TIIE SUNDAY 0REG0XIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 11, 1923 10 JR EAL ESTATE. For hule llotie. LA.UREL.HU RST COLONIAL SPECIALS. $5950 7 rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel interior finish, reception hall, living and dining rooms, kitchen, den and sun room on first floor. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second lloor. This home hai wonderful out . look. Mt. St. Helens and Mt, Hood are plainly In view. $6750 New 7 -room home with every modern detail Included. Recep tion halli living room and din ing room, exceptionally cheer fully finished in white with . newest tapestry paper and light ing fixtures, kitchen withevery built-in, breakfast room, three cheerful bedrooms and bath on second floor, also lavatory on first floor; easily $1000 under current values. 18850 The home of a Portland pro fessional man for sale. Less than 2 years old, at a bis sac rifice; 6 rooms with living room across entire front, wonderful dining- room and kitchen, three sleeping rooms; fine lawn, .and shrubbery. Many other desirable homes for your selection in Alameda, Irvington and Hose City. Phone for an appointment. GEO. S. KING, Fine Homes Department, A. G. TEEPB CO., 40th and Sandy; Tabor 95S8. west bide Bargain. Modern heierhts home with wonder ful view, hardwood floors, hot water neat, piate glass, iwo iirep.acts, ehower bath, all built-in features, with or without furniture: property cost former owner (who was a timber man and spared no expense on construction) Sl7.ftflO. For n. nuink aie we can sell for $10,000 and- accept a small hotisf up to $5000 in exchange and give good terms on naiance; witmn iu minutes walk of Portland hotel; this is posi tively the biggest, snap in . Portland. For full particulars see Mr. Rowan. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO. Realtors. 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. CORNER BUNGALOW. 6 Rooms. One Floor. $5750 Good terms; owner leaving for California has instructed us to sell his home: hardwood floors, fireplace, music room, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays ana lurnace; a mag nificent yard, second to- none, consisting of flowers, shrubs and very choice trees. David Harp, Manager, ft. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. 820-04. S7800. IRVINGTON. J7S0O. New 6-room bungalow," exceptional. Exclusive. All hardwood floors, attic is floored. Latest type fixtures. Tile bath, also tile drain board in kitchen; " large fireplace. Yes, it also contains 'buffet, c-ouble garage. Lot is large, 581x100; every city improvement is in and paid and you are only one block to car, 4 blocks to schooL Terms? Yes, If you have $3500 cash; we can arrange the balance easy. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC, Suite 405 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 4354. Open Sunday and Eves. NEAR SUNNYSIDE CAR. CLOSE IN 6 RQOMS. $4150 i)00 cash; either home or. in come; walking distance; large rooms,' fireplace, built-ins, full cement basement, wash trays and furnace; all improvements in and paid; at this price this property should be picked up on first inspection. , David Harp, Manager. U.T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. 320-04. LAURELHURST HOME. Beautiful 8-rm. home, hard wood floors throughout, latest style plumbing, cement porch, piate glass Windows, Richardson Boynton furnace, large garage, price $6750; will consider good lot, easy terms. 1136 Senate st., 1 blk. south of Sandy blvd., near 87th st. CLOSE IN NEAR SANDY. 6-Room Home. $4459 $500 cash will handle; large rooms, built-ins, a good hume for a large family; excellent lawn with lots of flowers and choice fruit trees; all improve ments in and paid; free and and clear of all encumbrances. David Harp, Manager. ft. X. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. 320-04. VN A.CTRESS DREAM FORECLOSED.. Swiss chalet of 8 rooms in a lux urious forest wild of 2 acres, within city, northeast, 4 fireplaces hardwood floors, plate glass, Roman tiled bath, elaborate Tiffany electric fixtures, ?as, plastered garage with chauffeur s quar ters can be made a wonder place, needB attention; mortgagee money; take it for $8300. Worth double. J. D. Kennedy, Main 7h. Sunday, WoodlawnjJ4tm, r.TTinnUN'SHIP SALE! Here is a fine value in an eight-room Itt -story bungalow in Irvington: about 5 years old, well built and in fine con dition; this property is offered for sale .without commission, and at a .price that will mean action.. For particulars, communicate witn CORD SENGSTAKB. Guardian. Broadway 6701. IRVINGTON. $9000 to $10,000 5S7 E. 24th N ex traordinary construction, abso lutely modern ; very large liv ing: room across end; owner leaving, offers bargain; justi fies your seeing through, by appointment. B. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. jOOO 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $2000. $50O TERMS $500. ' Living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen bedroom, bath room, fruit, berries 'and shrubbery. 2 blocks to car; sidewalks and sewer in and paid for; full basement; Bcreened-m back porch. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. 512-13 Wilcox Bids. Bdwy. 5618. A HOME JS50. , $100 down, $10 a month, H acre, in cultivation; faces on two streets; ras electricity. Bull Run water, shack, thic-ktv settled district, near East moreland; place worth $1200. I am the ownor. let me show you this place. Allen, 2i3'i Yamhill, room 1". 9 to 6 P M. todaV. Phone Main 1576. fm... wSTMORf.l.AND J 2000. New 3-room bungalow, 80x100 lot, paved street, close to car, lot is worth more than the total price asked; this Is an exceptionally good bargain for someone, small payment down, bal ance less than rent MARSH & McCASF CO., . S22-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6o2S. $4500 ROSS CITY PARK - Brand new 5 rooms and sleeping loreh; modern m every resn-ecf, paved St.; email payment will handle. PACIFIC FINANCE COMPANY. Broadway 5540. $4500 $500 DOWN for a dandy bungalow In Rose City; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, on corner lot. J. W. O'CONNELL CO. 215 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 8661 $300 CAStH $300. W R-rnnm bunralow. Lota of built- in- 2tt blocks to car. close to BCheol: $300 ca.h, balance $25 per month. Total price $3uuu. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. THVlVtrrnNf WINDFALL. 10-room solidly built house, suitable for two families, valued $7500, mort gaged for $2750; splendid location, near car; jsww seus il, !uuw Kage. 3. D. Kennedy, 829 Salmon Main 47S9. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. SMALL PAY wrvts OR SOLDIER'S BONUS. Q rooms, full plumbing, gas furnace and water heater; ever h acre oemra " htswkr MtV CtlVT 500. . J C OORBl'N CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg, " 17TH AND TILLAMOOK STS. 1 KOUiUN. $1500 cash. Hardwood floors In every room, fireplace, furnace, uleeoine porch, mm room. Owner is leaving town. Call Broadway 7338. T.ilRP.T.HlIRST. New, large 5-room bungalow and garage; breakfast nook, ail built Ins, i...f fot hookcase : harawooa iioors inrtre attic. By owner. $615u. S64 Oregon m. f.-.H KiT.E-LAI KKLHl KM tlUMC. lniiArn R-room Laurelhurst home. KaniifiilK' furnished, instantaneous hot water full basement with laundry trays. t reasonable price. Main kv nwiCKR 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases. Dutc kitchen, tu' cement oase-menu sireeia iiaved and paid. $3950, terms. 1194 E. Lincoln. 232-10. . . Laurelhurst bargain. s.mnm new bungalow, al! the mod ern conveniences, nicely located, close In sanuy. .Mam .-.tt i . IRVINGTON Several new, modern homes, also vacant lots, or will build on anyone's lot. R- B Rice, East 243 1 1 ,-,110 Ft" LL price; nice little 4-room luHise and two lots; good garden; easy rems. 5tth and Anfteny. raoor 'j I OVKI.Y ft rooms and sleeping porch will take "ear or vacant iot for first payuienu Tabor 30-ii. BEAL ESTATE. lor hale Houses. LAURELHURST HOSlE. 