THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 11, 1022 REAL ESTATE. For iaje Mouites. $i500 $1000 CASH. Five large rooms, large attic, spick and span; hdw. firs., built -ins. Beau tiful shade trees. East front, paved st. Four. blks. car. None better at $7000. Nine rooms and ene acre iu heart of swell residence district, 56000, J1U0U cash, and you ought to see it. Inspiration! Oh, girls, this place would make a movie star out of a Teddy Bear or a poet out of a miser. We have other homes that will make a man flirt 'Wjith his wife, insist on washing the dishes after supper, smile at the coal, ice and gas man and kid the hello girl when she gives him the wrong number. - P. N. FORSYTH. - HOMES, FARMS. TRADES. 308 Stock Exchange, i ' Main 8668. "Walnut 6417. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. Corner 16th and Brazee, large rooms, solid mahogany and old ivory, large library in solid oak, very attractive breakfast room, 4 beautiful bedrooms, 2 sleeping; porches with long mirrors and dressing room connecting with lavatory and toilet; 2 beautiful bathrooms and two fireplaces, American hot water heat and in stantaneous water beater; beau ' tiful shrubs, natural trees and . double garage. EAST 419. LAURELHURST. This was buiit for a home by owner; new, modern house, 6 roams lower, 4 up, 3 of them unfinished, all large, rn ivory and white; oak floors, elaborate buffet and fireplace, expensive lighting fixtures, tiled bathroom and drain boards, pedestal wash stand and recess tup, hot water heat, cement porch, 34 feet wide; back porch same width, ce ment basement with, fruitroom, lot 50x 141. Imperial ave. (35th- st-, 1 block south of Sandy. Owner on premises 1 to 6:30 week days. Woodlawn 3578. - 51600 " Cosy little nest, 3 ram, sleeping Eorch, breakfast nook, bath, part asement; garage; lot 50x100. Side walk, parked center of street. 4 blks. car. $450 gives possession. Step lively. Will go quick. $3000 4 large rms., modern, large pantry, built-tns,. plenty fruit, shade, berries, garden all growing; roses, flowers. Fine place; range, heat er; garage; lot 75x100. -Best buy to date. $750 starts it. Owner, Walnut 6417. Main 8668. INVESTIGATE THIS. Sacrifice for immediate sale, beautiful, strictly modern 8-room, house in Irvington, corner lot, convenient to cars and best school in city; must be seen to be appreciated. Auto, 310-26. $4ulK 6-ROOM HOME 44000. 6 nice rooms and sleeping porch, full ement basement, trays, furnace, all Improvements paid located corner Cleveland ave. and Prescott st.( close to car and school, $800 cash will han dle. THE LAWRENCE CO., REALTORS, g!2 Corb&tt Bldg. Main 6915. BEST BUY IN LAURELHURST. 8-room house for sale by owner, ne commission, first story fancy brick, second story shingle, full attic for three additional rooms, Gasco furnace, elec tric range, automatic hot water heater, finest imported tapestry paper, dra peries, tile bath and kitchen, garage and shrubbery, all for $1,1,000. At water 1438. 435 N. W. Bank bldg. ' IRVINGTON HOME. " $6000, $1500 cash, $50 per month, in cluding 6 per cent interest Two-story 8 large rooms and large reception halL This is a fine home on a 30x100 cor ner lot on Thompson St.; both streets paved. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. $20,000 home for $15,000 and give good terms; 14-room residence, overlooking the Willamette river; a wonderful place; all outside construction cedar. For further information see Mr. Heri der, with I. B. SPENCER & CO., 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. " In order to settle en estate we will ell this beautiful 8-room brick; lo t cated at 1213 E. Flanders St., in Laurelhurst; strictly modern, wit hardwood floors, rurnaie. fireplace, in stantaneous heater, all built-in con veniences. Call Bdwy. 6&29 for key and full particulars. IRVINGTON $14,000 HOME FOR $11,500 modern 10-room house, 100x100 corner, white enamel finish, hdwd. floors, A-l location, immediate possession. Very easy terms. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FOR SALE 5 -room houseboat, gas, city water, electricity, phone, etc., a com fortable and economical homo. Phone evenings or Sunday Sellwood 776. $3750 ADJOINING ALAMEDA $3750. . Brand new bung-alow, fireplace, fur nace, 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, white enamel plumb ,ing, tapestry paper. This is the finest bungalow I have booked. Terms. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with Wilbur F. Jouno. 24 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4837. I TO SETTLE ESTATE I $5750 $1000 CASH. ' 8-rm. substantial house, 25x75. Near 12th and Salmon. Do you realize what this means to you? , CALL ATTORNEY. BDWY. 6449. A most attractive 7-room house within walking distance from Jefferson nigh school; haa lar&e living room and dining room, kitchen, 3 large bed rooms and bath. Large lot with fruit trees. 5or sale by owner. Inquire 1248 ........ m a .x. j-uuiie wain, lnua MV 2-ROOM house with 100x105 ft of ground; modern utilities in the street snort distance from Multnomah sta tion; only $1150. For particulars see owner, Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., JU Park St., or bis representative, Mrs. "$2000 .IRVINGTON CARLINE $2000 ' 5-room modern cottage on paved st lot 50x70; 3 blocks to car; $850 cash! balance $25 per month, 6 per cent in terest, OHNSON-DonsnN crv """i -L -munnmnan orrice 638 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. HO MB WITH fi'nnn fviJ- Large lot. walkine distant 10 rooms and 2 garages. easliv-rntri 1 price $(300: will consider trade JoERi; W GODCAK1. Realtor. -43 Stark St. Broadwav 7R31 "MO CCi VTH A Tf T 5 TT! ----- "nvi wiv o raurii on this 7-room new bungalow. Only $4200 with $500 down. Owner is build er, that's why. Let me show it to you. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with Wilbur F. Jouno, 224 Henry b'.dsr. " MURRAYMEAD, NEAR 24TH: Ground 86x116 with strictly modern residence in excellent condition; ga- HENRr W. GODDARD. REALTOR VJT'l I n VAT-n IT,,n and save $200 to $1000. Let me figure on your home. I specialize in 4 and vJmibnl0wa- V L" Newton, frast 116 Sundays and evenings. California apartment bungalow rooms and breakfast nook, garae fireplace, furnace, lot 50x100. $.50 rash. TSO East 65th st vftrih STOP pTvTvT? i tx- . tTh,s hou5? and v monev. J'H'xJttO. Lents district: $1000 full price, very easy terms. K72i, Orego- FOR SALE- By owner, modern 5-room house. 2tl Going st., corner of Van couver avenue; lots of built-ins; $300 down, balance month'v nov-man. per cent. Sundays or eveninirs utter 4-ROOM house for $2000 on very easy terms at Peninsular; modern nlumh- in?; will take initial payment in $200 worin. or painting. Address or call lnUO i-viiii.iiuitir avenue. ti OV .NhR, 8-room house, beautiful corner lot, 120x68; location desirable east side; 1 block from car line. Price OXE of the best built 5-room bungalows in city for sale cheap; easy terms; good location. Call at 5J0 Panama I OR SALE by owner. 100x150, 3-room plastered house and shack; lots of fruit, fine garden. Price $1700 8617 Mth ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car bungalow with bath, full ce ment basement, furnace anrt firi- double constructed, garage; 1 block to care. E 715, Oregonian. IRVINGTON FINE BUNGALOW, best location, large living room, oak floors 3 bedrooms, garage. Main s0"S. East FOR SALE Bargain by owner. S-mnm , f house completely furnished. 