14 THE StWDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 4, 1923 TO EXCHANGE BEAT, ESTATE. V E CAN TRADE TOUR PROPERTY. General stock mde., store bldg , 7-r. house, 2 acres on R. R.. near Sunset highway, Lincoln county, Wash.; filling station, cash turnover last year $15,000 Ht $10,000, together with & acres fully equipped chicken ranch, 6 miles out of Spokane, at $3500, for stocked and equipped farm up to $13,000. Three hundred acres; 200 acres In grain crop, looking fine. 50 more tillable, balance paure and timber, spring water P ped to building, fair buildings, family orchard, mile river frontage on main highway, crop, stocked and equipped, $2-2,000; will trade for smaller place up to 12,000, balance easy at 6. Forty acres. Blocked and equipped, all in cultivation, good modern house, barn and outbuildings. of a mile off Tuala tin highway, hard rocked road, crop a'l in, looking fine, 7 acres prunes, small fruits and family orchard, $8500; will take house, close-in acreage as first pay ment, balance easy. See Stephens or Campbell, with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. 40i ACRES TRADE? with about 30 acres in cult., part on Clackamas river bottom land, sandy loam toil, some timber, living water, good ti-room house with basement, water sys tem, large frame barn, all outhouses, fruit, 8 cows, 4 heifers, sow and pigs. 50 hens, 3 horses, all tools, crops all in; this is about 9 miles of Oregon City lower Logan district, mail-cream route, oloso to school, price $7000: this is a very low cash price, but will take a house and lot In Eugene, Milwaukie or Oregon City up to $8000, bal. part cash, balance at ; this is a money maker; all ready to move into. E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th ard .Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. EXCHANGE. We have $10,000 worth of best paying Firoperty, consisting of a general store, nelu'ling building and up-to-date meat market; also filing station and a nice residence and lots; income is around $2so a month; cash; trade located in Colorado on one of its best railroads and in a good farming community; will sell or trade for good general store or good paying income property in Port land, or any growing city in Oregon. A lower altitude is desired is reason for changing; references gladly furnished. Correspondence solicited. BARNEY JOHNSON A CO, Broadway 7947. LOOK! LOOK! TO EXCHANGE! .148 acres, all level, black loam, clay subsoil, in famous Red River valley, eastern North Dakota, Richland county, 4 miles town, mile shipping station; no buildings, mtge. $2500 at 6 per cent; bank appraisal $70 per acre; will give good deal for rooming house, furniture and lease; small farm or what have you? "Want quick deal. A. J. Anderson, Box ' 881, Alexander, Minn. 21-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. All in cultivation and crop, best of soil, 11 miles from Portland, on fine road, close to electric station and school; good house, full cement basement, large barn, other buildings; about 2 acres apples, other fruit; 2 horses, 1 cow, 8 bogs, 60 chickens, wood, all kinds farm machin ery. Price $9000; will take house to $4000 In exchange. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. OPEN FOR LARGE DEAL We want a building to the value of $160,000. We offer as part payment close-in business corner with income, also two farms not far from Portland, also west side resi dence on business corner, also choice acreage near city; all of a value of nearly $100,000; will take business block or apartment house property. Help from realtors appreciated. O. H. PKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS. Couch Bldg.. Bdwy. 0787. ""WANTS LOS ANGELES PROPERTY. " 120x150, located east of 8th and Washington, large old house, rented for $H5 per month, could be remodeled and made to earn a great deal more, thto property is a give-away at the price of $15,000; will take property in Los Angeles to full value. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors. 2fift Oak Street. Broadway 5355. 35 ACRES NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 2.1 acres in high state of cultivation; finest soil; 5 acres adapted to celery; splendid city bungalow overlooking high way, spring water piped to house and barn; stock, etc., included In price of $350 per acre; will take Portland resi 'lnce as part pavment. HENRY W. OODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Broadway 7881. WELL-IMPROVED Irrigated farm, near Redmond, price $12,500, for exchange for Portland or valley property. Alfalfa, berries and vegetables ready to harvest right now but owner is widow and can not handle place. This is a nice home and in first-class condition; will accept a good, fair quick deal. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 005 Yeon Bldg. WILL TRADE. Will trade my modern 7-room bun galow in Rose City Park with double garage for close-in acreage, preferably n Terwi Niger boulevard. Must have 6 or 7-room house on acreage. Price $7000. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com, Bldg. Broadway 4172. LOOK: WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or ma!I, city or country; 1 will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. 40 ACRES GRESHAM DISTRICT. On Mount Hood loop, 30 acres in cul tivation, balance pasture, with a few stumps; good buildings; now used as dairy; daily milk route. Price $8500; will take house to full value. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, HI ft Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE owner will sell or exchange for desirable city real estate model 22. 6 cyltnder, 48. H. P., 7-passenger Winton touring car; in perfect mechanical con dition; driven less than a total of 15.000 miles; full leather uphoi3tery and hand- pome color job. See Mr. Mallory, 235 r"ine Bt. WilLL trade fine little farm near Sheri dan, Oregon, 35 acres, tt-room house, mrge oam. ramny orchard, 28 acres plowed; price $4250. for apartment nouae or hotel ana pay cah difference. wep Mrs, Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bl A g. HAYNES, mode! 47, 1021 speedster, ma roon color job. trunk rack. 6 wire wheels with tires; in all driven but 6000 miles and in better condition than 'new. The best looking roadster on the street Cheap for cash or will trade for city reai estatw. am mo. oregonian. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow. City View Park, Sell wood, overlooking river and city, corner lot and highly improved. Will consider lot in Eastmoreland in part ior iirai payment. GEORGE H. KEENB, 1032 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SLE or will exchange for good farm In Wash, or Or., west of Cascade mts., 200 acres rich bench land, crop failures uuMiown, u acres cultivated. Ciearwatei Co., fine improvements, with or withou this years crop, $10,000. Owner, rural oox ignore, inano. WILL TRADE my corner lot. e'ose-in west-side prop erty, for home in good location; lot suuaoie ior garage or store building. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg Broadway 4172. SEATTLE, attention! Have 3 lots near cor. Atblna and inchell sts., Portland, to exenange ior j 10 i-room residence Seat tie; will pay cash difference value. Ad dress room 01 a . M. C. A., Seattle, asn. "WESTERN Moutana stock farm, irrigated on two transcontinental railroads, state highway; 7000 acres graxlng land, 1 mile to school. 