The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 28, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 37

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- 19
Wg need a real li'eiraan whn la Mv
actlvg and aggressive; must invest at
lat $5000 and tako charge of Seattle
brandi for Investment corporation; we
hv a uccessful, -growing business in
- Portland and the right man can make a
fortune In Seattle; will pay reasonable
salary. Call East 2095 for appointment.
WANTED A man with $4u70 to act as
i i dent manager for a food, going
concern; well established; good salary
Wanted A man with $1000; must be a
rood office man and able to meet the
B. BORLAND, Realtor.
222 Henry Bldg. Fourth and Oak.
fittcceoaful growing Portland corpora
tea wane right man for Ua FINANCE
apartment; must Invest at least $5000,
trot will have handling of funds your-
eetf. Q 403, Oregonian.
W want 10 good m en who can earn
top pay. A wonderful opportunity for
workers and square shooters who can
make a smal Investment. See Mr. Cox,
io Broadway bldg.
8 salesmen who can Invest. $350-; each
will be given Interest In newly or
ganized statewide organization; prefer
one man from Pendleton district and one
from Eugene or Salem, V 683, Orego
nlaa, VARTNER WANTED I want a man with
some capital for a good, established
business; will give eal half interest
to the right man. S 665, Oregonian.
WANT a reliable man to invest $250, clean
and honorable work. Can easily clear
$300 month. Inquire 3 to Couch bldg.
A-l AUTOMOB1L1ST, private family or
company chauffeur and all around man.
best reference ; 7 years experience. N
656, Oregonian.
We buy the best materials and know
how to use them; no delays, no mess to
clean after ua. E. 3049,
COOK with ten years' experience on din
ner, fry and pastry wants work. Auto.
Painting, papering, kalsomininq.
We can save you money on your high
class work and guarantee satisfaction.
E. 9212. F. W. Isaac.
WANT position as truck driver or as
sistant,, or some light outside work. L
687. Oregonian.
ING We use lead and oil and save you
money. Tabor 2328.
Absolutely dependable. BF 6S3, Ore
gonian. '
LAUNDRYMAN. A No! T, all-around,
wants position, country preferred. Route
6, box 4A, Oregon City, Or.
RELIABLE man wants work In- garage
driving or any kind of light work. Call
Tabor 3837.
A-l BAND or circular filer wishes position;
A-l references. Marsh, 3038. 2 Cottage
place., 2d st.
PROFESSIONAL trap drummer wants
work with dance or show orchestra: non
union. Garretson, Main 6201.
YOUNG married man, well educated,
would like position as apprentice in arch
itect's office. L 700, Oregonian.
JANITOR Experienced, reference, wants
place club, store or office building. Mr.
Smith, 749 First st. Auto. 511-40.
A YOUNG married man wishes position
as grocery cltjrk; several years of expe
rience ; references. Auto. 612-04.
FIRST-CLASH horseshoer and general
blacksmith. East 903. R 674, Orego
nian. A-l BAKER on rolls and pastry wishes
position, city or country. AP 683, Ore-
CAPABLE man and wife desire manage
ment of apts. or care of country home;
thoroughly reli able. AE 685, Oregonian.
CARPENTER work of all kinds, new or
old, large or small; prompt attention.
Marshall 3183.
DISHWASHER and vegetable man wants
work ; references. Call Main 1651, ask
for W. F. Reynolds.
KALSOMIN1NG rooms, $3 up; papering,
painting, machine, cold-water painting.
East 3rN57.
WANTED Lawn mowing, home garden
ing or odd jobs", owe hour. East 8427,
Wffi FRENCH dr clean and press ladies'
plain suits for $1.50. Joy the Tailor, f
104 4th near Stark. 5 branch stores.
CEMENT finisher by contract only; steps,
floors and porches a specialty. Work
guaranteed. Bdwy. 6601. ,
PHARMACIST Registered, city or coun
try, references, years of experience.
Druggist. 634 Commercial st. '
COLLEGE man. 43, good mixer, wants po
sition representing Portland firm. V
600. Oregoninn " '
BV AN eiuerly man in good health, well
posted, to take charge of invalid or
convalescent patients. Phone East 4610.
GOOD cook, long experience, Swiss-AmerU
can, city or country. O. Luscher, 243
Salmon st.
DRIVER, experienced and reliable, wishes
steady position driving truck or car.
BJ 678, Oregonian. '.
AN INDUSTRIOUS man, handy with tools,
wants a job to take care of lawn or any
kind of work. BP 678, Oregonian.
Prompt service; clean work, best ma
terials and reference. E. 7836,
YOUNG gentleman, auto mnn, wants board
and room where services can pay it;
wages no object. C 697, Oreponlan.
CHAUFFEUR Experienced Japanese,
first-class 'ihaufieur, wants position in
private family. Phone E. 7999.
EXPERIENCED gardener. lawns and
flower beds kept up. Reasonable. East
MAN and wife, exp. waiter and waitress
wish position at beach or resort. E 662,
REWARD To anyone giving married
man work of any Kind; exp. truck driver.
G 674. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS house carpenter will give
ciose figure on building. Reip. Main
WANTED Position by married couple as
janitors; night work not objected to.
Do repairs. D 698, Oregonian.
TRUCK driver in or out of city; can keep
up own machine. G 689, Oregonian.
TABOR 8709 Lathing wanted, will con
tract, will furnish everything.
BOOKKEEPER or office work, lumber ex
perience. - East 903. Y 656, Oregonian.
PRINTER Will work for moderate sal-
ary; city only.
Printer. 346 Front st.
TINTING, painting; first-class work guar
anteed. East 32(19.
STEWARD Experienced hotel, restaurant,
club, resort. 568 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 1995.
HAN wants work as janitor, watchman
or handy man. Tabor 8779.
WANT ED J ob aa farm hand and milker
(Scandinavian). AJ 6S4, Oregonian.
LANDSCAPE work, new lawns ; gardens
taken care of. Phone Main 5835.
lOUNG man would like to drive car back
east, E. Maurer, 320 Montgomery.
RESHINGLING; references; 10 years in
Portland. Prices right. Marshall 4500.
PAINTING and TINTING yea, done right,
with good material. Marsh-all 1416.-
WANTED Excavating, grading or any
kind of team work. Phone 689-70.
UX IT. Carpentry repairs, remodeling,
built-ins. Quick service. Wdln. 6018.
CARPENTER contracts, repairs or day
worn, anepnero. tseu. --t-i.
WAITER, reliable, first class, hotel and
club experience; ref. AN 679, Oregonian.
HOUSE cleaning, window washing and all
Kims or janitor work. Tabor 3768.
CARPENTER will build your home right.
Manny, Sell. 2421.
WANTED Work, handy man. sheet metal
worn preferred. Aider hotel, room 42 i.
JAPANESE wants day work, houseclean
ing or any jobs. E. 2347.
bHi.NGLERS V hen you want shingling
u'ihb reason tui- can -uarKnail lu . .
WORK on a farm by middle-aged man,
luiriuy wnn lums. vv p . uregonian.
2 GOOD teams will do all kinds of work
sand and gravel delivered. Wdln. 8S3.
IF YOU want a small house or- garage
MAN, experienced In meeting people, wants
position, r o::f, uregnp.ian.
GOOD carpenter would contract or repair
new ana oiu. rewsuri'ri rue. fliarsna II J 6'u.
HOUSE CLE A NING, dishwashing, etc.
dresa A J 6S2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man, wife, flunkeys, want
worn in camp. j b;),, Oregonian.
EAST 118.
WANTED Landscape garden work.
East 3621.
GARDENING and lawn work by compe
tent man. Main 5551.
HANDY man, mechanical work, any kind,
v low wages, a c7, Orejronian.
BUTCHER or helper, experienced ' meat
cutter; low wages. AN 678, Oregonian.
LET ME build your home. Estimates fur-
ra e4. Blowers, Lwy. 4008.
. srrcATioxs wanted male.
AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair
for tirea and tubes; supersedes vulcaniz
lzation at a saving of over 800 per cent;
put it on cold. It vulcanizes itself in
two minutes, and Is guaranteed to last
the life of the tire or tube:- sells to
every auto owner and accessory dealer.
For particulars how to make big money
and free sample, addres Amazon Rub
ber Co., Philadelphia. Pa.. Dept. 79
Lancaster ve., Phila.. Pa., mfrs. of the
SOAP, wants agents. Trade mark, prim
and copyright registered in U. S patent
office. This soap removes Iron rust, ink
and other unwashable stains from cloth
ing, mtrtle, etc., like magia, 25c tube;
big profits.
YOU can easily earn $10 commiesion daily,
eventually independence, without capital
or experience, silvering mirrors, plating
and refinishing tabieware, autos. chan
deliers, headlights, bedstead. Complete
outfits furnished. Write for information.
Manton-Decie Laboratories. 28ft Fifth
Avenue. New York
GOODYEAR MFG. CO., 5555-C Goodyear
bldg., Kansas City, Mo., has opening for
salesmen to take orders for tailored-to-measure
rainproof, all-weather coats. No
experience needed. Big commissions in
advance. We deliever and collect. Com
plete outfit and sales Instructions free.
EARN $5000 commission the next 6
months, demonstrating the only fully
, guaranteed low-priced, puncture-proof
inner tube on the market. Advance Punc
ture Proof Tuba Co., 126 N. La Salle
St., Chicago.
owner buys gold Initials for his auto,
you charge $1.50, make $1.35. Ten orders
daily easy. Write for particulars and free
samples, American Monogram Co.. Desk
ftOS. East Orange. N. JF.
CLEAN, Industrious - middle-aged man
wants steady position around an apart
ment or gentleman's residence. Can
milk, care for poultry, repair wood
work. No bum. References. AN 686,
SHINGLING We specialize in reshingllng
ana roor repairing. It will pay you to
get our figure before letting contract;
satisfaction guaranteed: estimates free.
East 192a
Competent Teacher. Best Credentials.
Beginners a specialty. I teach all
EXPERT accountant . and systematizes
LaSalle man wishes small sets of books
and systematizing to do after June 15;
excellent service, reasonable charges.
. AV 59, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR Experienced, careful driver
any make car, married man drove on
most all highways In western states;
honest and reliable; need employment.
F 688, Oregonian.
FURNITURE and floor covering buyer and
salesman wants permanent connection
with reliable furniture company. First
class references furnished. AV 64, Ore
RESPONSIBLE married man with sick
wife must have employment as elevator
man, gardener or watchman. Henry
Riddy, 4520 E. 50th St. S. E.
WANTED, by an experienced poultryman,
a position as manager or assistant on a
commercial ranch. Incubator and brood
er expert. J. L. Carden, Ramapo hotel.
GENERAL mill foreman wants position;
18 years' experience; sash, doors and
trim or stock moulding shop; a firpt
class moulder man. AV 205, -Oregonian.
MAN in college would like to drive a car
east to" coast for someone in June. Ex
perienced in touring. Address Alhambra
140 N. 23d St., Corvallis. Or.
WHY work for others? Make and sell your
own goods. We show you how. Free book
explains everything. National Scientific
' Laboratories, 633 Main, Richmond. Va.
300 PROFIT Every home store, office
and garage needs; easily carried: quickly
sold; free sample. Chapman Co., 824
D wight bldg., Kansas City.'Mo.
YOUNG MAN will sell or demonstrate cars
in afternoons and let salary "or com
missions apply on late Ford edan or
Touring. P 004, Oregonian.
DENTIST Good operator (Oregon license)
, would like to associate with dentist in
city. Ethical man preferre.
YOUNG married man needs work; several
years' railroad office experience; excel
lent typist. Will take anything to start.
Good references. AE 674. Oregonian.
CAN YOU sell accident and life Insurance?
Fine territory open, Oregon and Washing
ton. ' AB C5S, Oregon'an.
JANITOR wants position, hotel or apt.
house; age 4U; ten years' experience, ao
all repair work. East 2296. Apt. 2.
RAILROAD operating man 36 years old.
with claim-aept. experience, wanig po
sition. AV 210, Oregonian.
SHINGLING and reshingling; work guar
anteed; prices reasonable. Phone labor
1758. -
Lowest prices on first-clasa work. J. H.
Jenkins. East 7842.
BANK WORK wanted by young man with
several years experience through vari
ous departments. A 0S3, Oregonian..
MAN WITH thorough business training
wants job with lumber or logging corn
pan y. D 663. Oregonian.
GENERAL gardening, landscaping, flower
beds and lawns taKen care oi. Manor
7613. -
PAINTING, tinting and interior finishing;
experienced workmen; moderate prices.
Phnne Main 3383.
EXPERIENCED man with family wishes
position as meat cutter, anywhere In
city. AM 683, Oregonian.
Al CHEF, long experience, has own crew,
open ror engagement June i. eacn or
resort preferred. AM 684, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED engineer and mechanic
wants work, age 3a. o. Taylor,
Belmont. Portland, Or.
POSITION with grocery firm in or out of
city by ex-service man to learn business.
AG 678, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, American, 18, wants work
where there is chance of advancement
Willing to start at bottom. Tabor 8633.
MARRIED MAN wants work immediately.
odd jobs or truck driving, any make.
Pleaie phnne Walnut 7015.
EX-SERVICE man, best of reference.
wishes a position as- chaufreur, truck
driver or tractor operator. Aut. 610-86.
POSITION wanted as logging road car
repairing. - an-arouna man. a obo,
GENERAL experienced greenhouse man
wants steady place; good worker ana re
liable. Phone Brlcker, Bdwy. 4463.
MASON plastering, brick and cement
work; small Jobs. 118 Russell st. East
1773. 5 to R P. M.
WE BUILD small houses and garages and
repair old ones; rocK-oottom prices. 73o
East Main. East 3550.
HAVE your trees sprayed by Contract by
an expert with power sprayer.
G. W. STOUT, inside finish, built-ins.
hardwood floors; day or contract. Phone
Tabor 4851, ,
WILL take contract to do your hauling;
2-ton Federal, large Dooy; rates reason
able. East 3990. -
MAN and wife desire work as cook- and
helper or man would do other work.
AM 676, Oregonian.
MARRIED man wishes job driving truck,
any kind of work; am able to take care
of same. Wdln. 4230.
ALL-ROUND first-class baker's helper in
bakery or in hotel, in city. W 688.
WILL pay $5 cash for a steady- job- Can
give references. Rhone Main 2S19.
RESHINGLING and new work done; guar
antee dJ3Incel!MjyA rmstrong, 645-99.
GARAGE MAN: Could you use a helper
who knows Fords? Auto. 640-85.
ELDERLY man wishes job as night
watchman: refrpnees given. Main 6133.
W1REMAN for houses, experienced city or
outside, wages reasonapie. Ajarshall 3021
YOUNG man would like work after 8
p. M. Phone Walnut 6993.
RELIEF registered druggist call Wood
lawn 3474. Ask for Harry Herse.
JAPANESE boy wants work; general
housework or porter. Main 2771.
GARDENER wants lawns, spading, aeed-
tng, etc. r none nnwy. Js.anireld.
WANT carpenter repair work for room
rent. E 098. Oregonian.
CARPENTER First-class work, reason-
? able; screens made to order. Wdln. 6295.
RESHINGLING our specialty; prices rea
sonable; work guaranteed. Auto. 325 -1 6.
BOY 16 wishes work. Phone E 7852 aTj
681. Oregonian. ' '
VAIN TIN G. tinting, papering, estimate fur"
nisnu. v.iivi. c-.ctauu, mar. 3S2S
Call Marshall 960. Room 21ft.
WINDOW - screens, mirrors and furniture
re pan u - w n. w u 1 n 14M7
tAUMiu, wuims, papering, good work
reasonable. Sellwood 1399.
TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. Ea
210 day time or.Iy. 240 East 8th at.
PLUMBING dene very reasonable by the
hour or Job. Automatic 23.-61,
Now employed with largest radio Mfg.
- Co. in west; best of references from
present employers; also five years' gen
eral electrical experience. Open for
immediate offer. C. R. Mott, 220 Golden
Gate Ave:. San Francisco. California.
AUDITOR, who can take charge of office,
prepare and analyze financial state
ments, ami with practical experience in
purchasing, sales, traffic and finances,
is anxious to make this experience count
with a progressive concern offering
good future. OA 686, Oregonian.
WANTED A responsible position where
initiative is essential and necessary.
Experience: Former court reporter, rail
road chief clerk, private secretary,
sales, purchasing, traffic, A-l stenog
rapher; no objections to leaving city ;
32 years old and married; good execu
tlve. F 673, Oregonian.
STRONG, capable man with clerical ex
perience and accustomed to meeting the
public would like a position where his
services are Required about 6 hours
aany, a. y. to - P. M. AM 64.
MIDDLE-AGED couple want place in
country, man thoroughly experienced In
all branches farming, fruit, poultry, care
of machinery and garden; workers, re-
nable; references. J 663. Oregonian
POSITION wanted by neat clean, elderly
man, about place, choreman, gardener,
poultry, all kinds of stock; thoroughly
oBpenoaoie in ait Tilings," ii interested
write. S .668. Oregonian.
WANTED A typist for afternoons only;
. stenography not required. Reply In own
handwriting ind mention lines of busi
ness employers have been engaged in.
a Li uregoman.
WANTED Work by auto mech. ; under
stands overhauling mags., motors and
generators. Well . capable of meeting
. public; have tractor experience. BF 677,
COLLEGE man having years' com
mercial radio experience, desires to con
nect with radio manufacturing company
or will consider business enterprise after
June 6. F 674, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, experienced driver, wishes
position driving car evenings, Saturday
afternoons and Sundays, for room and
email compensation; references. P. X
box 467. -
Let me handle your detail work;, ab
solutely dependable; young, married,
have car and common sense. AP 678,
Five pieces. Open for summer en
gagement; seacoast resort preferred;
would consider lease of hall in good
live town. Y 687, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants to spend summer in
country, where he can earn board, room
and a small wage by doing light work,
chores, could also milk several cows.
AF 677, Oregonian.
MAN AG E R Grocery or general mer
chandise store; can show you exceptional
ability in this class of work and put
or keep you on paying basis. AdLress
X 691, Oregonian.
Would like position local investigating
or detective agency, national or local.
Government and local references. R 666,
Oregonian. or Auto 614-10.
RAILROAD traffic man, age 28,' wishes
connection with industrial or exporting
concern about July 1; La Salle training,
college education, 6 . years' experience.
AV 78. Oregonian.
YOUNG man who has had several years'
business experience wants place with an
Alaska cannery or other business for
the summer. Give particulars. AM 687,
SINGLE man, 44, good education and who
knows how to meet the public, wants
position In or out of Portland. S 661,
REGISTERED chauffeur wants position as
driver of private car or truck; or will
drive to California for transportation.
M 697, Oregonian.
GOOD garage night man who knows how
tb handle customers and a man you can
trust wants job. Phone me, his former
employer, for information. Tabor 2S85.
Experienced man, genuine hustler,
wants good proposition. AB 677, Ore
gonian. BY FIRST-CLASS supervising electrician,
new mill installation or operating; will go
anywhere; best references. S 699. Ore
gonian. EXCAVATING, contractors and general
teaming, stalls and car storage room for
rent; fertilizer for sale. Phone East
7569. 510 Kerby st.
A HOOSIER ex-railroad station agent
wants employment of a clerical or light
indoor nature. W. L. Porter, 260 E.
23d st.
YOUNG married man wishes' position; has
good sales ability and can furnish best
of references; must have salary. Phone
East 4 3 03.
AMBITIOUS young mau, 25, with business
experience, wants job with a future and
living wage to start; good references.
AL 681, Oregonian.
BY EXPERIENCED middle-aged :ook.
hotel or restaurant, In or out of city,
good references; only non-union consid
ered. R 695. Oregonian.
MAN WITH thorough business training
wants jod wun iumoer or logging com-
pany. u nna, oregonian.
WANTED By married couple, work
poultry ranch, wife to cook. Marshall
364. Ht aoth. 6th and Alder.
BANK WORK wanted by young man with
several1 years- experience through vari
oub departments. A 6S3. Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants building in country;
wages reasonable. S. A. Eshelman,
Map.pwood, Or.
WILL look after car for room. Experi
enced all cars;' references. Mr. Sutton.
Meyers garage, Tigard.
SALESMAN, bookkeeper, office man wants
opening where he can show results; e
BOY, 16, needs any kind of work at once
either city or country; no home, must
work. Y w2, oregonian
WANT lumber or cordwood to haul, have
a-ion trucK in goca condition. w. C,
Shesberg. 1105 E. 22 d st. N.. city.
FIRST-CLASS elevator man desires posi
tion. E. S232.
Bookkeepers, Stenography rw. Office.
YOUNG man, 26, unquestionable character
ana habits; neat appearing, trustworthy,
wide awake, and energetic, wants office
position as assistant bookkeeoer. tvoist
general or clerical work: some cxDeri-
ence; now studying shorthand; salarv no
object; part or full time. Write L698,
EXPERT accountant, eight years experj
with the government; thorough master
of cost accounting, voucher svstem and
control accounts; married; will start as
bookkeeper with responsible firm at
moderate salary. M 675. Oregonian.
Man with exceptional ability and ex
perience, genuine worker with first
class cost, credit, sales and public ac
counting experience. BF 682, Oregonian.
YOUNG college man wishes position as
correspondent or assistant bookkeeper.
Good penman ; can type ; good habits ;
permanency and opportunity for ad
vancement desired. Experienced and
references. Mnrshsl! 2.169.
Eight years bookkeftping and public
accounting experience. AN 681,'Orego
. nian.
YOUNG MAN with good education and ex
perience wishes position In general jffice
r as stenographer; references. P 653
CERTIFIED public accountant desires to
locate permanently with responsible
business concern; qualified for auditor,
office manager, etc. Address H 091,
EXPERIENCED auditor and bookkeeper
desires connection with going concern.
References. Y 700. Oregonian.
EFFICIENT, experienced stenographer de
sires position; best references. AH 683,
Oregonian. '
BOOKKEEPER, general office man. de
sires position; best references. Tabor
STENOGRAPHER with building contrac
tor or architect; several years' lumber
experience. Phone 461-R, Vancouver
FICE MANAGER seeks charge of one
man office. AE 688, Oregonian.
pable handling Invoicing, orders and all
lumber office detail. BJ 691. Oregon'an.
WANTED A small set of bopks to keep
an hour or two a day. Main 1835.
AUDITS made, systems Installed, books
kept, income tax. Main C6.
BOOKS balanced, posted, systematized,
$10 per month up. Bdwy. 5899.
ANY LINE? Am a producer, know how
to work, do not count the .hours of a
day's work and use good judgment,
can prove ability by present record;
salary, commission. Address X 688. Ore
gonlan. .
Real worker who will stick 'to the
job until results are secured, highest
references; wants connection. A 681,
A MAN and wife traveling in their own
car. both exnerienced salesmen, would
like good specialty. F 694, Oresronian.
a man with present high selling rec
ord. R ft62.;- Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer
desires position; best references, 693,
PRACTICAL nurse wishes place to care for
adult Invalid; am versatile and cheer
ful; or to- act as governess and nurst
to child ; can teach elementary grades
in music, piano or violin, also water color
painting. Interviews Wednesday after
noon. D 690. Oregonian.
WHEN In need of competent, reliable OF
FICE HELP of any kind call Main 8730.
REAU. Miss A. G. Crosaley. Mgr.. 52
Ccrbett Bldg. .