6 Rms., Den and Slpg. Porch, YOU MAKE THE PRICE. A pick up for the particular buyer who appreciates rare con struction and finish; extra large living room, all of first floor finished costly hardwood, in cluding beautiful doors, buffet and bookcases, beveled plate-glass in buffet, bokocases and win dows, Dutch kitchen, extra large bedrooms with plenty of closet space, full cement basement, with billiard room, oversize furnace, garage; free and .clear; on 80-ft. payed street. David Harp, Manager. R, T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. '320-04. . ULTRA NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. in Rose City neath the hill, beauti ful new 5-room bungalow, every mod ern convenience you can . think of. French doors- in living room, cement porch, fltfor and steps, tiled floor bath room, solid porcelain built in bath , tub, enclosed sleeping porch all Win dows; also garage. No end Of pretty new ideas. Just what you have been dreaming about. . $io00 will handle. No agents. See Mr. fioover, Broadway Hotel, Bdwy. " IRVINGTON. ; ESTATE MUST SELL. $6300 or $7850 Large home eh lOOx 100, east front, level grade, fine shrubbery and garage; five large rooms on first floor, hardwood f ioors, fireplace, extra large, full eement basement. Boynton furnace ; four large bedrooms, bath and sleepings porch on .sec ond; large attic; near 26th and Thompson; will sell with one lot if desired; a fine, large home, or very suitable for mak- Ing two-occupancy at small cost. R. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor- LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $6300 A BARGAIN-$6300. Here Is a real value in a new Laurelhurst home, large living room across the front, French doors into dining room, break fast room, hdwd. floors through out, tile bath and sink, linoleum in kitchen. It's the latest in bungalows. Yes, there is a ga rage. Phone East 3717. BELOW THE HILL. 7-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW. $6200 With about $1250' cash is a low-down price on this well built home, oak floors, fire place, large living room, music room, Dutch kitchen with breakfast room, cement base ment, furnace; . garage; almost new; immediate sale neces sary. David Harp, Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD.. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. 320-04. , : TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. ..... We have a client who controls a fliimhpr-ftf pnrtland residences belong ing to an estate. This property will be sold at a sacrifice. If you are in the market for a home do not fail to in vestigate further. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., REALTORS. 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. PORTLAND HEIGHTS OPPORTUNITY. SALE ON RENTAL TERMS OR PYC'H 4 TfiR. The Kollick home on Council Crest drive, 2 blocks to car; city view, large eround. shrubbery. 8-room modern bungalow, oak floors, extra large liv ing room, sleeping porches, all con vnipnnfts fntind in un-to-date home, fjill concrete basement and Gasco fur nace. ?8UU0. Any reasonaoie terms. - J. C. CORBiX CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $3000 ALBERTA $3000. S30O cash arlves possession of 5-rm. hmisp and six lots. House tiartially finished, but you can move in; ground space 75x226 feet; raise chickens; pay for ulace in Drofits. Can also put up another house and have lots of room for yourself. , G. C. ULRICH CO., INC. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Sunday and Eves LAURELHURST. Mtrictlv modern 6-room. all on one floor: earaee: Siae of lot 57x120. This home has a wonderful floor plan t-nnino nil inre-P. rloHR tfcar and uark was built for home; nothing like it for the. price in Laurelhurst; $7000;. $2000 cash wm nanaie. uwner waving cuy. See Geo. P. Henry, witn (Joe a. jmc Kenna & Co., Artisans bldg., Broad' wav and Oak. Phone Bdwy.. 7522. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. $400 DOWN 400. . . -New 4 -room bungalow, .2 large Bed rooms, massive fireplace, modern built ins. French door. Dutch kitchen, laun dry trays, cement basement, furnace, SSiiSO. Oopn all dav. 957 E. 34th St. North about 100 ft. north of Prescott. STAR' REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy.. 5618. kiiMItA LOW stvle modern home niffiiv improved 60x100 corner, in erood location, 2 blocks to car, 8 rooms, 5 sleeping rooms, breakfast nook, lire olace. furnace, laundry trays, screened in back norch. fine Earage. all kinds flowers and shrubbery, grape arbor and in everv wav desirable as a home will sell furniture and auto- if desired. See owner, 14 il Kerby st. A GOOD, substantial home in Haw thome district: has fine large rooms, a dandy basement, on large lot 45x118. - S3500; $500 cash win handle. J. W. O'CONNELL CO. 215 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 8661. HANDLES S300. Beautiful little 4-roonl house, lot 80x125. Street graded., sidewalks in, full basement. 5 blocks to school blocks to car; $300 cash. Total price $2200. Balance less than rent. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d ana Alder SoOO DOWN PAYMENT $500. . uanoj new u-iwwui uuiisdiim, ew location, full basement. Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, fireplace, built-ins; 85x100 lot, paved street; $3800, total price; close to car: terms to suit. MARSH & McCABE CO., 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 652. 3-ROOM house, good lot, block from macadam street, woodshed, fruit trees, located between Monta villa and Rose City cars, near 82d st.; price only $900; $50 down and $15 per month will handle this place. 1045 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 2030. $3S0fl 5 ROOMS, furnace, fireplace, full basement, garage; -nioes norm Haw thorne; best car service; east face; fine cool porch; terms. 26 E. 49th. Tabor 8355. . , SEE THIS TODAY! $300 down. Price cut to $3000. 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Paved street paid. Vacant, ' Fruit- Mt. Tabor car. A -sacrifice. East 1193. . faR QUICK SJU.E Sacrificing best new 6-room California bungalow with garage, below hill, Rose City, block to car. oreea sale, traoe eqmu, oiukb offer. Office open evenings. 5IURM-KEFEK CO., 214 5TH ST. Main 2458. cnivo to Knn.n? We design and build residences or any OUlloing, assist in financing same, 32 yrs.' continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. . 024 N. W. Bank. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW. $4200. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, built-ins, garage, full lot. garden, near car. Immediate posses sion. $750 cash, balance monthly. SMITH -WAGONER CO., Stock Exch SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. Modern S-room house, cement base ment, furnace, newly painted, close to school. For further particulars call owner. Tabor , FOR SALE Home and permanent in come tor i;oo casn. une man wno answers this advertisement should be mechanically Inclined. AM 743, fre gonian. . A ATTRACTIVE new bungafow with east facing and good view of Sandy boule vard at 60th st. For sale by owner. Phone Auto. 823-lg. 4-ROOM bungalow, lot 50x100. near Den ver ave. and Willamette blvd. Must sell at once. $2800. terma Walnut 6828. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, iust completed, nth and Fremont sts. $4400. terms. East 1514. $40 CASH and $20 monthly buys a 1200 4-room house at 762 Tacoma ave. Phone Broadway 763u. FOR SALE Eauity ia strictly modern 5- room Rose City bungalow, half block north of canny. bi si. ,ntn st. N. 100x100 SHACK $750. $10 down, $10 month: Alberta car. Rnser W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. COMFORTABLE unfinished house, gar den, fruit.- f iouo, easy terms, widn, 3?1. ' . . BY OWNER, two six room houses on same lot, one completely furnished. Owner must leave. 410 E. 11th St. Al.RKRTA bargain. 5-room. modern bun aalow, $3500; easy terms. Seilwood 3006. ' REAL fSSTATljU For Sa!e--iiuuse4. $3150 PARKROSE. 