THE SUNDAY OTtEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAT 21, 1922 9 HEAL ESTATK. For SaTe Lots. CAM. TODAY. JOTTN-SON-DODSON 0.. Branch office. E. 15th and Shaver St. Phone Auto. &28-4S. W have a number of choice lots left In this district, bounded en the south by Irvtepton and on the east by Ala meda, only 1 minutes' ride on Irving ton car tram 5th and Washington; con venient to school, car and new city jvark; surrounded by new homes, all ready to start excavatfnfr; $600 up for Inside lots: $1000 up for corner, witb. all Improvements in and paid; some can be handled with $100 cash and $10 monthly. ' FEMNSOIA DISTRICT. CtelOO; $250. half cash. SOrlOO: $900. $100 cash. $10 monthly. 80x100; $950, $900 cash, on Maryland aw, close to Jefferson blrh: all 1m provementa la and pald. KA3T 25TNH AOT KNOTT. Corner, E. face, surrounded toy rood homes; $1850, all improvements paid; $100 cash, $100 every 3 months: inside lots in this district. $900 to $1400; all improvements paid; some terms. OTELir.AMT3TT!ra WBIG-HTS. Corner 100x100: t&OOO; pavins, slde- waijca, euros ana- sewer in ani paio; a blocks to car; surrounded by good homes. AtLAMEJDA ViHW. 80x140, south front: all improvements paid; level, no trees or stumps; price $1SOO; terms. LADIS AIXMTION. For a short time we can sell you a lot la this e!oe-in addition for $1000; IS0 cash, $10 mon-thly:' 2d mortg-age privilege; all improvements paid. "WEST STDfPJ. On Wilson St.. near 30th, north face; sll Improvements in and paid; $1100, $300 cash, $10 monthly. mzuimooD cab. $595, $30 cash, $10 monthly; macadam St.. sidewalks, curbs and sewer in and paid1; 1 block to car; about half-way to Sell-wood. ACROSS PHOM COH.TJMmA PARK. iOOxlOO, fruit, berries, frraoes: old shack: faces the park; block to car; $200 cash, easy terms. NEAR COIAJMBIA PARK. MorlOO; $450, 10 per cent down. $10 monthly. TRVT''GfpO(N. $1400: on E. 20th. near Knott: all im provements in and paid; East face. OLMSTBAD PARK. 80x100, on Eunkley ave.. facinsr n. e. ; hooded, excellent surroundings; 1 blocks east of car; all improvements in and psJd. Price $1450. B9HX1O0 CORNER. Facta s. on 18th and Beech: all lm-ovsmen-ts in and paid; near school, oar and now park. Price only $1300. OOTSroE CITY MMITS. KSr&S5: city water, sras,- electricity; $5 assorted fruit trees. 3 8 varieties, all in feill bearing; $1000; $100 cash. $10 monthly. NOTICE. WW hams lots In all parts of the city at xcsptlonally low prices and easy terms. ' JOHNSON-DODSO.V CO., 89 1ST. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. $7S0O BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. West Slope of Mt Tabor. 60x100 65x100 75x100 or Larger. Two car lines, all large resi dences In this district: inspect the district In the vicinity of 56th and E. Salmon sts. : paved streets, sewer and water to curb; inside 50x100 feet lots only $1500; cor ners $1750. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. . WBSTLAWN ADDITION. 50x100 ft. lots, $350 up; 10 per cent cash, balance 2 per cent per month: convenient to car, stores, school, library; within 15 minutes' walk of Kenton in dustrial center. A great portion of this tract is covered with bearine; fruit. This is an excellent chance to secure a good lot with small cash outlay. Come out Lombard to Peninsula ave.. 3 blocks north. Salesman on ground 1-5 Sunday. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 806 Board of Trade Bldg, Bdwy. 3860. . WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD LOTS. Overlooking the proposed site for the 1925 exposition; fronting 100 feet on the boulevard, running back to and front ing 100 feet on Orient street; can be cut Into 3 nice lots; price $3700, very easy terms. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. ALBINA AVE. LQT, NEAR Peninsula, park; all Improvements in and paid; price $850; terms; corner Albina and Russett St., about 9000 Bquare feet: beautiful view lot, seeded to lawn; double garage. Price $1350, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 1RVINGTON Do vou like a large lot? 66 2-3 front on Stanton St., with beau tiful evergreen trees; substantial homes in this district; $2000 buys it. Don't be sorry after it's gone. Today call Tabor 4139. R 1TTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2'-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50X100. corner 42d and Hancock; a beautiful building lot, $1500, half cash, balance easy terms. R1CHANBACH & CO.. 605-7 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. ROSE CITY DISTRICT What is this lot worth to you? Look at East 66th, facing east. 100 feet north of I-ailing, then come in and put up your proposition. Someone is going to get a good buy. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg! IN PIEDMONT 100x118 lot; corner Haight and Port Innd blvd.; walks, curbs, graded street, sewer: close to Kenton car and Penin sula park; a beautiful homesite. Price $1350, easy terms. JOHNSON-DODRON CO.. 633 N.-W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVI.VUTOX $1250 cash: beautiful west front, less than one block to Broadway car; all improvements paid; why go into less desirable neighborhoods and pay as mwh. Today. Tabor 4139. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $450. ' Corner lot in Holgate addition. East lith and Mitchell streets. Improve ments in and paid for. One block to Sellwood car. Owner. Commonwealth 1'ldg. Broadway 13. - IRVINGTON $11500; special: on 22d street, close in. and all Improvements paid. See us before buying In this choice district Today. Tabor 4130 RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $800 PART CASH. Very choice homesite. 50x100, one block off Sandy, east face; water, gas piped In lot: sewer In, paid; lovely trees. IOSEPH H. BERRY. TABOR 2663, . IRVIXGTON'S best corner buv; on 17th St., east and south face; neighborhood built up with new houses: $1875 for s.iort time. Today call Tabor 4139. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. KE.N'TON DISTRICT. 50x100 ft. lots for $400: 10 per cent cash, balance $10 per month JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. SQ6 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860 LAURELHURST CORNER, On Flanders oversized, only $1300. See it today. Ta bor 413f RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS. -'01 --'-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 00x100 LOT. all planted in garden. J400 reasonable terms; on E. 33d N.. between Holman and Ainsworth; sewer assess I?,',ri.t D""ded which buyer must assume. Wdin. 2251. 60x250 $5 DOWN, $10 per month: no re stnctlons; o blocks to street car and 2 blocks to a cement sidewalk: a money .'aving proposition for a man who is r.ntinff." Phone Olsen. Tabor 1542 200x200 ON 2.1 D and Lambert for $1800. tan you beat it? Let us show you this dandv buv. ,T21R- -I',WE co- Realtors. 201-23-..-! Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE 50-foot lot in Portland im provements In. Jean Stallings, R. 1, LA URELHL" RST BARGAIN Burnside st , I?1 16,'bJ.ot ? SOxIOO. splendid loca tion. I15..I. M.i Cnrh"tt St. FOR SALE or trade, corner lot 511x103 feet for cattle or what have you? Clacka mas. Or., R. 1, box 80. -iacka LOT IN HOLGATE add., sacrifice suTe money for you. Marion hotel. First and Madison. . FOR SALE By owner, bargain. Division st. lot, between E. 55th and E. 57th sts opposite Franklin high. East 2017. LAURELHURST, fme street, East Oak" beyond the park: 50x107: $1350: 58x 160. $1n'(l. Thomson. Mohawk bldg. COR. 100x100 THURMAN st $4500 . : Laurelhurst cor. 78 3-10 front, 100 deep' 50 ft. hack end. 266 3d st. ' Main 16831 $1050 FOR 1RVINOTON' lot between 27th and 28th. on Hancock. Owner. East 47i 50x100 LOT in Piedmont for sale by owner ISM. Wdlo, 4648. BEL ESTATK. For Sale Lot. 1, 2, 3-ACRE TRACTS. VERY EASY TERMS. PARKROSE NEW UNIT. Rich slit garden land, some all cleared, some in trees; running spring water, beautiful view of mountains north of Sandy blvd. and car line, the last unit of Parkrose to bs opened; take ad- ' vantage of our low prices and ex tremely easy terms, secure a tract of land where you can raise enough garden, berries and chick ens to make your living expenses; branch office open every day; take Rose City Park-Parkrose car; go to end of car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bide. -Broadway 6034. PLYMPTON ACRES. $675 AND UP. You'll make a mistake If you buy before you see this beautfiul addition of to 1-acre tracts. Thousands of dollars have been spent putting in rocked and graveled roads; Bull Run water Is piped In front of all tracts; very rich garden soil, some tracts in berries. Plympton Acres is just outside the city limits, where you'll have no city taxes or assessments to pay. Why pay a big price for a city lot when you can buy 4 to 8 lots for the same price in Plymp otn? Pay $25 cash and we will arrange credit so you can get some lumber for your little home. See us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Bdwy. 6550. 416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. Largest lot and acreage subdivision sellers in Portland. 55x110 FT. EXTRA LARGE. WILSHIRE WILSHIRE WILSHIRE. $475, only $25 down, $15 month, Bryce ave.; gas, electricity and water connections; quit paying rent, buy today, move into your garage until you get your house built; branch office open every day, corner 33d st. and Bryce ave.; take Broadway car ; go east to ; 33d Bt. . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. , I WAVERLEY HEIGHTS. Most unusual building sites of 1 aero or more adjoining Ardgour and Waverley links; abundance of dogwood and other native trees, accessible to city, lower taxes, ex cellent . car service, most varied views and beautiful surroundings; unlimited possibilities for architec tural ingenuity. Plat of .property and other information gladly given. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 3207. HAVE AN INCOME. MR THRIFTY MAN. Build a double bungalow or two family flat. I have some choice lots suitable for the purpose in a choice location, only about 20 min utes' walk from city hall, for $1200, some less. Second -mortgage privilege. All improvements paid. PHONE BDWY. 5754. EVENINGS EAST 7738. ASK FOR DELAHUNTY. 64TH ST., ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 2 BLOCKS SANDY. $50 DOWN, BAL. $10 PER MO. & INT. $590 TOTAL PRICE. Camp out this summer, save rent while you build. There is a garage shack on this lot; gas, water and cesspool already In. See Mr. McQuilkin, GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 630 Chamber of Commerce. No Phone. $545 ROSE CITY PARK. East front. 50x100 feet. 61st st., 50 feet north of Siskiyou; sewer improvements paid. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Biggest bargain ever offered In this addition; over 100 ft. frontage, level building site, even with st. grade; mag nificent, unobstructed view, all Imp. paid; $2500, terms. J. G. Ralney, 517 Abington bldg. Broadway 6269. TERWILLIGER HOMESTEAD. , t Close in, west side view. Lot 11, B. 4, $1100. Lots 4 and 11, B. 14, $1100. Lots 2 and 9, B. 13, $750. Will take late Ford sedan or State bank deposit. Wdln. 6260. Bdwy. 2045. J. R. HAIGHT. OWNER will sell cheap, lots 10, 12 and 14, blocks 4, Richmond Addition; high, dry and level, all modern improvements; can sell from $200 to $400 worth of Eng lish walnuts and fruits from large trees every year. Look at property, be sure and make offer. Address Charlie Knapp, Grand Ronde, Or. BEAUTIFUL view of Willamette river and west side hills. We have some choice lots at prices ranging from $850 fcor inside lots to $2000 for high-class cor ners. For appointment today call East 6103. . RITTER, LOWE CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' $350-$ 650 IRVINGTON. 20 lots, 50x100 each; to close an estate, will sell inside lots for $550 and corners $650; sidewalks, curbs and sewer in and paid. RUMMELL, & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. and 39th and Sandy Blvd. Broadway 6729. Automatic 320-60. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER, paved all around and paid; $1175 will buy it. Remember, this lot faces east and south and is level with the grade. Today call Tabor 4139. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. 100x100, near Stanton and one block to Broadway car, $2200, easv terms. McDONELL, EAST 410. LAURELHURST $1500 F loral. near Ollsan. Can you beat it? See our big list of Laurelhurst homesites before de ciding. Today Tabor 4139. RITTERt LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $395 WEST SIDE, unsurpassed view home site; 6th, near blvd., 5 minutes by auto: street graded; build or camp; city wa ter and gas: small payment down, $10 per month. 6 per . cent. Main 7472, or evenings, 6630. IRVINGTON build a auplex.on this fine iot on Weidler, facing N. 125 ft., east of 21st. and make your home pay for Itself. Look it over, then see us. Tabor 4139. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS SACRIFICED. Owner going away, 3 lots 45x125 each; fine corner, level, sewers, sidewalks,' etc.. paid ($1077 assts. paldl, fine soil, $400 eacn. tun .mock ex. otog. Mar. 3324, 50x120 ON UNION AVENUE, BETWEEN TES9UP AND JARRETT STS., ALL AS SESSMENTS AND TAXES PAID: PRICE $1500. ROBERT MILLER, 28 N. 5TH. BROADWAY 5054. $1800 BUYS EAST BROADWAY BLK Good for stores and flats. This Is a real bargain. See Mr. Jones at once F. E. BOWMAN & CO 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A SNAP Two beautiful lots, all improve ments in and paid for; lot 7. block 5 in Laurelhurst, $1200; lot 3. block 44 Ala meda Park, $1000. Phone owner. Broad way 7744. CHOICE lot, close to car, on Killingsworth ave., business district; sidewalks, sew ers, electricity and gas:, everything clear for $450. Woodlawn 3796. BY OWNER: Lot, excellent for business building, on 27th and Alberta, next to garage. AL LAURELHURST Beautiful Tot, 60x160 level with street, near park, $1250 Own er, Woodlawn 1710. IRVINGTON PARK S. E. corner 28th and Jarrett, sewer, sidewalk paid, $500. Ta- uor --i LAURELHURST Lot 4, block 84, $1673 lot 21. block 83, $1750. Marshall 5785 evenings. LOT IN ROSE CJTV PARK; 47th St. 1 blocks north Sandy blvd. Phone E. 7140 -vionuay aiier o r. m. FINK location for residence. 40x106 lot only $700. Between Hawthorne and ONLY $25i). Kit 50x100, just east or East moreiand;(50 down, balance easy. Ta bor 2601. $650 LAURELHURST. full lot, paved. Tabor 3001. Leaving., Clackamas, near LOT, Westmoreland, by owner. Col. 815, uuHiuess fiuurs. LOT on" 17th sU Westmoreland, $500. LOT BARGAIN, Irivngton district. 808 Concord bldg. LOT FOR SALE CHEAP Rose City Ta bor 3773. h,.-,m: . TV b: ...-..a- A.i.i t $ 1250; next te corner, 100u. Tabor 6441 REAL ESTATK, For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON LOT BUYS. $1850 16th, Knott to Stanton. 3500 75x100, N. E. corner 21st and Tillamook. 3000 75x100, inside, adjoining. 880095x100, N. W. corner 22d end Tillamook. i 1450 20th, north of Tillamook. 1450 13th, Knott to Stanton. 1075 50x100, 7th, north of Knott. 1575 50x155. Weidler. west of 24th. 3150 100x155, Weidier, west of 24th. 1200 Faces S. on Stanton, near 1J car. 3700 100x100, N. W. corner 19th. 2700 100x100, N. E. corner 14th and Stanton; will divide. 1600 100x80, N. E. corner Tillamook and 29th. 3900 100x100, S. E. corner 23th. and Hancock. 2650 N. W. cor. Clackamas and 17th. 675 20th, south of Klickitat (no hard ' surface). 823 28th, 100 south of Stanton. 2175 75x100, 13th, Knott to Stanton. 