THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIA, PORTLAND, JUNE 4, 1932 8 1'houe Marshall , 753 328 MORRISON PORTLAND HOTEL Accounts Solicited t fisz2M Main Sot houses 7709 Kites QjiZfe . arisen stbwtBO" tMaaa tta M WashingtoA Strl Established 1890. . Main 9. Jtlowera for All Occaeloiu Artistically Hoggs and Orchids a Specialty. Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals. 28? Washington, Bet. 4th and Sth Street. Phone Broadway 4527. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize In funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. GARDEN MARKET SPECIAL BALE. 189 Third. Ktreet. Near Yamhill. All kinds of bedding-, vegetable plants, hanging baskets and Japanese tubs. PHILAN'S The Bi? Little Flower Shop. Funeral designs at' reasonable prices. i.a and War i. Open Eveni-s Until 10. Broadway 6520." RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . In order to earn the more than one time rate sdvertiaiag mut ruu in coa secutive itwuea. One time.. 12o per line Two times (each Issue) 11c per line Three times (each issue).. .. 10c per line Seven times (each issue).... tto per line One to six months, per mouth ....$2.60 per line Six to twelve months, per month ...$2.23 per line The above rates apply to all headings wiui Ui tuUowing exception . . - Situation Wanted. Each InserUgn ......9 per line Help Wanted Proposals Invited Lost and 'ound Special .Notices. Personal J: imerol Notices. One time 15c per line Two times (each issue) 14c per line Three times (each issue) ... .13c per line fceven times teach issue).. . .lc per line Use inunlli (o per line KEW TODAY Uaiea Per JLlne. jjally. Sunday. One time ....loo 20o Two times (per issue)..... loo lUo Three times (per issue).. .140 , lAo Seven times (per Issue). .. .130 17o One month, aaily and Sunday.... $3.60 Count five words to the line. - &o ad taken lor lees thtui two lines. Ada run bunuays only charged at ne-time rate. Advertisements 'except "Personals' and "Situations Wanted") will be taken over Hie telephone it the advertiser ia A subscriber to phone. The Oregonian will receive advertis ing by luuil provided sufficient remit tance lor del mite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgment will bo .lor warded promptly. Advertisements are taken or The Daily OreKonian until 7:S0 P. 21.; for The Sunday oregonian until P baturoay. NEW TODAY. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S 169-171 SECOND STREET, NEAR MORRISON, . MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRI DAY AT 10 A.M. HOUSEFURNISKINGS AT YOUR - OWN PRICE At Each of Our Sales This Week Yon Will Find a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CARPETS, RUGS, STOVES, DISHES, UTENSILS, BEDDING And other MISCEl LANEOITS EF FECTS. CONSIGN ED FROM PRI VATE HOMF.S FOR ABSOLUTE BALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. E SALE DEFT IS CROWDED WITH ALL KINDS OF HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE Isarffe Collection of Wit on and Other ma (tea or , -' ROOM -SIZE RUGS STEEL and GAS RANGES. REFRIG KRATORS. etc WE SOLICIT YOUR INSPECTION. We have some BAR GAINS IN OVERSTUFFED SUITES, PERIOD DINING 81 ITF.S, etc, ALL GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALES ARE IN PERFECT CONDITION, G li A R A N" TEED and DELIVERED- TERMS If desired. DN SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 2 P, M STOCK AND EQUIPMENT OP GLENN'S AUTO REPAIR (In Bankruptcy) AT 558 UNION AVENUE NORTH C o m p rtfiner' BICYCLES, greases, OILS, ACCESSORIES, PARTS) also lot of TOOLS, etc., etc. If. W. SITTON. Receiver. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer, Kir 3w TJ florists NTEYT TODAY. Unquestionably! THE BEST YALUES I HAVE OFFERED YET Mr arnffl cent Vouv-lAght Fixture, FiniNhed In Gray and Gold or Brown and Gold. Complete, no Shown, With White Shades or Wirh Fancy Imported Amber Sfaaden, A Good fl,7.SO Value for $10 (The Spread of This Fixture I 19 Inches.) Cast-iron Porch Bracket, Finished in Green or Black, Complete With Ball. Good 4.00 alue. Elejrant Candle Bracket, Finished in IlriiMh Brass, Com plete (Has Silk Shade) Wired Heady to Install, THE QUALITY of These Fix tures Will Conipare With Any Fixtures at TWICE THE PRICE. DON'T BE MISLED'. COME AND SEE FOB, YOUR SELF, r OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. MY SLOGAN l "SAVE A THIRD " Stanley Lutz Z03-5-T Chamber of Commerce Building, secona