6-RH. HOUSE FULL ACRE BARN. Ground ail cleared and in cul tivation, excellent soil, modern, plumbing, plastered house, a " dandy location to raise chick ens. This place is sacrificed as the owner must make an imme " dlate sale. Call at our branch office at the end of the Park rose car line. A salesman will show you the property as this is only 2 blocks from the carline and 1 block from Sandy bljrd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, . 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ROSE CITY SPECIAL. 7-Room Colonial. $6500 Terms; a pre-war home at a pre-war price; hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, all kinds of built ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement x basement with laundry trays - and an excellent furnace; cor ner loti with all improvements in and "paid; good to look at ,v . and worth every cent asked. . David Harp, Manager. David Harp, Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. 820-04. ROSE CITY. ; $500 CASH. $500 CASH. Think of this; all "modern 5-room bungalow; 'paved street, sewer, side walks all in and paid for; no mortgage to assume; only 2& blocks to car and 3 to school; full basement, furnace, fireplace. This home will" bring you $45 month rent if you don't want to live ih it yourself, and we will sell it for only $40 monthly, including inter est. , Full price $4000. . - G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC. Main 4354. Open Sunday and Eves. bosk PITY PARK. BELOW THE HILL, NEAR SANDY, 5-RM. AND SLPG. PORCH BUNGALOW. $2550, about $800 down; ivory finish, oak floors, fireplace, full cement base ment with Fox furnace, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; garage; hard-surface paid; a. yard Of flowers; easy to live in and take care of; this is "home." R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at aatn. Auto. S20r04. TRUE BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON. .-Be Silre tu see the most tytistlc and convenient interior -in Irvington; hand made tile fireplace, beautiful electric -fixtures, specially designed woodwork, 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, every bit of space utilised: hardwood floors thfoug-hout. Our reasonable price and easy terms like resit make it possible for you to handle this. Leaving city. so must sell quick. Owner. 66a E. 20th st. A a rooms AMD ATTTC 3950 TERMS. Price has been cut to tne quick. on this property and cash talks; oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet and cabinet kitchen, all mnms a r a lsrer.. cement base ;" ment; about 5 years old and in first-class condition, Onvirt Warn. Manager. ' R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy-Blvd. at stn. -..-. Auto. 320-04. . FINE LITTLE BUSINESS WITH t TTTTXrn OTT A TITERS. Fine for man and wife; it is handy to big school, doing fine business, serving school lunches, ice cream, vauuioa, d nil kinds of no tions;' this will bear any inspection you are a mind to glve.lt; it is a money maKer lrom nie inat uaj " " $1350 gets.it. For inspection see i E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bids. Main,28o8. imiin.i' mr.B DISTRICT. Hr wo have a double-constructed 7-room house, built for home; screens oh all windows: truit, nowers auu uei ries. This house is in very good con rtiHrtn and is 4 hlks. from Rrade school, 6 BlKs. from Franklin high; house is too large for present owner. Ideal home to raise a family. See Oeo. P. Henry, with Cbe A. McKenna & Co., and Oak. Artisans Diag., oruaun STAR BARGAIN. sann terms 13950. Vow n-rnnm modern bunealow. liv ing room and dining 14x26; hardwood floors, tompiete Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms and sleeping porch, fireplace. Hnffpt hnnkeasfca: full, cement base ment, garage; paved St.; close to car and school. STAR REALi ESTATE & INV. CO., 512-13 "W'lleo Bld Bdwy. 8618. ,.- IRVINGTON COLONIALS. ' . Avail yourself of our exclusive selection, and "BUNGALOWS OF BEAUTY." Many -of them exclusively listed at R. T. STREET'S IRVINGTON HEADQUARTERS. 606 E. Broadway, E. S4. Res., E. 4280. READ CAREFULLY. We are instructed to sell this beau tiful 8-room furnished modern house, close in, east side, oh paved street. Now rented for $87.50. If you have any money and are interested come in as "we can arrange terms to suit. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., RealtOTS. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. 1151 BELMONT AT 39TH J. P. MtKE.NflA CO., Res. Tabor 276. Office Tabor 6403. $30O0 6-roo-m home,. -1 block from s.rtvi.niO .lot Knnnvside. S65tO0. 7 rooms, fine home; $500 ,,, to month: Hawthorne. $7500, new and one of Lanreihursfs finest, 5-room bodern Bungalow. One live grocery ptore at invoice. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnished, in Wood Btnfb viictrU-t. corner lot with all im provements (excepting paving) in, 1 block to macadam street, basement. floored attic; price $2500, $500 cash bal. on terms. 1045 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. Bdwy. 2030. DANDY 5-room house,, all lurmsnea, i- fTiT-T-.itur ftll first-class: . hdwd floors; 'furnace, fireplace; paved Btreet and seWer in and paid. . $,J500 cash, balance easy. G C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Sunday and Eves. iiinr-lisi BY OWNER. Five-room modern bungalow, in siood condition, reception hall, unfinished at tic all built-ins, furnace, screened porch, ten fruit trees, small fruit, fawn corner tot. 50x100; $3450. terms. 921 E. 21st st. N.. cor. Skidmore. A BUNGALOW BARGAIN, READY TO MOVE INTO NOW. New 4-room complete, electric range, Ruud heater, fireplace, GascO furnace, garage, block Rose City car. $ol50; $760 cash, balance monthly . payments. SMITH -WAGONER CO., Stock ExCh. SUNNYSIDE. By owner. Five-room modem bun galow built-in bookcases and buffet, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen and ' full basement. Two blocks from S. S. or ML Tabor car. 126 B. Alder. ' '$525 CASH BUYS A $1100 EQUITY m modern neariv new double-constructed 5-room bungalow In a choice section of Rose City Park, near Sandy and school; must be seen to be appreci ated. Owner; no agents. Call Tabor 1648. Tn flltTTI.R AN ESTATE. We are golhg to sell this beautiful 7-room strictly modern home on Wil lamette Heights. . $1500 cash handles. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO Realtors. 405-B Panama mag., oa anu mci. IRVINGTON SUBSTANTIAL HOME. Hardwood finish throughout: rooms: 100x100 cor., very best dist ; must be sold: priced at $12,500; easily worth $18,000. Jacob Haas, 403 Stock Exchange bldg.. BEST VALUE INV PORTLAND FINE T, RiH; 1H.I.V1E,. C -V V. 41. r , . vj VIEW; HOT WATER HEAT. FOR SALE AT LESS THAN COST. GEO. f! HOWARD. 1115 N. W. BANK. ROSE CITY bungalow, 5 rooms, brand nne of lh best arranged and con structed bungalows in Rose City, cor ner lot. rightly priced. See this one. Main 5567, ' NEW AND MODERN 5 rooms, garage. all improvements lii, uu ivrinuu line. 50 E. Lombard. East 4842 eve nings. iloOO TERMS. For sale, 5-room house, 112x145 ft. lot, fruit, berries, garden. No better nuy lor tne price m run land. 9705 46th ave. S. E. Ant 612-27. A DANDY 5-rm. bungalow on 82d St.. just completed and modern in every respect; $3150. S0O cash, balance $25 per mo. Ask for Busch, Bdwy. 7171; LOVELY home, lot 60x279; furnace, fire place, garage, tapestry paper, ivory finish, bkfst. nook. See owner. 2504 67th St. - - tnn SALE 5-room house. 50x100 lot. fruit, flowers, gas. $258 cash, bal. $15 .per mo... tnciuaing mu- ai o per cent. 2078 Hawthorne,, bet. 82-84th. $1750. 100x100 MODERN bungalow, fireplace and built-ins, Dutch kitchen and all conveniences; plenty of fruit; price $5500. terms. Call Woodlawn .1958. BY OWNER 5-room new modern bun galow East 45th, 1 block south of Division. Inquire SS4 Benton. Easy terms. - . . MY $3000 equity in an 8-room modern house. On E. Main ana 14th sts. For aie or trade for smaller place. Phone Auto 2S4-55. - - 5-ROOM modern house, lot 60x100. owner. 