1050 90x100, N. E. corner Hancock and 29th; can deliver 200x200. 1850 N. E. corner 16th and Klickitat. 1850 Corner Knott and 24th. 1850 Corner Knott and 25th. 1400 Inside lot adjoining. 1300 Corner 28th and Stanton; one is 115, another Is 53x100. . 900 26th, Brazee to Knott, 40x100.' 775 Facing south on Broadway. 50 feet east of 31st. 985 Corner adjoining. 1050 24th, north of Fremont. 1300 27th, ISO feet south of, Thomp son, one lot or two. 2500 75x100, face east, 20th, Brazee to Thompson. 850 40x120, 27th, north of Brazee. 1160 26th, Knott to Brazee. 1250 15th. next store, near Brazee. 1000 50x100, 14th, near Stanton. 1950 Corner 19th and Stanton. 1750 100x90, facing south on Han cock, or north on Tillamook, 100 feet east of 29th. R. T. ' STREET, Irvington Realtor, East 894. Residence, East 4280. ADJOINS COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND MIIRRAYMEAD. MAYHEU PARK. . Sewer and water connections to curbs, pavement in and paid; this is really one of the closest In re- , etrlcted residence districts on the east ride; 50x100 feet lots, only $1250 to $1350 improvements fully paid; go see the district. Just south of Harrison St. on 22d St. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, '8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. TERWILLIGER HEIGHTS. Plan to drive ' out along Ter williger boulevard today, near the upper end. investigate Terwllllger Heights. Many things will surprise you: The wonderful views, views to the north, east and south, the gentle slope of the ground; just right for your home t command unobstructed views o the city, river and mountains: the easy grades of the driveways; the won derful, stately fir trees, the thou-" . sands of dogwood trees, now in bloom; you will find the greatest surprise of all when you learn the . price for you will admit that these are the greatest values ever of fered you. Let us tell you about the improvements, transportation t and the restrictions. R. F. and O. W. Bryan, 508 Chamber of Commerce building. Bdwy. 3963. BURRELL HEIGHTS Up-to-date 8-room home located in best residence district on east side, 100x170 feet ground on cor ner; lots of fruit trees and most wonderful shrubbery that can be obtained. Many other good features too numerous to describe. IRVINGTON PARKS-ROOM bungalow on 50x100 comer hardwood floors; full ce mented basement; garage; a bar- ' gain for you. ALAMEDA PARK. 6-ROOM bungalow on 55x100 choice corner; built 1 year by day labor and of best materials. If you want a good as new home for less see this. Phone or see Ell Simonson, con tractor and real estate, 259 Mor ' gan bldg. Main 2015. NEARLY TWO-ACRE TRACT. BEAUTIFUL STREAM. . SHADE TREES. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. $20 DOWN, $20 MONTH, nearly all cleared, level, free from rocks, rich silt garden land; ideal home spot. In our last unit of Park-! rose, which has just been platted; you can build a little home here and raise garden, berries and chickens; north of Sandy blvd. and car line; come out today; branch ofice end of Parkrose car line; take Rose City Park car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. LOT BARGAINS. ALAMEDA Best district, $1000; a beau tiful corner, $1400. JONESMORE 72d st.. two blocks from Glisan St., price $650. E. DAVIS ST. 150 feet west of 52d St.. north front, 50x100. $500. PENINSULA PARK N. W; corner Al bina ave. and Dekum, one block from Peninsula park, $990. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bwdy. 1658. BAKER CITY PEOPLE ATTENTION. BUILD AND SAVE RENT. I have a corner in Baker City; lots 11 to 14, inclusive: blk. 36, Pacific ad dition; 100x100; sold for $300 a few years ago. You can have it for $150. $l0 down, $5 monthly. W. M. HUDSON. . 483 Willamette' Blvd., Portland, Or. $25 DOWN and $15 mo. for a level build ing site in Peninsula district, 100 feet from paved boulevard; just the place to keep a few chickens and have a nice garden. Today call East 6103. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of rade Bldg. IRVINGTON LOTS-LOTS. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF IRVINGTON PROPERTY. SEE US FOR BARGAINS. 50x100 75x100100x100. - NEITHAUSEN & CO.. MAIN 8078, A BEAUTIFUL Inside lot across the street from a row of fine houses, Irvington dis trict; $1200 buys It. Let us show you. Today call East 6103. w .RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, A 201 -2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICE Westmoreland lot. st. ' im provements all in and pd. ; good view, close to Bybee on 20th; absolutely the biggest bargain In Portland. Bdwy. 4835. Mar. 1788. $100 LAURELHURST $100. I own fine building lot, liens $725; will take $125 cash. Sunday and even ings. Marshall 5963. Weekdays Bdwy. B779. IRVINGTON LOT BARGAIN 150 feet N. of Siskiyou on 17th; all cleared; leveL Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078. For Sale Houses. $4500 IRVINGTON $4500. 8 rooms, choice 19th, Weidler " loca tion; not new d!dg., but fine construc tion; buy from owner. E. 8015. LAURELHURST 9-ROOM HOUSE. WANT SMALLER PLACE. OWNER. 448 SHER LOCK BLDG. BROADWAY 5118. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME KNOTT st,, corner. Phone or call for appointment. Neuhausen & Co., Main 8078. BUY FROM OWNER. New, modern bungalow; also 7-room house: west side. Main 5412. FOR SALE By owner. 3-room house, partly furnished, near Peninsula park. Terms. Wdln. 6821. MODERN home in Nob Hill district, five bedrooms, 3 baths, sleeping porch, mod- ern conveniences. Aii ti'J4. uregonlan. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, furnished or unfurnished, for sale or rent cheap. Call 1610 East Davis. Montavllla car to 62d. 6-ROOM modern home, west side, $5760; lovely 8-room Irvington corner, $8250 Tabor 6337. GOOD 6-room house, extra large lot, 11 fruit trees; also 2 close-in vacant lots; improvements in Tabor 8519. MONTA VILLA BARGAIN A snap; buy er's last chance: 2 houses; look today. Owner. East 8015. NICE little home on 34th st. N. for $1500; will consider car as part payment. Phone Walnut 7397. FIVE-ROOM house, 2 lots, 23d and Tlb betts st. Reasonable terms. Owner. 712 Dekum bldg. E. 2305. BUNGALOW Modern In every respect 438E. 11th North; $5000, terms. Owner. FOR SALE Modern. 7 rooms, full lot 107 E. 78th st. N. ; $4500, $2000 cash. SAM) E. BDWY.. 8 rooms, furnace: 10 yeare old: 84400. East 3592. , MODERN 7-room house, $2400, $600 cash. tAUTiL .KILlinzKwnrth au REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, YOUR HOME IS HERE I . see FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. . LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. A HAPPY SOLUTION TO YOUR HOUSING PROBLEM! Let the McGUIRE SYSTEM help you become permanently and satisfactorily located in a HOME OF YOUR OWN. without loss of time and worry, and at least ex pense! HUNDREDS OF REMARK ABLE HOME BARGAINS are on display in our great, new show rooms, every fa cility of our large, efficient organization is placed at your disposal: EVERY HOME PERSONALLY INSPECTED AND APPRAISED. We'll help you make your first payment If necessary! OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY! FOR SERVICE, call Brdy. 7171. 