TIONER. Retired art teacher, references given.
Address for interview. 673 West Lom-
bnrd street, city.
Y'OUNG lady, experienced ln shoe repair
shop, would like position as clerk in good
shoe store. Will begin with small wages
with chance to learn the business. Ready
to go to work. Call Bdwy. 7947
WANTED By young woman, a position
In studio where can learn retouching
and general photographic work with
view to buying in as partner. M 665,
PHONE BROADWAY 6953 for competent
office help of every description; quick
service. Williams Personnel, o04 Spald
Ing bldg. Stenogra p hers, bookkeepers.
CROCHET worli. lunch sets. piUow slips
or scarfs, tatting. Armenian laca and
all kinds of embroidering. Bast 9237.
between 8 A. M and 6 P. M.
COOK, at present employed in sorority,
will be open for position after June 10.
Address Mrs. Lucy Sherwood, 2735 Jack
son street. Corvallis. Or
WOULD like children to care for in my
home, school age or younger; good home
and care ; 12 years' experience ; refer
ences. Phone Walnut 7307.
WORKING girl desires to care for chil
dren evenings; references. - Marshall
' 2250, apt. 11, evenings. If out leave
number to call.
LADY past middle aga. -position amall
tamijy, light dutiea, care of convales
cent; moderate salary; would like coun
try; reference.' P 651, Oregonian
LOYAL energetic girl must have work at
once. Prefers clerking or Ugnt oiiice
work of any kind. Stenographic exper
ience: best of references. Mar. 5032
REFINED congenial nurse to travel or
remain at home; no incumbrance, write
or call. Mrs. Allen, 521 Montgomery st
Phone Main 5871.
W" ELL-EDUCATED, refined young woman
desires position either as companion or
tutor to children of high-school age.
East 8054. "
SCHOOL teacher wants position as com
panion; will tutor or take care ot cmi
dren; city or beach. . Phone Sellwood
GIRL., 20 wants work ; experienced in
selling records and phonographs and
groceries, confections and some office
work. Columbia 944.
REFINED middle-aged woman to care
lor chil-dren or s-nut-ms; temporarily or
permanently; references given. Phone
Oak Grove 124M. -
FIRST-CLASS cook wishes dinner work.
hotel or cafeteria. dwy. . mrs.
3 COMPETENT college gins as waitresses
In respectable summer hotel; character
references given. AV 32. Oregonian.
WINDOWS washed $1.50 dozen, all kinds
house cleaning; estimates furnished.
Walnut 6540. "
EXPERIENCED young lady desires posi
tion in dentist or doctor's office. Aut.
WOMAN cook wishes position, institution
or lumber camp preferred. P 698, Ore
gonian -
CURTAINS hand laundered by experienced
woman, tirst-ciass woric; win can ana
deliver. Wdln. 6444. -
A WOMAN who appreciates a good home
wishes employment; Veferences, O 698.
CAPABLE woman desires work in factory
or laundry. women s Protective Divi
sion, Bdwy. 7422.
A RESPONSIBLE woman will care for
children by hour, or elderly women, in
valids by day; ref. Phone Marshall 1S54.
MRS. ANNIE HUNTER would like day
work, laundry or cleaning. Phone Sell
wood 3077. Address 618 Maiden ave.
WOMAN with 8 years' hotel experience
wants position as clerk, linen room or
housekeeper. Address- 121 N. 23d st.
EXPERIENCED teacher wiil tutor chil
dren, foreign-born, people or neglected
education. AJ 685. Oregonian.
EXCELLENT cook desires cooking In in
stitution, restaurant or private home
bv day; ref. Mar. 260. apt. 35.
COMPANION to elderly lady, by refined,
capable woman; free to leave the city.
AG 676. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, experienced casher, would
like position as cashier in store or res-
taurant. Call Bdwy,. 7hy.
WORK wanted by day or hour, go home
nights, good reference, by lady. Phone
Walnut 7046.
GOOD girl, experienced, wants to work
for family going to beach. AO 687.
GOOD cook wishes position in city, coun
try place or seaside, at once. S 667.
Oregonian. ;
EXPERIENCED woman cook wishes pr
sition in camp or . on Large ranch,
AG 687, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work
housecleaning, etc.; ref. Phone Bdwy.
7237, apt. 12.
LADY with small daughter desires position
as housekeeper; prefer place with one
child. AL 684, Oregonian
WOMAN will give Invalid two or three
hours' care a day for board and room,
close In. AR 683, Qregonln.
TEACHER wants to assist in good home
during summer for room and board. AH
688, Oregonian.
WOMEN, employed, would like to do
some light services for nice room.
BF 681, Oregonian.
ALL kinds cane and reed work repaired.
Mrs. A. Dixon, 328 Larrabee st. East
. 3046. ; ;
NEAT elderly lady will care for children
hourly or permanently in their home.
Main 1675.
GIRL wants position as stenographer and
general office work, moderate salary.
Call Monday. East 9200.
MIDDLE-AGED lady will help with house
work; small family; some wages. H
667, Oregonian
GIRL will work caring for children and
doing light house duties. Call Wood-
lawn 6309.
COLORED man wants work, private fam
ily, hotel or apartment house; small
wages. Tabor S768.
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing
or cleaning. Woodlawn 3827.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
3rc hour. Pnone Auto. 647-76.
MOTHERS who wish children cared for
. by hour, Woodlawn naid; references,
PIANO teacher wishes pupils in their
homes; reasonable. East 9318.
DAY WORK wanted, it 5 cents an hour.
Broadway 2480.
EXPERIENCED laundress wishes laundry
to take homej Marsn. 3Q3W.
WOMAN wants day work, 35c hour, and
carfare- E-. 7a5.
GARDENER, experienced, wants work by
the hour. Auto.
LADY wishes position at once; experienced
-.clerking, demonstrating, etc. Mam 3;;
WJDOW with boy 2 years wishes position
witn lanmy. 0 o-jq, uregonian,
LADY cares for children by the hour; ref
erences. Tabor 7444.
DAY work wanted by widow. Call Walnut
YOUNG woman wants day work.
Y'OUNG woman wants to care for children
in her own home.' Bdwy. 4822.
NICE appearing young lady desires job in
cafeteria. Call Sunday. Marshall 2065.
EXP. LAUNDRESS wishes washing, iron
Ing, sewing. Will call for. Mar. 6059.
COLORED woman wants day work.
YOUNG LADY wishes housework. 35c an
hour and carfare. Sellwood 2065.
WIDOW wants clerking in a bakery; have
year's experience. Sellwood 3575.
ALL-DAY work for Monday and Wednes
day. Marshall 3819 evenings.
DAY WORK wanted by competent woman.
Bawy. 2256.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work,
Mon.. Tues., Wed. Sellwood 1932.
COLORED woman, any kind of day's
work; good laundress. Call Bdwy. 1864.
SCOTCH lady wants day work; Al worker,
thoroughly experienced. Sellw. S453.
YOUNG woman wishes day or hour work;
gonq wortter. uto.oio-ai,
WANTED Washing,
ironing, cleaning.
Broadway Hbo.
COMPETENT woman wants day work;
references. ' Phone Walnut 4819.
WOMAN wants work by day or hour;
35c per hr. Auto. 642-66.
JAPANESE school gird wishes position In
small family. AG 683.- Oregonian.
LADY will take care of children afternoon
or evening. Call Aut. 647-03.
GIRL wishes housework; no cooking; good
with children. Tabor 3240.
POSITION as agent for custom-made
corset. BC 6T9. Oregonian.
POSITION as collector or solicitor.
681. Creonian.
COMPETENT woman wants day work;
best rt-frences. Main 1651.
COMPETENT woman wants all-round day
work. egpert laundress. East 680.
WOMAN wants day work. Main 5621.
CAPABLE, experienced business woman
wishes good paying position, offica man
ager, meeting the public, bookkeeping,
typing, etc. AN 684. Oregonian.