flow, . Third and Stark Sts. Broadway 4253. Doner a a ESTABLISHED 1893. On Tuesday Next We shall sell massive mahogany bed room and dining-room turnnuio, ji hnme. Following is I partial fist of what we shall have to Ztter c.omurlslns: very pretty liv ing-room suite of three pieces, viz.. davenport and two chairs in. costly velour, Italian design davenport table . lam. UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD TOSM, wing router .uy wiau . with plush seats and cane backs library table and rockers. Wilton ana itmlnsttr rues, costly silk tiortieres, sectional Dookcase, eietini, vouv.. cleaner, very pretty decorated break fast set as follows gate-lea; table and four chairs; very massive colo nial dining-room lauie, luii chairs en suite, also quarter-sawed oak suite, vis, table.- chairs ana siae board; dinnervware. v,o oostlv bedroom suite as 101 lows. Napoleon bedstead, large dress er, dressing taoie, enair anu luvic. m. v,o a.iito is of the best erade and is well worthy of jour attention. if furnishing. Simmons period design twin beds in ivory finish, with dressex to match Also full-size metal beds. - All o.n-.r hfrtm are comolete with best springs, silk floss and felt mattresses. pillows. . ,n Two first-class eas ranges, utensils, etc, etc.; also Underwood No. 5 type writer In good condition. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. tv. .km-A is a nartial list of what we shall have to sell. We Invite you -oii tomorrow and look over the goods contained in this auction. You will lino mem w ci .j . jut., attention. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. On Thursday Next We shall sell furniture from two pri t. knmps This may not be auite as high grade as our Tuesday sale, Kt .11 .r first-clasS eoods and not junk. SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. We Buy Household Goods for Cash, or Will Sell for Yon on Commission. Phone ainin oowm. Retail Dep't Here ron can buy up-to-date new goods at all times. - We sell for cash, which means low prices. Come in and look our stock over. W. C. B AKER W. H. DEAN, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, Pythian Building, Yamhill and West Park Streets. Phone Main 3332. Phone Your Want Ada to Main 7070 Automatic 560-95 THE OREGONIAN COD CHIC POOL HALL AND CON- I Uii BrtLU FECTIOXERY. Priced right, in a payroll town. AV -217, Oregonian. By owner, I n tapfSr a TODAY. rug ca FLUFF HUGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest Mad out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save halt the price of a new rug. Use woolen doming. axis RUGS STEAM CLEANED SLSO. East 3580. 188 Bast Eighth. Parrish, Watkins & Co. ' . ' Est 186?. Frank B. Watkins, Manager. Member Portland Realty Board. Real EstateRental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. S52 Stark St. Phone Broadway 7644 STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track. We can move and store your goods in a fine sprinklered 'bids. HAULING. PACKING, STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. , 454 Glisan St. Bdwy. 3470 MORTGAGE LOANS Baatnesp properties A . Residence loam low rate. Installment repay meats U desired. Loan promptly closed. A. H. Birrell-GiU Co. 318-210 Northwestern Bank Bnlldlns. Edward E. Goudey Co. MOBTG.OH LOANS. Catted bta-tes ISauk Moulding. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS See Oregon Investment & Mtg. Co, 210 Exchange Building, Second and Stark Streets. REAL ESTATE. Albina Industrial Sites Right In the Heart of the City, on Larrabee Street, Near the Broadway Bridge. Trackage, Sidewalks Sewers, Water Paved Streets - LOTS 60x111 d977C ' FEET Vb I .1 J LOTS SO x 11S eOQA-n FEET ------wuvwvl Acreage 20c to 40c Per Square Foot Terms to Suit. BUILDING ASSISTANCE . Illustrated Folder Upon Applica tion. Portland Realty &TrustCo. OWNERS, 314. Railway Exchange Building. Phone Broadway 6130. VACANTL0TS IN : ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Wakefield, Fries & Go. REALTORS, 85 FOURTH STREET Fot Sale y or Exchange 120 - Acre Farm Near Oatfleld road, between Milwau kie and Oregon City; about 70 acres clear. Balance pasture. Clear of en cumbrance. Offered in nart Davmant for west side apartmeni house. OREGON KW, & MTBE, CO. 210 Exchange Bide., 2d and Stark Sts. HONESTY. is the first con sideration of . owne f s w h e n selecting an agent to manage prop erty. ; Est. 1909. C. De