2 miles to town. Equitv about $ 1 0, 000, won id exchange for Portland property. A F 6H4, Oregonlan. tVlDOW will make an even trade of 20- aore appie orcnaru, tine crop, lovely 8 room home, barn and woodshed, for house or bungalow in Portland or Los Augeies; answer promptly. Owner, M, SPECIAL NOTICE. I am moving to Pasadena. California win exenange my home of 7 rooms and 7 lots at 2071 Delano st. for property in i;4uu ui ui avii at a Dargam. liUlfn, owner. FOR SALE or trade, store building with ti-room nouse. oatn and toilet; streets improves, ,uwi; win accept 1 varan lo; on improved street near Lombard nu virericj , some casn. i'iione Wdln. 1-lNt-M walnut orchard in Oregon, 75 acres. $30,000; take $10,000 in clear property. ,"i0 acres adjoining walnuts. Jtivuo,- part trade. Chapman. Main fit53-l. .Mar. it. j u.it v . Hank bldg. i hyilTv of 0i) in nice, H-coom house and lot, 2 blocks from car, for auto val ued at $300 and $100 cash, or of wn equal value, or what have you? No junk taken. Sellwood 3n"3. I NEED a iisht automobile; will exchange equity in small suburban home; will give good value; auto mufct be in good condi tion and not too old. For particulars rii 404 Piatt bldg. 11' 7 Park st. uWNKK, 20 acres near Tigard. improve ments, trade small home, citv or sub urban, or sell. D. J. Ward, Sheiwood. Rte. 4. luO ACRES gooO farm land in Clackamas county: trade for city property or aTe ge worth $1500. Oison. 501 Water "st Oregon Citv. '' IO TRADE 2 lots in Woodrtot-k for small modern bungalow near town- give ad dress, price and terms. BJ 723. Ore- gonian WILL TRADK my 16U acres .Tar Madras Or., practically all under plow, for prop erty in or near Port.and. 502 Pit took block. "WANTED- Lot, not south of Hawthorne TO EXCHANGE- REAL KSTATE. PRUNE AND DAIRY FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR INCOME PROPERTY. 80 acres, 40 acres in cultiva tion, balance in river bottom pas ture; timber for domestic use; well fenced, large trout stream on boundary line; large spring piped to ail buildings and lawn; 20 acres In Italian prunes; 15 acres in full bearing with heavy crop; grapes, strawberries, small fruits and shrubbery of all kinds; good 6 room house, large dairy barn, ma-, chine shed, dairy, granary, con crete cellar, chicken house and, park; exceptionally fine soil, to gether with automobile and trailer; manure spreader, disc drill, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivator, scales and all small tools and fur niture; 6 dairy cows, chickens, harness, horse, in fact, complete in . every detail. On paVed highway, 20 minutes drive from Interstate bridge, adjoining best orchards In Clarke county. Price $25,000. Will take all or part trade. No. L THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Realtors, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver, Wash. MR. RANCHER READ THIS. DO YOU WANT TO COME TO THE CITY? HERE IS ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY. $550 NET INCOME PER MONTH. Have client with sickness in family and wants to get into country, who will trade his apartment house fur nishings and lease up to 1926 for a good ranch, located near Portland, which MUST have some COMMERCIAL FRUIT and BERRIES on it. ALSO A GOOD HOUSE with some modern -improvements. This is a high-class apartment house, located on west side, within walking distance of town. Will trade for place up to $20,000, which is the price. J. A. WICKMAN CO. Realtors. 262 Stark St. - Bdwy. 6794. POR SALE OR EXCHANGE. We offer an 80-acre tract, located on paved Pacific Highway, only lhi miles from good town with high school, bank and postoffice. Some fine fir piling and lots of cordwood on the place. Adjacent acreage is selling from $50 an acre and up, and this tract at the price offered is an excellent in vestment. Price only $3000, or will take residence or income property In exchange. PERCIVAL & WATTS. REALTORS. 108 West 6th St.. Vancouver, Washington. YOUR OPPORTUNITY HAS COME. To obtain 32-4 acres In the Willamette valley, close to railroad and hard sur face highway to be completed within 4 mile; fine rock road at present. This land Is all tillable, lies gently rolling; no rock, and out of white land district: '70 acres in cultivation; 200 acres of fine timber with sawmill on adjacent place In operation; balance in pasture. This Is a bargain and the price Is only $10,000: no Incumbrance; will exchange for Port land propertry up to $12,000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce, SIGHTLY 95-acre farm, mile from close-dn valley town, on highway; 90 acres cleared, 50 acres in crop, 30 acres bottom land, 8-room house and all out buildings, family orchard, river and railroad runs through this place; 4 cows, 2 doz. chickens and eome farming im- f tegmenta. Price for everything only 14,000. Owner wishes to retire and will take Portland residence as part pay ment and some cash, balance splendid terms. A real opportunity. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Realtors. 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574. HOME in Portland wanted for my- 14 acres In the best location In Clarke county, on paved road, near electric car, 2 blocks from school, mile from two fine towns, good 7-room house, good barn, outbuildings; of all 3 acres in berries, 4 acres in potatoes, about 25 apple and pear trees, family garden, etc. Come and look this place over. Rt. 1, box 165, Orchards, Wash. Phone Orchards 6F12. 8 ACRES IMPROVED. mile Vancouver, value $3500; exchange Portland residence same value. SWANK REALTY CO.. 212 Main St., Vancouver. . BUNGALOW Price $3000. Equity $2000 and sale contract jiuuu. want city restaurant or country hotel. What have you? SIGHTLY 5-acfe restricted home site, with deep water frontage. Seattle. Only $2500 clear. What have you? J. E. SHEARS REALTY COMPANY, 413-14-10-18 Henry Bldg. SEASIDE ROOMING HOUSE. STORE AND GARAGE COMBINED. 50x100 lot, 2-story building, furnished complete; will exchange for Portland property of equal value. You can op erate this three months this year and pay for it. Price for ground, building and furniture, $4000. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors, 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. FOR SALE or trade for Poriland DroD' erty, 144 acres, berry ana chicken ranch, lies level, on paved road, near electric car line, "4 mile from small town; good 7-room nlastered house, good barn and outbuildings of all kinds; 3 acres in berries. 3 acres in potatoes. Route 1, box 165, Orchards, Wash. Phone Or chards 6F12. - COUNTRY FOR CITY. 40 acres near good town, part cleared, spring, large tent house, all kinds tools, etc. $2000. Sell or exchange for Port land property. Assume or pay cash difference. CLEVELAND, 306 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. WE HAVE some very fine farms to ex change for Portland property. nou may be able to find just what you have been wanting. Come in and talk it over. R. R. POWNDER. Realtor. 406 Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. TRADE for city property, business smaller farm near Portland, lfaO acres on Pacific highway Yamhill county, fully stocke'd and equipped; 80 acres under cultivation; good buildings .run ning water. See Stabener, with Cobb & Wimer. 314 Chamber Com. bldg.. RESIDENCE properties to exchange for close-in improved acreage places, half acre up. All kinds of farms for city property. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., Bin Henry Bldg. IN TIGARD PAVED HIGHWAY. 2 A., $5750. or 5 A., $7500. Bunga low, garage, chicken house, water sys tem, electricity. Take house in Portland, part payment. Geo. E. Englehart, 624 Henry bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 2 ac-es. all fenced, 100 fruit trees, fi rm, house, all built-lns, electric lights, fireplace, 23x40 concrete basement, ga rage, chicken house, barn with con crete floor. Wdln. 3393. I HAVE A 70-acre highly improved farm near Portland. New buildings, stock, ma chinery, crop. Price $10,500. Want small house, some cash. 732 Patton road, Portland. Main 8380. WANTED A farm value up to $17,000 In exchange for an apartment house of like value: without stock preferred. S. BORLAND. REALTOR, 222 Henry Bldfe. 4th and Oak. HAVE Willys-Knight auto and 20 acres in Bay City. Tillamook, want to ex- , change as first payment on home or acreage near city limits. Phone Wdln. 3941 evenings. LOOK! Will trade 80 acres of the best laftd In Tillamook, 3 miles from Blane, clear of incumbrances, for automobile. Must be In good condition. Bring your macmnes. i.tou ru. zsa st. in. RANCH. 