THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 4, 1922 9 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. TODAY. PARKROSE TRACTS. 1 ACRE AND UP. BRANCH OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY. Salesman to Show you. 1 ACRE TRACT. ' ' ' . lo DUWft $la MONTH. A few shade trees around building '"i halite an cjearea, nca Bill ioam. ALMOST 2 ACRES. $20 DOWN $20 MONTH. The north boundary is a stream of pring water, land partly cleared, bal- m;e in irees, ioo it. on mam street. 2 ACRES. SI SIB $15 down. $15 month, all cleared, ready for plowing, a potato crop in this rich, lit land should more than make your payments. ACRE AND THIRD. $20 DOWN $20 MONTH. The north honndarv lln k m ti.flntl ful stream of spring water, this tract is uncleared, best of garden and berry, tree irom rocks. 88 ACRES. PARKROSE LAST UNIT .hist npRX'En. Come out today. This tract is selling fast; the rich, silt soil makes your pay ments, low county tax, no street assess ments; easy terms, convenient location, north of Sandy blvd. (Columbia high way). BRANCH OFFICE. End of Rose City Park Parkrose Car Line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Btdg. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. . 100 CASH. NICE LEVEL LOTS $1000. LADD'S ADDITION. Second Mortgage Privilege. 110 per month, all impts. paid. Remember, this beautiful addition Is only about 20 minutes' walk from city hall. See MR. DBLAHUNTY, IADD ESTATE CO., MS Stark St. Phone Bdwy. BTS4. Evenings. East 7738, fRVINGTON If you ever expect to live in this addition of beautiful, substantial homes, by ail means secure your home Bit now. Every new house that goes up makes Che lot across the street more valuable. Make an inspection today of block bounded' by Stanton, Siskiyou. East 22d and East 23d; also half block on Stanton between E. 20th and E. 21st. While they last tiie prices are, very low. Including ail Improvements paid. For appointment today call Tabor 4138. (Weekdays, Bdwy. 7567 ; RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-8-O-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOME6EEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD T It Is lees expensive. We are In terested in how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buying or building. . ROBNETT McCLTJRE, BUILDERS. 02 Couch bldg. Broadway 6574. $475.' $25 DOWN $10 MONTH, On Bryce ave., south facing, cleared, S car lines, see this snap and 100 others in our new Wllshire Addition. Branch office open every day. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., go 4 blks. east. J. Zj. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Bdwy. 6034. PACING ALAMEDA PARK. 11400 100x100 corner, east and sontli front, one street paved, all im provements in and paid, an ex ceptional bargain, 2 lots for the price of one. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Oom. Bldg. Broadway 6034. LAURELHURST LOTS. BUFLDERS, HOME-SITE SEEKERS. We believe we are better equipped to locate you in this district than any one else in the city. Past connections with the Laurelhurst Co. have given us the advantage of obtaining a large and com plete listing of lots and houses. Room 1, Railway Exchange Bldg. Broad-ivav 7MA. Mccarty, maxwell & downey. TWO REAL snaps in home sites; verv choice property, all free and clear, on, lot in Laurelhurst, Laurelhurst Ave., be tween Imperial and Buena Vista aves., lot 7, block 5; price $1200. Other lot in Alameda Park, beautiful location, lot 3. block 44, on Skidmore, between 30th and 81st sts.; prioe $1000; if you are con sidering a purchase you should Inspect these sites before making a decision a Telephone owner. Broadway 7744. CALL TODAY. Branch Office E. luth and Shaver Aut. 328-48. We have a number of good lots in this district from $0(0 up. with all improve ments paid. Sizes from 40x100 to 46x 206. Very easy terms on a number of them. See us before you buy. JOHN'SON-DODSO.V CO.. (V3 N W. Bank Bide. Main 3787. 60x100 LOTS, $300 up; 10 per cent cash, easy terma on balance; close to car, stores and school; walking distance of Kenton industrial center; bearing fruit: you can build small house and save rent; come out Lombard to Peninsula ave, .1 blocks north; salesman on ground 1-5 Sunday. JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. 0B Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. LAURELHURST. $1300, large corner lot, 60x118, and paved 20-ft. alley, one street paved, south and east front, all improvements paid. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, , 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg Bdwy. 6034. 125x110 $50 CASH. Here is a positive bargain; a big piece of rich soil, equal to 7 city lots, all in berries, for $!)15, with 3 years' time to pay; Bull Run water and a fine graveled street is in front of the propertv; the lo cation is just outside the city limits where'll you have no city taxes or assess ments to pay. See Mr. Rogers, 418 Spald- 1ns bldg.. today or Monday. . litVINGTON CORNER Must sell this beautiful N. W. cor., 17th and Klickitat, for $1Si5 and will deliver clear. Look 'trover; it's a dandy. Today, Tabor RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors 201-2-1-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON S. e. corner 25th and Thompson, $2000; s. w. cor. 26th and Thompson. $2000; on 2rtth St.. east front, 50 ft. s. of Thomp- yjwner. walnut o.m BEAUTIFULLY wooded lots near Jefferson high and Peninsula park, $300; $50 cash $10 monthly; also lots near Columbia park, $o.10 to $400; $SScash. $10 monthly 800 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3S60. IKVINtil'ox $1050, desirable, close In, east front: all liens paid. The onlv- nn left at this price. Who will get it? To- EITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Rldr 04T11 ST. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Price Reduced to $540. Water, cesspool and ras on lot: 2 blocks to Sandy: $100 down GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 630 Chamber of Com. No Phone. 1K 1NUTON $1200, close in, all liens paiu; a;so corner adjoining for $1500 See us today for your Irvlngton lots RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK.. A fine lot, east front, with all improve ments in and paid: cash or terms. Tele- LOT 50x100. East 13th and Ainsworth. otrww, o.ucwut.. Kinvei street. I'oO feet from pavement, $450. Owner. Woodlawn Lot in Irvington on 11th and Thnmnn. will sell very cheap if taken this week! WESTMORELAND, southeast corner 20th nrt Trtllnitar! hv ownar Af-i... offer. Phone Mar, 564. RELIABLE information regarding Ladd's auoiuon properly vaiues. conditions free. . j.. .cibu.uil. .I..O-3 iaan ave. "nov-co i, M.inn Zy i " . "v" " improvements paid, 31st and Pacific. $1500. Owner. 88 KAORIFICR Onfv tTo 7woa 7TT Schuyler st. near Slst: terms. Ask for GOOD homeslte, 75x100 ft. with alley, 2 oiockb ironi ot. .loans car; $250 caah. $550 FINE lot on Duke ave.; 50x130- $SO0- u..iju vw una, ,yu liar- ney ave. Sellwood 2264. WEST MT. TABOR lot, $230; cheaper than any other lot in district. Owner, 1SS KEAT, ESTATE. For Sale Lots. ri"'OKS! BUILDERS! READ THESE CHOICE LOT SPECIALS! We have hundreds of fine residential and business lots In every section of the SjSi at Prt:es LOWER THAN EVER IN THE HISTORY OF PORTLAND ! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO secure a LOT BARGAIN NOW! ..CENTRAI' BAST PORTLAND.' U250 50x100, 8. E. corner of 18tll and ...... Juib- Terms. $1250 50x100, S. W. corner of 18th and Pine; terma $1250 50x100, N. E. corner of 19th s,nd Pine; terms. $125050x100, S. E. corner of 18tli and Pine; terma $ 950 50x100. south side of Asa, 60 ft east of 18th at. Terms. $.900 50x100, south side of Fbt, 150 ft. E. of. 18th st. Terms. $ 900 50x100, south side of Pine. 100 ft E. of 18th st. Terms. $ 850 eOxlOO, south side of Ash, 60 ft W. of 18th st $ 850 50x100, north side of Pine. 50 ft E. of 18th st $ 750 50x100, north side of Pine, 50 ft W. of 19th st ALBERTA DISTRICT. $ 650 100x100, on the east side of Mar guerite, 175 ft. north of Going. $ 600 0xl00. on east side of 24th. -160 ft. south of Wygant ALBINA DISTRICT. J1500 100x100. S. W. corner of Blan dena and Missouri; will sell sep arate. $ 750 50x100, S. E. corner Gantenbein and Morris. MONTA VILLA SNAPS. $ 400 50x100, N. E. corner of 82d and Alder. $ 85050x100, on north side of East Alder, 50 ft. east of 82d st : terms. Ask for LOT DEPARTMENT, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Lot. Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. COME AND GET IT. I AM GIVING AWAY TEN FINE ACRES. At a sacrifice price, because I must get away; 2 miles east of Oregon City, all in cultivation, and a dandy comfortable, substantial modern 8-room home, com pletely furnished; I just bought $900 worth of furniture; whole thing goes for $4450. It'll stand inspection; 2 chicken houses, large enough for 1000 chickens; good big runways; family orchard; 2 acres of l-yr.-old loganberries; small barn. 2 wells, tools in perfect condition: very easy terms; don't miss this garden spot speciaL Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. ' McGUTRH, Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. $750 BACH. ROSE CITY PARK. 46th st, 2d lot S. of Klickitat St.. facing west, pavement and sewer paid. 47th st, 3d lot N. of Klickitat st, facing east J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg , Bdwy. 6034. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. mJVil "?ak8 blS sacrifice of my fine lot yvA.100 in oroer to make & quick sale. I On two streets, imp. paid. If you ex- 1 " ...IS, UHL11UI 1L Will pay you to buy my lot now. For details address owner. K 706. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE ACRE. Near Council Crest for $1350, for im mediate sale. Every city convenience, JX5ry toot levl. great view, fine district; $300 cash, balance to suit. E 705, Ore gonian. LEAVING TOWN. Must sacrifice my Ladd's addition lot at once; can give good title. See my agents. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Tlnarrf rf Tri. um. Weekdays Bdwy. 7567. Sunday E. 6103. ACO?.IJFR 3ust east 01 Uadd's addition on Lii p,. vv. cor. oi Z4tn and Sherman; this is a dandy level lot in a locality in which a lot of building is be ing done. See this at once. East 6103. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, ' ...... - uuaiu m i raue JSing. uai.vtu lJUli3 lljUS, mLUHj. Go out today. E. 63d and Halsey, Just south of Elmhurst A few real snaps at $375 each. See owner between 2 o'clock and 6 o'clock or phone 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, IRVCNGTON Thompson St.. very desirable souin iront near ia 16th st. : must selL See us for Irvlngton homesltes. Today. Tabor 4139. RITTER. LOwra & CO.; REALTORS. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE TO ALAMEDA DRTTPI. 47x100; sidewalk and sewer in and paid; view of entire city; $600. $100 cash, $10 monthly. Today, call Atit. 32S-4S. JOKNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTONi $1500 Beautiful, level, east fnr.n fTt Tat) w. this lot sure this week. Do you want it? Call Sunday, Tabor 4139. BITTER. LOWIE & CO.. BBAILTORS. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. To close estate, offer for quick sale 6 lots. 2 blocks from Jrvington car, for $2250. Wonderful buy for builders or speculators. See Atty., 1024 Board of ' m mug. THE PRICE is right for this lot. sewer and Sir L, " a"a Pa'a; lot level, for pnly 5600, 2 blocks to car and 15 minutes to .heart of city. Today 617-69. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Owner in California and must sell at once 50x100 lot; improvements In and paid. , J- L- KARNOPP & CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Rn4iv ktsk MUST BE SOLD this week owner in .-.. ii uui i Ume ana will give you a good deal; dandy location, just north of Gi2. st- Asking $300. Sunday, E. 6103 RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS .. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldir GOOD lots. Rose City, and build to suit. ,.tr " "iiu ou your lots, ttasy terms. Homes, not houses." BUILDERS SERVICE COMPANY 607-8-9 Ry. Exchange Bldg. ' -mme nqwy. 4 ' MAPLEWOOD LOTS, $10 DOWN $o month, water, gas, electricity, dandy pi.,w. i 7 e. ciose to Oregon Electric. Let me show you. Roger WW r,u-?' -Sr-r,-?"1- Main - n uuuldWil IJfiTM. ROSE CITY DISTRICT: a corner lot just uiuuy, on iotn st., tor only $600; terms of $o0 down, balance easy month ly payments. Sunday phone E. 6103 RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. -x'i-.-o-t.-i poarq or Trade Bldg FOR SALE One 50x100 corner lot, by .nau um mm vinsan sts. New double garage, suitable for temporary home. Small payment down; easy terms Ideal homeslte. Inquire 1761 E. Glisan IRVINGTON 75x100. best location on very low price ror qulok sale; terms can be arranged. Today, Tabor 41,-tlt. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg CORNER 100x100 $1350. ' Commercial and Going streets, on paved street, near Jefferson high school and Mississippi avenue car. Terms Al bert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. Wood- THE FINEST view lots on the east side. .-v. . , " "lunette river, and the west side hills, $850 and up. East 6103 or 617-59. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS vt-.-j-u-i- uuam pi iraae mat? 100x100 CORNER, on Aibina avenue, sewer $1600 "i4f imacaaam; price HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. i-io oirtin, si. jsawy. 7N31. 83x100 Cor. 25th and Stanton, $3000. 100x100 Cor. 23d and Brazee. $4500 NEUHAUSEN & CO. EIGHT exceptional lots, all Improved, .1-n.iH. nuinuoii iu Aioina, an entire oiock aJl improved. M. Patton's addition to ClarpTnont Place, Mt. Vernon, X. Y. A TREMENDOUS EARrtATK Six lots, one block of Irvington car iue, iuu a. iot. estate closing out reason for extreme low price, C. Cole. 426 Lumbermens bldg. JDOO FOR THE S. E. cor. 7Sth anrl Mnrri, eon, out of town owner must sell. See this ai once, ioaav, oii-aa. RITTER. LOWEJ & CO., REALTORS. xn-j-a-o-i i5oarq or Trace Hldg, 100x100 LOTS ALBERTA PAR $373 including assessments; $8 down. a monin; no ouiming restrictions, ftoeer W, Cary. 12tfl X. W. Bank BMg. PIEDMONT LOTS. "West front, 100 feet south of Holman on uarrieia; siu&o ror quick sale. Wood lawn 6260. Bdwy. 2045. 60x2.10. 53 DOWN. $10 Der month: no strictions; 5 blocks to street car and 2 blocks to a cement sidewalk. Phone VJisen, i aoor in-:;. FEW LOTS NEAR 33D AND HOLMAN. 4 cown, monin, cement walks, gas electricity; $200 and up. Alberta car. Roger TV. Cary, 1219 X. W. Bank BM. IDEAL, close-in building lot, west front, 20th st. near Hawthorne; sacrifice $1250 terms, Marshall SS27. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst lot. trood Hi. trict, street level; $1230. Woodiawn IV 10. $1000 WILL sell my fine lot in Dixon place; ail Improvement in and paid; IRVINGTON LOT BARGAIN 200 feet N, of Siskiyou on 17th: all cleared; ivaV Keufcausen.& Co.,. Ham 807a. East 3ia! REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. IRVLNGTON LOT BUYS. $1800 58xl00. 16th, Klickitat to Fre mont 1850 16th, Knott to Stanton. 8500 75x100, northeast corner 21st and Tillamook. 3000 75x100, inside, adjoining. 3800 65x100. northwest corner 22d and Tillamook. 1450 26th, north of Tillamook. 1450 13th, Knott to Stanton. 10715 50x100. 7th, north of Knott 1575 50x155, Weidler. west of 24th. 3150 100x155, Weidler, west of 24th. 1200 Faces S. on" Stanton, near IJ car. 8700 100x100, northwest corner 19th and Stanton. 