Young & Co. Rental Agency 810 Spalding Bid?. Bdwy. 735U EASTMCRELAND NEW SIX - ROOM ENGLISH COLO- MAL HOUSE on corner lot 78x100 feet. Hardwood floors throughout; full basement, fur naee; finest lighting and plumbing fixtures; garage. Inquire on prem ises. 1001 Bybee Ave., corner Thirty lixit and Bybee streets. ' REAL ESTATE. IHE OPENING OF CAIMAN ' HALF ACRES The Tract You Have Bee . Waitina- for. Situated Just Outside City, Where Taxes ' , v Are Low. FACING ON FORTY SECOND ST. ; Jnst ' North of Fremont Street, Near Beaumont Carline and School. Streets to Be Graded and Graveled. BULL RUN WATER TO EACH TRACT" Easy Terms if You Wish. Salesmen on the Ground 3 to 5 Today. R, H. CONFREY, V REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade ' Building. SATISFACTION - With Each TRANSACTION Is More Than a Stereotyped " Phrase With It's the .Life of an Enduring Business. Every BEDIM ADE house or ga rage ia designed to give service and lasting satistaction. It ia BEDIM ADE'S deter mina tion to build so welt that e a e h building will advertise RED IM ADE - and make a booster and voluntary . salesman of the owner. IF You Intend Building, SEE BUILDING COMPANY L SIS E. 11th, Two Blocks South of Hawthorne. . Phone East 5114. J FOR RENT HOTEL 40 ROOMS Newport. Oregon At Nye Beach Overlooking the beautiful Pacific. Everything newly furnished. ' This splendid beach hotel has been re mnrield 'and Dainted inside and Out. Running water in every room. Steam heated. Want a manager or will rent to right party. Look this up. Apply H. VERICK 408 DEZCUM BLDG. SPECIAL Four-Story Brick and Concrete BUILDING kYmh ill-Street Corner Price $45,000 For quick sale owner author izes liberal terms. Price is considerably below actual value. Splendid location for retail stores. Close to pub lic market. Inside Property Dealers TEON BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT To Close Estate. $4300 $4300 $4300 Closing: estate and must selL Nine larg-e rooms, two fireplaces, full base ment, furnace, 50x100 lot. This is splen did income property. Small payment down and easy terms. See Young, with 732 Chamber of Commerce. Let Us Assist You Onr Complete Service . S .' at Tour Disposal. - No Charge for Plans TR.VIXGTOX COLOJTIAIi BUKGALOW TifiS KOUMS; J? Li AT i OljAiSa; A1A- HOGAXY WOOD; HOT -WATER! HEAT; TWO BATHS; THREE irnrr rTB- nrT.r.TATjn n n n "Sf- n 4 - RA(rE; 65x100 CORNER. 56 j STAN ION, EAST 2111, . - ," L- aaffiSteSaM REAL ESTATE. APARTMENT PROPERTY , and LEASES FOR SALE $35,000 ONES OF THE MOST BEATJTT FUL close-in apartment-house buildings In the city of Port land. Has that homelike In viting atmosphere you rarely. If ever. find. Will appeal to the home-loving type of people. Ten a P a r t m e nts, completely furnished throughout with the . best of furniture drapes, etc.; built-lns; rich old ivory finish. Has two two-room, one three room, five four-room and two five-room apartments. Pays (375 net per month, after de--ducting all expenses. tlO.000 will handle. $17,000 Completely furnished frame apartment-house on good close in corner; consists of two t h r e e - r oom, four four-room and two s 1 n gl e-room' apart ments. Strictly modern. Hard wood floors, etc. Nets approxi mately $260 per month; $6000 will handle. . Irvington Apartment House $14,000 Terms.. ARTISTIC CORNER APART MENT in Irvington. Owner sac rificing on account of health. Consists of three apartments, h a r d w ood floors throughout, built-lns, garage. GOOD IN COME. THISTIS INDEED A SNAP. Only $4000 will handle and very easy terms on the bal ance. Apartment Leases for Sale (Including Furniture.) $15,000 Twenty apartments, consisting of 12 two-room and eight three room apartments, with built in beds and dressing rooms; furnished with fine oak furni ture; electric Tanges and every convenience. Rent is very rea sonable. This place nets over $500 per month. Lease runs December, 1924, and can be ex tended for three additional years. $6000 will handle, , $2800 Apartment house consisting of two lour-room, two mtee-iuum and two two-room apartments with A-l furniture. Lease runs, for three years. Income $100 per month' above expenses. $1200 will handle. $2500 Terms Snap. . - - Apartment house, consisting of two four-room, two three-room and two two-room apartments, with A-l lurniture. lease runs until after fair. Income is $90 per month above e x p e n s e ss $1200 will handle, i DON'T LET THIS PASS you. Hotel Leases for Sale $16,000 Modern brick. hotel on main business street, consisting or 84 rooms, 30 with baths and 64 without; three public ba tha; automatic elevators. Lease runs to 1925, with renewal clause. Nets $600 per month. .