80 Salesmen with . autos. THE PRECIOUS HERITAGE THAT you ALONE CAN leave 40 your children the reoollection of a contented, well-ordered Home It's YOURS to give! OWN YOUR OWN HOME! ... VISTAES FAR AND NEAR! DISTINCTIVE WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS . .. $8490 $8490 HOME OP OTTTF.T miRM itJD DIGNITY, built for people who ap preciate the finer things in life. One of the most beautiful, expressive Homes on the Heights; 7 rooms; GASCO FUR NACE, 100x113 grounds. EMBRACES A WONDERFUL rANORAMA OF RIVER. MOUNTAINS AND WINDING VALLEY. Aspen street. SUNNY PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $6290 EFFICIENT. BEAUTIFUL. THE VERY ACME OF COMFORT. That's this charming, new 7-rm. striking corner bungalow In Pied mont. Fine large living rra., 14x28 . . across the front, with bookcases and fireplace, hardwood floors; French doors lead to dining room; handsome buffet; kitchen with tile sink, etc., tile bath: 4 bedrooms, built-in wardrobe: RADIO PIPELESS FURANCE; garage; CONSTRUCTION OF THE BEST; near car and Jeffer son high. Skldmore st. Terms. AN ALAMEDA BEAUTIFUL. $5990 OWNER LEFT ALONE, wishes to dispose of this beautiful bunga low before June 1st. and has greatly reduced the price. BUILT FOR A REAL HOME. It em bodies all or those better fea tures, all of the care in minute detail that you seldom find; 5 large rooms, and room for o ; more up; HAS EVERYTHING. ALAMEDA DRIVE. Can arrange terms. DINNER'S ABOUT READY! "JUST BRING HOME THE 'BACON'.;' COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $5250 LINEN. SILVERWARE. DAINTY BRIC-A-BRAC. Persian rugs, overstuffed furniture, drapes, etc., EVERYTHING IS HERE. You don't have to bring a thing, but the food. ROSE CITY PARK, below the hill; exquisite BUNGA LOW; sun room, combination living and dining room, complete kitchen, built-in beds, floor gas furnace, hardwood floors. FRENCH DOORS, OLD IVORY FINISH and tapestry; beautiful lawn with rare shrubs, flowers. . etc. . VACANT. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. E. 47th st. Terms. THIS WILL REALLY EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! ROSE CITY! -ROSE CITY! SACRIFICE! REDUCED PRICE! THE BUNGALOW THAT YOU MUST SEE! $3790 BRAND NEW, BEAUTIFUL 5 room ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, combination living and dining . room across tne front, dlnlng t room is paneled. ONE OF THIS DISTRICT'S rrtETTIER, NEW ER BUNGALOWS. EXCEPTION AL CONSTRTCTION, WORK MANSHIP AND MATERIAL; garage. E. 33a st. A WOMAN'S DELIGHT! A MAN'S COMFORT! UNDREAMED Oif HAPPINESS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY in this beautiful, cool, summery home bunga low in FRAGRANT IRVINGTON PARK, among stately trees. Radiates the at mosphere of real hospitality and cozy attractiveness; 6 rooms, with eaves and projecting dormers, that 'give those un usual lines; especially large are living and dining rooms, big fireplace; paneled; large white -Deitch kitchen with every economical convenience; up are 3 sunny bedrooms with roomy closets and bath; garage; beautiful lawn; shrubs, etc. THINK OF THIS Only $500 down ENTIRE PRICE IS JUST $4490 DON'T HAVE ANY AFTER REGRETS. SEE IT NOW! E. 28th St. CHICKENS ARE GOING TOO! SACRIFICE! OWNER LEAVING CITY! WATCH THIS GARDEN GROW! $500 Down! $300 Down! $4490 $500 down. Wny be crammed In a stuffy apartment or flat, on a DUSTY, NOISY STREET, with not even A OANDELION OR BLADE OF GRASS TO CALL YOUR OWN, when you can have A COOL, GREEN PARADISE LIKE THIS? A low, rambling 6-room, rustic Drown bungalow, with great, shady porches, built . Ins and every modern feature: ' furnace, fireplace, music room. 3 light bedrooms, etc.; '100x100 , grounds In a wonderful state of culture, with FRUIT, ROSES. BERRIES, GRAPES in PRO FUSION, ornamental trees, etc. ; THIRTY FINE RHODE ISLAND CHICKENS INCLUDED; 2 blocks to car and school. 58th Ave. WE ADVISE SEEING THIS TODAY (PUT THE ROSES IN THEIR CHEEKS!). REE THIS STUDIO-BUNGALOW! $4930 SOMETHING NEW IN THE REALM OF BUNGALOWTECTI TURE; 5 rooms: designed and built by a PRACTICAL IDEAL IST. VACANT. Large living room with artistic fireplace; hardwood floors and French doors; gray enamel finish: every convenience built-in; glass hard ware, etc. E. 48th St. ALL OF THE CARELESS STUDIED T-PJ??1 of a STUDIO, and the ULTRA CONVENIENCES OF A BUNGALOW. Terms. $3150 $500 down! HAWTHORNE! COME HOME TO ME! T PROMISE you comfort and rest. ?,af?,ni'JlVsy da's- and quiet evenings. NO BURDENS TO CARRY! NO LOADS TO LIFT! NO RENT TO PAY! I'm warm in, winter, cool and airy in sum rjtll ? a ,very surjsUntially built, artistic bungalow of 5 rooms; living iences that will save you many a step; -bedrooms and bath; NO MORTGAGE OR LIENS TO ASSUME! IN HEART OF HAWTHORNE ON E 37th st COME OUT AND SEE ME h St 4?'llIv?rPTATHOIlN'' HOME. 3150 YOU'LL BE PROUD OF THIS . attractive little bungalow. in -one of the best parts of all Hawthorne; hardwood floors; btiilt-lns, combination living and dining rooms, French doors, music room. etc.. gas furnace: all improvements m and paid; ber ries, fruit. E. Grant St. . . ' THE GLORY OF SPRING $4890-18 1 FULLY TYPIFIED IN THIS thZ LNT tt-room BUNGALOW. i.Va...Jhi"h no more artistic or MirltA" reTer "signed. IM MACULATE IN WHITE; French HARDwnonSES AND BUFFET; HARDWOOD FLOORS; clean K?fcyher,':hift6,,ena'nel Dutch with wtU" men' basement 7, c5SaC: CHICKEN HOUSE v.caf hav" fresh eggs for A NTTMRxf"100411' ereen lawns: A NUMBER op FULL Ttl?AT - INO FRUIT TT1FPS. . ?ermLahN'G Eft SCOTDISTRICTanged- MT" BE-A7rPlTI' BRENTWOOD , ' COOL AND INVITING 36o0 $,-.00 down WORLDS OF FRUIT; i-.,J!rounLa- COUNTRY AD- - 'Infi ""ehtful 5-room, big bungalow, large living room and the "fronT?" 6aCh ret imJ taPe?tr3 built-in buf bedmmenas.. kitcl. 2 cheerful ' Knox s? anAI?x,m 'or "Other. .ESS like rt? dOWn- monthly ON THE PENINSULA EASY TERMS. SIX ROOMS ' $3990-THIS IS WHATSU'RLOOK , ga,B? 0f &,arg! . roond6 S?W1? basement wun furnace; 8 Tru" the6 klfdTeP.eS; Jal? tor kiddies. N. Syracuse St. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ' To Buy Your Home Realtor. - Abington Bldg., Bdwy. 7171 Sd St, Bet. Wash. & stark NOTE: We have an opening on our Salesforce tor a salesman with. cor. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. YOUR HOME IS HERE! See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE. $500 down. 25 fruit trees. $3250 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW HOME IN GOOD CONDITION. . being newly renovated ; has every mod ern convenience; garage; in WOODSTOCK, only one block to car; 25 BEARING FRUIT TREES, berries,- flowers, etc., 120x100. SACRIFICE AT THIS PRICE. 59th Ave. GET OUT INTO THE fctJNSHINE AND , BREATHE. REAL ALBERTA BARGAIN. $8100 AND EASY TERMS, will make you the owner of this comfort able, modest ALBERTA BUNGA- IjUvv uuiiAUJi or o rooms; street. BIGGEST SNAP UN HAWTHORNE. . $375 down! $375 down! $2490 $375 down! 10OK AT THIS cozy, clean, i-ROOM HAW . THORNE bungalow with lots of built-in conveniences. IN BEST OF CONDITION. BEING JUST NEWLY RENOVATED THRU OUT; fruit; garage. WHY HESI TATE? A REAL SNAP Is being offered you here. E. Taylor St. PUT" YOUR CAR IN ON A HOME. $2290 $35(. down. HERE'S A REAL BIG SNAP on the Peninsula in a 6-room, comfortable, substantial modern home; 3 nice bedrooms, etc.; full lot with plenty of gar den space. MAN with a family, this will suit you. Delaware St. KOZY MT. SCOTT. $1015 HERE'S A NICE LITTLE PLAS TERED 3-room cottage on corner ' , lot; 1 bedroom, electric lights and gas; PLENTY OF FRUIT AND BERRIES. Terms. 49th Ave. "NO MATTER HOW HUMBLE, there's no place like home" (with no rent to pay). See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg., Bd-wy. T1TL 00 at., .pei. wasn. and stark. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A REAL HOME IN LAURELHURST. WE - HAVE IT. BRICK TO SECOND STORY SSSiS- FLOORS UPSTAIRS AND DOWN; FINISHED IN WHITE IVORY EVERY UP-TO-DATE FEATURE YOU COULD PUT IN A HOME, INCLUDING Ilk 5.TH AND DRAIN BOARDS. FULL PRICE $12,000. YOU MUST SEE IT TO APPRECIATE. OWNER GOING G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. .' MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS ; s $7850 IRVINGTON $7850. For quick sale we are off&rinr that very desirable 8-room house. 