4025 33d ave. . mi. ocott car, uiark's sta tion. 8-ROOM house, garage, lot 100x100. on East .unit ana Jarrett. See. owner, 960 East 37th and Prescott sts. MODERN 8-room house for sale. 60x100 lot. between 27th and 28th. Call 849 B. M a in. No a genta. NEW BYNGALOW. S. W. comer 49th nd Sianton, cheap; long terms. Open Hriernonns. BY OWNER, modern 7-room house, fur nftoe. garag, ft0100 lot; price right, 7yi Muiinoio&b fit. &ut 92, ttKAL ESTATE. , For bale Houses. A. G. TEEPE CO." Residential Realtors. Two Offices: ROSE CITY 40th and Sandy. LAUKiSLHt'ESf 3Jth and Glisan. OFFICES OPEN SUNDAY. $4350 ROSE CITY We want an offer. This splendid home is located on 57th st. The owner has listed 1 this lor $4350, but says get an offer quick. $350 cash will handle. A chance for someone. $4-850 ROSE CITY Out-of-town own er must sell. Six rooms all on , one floor.. This attractive Cali fornia bungalow is complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, . furnace, etc Located on 49th st. J 1000 cash will handle. $5950 ROSE CITY New bungalow. We want you to inspect this splendid bungalow, located be low the hill in the choicest lo cation, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, breakfast room, attic, garage. Expensive tapes try paper. Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout. $6000 ROSE CITY PARK Located in the heart of the district, on ... 52d St. Folks, yon will look a long while before you find any thing better than this splendid home of 6 rooms, complete in every way. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery which appeals to every home owner. $5450 LAURELHURST Practically new bungalow of 5 rooms, com plete with hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace. Owner is very anxious to sell and has reduced' his price accordingly. Very easy terms. $5600 LAURELHURST Under con struction. Living room extends entire width across front, hard wood floors throughout, fire place, furnace, tile bath, - tile . drainboard ; garage, etc. Extra large lot, near the park. Buy now and select your own light fixtures, shades and tapestry paper. Very easy terms. $6500 LAURELHURST Colonial bun galow. One of Laurelhurst's at tractive bungalow homes. One of those you have pictured to yourself. Downright classy and a critical examination will in sure you of its enduring con struction. $7500 Laurelhurst If a mere house is not enough and you want a real home of enduring con struction and beauty of design, then this beautiful bungalow will merit your closet inspec tion. Large living room with fireplace of unique design, din ing room with two large plate glass windows, breakfast room with clever built-in buffet, kitchen with tile drainboard, broom closets and real kitchen entry. The bedrooms are really large, modern plumbing. Oak . floors throughout. The paint ing is the best we have seen. - Key at Laurelhurst office. $9000 LAURELHURST Located at the corner of 39th and Royal Court. Six rooms, . thoroughly modern in every respect. You can look the entire district over and find nothing like it for the money. 30-foot living room across front of house. Lot 63x 100. Inspect. Key r at Laurelhurst-office. A. G. TEEPE CO., Residential Realtors. ROSE CITY OFFICE. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9386. j LAURELHURST OFFICE, 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. IRVINGTON ' HOME, EXCEPTION- AJL-Jjr. WUJIjIj ttUILT; tiAKtiiJ ENTRANCE HALL; LIVING ROOM WITH BUILT-IN BOOKCASES; LARGE FIREPLACE; DINING ROOM WITH. BEAUTIFUL ' BUFFET; DUTCH KITCHEN, 2 BEDROOMS, CONTAINING CEDAR CLOSETS, ON FIRST FLOOR, CONNECTED BY TILE BATH; 2 BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH ON 2D FLOOR; PLASTERED BASEMENT. CONTAIN ING FRUIT ROOM, LAUNDRY ROOM AND 1 COMPLETE FINISHED BED ROOM AND BATHROOM; GASCO FURNACE, RUUD HEATER. FINE GARAGE; LOT 60X100. OWNER, EAST 1499. 585 E. 22D ST., N. SABIN'S BLUE RIBBON. SACRIFICE. Modern 6-room bungalow on paved street, all improvements in and paid, 50x100 lot,, beautiful lawn, roses in bloom, 2 full bearing cherry trees, other small fruits, nice garden in and ready for the table. This WONDER HOME is close to schools, 1 block from good car service, ideal environment among homes of the better class. Tou can buy this home for $38ft0: reason . able cash payment down, balance on straight contract, $30 each month, in cluding Interest. Phone or call on Mr. Coulter, with W. W. Sabin, realtor. 1032 Union avenue North. Wdln,. 589. Open Evenings and Sundays. PUTCH colonial home on E. 17th N.. in Irvington; owner leaving city, must sell within !0 days; formerly priced at $11,000, will take $9000; living room and sun parlor, entrance hall, lava tory, dining room, pantry, kitchen on first floor, French doors connecting dining and living room with hall, sec ond floor has 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch and tiled bath, 2 finished rooms on 3d floor, hardwood floors through out, cove ceilings, full basement with good furnace; garden, lots of shrub bery ; owner will consider good used car as part payment; reasonable terms. Phone East 3141. $500 DOWN,- $30 MONTH ; 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, FINE VIEW OF CITY; BUILT-IN BOOKCASES, BUFFET, CHINA CLOSET, LINEN .CLOSET, FIREPLACE, FURNACE. LAUNDRY TRAYS, WOOD ELEVA TOR, FULL BASEMENT. MODERN BUILT-IN WHITE ENAMEL KITCH EN: STRAWBERRIES, RASPBER RIES, LOGANBERRIES, GRAPES; CHICKEN YARD; SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED. OWNER, 113 E. 54TH ST., lfc BLOCKS NORTH MT. TABOR CAR. TABOR 4278. SEE TODAY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Just listed, this beautiful home of 7 rooms, sleeping porch and sunroom, occupying finely landscaped grounds of 100x180, on level terrace, close to school, house modern in every detail; garage; panoramic view; $16,000. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Artisans Bldg.. Broadway and Oak. Broadway 7522. 80X160 (NEW BUNGALOW SOX100, 5-room bungalow jus-t being complet ed; bath, toilet, electricity, gas, base ment. This is built on strictly modern lines with the best of built-ins; oppor tunity for splendid lawn and garden. This is exceptionally well built and cheap. $2700; $700, $30 monthly, in cluding Interest. jnOHX-SON-DOOSON CO.. 653 K. W. Bank Bids. Main 3TST. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Dutch colonial home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch commanding awe-inspiring 'iiew of river, city and moun tains, not built on -a slope and easily 'reached; modern; garage; a bargain at $'J500. COE A.' McKENNA & CO., Artisans Bldg., Broadway and Oak. Broadway 7522. IRVINGTON. See fine stucco home, 593 E. 24th; large rooms, solid mahogany and old ivory woodwork, hardwood floors throughout, two tiled fireplaces and 2 tiidti bathrooms. 2 extra lavatories and 3 toilets, large glass-enclosed sleeping porch connecting with dressing room that has 3 full-length triple mirrors and lavatory; $J2,MiU, immediate pos session. East1 419 SUNNYSIDE. - Modern home, 6 large, light rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, etc., Largf lawn and garden space, plenty of roses. One block to Sunnyside car. Close to school. Price $5000. $1000 cash handles it; Owner, S00 East Yamhill, near 30th. ' ,;. IRVINGTON. $6000 -Owner leaving city; offers this comfortable home at a sacrifice; excellent location, 1 block to car; 6 rms.; steeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and mirror doors; Jhree partly finished rooms upstairs. Phone owner. East 559$. 666 E. 16th st. N. . 5-ROOM modern bungalow, living room across the front, hardwood -floors, fire-, place, built-in bookcases, china closets buffet, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, wood lift and cooler, laundry travs, full basement with cement firs ' Wdln. 2381 or 1434 Missouri ave. JEFFERSON HIGH, 3 BLOCKS. Peninsula park. 1 block; 1247 Com mercial st.; Piedmont restricted dis trict ; new 7-room bungalow ; better c iass construction ; cement porch ; all built-ins; imps, and alleys. Open every dav, owner. lOVIVfiTnV PAT AY! T Near 21st and Knott, well built, all oak floors. 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, fine shrubbery, garage. Main S07&. Bast 394. IN THE Peninsula district, ;"or sale by owner, 100x125 lot; 6-room house; 8 fruit trees, berries and large garden; no reasonable offer refused. Cali Wdln 5011. 