12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTtAXP, JXTXE 4, 1933 KTCATi 1CSTATE- bub urban Homes. $-000 HALF ACRE, Mount Scott station; large 4-room l-story bungalow, plastered, wfth unfinished attic; half concrete basement, city water, gas, electricity at the doer, garage, chicken house, barn, family or chard, full bearing berries, located on stone road near highway; cash $a00, $20 monthly. City car fare. $2250 Beaverton district, 2250f two acres, 4-room eeiled and papered 1-story cottage, city water, gas, new barn, chicken house, fruit trees and berries. Included in the price are one cow and 30 chickens; located on good road close to station; cash $800, 3800 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $3800. Four acres, 6-room 1 H -story 1 bunga low, full plumbing, septic tank, city water, gas, some fruit trees, .chicken houses, accessible to two electric lines. .Located on macadam road, close to highway, public, high and St. Mary's school; cash $1000, balance $25 monthly. $3800 SH AT TUCK STATION $38K One-half acre, 6-room 1-story mod ern bungalow, Just completed, with white enamel Dutch kitchen, full plumb ing, septic tank, full cement basement, city water, gas, wired for elec, which Is about to be Installed; city carfare. Located en splendid stone road, only six minutes walk to S- P. station. Cash $500, balance $-5 monthly. Immediate possession. - Tha above are only a few of our sub urban homes. We have a well-chosen list of 1DO suburban homes, some ex cellent values. Photos on display at our office. Open Sunday 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. M. E. DeJOTCB COMPANY, "307 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. 15 ACRES NEAR TOWN FOR SALE BT OWNER. MOST BEAUTIFUL SPOT. SITUATED NEAR GARDEN HOME. 7-ROOM HOUSE, STORE ROOM, BARN. "WOOD SHED, FRUIT HOUSE, CHICK EN HOUSE, ABOUT. 1400 FRUIT TREES, APPLES, PEARS AND CHER RIES. DELLAR'S SHOE STORE, ( 389 WASHINGTON ST. COUNTRY HOME. O. C. LINE. Modern 5-room bungalow with sleep ing porch, full plumbing, furnace, built Ins, electricity, gas, running water; half ' acre with 32 bearing fruit trees and abundance of berriea. RIGHT ON THE PAVED RIVER ROAD and close to jHeldrum station: good garage. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY FOR $4,730. good terms. BEE THIS TODAY. Ask for F. C, Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRB, 205 Abincton Bide. Broadway 7171, Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. CHOICE SITE FOR SUBURBAN HOME. On Powell Valley road, few -minutes' drive from 82d street, about 6-H acres, 4 in cultivation, balance in beautiful trove of trees: one new house and ga rage and one 4-room house and chicken house, Bull Run water and electric lights. Price $650; take improved Portland property up to $5500 and mortgage for dirrcrence, E M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldf. Main S422. ONE ACRE. HIGHLY IMPROVED. 4-room, modern bungalow, on hard-surface road, close in: this place has fruit. berries, garden, garage, chicken house, in fact everything you could want and the price is only $3500; the strawberries look line, iiroaaway zati. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg, F OR A LB B ungaluw, 6 r coma a nd bath, garage, fruit, lot 100x100. con crete sidewalk; $2600 on terms. . 4 -acre berries, small 4-room house, rleht in the city. $1600. or will rent. S 14 acres on paved: highway. 1H miles eVuth of Oswego, 10 acrea cleared, best c! land, only S-jO per acre. 'For houses, vacant lots and acreage in vicinity of Oswego call on. C. B. Hall, Ami hitler. Phone 381. OWNER offers at sacrifice lovely home at Oak Grove; 1 acres best soil; all kinds fruit in abundance, 25 English walnuts, garden, flowers, most convenient, double constructed modern bungalow of 7 rms. and s. p., private water system, tenant house rented for $20 month, near high way, school, river, station, O. C. oar, small payment and good terms. Phone Oak Grove 18-R or address box 105, Oak Urove, Or. DO YOU WANT A SUBURBAN HOME? We have put on a new tract at 95th and Glisan sts. The ground is 100x150, with all city conveniences, lies level and all clear: price $750, $100 cash and $15 per month. H1LLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg."-- Broadway S62B. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays. Tabor 8485. A COZY HOME FOR TWO. WEST SIDE. Quarter acre fruit and. berries, 5 blks. from depot at Maplawood; city gas, elec tricity and phone; 3 -room house, garage and chicken house; price, $1400; $400 cash, FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Tradfr Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME WITH AN INCOME. 1 Vj acres, 1 a. in raspberries, assorted fruit and berries for family use; hen house, garage; modern. 5-room bunga low; all city conveniences; close to school and car; $4800; easy terms. To day call Auto. 328-48. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OSWEGO LAKE HEADQUARTERS. Laka shore home sites, 60x150 $ 600 Acre, trues, brook, auto roads. .... 600 P'lve acres, close in, $50 down 8i0 Acre, new bungalow, water, lights. 1650 Three acres, buildings, furniture. . 1800 Bungalow, new, 4 rooms, 9c fare. 2100 Small, easy payments will buv these. Call for McCLURB, at 500 Concord bldg. ATTRACTIVE GLADSTONE HOME. S300O. 4-room bungalow with full plumbing, cement basement, fireplacee, built-ins, chicken house andl barn, close to school and O. C. car line, quarter acre of Al oil; terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with 20S- Ablngton Bldg. Broadwav 7171. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark 2 ACRES 5-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE. About 2 acres, only 2 blocks from de pot; 5-room house, fireplace, city gas, fine soil berries and creek, garage and cntcKen nouse; price sa mo, sioiut cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bfdg. COUNTRY HOME WITH LIVING. 2 acres, near Mllwaukie, best of soil high state of cultivation, all kinds bear- lng fruit, berries. 6 bearing walnut trees, 0-room house, Bull Run water, Kais. eieuuicuy uvmiaoie ; price $3QU, $2000 cash, balance 6 per cent. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $2530. With garage; nearly half-acre ground, close to city limits on Oregon City car line and paved Pacific highway; gas, lectricity and telephone service: $500 down, balance Mke rent: see views of property at 512 Buchanan 4ld Phone Bdwy. 5-040 or Oak Pro vg 26 R. 1 ACftB OX RIVER. 1 acre on the river at Briarwood sta tion. 8-room strictly modern, home, all kinds fruit, roses and shrubbery; a won derful ho.me and a wonderful location; price right, terms reasonable, Rummell & Rummell, 274 Stark t.. 8th and Sandy blvd. Bdwy 6720. Auto. S20-OO. ACRES. Juet outside of city limits, near Haw thorne car: has paved roads, city water, gas. electric lights; very easy terms; some with fruit trees. J. L KARNOPP & CO.. 319 Ry. "Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 6735, B-ROOM modern house, new. with 1 acre. near Multnomah station. 2 blocks off Capital highway; price $520v on terms, or will trade for nico home in Portland. See Mr. Miles, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor, Suite 423 Morgan Bldg. Main 6060. 6-ROOM modern house with one acre; lots of berries, fruit; near Watson sta tion on Oresham line. Price $3500; $500 cash will handle. See Mr, Miles, with H. M. ELLIS. Realtor, Pulte 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5OR0. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. 20 acres, unimproved, on highway and Sandy river, 1 miles from Troutdale; fine view, large spring and beautfiul wild .cherries, maples, alders, etc. Big bar- am at uwnar, cast o-ij.(. FOR SALE 1 acres good soil all in gar den. 50 bearing- fruit trees. 6-room house, cirv water, just outside, city Umits; S1500, $500 cash, terms on bal ance. Mrs. A. D. Harria. Boones Ferry road. 4ROOM new bungalow, .located mile south of Bell station, with 1 acre; bar gain at $2500, terms. Sea Mr. Miles, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor, ftu its 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Cosy five-room plastered house. Two lage lots, near station. $2300, $:150 cash, easy terms, C. E. APPLE. Phong 113W, Oak Grove. SM ALL. attractive, modern bungalow on bank of Willamette river at Rothe Sta tion, Oreyon citv lrne. Tel. ijak lirove, 141 -M or Mr. Pickard. Bdwy. 1)20. JTOR SALE -Park Rose acre and 6-room juuiae, vex REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. 