from La Grande, where he was assistant postmaster for more than 13 years. He says he has resigned on account of ill health. - Personal, Efficient, Modern, Complete, Attracts the In telligent and Ambitious. Stake l our Vacation Profitable, Pleasant. Catalog Free Write, Call or Phone Bdwy. 5083. Night School Business College.) BLDG PORTLAND, OREGON. GIRLS GET ROSEBUSHES .. . ; ;- ' PLAN TO STIMULATE GROW ING OF FLOWERS. 2 000 School Children to Take , Part Thursday in Feature Event of Festival. To stimulate rose growing among the children of Portland, E. A Pierce announced yesterday to the committee arranging the gymkana- to oe held on Multnomah field in connection with the Rose Festival Thursday that he would give a rose bush to every girl participating in1 the pageant of flowers, in addition to the 600 bushes which he will give to children as prizes. The pageant of flowers will be, one of the big features of the after noon programme,. 2000 school chil dren taking part, and each carrying ar large spray of home-grown flow ers. The pageant will take place immediately after the grand mili tary parade and review and the chil dren will form an arch of flowers through which- the soldiers and sailors will march on entering the field. ' Full arrangements for this feature are in the hands of the Parent Teacher association and are being supervised by Mrs. D. B. Kelly, pres ident of . the organization, and Fletcher Linn. Mrs. Kelly said yes terday that all ' the children must be dressed in white and that they would meet at the Girls' Polytechnic school before going" to Multnomah field.. . - Plans for other parts of the gym kana programme are going on apace with those for the pageant of flow ers. As soon as the naval ships arrive in the harbor to take part in the festival arrangements for the athletic meet between sailors and soldiers from, Vancouver barracks will be compietea. The gymkana will be preceded by a grand ballyhoo parade by 1700 SPECIAL FO Rose Festival W Large Stock of New Regarding the quality-my fix- lri tires are all v. 7 made of solid .. 1 I brass, with the Wj exception of the If chain, which is & heavily brass IT plated. Solid ft brass chain can jg be furnished at p Very ornate porch bracket of cast iron, fin ished in green, black or verdigris. Complete with ball, as shown. .. .91.75 White opal bowls, I complete with hanger: - 12-in. size 3.50 14-in. size 4.50 16-in. size 5.50 Crystal detector com- , plete, mounted on rubber 2000 ohm head- Bellringing trail base $1.23 set $4.50 formers. $L50 ea. Lamp cord. Per C foot OUT-OF-TOWN FOLKS When in to the Rose Festival do not fail to see my large new stock of up-to-date fixtures in my new show room. . STANLEY LUTZ 200-207 Chamber of Commerce Building, Corner Third and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon. x sailors and 1000 soldiers, fraternal organization drill teams, riders from the Portland Hunt club and Boy Scouts. This will be routed through the downtown streets and is the only parade on - the Rose Festival schedule for Thursday. The gymkana committee consists of Dow Walker, Fred Carlton, Phil Metschan, Oswald West, Fletcher Linn, Mrs. D. B. Kelly, Walter Long, Vere - Windnagle, James E. Brock way, C. P. Keyser, Lionel Mackay, Joseph Rieg, R. E. Wells, Clay S. Morse, Colonel William Jordan, Lieutenant R. E. Kerr, Captain J. P. Schwerin, Robert Krohn, Thomas Leonard, W. C. Culbertson. andj Mrs. Esther H. McLennan. " - ( ' ' - i UMPQUA PRUNES SOLD Sales of 3,000,000 Pounds Re ported; Market Strong. - ROSEBURG, Or.. June 17. (Spe cial.) The Umpqua valley prune market opened today with buying exceptionally h'eavy. for the first day. It is reported that sales amounting to almost 3,000,000 pounds have been made. The mar ket opened at a price of 9 cents a pound for top grades, reducing at the rate of a quarter cent a pound to 45-50s, after which there was a drop of one-half cent. Buyers state that the market is good due to the foreign demands. Brokers expect to ship millions of pounds of packed prunes to foreign countries, where the market is strong for the first time In, several years. Douglas county's prune crop this year is expected to set a rec ord. - . .. , ; , Petty Thieves Raid Natatorium. PENDLETON. Or., June-17. (Spe cial.) A wave of petty larceny at the municipal natatorium here is re sponsible for the decision of the city council to hire an additional care taker and place a large set of lock ers in the dressing rooms so that pa trons of the big open-air tank may have protection. Elegant . candle fixture five lights, finished in gold, sil ver, etc. Wired com plete (less silk shade), at $17.50 Many different de signs of candle fix tures in stock. Fancy candle bracket with tas sel effect. Com plete as shown (less ball lamp) C2.00 IT-3" Candle bracket of conservative design, finished in Brush brass. Complete as shown (less silk shades) $1.50 'v B Six-in. celling or porch light with ball complete. Sale price at.. .90c Beautiful bracket completely wired (less shade). .