4-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished, lot 40x100; gas and electric light, large woodshed. Mt Scott car. 5110 62d st S- E. '" 6-ROOM house and lot, 50x225, east front, on paved street, 1 block to car line; (4500, terms. Owner, labor 7653. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. . ENGLISH COLONIAL HOME. To those wishing large, well ar ranged rooms, with plenty -of light, should inspect this English Colonial home of massive rooms, with ail Its modern built-in conveniences, nice lawn, trees, shrubs, flowers, garage, imp. in and paid, one blk. off the Sandy. $5900. ' - NEAR PENINSULA PARK. . 6 room bungalow, modern except furnace, double constructed, one -ed room 1st floor, 2 .bed rooms up, one b!k. to car. A11 imp. in and paid. $3400. A real buy. . . MT. TABOR.. New 5 room bungalow, just being completed with all, .the latest built in conveniences, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, with breakfast nook. 2 dandy bed rms. and bath. Large attic, con crete basement, lot 40x170 in fruit and berries. Garage. J4500. COUNCIL CREST. : ' A cozy cottage of 3 rooms, neat as can be, nicely furnished, 'will sell as is. Large view, lot trees, fruit, flow ers. Owner wants offer, will make terms to suit in reason. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. - . '' EASTMORELAND NEW ENGLISH COTTAGE. Beautiful new home constructed along true English cottage type, 6 rooms, larger living rm. and every thing to suit the most exacting. Ideal location near golf links and park on a large corner lot, among homes of character and distinction. If you are contemplating living in this beautiful restricted home section make it a point to inspect this home, we can save you money. Now ready for in spection, key at this office and an auto waiting to show you. Bdway 7567. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Bd. of Trade Bldg. . "BUSINESS IS GOOD." SEE THIS TODAY. Choice location in Rose City Park; lovely little modern .bungalow, five rooms, beautiful hardwood floors, plenty built-ins, fireplace, furnace, ce ment basement, , well -imilt and double constructed throughout. Restful rus tic exterior effect, among the firs. A happy home for someone. Paved .street, near Sandy. Owner must sell; will sac rifice far below value for quick deal. Convenient terms. 644 57th st. N. Open for inspection today, 2:30 to 5 P. M. Week days see A. K. Hill, 426 Lum bermens bldg. BIG BARGAIN INCOME PROPERTY. V $8750 LADD'S ADDN. Two-family bungalow on corner lot near park; ten rooms, beautifully fin ished; this is a big snap. See- it at once SEE MR. DELAHUNTY, LADD ESTATE COMPANY; 246 Stark Street, or Phone for arroointment. Bdwy. 5754, residence Tabor 7045. " LAURELHURST BARGAIN. . Very attractive new 5-room bunga low and garage; near car and school; full cement basement, fine attic, hard wood floors throughout; all large, airy rooms; ivory finish, tapestry paper, latest built-ins, side lighting, plate glass windows, inlaid linoleum in kitch en and bath'; solid brass curtain rods, window screens, beautiful shrubs and flowers'; this house is easily worth $7200; my price is $5900; about $2500 cash, balance $50 a month. Owner, Tabor 1543. $350h-$700 CASH buys a modern 5-room bungalow; sleeping porch; full basement; floored attic; paved streets; hardwood floors; block to car. $3300 $1000 CASH buys modern 5-room bungalow; paved "street; floored, attic; full basement. See Musgrave with RICHANBACH & CO.,-605-7 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 4143. ROSE CITY PARK. OPEN TODAY. $5500 Located on the southeast cor ner of 53d and Sacramento sts., look ing on Sandy blvd., 5 large rooms and. breakfast nook, oak floors through out, tile bath, fireplace, buffet, ex pensive tapestry paper, elaborate light ing fixtures, linen " shades, cement porch, plastered basement furnace and very easy terms. . Open for inspection between 2 and B. Auto. 315-44. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 17 rooms, 5 sleeping porches, 4 baths, 5 fireplaces and large furnace, 7100 square' feet of ground, scenic location, about one block from Portland Heights car.. The house can be converted into apartments at small cost and made to yield- a good income, or provide a home and income for the owner; $1750 cash and easy terms on balance. E. M. BROWN, 1 122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. $4250. Laurelhurst District ' Cozy modern home .. near Laurel hurst on East Flanders in best of con dition. Has large living room with fireplace, dining room, den, kitchen downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Full cement basement, fur nace, garage, etc. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6755. HOUSEBBOAT. 4 -room houseboat, completely fur nished, set on cement block, on 100x100 rented for $5 per month; chicken house and woodshed,, fine garden; 1 blk. to electric station with 7c fare. This may be used as boat or as it is now. $1000, terms. See F. C. Marshall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. FOR SALE by owner. Mt. Tabor district, half block from Hawthorne car, just completed bungalow; hard surface road 3 blocks from grammar school and near Franklin high. Five rooms, Large attic, cement basement, living room across front, 'breakfast nook, fireplace, buffet, all buiit-lns, hard wood floors, electric fixtures, garage. Three apple and one Royal Anne cher ry full bearing; lot 50x109. For price and terms phone 642-63. KENTON SPECIAL. New modern 5-rra. bungalow, 4 blks. off Lombard st. This is a real buy, as - ownei must sell at once, nas living and dining room with fireplace. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 large bedrooms, cement basement; also double garage. The price is only $3000, $500 down. H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors, 432 Ch. of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 53S7. $2900 RICHMOND DISTRICT $2900. 4-room cottage on paved St.; only 4 blocks to car and not more than 15 minutes' ride to the downtown dis trict; this is an attractive little prop erty with all modern conveniences? Some furniture; $2900, $750 cash, $35 and interest monthly, JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Banjc Bldg. Main 3787. $2000 100x100 CORNER $2000. 4-room house, corner, east 38th st. and Raymond ave., an abundance of fruit, house and grounds in first-class condition, 3 ' blks. to car. 1 blk. to pavement, $300 cash will handle. THE LAWRENCE 'CO., REALTORS, 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915." DUTCH COLONIAL 75X100 LOT IRVLnGTON. Here is an artistic home, well located and with beautiful grounds; $8000 with terms. Mr, Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. ' F. E. BOWMAN & CO. SUNNYSIDE, at a sacrifice. $2500; 7-r. house, paved street, between both car lines, close in; needs some repair; must have money, and somebody gets the bargain. See this at once. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont st. Week, Tabor 219. , MONT A VILLA, $2300. 5-room house, garage, floored attic, . 2 blocks to car, lot 50x125; the garden is all in here, all you have to do is eat it. Broadway 251. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. ERVTXG T OX snap, $-6500; large living room, fireplace, caning room, kitchen with breakfast nook, 1 bed room or library down, 2 up; ideal for small - family; near carline. Neuivausien & Co. Main SOTS. East 394. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. . U rooms, furnace, fireplace, earaee. completely furnished ; you can move .right in, $1000 1 down, rest like rent. My business calls me out of city. T- oor oditf, uQwy, oii&i. 4-ROOM modern bungalow in central East Portland; all improvements in and paid; small down payment; balance like rent. 21S Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6S0S. