20 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY S3, 1923 FOR RENT. Booms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. - - CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential ho- 1 tele on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. ATTRACTIVE SUMMER HOME, . CLOSE IN. Offers one desirable suite with sleep ing porch; especially pleasant for couple or two or more young people; large well kept grounds; attractive furnishings, and thoroughly modern conveniences; en- joyable meals. East 73H4. WHITEHALL HOTEL. 253 6th St. Portland's downtown hotel ; excellent board and modern rooms; single and en suite; rates $45 month and up. Cater to 'transients. Rooms With Board In Private Family. BEAUTIFUL home in Ladd's Addition, board and room in private family, laun dry included; gentlemen preferred. It is worth considering. References. East 743.1. ROOM and 2 meals in fine home for one, $32.50; or two in room, $60; for large room with two windows, $10 per month; walking distance. 185 E. 13th. Phone East 7261. FOR A really particular business woman have an exceptionally cheerful and com fortable room with breakfast and dinner, Irving ton district, on car line. East 8905. BREAKFAST and dinner and cool room or sleeping porch; privileges of Rose City home; for one or two young men. Masons preferred. Garage near by. Tabor 3114. WHY BOARD in a city wnen four of you can get to live at reasonable rate in a beautiful new suburban home, well lo cated, modern and convenient to city in every way. Phone Main 1S40. ROOM and 2 meals in fine home for one. $32.50, or two in room, $60. For large room with 2 windows, $10 per month. Walking distance. 185 E. 13th. Phone East 7261. CHILDREN taken good care of in nice country home, diet of fresh milk, eggs, butter, fruit and vegetables, ages 3 to 0 years; terms $5 per week. Address box 15-B. route 1. Clackamas. Or. LARGE front room in modern home, walk ing distance, best of home cooking and home privileges. Phone East 4433 or call 358 Larrabee St. ROOM and board in private family, homu privileges, $5 a week or $9 for two, working girls only. 526 E. 16th st. W. S. of R. M. car. 1 NICELY furnished front room with large clothes closet: suitable for 1 or 2 people; nice home; home privileges; board if de sired: Rose City Park. Tabor 8111. FURNISHED room in private family, large room suitable for two, in good district, close in; piano; Just like home. Call Monday, 972 Bast Taylor st. ROOM and board, special rates with two in a room, home privileges, walking dis tance. 327 E. 11th st. N., . phone East 9396. LARGE, clean, comfortable room on first floor for two people. Phone, use of piano and home privileges. Close in. with mod board. 205 West Park. ONE LARGE room with 2 beds, 1 small room, good, hot water and shower bath, first-class table board with home com forts. 6sl Glisan. 1RVINGTON DOUBLE FRONT ROOM. SMALL SINGLE ROOM, EXCELLENT HOME COOKING; REFINED HOME. EAST 0645. MOTHER and son will board father and children or 2 gentlemen in refined mod ern, clean cosy home: mother's care to children. Walnut 0802. HOME tor young men employed, good board, pleasant surroundings, close In. 2S5 T4th St., corner Jefferson. ROOM and board in private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen: also garage; just off Broadway. 350 E. 9th st. N. East 8172. WANTED For companion, an elderly lady; room and board free. In St. Johns. 5 Hi Central ave. m WOULD like to board and room lor one or two children; no objection to parent. Wdln. 4010. ROOM and board for two gentlemen in private home. 45-0 E. 8th N., phone East 3SS5. CHILDREN will be well cared for in sub urban home of responsible woman. Auto matic 630-25. ROOM and board for young maa or lady; attractive home, near car; home privi leges to right party. Tabor 5696. EMPLOYED man can have board and room for $5 per week, and care of garden. Auto. 315-73- ROOM or board for one or two refined gentlemen in nice home; west side. 426 , Morrison. 1 LARGE room in private home with use of garage if desired. 388 E. 37th st. N near Sandy. Auto. 310-06. WANT a young man to room and board, private family; home privileges to re spectable party. Woodlawn 128,. - ROOMS and sleeping porch with or with out board; home privileges; rent reason able. Tabor 4035. YOUNG man to room and board; small, congenial family of young people; Piano: $7 wk. Main fiflS. SLEEPING porch for nice gentlemen in modern home with two meals, lose in. East 597. CAPABLE young woman going to beach, will take 2 or 3 children for vacation reasonable. BJ 655, Oregonlan. LOVELY room and breakfast for girl, rea sonable, private home; no other board ers. 4219 48th ave. W. S. car. LOVELY home offers excellent board, airy, sunny rooms, twin beds, lawn, trees. walking distance. Bdwy. 4314. WANT to care for child, age 4 yrs and up; good home, no children. Mt. Scott car. 1373 E. Grant st. BOARD and mother's care for children, by the week or month, Wdln. 628. 561 Going st. NICE, large room with board in family with no other boarders. 2 blocks to car line, cor. 17th and Hancock. East 5878. EXCELLENT table board for two young ladies, 4KS Market. -Mam .-i23. PRIVATE home, children, mother's care, 20 years' exp. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162. ROOM with board for two, ciose in; cnnt June 1. East S099. FURNISHED o: without board. unfurnished, with 658 E. 67th st. N. FIRST-CLASS board and room in private, modern, congenial nome. aiain "f. KOOM and board in attractive home across from Multnomah club. Main 7720. ROOM and board, 574 Ladd ave., near E, 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145. -ROOM with board, west side,, lady pre- . . ferred. Bdwy. 3780. WILL board small children day or week; mother's care. Aut. 529-02. 726 Everett. SELECT private boarding; choice home district, nr. Multnomah club. Main 2219. ROOM and board for gentlemen; refer ences required. Tabor 3171. ; NICELY furnished room, board optional; walking distance. Marshall 981. MOTHER'S care for two children; large fenced yard Tabor 5742. 2 BUSINESS girls to share large room, home privileges, reasonable. Wdln. 3175. ROOM, with board in private home. 455 E. 14th N. Irvington. FRONT room and board on west side, near 21st and Washington. Bdwy. 2910. GOOD room, and board in private home, working man preferred. WToodlawn 6634. MCEiLY furnished rooms, with board, near Broadway bridge, 408 Benton. . ROOM, home. board, two gentlemen. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. GOOD home, room, board, laundry, for re t fined gentleman. Wdln. 1107. A ROOM with board In private home with garage; walking distance. East 127a. Furnished Aimrtments, LARGE 2 or 3-room apt, Waverly resi dence, newly tinted and furnished, all modern conveniences, porch, large lawn, garage, -brock to car. Sell. 27 35 . ftp 3-ROOM, furnished, ground floor, front '' apt., with 2 beds, private entrance, free lights, $3S month; also 2-room. $25 mo -f. 3d ft. J 20 UNIQUE APT. $20. Artistically furnished, suitable for 1 or 2 persons, light, clean and beautiful outlook. Main 3IB. ":f. TWO ROOMS, furnished front apt., 5 - minutes' walk to Yamhill market. $25 per month. 3n Fifth st. Mar. 4248. FURNISHED and unfurnished up-to-date apartments; reasonable rates; choice lo "" cation for refined people. East 8416 BELKNAP APTS. One 2-room front apt.; rent reasonable 187 17th. near Yamhill. 3-ROOM apt., neat and clean, nicelv fur- i nished. East Everett and 20th. Phone East inn. , FOR RENT One 2-room furnished apart ment in a private home: light, phone, hath fre: close in. Call Mar. 3214. . APTS., 2 sleeping rooms, at 133 vn st. na-wy t)Hfl. '.'I 2-ROOM furnished, 3-room available June i. ri anover Apts.. jitroaaway 2nos. ; CORNER apt. of 4 rooms and bath, partly - mrnisnpci. w estm jnttier, iviam oiicsz. ONE room and kitchenette; one 3-room apartment. L'i4 i.3tn st ,V D-ROOM furn. apt. in Delle Court $100. Call after 0:30 A. M. Bdwy. 5715. 2u rsin toi.. one room, Kitchenette, eas. light, phrme furnished, walking distance. VAK !'i notice ; cheapest apts. in city; ail moMf-rn : i ann .i rooms. wain. 263. 3-ROOM s very che furnished or unfurnished Bdwy. 2774. RESPECTABLE lady to share small apt wua iaery iaay. i-none fceiL i-w. FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. 