The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 04, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 39

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H. LIEBE3 ft CO., Broadway at
Morrison, la in need of tthe serv
ices of thoroughly experienced
blouse and underwear saleswomen.
WANTED Sereraft young ladles for general
office work; apply 8 to 10 A. M. Mont
gomery Ward & Co., 27th and Vaughn.
LUMBER biller, switch board operator,
100; bookkeeper, stenographer, lumber,
$125; bookkeeper, stenographer, real es
tate, $90; stenographer to assist physi
cian, $80. Williams Personnel Service,
leading office specialists, 04 Spalding
WANTED 2 waitresses, $40 board and
room; good eld money; first-class place.
1 waitress In small town, $13 a week
and board. 1 waitress, $50 and board,
raise If satisfactory. Acme Employ-
. ment Office, 50 N. 2d st
AN EXCELLENT opening with estab
lished firm for young lady of neat ap
pearance and pleasing personality. In
vestment of $200 required. No office
work. Salary $30 weekly. BF 704, Ore
gonian. TWO WAITRESSES out. cook for resort
$100; cook on ranch $40; 5 gen. house
work; $50, $60 work for hospital, city;
waitress for resort, $40, R. B. Portland
Labor Agency, aoi Kaieign pmg.
J. L. PENNEY, Tillamook, Or., require the
services of a thoroughly experienced
saleslady; must be able to take care of
trade In all department; A-l references
irpaulrfd. Repjy N557, Oregonian.
WANTED -Girl to sell Ice cream on trains
at Llnneman Junction, near Gresham.
Must be snappy, not afraid to ta.k.
Tnke car at First and Alder.
WANTED Lady to manage cafeteria.
Must be experienced and able to handle
all details. References required. aB
6NS. Oregonian. . '
WANTED Housekeeper, good character,
permanent position if agreeable; refer
ences exchanged; bachelor's home. For
appointment address BC 704, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman to care for small home
and two children. Apply 680 Alberta St.,
Carmel Shop. Alberta car. After 12
noon. " .
WANTED -Woman kitchen helper ' for
roadhouse; steady; smaJI wages to start;
prefer Swede. Call Tabor 7695 after
noons. WAITED Waitresses, far advanced, Ex
perienced! laundry hejp. In city. Open
Sunday Lew is Employment, 43 N.
Second st.
WANTED Neat, reliable young girl to
assist with housework, care of two chil
dren, good wages, good homo; references
woociiawn 4H73. Call alter 12.
CURL wanted for steady housework In
small family; no washing or cooking;
good home and wages. Reference. Ta
bor 6703.
FOR cooking and general housework, two
In family. Ill Ji. 22d, near Glisan. DM
or 2od-wt. car.
EXPERIENCED girl for labeling and
packing. Apply Mr. RayL Peerless Food
Product Co., 105 N. 2d st.
LADY canvasser for fancy work; big com
mission; fast sell era 381 Yamhill,
WOMAN to care for small baby in her
home. Full particulars. Rosa City vlcin-?
Ity. AB -724. Oregonian.
FIVE experienced teachers wanted for ed
ucational work during summer. X 686,
WOMAN, under 40, for general house
work; wagtga $30; prefer lady to go home
nights. Call 475 Holladay.
COOK for hotel out, first-class, $25 week;
call Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Port-
land Labor Agency. 301 Ralei g h bldg.
WANTED 5 neat appearing young lady
solicitors, straight salary. Call Sunday
2 to 5. 721 -Corbett Bldg.
Wanted Domestics.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; Portland Heights. Must be good
cook; no washing; four adults; good
j-niine mam at-iu mesa ay
COMPETENT girl for general housework
in family of two; must be good cook and
furnish references; good wages. Applv to
835 Overton st., or phone Marshall 1H26.
COOK for small hotel, $75; cook for deli
catessen, $14 week; housekeeper, $45.
Other good positions. Scott's Employ-
mcnt oirice, nenry DiQg.
1UDDLE-AGED woman to look after and
be companion to elderly lady In nfce
home for her room and board; call
Monday. Broadway 4993.
WANTED Woman for general housework
and take care of two children. $30. Call
Yamhill public market Monday- Stand
MiAT, capable woman, for cooking and
downstairs work, in horn where there
are children; $30. Main &3S8. Call
Monday or later.
WANTED Woman or girl for general
housework for family on farm In Polk
county. Write Mrs. P. J. Frizsell,
WANTED A girl for general housework,
modern ft-room bungalow; 2 adults and
31-months-old baby; references. 6UG E.
' 53d N. Tabor
GIRL for general housework; 3 children;
good home for neat and congenial party.
Tahor 2006.
WANTED ilrl for downstairs work and
plain cooking. Adults; salary $3. East
WANTED A neat, reliable girl to assist
with housework; family of three. Call
.t Couch
WANTED Uirl for 2d work, small family;
foreigner preferred. 619 Hillcrest drive.
Phone Main 2S00.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist
wan nouscwork and care of 2 children;
good home, Protestant. Tabor C752.
WANTED Girl to assist with cooking and
general housework; no children. Phone
Enat p:U. 615 E. 9th St. N.
GOOD cook and downstairs work, $75 per
minim, j-nune urouuwij .o; evenings.
East 7ft.
K25-1U OR 731 EAST 18TH ST.
KLDERLY woman to do plain cooking
and housework and care of one child.
GIRL lor general housework, two men at
home, family at beach for summer; good
wan en. Phone Main 2573-
WANTED Experienced cook and second
maii for 3 In family; references required.
L 674. Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for cooking
and downstftirs work ; references re-
qnirert. Apply mornings. 1S3 N. 2mh st.
WOMAN to care for 2 children and gen
. eral housework; good borne, $30 a mo.
Phone t inlay, Oak Grove 2.
WANTED Experienced operators on
rower machines. Apply Eastern Novelty
Manufacturing Co.. S5 5th st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; $40 a mouth; no washing. East
COMPETENT lady for general housework;
a good plain cook, steady position; must
llkw chil.iron. Cn!l Monday. Tabor 7911.
GOOD, reliable girl to do housework; no
conking; must like children. Call at
1045 E. 2Mh st. N. Take Alberta ear.
YOUNG girl to assist with light house
work ; 3 atlults; lovely place for the
right girl. East 1059.
W ANTE D Experienced girl for general
housework; good home, modem conven
lences. Va'u 51 S9. 768 Marshall st.
1RL WANTED General housework, good
ww pes. Call Seliwood 215.
WANT girl tor general housework. Phone
East 917 or call 505 E. B dwy.
GIRL for general housework; willing to
go to the bfach. 6-il Washington st.
WANTED Girl or young lady for house
work. Cull 295 E. 37th St.
MAID tr general housework, permanent
ypymon, aegiraoic worn. Tanpr 5615.
GIRL for cooking and general housework.
Apply S74 Lovejoy. Marshall 1491.
GIRL wanted for light housework; small
w spr; geoa nome. a ah tm st.
WANTED A second maid.
LXIMCIIIKNVUD cook to go with private
lamiiy to rne peat-n. .Marsnan 3113.1.
assist with nouseworK. l all Eat 6646.
WANTED A girl for general housework
t-U 1 per month. Aut. 3?u-32,
GIRL wanted for general housework. Tabor
WANTED Capable woman cook for small
reiaentiai notel, East 7,4.
KELtA RLE girl for general housework.
. Ior ""p"- tfast 4ea.
W ANTKD A housekeeper in town near
roruann. tr ue, oregonian.
WANTKD Resident agents Oregon and
Washington; Quick selling line house-
hoM unit nf'iio v.m0!it.c- .
ritory. Write Lynch at Co., Exchange
WAN or woman wanted, $40 commission
wcpR.y ma time. i an nour commission
spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery
to wearer; experience unnecessary. In-
SCANDINAVIAN couple wanted at Min
eral springs: man to do outside work
and woman to work in hotel: wages $75
a month with board and room. AV 220,
WAN AND WIFE for suburban home. 6
miles from Portland; woman for ho use -
zorn. man tor care of pouJtry and. aar
uemuf. itaio 6044.