155 floral ave. See REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. . JUST COMPLETED. j 1010 E. BURN SIDE. A beautiful home with a beautiful view; six fine large rooms on the ground floor, with very large attic; the latest in design and finish; this place was planned and built for a home, not for a sale house. Let me show you this wonderful place. Open Sunday afternoon and evening-. . A. C. JEWELL, Tahor 5720. IRVINGTON ELEGANT -HOME. ON 23D, NEAR KNOTT, 7 lftrgje, artistic room and maid's room with bath, solid ma hogany and old ivory woodwork, hardwocd floors, plate glass throughout; 2 beautiful tiled fire places - and lovely tiled bath, gueat room has lavatory, large ballrobm in m'aplewood and art windows; full lot, garage, most beautiful shrubbery; see this, if looking for a comfortable home. Mc DON ELL, EAST 419. AT.AtwnA RESIDENCE. $9250 White enamel throughout, hardwood floors upstairs and down; entrance hall, large living room, dining room, den, kitchen and breattiast; alcove on nrsi uuur, hwr and toilet in basement; 3 bed rooms with large, light closets; large Etnin nnreh with Pullman windows; larg-e bath, pedestal fixtures plate glass mirrors in bedrooms and entrance iiall; aouoie gara-ge; over; lumg & r-nndltinrt: heat Dart of Ala meda; terms If desired. Owner, Main 8839 ar Woodlawh 3208 between 10 and . 4 Sunday. . . . fenaw f.ITT PARK SNAP. Attractive story and a half bunga low, built one year, large living room, muic and sun room, kitchen, break- f.t wvnm nri hnth downstairs. 3 bedrooms and sewing room up, hard Wood floors, French doors, glass hard ware throughout, all in ivory, furnace, fireplace, double garage, cement porch; $2000 cash will handle. Phone Tabor 72 1 1. . - VOTT CAN'T MISS IT. Venrlv pivinEr n wav a good 0-r. mod ern house on 100-ft. square ground with lots of fruit and garden, in a restrict ed district; $3500? No. although it's worth it. Tes, only $2200, 800 down. ieath of my father, and I'm here from California, must get back: take it auick mv sacrifice your gain. Come to 5828 72d st. S. B. Phone. 613-33. Here all day Sunday, wn-RTtt S.TO00 TAKE $4250. J50O CASH BAL. LIKE RENT. rininff sst "Wednesday, eee today large rooms with sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. attic, excellent condition, fruit, 50100 lot near car; you'll be surprised. Bdwy. 6011 or Sell. 27(Xi evenings. T. O. BIRD, 826. Cham, of Ccm. BEAUTIFUL bunsalo. 4 rooms and bath. Baved street. 100 feet from street car, situated at 1226 Cora ave. ; large living room With fireplace, hardwood f!nnr. nomnletft buiit-ins. 2 bedrooms, fine bathroom, basement, with laundry trays, garage with cement driveway and walks: $3750: easy terma fc. 4Jlb. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN 34TH ST. 7 LARGE ROOMS VACANT. 50x100 lot, east front, excellent con dition. tull cement Daaement, uoum' Construction, large attic, near car; bargain, on terms. . BdWy. 6011 Seilwood 2706, evenings. T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. 1 AM STARTING several homes of 4 and 5 or more rooms on weet side of Mt. Tabor, beautiful home sites;. I. can make verv attractive terms and give you just what you Want; if you, would like to save $1000 on your home talk it over' with me. Evenings only. Mar. 746 .. LOSING MONEY IRVINGTON HOME. WORTH $0OU Tfltt-lii iww. 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, hard w,wiri finrtra throuehout. furnace, fire place, all built-ins, 60x100. tat, near car ana scnuoi, .cc m Bdwy. 6011. T. O- BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com nv Kt.nPF. OF MT. TABOR. - Beautiful 6-room home,, all kinds shrubbery, garage, completely fur nlshed with best furniture; owner go ing away will sell at once at reasona ble price, with terms; worth $il2.0OO. For appointment phone .Bdwy. nun. T. O. BIRD, 526 Chamber of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. Cu,ol1 p.-i-nnm hnnfraloW on E. one block from Sandy, hardwood floors. o flronlacps sun room, good garage. lot 50x100; in pink of condition; price $5750. with terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor; 243 Stark St . Bdwy. 7831. CAN'T WAIT MUST SELL QUICK, nvPRTinif X4250- S50O CASH. 6-room house, excellent condition. $1000 under value; furnace, fireplace. s'eenina norch. attic, bookcases, buf. fet, 50x100 lot, fruit,-hear car; pay ments like rent; going east this week. Phone East 6503. . ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM HOUSE; LOT 50x100, WITH GARAGE; ROSE CITY, lW. BLOCKS FROM CAR LINB AND CLUBHOUSE. QUICK SALE AT SAC RIFICE, $6300; TERMS. MARSHALL 1B84. MRS. BERRY. , WELL-LOCATED five-room house; all street improvements ia and paid; a good home or splendid investment for $2850, easy terms. C. R. MEYER COMPANY, 808 Couch Building. Broadway 1531 Weekdavs or Tabor 6016 Sunday. MURRAYMEAD, NEAR 24TH. Ground 86x116, with -strictly mod ern residence, in excellent condition: garage; just let us show you "this 'hEXET W. GODDARD. REALTOR, "43 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831 LAURELHURST bungalow, brand, hew, 7 rnnmR strictly modern in every re spect, hardwood floors; garage. Full price $7000; will take $2000 in ex change and $1000 cash, balance terms. F L. BLANCHARD, REALTOR, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6859. ' cnn sll.tr. in one of the best resided tial parts of city, a large five-room bungalow, absolutely . modern and free from incumbrance. If not sold before August 1st will rent furnished to re sponsible party for $60 per month. AV uregonian. T.nnw STTBl TOnAT. ' T-r house. 75x110: fruit and flowers; garage: 839 Princeton St., .just off Portsmouth ave.; must aell this week; make offer; terms. . OWNER, Main 5267. . R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. ravTMlTOS RESIDENCE. St. 2.000 for a house with .122 feet frontage on Brazee street, with apples, npnm nlums. anrlcofs, grapes, shrub bery and roses. Call and Inspect It at 865 Brazee street or phone Broadway IRVINGTON New bungalow near Knott nd Trvineton ..chool, 6 large rooms and floored attic, furnace, fireplace, lovely hardwood floors, Frencn aoors; ijui, easy terms. - McDONELL. EAST 419. .. for 'lease or Sale, a large wnrrsR AND GROUNDS OF DISTINC TION IN IRVINGTON. MARSHALL 1684. MRS. BERRY. BPi.Evnih HOM ' $2350 buys this mod., -big house, on 2 fine lots, close to naia suecv aim car; exceptional terms. ee caDie, at 5829 72d St. S. E. Phone 613-33. Here ever y.. tiay- ROSF. OITY PARK. Full size lot on E. 63d. Choice loca tion, close to Sandy blvd. Sewer in and paid. $750. See Royal, 1835 Sandy blvd. at 7i!d.. Tabor 155. , 6-ROOM house, $3000, one blk from Richmond car line; small payment down or will take lot up to $1000 or lot and cash as first payment. Seilwood 2014 mornings. 926 Taggert. . .. - WILL sacrifice 5-room cosy bungalow, near schools. 2 blocks car line, ga rage, fruit trees, full concrete base ment, concrete floor; price $3000 only. Must sell this week. 306 N. Jersey st. JUST A FINE LITTLE HOME FOR $2750; FULL LOT, FRUITS AND GAR DEN. MARSHALL 1684. MRS. BERRY. NEW BUNGALOW, $3300. 5 rooms and bath-, hardwood floors, basement and built-ina, 2 blocks to car. in good district, easy terms. W. L. Erwin, Wdln. 6714. BUNGALOW of five large, well-arranged moms with bath, rfull basement, fire- ,' place and built-in features. $3200; $650 casn. laoor nui, Dunuay t Diuu, " 1S31 week days. . 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Peninsula district, close to park, new, modern and convenient, very easy terms. W. L. Erwin, Wdln, 6711 FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Peninsula park, new and mod em, full lot, garage, close to car. Call W. L. Erwin, Wdln. 6714. t.ARGE 6-room plastered house, 2 biocks from car, good district; terms if desired. Wdin. Zi-B. - . . 2-ROOM house, 50x100 lot, improvements In and paia; saw ana terms, owner, 1475 East 22d at. South. NEW bungalow, 4 rooms, fruit trees, $2600. 712 Cham, of Commerce. 