LADY wants to go on farm, near Port
land this summer, as vacation, with
lady or married couple and help some
for expenses. AB 699. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady wants
washing ; good, worker.
Walnut 6990.
MARRIED woman wants general house
work; go home nights. AN 682. Ore
gonian. COLORED woman wants day work. East
4300. apt. 4. ,
COLORED man and wife wish job in fam
Hy or apartment. Bdwy. 2977.
WIDOW wants janitor work, experienced.
Call after 4 P. M. Sellwood 3575.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
T TEARS experience In private
switchboard and general office
work. Call Tabor 585.
A. YOUNG lady wishes position, has had
two months' typing experience, can
take short and dictation and has some
knowledge of bookkesvlng; will start
for a reasonable salary. Call Marshall
BOOKKEEPER, 12 years' experience,
wishes temporary or permanent work.
Salary f 125. Would consider half days
at $18 per week. Broadway 2732. Week
.days before ft. after 5.
experience; also can operate typewriter,
- Ed i phone and Wales adder- Call Auto.
610-86 after 12 Sunday.
CAN TAKE charge of office, operate of
fice machines and do all bookkeeping
and stenographic work; am graduate of
high school of commerce. Wdln.. 6596.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, high school
graduate desires stenographic position
five hours a day, $45 a month. Good
references. East 3087. - '
THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau
furnishes, all kinds of office workers.
Good types of girls registered: Rcfer
ences carefully Investigated. Main 481.
STENOGRAPHER, several years' experi
ence, wantsscpportunlty to learn work in
lumber or shipping office. P 662, Dre
ffonjan. INEXPERIENCED stenographer desires
position. Have sorm bookkeeping and
banking experience. Reasonable sa.ary.
A 657, Oregonian. '
GENERAL office work; calculator and
typing preferred ; moderate salary ;
B. W. B. C. Tabor 6545. evenings.
EXPERIENCED woman bookkeeper wants
position. Good penman. Can use type
writer ; references. Woodlawn 3864.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, now em
ployed, desires position; best references.
O 653. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper
stenographer wants work In or out of
city. none wa.'n, ,.r
STENOGRAPHER desires permanent po
sition, iy years experience; rererence.
Sell. 2299.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
wants permanent position ; good rezer- P 678, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer-bookkeeper,
capable and accurate; will leave city.
Sellwood 2901.
I.XPER1EXCED fire insurance clerk-
stenographer desires position; references.
AE 695. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office
woman wishes position. East 1004.
GIRL wishes office position answering
phone, etc.; small salary. Main 60.
STENO.-BKKPR., competent and willing
June 1. AG 684, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires position as stenog
ra p herjreascmablessalanvv
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem
po r a ryorimirdaypositiomBaw
NURSES' uniforms, doctors' coats, aprons.
house dresses, sport skirts; reasonable
rates, satisfaction guaranteed. Main
7346. 333 Mohawk bldg.
ENGAGEMENTS by day; years' experience
in suits, gowns, dresses, remodeling, de
signing; reasonable, work guaranteed.
East 7506.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, beading and
hemstitching at reasonable prices, uor.
11th and Columbia st Main 3501.
YOUNG lady, eight months from Europe,
wants to do nana xinismng work. v
655. Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING, reasonable, at 122 12th
st., corner Washington. Phone Broad
way 6970.
FOR SALE Well-estabiished hemstitch
ing business, downtown. Phone eve
nt nffsMarsnaJI 4722.
DRESSMAKER wanted to share room;
equipped for dressmaking. N. A. Plum
mer. 201 Fleidner bldg.
HEMSTITCHING machine for sale, very
reasonable. Call Monday 503 Columbia
bldg. Bdwy. 7049. -
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; sports wear
a specialty; work guaranteed. EaBt
AT MY home or yours, work guaranteed,
alterattng specialty; prices reasonable.
Walnut 6715.
FOR YOUR summer dressmaking, etc.,
phone Main 4797; dresses $5; best flt
tlngs. 290 Jefferson, opposite city hall.
F.XPERT dresmaking, fashionable, reason
able; satisfaction guaranteed. Walnut
PLAIN sewing and repairing In families.
Phone Mar. 2908 after 6 P. M.
MRS. W. W. L YENS of 149 I3th at., has
moved to 681 Hoyt. Main 6963.
SMART dresses madt from out-of-date
suits. 202 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 3201.
ALL KINDS of dressmaking done- reason-
able. Main 2666.
FINE dressmaking and first-class tailor
ing, reasonable East 9961.
RELIABLE dressmaker would like work
at home or outside. Wdln. 5088.
WANTED Plain sewing and aprons to do
at home. 511 E. Charleston.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew
lng by day. Sellwood 2549.
EXP. DRESSMAKER; ref.; capes; satis
factory work. East 7665.
MODISH frocks, home or out. best refer
ences, satisfaction. Main 338
SPORT suits $8.50 and up. Marshall 3213
or 30 11th st.
PLAIN sewing and dressmaking by the
day : very reasonable. Broadway 4109.
DRESSMAKING at your home or mine.
Marsha.ll 3874.
BEST home, a most desirable place for
convalescents, sunny, airy rooms, view,
. porches, pice grounds, graduate nurse ;
contagious diseases not considered. Phone
Sell. - 1506.
PRACTICAL nurse would like to care for
elderly couple; will travel or remain in
city; no incumbrance. Write or call Mrs.
Allen, 52X Montgomery st. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED nurse spending season at
, Seaside will give a mother's care to
' one er two children; references. Aut.
WANTED By trained, nurse, one or more
light mental or nervous patients to care
for In my home; best of care and kind
treatment. Tabor 4107.
PRACTICAL NURSE can take case at
once, or will engage for maternity case;
women and children only. Sellwood 071.
RESPONSIBLE woman wishes position aa
practical nurse and companion. Mar
shall 1854.
LONG experienced, practical nurse wants
case; excellent references. Tabor S328.
Auto. C43-46.
EXPERIENCED nurse would like cases,
maternity preferred. Wdln. 1586.
FOR TRAINED nurses, under-graduatea
and practical. Phone Mar. 349.
PRIVATE home for invalids; elderly.
Gresham, Or., route A, box 226.
WANTED Practical nursing by day or
week: references. Marshall 2772.
GOOD practical nurse, maternity or other
cases. Mar. 1278.
REFINED widow of 39 yrs. wishes position
as housekeeper In refined gentleman's
home; no objection to children being in
home. No triflers. P 700, Oregonian.
WANTED Management of hotel or apt
house by lady, 36, with daughter 16; 10
' years local experience; husband will do
all repair work. East 2296. apt. 2.
MIDDLE-AGED eastern woman wishes
housekeeping for man or woman; good
home more than h wages; no encum
brance. Wdln. 3310.
WIDOW, capable, desires position as
housekeeper in gentleman's home ; give
full particulars; references. P. O. Tox
302, Portland. Or.
CULTURED, capable widow desires posi
tion as housekeeper, for refined man of
means. No triflera. N 698. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED tailoress and dressmaker
at home or by day. Phone Main 3606.
Call apt. 7. 404 H' Park st.
LADY with little girl wishes position as
housekeeper; home more than wage.
AF 681, Oregonian.
POSITION in gentleman's home as house
keeper where there are children. BJ 684.
Oregoninn. "
HOUSEKEEPER position, widow's home:
will leave city; good cook; state salary;
permanent. R 673. Oregonian.
POSITION in or near city, with boy 30
, years will do day work go home nights.
Marshall 260. room 4.
WANTED Housekeeping for gentleman.
O 700, Oregonian.
WANTED Housekeeping, middle aged.
boy 12; country or city. 331 5th st.
YOUNG woman wishes housekeeping Tor
widower. V 656, Oregonian. ,
H ouse k eepers.
A LADY of refinement, thrown on her
own resources, would like & position as
housekeeper in respectable man's home.