523 E. 25th st.. near Knott. It's a. splendid Irvington hom, hard floors, replete with everything modern, four nice bedrooms, tiled bath. Bleeping porch, double ga rage, nice lawn, shrubbery and flowers. It's a great bargain at $78-5 0; $2000 cash w I M hand-l e Inspection by appointment. CR-OSSLEY & ABBOTT 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. NEW $3700. 1 h. -story bungalow. combina tion living and dining room, 2 bed rooms, plenty closets, Dutch kitch en, breakfast nook, ivory enamel, all white plumbing, laundry trays; sewer, garage, concrete basement and piers; $750 cash. Owner on premises. 13 38 E. 33d N. A. B. car to Emeraon. A HOME IN PIEDMONT where school advantages are unsur passed; close to two care lines, Williams ave. and Union ave. Large living room with oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, dining room, built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, two bedrooms with wardrobe, closets, bath on first floor; three bedrooms second floor; lawn and shrubbery, garage; best sur roundings; shown by appointment; price ! $7000. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $2500 FURNISHED. 931 E. 16TH ST. N. Five-room house, completely furnished, on beautiful 50x100 lot, 8 bearing fruit trees, abundance of small fruit and shrubbery. Also a $400 garage. 1 block Irvington car. Look at it today. CITY HOMES DEPT.. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7567. WEST SIDE: NOB HILL. Fine corner home; massive stone fire place, hardwood up and down; furnace and all built-ins; garage; $15,000 value. Ask me about it if interested. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, Realtor, 817 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN 6-room house, large grounds. . fruit and fine garden ground ; paved streets. Take Woodstock car to 39th, one block south to 851 39th st. Come and inspect the property, make your , own deal; now. vacant. Owner on ground all day Sunday. A wonderful buy for somebody; $800 cash will han dle;8; nearly 1 acres; will divide. Owner, Tabor 7853. ALAMEDA PARK. BY OWNER. 6 rooms, completely modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, white woodwork, screened porch, full basement, furnace and garage. Street improvements all in and paid. $5750. cash $2500. 830 Dunck leyave. Phone Aut. 314-98. ROSE CITY. A REAL HOME FOR $3000; MOD ERN ; $500 CASH ; BALANCE E AS Y TERMS. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC.. eUITE 405 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAYS A.m EVENINGS. ROSE CITY. By owner, new 6-rm. bungalow with attic large enough for 2 rooms: full ce ment basement, Fox furnace, hardwood floors, tile sink, garage, E. facing, strict ly modern and best of construction. 525 E. 44th st.. near Brazee. Open Sunday t to 4 P, M. Call evenings Mar. 5634. ROSE CITY,' ONLY $500 DOWN. New 5-room bungalow, good location, close to car, tement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet; garage; full size lot; easy term. MARSH & McCABE CO..v 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Broadway 6528. $3250 NEW BUNCALOW, paved street, terms; large living room with hardwood floors, two bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, built-ins, ivory enamel, laundry trays, large basement; full lot, close in; im provements paid; two blocks to car. Owner. Woodlawn 5035. ALAMEDA PARK. 7-ROOM I -STORY BUNGALOW. Fine arrangement and lots of light; all modern built-ins with ivory finish throughout: hardwood floors, fuil 7-foot basement, furnace, etc. - PHONE OWNER. AUTO. 328-52. ; TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. We are instructed to eell this lovely 175-acre farm; has al stock and equip ment, good ,et buildings; we are going to sell thla, so you better be first. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtor LAURELHUR-ST colonial; one -of Laurel hurst's most beautiful colonial homes; Burnside st., overlooking park; large grounds, splendid construction, oak " floors throughout, tiled bath, unusual design. Ant. 313-4S, Tabor 3433. ALAMEDA-IRVINGTON. Artistic; modern 5-room bungalow at 875 Fremont. Large living room, pretty nook, floored attic. A snap. See it to day. Bdwy. 4620. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS 5-room bungalow, large attic being completed, all built-in breakfast nook, beautiful view lot, bar gain. 924 East 18th st. N. Broadway 5433. room 212; BY OWNER NEAR SELLWOOD CAR, $2700: 5-rooni bungalow, large lot. fruit and berries; near stores and school; some terms. 581 South ave. IRVINGTON Several new modern home, also vacant lots, or will build on any one's lot. Rice Construction Co., K. B. Rice, agent. East 2432. ROSE CITY PARK, 2 blocks from car line, 5 rooms, modem, full cement base ment, furnae, built-in cupboards, etc., garage. Phone Tabor 6706. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, LET US WRITE YOUR BOND NOW. NO FINANCIAL STATEMENT SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $4500 ROSE CITY PARK, 62d St., two blocks south of Sandy ; 6 rooms, mod ern, full lot, fruit and roses, . aH im provements in street. Phone Walnut 1017. 6-ROOM Col. bungalow with attic, sub stantially built, on cor. 2Gth and Skid more, Alameda Park. Will finish to suit buyer. Owner. B. 3280. $6500. " $2150 MUST SELL this month my $900 equity In five-room cottage for $650; full price $2150. This is a real bar gain. 869 E. 12th .st. N. 1j j yj vv i & rt., in vv tsiuio! eiaiiu, 4 -room mod, bun. Sell. 2650. , UdtH k REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS. ROSE CITY. $550 down; beautiful 5-room bungalow on corner , lot 30x100; all improvements in and paid; hardwood floors throughout, built-in buffet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, large floored attic; price $4850., A real value. PENINSULA. Beautiful 7-room bungalow, double . constructed, 50x100 lot on paved street; full basement, laundry trays, nice lawn, garden planted and 9 bearing fruit trees the best buy on the Peninsula for $3400; $1000 down, balance like rent. SELLWOOD. $650 down; 6-room bungalow on paved street; 50x100 lot, nice lawn, fruit and shrubbery; a real value at $2750, balance easy terms. TWO- MT. SCOTT SPECIALS. 4-room cottage on hard surface street: corner lot, cement basement, new shin gles; $1600, $200 down, balance $20 per month, including 6 per cent interest 4-room cottage on 40x100 lot; new paper, new paint and new roof, for $1250, $250 down, balance like rent. SEE G. N. HICKMAN, with H. W. OSBORNE. CO., REALTORS, 432 Cham, of Con--' Bdwy. 5387. FORCED SALE. $5700. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. ORDERED SOLD OUT OF CITY OWNER. FINE 7-room home, modern. In good condition; garage, 50x100 -corner lot: a real sacrifice -price; make a good home or investment? was rented for $65. See it today; must be sold. 775 Multnomah street, corner East 24th st OPENFOR INSPECTION 2 to 4 P. M. CITY HOMES DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7567. ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST MODERN BUNGALOW,. Two blocks from Laurelhurst park; five rooms, large attic; nearly new and everything strictly first-class and mod ern; terms, 1233 East Pine sc. ' - BY OWNER ROSE CITY PARK. Am offering my new, strictly modern 5-room bungalow with breakfast room for sale. A bargain. Corner, beautiful electrical fixtures, electric fireplace, eastern oak hardwood floors through out, extra large bedrooms and closets, French doors, elegant buffets, Dutch kitchen; finished in old ivory, tile bath, very fine plumbing, automatic hot water heater, furnace. $1400 will handle. Call forenoons. Automatic 313-22. $2600 -I . This is a bargain in modern 7-room house, 100x125 feet, with fruit trees and small fruit This must be sold, -ft you - are looking for a snap, see this. Terms. 