160 acres, with good water, near Twin Falls. Idaho, to trade for small place close to .roruand. Charles F. Bun' nell. Oak Grove. Or. GARAGE and office equipment, eh on ma chinery and tools; will trade on house and lot. flats cr business location. Broad way 515i. ft ACRES with fair buildings, good soil, near hiphway. and close to Forest Grove. Will take vacant lots as part payment boi to. f orest throve, ur. HAVE choict S. Dakota or Iowa farm; wish to trade for home in Portland. Ownr. Unas. Marscn. ua at .14 Lib erty Market. Phone Sellwood 782. 1W ACRES of land in Lincoln county, with a cabin and creek; seH or trade. What have you? A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 554ft. 240 ACRES, pine timber, 40 acres irri gated, in alfalfa; fine improvements; want residence, acreage or flats.. Tabor 6337 WHAT have you to trade for $2000 equity in 6-room house, good condition, close in? East 2023. LARGE house in Irvington; will take unimprovsd country property for equity. Hi 724. Oregonian. SALE or trade, 320 acres in Nelaleav TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IN FELIDA fruit belt, Clarke Co.. 34 acres, 7 acres prunes, 20 acres ' hay and potatoes: this includes 4 acres alfalfa, 7 acres bottom pas ture, fair buildings, fine spring water, gravity system piped to house; good road; mile school: telephone, R. F. D., $10,000. Will take house to $5000 as part pay ment. 5 seres In Vancouver, fine for chiekens or berries: fair house and other buildings; $5000, all clear of debt; will trade on farm or prune orchard and assume or pay cash difference. Good business and good property, located in good town; will stand close investigation, to trade for farm or income property. ATKINSON & PORTER. " 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. CITT INCOME FOR CLEAR FARM. West side brick building. Take farm near Portland around $40,000 as part, balance mortgage. 4 PORTLAND INCOME FOR LOS ANGELES. Two properties valued $80,000. Free and clear. Assume $25,000 on Los Angeles. 96-ACRES MOLLALAr-CLEAR. Take city residence as part. Build ings and some stock. . Price $14,000. Fine soil, no rock. ' We have numerous other exchanges. Come in and submit what you have and what you want. BOONE-CLEARWATER, Realtors. 500 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. NEARLY 5 -ACRES. Modern 3-room bungalow, chicken house, 3 minutes from car -line, hard road, nine miles from city, $2350. Trade for home in city..,. 9 Acres. On highway, at Tigard. Small buildings. Trade for home in city. No incumbrance. $3000. PETERSON -YORK CO., INC. Ground Floor, 89 4th St. INCOME FOR BUNGALOW. Dandy duplex house, five rooms each side, 2 furnaces, 2 baths, etc., in. fine Tenting locality, close in near Mississippi car. Paved sts, and sewer. Present income of $70 per month can be ma terially increased. Live in one, rent the other; oOxlOO lot, garage. Full price $7000, $5000 equity. Will sell on terms or take modern 5-room ' bungalow in good location and assume. Here's a fine proposition for someone. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "Business Is Good." Broadway 7567. ORCHARD BARGAIN. 200 acres, located on . the White Salmon, 7 miles from Underwood; 60 acres in orchard. 40 acres bearing now 40 acres coming in bearing in about 2 years, 0 acres cleared, .ready to plant; 50,000 nursery stock growing, fully equipped with buildings, stock, ma chinery and tools for operation; earned in 1921 about 10 net on price; $90,000; trade for Portland Income and assume. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors. 269 . Oak Street. Broadway 5355. EXCHANGE EQUITIES. I have a $5000 equity Ih a highly im proved 46-acre ranch. 27 miles from Portland, in one of the best districts. This ranch is mortgaged for $3000 at 6 ; rented subject to sale. I will ex change for a modern Portland residence. What have you? See my agent. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors, 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. 266 ACRES. TRADE. 120 acres clear, 40 acres pasture. 106 In brush, mostly level and excellent soil; big creek running through; house, barn, chicken house and family orchard. A mile to school, general store, postoffice and railroad station: 3 milea to town with high school, theaters, banyk, etc. on the paved Pacific highway: trade for income citv property or apt. house lease and furnishings; price $16,000. Apply 310 jommonweaitn blag. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. WILL TAKE PORTLAND PROPERTY. 115 ACRES $50 AN ACRE. 14 MILES FOR PORTLAND on good road, near an electric station, 40c tare, near school, 30 scholars, crossed by a small creek. Good fertile soil. Free from gravel or rock. Adjoining highly improvea rarms. FRED F. HUNTRESS, Exchange Agent. 404 E. Alder, Corner Grand Ave. East 640. IDAHO, excellent all tillable and well- improved Irrigated 40 acres. Only k mile from county seat, value $15,000: free and clear; owned by elderly couple: man incapacitated for farm work; will exchange for any good rental property, west Oregon or Washington, Tacoma to Mearora. uescrioe ana address box 7o, Rupert, Idaho. BOISE, IDAHO, INCOME PROPERTY. Netting $100 per month over taxes, etc., without necessity of owner's per sonal attention; owner wishes to come to Portland or valley near good town with good schools. This is desirable property and worth investigating. U. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO., 605 Yeon Bldg. MY CLIENT owns some valuable acre age about four miles from city limits on Oregon Electric, near Concord sta tion. Price $500 per acre. Want a good house in Laurelhurst, about seven rooms. F. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6859. WANT 5 to 20-acre fruit or chicken ranch, central or southern California or city property. Improved, in good lo cation, in exchange for fine property, improved, in Portland, close to center of business district; fine location and street. By owner, P. O. box 4343, Portland. Or. 1921 5-PASSENGER touring car, same as new, which I have no use for,- but will consider a trade, and pay cash differ ence for an equity In a good 5-room bungalow. Willing to assume aid pay some cashf either way. Address C 706, Oregonian. HAVE some small farms and acreage to traae ior city property, also many other propositions or various descrip tions. Come ' in and let us match what you have. P. L. BLANCHARD. Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6859. DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH. 1100 acres. 300 in crop, green pasture all year on beautiful stream, fully" equipped, 50 cows. Sell on easy terms; take some, trade. Jacob Haas. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. MarshaM 3324. TRADE. SO acres. 55 in cult.. 20 more ready for seed, stocked and equipped, just 14 miles from court house: will trade for flats or a home; free water, good build' ings. Tabor 53T0. Bdwy. 5031. YOUNG married couple will give $2500 casn equity in line quarter oiock on Belmont street; paved and paid for other property; ciear lots; take auto, furniture, small bunglow or what have you? Broadway 101S. WILL consider good lots in good location for a 1021 5-passenger touring car, al most new. Piease submit your propo sition with full particulars and address pox At o.'H, Oregonlan. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! I will trade first-class timber for acreage, improved , or unimproved, near .roruano. uwner. &z ratton road. Mam bwo. EXCHANGE. 20 or 40 acres unimoroved irrigation district, early fruit and al falfa belt: eastern Washington, trade for western Washington or Oregon City or country, k. u. pox lira, Seattle, wash. EXCHANGE 1 1-5 acres, 6-room house, ham, fruit and berries; 240 feet front age on O.