8TELWTN APTS. HIGH CLASS SUMMER HOME FO.T AUTO TOURISTS Most elegant and completely fur nished apt. house in Portland; have beautiful outside front apt. with sieep ing porch, furnished In 'Chinese rugs, ivory furniture, Chinese silk hangings, personally selected oriental brasses, bronzes, teak cabinete floor lamps; ex ceptionally c ean and A-l service. Will make a specialty of caring for auto tourist by week or month. Reference required. Bdwy 5830. KXNGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High-class apartment hise, near 23d and Washington, nicely fu -wished 3-room apartment with 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; must be seen to1 be ap preciated; for $60 and up. Will accom modate tourists by the week. Call Main 3883. WELLINGTON ftOUfT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four-room, new mahogany furniture, newly papered and painted, steam heat and telephone, close in, walking dis tance; only 3 blocks off Washington st. Rent $60. Call Bdwy- 1245. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th' and Salmon. Close n. convenient to library, churches, theaters and shopping district, permanent or 1 transient, by day, week, month. Being thoroughly renovated; under new owner ship. Main 6641. BEAUTIFUL 3-RM. FRONT APT. Private bath, nice Aminster rugs, everything thoroughly renovated. Sum mer rates. Grandesta Apts., 68 Grand ave., cor. Stark. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store, good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta., out Bide and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. VOLHEIM APTS., 805 East Alder One 4 - room corner apt., fireplace, ivory woodwork, mahogany and wicker fur niture, Wilton velvet rugs, electric range, use of electric .washer and mangle; also one 3-room corner apt., very choice. East 7549, or Bdwy. 5433. ' THE JACKSON. Three-room apts., $25 to $40; brick bldg., private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone; 15 min. walk to 5th and Wash.; Rose City car. East 2S46. 51 Union ave. North . WHY PAY CAR FARE when you can get a lovely apartment Ciose-in, completely furnished, for $57.50? Easy 5 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank. Will accommodate four people. Main 8397. 229 11th st. . ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 3-room apt. in fine modern home, well furnished, every convenience, heat, electricity, phone included, garage if needed; 2 adults, $45. 615 East 66th street North. SHEFFIELD APTS., 272 BROADWAY Nicely .fur. 3 and 4-room apts., all out side rooms, bath and phone, tourist ac eommodations. L. Ashton, mgr. Main 2500. DOUGLAS COURT. On the Park blocks, 2 rooms furnished or ujuurnished : very attractive; nara wood floors. Mar. 423 or Main 2723. 425 West Park. GLENN APTS., 984 Hawthorne ave. To sublet for one month, beautiful 4-room corner apt,, davenport, piano, wicker furniture. Wilton rugs, everything com plete, very reasonable; vacant June 1st. Tabor 8540 or Tabor 1883. NOW AVAILABLE Desirable two-room apts. in modern brick bldg., large rms., roomy kitchens, built-in or open beds, linen and silver furnished; nothing bet ter for the price, $25 to $40. Lincoln apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bidg.; electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main 9466. . . THE DEZENDORF APTS., 208 10th. Mar. 128. Completely furn. 4 and 5-room apts., all outside rooms; no objection to chil dren. WASHINGTON HIGH APT. Modern brick apartment house, 3-room, furnished, with private bath ; all large outside rooms; walking distance. 575 E. Stark, corner 34th. East 8636. IRVINGTON apartment, built by Bowman. 380 E. 24th N. ; modern 5-room fiat, hardwood floor; tile bath, steam, jani tor service; $85; reference. Marshall 5847. CHETOPA APTS. Fine 2-room and bath apt.; hardwood floors ; nicely furnished; in good com munity; easy walking -distance. Call Bdwy., 4936. LAMBROOK APTS. 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-room apts. Call Fast 4062 2-ROOM apt. and room with kitchenette, clean, nicely furnished. 666 Hoyt. Call Broadway 2217. Sundays and evenings, -' Broadway 1084. V ALTAMONT APARTMENTS. . 304 COLLEGE. x A rooms with private baths, nicely fur nlshed, $47.50. Main 6375. WILL sublet for three months, attractive 2-room apartment, first-ciass apartment house;- piano. Call after 6 P. M. Satur day. all day Sunday. ( Bdwy. 2021. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11TH ST. Nice, clean, modern 2-Tm. apartments. Phone, janitor service; $30 to $45. BROWN APTS. A furnished 2-room apt., Yamhiil. 14th and MEREDITH 3-rm., modern, front; walk ing distance; 22d and Washington, Broadway 6184. THREE-RM. furnished apt. with private bath; all outside rooms. Light, water, phone free, $30. 882 E. Ash. YOU will like this 2-rm. apt. at $24; bath, phone, parking space; walking distance; children no objection. 506 Market st. ALICE COURT 3 large rooms, all out side, 2 beds, priv. bath, tel. included, $50. Cor. East 8th' and Burnside. East 3566. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURN. 2 AND 3-KOOM APTS. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg., 2-rm.. 23; 3-rm., private bath, $35. Albina and Killings worth. Woodlawn 2105. THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room fur. apts., close in. 191 14th et.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 rooms, modern. $40. Bdwy. 1245. CLASSIC apts., 602 Glisan, near 21st; front 2-room furnished apt. ; private bath, electric range; light and airy. $45. THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone, laundry facilities. $22.50. Main 7392. HAMMERSLEY COURT, 250 12th St. One three-room corner front apt.; private bath. WILL sublet six months or longer, taste fully furnished front 3-rm. apt. ; ref. Hanthorn apts., apt 42, Mar. 1494 HADDON HALL, 1JTH AND HALL, 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs., private balconies; $35 up. Mar. 1 1 60. BUSHMARK, Wash. St., cor. 17th 1 and 2- room apts., mo. up. including tele- phone, gas, bath, linen, electricity. FINELY furnished 5-room apartment over- looKtng river ; porcnes; close in lawn Apply 349 East Gltean st. ERENE COURT APTS.. cor. East 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 3 room jrnished apts., all outside apts East 126. 3-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, no objec- uuu lu umiuicu, icnt. $-u. .; Via St N. Phone East 6560. BRAND-NEW 2-room apts., close in and convenient to everything; $25 to $35 a month. Ca'J 701 Davis st. Main 1075. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt., $0, iiiuiuuuis iigiiLS, iieai, not aua COld water. E. 7th and Belmont sts. ONE MAIN floor front room ajt., fur- FURNISHED apt. at 988 East Madisonl neai t;iiuot, jai u. x-nune i. apor 1334. AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 and 3 room apts.. opp. Auditorium. , Mar. 5564 BUENA VISTA APTS. MAIN1052T ana 3 rur.. I unrur. apt. LORENZO APTS., 427 Maimon st. Main 8H78; 2-room apt., water, light, phone. 2-ROOM basement apt.. $25 per month Irving apt.. 21 st and Irving. Main 9230. GODFREY COURT, 500 Vancouver ave." modern, - ana 6 rooms; adults. East 841. DESIRABLE 3-room front apartment, 1 ruui emu niiLuoiicii.r. oo m 1 1 1 . ELBiUDGE apts., 274 N. 21st; 2 and 3 room apt. Reasonable, Broadway 4730. KING DAVIS APTS., 54 N. King. Desif aoie o-iouiu turnisiiea apt, aawy. 6058. TOURNY bidg., 2d and Taylor, furnished 1 and 2-room apts.. $22.50 up. UNION AVE. and KillingsworLh. fur. apt." ""'H'ctPi wucrew Plug. GKANL oak Af ro. 2 and v-rra. strictly mod. Grand av.-E. Oak st. E. 3302. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH and COUCH 8-RM MOD. APTa. WALKING DIST. E. 1990 WESTMINSTER APTS. MAIN B582T imucjj1 mi. wi, ttpia. who Data. HO US MAN apts.. 2-room light, airy apL . 730' Hoyt st. Cali Main 1552. IN IRVINGTON . : lovely clean rooms. 825. 769 E. Bdwy. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. lUth -apts. Bdwy. 3658. CARLOIS APTS. 2-rm modern furn, apt. reasonable. 14th and Market. APT. suitable for 2 to 6 people, by week or monn. jMar. iii, 3ia nth st. ONE second floor apt., furnished Everett street FOR RENT. Fnmished Apartments. MODERN FURNISHED 3-ROOM APT., $45; ALSO A 4-ROOM FOR $55 Beautlful, light, convenient, classy, all that's desirable; suitable for 2 to 5 per sons. These are special rates; you can't beat them. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH . AND COLUMBIA STS. ; walking distance from shopping district. NICELY and completely furnished apt., hdwd. floors, enameled Dutch kitchen, yard, private entrances, bath, toilet, in cluding garage, light, phone, water, garbage. $35. Wdln. 5936 or Wdln. 6618. 1197 Cleveland ave. Swell neighbor hood FOLTR outside corner rooms, first floor, with sleeping porch, dressing room -and v- private bath; just renovated and tinted; completely furu., clean, light, airy, steam heat, plenty hot water, private phone ; good car service, parking place. 790 E. Ankeny st. East 1808 or East 4046. COMPLETELY, beautifully, newly fur nished 4-room (all outside) apartment. Imperial Arms, nub-let June 1 for 3 mo. ?Ne w grand piano, si 1 ver, dishes, artis tic lamps. Main 3679 after 5 P. M. week days; any time Sundays. Call nrannger apartment house. FURNISHED apartments, Portland heights. two artistic apartments June l, unusu ally well lighted, coot and airy; moun tain in view, hardwood floors, French doors, tile bath, sleeping porch, fur nished in -mahoganv and wicker; rent $50 and $70. Main 8542. LUCRETIA COURT. 1 3-room furnished, a complete home In one of the best houses in city; hardwood floors; everything first-class; at Lucretia place, near Washington; close in. Mar shall 1513; adults. FOUR LARGE. CLEAN, FURNISHED ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, OVERLOOKING ALBERTA ST., NEAR UNION. PHONE, HEAT, WATER AND FUEL, $35. " WOODLAWN 230. -FREE. One week free rent when Sunnycrest opens June 1. 3 rooms and bath. Spic and span. Very attractive. $37.50. 186 Sl.eimar st. GO tR DON COU R T APT S. , 530 Montgom ery one of the very attractive 5-room apts., at $75, will be for rent the l5th. This is the cheapest opt. of this class In the city, can be -see-n now. GRANDESTA APARTMENTS. Beautiful 3-room apartment, private hath, automatic elevator, all conven iences, clean as wax ; Rummer rates. 68 Grand ave., corner Stark. GLENN APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apartment, oak floors, modern in every respect, good service; light, airy apt.; nice location. Hawthorne and Glenn aves. Tabor 704. 48-INCH wiilow table, chairs and rockers; overstuffed davenport and chair, Vlc trola, carpets, etc., for sale cheap; beau tiful 3-room apartment for rent If de sired. Call Tabor 84. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Nokomis Annex, 245 N. 17th. Newly renovated 2-room apt., hot and cold water, steam heat, lights and gas, $18. S20. $25 per month. ALAMO APTS. 3 front rooms, furnished or unfurnished, private bath, disappear ing beds, newly tinted and enameled; facing north; lovely place for summer; $40 to $42.50. 494 Market st. ONE large room, light housekeeping, best Nob Hill location; beautiful grounds; everything but cooking gas furnished. Adults only. Call before 5 o'clock, 631 Hoyt St.. cor. 20th. 3r-ROOM furnished apartment on west side, easy walking distance, rent $21 per montn; adults oniy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. . . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787, LEONARD APTS., 665 East Main Three rooms, dressing room, private bath, all outside rooms; q-uiet couple. Phone East 3449; vacant June 1. PARK APARTMENTS. Light, cool, four-room furnished apts., hardwood floors, fireplace, new carpets, west aide; reasonable. Mar. 23S1. ROOMING house opened under new man agement, everything clean, all rooms for rent reasonable. 83 Park st. Phone Bdwv. 3S08. SPECIAL rates on rooms, 9 apts.. to ex service men of anv war. $5 to Sift ner week. Small deposit and balance on pay nay, vaugnn Apts.. iv uttn and Vaughn. NOB HILL Beautiful large room, open ing into large inclosed sleeping porch, an ideal apt. for the summer month. Broadway 2958. THE DENNISON APARTMENTS. 1027H Belmont St.; phone Tabor 546. 3 rooms and bath, front corner; immacu lately clean. MUNCEY APARTMENTS. 390 Clay St. Two rooms and kitchenette, basement room and kitchenette; walking distance. HALSEY apartments, 3 00 Win i am s ave., one 4-room apt, 2 beds, private bath, steam heat, suitable for 4 people, 1 child accepted. HANTHORN APARTMENT. Newly tinted front 3-room furnished apt., 2 disappearing beds, balcony. 251 12th st. 232 12TH -THE WEN T W OR T H 3 rooms, bath, furnished, modern. Man and wife preferred. LUZERNE APTS. 2 rooms with bath; reasonable; also sleeping? room for working man. PALACE APARTMENTS, 1HU East Mar ket st.. 2 rooms furnished., private bath; ad.ul'ts only. Vacant June 1. Tabor 2654. COLLEGE -Sweli ;i-room, modern, front; walking distance: low rates. 3d and Co 1 1 e ge . Mar. .".V5 . THE JEFFERY $18, 2-room apartment now $15; close in, corner Russell and Kerhy. East , 1594. FOUR rooms, modern, ground floor, walk ing distance, west side. 454 11th St., Apt. D. NEWLY furnished 2 and 3-room apts., walking distance. 520 E. Ash. Phone East 1371. $26.50 Natly-f urnished 3-room apt., near G. ave., and East Morrison. 84 E. 8th street. CLEAN 2-room furnished brick apart ments; light, heat and phoner $28 a month. 616 Pettygrove. Bdwy. 5052. CAROLI -VE APARTMENTS. 3 well furnished apts.: private bath. Bast 45S9. 313 Stanton st. THE REX FORD. Furnished apartment. $42.50. This Is a nice one. Main 5'53. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. Large 3-room apt., two beds, very rea sonable rent. Mar. 5566. SNAP Six-room apartment, furnished in old mahogany and Turkish rugs, for summer. west side, Bdwy. 249 6. NICKOLS APTS 3-room modern apt., private bath, children welcome. Wood lawn 4971. 806 E. 6th N. SEVAK.G APTS.. 271 S. Broadway 1-room and 2-room furn. apts., . lights, heat, hot ana coia water. 3-ROOM furnished basement apt;., private uam, reasonaoie. 3a w imams ave. East 5304. CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apt., light and water, $23. 680 Lombard cor. of Fiske. Columbia 017. WANTED One or two giris share beau tiful apartment, conveniently located reasonable rattrs. Main 1632. mornings. V AN 1 ED Girl employed to share la'rge three-room east side apt.; walking dis- tance; reaaonaniPT ent. N .m Oregonian, FOR RENT Irvington suite of summer rooms, turnisiied, for several months; reasons Die, rtione Kast 4610. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-room furnished apt., also basement apt.' uot Washington st. Bdwy. 10!)8. NEW and clean 3-room apartment with bath, heat, light and phone; laundry iaciaues. 643 Upshur. Broadway 1871. W lJNUSUK APTS. 2-room Iurnished ant with dressing room; very nice. 14th and tu. lamnm sts. TO SUBLET S-room well furnished ant. in high-class apt.; walking distance. $95 inon in. Bowy, o i la. FRONT rooms. Inclosed sieemntr nnrch 2 closets and bath. 551 E. Yamhill. East 1 1 iv. FRONT 2 and 3-room apt., light, clean, modern. Arllne Apts , . 220 North 7th. uawy. 1H12. CLEAN 2-room H. K. apt., heat, sink, water;, private entrance. 421 Sixth street. Marshall 2605. BERKELEY APTS., 30 Trinity Place 2 ana s-room ironi apts., modern; also 4 room basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. BANNER Apartments, nicely furnished 2 ana 3 room apts., very reasonable. 4S9 Clay. 3 AND 4-R. apts., steam heat, free phone, 1 blk. from 2 carlines, 843 Nelson, 27th hi., j. uik. oi aanqy Diva. ; reasonable. FOR RENT 2-room furnished housekeeo- ing apartments in the Lucretia. 402 main at., v ancouver. w asn. . KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. ntn ana Montgomery. Main 359. 3-ROOM apt. well furnished, walking dis tance. io .cverew, cor. xtxa. Tel. Bdwy. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Belmont 2 or 3-room apts.. , finished in white enamel. East 4548. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. 8-room furnished apt., with private oain. laarsnaii zoo. , . ALTONIA APTS.. 19th and Marshall t 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, alrv, unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. 6-ROOM furnished apiitrnent. bath; $35. 308 College st. 3-ROOM nicely furnished apartment, very FIRST floor flat, twin apt., nicely fur nisnsQ, reasonaoie. aauits. 