S1RAWBERRY pickers and Darker
wanted at White Salmon, Wash.; season
begins about June 5 to 10; bring camp
ing outfit. For further information
write White Salmon Growers Ware-
nuurce, vmte saimon. wash.
MAN and wife, 40 to 50, for small coun
try home; man must understand care of
horses, dogs and poultry and be a good
gardner; wife must be good cook. See
Mr. George, 1202 Gasco bldg., Monday,
between 10 and 12 A. M.
WaKTED Man or lady to take half In
terest In established business ; pay $50
- to $75 a week; experience unnecessary;
service and investment required, 721
Corbett bldg.
HAVE opening for a live man with initia
tive ana aomty to handle men as county
distributor of a well-established con
cern of excellent standing; only those
who can prove ability need apply, $125
required. Mr. Winter, 905 Chamber of
Commerce bldg
I need a partner who can call on the
trade, use the telephone and make him
self useful in general. Salesmanship
and personality more essential than a
strong back. $350 required. Main 527S.
CARPENTER wanted with some cash for
partner in building 6 residences. Wood
lawn district; Write or call at 1485
Bronson avenue, after 6 P. M., 2 blocks
north fire house, Dekum avenue. Wood
lawn car.
Live, am-bitious young man fer part
ner, $400 needed; money secured; big
returns; quick results. For particulars
write M 122, Oregonian,
WANT lady to take charge of anoffice
and fill orders; take over interest in
established, paying business; experience
unnecessary; $200 month income. In
vestment required. AH 696, Oregonian.
MANAGER, capable handling sales force,
headquarters at Eugene, Or. Can make
$10 fo $16 daily; investment of $250, han
dle own money. See Mr. Beatty,. 905
-""" commerce oiog.
WANT truck driver and helper on lumber
truck in country; $200 required as a
loan. Will secure money for 00 days.
vrwu wagen ana tong 300. mast IsaO.
LADY who can sew to take ft Interest in
an established business; services and
. small investment required. Apt. 1, 881
Yamhill at.
EXPERIENCED nursery man and gar
dener to take Interest in nursery proposi
tion; hava the land, good location. Ta
bor 2515.
CARD WRITER to take over half interest
in paying card shop in city. AE 69S,
PARTNER in established woodsaw busi
ness; plenty work, small investment re
quired. 505 Swetland bldg.
TWO BOYS, one 13 and one 16 years of
nt7ft rlaaira nlann n ... 1 .1
age, desire place on farm where -they
can worn tneir way; used to farm life.
AN 706, Oregonian.
CHEF COOK, firt-claas all around, man,
fins for his dinners and pastrv, A-l
meat cutter; hotel or restaurant, out of
city. L 701, Oregonian. -
Window trimmer, card writer and ad
man, wants position out of town. Mar
ried. O 73. Oregonian.
FARM BOY Age 15; husky and strong,
wishes place with good folks. Wants to
work among stock. Write 703 Spokane
ave., Portland.
YOUNG man, 28,' wants steady work in
city where there Is chance for advance
ment; wages to start no object M 703,
POSITION as grocery clerk, hav also had
experience as buyer and manager of
' groceries. Can give best of references.
Call Wdln. 3315.
OAiRlPENTEiR Changes, porches, addi
tions, garages; prompt, reasonable.
Leave call at Main 8027.
YOUNG man, 4 years' experience, wants
position gents furnishings or department
store; references Phone Sellwood 3168.
WILL pay for information leading to work
as auto mechanic's helper; some experi
ence. N 705, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want berry picking and
packing; no short time wanted. AC 705,
PHARMACIST, registered, years of experi
ence, city or country; references. Drug
gist, 634 Commercial.
CEMENT finisher and plasterers, by da
or contract; first-clasa work; prices rea
sonable. Bdwy. 6601.
POSITION as sawyer or contract; prefer
west Douglas or Cobs county. AV -.103,
35c A ROLL.
H. S. SENIOR wants permanent position;
can type or drive auto; consider any
thing. East 4989. D 719, Oregonian.
' 4i2 CLAY ST. MARSHALL 1706.
PAINTING, inside and outside, neat, hon
est worker, reasonable prices, 30 years
experience. S 7t5, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants contracts, new or old
work; estimate furnished free, Bdwy.
CAPABLE young man, 21. wants work
driving car or truck or apprentice in
wholesale; knows city. Wdln. 3956.
WANTED Work by experience man as
baker for making French bread. Phone
689-L, Vancouver, Wash.
KALSOMINING, painting, signs, papering,
cold water painting with spraying ma
chine, Bdwy. 995.
MAN and wife desire position at resort;
any tttpftwy, cipeneutea. Air tz ure-
JAPANESE married man wants position
as garaener ana driving, any make of
car. P 701. Oregonian. '
MARRIED man wishes job in automobile
snop or driving trucks. several years
local experience. AK 719. Oregonian.
perience. Lessons at your home. Tabor
KV 42.
RESHINGLING and new work done; guar
antee (Since 1906). Armstrong, Auto.
STRAWBERRY pickens want work, all
one famny, si good pickers. BD 707,
EXPERIENCED landscape gardening;
lawns, shrubs, etc., taken care of.
Broadway 7592. .Res. Main 613.
First-class work at lowest
J. H. Jenkins. East 7S42.
A GARDENER and all-around handy man
would iike steady work Write or call
n. yourth st.. room 20. L. M.
East 1 IS.
MAN AND wife, Al cooks,, want work in
c tmp. a til 1 uregnriian.
WANibD By experienced carpenter work
by tne day, v ii'5, Oregonia n.
East 118.
Prices reasonable. Wal. 6993.
JAPANESE want any kind position, store,
hotel or restaurant. O 793. Oregonian.
WANTED Lawn mowing, gardening or
ona jor-s. 00c nour. 8427 Monday.
EXPERIENCED night watchman or jani
tor or eievator man. ts 717. Oregonian.
IF .MOLES or gophers disturb your lawne
or gardens, ptione tast 1,2.
LAWNS, family garden and housework
caretaker; reterences. L 705, Oregonian.
WILL bui-d your home right. Help with
plans. Manny. Sell. 2421.
NEW 2-ton truck with driver wants
work. Phone 61H-84.
PHONE 619-84.
BRICK work, chimneys and mantels a
specialty. East 796S.
PAINTING, kalsomining, 50 e per hour or
contract Main 2765. Ask for Sprague.
Fti COOK, reliable man, good meat cut
' ter; low wayfs. E 72:1. Oregonian.
RELIABLE man, handy with tools, work
of any kind. Y 719. Oregonian.
SAUSAGE maker wants place in country
town. BD 67WOregonian.
PAINTING, TINTING Specializing in
good work and material. Marshall 1416.
KALSOMINING, painting, plaster, repair
ing. Reasonable. Main 2805.
PLUMBING and repairing, first - class
work, reasonable. Evenings. Tabor 8724.
MEAT cutter, first class, good ref. Wood
lawn 6-s;t4. H 705, Oregonian.
MARRIED man wants work, steady or odd
jobs, at once. Walnut 7015.
EXPERIENCED man would like job in
c i gar store. Marsha 11 3702.
EXCAVATING, basements dug;
anywhere. Phone Col. Sf4.
tAN and wife want place in country, man
experienced every feature farm, orchard,
stock, poultry, garden, berries, flowers,
machinery; many years'- experience; suc
cessful managers; workers; references:
will, make verv reasonable terms on long
job. D 708. Oregonian.
POSITION driving and caring for Cadillac
this summer and after school hours next
" fall, by clean young man, 22 years old.
attending Benson school, careful driver
and witling to do other work; references.
A. C. 717, Oregonian. -
CONSTRUCTION man, experienced on all
kinds of general and residence con
struction; good draftsman, estimator', su-
- perintendent; well educated, energetic
and reliable young man wants position,
will go anywhere. B 725, Oregonian. -
Ad Writing,
' Window Displaying, '
Card Writing.
What have you?
AF 723, Oregonian.
SHINGLING We specialise id reshingllnfe
'and roof repairing. It will pay you to
get our figure before letting contract;
satisfaction guaranteed- estimates fres.
