THE SUNDAY ' OREG OXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE' 4, 1923 DAILY BIBLE CLASSES WILL BE HELD AT THE BUGRMAN SCHOOL : Three Weeks Following Close of Public Schools Will Be Utilized for Religious Education of East Side Children Who Will Attend Sessions June 20 to July 7. Mornings to Be Filled With Variety and Good Cheer. 3. ITTlHE East Side Daily Vacation Bible 9 school has about completed an ! organization, which will enable tt to use the three weeks following the close of public schools for accom plishing valuable ends in the religious education of east side children who will attend Its sessions in the Buck man school building:, June 20 to July 7. Many children already hare signed lor the school, assured that those mornings will be full of novelty, va riety and good cheer, their parents pleased -to the prospect of foundations laid broad and deep for Christian character. The school Is non-sectarian, though It is made possible "by the efforts of Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Episco pal and Central Presbyterian churches assisted by the First United Brethren end East Side Christian churches. Children will attend from other churches also as the welcome Is un limited And there is no charge. At the exclusion of the school, di plomas will tee awarded and the pub lic Invited to observe the accomplish went. A unique and skillfully writ ten pageant by Lyman Bayard, who wrote the well-known Christmas and Easter pageants bo successfully given en the east side recently, will be Riven by the school on the evening of the last day. The pageant Is en titled "Out of the Bible" and Is par ticularly worth while because it Is re lated in every particular to the Bible Btorles and characters which will be studied in the school and the songs for it will be Included In the singing Instruction of the school. Every teacher In the school Is ex exiencea and most of them especially trained In secular as well tut religious pedagogy. Children of grammar school age. Including those who will start to eahooi in the fall, will attend and will bs graded accordingly. The pro gramme of all grades will consist of worship, singing, habit and mission ary talks, memory work, Bible stories, texpressional work in clay modeling, book making, paper cutting, etc, and ts the upper classes Bible geography will be taught with expressional work In the modeling of relief maps of Palestine in' paper pulp and the con Irtaruotion, with hammer and- saw of electric maps of the Journeys of flesua. . .... ' Next Sunday, according to custom, fell the sohools of the diocese of Ore gon -will meet, as tar as is possible. In s, united service at the pro-oathe-iflra!, for the presentation of their ILenten offering. The arrangements Cor this occasion have been in the bands of two committees. The Rev. ST. D. Bice, Paul Cowgill and F. J. the procession from St. Helen's hall to the pro-cathedral. Vested boys' and girls' choirs from Various schools, accompanied by their eross-bearers, will meet at St. Steph en's pro-cathedral at I P. M. for as signment to eeatinga and at 3:10 will proceed promptly to St. Helen's hall. Schools shall form on the grounds of St Helen's hall. The processional shall start at 3:20 from St. Helen's hall and proceed to the pro-cathedral in the following formation: Vested choirs, visiting clergy, St. Michael's, Ascension, pro cathedraj, St. David's, Transfiguration, Trinity, Grace Memorial, St. Peter's St James, Milwaukie, Oregon City, Philip's, St Matthew's, St. Paul's, St. John's, St Mark's, Good Shepherd, Cur Saviour, St. Andrew's. In case of rain the out-door proces sional will be abandoned. Vested choirs will form in parish house. Pupils and teachers will be seated by schools. The service at the pro-cathedral will begin at 3:36. The committee on the service con sists of the Rev. Thomas Jenkins, Dean Ramsey and J. W. Lethaby. The service is printed in pamphlet form and will be distributed at the pro cathedral. The bishop will award the banner for the largest school per cap ' ita offering, and the board of reli gious education will award the ban ner for the largest single school of fering. Mrs. Wilson Johnston -will award a medal for the largest individ ual offering in the diocese. A. W. Stone, secretary of the board, will cull the roll of schools and announce the Offerings. The president oi tne board will make a short address on "Leaders and Followers," and the bishOD will make the principal ad dress on the "Spiritual Value of the Lenten Offering.' The "Big Four" organization of the Hely Name society, comprising young men of the Catholic parishes of the Holy Redeemer, Assumption, Holy Cross and Blessed Sacrament, has elected as its new officers: T. W. Starkey, president; J. A. , Albrich, first vice-president; Cleve Preston, secona vice-presiaent; jm. rt xwub, seq-i retary-treasurer. The next meeting of the-"Big Four" is soheduled for June 15 in the Blessed Sacrament parish, end t that time a series of dates for the summer meetings and events will be announced. The- "Big Four" is one of the most active factors in the Holy Name dio cosin union, which has selected as its executive committee: Spiritual director. Rev. John Com misky, O. S. B.; president J. E. Mar cotte, Holy Redeemer parish; first vloe-president; P. A. Tuhey, Sacred Heart parish; . second vice-president James O. Aveline, Holy Cross parish; secretary, Charles Mau, St Agatha's parish; treasurer, Cleve Preston, Blessed Sacrament parish; marshal, Philip Dwyer, St Lawrence parish; Rev. M. Ferry, St Philip Neri; Rev. Kather Apolllnaris. Ascension; Rev. Charles M. Smith. St. Patrick's; Thom as Toukey, Holy Redeemer parish; K. ... P. McBride, St. Agatha's parish; J-L J. Menig, Our Lady of Sorrows parish; Leo Boyle, Ascension parish; M. H. Malley, cathedral