6-ROOM house for rent or sale. 948 Clin ton, st, Siclliaad car. E. 12a. REAL ESTATE. For.2suIe Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS i BUNGALOW. ' PRACTICALLY NEW. PRICED WITHIN YOUR REACH. - $6000 Combination Hvln? and dining room, large bed room with sleeping al cove downstairs: another bedroom up; Dutch kitch- en and breakfast nook, : fireplace, gas heating system, garage. 50x125 ft. view lot. beautiful sur 'i roundings. close to car". : ' The idead home for two .or thr,ee. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cttamber of Com. Bldg. Buwy. 6034. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $5075. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow in Irvington. large living roam and library across the front; with built-in book cases, dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, large Dutch kitchen, S bedrooms, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays and garage, street im provements in and paid. Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager,. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. , Bdmy. 283-!. GOOD LITTLE HOME CHEAP., Mr. homeless man. if you art paying out $12 or $15 per month for rent you can easily pay for this little home: here Is a good four-room house, two rooms up and two down stairs: it has lights and gas, in good condition, good lot and fine garage; only $1350: small payment down; balance like rent: yon will find this a snap; let mo show it to. you. See . . E. W. HUGHES. 507 journal Bldg.. - Main 2858. ROSE CITY HOME. $400. 8 rooms, living room, dining roam, large kitchen on first floor; 8 Beauti ful bedrooms and bath on second floor, cement basement, laundry trays, full lot, find shade trees, lots of fruit and flowers, street Improvements, in and paid, one block from Rose. City car. Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager, NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. ntui ttiav TERMS. Bungalow style, built by owner for his, home, with 8 bedrooms and sleep-mo- nnrrh bnt-water fumacfe, large living room across front! plate-glass windows, hardwood floor., fireplace, bevel plate mirror and doors in buffet nrt tinnkcase: large rjorch in front with awning; screen porch in back; be'ment garage; a real home, cheap, in a fine- location, close to scnoot. ouu merville, Broadway 2478. . WEST MT. TABOR CORNER HOME. Good, modern, weii-ouui o-room home at 1535 East Taylor St., cor. of 67th St.; grounds 100x100 ft.; lawn, fvtiii-r rnses, etc. : OWtter moving tO Los Angeles next week will make a special reduced price tor a few days only: See this house and owner on premises now or L. E. Steinmetz, 1520 East Taylor St. . Phone Tabor 3224. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. : $2250. Lot 75x100, 4 rooms, largo dressing room and bathroom witn white enamel plumbing, gas and electricity; lots of fruit and berries; small cash payment, balance $25 per month.' - Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager, . NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy, 2832. E967!i BUNGALOW $3875. - New double constructed 5-roorti bun galow finished in old ivory and white enamel throughout; fireplace, hard Wood floors, cement basement; located west of 42d St.; price only $3875; your own terms. See Mr. Farnsworth. -INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., . REALTORS, . Broad-fray 4751- 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY DIST. Just completed; east facing, 6-room bungalow with full ce ment basement, large attic, furnace, hardwood floors, tile sink, garage; lawri seeded; strictly modern and best of construction; located most desirable part of Rose City below hill and .N. Sandv blvd. . Owner on premises, 625 E. 44th st. N Sunday, 1 to 5 P. M. Call Mar. 5034 evenings. Tinam CITY PARK. Magnificent bungalow, 7244 46th N. 4 rooms and bath, nearing completion.; fironiAns tvardwood floors. buffet, French doors and every built-in; full ha.seir.ent. all improvements in and wnhrlerfnl hargain for $4150 easy' terms. Bdwy. 4231 Week days. Sundays and evenings, East 4216. 1 RVIMRTOJf. 1 1 nnti-Hr In mBr tflth and Thomp .' . ' inn.mn- WTn VAT.TTE: LARGE HOME,, ivory finish and oak floors throughout, fire place up and dowa; by appoint- R, T. STREET. Good-Homes Realtor. nsK CITY DISTRICT. Q-nnm cottage, fllll SiZB lot 1 3.ter, lights, gas: an assorted lot 6t fruit trees; some berry bushes; $900, $200 down, balance very easy. Why rent when you can buy on terms like this. See Royal; 1835 Sandy. Blvd.. at 72d. Tabor l.i pifiimWONT SNAP $4250. 7-rm. bungalow, has large living room across front,. Kith fireplace, hard wood floors, buffet, cabinet kitchen, 3 bedrooms, billiard room, full cement vt- .n.r l'hl : 50x100 ft. i large garage. Total price $4250. House is vacant. Ralph Ackley l apor ou. u , 6 ROOMS modern, well built house, new. y painted in ana vuuu., in lots of fruit and berries, new ga rage and large chicken house-, cement fruit cellar, lot 85x159. Will take a good car. as first payment Bulck or Dodge preferred. On the Powell Val lev road and 68th. Call at store. 7-ROOM, all modern, double constructea. fine fireplace, lurnacw, .uiu lot 80x100; house alone cost over $5000. Sacrifice sale price $3500. P. M. MADDEN, V ' H'i'sboro. Or. Phone 2871. WE HAVE a new, modern house at 1326 E. Glisan St. (near uiot.iij.i. r"!,, wood floors throughout; furnace, built in butfet, bookcases and fireplace, natch kitchen, cement basement, .. JOHNSON & ANDERSON, Builders, Phone East 9230. "' SACRIFICE ROSE CITY PARK Unusual 6-room bungalow, all built ins, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 8 bedrooms, beautiful music room, glassed-in suri room, furnace. Sewer and pavement in and paid- - - JOSEPH H. BERRY. Tabor 2663. It iui?.nl VTRW. Beautiful home, built on triangle with large grounds, wonderful view of city; shrubbery; every convenience; $15,000; terms. Shown by appoint ment W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg.- Bdwy. IMS. $2250 MUST SACRIFICE MY NIFTY f ROOM BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY; DUTCH KITCHEN. SEE THIS IP LOOKING FOR A SNAP. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. R 718. OHEGO- NIAN. "v PAY- RENT? I2O00 buys you a five-room Jiouse, newly painted and tinted, was taken la oil mtg., and $630 cash will handle. Fine bargain. 615 Cham. OT iom. niug. SM4LL furnished home on paved street with garage, two blocks from Sell wood car line; lot 60x100: will take a roadster machine as part Payment. See owner at 889 E. 16th BU between hours of 12 and 7 P. M. 1 AM -COMPELLED to sell my home, $1100 undervalue; furnace, hdw. floors, all built-ins, six lovely rooms, splen did locality; take Richmond car. S5th st 1054 Clinton St. Sell. 2496-j $13 800 ELEGANT Laurelhurst home, mahogany finish, all floors oak. dou ble concrete garage, 100-ft. lot, with beautiful mountain view; choice shrub-. bery.. call owner, iao. -iv m TV S-room bungalow, fireplace, tamace, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, ga rage, half block from car line. ' OWrNER, TABOR 9414. FOR SALE by owner; 5-foom bungalow. 2 lots, 16 fruit trees. f"'"" ahd garden, tools, all for $3000. terma 4427 53d st S. E-. between 44th and 45th aves. on Mt Scott car line. Rf-istr. niTY PARK. Netr 5-rbom bungalow, ' sleeping porch, ' double, constructed. $880 cash, absolutely best buy in city. Terms. East 435. FOR SALE Cash. Jl.uo equity in 5-room bungalow, locat-eu in jj,c hurst; pipeless furnace; no garage. N 745. uregonian. A COTTAGE, newly painted and papered; garage, cement ansewaj, x.'" district: large lot; cash $3150, terms J340O. Tabor W IRVINGTON bungalow, 6 rooms, hard ood floors; very comfortable. Owner building larger home; will arillc $5760 Mr. Therkelsen, Auto. 525-30. $200 DOWN, bal. like rent, -nrora nouse. t.m ... - -. 4-ROOM modern house, 50x100 lot, $1800, terms, pnone auto, pm-w. PORTLAND HEIGHTS modern 7 rooms, SUn room, bath, $4500. Main T159. $2950t-ATTRACTIVE, modern . 4-room bungalow; oranq Hew, urima. otii.,. NEW IRVINGTON bungalow, corner 18th and Thompson. FOR SALE Real home in Irvington. 