96th and E. Everett, 2 blocks south of Glisan. Tabor 5233. Big yellow house. Frank De Lano, W. Park and Yamhill. A GOOD, modern, complete 7-room home in Hawthorne district at a very reason able price. I must leave at once to look afttr other interests. Miput rent or lease. See my agents at once. Also fine building lot in Rose City cheap. J. P. McKENNA CO., Realtors, 1161 Belmont, at 39th. Tabor 6493. Residence Tabor 276. AN ABSOLUTELY modern Hawthorne home with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, lovely built-in features, and only $4500. This is absolutely the best thing we have had on our books for the money. Can be handled with' $1000. No assessments against. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Sift" Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. A VERY attractive. 5-room bungalow in first-class condition; 2 lots 100x100, ga rage, chicken house, bearing fruit trees and berries. Street paved and all as- sessments paid; block from Kenil worth park, 1 block to car line. Price $3800, $1000 down, bal. monthly. OREGON INVESTMENT & MTG. CO. 210 Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark. $4950 TERMS $4950 ROSE CITY BARGAIN New 5-room bungalow, with garage, furnace, large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, piate - glass windows, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large floored attic ; improvements all in and paid. 706 E. 60th st. N. Owner there dally. . I BY OWNER At bargain, very attractive modern 7-room house, lovely porch, fire . place, furnace, garage; lot 97x217 ft.; garden, fruit trees, berries, grapes, etc.; all improvements in; near car line; de sirable district; terms. For informa tion phone Sellwood 33. evenings. LARGE Portland Heights home overlook ing 5000 square miles of city and scen ery. Wonderful terraced grounds. By owner. AM 594. Oregonian. NEW 7-room 2-story Dutch Colonial with double plumbing, double garage; al! hardwood floors, tile in bathrooms, two fireplaces, 56 foot lot. This property is in best part of Irvington and will make good price on same. Phone East 5645. BY OWNER, new colonial bungalow in re stricted district, 5 rooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, garage and concrete driveway; must sell at once on account of leaving city; a real bargain for cash. 367 E. 27th St.. near Harrison. ' EAST ST. JOHNS. New house, built by owner, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, lots of buiit-ins; 5 rooms with a lot of room upstairs; one block from car line; on easy terms. See me at 1385 Curtis ave., St. Johns car. WEST SIDE house, 5 rooms and reception hail, modern except heat; $400 recently spent on the property; nice fixtures; close in: bie bargain: reasonable cash payment and terms. 509 Chamber of Commerce Ding. oroaaway avua. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Corner Thompson and 18th; 4 bed rooms, large livirrg room, music room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tile bath, best plumbing. Owner. East 9313. WEST SIDE, close in, nice home; 6 rooms and reception hall; rurnaee, modern ex cept hardwood floors; fractional lot; 10th st. S. Price $4500, $1250 cash, balance straight mortgage. 509 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 3963. SMALL new house, just vacated, close to Multnomah station, 100x105 feet of ground, ideal home location; only $1100, on your own terms, Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., or Mrs. Grant at the Mult nomah office. BARGAIN New, 5 rooms, 50x100, restrict ed. Husband sick, can't pay, must sell. $2000; $200 cash. Please see me at once. Mrs. Batson, No. 61 E. 83d st. N., one block south M. V. car. $1650 NEAT COTTAGE--S650. Fine lot om improved street.- close to car and on nice plafe for the money; very easy terms. Buy now. Auto. 623-17. ' NEW 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 14 block from MV car; on 67th street; $1200 cash handles. 1 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. ROSE CITY HOUSE. Built for home; attractive setting; 5 extra large rooms: completely moaern; abundant fruit and shrubs, garage, $5500, easy terms. Owner, Tabor 1158. $3500 FOi; SALia Dy owner, 100x100: 5 room bungalow, full cement basement; hen house; all kinds bearing fruit, gar den; 12 blocks to 3 car lines; no pave ment. Phone East 5619. 621 HIGHLAND St.. Woodlawn district. 7 room house, good condition, modern plumbing, full lot. Bargain. $1950, terms. J. W. Kenna, 110 North 9th st., or phone W. U. Alien, jaawiy. a-if. A BARGAIN B I OWNER. Attractive seven-room, , double-constructed house, 8 bearing fruit trees and berries, good location, $3950. Terms. 531 Bidwetl ave. j-w. iT L1 "Vr i C U' Til CTD Ii"T- ' 0 -nsi "" 5 rooms and attic, cement base ment, laundry traya, block to 88 carlino. x aoor otuu. HAVE equity of $1750 in nice home; can nttt make payments; mortgagee about to foreclose; will someone make me an of- V R7S Orotrnnian HOUSE FLANS, 100 designs. $10 to $15. or specially designed at reasonable fee, L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON 7-room house, $3900; block from school and car line; well built, in good condition; radiator heat; no base ment; garage and good yard. East 8521. . nam 7-rnnm mrtdam hnmo fn. u iA cheap; from 1 owner. Inquire 2002 E. cneap; Ci .llHa' oainimi gL.v.. " SMALL 4-room bungalow, just finished, int JiOxlOO. close in;- price $3000. reason able terms. W. T. Vaughn, owner, Main 4193 or Woodlawn 784. $3250-NEvV BUNGALOW; $225 down. $30 monthly. Call between 9 and 8. 1451 vfirtVii-an near Brvant. FOR SALE by owner, good 5-room bun galow, furnished, large lot, $3500. Wdln. aiioq 4-ROOM modern home with from 1 lot to 1 acres, at 79th and Tillamook. Owner. .Walnut 0640. WEST SIDE bargain; 7-room house on Sherman street, S3500. See owner, 634 Fourth street. 5-ROOM cottage, 2 lots, $250, 50th St.. cor. Madison; also 4-room cottage at Seaside. Call Main 6233. SUNIN YS I DE 2-etory. 6 rooms, bath, full basement; open between 2 and 6. Sun day. Call Bast 1038: terms. MacLEAN'S CAMP OSWEGO LAKB. Cottages for rent for 1922 season. See caretaker on ground. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Houses. FOR ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS: CALL AT OUR OFFICE 39TH & SANDY BLVD. $5350-$ 5350 $5350 A 5-room, new and nifty bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, cab inet kitchen, dandy breakfast nook, every imaginable built-in feature, fur nace, fireplace, cement basement, laun dry trays, etc. Finished in ivory and tapestry paper, 50xlOO lot. corner, city improvements are in and paid. A won derful buy at $5350. Terms easy. $4250 $4250 $4250. Another dandy buy, this little bun x galow with oak floors, all built-in con veniences, breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, floored attic, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, all built-in ef fects, finished in, ivory and white en amel, 50x1(00 lot, garage. Price right and terms yours. $4500 ROSE CITY BEAUTY. A 4-room bungalow, oak finish throughout, hardwood floors through out, Dutch kitchen, electric range, fias co furnace, fireplace, every imaginable built-in feature. Cement basement and wash trays, 50x100 lot; city improve ments in and. paid. Very reasonable terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 89th and Sandy Blvd. 274 Stark st. Auto. 320-60. Bdwy. 6729. A MT. TABOR HOME yOU'LL LIKE. House square, 2-story and attic: hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, first floor. Bath, 3 bedrooms, alcove, 2 closets on second. Attic finished; large, light, airy, 2 dormer windows. . Basement full size, always dry. Oregon furnace. Lot 50x100; has 2 Northern Spy, Spitzen . berg. Astrachan apples: Russett. Bart lett pear; 2 large lilacs, 260 strawberries, climbing roses, large holly with berries, daffodils, naricissus. IfJes-of-the-va'tley. other flowers. Extra lot, 50x100. Has 1 apple,-3 cherries, Eng. walnut, peach, 2 rows raspberries, 50 ft. each: 8 logans, 3 blackberries, 11 red currants, goose . berries, grapes, 7 seedless logans, 30 roses, 50-ft. row 6-foot lilacs: garden space 50x60 feet. Take Mt. Tabor car to E. 50th south, 4 doors to No. 169. to ' day. 5-ROOM bungalow, on paved street, one block from car; furnace, fireplace, hard,- wood floors, sleeping porch, breakfast 1 nook; full cement basement; now ready to move into; $500 down, priced at $4700. This is a double constructed house in a good location. 