parish; T. W. Starkey, Assumption parish; J. J. Miller, St. John's parish, Milwaukie; C A. LaGrande, St. Patrick's parish. The monthly meeting of the Port land Ministerial union will be held at tlie auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow morning at 10:40, Rev. E. Constant presiding. The important business of the morning will be the election of officers for the coming vear. The meditation will be given iy Dr. Parker of the First Methodist liplscopal church. School Directors N'ewell and Shull will address the union on the need of the Portland schools. J. C. Meehan of the Y. M. C A. will speak on "Boys and Their Literature." i Rev. P. A. Scarvle has iust . re- torned f rom Tiis trip to Chicago and J3vanston, where he attended thecom msnceraent services and preached the baccaiauerate sermon of the Norwe jrlan-Danlsh theological school. He iJso attended the annual meeting of the trustees of the school, being a member of the board himself. He visited Racine, Milwaukie, Duluth, Superior, Minneapolis and St. Paul and returned by way of Oakland and dan Francisco. Rev. Mr. Scarvle will occupy his own jKftpit in the Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal church, corner and Hoyt streets, both morning jwid evening today. The morning subject will be "Wells of (Salvation" and in the evening "Dead Jtiltt in, ths Ointment" All members ,'and friends of the church, as well as strangersfare invited to welcome the pastor home again. Church school will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the Alameda Park community church. Worship and the sermon wilT be at 11:15 on the theme "The Future of Christian ity." . Mrs. Raymond R Smith will sing. At 8 o'clock at Bight Dr. W. H. Collins will speak at an open meeting in the church on "Health: How to Gel It and How to Keep It" All are wel come. Important lecture. On Wednesday afternoon the wom en's association will hold an impor tant meeting at the church. AH are welcome. Mrs. E. F. Nelson is elected as leader of the Blue Bird Girls and plans are in motion to organize a Campfire Girls' camp soon. Chll-dn-eD.'s day programme June 11 at 11 o'clock. - Dr.. Villers to Preach' on "A Man's Religion," White Temple Pastor to Deliver - - Llnfield Baccalaureate. T the First Baptist church (White a, Temple) this morning Dr. Thomas J. Villers will speak on "A Man's Re ligion." Communion, with reception of new members, will follow the ser mon. - In the evening Dr. Charles L. Trawin of McMinnvtlle will preach 6a "Men Who Dare to Give God a Cft-nce." Dr. Villers will prefech the baccalaureate sermon at Llnfield col lege. Next Sunday nigi-t he will re sume his illustrated addresses on the holy land, the Journey being from Jerusalem to Bethleher-. ' ' " At the East Side Baptist church this morning Dr. G. H. Youcs will preach, as Dr. Hinson has been engaged to preach at the Sunnyside Congrega tional church on the occasion of Dr. Staub's 30th anniversary; but Dr. Hinson will return to his own, church for the communion service, wihem new mem bars will be received) into the fellowship. Dr. Young is the religious educa tional director of the Oregon Baptist state convention and the author of several books, the latest of which is "Who Is Who in America." , Dr. Young is always welcomed into the East Side Baptist church. His sub ject will be "The World's Evasion of G-paV The usual Bible school service will be held at 9:30, with classes for all. At 6:46 the Baptist Young People's union will meet in tha lower temple and the intermediate society In the parlor. The subject of the meeting will be 4"My Favorite Psalm and Why," led by Gwendolyn- Beach. The young people also will hold a service at the Patton home at S o'clock. At 7:45 Dr. Hinson will preach in his own. pulpit on the theme "Conan Doyle and! the Bible." At this service the new hymnal, which is to be in use during the summer Sunday-evening meetings, will be introduced and an uplifting song service will occupy the first 15 minutes. - At the midweek meeting, Wednesi day evening at 7:45, Dr. Hinson will give an address on "Spiritism False andi True." All of these services are open, to the public. Preacher Needs No Pity, Declares Speaker. Begging for Consideration Said to Get Job Only More Despised. A'- TLANTIC CITY, N. J., June- 3. Asking pity for "the poor old preacher" is a "rank -injustice and only succeeds in getting his posi Hon that much more despised," Rev. F. E. Smith of Indianapolis, rep resenting the Disciples of Christ, told the annual conference of interdenom inational secretaries of ministerial relief of Protestant churches here Thursday. "Time must be taken to educate the church as to the justice and strategy of the care of her workers," he as serted in discussing ministerial pen sions. "The business world has long ago accepted the sound sense of such pro vision. It is an awkward circum stance that the church whose workers have largely brought about such ben efits for the workers in business should last of all confer these bene fits upon her own. "The preachers must learn to speak out not for themselves, as they mis takenly think, but for their com rades in service whose work is done. The preacher while protecting him self, in his modesty, from foolish criticism, denies the only voice that can be raised en behalf of godly men and, WOmen who have soent their all In the ministry.' Sacred Cantata Feature of United Brethren Service. "The Good Shepherd" to Be Pre sented at First Chnrck Tonight. TONIGHT at the First United Brethren church. East Fifteenth' and Morrison streets, the chorus choir under the leadership of W. H. Moore will give the sacred cantata entitled "The Good Shepherd." A number of the leading singers of the city are regular members of this choir. They are frequently called on to assist in putting