Capable of taking full charge and doing
the buying if desired. A good cook and
clean and neat. A young- woman, pleas
ant and agreeable to have around; could
look after making and care, of child's
clothing; honest, respectable; would con
eider a small modern house or apart
ment; having lived m a nice home. Only
one looking for a dependable person and
able to pay accordingly need reply.
Would consider leaving the city if you
have the right proposition. Would ex
pect an exchange of references. In
answering please state what you have
to offer and salary and phone number.
BJ 693, Oregonian.
DEPENDABLE woman wants light house
work for summer; very reasonable; can
answer afternoons. AL 676. Oregonian.
HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and
ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace
cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol
ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed.
188 Chapman st. Phone 1157.
House cleaning, floor waxing nd
vacuum cleaning; estimate cheerfully
given; best c referencea
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
furnished and unfurnished houses, apart
ments and flats, with definite informa
tion pertaining to each;.. sleeping rooms.
Newcomers to Portland will -find this
bureau of great value In helping them
get properly-and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
apartment or house of four or five rooms
for adults; must be reasonably priced,
close in. absolutely modern, well fur
nished, auiet and otherwise desirable
garage If possible; for six months or
longer. State all facts in letter. AO
6S4. Oregonian.
MAN AND MOTHER wish 4 to 5 rooms,
modern, comfortable, furnished house or
private lower floor, In Sellwood or cast
. side. Cheerful surroundings and con
venient to stores. Must be clean and
will be kept so. Rent must be reason
able. - AC 678. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent- comoletely furnished,
7 to 9-room modern house, with garage
nrefftrahlfl. June 15th to August or Sep
tember 1st. Adults. Best references. Tele-
phone Main 7797 or Bdwy. 4773.
wantkd To lease, someone's handy.
strictly modern, 6-room or larger city
hnmf.! lnr-A vrnunds. first floor bed
rooms; applicant is good pay and good
caretaker, j e;tr, uregonian,
WANTED Rood team horses, about 2200,
with harness and farm Implements as
part payment, plus some cash or smaller
lot. elsewhere, tor uoxiuu view 101, on hl
Tabor. E. F. Herts, Vancouver, wash,
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room furnished
house by June 15; must be clean and
modern; eat side, walking distance pre
ferred. Rent not more than $30. Call
East 8729.
WANTED, any time before June 1$, or
-room furnished home oesr or reier
nf!M fi1vn. Ca.ll Aut. G3-9-6S. Dr.
Ingal-ls; will take g"ood care of nice
MARRIED couple, no children, desire to
rent lurnished o or o-room nouse. win
taii-a t Ho vmat para nf vrvthine. Ref
erences. For convenience address BJ
679, Oregonian.
rURNLSRED home, iiher house- or flat,
exceedincriv aood care of furnishings;
responsible couple; term of occupancy
to suit owner's convenience. Phone East
I4N FURNISHED strictiy modern house
with garage, by man and wife. Prefer
suuuroan or country piace or wilu mi.
yard. " Best of references furnished, wiil
take lease, can Kenwood -no.
FIVE-ROOM furnished house, modern. In
good neighborhood, by reliable party em
ployed, by Portland Investment Banking
house. References. Rent must be rea
sonable. Phone Main 9325.
WANTED To lease for term of years,
adults only, 5-room bungalow in Irv
Ington, Laurelhurst or Rose City Park,
jinder the hllL Call Tabor 1022, morn
ings. 5-ROOM modern bungalow with option to
buy after year, rent to apply on sale
price. Rose City preferred; furnished or
unfurnished. Tabor 4938.
WANTED 3-room house to rent, unfur
nished. Must be modern and fairly close
in to business district. Phone Auto.
LET US rent your house and collect your
1011 Chamber of Commerce Bldg
3fODBRN 3-o-rm. fur. house, east side,
by June 5; one child; must have place
for car; not over $35, Write L. J.
Heaiund, 105 E. 11th st. S city.
WISH 5-6-rm. bungalow, or consider 4
room if strictly modern. Must be in
best residence district. $40 to $50. Per
manent, references. AE 677. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, small furnished house
with garden on Mississippi. Broadway or
N. and S. cars: moderate rent. Phone
Bdwv. 1422. '
SMALL family desires by June 1 or lo,
furnished or unfurnished bungalow In
Rose City Park, near school; permanent.
A-l references. AR 676, Oregonian.
WANT modern, unfurnished, 6 or 7 -room
house, with garage, good district, on
pavement; references furnished, Mrs.
Hall. Broadway 7381.
WANTED Furnished double house, two
flats or something that will do two
families. Phone Main 5060. Mr. Green.
COUPLE wants to rent modern 4 or 5
room house in good neighborhood. Phone
Broad way 6933.
FOR RENT S acres with 4-room new
plastered house, with attic, 30 minutes
ride on Gresham car. Tabor 1041.
WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats
and can rent yours; .et us handle your
property and collect your rents.
C. A. WAGNER CO. 230 Stark St.
SMALL house In Rose City Park district,
either furnished or unfurnished ; no
children. Tabor 466L
6 ROOMS and garage In good district;
must be modern ; can give references.
Egst 1149
WANTED Furnished 4 or 5-room modern
bungalow with option to buy after year;
close-in location preferred Mar. 1573.
WANT small furnished house with ga
rage; reasonable. Address W, H., 243
E,r Washington st. Write.
WANTED To rent furnished 4 or 5-room
cottage, east side, walking distance.
E. 6169.
S TO 12-ROOM unfurnished house suitable
for housekeeping suites; will take lease.
AO 694. Oregonian.
WANTED To lease 6 or 7-room unfur
nished house with garage. B. K- Knapp,
333 East 7th. Phone 212-52.
ROOM and board for gentlemen; refer
ences require-. Tabor 8171.
WANTED 4 or 5-room house, furnished.
Tabor -135L
SMALL apartment or housekeeping rooms,
Hawthorne or Sunnyside district. Tabor
2 OR 3-ROOM unfurnished apt., close in
(references), not over $30. N 095,
BY REFINED young "woman, employed
during the day, furnished room in pri
vate home or apt.. Nob Hill or Willam
ette Heights; reasonable; references ex
changed. BP 657, Oregonian.
WANTED Bachelor desires furnished rm.
In private home. O 676, Oregonian.
KoojiiH With Board.
BOARD and room for father and son in
country on farm not over 15 miles from
Portland; must be on good highway and
near ear line; must give mother's car to
boy of 9; state all conditions In letter.
' AR 678, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, bookkeeper, wishes nice
room, also breakfast and supper with
family. Would like to feel at home and
associate "with the people he lives with.
Write P 697, Oregonian.
WANT good home and motherly care for
little girl where she can finish Wood
lawn school; good pay. AK 682, Ore-
go man.
WOMAN employed, with little girl 7,
wishes place to board; must be pleasant
surroundings and best of care for child.
A 693, Oregonian.
VBNERA1"D Jewish societies wh to
get in touch with families who will
board and. care for one or more chil
dren. 354 lUt.h st. Main 30iS3.
SCIENTIFIC treatment for nerves and
stomach trouble given for room and
board, near East 15th and Flanders. BC
681, Oregonian.
YOUNG man and elderly mother desire
place east side, near car, garage. Give
phone, location. AO 697, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN music teacher desires to
give piano lessons In exchange for board
and room. AC 67", Oregonian.
A HOME for an invalid lady in Alberta
in which she could have a kind and
motherly care. C. S. preferred. East 2529.
WANT a good home for girl, 14, by June
1. AE 680. Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
COUPLE wants 2 unfurnished housekeep
ing Vooms; desirable location; reasonable.
West aide. AE 690, Oregonian,
Housekeeping Rooms.
WOMAN employed, wishes housekeeping
room in pleasant home wnere uiiie gin
of 7 will have beet of care throughout
day. M 692, Oregonian.
MOTHER and boy. 7 years old, want 2
partly furnished housekeeping rooms
where boy can be left during day. East
HOUSEKEEPING room by employed lady.
walking, distance; not over $10; preier
piano. AH 677, Oregoniam
Busim-ss Flares.