4-room bungalow, breakfast nook and bath: full cement basement, firenlare. hardwood floors, cement porch. A very preiiy uttie oungaiow. jt is new, just being completed. $3100. $500 cash. 5-room bungalow. 3 blocks from car; paved street, corner property; fireplace, full basement; $2500; convenient terms. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. R3S9. LOOK HERE LOOK READ. OH, BOY; CLASSY. I'LL SAY. SMALL CASH PAYMENT BAL. TERMS. 2 snappy 4-room bungalows with breakfast nook, hardwood floors through out, fireplace, bookcases. gas furnace, sleepnlg porch, full cement basement. with laundry trays, light fixtures, -wni dow shades, tapestry paper, strictly mod ern in every detail. See this by all means before you buy elsewhere. Lo cated ll-la Beech st. pnone owner, n. 4000, or any Portland realtor. FRANKLIN HIGH. $850 HANDLES MODERN HOME. $4500. Three blocks to high and 6 blks. to grade school, the number is dUl't sutn st., right on the car line and pave ment ; all improvements in and paid ; garage and a splendid lawn. In fact an elegant home for you; owner going to eastern Oregon, so if you Want to look at House yourseir you can uo so or can Bdwy. 7519 for appointment, or 214-17. HERE'S A BARGAIN. 100x150 BEARING FRUIT. Strictly modern, classy 5-room bun galow, hardwood floors, fireplace, large attic, only 4 years old, paved street, near car, excelient location, ideal home. 12 bearing fruit trees, part of orchard. all kinds berries, close in; am leaving for California, $1000 cash, bal. like rent, no mortgage. Come see It. Bdwy. 6011 QaII QTftfl &i.a T. O. BIRD. 56 CHAM. OF COM. $7500 FOR $6000. Two-family flat, 5 rooms and sleep ing porcn each, two turnaces. auxiuo lot, 'good location; east side; home and In come or good investment. Call us for inspections. CITY HOMES DEPT.. $ RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 2Q1 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7507, $7250 LADD'S ADDITION. 8-room palatial home; owner leaving city; this is one of the finest homes in this beautiful close-in district. If you want a real home at a sacrifice price in' vestigate. Fine garage. See Mr. Delahunty, LADD ESTATE CO. Phone Bdwy. 5754. Evenings East 7738. SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED, MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, , FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FIREPLACE. BUILT-IN BOOKCASES, BUFFET AND CHINA CLOSETS, LINEN CLOSET, MODERN BUILT-IN KITCHEN, BASE MENT, FURNACE, LAUNDRY TRAYS, GARDEN. FRUIT, CHICKEN HOUSE, X MT. TABOR CAR. 113 E. 54TH ST. TABOR 4278. OWNER. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW. JUST COMPLETED, IN NORTH JONESMORE; SIZE OF HOUSE 26x28; LOT 50x100: PRICE S3275. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN- STOCK & CO.. SUJCOND FLOOR, ORE GON BUILDING. TELEPHONE BDWY, 1658. $2000 BUYS 75x100, some fruit and berries, sidewalk, sewer: 6-room bunealow stvle. bath, toilet, gas, elect.; $300 cash. $1700 buys 93x100, all in fruit and berries; 4 room cottage, bath, toilet, close to school, near car, $150 cash. $1190 buys 40x100. rruit ana oerries, 4-room cot taere some furniture: a Kenuine homey place. Charles Houck, 411 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOMES. As pioneer builders, and architects in Irvington we know values and archi tecture. We have many beautiful homes located in a!! parts of Irvington, which can be had for very fair prices. It will pay you to see our list before buying elsewhere. Call Mr. Lemons, Broadway 6007. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce. $5500 FINE 7-roona. house, full concrete basement, furnace, batn, toilet, wash traya, gas. electricity, built-ins, lower floor covered with fine body Brussels carpet, Thor electric washing and iron ing machine, porch, garage, on car line; . walking distance to I. P, mill and S. P.k shop. Lots of fruit. By owner. JMo agents. 469 E. 11th st. S. Sell. 2148. NEW, ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. WESTMORELAND, $500 CASH. Hardwood floors, large living room, fireplace finished in Ivory, handy break fast nook; beautiful lighting fixtures, full cement basement, east front, only $4250, payment like rent, move right In. Bdwy. 6011 or Sell. 2706 evgs, T. O. BIRD, 52-6 CHAM. OF COM. OVERLOOK SACRIFICE. $1000 CASH, BAL. LIKE RENT. Beautiful home, 6 largo rooms, fur nace, fireplace, full basement, excellent condition, attic, only $4500, way under- priced, a bargain. See for yourself. fBiiwy, 6011 or Sell. 2706 evgs. T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM. OF COM. FOR SALE $3800 By owner, practically new 6-room bungalow; large lot; garage, paved street; lots of shade trees, flowers, etc. Near school and church; White enamel finish, French doors, built-ins. Gas and electricity; owner in Portland Friday and Saturday and Sunday. 1031 Killingsworth ave. ALAMEDA. A non-resident owner offers Alameda home at exceptional price; a large liv ing room, old ivory finish, 2 fireplaces, Gasco furnace and full basement: all draperies, range, linoleum and carpets, garage. Fast 3207. IRVINGTON UNUSUAL VALUE. A beautiful well located home will be sold for $8000 account owner moved from city. This house needs only your inspection 1 to prove its value. Mr. Lemons. Bdwy. 007. F. E. Bowman & Co. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. We are authorized to sell this beauti ful strictly modern 7-room home in Wil lamette Heights. Will accept $1500 cash, bal. easy. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, ' 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Aider. IRVINGTON HOME. S7HO0. Located on 19th street, between Knott and Braaee, facing east, 75x100 lot with shrubbery and trees. A real home for a price far below normal. Mr. Lemons, Broadway 6O07. F. E. Bowman & Co. $500 EQUITY in 5-room plastered house; lights, gas, hot water, bath; take lot, small house or shack in M. V. Owner 60 East 75th st. N. Tabor 641. MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE. Very desirable 7-room house, choice lo cation, 2 blocks north Rose City car. 424 East 3tn in GOING to hospital, sacrifice equity 5 room, modern bungalow for quick deal. Tabor 68 SUBURBAN, 7 blocks from city limits, new modern 7 -room house, 1 acre or less. Owner. Tabor 9301. Troom home bargain; $2200, on terms of $2000 cash: best buv in Portland. Col. M14." ' MY BEAUTIFUL home at a great sacri fice, as I must leave immediately. 1010 Thurman st. West side. Main 2927. HOME in Irvington; large, attractive house, $6000. 666 East lflth st. N. Phone East 5598. $2000 CONTRACT on city residence, pav anle monthly. Will sell to private party, good discount. AO 698, Oregonaln, REAL ESTATE. For Saio-v-Houses. DEBTINCTIVBJ HOMES WELL WORTH THE MONET. $8250 IRVINGTON beautiful 7-rm. bun galow built for a home and prac tically new; hardwood floor throughout and several extra, features that you will find oniy in homes much higher priced. 