THE SUNDAY OREGOJiTAN, -PORTLAND, JUNE - 4, 1923 MOUNT HOOD LODGE ON NORTH SLOPE OF OREGON PEAK OPENS 1922 SUMMER SEASON. A Route to Mount Hood Lodge Now in Good Shape. BIG SEASON IS EXPECTED With Snow Melting Fast Cloud Cap , Inn Should Be Ready for Guests by July 1. ' Complete In Every Detail 4 MOUNT HOOD BOADS IMPROVING RAPIDLY wmmmmmmmmmm Despite the unusually lata spring thisear, roads on the north side of Mount Hood are opening in good snaps and ths snow Is rapidly receding from th lower flanks of the mountain. Such Is the word brought to Portland last week by motorists who made the run from Portland to Hood River and up the Hood River valley to Mount Hood lodge, the leading hostelry on - the north side of the mountain, during- the week end. All roads In the upper valley are now dried up in good shape and the run to the lodge can be made with perfect ease, it vaa stated. From a hour and, one half to two hours Is declared to be ample time to allow for the run up the Hood Rivw valley to the lodge. - Resort Now Open. Although Mount Hood lodge was unable to open this year until fully two weeks later than It has usually opened on account of the weather, the attractive resort is now running full swing, and one of the best sea sons in the long history of the organ ization is beirrg looked forward to. Plans for taking care of a larger number of guests than ever are being made, according to the announcement of Homer Rogers, the proprietor, and a number of added entertainment fea tures In the way of recreational facil ities and new trips over interesting mountain, trails are being worked out. It was scarcely three weeks ago when the first car got through to the lodge, after the place, along with the rest of the upper Hood River valley, had been snowed in for th,e winter. And this was ondy made possible when Mr. Rogers and a crew of men hoveled a path through several feet of snow which covered the last sec tion of the road. So rapidly has the snow melted, however, that last week end a trace of snow could scarcely be found on the road to the lodge nor could snow be seen for several miles beyond toward the mountain. The roads were, in fact, perfectly dry and in exce.Il.ent shape. ' Loop Hoad Not ta Interfere. Construction work on- the Mount Eood loop road in Hood River county will not interfere with travel to the lodge or to other points In the upper valley during this season to any ex tent, it is stated. While several de tours are made necessary on the east side road, these sections are in very good shape and are easily negotiable. Construction on the loop road is, in fact, an added attraction for the mo torists who make the trip up the val ley. For those wishing to go by the west side road that road is also re ported in excellent shape, and this" route eliminates practically all de tours. One of the particular attrac tions in the vicinity of Mount Hood lodge this year will be the work on "the loop road in the Oregon national forest, where some striking road con- truction is under way, and excur sions out from the lodge either by car or saddle horse will undoubt edly be popular during the summer. Among the improvements pian-ned at Mount Hood lodge within the next two or three weeks and which will be all ready for the height of the season in July and August are auto camp grounds, a new road by easier grade from the main highway to the lodge Grounds and a new trail from the lodge to the east fork of the Hood river, where fishing is ordinarily very fine during the summer season. Camp Ground Attractive. The auto camp ground promises to be a particularly attractive feature. It will be located within a short dis tance of the hotel, Mr. Rogers has announced, and will be fitted with all the conveniences found in the up-to-date park, including running water and fuel. Also for the benefit of motorists a garage is to be provided, where cars of guests may be left over night. With the snow melting fast in the upper sections, it is now expected that Cloud Cap inn, the attractive resort at the foot of Eliot glacier, from which point parties begin the ascent of the mountain, will be open by July 1 as usual, and already Mr. Rogers is making arrangements for putting the inn in better shape than ever to handle guests. The road from Mount Hood lodge to Cloud Cap inn will be In as good shape this year as last and efforts will be made to Improve it as the season advances, it is stated. While this road Is necessarily steep, v It has been easily passable. Road Improvement lip. The matter of Improvement of this road, which opens the way to on of the most