062 Glisan FOR RENT 2 large housekeeping rooms, - smam neat. union ave. N. NICELY fur. 2-room apt., near Broadway H4.iu.ft- nwu, auuiui, o .cento a. FOR REf- Furnished Apartments. CLIENT will lease for 1 or 2 years, most desirable furnished upper flat -or apartment, large living room; 3 bedrooms, very exclusive district. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 3207. COOL SUMMERY APARTMENT! IDEAL FOR THE WARM MONTHS OF SUMMER: Beautifully furnished. IMMACULATE 4-room apartment! All in old ivory; artistic light fixtures; built in features; ALL ROOMS LIGHT AND AIRY! Steam heat; janitor service and telephone! WALKING DISTANCE! The Meda Apts., 377 Vancouver ave., blk. north of Broadway. Just across the Broadway bridge. $70 WAGONER APARTMENTS $70. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. Here is the cheapest and best apart ment in this district; 6 large, light out side rooms, all on one floor, just -the thing for business people. Close in and still fine residence district. Heat and water furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch. BEAUTIFUL 2 or 3-room apt., all newly furnished In mulberry shades and wicKer furniture, others in blue, all enameled, splendid sleeping porch; cheaper than could be had 'on west side; one block to R-C'and Grand , ave. car. 415 East Couch. . EXCEPTIONALLY nice front housekeep ing apt., large living room, small break fast room and a kitchenette; gas, elec, phone, etc.; laundry privileges; free storage; widow's home, respectable, cen tral, quiet; 7 week; -a menm; jku ticulars. Mar. 349. . CUMBERLAND APTS. 2 and 3-room apts. vacant June 1: ished newlv tinted and enameled, walking distance. West Park 'and Columbia. Unfurnished Apartments. 13TH AND CLAY STREETS. IRS 8.ROOM FLATS $65. Living room, dining room, 3 large bedrooms, kitchen, and breakfast nook. Front and rear porches, good basement and furnace. Just entirely overhauled and refinished. New linoleum on floor of kitchen. Ever yroom an outside room. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch. IRVINGTON. NEW APARTMENT. 22D AND SCHUYLER. Ready June 1; have one vacancy, 8 rooms, fireplace, steam heat, janitor service, tile bath, sunroom, splendid lo cation among fine homes; rent $100. F. E. BOWMAN CO., 210 Cham, f Commerce. Bdwy. 6007. C ARM ELI T A APTS. Beautiful 4-room unfurnished, white enameled tile bath, exceptionally large living room, magnificent view of the city; high-class house, service unex celled; close to business center; nicest apartment in the city for $60. Main 2086. 13th and Jefferson. BELLE COURT APARTMENTS. Homelike and cozy, efficient service, nicely located; 3-room apt. just vacated. Broadway 5430. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. ISth and Couch Streets. Two-room apartments, $42.50 and $45; one block from carline; hardwood floors, electric stoves; references required, Broadway 255'J. LIGHT, airy 7-room apartment, heat, water, garage, $55. Hardwood floors, fireplace, large porch, overlooking city, amidst 'shady foliage of fir and maple. 15 minutes' "walk from heart of city. Adults. 619 Bwdy. drive. Mar. 3135. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Five rooms, beautifully decorated and enameled, steam heated and telephone ; oniy 3 blocks from Washington St.. rent Broadway 1245. FIRST-EXOOR apartment to middle-aged couple, lit. Tabor, sleeping porch, ga rage, some furnishings, every conven ience, very desirable, garden, flowers; references. Tabor 1477. HIGH-CLASS, modern," 5 large-room apt., front and rear sleeping porches, janitor service, steam heat. uor. z-itn .ana Northrup sts. Phone week days, Mar shall 2512: Sundays, Marshall 554. BERYL apartments, Lovejoy street, near 21st Close-m location; one very large light 3-room apartment, newly papered, lots of closet room; splendid view: must be seen to be appreciated. IRVINGTON apartment, built by Bowman, 380 E. 24th in. ; modern o-room nai, hardwood floor, tile bath, steam, jani tor service, reference. Marshall 5847. LUCRETJA COURT. 3-room unfurnished- apt., front corner, all outside rooms, hardwoQd floors, fine outlook; Nob Hill district; high-class; adults. Marshall 1513. RVINGTON apartment, built by Bowman, 380 E. 24th N. ; modern 5-room flat, hardwood floor, tile bath, steam, jani tor service, reference. Marshall 5S47. DOUGLAS COURT. On the Park blocks, 2 rooms furnished or unfurnished ; very attractive ; hard wood floors. Mar. 423 or Main 2729. 425 West Park. ' 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment. hardwood floors, white enamel iinisn, with or without garage; for rent June 1; Nob Hill district. Call Bdwy. 4468. WALKING distance, light, airy, spacious 4-room apartment. Front naicony, Frenth doors. Cream enamel. Phone EaFt S255 after 10 A. M. CHETOPA APTs. Nice light 4-room and bath apts.; well arranged and. the price is right. Call Bdwy. 4036. WASSELL Attractive 5-room apt., all outside rooms, rent o; Dasement it room apt., $28 ; adults only. 555 E. Yamhill, East 3252, ; MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIREPROOF 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445, ; . FOR RENT Up-to-date, first-class apart ment in excellent location, iau x-aai 6025. ; . CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt. with large balcony; $45. Marshall 1804. FOUR and 5-room front apts., balcony and porcn. irving apta.. 4ii.ai aim rviits. Main ,.)23p. : . IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt., 1 blk. off Washington st. Adults. Bdwy. 2761. HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS. Desirable 3-room, unfurnished apart nent. 2 disappearing beds. 251 12th. GARDNER, 13th and East Ash Attractive 5 rooms, narawoou noum. iirepuiue, . uui water heat, garage; ref.- East 2871. WICKERSHAM APTS. Six-room modern, excellent service, iocaiea iota aa v iaw ders. west siae. rnone nawy. z-'m. FURNISHED and unfurnished up-to-date apartments; renauiiauic ' i tion iur rr liticu. .o uhv. VOLHEIM APTS.. 895 E. Alder Beautiful 3-room apt., narawoou uoors, eiecinc range. East 7540. "tTXfi ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desirable apta. available ax reasonaoie rentaia. Phone Broadway 6830. .i " 5-ROOM apartment with separate bath, water. aa.i uage, wim a-tw Frost. Ia2l a. unsan st. MORDAUNT, 5$6 Everett 4-room modern; take children; inspect tn:s. 3-KOOM and 4-room apartments, with baths. air, r rost, io- iu. cu THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5 room anartments. Bdwy. 3360. THE ORMONDE a-room unturnisneo anartment. 056 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. BRYN MAWR 185 East 15th. 4-room apt., sleeping porch. $45. East 2154. ONE 3-room apartment for rent reasson able. 544 Marshall, near 16th. 3 OR 4-ROOM apt.; heat, light, phone, garbage, ixli nemy st. w ouumwn yy0. JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash. st. One 4 and one 3-room, unrurnisneq apt. ROOMS, modern, steam heat, ten min utes' walk to business center. 561 Glisan. ALTER, apts., 6 rooms, sip. porch, modern. 21-Overton. Bdwy. li80., Bdwy. 5263. HIGHLAND COURT, MARSHALL 3181. Unfurnished 4-room apartment. AND 4-room apartments, heat and light. r 724 E. Burnside. East 4675. : THE WE 1ST, 69 N. 23D. 5 ROOMS, hardwood floors, breakfast nook and sleeping porch. Call Wdin. 3943. FOR REiNT i unfurnished rooms, Harrison St.; adults. Main ?HT7. 3-ROOH apt., toilet and bath. 648 Thurman, near 20th. Marshall 4761. Fnmi shed or Unfurnished Apartments. THE UPSHUR APARTMENTS. SPECIAL SUMAlKK ka '-&. 2 3 and 4-room, unfurnished or fur nished; all new furnishings and paint ings ; THE ORDERLEIGH, 82 Grand ave., new management, modern apartments, pri vate baths, furnished or unfurnished. reasonable. " JAEGER APTS,' 701 Wash, room apts. f at. 3 and 4- ETNA APARTMENTS. - wvnma droaain? room and bath. hdw. floors, white enamel woodwork; 'ree electric wasner ana mangier FOR RENT 2-room apartment, furn. or unfurn. in nLgn-ciass dpu"i 1 Ural-clan service. j.ast wjxo. FOR RENT. FurnlMted or Unfurnished Apartments. FURNISHED and unfurnished apta; ele vator, heat, private baths and balconies. 