-W. R. N. Ry. Cheap liring: property has future. Want home closer in. Ttvm -Midway, St. JQftna. 640 ACRES in Lake county. Or. Creek through place, near town and good Duy ior 9 j.u per acre. w ant income, Portland, and assume. WTdln. 6260. Bdwy. 2045. - . " TEN GOOD building lots to apply as ursx payment on a moaern live oj" six room house in a good locality. B 722, Oregonian. INCOME property, value of $17,000, all in one bunch and clear of debt. Will trade. Prefer stock of general store. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE for bungalow, -a apecially . ouiit six auto ana cnoice iuiiaing lots. trwner, -v ni. oresronian. 10 ACRES irrigated land Malheur countv. to trade for $GK0 property -near Port land. 606 Ky. exchange bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. DRUGLESS treatment for women in ex- cfcange tor sewing, n rsj. Oregonian. SIX-HOLE Quick ileal wood range for smarer one. w oou iawn HIGH -GRADE fresh cow for Ford car some cash. Phone Tabor 340. W ILL trade clarinet and piccolo for chickens, or sell cheap. 421 Morris st. WANTED Dressmaking in exchange tor dentistry: D 707. Oregonian. MAXWELL ton truck, good shape, a:i d TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. EDISON horn phonograph with cabinet and' 80 records to exchange for hall or stair carpet or anything of equal value that I can use. East 3249. S19 E. - 7th st. N. HAVE a small new stock of household articles, wholesale value $500; will trade. Want auto, piano, lot. What have you? AK 702. Oregonian. TWO Winchester rifles to exchange for good 34x4 tires, or will sell cheap. Wood lawn 5992. FINE imported shot gun for used Redi made garage or camp trailer. Also lades' saddles. East 2S02. -' cwui 1. x in anu xtose uuy 101, i-u and Sandy, for Ford. Gaither, Marshall 2703. I WANT boy's bicyele; wiK give young, fresh milk goat worth $85; must be good wheel, as goat is fine one. Tabor 2123. CON;N C melody saxophone: will trade for motorcycle; would prefer Indian Scout. 620-70. HOT POINT electric sweeper for tent and canvas fly. Inquire at tentfiouse on 68th ave. between 82d and 81st ave. S. E. AWNINGS wanted in exchange for piano or phonograph. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park. aN ORGAN .in perfect condition to trade for a dining table and chairs, or other furniture. Sellwood 1050. TRADE 4 lots, St. Helens, 58x100 each. What have you to offer? Auto, prop erty, stocks. Patterson, 614 Dekum bldg. WILL exchange beautiful player piano for t touring car or Ford coupe. Main -a.u. j NEW $300 phonograph for fully equipped j muimujuio ur set! r uiu. rtta i noao, PAINTING or tinting for rent of 5-rm. unrurn. house. - Mar. 1416. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. GRADING OUTFIT. Through with our contract and have the following articles we must sell at once. 20 head of horses, price ranging around $100 each. 10 sets work harness, plows, scrapers, tents, double trees and stretchers. Thjs outfit is working on this end of the Mt Hood loop, 5 miles east of Gresham. Dixon & Howitt, Sandy, Or., or 302 Front st. KEYSTONE STABLES. Team of Belgian horses, chunky-built, 6 and 6 years old; weight 2800 lbs; team of gray Pereheron mares, 4 and 5 years old, weight 2700 lbs; pair of bay horses, weight about 2900 lbs, little street sore; 20 head horses and mares, 4 to 8 years Old. weight 1000 to 1700 lbs., harness and wagons. Will sell cheaply to make room for carload to arrive from Welser, Idaho, June 6. 381 ' Water st, corner Montgomery. JUST ARRIVED. Carload of draft horses, weight from 1400 to 1900, 4 to 7 years old. These horses are right out of spring work. This is the best load of heavy horses that has been shipped to Portland this spring. If in need of horses call and look these over. All horses guaranteed as represented. 234 Front St., foot of Main st. BARGAIN A team of bay geldings, weight 3200 pounds; gentle and honest workers any way you put them; price $165. Team, weight 2600 pounds. 5 and 7 years old; 1 odd mare, weight 1400 pounds, 6 years old, $85; 5 good young milch cows at $45 and $65; 6 miles east of Vancouver on fourth plain highway. i Box 165, Orchards, Wash., near Gehr station. U. S. STABLES. Just received carload of horses and mares, 4 to 8 years old, weight 1300 to 1700 pounds; also 2 saddle ponies that we will sell cheap ; some well mated teams; all horses guaranteed as represented. 365 Union ave. S., corner of Stevens st. G. D. Williams A Glass. SHIPMENT of horses consisting of heavy draft horses and some farm chunks. I also have a number of teams work ing here In the city that I can sell at a very reasonable figure. 20 sets of new and second-hand har ness at reduced prices. G. K. HOWITT, Front and Columbia Sta. ALL of our grade Jersey cows, 14 head, oldest 6 years, mostly fresh heavy pro ducers; have been years in building this herd. Are keeping registered stock only. Three registered bulls from our best cows. All priced to sell. 28 miles from Portland. Robertson Bros., Woodland, Wash. FOR SALE 3 teams, 5 to 8 years old, true workers; over 1500 lbs. each, with good heavy harness; 1 team bay geld ings, with good heavy harness; weight 3000 lbs., for $225. A job at $9 per day goes with team if required. 1029 East Yamhill st. HAVE for sale, registered Holstein bull, Jersey bull. Registered Poland sows and boars. Small pigs. Heifers. Cows and veal calves. T. I. Robinson, Carlton, Oregon. Rt. 2. Phone 56F4. Six miles west of Newberg. Want to buy Jackson fork and carrier. Or slings. Also dog. FOR SALE Two teams, wagon and har ness: one large horse and mare, good heavy wagon, first-class harness, price $375; one small team of mares, wagon and harness, good farm or orchard team, bargain for $125. 6702 Foster road. Aut. 627-12. 1 REGISTERED Holstein Curfew Bell de Kol, bred by W. K. Newell, weight about 1600 nounds. will sell at great bargain; also 2 Jerseys, fresh, for $65 each. Phone 80-w, Milwaukie, 1 Ditc. soutn ot a. r. depot. Milwaukie, Or. Mrs. H. Smith. SPAN 5 and 6-year old mules, weighing about 2000 lbs; well broke, true ana grentle, with good harness and farm wagon. 1087 Francis ave., Woodstock car. $1-56 BUYS team chunky-built bay horses. fat and well Droke, true ana genue; rine farm team. Inquire Mr. Carter. Key stone Stables, 381 Water st., cor. Mont- gomery street. riOTTRLE work harness, new: never used also Excelsior motorcycle, not .unit; wn; Bell or trade either at iso. .bast odd st. North. A PAIR, black. 3600 lbs.. 5 years; pair, 3200 lbs.. 6 years; pair, aiuu ids., o years; a pair of bays, 2600 lbs., 5 years; 3 sets work harness, 1 heavy wagon. Cotner 50th and Powell Valley road. iTOR SALE or trade for gqod cow, dandy driving or riding mare, weignt aoout ou. Phone Empire 0804, or call at "1865 Newman st. and see her. . FOR SALE, cheap; two fresh young Jer sey cows with calf and one young uur ham for beef. 5042 61st ave. S. E. Woodstock car. FOR SALE A fine young Holstein bull, doing service; also z ioistem neuers, 1 fresh, other fresh this month. J. Mills, Tigard. Or. TEAM mares, weight 3300 lbs., sound. 6 a-nd 7 years old, none better. 11 looKing for a first-class team, call 4301 G7th st. Mt. Scott car. JUST IN from my farm; have team, mare and horse, weight 2600 lbs., ana harness cheap as I am through with my work. Call at 5S4 Hood street. BUY a milch goat and kitten at your own price. Phone Marshaa iwa. ft Jefferson st. FARM IMPLEMENTS-New and second band, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 360-366 East Morrison st. H-fJAT.T.nK .rersev-Holstein cow. iust fresh. $55. G, H. Hanson, 1 mile south of Clackamas, S2d st. road. $40 2-YEAR-OLD pure-bred Holman Shrop shire ram, $15; several grade ram lambs, $5. B. O. Case & Sons, Vancouver. Wash. BAY MARE, gentle, for woman or child to ride or drive; inquire at 1441 Bel mont st. corner 53d. FOR SALE A team, harness. 