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. 42500, TERMS, new house, combination dining room, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, cement basement, good plumbing, hardwood floor, double construction. 4 blocks end of Wood lawn car line. Owner. Woodlawn 284(1, IRVINGTON bungalow. 75x100 lot, east facing, near car, tmiit tor home, 5 charming rooms, latest finish, garage. Owner leaving for California. Neu bausen 6? Co.. realtors. WILL sacrifice my 5-room modern house - on account of . death in family; near car; lots fruit; Woodlawn district; $300 down. $25 a month including in- terest. 505 Swetland bldg. MODERN, new, double constructed. 5-rm. bungalow, with garage; 50x100 lot; all imp. in and paid; no extras to f buy ; $4950, $1250. cash. Owner, 1337 E. Tay lor. cor. 47th. 2 blocks SS and MT cars. COME Sunday. 10 to 3. and see thjs beautiful home place, 6 roorag, 3 bed rooms and bath up. large Iot, 50x225 ft. with fruit trees; $4500. terms. 851 E. S9th st. Owner. Tabor 7853. ROSE CITY PARK Up-to-date new 7 room bungalow.. 4 SO East 61st st. N, Tabor 4647. REAL ESTATE. $4250 HERE IS A REAL BEAUTY. A new lungalow with every modern - feature, beautiful oak floors, fireplace, ail built-ins, breakfast nook, full cement basement, located only 15 min utes out. Can be handled, on ' the bonus loan, with no cash -payment, $25 per month or will take small payment down and -balance monthly. $4500. 7 room story and half bunga- " . low. located rn the heart of Rose City, has every modern feature, hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement: tbis is $1000 under the market the owner lives out of town and he instructed us to , sell. $500 cash and the balance on very easy monthly payments. . ROSE CITY PARK . CORNER. $5350. Very easy terms, break fast nook, Just completed and strictly modern, hardwood floors throughout, cement base- "r ment, furnace, trays, cement porch. ' all street Improvements in and paid. ... v - H5LLER-BROS., Realtors , 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg., Bdwy 3620. Branch office 50th & Sandy. . Open Sundays. Tabor S4S5. $4750 $1000 CASH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST SELL. Beautiful new 5 rm. bungalow, built six months. : Living and dining jms. across front, hardwood floors, fire . place, Dutch kitchen, brek. nook, 2 bedrms., exceptional bath, - cement basement, 50 ft. -lot only 2 blks. to car in a mighty nice home district. There's real value here and it's going to be sold. Let us show you. Bdwy. 7567. - Evenings Tabor 7608. USE YOUR BONUS LOAN. CITY HOMES DEPT. , RITTER LOWE & CO., 'Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Bd. of Trade Bldg. . "BUSINESS IS GOOD." - i LAURELHURST. BRAND NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. No. 1250 EAST OAK ST., NEAR 4lST. JUST BAST OF PARK. 'i LOT 58x160 FT., WITH ALLEY. Art-tile fireplace, Fox furnace, gar age, large plate-glass windows, tile bath and recess tub, "swell bufet, fin est eastern lS-16-inch oak floors. PHONE ONWER, AUT. S10-73. $6200-A BEAUTIP'UL'Rose City bunga low, near Wistaris, just finished; will be ready for occupancy within two weeks; best of construction and ma terial throughout; full basement, ga rage, fireplace, hardwood floors, built - ins; everything that goes to make an attractive home of this type. This house was intended for a home for the owner, but has been placed on the market. Call and inspect this at 557 East 45th st. N. For information call Tabor 5122. i S. BORLAND, REALTOR.1 222 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. ON SELLWOOD CAR LINE, ' PRICE $3500 $500 WILL HANDLE. A comfortable home for man with a family; 6 large rooms and bath; good big grounds with 12 large assorted fruit trees, also berries; nice lawn, paved street, all paid; garage; 1 block to car; close in. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 630 Chamber Commerce.. No Phone. NEW MODERN HOMES. : We have over 50 new charming, modern bungalows and ' colonials to offer you, yet if we haven't just what you want, if you'll spend the time with us we'll surely find your ideal home. Portland property never offered so good a-n investment as right now. Make a home your initial investment. Let us show you some of the beauties we have to offer. FERGUSON-RAYMOND. 1011 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4620. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Choice location, 'close to car, below the hill; large, modern 5-room bunga low, fireplace, hardwood floors, built ins. furnace heat, full cement base ment, attic, etc. Not new, but w.ell built, delightful grounds, flowers, shrubbery, fruit; paved street, all paid. Price $4450, terms. Be sure to see this. Open for inspection today, 2:30 to 5 P. M. 495 53d st. N. near Thompson. Weekdays see A. K. Hill, 426 Lum bermens bldg. . ROSE, CITY PARK, $4400. Absolutely one of the best buys in tne cxty; o rooms, living room, 14x21; fireplace, oak floors, tapestry paper, built-in buffet Dutch kitchen, break- fast nook, furnace or garage, large lot, improvements all in and paid; easy terms or oonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., Sandy Blvd. (on viaduct). Auto. 315-44. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. Beautiful 8-room bune-alow. IV blks. to Glisan car; furnace, fireplace, large built-in buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, on large lot 50x100. The very best con structed and a sacrifice. Price $6500, $1500 down. - H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors. 432 Ch. of Com.' Bldg. Bdwy. 5 3 37. NEAR COLUMBIA PARK". $4200. $750 cash, $20 per month and interest; o rooms ana reception nail: on Lombard st.; payed St.; on carline; plenty fruit and berries; choice roses, shrubbery;' good garage; lot 83x110; pricea low to ciose a1 -estate. JOHNSON-04SON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, Main 37S7. LAURELHURST. This 5-room modern bungalow, bor dering on tne park; everything in built-ins ; fireplace, furnace, h. w. floors and beautiful electric fixtures. See this and be convinced; price $6R50; casn 5i;)vu. zia ity. Jixcnanga nidg. Bdwy. 6808. WILLIAJt A. HUGHES CO. BUY FROM OWNER. , ' Rose City, 5 rooms; large, light and modern in every respect; maple floors, ivory finish, furnace and fireplace; east front, lot 50x132; street paved and paid. Price $5000, $1000 cash, balance like rent. Call evenings or Sunday, Tabor 1092. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $4500 SMALL PM'T DOWN. "7-room dandy house, close to high and grade schools, pavement in and . paid, garage. This house is modern as ft furnace, fireplace and Dutch kitchen, on corner lot and a real bar - gain home. Cali 214-17 or Bdwy. 7519. SUNNYSIDE. ' A good 6-room home, full cement basement, laundry trays, etc., Sunny side car iine, two blocks to church, $750 cash, balance $35 per month, including interest 6 per cent. Owner, 10S2 Belmont, near 37th. No phone. $4200 BUYS BARGAIN. -ONLY $500 CASH. 5-room modern bungalow in Rose City parkt full cement basement, fur nace,, fireplace, attic, full lot. Broad way 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO., . 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. 1' BLOCK from Hawthorne car. A first class 5-room house, just finished, hard wood floors in two front rooms, floored attic, recess bath tub with shower; breakfast nook, full cement basement, f urnece; extra nice built-ins ; garage. , For sale by builder and owner. G. W. WThitcomb, 429 E. 57th st. IRVINGTON. Modern 10-room house, S. E. corner of Knott and E. 17th st. Special price for quick sale; open from 1:30 to 5 P. M. Sunday. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON UNUSUAL VALUES. -If you are looking for a fine, well located, well-built home, at prices from $7000 to $18,000, it will be worth your time to see what we have to show you. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. F. E. Bowman & Q- IRVINGTON HOME. Large living room, dining and breakfast rooms, four large bedrooms; hardwood floors in every room; fine fireplace, garage; this is an ideal home and very easy terms. Call Tabor 5319, Bdwy. 5031. 7-ROOM HOME $350a. In good neighborhood, E. Flanders, near E. 27th ; modern conveniences ; everything in and paid ; no encum brances; some terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 24S Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. SEE THIS NEW HOME TODAY, 11S4 E. 16TH ST. N. The cosiest, most homelike 5-room bungalow, all built-ins, - only $3450; terms, or take lot . as part payment. Owner and builder. East 67flf. A GOOD BUY AT $3500. 5-room house, 50x100, corner lot, all cleap; on paved street. Will take a lot or small car and some cash as first payment. Call Aut. 314-43. IR.vrN.GTON corner, $7t50; term; lovely large rooms, & Dearooms, sleeping porch; all oak "floors; 2 fire-places; garage. Netrhausen & Co. Main East 3A4. FROM OWNER 5-room modern bunga low on paved st. Best reasonable offer taken. 540 E. 37th st. South. ROSE CITY New 5-room modem bunga low. Cull owner. Auto, 324-77. REA L ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $2300 5-ROOM bun galow, modem : lot 85x100; full cement basement; lots oi fruit ; hard-surfaced street; house 5 years old; $1000 will handle. This is a bargain. $3250 New 5-room bungalow in Sunnyside district; basement; lot 33 1-3 xlOO; modern in every respect; $800 . will handle. $3900--5-r. bungalow in Rose City, just finished; lot 50x100: full cement basement, ail built-ins, fireplace, hard wood floors (good ones), ivory finish, tapestry paper, double "construction throughout; nothing in the Rose City district will compare with this for value; $80 will handle. . , . $5600 5-room bungalow. Rose -City district: strictly up to date; full ce ment basement. fireplace, furnace, built-in plate glass windows; a fiae value. Let us show you. See Mr. Bennett, with S. BORLAND. REALTOR, 222 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1566. "IT MUST BE SOLD." HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. WAS $5700 NOW $5200. ... Owner here from California to sen this home at once T&nd has reduced price -$500 for immediate sale. 7 rms, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, full ce ment basement, furnace, 50x100 cor ner lot with garage. Located in a fine borne section served by Bdwy car. All it needs to make a $7006 home is coat of paint. Was rented for $65 -per month. Will make fine home for large family or splendid in vestment. Terms can be arranged. A windfall. . Who will take advantage of it? Let us show you. Bdwy. 7567. Evenings Tabor 7608. . CITY HOMES DEPT. - RITTER LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Bd. of Trade Bldg. "BUSINESS IS GUtJiJ. BEAUTIFUL MODERN MT. TABOR HOME PARTLY FURNISHED - FOR $5000. Owner" health forces sacrifice of . this nice home; lot 50x150; 6 "large rooms and sleeping porch, closets with windows in all bed rooms, large living and dining room, buffet, iuitt in kitchen, entrance hall on x first floor, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch above, 2 toilets, fine bath, fixtures, full basement with laundry trays fur nace, fireplace,, furniture- is good, in fact this is a home that will appeal to any hne with a family; $1500 cash will handle. STEWART &. JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. One- of the most desirable bungalows in the district; entrance hall, living room, dining room; j kitchen with breakfast nook; upstairs there are 3 finished rooms; fulJ cement basement; g-arage. This bungalow is modern in all respects. Best of construction with 6-year guarantee. Be sure to see this. Priced low at $6500. FRED C. PRATT. 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg1. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME. NEW AND IN FINE CONDITION. 8 rooms, glassed-in sleeping porch and breakfast room; hardwood floors, French doors, all built-ins, golden oak and ivory finish, fireplace, cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays, nice lawn and splendid garage, close to grade school and Jefferson high. Price $9000; easy terms, or will take mod ern 5-room bungalow up to $5500 as part-, payment. J . E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. IN PIEDMONT. Modern home; ' large living room with fireplace, bookcases, dining room, built-in buffet, oak floors, cabinet kitchen, breakfast room, 2 bedrooms and bath on first' floor; bedroom and sleeping porch on second floor; .full cement basement with furnace ; ga rage; nice lawn and shrubbery; price $7000. Phone Woodlawn 1609 for ap pointment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. " $6500 LOCATED on the hill in the . choicest, part of Rose City Park; " new story and a half, with five large rooms, tapestry wall paper, every convenience, full basement, built by day labor, fine garage, lawn and shrubs, $2500 cash, E. 1 52d st. STRONG & CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST DISTRICT,' S4600. - This California buncralow commands a wonderful view of the mts. and is one of the niftiest in we city; o larg-e rnnmsi anrt breakfast, room, oak floors, tn-nfistrv naner shades, erarage. finished ih old ivory, extremely large living room, fireplace: porcn extenaing across frcnt of house, very easy terms or bonus. Owner, Auto, IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 3228 52D STREET S. E. $2950- 5-rm. bungalow, . newly tinted, attic. basement. (rood plumbing, !WK-lftrt int.. mamidam st.. sewer. 2 blks. car, near Franklin High and grade school. Now vacant. Only $oUO aown, bal. like rent. Let us show you. CITY HOMES DEPT. , RITTE-R LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Bd. of Trade Bldg. - - "BUSINESS IS GOOD." RORR CITY PARK. BELOW HILL. Two-story Dutch Colonial, corner lot, 100 feet off Sandy. Will stain or enamel to suit buyer. Full cement basement with garage.' Requires $4000 cash and assume $2000 mortgage. For appointment call iiast d&y. sso agents. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, 5 rooms. floored attic, beautiful built-ins, ga rage, lota of cement work, built by day work; lot 50x100, level, east front; fur ' nace, magnificent buffet and built-ins, fireplace, bookcases, art leaded glass in bookcases and buffet breakfast nook, lovely electric fixtures; very best of location. $5000. Open Sunday. $2000 casn, Daiance to suit. sai iu. avin. sr. N., half block north of Sandy. I OFFER FOR SALE my first-class 7- room Irvington iiome, best , location, exceptionally well built, first .story solid masonry, hardwood firs, through out, sun and sleeping porches, fire place and everything modern; this is "very select property and. will go rea sonably to right party; no agents. See Mr. Stewart, consulting engineer, 601 McKay bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7985. PENINSULA BARGAIN. Beautiful modern 7-room bungalow,. 1 blk. off Lombard on paved street, full cement basement, laundry trays and gas furnace; 4 large bedrooms. This is a real home and must be seen to be fully appreciated. For quick sale the price is $3400, $1000 down. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. Realtors, 432 Ch. of Com. Bdwy. 53S7. - HOME WTTH INCOME. ; Beautiful bungalow, strictly modern, 5 large rooms, large bathroom and an extra apartment of 2 beautiful rooms and large bathroom; breakfast nook and clothes close't; hard surface, paid; close in; price $6000; will take $1500 cash, balance as long as desired. 