beautiful points on Mount Hood, by the forest service is now being considered and it is possible that favorable action on the part of the service may bring rapid devel opment of road conditions' in that region. It is pointed out by those who are desirous of having the for est service improve the roads in that seetlon that feeder roads from the Mount Hood loop road toward the mountain will be highly desirable if the full value of the loop road is to be secured, and It is oontended that be established on the mountain than that to Cloud Cap. It is also pointed out that the work of building a road to the snow line of Mount Adams is already well under way, while thus tar practically no work has been done by the forest service toward opening a road to the snow line of Mount Hood, despite the fact that Mount Hood ;s much better known and more accessible and is better quipped with facilities for caring for tourists than is the Washington mountain. Facilities to Be Expanded. That facilities at Cloud Gapp inn will be expanded to take care of all guests as trade develops was the declaration of Mr. Rogers, who has announced a number of Important improvements to the place for the coming season, particularly with ref erence to -plumbing and bath facilities. The inn is this year beginning its ' Sth consecutive season, having been established in 1SS3 and having ex panded slowly but surely since that time to Its present proportions. Road conditions in the past have necessa rily limited the number that have vmited the place, It is held, but im provement of the road is expected to cause a rapid development, and the organisation, Mr. Rogers stated, plans to expand rapidly enough to amply care for the trade. Take htlis at the right side ot ths road. Go over the crest carefully. Avoid coasting or speeding around curves at foot of hills. MTfl DRIVEN UP STEPS AHT KLEIN HALED INTO COURT AS LAWBREAKER. Sensation Caused When Durant "Four" la Piloted Up Steps of Courthouse. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Art Klein doesn't confine his driving to the speedway, nor does the spectacular Art do all his motoring behind the wheel of the fast Frontenac . , While at Santa Rosa, where he com peted in the recent speed test oa the fast Cotati speedway, Klein created a sensation by piloting a Durant "four" up the steps of the Sonoma county courthouse. The speed king was accompanied on the ride by his mechanician, Jimmy McAllister, and by L. E. Rohlick, Santa Rosa Durant dealer. After making the climb up the steps of the courthouse Klein was haled into court, where he faced the Judge as a breaker of the law. The judgo happened to be a racing faa and he was not as harsh as he would have been had the driver of the tres passing Durant been an ordinary in dividual. Klein was let off with a warning after he had promised to keep on the highway and the speed way in the future. 5nly once before had Art Klein been arrested. Baok in 1915 he was returning from San Diego,- where he had completed In the Point Loma race, to Los Angeles, from where he was to ship Jiis racing car to San Francisco for the Vanderbilt cup and Grand Prix events. He was in a hurry, and forgot to keep an eye- on the speedometer as he passed through Santa Ana. As a result he made the acquaintance of the well-known Judge Cox. , About six years later Art Klein came back from Krance after serving in the air service throughout the war and he hurried to Los Angeles to drive the French Peugeot in the open ing meet on the Los Angeles speed way. While in Los Angeles he had occasion to meet Judge Cox a second time. He went out to Santa Ana to have the famous anti-speed justioe. Judge Cox, pronounce sentence upon him as a married man. Judge Cox remem bered the speed king and was glad to offociate. But he warned him that he would receive no mercy if he' were caught speeding out of town on his honeymoon. Cleaning Lamp Reflectors. The reflectors in any head lamp will tarnish and turn black in time. and if sot cleaned will begin to rust soon. They can be cleaned properly by lampblack, rubbed on by hand until all tarnish is removed. Then LATEST AID TO FAST LUBRICATION WITH ALEMITE SYSTEM. fes iff mcv iffe tf11 J 111 : .EW HH, LI -SPEED COMPRESSOR RECENTLY RECEIVED HERB BY AXEMITK SERVICE STATION, A new highspeed compressor is now being manufactured by the Basslck Manufacturing company, manufacturers of tha Alemit lubricating system, and several sets of the new equipment have been received here by the Alemite Lubricator company ef the northwest. Tenth and Oak streets, local agents. The photo above shows