4 ACRES, 3 blocks from electric station, mile to school: ail un . der cultivation; orchard of cher ries, pears, apples-, grapes, rasp berries, bearing; 5-room plastered house with ,fuil cement basement, garage, 3 chicken houses, brooder house, electric lights available; included with place 200 chickens, fresh cow, incubator, tools, etc.. located on good road east of Gre-saam. Price for every thins $4700, terms. Consider acre and house at edge of Portland of same value or less. acre" 2 blocks from electric station between Portland and Garden Home; 8c commutation. . fare; all under cultivation; 24 as sorted ifruit trees, 4 years old; berries; 5-room house with cement basement, laundry traya, com plete plumbing, gas and. city water; electric lights near; garage, chicken house; $600 down, balance $20 per month. Ask for Mr. Kemp. MODERN HO MR HARDWOOD FIOORa 3 acres, 10 runes irom center of Portland; a block to electric eta- ? tlon; macadamized road: all under cultivation, lots of bearing fruit and berries; good new 5-room. plastered bungalow with best of plumbing, basement, electric lights, running water, garage, large chicken house, 20x50; woodshed, nice sightly ground. $500 cash and soldier's loan, .terms on balance. WiU sell one acre and house. See Mr. Kemp. MODERN BUNGALOW 'WITH PLUMBING. - acre, 5 blocks from electric station, on good; road, close in; all under cultivation, bearing . fruit trees, berries; 4-room bungalow with white enamel plumbing and. built-in conveniences, also fire-? place, gas, electric lights and city watery low commutation fare and good car service. Price $3150, terma JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Ger linger BIdg. Over 500 small places near Portland. SUBURBAN HOMES. 2 acres extra ohoice land, 130 hearing fruit trees, lots of berries. 7-room mod ern house, gas, electric lights, city, wa ter; 1 year old, this Is a gentleman's home, complete. In every detail; near Wichita station; $0000, good terms. 6 acres, high and sightly, in cultiva tion, lota -of fruit, 5-room house, good condition, electric lights, gas available, water in house, close to river and lake; In- Oswego. $0000; good terms. One .acre fruit, grapes, berries, garden- 7-roam modern house, bara, chick en house, garage, at Courtney station, O. a line. $3800, terms. 6 acres in cultivation, 100 fruit tree, large creek and spring; 4-room house, barn at ry, station, on pavement, 10 miles out. $5600, terms. 1 acre in cultivation,, fruit, berries. 6 room bungalow, near station at Metz eer. $2200. terms. 1 acre in fruit, berries, garden, 7-room modern house, near station. Metzger. foviu. ai-au cash, Balance month. 2 acres Oreeon Cltv line. 4-room house. barn, outbuildings, fruit, grapes, berries, garden, near- oar. $2500, good terms. 7 acres, 4 acres in cultivation, 3 ajwea pasture, iruis, uernes, o-room Dungaiow, electric lights, water in house, fireplace, near Donald. $2000, $800 down, balance easy. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 4th st "CLASSY" SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres, right at station, Oregon City car line, 8 miles out, good 6-room house, elec. light, gas, pri vate water system, over 50 bearing fruit trees, 4 kinds grapes, berries, chicken house and run, fine auto road all way into Portland; price $5500 (reduced from $7000); a. nice Jme with an income; easy terms.; '"immediate possession. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 283 Stark St, " " "Bdwy. 1183. SMALL FARM WITiH $2000 "ANNUAL 4 acres. 24 a, raspberries. It4 strawberries. 38 assorted fruit trees, some blackcans and blackberries: eood bam. henhouse, large story and a half house, .good water system. Bull Run water, gas and electricity at your serv ice. On hard -surface road; mile to school and carhne: 7 miles from Mult nomah county courthouse. This year's crop will be turned into cash in next 10 weeks. Everything for $8500; $2500 casn xociay. can Aut. as-4, JOHNSONBOiDSON CO.. 633 N W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. 9 ACRES BARGAIN. NEW BUNGALOW. Located 1 mile of Canby. Or,, on rood graveled road and 500 ft. of the paved Pacific highway, all in cult., fine sandy loam sou with new 4-room modern oias- tered bungalow, one outhouse, good well water, land ail fenced and all in a good stand of wheat, fine berry, clover and potato iano, suu rt. or tne s. f. ry. tracs like living in town; price has been re duced from $3500 to $2850 for quick sale part cash. E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th and FOR SALE BY OWNER. A modern bungalow on 2 acres of fine cleared land; this -beautiful bungalow has every modern convenience, buiit-in oooKcases, uut-cn kitcnen, splendid oath, gas, electricity, city water and ga3 fur nace, a lawn, dandy garage, 24 fruit trees, nearly acre in berries, two large chicken houses. 20x60 and 16x35. with electric lights and water; about 4 blocks from Powell Valley road, on eood irnavel road; will sell all buildings with 1 acre or 1 acre aione. xaoor iW.-iii. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Sflctlon Line Road Near 82d St. $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition. $.50 and up all in cultivation, good soil, city water, some tractS with bearing raspberries, loganberries, currants and strawberries; will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH. 318 Ry. Exch. Bldg. FURNISHED ACRE. $1800. Bearing family orchard, lots of ber ries; 4-room cottage, completely fur nished, chicken house and garage; good cow goes with the place. Only three blocks to Stanley station. OWNER LEAVING CITY AND HAS CUT PRICE to $1S00. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRB, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 717L Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. $6000 A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Fine country residence, just outside the city limits, nearly an acre of ground, strictly-modern home, hardwood floors, expensive hot water heating plant, beau tiful grounds, splendid shade trees. The price of this home is only $6000, with $1000 cash. It's a bargain. See Mr. Miller. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 416-18-20-22 Spalding Building. A LITTLE DANDY. $2000. 4-room plastered house with wide porch and 2 acres of rich soil, partly plowed and ready to plant; this is lo cated In Burbank addition on. the Barr road, three miles straight east of the city limits; come in and tell us what you can do and we will try and arrange terms to suit you. We have other small tracts. STRONG & CO.. 60S Cham, of Com. 6 ROOMS 2 ACRES. Glen Echo Station, Oregon City car line, strictly modern home with 2 acres all cleared. 2 blocks to station. 25 min uted from Portland; owner very anxious to sell at a bargain, $o500, and very reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., REALTORS. 12 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. JG000 A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Fine country residence. Just outside the city limits, neany an acre of ground, strictly modern home, hardwood floors. sxpensive hot water heating plant, beau- tiful grounds, splendid shade trees. The price oe this nome is only $tuuu, with $1000 cash. It's a bargain. See Mr. Miller. COMTE A KOHLMAN. 416-18-20-22 Spalding Building. GOOD LITTLE BUY. S1500. acre, all in cultivation, 25 young fruit trees some berie?, close to school and only 3 blocks-to Huber station; 3 room cottage, garage, city water; best of terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with r n a .x iv jj. iwctjL 1 rt n,. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 717L Third at.. Pet. vasnington and stark AT OAK GROVE, ON OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Choice acre, 4-roora bungalow, fine view, electric lights, gas, good water, 1 block west of highway. 4 blocks west of station; win sell to responsible party; 32uv: fzvu casn. oatance i per month. L. P. EXPICOTT. Owner. Oak Grove. Or. ON BEAVERTON HIGHWAY. Nicely-located 1 -acre tract with dandy new 4-room bungalow, living room large; good chicken house: 200 straw berry plants. L.et us snow it to you and tnen maae us an ouer. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. FACING BASS LINE ROAD. Just west of Buckley ave., acre, $530; covered with nice grove of trees $5a cash. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & GO.. 205-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide ABOUT X acre fronting on the Pacific highway at Kotne station; -room bun galow. all modern, white enamel and mahogany finish, electric lights. full cement basement, gas furnace; price $4800. See M. L. Bus sard at Roth Sta tion, owner. 4-KOOM house, fully modern, 2 miles from Portland on paved highway; am moving to CaUroTcia; will sen cheap on terms Call Mr. ghaffer. Bdwy. 1-1730 RIVER FRONT. home between Fort- land and Oregon City, beautiful located, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. HOMES and building sites at Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric; only 20 minute3 from Portland's shopping district, by high-class aleetrie service, of 15 minutes by automobile; I can give you anything you want from vacant property in sizes of a lot to an acre on terms of 10 down and easy monthly payments or small houses from $000 up, on terms; I make a specialty of Multnomah property; if you are tired of paying rem and want to start a home of your own, don't fail to see me; It will be my pleasure to take you in my machine ever Terwilliger blvd. out to Portland' fastest growing suburban district;' if you prefer to go by yourself call at my Multnomah office, and Mrs. Grant, who is in charge, will show you over the district. Ben Riesland. dealer exclusively In west side suburban property. Offices, 404 Piatt bldg., and Multnomah, Or. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Four acres, only 12 miles from Port land, 10 minutes walk from station (Reedville) and highway. Modern 8 room bungalow, four bedrooms, sun room, French doors, bunt-ins, Dutch kitchen, etc, bathroom, closets with mirrored doors; beautiful gas lights, fine water system, garage, poultry house (cost $500) all aew, 60 young bearing Jonathan apple trees, 35 young fruit trees of choice variety; berries, garden; finest soil, level, self -draining. This is an up-to-date place. Net price Is $7000. Would consider exchange for city property or smaller suburban home. Mrs. R. Mc Lennan, 434 Larrabee street Phone E. 5014. WFAT " teTTRJTRB ANT HOMES. 0 acres, fine S-room house, pienty of fruit, well equipped place for raising chickens. Witl eoinaid&r trade for Port Hand property. Lot 10Oxl40i. Native fc-eea, 6-room lifOiise; $25430. 2 lota, o'-room bungalow, modern, cost $42W. 2 lots, 8-rooai house; $1000. - 1 acre and 6-room house, modern, with (fruit trees; $5000. Inquire F. M. YOUNG, REALTOR. Third House North of Rislay Station, Oregon City canine. CHICKEN RANCH SACRIFICED. About $350. gross income a month. Three acres with 287 f eet of modern poultry houses, electricity, Bull Run water, 5-room cottage and garage; 14 acres now in garden, 1000 laying O. A. C White Leghorns, and all equipment goes with the place. This la the . best lo cated modern chicken ranch In Mult nomah county. 20 minutes from town; $7200 with $3500 cash, balance terms to suit. Call Broadway 4837, Monday and ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO, 224 HenryKiag. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME $500 DOWN. Neat 4-room bungalow, with gas anfl tti7 wo tor mhns-nTi v livinsr and dining room furniture, Ivory bedroom set, good range and dishes; 76x100 lot, with all kinds of berries and fruit; 4 blocks from oipftrin Httin Home outbuildings: only $1650. SEE THIS TODAY. Ask for F. C, Marshall, with Itramtc T, MeClUIRH. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and stark, ft Af!TiK?? on Newbera highway.. all cult! vated; 6-room bungalow, garage, poultry houses, berries, rruit; oouu, lerroa. 16 acres on Newberg highway, beau tiful trout lake, full of trout; good Im provements, berries and fruit. 16 acres near Sherwood, some cleared, small bldgs., $2500, $600 down. aw. ac.rfts on Foster road, all culti vated, good bldgs., fruit, cow, chickens, tOOlS, R. HOARD, 501 STOCK EX. BLDG. ' JUST LOOK AT THIS! MR. AND MRS. HOME SEEKER, Beautiful 7-roam residence with trae and a half acres, equal to 12 city lots; lawn, flowers and vineyard; on the electric car and only $6500. I have many other beautiful suburban, homes irom 5uou to $ouu eacn. J. B. HOLBRQOK, 214-215 Panama Idg. A RRiTi HOME PLACE". ntm t v two a nres. Oreeon Citv line : owner has kept in fine shape; lots of fruit, and berries; good modern 5-room house; an ideal suburban home at close price and ready to occupy now ; win make terms to responsible buyer. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. OWNER leaving state, will sacri fice 34 acres, home with build ings, orchard, growing garden, at $2600 total price. Easy terms. S 704, Oregonian, CAPITOL hiehwav home near Multnomah; acre of ground in fruit, berries and flowers': modern bungalow with concrete basement; owner leaving the city; must sell at once; price only $4500; terms can be arranged. or particulars se ueu Rlesiand. 404 Piatt bids:.. 127 Park st.. or his representative, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah. Office on the bivd. BY OWNER LEASE OR SELL CHOICE RIVERFRONT HOMES, WITH OR WITHOUT ACREAGE; FURNISHED OR tTX-PTTRNTSREn- BEAUTIFUL VIEW. AND FISHING; SHELTERED FROM EAST WINDS; ALL CITY CONVENI ENCES. ADDRESS A. BISLEY. MIIj WAUKIE, OR., ROUTE 1, BOX 288, OB CALL KIVUIK. KUAU, BAM Hi dUA, RIVER FRONTAGE. " " . SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 4 acres at Rockspur station, 7 miles out, west side, ft-room buHgalow, large living room, stone fireplace, built-ins, concrete basement, furnace, sleeping porch, over 200 feet river front, stream, natural crowth. $9000. Terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. FtR SALE. Splendid new S-rooni house, cement basement, city water and gas. and two acres fine land all in cultivation; fruit, berries and garden, fine location, near street car and highway, --terms; pay ments like rent. Owner, room 50ft Con- gress hotel. HALF acres of ground oh highly improved county road wftn gooa moaern noma ao jacent to electric service; all modern im provements; just the place for your per manent home: owner compelled to sell price is very reasonable and terms are right. rvor particulars can on fen Jtues- rand, 4U .ria.it oiag. izi rarjtsu MUST sell my furnished bungalpw at Roethe Btation, Oregon City una East 2-299. For Sale -Bnsiness ' Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. Wa have a dandy warehouse or fac tory Bite for sale, Versteeg addition, Klnsilr A Into 7 ft ft 1A- riffVit An irofV. age and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; it is next-to tha Ameri can Can Co.'a plant and right close to Montgomery Ward plant; if sold at once will make low price. Phone owner, Esi 2651. SANDY BLVD. INVESTMENT. Three stores with living rooma In rear, bath, etc. ; full lot; RIGHT ON SANDY. BLVD., in a fine location: an income on a small investment; $5850; terms to suit. RUMMELL A RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Broadway 6729. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60. SANDY BLVD. INVESTMENT. ' $ stores with living rooms in rear, bath, etc.; full lot; RIGHT ON SANDY BLVD., in a fine location; an income on a small investment. $585fli Terms to SUIT. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. 39-th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60. CATCH ON TO THIS. Cash or trade for merchandise, corner 100x110, close-in business district ; now bringing in good income; owner will ex change all or part. See Mr. Hanthorn, ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors, 204 Morrison St. Main DOWNTOWN INCOME PROPERTY. Corner 60x75, with 2-story, brick bldg., present income $325 per month. Price $40,000. HENRY W. GODDARB, REALTOR. 243 Stark st. Bdwy. 7881. 2-ROOM RESIDENCE, FURNISHED AS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, WEST SIDE NEAR BROADWAY, 55x9Q LOT; $7300. BDWY. 6618; WILL CONSIDER TRADE. CORNER stare building, four comfortable iivmg rooms ana oatn, an Aioerta sc.; lot 90x100. Inquire 300 Morrison ' st. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES FOR $100. Best garden land inside and townsite limits; better market than in United States and no taxes. Bolivia Coloniza tion Association, 600 Chamber of Com merce, Portland. Or. 1-ACRE BARGAIN. " " ' " At station, close in, east side, near Base Line ; cleared. $750, easy terms. Investigate. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ONE ACRE. CLOSE IN. Paved road frontage, city water, all in high state cultivation, only $500; terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 2o05. Sunday and evenings. Main 7844. BELOW bank's value. To close &n estate. uvar duicB ui iuii.ivtiuii, jja. v eu u trackage, 6-cent fare; $4000. Zinimer man. 818 Chamber of Commerce bids. TEN-ACRE truck garden and chicken ranch location; well-improved with buildings. Price reasonable and terms ea-sy. Lawrence uo., jor&ett bldg. ' FOR PLATTING 20 acres on 45th ave., iust east of city limits, $750 per acre. Oregon Inv. &. Mtge Co.. 210 Exchange TEN ACRES btfst land, la miles to Port land, free for help on my berry ranch. ls miles west of Schiller station. Ar nolds rancn. 7 ACRES near Oregon City, 4-room house. fruit trees, good spring, cleared and fenced. Only $1350. A. H.-Akerson, 420 Henry mag. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS FUK SALEr 20 acrea. Call Tabor MS REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES. 2Ms miles from Oregon City, 5 blocks from electric sta tion and grade school; good fences, recked road, loam soil. 8 acres under cultivation, spring Greek, 2 acres pears and apples. 1 acre strawberries, i acre raspberries, grapes, etc. ; 6-ream house and other buildings. Included with plaee Jersey cow, horse, 13 chick ens, plow, harrow, cultivator, har ness, buggy, tools, etc. Price for everything $3750; terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 5 acres, 1 mile from electric sta tion between Portland and Gresh am, & mile to school, gravel road, -woven wire fences; all under cul tivation, 2 acres strawberries, acre rapsberries, some iogan - berries, 1 acre -Waring orchard. ? English walnuts, 4-room house, barn, large garage, chieken house. Price $4500, Including stock and equipment. Consider soldier's loan and some cash or 10 to 20 acres of more value, not over 5 miles from r Portland. . CLOSE IN BEARING FRUIT. acre oa macadamized street, B blocks from Ryan station: all under cultivation; 18 bearing fruit trees; good loam soil, city water, ' gas and electrio lights all at prop- . erty. Offered far below value; $150 - down, balance -easy terms, per cent. 2 acres T miles from center of . Portland,- 1 block from electrio . station, . 8o commutation fare, young, bearing orchard, some ber ries; K-roem house, small barn, large chicken houses; price ' $2350, $500 cash, JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlin-ger Bidg., Realtor. Over 500 small places near Portland, RARE ACREAGE OFFERING. Only four traets left, near Wil lamette blvd. and ear line, just west of Overlook, 10 minutes from . Broadway bridge; wonderful home site, garden soil, fine, for grapes and berries. Owners offer for less than half adjoining lots and on attractive: terms. Each traot contains approx imately five lota. CALL MONDAY, MARSHALL 893. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRB TRACTS, $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5 month buys a B-aore tract in thie addition of tJUO acres, down the Columbia river on the Oresron side. close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful . lying land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vege tables. Have and 10-acre tracts on the same terms In other locations. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. EIGHT-ACRE BERRY FARM. 1 miles south of Tigard on Capitol Highway; 30 minutes' rioe to i-ortiana; family orchard : 4 acres of strawberries, loganberries, blackcaps and raspberries ; elec. running water; cement walks; o- room house with outbuiidiners' all woven- wire fenced; $5700; terms. THIS WILL NOT LAST. See F. Q. Marshall at once. wuu PRANK L. McGUIRB. 205 Ahlngton Bidg. Bdwy. 7171 Third St. bet. Wash, and stark. BUY A" HEAL PRUNE ORCHARD. 20 acres of Clarke county's beet. Owner retiring on his earnings; 14 acres prunes. 4 acres lo gain berries, house, barn, prune dryer, paved road. This prune orchard nas never produced less tnan Ssuu year in six years and has produced up to $3350. . Price for all $18,000; any reasonable terms. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Banlc Bldg. ONE ACRE JUST OUTSIDE CITY. Facinar on 72d near Tremont station water and electricity; $1000; $100 cash and $10 per month; inside acres as low as oou; ?::a casn ana smau montniy pay ments; drive out 72d. at. south of Coth you will see our signs. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' WANT Good Portland home np to $8000; pre- TRADE. 20 acres at $8000, near Newberg; good nouse, gooq roaa, o acres prunes, ram lly orchard, all cleared, balance la crop. win sen at ouuu, $uuu aown. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222, A HIGH-CLASS ACRE $1000. Situated on Buckley ave., just south of roweu vaney roaa; coverea with beau tiful grove of native trees; gas, city water and electricity; this is your last cnance to get an acre in this ideal lo cation and at this price. R. H. CONFREY", REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TEN VIEW ACRES $3000! 2 acres of the finest garden; acre of berries; 4-room cottage ;. chicken house; on good macadam road to Jen nings Lodge station: rieht on the Oat- - field road; beautiful view of the city; terms. . a?k. ior jr. v. JMarsnau, witft FRANK L. McGUIRB. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 717: inira at. pet- wasn. ana itar. 8-ACRE BERRY PLACE. All cleared. 3 acres in bearing 1omt berries, 1000 gooseberries, 1000 blackcaps, 00 strawberries; near good town on highway; house, barn, chieken house, other buildings, all nearly new. A real Bargain, jduu. LUEDDE-MANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A NICE, LEVEL 5-ACRE TRACT. Facing east on Barker road, jus,t south of Base Line road: Bull Run watr and gas in front of tract; $1875; see us for special terms. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. . 10-ACRK RTAP. 2 tracts at Covell. o. c. car 1ln; acres each. All in cultivation; $550 per acre. One pr both tracts. .An ideal Duuaing sue. . THE LAWRENCE! CO. Realtors. -212 Corbett Bldg. Main 69IB. EQUIPPED 5 ACRES. S3J00. All in cultivation, fruit and berries: 4- room cottage; cow, horse and imnl-emnts go with place; Huber station; terma. Ask ior x. u. Mersnaii, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171 rnirq at. pet, wash, and Stark. 75x143 FACING west on 42d st, north of Fremont, just outside of citv. near Beau mont car and school; you will see c-ur wis etgii, intfiiien on xract 3 to a. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR, ' RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON CITY CAR TpffP! 4 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. Good road, two blocks to station. Good well; only $2700; terms. Choice acreage, near station, xi2ftft C. E. APPLE, phone 113W, Oak G rove. ACRBAGR KNAP . 2 acres, all in cultivation." c-nrd 5-rn.m bungalow, chicken house, fruit, berries and plenty garden; at Tigard, near sta tion, $2200; good terms. L. O. Getber. 715 Swetland bidg. J ' $300 CHICKEN RANCH. $300. " 20 acres Cathlamet, Wash., running water, few scattering stumps, fine soil, close to highway; $50 down, $50 every six months at 6 per cent. 226 Chamber of Commerce blflg. STOCK farm, 350 acres; wiil produce about auu iuhs mix year oesiaes other crop; plenty barn room and outrange 100 miles from Portland; will take part trade. Broadway 6932 or 4375 BOTTOM LAND On Johnson creek, 5 acres at Kendall station on Estaeada line. Bargain, on terms, to settle estate. YOKE. 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4179 TO BUY or sell acreage east of 82d St., see R, H. CONFREY, REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trada Bldg CHOICE ACRE. Jennings Lodge, on highway, all In fruit, sacrifice for cash, only $1100. ROBINSON-SPOOLER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma, Wash, ? TO BUY or sell aereage east of S2d at., see us; we get results. ' ' R, H. CONFREY. REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ORE-GON CITY car line, Concord road, two fine acre tracts, building restrictions, near school and new residences. Phone oak urove aiw, owner. ACRES creek bottom land, all level, 2 -room house, 15 miles from Salem, one mile from town, school and P. O. AN 1 o. sjregonian. 120-ACRE, unimpioved lane; some tim ber on it; for sale cheap. P. Wabke. Kehalem. Or., box 61. FOR SALE 640 acres tillable Lake county land, clear. Write C A, Ramsey, Airiie, Or. POR SALE OR TRADE. 7 acres with buildings ana crop, bee owner at Aloha ; FOR SALE 10 acres in cultivation, good soil, good orchard, just out o city ftmits. Call Mala 61152. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ON HIGHWAY AND RIVER. 