- $7500 Modern brick hotel, consisting of 36 rooms, steam heated; fur niture in e-ood condition. This includes all equipment neces sary for operations. Pays $400 per month net. $5000 will han dle.' Bungalow Grocery $5500 : - Terms. An extra choice location in re stricted district, built only six months and a real money maker; has the trade. Can be handled for $3000. THIS IN CLUDES BUILDING, ALL FUR NISHINGS AND ENTIRE STOCK. Nets $200 per month. LET US SHOW YOU THIS. Note For the above and many other unduplicated MONEY-MAKING PPOIOeT'rTrNS r.aH rr "Rnsi neafe Opportunity Department, with Abington Bids., Bdwy. 7171 - S4 St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. amwinflmtimiMnimBimmitimtnmimnmm Near The Dalles 1 8 Acres All in cultivation; modern house; I dairy and stock barns. You can 5 grow practically anything on I this fertile soil. Farm overlooks 5 the Columbia river and is one i of the most healthful places to live In the northwest. I $8000 Terms. I Phone Bdwy. 51 M. No Agents. E nffliiiimHnmimmunimimiiiiii; auMiflnuuniuniiino For Sale Well-Built Home of Five Rooms Furnished or unfurnished: almost new; hardwood floors throughout; haantlfnl huilt-ins. tile bath and sink. built-in tubs, la.rge closet, cement - basement, furnace ana launary trays; ; nnrr' rorrtpnt rtrivewav: imnrove- - 1 ments In and paid. Phone Auto 315-08 'or call 510 East Forty-second Nortiu REAL ESTATE. Buy a Better Lot tn Beautiful Irvington PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION tt costs no more to build your home on an 1RV-. INGTOJf lot than in . other districts. Remem ber, you can eell for mere money in an estab lished neighborhood. . The prices of home sites owned by the Hughes Estate Irvington Proper are no higher than lots in other less desirable residential sections. When the few remain ing lots are sold your , opportunity will have passed to get in on our RKBIXED PRICES APTD EASY TERMS. For ap-' pointment today call Tabor 41SS. Week days, Broadway 7567. RITTER, LOWE & CO. - REALTORS, " 201-2-3-5-T Board of Trade BIdg. IRVINGTON 4-FLAT BUILDING $22,500 Grounds 125x100. Flats all leased and rented. Investment netting over 15. Located near Broadway car and 22d St, Modern to-thMniriute. Also has 4 garages. Owner here from California and is making this sacrifice price. McDONELL East 419 IRVIJfGTOIf COLONIAL Sew and Very Beautiful. N. E. Corner 18th and Stanton. Open todav. 2 to 5. See this sure. $12 000, and A BUY at such price. Nothing in Portland to compare with this. For YOUR HOME, Bee R. T Street's -2 columns of same in this issue then phone us, at one office or the other, to show you just what you want. JOB HILL CORNER Nine-room house: four bedrooms, also maids' room; three fireplaces, furnace; two bathrooms; large porcnes; re stricted district; surrounded by fine homes; 875 Northrup street. No phone information. or appointment write M. THOMAS, 714 Deknm Bids. For Bale Flat and Apartment Property. "INCOME PROPERTY." Two flat buildings, in Al condition; 5 rooms up and 5 down; finest of every thing, built-lns. This Is a wonderful buy; Individual furnaces. Get your money to working; easy terms; $5950. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Realtors. Cor. S6th and Hawthorne. Tabor J463. ' Tabor 1077. . FINE CORNER. 2 garages, 5 apartments, 3 fuTni-shed, 3 more of 3 rooms each ca-n be added at small cost; disappearing beds, -hot water haa-t. Beautiful home sood rent, always full; fine opportunity for -right party. No trades. 90OO cash toandlles it. ' 10- minutes on Mississippi : car. Heai with owner, save commfiasion. 816 Albma, Cor. Failing. . aee tuts. WEST SIDE VACANT. - TTn fnr IS-vear lease, close in ant. build !n. 10 minutes' walk. 46 rooms in 1 and 2-roora apts.; no furniture; money mak ers take notice, l nave exclusive ilsung on- this See Mr. snea wnn ' E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR, ' Suite 428 Morgain BIdg. Main 5060. NOTICE. . 1500 cash will give you possession of this apt. building, furniture, and lot; lot alone worth the total price; hdw. floors and beautiful furniture. See this today. Must be sold. See Gokey. 