50x100 Jot, garage. Terms. $8500 EASTMORELAND. New Ens-' lish cottage, 6 beautiful rooms, fine view, near golf course. Large corner lot. This was built for a home, but owner has been called away on account of busi ness and has instructed us to sell at this low figure. Some terms. $8500 E. 25TH STREET, near Colonial Heights. Beautiful stucco 7-rm. residence; strictly modern; living rm. finished in real solid mahog any; 4 bedrms . Beautiful lot with garage and shrubbery. Here is a fine home in a beautiful close-in location at a sacrifice price. $12,000 HAWTHORNE AVE. RESI DENCE. Located close in on one of Hawthorne avenue's prom inent corners. 7 beautiful rooms and sleeping porch. LOT 84x90, paved both sides. Garage. Large expanse of lawn parked with im ported and expensive shrubbery. Here's a wonderful value. Just the home for a doctor or profes sional man or would be a credit and a Joy ta anyone. Terms. $15,000 PALATIAL RESIDENCE. ALA MEDA DRIVE. One of the show piaces of the city being offered 3i)00 below its value. 7 rms., finished in quartered sawed oak, also oak floors throughout: hot water heat. GROUNDS 65xft0x L'OO feet. The landscaping and shrubbery cannot be described here. Wondtrfui view. Owner ' will give very eawy terms to re sponsible party or will accept smaller home as part payment. To see any of I ho above call Bdwy. 7567 for appointment. City Homes Dept.. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. ft blA LTOUS. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ,KJwy. 7507. SUNNTSIDE BUNGALOW. Just completed, a home you will like; beautiful combination room 13x37, hardwood floors, built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 large bedrooms, big attic, full basement. Colonial pipelcss furnace, house extra well con structed throughout; lot 50x105; located 47th and Salmon sts.; best cir Hnd school server in city. Buy of owner, save broker's connnis- sion. Price $4750, terms. Phone Tabor 523. A RTISTTC XORNKR BUNGALOW: Heart of llington- 5 rooms, full bape mjpnt, garage.: consisting of large livirg room, dining ? room and 2 lovely bed rooms, large Dutch kitchen with hreaki 1 fast nook, hall and bathroom; French doors- between dining room and living room; also between living room and hall; hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, flor plugs in every room; new steam furnace, can use gits, wood or coal; fin ished in ivory. Phone, Automatic 525-0. fj000 UNDER VALUE. ' MUST SELL THIS WEEK. $4950 A real home. Modern Califor nia bungalow type, with deep attractive porch; on beautiful ecrner lot; 6 b-ight, spacious, airy rooms, all on one floor ; fireplace, furnace, Dutch , kitchen, all the built-ins. A new concrete garage that cost $350; on paved street. Rea sonable terms. If you, want a real home, see this. E. 35th at., 3 blocks south of Richmond carline. , Call Sell. 1SJ0. No agents. . -" ; $50 CASH ALBERTA $250. CASH, FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, ALMOST FIN ISHED, CAN MOVE IN NOW. LOT 75 X236, SIDEWALKS AND CURB IN AND PAID, SOME FRUIT. EASY TERMS. JUST THE PLACE FOR A WORKING MAM TO MAVR A WnrTT AVO SAVTC G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. $1900- $600 CASH. 1352 BURRAGE STREET. Nice-looking 5-room cottage,, cement foundation, small basement; hedge fence and good shrubbery, good place for handy man to make some money. St. Johns car to Portland blvd. SEE IT TODAY. CITY HOMES DEPT.. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7567. LAURELHURST. High - class 6-room home; this most complete new bungalow is situated in th, choice .of Laurelhurst on the corner Royal Court and 39th, finished in old Ivory, tapestry paper, hardwood floors! throughout, plate-glass windows, French doors, all the lovely built-ins; a most complete home on 63x100 corner. Owner and builder. Tabor 2654. . HERE IS A BARGAIN. 10 rooms, double set plumbing, V blk. to car, modern. You will be surprised at the value In this for $4850. Live in lower part, rent the upper part for $3 per month; fruit and berries. Cobb & Wlmer, 314 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1800 FURNISHED home, full lGt, 50xl0o"; fruit trees; 5-room cottage completely furnished; bath, ' electric lights; now rented for $25 per month. 1189 Gay st., U block St. Johns car, stores, . near school; terms. See owner. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave., or phone Wdln. 1201. ," GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist -in financing same: 13 years' continuous and complete building service. S?CURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract ing architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. NEW 8-ROOM two-story house in best part of Irvington: house Is well-built: has double plumbing, all hardwood floors, tile in bathrooms, double garage, fireplace; ivory finish and on 69-foot lot. Will make good price. Phone E. 5645. FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow, just completed, in north Jonesmore; size of bouse. 26x28, lot 50x100. Price $3275. Either call or phone Umbden stock & Co.. 2d floor, Oregon building. Phone Broadway 1658. - $3000 BUYS a thoroughly modern bunga low on improved county road near Mult nomah, Owner compelled to sail. Thin is a bargain. Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Mrs. Grant in cbarga of Multnomah office. - - ROSE CITY PARK. Real home by owner. New, Must be een to be appreciated. Every conceiv able built-in. Garage. Some furnish ings. 610 E. 61st st. N.. corner Sandy. Telephone Tabor 6060. 1 Price $6650. NICE modern house, 5 large and 1 small rooms, lots of built-ins, hardwood floors, fireplace, iurnace; full basement; ga rage; large lot; restricted district; clow in; swell view of city; block of carline. East 6099. ( : IF YOU have a good lot and can pay small part of building cost In cash see us about the rest. Complete service. "Homes, not House." BUILDERS' SERVICE COMPANY. 607-8-9 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 4283. LADD AVE. At Ladd and Lavender sts., near com pletion; beautiful -5-room bungalow, hardwood floors and large attic, for pric and terms call owner, Broadway 7959. Evenings. Tabor jB.. $700 WILL HANDLE PRETTY LTTTLH BUNGALOW. NEW, 4-5 ROOMS. GA RAGE, LARGE BREAKFAST NOOK, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FURNACE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. CALL OWNER. TABOR 7283. SACRIFICE price of $3000 take we 31 built modern five-room house on fine lot at 7928 61st ave. S. E., corner 80th st., near Tremont station. Owner ill in Arizona, must sell quickly. About $1000 cash, balance easy. East 9962. $3250 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Financial pressure forces sale of thfs - new, artistic home at less than cost of house alone, suitable for soldier's bonus loan; no agents: must do business at once. Auto. 223-19. $2950 PRICE $2950 $200 DOWN $200 $25 PER MONTH $25 Nearly new 4-room bungalow. 357 Stafford St., near Union ave. Phone and ask the owner about this East 4000. BY OWNER 6-room house on corner, best construction, sleeprng porch, attic and garage; easy walking distance; price $0500, some terms. Inspect Sunday, 2 to 6. 50 E. 22d st., corner Davis. Hawthorne district, 6-room modern house, all built-ins, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; would accept soldier . nairvm An Tl - SAD 5-ROOM bungalow, very neat, newly painted throughout; full basement; near Franklin high and Creston school, on block from car; $2900, terms. By owner. Call Tabor 2736. A BARGAIN 3-room modern bungalow, furnished ; full cement basement, fur nace. Lot 40x120: fruit trees; 14 block to car. Owner 5721 Woodstock ave. MODERN 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, 1 block from car, near store and school. Must sell; $3500. Automatic 645-30. 6-ROOM house, full city block, 200 feet of paved street and carline. Just right fof party wishing land -clone in. Call 3U. t2fc