2700 100x100; northeast corner 14th and Stanton; will divide. 1600 100x80, northeast corner Tilla mook and 29th. 3900 100x100. southeast corner 25th and Hancock, 2650 Northwest cor. Clackamas and 17th. 675 26th, south of Klickitat (no hard surface). 825 28th. 100 south of Stanton. 2175 75x100. 13th. Knott to Stanton. 1950 0x100, northeast corner Hancock and 29th; can deliver 200x200. 1850 Northeast cor. 16th and Klickitat 1850 Corner Knott and 24th. . 900 26th, Brazee to Knott 40x100. 775 Facing south on Broadway, 50 feet east of 31st 985 Corner adjoining. 1050 24th, north of Fremont 1300 27th, 150 feet south of Thomp- son, one lot or two. 2500 75x100, face east, 20th. Brazee to Thompson. 850 40x120, 27th, north of Brazee. 1150 26th, Knott to Brazee. 1250 15th, next store, near Brazee, 1000 50x100, 14th, near Stanton. 1950 Corner 19th and Stanton. 1750 100x90. facing south on Hancock. or north on Tillamook, 100 feet east of 29th. R. T. STREET, Irvington Realtor. East 894. Residence, East 4280. ASTORIA ON VERGE? OF BOOM. New $850,000 hotel to bo erected at once. Now theater building to be erected. - Large office buildings contemplated. . Lumber trade growing fast New steamship lines come each month. Export and Import business Increasing rapidly. 42 feet of water into harbor makes Astoria a WORLD'S SEA PORT. Buying a CLOSE-IN lot in Astoria to day like buying in Seattle on. 4th ave. 85 years ago. Not a get rich fluick proposition, but a real Investment that Is safe and sure. This Is your opportunity! Call or write for literature, maps and price list for our easy payment plan on close-in Astoria property. HEART OF ASTORIA LOT CO., H. H. Burtt Sales Manager, 619 Gascoe Bldg. Portland. Or., Phone Main 5813. : $750 BTJTS LOT IN MT. TABOR, fine view, etc i S00 for a lot on 49th and Powell Val ley road; everything in and paid; terms. $1600 for fceautlful IRVINGTON lot; everything paid. $560 for inside and "$850 for corners; IRVLNGTON. $1700 for BEAUTIFUL LAUREL HURST LOT; everything paid. ' RTTMMELL & RUMMELL 274 Stark St., Broadway 6729. 39th and Sandy Blvd.. Auto. 320-60. TERWILLIGER HEIGHTS. Plan to drive out along Terwllliger boulevard today, near the upper end, in vestigate Terwilliger Heights. Many things will surprise you. The wonder ful views, views to the north, east and south, the gentle slope of the ground; just right for your home to command unobstructed views of the city, river and mountains; the easy grades of the drive ways f the wonderful, stately fir trees, the thousands of dogwood trees, now in bloom; you will find the greatest sur prise of all when you learn the price, for you will admit that these are the great est values ever offered you. Let ua tell you about the improvements, transporta tion and restrictions. Salesman on grounds. R, F. and O. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce building. Broad way 3063. : - - ... ... PENINSULA LOTS. - , v r 60x100 Aibina ave, paving paid; $850. . , 50x100 Kerby st. near Lombard; $500. 175 ft, trackage, Aibina ave; $670. 50x100 Borthwlck st. unrestricted; $300. . 75x130 Columbia blvd.; $650. Cor. Aibina and Russet St., double garage; $1350. ' 50x100 Haight ave. east of park; $500. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787. $1000. f LADD'S ADDITION. Second Mortgage Privilege. . $10 per month; all improvements paid; nice level lots; 20 minutes' walk to city hall. BUILDERS and BONUS MEN Investigate This Proposition. See Mr. Delahanty,' LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 246 Stark St. Broadway 5754. Evenings, East 7738. CLOSE-IN LOTS. HERE IS A CHANCE TO SELECT A HOMESITE, CLOS'E IN AT A BAR GAIN PRICE AND TERMS. JUST THINK, ON EAST ASH AND PINE. 1STH AND 19TH STREETS. ONLY ONE AND TWO BLOCKS TO ONE. OF THE BEST CAR LINES, LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM THE RIVER. WHY GO THREE MILES OUT AND PAY THE SAME PRICES. WE ONLY HAVE 12 LOTS, SO GO AND SEE THEM AND COME IN MONDAY, THEY WILll GO IN A HURRY. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. BROADWAY 943. 284 OAK ST. PIEDMONT. 60 choice building lots in Piedmont, on easy terms and at attractive prices to home builders. See that choice corner lot at Williams avenue and Ainsworth; four-lots near Jefferson high school, $400; $500 and $650; $100 cash, balance installments. OVERLOOK. $1025 Choice corner on Shaver street. A real bargain for cash. M. E. THOMPSON, Realtor, 848 Mississippi Avenue. Woodlawn 1733. IRVINGTON. 76x100. 15th near Broadway, $3000. ALAMEDA PARK. Lots on Regents and Ridgewood, $1450. LAURELHURST. Lots on Hoyt, near 39th, $1200-. , Lota on Hazelfern, near 39-th, $1000. All improvements paid. Terms. DONALD MacLEOD, 534 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 1853. LOOK at lot on 20th St., faces west. 300 feet south of Bybee st. See the new houses in this district; a fine lot In this attractive part of the city for only $750. Phone at once. Sunday phone 617-59. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MULTNOMAH STATION. (Full half-acre, close to station and h Ighway ; a fine three-way view ; gaa, electricity and Buld Run water in. $2500 for the four lots. F. E. PATTON. MAIN 437. GROVE LAND PARK corner, 50x100; south and east frontage; only 1 block from Hawthorne-ave. car on E. 54th st, Sun day phone E. 6103 to see the lot. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 -Board of Trade Bldg. $4650 ROSE CITY PARK bungalow of six rooms, never occupied, has garage, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins, cement basement, sewer, 50x 100 lot. Let me show you today. Auto, S2S-68. MAKE your own terms on this 5S-ft. front age on Glisan st., between 66th and 67th. Price $750; you don't have to pay for the view. Sunday phone E. 6103. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg Will exchange fine 1921 Oakland sedan that cost $2285, for corner lot in Laurel hurst Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 -a. a uivn t-f nciiunia. 100x130 at Hall and 17th sts. Best unobstructed view on the heights. Un usual bargain, only $2000. No liens. 4 ACRE, under cultivation; some garden and fruit planted; gas, electric, water and phonal in street; close to Beaumont car and school; small payment down and balance easy. Auto. 323-63. $600 NEAR Irrington in Homedale. close to ear; improvements now going in at a cost of $3fl0 in addition to purchase price but bonded over a period of 10 years. Auto. 32S-6S. VISTA AVE., view lot. near Ford street bridge, at bargain. i&st 3600. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale- -Lots. KCKENXA'S LOT BARGAINS, BEAUMONT, E. 36tn St., between Knott and Stanton, facing west; every thing in; $S0O; terms; make it snappy! BENEDICTINE HEIGHTS, E. 9th st, 150 ft. S. of Center St., facing west; everything in. and paid; this lot won't be available long for it la only $700; let me show yoxi! BELLE CREST, sacrifice! E. 68th 150 ft. S. of Siskiyou, facing east; base ment dug, lumber on ground at $10 per thousand; sewer and water; think 1 only $610. HOLLADAY, apartment house Bite, southeast corner of 14th and Weidler, 100x100, one block to Broadway car; $6000; you can't beat it. LAURELHURST, Sandy "blvd., 100 ft, .east of 33d, facing south, with, entrance on Wasco; $1250; now go! WESTMORELAND, on East 21st St.. 250 ft. S. of Knapp, facing west, a per fectly good, level lot with everything in; $700. . - DiRT CHEAP, at Greeley and Willam ette blvd. ; view of our river and moun tains; $1250; compare price with Port land Heights; your own terms. STOP, LOOK AND BUY. Above just a few of our many bar gains. - Thru our loan department wfc will assist yen in your building. We have, thru our many years In business, obtained many of the choice sites for home and business property. You can't heat em Our new location, Artisans building. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 203 Artisans' Bldg. Bdwy. 7522. Mr. Blue. LAUFjELHURST BA"RGjALNS. $ 975 EJ. Hoyt fac. up 43d. 66-ft. front. 1000 E. Ash near 43d all liens paid. 975 IE, Stark near 33th' 50x120 near the park. t. 1300 Corner on Laurelhurst ave.; a.11 paid. 1575 Cornel' see It today If ywi want It 4d and Couch very attrac tive a sacrifice for quick sale. 1600 Flanders near Floral beautiful north front. Also 2700- 8300 sq. ft. corner on Flanderi, 'best part of Laurelhurst, East ern owner will consider offer -Many other choice listings on terma to suit -purchaser. Let us show yon today, Tabor 4139. RJITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. . 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEARLY 2 ACRE TRACT. BEAUTIFUL STREAM. SHADE TREES. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. ' $20 down, $20 month, nearly all cleared, level, free from rocks, rich silt garden land, ideal home spot, in our last unit of Parkrose, which has just been platted; you can build a little home here , and raise garden, berries and chickens, north of Sandy blvd. and car line; come out today. Branch office end of Park rose car line, take Rose City Park car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Bdwy. 6034. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE BUILDING SITE. Tract of a little more than an acre at the head of Thurman St., Willamette Heights. Land is gently sloping and has numerous native trees and shrubs. Close -in and a charming building site for home lovers appreciative of setting and view. Is well adapted for two or three houses if desired. Price reason able. C. Nj Huggins (owner), 705 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 5578. HAWTHORNE AVE, APARTMENT OR FLAT SITE. 88x100 on the southeast cor. of Haw thorne ave. and E. 25th st., ail imps, paid; excellent location for stores, flats or apartment; price only $3250. Grab this snap. HENDERSON-BANTKUS CO., . 228 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. $850 CASH. NORTH OF SANDY BLVD. Rossmere, 150 ft. north of Thompson, on 39th st.; drive by, take a look, it is a snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Bdwy. 6034. ' SEIE JOHNSON -DOD S ON CO. to buy that lot. Wre have good fo-uy In all parts of the city Very easy terms on majority. Just let us know -what you want and ww will endeavor -to simnlv it. ft Call branch office at E. 15th and Sha ver, aih. ;t-'-43. toaay. JOHNSON-OXXDSON CO.. 633 !N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK CORNIER $1150 My plans being changed make it necessary to sell this lot, which was purchased after a long search for my (permanent home. If you prefer an east and south . exposure and a perfectly level lot. look at N. W. co. 51st and Stanton today, or phone Tabor 4139; week days, Broadway 6371. Mr. Woltring, BUILD WITH RiEiNT MONEY. Buy a lot on Irvington car. 19 minutes from Washington St., and build a very small home and add a room at your convenience. (EXTRA EASY TERMS, See salesman today at branch office, JD. loth and Shaver, Aut. 328-48 JOHNSOiN-DOiDSON CO.. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON The location for your home; spend a few dollars more for your lot and be permanently satisfied. $1800. The finest 60x100 on 22d st. Your home on this lot will reflect credit to yourseft and family for years to come. Today, Tabor 4139. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR THAT NEW HOME. A full-size lot In that beautiful tract, E. 53d and Halsey St., $375 and $400 each. Small cash payment, easy terms. See owner after 2 P. M. today on the ground, or A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO, 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. KENTON. Heart of Industrial Portland. A nat ural park and fully improved. 50x100 lots, $500 and up. Your own terms or 5 per cent off for cash. WARREN KEELER. Kenton Bank Bldg. Woodlawn 6507. BUILDERS. NOTIiCE. We have a proposition of building small apartment bungalows on close-in tract on which you can make your prof its with small investment. JOHNSON-DODSO-N CO.. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 $150 $150 $150 $150. Lot 40.76x100, Alberta district. I will pay off $34 bonded assessments, my agent's commission and furnish complete abstract, leaving me about $38 clear. See agent, Mr. Dwyer, with Frsd W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. BUSINESS LOT on Union ave., $1500. Cheapest lot on this great thorough fare, south of Alberta st. Others ask ing $2500 same block. Also residence lots, 2 blocks to Union and Alberta, $850, inclduing all improvements. 313 Stan ton st. . ATTRACTIVE FOR BUILDER. A few desirable lots adjoining Elm hurst, at E. 63d and Halsey, to be sold at $375 and $400 each. See them today. Owner on ground after 2 P. M. r- A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W.. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. KENTON. Heart of industrial Portland. A nat ural park and fully improved. 50x100 lots $500 and up. Your own terms or 5 per cent off for cash. WARREN KEELER. Kenton Bank Bldg. Woodlawn 6507. FOUR BEAUTIFUL LOTS. On O. C. car line, at Fern Ridge sta tion, between Gladstone and Jennings Lodge; an ideaMocation for an excellent country home for any one working in town; good roads, near highway; reason able. N 661, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. $800 TERMS. Very attractive lot, 1 block from Sandy, east face, gas and water piped on lot and sewer paid. Lovely trees. JOSEPH H. BERRY. Tabor 6822. IRVTNOTON CORNER $2500 50x100 N. iE. cor. E. 'loth and Thompson ; the clos-est-in desirabce corner in this entire section of beautiful homes. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. "REALTORS, 2U-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 53D AND E. HALSEY. Several choice building lots at very reasonable prices and on terms to suit. See ownrer this afternoon on the ground, or A. H. Birrell-Glll Co.. 216 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVIN1GTON Sacrifice, 100x100. N. E. cor. 15th and Thompson; must be sold; asking $5000. Look it over and make offer. Today. Tabor 4139. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, i vi-j-o-ri-t .Moara oi iraae 3idg. 50x100 LOTS near Kenton, $400; easy terms. JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. MOUNT TABOR, 61st near Belmont St., two lots, 50-ft. front, st. imps, all paid; for quick sale only $750 each. Owner. Bdwy. 1734 If you want a bargain in a 100x100 corner at price of a single lot, see me 2 LOTS in Mt Scott add., 59th and 72d .sts., 2 blocks from car line; paved sts. and store; $250 each. P. O. Box 1101 city. IRVING TON-ALAMED A, $1200, terms, on 26th street, 200 feet north of Freemont. west facing, beautiful trees. Neuhausn & Co.. Main 807S. East 394. LARGE PIEDMONT LOT. East front, 150 feet north of Ains worth on Vancouver, 50x160 ground, cut to $700. Woodlawn 6260. Bdwy. 2045. DESIRABLE building lot, west front, 51st near Morrison. Owner, Main 4455. FOR SALE 1 or 8 lots, cheap If taken at once. Call Tabor 945 Monday, . t. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BUILDERS. ATTENTION t Tl lots located at Lents, in fine loca tion, on high and sightly ground; gas, city water and lights; good roads; owner In town Monday only, and will sell these lots so low that you cannot afford to pass them up. Price for all only $2000; terms. Lots full -size. JOHN E. HOWAED. 