East 182&
WANTED A protestant home in the
country for a boy 9 years of age where
he could work for his board and go to
school later on. Clothes will be furnished
by the mother. O 703, Oregonian.
MAN AND WIFE walking to east coast
: will push wheelbarrow, distribute litera
ture or carry signs; living wage is all
we ask. Write and we will call, V 714,
MARRIED man wants steady work of any
kind; handy witH tools; experienced in
new and second hand furniture business.
Call Main CS87, apt. 3.
WORK wanted by Al auto mech.; have
worked -on most all popular fnakes; have
sales experience. Phone Main 5370. Ask
for Al.
PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates
furnished. Kinder & Peterson, Mar. 1828.
PAINTING, paper hShging, tinting and
enameling, first-class work done cheap;
estimates cheerfully given. Sell wood
EXPERIENCED farmer on fruit or general
farm, can handle all kinds of machinery
and tractors; married and 2 children.
J- J. W., 531 Clay st., Portland. "
RESPONSIBLE married man with sick
wife must have employment as elevator
man, . gardener or watchman. Henry
Rtady. 4520 East 60th st. S. E.
EXPERIENCED . man and wife - desire
management furnished apartments;
thoroughly reliable. Apt. C. Seliwood
EX-SERVICE man wishes a position as
truck driver,. chauffeur or tractor oper
ator; clean; furnish the best of refer
ences. Auto. 610-86.
WANTED A job by good auto mechanic,
handy with carpenter tools, willing to
work anywhere or place; good character;
references. C 693, Oregonian. .
CHAUFFEUR, experienced careful driver,
single man, drive any make car, honest,
reliable; Al references. AP 676, Oregonian.-
WANT position as clerk in small grocery
anarmant A lot i-lnf . will H
apartment district; will .''buy later if
proposition is good; no agents, AK 720.
WHILE on your vacation let us paint
your home, or paper, tinting, enameling,
etc.; references. Tabor 7652.
WE BUILD houses and garages and re
pair old ones; rock-bottom prices, 735
East Main. East 3550.
JENERAL gardening, landscaping, flower
beds and lawns taken care of. Tabor
761 3.
PAINTING, tinting, interior finishing, ex
perienced workmen ; moderate prices.
Main 33S3.
PAINTING wanted; would exchange work
for light second-hand car. Phone Main
5950. Chas. Goff.
YOUNG MAN of 21 needs work, wishes
truck driving, not particular as to kind
oi work. A 705, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, a college student,, wants work
ounng summer lor family; can drive car.
BJ 725, Oregonian.
RESHINGLING, shingling, prices reason
able ; work guaranteed ; estimates free.
Automatic 325-16.
WANT steady work, by reliable janitor;
understands oil burners, also painting
and tinting. Call Bdwy. 4056. room 45.
WE FRENCH dr clean and press ladies
plain suits for $1.00. Joy the Tailor,
304 4th near Stark. 5 branch stores.
BOY, 14, WANTS place on farm, close in,
to work for clothes and board for year
or so. fsawy. noi.
RELIABLE married man wants work, pre-
ier painting or vulcanizing, u 7U, Ore
gonian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer now
open ior position in r out of city; ref
erences. R 687, Oreconian.
CAPABLE married couple desire care apt.
nouse or country nome; reliable. V 702,
JAPANESE, good, experienced boy, wants
position as aisnwasner. Address F. O.
box 22ft.
JAPANESE wants position private home
as cnauneur; arove any kind car since
1907. BF 720, Oregonian.
CARPENTER, first-ciass mechanic, repair
worn or new, competent and reliable.
Phone Auto. 612-27.
A-l MECHANIC wishes position as car
penter foreman, phone Tabor 602 after
5 P. M.
D. & R. CONTRACTORS and builders:
bungalows and repairs; first-class work;
references. East . 7163.-
YOUNG- man,- 20, H. S. graduate; founr
yearsU experience with Ford and solicit -ing.
wants any kind of work. Mar. 2293.
EXPERT stove man, pipe fitter and sheet
metal worker; 10 years experience in
city; Ford driver. Auto. 640-85.
AUTO electrician and mechanic, formerly
with large service station in the east;
best of references. BJ 677, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, careful driver,
honest and reliable; best referencea M
722. Oregonian.
WANTED By good experienced Japanese
cook in hotel and boarding or clubhouse.
BC 701. Oregonian.
PAINTING All work guaranteed; let me
figure your job. I will save you money.
. Bdwy. 1702.
FIRST-CLASS rock crusher foreman, en
gujeer or drum fireman; can give best
, 'oF references. R 716, Oregonian.
AN EXPERIENCED packer and wrapper,
parcel post or packing for shipment 287
20th sf. Phone Marshall 3P48.
EXP. HOTEL CHEF wishes position in or
out of the city; best of ref. BJ 722, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man would like work in the morn
ings; not afraid of work. What have
you? S 6S3, Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE man. married, wishes a
position as truck driver. Ford or Chev
rolet. Call East 8722.
CARPENTER, all-round mechanic, work
reasonable, on summer homes, by day or
contract S 672. Oregonian.
MARRIED man wants work on farm or
dairy with separate house; state full de
tails In first answer. BC 676. Oregonian.
AS APARTMENT house manager, by re
liable man, 25 years' experience, mostly
Chicago. AF 721, Oregonian.
18-YEAR-OLD high school boy wants work
during vacation. AE 723, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED hotel head waiter, in city
or out. Phone East 4952.
WANT general hauling with 2-ton truck.
Wdln 6312.
GRADING, excavating, general team work.
Tabor 1.187.
COOK wants work, restaurant or hoteL
Aut. 640-85. 403S 73d st. S. E.
TRUCK driver wants work : any make
will go any place. AR 720, Oregon ian.
EXCAVATING, grading, general teaming;
contract or day work. Marshall 1S08.
TRUCK DRIVER desires position, Ford or
Chevrolet. East 7822.
CARPENTER, good finraher, built-ins a
specialty, day or contract. Main 7422.
HOUSE painted. $"0-$93; rooms tinted
l-$5- papering. 35c roll. Wdln. 0S4.
PAINTING, tinting, first-class work. Call
E. 5077, room 11. -
IF YOU want a small house or garage
built, call Seliwood 605. -
ROOFS reshingled, repaired, painted
timates given. Phone Wdln. 5528.
FOR reshingling and roofing of all kinds.
Tahor 5274. Empire 2034.
HOUSECLEANING, floor waxing, window
cleaning, fine work. Broadway 1303
PLUMBER wants small jobs repair- ex
pert work, low estimates. Bdwy. 2583
WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniture
t re pair m rr.. w am. 14117.
PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work,
reasonable. Seliwood 1399.
TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East
210 day time only. 240 East 8th st.
PLUMBING dcae very reasonable by the
hour or job Automatic 23&-5L
ELDERLY man will do light work for
good home. F 709, Oregonian.
EXCAVATING promptly done. Phone
Broadway 3251. Let us figure.
SHINGLE RS When you want shingling
done reasonably, call Marshall 1072.
Charles K. Cheeseman. Walnut WOO,'
YOUNG man of good character, In
tegrity and ability, college graduate
with B, S. degree, would like to become
permanently connected with a Portland
concern; I wiH devote my time and en
eygy to the advancement of Its interest;
I -am 27 years of age. In good health,
wfth 24 years' clerical exDerience and
10 months sales experience; I am not
airaia or wora ana can rurnisn tae best
of references; will appreciate an inter
view and thorough investigation of my
qualifications. ' P 702, Oregonian.
NEWSPAPER MAN Qualified to take
charge advertising or news departments,
desires position June 15 on Ore son or
Washington tdaily paper. wihio radius
150 miles of Portland. Now employed
In California Thoroughly competent.
Best refesences. .Wire collect or write
J'JCA" care Western Union, Turlock. CaL
POSITION wanted on farm by a clean,
nonest, industrious married man witn
two stnasl girls; can handle any kind
of a proposition; am especially capable
of handling pure-bred dairy cows;-can
furnish reference. . If you want a high
class mara write S 703, Oregonian.