on the big musical pro grammes in other churches. The two quartet numbers of this programme will be given by Messrs. Moore and Long and Mesdames Anderson and Sumerlln. Take Sunnyside or Mount Tabor cars; get off at East Sixteenth or Fourteenth streets. At 11 A. M. the Sunday school will give a chil dren's day programme of reading and music Rev. Ira V. Hawley, pastor of Sec ond United Brethren church (Al berta), will preach this morning on "The Church Betrayed" and in the evening on "The Imperishable Word." , At the Fourth United Brethren church (Tremont) this morning will be given over to the children's day programme, and this evening the pas tor, Rev. B. Ross Evans, will preach on "A Man Who Made Mistakes." Dr. Eliot Will Preach on Education Today. Morning Snbjeet Devoted to This Yems Graduate. HE ELEMENTS of a Complets Eliot's subject this morning at 10:30 at the Church of Our Father (Uni tarian), corner of Broadway and Yam hill street. The sermon will be ap propriate to the season of the year, when so many students are "graduat ing'' and will treat of some of the fundamental problems in education. At noon the men's class meets un der the leadership of Dr. Edward O. Sisson. At 11:30 A. M. WiU be held ' communion service. Lw-toaiiiajMimtoW Iniilii'if If H. Ii i Y iniiili ill-r , IMWWiwiii -ni. i mimii Tne east side daily vacation Bible school has arranged an interesting programme for its coming; session. The leaders In the movement are) 1'Cit ts Olive Lawrence, primary teacher; man, sixth grade; Mrs. T. T. Hoyt, Methodist Church Makes Change in Hours. . Women of First Church Hold Pic nicWhitney 'Boys' Chorus to ' Sing. . B Y joint action of the official and Sunday school boards of the First Methodist church, the following im portant changes in the hours of serv ipes have been , arranged. .Sunday school will convene at 3:45. The morn ing service will be held at 11 o'clock and the night service at 7:45. These services will be held on tlje new schedule Sunday. Dr. Parker, the pas tor, will preach in the morning on The Moralizatlon of power,, ana Miss Frances Kallstedt will "speak at night. , - . ' An interesting programme of sum mer activities for First church, has been planned. On Wednesday last the women oi the church gathered at the Amedee Smitlt home on Riverside Drive for their annual picnic and outing. There were about 125 present and the boun tiful dinner spread under tne great fhr trees left nothing to be desired. Splendid reports from each of the ten circles showed that a great number of calls had been made upon newcom ers and the sick and that a great amount of work, had Been done, both belevolent and for the financial ad vancemept of the Woman's associa tion. The following new officers were elected for the coming year and will be installed in September after the summer vacation: President, Mrs. James D. Ggden; vice-president, Mrs. J. L. Bryan, secretary, Mrs. C. D. Min ton, treasurer, Mrs. T. T. Fett. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society will meet Wednesday, June 7, at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Neal Zimmerman, 65 East Thirty-fifth street. An interesting programme has 'been planned for the afternoon. Thursday night of this week at 8:30 the play, "Dinah of the Berbers," will be presented oy the Young People's Home Missionary society, in the Ox ford parlors. A silver offering will be taken for the South Portland . mis sion. The public is invited. Dr. Parker will give the commence ment address at the Kimball School of Theology Tuesday morning and will speak at the alumni banquet Tues day night, June 6. He will have the morning Bible hour and Sunday after noon lecture at the Willamette valley Chautauqua, to be held at Gladstone park in July. ' - - ' .- ;- The Whitney Boys' chorus will sing at the University Park Methodist church tonight at 8 o'clock. It is an nounced that about 1M boys will be present to make the service a sue cess. In the morning at 11 o'clock the sermon will be preached by Rev. D. T. Summervllle, who, after many years' residence in the park, is moving to Roseburg to make his home with his daughter. The friends of Dr. Summerville are cordially invited to take this opportunity of hearing him before he leaves this part of the state. wOn Wednesday, June 7, the DeMoss family will give an entertainment at this church. Sunday morning Centenary Wilbur will welcome to its pulpit Dr. W, T. Kerr, . affectionately known as "Father" Kerr, one of the honored men of Portland Methodism. In the evening there will be congregational singing of favorite hymns, with spe clal music and a short address. On the evening of June 7 the members of the Sunday school will give a con cert in the church auditorium. This concert has been in course of pre paration for some time and it is ex. pected that it will be an event of more than usual interest. Rev. H. P. Blake, a veteran Metho dist Episcopal minister, will preach this morning at the Tualatin church at 11 A. M. Although Brother Blake is is more than 89 years of age he is a forceful, interesting speaker and is highly esteemed in the Tualatin com munity. , This evening at 8 P. M. Rev. Alfred Bates, the pastor, will preach at Wll sonville church. A. series of kick-off meetings for the financing of the new Laurelwood Methodist Episcopal church, to be on a site on Foster road between East Sixty-first and East Sixty-second streets, will be held-today. The first of these meetings will be held tliie morning at the present church building, 4337 East Sixty-third street Dr. W. W. Youngson and Dr. C. C. Rarick Will be the speakers at this service, with Rev. F. E. Finley, the pastor, presiding. In . the afternoon services will be held under the trees on tha site of the proposed new building. Another out door service will be held it I P. M. There will be special ' music by the Franklin High School Glee club at the night service. It is proposed to erect a building in the neighborhood of 350,000. It will have an auditorium capacity of ap proximately 1200 people. ( An Epworth league rally to boost for the summer institute scheduled for the last week in July at Falls City, Or., will be held at the Sun nyside Methodist Episcopal church Friday night, June 9. F. N.