218 Ry. Exchange BIdg. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. NEW WEST SIDE. iNnest sot. house on west side, ideal lo- catfbnils up for 6-year lease, it takes $13,000 cash to handle, will show over 500 per month unfurnished. See Mr. Shea E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR. Suite 428 Morgan BIdg. Main- 5060. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. 2 rooms: corner brick; tot 50x90; ex cellent furnishings. Property in A-l con dition. Income $440 and 4-room apt. for owner. Pays 1 p-er cent on iniresnmeiit. Price SO.Ctuo; sio.ow win na.n-ojie. CALL FOR MR. TICE, TH-OM-SON, 62Q-2-I HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON " ' . APARTMENTS. : 4 beautiful homes in one; looks like - one big home; all leaBed and rented for J KM) each. See this at (25,000; nets 16Va per cent. McDONELL. EAST 419. TpvmflTON Two 4-family 5-room apart m.nt hnuses. paving EOOd Interest on investment; sale price, including choice oiiarter block or land, is - considerable less than cost of buildings alone. See owner. 717 Bd. of Trade, bldg. TWO 4-ROOM flat building; income $60 per month; non-resident owner orders it sold for $5000;- terms; $1000 cash; one block west of Union ave.; a gooa buy. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., FOR SALE. ELLA APARTMENTS. -Corner Ella and Washington. Bee owner, Broadway 334a . Must sell by June 15. WEST SIDE, 2-famif fiat, modern, lot 30x100. Nob Hill section. Present income $70 per month. $8000, half cash. Oregon ' Inv & Mtge Co.. 210 Exchange bldg., 2d snd Stark sts. ; APARTMENT BUILDING. Partly furnished, 10 3 and 4-mwwa mniLrtments. paying ,273 montn set price $18,500, part cash, part trad-e. 403 Stock Exone-Oge bldg. Marshal,! 83E4. APARTMENT "house, lot 73x100, 3-story. elevator, modern, close in w. s. location, well fu-rnlsneu; 3u,wu nana.,,, iown- send. 331 Railway gxenange. IRVINGTON Apartment house site for sale by the owner; 100x100. S. E. corner East 17th ana j?roaaway. 112. 5O0 1-APT. FLAT. in; Income S3 800: terms. Owner. FOR SALE 14-room upper and lowe-r flat on corner lflth and E. Aider. East 5363. FINS apartment site, 207x98 ft., on Irving ton am Uae. 3500. Owner, 429 Larrabee, BEAU ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. WEST SmR iPiUTMEVT aad furnishings, strictly modern, west side apt. building of 78 rooms, show Ins net of over $500 per month. There Is no better oa west side and th price is riRht; I am the exclusive agent lor the owner and this is not a peddled propo sition and .can bs shown onJy by ap pointment If you ars In the market for an up-to-date place and have $13,000 cash to handle, see Mr. Shea, with E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR. Suite 428 Morgan Bids. Main SOfiO. FOUR-FLAT BUILD1XO. 1XK IXVF.STWKVT On Larrabee street, 50 feet south of Broadway; 4 rooms and sleeping porch in each flat, hardwood floors, cabinet . kitchens, EOOd Dlumbinsr. sen&rate base ments and furnaces, walking distances over the Broadway bridge: price $10,500. some terms. Pays over 10 per cent and incoms can be Increased. . . - . B. M. BROWN, 1182 N. W. Bank Biag. Main S42S. 42-ROOM, apt., corner building. Nob Hill location, S-room apts. : a!i private hatha apts are nicely furnishea. net income is ou a montn, price is 32,000. terras, balance 6 per cent, might take In a good bung-alow or small tract of land and nice home oa first .payment; this Is a splen did buy. BARNET JOHNSON ft CO., Realtors, Broadway 7W7. MR. INVESTOR. -Here's your opportunity. One of the best corner lota in Portland; centrally located on west side; size SOxlOO. An excellent apartment site. Owner needs money. Come and see U. Then make us your offer. ( O. C. tTLRICH CO. INC. Suite 40S Stock Exchange Bldr. Main 4354. FLAT BUILDING. On East 17th St., just north of Haw thorne ave., four 5-room flats, income $170 per month; for quick action owner will take $4000 cash, and makes price foisa few days only at $12,000: this is a pick-up; see it Monday: by appointment vnijf , owner leaving city. UMON SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. Bdwy. 948. 284 Oak St UNION AVENUE FLATS. 50x100 ground near Alberta, with 4- flat building in excellent condition; can znajce lo per cent net on money Invested Price $S500. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. For Sale Beach property. GBARHART PARK Hot days oritur & loneinr for the sea- hore. Every family in the northwest should have a seashore home. It means health and happiness and eaves doctor's bills. Gearhart Park is the choice af auo ox me leaaine Dusinesa men of Fort land as the spot to build a hotel for their use and where they preferred to send their families and friends. They have planned a structure of finer ap pointments than anything heretofore dreamed of for our. northwest ocean re sorts. Portland never fails to put over what It undertakes. The names on the hotel building' committee are suf fiicent assurance that plans will be car ried out economically and efficiently. EVERY ONB CAN ENJOY THE- SAME ENVIRONMENT at a cost no greater than, the price of property at the humblest report. Call Broadway 3931 for appointment QSARHAM fARTT Pf CIS Railway Exchange BIdg. 8-INCH Byron Jackson horizontal single atagre centrifugal pump, 12 feet 6-inch suction pipe, 8-inch foot valve, 12x12 split steel pulley, grease cups and fit tings complete. Ring oil, both discharge and suction, adjustable; price ?12u.. ' 1 4-inch Brooks horizontal centrifugal pump, Q-inch suction, good for lift up to 30 feet, economical on power, JT split steel pulley, seif-oil, 6-Inch fooV valve; 4-foot 5-inch pipe, grease cups and fit tings complete; price $65. 1 8-inch Byron Jackson horizontal centrifugal pump, 6x6 cast pulley ring oil, 4-inch foot valve ; both discharge and suction adjustable: price 145. These are used pumps; with alight . mjusuneai oi uie s tuning coxes gooa &s new ,ZINA WOOD. HILLSBORO, OIL. " P. O, BOX 190. GEARHART PARK. ' We are offering special discounts en Ocean View lots in Oceanside. addition to uearhart Park. This property Is graded lor building; lies with a gentle slope to the ocean, adjoins the finest homes at Gearhart. Call Bdwy. 3031 for appointment. GEARHART PARK COMPANY. 51 Br Em. BIdg. LONG BEACH SUMMER COTTAGES. FOR SALE OR RENT. Beautiful ocean front. 8 rooms. s;a- rage, laundry, etc. Completely fur nished. Yard 100x200, At Tioga. Price fvuu; terms. BARGAIN. Corner lot and 6-room house furnished, 2 blocks from ocean, $600; terms. Ad ores, LONG BEACH LAND CO., . Long Beach, Wash. We also specialize In cranberry lands. SEASIDE-. V7I1! build house in Cartwrlght Park. Seaside; have some building material. and by putting up 3 or 4 cottages could give excellent bargains; 2 lots in Grove and 2 In the open near river; all within easy reacn or me ocean. G. H. DAMMEIER, 408 McKAY BLDG. GEARHART. GEARHART. 6-room modern cottage, nielv fur nished, beautiful living room, large fire place, 4 bedrooms, garage: wonderful view. Rent for - July and August nets owner 15 per cent. Very low for Quick East 823. ' SUMMER home for sale at Bay Ocean roomy house on beach, full plumbing throughout; Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and large sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace. Free from incum brance; reasonable. Owner needs money to nuance otner ousines-. av ,3, ure- gonian. SEAVIEW: WASHINGTON. " Good, 6-room house, well furnished, hot and cold water, gasoline cooking plant. oatn; lot ouxtuu. rrice, including xurnl- ture, .'uuu. . HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. FOR SALE. Best 'paying hote, on the Tillamook beaches; barber shop, confectionery and fiool hall; apaitment house, cottages and ots. J. J. Krebs. real estate and insur ance. Kockaway, or. SEASIDE Sell or rent exquisite 7-room bungalow; corner, on south promenade season $450; price $6500. Main 47S9, or Gilbert, Seaside. GREAT bargain, good o-room house. lots and water, two blocks from beach. will give terms if desired. Price $1000. J3QX 40. iong joeacn. wash, ON TILLAMOOK beach near Saltair sta- ' tion, lot 50x100; also Manhattan beach lot; cheap. Mar. 2671. LOT, 50x100; small house; two blocks from Beach; room tor lu cottages; terms and a tiargain. tox tua aeasiae. ur. FOR SALE Choice lot at Seaside; price $225. Owner. 5318 70th st. S. E, land, Or. Port ROCKAWAY BEACH, 50x100, block 20, lots 8 and 9. Call Auto. 239-60 after P. M. A COTTAGE by the sea. $600 cash. 641 -31 or is 7ltf, uregonlan. FINE lot at Beach Center, Wash., cheap. or trade. 414 r argo st. $200 BEACli lot Sell this month for $100 Caan. owner, au ij, uregonian. or Saie Lots. FORCED SALE. Look at.the S. W. corner R. 33d and Prescott, then confe in and put up your proposition. Any reasonable offer given due consideration. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. ; HERE IT IS. Just what you are. looking for, lOOx 100 with the sewer and sidewalks in and paid. Look at the N. E. corner 58th and Ankeny. It's sure to suit you. RITTER, LOWE 4 CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. .AURELHURST Must sell E. 35th 88 ft. off Sandy; only $1100; all-liens- included, also dandy north front oh Flanders. 50x 320 for' $1500. See us for Laurelhurst lots. RITTER, LOWE 8c CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Go look and make oner, Raleigh St., lac. So., 200 ft. W. of 29th; also 1300 sq. ft. on Hudson and serpentine st, for $8250. You can build 3 bungalows on this lot. RITTER, LOWS & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. $25 CASH is all you need to buy this dandy lot with beautiful trees; just 200 feet from paved boulevard. Let us show you what S3DU win Duy. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1100 LAURELHURST. 50x100. lot with . all improvements, on Pacific street Just off 33d street. Auto. 3s-tts. $1225 HOMED ALE lot on 24th street, just north of Freemont, east -facing; all Im provements in and paid. . Auto, azs-btt. FINE lot west of Piedmont, close to car; all Improvements in, except paving, and paid: $450. Wdln. 3766. 350 72d ST. NEAR SANDY BLVD. Good full lot; assessments paid. . Tabor S5ft. $250 SNAP R. C. DISTRICT. Nice 00x100; assessments paid. Tabor 4803. , ROSE CITY PARK lot east facing, Broadway 5151-, apt 84, $75. CHOICE building lot in Overlook on Cap ital ave. Call Woodlawn 2178. . CHOICE lot, Westmoreland: pavement In and paid for; 18.111 takes this, iast Ul. FOR QUICK sale, Laurelhurst corner lot 300; paved streets. . 11)33 .Belmont REAL ESTATE. For Sale It. HBNDEKSON-BANKUS CO RBALTORS. , t 228 HEJRY BLDG. BDWT. TS4. i ALAMEDA PARE. M Lots These homesltes are situated tn that wooded park of native trees $500 up in Alameda Park, below the till, bounded by E. 18th St. on Basy the west, E. 24t st. on the east and Alameda drive on the Terms north and extending south to within 650 ft of Freemont St. Many of these lots have 8 or more native trees. This section of Alameda Park la restricted for 25 years and is convenient to both the Broadway and Irvington cars. The lots vary In size from level 50x100 lots tj 4 acre view sites.- Prices $500 and up. Easy terms. Second mortgage privilege. WEST SLOPS MT. TABOR. ' E. 50TH ST.. NEAR HAWTHORNS. , $1000 Choice level 50x100 homesltes oa' the west side of E. 50th St., Easy commanding a view of the west side. These lots commence 250 : Terms ft. south of Hawthorne ave. Paved street. All Improvement, in and paid. If you would ever buy a lot on the sheltered west slope ef Mt, Tabor for $1000 on . . - easy terms of $200 down, look these lots over immediately; as there are only seven left at these prices. . WEST SIDB VIEW LOTS, ' CORBETT TERRACE. $500 up 40 choice homesites, command ing an unobstructed view of Easy rivers, city and mountains, lo cated in a beautiful wooded . Terms park of maples, dogwood and evergreens, situated within the : Second 8Vi-mile circle, served by two car lines, 10 minutes' ride t- Mtg. city, station on the tract, brick school within 2 blocks, all city -conveniences, sewers. Bull Run, water, gaa and electricity, walk, and curbs, some of the, streets are paved; PRICES HAVH BEEN CUT PRACTICALLY IN TWO FOR A CLEAN-UP SALEt the lots vary in area up to ' acre prices $500 and up; easy terms; SECOND - MORTGAGB PRIVILEGE. Take Oregon Elec tric car and get ort at view , Point station, which is ou the tract, or oall'at our office and we will drive you out. If you wish to drive out follow the Fulton car line to Scholls ferry road and drive up Fulton Park blvd. to the property. Call at our office for a plat of tha tract. HAWTHORNE CAR DISTRICT. K. 22d $1200; east front; 100 ft. souta of Stephens St.; all Improve ments in and paid: this 60x100 - . lt u onlv 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave.. and a real buy V J at $1200. . S. 24th $3250; west rront; iuu it. souia of Stephens; all improvements paid. B. 24th. ($1250; west front; SO ft. north of Harrison st; all improve ments paid. E. 25th $1250; west front; 157 ft south of Stephens st; all improve ments paid. Taylor $850; B. Taylor st: north front! 