21 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MAT 14, 1922 FOR RKT. rOR KENT In best part of Rose City Park, magnificent bungalow with double garage, & rooms and breakfast nook, kitchen. completely lurniFhed only. Bathroom, hoi and cold piunge and shower. Will lease to responsible party. Vacant June 30. Three months' rent in advance. CIS 5Sth North. Phone Automatic .8:22-72. IODRN 1HVIXGTOX HOME. OWNER "WILL LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PAR TY ONE TEAR OR LONGER. PARTLY r URMSHED; IF DESIRED WITH OP TION TO PURCHASE ; 100x100 COR NER, 4 LARGE CHAMBERS. HARD WOOD FLOORS, HOT-WATER HEAT. OARAGE. FOR INSPECTION CALL AT 740 VE IDLER ST.. S. W. COR. 22D. LARGS mod em home for rent, furnl tn re for sale, by owner, including1 player piano, vlctrola. 442 Holiaday ave.. Ir ving ton car. 10 AN EXCELLENT, better than -room modem house, all on 1 floor, good base ment; nice lot. with, shrubbery; big ga rage. This is nicely located, 1 block, to ear, on paved street, a good ciean house and all ready to move Into. Inquire of C. F. Cable, 582 72d st. S, E. Phone C13-33. fOR RENT or for aare at onca, owner going east. 9-room modern, clean and a beautiful corner. 561 Eet Tayior. cor. of L8:h. Owner will be at place ail day Sunday. Ji-RoOM residence, 794 Lovejcy, corner i'i h . will give lease for 3 to 5 years to responsible party; to be used for resi dential purposes only; hardwood floors, fwo bathrooms, large siteping porch; r.oo pgr month. See Mr. Ballis. Walte- irld. Fries Co.. Sj 4th st. tV 5-in-:.i .-.n-ii rr. bungalow with ea r'yre. gas range. furnace and heater. osa to i ar and high school, rent reason ola. Go out Division street to 47 th. den 3 blocks south, or take Richmond car. 4C10 27thrtv:-nn't S. E. CHOICE S-ROO.M HOME. Nioely located In Lawe-1 hurst, not far rom the- park ; 8 rooms, gara-ge, rent reasonable. A. H. BIRRBLL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Rmk Bldg. Marsh-all 4114. VIEW of city. walKing distance; 507 Mont gomery drive, between fist a ave. and 17th st.; o rnnms, sn and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, mod em and up to date. Auto. 52S-1B. tTNKT'HNISH ED 7-room house. adults only, gas, electricity, well plumbed; gar den, lawn. S02 Union ave.. near Fail ing a-t., $35 per montii. Key at 800 (next door). COZY 5 -room houseboat at O. Y. C. newly reftnished, ready to move into ; Just the place for ung or newly married cou ple ; save the money you v.' ould pay out in rent. i al ! Ta hir 23t FURNITUKK MOVING. Pianos moved 93 up; 3o days free stor age on all crjitcd household goods; let us estimate your work. Atlas Transter Stor age i.'o. Plmn e P.dw; . 12Q7. ROSli CITY PARK, modern 0-room house, 1 blocks from car; newly tinted and pointed, corner lot; beautiful lawn, fruit trees. Reasonable rent. 535 East 4ith et. Norih. t'UH RENT from June 1 to October 3, de sirable house, west side, close in ; small family of adults; rent nominal, good care main essential; references. AH 015, Oregonian. - fiODCHN fi-room bungalow, garage ; will lease from one to three years. $65 a month; ready after May 15. Call morn ings. Tabor 410. cam, broadway 580 for northwest electric co. Light powjch heat. Washington at 10!h St. -ROOM Strictly modern bujigalow In Kenton. located 111' West Berry st., $40. No small children. Call Wdln. 4711. Tt lompson. $-!0 COZY cottage at Lako drove, close to statmn and Oswego lake; A rooms, large steeping porch, lights and water. E Commons, Oswego 311. K.J N T i N Sin all 3 - r oo : house, 200 Mi- Clellan largo garden lights and water. Ca and 3 P. M Sunday between 12 no a-ituoM cot tage, newly pupered and j,tinted inside; bath, electricity, gas; adults only; location 44S E. Clay. Call fcast 1096. INU Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. C. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. Hat moving, city or CGUDtry, get tCM best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main I2K1. 202 Alder st NICE 5-room huse in good neighborhood, walking distance. 431 E. Oak St.. near 7 th. todern house, hardwood floors, f rult and flowers, near Penin k. Mgjg. Woodlawn 454. fe-RlHM house, 2 lots, fruit, garage, ete., 18 ITIllllMf ill Hli corner 9th. Call $ :-tl.S Board of Trade bidg. Hdwy, 7452. IRVINGToN Modern 8-room house. Call Miss Case at Broadway 5433, between 9 and U A. M. and 7 and 8 P. M. p bUNGALOW for tent. $60. Built about 2 years. Modern. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 95S6. A. G. Tt-ppe Co.. 40nh and Sandy. fc-ROO.M ho garage. East Glial wltli sleeping porch and East Hoy L Inquire t3d 4-jROOM modern bungalow, bath, electric light and gas; concrete basement. Sell S1U9. Call nfter 1 o'clock. ft ROOMS, cheerful surroundings, good con dition and location. &2U Cor be it. Mar shall 2344. 4-KOOM co;tage, 444 E. 8th St., bath, elsc triclty, no gas; $22.60 per month, water included. See owner at 371 Larch st. HOUSE, 5 rooms, 3S7 Eugene st.. near cor ner Union avenue, $30 per month. Phone Main 2207. Key at 406 Union ave. N. FIVE-ROOM cottage, $1S. 206 Porter St.. near Fourth, west side. Call 318 Board of Trade hldg. Bdwy. 7452. -ROOM house side. $32.50. twten 2 and lor rent, 530 Mill St., west Can bo seen Sunday be 4:30 P. M. Sellwood 3253. 1 ROOMS, pantry and basement, electric cheap rent. 1404 Ugh t; , 3 blocks car, Sth st. North. fc-a W1LLA51ETTE HEIGHTS. 6-room bungalow at loss Wilson all modern; rent $30. Main 2717, 4-ROOM house, modern except bath, some E. Phone furniture. 5418 04th st. S. 63S-16. XlODERN 7-room house, close in, side, good car service; adults only; Call East 9464. east $25. 2 WIOO.M housa. B47 1'. Gllsan street. Walklna di.itanc V-KOO M house, Su7 Wasco. Call Tabor I'll i shed Houses. kOR RENT lor summer, four months. "nlf tiest furnished bungalow In town ; on river bank, Westmoreland ; vary reason able rent to responsible tenant; refer ences required, Mrs. Davis, 664 Yukon ave. Sellwood 24i0. BWO-STORY house near 22d and Haw thorn t? ave.; goon condition, good neigh borhood; also furnished bujagalow ut Woodmere station, $30. After Sunday, Main 0012. iiiVlNGToX, 8 rooms, modern house. 2 baths, hardwood floors, eery conveni ence; nicely furn. ; garage; $125 a month. Adults only. References required. Pos- iMs-on June 1. 741 Wasco. RENT 3-rm. modern bungalow at $32.50 per mo., on E. 14th St., bet. Jar. rett and Aineworth. At place Sundav. Call aul 514-15 after & P. M.. week days, Tor appointment. TU K.N ITU RE of li-rooni house .'"'cheap 3 taken at once or will rent the house furnished and you can rent rooms and net $99. Phone Bdwy. 7849 or Bdwy. fWT. . CaJl Monday. Foil RENT Furnished modern five-room bungalow, pavd street, classy place. $45. Will lease for year. 600 Umatilla ave.. Sellwuod. JOR R EN T Furnished S-room house in Ladd's addition. '368 Hemlock, near 20th and Htvthorne. Suitable for aaturo- . p;i Phone 10. 41 7. alODERN. choice O.r. duplex, good condi tion, well furn., furnace, stove, firep. Bleeping p., aarago. Real home, reasoii ahio. y4 K. Yamhill and 27th. i'OR RENT eVryotn tut use mostly fur nished; one acre, chicken house and ga rage. Mar. 443. Call Sunday and eve nings. MODERN 7-room house. lovely grounds, all conveniences, l acre or more, Oreo C:ty car, c- .urtr.ey Station. Sell. 1243. AhKCOOI completely furotahad house-, de sirable location, east ide, reasonable rcru. Adults only. v.;; s ; t s : Hum O 1.EA.-E furnished. 'awn nra -Mooern 5-rooin oungalow, Karaite, piano. Call Wood after A. M. use la Irvingt unfurnished. n tor rent. Tabor, 5582. iv.' i t.h -v mv-niimi ii age vmiq parage : a. so 3-roiu aimr'.me:.'.. tH K. 21st s"t. FOl K-RUOM nvigh borlioot!. furnished cottage, garden space. East line rooms furnished garage, good E. Lincoln. st. car .".Vice: fr $ Fl":;.NL-i!Kli five-room 161 E. 17th North W -ROOM furnished house and garage S. 17th st., west side. M furnii l. Lake i 6-Ri W nil M hous". partly E. Glisan. furnished, $33 mo. V-Ri OM furnished house, side: so m e fr ul t . Kdwy close 21 65 -ROOM house, r, Salmon ed house. $;tu. East S-ROOM furnished house. Hawthorne dis trict. - East 250. FOE KENT. FurnlsTifd nausea. FURNISHED SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND SLEEPING PORCH: GARAGE. IN HEART OF IRVINGTON. PIANO. HARDWOOD r URMTLRE, jilJ RANGE; MOVE RIGHT IN; WILL LEASE SIX MONTHS AT $95 MONTH OR FOR ONE TEAR AT $a5 MONTH. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Sen day and Ever; 'n etp. FOR RENT OR LEASE. Ft'KNIPHKD 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. HARD WOOD FIN ISH THROUGHOUT; 2 FI REPLACES. BALLROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH. GARAGE AND LARGE LAWN: ONLY RESPONSIBLE PARTIES NEED AP PLY. CALL TABOR 3705. FOR RENT Furnished 7-roorn house close In, First st. S. ; excellent view and location ; -ignis, gas. bath, full base ment, garage; on paved st. ; quiet and roomy; s:s5 per mo. Will give leas. Call for key next door north or inquire 3os McKay bldg.. or write owner. J. A. Hauge, Wood burn. Or. AN ATTRACTIVE furnisr.ea 5-room bun galow and bath, garage, all kinds of berries. garden, beautiful mountain view ; must be seen to be appreciated ; 135 per month to responsible party; Shadv road. Just off of East GMsan st.. 1 block east of Buckley ave. E. R, Jor dan. Tabor 4170. FOR RENT- At Multnomah. Oregon, six rooms, bathroom, basement, electricity, gas. city water, hot and cold water. Completely furnished, including electric washer. One block from Multnomah sta tion. Inquire at station. E. J. Fair hurst. SIX ROOMS in my hoir.. living and dining rooms and kitchen on first floor. 8 bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath upstairs suitable for 2 or 3 couples; no objection to children. If careful. References. Main 22WS. C S. prr furred. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, complete, nicely furnished, nice lawn, plenty of berries, garden planted: Xorth Mt. Tabor, bett car swvice. Owner cW-slres to retain one room.. C. S. pre-ferred : no chiidren; rent $85. A 054, Oregon nn. SIX clean rooms, partly furnished or un furnished, electricity, gaa, bath.ee!inr. laundry, garden spot berries. Woodmere. restricted district, oc Mt. Scott car: fur nished $85. unfurnished $30. 7403 Wood stock ave. LARGE, attractive residence, close In, able tor boarding or rooming house; WeU furnished. 442 Holiaday aw. ington car. mlt IRVINGTON home, suite of 5 rr 6 rooms. furnished. 2 months; lease on house can be arranged two years from 15th of July Partially furnished. 10 rooms. Phone East 4fll0. LEASE a year or more, attractive 6-room furnished bungalow, garage, furnace. electric range, gas water heater, berries desirable location. close to school; churches, stores and theater; $100 a mo Phone Tabor H52I. MOUNT TABOR. Near Hawthorne ave.. furnished mod ern 5-room bungalow, convenient; two adults; references. About June 17; per manent to right party. Tmgor MWJ. C-ROOM modem bungalow, all built-lns. furnace, fireplace, garage, close to Bel mnnt And Hawthorne car lines. 1 A blks from Glencoe Hchool ; $65: one year lease from June to; reference required, ly East fnth st. Tabor 2774. ROSE CITY PARK, modern, 7 rooms and sienninir norch: comuietelv furnisheii. eluding piano. phonograph. electric cleaner and washing machine. from June IS to Sept. 1; references; no small children. Tabor 6605. . TO RELIABLE counl'j. comnletely fur nished 4 -room modern bouse, 2 blocks from Woodstock car; fruit and berrle $35 per month. Call 1 13S 40th avenue S. E. References required. AL.I'.lEDA bungalow of 5 rooms and bath, beautiful ly furnished , in perfect condi tion: will rent for six month to rellab adults. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 3207. FOR RENT $60 per month; Rose City Park, 48th st. ; 6 moms with garage, white enameled kitchen and bath; well furnished, with piano; immediate pos session. Phone Tabor 1161. FOR RENT Furnished house for summej months, ruit and berries, within walk ing distance, near two car lines, J 40 a month. Call Sunday between 10 and 2 237 Knott St.. near Vancouver ave. WELL-FURN1SHE-D house m good resi dence district for July and August. One hundred pe-r month. References re qulred. Tel. Main 7H35. I AM alone, will rent till Sept. 1 my 4 rooms. well furnished, moasrn. down stairs, garden, fruit trees; couple; refs. Auto. 620-24. ;EV 5-ROOM modern well-furnished bun galow, including piano, sewing machine, etc. ; Rose City Park ; OTk Call East 77't between U A. M. ami 12 M. SUNNY SIDE DISTRICT. Modern 7 rooms, sleeping porch. 1005 Tel. E. Salmon st., bet. 33d and 34th. Auto. 230-06. . bEST furnished 5-room place in city; one block to Sunnyslde car, three to Laurel hurst Park; garage, phone, references. Tabor S471. . PC RNI3HSD 7-room house for the sum mer months to responsible parties, $70 per month ; nicely furnished and clean, large porch, nice yard. East 1254. FOR RENT 6-room house and land, lots of strawberries: at acre of it Bell sta th st.. after tion. Inquire at 146 East 1 4:30 P. M. NICELY furnished 6-room house. large basement, furnace, gas an wood range, electricity; Hawthorne district; $50. E. 7467. MODERN 5 -room house, beautifully fur nished, including player piano; garage If wanted. 1009 First st. Call Mrs. Gaither, Marshall 2703. FO R RENT 4-room furnished house, light, bath and water, reasonable. Call 188 E. 44th st., Sunnyslde car. 1 blks. south. Wl'ULD rent for one or two years, large, modern, well furnished home on Port land Heights: best location. AG 638. oitgonun. HALF of double house for rent, furnished. $25. Phone or call mornings, i to t), evenings 5 to 6:30. C74 Borthwlck st. Wdln. 6162. -ROOM modern house. Just outside city limits, la acre ground, fruit trees, ber ries, etc., 1 mile eaet of Lents. Phone 623-43. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house. garage; beautltul surroundings, 4U. ooiy 37th ave. S. E. Phone Auto. G20-04. MODERN 10-room furnished house in good location, lor one year. jj ooa. Oregon lan. MODERN, well-furnished C-room bungalow c'ose in Irvington; thoroughly clean: June L AF 061, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM completely furnished house ; de sirable location, east siae; reasonaoie rent; adults only. Call East 1010. 0-ROOM mod. house, fur. for hounekeep- ing. In good condition, can alter Sun day, 208 Grant ave. PURKISHBD 3 rooms, upper house with private bath; garage II desired. (HJ E. 17th. 1 block RM car. 4-ROOM modern, large garden, chicken coop, piano, ivory Kitcnen, Oay street. FOR RENT 5-room, new, modern, fur nished bungalow, jsu; on .Mt. &cott car line. Auto. 017-14. $75 EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished 8- room house; can ?utnt rooms n in clined. Call before 2P. M.. 1H N. 23d. FUitNi?H ED 3-room bungalow during Jrn a-nd July; all kinds oi berries. Division. Tabor S344. 7-ROOM furnished house, in good district. reasonable. Call Sunday or evenings 1135 E. Tayior. 4-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 41 B, Church. $30; adults only. Wdln. 4284 after 0 A. M. . 3-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished and clean. $25.50. Call after 10. 72 West Alberta st. RIVER front, fruit, etc.. month ; ref. soutn of Mllwaukle, 3 acres, "-room fur. mod. house. $40 rq. Bdwy. 3134,, mornings. RIVER ; fruit, month rout, south k Mi tc, 7-rm. fur., i ref. req. Bdwy. waukie. 3 acres lod. house, $40 3 1 3 4. m o r n 1 ngs, SIX -ROOM house to rent or ase in good condition, partly furnished. vaPant Jne L 642 ancouver ave. Phone Wdln. 2S99. 11 KoOMS, good furniture, clean, all spick and span, in good district, S. Portland. East 4854. SEVEN -ROOM house and bath, furnished, su 1 ta W e for two f am iUes; three rooms up. $2-t: 4 down. $S0. 111 N. 14th st. FURNISHED r with plttno. Call Automat i LOilern 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park district. S 314-18. 4 ROOMS, modern, paved boulevard abs lutely perfect order; $30. 68 E. 74th s at Stark. - 9-itOOM furnished house, modern, light, hat. meals at adjoining house; adults only. P. O- djx 74. Oak Grove, Or. FoR RENT 3-room furnished bathroom and sleeping porch. E. 23d st. North. house, t 1115 SIX-ROOM furnished bungalow for sum mer months: all conveniences; piano and vlctro'.a. S71 Castle ave. Phone 327-53. 