-Haroun, institute manager. Is arranging a good programme and all leaguers are expected to participate. An institute supper will be served at 6:30 when yells, songs and toasts will be given. Following the supper there will be a short, snappy programme consist hwjjjjhiw-w. .w.m'--,.: .. i.. i. , i. ... ,w 'uut-i-,.. mm juunmiimiunun,.LU o.iiiiiiii urn , riiihtW. H. Samford, airs. Charles JHuarc Mrs. A, I. Anderson, superintendent pi primary department; Mrs, H. P. Heil fourth grade; Mrs. W. H. K usent, superintendent of Intermediates. ing of talks, ' institute slides and stunts. Rev. Mr: Dawson, superin tendent of the Pv'iand commons will preach at the Central Free Methodist church, East Fifty-third and East Flanders streets, at 11 A. M. Rev. Homer Williams will speak at ' 8 P. M. ' j ' - ". At Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal church the pastor will, preach in the morning by request on "The Sabbath of the Lors Our God." The men of the church Will conduct the n.ght service and have for a sub ject "If I Were a Millionaire, How I Would Use My Wealth." Attendance at Sunday school last Sunday outstripped all former rec ords. Prayer meeting has-quadrupled since crusade and revival meetings. Whitsunday Services to Be of Special Interest. ; Hundreds of Boys and Girls to Cel ebrate Birthday of Church, ON WHITSUNDAT the service at the pro-Cathedral will be of spe cial interest Dean H. M. Ramsey an nounces holy communion at 7:45, church school at 9:45, while at 11 o'clock Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner will preach the baccalaureate sermon for the pupils of St Helen's hall. This service will also be celebration of the holy communion. At 3 o clock all the church school boys and girls of the city will meet at St Helen's hall and march in pro cession to the pro-Cathedral, where the Lenten offering will be presented. Night service with short address at 7:45. On Tuesday night at Trinity church the commencement exercises of St Helen's hall will take place and the bishop will give a special address. -, ..-. -j ' ... To celebrate the birthday of the church, hundreds of boys and girls belonging to the Episcopal church schools in -Portland will form a pro cession on the campus of St Helen s hall on Sunday at 3 o'clock, and, led by more than 100 choristers in white vestments with banners of gold and blue and with brass crosses held aloft, will wind in procession through the streets singing "Onward, Christian Soldiers," to St. Stephen's pro-Cathedral, Thirteenth and Clay streets, Where the largest mass meeting of children in the history of the Port land Episcopal schools will be held, with special thanksgiving. At the same time the total of the children's Lenten offering will be an nounced, each of the 19 schools pre senting their special offering. It is hoped that Oregon will raise a total of 33000 - and that the children throughout the United States will be able to give- to the church this year more than 3300,000, a wonderful and stupendous advance from the early days. ',-...." Miss Helen Burke will lead the regular meeting of St Stephen's Young People's society at 6:30 P. M. in room A of the public library. Mrs. Gwen Howell and Miss Lillian Howell will be in charge of the musical pro gramme, which has been specially ar ranged, the former on the violin and the latter at ths piano. "Musio and Life" will be the speaker's subject All young people of any denomination are cordially invited. Whitsunday will be the 1889th birthday of the holy Catholic church. St David's unit of that great body wui noia due celebration. Whitsun day is the time when all faithful church people should go to their com munion. The first celebration will he at 7 o'clock, the second one at S o'clock and ths third at 11. At ths last serv ice the rector will be the preacher. Appropriate music for ths day has Been, prepared by the choir, under the direction of Tom G. Taylor. Holy baptism will be administered at 9:30; service at night at 7:30. At 4 oclock in the afternoon the schools will all join the united service at the, pro- buieurai. Bible Grows More Popular Throughout World.' Biggest Year's Circulation Sines War Period Reported. N EW YORK, June 3. The biggest year of Bible circulation since the high levels of the war period is re ported by the American Bible society in the annual report, which says: "The" total number of volumes cir culated during the year was 4,855,464, which is more than a million in ex cess of the distribution of ths pre ceding year. The largest increase is shown in China, where 2,362,730 were circulated, trom' Japan, the near east and all of Latin America there has Come an increased, demand so great that the society has been un able to meet it. "The revised Spanish New Testa ment has been completed and will be ready for distribution during the coming year. Translation work has gone forward also in Luragoii for missions in British East Africa; in Quechua for the Bolivian Indians," in Zulu for the black people of South Africa, in K'pelle tof use in Liberia. In China large parts of ths scriptures have been Issued In the new phonetic script, which is a simplified written form endorsed and promoted by the government." JUacCangbey, in charge or music j jnrs. Presbyterians WilL Hold : i Communion Serviced Dr. Bowman to Preach Second of " Native Sermon Series, AT THE First Presbyterian