3 wagon weight 3100, full-blooded. Phone Wdln. 6510. FOR SALE Full-blood Jersey cow, milk ing 15 qts. day. Call Main 4200. 47? Patton road. BLACK Pereheron mare, 7 years old. weight about 1500 lbs. Price $90. 381 Water street west side. FIXE saddle mare. 7 years old. weight about 1100 lbs. Price $75. 381 Water street, west side. FOR SALE 12 head of horses, weight 1300 to 1600 lbs. Call East Hh and FlaTiders . GOOD 3200-pound team for sale. See them at north end of Willamette blvd., St. Johns. FOR SALB 1 good pair of work mares, wt. about 3100. Stables OiVth and Tilla mook st Phone Tabor 3739. FARM outfit, 2700-lb. team mares, harness and wagon. Farm tools of all kinds. 240 Easx 8th. 5-YEAR-OLD Shetland pony, stylish and full of pep, $75; $25 down, "balance $10 per month. Joy, the Tailor, 104 4th st. 5 HEAD of valley horses, 4 to 7 years old; 1500 to 1850 lbs. Inquire 564 Northrup. FO R SALE Team, wagon and harness. Call Tabor 945 Monday. 2 FRESH young cows for sale. Columbia 60S. . TEAM, 2200 lbs., wagon and harness. $125. 541 0 54th St.. Woodstock car. YOUNG, fresh: miik coat worth $75 for $20. Tabor 2123. ' THREE good saddle ponies, your choice, $25. 240 East 8th. 3300-POUND team, true workers; also sev eral other cheap horses. 240 East 8th. FOR RENT--Pasture and buildings at 42d N., at Fremont; city water. Main 8931. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOMES. TABOR 56g. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly C-ll day or eight. .Automatic 62? -M. 1 TEAM for sale, 1 mile north of Lents, on Powe,il Valley road ar.d 97th st. SMALL herd of milk cows, very reason able Ea st 1047. FOR SALE Team and harness, 34 wagon, weight 3100: full brothers. Wdln. 6510. HORSES of all sizes for sale cheap; also harness and wagons. 240 East 8th. FRESH family cow. 5 gallons of milk. FOB SATE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. AUCTION SALE! mile east and H mile south of Manor, Wash.; about 12 miles north and a little east of Vancouver; take jaggy road to Manor. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, . -. 10 o'Clock A. M. . 35 Milk Cows. Twenty-eight of them are Holstein, balance Jersey and Durhams; a few fresh; the most of them will be fresh In September and October. Five 2-year-old ,HoIstein heifers. Seven yearling Holstein heifers. Seven heifer calves, 2 weeks to T months old. 7-year-old registered Holstein bull, weighs over one ton. These cattle will be tuberculin tested by Dr. A. C. Brown and certificate of health goes with each head. One 1500-pound horse. One 1300-pound 6-year-old horse. MACHINERY. Pordson tractor, plow and disc, almost new; McCormlck corn binder, iron-wheel wagon, farm wagon, hay rake, drag saw, R. I. 14-ln. walking plow, 2 sets harness, riding cultivator, 4-h. p. Stover gasoline engine, 1-h. p. Stover gas engine. No. 9 Blizzard ensilage cutter, Sharpless milking machine, milk cooler, about 45 10-gallon cans, 5 5 -gallon cans, saddle. 100-gallon kerosene container, 2 steel barrels, 30 and 50 gallons. This sale 1b being held by order of court to satisfy a mortgage and is under the direction of the sheriff. Everything must be sold. CoL W. S. Wood & Sons. Auctioneers, Vancouver, Wash. CROWN STABLES. Just arrived the best two carloads of horses that have been brought to Portland this season. They are well broke, blocky built, weigh from 1400 1750 and are 5 and 6 years old and ready to hit the collar for any kind of work. We handle more horses than all the dealers put together, and our prices are lower for the quality. As a rule we have 150 to pick from. We have any kind of horse. you are looking for, sad dle horses, - pack horses, draft horses, express horses. These are ail for sale or exchange. We have no favorites. We treat all consigners alike. We have a few unbroken horses that we are break ing every day. Have 12 head of mares with colts by side. Farmers will be looking for horses in a year or two and won't be able to find them. We have 5 head of good mules, from 1000 to 140G. We will take horses, mules or cattle in exchange. We sell on time. Have any kind of wagon you are looking for. We have our own. harnessmaker and are 20 per cent cheaper on harness than any place in. town. We hire by the day. week or month. The bargain hunters want to come to the Crown Stables to get bargains. If you are not a judge of horses and feel that you can't take our word for it, bring your horse ex pert with you. We aim to tell you just what the stock is as near as we can. We are always ready to show the horses. Have 7 four-horse fresnoes, 7 stock sad dles. Have horses from $10 up. Have a few blemished horses and a few old horses that we will sell cheap, and a few for feed bill. Phil Suetter, Mgr., 2S5 Front st. YOUNG team harness and wagon to ex change tor Ford or other light car. 4301 67th st. Mt Scott car. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. $150 VICTROLA for sale, fumed oak fin ish, size XI, 6 record albums and a few records for $80: $25 down and $10 a month. Phone East 7832. $750 THOMPSON player piano, bench and music, latest; only $315. Also another Thompson piano, only $215. , 312 Wor cester bldg. ' LABORATORY, model Edison in William and ""Mary case, like new; cost $295, price $200, easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $1350 LATEST grand piano; one of Amer ica's best artistic makes; no better piano made; make an offer within reason. 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO moving, no mars, no trouble; our experts insure satisfaction. Price $2.50 for first zone. Phone or call Eilers de- livery dept., Bdwy. 5523. VICTOR-phonograph, $125 model, mahog any case, in good condition, only $75: terms; some bargain. Soule Bros., 166 10th st.; betwen Morrison and- Yamhill. $lft3 WILL BUY late style mahogany Prescott piano; this Is a fine buy. RtBED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. . Bdwy. 7fi0 BRUNSWICK SNAP. $260 Brunswick, latest type, and $20 records, only $175, terms. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. BRUNSWICK. $125 Brunswick, like new, only $70, easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. NINE good upright pianos, $S5 to $17.1 each; many of America's best standard makes. Easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. NINE good upright pianos. $85 to SI1 each; many of America's best standard makes. Easy terms. 312 Worcester blng, $600 GENUINE W. W. Kimball piano, fine conaition. only 'o, on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. FINE Columbia Grafonola. cabinet size. only $60, easy terms. Hyatt Talking Macnme jo., 300 Aiaer. $625 ESTEY piano, very latest mah.. only $.12.. just compare with a new one up town. Easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg $500 FRANKLIN piano; latest model: only $250; on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. SLIDE TROMBONE Silver-plated Conn. Extra good shape, used very little, $40. 034 E. Glisan st. $100 4-SPRING Columbia horn machine elegant condition, $20, terms. Hyatt uaiKing jyiaenme to., aw Alder. $750 PLAYER PIANO, plain mahogany; music and bench, only $200, on easy terms. 31 2 Worcester bldg. STAOER piano. $150; large size Victrola, $100; owner .died 585 East 51st St. N. Phone Tabor 5926. CABINET Brunswick with records, party leaving city. Call between 0 and 12 A. M. on Sunday and Monday. 522-41. FINE Hazelton piano. In excellent condi tion, only $175; terms. SouJe Bros,, 166 10th st., near Morrison. DANDY toned Behr Bros, piano, only $155; $25 down, $6 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. NEW PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS, $18, FOR OUTINGS AND CANOES. 128 First St.. bet. Alder and Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 upright piano and seat. Phone Tabor 2294. GOOD PIANOS FOR RENT, $4 PER MONTH. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. NEAR WASHINGTON. LIKE-NEW Buescher saxophone, C mel ody, $125; $25 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MARTIN C melody saxophone, silver, gold bell, $130, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th street. WILL RENT high-grade piano to respon sible couple for $3 a month plus dray age; references. Marshall 6060, room 801. CROWT piano, walnut case, beautiful tone; a bargain at $250. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. CONN C melody saxophone, silver, gold bell, $1115. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 th st. FOR SALE Singer piano, $150, small size, sweet tone, In good condition. Call Sell. 2501. USED pianos reduced $90 and up: see these bargains; terms given. SElBiEiR-LIXG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. ESTEY piano, mah. case, late style, a dandy buy at $195, terms. G. F. John son Piano Co., 149 Gth st. CONN trombone, solo model, case, $40. G. F. JOHNSON Piano Co., 6th street. only 149 PIANOS moved. $3; ground floor; done by experts and guaranteed. Broadway 1207, rork Call USE your brains, buy a fine piano cheap; come to 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO, fine tone, like new, $150. Broad way 4851. WANTED 2d-hand piano Call Broadway 3890. for all cash. $2.50 A MONTH rents phonograpn and rec ords. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. $050 EMERSON piano, beautiful condition, $235: on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. LARGE phonograph for sale, by owner. 168 15th st. N. reasonable. $650 LESTER piano, only $300, on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Piano, pay cash if bargain. Call Bdwv. 1548 Monday. GOOD BOEHM FLUTE, CHEAP. LAWN 3360. $475 HAMILTON Worcester bldg. piano, only $185. 312 Easy terms. STEINWAY piano, perfect condition, very reasonable. Call evenings Auto. 321-58. WANTED Good piano. What Is your price for cash? Phone Sellwood 1766. TENOR saxophone, silver and gold; nearly new; $65. 187 & Union ave. N. HIGH-GRADE piano for sale, would rent to desirable party. Woodlawn 1428. $450 HARVARD piano, plain walnut, $150, terms. 31- Worcester ping, UPRIGHT piano for sale, $275 cash. Call Woodlawn 2451. ; WANT PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS. Broadway 7161. Auto. 627-46. 128 First. $575 KOHLER & CAMPBELL piano. late man., a.-o. terms. oi Worcester DlQg GOOD square piano for $50 at $5 a month. Soule Bros., 166 10th at. $000 GENUINE Ivers & Pond piano only . $1S5: easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE $500 piano, by private party, lildi no dealer. art , FOB SALE, rianoK, Organs and Musical Instruments. A FEW NEW BRUNSWICK RECORDS. FOR THAT WEEK-END TRIP. 2265 "Oogie Oogie Wa Wa," song. .75 "O-00 Ernest," song. 2257 "Song to Hawaii," wait. .75 "Hawaiian Echoes," one step. 2254 "By the Sapphire Sea," fox trot. .75 "Pilgrim Blues," fox trot. 2245 "By the Sapphire Sea." fox trot .75 "On the Alamo," fox trot, 2192 "Three O'Clock In the Morning." "Indiana Lullaby," waits. 2258 "Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down in Dear Old Dixieland," fox trot. . "Little Tin Soldier," fox trot. 2261 "Kitten on the Keys," fox trot. "Nola," fox trot. 2263 "Bygones," fox trot. "Everybody Knows," fox trot. 2259 "Georgia," fox trot. "Black-Eyed Blues," fox trot. 2192 "On the Gin Gin Ginny Shore," fox trot. "Carolina Blues," fox trot. 2190 "While Miami Dreams," fox trot. "Good-Bye Shanghai," fox trot. 2260 "Do It Again," fox trot. "Teastn,, " fox trot. Come in and see -the phonograph made for camping and picnics. Music puts life to picnics. EDWARDS FURNITURE, The Home of the Brunswick. Phonographs and Records. Easy Terms -and No Interest. Fifth and Oak Sts. BUY FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS. If your used piano was rebuilt and modernized in an eastern piano factory at a cost of $100 or more you would surely buy it at following prices: $375 Gerald upright piano.. .. flM $550 Geo. Stech & Co. piano...' 235 $500 Emerson, mahogans 265 $475 Kimball, large mahogany . . 295 $800 Steinway & Sons, mahogany . . . 375 $800 Thompson player piano 395 Terms $10 cash, $5, $6 and $3 monthly. (New pii.ios to rent.) SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 10th & Stark Sts. MIDSUMMER SALE PHONOGRAPHS. $15 Steward, 5 used records $ 7.50 $35 Grafonola. 6 used records.... 20.00 $65 Cremona. 5 used records , 35.00 Grafonola, with cabinet 65.00 $160 Brunswick. 10 used records,. 90.00 $175 Sonora. 10 used records 135.00 $350 Victrola, 20 used records 215 00 $5 or more cash. $3. $5 or more monthly. SECURITY STORAGE CO., Closing Out. $225 Collard & Collard upright, cash $ 65 $250 H. Bard & Co.. upright, cash.. 75 $350 Mozart, large upright, cash.... 100 $375 Prentiss Piano Co., upright, cash 125 $575 Weiler. laree oak. cash 185 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 295 103 TENTH ST.. AT STARK ST VI VICTROLA, $32.50. IX VICTROLA. $50.00. Sonora Caprice $ 70.00 Cremona cabinet 50.C0 Brunswick. No. 7 Bo.OU Widdicomb, No. 5 85.00 2 Brunswicks, 207, and records... 115.00 Sonora, noct, and records... 140.00 Victrola XI 140.00 Baby Grand Sonora 185.00 Sonora Minuet 187.50 Sonor Elite -. . 225.00 PHONOGRAPH DEPT., LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Victroia XIV, mahogany case Victrola IX, mahogany Victrola IX, oak case...... .. Victrola IV ,$185 . ' 60 . 60 . 20 Columbia, table model, oak case... 100 Brunswick, mahogany case, gold plated 225 Bunswick, oak case 100 TERMS GIVEN. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. ' 125 Fourth St. -. WARBHOUS'E sale of player pianos con tinues at Reed-French Piano Co.. 435 Washington st.: latest model 88-note player pianos, brand new. covered by factory guarantee, for $416, $433. $487, etc.; some slightly used ones for $335 and $295; a splendid opportunity to get a high-grade piano at low cost and exr ceptionally easy terms. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. . 12th and Washington. Bdwy. 750 SNAPS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS EASY TERMS. $750 Raudefcbush piano, with bench.$225 $135 Xylophone marimba, Deagan.. 80 $110 Trap drum outfit, Ludwig 50 $150 Saxophone, Conn, tenor. 80 $600 Piano accordion, chromatic... 180 Cornets, clarinets, banjos, guitars. Millar s Exchange, 311 Worcester Bldg. USED PHONOGRAPHS. Large size cabinet Mandel, mah. case, $275 model at $125; 2 cabinet Columbias at $65 and $75; one Edison at $60; 2 cabinet Victors. $75 and $90; small table Columbia and Victors, $25, $35, $40, and many other good values. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th street. SALE OF USED PIANOS. Willard upright, walnut... $195 Kingsbury upright, oak 215 Kimball, renewed 265 Hazelton Bros., renewed 295 Winton player piano 395 Pay $10 cash, $6, $8 and $10 a month. Lipm'an. Wnlfe & Co., Cor. 5th & Wash. CA-BLtE piano, thoroughly overhauled, guaranteed in splendid condition tbroug'h out. only $245. It will pay you to look at this Instrument. RIEED - FRENCH PIANO MIFG. CO. 12th and Washington. Bdwy. 750 GRAND PIANO WANTED FOR CASH. Mason & Hamlin, Strich & Zeidler, Wm. Knabe, Chickering. Steinway. Weber or Sohmer. Pay cash; no, dealers wanted; can be. few years old. vv U4, Oregonian NOTE THE PRICE ' TO CLOSE OUT! ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND VICTOR AND COLUMBIA . RECORDS. 25c AND 50c. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK. CAFE TERIA STYLE SERVICE-. $340 BUYS wonderfully fine Hobart M Cable piano, brand new; just compare with uptown pianos where expenses and profits are nign; priced at bou to oou. Easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Wor cester bldg. VICTROLA. Beautiful mahogany Victrola X, like new. and 50 records, only $12o: $lo down, balance monthly.- Hyatt Talkipg Machine Co., 3oO Alder. FOR SALE Bush & Lane cabinet phono craDh and 130 records (mostly Red Seal), originally cost over $500. will sell for $300 on terms. For full particulars call Bdwy. 2952. . PHONOGRAPHS, large size, full cabinet models, special at $&i.7o, including one half dozen records: terms $1 per week. RiBED - FRENCH PIAX M'PG. CO. 12th and Washington. iBdwy. 