15& acres of sandy Bilt loam. FRONTS ON RIVER AND PAVED HIGHWAY, between two towns 25 miles from Portland; 10 acres in cultivation and in crop, 200 tomatoes, 2000 straw berries, acre cueumbers and all kinds garden truck; balance of land ever green pasture; 5-room house, barn, corn crib, hog house, together with the fol lowine PERSONAL PROPERTY; Team. cows, hogs, chickens and complete farm implements and tools. Price $o0O0. Owner will consider clear Portland prop erty un to S3000. or will shade price a little for deal with $2700 cash, balance mortgage. This, Is excellent LOGAN BERRY. CORN AND MELON SOIL; CROP CAN BE SOLD ON THE PLACH. A REAL, HOME. t acres, all in cultivation. 150 feet from PAVED HIGHWAY. 10 miles from Portland. 50 BEARING FRUIT TREES; berries of all kinds for family use; grapes, 5-room house, fine well, barn, large chicken house. Some tools and furniture go wHh the place. FREE PASTURE of 15 acres ad.ioining. House In grove of native trees; 1 mile froia Oregon City car line. - This beautiiul home can ba had for $3000 oa very easy ierms. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO., Realtors; -. . Gladstone, Oregon. Oregon City car line. Phone Oregon City 269 J. ACRES DOSCH STATION. WEST SIDE ON 8. P. Glenelyn addition, situated between the S. P. track and tha Hoffman road; some tracts onlv one block of station: sidewalks, city water, gas and electric ity ; cleared land, magnificent view ; only 15 minutes by S. P. car, 8 1-3 cent fare; a district of nice homes; signs on the property; look: it over today. Am authorized to sell the remaining tracts for $500 to $800 per 4 acre, 10 per cent casn, a per cent per montn. - J. G. RAINEY, KIT Abington Bldg. Broadway 6269. $50 AND. $75 AN ACRE. . IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. A COUNTRY OF ROCKED ROADS AND HIGHLY IMPROVER FARMS. POR8TLAND TO GRESHAM PAVED. ANY SIZB TRACTS ON GOOD ROADS. 20 mileB to Portland, near Electric sta tion, 40c fare; frequent service, fertile Boil; no rocks or gravel; why pay high prices? Call on me and talk it over. This land has every advantage at one quarter the cost; will take Portland property in exchange. Fred P. Huntress, exclusive agent, 404 East Alder, cor. Grand ave. East 640. BrVERDALB DISTRICT. I have ona or two acrea in this beauti ful district at a very low price. It fronts on the Pacific higihway. has all modern iaemiues reaay to connect and oaiiy a short distance from the interuroaa ear. Price for quick sale $2256 per acre; terms within reason. J. J. MCCARTHY, exclusive agent. Abmgton hldg. CHOICE ACRE SNAP. See It today; faces on paved Beaver ton road at Intersection of Scholl's Ferry road, just a few yards beyond jH.uitnom.an county line. Just a few blocks Olsen station on S. P. car; walnut 'trees over 50 years old, all In- cultivation. Bull Run water, gas, electricity j big value for $3250, terms, J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Broadway 6260. " 1 ACRE. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Twenty minutes' drive from this of fice; you can live among the fir trees and work in town; garden and chickens if you like; good little house, large liv ing room, kitchen, two sleeping porches, fine furniture, ail for $1850, cash. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. HEART'S DESIRE. Most everyone has longed for an acre covered with beautiful trees, where they could build a cabin to spend weelc ends and holidays, or a summer home; here's the acre: Rockwood road, Just north of Base Line, you. will see our big sign; $400; only $40 cash, $8 per month. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR,. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " TIGARD. 2 acres short distance from the new school, on fine road, lies high and sigh tly ; 3-room house with electric' lights and water under pressure; good garden and all kinds of berries ; won derful soil. Price only $1950 on easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Commerce.. " THESE ARE CHEAP. 10 or 20-acre tracts neear railroad and a prosperous' small town. Good gravel road passes these tracts. They are exceptionally good buys at $75 per acre. Terms. WOODLE REALTY CO., Estaeada,, Or. ' $550 CASH BUYS 40 acres, Clackamas county, 6 miles south of Estaeada, mile south of Dodge; 8 acres has been farmed; trout stream and hard rock road. See Mr. Campbell or jir. atepnens. FRED W. GERMAN & CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ' IDEAL SITE FOR SUMMER HOME. On - good-sized running stream, big timber; good auto road and close to Ma bery station, on Bull Run electric, 19 miles from Portland, 13 acrea, very low price, easy terms. This will go quickly. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 3658. $45" DOWN. BALANCE $9 PER MONTH. One acre, all cleared, near car line, east of 82d st.; Bull Run w$ter,agas; price $850. BOONE -CLEARWATER, 506 Couch Bldg. Realtors. Bdwy. 5317. 3 36. -ACRE SUBURBAN HOMESITE. Close in, with city water; 600 foot frontage on paved highway; 3 uteres in high state cultivation, acre trees and Bpring; fine, mellow soil and choice location ; only $1500, terms. D. Mc Chesney, 626 Henry bldg. BroadVay 2505 ; Sunday and evenings, Main 7844. $50 PER ACRE. ' 76 acres, on good road, 10 miles N. E. of .Vancouver; 20 acres easy clearing, balance scattered timber; enough first class timber for 1000 cords of wood ; terms. Holcomb Realty Co., 211 Wash lrrgton bldg. ' ' - BUCKMAN TRACT, acres $675 $8 down, $3 a month; acres, $10 down, $10 month. Native trees or cultivated; not far from Rose City, Alameda and Beau mont. Let me show you. Roger W. Carey. 1219 N. W. Bank hldg. Main 1643. Residence Woodlawn 1959. $600 CASH. lOlacres, 40 miles down the Columbia, miles from Gofale on macadam road; 4-room box nouse, small clearing, level land; Goble ' crek runs across corner; fine for chicken ranch. Holcomb Realty Co., 211 Washington bldg 5 ACRES $1600, -Just off Base Line ioad near Barker road; Bull Run water in front of tracts see us for special terma R. It. CONFREY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 501-2-3-5yr Board of Trade Bldg. 15 ACRES bearing cherries and pears, on paved highway, 35 miles from Portland. Price $42 per acre, $150 per acre cash, long time balance. No trades wanted. Address owner, 106 10th St., for par ticulars. 3 ACRES BEAVERTON HIGHWAY. Near Shattuck station, all in cultiva tion, B, R. water and running stream; no Duuamgs. .trice $iluu per acre. HENRY GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark street. Bdwy. 7831. IN CITY LIMITS FARM PRICES. One or more acres at 91st and Glisan, one block irom city car line: good soil very small payment down; easy terms on balance, w. m. umoaenstock Sc. CO. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165-8. ONE ACRE, CLOSE IN. Paved road frontage; - city water: all In high state cultivation ; only $500, terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Broadway zouo ; bunaay ana evenlngSi Main 7844. 3 ACRES close to Oswego lake, on S. P. line, near Bryant station. 4-room house, garage, chicken house and chickens. Will sell at $2600 or trade for noma in iortiana. it tv, uregonian. ENGLEWOOD PAfcK, beautiful wooded tract of acre, $1250, $50 down, $10 month, 6 ; water, electricity, phone, city school. Roger W. Cary, 1218 N. W. Bank NEW ADDITION, H ACRES, $75. $ 3 down, $S month. Beaumont car. Let me show you. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1A43. Res Woodlawn 1059. , STOKES TRACT, just outside city at 42d and Simpson; cultivated tracts with city , water, gas, electricity ; $10 down, $10 inonth. Let me show you. Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W- Bank bldg. TWO ACRES, just off hard surface Base Line road, near Rockwood station, on Mount Hood electric; 500 per acre, easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1653. " A MIGHTY fin irrigated 20, with good buiidings, suitable for chicken ranch. Onlv $2250. Easy Paymentsi Address E. P. Dodd. Hermlston, Oregon. 1 ACRE, all in garden and small fruit; small new house, 5 blocks from electric car, $875, $400 cash. B. S. COOS, 601 STOCK EX BLDG. I HAVE 2 acres at Jennings Lodge, 3 blks. from car, with shack 14x20 and founda tion 36x40; will sell on easy terms or sacrifice for cash. Call Mar. 2146. FOR. SALE SO acres, cheap, some cleared, timber, rolling land near road. ' cheese factory, school, running water oa place. TUiaiuQok. Or. M, Guthart. REAL ESTATR. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES, 7 acres In cultivation, buildings, good well. orchard, county road, mile school; $1500. only $750 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. This is an opportunity to get good home for little money. 20 acres, 11 acres in crop, nine acres pasture, running water; or chard, fair buildings, 2 miles good town, R. F. D telephone, school bus passes place. We consider this very cheap at $3300, cash. 20 acres, about to be foreclosed, all 4n cultivation: good buildings; good well water; orchard. We want reasonable offer. ATKINSON A PORTER. T05 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. 10H ACRES NEAR COUNCIL CREST. 200 bearing fruit trees. acre in strawberries, city water and gas, fair builGinga, This land lies well, no stones. all clear. Price $10, 5 00. Will take house in Portland as part payment, or uw casn win handle a eat. 10 ACRES 6 MILES FROM PORTLAND. i 2 houses, bar chicken coops, family erenarq, well and spring; 8 acres clear. Would make ideal chicken, berry or email dairy ranch.- Price $6000. Will take & house in Portland or will give terms. KEIFPER A CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. FOUR, MILES COVRTHQUSHl. , acres on west ride, paved road, 8 blocks station: city water, aaa. elec tricity; sightly place and all in cultiva- iiuu exuepi. an acre oi Lwuuitw li e, biggest snap near the elty for $6500; acre tracts selling around it about double this price; $2500 cash, balance Ions time. You can more than double your mqney within a year; I can show you. J. u. Kainey, 617 Abington pmg. nroaaway ooa. WONDERFUL, $6500 property, for $4500; sickness forces, sale, y aeres, great soil, one acre loganberries, 600 Perfec tion currants, loaded, 600 Cuthbert rasp berries, all kinds berries and fruit, large chicken house, aere chicken yard and runs, fencing wovea wire, year's fuel wood, good house, eity water, gas elec tricity, $800 income this year, beautiful property, delightful location, very close In. close beautiful Multnomah highway. close electric station; $2500 cash does business, c. L, Becker, iaa first sl BEAVERTON HOME. 2 fine acrea with a dandy 4-room house with dainty bathroom, electric lights, city water and gas, chicken house. E-arasre. fruit trees and berries land all In cultivation; within walking distance of electric line on mam roaa. Price only $2900; $1300 will handle; easy terms en balance. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN EVERGREEN BARGAIN. 27 minutes from business district.) 1 acre right on the river highway: all In cultivation; fruit trees, grapes; ' good 6-room house; garage and chieken house. This is a location much admired and the price is so low that you cannot afford to past it by. Just think, only $3000: .terms. JOHN B. HOWARD, -818 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ACRH VIEW TRACT. OVERLOOKING COLUMBIA RIVER, NEAR PARKROSE. FRONTS ON MA CADAM ROAD. W MI. TO HIGHWAY, 3-ROOM HOUSE. BARN: $3600 TAKES ALL. TERMS; WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER TRACTS FOR SALE. ASK- US. STAR REAL EST ATM & INV. UU., BDWY. 5618. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. BIGGEST HEIGHTS SNAP ever offered: about 1 acrea, only blocks Council Crest par, with a beauti ful xrrove. a natural nark, very exten sive and magnificent view : account Bickness to sell quickly, will sacrifice for $2500. 1-5 cash, balance terms. Address D 701, Oregonlan. ; OWN" YOUR OWN HOME. 1 nrrfl located on Oregon City car, EversTFeen station, with good S-room -nta?i-p.rd house, basement, city gas, cook stove, young fruit trees and berries. You can buv this nlace for $2600 and all "If takes is $10ff down and $25 per month. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Commerce. ttU AORP.S. IMPROVED $800. Located 30 miles from Portland and handv to R. R. station: ail good lana, ocres cleared, partly fenced; good rustic house, 12x16; well and pump; terms $300 down and only $oU every months; chance to work in nearby sawmill. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 033 Chamber of Commerce, 10 ACRES7 attractive home site, Al soil. m. east of Jennings Lodge eta.. Ore- enn. Citv Mne: 1 a. in cultivation, 4 a. harries- larep eard-en: some bu1ldiQKS. fn macadamized road which will be paved soon. Very sightly location for country heme. Only 53W; terms. Ky owner, C. M. Bonney, Jennings Lodge. Oregon, 16" ACRES at station, "large store build- in sr. S4uu: stock mercnanaise ai inven torv: exceptional opportunity; lease if preferred. DFive out through Gresham or take P. R. L; to Barton; 22 acres 2 miles Estaeada, small house, runnnig water. S1600. $400 cash. $600 trade. H. J. Hamlet, Barton, Or. Phone 617-40 evenings or petore o:ai a. m. $45 DOWN. RAT.A-NTCE S9 PER MONTH. ' One acre all cleared, near car lln east of 824 st- Bull Run. water, gas, BO ONE -CLEARWATER, Realtors. 566 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 8317. OSWEGO LAKE ACRES 3 acres,- all under cultivation, fruit trees and berries, modern 5-room bun galow, hardwood floors and basement, all city conveniences, two blocks from Bryant station on red electric Phone Oswego 662 or write box 36, Waluga, Oregon - ' ' ' - SOLDIER'S BONUS AND SECOND MORTGAGE. 5 acres, near Parkrose a-nd Craig ave. Easy walk city car; water, gas, elec tricity obtainable, not In ihe gravel belt A snap at $2500. Take bonus, build house and apply remainder on purchase. B ACRES in high stata of cultivation, fac ing west on isariter roaa just uuhu oa Section Lin road; Bull Run water and gas In front of tract; $2600; sea us for special terms. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ! FOR SALElBY OWNER. 28 acres in Clarke county. Wash., 4 miles of good town; 8 acres under plow, log bungalow, barn on, road and at school, hall and church; three nice cows, all farm tools go with place: will sell on very easy terma P. D. Settlemier, Woodland, wasn. g "ACRES CITY WATER. " Paved road frontage ; close In ; all high state cultivation ' and in crop; soil and location will suit the most particu lar; only $3200, terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Broadway 2,305; Sun day and evenings, Main 7844. - 14 MILES OUT, HARD ROAD. $100 PER ACRE. ftR am-ftg. 8 cleared, fine soil, small buildings, 6 miles Oswego, a genuine bargain. some umuef, largo ayixug. Terms e J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis Bldg. SEE THIS BARGAIN, ' 8 ACRES GARDEN LAND. Close station, on Oregon City carllne; nearly all clear; electricity, eome Im provements, hard road. Owner must sell at once. Price $3oOO. Sea A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen g oiag. WATERFRONT RESIDENCE " PKOrJSJlii. One acre, highly improved, seven-r-nnm hriusft. orchard, best bathing beach on river. Price $10,000; small cash pay ment with terms, mono Mam iao. I WILL sell or trade for city property 20 acres alfalfa land, on government proj ect In eastern Oregon. One and one-half miles from thriving town, near govern ment ditch, beautifully located. Phone Woodlawn 6522. 3 ACRES, house, barn, all cultivated, fruit. " shrubbery, water, near lake, river and highway, $3800. terma Bdwy. SQOa. Irrigated Lands. ' MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the dtftri, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting home builders oa the project Longest grow ing season In the northwest Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT No. 4, Burbank. Washington. Homesteads, Relinquishments. FOR SALE Relinquishment 80 acres, mile from depot, store and school, 15 acres cleared, small house, " fruit trees, grapes, berries, tools, considerable wood 40 ACRES, homestead; some good land " and part timber; close to railroad and neighbors, 4S miles south; $60. 133 First st., room i, ixeison 40-ACRE homestead, acre cleared, county highway, 50 miles from Portland, joins good farm; telephone, trout creek, deep soil, $200 cash. 301 Corbett bldg. WILL eell or trade my homestead cabin and roadway, neany compieteo,. ,t ooi, Oregonlan. ' FOR SALE or trade, 40-acre relinquish ment with new house and barn; land easy cleared. Woodlawn, 6048. REAL T5STATK. Homesteads. Relinqnlshmenta. 40 ACRE'S, about 5 miles from Estacada on market road, R. F. D. and tele phone line, ha mUe to good school: house, barn, 4 acres in grain and gar den, fruit, trees hearting, strawberries, etc. plenty water. Fine cow and calf, good team, wagon, -harness, small tools. You must have a homestead right to handle this place. This man's business compels him to go to Canada axid must eell at enee; he says let everything go for quick, sale, including filing fees, for $1500. 