the compressor in operation at the local station. The device is designed for shop use and Is claimed to develop 3000 pounds pressure, or sbout five times the pressure of the ordinary Alemite hand compressor. The new system. It Is claimed, makes it possible to lubri cate a car in seven minutes, this feat being accomplished in a recent test by the Alemite distributors here with a Buick car with 41 fittings. Although the compressor is a new equipment, it has already been Installed at the Alemite service station, at ths Covey Motor Car company, the Howard Auto comfiasy aad tb A. L. Campbell aereioa stAtion it is saouaeed. Above View of Mount Hood from front porch of lodge. Below One ef ke new "Paige-built" Jewett cars "parked in front of tbe lodge. Homer Rogers, proprietor of Mount Hood lrfdget'and Cloud Cap Inn and Bis father, Mr. Rogers Sr., are shown in the photograph, tog-ether with two guests. Cloud Cap Inn will open July 1, as nsnal, despite the late spring, it has been announced. empty the lampblack. Any that re mains In the reflector can be blown out. Never rub a reflector with a cloth or attempt to wash it, as it will be scratched badly. Why Oil Is Used. The lubricating of the working parts of an automobile is to prevent any two pieces of metal, that are working one against the other, from touching. This is accomplished by having a film of oil between these two metals, and upon this film of oil depends the life of all the bear ings, cylinders, pistons, rings, etc. 304 Autos in Canadian Shipment. What is said to be the largest single1 shipment of freight for any Individual automobile factory In Can ada, consisting of 304 cars, valued at $360,000, left Ontario for the Atlantic Maboari! to h reahtatved tn foreiern ports. Including Constantinople, Egypt and New Zealand. SECTION ILL EE III. UfDIANA TO PROCEED WITH HIGHWAY STRETCH. Federa) Bureau of Public Roads Approves Flans of State , Commission. CHICAGO, III.. June S. Approval by the United States bureau of pub lic roads, which has under Its admin istration the expenditur. of all fed eral aid for highway construction, of tha plans submitted by the ' state highway commission of Indiana for he "ideal section" of the Lincoln highway to be built In Lake county, near Chicago, now makes U possible for ths state of Indiana to proceed immediately with tha construction of the section. Part of the cost of construction will be borne by Indiana, part by the fed eral government, and three-quarters lv the Lincoln Highway association. Funds have been contributed by- the United States Rubber company to cover the association's share,. Plans for the section have been pre pared by a technical committee com posed of the leading highway engi neers of ths United States. The site was selected with great care, and was purposely placed near one ' of the great centers of population In order that It might easily be reached by officials and engineers desiring to make a study of its construction. Lengthy negotiations were neces sary with the companies controlling the wires along the site selected; with i he property owners where the greater right-of-way was required and with county, stats and federal authorities. The participation In the work by the county, stats and fed eral government required that the plans be passed upon by the engi neers of each of these units. The plans approved by the United States bureau of public roads insure tbe construction of ths finest stretch of road In the United States. The plans' call for 40 feet of reinforced concrete paving, 10 Inches thick, laid in the center of a 100-foot right-of-way. Provision has been made for the widening of the right-of-way to 125 feet, by options on ths abutting property, which can be exercised later If desired. The grade will be drained without ditches; ths roadway will be adequately and Ideally illuminated for night traffic: all overhead wires will be removed from tha right-of-way, which will be beautified and landscaped. The design contemplates a traffic within the life of the improvement equivalent to 20,000 vehicles per 24 hour day and the paving width will carry this traffic without danger and with facility. The state of Indiana lias already let contracts for th pavement of ths Lincoln-highway leading to each end of the ideal section. It Is expected 1917 Liberty 6, 4 Pass. Starting price. . . $575 Today's price . .