410 Harrison street, between 10th and 11th. Phone Main 1320. fc 8-ROOM apt.; new and modern; private bath ; furnished or unfurnished.. W am. 53S6. or 9 East Prescott. Flats. EAST 12TH AND DAVIS. $37.50 4-ROOM LOWER FLAT $37.50. Has entrance hall, living room, dining room, bedroom, bath and cabinet kitch en; gas furnace, fireplace, nice front porch and cement basement. Just fine for man and wife. SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch, FOR RENT Modern upper flat, 8 rooms, water heater, furnace; adults; about 15 minutes to Broadway and Washington, .lose to car line. Phone Tabor 1508 evenings. MODERN upper flat, 5 large rooms, sleep ing and living porches; newly decorated; gas range, water heater, cooler; adults only. Phone East 1819. , 267 B. 25th, near Hawthorne. IRVINGTON. ' 4-room, upper flat, oak floors, gas range, water heater, wash tray, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, Murphy bed, bath. Tabor 8018. MODERN FLAT, 8 rooms and sleeping porch. Garage If desired. Splendid lo cation. Tabor 8278. 315 East 33d st. 666 E. MADISON st. and IE. 18th. 5-room modern flat, furnace, walking distance; $40. Donald Woodward. 104 Second st. Broadway 7438. 1 Y39 OVERTON ST., upper 6-room flat, furnace, fireplace, windows en all sides, airy; $40. Donald Woodward. 104 See ond st. Broadway 7436. , LOVELY 8-room modern fiat, newly reno vcated, now ready, fine view, lease $50 month; adults only. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. roadway 62.V2. CORNER FLAT. GOOD LOCATION. CLOSE TO CAR. 5 ROOMS AND LARGE SLEEPING PORCH, $32.50. EAST 8326. 121 E. 28TH ST., COR. ALDER. 2-02 N. 16TH and Kearney sts.. 5-room riat. newly tinted, gas. elec. wash trays, walking distance; $JJO. Donald Wood- ward. 104 Second st, Broadway 7436. FIVE rooms, all conveniences, hardwood floors, economically heated. 369 East 16th. Broadway or Irvlngton cars, $45. i irnor vv-t. 4 ROOMS and bath, very attractive; hard wood floors, gas fireplace, electric stove and built-in conveniences; , adults. Call oda E. stark street. JUNE 1, desirable 5-room lower flat, sleeping porch, cement basement with trays; adults; can be seen today. 933 fi. 7th st. North. Wdln. 472H. 4-ROOM upper flat for rent and 4-room lower flat; upper flat $17.50, lower flat $18.50; electricity, gas. Call East 8345 Bunaay. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance; nice view; good order; fireplace, furnace, phone, water; front porch; $35. 389 16th St., south of Montgomery. FIVE rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors and fireplace. 464 E. Broadway, METZGEK-PAKKEK CO.. Broadway 5355. NtUB HHjlL Furnished or unfurnished-. newly renovated, three ' roome and k'itchenet'te ; also one sleeping room. Tel. Main 8580. FOR FURNISHED or unfurnished flats or houses see us first. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bidg., 3d and Alder. MODERN 6-room upper flat, with sleep ing porch, at 700 y Hoyt. Call East 3376. 6 ROOMS and bath; gas and electricity clean and convenient; walking distance, Call 535 E. Stark St. FOR RENT June l. modern 0-room un furnished upper flat in Walnut Park. woodlawn 4lno. 2 MODERN flats, electricity and gas and garage, newly papered and painted. 567 E. Ash. East 7852. MODERN FLAT. 6 -rooms. 2.0S N. 22d st. Walking distance west side. D. G. Wood ward. 104 Second st. $32.90. $23 3-ROOM flat. 621 Overton, west side warning distance; just renovatea; water, gas tor bath free. Bast ihu. HOLLADAY addition, modern 5 rooms, lower flat, furnace, close In. 264 East 2d st. North, corner Multnomah. 407 m- E, COUCH, near Union 'ave.. 5-room flat in brick building: $30.60. Donald Woodward, 104 Second st. Bdwy. 7436. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance from town lovely piace for the summer. Inquire at 666 Albina ave. 2 NEW unfurnished 4-room flats in Irv Ington. 429 East 13th st. North, , corner or Tillamook et. w.n. tub. DESIRABLE 5-ROOM UPPER FLAT, 390 SAN RAFAEL. NEAR UNION, CLOSE IN. INQUIRE. 399 HANCOCK. 42S 11TH and Hall sts;, upper 5-room flat, walking distance; $26.60. Donald Woodward. 104 Second st. Bdwy. 7436. MODERN 5-room 4ower Hat. furnace, fire place. 606 Belmont. HIGH-CLASS lower 7 rooms, Hawthorne ave. East 8266. 450. 721 VERY desirable unfurnished 6-room flat. $35. 845 Belmont. 5-ROOM lower unfurnished flat, walking distance, west side. Broadway 6820. F22 E. MAIN Desirable, modern 6-room upper flat; furnace; adults. DESIRABLE modern 5-room flat, rooms, rent $35. Phone East 500. large 3-ROOM flat with sleeping porch ; f ur nished or unfurnished. Sell. 2004. UNFURNISHED flat with garage, walking distance. 204 22d st. ' NICELY furnished ' 3-room flat, modern, very cheap. 223 17th st. N. Bdwy. 2774. 4-ROOM modern flat, furnished or un furnished; close in. Broadway 3636. FOR RENT 6-room apartment, $40. Phone Broadway 7348 Monday. MODERN 5-room upper. Couch, $40; adults only. E, 12th near 4-R.OOM modern Hat, 10 min. walk to Union depot, adults only. 189 Haisey. 5-ROOM flat, modern, close in. reasonable. 313 East 3d St. N. East 1609. MUDEK1N 6 rooms, o4io Overton month. it., 20.64) LARGE light 6-room upper flat, walking distance. 330 13th. Main 5099. UNFURNISHED 5-room uppr flat, close ' in, $35. Call SelL 887. Furnished Flats. FOUR-ROOM furnished upper flat; strictly clean and modern; $45, with garage; near 29th and Sandy; adults only. . Au tomatic 226-39. FURNISHED lower flat, 3 large rooms, $26.50 including light. 323 Weidler st.. corner East 1st st. WELL-FURNISHED Six-room, steam - oated flat. West side, right downtowt Bdwy. 4884 after 2 P. M. I WILL rent living room, dining room and large kitchen of my 7-room flat. Extra room If desired. 694 Everett. N 5 ROOMS and bath, modern furniture, 15 minutes on car, one block from car; ga rage, light and phone; $36.50. Main 6399. ATTRACTIVELY furnished, 4 or 5 rooms, sleeping porch, piano, fireplace, Nob Hill. 701.1,4 Hoyt. Mar. 3462. TWO large rooms, first floor, room and 4-ROOM flat, completely furnished, hard- kitchenette, single rooms; hot water al- wood floors, fireplace, first floor; nice ways. 655 Flanders. surroundings. Main 7061. " BEAUTIFUL front room, kitchenette, ADULTS only, 4-room furnished flat, sleeping room and garage. 693 E. Madl- newly tinted and clean; water, garbage son. E. 8911. paid; $30.50. Woodlawn 4739. Ftjr. IC RMS., double and single; 4-ROOM flat, nicely furnished, electric walking dls. 408 12th. Main 5898. lights, gas, fireplace, $35 a month in- "ho WN TOWN furnished H. Kl rooms; eluding phone. 938 Mallory ave. cheap rent. 253 Wash., cor. 3d. MODERN 3-room furnished flat; private glVGLE ateam-neated housekeeping rooms, bath; 1 block from car, 3 blocks from i3 50 t0 $6 per week 147 13th st. Laurelhurst park. Phone Tabor 5188. - , MQRRISONt cor. E. atn iurnl3he DEK1RABUE. modern. 6 rooms. 570 E. j and 2 room H. K. apts., reasonable, riawfk llTZtVV. garb"ge- 1 SHALL ment too. flM tor ba- Fisrb,oSr2"ci .iy ass i Wasco. East 3805. ' 614 4tn st. MODERN 6-room furnished flat. 184 WLL fl rsom8- cloSe In Gibbs st... rent $30. Apply Wakefield East 398. 9 E. th st s Fries Co., 85 Fourth st. TWO 2-ROOM apartments for houseneep- NEW three-room furnished flat, ivory ing to rent. 309 Second st.; reasonable. woodwork, Radiantfire; close in; adults. DOWNTOWN Clean, outside apartments. Phone East 1351. 271 Morrison st.. Cor. 4th. s-ROOM uppr flat, 'urnlture for sale. $12 AND UP. 429 Main St., near 12th, $450. 330 13th Ma'n 5999. nice looking place. NOB HILL district; furnished flat; ga- 2 ROOMS. 1 room and transient, very - rage: walking distance. 204 22d St. cheap rent. 208 Washington. , 28 E. 13TH ST., near Ash 5-room upper, FRONT rooma for h. k.; rent reasonable. very desirable, clean, adults, reference. walking distance. 384 Park. 3- ROOM flat, modern; adults only. , 606 2 LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms; E. 22d st S - - walking distance. 281 Larrabee. MODERN furnished 5-room flat, close In; HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 242 desirable location. East 6098. Klllingsworth ave. Walnut 5892. WELL furnished 5-room flat on DM car ONE and two H. K. rooms. 271 North 21st line, near Westover district. Mar. 6112. st. 1 4- ROOM flat, furnished. 3-room apt. Call TWO FRONT room housekeeping apart 821 Thurman. ment. 403 Fourth street. THREE-ROOM furnished flat. 414 E. PHONE Bdwy. 4988 for 2 nice apt. rooms, Harrison. 95 N. 16th st., cor. Flanders. 