ARE you a cripple" or invalid lady, gen
tleman, or married couple, needing ine
care of a capable man who is kind and
considerate? Will take care of children;
can do most -things inside and ojtt of
house; will go anywhere; best references.
Add ress Alplm. 1260 Greeley, Portland.
WANT position as locomotive engineer or
oil-burner fireman on Jogging road, by
experienced competent man. Can han
dle rod engines or geared engines; thor
oughly understand air brakes; clearance
from last place. Address C. M. Pen
dletoh, 2Sg Third st.. Portland. Or.
COLLEGE student attending summer
school classes in cly, wants afternoon
or evening work, beginning noon or la
ter. Some experience in soda dispensing.
AF ida. Oregonian.
OFFICE MANAGER, accountant, credit
man, thoroughly experienced, Al refer
ences, desires opening in northwest p sui
aiy unimportant if good opportunity. A3
dress AV 109. Oregon inn.
MR. FURNITURE MAN High-class buyer,
manager, advertiser and salesman de
sires position on coast, age 43, best ref
erences, may invest later. Address Sta
tion C. Rnute 6. Box 251. Milwnukee. Wis.
INSTRUCTOR, swimming and diving, at
liberty for summer season ; high-class
man; can promote publicity and patron
age; must have contract and guarantee
for July and August. X 720. Oregonian.
COMPETENT, industrious, all-around me
chanic with best of refs., wants posi
tion with good firm or would consider
putting building or premises in good re-
pair. A 724, uregonian.
CARPENTER'S apprentice wants work.
Have six months' experience at finishing.
M. Carolan, Bdwy. ffi-'a.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office.
- a irui-a Tnrlnnf bookkeeDinv and
accounting, can- show accurate results
of operations, analyze costs and prepare
statements for Intelligent . future guid
ance of your business.
Can take charge of office.
Phone Tabor 8076 or address AE 703,
Oreg on i an. ,,, "
iF,'TLEMAN. 38. married, with broad
practical experience, bookkeeper, office
man, familiar with office routine, col
lections, correspondence, last 6 years
manager Nevada branch California cor
poration, up to date, resourceful, healthy
and energetic desires engagement in or
out city; references, ah (zi. uresonian.
MAN wants job active work, outdoors pre
ferred, with some oitiee auties in con
nection; experienced accountant; wages
reasonable; temporary work considered.
Room 53 Quimby hotel.
PUBLIC accountant has organized service
' department with professional man of
many years experience at Its head;
books closed monthly; ' companies or
ganized; workable systems installed; re
ports made monthly or periodically. Ad
dress B 721, Oregonian, or call Mar. 561.
YOUNG college man wishes position as
correspondent, assistant oooKKeeper,
salesman or small office manager; good
penman and can type; permanence and
advancement desired; experience and
references. Mar. 2569.
HAVE had 8 months bank experience,
would like to be located in one of city's
large offices, or what have you? Need
work badly, y 704. uregontan.
around office man desires temporary or
permanent position, tt twz, uregonian
EXPERT bookkeeper for part time work.
Rapid worker. Books' balanced, posted.
Reasonable charges. Bdwy. 5899.
CAPABLE man, 35, clerical and typewrit
ing; experience; accustomed .to meeting
publio. Apt C. Seliwood 3168.
STENOGRAPHIC and general office posi
tion by ex-service man; rapid, accurate
typist; references. B 723. Oregonian.
MARRIED man wants position
keeper, best of references, P
ls book
US, Ore-
WANTED Situation as lumber accountant
or office or boarding house managing.
C 679. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT-bookkeeper, 17 years exp.
One year lumber, of f ice, salary moderate.
In or out city. y 71. oregonian
EXPERIENCED accountant will keep your
books spare time. G 701. Oregonian.
A-l BOOKKEEPER, general office man
desires position. Phone Tabor 7116
AUDITS made, systems Installed,
kept, Income tax. Main 66.
WELL educated young man wishes clerical
work. Can tfrpe some. East 5086.
YOUNG man, experienced bookkeeper.
Call Woodlawn 3S20.
Have been located; In Portland .
and vicinity for past eight years
as salesman for high-class, spe
cially line, have machine and can
furnish highest references. 1 de
sire position as salesman in Port
land. AK 704, Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED salesman with car wants
good staple line of goods to sen, prerer
ably out of town; conscientious worker.
M 723, Oregonian. '
A-l COOK position in country hotel
or camp, take lull cnarge. v 71., urego
EXPERIENCED lady, old country, with
12-year-old boy, wants housekeeping "for
Swiss or ijerman. xtso urani st.
EXPERIENCED woman wants to cook
half day every day by the week.. Auto.
day WORK, house cleanlne. fancy wash
ing and ironing; competent colored
woman. Phone East 4"5,J
RELIABLE woman wishes day work or
cooking. 33c hour. G o, uregoaian.
COOK, good, neat, reliable, wishes place
at Seaside or suburbs. D 693. Oregonian
EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes posi
tion in barber shop. Auto. 639-21,-.
REFINED lady will care for children af
ternoon or evening. Automatic o-tt-ua.
WANTED Work by day or hour.
ovghlv experienced. Bawy. 3111.
HOUSEWORK by hour or day. Phone be
fore 9 A. M.. Broadway 2480.
WOMAN wants work by the day.
MAN and wife; camp cooks. 174 13th st.
room 302. Phone Main 6S53.
EXP. DAY WORKER, 35c per hour. Bdwy.
7459. . .
DAY WORK. Tuesday and Wednesday.
Auto. 621-18 after 6:30 P. M.
YOUNG lady wishes housework, 35c hour
and car fare. Seliwood 2Q6.-.
COLORED woman wants day's work. Auto
LADY wants housecleaning by
week. 968 E. Alder. Auto. 221
MOTHER and daughter. 19, want work
prefer hotel or camo work. 35aat 8416.
WILL exchange housework for first-class
gressmattrng. v m, uregoaian.
WOMAN wants work by hour,
nings. Wdln. 3827.
EXP. LAUNDRESS wishes work; will call
for and deliver. Mar.
EXPERIENCED laundress wishes laundry
to take home. Marshall 3U3S.
DAY WORK washing and cleaning;
triflers. Phone Main 6077.
NURSE girL 21, wants position, will go
a n y w here. S 701, oregonian.
RELIABLE woman wants day work. WiH
wash. E. 3868. ;
GROCERY and confectionery clerk, expe
rienced. Bdwy. 7390.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work clean
ing, etc. Bdwy. 723S, apt, rz.
WOMAN wants ironing and cleaning; call
after 7:30 f. m. aunaay. t.ast tuoi.
CHILDREN comfortably taken care of by
the day or ween. jaii aiarsnau iwi.
COLORED girl wishes work by day, week
or month. Phone N oodiawn iU4a.
PIANO teacher, lady, wishes pupils; rea-
sonaoie, experienced, aast ajia.
EXPEKIENCED woman wants day work,
3Sc hour. "non6 Auto. C4-VR.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work,
Monday, Tuesday, Wed. Seliwood 1932.
LADY wants housec leaning by day
hour, excellent housekeeper. Tabor 1299.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by
hour. Main M22. Mrs. bmitn.
LAUNDRESS wants work of any knid by
day. Phono Sun. P. M. Woodlawn 270a.
PUBLICITY WORK Wanted a position as Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
assistant in abort line by yonng woman CAPABLE, experienced lady wishes posi-
with experience, .executive ability and tion cashier. B 707, Oregonian.
education; one who is dependable, cap- ; -- - - -
able of taking responsibility and who Dressmakers.
also has a practical knowledge of adver- GOWN-BUILDER and designer; special ;
tising. W 664. Oregonian. V rate of $5.00 for summer gowns for;
YOUNG lady attending shorthand school f"1 fw; satisfaction guaran-
durlng day desires employment eveninga -, teed, call walnut
Experienced in genera! office and switch- SUMMER DRESSES, hats and lingerie
board work and would like work along . made to order. Exclusive designs, by
these lines or as cashier: excellent ref- artist. Appointment ,by phone. East
erences. Phone Tabor 5105. 334-5.