church this morning there will the regular communion service, together with receptioa of members. -Ton!Snt the jastori Rev. Harold Leonard Bow man, D. d;, will preach "the second in the series of nature sermons, "The Spiritual Message of the Trees.". The offertory solo, "A Ballad of Trees and' the Master" -(Chadwick), will be sung by Otto Wedemeyer. The following circles will meet at 2 P. M. Tuesday: Circles A and B t the .home of Mrs. W. B. Gilbert, 490 Twenty-first street; circles J and W at the home of the leader, Mrs. David Muir, 85 East Twenty-seventh street circle K at the home of the leader, Mrs. F. A- Kenny, 727 Hawthorne avenue; circle F, at the home of Mrs. Walter Johnson, 1527 East Hoyt street; circle P at the home of Mrs. C. A. Tomas sene, 351 East Forty-ninth street North. Circle S will give a Juncheon at I P. M. at the home of ths leader, Mrs. J. C. Stevens, 108 Royal court. Circle E will give a garden party at the home of Mrs. Edwin Caswell, 791 Overton street, at 2 P. M. Wednesday. Circle L will hold a night reception Tuesday at 8 o'clock at the home of the leader,- Mrs. Henry Waller, 995 Lambert street. Circle M wijl meet aUthe Waverly Baby Home on Tues day at 11 A. M. Friday afternoon from 8 to 5 the Women's association will hold the annual tea at the home of Mrs. E. H. Sensenich, 483 East Twenty-fifth street North. This is to be in the nature of a towel shower for Hillock burn and all the women of the church and congregation are Invited to come and bring towels of any kind. The Warren Bible and vesper classes will unite in a closing class party Tuesday night, June 6, in the chapel of the First Presbyterian; church. Today is the last meetipg of both of these classes until they re open again the first Sunday in Octo ber, and this party Is "plannea as a farewell gathering before the sum mer months of separation. The Ves per orchestra Of ten memoers, as sisted by a prominent soloist will give a splendid musical programme. Awards for the year's work will be given by the teacher of the two classes, Mrs. Angela L. Ford Warren, and a social time will follow. Any Visitors coming to, the classes today will be cordially welcome and in cluded for this party. Both classes meet In room E of the church house. The Warren Bible class for young women meets immediately after the service, and the vesper class meets at 4 o'clock, and is for both young men and young women. The entrance is at 454 Alder street. The leoture room is on the second floor. At Westminster Presbyterian church the pastor, Dr. E. H. Pence, will Breach this morning on "Where There's a Will; the Labor Problem in the Kingdom," and tonight on "The Humanizing Jesus." Professor Hutchison has arranged the following special music: 10:30 A. M. Anthem, "Holy Spirit rom. o Coma" Q.'C. Martin: onertory, "Blegle." S. Rousseau; quartet. "The Sun Shall Be No More Thy Light by Day." H. H. Woodward. (In affectionate memory r.f Mrs. John F. Losran.) 7:45 P. M. Tenor solo ana qnartei. 'Come, Holy Ghost " Our souls Inspire," Thomas Attwood: offertory, Andantlno, Robert I.'- Schumann : hymn-anthem, "The Lord Is My Shepherd, .Henry smart. Wednesday night the Boy Scouts of this entire district, comprising nine troops, will meet in the church par lors to see the Finley pictures of ani mal life and Wahtiim lake. Next Sunday will be children's day, when a large class of 72 will be pro moted from the primary department There will be two programmes at 12:10, one by the grade school section and the other by tne primary depart ment. . - . ., Complete plans have now been made for the summer Bible school, which opens June 19. During the Rose Festival the sessions will close at 11:30 so as to give ample time for all Festival activities. Dr.' Walter Henry' Nugent of the Central Presbyterian church will oc cupy his pulpit at both services today. His morning topic is "Bodily Exercise Versus Godliness," and his night topic "Summertime Angels and Devils." The large chorus, under the direction of J. William Belcher, will sing. Thursday night at 7 o'clock ths teachers of the Sunday school who have taken the second unit in the teachers' training course, "Thorough ly Furnished," will take a written ex amination set by the denomination. The various departments of the Sunday school of Central church will meet in general assembly at 9:45 this morning for the annual examinations. On children's day, June 11, those who have reached the proper ages will receive diplomas to the next depart ment. Those who have satisfactorily completed the department require- mments will receive gold stars . on their diplomas, indicating honorable promotion, .- This morning at Piedmont Presby terian church the pastor, Rev. J. F. Morgan, will preach on the subject "Joy in God's Service," taking his text from Acts v:42. Tonight he will take as his sermon topic, "Can Jesus Bs Crowded Out of His World?" with the text Matthew xxvi!l:20. This will be communion Sunday. The regular meeting of the Mis sionary society will be held Wednes day afternoon at the church. The main paper of the day will be on the Philippine islands. Letters from Mrs. Neal in. Africa will be read as an added attraction, and Miss Nora Mar-1 tin. the blind pianist, will play. Mrs. R "Thomas will Jiave the devotionals for the day. Hostesses will be Mrs. F. r. Lawrence, Mrs. L M. Palmer, Mrs. Edna Slocum and Mrs. W. O. Ashby. , Rev. Ira W. Hawley, pastor of Sec ond United Brethren church, will be the speaker at the Men's Resort meet ing today at 4 P. M. There will be music and songs by the i Ergathae class of First Methodist Episcopal church and the popular song' service will precede ths speaker. . Baron Fersen Will Speak at Christian Churchy "Christian Miracles" Will Be Topic , . in Lincoln Auditorium. ALL Sunday services of the First Christian