5 ROOMS, pleasant, large porch, built- HOUSEKEEPING rooms $15. Stephenson Ins; $40. 808 Belmont., Court. 16th and Mill. Main 5110. SL'S-5-ROOM fuAished upper flat, 345 B. 2 FRONT rooms, clean, walking distance, 12th. corner E. Mill. 91 E. 12th. E. 48o4. $35 MODERN 4-room flat, walking dls- UR two rooms $22 per tance. Adults only. 569 Market st. month: first floor. 573 Third st. FIVE and three rooms, well furnished; ga- NICELY f urnished 2-room apartment, rea- rage. Inquire 854 First street S. sonable. 6S6 Overton, Main 2399. CLOSE in, east side, clean. 5-room fur- 2 NICELY furn. housekeeping rooms; ga. nished flat, $45. East 3607. . light, water furnished. 381 WIk $18.502 JiARGE fhousek-eeping rooma, 2 H. K. ROOMS for rent, t root, , $4 per M-ill st. Call S29 Salmon. . week. 2 h. k rooms. 166 N. 10th st. t37 4-room, furnished flat, close in. 84 NEAT, clean .housekeeping room for one, E. 8th st. close In. 321 6th. NICELY furnished 4 or 5-room flat, 7T5 2 CLEAN front rooms; rent reasonable. Kearney. Atwater 8972. 773 Union ave. N. 5ROOM lower flat. SOO Fourteenth NICELY fur. h. k. apt, 275 N. 21st st. street. Main 5309. 6-ROOM upper flat, furniture for sale. A LARGE room with kitchenette, $5 per $450. 330 13th. Main 5999. week. 494 Taylor. j 4TROOM flat, ELEGANT downstairs flat, hardwood firs,, mahogany fur $55-, WooOlawa 437. FOR BENT. Furnished Flat. THE FAUSTINA. Went aide, close in. modern. Clean, cheerful, 5 rooms, including sleeping j porch, bath, rront balcony, private os ment, also 4 cosy, cheerful rooms and bath, fine view, references. 464 Hall, near 13th St. MODERN, completely furnished flat, five rooms, large oatnroom, an ouuiae rms., lots of light and air, large front porch. Must be seen to be appreciated. Choice w. a. location, easy walking diatancef adults only. Cor. Broadway and Mont- gomery. FLEiAiSAfN-T 3-room flat, with large bath. ; in sunn yei ae ; c lose in ana rw o carlines. Open from 9 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. or phone E. 87 4-3. IOCS East Taylor, near Sftth. ONLY $35; 4-room well furnished lower nat, gas stove, water neater, large oatn, stationary tubs, fine built-ins, for rent or will sell furniture at bargain, part time. COO B. Morrison. East 5534. , NICELY furnished 5-roonufiat, 12 minutes' ride from business district; school, butcher and grocery within block; no small children; $35. Take Mississippi car, get off at Shaver st. . 8C3 Albina. NICELY furnished 4-room upper flat, good location; hardwood furniture; $40.ou, in cluding water, garbage and phone. Adults. East 3305. WELL-FURNISHED six-room, steam- heated flat, west side, right downtown. Income more than pays rent. Furniture for sale. Bdwy. 4884 after 2 P. M. Housekeeping Rooms. WHY PAY carfare, water, fuel and light bills? Furnished and unfurnished single rooms and en suite. Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill, opposite postoffice; free gas for cooking and light, steam . heat the year around, elevator service, cheapest quarters in the city; no tran sients; respectable. Inqjiire of engineei in basement or landlady on 3d floor. FREE. ONE WEEK FREE RENT WHEN SUNNYCREST OPENS JUNE 1. HOT WATER OUR SPECIALTY. WALKING DISTANCE. FUR. AND UNFURN.. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. SOME PRIVATE BATHS. STEAM HEAT, GAS. ELEC. .IXC; $15 TO $35. 186 SHERMAN ST. ATTRACTIVE front H. K. apartment, one large room ana Kitchenette: electricity. steam heat, running water, everything furnished except cooking gas. Walking distanc; children welcome. 624 Flan- ders. Bdwy. 212a. LARGE, clean, single or double house keeping rooms; also sleeping rooms, gas, electric lights, steam heat, everything new; rent reasonable; walking distance. Bo commercial st. EXCESSIVELY clean furnished house. keeping and sleeping room, lovely, airy residence, 768 Park avenue, one block south of Washington street. Phone Main ?(is. Take council Crest car. VERY NICE PARLOR SUITE. 2 large well furnished H. K. rooms. mantel fireplace, running water, all con veniences. Well kept house, low rent. cu Irving, near 21st. 2 LARGE outside furnished rooms, $20 per month ; 3-room apt., $22 ; laundry privilege; located close to William ave. on Russell st. Phone East 765. $21 TWO furnished rooms, electric lights. ground floor, private entrance. 54 E. 16th N., corner E. Davis. J. J. Oeder. East 6894 or East 61. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms, furnished, large yard, fruit, berries, rent $15 ; adults only. 744 Harney ave. Sell wood car. TWO CLEAN, well-furnished H. K. rms., - furnace heat, lights, water, telephone and bath free; walking distance. 346 College street. CLEAN single H. K. rooms, $5 to $10 per month, including cooking gas, lobby, bath; 2 and 3-room suites $10 to $15. The Vaughn. N. 19th and vaughn. $4 TO $5 WEEK, large, clean, completely furnished H. K. suites, baths free, water always hot; save car fare. Hotel Cadil lac, Third near Jefferson. 2-ROOM apts., $25 and $32.50; everything furnished; 2 cheap attic rooms, light and airy, well furnished. 100 22d su N. Main 1630. NEWLY tinted, single housekeeping rooms. none better in town, moaern, io month; also lovely airy sleeping room, $14 a month. 341 nth. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, $u to $ week. Kates by mo. 4Q2H 3d St. 2 OR 3 furn. H, K. rms. in mod. home. White enamel. Adults only. 196 E, 30th Tabor 5501 - 1, 2 AND 3 well furnished H. K. rooms, reasonable. Walking distance. 423 Pa cific St. EaFt 84i4I NEWLY kalsomined large outside house keeping room; $3 a month. 244 Mont gomery st ONE LARGE H. K. room, breakfast al cove and kitchenette; 1 light H. K. room. All clean. 262 I4th st. LARGE.; pleasant rooms, summer rates children welcome, oui Harrison street, above 14th. Auto. 518-13. ONE laree. lieht housekeeping room with kitchenette, modern; also Dasemenr. room. 831 Montgomery st.. near Bdwy THffi BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up. including hot wate. electric lights, laundry mom. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, single and double, $2.50 a week up. Buckeye Apt.. 364 E. Morrison. 9 OR a HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reason able rent; close in. 214 Union ave. N. East 1047. 2 OR 3 ROOMS, completely furnished for H. K., pleasant home; gas, elec lights phone free. Main 70bl. a rooms, around floor, well fur., clean close in; allowance on rent for little light work: adults. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194 NICE, clean H. K. rooms for rent with kitchenette, oatn, ngnts ana pnone, 321 "West, park, corner of Clay. 2 LARGE light H. K. rooms, everything furnished, large lawn and porches. 110 E. 20th. East 8951. T.iRfiR front suite everything furnished $32 month. Call Monday, 410 Goodnough Ding., otn anu lamiiin. TWO housekeeping rooms, free lights and heat, hot ana coia water; $0 per ween. 347 Hall. Main li. 165 E. 35TH ST. Suite, private bath, gas, electricity, $30 ; -upper lioor, io. ounny side car. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, clean ana convenient. 00 in 22d st. SUITE of 3 unfurnished rooms, nicely ranged, cheerful location. 826 Corbett Mar. zaw. BEAUTIFULLY furnished h. k. and sleep ing rooms; must be seen to De appreci ated. Main a-oai. r.tz aaarsnau st. 2-1 H. K. ROOMS, close to dental college, neat and clean. 1740 2Htu. 4W Holla day ave. Phone Ji-ast 73atf. ONE ROOM well furnished, housekeeping telephone, bath. 67 N. 20th st. Bdwy, 4123. ROOM and kitchenette. $4 per week: slngl room for bachelor, $2.50. 327 Third, op posit e auditorium. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. pak location also space for cars, reasonable rates. H. K. ROOM, $10; large, light room, with kitchenette, $20. t mu FOB RENT. Housekeeping Booms. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms In Nob Hill district, unusually clean, bright and cheerful, furnace heat, electric lights, gas. large bathroom and phone fur nished, large reception hall with piano, with which you will have the use. The rent is very reasonaoie. within the reach of all to attain these remarkable rooms. Call at 88 North 22d st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. SPICK AND SPAN. Nicely furnished lower suite, living room, dining room, kitchen, sleeping porch; private bath and phone, use of electric washer and laundry; garage; block from car. Auto. 610-54. S COOL, LIGHT. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE, LIGHT, BATH, WA TER, COOKING GAS FREE; SINK IN KITCHEN; YARD: WALKING DIS TANCE, 654 E. ASH. East 1614. ONE H. K. ROOM. CLEAN AS A PIN, FREE PHONE, LIGHT AND FUR. . HEAT; FINE FOR BUSINESS GIRL; WALKING DISTANCE. BROADWAY 8048. ATTRACTIVE large 2-room apt., light, hot water, telephone, garage free; lovely lawn and trees; must be seen to be ap preciated; ' reasonable rent, 254 Union ave. N. E. 4950. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL iiO-Yl, WALKING DISTANCE. ROOM. WELL FURNISHED AND CLEAN, YOUR BREAKFAST IF DESIRED. PHONE BDWY. 8048. 591 DAVIS ST. LOVELY room, steam heat, housekeeping privilege, an conveniences, homelike, reasonable, walking distance. 401 & 12th street. Main 4015. 21 SECOND floor, 3 nice, large, clean n. k.. rooms, A-l large sleeping porch, lawn, roses, trees, electric lights free; adults. Sellwood 1109. 564 East firh. LARGE front h. k. room, well furnished. nne convenience and phone for business gins; walking distance; $5 per week. 227 21st st. Mar. 1562. WELL furnished room for business cen- tieman aesiring nome privileges witn small refined family, on 21st, near Washington. Phone Aut. 512-14. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, electric light ana pnone, rurnisned, $o per week; or 3-room upper fiat, $30 per mo. East 1053. 120 E. 14th. 3 H. K. ROOMS, bath, electric lights, gas range, cool yard, cheap rent, between Brooklyn and Woodstock carlines. 587 K. 2"th st. TWO large" furnished housekeeping rooms. adults; references exchanged ; walking distance. Call after 6 P. M.. 186 N. 24th st. ONE FRONT housekeeping apt., extra sleeping porch; Riverview. Only $5 week. 582 East 6th st. South. Sellwood 3816. This is a bargain. THREE well furnished h. k. rooma; two adults; close in, east side. Call morn ings, East 83S8. JUST opened, very attractive 2-room apt., newly furnished, light and airy; reason able. Phone Bdwy. 8087. 1, 2 AND 3-ROOM h. k. apts., clean; $3.50 week ana up; tree phone and oath, neat. 141 Lownsdale. NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, $ 1 6 month, adults. 694 Front, corner Meade. ROOM and kitchenette, running water. walking distance, children taken. 827 Clackamas st. E. 8051. CLEAN room with congenial people for young man, $iu a month: walking dis tance. Broadway 2948. 667 Glisan st. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with or- without garage; adults. 330 Glenn avenue. Auto. 235-16. LARGE h. k. room with kitchenette, gas, neat, light, water, phone; turnished, 7 per week. od2 Kearney st. Bdwy. 6620. FURNISHED front room for couple work ing witn kitchen privileges; garage. East 1270. 2 H. K. ROOMS, modern, phone and elec tricity, gas and bath. 254 N. 24th St.. cor. Northrup. Atwater. 1699. CLEAN, attractive 2-room apt., w ith love ly sleeping porch; reasonable. bO North 2 2d st.. corner Davis. NICELY furnished H. K. apt., light and telephone, close in, reasonable. 493 Mont- gomery. 2 OR 3 LARGE, clean ilght housekeeping rooms, iignt, pnone, gas inciuaea. Tabor 3590. FURNISHED housekeeping room, reason able. 124 N. 18th st, Broadway 3951 after 1:30. w- CLOSE-IN. 2 H. K. rooma bath, electric light, gas and heat, $20. 681 2d. corner Arthur. . FOUR furnished rooms, upper flat, mod em. $20 month. Call 121 Stanton, near Mississippi. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private family, one room with kitchenette, clean and airy, 306 14th st. FOUR furnished h. k. rooms, newly papered and modern. 681 Vancouver ave., bet. Cook and Fargo. FOUR cool, clean, comfortable h. k. rooms. all conveniences, close in, west side. Phone Marshall 98. 1 LARGE furnished housekepeing rooms, gas, phone, lights $3.50 week. 449 East i ammn, near atn. House for rent, 5 rooms ; furniture for sale; close in, nice place; adults only, 422 Benton st. LARGE, airy, newly decorated front h. k. room, first floor, $4.50 per week. 206 13th st. 2 NICE, furnished rooms for light house keeping, near Montgomery ward. A nice, clean cozy home. 421 N. 23d st. NICELY furn., clean h. k. rms.; also sleep ing rm. ; $3. 50. 143 N. 16th. Bdwy. 4036. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping room, everything furnished, clean; summer rates. 670 Johnson st. Broadway 7S49. 1 OR 2 BRIGHT, sunnv housekeeping rms, absolutely clean; furnace heat. East 9975, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or in suite. $2 and up. 372 Hawthorne and Union. 2 FUR. h. k. rooms, close in; adults. E. 7th. East 1929. y OF HOUSE for housekeeping for work ing coupie. fliain ooua. 105 2UTH, COR. FLANDERS, neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 266 Harrison Bt. Mar. 43. 1 2 OR 3-ROOM apartments, reasonable. Tabor 3581. 354 CLAY Furnished room, housekeeping or sleeping; adults. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, with bath, 525. 2iH Monroe st. wain, a ia. 2 ROOMS $18, and 3 rooms, $25; elec. and gas. 51 E. l"th st. is., near uavis ex. LIGHT, clean basement room for bachelor, 221 13th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 434 Larrabee. East 5914. 2 H. K. ROOMS, furnished completely, walking distance, adults, ii mn . COZY furnished H. K. suite, $12 per month. 588 Pettygrove. Bdwy. 3423. 2 LIGHT, airy, furnished H. K. rooms. Phone Bdwy. 2928. 309 N. 22d St. VERY nice 2-room apt., sink, hot and cold water. $6.25 per week. 475 Clay at. 2 WELL-FURN. h. k. rooms in home. E. 2305. 321 Eugene st. CLASSY, newly furnished modern h. k. rooms, close in. 430 Mill. THREE beautifully furnished rooms, mod ern, up-t-date nome. m. a.ao. an. 2 ROOMS, newly fur., vacant June 2. 368 Multnoman st. rnone aast pipo. Houses. tftROO f'000 CASH. $30 a month. 6 per cent: 2 8-room houses with ground, near Broadway briage, suitaoie ior o iammes; steam heat, electric lights, gas, hot and cold water, baths, 2 basements, z snops, 458 Vancouver ave. East 6039. FOR RENT or sale, a fine home of eight large rooms, all ready to move in; mod ern in every respect. 781 E. Main, cor ner of 24th. Call owner Tabor 2032, or weekdays E. 2419. B-ROOM. bath. sleeninK and sun porchea. attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, walking distance, wonderrui view, 597 Montgomery Drive. Phone Auto, 528-18. $40 MT. TABOR bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, hardwood floors, flreolace and furnace. immediate possession ; no information over phone. J. L. Hartman Company, 8 Chamher of Commerce bldg. 6 ROOMS, reception ball, modern, in Irvington. 1 block from Broadway car rent $45. East 7737, mornings and evenings. TO RENT your house or flat, see us. W - have a waiting: list. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 40o-6 Panama Bldg. Sd and Alder. FOR RENT Attractive bungalow near Laurelhurst park, hardwood floors adults only. Tabor 3094. FOR RENT, by owners employed, fur nished lower floor of home ; use of kitchen reserved, w BiJ3. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM modern house In Laurelhurst. at tractive arrangement; garage; $55, Phone Tabor 78 1 9. ONE 7-JiOOM modern ho-use. 43112 4&th ave. S.-E. Woodstock car to 4 2d. and Gladstone. TWO ACRES seeded, 5-room house, barn. chicken house, wen. electric lights, r- chara. La.11 rapor duo. FOR RENT B-room nouse and garage. 322 E. 32d, corner Market, East 110, or Bdwy. 62S2. MODERN 7-room house and sleeping porch, close In, 6 blocks to Laurelhurst Park. Tabor 5501 or Tabor 7769. $20 GOOD modern 7-room house, 294 N. 2 ROOMS, $16 month; gas. free elec, light. pnone, pain. avt rourin hl. FOR RENT -6-rooin, modern house. Tabor 8382. HOUSE for rent. Portsmouth. Call at 1731 Exeter st. 4-ROOM cottage for rent with garden ground and garag. juja wet. FOR RENT. HouHe. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? For SALE OR RENT, New bungalow, 9 rooms, clean, up to date, all plastered and tinted, maple floors, gas. lights, bath, built-ins, 5 closets, cement foun dation, cellar, garage, chicken house and yard, 2 lots, block from Mt. Scott car at 6020 83d st. S. E. Will rent to responsible parties for $30 per month find give lease or will sell for $4000; $500 down, $30 per month, inter est 6 per cent. Phone present occupant, Aut. 641-SS, and write owner, J. A, Hauge. Woodhurn. Or. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow and ga rage in Laurelhurst, this is one of the best appointed new bungalows, built this year, white and ivory finish, breakfast nook, gas furnace, automatic water heater, will rent reasonable to party buying some of the furniture; must be rented by June 1. 1145 Hassalo st. Call before 11:30 A. M. ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Excep tional view ; modern throughout ; hard wood floors, fireplace, full concrete base ment. Must be seen to be appreciated. Open 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Sunday. 1088 Wilson st. Take D. M. car to 32d and Thurman, 2 blks. east to Wilson, JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 745 EAST MAIN ST. NOW AVAILABLE. OPEN FOR YOU SUNDAY 10 TO 12. MODERN BUNGALOW, NEWLY DEC. BEST OF CONDITION, GOOD DIST. G. G. ROHRER, UMNTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BLDG. . 7-ROOM colonial bungalow in Irvington, unfurnished, for rent to responsible adult parties for 6 months, $5 per month ; first and last months' rent to be paid before occupancy; a new up-to-the-minute home; possession June 1; shown by appointment. Phone owner. East S423 Monday or Tuesday. 327 E. 9TH, NEAR WEIDLER. $60 3-ROOM HOME $60. Full cement basement, furnace, two fireplaces, wash tra.ys, in first-class Shape. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO., StO'.-k Exch. -ROOM house, nice yard, fruit trees, also Dernes; 'Z laundry trays in oasement; Laurelhurst district, near park: 936 E. Everett St.. near 31st. Tel. East S560; rent moderate; gas range and heater and some furniture for sale. A CANT daidy T-room modern bunga low; good condition; excellent neighbor hood; only 1 block to car and paved street; lias nice lawn and shrubbery; bir garage ; snap for $3.) Phone 613-33 or call at 5S29 72d Ft. Southeast. FOR RENT 10-room house, modem, in Montavilla, double garage and hard sur face road ; 2 blocks from car line, 2 blocks from East Stark st. ; clean. In good shape. O. P. Potts. 1980 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 300. PORT LAN D H EIG HTS. Modern house, combination living and dining room, large Dutch kitcnen, 2 bedrooms, full bath, wash trays, gas, electricity, $30 per mo. Key at 642 Ca ples Bt., Patton road to Caplos. WILL lease 1 year or longer, exceptionally attractive new bungalow, 4 rooms, break fast nook, sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, garage, $50 per month; last 2 months in advance to se cure lease. 292 E. ith St. N. FURNITURE MOVING. Pianos moved $3 up; 30 days fre storage on all crated household goods; let us estimate your work. Atlas Trans fer Storage Co. Phone Bdwy. 1207. Al HOUSE New. view, 8 rooms, Gasco furnace, electric range and water heat er, double garage; will lease, i$1800 per year or will sell for $15,000. Owner, Woodlawn 35. 983 GANTENBEIN avenue, new 2-story 8-room house. Can be used for two families. For rent to responsible parties. -s For price and particulars see Ben Ries land. 4"4 Piatt bidg. 127 Park st. FOR RENT Portland Heights, on hill overlooking new county farm, golf links, large eight-room house partly furnished; city water, electricity, large ground; . references. Mar. 2324. COTTAGE and several acres garden nA pasture land on Columbia river high way for rent to Catholic couple in ex change for work. Write for particulars. BC 6S0. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 8-room home in Rose City, one block from Sandy, run basement, furnace, garage.. See us Monday A. M. No phone calls. Ralph Harris Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce bidg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, Irvington, block to car; lease f$r one year, June 1. Main 5134. Evenings and Sundays, Wal nut 1003. ' CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWEST ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th St. FIRST floor, mod. home in Irvlngton Park 5 rms., bath, mod. built-ins, basement, garage; 4-rm. up. flat, basement and ga rage.' Wdln. 6281, 1185 E. 26th st. N. FOR RENT 1ST OF JUNE. New bungalow, 6 rooms, den and bath. No objections to small children. $80 a month. 361 E. 52d N. FOR RENT 8-room modern house; beau tiful yard, restrictea aisinot, warning distance, near Sunnyside and Hawthorne lines. 564 E. Taylor St. E. 5139. 547 EAST TAYLOR and East 12th, 6-room house; furnace, nrepiace, walking ins tance. $37.50. Tinting ordered. Donald Woo dward-, 104 Second St. Bdwy. VACANT June 1, a modern 8-room house; has fireplace, iurnace, a iare porcn and easy walking distance; adults; rent $55 month. Call 441 11th st. 6-ROOM bungalow with garage for rent or sale on 66th st. ior lniormation can Charles Rudeen, Multnomah hotel, Bdwy. 4080. or Alder market. Main 12S7. FOR RENT New, modern 6-room bunga low, close to car, garage ; no cnuaren; rent moderate. 1171 Williams ave. W d 1 n. 6049. 7-ROOM house, $20; will install electric lights. 2o ! sorter St., ni'ar tLu, went side. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. 5-ROOM house with attic, modern except furnace, $30 ; a biks. car. oid wtn ave. S. E. Will be at property Monday until rented. NO. 610 SPRING ST.. Portland Heights; fine private nome; win ieaae, uun ald Woodward, 104 Second st, Bdwy. 7436. 102 E. 56TH ST. N., one block Montavilla car, 7-r. house; piano, yaru; wunam Woodward, 104 Second st. Bdwy. 7436. FOR RENT June 5, 6-room house, fur nace and garage, n.iu. iast oaia ur Belmont. Tabor 845. PIANO moving $3, furniture $2.50 per hr 2 men, large panaea vans. iown mni fer Co. East 2504. Yours for Service. fi-ROOM house, west side; good district. Rent $60. Linoleum carpets ana gas stove for sale. Call Bdwy. 3500. 6-ROOM modern house, with or without garage; no cnuaren. juonroe sc. Phone Woodlawn 4104. FOR RENT Modern 5-room nungalow with ranges ana unoieum, oo montn. Woodlawn 4047. Adults only. 8-ROOM house, fine condition, walking dista nee. o J. " . x-a-ra. su x u.oor 00 1 v or Main 112J FOR RENT Good 6-room house close to Mt. Scott car on ia st. tan ai service station, 72d and Foster road. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow with garage, ?4o per montn. largueriie avenue. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder st MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty, u. & w. thick Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ROOMS, modern, with good garage; 1 block from street car, Laurelhurst dis trict ; available June 1. Call Tabor 3333. SUBURBAN home, i rooms, electricity. gas, bath, 1 acre prouna, iruit ana oer ries, $35. Main 7tiS1. 6 ACRES with 4-roum new plastered house. 30 minutes riae on uresnam car. iaoor 1041. 2 CLEAN semi-modern cottages, one $25.60 with garage, one u.ou; warning ais tancei Call 371 Larch st., Ladd addition. 7-ROOM house with garage, 467 Rodney ave. Wdln. 5928. MODERN 5-room house, adults only ; thoroughly renovated. Auto. . 610-57. 7-ROOM modern house with -carpets. 530 East Couch, Between nth ana utn. SMALL 5-room house. 5816 SSth avenue S. E. iu u per inontn. rnone oio-i. MODERN 7-room house, rent $35. Call at 795 Oregon st or phone E. 2704. MODERN 6-room house. East 15th and Belmont, adults only; walking distance. 6 ROOMS, clean, walking distance, $40. East 5095. 4 ROOMS and garage, good street car service, at 529 E. Lincoln st. COTTAGE, 4 rooms, close In, near indu. tries. io. "a opaiunig. AT 966 HAWTHORNE, clean modern 7 room house, 3 bedrooms; $55. LARGE, modern house, near dental col lege, on Pacific st. Main 9485. 6-ROOM nearly new house, elec. and ga. East 7809; week days, Mar. 4378. 7-ROOM house, new, buLt for 2 families. 985 Haight ave. Auto. 324-15. 7-ROOM house, 492 Hawthorne. $30. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. , NEW, modern 5-room house, furnished or unfurnished. See owner, Main 330. B-ROOM modern bungalow, 1580 Sandy blvd., $50 per month. MODERN six-room house $25. 171 Whit- aker st. Marshall 4858. " MODERN 4-room bungalow near Portland boulevard. Wdln. 8796. 5 ROOMS and den, modern flat, west side walking distance. Marshall 1289. 5-ROOM house with breakfast nook an4 ail built-in. Call Tabor 6b93 I,