WOMAN of refinement with college edu- BY WOMAN accustomed to meeting pub
cation wishes employment at seashore 11 experienced in store and office (no
for the summer as companion, chaperon shorthand), capable of adjusting self
or housekeeper. Especially interested . to condition;. . Bdwy. 274ft room 401.
in care of children. .References ex- ENGAGEMENTS by day, year's experience
changed. 8 723, Oregonian. in suits, gowns, dresses, remodeling, de-
EXPERIENCED telephone operator, age signing reasonable, work guaranteed.
24, wishes general office work, private ast io06. , ' , , .,
exchange, or answering telephone, lak- DRESSMAKING reasonable, absolute satis-
lng orders, etc.-; used to meeting public faction guaranteed. Tabor 2336. No. 12
Car, give good references. Main 4758. Dennison apt. . .
ADVERTISING- Wanted a position1 by DRESSMAKER, reliable, take chargo of
young woman In advertising office: sev- shop two months, good proposition. Main
eral years' publicity, private secretarial 5354:, evenings Tabor 4332.
and advertising, experience, i S 713, Ore- FASHIONABLE dressmaking, beading and
- gnian " , ' , hemstitching at reasonable prices. Cor.
MOTHER and daughter want work in 11th and Columblavst. Main 3501.
i0Jrieia,n? F Jt, Uivn.C ?J i
and waitress: not over 25 men: -20 years
experience. E, Mitts, Cornelius, Oregon.
Route 2.
SCHOOL teacher of 25, good disposition,
wo u Id like room and board o n good
homelike ranch for summer in exchange
for light services. Elderly couple pre
ferred. R. 703, Oregonian. .
REFINED, courteous young lady wishes
position, preferably office where her ex
perience in meeting public will be of
value; reasonable salary. BF 721, Ore
gonian. WANTED By strong, healthy, quiet girl
out of -grammar school, place as mother's
. helper for board, room and some wages;
never out at night; anyone wishing a
real girl they can trust call Main 35:t6.
TO EXCHANGE Light vocation work in
Christian home, mountains) or beach, for
board and small wages. .Two women.'
Character references. AV ,107, Orego
nian. ' '
HOUSEKEEPING for respectable bachelor
or widower, with or without children, by
widow with 2 girls, aged 5 and 6. Phone
East 8033 Sunday. After Sunday write
Hillsboro, R. 1, box 44.
CROCHET woru, lunch sets, pillow slips
or scarfsr- tatting, . Armenian lace and
all kinds of embroidering. East 9237,
between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M-
EXPERIENCED telephone operator de
sires position relieving during vacation
period or permanent i can give references.
D 723, Oregonian.
THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau
furnishes all kinds of office workers.
Good types of girls registered. Refer
ences carefully investigated. Main 4S1.
YOUNG woman wants position answering
telephone, meeting : general public and
capable of handling correspondence if
not too large. O 705, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young lady pianist and
organist wishes theater or orchestra
work in or out of city. BC 877, Ore
NEAT girl, 17 years, wishes work in good
home, second work or child's nurse, city
or seashore, by June 15. W 718, Orego
nian. . .
SCHOOL teacher, 30, refined, sensible, con
genial, will go to beach as companion,
chaperone or care for children, r will
remain in town. C 709, Oregonian.
A REFINED lady with boy of 6 years, an
excellent cook, would like position with
reputable family; no objection to doing
general nouseworK. a oj-s, ureguiiia".
THE Y. W. C: A. free employment bureau
. furnishes all kinds of office workers.
Good types of girls registered. Refer
, ences carefully investigated. Main 481.
YOUNG lady desires position in office of
doctor or dentist, or similar wors; ex
cellent references. AV 08. Oregonian.
GIRL of 15 as nurse girl or companion.
In or out or town. jai or writ oa
East 76th st. N.. Portland.
WANTED Work in confectionery store.
Am experienced chocolate dipper, in or
out of town. AL 702, Oregonian.
TWO YOUNG ladies wish position as cook
and second maid. Must De togetner.
Private interview necessary. A 694, Ore
gonian. - , 1 ,
POSITION as nursemaid by middle-aged
woman, competent to assume entire re-
sminsihtlitv nf children. E. 9504.
NEAT appearing young girl would
posi'tion as waitress pr counter girl.
7-tM.. u re gonian.
POSITION wanted by a competent en
gineer with experience and tne oesx ox
reference. East 3o71,
WORK wanted at - once -by experienced
cafeteria and restaurant worker., mar
shall 1416. E. C. - - ' , -
TWO sisters wish place together, cook and
second mam; will be tree aiter June 10.
P. O. Box 690.
WANTED A private exchange, five years'
experience, best or reierence given, ur
705, Oregonian.
IsY 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL, assistant house
work or care or cniioren in rwamoni
or Kenton. Woodlawn 4938
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like work at
Seaside as nursemaid ior children. riu-
pire 1824.
CURTAINS,- blankets, fancy hand-made
materials, etc., launaerea oy nanacaueu
for and delivered free. Tabor 13TO.
GIRL will work caring for children and
light housework. Call in person at 1.
W. C. A. Monday after 12;30. Miss May.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes chamber
work or day s. work. can aa weea.
Bdwy. yoiu.
DAY WORK by competent woman. Bdwy.
2256. ,
VERY exp. woman wants all-round day
work. Fine launaress.. main tut. .
.Bookkeepers, Stenogrupflers, Office.
7 YEARS' experience in private
switch'board and general office
work. Call Tbor 3585.
'YOUNG woman wishes chance to work
into business position; experience in euu
catiohal work, knowledge of bookeejing
and typing. Quick to learn, willing,
steady, honest, reliable. ,AF 701, Ore
NEAT, REFINED young lady wishes posi
tion at once; will consider anything
worth while. If good honest business.
Call Main 6121, between 1 and 5. P
656, Oregonian. .
WANTED Bookkeeping position by ear
nest, responsible woman with some ex
perience; can use typewriter, best per
sonal references; moderate wages. Wood
lawn 386. .
House . cleaning, floor waxing and
vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully
given; best of reterences.
STENOGRAPHER, some experience, good
references, moderate salary, chance for
advancement; good personality. Phone
Main 981 Sunday, or East 4025 Monday.
AN INDUSTRIOUS beginner in steno
graphic and general office work desires
position, experience more desirable than
saiarv. Main 8533. .
PHONE BROADWAY 6953 for competent
office help of every description; quick
-service. Williams. Personnel, 504 Spald
ing bldg. stenographers, bookkeepers.
WANTED Position by young woman in
lumber or law office, thoroughly capable
stenographer, and office assistant. V 651.
. Oregonian. -;
INEXPERIENCES stenographer desires
position. t?ave somi bookkeeping and
.banklng experience. Reasonable sa ary.
"A 6-7. Oregonian. y
THOROUGHLY experienced telephone op
erator who has knowledge of office work,
desires position with some- local firm.
Call East 5940, room 1"5. . -
If in need of an experienced ' and
conscientious stenographer kindly call
Miss Hurley. Main 3384.
fiXP. STENOGRAPHER desires position.
Prefer small office at reasonable' salary
or might consider hsnf day work. A J
tva; oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER, eight . years'
experience, wholesale, retail and hotel
work; best of references. .Phone East
GIRL wants position as stenographer and
to do general office work, some experi
ence, moderate salary. Call Monday,
East 2M. '
COMPETENT legal stenographer desires
responsible position, city references, AJ
714, oregonian.
HELP to care for small set of books, ex
perience main object. AO 708, Ore
EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper -ste-
nographer wants work; will go out of
city. Phone Main 941.
YOUNO lady school teacher desires work
in office or on swrterrboard during- um
m"r months. Phone Woodlawn 6103.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, references,
wishes permanent position or will sub
stitute. Tahor 3737.
STENOGRAPHER-bookkeeper, several yra'
experience, temporarily employed, de
sires permaneat position. Tabor 1150.
COMPETENT bookkeeper - stenographer
wishes extra wont evenings, baturuay
p M.. etc. AF 725, Oregonian.