WANTED TO RENT Building large
enough for grocery and meat market in
a good resident location. J. W. Baxter,
157 Sumner st. .
WANTED TO RENT 2-story building
with floor space of about ohOO ft. on
each floor. Address 0 Washington st
WANTED One medium-sized room or
two small rooms in an office building, at
f moderate rate. N 700, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent well-
furnished 5 or 6-room flat; must oe
close in and reasonable rent. Call Main
WANTED Light 3 or 4 -room furnished
lower flat or apartment; preferably west
side. Marshall 1573.
WANT to rent, 3 or .-room apartment for
2 people by June 10; furnished or unfur
nished. Main
NICELY furnished small flat or bunga
low for two adults on east side, close
in. East 9S92.
A REFINED couple wants 3 or 4-room un
furnished flat. Bdwy. H933.
WANTED Pasture near Portland for 15
head of horses. Adress 370 First St..
city. Tel. Mar. 3013.
APT. SLEEPING porch. Rooms,
ment room. 57 Trinity Place,
way 3741.
Furnisited Kooins.
Suite with bath; also single rooms
with or without bath, from $20 par
month up. 166 ST. CLAIR. COR
Phone Broaf? sy 5830.
ANGELA HOTEL, 025 Washington s.. A
clean, respectabie place to live; free
phones in each room, automatic eleva
tor, large, comfortable lobby, restau
rant in connection, near Washington
park, Multnomah club and hospitals;
reasonable rates, day, week or month.
$1 2d PER DAY, $6 PER WK AND UP;
Modern, respectable, clean and newly
furnished suites and single rooms; one
blk. from theater and shopping district.
124 14th st., at Washington; rate $5
per week and ud. $1 dav: fireproof.
large, attractive, spotless rooms, close
to amusements and shopping center.
CALL AT Y. SI. C. A. to see free list of
moderate-priced rooms for young men in
all parts of the city, including xooma at
the Y. M C A. with phone ifc each
room, shower baths and club facilities.
Rates il a dav: a week S5 and no
private bath, $8; fireproof and clean;
cios3 to business center.
HOTEL ROWLAND, 207H to 2114
4th St.; centrally located; rates 75c. $L
$1.50 per day; with bath, $1.50, $2, $2.50
Special rates $4 per week and up.
n73 Washington.
Light,' clean rooms with or without
private baths; reasonaoie rates; perma
nent or transients.
451W Washington St., under new man
agement, C, S.; clean, respectable place
to live; rates $5, $6. per, week up to $10
with private bath. "
2 LARGE front rooms, private home, near
Laurelhurst Park, furnished or unfur
nished; fireplace, garage and storage
place, X 655, Oregonian.
Rooms 50c day up $3 week up; clean.
light; hot and cold water; steam neat
elevator service. 204 Columbia.
2 NICE rms. : warm. Bunny; sleeping porch
if desired; P. Heights; lovely view; free
phone; 2 in family; breakfast optional;
bus. men preferred. Main cmf.
YOUNG man wishes to share modern
aoartment with congenial man of re
fined taste. Give reference. P 6S7.
Oregonian. t
Attractive rooms and suites at reason
able rates by week or montn.
2 BEAUTIFUL connecting rooms In Irv
ine-rnn: suitable for two br four eren
tleraen; breakfast and dinner if desiredL
' 725 Tillamook. East 5652. W
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man
agement, 632 Washington st. Modern,
private baths, free phones; reasonable
rate; $3.50 week up. Broadway 6831.
HOTEL CONRADINE, 22 North 10th at.,
2 blocks north of Washington a. , fire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very
reasonable rates by day or week.
HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St.. cor. Stark.
Under new management ; modern pri
vate baths; phone; reasonable rates; $3
and up; hot and cold water, steam heat.
have a furn. apt. while In town? H mod.
room, private bath, $12.50 per week.
San Marco, E. 8th and Couch. East 1990.
THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder: A RE
up. Ratee oy week or month.
50c DAY, $2,50 week up; large, abso'utely
v clean rms.; baths free- water always hot.
Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson.
FOR RENT Light and airy front apt.,
also sleeping room. 167 First St., bet.
Morrison and Yamhill. Call at studio.
SLEEPING room in apartment, to gentle
man, Nob Hill district; references. Call
after 11 o'clock, Marshall 2145.
HOTEL OXFORD, opposite Blue Mouse
theater; desirable outside rooms, $5 per
week; new, clean and respectable.
CLEAN sleeping rooms, $1.50 per week
, and up. Free bath; large lobby. 412
19th st- N.
Cor. 17th and. Couh; large, well fur
nish edin3on able rates.
CLAYTON hotel, 105 12th st., near
Washington. Good clean rooms, $4 per
wk. and up. Also private baths.
Washington and Fifth Streets.
Special permanent rates.
ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Uth St., near Mor
rison Clean and modern rooms by day,
week or month at reasonable rates.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at UUh
$1 a day; weekty $5 tnd up; free phone
and baths; light and airy; steam heat.
FRONT room, well furnished, 3 windows,
large porch, modern. 327 6th. Marsnall
2 SLEEPING rooms on the top floor, $10.
227 21st st. Mar. 15fi2.
NICELY furnished room, west side; walk
ing distance; reasonable. Bdwy. 5193.
Unfurnished Rooms.
LARGE front rooms, private home, near
Laurelhurst Park, furnished or unfur
nished; fireplace, garage and storage
piace. X 655, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
IRVINGTON Eiegantly furnished room.
Broadway or Irvington car. East 4073.
NICE room, very close in, for one or two.
410 Salmon. Mar. 1020.
VERY deairabie sleeping rooms; close In.
330 Park. Main 2973.
SLEEPING room, nicely furnished, with
bath, $15 a month. 412 E. 9th N.
UFURNISHED room with breakfast. 62d
and Davis. Montavuia car, lnone 212-62.
A FINE froom, with or without breakfast,
hot water heat, close in. East 6381.
1 NICE front room with kitchenette, near
car, $4.5fr per week. Phone Tabor 302.
NICE, clean rooms for rent. 385 4th st.
NICELY furnished front room with priv
ate bath. Phone East 2905. 760 E. Main.
208 11TH ST. Large, well-funished room;
every modern convenience. -
FURNISHED ROOM, reasonable; good, car
service. Walnut 6frOO. 1121 Union ave. N.
NICE cool front rdtom, for 1 or 2 gentle
men. 414 Salmon.
NICELY furnished bedroom for lady em
ploy edjkltchtmprlvllege
2 LARGE front rooms, well furnished, gas
range, fine lawn. 992 Mallory ave.
LARGE room for gentleman, bath and tel
ephone; reasonable. 289 13th st.
FURNISH EQ single room,
tance; $10. Main 8278.
walking dis-
BEAUTIFUL room In Ladd's addition;
reasonable. E- 8518. 6I Elliott ave.
NICELY furnished front room. 635 Ev
erett St. Phone Bdwy. 5009.
ROOM for gentlemen; refined family;
references. 729 Gljsan W. Mar. 3613.
257 12T H ST., room and dressing room,
hot. cold water, two men.
ROOM for rent. 1283 Hawthorne; gentle
man preferred; references.
NICELY furnished room suitable for one
or two at 422 Jefferson. Main 6746.
LADY wishes roommate, age from 25 to
30. N. 692, Oregonian.
VERY desirable large front room, walking
d-.stance. oimj k. salmon. East 8363.
LARGE, light front room, close in, east
aide, $12. 355 Stevens st.
Furnished Booms In PrUate Family.
WALKING disrance business center, nice
rooms, attractive and clgan; new fur
nishings; large closets. ICvery conven
ience. Good location. One room and
den with private entrance; fireplace
and built-ins. Splendid disappearing
bed. Use of parlor and plano; all home
privileges. Reasonable, 703 NorthruP
Matn 6C93.