22d fit., near mompron. tan aaw on. $2900 $400 DOWN 6-room bungalow typenear car and stores. Auto, tub-lb. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. EVERY PURCHASER OF REAL ESTATE SHOULD GST A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY WHEN HE BUYS. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. Tit'e and Trust Budding. ALAMEDA HOME. ftTMOll Practically new 7-room house, extra- large living room; dining room wil built-in buffet, French room between livmir room and dining TOOm, full Dutch kitchen, beautiful breakfast nook, and den oh first floor, 3 beau tiful bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, full cement Dasemeni, launrtrv trays, double garage, 2 lots, street Improvements in and paid; won- doriul - view, overlooking . and mountains. ; Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager, NEILAN 4 PARKHILL. . 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 283. S4S00. ' HOME OR INCOME. TE AST BURNSIDE RESIDENCE. Rlpht-rnnm. hnnm. OU nice COmer, close in: the house Is In fine repair and now rented for $50 per month, which pays over 12 per cent, and ot- f,-H at . hnfiraln Ttricfe for QUiCk sale. Mr. Bargain Hunter, see, this before you buy. . . CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT, BITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtor 201 Board of Trade Bldg. "Business IS Good." Broadway 7567. $4200. ; EASY TERMS. 1 - .: . ROSE CITY PARK. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Brand new colonial bungalow on poat-. aRth Hetween RraBee and Knott: tapestry paper, old ivory finish, hard wood floors; fireplace; all conveniences and improvements. A well-built ar tistio home priced right. Call owner, Main 2212. .. . . . BUNGALOW GARAGE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $4200 TERMS. Substantial 6-room bungalow In first-class condition, cement basement and floor, laundry trays, built-lns, large lot with fruit trees.. Here Is a well-built homo completely furnished, ready to move Into, for only $4200, on terms; all street Improvements paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. . LAURELHURST. . Tw6 6-room bungalows Just being finished, 1180 Laddington court; high and sightly and 2 blocks Laurelhurst car; best material and workmanship throughout;. it-is not possible to have any better; tile bath and dram board, mirror door, recess tub, hardwood floors, 2 large plate-glass windows, best of hardware, shades, fixtures, etc First time advertise. Owner and builder on premises. IRVINGTON PROPERTY. For sale by owner, attractive 'and .vpontirtnallv well-built modern home. in best part of Irvington; 4 large h.ri.rnnm.. enmmodious closets, bath room, 2 toilets, dining room, living room, nice entrance hall, kitchen and garage; in excellent condition through nt. lawn flowers and shrubbery; 1 block from Irvington car; available onlv because owner is leaving the country... Call East 56oB. . ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Drive out Sunday and look this home over; will be open for Inspection from 8 to 5 P. M.; can sell this home with $500 down payment; rest just like rent; come and look this house over whether you buy or not; S. E. corner East 27th and Prescott. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. - Broadway 6006. FURNITURE worth $7000, almost new, beautiful rugs, highest grade furniture, fine China, electric stove, exquisite im ported floor lamp;- everything, com plete for hlgfe-class home. Will sacri fice for $3500 cash and late model car in good condition, or diamonds. Hbuse also for Bale. Some terms. Call Ta bor 683. .- .' FURNITURE worth $7000, almost new, beautiful rugs, highest grade furniture, fine china, electric stove, .exquisite im ported floor lamp; everything corn elate for high-class home. Will sacri fice for $3500 cash and late model car in good condition, or diamonds. HoUse also tor sale, aome teiaia. ttii -ta bor 683. WANTED .NEW COLONIALS AND BUNGALOWS. Have several parties that are In the market for a good new bungalow or .colonial. Folks, we have the buyers. If you want to sell It will pay you to get in touch With us, . CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. . Broadway- 6006. unM riTY msTRlCT--SSoOO. -vstw-vrttnigALOiW. nearly complet- rl: 1 bedroom down: could finish 2 up; everything modern; hardwood floors: enamel finish; . fireplace; laun dry travs., etc. Will make terms, , HARRY BECK WITH. Realtor, 213 Corbett Bldg. Main B89. ROSE CITY PARK Fine 7-room house, will be finished this week; cement porch, full basement, garage, living room 15x29, dining room 14x17, three large, bedrooms just what you are looking for. Come and let me show you. Owner, 405 East 50th St. N., .. or. 395 -East 5Qth .St. N. A RARE CHANCE $390. 6-room bungalow, well built: 2 porches 2 bedrooms: double living room; 7 lots; fine garden; fruit trees; berries; roses; block car: 3 blocks Franklin high. Very attractive. . HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 6869. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. This new bungalow of 5 rooms with hardwood floors and fireplace and ga rage and only 2 blocks from car is a real bargain at $5000. Call Bodwy. 4664-7631. 820 Lumbermens bldg. SHACK FURNISHED $850. ' $100 down aJid $25 monthly, int. Inc.: living room, . kitchen, bedroom: could use living as second bedroom; 14 fruit trees; flowers and. lots of vegetables. 213 oroert amg. . Main 6869. riWMF.R MTTST SELL AT ONCE. Mr. Workingman. never again will you find a snap like this very conf fortable new 3-room shack on choice city lot; has electric lights, paved st. $900, easy terms. 609 E. 35th St. N., between Knott and Stanton sts. STRICTLY modern 8 rooms, sleeping norch; heat built-ins, fireplace, fun " basement, 100x100 lot. fruit trees, paved streets and Improvements in no i h i. minutes to center of city; SR50O. S.JS00 down; no agents. Phone Seilwood 5554 for appointment. - . Srtc PITY PARK. 1rt.r.-nnTn hllHEalOW. flOt DCW but a dandy buy at $5200; all built-ins, furnace, sleeping porch: below hill, from owner; will give terms; no agents. Tabor 3S. BOSS CITY PARK. Kir-mnm. new. artistic bungalow; everything up to the minute. This to inat nlace: lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees. Sea mS; Owher, 395 East 50th St. N. WKsTMORELASD. Kew 4-room cottage, complete In every respect; 1 block to car; no In cumbrances; liberal term. 1390 East . 17th st FOR SALE A dandy 6-room bungalow. orcr.aru, garage; .inati iimeut uuwu, balance as rent; 4 blocks to new Irvln park; price $2700; make an offer. S62 East 12th st, N,, Irvington. MODERN 5-room bungalow 1 block to Mt, Ta-bor Car; fine garden ahd shrub bery; corner lot 75x100; $1600 cash, balance $25 per month. By owner. Tabor 2909. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY. $3950 7 rooms, sleeping porch; modern, tapestry paper, furnace, trays, garage; Klllingsworth, near Union-ave. terms. iut,u, aiu u-v,. V-ROOM house, all newly painted and ready for immediate occupancy, only $1950, very easy terms. Tabor 6016 Sunday or Bdwy. loai week qayg. WILL take-lot with some improvements or light car as first payment oil S- . . room house, garage, lot 75x100, east side. Broadway 3888. LAURELHURST. 7-room colonial bungalow, strictly modern, open tor inspection todav. 1005 B. Bnrnside. Wdln. 601T. TWO GOOD S-room houses, close In, near East Broadway. Will sacrifice for quick sale. $4o00. Bait cash. Owner, Rflirr. 1018. , . " . .. BARGAIN. ", " Tent house, must be moved; make offer. 705 Ivon st Phone Seilwood -783. " - - ' ROSE CITY PARK $500 DOWN. . " $4750 5-r. str. mod, bung., like new, all Imp. paid. snap. Owner, 661 East 51st N., sunaay. DESIRABLE 8-room house, well located at sacrifice. Take lot or car part pay ment. Auto. 218-88. REAI, ESTATE. For Sa!e---HoHses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. High class 9-room house, hardwood floors, 2 bathrooms. 2 fireplaces, - sun room, beautiful unobstructed view, $13.5u0. Terms. 