750 SPECIAL PIANO SALE. 8 FINE upright pianos: -many of the fine standard makes; your choice, any one. $150. Some easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. NEW BABY grand- piano for sale; sacri fice if taken at once. Perfect condi tion. Good reason for selling. Call mornings except Sunday. 714 Glisan ( corn er 22d. Apt. 27. $650 KROiBOER piano, rebuilt, guarantee! in good condition throughout. $237, terms. RlEED -FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. Bdwy. 750 NEW PHONOGRAPH RECORDS. Hear the new Victor, Columbia, Bruns wick or Edison records. All mail orders prepaid. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aider. KOH'LER & CAM PBEILL, mahogany, bun galow style, fine for apartment, - liko new, $250; see this at once. RIEED - FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th andi Washington. Bdwy: 750 SPLENDID toned 88-note Melville Clark player piano, mahogany case. Price only $375, reasonable terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 A-lder. . ORPHEUM banjo, case and equipment, $90; outfit only slightly used; a big buy at $60. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th street. . PHONOGRAPH repairing, piano tuning and repairing; expert workmen: all work guaranteed. SEIBBR.LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. BANJO UKULELES at 50 per cent off until sold; now is the time to get that uke at cost. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 14ft 6th street. C SPLENDID cabinet phonograph, just the thing for summer home, only $35; $10 down. $3.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. CONN tenor saxophone ; gold bell, pearl keys and case, all new pads and springs, $100. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th street. CHICKERING PIANO. Fine mahogany Chickering piano, only $425, terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., S5t Alder. . HAVE five new standard pianos at ware house undelivered; must sell to pay shipper. This is a real bargain. Auditor, 435 N. W. Bank bldg. HERE'S your chance to buy a new Har rington batoy grand piano at a bargain, easy terms. Call Wdln. 6307. Sunday. WILL exchange new phonograph for type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. EMERSON piano, walnut case, in perfect condition; exceptionally good buy. Au tomatic 639-60. - FINE violin, over 100 years old, only $35; $15 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Macnine -Q- -aiui. $150 NO. 11 Victrola and records. 8456. , WANTED Good-toned piano for all casn. at &;. . , .. . FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. A LOVELY Decker piano just like new, cost $775 two years ago, goes to the first buyer who wants a clean, high-grade piano at only $300, pay cash or $15 a month, v . Also a Fischer, good tone, dark case, the $475 model, now only I ISO. Also a Kimball, very nice tone, cost $365 four years ago, now offered at $250. not a blemish or mar on the case. Also a Shonlnger, splendid practice piano, only $165; see these and several others, good used pianos; all guaranteed instruments, in Resale Department at Eilers. Second floor, Eilers Music Bldg. Take elevator. 287' Wash! n g ton st. VICTROLA, good as new, with 40 records, all for only $87. if you pay all cash, or $00 on terms; $2 a week. This is the biggest snap ever. Eilers Resale Dept., 2d floor Eilers bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5523. Bring this adv. with you. $1350 GOOD piano, one of America's best artistic makes. 110 better grand piano maae, sen less tnan a nutn-Kraae unrig ni is sold up town. We will take good up- 1 ngnt part payment. Brokerage Co.. 31 Worcester bldg. KROEGER piano, oak case, in fine con dition, worth $250; our price for quick sale only $10; terms at that Soule Bros., 166 10th su, between Morrison and Yamhill. SONORA phonograph, latest model, less than half price, all cash not necessary. See Resale Dept., 2d floor, Eilers Music bldg., 287 Washington st Phone Bdwy. 5523. PRACTICALLY new Emerson phonograph, golden oak case; cost $135, now $70; $10 down, $5 a month.. Hyatt Talking ruacnine uo-, 350 Alder. LARGE table phonograph, slightly shop worn, $2Jo style, only yjs. See this one. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th street. $195 WILL BUY late model Bradley piano. epiencia conaition, not a scratch on it. RtEtED -FREXC H PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. Bdwy. 750 WE WILL take your old piano in ex cnange ior a new victor or cneney phonograph. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. CABINET - SIZED Columbia Grafonola, golden oak case and 50 D. F. new rec ords for $95; 10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $85 COLUMBIA phonograph, brown ma hogany case with $20 worth of records; excellent condition. All for $45. Main PIANO WANTED. Will exchange new lEdison Diamond Amberola and 500 fine records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. NEW Martin saxophone, melody C. silver finish. $70. Sullivan, J. C. Penney Co., Ill 4th st. Furniture for Sale. BERKEY & GAY enameled bedroom set; mahogany consol table and mirror: ma hagony overstuffed chairs: oak book case, table and desk; willow couch and chairs; porch furniture; antique walnut settee and chairs; mattresses; hangings, pictures, bric-a-brac; Minton and Havi-la-nd; also glass and silverware. Phone Main 737 . DINING ROOM SET BARGAIN. . A 48-inch top round quarter pawed oak table and 6 genuine leather chairs at a bargain for $52.50 at A. S. GEVURTZ FURN. STORE,-205-207 1st St.. Bet Taylor and Salmon Sta EXQUISITE French walnut bedroom suite, new, Marie Antoinette period, eastern made and dustproof, consisting of bow foot double bed. large dresser, largest size oval mirror, chifferobe with san dalwood trays, vanity dresser with dip mirrors and chair, best De Luxe spring, mattress and blanket; cost $1160; sac- ' rifice immediately; $465. Strictly prl vate, for appointment phone Main 2927. FINE set brass fire irons, including screen, andirons, shovel, tones and poker with stand. Columbia grafonola, walnut case. Three Anglo-Persion rugs (Whittall), 1 9x12 and 2 36x63 inches, Wedgewood combination gas range, 2 ovens, incin erator; burns wood or coal and equipped with water coil. Also lawnmower. All little used and In excellent condition. Phone Sell. 221. OVERSTUFFED davenport, chair and rocker of finest irridescent sapphire-blue Thibet mohair, full webbing construction on mahogany wueen Anne Dase, sn. cordings and tassels; most exquisite and newest suite obtainable, cost $S70 two months ago; must sacrifice at less than half, as I am selling out and leaving city. Main 2927. SIX ROOMS of furniture for sale cheap; ivory bedroom suites, Wiliam ana Mary dining table and chairs; A-B combina tion range, gas water heater, davenport, library table and chairs, rockers, rugs, garden hose, floor lamp, etc., $650 cash, or separately. Can be seen any time at 351 Sixth st. Mar. 3023. FOR SALE One bed davenport, almost new, one mahogany dressin-g table. 1 chest of drawers, bookcase and Writing table combined, big: imitation leather rocker, chairs, rugs and dishes, good gas plate and small things. 964 Front st.. South Portland. THOR wasning machine, Ruud heater, gas range, all in very good condition, also birdseye maple dressor, dining and living room furniture; sell part, or all; first class; will be well worth while investi gating. E. 8560. 936 East Everett. MUST SACRIFICE 4-room ivory bedroom suite, spring, mattress, 3 chairs, $40; ivorv wicker "baby buggy, $20; wicker breakfast set, $30. Call today. 