4-HOOM. partly furnished, j vard. 4S57 66th st. S. E. I Scott car. $37.50. Auto. garage and nice block from Mt. 621-24. MODERN 6-room and garage tcr.ee. J40. See 174 forter. street. . walking dls' corner Water 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage. 311 E. 0th st S.. between Clay and Market, $35. Phone East 5235. Close-in. 5-ROOM. 2-story 13th st. Main house, view, location 455 7292. Marshall 1402. 6-ROOM bungalow, 561 Reynolds AM. and East S7S7. FOR RENT. Furnished Hkum. WILL lease strictly modern 7-room bun galow, well furnis-hed, immediate pos session, located near Peninsula Park, 1 block from car, bird wood floors, white enamel kitchen, full cement basement fireplace, furnace; In fact, this is a home anyone would like. Phone week -days. Main 2011 for appointment. FOR RENT Furnished, $45 per mo., A., -room house, modern, all kinds fruit, garden all planted, on highway; garage: Gladstone. Or., 2 blocks east Freytag store, from June 1 to Nov. 1; might rent until April 1. 1923. Owner, J. P. Horna day. Gladstone. Or. 4 HrtXXlIS. a per ionth. car. conveniences. 161 Pendleton ge, $7( Fulton i H posts for Kent Furniture for Sale. f FURNITURE for sale, house for rent, with j lease ; lovely home and piace ; Nob Htll ! district; attractive and ciean; excellent I furniture; S rooms besides - attics, II basement; house will net $128 besides own large apartment; all completely i furnished; can take possession at once; , must sell on account poor health. 7u3 Northrup and 21st. Main 66J3. hul'sE of 7 rooms for rent or turniture for sale; 3 rooms rented for light house keeping; nice back yard, large fruit trees; references required. 376 Van couver ave. East end of Broadway bridge. Ask for Mrs. Calder. 5-R, AND BATH, rent reasonable; clean, first-ciass furniture for sale cheap; close to best car service, E. S. library and school; walk. dlst. : possession . Hay 25 to June 1. IPS E. lltb st. S- - 5-ROOM house for rent, $:-5; furniture for sale reasonable ; everything; good loca tion, fine: 414 Harrison st., cor. 11th, west side; short walk; must sell. vv iv ,it- n,; t . f urn 1 1 ure of modern room flat :"or sale, close in. near Bdwy bridge : $LM will handle ; cneap rent V alnut Sill. COMPLETE 5 rooms furniture for sale, house for rent, $25 a month. Wood lawn 1S77. FOR RENT 6rm. house. 517.50; 3 rms. rented, pays rent; some furniture for an If cheap. S0C Sacramento. FOR RENT 14-room house, $60; district ; some furniture for sale, Barrand Realty Co.. 340 Salmon. good $350. -ROOM house for rt nishlngs for sale. East MOT. u complete f ur E. 8tn st. N. W A N T K D A t Seasi de, O r. . smal I cottage fur June. Phone Sell wood 3170. BJ 641. Orgonian. -ROO.M house, garage and garden, furni turo or 4 rooms for sale cheap. 844 E. Ash st. , NlCKLY furnished 3-room flat for sale, $450. ternii-; west side; walking distance. Marshal 36S5. Rem. ?Su per mo. ROOMS good furniture ; Owner leaving city. Main C $500 cash. -ROOJ fiat 301 for rent, $15; 5. 11th st. furniture for FOR SALE Golden oak f mrttntnt for rent. C dining room s Lll Mai" 1036. THREE Sea.-Id e I rcoms. 243 Tabor 2630. 12th ave.. BEAUTIFUL and house furniture for sale 430 H Broad wny. LOVELY handle. 6-room, balance income fiaL; eaty terms. ' $3U0 lain '. FURNITURE of hos- for rent. house for sale. FURNITURE 5 rooms rent. 480 Montgome house for SAL E mqh for - Furni ture fflt. Ca41 five rooms; K.'-u-1 p.. NEAR MOUNT HOOD. Elevation 1650 leet; Alien Orchards will be open to guests June 15, season lasilng until September 15. Best of ap pointments, open fireplaces, hot -water heating system, electricity, baths. For terms and further information, address Mary- H. Allen, Upper Hood River valley, ParKdale, Or. 5 -ROOM cottage, wa Iking di stance, west sidv ; rent $28 ; fine ya rd , fruit, rosvs ; house in fine condition; well furnished; strictly clean; price of furnishings $350 and a bargain. Garland. 260 Taylor, near Third. NOB HiLL; a block from the hospital ; owner leaving city and will sell furni ture and lease 7-room modern house; two fireplaces and furnace ; garage, fir trees anil roses. This is a good home with income : S700 crash. Phone Main 1675. KIN'E Hummer home for'saie on the ocean, H mile from Brighton, Or. good bath ing on the beach and Neha I em river ; line flshlr.g, crabbing; close to highway; an Ideal place to live ail year round; no expenses. Wm. Aulhach, Brighton. Or. SEASIDE Beautliui 7-room modern ocean view cottage, glassed-in porch and din ing room, fireplace, big living room, $350 per season. Also nice 3-room cot tage. $150 for Season. Phone Sell. 1102. SEASIDE Handsome 7-rooni buaigaiow, on Promenade ; 4 bedrooms, strictly modern, finely furnished. $450 for season. Cnll .Main 47S0. FOR RENT Seaside cottage, 5 rooms and bath; 1 block north of Seaside hotel, 1 block from ocean; choice location and cosy. W. T. O'Brien, phone Bdwy. 7363. MAKE your reservations now for cot tages at beautiful Cannon beach. For information write Fred E. Youngs, Ecola, Or. SEASIDE co L tage, modern, completely fur nished, 50 ft. from promenade, best lo cat;on on 12th ave. $40 for June, $60 lor Juiy. or oy tne week. wain. 252o. FOR RENT Beach cottage, 8 rooms, part ly rurnianeu, on Cannon Beach, very convenient and an ideal location. John S. Beat'. Woodlawn 3171. SEASIDE, OR. Glen-Mar cottage. July, Aug. Mrs. Wm. Reld, 1208 BL Hoyt st., Portland. Phone Tabor 3!27. BRAND new, attractively furnished 2 room bungalow. Call 300 11th ave.. Sea side, or phone Marshall 3560. ELL furnished, commodious 4-room bun galow, fireplace, bath. 300 11th avenue Seaside. Marshall 3560. DOWNSTAIRS flat for rent, furniture for sale, near Lauu scnool, half block from park. 34616 Columbia. Main 5232. HOUSE at beach lor June and July or en tire season; 4 bedrooms, fireplace. Box 88. Ocean Park. Wash. SEASIDE For rent, nicely furnished mod ern o-room bungalow. 148 3th ave., nr. ocean. Box 222. Seaside. OCEAN PAR K. 6 rooms. ba0h, fireplace, garage. Reasonable. Mar- sun room, sha!! 3613. U AN SEN cottage. 1221 3d St., Seaside; 5-room, adults. Bdwy. 5353. Ion Seaside, call 315 12th ave. modern Informa NEA1I-KAH-NIE mountain beach, com pletely furnished, modern cottage, flre place. large porches, scenic. Main 4057. 8 COTTAGES at Cannon beach; also board and room In private family. Address box 33. Ecola, Or. MACLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE Cottages for rent for 1122 season. See caretaker on grounds. , IEARH ART Completely furnished bunga- low for rent season. Bdwy. llSO. GEAR HART cottage for rent for season. Very desirable. Phone Mar. 3565. COTTAGES, SEAM ORE COURT. LONG BEACH. 1131 E. SALMON, AUTO. 233-41. FOR REN T- -3-room furnished cottage, DXy. Box 283, Seaside, Or. lean and - COMMODIOUS 4-room bungalow, fireplace. bath. 300 1 1 tn ave.. Seaside. Mar. 350'J. BKAYJJ&W Furnished cottages 12 Park at. Main 8008. OEARHAI1T; modern cottage on ocean July. Phone Main 7272. ldge ; June Storeg and Bub mess Places. S. W. COR. 5TH AND COUCH. We are prepared to erect on this well located corner in center of wholesale district a two-story building suited to the needs of responsible tenant. We can give a long lease at reasonable flat rental over entire period. LARGE storeroom, business center Rose City Park, suitable florist, beauty par lor, bakery, milliner, automobile or elec trical supplies, candy manufacturing, eta See owner. 203 Third st. DESIRABLE space for lease at reasonable rate for manufacturers or manufacturer's agent ; close in, 200 feet of trackage. Call at 330-336 East Morrison or phone Ea?t 639. STORES TO LEASE. Have several stores to lease for 5 years, close In on east side. E. M. Ellis, Realtor, suite 423 Morgan bldg. Main D060. WILL build large one-story garage, close in, west side; will lease to responsible parties only; no agents. D 659, Ore- gonlan. STORE room, 22x50; basement, suitable for shop or small mf g. ; on Union, bet. Hawthorne ave. and E. Clay. Call at 34 J-. Hawthorne ave. East 4726. STOREROOM, lOOxlUu, S. E. corner Eaat Morr;son and 8d. Will lease for 5 years. Strong & Co.. 606 Cham, of Commerce. 40-ROOM apt., reasonable; store. 4th st. $75; office, downtown, $10. 439 Cham ber of Commerce, J20 STOREROOM 10x20. Washington, 18th. Suitable lines business. GARAGE. Auto sales and repair room, rent. Phono Broadway 6907. etc, for STOREROOM, stoves or rep; $30. suitable hardware, ir shop. 421 East Morrison. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof tir&tt house phone Broadway 3715. FOR RENT Store. 232 Apply 252 Stark St. Washington st. NESV STORE building, everything eom plete. S21 Thurmaa st. . FRONT space, splendid rlos. 454 Burnslde st. for auto accesso' STORE with show window. 544 Wash ington st.. near 17to, or call CoL 49. FOR RENT. Mm eg and mmu 1' laces. 2 STORE ROOMS. KENTON DISTRICT. Large and light, splendid tlon -on Main street. 1 block the bank. Ioca from DE K UM JO R DA N. Chamber of Coin. Bldg. Bd. GOOD location for rent. 4-vfl.r lease, rea sonable rent, good for a cardroom. pool room or pawnship. or any other busi ness except clothing store. At 9 North Third ft., between Ankeny ft Burnslde. Apply Nathan Bialkin, 3d and Oak or ajid Oak. TO LEASE. Several downtown stores, most any lo cation : have three stores 20x60 feet each, i feit singly or make all in one store if desired: suitable for most any line. line. Write me at P 541. Orego nian. , DOWNTOWN CORNER. Will build for A-l tenant jttores. etc.. at reasonable lease. Address P. O. box 810. city. Offices. REDUCE 'SOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building in financial' section of city; low rents. See Donald G. Wcodward. agei.t, 104 Second st.. corner Stark. WILLIAM P. MERRY, 301 Title ft Trust Bldg. TWO connecting court otfice rooms, 1 out side office in Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor rison. Apply Portland Trust Co., 6th and Morrison. FOR RENT A very desirable studio room; very reasonable rem ; excellent service. See superintendent of building, tirst floor, Oregon Ellers Music House, 287 Washington street. FINE upstairs location on one of the busiest corners in Portland; big streetcar terminal; fine light; easv stairs; $50 per month. G 062. Oregonian. FOR RENT Office rooms including share of reception room; desirable for physi cian, radiographer or dentist. 302 Stevens bl(jg. Phone Main 5130. DESK for rent tp nioeiy furnished otfice, best building In the clity. 112J. N. W. Bank bldrg. Broadway 5718. OFFICE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALS. 226 HENRY BLDG. FOR RENT Furnished private offic or desk In reception room. 005 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room with telephone and steno gi aphic service. Phone Broadway 3715. PARI otfice 'with phone. $12, outside room. rtajuway Kxcnanae o.dg. FURNISH ED office, jrood location, free phone, janitor service. 703 DCkum bldg. WAN X desk room or C 02 S, oregonlan. mail private otfice. GOOD price, office, going low away. rent, furniture, half Bdwy. 2552. DESK SPACE second floor front. AVorces ter bldg. Broadway 76 1 6. outside office, use of reception $10. Automatic 313-61. FINELY" furnished office with tele phone., $18. 511 Artisans btdg. Bd. 2853. OFFICES for rent, $10 and up. Fllcdner b Id g., Hth a n 1 Wash, sis. OFFICES for rent. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. FRONT ortlce, modern, in Railway Ex- change biag. Apply room 312. ESlv room, free phone, $6 month. 227V Washington, roo in gag. Room 12x15, Dekum aol Dekum bldg. bldg., $15. Inquire -STORi 50x70 brick building with eleva tor, east side, near Steel bridge. Strong MacXaughtun, Corbett bldg. M iscclianeous. WOOD LATHE FOR RfclNT. SCHUYLER ST. CALL 414 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BARBERS -Here is a money-maker. Bar ber shop, pool hall and confectionery, well equipped with fixtures and small stock, including the lot a-nd building, which is in good shape, with 3. living rooms, ult for the small sum of $140U. Cash $700,. good ternia on balance. Now paying more than $150 per month; will do better through tho summer. Located In small town, Willamette valley. Owner taking up other business. Oregon Co operative Realty Ass'n., Pat ton bldg., Salem, Or. - CLOTHING store, live town in Idaho; did $4U,o0t) last year; small stock on hand. Will sell lease and fixtures separate without stock If desired; reasonable terms; town is rich agricultural and In dustrial center; also railroad division; nearly $1,000,OUO construction work here this year. Address box 807, Narnpa, Idaho. LI Y E MAN to work in electrical fixture store; one who likes the business and Is not afraid to work; must invest $1000, which will be fully secured; give expe rience and age. Wages $123 per month. H (i'?4, Oregonian. f RESTAURANT in city of 0OUO, doing up to $160 per day; regular mint; owner mupt soil account sickness: low rent; a bargain at price asked; 90 miles from Portland; trial given. 314 Stock Ex change bldg BAKERY in thickly settled district; busi ness, $35-$40 a day. Up-to-date equip ment, including Edison electric oven; sacrifice price 2100. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. On east side, fine location, with large furnished living room, stock and fix tures, for $1100. STEWART & JOHNSON. 3 1 5 N orth wester n Ba nk Bldg. GENERAL STORE in country pwn on highway; business never less than $3000 per mo., splendid farming country to draw Irum ; Invoice about $1100. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. GARAGE West tide location ; lease to 1026; owner wants Interested help; ex perience not necessary; good Income; no better location In city; equal half In terest for $600. 814 Stock Exchange bldg. CONFECTIONERY, FOUNTAIN, CIGARS AND LIGHT LUNCHES. West side corner at car transfer; doing good business, magazines pay my rent ; 10-vear lease. Look this over ; $4500 cash. Call 607 Couch bldg. IF YOU are a good auto-wood worker, an opportunity to start in business for your self with a small ambunt of money. Or will lease going concern with proper security. ' Terms. Reasonable. BC 652, Oregonian. ii -; 4 I . V) A erooerv store, aol IrA better ih5n xin dnv. will invoice. ndHrades: rsdPt no brokerage. Phone Sell. 1065 from 8 to 7 on week days, before 12 on Sun- days. CORNER grocery, well located, fine stock, $33 daily business; will sacrifice for quick sale at $1400. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Rldg. SHOE shop In one of the fastest growing sections of Portland. Power machinery. Nearly new. For sale on account of health of owner. Full particulars at 404 Piatt bldg. . CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS. FOUNTAIN. Look this over. Rose City on Sandy blvd , a bargain; will do around $100 per day in sales; $4000 cash. Call 607 Couch bldg. . ; PARTNER WANTED. $50 per week and share of profits guaranteed ; books open for investiga tion ; equal half for $2500. Call 607 Couch bldg. DRUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS. Rose City Parte location; right oh Sandy bvd., doing good business; low rent and lease, $4000 cash. Call 607 Couch bldg. PHOTO studio and kodak finishing plant far sale, good opportunity for one who knows the business at a beach resort. Rockaway Studio. Rorkaway. Oregon. $3000 FOR garage that is netting over $200 monthly; doing over $16,000 yearly. A better buy cannot be found. A- E. Campbell. Selling bldg. Main 1682. WANTED RELIABLE SALESMAN OR COMPANY TO SELL STOCK IN NEW, LOCAL. GOING CORPORATION. FOR INFORMATION CALL BDW V. 414. HAVE an excellent proposition for man with $300 cash, to take partnership In small shingle mill. I own the timber. M 669. Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED Will sell half inter eat In going real estate business; prefer man or woman with car ; small amount of cash. K. C65. Oregonian. CIGAR STORE. West side main street location; 5-year lease at low rental; a bargain at $1100. Call 607 Couch bldg. GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. West side market cash-and-carry, lo rent; splendid location; a bargain a SjjWg. Call 607 Couch bldg, HAVE a big opportunity for man or lady; small Investment. Call room 433 Port land hotel. Sunday. VULCANIZING, fine west side location; low rent; everything goes for $323. Call today. 