BEGINiNER wishes stenographic and -general
office position; expereince more de
sirable than salary. Mar. 2250.
GIRL WISHES office position, answering
pbone. etc. oman fa:sr, Jiain wv.
YOUNG girl wishes position as dentist
assistant, ian csr 3u. room
WANTED Substitute work by ex peri -enced
stenographer. F 707, Oregonian.
YOUNG, neat girl wants typing position.
salary no opjecu wooaiawn zipj. -
YOUNG lady wishes lettering or poster
work. iei. aui. -
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires
si tion. Tabor 431, -
MILLINERY Ladies bring Own material
to 201 Fleidner bldg. I will teach yoa
now to roaae own naia.
FOR YOUR summer dressmaking, altera
tions, etc.. phone Main 4i7. Dresses so.
Perf. fittings. 200 Jefferson, op. ctiy hall.
DRESSMAKING, tailoring, designing, sum
mer sewing, day, references. Broad
way 2576. 1
SEAMSTRESS wants family sewing and
plain dressmaking. $2 and carfare.
Broadyay 4109. ' .
EXPERT needle woman will go out by
the day. Specialize on children's clothes
in designing and making. East 3725. c .
SUMMER sewing, remodeling, experienced
all lines; fashionable work; summer
rate. Tahor 302. Sunday, all week.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by day. Seliwood 254.
MRS. W. W. LYENS of 149 13th St.. baa
moved to fixi Hoyt. Main sups.
INTELLIGENT, refined, prac. nurse, ready
lor case. Mam aiw.
DRESSMAKING, 1st class and reasonable.
Main 1302, 186 Viata, apt, aa.
CHILDREN'S clothes, house dresses, plain
sewing. 25c hour. Wdln. BBij.
EMBROIDERY, Hnens hemmed, . men's
shirts, any plain sewing. Auto. 646-14.
EXPERT dressmaking, work guaranteed.
Prices right. E. 3996.
PLAIN sewing or remodeling ; very rea
sonable. Phone Seliwood 3653.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, references;
alterations reasonable; capea. East 7665.
RESTHOME Most desirable place for el
derly people; sunny, airy rooms, with
large porches; nice grounds, fine view.
Phone Seliwood 1506.
WILL care for invalid child or old person,
understand the life forces and how to
build up the body and restore health.
AH 703. Oregonian. '
NTJRSE "going "east would like to care for
invalid or child; fare or part fare for
services. K 705, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced in
fant'a nurse, or 1 would take one older
kiu7 ai i.r Wrtln 54TQ
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wishes
oases, maternity preferred. Woodlawn
15S6. "
PRACTICAL woman wants maternity case
or care of elderly woman, day or alght.
Phone Broadway 4109.
NURSE, practical,. confinement; references.
Mam oa4o. - t
PRIVATE home for invalids; elderly.
Gresham. Or., route A, box 226.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes
ca se : reference. E 713. Oregonian.
SWEDISH massage in your own home;
ladies only, jviiss I'ouisen. wooaiawn
RESPONSIBLE nurse with hospital train-
I n g. ready ior case, rnone wain, ii.
PRACTICAL nurse wants cases, maternity
m a Tl HOR
WILL nurse feeble or invalid person with
light housework. Call Woodlawn 1809.
FOR AN experienced confinement nurse
call Woodlawn iu;
FOR TRAINED nurses, under-graduates
and practical, phone Marshall 34.
EXPERIENCED, . practical nurse wishes
case; reterences. to (id, uregonian.
UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow
wishes housekeeping; am competent to
take full charge and will take a real frn
' terest in your home; am neat, econom
ical and a "good cook. W 722. Orago-
' nian. :
WIDOW, middle-aged, wants position as
housekeeper for some aged man, or
would look after home while some one
goes to beach, for summer. Call Tabor
jsi), apt, a.
REFINED young lady, alone, would like
position housekeeper for widower; salary
$50; give phone number. Y 711. Orego
nian. " , ;
AN ELDERLY lady wishes to keep house
for gentleman, neat and good tcooK.
Phone Monday. Seliwood 2224..
HOUSEKEEPING for gentleman and son
by respectable woman. , izxt ure-
REFINED widow, 35, will care for mother
less home: give phone. AN 707, Ore-
gonlan. -
YOUNG lady capable of taking charge
of hotel or rooming house wants position.
Main Wl'il. .
HOUSEKEEPER, good cook.
9074 from 1 to 3.
Call Tabor
LADY wants housekeeping, newcomer.
T" 1 T A IT" XJ ,o TXww TJ.ivo.t-
RELIABLE. useful woman wants a home.
good, health, clean and understands
housework. B 701, Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes -cooking or housework
part of day. AUto. 813-ao.
EXPERIENCED cook wishes place m fam
ily BY ELDERLY lady, light work In plain
home: no laundry. 5dwy. gwus.
HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and
ivory enamel, brick and .;tile -fireplace
cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol
ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed.
188 Chapman st. Phone. Main 1107.
We have a larce number of most de
sirable parties who want to rent or
lease nice homes in various parts of the
city. Call us and we will handle your
home for you m a most desiraoie man
ner. Mr. JLemons. F. E. Bowman & Co.,
Bdwy. 6007.
WANTED To lease for one year,
7 or 8-room furnished house, with
garage, in Nob Hill district. Bdwy.
5540. Best of reference.
WANTED by family of four adults, fur
nished house for the summer in or about
Portland; must have three or four bed
rooms, good sleeping porch and modern
conveniences; 20 or 30 minutes from
center , of city preferred. A il7, Qrego
YEARLY lease house, four master's sleep
ing rooms, two baths; in. Irvington,
. Laurplhurst. Portland Heights. -ast
moreland, Riverside drive; about $80
unfurnished. A. 1
"colonel. U S.; army.
Fuller, lieutenant-
, Telephone Broad
war SW81.
WANTED to rent unfurnished home; re-
sponsi ble pa rty to rea se to -room
iimiM modern, in rood locality: excel
lent care-given your home. Phone Wat-
nut 2099
w a 'T ED To lease, someone's handy,
strictly modern, 6-room or larger city
home; large grounds, first floor bed
rooms; applicant is good pay and good
caretaker, j ota, uresonmu.
WILL pay about aO per month for an
up-to-date moaern lunueneo oungaieWi
iuar car Hne. Can furnish own, linen.
' silverware and. diehes. CaM 626 Morgan
. bldg., or pfione raoorjroi.
WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats
and can rent yours; let us handle your
property and collect your rents.
cT A. WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St.
WANT to rent a three or four-room fur
nisVifd house by June 15: also a six-
room furnished house by June 15. Call
Rom nson, .Broadway aj.
YOUNG couple wishes to get in touch
with nartv eoinsr out of town for sum-
mer; will take best care of house for
privilege of living m it. marsnan oiao.
wanted, bv July 1. 3 or 4-room fur
nished house or flat, with bath; rent
not more than per moatn, ah -jus.
MnnRRS 5 or 6-room bungalow or house.
Rose City Park, near Laurel hurst or
Hawthorne ave. district preferred. Call
East 7338 '
FOUR or five-room furnished1 house; good
Mcation: wll take proper care. Can
' give referencea. Three months to a. year.
Phone bawy. bm.
ADULTS want 5 or 6 rooms, modern, with
garage; reasonable rent, permanent ten-
t ants. Tei. zip---. -
WOULD like a 4 or 5-room partly fur
nished house or flat, close in, near Haw
thorn eayPhoneTborSO. -
MODERN 5 or 6-room house or bungalow
bv July 1. Responsible. No children.
202 Stevens bldg.
5-ROOM bungalow for 4 adults; fireplace,
furnace and hardwood floors. Auto.
YOUNG couple wish 3 or 4-room furnished
house or flat, close m, oatn, sot over VJo
give referencea H 668. Oregonian.
WANTED Small house in Irvington Park
vicinity, nooaiaws zo
- Information and
T&ental Bureau. .