318 Chamber of Commerce. . BEST BUYS. - $o6a corner 25th and Thompson; $o6o.W corner 26tn and Thompson; On 26th. st, east front, 50 ft. south of Thompson; $1600. OWNER, WALNUT 654L $1079 11th u near Braze. $ 12 1 llth st., near Brazee. loo-K 20th N.. near Knott ' - r $16501 E. 14th N near Stanton. ha-ve bargain In choice corners to this district. McDONELL, REALTOR. EAST 419. COLONIAL HEIGHTS We have a beau tiful lot on 21st st, facing west. 50 feet north of Market One of the best build ing sites left in this district; just the tnlng for a duplex house. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. tXT TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS. IN VERY EXCLUSIVE PART OF IRVINGTON. One or both; $2000 apiece. If you are going to build terms can be ar ranged. See Royal. 1835 Sandy blvd. FOR $o00 we will sell you one of the finest lots available in the Kenton district. z blocks from car;' nice houses and fine surroundings! lot level. East 6103 or 617-59. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LADD'S ADDITION $1500. You bet it Is worth the money; already has excavation completed; don't let the tnelIow beat Yu to il- Sunday phone E. 6103. RITTER, LOWEJ & CO.. REALTORS. zvi-z-d-o- j Board of Trade Bldg. ABSOLUTELY the best building site in Alameda Park, on The Alameda; paved streets on three sides ; beautiful sur roundings. Sunday phone E. 6103. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. .u--o-ij-i jpoarq or Trade Bldg. WESTMORELAND Sacrifice; '20th and t7 n ' uonuiuut ouiming site; cor ner 60x100 lot; terms; all improvements In and paid. C. A. WAGNER CnxTPAxrv Broadway 7150. 230 Stark st. 100100 ON E 31ST ST- NO., one block to Alberta car; this is a dandy level lot wlih sl?ewaIka and sewer in. Phone today, E. 6103. RoTP?KIj,OTtrB CO- REALTORS, , 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ARCHITECTS HAL building, designing and financing of distinctive artistic homes. Henry M. Fancher, 501-2 McKay bldg , Third and Stark. Publisher Craftsman -uuujtt. m J5un gaa ows. RSE CITY PARK Are you looking for a building site In this desirable district? If so call Aut. 817-59 or E. 6103 today a??-'i11 show yu the lo y need. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, J01-2-3-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE SITE. . Term Reasonable. Part of 214x114, for sale. 81st and Thompson. Can you use it? 620 Tnimharman'a 1,1.4.. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW LOT $1250 Faces the city, unobstructed view, 1 block car. The chance of a lifetime. Several other view bargains J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldir. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. S450. Lot 60x100, very close to the Sandy Blvd., beautiful fir trees, sidewalks. curbs, water. Phone Broadway 7150. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Large corner, south of car, close to the park: Is yours for $250. Phone the owner, Tabor 8189. This is the kind of a lot you are all looking for. $350 LOT $500 LOT $1000 LOT. $5 and $10 per month ; this side Mt. Tabor; near car line. Bcggess. 503 Mc- PRICED TO SELK Close in, east side, improvements paid; extra wide lot; $1000. Owner, 405 pal- JONESMORE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF . GLISAN, IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDED, FOR $425. CALL BDWY. 5618. TODAY OR MONDAY. $750 50x100 ON 20TH STREET. In West moreland, between Bybee and Knap, 4 facing east; all improvements In and paid; terms. Auto 328-68. PRICE! i'SSO. TERMS. , Lot 60K1O0; compl-eite sewer; 250 ft south of aiisan on 69th st. Make an offer. Tabor 5196. I WILL sell my Kossmere lot for $850; yon know that's a bargain. Call East 8717. ROSE CITY PARK. Choice 50x100 lot on 52d Bt., between Hancock and Broadway, Paving in and paid. Only $1000. Owner, Tabor 8749. ROSE CITY PARK dandy lot, close to boulevard, 50 ft to hard surface; price $525 terms. . See Royal, 1835 Sandy uivu. at ita. laoor loo. WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. View lots, near car, $150-$300. CLEVELAND. 306 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. 1. 2 OR 3 ACRES adjoining Portland Golf club at Raleigh, .on 6. P. red electric; a snap. By owner. Main 1986. 51050 LOCATED on E. 50th N.. In Rose City Park, all improvements in and paid; east facing. Call Auto. 328-68. 114 FT. ON SANDY BLVD. Nice corner, only $850. See Royal, 1835 Sandy blvd. at 72d. Tabor 155. LAURELHURST, near the park, lot 16. block 83; 50x100; bargain at $1675. 815 Corbett st. WANT CITY PROPERTY. Have 960 acres to trade. Price $7 per acre. Phorfe Tabor 5196, Monday. BY OWNER I have several lots in Ala meda Park; one view lot. Will sell cheap. Walnut 7005. $1100 BARGAIN. Northwest corner E. 51st and Broad Tray LOT on Waverly Heights, 29th and Frank . lln sts. ; all improvements in; $750. Owner. Sellwood 1654. For Sale Houses. A SPLENDID BUY. Modern 6-room house and garage on 100x100 corner; 57th ave. and 77th St.; near' car; large porches; well arranged rooms; nice lawn, fruit and roses; de sirable surroundings; $3650; $800 cash; balance terms. Raxworthy, Marshall 738. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. New modern bungalow, living room, bedroom, bath, kitchen and breakfast nook, hot water heat, old ivory finish, beautiful view; $3150, terms. BROOKE, MAIN 4342. 6-ROOM HOME. 2 LARGE LOTS. Going away, sell my home at sacrifice, beautiful yard, large bearing trees, gar den, berries, garage; a real home; look at it now, will make price right. Owner. no agents, 5609 66th st. S. E. MARKET ST. DRIVE BARGAIN. Small lot, a few minutes' walk to city hall, for $1200; beautiful view of city. Just fancy a price like that for close-in city property. BROOKE, Main 4342. . LAURELHURST. . . . 6 rooms, attic; 1106 E. Couch; $9500; owner on premises today, to 6. Mar. 5785, evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. - House built for home, 5 extra large rooms, completely modern, abundant fruit, garage; $500 down, balance easy terms. Owner, Tabor 1158. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, on one floor; living room very large, fireplace, fine furnace; 2 lots; beautiful location; $5500, terms. BROOKE, Main 4342. MY BEAUTIFUL, west side Bombay bun galow located between Westover ter race and Willamette Heights, for sale at a great sacrifice as I am leaving city and need the moneys Main 2927. ATTRACTIVE home, very desirable loca tion, cor. 38th and Hancock, close to car, school and church: 4 large bedrooms, flowe,r boxes, roses, lawn; leaving city. Call Tabor 4553. $2500 $450 cash; 5-room bungalow near E. 46th and Holgae. Built-ins, good basement, beautiful little home, 1038 Belmont. $1925, ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow, plumbing, etc.; gas, Dutch kitchen, large floored attic, ga rage. lawn, fruit; terms. Tabor 4803. SAVE RENT, OWN YOUR PROPERTY. 2 large lots, garden, fruits, etc., neat cottage; $1350; easy payments; look this over. A. 623-17. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAB. . Swell modern bungalow and ideal lo cation, going at a snap price. Call at once. A. 623-1X SEE THIS bargain before you buy: Beau tiful 7-room modern bungalow. 90x100 corner, paved. Owner must sell. 905 Frances ave. Sellwood 2774. -ROOM modern house, close to car; lot 50x100; 1 block from pavement; $300 down, balance $15 a month- .505 Swet land bldg COZY BUNGALOW. New 4-room bungalow, Woodstock ' district, large lot; veuy easy 'terms. W. L. Irwin wcun. 6714. ROSE CITY PARK Modern 5-room bun , galow. sleeping porch, garage, paved st Owner, Tabor 2035. LARGE Irvlngton home, small payment down, balance like rent. G 725. Orego- IRVINGTON Artistic new bungalow. Cor ner of Thompson and 18th sl - - REAL ESTATE, For Kale -Houses. WE DO NOT BUILD! We are strictly brokers. FRANK L. McGTJIRB, 7 Tour Home. ?i,Sioera-pb!! of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. m U' 100 SERVICE. -iTiI15r5GUIRE SYSTEM was evolved SSJU.RS'J5 IM AND ONB SPECIFIC SJr?ffE- J-11 OI SERVICE IN ITS FULLEST SENSE. Every facility of !ST. ' 'ify-equipped offices are placed at your disposal. On the walls ?5nSurvSr6at sl"wrooms are moro than 1200 photographs of homes for sale, with all Information attached, so that you lose none of your precious time in a Si . COURTEOUS SALES MEN READY AT all times with autos to show you any property in which you Interested. WE'LL HELP YOU NEcEEssIgY? FIR3T' ; OPKN ALI DAT SUNDAY. : Open evening until 9. 