church will be held in the main auditorium of ths Lincoln high school, on Park street between Market and Mill. In tne public wor ship this morning at 11 o'clock Baron Eugene Ferson, from' Moscow, will speak on "Christian jatracles." , The musical setting- for -the Sunday services by the church auartet wHl include the anthem "By the Rivers of Babylon" (Vincent) ; the. soprano tenor duet "Ths HiB of Calvary" (Lansing), by Mrs. Freimaa and Mr. Hafner: also the baritone offertory sold, "Spirit of God" (Neldlinger), by Sargent Patterson. . ' Ths evening worship at 7:45 will have a distinctive educational value in the form of an Illustrated lecture on ''The Birds of Oregon,"'' by W. A. Eliot vice-president of the State Au dubon society and representative of tha educational extension courses of the United Young . Men's Christian association schools. The illustrations for the lecture will be conveyed by beautiful hand-colored slides, and in connection with the ' exhibit the speaker will explain . the new Young Men's - Christian association extension plan, which is proving of great Interest to those wanting a better equipment for their life work. Admission to this lecture is free and the general public is in vited. ' - ' ; This morning Rev. William R. Reece of the Portland society of . the New Christian church will speak on "God in Man and How to Worship Him There" at the Portland hotel assembly room at il o'clock. Next Sunday morning Mr. Reece will give his last sermoq here until the re sumption tit services in September. In the meantime he will attend the national convention of the New Christian church at Urbana, O., Which meets this year for the 101st time in the United States. The two remain ing Sundays In June will be in charge of laymen, the society then enjoying a vacation during the months of July and August. The Lord's supper will be observed oh the Sunday of June 1L ... . -The Advent Christian Sunday school begins each Sunday morning promptly at 10 o'clock. This morning at IX o'clock ths pastor expects a large attendance, as the monthly holy communion service will be held at that hour. The Young People's Society of Loyal Workers will meet at 6:30 P. M.- The service will be conducted by Mrs. Jennie Armstrong. The closing service will begin at 7:30 sharp. The pastor will speak on the topio "The Prescription That Brines Permanent Results.", Services at the East Bide Christian church, East Twelfth and Taylor streets, will be conducted by the pas tor, xiev. waiter .seott Crockett, to day. Ths subject this moraine will bs "The Sufficiency of the Sacred Scriptures." Tonight he will speak on "Tne Keai rieed of Rest" . The Bible school has made strong appeal for new members and ths need for larger quarters is ap parent The f inancal committee, of which T. P. Campbell is chairman, will meet this need some time dur ing the summer or early fall. A large gathering of members and friends attended ths "church party" last Friday night, when . the men of the were hosts. Vocal solos, piano and violin solos, speeches and readings were given, all by- the men. Even the refreshments wera provided and served by the men, who chal lenged ths women to equal their , en tertainment. St. James' Lutheran Church Without Pastor. v Rev." W. E. Brlhhman Absent In Seattle, Where He Officiated at Dedication. THE REV. AXEL M. GREEN will conduct the regular morning service in ths absence of Rev. W. E. Brinkman, at the- St James English Lutheran church Sunday at 11 'A. M. Rev. Brlnkmao is in Everett, ,Wash., where, as the executive of ths Pacific synod,, he is officiating at the cere mony of dedication of ths 'beautiful new Trinity church edifice, which was recently completed. TThe n-Ight serv ice will be omitted this Sunday. Rev. Brinkman will return borne on Mon day. . . - The Sunday school session will be held at 9:50 A. M. Classes for young and old are Open to students and visi tors all adults are cordially invited to attend ths pastors' bible olassf Ths young people's Luther league will hold a devotional meeting Sunday night at 6:45. The topic will be "A Brave American -Gtrl,- Influences a Great General." ' - - , The church council will meet on Monday night June 5. . Tuesday night June" 6, Mrs. E. C. Cronk, the national superintendent of children's work of the United Luth eran church in, America, will address all Lutherans of Portland and vicinity at a union gathering at St. James church at ( o'clock. Mrs. E. C Cronk, who is visiting the Pacif ic coast Luth eran centers, is widely known as an author and editor and lecturer in the Lutheran church in America, Every one is cordially invited to ths service. Pentecost will be observed and holy communion celebrated in . St Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and and Clinton streets. Rev. A. Krause, pastor. Confession will be held at 10 A. M. and festival service and holy communion at 10:30. The subject for ths sermon will be "The Pentecost of the Apostles and Our Pentecost" At 5 P. M. the bible study begins and at C P. IX. the young peoples business meeting. - At 8 P. M. a sacred concert will be-g-iven by the choir, under the leadership of its director, G. Hark len, and a very good programme of sacred song and music will be ren dered. The Sunday school meets at 9:30 A. M. Wednesday at 8 P- M. the ladies society meets with Mrs. E. Roethe at Roethe's station and the choir rehearses Friday at 8 P. M. Tils Sunday school of ths Clay Street Evangelical church will meet I at 10:45, in charge of the superintend ent, j. iieiier. At 10:45 ths pastor, Jacob Stocker, will preach a sermon on ths subject "Significance of the Altar." In the afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be a short service at the Altenheim at Division street The young people's alliance begins at 7, in charge