WALKING distance, business center, nice
rooms, attractive and clean, new fur
nishings, nice closets, all conveniences
and home privileges ; also one ; a den.
with private entrance, fireplace and
built-ins, splendid disappearing bed, use of
parlor and piano, reasonable, nice porch
and flowers. 703 Norfhiuo. Main 6H93.
LOVELY front room, brhrht and plenty of
fresh air; large clothes closet : private
family. 3 adults, people of refinement:
for lady emploved or gentleman pre
ferred; $30 per mo. Call Main 1680 for
appointment or 69 Northrup.
LOVELY, clean, well furnished, in a com
fortable home; Nob Hill district; very
reasonable rent.
MAIN 5050.
B E A V T 1 FT' LLY furnished room, private
hunalow, close in, Hawthorne district,
screened French doors direct to veran
da; garage if wanted. Gentleman only.
Tabor 7129.
SU'XiN YSIDE home has two lovely fur
nished rooms; one with twin beds, one
with double twd; will consider breakfast ;
good car service. 151 E. 25th. Phone
East 54.".3.
IF YoU are looking for a real nome, walk
ing distance, room, well furnished and
clean, vour breakfast if desired. Phone
Bdwv. 8(MS. 591 V- Davis st.
NOR HILL Large, comfortable room with
hot nd cold running water, suitable for
one or two; reasonable. 777 Irving. Main
EXCLUSIVE front suite and single rooms, -
running water, twin beds, phone, splen- -did
view, fine garage, close to business -,
cftntT. 321 12t!i, corner of Clay.
PORTLAND HE IG HTS. pleasant sleeping
room, with or without Kitchenette, rea
sonable; adults preferred. W 603, Ore
gonian. NOB H ILL, beautiful, extra large room.
finished in blue; If you want something
different, see this; summer rates, Broad
way 2958,
LOVELY room, steam heat housekeeping
privilege, all conveniences, ho me i ike,
reasonable, walking distance. 401 & 12th
st. Main 4015.
HAVE a nice furnished room for business
man In Laurelhurst home; garage priv
ilege; references; C. S. preferred. East
PLEASANT, comfortable rooms for ladies
In a select home; all conveniences;
close to center of city. 234 10th, cor.
Main. Main 73S8. '
VERY desirable well-furnished corner rra
quiet, private family, good summer loca
tion, plenty of hot water; gentleman;
references. Marshall 3891.
2 LARGE front rooms in private home.
meal if desired. 664 Wasco St., lrving
tonfdistrtct, close to Broadway and Irv
irtcion car lineJ
TWO front rooms, each suitable for one or
two ladies or married couple empioyea.
One person $10, two $13. Near Oaks.
Sell. 1938.
CONGENIAL young man wishes room-mate;
also sleeping porch, parlor, piano
and home privileges. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy.
WEST SIDE, no car fare; nice, clean room
in modern riat; large ciotnes ciosei;
c ose to bath; reasonable. 228 10th St.
Phone Main 6758.
NICE modern room, 5 min. to business dis
trict W. S,, $12. 497 Harrison st.. near
14th. .
LAURELHURST Nicely furnished sleep
ing room In lovely home, every conven
lence. H block to car. Tabor 2437.
DEZENDORE Apartment; large room with
alcove, furnished. Ivory enameled bed
room suite, apt. 304. Mar. 2401.
TO PERMANENT people. 1 week free rent;
newly renovated, nicely furnished. Main
SEE THIS Attractive room In Irvington
home, sleeping porch; close In; Broadway
line. Call East 8601.
SMALL room to woman employed, walk
ing distance; rent $10. Call and inspect.
58 Lucretia St. Marshall 3516.
NICELY furnished, large, clean room and
private dressing room with lavatory;
e?sy walking distance. 215 14th st. "
LAURELHURST A well-furnished, nice
room, close to car service, with or with
.out garage. Tabor 978.
NICE sleeping rooms. Iron beds; also use
of piano and graphonola, $15 per month.
210 N. 23d st. Aiarsnan n-t. -
NEWLY furnished rooms, including use of
baby grand piano; walking distance.
Hd wy. 44 .
ELEGANTLY furnished room In a swell
private home, suitable for two young
men. 71 Trinity piace.
ROOMS with breakfast if desired, in vi
cinity of municipal golf links. Phone
Sell. -2-0 0.
HAVE good home-like accommodations
- for ono or two young men. 129 E. 12th
st. Bet. Alder and Morrison.
STEAM heated furnished room, all mod
ern convenience. do- vouch, uciwocn
17th and 18th. Apt, a.
FURNISHED room, walking distance, west
side; also lovely Housekeeping rou
Main -4421.
LARGE, unusuaiiy comfortable homelike
room for gentlemen, quite modern place.
Mar. 17iSu. 30- irarK. cor, jim.
LARGE, comfortable front room, modern
home, ' desirable location, waiauis va
lance. 697 Marshall st. Marsn. 1-10.
$4 SPLENDIDLY furnished, room, exclu
sive home, tor j. or geuiieiiwu. o-
shall 1450.-
ROV'-.M In modern home, suitable for
ladles- kitchen privileges. 28$ a S4
st. Tahor 9049.
FURNISHED room for one or two, work
ing girls preferred. Inquire at 412 San
Rafael Ft.
NICELY furnished room in modern home,
one or two gentlemen, garage If de
sired East 6907.
EXCEPTIONALLY nice room, widow g
home, central, quiet, respectable; $12.50
month. 415 Bdwy.
WILL give a nice room to a teacher In
exchange for a little teaching for school
child. References. F 689, Oregonian.
ATTRACTIVE room in modern Irvington
home, near two car lines; reasonable. E,
1845. .
MEREDITH, swell 3-room, modorn, front,
walking distance; low rates. 22d, and
Washington. Bdwy. 614. ,
NICE sleeping room for rent in private
family, close in. 20 East 12th S. East
8912. .
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 1
blk Hawthorne ave.; shade trees and
roses. 741 E. Madison.
2 WELL furnished rooms In modern apt.;
lota hot water; 5 min. from business
center; readonabl Hall Main 3622.
A VERY desirable large sleeping room,
west side; a gentleman. 454 Montgomery.
Main 2M70.
CLEAN, nicely fur. room in beautiful
home; also attic room. 84 North 21s,
c o rr. er fc-verett.
ROOMS, women employed. 302 Park St.,
corner Columbia; women tfhly.
Rooms With Hoard.
201 NORTH 20TH ST.
Rates by day, week or month.
Meals served to transients.
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the comforts of a home.
Reasonable rates.
735 HOYT ST.,
Single room and suites, spacious lob
by and porches, pleasant surroundings,
some non settle pi i'in:irS.
253 Sixth Street.
Portland's downtown hotel; excellent
board and modern rooms ; single and
en suite; rates $45 month and up. Cater
to transients.
West Park arid Montgomery.
Residential hotel, rooms with and
without bath at reasonable rates; con
venient and comfortable.
SUCH a nice, cool place to room and
board; home cooking, 2-room, twin
beds, si; porch, W. S., walking distance.
Bdwy. 4633.
Excellent room and board with pri
vate bath, 1 sleeping porch. Main 8605.
712 Marshall st.
WILL have room for 2 more roomers and
boarders by 1st of June; also sleeping
room for ladies or gentlemen. 692 Ever
ett. ,
EMPLOYED lady with child over 2 years,
the use of kitchenette and room fur
nished, with home privileges. Mother's
care to child; close to car. Walnut 5102.
ROOM and board for business g?n; all
modern conveniences; walking distance,
5 per week. Auto 219-74. 12 E. 7th St.
ROOMS, double and single, hot and cold
water; meals; home privileges; $30 and
up. 770 Marshall. Main 4878.
ROOMS with board, private bath, by Juno
1; .also single rooms. Main 3S42.
ROOM and board, modern conveniences. .
Mar. 2781. 774 Northrup.
452 MORRISON, choice rooms, board op-
tlonal: Modern conveniences.
RESIDENTIAL hotel, ail new furnishings
ready June first, 794 Lovejoy street. .