107S East 25th st. N. FOR RENT. Space for barber shop; corneri lease, cheap rent. Inquire 114 N. 3d st. FOR SALE Meat market, fully equipped. Price $750. Wdln. 6675. A FEW hundred cash and good light car to exchange for mortgage. Main 4574. FOR SALE or exchange, one complete res taurant outfit. Call Bdwy. 6772. WOOD ard, fully equipped, at invoice. Call East 8300 for appointment. A MONEY MAKER Man to finance patent working invention. a of, ure go man. HrRINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED AUTO PAINTING. Here is the best opportunity In Port land to buy an equal half interest in busy, well-located auto painting busi ness; full to the doors wlti work and large volume coming in; experience not necessary f willing to work and learn as remaining partner is first-class auto painter and is willing to teach you the business, if you are honest and trust worthy and satisfied with $160 a month to start. See this plaec before you buy. Price $300. Call 620 Chanru o Com., 4th and Sfark. WANTED Good man to take over the sale of the "Colpin" magneto re-charger for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, one state or all; this charger Is used and highly recommended by hundreds of authorised Ford dealers and service stations; price $40 complete, sell for $15 cash down and the bai. $5 per month for 5 months; big margin of profit for state man ; advertised in 11 magazines; all mail turned over to state roan; write at once; very small Invest ment Magnetizer Mfg. Co.. 146 West Florence ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. 25.000 CAPACITY sawmill. 9x104 Seattle donkey and logging equipment, 6x24 4 slde Powers planer; all In operation. 3 miles from leased 60xl5J loading dock on S. R. railroad. Good All-year roads. About 600.000 ft. timber down and bucked; 4,000.000 ft. standing; about 1, 000.00 available. 300 acres land. 1500 cords wood, good water supply and all necessary buildings. $7000 cash, terms on balance, or will consider partner with $6000. AV 517, Oregonian. . PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send modei of sketch and description of In vention for our free opinion of Its pat entable nature; highest references; nromnr attention, reasonable terms. Vic tor J. Evans & Co.. Hobard bldg.. San Franaljco, Cal. Main offices 642 9th st Washington, D. C. . WANTED A GOOD BAKER TO GO 50 50 ON A GOOD FIRST-CLASS BAKE SftOl NEXT TO MY STORE AND MARKET OR WILL LEASE VACANT STORE OUTRIGHT. WILL STAND STRICT INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 3524. EXCELLENT location in city for manu facturing plant along, railroad and one acre tract with facturv buildings. 128x150 ft., folly equipped with electric wiring for lights and power, can be. secured at a reasonably low price if taken at once. For particulars call superintendent. Phone Empire 1652 FOR SALE $0500 hardware stock, lo cated west of Portland in center valley, in town 3500 population; old established buslnesa An opening for a hardware man to make money. Other business de mands my attention reason for selling. Deal with, the owner direct. AV 534. Oregonian. HURRY. Have customer with good paying res taurant ( west side ) and $1000 cash as first payment on good home. What havj you ? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Panimi Bldg.. 3d snd Aidr. ICE CREAM parlor and confectionery, f u rn f t u r h and f i x t u res and small st oc k of merchandise, inventoried at $3292.63. for sale at reasonable figure. Stock may be seen bv appointment with Phil R. Session. 04 1 Fittock block. Portland. Or. RESTAURANT for sale. One of the best pa ving restaurants on the west side. Will either sell all or half Interest. About $800 will handle and balance easy terms. Call at 43j N. 2d and ask for Elliott. ' . FOR SALE Good pool hall, doing good business, in livest town in Oregon, popu lation 7000. Price $3500. gold terms. Address J. E. Smith, Imperial hotel, Portland. WANTED A first-class auto painter and sign writer who has small amt. of money to Invst with auto painter who has busi ness estab! ished in good location. AJ 612. Oregonlaj ONLY exclusive millinery store in Hardin, Montana. Hardin Ib the distributing point for adjacent oil fields and is town with future. Write Box 342, Hardin, Mont. CASH BUSINESS. If Interested in conducting your own profitable business, capital $125 to $1000, write for free booklet No. 62. Paul Kave. 149 Broadway. New York. GROCERY Old established, eaRt side, corner location; clean stock, low rent, with living room. No fixtures to buy. Good steady trade, mostly cash. Will Invoice about $2000. Owner. Wdln. 84. FOR BUSINESS opportunities In any of our four big towns, soutnern oregon. write FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY", Medford Bide;.. Mcdfofd, Or. HARDWARE and furniture business In new and second-hand goods, plumbing and tinning shop In connection. In good thriving town. Write P. O. Box 518. Lebanon. Or. GOOD little corner grocery doing cash business: can be haa ror onry rent $22; living rooms Included. Mrs. Signs, O. H. SKOTHE1M REALTY CO. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. A BARGAIN Cleaning and dyeing, town of 3000 pop., o-A Hotrman press, an power cleaning machinery. Owner will be at San Monica hotel. Wash, and 11th sts.. Sunday only, all day. J. S. Jones. MODERN moving picture tneater for sale. Latest equipment. Good reason for sell ing. Apply in person. General Supply & Repair Co., Inc.. Kurnsme St. ftkXBRI AND LIGHT GROCERY. Doing good business ; worth investiga tion. 318 E. Yakima ave., Yakima, Wash. - APARTMENT GROCERY. For man and wife it can't be beat. Complete stock and fixtures, with, one fully furnished living room. Can be bought right. Owner. 490 Union ave. N. SAVINGS DEPOSITORS. TAKE NOTICE, I will pay spot casn ior savings ac counts In the defunct State Bank of Portland. Call at room 204 Henry bldg. WOOD and coal business ; 3 trucks and yard ; equipment ; extra good location ; equipment in fine condition. Other busi ness compells me to make extra low price; $3500 for all. A 637, Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. TAILOR shop in town of 7000; good fix tures and tools; big business; must sell on account of rheumatism. AV 585, Ore gonlan. SOFT DRINK, cigar and card room, pool; corner location; best in St. Helens; big payroll; price $25C0. W. a. Woods, St, Helens, Or. RESTAURANT doing $40 per day, man and wife can clear $300 per month. Price $1800. terms. Good reason for selling. AV 202. Oregonian. FOR SALE Rest billiard room stand tn Vancouver, Including rooming house, shine stand and fine equipment. Good reason for selling. AV 2. Oregonian. 4-CHAIR barber shop, downtown location, doing good business and good lease. $1200: on account of sickness BC 672. Oregonian. ' SPRING shop for sale, blacksmith and acetylene welder; going business in good town in Washington. Sickness cause of selling. Address AV 538. Oregonian. RESTAURANT Small place, doing $60 day and up; fine for man and wife- $600 handles. Phone owner, Br idway 255. WANTED A first-class baker to open up a bake shop with an up-to-date grocer as partner. R 641. Oregonian. POOL ROOM FOR SALE. $700, 4 years' lease yet; reason, going on ranch. Sellwood 2556. BY OWNER Good stock clean groceries, $525 cash; good reasons for selling this week. 619 E. 20th. Sellwood 306T. FOR SALE Complete vulcanizing tire and accessory shop at a bargain. 270 Albert at . LU NCH COUNT E R for sale or rent, all equipped and stocked. Owner, 114 N. 3d st. BAKERY and lunch room In business dis trict, lease until after fair; make offer. O 404. Oregonian. 3-CHAIR shine parlor for sale at 243 Washington St., 2-year lease, rent month. WILL seli half interest In my tailor shop. Call any time Monday in person or phone Wdln 2-jS5. East 3862. BARBERS 3-chair shop; a snap If taken by the first of next month; some terms, 270 Russell st. ONE of the beet-paying vulcanizing shopa in the city. Opportunity of a lifetime. 