of C B. Lehmann. At 8 the pastor wilt speak on the question of ! Samuel to Jesse, "Are These All of Thy Children?" The pastor of the; Clay street church will be away for six weeks In order to take a post graduate course at .Naperville, 111. Rev. Schuknecht will be the sub stitute for this period, and will begin his services with coming Sunday, June 11, 1922. ' Rev. . C. J. Ledln of the Swedish tabernacle, Glisan and North Seven teenth streets, has consented to the unanimous request of his congrega tion to remain with the local church and has declined a tempting call to the Swedish tabernacle of Tacoma, Wash. It is five years next Sunday since Rev. Ledin took up nis pastoral work in the local church. During this time the church membership has near ly doubled. The game result has been reached in. the tabernacle Sunday school,, and the young people's so ciety. . On "his fifth anniversary as a pastor of the Swedish, Mission church of Portland, Rev. Ledin will speak next Sunday at 11 A- M. on A Living Sac rifice" and at7:30 P. M. on 'Sacred Memories." He intends to attend the annual conference of the Evangelical Mission Covenant, at Chicago, Ill- June 20-25,'1922. Children's day and a special pente costal service WiU be observed by Our Savior's Lutheran churoh today. The children's day service will begin at 10 o'clock when .teachers and children will join In presenting an elaborate programme or music and song. At 11 o'clock Rev. W. A. Christen son will read the Pentecostal message In Norwegian and preaoh the sermon In .English. . Dr. McEIveen Will Discuss 4 "Truths That Nourish." First Congregational Church Have No Vacation. ft'T'RUTHS THAT NOURISH" will 1 be Dr. McElveen's topio this morning at fhe First Congregational church. Tonight he will resume his question forum and answer the fol lowing four questions: (1) How should America now treat Germany and Rus ia? (3) What was ths belief of the atheist, Thomas . Paine? (3) Does Christian' Science play tricks with the dictionary? (4) Will Conan Doyle's prophecy that "spiritualism will be the world's religion In ten years" be fulfilled? The organist for the eve ning will be Genres Baker. Mrs. V. Tt. Kewton, the regular organist, is away on vacation. Walter Blair also will take Mr. Crosby's place in the church quartet for the day. The Sunday serv ices at the First church, will know no vacation. However, the services will be considerably abbreviated. George Prior is the leader of the In termediate Christian Endeavor meet ing, and Ralph Ivey is the leader of the senior meeting at 6:30 oclock. At the Golden Rule open forum at 12:30 noon Herbert Powell Lee will lead in a discussion of "The Golden Rule and Good Citizenship." Tomorrow night the executive coun cil will meet in the pastor's study, j At the same time Mrs. Carrie B. Adams will, meet the -older young folk for a rehearsal of the music to be given Sunday morning, June 18. Thursday evening Dr. McEIveen will give the second of his illustrated stereopticon lectures. -, It will be en-, titled "Little Journeys Through the Southland." - , , ... - . ' The year book of the Congrega? tional churches of America for 1921 has just been issued. It reports ad vance all along the line. More new churches were organized than in any year of that denomination's history. The total accessions to membership during the year were 78,365. The gain in Sunday school membership for the year was 87,563. Over 316,000,000 was raised and expended on local work, and $2,890,894 was given to the eight national Congregational missionary societies. The average ministerial sal ary was boosted over 3100 during the year, it being on December 81, 1921, $1739.98. This is the largest average ministerial salary among all the Protestant denominations, ' This morning at the Highland Con gregatlonal church the pastor, Rev, Edward Constants will preach on the following topic:" ''The Promise Made Good, or the Blessing of Pentecost' In the eyening ho will deal with the question, -."Do We Need a New Re ligion?" The Ladles' Aid society will hold an all-day meeting at the church on Wednesday, serving lunch at noon. The Sunday school is carrying on a contest which has certain educa tional values, designed to promote regularity . of attendance and effi ciency of work. A special committee, together with the superintendent Mrs. M-- R. Stuart is making prep arations fpr children's day exercises the morning oi June 11. v . This morning at the Pilgrim Con gregatlonal church, corner Shaver street and Missouri avenue, James W. Price, pastor, will take as his subject "The Supreme Desirs of the Enemy, as illustrated by the offer to Christ of world dominion, from the text "All this will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me." Three questions will be answered in this Bermon: (1) Did the enemy make a legitimate' offer to our Lord? (2) Would such an offer constitute a valid temptation to Christ? (3) What is tnere in thhe incident helpful to the life of today? In the evening the group service will be in charge of Mrs. Jessie Steckle, assisted by Miss Dorothy Price and Miss Ella Anderson. Rev. Mr. Price will make ths closing remarks. The Pilgrim boys' chorus will sing several selec tions. At this service there also will be a reception of. new members. Atkinson Memorial Congregational church will have service today at 11' A. M. and 8 P. M. This morning tne pastor. Rev. E. E. Flint, will speak on the "Progress of Christianity." Tonight the programme will consist of a community sing; a message on "The Courage And , Cowardice of Youth"; seeing "the world as God made it on thecreen, three reels of pictures. - . The Thursday night meeting will be conducted by the pastor and will be a Bible study of the First Letter of John. ' - ' ' Rev. Oliver Perry Avery, pastor of the Waverly Heights Congregational church, corner of East Thirty-third street and Woodward avenue, will preach at both services. At 11 A. M. the subject of the sermon will be "The Deeper Joy of Life," and 8 P. M. "A Famous Singing Girl." A young people's chorus choir sings in the evening under the leadership of E. H. Barendrick. , , On Wednesday the Ladles' Aid and ' Missionary societies meet in the fore noon with picnic dinner at 13:30. Mrs. W. K. Royal will be the visiting speaker of the afternoon. '. , This will be a record day at Sunny side Congregational church.