6-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, 2 lots, beautiful location. $5500. Terms. Attractive small bungalow, suitable for couple; fine valley view. $150. Terma, - ' - These are samples. Have k house to uit you. - Only agent dealing EXCLUSIVELY on Portland Heights. Eleven years m business In this dis trict and never had a dissatisfied customer. BROOKE, Mala 4342. 541 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. This new modern home, located in Irvington, 50xl00-ft. corner- lot, all Im provements paid, lawn in and seeded, double? garage, everything complete, with shades, screens, etc. Large living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, breakfast room, 2 rooms can be finished on 2d floor; hardwood floors throughout, except kitchen and bath; tilo floor in bath, pedestal lavatory, base tub. full enameled toilet, best of everything in the house. Must be sold at once. 691 East 15th st. North, cor ner of Klickitat. Price $7800. H. A. DRYER, Broadway 1188. Tabor 6974. 283 Stark St., Gordon Bldg. DARLING, PRECIOUS . LITTLE . BUN GALOW. VACANT. READY TO MOVE INTO. Handy to car, schools and stores: it has fine ' living room with f ireptaee, bookcases and hardwood floors; two lovely sleeping rooms, beautiful Dutch kitchen, modern bath, lights and gas; good cement basement with laundry . trays; big east front lot, fine garage, $3650 gets this pretty Little home: will take small rush Davment: soldier can place his state loan and owner will make easy terms on balance. For in spection do not hesitate to come in and see -E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 285S. . . LAURELHURST. Magnificent bungalow, 5 rooms and bath. Situated at 1220 East Davis. Brand-new, living room 18x30, two sets of French doors, front and side entrances with full cement porches, tapestry paper In living and dining rooms, tile hutti with pedestal, built- in bath and shower: garage and full basement with plastered celling. This Is undoubtedly one or the xinest Dun fcalows in Laurelhurst. TJiis bungalow was built by day labor. Sacrifice below cost, jio.ouu home for $ 1 750, easy terms. Bdwy. .231, evenings and Sundays East 4210, HAWTHORN E HOME. Only $500 cash and will use sol diers' bonus: extra large living room. dining room with beautiful built-in butfet. Dutch kitchen, 8 oearooms, . hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays. This is a beautiful home and real value", street improvements in and .paid; would . consider . vacant lot part payment Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager, NEILAN ft PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 283 IRVINGTON' HOME BEAUTIFUL. 635 E. 17th N. ; drive past today and admire its exterior architecture and setting, then phone for appintment to see its interior beauty; very large Ivory living room, dining room, breakfast room, 4 bedrooms, tile bath on second, oak floors throughout, 2 fireplaces, very costly heating plant; garage; a real home for "particular people; ab solutely by -appointment only; priced to turn. R. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. . IN IRVINGTON. BRAND NEW. Located at. 730 E. 22d t N... 6 large rooms, finished in ivory, lovely - tanestrv paper, oak floors throughout. Dutch kitchen, tiled bath and drain 'board, attic, garage; open today. The price is right. Terms, owner. Walnut 6041. BY "OWN Kit New bungalow In Irving ton, 7 rooms, big living room across front, den, French doors into pretty .llnina- rnnm. hiillt-itl buffet. Dutch kitchen, nook, hardwood floors, tile bath, fine plumbing, oeautliui paper. paint and tintings. Every new con - venient modern feature; double garage; ' close to school. See today, $7000.. Very easy terms. 884 Hancock st. t Ar owwf.r. " $4350 MUST BE SOLD $43o0. ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE PRIHF, CTTT S500. 6-room - bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict one floor, vacant, hdwd. floors, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, break fu Br nnnk. cement basement, garage, hear car. This IS a beautiful littl place below value. . Easy terms, sun day, Mar. 5963, week-days Bdwy.6t9, NEW DUTCH COLONIAL, in Piedmont. Perfect in every detail; first floor, living room With fireplace, dining room, sun room, kitchen, breakfast room, toilet and lavatory; Becond floor, 4 bedrooms and bath; gas furnace, ga rage. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. Evenings and Sundays. Wrdln. 2726. J2850 ROSE CITY PARK 'DISTRICT. Fine, modern 4-room bungalow, good condition; 2 big porches, large living rm., 2 bedrooms, handy Dutch kitchen, Al plumbing, nice fixtures, good base ment, wash trays; fine 50x100 lot fac ing east; lawn, shrubbery, fruit Terms. Tabor 4803 ' WALNUT PARK. For sale by owner, choice corner 6 room bungalow, hot water heat, hard wood floors, fireplace, plate glass win dows, garage and all other modern conveniences. Will sell at a bargain. Call Wdln. 1438 or see house at 112o Mallory ave.. corner Emerson. NOR HTT.T. CORNER. ' 9-room house, bedrooms, also maids' room; 3 fireplaces, furnace; Z bathrooms'; large porches: restricted district; surrounded by fine homes; 875 Northrup st. No phone Informa tion. For appointment write M. THOMAS, .14 IjeKum mqg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $3000 TERMS. Complete new 8-room Pullman bun- falow; every convenience; fireplace, uffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, gas furnace; 100 ft off Sandy; pave ment in and paid. JOSEPH H. BERRY. Tabor 2663. BEAUTIFUL HOME AND 2 ACRES IN CITY. SACRIFICE, $6500. Modern 8-room house, full cement basement, laundry trays: nice - lawn, wonderful shrubbery: bearing orchard, WrlM nf nil kinds: 2 acres richest soil. E. 76th and Market sts. See this today. Tabor 1883. TO SETTLE an estate, must be sold this week. $1000 cash, $2400 for both (2) houses. 1 4-room, 1 5-room, plastered; lot 80x100; baths. Toilets, garages, con crete walks; Mt. Scott car. Fremont. Both renting now. Call Tabor 9561, Residence Tabor 1655. NIFTY BUNG A LOW. BY OWNER. 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, tile bath, elegant electric fixtures; all wen Duut ana iti.ay, lot 50x100; large garage. Tabor 6546. Owner at house. 825 Wasco. $8500 IRVINGTON, best part. 75x100; oak floors throughout, 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch on sec ond, 2 bedrooms on third; gar age; wonderful yard of fruit trees and flowers. - R T STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. TERMS $6250 TERMS, . EAR1NS IH" . . New duplex houses, modern, corner, close in; rent $95; figure for yourself; live in one and rent one. . EDWARDS & CO.. 610 Henry Bldg. CLOSE in on E. Broadway, 5-room moo. ern bungalow,- built-in buffet, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace; two toilets and heated garage; 60x90 lot. All liens paid.. $5SSO, $1500 cash. B. 4o9. Call Mr. Unger. CALL at 1116 Clinton st today and see a bargain for $4200; six-rooms, fur nished, full lot. only $500 down, good neighborhood, or phone Tabor 818. Af- ter Sunday Mamwii. ' IRVINGTON 535 E.. 26TH. N. Classy new bungalow home of 7 rooms, strictly modern in every detail, for sale on easy terms by owner and builder. Phone East 7990. HOME south of Hawthorne, near 20th; owner leaving city: 9 rooms and Jleep - Ing porch, fully modern; only $6SoO. Jno. M. Payne Co., realtors. Main 9012 nnsE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, $320; 4 rooms downstairs, completely furnishedisome terms. 