433 Stark. GENERAL repair and locksmith shop; good clients; long established; price low. Q 640. Oregonian. FOR SALE Economy casn grocery, build ing, fixtures and stock. Gus Marlantes, Seaside, Of. PILES can be perm anent ly cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sso- tnd snd Morrison FOR SALE Rainbow restaurant, buildln and fixtures. Gus Marlantes, Seasdie, Oregon. INVESTORS $2000 BUYS CONTROLLING INTEREST IN SPLENDID INVENTION. A SURE WINNER. G 635. OREGONIAN. WE wholesale razors, snears. knives, eto. Portland Cutlery Co.. M 6th st BARBER SHOP for price fixtures. leaving town. 351 Ankeny. BOo BUSINESS CARDS. $1.50. Acorn Preaa 26 i Washington, near 5th. SMALL restaurant for sale, reasonable. See owner, 313 Davis st. BARBERS A snap. 4-chair shop, cen t r a 1 , west side location. Bdwy. 7124. S-CHAIK barber shop; will trade for Ford car. Call Main 3401 after 5 F. M. BARBER shop, downtown bldg.. well equipped; ref a BF 618, Oregoniuw BUSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO., Suite 316 Plttock Block. Washington at Tenth. Phone Broadway 2651. OREGON'S LIVEST BROKERS. BUYERS, ATTENTION: Twelve aue ceasful years In this business enables us to secure for you the best possible val ues. Deal with a dependable concern. All titles guaranteed. Our buyers pro tected. AUTO PAINT SHOP BARGAIN. $500 gives you an equal half Interest In a live, busy well known auto paint shop; no better location, right down town; fireproof building; fully equipped shop, prefers steady and congenial part ner to hired help; experience not neces sary if you like the work and are will ing to learn. Books will show each part ner will never make less than $200 a month. This is an opportunity where you can make better than wages right from the start. Don't fail to see tfns before you buy. LUNCH COUNTER CLEARS $300. Located right downtown, long estab lished business; completely equipped; seats 30 people; low rent, 5 years' lease; will easily clear $300 every month. Owner became heir to business and will sacrifice for quick action. Price $S50, part terms If desired, with no rent to pay next two months, REPAIR-SHOP BITTERS. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. We have just listed exclusively th best available equal half interest In re pair shop business In Portland ; down town location; right off Washington St., completely equipped with hand tools, electric drill, welding outfit, etc.; long lease ; low rent. Will accept congenial partner who is mechanically Inclined and a willing worker. This is your chance to learn a steady paying business and also make a better than $250 a month for yourself right from the start. This shop is crowded to the doors with work and $1000 puts you In possession. Be sure and see this before you buy. CASH GROCERY WITH LIVING ROOM. $1650 buys this husy cash and carry grocery business with large living room in connection; all clean, staple stock; modern fixtures: average dally receipts $35 to $50; rent $42.50 with 4-year lease; excellent location on one of city's main thoroughfares; never clears less than J 200 per mon th ; part terms for quick sale. POOL ROOM AND CONFECTIONER Y. Here is an opportunity to buy a mod ern, well equipped pool room and con fectionery business; clean, staple stock; root beer barrel ; front and back bar : 4 pool tables; Al location; rent finly $25 with lease; clears better than 200 per month; $1300 cash will handle; a sac rifice for quick acrron. LAUNDRY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. A real opportunity for a man and wife to secure a long established business In a town on the highway to Astoria. ls tablished 12 years and positively clear ing better than $350 a month. Invest ment fully secured. Only $4350 rpqulred. Be sure and Investigate this before you locate. BATTERY AND ELECTRICAL RE PAIR BUSINESS. Here Is an excellent opportunity to secure a rapidly growing and steady paying business; finest west side down town location ; complete and modern eqti I pmenl ; good stock of parts and ac cessories ; official service station for leading battery and also two well-known ignition nys terns; business will positively clear never less than $400 per month; only $1800 cash required. Other Inter ests cau.j sacrifice. Value In sight for every dollar invested. ELECTRIC BAKERY SNAP! Here Is a real opportunity to secure a good paying electric hakery, in a gnnri location ; complete modern equipment ; large oven ; cake machine, etc., 5 -year lease witn tow rent; is positively clear ing $350 a month; only $1750 cash re quired, will inoice price asked. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUSINESS. I am offering the best opportunity fn Portland to buy a live paying dairy products store. Choice location tn one of the big busy downtown public mar kets. A regular beehive for business. Attractive fixtures, good staole stock good lease. Will positively clear never jess man jxw per month. Will Invoice stock, about $3000 required. Ideal open ing ior man ana wiie. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR COUPLE. Here Is one of the best opportunities to secure a live restaurant business In a live town on th- Columbia rivpr hla-h way to Astoria; low rent, long lease and will positively clear never less than $350 per monin; $(uv gives you possession. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. Here Is your oonortunltv tn hn first-class grocery ; clean, staple stock, attractive fixtures, corner brick build ing: Al location; will clear better than s.iov per montn ; low rent. one- lea sell at Invoice; requires about $4000. iviui terms on same. uon t rail to sei this if you want a live, paying busi nese. MOTION PTfTTTpTTT OTTi-iTC Ideal location In the heart of business aistrict; seats over 200 peopia. firt class equipment, good lease, exceptional 1 v !nw rant 1 dtlnhllh1 nii- 1 it ... - can positively clear better than $230 ner month; present owner leaving city; will CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Here Is your opportunity to buy first-class confectionery store, Al west eiae location; clean, staple stock, attrac- .. eAuepuonauv iow rent ; can positively clear better than $300 per l" i juub iur jnuiiu on ac count of sickness; Ideal opening for CIGAR STAND BUSY OFFICE BLDG Ideal location,; in lobby of one of "the busiest and Dest-known downtown office buildings; complete stock and attractive rixtures: no night or Sunday work: on person can conduct this steady payjnc j ' . . - . txuj mu or man win easily clear better than $175 per month here. Only $1250 required. Nothing like this ever offered In Portland at the price. A BDuuiiiH oiio.ii. v,an eariy. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO, Suite 316 Plttock Blk., Wash at 10th. POOL HALL. Corner brick, rent $35, free heat, good lease, 1 large snooker table, 3 pool ta bles, $250; root beer barrel, good stock, floor case, back and front bar, wall case. $1500 will handle. ANCHORWlNTESTMENT CO.. Realtors, too-o r-anama wiag. aa ana Alder. $100 CLEANING and pressing shop with estaoiisnea traae; gooa location; clear ing $40 weekly; rent $10; called away; $100 takes all. Grosdldler, Aernl bldg.. RESTAURANT. Good corner location. Just rlg-ht for two; rent only $23; 3 rooms; for quick sale $450, terms. Barrand Realty Co., 840 Salmon. LIVEST BUSINESS CHANCE OFFICE IN CITY; clearing big money ; old estab lished, valuable listings turned over; might consider partner. BC 671, Ore gnnlan. FOR SALE Only mcvle house in rapidly growing valley town In heart of the berry growing section. Price until June 1 $3500. Box 86, Snmner. Wash. BEST located meat market on Yamhill stret, for sale; new fixtures; leased until 1026; cash or terms. Other interests reason for selling. BC 654, Oregonian. BARBERS Will buy shop in Portland or good small town. Give full particulars In first letter. L. It., room 36, Wedder burn apts., 14 Grand ave.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Grocery, hay, grain, at In voice, around $500; doing J25 to $50 day; good snap Tor someone : deal with owner. Phone Oak Grove 15A-J. BARBER SHOP on Sixth street for $850; half cash; good buy. Weston A Co., 1206 N. W. Bank bldg. IF YOU are Interested In Portland busl ness proposition that will net you hand some returns address AN 655, Oregonian. SUBURBAN hardware store, established; good trade, good location ; $5000 cash. K 655. Oregonian. $75 BUYS half interest In cleaning and pressing shop; will pay to Investigate. ;r4 Williams ave., cor. roaaway I 1 1 AVE a dandy small grocery and con fectionery, 3 living rooms. Call sa tjgy. Broadway 7438. CONFECTIONERY; fixtures In good con dltlon ; large living room in rear; rea sonable rent. Price $750. 