40 ACRES In Linn Co.. covered, with good saw timber. 1H miles to saw mill on county road ; sood creek. House 14xl6 furnished, aU goes fox E. W. HELM. 423 Chamber of Co mm erce Bidg. 70 ACRES n Tillamook county, 2 miles irom state highway, 4 miies from HeDo; good soil, free from rocks, 6 acres cleared and in crops; small orchard, big straw- KrW11 PS' ESA frrCuTatreDesl "EE house, barn, chicken and hoghouse, 20 acres fenced with 7 wires, for goats; lots of land, partly eleared and in grass; fine trout stream through place; spring water running to house; plenty of pas ture and hay land new to feed feur cows year round; lots of outside range; horse, buggy, plow and lots of small tools goes with place for only $550 cash. Call er write Hi, C. Christpffersoa, Hebo, Oregon. 80 ACRES In Clackamas Co., watered by I two creeks and springs, no rock, 2 acres ! in oats, 1 acre in garden and potatoes, more ready for plow, 1 slashed and I burned. S-room box house, barn, root I house, some tools and furniture. Close 1 te sawmill. All tor 5(i3tt. Mac INNES EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER.. LOWE & CO.. 201, 2, 8. 5, 7, Board of Trade Bldg. TWO improved relinquishments, all jodn $3U,wo mat ranch, at nice uttte town i near Grants Pass: $2000 soent on one; all plow and easily cleared; running I water; worth $dooo each; tamny trouoie. sacrifice, stiujr each. 3Ui comett P'ag. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 5 acrk-s f filherts. 16 miles out. In come this year from both nuts ana sprouts. I have photos and samples of nuts, call Taoor 4Hoi. For Sale Farms., FINS STOCKED DAIRY FARM. LINCOLN COUNTY. 1ft iprfia nn Newnart-Corvallls hlffh- way, half way between Newport and ' Tnlefln! 40 anre of tha finest bottom land In county, balance hill and bench land, all good soil, enough wood to pay for clearing. 40 acres in cultivation;! good house, barn and outbuildings; 15 milk cows, three heifers, good team, 6 head of hoes. 6 dozen chickens; all kinds of farming machinery; good new fences. This place is one of the best located In county; only four miles from Toledo, the county seat and four miles from Newport, Oregon's famous sum mer resort. Price $11,750. Good terms can be arranged. Write Ira Wade, Uo- lede, Oregon. " "" 1 KNOW THAT THIS IS A BARGAIN. 40 ecrea in the Appleton district. Wash., 15 acres in full bearing, com mercial orchard; thla orchard has ha4 the best of care. Is in excellent condi tion, with promise of a big crop; full line oz orcnara toois ana equipment. House of 5 rooms, fully furnished, ga rage, frost-proof apple storage house, -oacking house, barn, poultry house, a dandy small farm, ready to step right into for $125 per acre. Terms $2000 cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. CLOVERDALB? rancn at a bargain; 120 acres on main highway, four miles from Sisters, near school, tn well-settled neighborhood; large part leveled and ditched for irri gation, plenty of water; Ideal for dairy farm; for short time at bar gain price. ' J. M. LAWRENCE, BEND, OR. FOR SALE Tillamook county stock an3 dairy ranch, consisting of 200 acres, 10 -acres in meadow, 80 acres partly cleared end in pasture. Lots- of outside range. Will carry 10 cows and young stock . MKV.' House good, barn old. bearing orchard, email fruits: acre in straw- berries. 4 creeks running through place with fine trout fishing. Lots of fine alder timber. This place Is located on county road 2 miles irom state msu wav. SV. miles from Hebo, Or. Price $4000; cash or terms. Call or write J. D. HUDSPETH, Beaver. Or. PTOTTTPPEn FARM. Rft acres, river bottom, 80 acres In 1 ..ititrotin anri crnn: new bungalow. barn, silo, poultry house, spring and creek on place; all necessary toois and equipment; team, 4 cows, 1 heifer and 2 calves; many chickens, finest of soil in oni 4 miles from high school and R. R. 19 miles Portland on good grav eled road. Will take good home in city as first payment,, balance long time at o per ceiiu ' ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. LINCOLN COUNTY. " " RTnnTfRn and equipped farm. 90 norei 7 ' flcrfts cultivated bottom. Ttoianrp timber and ODen pasture. Well fenced Eji 6-reom house wtih piped : spring water and furnished. Good barn ! and outbuildings. Family orchard, two , or-oc rtf lieanhArrlpfi. acre of straw- : berries. ' Some personal property in cluded. Six miles from county seat; half mile to railroad and school. Rural nhone. trice s:ay. . wruo xi Toledo, Oregon. WITHOUT money you may buy or trade for any of my 24 farms In the best . farming sections of Idaho, close to good towns, where they raise large crops, and j.i'tmai irtpnl Excellent dairy country, and crops consist of corn, grain, sugar eiKSr ee!' aTdrPrienS to $175 per acre. 1 am going to retire from farming ana oner ior . 1 rrarm I own on easy ibiuw .wm for city property; notes or securities. O. O. Skalet. St. Anthony, Idaho. PARTIES going away "will sacrifice 15 and I 20 acres, two Yniles south of Reedville. The 20 acres nas goon f-juum. muoti knn vaPQo-a nhirken house, other build ings; 7 acres in hay, 3 acres planted to potatoes, 3 more ready to plant, 3 acres in Hubbard squash, orchard, gar den, strawberries, "farm . implements, furniture, 'etc The 15 acres has 5 in VoiQT,oa n11v cleared. I Will sell thelS acres for $2300 and let- you have .t.' oa tft rwnher.L 1925 free. C. I Sorenson. Beaverton, Or. Rt. 4, box 85. I UP THE magnificent Columbia highway. ery and grandeur, nestled in thevalley of the Columbia, lies this 100 acres;, a gem of a farm, which would make a beautiful country estate; the soil is rich, .railroad station is on the Place; fine 'springs, unlimited water and buildings, and part In cultivation; only $150 an aCr6'j. B. HOLBRQOK, Realtor, 214-to fanama .piug. n ATD-ca tin rlpared. balance timber; four miles to station and highway; 40 acres, 10 cleared, oaiance pasLuie, huuOC mile to station, store, school, W acres, oji i.t kmiH harn orchard, soring: 6 miles to town, close to Bchool and highway; $2500; $250 cash, balance terms. 100 acres, 50 cleared, modern j house, barn, 9 miles to Portland; crop, , StOCK, 51iO acre, v rata SU4 spainmg pmg. 12 ACRES on Huber ave., in the Beaverton Aidant o r-roa nnHpr tllow and almost ready for garden or late potatoes,' best of soil, small earn ana Deanus wwiam, SOOdbrickSd ais spring on place! B . , j -,,r tmnn o c-, ha . ,nni r-ir.a sanno. S1000 cash, bal in R wars at 6 ner cent: will con sider trade In Portland or Vancouver bungalow.' Address owner, E. Enquist Warrendale, Or., or drive out to Huber and ask for aiatt momquist. RANCH for sale; 120 acres On good road five miles from Rainier; 30 acres culti vated' two sets of buildings, two or chards Will sell in 40 or 60-acre tracts or all " Stock included, consisting of 7 erade heifers, 3 milch cows, team, etc., . - .:m,t Wo n t Cdftftn ra oV ana iarm cmiit"''ii-- ''v. t bance time. M. H. Hutchlns, Rainier, Oregon. tti'tt-.t. PIT sSfti! PER MONTH i airv farm. 8 miles out equipped with everything you need except help, Price $32,000. Will take some trade and give long lime ai o - z P A tine too old. Talk to, Carlos about it. O H SKOTHEIM tro., Keauors. 404-406 Couch Bldg., Portland. Or. - - - - ,Ttvw. fintTNTY FARM. By owner, acres, ten acres under Blow; some outLuiit i.u, hntifu. trout stream on place, .u !,- o-ood team. cow. drag saw and all farm tools go with place; price S5000; terms. ies, t wui have you? Ben Reed, wooaiana, wasn " SOUTH AMERICA OPPORTTJNITT. pih agricultural land at $l"er acre S0cXZ;: !W.PPlvt.nc.w. allow $250 off on each section to pay for the trip. Best climate and markets, iru.tinn urnwK pverv day in the year. RAiivia Colonization Association. 600 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. .jn a-oc near Carlton, (food road. 5' hnnco ham. hen house. ,hoe house smoke house and woodshed. 14 or 15 acres ciearea, ua.iii- , " ber. nice family orchard. A pick-up at 82300; terms. See Barrand, itn tsturnv Kefer Co.. corner of 5th ana baimon. tjttv ironv owner. 14 acres near Beaver ton, house, barn, chicken house, family orchard, fciast FOR SALE 80 acres, 65 in grain; good hn mines: saauu casa, easy mrm. Bishop. Junction City. Or.. R. 1. WILL sell or trade a goo4 paying dairy farm and all equipment; good terms. F 7io. urggoman. nrsiRART.K FARMS TO EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE. For Wale larms. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 100 acres, all fenced. In excellent one-third goes with place; on good road, 5 miles to good town, li miles to ship ping station, 13 miles N, W. from Eu gene; land level to gently rolling. May take soldier's loan or good auto and some cash first payment, easy terms on balance. Price $75 per acra, SSO acres, ' level to gently rolling, mostly in crop; one-third goes with the place; running water, all fenced, 11 room plastered house, basement, laun dry and fruit house; barn 60xS0x22-ft. posts; I acre fine orchard, 6-room house, small barn, good road, 10 miles from Eugene, 1 miles to good town and shipping point May take up to $15,000 !? jTtf" "rms. " - nP Vniiinw pvit.t to n iraae. fortiana, Seattle, Eaiero or .u- "WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. To Close an estate wi offer 86 U acre choice rolling land. 82 acres In cultiva tion, 4 acres timber and pacture. build inga of all kinds insured for $4000, sit uated 4 miles Oregon City, good road, $13,500, good terms. auu acres. u &crea tn eroo. Daie,nc Sasture and timber, running water, ouse, two barns, fu!3y stocked and equippea; railway station oa iano. zu miles Portland, $9500; $4500 cash, baU mortgage, or tatce amau acreage, touu. balance mortgage. on acres extra enorce iana xn crops fully stocked and equipped; good 6 room house and outbuildings. 17 mile out, near Sherwood, $10,500, good terms. t acres, iirst class level iana. all in crops, fully stocked and equipped, 5 room house, barn, chicken houses; d joins town of Cornelius, 22 mlle-s out. $8000; terma Take house up to $4500. 411 acres, sit m cultivation. Daianca timber and oasttire. good modem buildings, Yamhill county, near ry. eta. $au,umj, gooa terms, would take incom properxy, an or pari. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165H 4th t. EX-SERVICE MEN. THIS IS THE OFFER TOTT HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. 800 acrea Irrigated rand, divide !nfe 40-acre tracts; most all In alfalfa; some pith buildings. Prices S1600 to SSA0O & tract; located In best alfalfa and potato belt in northwest. We finance you for dairy stock and equipment. Give, long time on second mortgage. The most lib eral proposition ever offered. Write Ben- ham Fails Realty Co.. Bend. Or., or sea J. E. Smith, Imperial hotel, Saturday and Sunday. 80 ACRES, $3?00. STOCK AND TOOLS. Located near Colton, Or., and about T miles of the town of Molalia, good farm ing community, 11 acres In cult, and la crops, 75 acres of the SO acres can ba f A rmpfl vmA mnr nnt haid tt oIab i. living water, 4-room house, frame bara 40x4.) fr. 2 lurew, h An hmiRea. wxrns shed fruit, Z cows, 8 heifers eeming fresh, 2 mares, all household goods, plow, harrow, cult., hack. 2 wagons, harness, disc, rake, all crops in; this all ready to move into; price $3&uU; down, balance at 5, A years time. E. P. Elliott & Son., 7th and Main sts., Oiegoa City. Or. FINE 50-AORB FARM, 14 IM1I-ES QUT; N WASHINGTON COUNTY. 40 acres In high state of cultivation about 8 acres of which Is ash swale, well drained, all in crops, 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; with the place goes 7 cows. 5 heifers, full line of machinery and tools, brood sow. about 40 chiokena, milk and mail route in front of the house. Price is $11,000: half cash. You will find th'ls one of the best farm lo calities surrounding Portland. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg A TOP-NOTCH BUY. 61 ACRES. 80 CULTIVATED. Rlgtht at station and less than 80 min utes' drive on fine road : exceptional close-in offer. Subdivision prospects; , black soil: no rock or gravel; good wa ter, fenced and cross-fenced; near school end stores.' $10,000, half cash; clear Portland property. $3o00 accepted in trade. See Wolfhagen. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor. 415 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 832 Bit 1JA1UY .p.AiNJl oACHlr U.li. 612 acres, known to be ona of the best in Clarke county, 150 acres cultivated; 200 acres open sod. pasture; over auv acres is rich river bottom land: fine stream through pasture and barnyard ; good 10-room plsstered house; large barn; with silo; separator house and other buildings. Price only $25,000: about half of appraised value: reasonable terms, 913 Chamber of Commerce. - -- city farm; B acres, all in cultivation, good or chard land small fruit; good 6-room house, bath and city water: barn and . outbuildings; 4 blocks from highwsy; adjoining McMinnvilU. Pric $3650 terms. 6 acres, 4 acres In cultivation, all kinds of fruit 4-room house, barn, chicken house; plenty of wood and water. Prica $2000. terms. MILLERSHIP & STEWART, 1654 4th St. Main R27S. WELL-IMPROVED irrigated farm,"" near Redmond, price l2,aOiO, for exchange for Sort land or valley property; alfalfa, ber ries and vegetables ready to harvest now, but owner is widow end cannot handle place; this ie a nice home and in first-class condition; will accept a good, fair, quick deal. V. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 000 veon iii-dg. FISHERMAN - PARMER - Finest - small farm near Columbia river, fme com- munity, all cultivated, fair house and barn, scenic, productive, a real horns if you want to farm, fish or loaf; only $5500; will take building lots or a house: non-resident owner; best of all bargains. O. H. FKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS. . 4th Floor Couch Bldg., 4th Nr. Wash. " FINE FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. 160 acres, 70 In cultivation, 2 barns and good house with spring water: 35 acres bottom land, 4H miles from Sheri dan; running creek year around on planet price $7000, will accept $2000 in trade. For sale by owner. Matt Mauss. Sheri dan. Oregon. 55 ACRES. 12 acres cleared; small house: good springs ; all fenced ; enough lumber oa place to build barn; some piling; bal ance easily cleared. Will take small car or very little cash as first payment. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. 0 ACRES tillable land, well stocked an"3. equipped, good buildings, crop and gar den, 2 miles south of Reedville. Will consider residential property in Portland, Salem or McMinnville as part payment An excellent buy. No agents. O 659. Oregonlan. " HOG RANCH in the famous Wasco county wheat oeit, ciose to xno county seat ana adjacent to a paved road, some mag nificent bottoms for alfalfa, which are irrigated; liberal terms can be arranged; It will require $3000 to handle. Call owner, Woodlawn 5568. 40 ACRES, 7 miles from Rainier, roclc road, nouse, gooa earn, o cows, i neiiers, horse and wagon, water suitable for waterworks; farm implements; $2800, terma W. M. Mauris. Box: 613 Rainier, Oregon. FOR SALE-200-acr f good .tack d I Aanr fnrni. suitable for alialia'and fruit: 40 acres in crop; near Grants Pass, Or., running water Mho year round. Price $20 per acre; terms. W. W. Ballantyne, R F D. 1, Grants Pass, Or. K15AII ESTATE LAND. : Southern Oregon. It's the climate. High-class farms, ranches, stock ranches, orchards, etc.. write . FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY, Medford Bldg.. Medford. Or. 1 SETTLING A'N ESTATE. ' 175 acres near Forest Grove; g houses, mbock and eauiponent: $1-5 Pec acre; easy terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-8 Panama nag.. rnirq ana Aiaer. j ; ACreS for sale. Joining east city limit of Gresham; 8-room house, jarn, and chicken houses: five acres in brries and. orchard; all in first -class cultivation; crop all in. See F. E. Todd, owner, Gies ham. Or. FOR SALE Most beautiful place fti Ore gon, 270 acres. Jf inesL mouera duiiq ings. every city convenience. Price $18, 000, fully equipped. Terms or part trade. Address C. I. Eaton. Walker. Or. 42 ACRES SHERIDAN" 22 acres under plow; house and other buildings; price $3200. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, raraPart otj i60 acres on fine for dividing; cheap; if Interested address Hazel Bryant. General Delivery, V ancouver, wa,. 80 ACRES, Clarke county; ahout 15 acres cleared; gooa orcnaiu, suu rua.u, to ue paved this summer; stocked, equipped; 6500; also 4ft a., unimproved, for sale j jyoa SALE 61-acre farm en good creek, afTfts bottom land, balance nasture and timber: small payment will handle, would consider trade. Wfcat have you? SMALL FARMS. 5 acres Jp, level, clear. fenced, nouses, near, w iiiamma; email down payment. J. R. Sharp, 83 3d st. CLOSE to city, fruit and dairy for sale or will lease; have good mfik route, jf 687, Qregonian. FOR SALE Irrigated fruit and aifaifa ranch, 60 acres. Otto Heinl, Heriuiston Oregon,