$325 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington at 21st that the -section wil be about one mile and a half in length sufficient, it is believed by the officials of the Lincoln Highway association, to demonstrate the road lesson - con- veyed by the specifications and the veneral olans. ' - ! The utmost care will be used in the construction of the section, the work being under the constant inspection of the Lincoln Highway association's engineers and the highway engineers cf the state of Indiana and; Lake county, as well as the district engi neer of the federal government. Only the most approved modern practices will be followed In the handling, mix ing and laying of the aggregates. Highway engineers and public off!- Nash Leads the World itt Motor Car Value ITwo Rango Transmission 2 Removable Cylinder Wall. 3 Radius Rod 4 Pump and Thermo-Syphon Cooling 5 Removable Valve Lifter Assemblies 6 Pressure Lubrication 7 Instantaneous Governor GENERALMOTORS TRUCK; COMPANY Dipition of Ganaral Meter Corporation PONTIAC, MICHIGAN . . ... mf WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc. Second and Taylor Streets 1 Ton, '1295 2-Ton,2375 3flfc-Toii,'3600 5-Ton,'3950 CkammtM only At tho Factory Tax to b added cials in every section of the country Tcill follow this work with th utmost interest. ' Motion pictures will b taken of the construction. - MEXICO ENCOURAGES MOTORS Cars Exempted From Import Duty by Presidential Decree. ' "The business man In Mexico, as in the United States, has come to feel that the automobile is a necessity." This statement by the official organ of the American Chamber of Com merce in Mexico City appears to be in line with the policy of the Mex-ioan- government, which for quite some time has regarded the automo blls and motor truck as pre-requlsite 8tee downgrades of mountains in to proper development of the coun- 1 sures safety, saves the brakes and try's resources, says a bulletin from THAT there is today a distinct trend of preference toward the Nash Six leavening the whole buying impulse in this class must be plainly obvious. even to the casual observer. . The car possesses not only hardy endur ance and mechanical competence in strik ingly high degree, but it also has a beauty of line and riding comfort that are distinctive and unusual even in this day wnen more care than ever before has .been expended upon these qualities. , FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $1175 to $2725, f,'o. p. Portland Portland Motor Gar Co. Tenth at Bumside Every convenience and refinement that will produce better trucking has been built into GMC trucks. Electric lights, generator and battery are standard on all models. Pressure chassis lubrication, conduit wiring, provision for starting motor, if desired. - .... T All these are among the little things that go to make GMC the World's Finest Trucks. - the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. This appreciation of the car's util ity is emphasised by the suspension, through presidential decree, of im port duties, despite the general, need for revenue. Similarly, governors in certain provinces have urged that the taxes on motor vehicles be kept low. Even in matters of organising of j automobile shows and fostering of highway projects, official interest has betm taken. As result, several shows have already been held In Mexico City and a national highway proposed to traverse the entire country. The Engine's Braking Power, Using the engine as a brake on cools the engine. a? Ml (nmJ7.iHliifl Inspect Your ears Every 5000 Miles The motorist will find it prof itable to have his repair man in spect tha differential gears- in his car every 6000 miles. Frequently they get crat of 1 alignment and the teeth crack or break, which result in im paired operation of the ' car, costly wear and tear on the motor and expensive repair bills. When your gears need re placing have your garage man put in Double Diamond Differ ential and Transmission Gears which duplicate the original gears in your car. He,can get them at once by telephoning our store. Here's another suggestion: Before you start on that long summer tour get a set of these gears and have them on hand. You may not need them but if you do, you will need them badly. . Parts Catalogue to the Trad PATTERSON PARTS, INC Wen. Paris for All Cars' 20-22 12th St Portland, Or Telephone: Broadway 2751. . i - Other Stores: San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramentd NO. D64 CHEVROLET DALL PISTONS vary smooth running motor. Veryl sxrongr a m Lei. Amwaiw n,, not score. Takes very High pollshj Ws carry more than 300 different sized Dail Alstons in actual run land stock. Ask for Dall Piston and you get the best. Motor Equipment Co. T3 Sooth Broadway at Oak Portland - - - OrcgoH Phone Broadway XSSI I -r x i A