- All serv ices will be permeated by the spirit of . the 30th anniversary celebration. The Sunday school at 9:45 will rallv all its former "tm embers and friends in a great reunion. At the morning services Dr. Walter B. Hinson, pastor of the East Side Baptist church, will deliver the anniversary sermon. The choir win sing "O Worship the King," by Nichol. Marion Bennett Duva will sing "How Beautiful Upon the Moun tains," by Harker. Robert E.Millard will play a flute solo, "Tendre Souvenir," by Donjon, accompanied by the pipe prgan. The three Endeavor societies will act as hosts to ex-members and friends of their departments. The evening service will offer a programme of unusual attraction. The pastor, Dr. J. J. Staub, will give a short address on "Lights and Shades of Thirty Years," and Gladys Morgan Farmers pre-service organ recital will include: "Marche 6olonce11e" ft,eMeirre: "Sun shine and Shadow" (Gale): Rev An gellqoe" (Bubenetein). uamoiie solo, "Fear Te Not .O Israel" (Dudley Buck), Arthur Von Hoelst. , ,. The choir .will give the following programme: . -j i Anthem, "Br '' Babylon's 1 ' Waves" (Gounod); tenor solo. "The Holy City" (Adams), Jacob Ferguson, Soprano solo, A Voice in the Wilderness" fScett). Marion Bennett Duva; duet "Even Song" (Smart), Misses " Feraason and Wehnil baritone solo, "Just as X Am" (Scott), J. Scott Milne: anthem "Inflammatus" (Gounod), with sonrano obllzato hv Mrs. Duva; organ postlude, "Triumphal March" ivercij. .,,...,: , , .. , , The anniversary celebration will conclude Tuesday evening in the re union and reception to members and friends under the auspices of the men's league and ' the Ladies' Aid society. Dr. E. H. Pence of West minster Presbyterian church will give the address, and an excellent musical programme will follow. l Thursaay evening at ths Bible study hour the fourth chapter of Phil ippians will be . studied, Dr. Staub leading...- . . : i: - - The Independent Bible Spiritualistic ' Society and Church, of 591 Commer cial street near Stanton, Rev. Mrs. Ida M. Schorl, pastor, will have a lec ture tonight at 8 o'cloek. The regu lar:. Thursday night circle ' will be held as usual at 8 o'clock. - The women of ths society will serve refresh ments. - r- : . ..... i-.-'-." The Rev. E. O. Shepherd will preach both morning and evening in the Third United Brethren church. Thirty-second avenue and Sixty seventh street Southeast. . " Community services will be held this evening at 8 o'clock at Grange hall. East Eighty-second and Division streets. Rev. E. R. . Hollensted w(H preach. . . : , Rev. Fay L. Ingram, pastor, will speak at the services of the Guiding Star Spiritualist churoh, 40;9 Aider street, today. There will be a con ference from 8 to 4:30 P. M, ami cir cles from 4:30 to 7:30. Lecture at 8. Christian Science Lesson Sermon Deals With God. Regular Services Will Be Held In All Portland Churches. JjIOD the Only Cause and Creator" J will be the subject of the les son-sermon in Christian bcience churches today. Christian Science churches hold morning services Sunday at 11 o'clock and evening services at 8 o'clock. Fifth and Seventh churches omiit the evening service. ' . Sunday school", for children up to the age of 20 is held in all churches at 9:45 and 11, except Third and Fifth churches, where, the sessions convene at 9:30 and 11. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are held in all churches at 8 o'clock. v Reading rooms for the public are Bln.. - 119-1- Vnithiu.arii Bank building, 33 North Third street, 133 North Sixth street and 148 Kil lingsworth avenue, where the Bible and all Christian Science literature may be read or purchased. The churches are located al fol lows: First church, Nineteenth and Everett streets; Second' church, East Sixth street and Holladay avenue; Third church, East Twelfth and Sal mon streets; Fourth church, Vancou ver avenue and Emerson street; Fifth church, 4224 Sixty-secondi street Southeast; Sixth, church, Pythian building, 388 Yamhill street; Seventh church, 403 Smith avenue, St. Johns. An invitation to attendr the church services and visit the reading roam? is extended to the public. Dantzie to Feed Its Children, LONDON. The free city of Daht zig, from which the American relief administration is. . to withdraw in June of this year, has now passed the necessary legislation to continue the child feeding in the future. This is ths second government to arrange for the continuance of the American work after the closing of the Amerl-. can relief administration offices, Poland having the , honor to be the first The American relief adminis tration has operated in Dantzig since April, 1921, and up to January last had served meals to 730,000 children of that city. Some help .was also given to nursing mothers. Wash With Cuh'cnra Soap and Have a Clear Skin Baths with the Soap and hot wa ter on rising and retiring, using plenty of Soap. If any signs of pim ples, redness or roughness are pres ent smear with the Ointment and let it remain five minutes before bathing. Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. SaavUIaek ImtrMiH, Address: "drHnra tab mWlM, IkeVlir, ktildcl U,in." Sold ry wbare. Soap Ste. Ointment 2S and GOe. Taletnn 26e. fiffif' Cnticara Soap shava without mas.