80 Salesmen With Autos. TELEPHONE BDWY. 7171. COOLEST FIACE IN TOWN TO SHOP. THE BASIC UNIT OF AULi Civilization and Happiness -THE HOME! BUNGAXrOW WITH GENEROUS WINDOWS. tiAURELHURST WITH VIEW! $7490 $7490. VIBRANT WITH PERSONALITY and charm. IDEAL HEART OP LAUREL- HURST NEW BUNGALOW; 6 rooms with hardwood floors . throughout; SHOWS THE DISTINCT TOUCH OP THE MASTER ARTISAN IN EVERY DETAIL. Beautifully appointed, every , inch of space is well utilized; NEWEST MOST NOVEL FEATURES. Breakfast room; tile hath; massive built-ins; art brick fireplace, etc. Exceptional view Itit! HAZELFERN PLACE. BUNGALOW ROW. IN ROSE CITY PARK. $5490 CAN BOAST NO LOVELIER NEW BUNGALOW THAN THIS. 1 - THE SPIRIT OF HOME is all prevailing here. 5 rooms. EX .QUISITE IN OLD IVORY AND WHITE ENAMEL THROUGH OUT; largre, light combination , r living and dining room across the . front; at one end is artistic brick : " fireplace with beautiful built-in bookcases on both sides; SOME KITCHENS ARE SMALL, but . not this; sunshiny breakfast nook with built-in table and seats;. 2 large white bedrooms with roomy losets; white enamel batn; MASSIVE CONCRETE PORCH ; extends full front of house, heavy supporting pillars? full cement driveway to garage. On E. 47th street Can arrange terms. Just call Bdwy. 7171 and we'll take you right out. ROSE CITY PARK. Only $500 down 100x100. $2990 $500 down. MIGHTY KOZY LIT TLE Rose City bungalow of 4 rooms : full width massive col umned front porch; lots of built- in conveniences; garage ana fmlf, OWNER MUST SELL. E. 5St& street. HERE'S A NEW ONE! ' AND JUST AS DIFFERENT AS CAN BE. RIGHT IN HEART OF HAW THORNE. VACANT. STRIKING IN , DESIGN. 5-room, low-pillared bunga low. NOTHING YOU COULD WISH for is lacking here, EXCEPT THE LOVING TOUCH OF A HOMEMA-KER'S HAND. Old-ivory and tanestrv: built-ins: FRENCH DOORS AND WINDOWS. Price 9o2o0t with, convenient terms. LO CATED ON E. 57TH STREET. ASK ABOUT IT I REAL HOME OF YOUR DREAMS. $500 Down -$500 Down. TOTAL PRICE IS ONLY $4950". ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES THAT WAS EVER BUILT. Massive 6-room bungalow on hard-sur faced street, practically new. ALL ROOMS AKE LARGE AND ALKY, liv ing room with fireplace and bookcases; dining room with artistic built-in buffet; French doors; breakfast room; 2 bed rooms and full attic; 100x100, with 10 fruit trees; berries ; GRAPE ARBOR ; beautiful lawn; garage; only one block to car. Boise street. THIS IS ACTU- ALLY ONE OF THE FINEST BUNGA LOWS WE HAVE EVER OFFERED FOR SALE, and that is saying a GREAT . DEAL. HAWTHORNE HOME SPECIAL. $4290 LARGE SUBSTANTIAL HOMEY 6-room modern home on a beau tiful let with great cool shade trees; lawn; roses; garage; large full width front porch for SUM MER EVENINGS. E. Taylor st. IDEAL FOR A LARGE FAMILY. IRVINGTON PARK. NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! WE HAVE RECENTLY TAKEN OVER THE SALE of a number of new bungalows that are being constructed in . IRVINGTON PARK. Every one is In dividual in design. BUILT BY ONE OP PORTLAND'S PROMINENT BUILDERS who Is noted for the excellence of ma terial and construction- he employs in every minute detail; hardwood floors; fireplaces and all the- built-ins. Prices range from $3990 to $4990 with easy terms. SEVERAL ARE COMPLETED AND READY FOR INSPECTION. THEY ARE ADORABLE and MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. SEVERAL ARE ABOUT READY FOR OCCU PANCY RADIANT JUNE GARDEN. EAST OF LAURELHURST. $400 Down $400 Down. $3990 $400 down. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow In the COOL SHADE OF GREAT FRUIT AND ORNA MENTAL TREES and a wonder ful yard with flowers, etc. HOMI EST POSSIBLE BUNGALOW; old Ivory and tapestry; built-in buffet; big wardrobe with mir ror; model white enamel Dutch kitchen with all sorts of built ins; massive sink, etc.; furnace; sleeping porch ; fruit, etc. East Glisan st CAN YOU IMAGINE! Only $400 down. BARGAIN HUNTER! THERE'LL BE A SCRAMBLE. $2990 FOR THIS WONDERFUL SNAP. Just reduced from $3500, very homelike, cozy and clean BROOK LYN BUNGALOW. Newly paint ed inside and out: warm in win ter. COOL IN SUMMER. Five rooms; built-in conveniences; 2 bedrooms and bath; double ga $ rage; large lot with ABUN DANCE OF FRUIT. Chicken house. CAN BE BOUGHT FUR NISHED for $3990. E. 9th st. Close to car and school. DON'T HESITATE. Will arrange terms. KOZY APARTMENT BUNGALOW. $500 Down FURNISHED. $2990 JUNE BRIDE, YOU'LL just love this adorable gem bungalow. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; 4 . rooms. SHADE TREES; ROSES ' GALORE. Only $500 down. 62d avenue. - . COOL AND INVITING. 100x100 LOADS OF FRUTT. -$2650 SUBSTANTIAL AND UNUSUAL LY CHEERY 6-room modern Waverly-Richmond home with built-in conveniences; muslo room; white enamel bath, etc. Beauti ful cool grounds with 14 fruit trees (full bearing) ; berries; lawn and flowers. 42d ave. VERY EAST TERMS. Man with a family. SEE THIS. UNIVERSITY PARK. $400 Down SEVEN ROOMS. . 2650 THINK OF THIS. If you've a HEALTHY, GROWING FAMILY to feed, clothe and shelter. WHY NOT LESSEN THE BURDEN ALL YOU CAN? Here's the way TO DO IT "CUT OUT" THAT RENT. You can buy this homey big 7-room substantial modern home on such low payments, and NO MORTGAGES OR LIENS TO ASSUME. 4 bedrooms. LARGE GROUNDS FOR THE KIDDIES. Close to car. school and stores. Onlv $400 down. COME TODAY. Vanderbilt street. STAUNCH AND TRUE. $2490 WILL THIS COZY ' HOME PROVE to you in every way. Soft, restful gray bungalow of 5 rooms; very substantially and at tractively constructed and a de lightfully pleasing little nest; all modern features; central hall with built-4m linen closets; 2 Ugnt bedrooms; full attic (room for several more) ABUNDANCE OF BEARING FRUIT, berries. YOU ' WILL ENJOY THIS. Hawthorne avenue. . Easy terms. WORLDS OF FRUIT. TWO LOTS $500 DOWN. $2250 JUST' LOOK AT THIS, FAMILY MAN WITH A LIMITED IN COME! A comfortable 6-room substantial home in MONTA VTLLA on 100x105 with LOAD OF ASSORTED FRUIT AND BERRIES, nicely fenced for. the children; keep them out of nris- ' - 1 chief and DANGER. Convenient to car and school. E. Madison st. for a LIVE WIRE SALESMAN WITH CAR. See ' FRANK L. McGUIRE ,t To Buv Your Home. Realtor, Abtogton Bldg. Bdwy. T1TI. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. AT THE PRESENT TIME we have an opening; on our eaiea force KKAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WE DO NOT BUILD! We are strictly brokers.: See : FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy TourHome. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE . PACIFIC COAST. HEART OF KENTON.' $2490 ON GOOD PAVED CORNER In best part of this rapidly-growing cozy home district, is. this nice 5-room modern bungalow. Ban don street. Trms. $2250 ONLY $500 DOWN. $2250 $500 down, ALBERTA 5-room comfortable home, just newly renovated; all modern conven iences; 2 bedrooms and bath, full lot, fruit; VACANT. E. 13th st N. EAST ST. JOHNS. CHICKENS! GASCO FURNACE. GARDhiN ALL IN! NEW! NEW! $2175 AND SUCH EASY TERMS WILL PUT YOU in possession of this UNDUPLICATED SNAP IN a new attractive bungalow, READ THIS! GASCO FURNACE ; built-ins; combination living and dining room; white enamel Dutch kitch en with linoleum; white enamel oatn between 2 airy bedrooms; 2 blocks to car. Peninsula district Mears street. VA.CANT SELLWOOD CORNER. $500 Down $500 Down. $2050 $500 down. FULL PAVED COR NER and a substantial coxy 5 room bungalow cottage with every i modern convenience; ga . . rage; fruit; IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. E. 16th street. $250 DOWN $250 DOWN. COZY FTVE ROOM HOME! $1840 $250 down. ONE OF THE BIG GEST BARGAINS IN MOUNT SCOTT; 5-room REXTLESS COT TAGE BUNGALOW; all. rooms are large, light, cool and airy ; there's white enamel bath; elec tricity; gas; -2 bedrooms; upper balcony- that can be used as sleeping porch in summer.' Only $250 down; on 63d st., close to car and schooL WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST payment 'if necessary. We've helped hundreds, and we'll help you. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. DEAL WITH AN OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED FIRM, where your, every interest is faithfully protected. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tout Home. . Realtor. . , .. Ablngton Bldg. '; Bdwy. 7171. Third St. bet. Washington and Stark. $4800 HOME OR INCOME. EAST BURNSIDE RESIDENCE. Eight-room house on nice corner, close in; the house Is in fine repair and now rented for $50 per montn which pays over 12 per cent and offered at a bargain mice tfor oulck sale. Mr. Bargain1 Hunter, see this before you buy. , fCTTY HOMES DEPARTMENT, RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7567. MODERN 9-room house, on 100x100; lots of fruit, berries, flowers and lawn, ga rage, full basement, pipe furnace, built- in buffet, fireplace, extra toitet ana basin: excellent neighborhood. 15 min utes to city hall, east side, close to schools and churches; all children have married and moved away, house too large for. my wife and me; price Jflow, $750' or more down; no liens, assess ments or mortgages; no dealers wanted. Phone Sellwood 3554. $6200 A BEAUTIFUL RoBe City bunga low, near Wistaria; just finished; will be ready for occupancy within two weeks. Best of construction and material throughout; full basement, garage fire place, hardwood floors, built-ins, every thing that troes to make un an attrac tive home of this type. This house was Intended for a home for the owner, but has been placed on the market. Call and inspect this at oor juast oin st. North. For -information call Tabor 5122. $4200 $500 CASH. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. This is a real buy but only 2 blocks nnrth nf Sandv : has full basement. floored attic, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors. The owners paid several hundred more 3 vears afro but busi ness interests have taken them to an other city; hence the price and. terms. Broadway -201. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. T.ATTRET.HURST $7500: this delightful modern 6-room bungalow is located on Ankeny St., near the paric; was lormeriy held at $8500; the owner must sell at once and has reduced price accordingly; an inspection will point -out the real high-class reatures or tnis spienam nome nosltivelv notninsr could be added to in. crease its -value. A. G. Teepe Co.. 40th and Santfy. Tabor 9586. 39th and Glisan. Tabor 343. $31 50 5-room house in Richmond district, near uivision, strictly raoueni, a.i uuin ina. $500 will handle, tsfton rhsr PTTT bunealow. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, all built-ins, plate-glass windows. One of the best bungalows to be had at this price. See Mr. Bennett with S. BORLAND, REALTOR, 222 Henry Bldg. ' Bdwy. 1566. $4200. ' . . ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. New, up-to-the minute colonial bun galow, all conveniences and improve ments, hardwood floors, old Ivory fin ish, tapestry paper, fireplace; a real home priced ana ouux ngm. wau owner, Main 2212 or East 2308. ST. JOHNS BUY. Four-room celled house, only 4 blocks from the car, faces east; only $1000 with $250 cash. If you have any vision you can spend a few dollars ori this place and make it worth much. more. Broad way 2571. - - PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. OWNER BUILT MUST SELL. Rrand npw storv and a half, with five largei rooms; on the hill in best part of Kose City; duui oy aay moor, iuu uaots mftiit.. lare-ft unstairs. built-ins. . wonder ful garage, lawn and shrubs. If you want value, see my agents witn $jouu STRONG & CO. 606 CHAM. OF COM. $3300 SPECIAL $3300. Dandy 5-room bungalow, good loca tion, paved street; full basement, laun dry trays, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot; trees garden, shrubbery. Close to car; terms to suit with small monthly pay ments: an exceptionally good value. TARKTT Xr. McCABE CO.. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. J2000 ON PAVED STREET $2000. Neat and clean, 5-room modern cot tage 3 blocks from Irvington car; all improvemenxs in ana paiu, cwu, 25 per month, 6 per cent Interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. rv nwTER Rose Citv new 5-room mod ern bungalow, living and dining room across front, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, furnace, large attic, full basement, improvements all paid, near two car lines. S5250, $1500 cash. 609 E. 47th N. Auto. 324-77. FOR SALE BY OWNER, A NICE 6-ROOM HOME IN MT. TABOR; 100x100 COR NER LOT. 1535 E. TAYLOR. CORNER 57TH ST. PHOXE TABOR 90u3. ROSE CITY PARK, $5250, 6 rooms; owner has moved from city and must sell at tractive 6-room bungalow; not new, but well built and weJl located, below the hill; modern in every way. A. G. Teepe (JO., lin ana x huui fn,. $3000; $300 cash, $30 per month takes this- 4-room modern bungalow; cement basement; 2 blocks to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $250 CASH HANDLES $250. This 5-room bungalow, large lot, Dlenty fruit, balance less than rent, ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 405-6 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. WOODLAWN DISTRICT. $3300 Prac tically new bungalow. 2 bedrooms, fire place, cement basement, etc.; $150 and soldier's bonus will handle. Phone Woodlawn 8822. SEE THIS furnished 4-room modern cot tage; lot 80x100: fruit and garden; ad joins Alameda Park. 963 East 33d st. North; full price $2500 cash. Owner 4329 Howe St., Oakland, Cal. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION. OUR SPECIALTY. Plans. Specifications, Estimates. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO., 415-6 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 5848. FIVE-ROOM modem bungalow, hardwood floors, French doors, fireplace and fur nace, 50xll'5 lot, east front, hard-eur-face and sewer, in Rose City Park. 725 E. 62d st. N. Owner. MT. TABOR HOME Large square 6-room house, newly painted outside and in side. Fruit, flowers, garden; full size basement. Half cash, terms on balance. Mt. Tabor car, tnen soutn to ivo. iwj, jgOO 4-ROOM run-down house, with hi acre fine garden land, on Johnson creek, 27 minutes' .ride. 490 Harney ave. Sell wood' 2264. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 6-room house and large lot on paved stneet; price $2750; reasonable terms. Owner, Auto. 647-22. . BY OWNER 8-room huse, well located, must be sold at once, a snap at $4000. JijOO down, remainder like rent, would ' take Ford as part. Auto. 21o-3tj, REAL ESTATE. two. ' BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE HOME $1000 DOWN. Thera Is one sleeping porch and j 7 fine rooms in this 1-stoi-y bungalow style, nearly new home. A good garage and pretty grounds. Every, practical, serviceable built in; fireplace; full floored base--mentwith furnace and trays. . Then, besides, you have 11 the conveniences and ADVANTAGES of living in close-in Hawthorne. Seeing is believing. Call at the office. - I have never showed this home Tefora. FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor. 