$1.50 Hot Point Elec tric irons $5.50 ea. Plush receptable with plate. 50c ..$0.03 .. 2.50 DEATH PLOT IS FOILED OFFICIALS LEARN OF PLAN FOR PRISONERS TO ESCAPE. Letter From Alleged Train Rob ber. Tells of Conspiracy to Kill Two Officers. A desperate plot concocted by Ernest Miller, alleee.d train robber, to slay two officer hold tip an eastbound passenger train, and es cape, was frustrated yesterday when a letter written by Miller to a gun man pal was intercepted as it was being carried from the county Jail. In custody of Lee Morelock, dep uty United States marshal, and Will iam C. Epps, police sergeant, the two marked for death, Miller left yesterday for Denver, Colo.i where he will stand trial as a train robber.- As an extra precaution, he wore an "Oregon boot," a Heavy iron impediment which makes .it impos sible for a prisoner to travel faster than a walk. So sure was Miller that his plot was to be successful that he dressed himself in extra clothing yesterday morning so he would suffer no pri vation while a fugitive in the wilds. The pal, heavily armed, was to board the train bearing Miller and the officers as it left Portland. Near The Dalles in a wild section of the country he was to open fire on the officers ami liberate Miller. After ransacking the train, the pair were planning to take for the mountains, where Miller had a cache of J5000, loot from a more success ful venture. The plot would un doubtedly have worked out as planned, had it not been for the duplicity of another prisoner. This man visited the marshal's office early in the week and offered to sell them some information he had. His offer was refused, but a strict Goods Just Received A magnificent four-light fixture, in gray and gold, brown and gold, gold, etc. Complete with shades, as wired ready to hang. Sale price (Choice of glassware). Over 200 bowls of various colors and designs to select from. Ceiling light, suita ble for kitchen, bath, " halls, etc. Complete,1 with 6-in, frosted shade, as shown 1M) My large new sample room is Room No. 200 and adjoins my present quarters. You will find here one of the finest selections of quality fix tures and glassware in the city. Elaborate two-light can dle bracket of solid brass. Complete as shown (less ball lamps) 5.00 Swell three-light fixture with solid brass plate, 12 in. diameter. Completely wired, ready to hang (less shades) : $4.00 Tuning coils, mounted and unmounted as low as 80c ea. No. 14 wire, per ft.. Eer coil. 600 ft watSh was kept on the jail, with tho result that Miller's letter was intercepted. DALLAS TESTS ORDERED Position of Postmaster Has Sev eral Applicants. DALLAS, Or., June 17. (Special.) The postof fice department has re quested the civil service commission to hold an examination for the post master of Dallas, to succeed V. P. Flske, democratic incumbent, whose term expires September 6. Already there are a number of candidates for the position, among them being T. B. Hooker, chief deputy sheriff; C. G. Coad, ex-postmaster; U. S. Loughary and G. L. Hawkins, prune growers; W. L. Soehren, superintendent of the city water plant, and Captain E. B. Hamilton, ex-commander of tho local American Legion post. GERMANS, POLES MOVING Interallied Flags to Be Replaced In Upper Silesia. BERLIN, June 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Today was the first "moving day" under the partition of Upper Silesia between Germany and Poland. The ceremonies, which will continue for 24 days. Include the ex change of the various administrative offices and the replacing of the, civil service personnel. When the ceremonies are complet ed the inter-allied commission's flags, which have been flying in the various centers, will be replaced by German and Polish standards. Four Divorce Suits Filed. Divorce suits tiled yesterday In circuit court were: Flossie B. versus John R. Etherldge, Helen M. versus Jesse H. Hoyt, Mary E. versus L. A. Lowther and William Fisk versus Elizabeth Fisk Boothby. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. finished Roman shown, $10.00 Popular two-light fixture of neat design, with 14-in. solid brass oval plate. Complete as shown (less shades) ... .,.$3.50 Decorated bowls, in various colors and de signs. 10-in. size .$4.50 12-in. size 5.50 14-in. size 0.50 16-in. size 7.50 Stand lamp, fitting com plete with pull sockets, as shown .....$1.50 Single chain pendant, com pletely wired, ready to han (less shade)... .70 Pull socket, 43c $0.01 . ... ..4.00 R k 1 Key socket 25c (1