186 Glbbs. LUNCH wagon, good opportunity if op erated at some beach this summer. 214 Union ave. N. FOK SALE Resaurant and soft-drink place in warehouse dlst., good place for man ond wife. 575 Sherlock ave. 1 SCHAFER vulcanlier and tools at a bargain. 351 1st st. U. 8. Garage. Main 2597. TAILOR, cleaning and pressing shop, for sale; If you take Monday cheap. 229 Madlfon. OWING to the death of Mr. Rohse, Rohse's Park Is for sale or rent. Inquire at 1587 Macadam or phone Main 1577. START a doughnut business in your home; have best doughnut In Portland; recipe for sale. E CCS. Oregon inn. LUNCH counter in card room; good thing for the right man. 2C2 1st st. CARD room for sale money-maker. 263 good location, gooA 1st St. RESTAURANT for sale with living room, cheap 1" soio at once, an a. a upon st. FOR SALfE- -Restaurant, just right for man 224 North iotn st. MEAT MARKET and grocery for sale. 1645 fortaaaouth. ave, Pboae Columbia 354. BUSINESS OrPOKTlMTIES. SURETY INVESTMENT COMPANT. 810-311 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder Sts. SURETY Gnrage Opportunity to buy one of the best paying ga rages and repair shops in Portland ; 50 oars storage . fu'Iy eqrlpped repair shop, employing two mechanics; brick and concrete building, 50x160; subletting cute your rent to $45 a month with a 4-year tease ; fine location ; nothing like it offered for $2S00 cash. SURETY Auto repair shop partnership $350 will give you equal half interest in one of the most fuliy equipped and busi est auto repair shops In the city; west side; rish: on auto row; employing 2 mechanic: we can make better than $200 a month each in this shop: experience not necessary if you are mechanically Inclined and a willing worker. Your money is fully secured. SURETY Partnership offered In auto body and top building shop : this Is one of tho largest and best auto body building shops In Portland ; old established; business has grown to where I cannot handle alone; I , want a reliable man and capable of handling the busi ness end of the firm; experi ence not necessary; drawing account $50 a week and share monthly profits ; your money Is fully secured by stock and fixtures. $1700. SURETY Confectionery. cigars. soft drinks, soda fountain; located right downtown on one of the best west side business streets in Portland; large stock of staple goods on hand; more than value In sight fr the amount Invested; 4-year lease; low rent ; location and lease worth tho price nsktd; , $1500 handles; balance on easy terms; don't fall to see this IT you want a real money maker. SURETY Cafeteria This is one of the best pfiylng cafeterias for the amount Invested In Portland; new range; thoroughly equipped; bes seating ca pacity of 46; averaging M cash business dally ; fine lo cation; valuable lease; $1400. SURETY Cash-and-carry grooery- Do. lntf $0 oay cash business; wet side location: 2-yesr lease; $20 a month rent. Will Invoice stock and flrturee about $18O0. Buyers! If you do not see what you want In our ads call nt our office and look over our large list of exclusive list ings No obligation. SURETY INVESTMENT COMPANY, 810-311 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder Sts. SNAPS IN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SEE CHURCH ABOUT TH EM. npnrrRY STORE FOR $600. Newly storked and doing good business In i ,.,).-,', A tiler where your business will grow. Lady Sll TO save yruuci ij. i!vin mnm and rent only $13 mo. GROCET.Y with four living rooms, $1250. or will invoice; doing $30 to $80 day business; real live place. Your busi ness will increase at this place with better attention. GROCERY, confectionery and ice cream, etc $2500; one of those places where the profits are high, and in crowded business district. Rent $150. CASH GROCERY with S living rooms. $2000; doing wonderful business. RESTAURANT, only $800, Including $400 cash upon the lease , located In Portland's busiest business district where thousands of men congregate dally. A little mint for making money. BEAUTY PARLOR. $1100: finely equipped, doing big business; lease; will sell all or one-half interest. OARAGE, making money, good lease, well equipped. A bargain. The above are Just a few of the many good buys we have in business chances. No matter what kind of a business you want to get into we aye in a position to place you right. Some for trade also. SEE MR. CHURCH in charge of business chance department. J. BRUCE OODDARD. SOI -2 Couch bldg. . PARTNER WANTED. $37.1 handles an equal half Interest In this busy, well-established auto repair business, located on main thoroughfare on east side; shop keeping 2 mn busv at all times, doing only high-grade work for some of the best firms In city; ex perience not necessary but must be con genial, honest and a willing worker. You should easily clear better than $165 per month as overhead expenses are very low. If it Is a real buy you are looking for be sure and see this. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce, 4th, and Stark. $0000 DELICATESSEN, fountain. Ir cream parlor, light rrocery. one of the prettiest west side apartment district stores; 6-year lease; fine fixtures; must be seen to be apprciated. $3500 A fine bakery In a live town, about 30 mHes from Portland; all up-to-date equipment; reason for selling, death of proprietor. $2800 Delicatessen and bakery, doing a wonderful business; good building, good a6' S. BORLAND. REALTOR, 228 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. PARTNER WANTED GARAGE. Here Is an opportunity to secure half ownership In one of the best shops In the city; experience not necessary to right man who Is willing to work; lots of equipment anrl tools; cm make $200 per mo. for yourself; $600 cash required; look this up. 04 Buchanan Hlflg. "BEST CTGAR STAND IN TOWN." In lobby of large, centrally located office building; doing fine business; fine fixtures and fresh stock; on person nan rloir fmm S 1 75 to l?ftft ner month: this won't last: come early. First floor ) Title & Tnm bldg. GARAGE, $700. Thl sliop Is well located on west side, has good storage, flrst-claas equipment: will invoice over this price; $S50 cash gives you possession; thla Is a real bar gain; see for yourself. 50 1. Huclinn-n mng. EXCEPT iONAI, OPPORTUNITY. A stationery and bookstore In Centra lis, Wash., well located and doing nice business; inventory about $11,000; terms, owner wlsihs to tell because-of Illness In family. Address 317 N. Tower. Central la, Wash. GOOD little cigar and confectionery stand and lunch counter, doing a nice busi ness; rent only $40 per month. Including two living rooms; $000, Including stock, fixtures, furniture, etc.; some terms. John Ferguson, Realtor. Gerllnger Btdg. WANTED Fourth of July date for 3-ring w id-animal circus In Washington Oregon, to be big feature of one-day cel ebration. Address J. c. rtnoaes, con trading agent Howe's Great London clr cus. imperial nmei, jron.ana, or A SPLENDID opportunity to acquire 8 refrred Jh ntz'-n K nit tine iU st or K. Factory busy day and night. Private owner compelled to sell on account i culler circumstances. For particulars call J. Jackie, gdwy. MANUFACTURING. Owner of this established business Will sell half to man willing to learn: will guurantee good salary and profits; $1200 will handle. Inveetigate at room 511 Rail wav Exchange. NEW SECOND-HAND STORE. This business to be sold for $T50: stoves, hardware, furniture, tools. lots of new stock; rood looatlon; reasonable rent; a real bargain. .504 Buchanan Bldg. $150 CLEANING AND PRE3SINO. West side, rent $10, can easily do $50 to $60 wek business. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 614 Railway Exchange bldg Bdwy. 6150. LIGHT GROCRRY. Just rla;ht for man and wife, aella bakery goods, light lunches; $600 will handle It, balance easy; low rent; 8-year lease. Room 511 Railway Exrhanga. CIGAR STAND in one of Portland's most prominent ornce ouuewngs: c;eanng hoo a month; 5-year lease; rent $50; owner Is sick and mutt aeil; $3500. Universal Sales. 