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 8222. M p'onesdistrlctt.x NEW, WELL-BUILT HOUSE. Just completed, beautiful com bination room lSHx27. hardwood floors, built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast- nook, two- large bedrooms, attic, basement, colonial pipeless furnace; house extra well built; lot 60x105. 47th and Salmon sts. Best possible location for high and grammar schools: excellent car service. Buy of owner, save brok er's commission, $4750; terma Phone Tabor 523. BRAND NEW. $300 DOWN. CAR TWO BLOCKS. Nobody's dirt to clean; very pretty 4-room bungalow, bath, built-ins, cement basement. Fine property and a home in a re stricted addition. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor. 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222. IRVINGTON HOMES. There are homes in Irvington for the most exacting people and they can be bought at prices which are most un usual and for less than the house alone could be built. Prices ranging from $500 to $18,000. All types of architec ture and all well located. It will ba worth your trouble to Inspect these homes If you are really In th market for a fine home. Mr. Lemons, Broad- . way 6007. F. E. BOWMAN CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. $2000 100x100 CORNER $2000. Modern. 4-room house; 1 block to pavement at E. 89th st, and Ray m on ave., 3 blocks to car. A really beauti ful corner with 9 cherry trees, all kinds of berries, garden. This is an excellent buy at $2000 and can be handled on very easy terms. THE LAWRENCE CO. Realtors. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. 7-room modern home, near Rose City Park school and carline. hardwood floors downstairs, fireplace and built-in buffet: second floor 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement basement; heating plant and wash trays; all street improve ments in and paid for. See Webster L. Kincald, Realtor, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 4735. WHY PAY RENT? We can build you a real home In Ladd's addition, $1000 cash, balance on easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 5839 or call 622 Worcester bldg. IRVINGTON. $6001) Owner leaving city; offers this comfortable home at a sacrifice. Ex cellent location, 1 block to car; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace and mirror doors; three partly finished rooms upstairs. Phone owner, East 5598. 666 E. 16th st. N. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME. Overlooking Willamette, 7 nice large rooms, reception hall, all built-ius, sleep ing porch, furnace, stone garage ; lot 200x400; fine shrubbery, fruit, berries, garden. Very attractive home at a sac- J rifice; $7000. $2500 cash, balance to suit SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH . FOR SALE by owner, furnished or unfur nished, in Irvington, 6-room home, hard- ; wod floors upstairs and down, pressed brick fireplace, ivory woodwork, garage, cement driveway and walks, - roses, shrubbery, etc. ; near Irvington school ; will sell at a sacrifice. Phone East 5979 evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. . $4400. ; Located below the hill; 5 rooms, large living room, fireplace, built-in - buffet, bookcases, oak floors, tapestry paper, lighting fixtures, shades, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, garage ; $500 down or bonus. Aut. 315-44. BEAUTIFUL, new, 5 large rooms, re stricted district, 2 blocks to car; every modern built in convenience, hardwood floors and everything; corner lot; to see this means to buy if you have $1000 cash, balance easy. Owner, East -577'J or 5584. CONTRACTORS. NOTICE. Opportunity for a contractor or car penter to repair dwelling, situated. at Mt. Tabor, and reset! and make a big profit. For full information see McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. SUNNYSIDE, at a sacrifice never seen in 20 years; 7-room house in heart of Sun nyside, paved street; reason for selling so cheap given at office; must be most all cash. Don't let tbia chance go by. See H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont at. Week phone Tabor 219. EAST ST. JOHNS. New house, built bj owner, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, lots of built-ins ; 5 rooms with a lot of room upstairs; one block from car line; on easy terms. See me at 1385 Curtis ave., St. 'Johns car. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist in financing same; li years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract ing architect, 924 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Small new house, almost "f in ished, garage, available to gas, elec- j tricity, city water. 75x100 lot, macadam street. Price $700, $450 cash, balance terms. Lee Benek. East 94th and Hoyt sts. MY car. IRVINGTON.. . 8-room house, price $9500, worth $12,000. Modern, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, glassed-in sleeping porch, garage, near two car lines; terms,- Owner, 010 Weid ler st. East 5618. BY OWNER Rose City Park bungalow. 5 rooms, near Alameda drive and club house, Methodist and Catholic churches, garage, fireplace and furnace, fruit trees Call Monday. 589 E. 56th st. North. No agents. LAURELHURST. $2600. $600 CASH. 4 rooms, bath and pantry, east front. 30th and Stark; garage, berries, grapes, roses; 2 carlines; electricity and gas. Owner, 888 East Washington St. BEAUTIFUL MURRAYMEAD $8000. Modern 6-room residence with Jiard wood floors, etc.; everything in. excel lent condition; ground 86x116; garage. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark st. Bdwy. 7K3I. FINANCE SERVICE CO.. Construction Dept., Robt. J. Lewis, Manager. GENER AL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 909-913 Wilcox bldg. Phone Broadway 6453. IF YOU have $4500 as a cash payment, we can show you something classy in a Rose City home. TRIPLEX REALTY & INVEST MENT CO., 534 Morgan Bldg. Main 5567. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow in Lau relhurst, with attic, fireplace, garage, furnace and all built-ins. See owner , at 985 Wasco st., near 33d. Take Rose City car. SPECIAL INVESTMENT. Equity $2500 in strictly modern 7-room house and garage; investment bringing in $540 yearly. Owners, call 874 The Alameda, near 29th street. BW car. $425 CASH, balance $30 monthly, includ ing interest, buys 4-room bungalow near Peninsula park and car; price $3425 JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. FOR SALE BY OWNER. strictly modern 7-room house and ga rage, four blocks from Jefferson high school. Call owner. Walnut 2902. MODERN 5-room bungalow, in good resi dential district. This house must be seen to be appreciated. Call owner, Auto- 6-ROOM modern house, very desirable, ex cellent condition, immediate ' nnacAeom,. terms, 1 block from Williams car line. 7-ROOM house, sleeping porch; big bar gain; less than $5000; choice location; must be sold to settle an estate. 4"'4 E. 3Sth st. North. DANDY ROSE CITY SACRIFICE 7 rooms and sleeping porch at 1592 Sandy blvd. Drive out, inspect, then see Arthur-Allen. Tabor 21 Si), make offer FOR SALE My equity in a nice 6-room moaern nume, uaruwooa iioors. built-ins, full cement basement, or would trade lor smaller piace. uwner, Tabor 912. FINANCE SERVICE CO.r building dept., Robert J. Lewis, manager. General con struction, alterations and repairs. 909- 913 wucox Plug, rnone Bdwy. 6453. FOR SALE By owner, $2500 down; new mouetu o-iuutu uuuae, xicvru wood rioors tile fireplace, built-ins and sleeping $175 2-room, portable house, suitable for snop or uwemng, 1-txj.a, corner Love joy and 20th su.