661 E. 73d N. Phone Wood- lawn 4651 S-ROOM house at a bargain; nearly all Krrrinn lot on paved st. 100 ft. from street car; have cut the Price $600 for quick sale; .ovij, tnw .u. 601 Stock ffiicnanse- uine- BUNGALOW, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, FURNISHED. In eld Ivory,- very attractive, almost ;.lv fnmi.heri. $4750. terms. Tahor R78. after Sunday. Main 9012. $350 WILL handle new 4-room bungalow at 1421 Morse St.: block from car, or cau owner evemii&. v.ww. REAI, ESTATE. For Sale Houses. THE MAN THO WHISTLES -"HOME. SWEET HOME" IN A RENTED" HOl'SH IS KIDDING HIMSELF AND 'SERENADING THE LANDLORD! Here is a mighty attractive little 6 room bungalow in Rose City Park that is a home. And it's completely fur nished from davenport to gas range. Youan move right in and stage a party the first night. The house is five years old, of sturdy construction and well kept up. Hard wood floors, enamel woodwork, fire place, attractive fixtures: cement base ment with good furnace: garage; fine lot. 50x100, with everything in and paid for. The furnishings are all practically . new, the owners having furnished this home only last year. Now they have decided to move to Los Angeles and o . in order to get away they are placing i a really attractive price on it. Shown by appointment only. CORD SENGSTAKB & SON. Realtors. 1007 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 6701. ' SUNNYSIDE SNAP. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Terms less than rent, with only $500 as first payment: it has fine living room with fireplace, bookcases and hardwood floors, two sleeping rooms, elegant Dutch kitchen and large break fast nook, good eement basement, mod ern bath, lights and gas; full-size lot. handy to Sunnyside car line; good stores and Glenco school; $4250, only $500 cash, balance $40 per month. Mr. Homeless man, why pay rent when the same money will buy you a beautiful little home. For inspection see E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 6 Rms. $7150 $1250 Cash. Just few steps from park In th best part of this desirable district, extra large rooms and room for three more in attic, hardwood floors through out cabinet kitchen, full cement base ment, wash trays and furnace; garage; on above terms this property should sell at once. ' David Harp. Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto.'320-04. LAURELHURST. Th home you have beeri looking for. Fine brick bungalow, story and half type, 8-room, large living and dining, best of oak floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage, close to park; 1 block to car. A snap for $680.0; easy terms. O'KARRELL-GRELLNER, S3S-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Broadway 4172. FOR SALE. Home, 3 rooms and bath, 100 J00 corner. Owner must sell. See this at once; Satisfactory terma. 441 Willis blvd., back of Columbia Park. Portland. Home all day. . IRVINGTON, NEW COLONIAL. Located at 460 E. 25th St., N cen tral entrance hall, 6 large rooms; also breakfast room, double plumbing, ga rage. This home la strictly modern and up to the minute; located in the best, part of Irvington; reasonable termaj open today from i td 5. Owner. Wal nut C541. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Located at 560 E. 22d St. N between Knott and Stanton; 7 large airy rooms, finished In Ivory and mahogany; oak floors, papered and decorated through out; tiled bath and dralnboard, plate glass windows, furnace, garage. Few nice trees. Price $7900. terms,. Open from 2 to 5. Walnut 6541. ulnxnTon RRl.nW $15,000. On one of' Irvingtons most' admired corners, a large site (over 100x100), is located this real home of beauty and distinction; hardwood finish in very large living room, dining room and den o, library, oak floors throughout; 4 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, tile bath; garage; you haven't seen it, but should; by appointment only.. ' R. T- STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. -. IN ALAMEDA. Forced to sell my beautiful new. modern, 6-room bungalow; best dis trict; 60x100 lot; hardwood floors, fire place, all built-ins; vitrolite drain board on sink; cement basement, laun dry tubs furnace and garage. This will be sold quickly. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658; evenings and Sundays, Wdln. 2726. ROSE CITY DISTRICT, . 5-room bungalow, completely fur nished, fine furniture, fireplace built in, buffet,, modern kitchen. 2 sleeping rooms, large sleeping porch; cement basement; pretty vine covered porch, roses and fruit trees; garage; an at tractive little home; $3750. $3450 un furnished. See Royal, 1835 Sandy Blvd., at 72d. Tabor 155. wnni.v AFFAIRS NECESSITATE SALE OF IRVINGTON residence. 7 rooms, garage, full lot. close-In location. Cannot advertise price but must be sold. Make your of fer. Somebody la solng to get a great DAVIS 418 BOARD OF TRADE. $6500 ALAMEDA REGENTS DRIVE. View lot. 7-room house, to settle estate. . . $6500 New bungalow: garage. . $4500 Modern bungalow; garage. $3850 Walking distance; 7 rooma. $2850 Close in. Bdwy. bridge. . 7 room house; $700 cash. $30 month. CHAS RINGLER & CO.. 204 Ry. El. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have some real desirable modem bungalows ready for immediate occu pancy ; Very , easy terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date Ideas. We can- help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK : CO., . 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. to'.i Kn FF.F.T SANDY BLVD. New; classy 5-room bungalow, doubte const. Ivory finish, tapestry paper, fireplace,, hdw. floors, beautiful fixtures, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, nice trees. Fine garage. Real home. Terms. Tabor 6559. LARGE, 7-room, modern house, close in, east side, big lot. fruit trees. 2 blocks from Williams ave. cat; paved street, right price and easy terms, phone auto. - 647-88 or call at 216 Graham ave.. 2 to 5 P. M. J BARGAIN FOR SALE 7-room opttage. -.mv t S9300: Brooklyn district; k near car line ; easy terms. M. G. Grlf- fin. 506 Buchanan piag. - , aBparpar) Homes. RAISE CHICKENS. . Almost 6 acres, with new 4-room bungalow, located close to Pacitlo highway, only 440 minutes from cen ter of Portland; price only $2100, easy terms Ask for Allen, 500 Concord bldg 2d and Stark sts., for partic ulars. NEA.R Powell Valley and Buckley ave.. I acre cleared; $700; ail fenced in, gas and water piped to place; must be sold to settle an estate. JOHN M. KROG COMPANY 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 137.1. rvswRGO LAKE. If you want the most beautiful lake shore lot with modern 4-room rustic bungalow, see Sheldon at Goodln sta tion Sunday. This is a sacrifice. AF 713. Oregonian. 6 ACRES, good bidgs., 7-room house; all cultivated; berries, etc.. close in, fins home. Only $4500. Office open eve- STURM-KEFER CO.. 214 6TH 8T. Main 2458. . , RIVERWOOD. One acre river front property, seven room house, modem conveniences, grounds highly improved, nice bathing beach; $10,000; will give contract, easy terms. Call Main 136. SUBURBAN home, 5 rooms, 200x100, ga rage chicken house ana cuicnen., ries and fruit trees, near river road, and Oregon City car. Evergreen ta-; $'600. P.. X. hox 52, Mllwaukie, Or. $200 CASH down, new bungalow, i acr close to , Oswego lake. Sunday, Lake Grove sta- tlon; weekdays, McFarland, Failing bldg.. dOOO BUNGALOW, new. 4-room, water. See It, Ask McCLURE, 600 Concord bldg. SNAP from owner. Ideal country nome, all conveniences, paved roads and two car lines. By appointment only. 3 716, Oegnlan. SPECIAL $100 down payment gives you new bungalow ano. cnuiw ttuio la.u. carline. See McCLURE, 500 Concord COLUMBIA river front, wonderful view, 50 acres, across river from Crown Point highly Improved, 90-foot waterfall- $6500. I. T. Felta, Wdln. 8889. 3-ROOM cottage, close to park and Os wego lake. acre garden land, $900 $850 cash. McFarland, Broadway 7672. Failing blag. SUBURBAN place for sale or exchange for a smaller place in the vicinity of West Mt Tabor. Auto, eau-ii. OSWEGO LAKE acre tracts, water and lights; $450: lakeshore lots 65x150, $800. K?e McCLURE, 500 CONCORD BLDG. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch, garage, fruit, berries, gas,' elec. $3250. Seilwood 2328. COLUMBIA highway modern home for lease. Creek, springs, fruit berries. CHAS. RINGLER. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. 1 ACRE, Park Rose modern bungalow; a-araga; fin orchard. Tabor 2d7o.