823 Ke'rby st. , $50 OAlSH $15 MONTH. Total price $050; close in, near M-V car; 2 rooms, elec, lig'hts, gas, sink, toilet, connected! with sewer, .partly furnished) . "House occupies 15x40 ft. at rear of another house ; but It's a c h anc e to beat the rent hog and save for a bet ter home. 42 E. 27tih st,' Mar. 740. ST. JOHNS BUT. 4-room celled house, city water and gas, 4 blocks to car for only $1000, $250 cash. Here is a place that with a little paint and work would be worth $1500. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633" Railway Exchange Bldg. BUILT TO ENDURE. Laurelhurst's best; built of cream pressed brick ; hot water heat, plate glass, oak, floor, fireplace, near car, 7 rooms and den, garage; could not be duplicated today for double the price; $8200. No. 201 Hazelfern. Bdwy. 6363. J. B. Rock. SUNNYSIDE SNAP $3850 1-3 cash; very good 8-room bouse, corner, ga rage,' in business center, for invest ment, will easily rent for $50 or $55 per month; look this up at once. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont st. Week. Tabor 219. . . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, ready to move in : a big bargain, easy terms. You can't build as cheap. Call TaJbor 5319, Broadway 5$3i. 8 LOTS, 2-room " house, bearing fruit . trees and berries; barn and wagon shed Attached ; large woodshed ; 2 blocks to school ; will sell for $750 cash. Sellwood 3019. IRVJNGTON elegant home, 100x100 cor ner, Brazeo street ; ivory finish, aU oak floors, large rooms; great bargain $11,000; terms. Neuhausen & Co., realtors. Mam wts. East 314. HOL'SE PLANS, , 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L, R. BAILEY CO.. 92: N. W. Bank Bldg. FINANCE SERVICE CO., building dept.. Bobt. J- Lewis, manager. General con struction, alterations and repairs 909 813 Wilcox bidg. Phone Bdwy. 6453. MT. TABOR HOME Large square, six room house, newly painted outside, and inside; fruit, flowers, garden, ull size baserqAnt: half cash, terms. Tab. 8801. WEST SIDE For sale by owner, desir able 7-room nouse ; Soutb. Portland. AL 725, Oregoniaru REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. Lift vour propertv with f ' FRANK McGRILLIS, Deader in better types of homes. Prices to euit your means. Here are some samples. $25,000 A palace on Mt Tabor, by appomment only. $18,000 Nob Hill, fine home on quarter block. worth $25,000. $15,000 Fine country place. 244 acres; good house; lots of fruit, berries and every- thing, at Oak Grove: SO . " rn-inutes from 1st nd Alder. City home ia the country. $15,0CK Large 12 - room home with spacious ground in . Read college section. - $9,000 Laurelhurst wonder cor- '. : ner, perfect appoint- ' - ments. attractive inside and out. $6,0OO3GrahaTn. near Union; t - "splendid 7-room home; will take in email bun- , galow. $5,250 Mt. Tabor Park bunga , lawr 5 rooms. Will trade equiy for suburban lot. $4,730 Dekum, near Union; new 5 rooms. Take good building lot as first pay ment. $4,600 Overlook view of pJace, 6 rooms new. A fine corner and a real" aac- rifice. 's $4',000 Eugene, ' near Union, -... , walking distance; six ' -"' ' rooms. 50x150 lot. Fine Investment $3,flOO North of Peninsula . park; 7 rooms, newly decorated. Fine sur roundings, snTUbbery and ' flowers. Paved street; a good home in growing neighborhood. $3,300 Multnomah station; 5 rooms, three years old. half block from school on paved, highway; $000 , down; $2,750 E rooms, nice little cot tage near Woodlawn car. $2,400 Near Hawthorne: 4 rooms; $400 cash; $30 a month. These are only samples of our many listings. Come in and tell -us what you want. . We will do the rest FRANK McGRILLIS. Realtor. 324 Henry Bldff. Bdwy. 779. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. SELECT MODERN HOME - - RAVENSVIEW DRIVE EXCELLENT VIEW. Particularly well arranged and built. Living room, dining room, built-in buffet, music room, large sun and view room; kitchen with built-in con veniences, on first floor. Three nice bedrooms and large glass inclosed sleeping porch on second floor; large, well lighted cement basement. Almost 4 lots in beautiful Bhrubbery and flowers; garage. Low price, only $15,250; terms. DONALD MACLEOD, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1853. - PIEDMONT HOME AT SACRIFICE. This house has 7 rooms with large bath, pantry and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, attractive fireplace, full sized, basement, close to Jefferson, nigh, school, N. Portland library and Peninsula park. The best of car service. Near 3 car lines. 1165 Haight ave., just off of Killings worth. ' JUST THE PLACE If you want to have chickens. The lot is 150x100, chicken and brooder house, fine fruit trees. Oh, yes, a 6-rm. house in A-l condition. $500 down; price only $4750. See the owner at 2030 E. Salmon st. Phone Tabor 2421. IRVINGTON. - 815 Clackamas, near 26th st., . -lot is 50x123 to 20-foot alley; lots of fruit trees and berries; house has 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and large inclosed sleeping porch, harawooa tioors, tur nace and fireplace; price $6000, ..$1500 down, $50 a- month; look. It over today. R. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. SACRIFICE by owner, Irvington bunga- low; leaving city, will sacrifice my pnactically new five-room bungalow; entrance hall, guest's closet, all rooms exceptionally large, cove ceilings, hard wood floors, tapestry paper, every built-in feature, ivory rimsnea inrougn . out, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement ; garage to match house. Terms. Phone Eagt 1181. STRICTLY MODERN, NEW, UP TO THE MINUTE. 5-room bungalow, cor. E. 25th and Yamhill. See me for price. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN AT $3100. ; Good 5-room house, full basement, lot 50x122, on alley; double garage, street caved, all assessments paid; on Williams ave. car line. Terms, $800 cash, balance $25 per month, 6 per cent interest. Phone Wdln, 5000. Sam L. Angel, 259 Klllingswortb ave., near Williams. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. New 5 rooms. hardwood floors throughout, furnace, ligiht fixtures and .window shades; reay to move in; has every convenience imaginable. otn axwi Klickitat. Owner and. builder,.' phone Bdy. 5231 and Auto. 317-44. Open Sunday arternooiu. NUiW BUNGALOW $300 DOWN. WELL-BUILT, modern, 4-room bun galow, 2 bedrooms, built-ins, bath, ce ment basement, car 2 blocks, $2750; easy : terms ; fine property, restricted addition; a money-saving ouy. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor. 415 Cham, of Com. . Bdwy. 3222. FOR SALE. SSO0 Improved 50x100 lot. sidewalk and curb in, on 49th ; two room earaee-house on it with cesspool and sanitary plumbing; $800 includes assessments; $400 cash, balance terms. See Sundav. 4427 East 49th st Wood stock car to Holgate, 7 blocks to 49th. NEAR Willamette blvd., on Villard ave., corner of Ainsworth, 100x100 with 4 room bouse, chicken house and run, lota of fruit and garden: terms. Will divide. For further- information call East 3821. - HOUSE, barn, fruit, . spring branch, acre fine garden land, close in, near Reed college, 3UUU, duu aown, montn. Dandv nlace for chickens, ducks, ear- den. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank oidg. , IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL, $6750; teems ; 4 rooms and sunroom down. 3 uo: ivory finish; fireplace; down. 3 up; ivory finish, fireplace, oak floors. Ne-uhansen & Co., Mam NUTS. HAWTHORNE 5-room modern bunsra low, built-ins, furnace, gas heater and stove in laundry; garage, iruit trees. berries. 1119 E. Stephens st., near 38th st. Phone Tabor 4o43. ro agents. S4S50 REAL SACRIFICE $4850. Modern, 7 rooms, sleeping porch; must be sola to settle an estate, jt. c car. 424 East 38th N. 5-ROOM house, all built-ins, full base ment, garage, chicken house. 100 fruit . trees, z acres, au ienceo. uau owner, Woodlawn 3393. ERVINGTOfN HOUSES AND LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. &F-S , tNTEUHAUSEN & CO., Main &078, E. 364. l(Vv6 N. W. BANK BLDG. EIGHT-ROOai house, west side, Mont gomery; fireplace. furnace: $4500, $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent. AL 711, Oregcnian. IRVINGTON HOME. EAST 23D, NEAR KNOTT Seven attractive rooms, extra porches. 