200 feet west of 47th st; all improvements In and paid. a B3d 4900; west front; 100 ft. south of Lincoln; all Improvement paid. . - . WESTMORELAND, a Slst $700; west front; 50 ft south of Tollman; all improvements in and paid; 4187.50 cash and $7.00 , . monthly. ROSE CITY PARK E.45th $800; west front; 50 ft. south of Klickitat; paved. E. 48th $650; west front; 100 ft south of Siskiyou; paved. IB. 48th $750; west front; 250 ft north of Stanton; paved. E. 48th $1600; S. W. corner 48th and Wisteria; 66x100; paved on both streets. " E. 49th $500; east front: 50 ft south ot Klickitat; sewer, curbs, walks and gravel street. BL BOtb $850; east front: 100 ft north ot Stanton; paved. -E. 52d $876; east front: 100 ft north of Halsey; paved. B. 68th $1000; west front: 200 ft north of Stanton; paved. B. B6th $1000; west front; 250 ft north of Stanton; paved. E. 67th $1200; facing west; 250 ft north of Sandy blvd. E. 60th $1100; west front: 100 ft north of Stanton; paved. E--62d $1000; west front; 50 ft north of Siskiyou; paved, a 68d $650; west front; 100 ft north of Klickitat: sewer in. B. 83d $760; east front; 150 ft south of Alameda drive; sewer in. B 63d $825; S. E. oorner Stanton; sewer, curbs, walks, gravel st , a 64th $750; east front; 147 ft south of Fremont E. 85th $750; west front: 100 ft north of Alameda drive, E. 65 th 4850; N. E. corner Stan torn sewer; easy terms. E. 65th $1475; N. W. corner Stantoni 100x100; sewer In. LATJRELHTJRST. $ 850 Senate St.. facing south, 60 fees, east of 41st, 75x120: all im- 800 Haselfern place, south front 420 feet east of 41st sc. 1150 Pine street facing south, S5fc ft, , east of 41st st 1175 E. 42d St.. east front 100 ft. north of Bumside st; all lm- provements paid. . 1200 Laurelhurst ave., south front, 150 ft south of 39th st 1200 E 33d st- west front 200 ft, north of Holladay st 1275 Floral ave., 175 ft east of Peer less place. ' 1300 Floral ave., west f4a?nt 800 ft .. north of Glisan st. ..-.' 1300 Floral ave., west front. 150 rt. north of Glisan. 1S50 Sandy blvd.. north front 150 ft. east of Imperial. 1400 Glisan st, north front 150 rt west of 41st st . 1475 Northwest corner Holladay ana 83d st 1500 Floral ave., east front 00 n. south of Glisan st 1500 Davis st, north front 220 ft, west of Floral. 70-ft front 1500 Northwest corner Couch ana 44th St.. 71-foot front 1590 Northwest corner 39 th and Ha- zelfern place: oversize. 1650 Burnside st. north front 200 ft west of Floral. 1650 Flanders st. north front 150 ft east of Floral. 1750 S. E. corner of 89th and Royal court - - -, , . 2000 Northeast comer (oversize) Laddington court and Colony r- place. RICHMOND DISTRICT. 87ti E. 28th st, west front 60 ft. north of Cora ave. ; all improve ments in and paid. 750 East 48th st., facing west 850 ft. south of Clinton st: Improve ments In and paid. . t 800 Clinton st.. facing north, 50 It west of East 25th st; improvs , i ments paid. - HENDERSON-BANKU8 CO. REALTORS. 228 HENRY BLDG.- BDWY. 4754 note "We have an excellent proposi tion to offer a real estate salesman with car. , - ' . TRACT WITH FIR TREES. $25 DOWN $15 MO. , LARG7 100x160 FT -BRANCH OFFICEOPEN EVERT Property convenient to two schools, build your home in Wilshire, buy a lot Sow on these .easy terms, put out ber iles shrubbery and when you get ready to build your lot will be in fine shape. For branch office take Broadway car to Bryce eve., walk east to 3dd St. , to Bryce HAkTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., , Bdwy. 6034. MORTGAGE FORJiCLOSURE. MUST SACRIFICE. 50x150. Knott St.. near Union ave ; t.a location for flats. Lots . In this I?striused0 to sell for $3000. Vhat will vou give Someone is going to get a bargain Today. Tabor 4139. Week ffA0,Zl CO.. ROTORS. -3-5.7 Board of Trade Bldg. SlOO CASH VIEW LOTS 410 MONTHLY Close in on east side, overlooking en tire city': n csrllne. close to school, sur rounded b, beautiful homes: $6T5 to $1500, according to size and location. Today call branch office, 15th and towiffiJffifctww co - T im TT W. Bank Bldg. Main BTS7. BUILDER'S CONTRACTORS. We have a selection of desirable Lau relhurst lots on which 2d mort Drtvi-le-e or sells' contracts can be taken. Remember our prices ars on cash basis. RITTER "LOWE TcO, REAiLTORS. wl.--a.6-T Board of Trade BIdg, " ST. JOHNS CARLTMS. 100x100: H4 blocks to oar, close to Jefferson high: $500. balance easy terms. JeH8rs jOH'X-SON-DODSOlV CO iwit V W. Bank Bide. Main 8T8T. TTT7.NTnN SPECIAL. fiOxlOO corner on Interstate .ave., $650. "-- WARREN KEELER, Kenton Eant Bide. Woodlawn 6501, A