Reliable, tip-to-date lists f desirable
furnished and unfurnished houses, apart
ments and flats, with definite informa
tion pertaining to e&ch; sleeping rooms.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping them
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
We can secure for you a very desira
ble tenant, one who will take care of
your home as it should be. We have peo
ple who are responsible. List your home
with us for prompt and desirable, han
dling. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. F. E.
Bowman & Co. " .
WANT H. K apt, near 23d and
Washington, or room with sleep
ing porch. AE 721, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE gentleman wishes to rent
lor summer, small iurnisnea apartment,
Hawthorne or adjacent district. AG
722, Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman desires mode rate- priced
room with, use of kitchen in private
family; or will share moderate priced
apartment or cottage. Prefer near Irv
Ington car, but not necessary. Piano de
sirable. A 720, Oregonian.
WANTED Small furnished flat or house
keeping apartment by employed wom
an and daughter; must be yard and
good surroundings for child. . A 718,
Oregonian. "
GENTLEMAN wants room in private fam
ily, waiking distance, west side; state
price per month. AJ 708, Oregonian.
GENTLEMEN desire two rooms in private
family having piano in house. J 701,
Rooms Wfth Board.
WANTED by lady employed, room and
board in private family on easv side;
home privileges, w 703. oregonian.
MOTHER and daughter want S or 4-room
iurnisnea list or nouse, oatn, not over
$20. J 720, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
WANT H. K apt, near 234 and
Washington, or room with sleep
ing porch. AS 721, Oregonian,
Business Places.
WANTED To rent office about 600 feet
floor space, somewhere between Morri
son and Stark and Tmrd ana sixta
sts. 1072 East Taylor st. s
DESK ROOM or small office by real es
tate agent. Call Monday morning, Bdwy.
SMALL equipped woodworking plant. East
3U4Z. 14 istn st. a.
OFFICE -SPACE with d-jsk, in modern of-
ABOUT 2500 feet for wholesale; second
floor preferred. E 724. Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Suite with bath; also single- rooms
with or without bath, from $20 per
month up. 166 ST. CLAIR, COR.
WASHINGTON. Also housekeeping
rooms for ladies employed..
Phone Broadway 5830.
ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St.
clean, respectable place to live; iree
phones in each room, automatic eleva
tor, large, comfortable lobby, restau
rant in connection, near Washington
-nark. Multnomah club and hospitals
reasonable rates, day, week or month.
: 124 14th -st., at Washington; rate tt
ter week and ud. 1 1 drv : fireproof.
large, attractive, spotl-iss rooms, close
to amusements and shopping center.
CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of
moderate-priced rooms for young men in
all carts of the city, including rooms at
the Y. M C. A. with phone in each
room, enower Datns ana ciuo racuities.
126 13th ST. at WASHINGTON.
T i Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up;
yprlvate bath. $8; fireproof and clean;
ciose to Dusmess center.
TTfiTEr. ROW I. A NT) 207 XL to 211 U
$ 4th st.; centrally located; rates 75c, $1,
11.50 per day; with bath, tl.ou, fz, z.ou,
Special rates 14 per ween ano up.
573 Washington.
t.lht. clean rooms with or without
private baths; reasonable rates; perma-
neni or transients.
Attractive rooms and suites at reason
able rates by week or month.
HfiTRl. TtTICKTNGHAM. under new man
nfcment tiaz1 wasniDKton st- moaern,
private baths, free phones ; reasonable
rate; weeg up. rtawy. ooai.
hot WL CONRAD1NE. 22 North Ifita st.,
2 blocks north of Washington a ; fire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new roan
awmpn . sza wasnin?ton st. moaern,
private baths, free phones; reasonable
rate; ya.ou wee. up. jju j.
HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St.. cor. Stark.
Under new management: modern-, pri
vate baths; phone; reasonable rates; (5
and up; hot and cold water, steam heat.
i Opposite Blue Mouse Theater.
" New and dean; 1 day and up;
per week.
Rooms 50c day up, $3 week op; clan,
light; hot and cold water; steam heat
elevator service. 204 Columbia.
FOUR l&ree outside sleeping rooms, well
furnished in mahogany, kirdseyo or
ivory; fine locality, west side. 432 Mill
st. Marshall 4oZ5.
have a furn. apt. while in townT 9 mod.
room, private 'bath, 12.50 per week.
San Marco. B. tn ano uoucn. East itoo.
FURNISHED room, 746 East Thirteenth
street, near S. P. and P R.. U P.
shops. Boara near py.
THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder: A RE
up. Rateg oy week or month.
iOo DAT, $2.50 week up; large, abso'utely
clean rms.; Dams tree- water always hoL
Hotel Cadillac, ao. near Jetrersoa.
Cor. 17th and Cou-Jj; largs, well fur-
nished modern rooms, reasonable ratea.
Washington and Fifth Streets..
Special permanent rates.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th
$1 a day; weekly $5 and op; free phone
and baths; light and airy.
NICELY fur. front room and dressing
room, modern home, comfortable, close
in. 2286 10th.
CLiEAiN. comfortable rooms, $2 per week.
Workinsmams HoteL 24 Albina ave.,
Mississippi car.
WEAVER HOTE'L, 708 Washington st. ;
modern outside rooms with private bath,
reasonable rates.
A LARGE, airy bedroom, beautifully fur
nished; twin beds; men only; references.
East 8688. .
ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Ilth sL, near Mor
rison Clean and modern rooms by day,
week or month at reasonable ratea
NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, 8 up.
560 6th st., near Lincoln.
$25 MONTH 5 rooms furnished, over
Store A,ppiy a neater, aa ave.
SANITARY sleeping rooms, .$1.50 per week
and up; lobby, bath. 412 19th st. X.
BASEMEJKT room cheap; apt. with porch.
Rooms. 57 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 341.
PLEASANT rm. with two meals. 820 11th.
Mar. 672
LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms, (3
wk. up. Larrabee st. and Holladay.
UnfornJshed Rooms.
IN BUILDING at 5th and Stark; steam
heat, hot and cold water. Apply Dr.
Loeb. Medical ping., pet. :gu and 4.
4 UNFURNISHED rooms, 307 Harrison at.;
adults. Main 5077.
Famished Rooms in Privat) Family.
CLEAN, modern sleeping rooms, close in,
171 W. Park st. -
NICELY furnished room In first-class apt.
Broadway 5433,
NICELY furnished front room, west side.
Main 2970
BRIGHT, pleasant, front -room, breakfast
if desired. Overton gt "Marsh. 1290.
CLEAN, well-furnished rooms; good loca
tion: reasonable. 2244 E. 1st st. N.
ROOM for gentleman, easy walking, bath
and pnone; reasonaoie. iatn.
LARGE room, cool and nicely furnished;
close in; reasonable, 410 Salmon.
4 LARGE, comfortable rooms, close in,
for a gentleman; rent moderate. E. 1960.
257 12TH LARGE room for two,
cold; men only. :
NEWLY fur. rm- ciose in, 430 Hill SL
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
LOVELY nice rooms, quiet place, attrac
tive and clean, every convenience ana
home comforts and privileges; one, a
den with fireplace, bdilt-ins, splendid
disappearing beds, private entrance,
lovely porch, fine yard and flowers; use
of parlor and piano; walking distance,
70S Northrup st. Main 6G93:
FURNISHED ROOMS, in large weH ap
pointed modern dwelling. $10 to $30 per
month. Hardwood triors, large fire-
place, piano. 49-th and Division, one
block from car lines Breakfast and din
. tier furnished at reasonable ratea if de
' sired. Broadway 1418 after 2 P. M.
s?u nfl ay.
TWO ladies employed will find a very de
sirable and permanent home wa.King
distance to business center; artistic sur
round4ngs, piano and every home f
veniepce. References exchanged. ror
particulars inquire between hours or
10 and 7. 698 Everett street, near 22d. .
CLEAN nicely furnished front rooms with
extra fine, new beds, hot and cold water,
phone, fine view, quiet, refined home, '
close to business center, reasonable, with
garage. 321 12th St., cor. Clay. Main 4831.