1184 Mlxter st. LIBRARY TABLE, natural oak, artistic design-, was $&5.0O. wIH sell for $10;. also dining table with 4 chairs for $15 a real bargain in second-hand furniture. Woodtlawn- 3104. WE MUST sell our $425 high-grade over stuffed tapestry davenport and chair to match for $200, also walnut dining room set, rugs and other fine pieces. Call . 1 .. . . 11 qtq?; itttrmttttre for sale: overstuffed daven pert, chair and rocker in mohair, very high-grade, as good as new; bargain if sold at once; private party. .Phone Auto. 635-27. t-wttt hon pnmnlflt. manlfl. $22.50: A-B e-a ranee, fine condition, $30; nice library table, $15; box gas range, $10; steel ranee. $20. 322 E. 28th st, N. East 4S52. itor SALE Four-burner Florence oil ctnirD larir nnrtable oven, glass door, perfect condition, $20; less than half price; cool In summer. Splendid for country or beach. 727 Ivon st. FIVE rooms of new furniture, wllL sell v,aQiTr Cftll Ht 1106 East I9th st North, Sunday all day. A good buy for someone. KTJiTx-swTrK nhonoeranh. iust like new: et. it tomorrow and save $70. Eilers Resale Dept., 2d floor Filers Music bldg., 287 Washington st. Phone Bdwy. 5523 A BARGAIN Solid oak dining table and chairs, breakfast table, 3 rockers, enam eled bed, chiironier, neater anu range, 423 E. 43d st. S. Sd.TXTH oak dlnlnc table with disappear' intr Iphvpr. oak library taAjle. reliable gas range. 40 yards of Blgelow axmlnleter -II 111-- " Thn TJ H I7U1 raroets: an iiive new, a nunc jjuj. ELECTRIC washing machine In first-class . condition, also good one-compartment fireless cooker: must sell-at once, call ' at 443 E. 13th st K. FOR SALE Furniture 5 rooms, complete. Will sell all or part at bargain. Leav ing city. Baby bed complete; also cab. Tabor 24. rTT yti jEY vacuum cleaner, perfect condl tinn. S40: beautiful rose velour portieres, $25; pictures and other household arti cles. J-St --o. FURNITURE for 2-room apartment; davenirt rug. mahogany gate-leg table, chairs, vacuum and victrola. East 8456. FOR SALE. $40 Ice box, practically new; sell for less than nair. Auto, .r-w-vo . AiNTIQUE furniture, solid black walnut, oak and mahogany. Southwest corner 11th and Hall; lower flat. u-pirpr Birdseye maple bedroom suite: like new; 1 steel couch with pad. Auto matic 323-10 GOOD overstuffed davenport, two over stuffed chairs in art denim. Price $105. Woodlawn 230. r?rR sai.k "Reliable" 3-oven gas range. trimmed with white enamel, excellent condition, vaiue. wum. in-j. PARLOR set. rocking chairs, kitchen table, chairs and wood and coal range. 355 Graham ave., near union. HOUSEHOLD goods, electric washer, gas ranee, dining room eet, laoies, caairs. Owner leaving city. Main 2145. PIECES of furniture cheap, Duofo-Id dav enport, narawwa wnu unue. ui eoaei, chairs. Room 410, Ooodnough bldg. ELECTRIC washer, Victrola, fine furni ture, brass bed, sewing machine. Tabor 4069. FOR SALE Acorn gas range, $15. Call Main 67SQ. FOR SALE- Maple princess dresser Call Woodlawn 625. OVERSTUFFED d&venport. brown denim, fine make; cheap for cash Tabor 50. NEW gas Reliable Angleiron stove. Main DINING room set, beds, dressers, chairs, cheap. 330 13th st. Main 5090. BEAUTIFUL parlor, dining suites; all fur nlture today 25c on dollar. 620 Front st. FRENCH Wilton rug, 0x12, Chinese pat tem (rose), good as new. $50. East 3336. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale; also a law bens, eUnood 1460, von SAME. Furniture for Sale. COME AND SEE US FOB. REAL. BARGAINS. OWL FURNITURE CO. . SELLS FOR LESS. $40 Brasa Bed, full size. massive, aale price $22.50 -foot round Extension Ta ble tM genuine leather Dining Chairs, Including carver, golden oak, at. each 2.95 Only one set left. Acorn gas range, 4 burners, side ovens, canopy top, ltghtly used, a bargain. Price delivered and con nected 27.50 Few left, 9x12 Woolfiber rugs, close-out price 9.7$ 9x12 Blgelow Winton rug with fringe 89.50 9x12 osed Wilton rug 29.00 Majestic coal or wood range 42.00 A new like it costs $135. Unfinished gate-leg table, spool legs 6-50 Mahogany library table, Will iam and Mary style, with drawer. Sale price 19.50 Mahogany davenport table. Italian style. Sale price.. 22.50 Full panel Ivory bed, new; . Close-out price 16.50 Regular price $25.00. 4-foot Davenport, oak. the best grade of genuine leather upholstered; slightly used. Sale price. .$45.00 Walnut William and Mary dining set, 45-inv top ta ble, 4 chairs, genuine leather seats to match. Sale price i $52.00 Sectional bookcase, 4 sec tions, top and bottom, -golden oak. Sale price $12.50 Cabinet Singer sewing ma chine, slightly used, cost new, $95; our special $27.50 Chiffonier solid -oak, plate glass mirror, for only $12.50 2-piece walnut bedroom set, full panel bed, triple plate mirror, dressing table, $55 value; special for this week$39.00 Slightly used William and Mary mahogany dining set, 48-inch top table. 6-ft. extension, 6 genuine leath er seat chairs; special price $59.0 (And this is a real bargain). Come In and see- our twin oven, combination coal, wood or gas range; It la a winner and the price is , right $95 tapestry overstuffed davenport, spring cushions and back, overall covered with tapestry, spring edge. Sale price $64.00 Imitation leather daven port $17.50 Vulcan gas range, aide oven t and broiler, 4 burners, as 1 good as new, for only $24.50 Fifty gas ranges, slightly ueed, to pick from, at . bargain prices. Come in and convince yourself. Ivory dresser, late model. . ..$14.50 Solid quartered oak china closet, curved glass front, slightly used ; bargain pric $16.50 Coal or wood range on sani tary base, slightly dam aged. Bargain price $16.00 We have about 75 used ranges to pick from. Ivory dressing table, large plate beveled n-taror. Special price $12.50 COME AND SEE US FOR REAL BARGAINS AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. Queen Anne walnut dining table, six-foot extension. Special ..$27.50 Late model dresser, large French beveled plate mir ror. For only $14.50 Solid oak library table $9.50 Quarter-eawed oak buffet, with plate glass mirror. .. .$8.00 Steel bed springs aa low as. . $4.70 Six solid oak saddle seat chairs for only, each $2.95 Ivory triple plate mirror dressing table $16.50 Genuine leather slip -seat dining chairs $3,96 Genuine leather overstuffed rockers , $22.50 OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS, 166-169 First Street, 75 Feet South of Morrison. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Chairs Iron beds Rockers Bed springs Extension table Mattress '' CaIIH nair riininsr chairs With .$1.00 1.75 2.50 1.50 7.50 2.50 leather seats .95 Dresser -2'9x Coal or wood range 9x12 grass rug OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First St. 75 Feet South of Morrison. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGEjS. . 7500 square feet floor space filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description ; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phonograph-, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and- .blankets, dishea, cut glass, mas-ire hall clocks, Wil ton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, ewlng machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other articles too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS FER CO., 4th at Pine Sts. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. A SNAP IN GAS RANGE. Slightly used Reliae gas range, 4 gas burners, simmerer and self lighter; 18-in. oven and broiler; blue enamel oven doors, for $19.75 only. Well worth double price. A. S. GEVURTZ FURN. STORE. 205-207 1st St., Bet. Taylor and Salmon Sts. FIVE ROOMS of good used furniture, hlgtv cost, Karpen wicker In living room, Ja cobean oak in dining room, Simmons beds, one witn coil springs; silk floss mattress; kitchen outfit. This furni ture has been used less than a year. Includes dishes, some curtains, small rugs and misc. $400 cash. No dealers. Flat, for rent. East 2082. 708 E. Flan ders. ; SANITARY flat-top desk with 3 chairs. $50. 311 Worcester bldg. . BLUE ENAMEL iron bed with good coll sp;-lu6, $-0. Sellwood 38.