4 bedrooms: garage: modern. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 8078. Eagt 394. OWNER 4-room-mod. bungalow, see this nifty place before buying. 1307 East 19th st. sellwood 265U. FOR SALE Beautiful Rose City bunga low, two Kast t3d at. N. By owner, can be occupied at once, REAL ESTATK. For sale Houses. SUNDAY 39 TH AND SANDY BLVD. One of the classiest little bungalows in Rose City; strictly modern and up to the minute in every respect; elec trfc range and water heater; only $4600, with easy terms, , $6000, with reasonable terms, buys this 5-room bungalow (new), with every imaginable built-in feature; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook and everything; full lot, garage; near Sandy blvd. Close in, Roset City. $7900 In Laurelhurst; a 6-room strictly modern bungalow, new, and you can't beat It at the abovw price; hardwood floors throughout; large breakfast nook, every built-in convenience, tiled bath with best up-to-date plumbing, ivory finish, beautiful tapestry paper and everything ; full lot. large garage ; everything paid. Terms, yours. If you are on the market for Rose City, Laurelhurst, Alameda Park or Irvington, call at our office Sunday. 39th and Sandy blvd., and look over our mans listings before buying. Sales men at your service. RUMMELL & RUMMBLL 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. S9th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60. LAURELHURST. v GROUNDS 100x100. Thoroughly modern 7-room bunga low, fireplace, hardwood floors, attrac tice buffet,, tapestry paper, ivory fin ish, tiled bath, recess tub, pedestal wash stand, Dutch kitchen with, break . fast nook, furnace, double garage; lots of nice shrubbery and young fruit trees, latticed fence enclosing yard. A beautiful setting for a home and close to Laurelhurst. Park. Price reasonable with terms. Can give immediate pos session. Open Sunday. , OWNER. 1261 E. Pine St. Tabor 8196. IRVINGTON. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. N. E. corner Stanton and 18th; UN LOCKED TODAY 2 to 5; very large ivory living room in lovely paper and latest electric fixtures, double French doors, breakfast room or sunroom, lOx 10; ultra modern kitchen, all tile drain boards, toilet and lavatory, real hall; upstairs 4 large finest bedrooms, all with ok floors; one- has fireplace. 3 have full-length mirror doors, all are papered, all have large light closets, very costly tile bath with pedestal lav atory, floor tub, shower; double ga rage; on one of Irvington's very best corners; by appointment only; nothing like itr in "Irvington at the price $12,000; see this today. R. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor: - 7 ROOMS. 75x100 FT. GROUND. 664 E. 62d St. N. Wonderful home, 2 fireplaces, furnace, hardwood floors, all built-ins, trees and shrubbery. Priced at $6100; which is less than cost of construction. Drive by and look It over, then make appointment to go through. : J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, . 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. . LAURELHURST CLASSY. New bungalow;- something entirely new; the miracle of large room in small space; 5 rooms; modern to the minute; big beautiful lot, with charm ing view; will sen completely mm Vontlv fnrnishe-d for $9500 (or Unfur nlshed if desired. Call S. W. corner E. 37th and Senate, 1 block, south R. .C- car. JUST completed, one of the neatest and most complete oungaiows in une uu, has large living room; oak floors: swell hnffet. French, doors, larse airy bed rooms; complete bathroom, linen cab inet; ideal Dutch kitchen: nifty break fast nooK; enameiea inrousntmi. ment basement and trays; double ga-ra- lAt Atari Ml 1088 EL 22d st N-, one blook north of Alberta car. Price H50; terms. ppen all day ounuay. Owner. . BY OWNER ROSE CITY PARK. Am offering my new, strictly modern 6-room bungalow with breakfast room for sale. A bargain. Corner, beautiful electrical fixtures, electric, f 'replace, eastern oak hardwood floors through out, extra large bedrooms and closets, French doors, elegant buffets, Dutch kitchen; finished in old ivor.y, tile bath, very fine pAmbing, automatic hot wa ter heater, furnace; $1400 Will handle. Call forenoons. Aut 313-22. , HAWTHORNE HOME) FOR LARGE FAMILY. This bungalow of 8 rooms and sleep ing porch is located in the best of this choice residential district. Has oak floors, fireplace, buffet, etc. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Price $4750, or furnished $5250, half cash required. R. L. MeGREW, Realtor. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. MT. TABOR. 359 EAST 57TH ST. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors on first floor: built-in features; full basement, furnace, wash trays, lot 100x118, 5 bearing fruit trees, small fruit, garden, roses; double garage, paved street, all assessments paid; $7000. Auto, zix-zi NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW 13100. $500 cash will handle; beautiful lit tle place; double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full basement; must be seen to be appreciated. JOHN M. KROG COMPANY, 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1375. THINK OF LOCATION. $5tt Irvington home, near 23d and inott, m ii roadway Joop-; six rooms, big sleeping porch, two story; garage; a buy would take an Irvington lot or two as . .. first payment. R. " T. Street. Good-Homes Realtor. FORCED to sell at once, new modern 6-robm house, in heart of Walnut Park, on corner lot, facing east; street paved. This house Is modern In every,, way, automatic steam heating plant, beau tiful lawn, garage on alley; terms very reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 5000. Sam L. Angel, 259 Killingsworth ave., corner of Williams avenue. IF YOU are looking for a real bargain, this is it; am moving out of town and will sacrifice my 6-room house and garage; improvements all In and paid for; am making the price exceptionally low for quick sale. It will pay you to look this over. 371 E. 39th st., near Harrison. - ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $3900 Easy Terms. New California bungalow: 5 nice rooms ' and sleeping porch; ihardwood floors," fireplace; 2 nice airy bedrooms; Dutch k-itchen; breakfast nook; paved street, near Sandy; very liberal terms. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. WALKING DISTANCE. By owner, large 6-room house, floored attic; modern; fine' garage; two corner lots, 300-ft. street frontage; room for 3 bungalow apartments ; splendid buy ; close in on 22d, near Sandy. Price $7500, with terms. E. 1 8337. " $50O CASH. 4-room bungalow, block to Al berta car; all built-ins and modern conveniences; price $2500. JOHN M. KROG COMPANY, 412 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1375. THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND-. Large 24x40-ft bldg.. in good shape, on Carson Heights. 40xlOO-ft. lot: $y-5rf; terms. This will make a good houe with, ilittle fixing; at avbout H price for quick sale. Mc Pari and. Realtor. Failing bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. . . $4650 Easy Terms.. New 6-room bungalow, 3 large airy bedrooms; piate glass windows: hard wood floors; Dutch kitchen: breakfast nook; garage and furnace; near Sandy. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. IRVINGTON SEE THIS $6350, Terms. 683 East 14th st. N. ; 6 rooms, glass enclosed breakfast porch, oak floors, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, large' closets ; built for home; vacant, open today, 1 to 5. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078. East 394. - COLONIAL HEIGHTS. Dutch colonial with 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors both up and down. 324 E. 22d st. Motor out and look it over. Open SunQay after noon. Owner and buiVder, phone Bdwy. 5231 and Auto. 317-44. GET OUT OF DEBT. Cosy 5-room house, clear of debt, paved st. paid, near Laurelhurst; 9 big fruit trees; lot 73x126; will trade for larger house and assume debt or pay cash. Tabor 2454. CHOICE IRVINGTON BU'XOALOWS, $5600 TO $14,000. ! SEE .NEUHAUSEN & CO., REALTORS, 1036 K. W. BA-NK B'UQ NEW ROSE CITY bungalow for sale by owner; 5 rooms, breakfast nook; ga - rage; all completed and ready to move into. See this place before you buy. 708 E. 60th N. IRVINGTON EAST BROADWAY, near 21st ijarge iivmg room, norary, am ing room, 3 bedrooms, oak floors, fire place. $7250; terms. Neuhausen & Co., realtors. Main 8078. FORCED to sell equity in modern 5-r. bungalow, R. C; fireplace, furnace; paved St.; house Al condition: sell equity at sacrifice. Owner, Tbor 6892. REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Houses. ROSB OITT PARK. $3150. $500 cash. $35 monthly. 5 room bungalow, fumaoe, garage, drap eries, gaa range. Littl beauty. $4500, $800 cash, balance easy. 5 room bungalow, strictly modern. See this bargain. - $4S50, $1000 casn, $25 monthly and interest. 5-room. bungalow, modern with garage. Nice shade trees, lots of shrubbery. " LAURELHURST. $6500, easy termsv 6-room bungalow, new, strictly modern. A beauty. Close to park. 8 ROOMS. In best part of Laurelhurst. Owner says sell. Come look, make offer. A dream. OUB XJSTXNG IS COMPLETE. Anything you want Jn any location at all prices. TO BUT OR SELL, See HOMB REALTY CO., 607-8-9 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 4288. . i - . IRVINGTON, A REAL BARGAIN. This borne, on oversized lot. between the Broadway car lines, at 23d and choice shrubs and rosea that money could buy, big back yard, nicely fenced in, double garage. This home has nine rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, full basement, was built by a lumberman for his own home. Yqu could not buy better con struction. No shack, because it ia priced low, but it is REALLY FOR SALE. Vacant, easy to see. . Price $8000, reasonable terms. R. T. STREET, ' GOOD-HOMES REALTOR, Irvington Office, JB. 15th and Bdwy. East 804; Res., East 42&CV IRVINGTON. ' " Just completed, unusually .ttractiv 6-room bouse, modern in every detail, special attention- being paid bhroubout to workmanship and construction; Wv ing and d-inlng room across on east front; model kitchen with breakfast nook; bardwood floors, muslo room, 2 bedrooms, sanitary bathroom;: the ar rangements of floor p3an, Is ideal: terms; 921 E, 22d st. N. Also on at &3 E 24th et. N.; price $700l Auto. 312-20. . E. NELSON. OWNTEBu $6000. 5-RM. BUNGALOW. This home is just being com pleted, on E. 33d st. N., and i an exceptional value. Call at branch office, 33d and Bryce ave., today and look it over. 3, L HARTMAN COMPANY, a 8 Chamber of Com, Bldg. r Bdwy. 6034. RENT FREE. SEE THIS TODAY. -Three nice bright rooms and batli with an income of $70 per month on the balance of property. Here is a splendid bungalow home with a large summery garden, ideally located in popular Hawthorne district. $5500 buys property. $1000 cash, the balance in monthly payments of less than the actual income. E. 39th si. It'll be worth your while to call P. H. Parrott at Sell. ISaO, so you can see this dandy home. : . LARGE HOME BARGAIN. HOLLADAY-IRVINGTON. 40850 Large living room, ivory flnls-h. dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitch en, large back and front porch; 60-foot, doub-le garage : several choice fruit trees; second floor, three bedrooms and very large sleeping porch; hardwood floors whole house; beautiful home; on easy terms; very suit able for two flats. Holla-day ad dition. Handy to Benson school. . R. T. Street. Good-Homes Realtor. , j . LAURELHURST HOME. . Beautiful 6-rm. home, hard wood floors throughout, latest style plumbing, cement porch. plat-glass windows, Richardson Boynton furnace, large garage, price $0750; will consider good lot, easy termsv 1136 Senate St., 1 block south of Sandy blvd., near 37th, IRVINGTON. $8900 Corner, facing south, near. 20th and Tillamook; very large liv ing room. beautiful bedroom above is same size with fire place and bevel plate mirror door; tile bath, full basement, ' Fox furnace, breakfast room ; garage; side porch off dining room; 3 bedrooms and sleeping . porch; by appointment. R. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW., 5 rooms, large attic, tile bath, fu-r-' nace, fireplace, garage. nardwood floors, large living room; only $5T50; easy terms.. . BOONE & CLEARWATER. 611-512 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. BARGAIN! SACRIFICE! $750 DOWN $ 750. $4900 Owner leaving city: mustsel at once. Price cut from $5300. At tractive bungalow; 6 fine large rooma and deni 3 nice airy bedrooms, fire place, fuW cement basement, furnace, garage. Near school. Irvington dis trict House in excellent condition; will sell furniture if desired. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. A modern 8-room house at 265 Morrii St., in Al condition, full basement, beat furnace, 4 rooms upstairs, 4 down, H block from Williams ave. car, near churches and schools, nice grounds. 10 minutes from town on street car; rea sonable terms. Woodlawn 5000, Sam L. Angel, 250 Killingsworth ave.. near Williams, ROSE CITY $500 CASH ROSE CITY Balance easy terms on beautiful 5 room bungalow, large living room, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, hot water heater, full lot; price $4750 JOHN M. KROG COMPANY, 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1375. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. 5-ROOM SNAP. Located on corner lot, close to Haw thorne ave. with modern conveniences such as fireplace, furnace, cement basement, garage. Reduced to $3800 for quick action. Substantial cash payment required. See this real horns today. Tabor b&uj. HAWTHORNE AVE., CORNER E. 34TH. HOME OR INCOME. This is a valuable 50x100 corner, , occupied by a splendid 7-room house with fireplace, cement basement and furnace; there Js alBO a good garage; price $7000: terms. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N: W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. . IRVINGTON. $6300 700 Hancock St.; unlocked to day ; large old home, one of Irvington's best corners; big value; make two occupancy ; look It through; make offer, on terms. R. T. STREET, Good-Homes Realtor. $3350 NEW BUNGALOW, just finished, terms; hardwood floors, two bedrooms, buffet, bookcases, full basement. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, ivory and white enamel, 50x100 lot, pavement and sewer in and paid. Call and inspect premises between 12 and 2 today at 1014 Kerby at., or call owner. Woodlawn 5035. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Just the place for any' professional man. Has aJl large rooms, modern in every way, buy now, select your own . decorations. 1250 Glisan. Owner and; builder, phone Bdwy. 5231 or Auto. 317-44. ' - HAWTHORNE. No. 441 East 37th St. Owner is non-resident and has au thorized us to sell this new modern bungalow on easy terms. On corner. MERRICK & CO.. 304 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 0942. MUST SELL TODAY, eonnn Wpart of Sellwood. Easy L terms. 5-room house, newly painted W Tfull nv1rtft .Arnci- Int. garage, close to school and 'car line. Come out to 1720 E. ltith st.. corner Shearett, Sunday between 1 and 5 P. M. ALAMEDA PA1RK, colonial, snap; own ers built this for ihome; leaving town; must sell. Choice corner; large rooms; Co. Main S073. East 304. FINANCE you with money and archi tectural plans for building, $10 up, easy terms. Fancher. 501 McKay bldg. Ffrone, rJroaaway nt. NEW UP-TO-DATE IRVIN'GTON HOME. On paved street; forced to mak quick sale. Call East 5U73 evening.