WIDOW will rent nicely furnished room.,
with large, cool sleeping porch; no other
roomers, kitchen privileges if desired;
lady employed preferred; $18 per month;
Irvington district. 7;& Multnomah st.
fnone East uio. 4
LARGE furnished room with fireplace and
garage :n Laurejnurst norae; nave
rnnm avail jlMa: mi n Rr ran ire for light
housekeeping if desired; everything first
class; rent reasonable. Call. Tabor 5Si0. ;
208 lotn at.
Large room, furnished, Ivory enamel
bedroom suite, sultab'.e for man and 4.
wife or ladv. Apartment 304. Mar. 2401.
WANTED Young man to share larg
front room, aiso porcn anu
arate beds and dressers, breakfast it de-
siderd. Walking distance. 301 HoUaday.
fc:ast zti-.
ARTISTICALLY furnished room, disap
pearing bed, iarge Closer, oaiii. irr
phone, kitchen privileges, in first-class
apartment house; business woman pre
ferred, yeierenees reguiren. ..lot.
PIEDMONT Two clean, cool, wsil-rur-
nishetr rooms with, oatn, in iuvuc.b
home; suitable for 4 people; north or
Killinssworth ave.; near 2 carlines.
linn Moore st.
LARGE, airy front room with alcove in
modern home, close In. sunaoie ior cou
ple; might consider kitchen privilege.
Bast 8894.
A LOVELY front room with every eon-
veneince, in my buduiwiu
rent reasonable and can arrange for
hoard it desired. BD 719, Oregonian.
CLEAN, front room, 2 windows, Dig
clothes closet, in mouem
min. walk to business district. 22S iota
st. Phono main ataa.
TO ONE LADY Co2y room In moar
bungalow with Kitcnen aim muuuw -privileges:
close in, excellent location:
reasonable. East 3249. S19 E. 7th St. N.
L BISES1ENT H. K. room, nicely fur
nished, clean, fine yard, walking flis
tance, $2.60 week; 1 nicely furnished
room, clean, J2 week. 227 21st St.
FURNISHED room in first-clasa apart
ment, 7 minutes- wai irom v ..iiisi
Call Main SOiy Sunday, or after 2:30
week days.
VERY DESIRABLE, very we-11 furnished
corner room. wuiex, private j.
Cool location. Plenty of hot water.
Gentlemen. References. Mar. 881)1.
HAVE lovely, clean, cool room on first
floor, piano, phone, nam, niuieu,
ing distance, tl5. 404 Jefferson st.
ATTRACTIVE room in modern apartment
for lady, downtown uwui
exchanged. Marsh. 1340 Sunday or eve
KOB HILL Beautiful, extra large room,
finished in blue; if you want something
different, see this. Summer rates. Bdwy.
LIVING ROOM and sleeping rooms, well
furnished, bath and phone, for 2 or 3
business gentlemen. JI2.50 each. Refer
ences. 189 17th st. Phone Main 6215.
WELL-FURNTSHED room for business
gentleman desiring home privileges with
fmali refined family on 21st, near Wash.
Phone automatic ou-n.
HAVE lovely, clean, cool room for busi
ness lady in widow's home; will give
cooking privileges; walking distance.
Bdwv. 8048. 591 Davis.
NICELY furnished room with large sleep.
ing porch in Irvington; kitchen privi
leges if desired; no other roomers; lady
. employed preferred: $18 per month.
ATTRACTIVE rooms. beautifully fur
nished, parlor, piano, home privileges,
twin beds, sleeping porch; rates $3.51) up.
1 North 18th st. Broadway 2721.
K1CELY furnished front rooms, two blocks
from Montavilla car line 921 B. Burn
side; gentlemen preferred. Mrs. ts. i.
ON BROADWAY, nicely furnished sleeping
rom. suitable for one or two eentiemen,
rent reasonable. 331 Broadway., between
Clay and MarKeL
ROOM for a couple in a Deautuui uo
urban home, kitchen privileges, modern
in every respect; convenient to city. Call
between X and 11 A. M. Main 1S46.
LARGE front room, private entrance,
beautiful lawn, suitable for two or three.
285 14th. corner jeiiersoii.
LOVELY front room, dandy location,
board ir desired; home privileges, piano.
etc. East 701 o.
269 14TH. near jenerson, cnuiw
modern conveniences, walking distance.
ROOM adjoining Da'nials0-,rar.t8e:r?,c!
other roomers.'
531 E.
NEWLY furnished room in modern apart.,
business woman preferred; home privi
leges. Main a3
SLEEPING room In apartment, to gentle
man. Nob Hill district; references. Call
.ft.; 11 o'clock. Marshall 2145.
. ttt. . irn fmUheil room.
modern conveniences. 564 Couch, apt. 8.
Bet. 17ta ana icm.
FOR RENT 1 large, light front room,
walking dlsunce. 284 E. 6th N. East
4962. ,
- ...T -o- m Dnri .leeoing porch for 1
' or 2. close in. cheap rammer rates- con-
v.Tiient tor nurses. n ...
LARGE, unusually comfortab'.e homelike
room for gentlemen quite modern place.
Mar. 17S0. 362 Park, cor. Mill.
i-URNISHED rooms.
reasonable. 1121 Union ave. N. Wal-
nnt 6500. p
DESIRABLE furnished room in u1:
hurst for business man. References, fcasc
1888. C. S. PTgientu.
UFATTTIFUL 2-room apartment, electric
B?ty bath, Phone, free; large garden; .
clcse in. Marsnan iui.
for RENT Room and garage, near Haw- ?
thorne; in Ladd Addition; references re-
qutrea. -tu'
TWO NICE, attractive sleeping rwu
a firrt-claffl apartment house; rent rea
irentleman only. Main saw- .
. .TTritTi t -v f,..TiihiH mom in modern .
home for business man. 53 per
800 ITnion ave., near aee.
S-ROOM furnished modern house., light, -r
hat meals if wanted at adjoining
house: adufts only. Box 74, Oak Grove.. .
TWO single front rooms, light, clean, airy;
one two-room arartment. very reasona- i
ble. Marshall 1W1.- . '
ELEG iKTLT furnished room in a swell
private Jimrie. euttaWe for 2 young
men. n. 1 1 un r i""'.
LOVELY furnished room, west side, walk
ing distance; vet reasonable. 690 Love
joy. ' Main 4421.
NOB HILL Attractive room, hot and
cold water in room, use of piano.
shall 185.
modern home, congenial people; 2 meais r
if desired. 6fi7 Giisan. Bdwy. 2948.
DESIRABLE sleeping rooms.reasonable;
walking distance. 187 16th st. near Yam-
bill, Marsnan wbi.
1HB MAPLE. 30 N. 17th St., near Wash- 1
ington. Furnished rooms, $3 was ;
and up.
A LARGE room for two gentlemen. Call-
N. 17tn gt.. arier i r. jvl
FOR RENT Furnished room in apt, close
la. lady only. Call Mar. 2282, mornings.
fl.TP, A TC furnished rooms, refined people'
onlv. 371 6th st- Main 5531.
LARGE, well-fur. residence, walking dis
tance. 401 Holladay ave. East 5715.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sink.; ,
$18. 73 Belmont. 'East 6175. ,
meal If preferred.
for gentleman.
Woodlawn 3922.
SMAIjL room, attractive, refined family; .
r $12.50 month Broadway 3443.
NICELY furnished modern room. Sunny-
side districijieatn.
ONE ROOM for lady; kitchen privileges.
347 Montgomery si
ATTRACTIVE room in modern Irvington
home; 2 car lines; reasonable. East 1845.
PLEASANT room. $10 per month, or $2.50
per week, law HonnwiCK.
ROOM in new home, happy environment.
Ol E. 53d st. N. Tabor 171.
TODAY, exceptionally nice rm., widow's
home, $12.50 mo.; central. 415 Broadway. .
ROOM for gentlemen; refined family; -references.
729 Glisan W. Mar. 3613. '
NICE cool front room for one or two
gentlemen. 414 Salmon. -
COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms with bath, -reasonable.
Main 1746. 63 N. 22d st.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, 1 very
large, facing park way. 330 Park st.
A FINE room, with or without breakfast,
hot water beat, close In. East 6361,