602 Railway Exchange bldg IhOR SALE Grocery and hardware store ; suburban location; growing fast; slmost all cash trade; about $6000 will handle; worth Investigating. Address AV 575, Or-yontan. LADY can get a well-established clean and very Interesting business for $400, clearing; better than $100 month. Uni versal Salfs. 602 Railway Exchange. $500 RESTAURANT, weat side, newly equipped, rent $37.50. KEIPPER & CROSBY, B14 Raliwa y Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE3 Blacksmltn shop and garage; only one In large district; a chance to make money; good reasoo for selling. D. D. Conley. Flora, Or. WANT a man who Is not afraid of hard work to buy an established commissary route; will stand Investigation, See Geo. Xcdte. 321 tL 23d at. frrFS OPPORTI NITIES. BUSINESS PMCKS OF REAL WORTH AND DISTINCTION. If you want a store that la maklnft money NOW, any one of these will stand wp: Cash grocery, doing $6000 month)? business, long lease and easy rent; prlc $6000. Cash grocery and meat markM. dntne; $4501) monthlv. 1-year lea on good brick 'at $53; invoice stock and rixtures. about $4200. $250 Cash and carry, doing $12$ te $150 dally; rent $A0. We have a very larg Hit of r-od grocery stores of a'l slses anrl ran shew you tho kind of place you want. CONFECTIONER IFTS. CON KK 'TION B H I RR. The hnrrest season in this basinet IS coming fast. O.t busy If you want on of these. INVESTIGATE GO THROUGH WHOLE- cluslve location, doing an av.-rage busi ness of $75 dally; fine, modern equip ment and large stock; will invoice every cent of price: rent $40, good lease; cleared $5000 lart year. , I2S50 Very suorassf-1 west side cor ner confectionery and lunch. In apart ment houre dl-trlct; ice cream and fountain buslnes here Is very large. This I tore will make a good living and $30O a month clear. IROOO Confectionery, delicatessen and light grocery: dally sale sverage from $80 to $K0 at GOOD PROFITS. Man ant wife can clear from $40 to fOOO monthlv in this more. Th locatlnn is 9 exceptionally fine. BUTCHERS. MEAT MEN. Here are tome good small nhopv priced RIGHT $2aoo fltftctlv modern shop with loo mschln. 'n' everything. Ir" beauty - and doing $100 week cash business. $1250 A well equipped shop !n a very busy rash-nnd-rarrv grocery: 13$0 week ly cash business, rent 135. some forms. Thr other sc"d "hops st fBfWV, $000 and I05U. all dotnr a good cash business and making some money. If you wan: a meat location see the?. Blf A P N AP-8NAP WANT TO " 1 K E JOOO MONTHLTt This oft drink, rard at d lunch room, doing $'i to $110 dally, will esslly show that much rltr profit Try It JWirsolf bsforo yon lneSt a rent Th" value stock and fixtures Is nearly double th price I $2500 HIC.HWAT ATORFJ. Confectionary, groeery and fllllnff sta tion on one of the i.usiest hlthwsya, 15 mtles from Portland; cheap rent, gS)ed living-rooms nrnl well worth th mie,-. Price MM. $M9 cash will handle, or might trade lor land. CLEARING OVER $tooft M"NTTITT Pall t'n- lp Sam tax on $2u,0U0 NET I,AST TEAR. West Mrte cafeteria, prlre $000; will give terms to experienced man or take tt value In Pcitland property. SI M Mfl, BIO TT"nry Bldg. Broadway tT?. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. $350 wtll secure equal half Interes' In a busy, weii-PBtabllahd auto painting bjisfncffa; Ideal location In fireproof building; have shop full of work and large volume comlnr In; as this Is ti n busy seasor, I need a partner; previous experience not neceasn ry If you a r t steady and reliable, as I will teach th right man the business; you can easily Clear better than $Irt5 every month $t yourself from the start; If you want tin best buy in the r!ty ba sure nd see this before you locate. Apply S 1 9 Pitt or k block. Wishing og at 1 nth. GARAGE and repair shop, first time for ale; this Is one of the busiest and mo-t up-to-date places in Portland; owner ffoing south; has all kind of machinery, fully equipped; large stock of assembly partn, exclusive riffhta on two well known arllclea and big demand for ssme; full line of Ford parts; stern e Tsya all overhead: carrv full line of a- cessorles; book open to Inspection; It IS ring establlfthti do Urge pair I k Thl a n1 te vestment Exclusive $4M hand BATTER i. K REP Hare Is an f an ambitious i rn AND unity for g man to a busy secure equal kialf lnt b;ittery und electrical pair servlre station; no bettor location; hava aenc for leading battery; prevlnua experience nut eaiietitlal, aa I am a f I rat -das ba I -tery and electrical repair mech Jinlc and will teach the right man the buJn; you can easily clear better than $17o a month for yourself from the start; only $:too required. Call 310 Plttock blk., Waahlugton at 10th. BUSINESS CHANCE The J. Simon Urn on Aider Mrert from F Is now being cut Into small stores and market p. aces WANTED. In the building we wsnt a grocery tore, meat market, lunch counter, fruit, stand, tee cream stand and several far mers produce atrtnda. A few other lines would be permitted. Sea Mr. .Rogan at First and Alder streets at $nce and secure your spare. HIGII-tiR ADE UAKAOK. Brick and concrete bm Ming. lOOxt(n); In first-class location, with long Isaae; has 70 cars steady storage; fully equipped with the best of everything used In this, line of business: also has) large sa'e of gus, nils and aree-sorles. If you wsnt a clean, modern gars go that is paying a ing prom, ao not ran to see this before you buy. $2500 will handle. Call V20 er of Com- inerce bldg.. 4th WANT to. get a parlnrr to comO Wtth ma In the garage and repair bualnes; I have a good hop located on the west aide: lots of work, more than I can handle alone ; you do not have to be axparl enced as loner as you are mechanically Inclined; the business will warrant each of ua $150 and up; prefer partner than hired help; the total price Is $350 and I will give terms to reliable man. Meet me at fl-fl Morgan bldg. A CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. Corner location In thickly settled dis trict. All cash-and-csrry business. Bast of fixtures, clean Mock. Areif busi ness $35 per day and up. fflckneaa rea son for selling. Good lease on bulldlrur with $40 sub-rants per month besides 8 clean living rooms with bath for owner. Prlcw $1050. Call 20 Cham, of Com. bldg . 4th ond Htnrk 1-OKTUAN l SUKMS DESTINED TO HE- COME THE i 'ENTER OF THE NRW IRON INDUSTRY SOON TO BE ES TABLISHED ON THE PACIFIC COAST. IF YOr HAVE $10,000 R MORE TO INVEST IN THE MOST PROMISING AND IMPORTANT IRON R13 DE POSITS DISCOVERED IN THIS FTTCI.D UP TO THIS TIME, WRITE TO A 661, OREGON f A N. CORPORATION of hlich mercantile ratine wants a few live men to open office and distribute high class artlrla that store and factory needs; profit! will Jay for ita-lf savers I noo to $15O0 will fina each year. ;-rags state AOF.R. 171 OREKNM 9K About in.ooo feet artructlon, fine heath room bungalow; tei on hard -surface str partlea must sell. 1 call owner, phone ONE GOOD soda fountain, lass with cabinet, 4 eh 6 stools, gal. svrups, 1 nickel plated cups and glassware. Everything sale cheap. I'honr Wdln. 6094. 1M m and 247 $2000. CIOAR STAND. RKrht on the market; good 1eai a chance to make aom money Ynrrh!': et BLACKSMITH wants combination black smith shop wtth repair, gaa staMftn, in some country town; want partner hi knows auto repair; must have a f-w hundred dollars; married man preferred. . AK Sgg. Oregon'sn. RADIO. Gt Into retail radio bastnssa, maka big mori'v; everybody wants nna; a oom- plefs outfit of qualltx, pc 1030 Chamber of CommsT f prtod. FOR SALE M market, flret-rl quirk sale. C. e meat rgaln foe Co.. 101 North th FOR SALK- -Shoe repair hop, good laaa- .-.si mnnA t-iu I n aa t mtl-t mwtl BM vln town. Inquire Pa ri ric coast Lnnr ' o.. in r irw m. IliOO IRCK'Y. doing $40 to $60 day. 4 .r.n.-n livin- rooma. bath: this Is a B-klns.' 813 Couch genuine bargain, Z. btdr.. 100 4th st. BARD ; 3 chairs; rent $$0 ilds. CROSBY. J wt e,'-a ecesplty. chole tar. u several hundred iregon bldg. -ft flata, hath with eds. gaa r hum und x!50. on terma By 10k st. lady can r Hlgh rltory i month. INCOME PR" each, dlsapr heating p!at owner, Ml FACTORY d orloed arttcl market ion ong needad In radio; ve-r Darco Produeta. 4T 11 small capita lard bldg., 44 Henry St.. !'' ft. af,: CONCRETE brick and block plant for sale cheap or trade for light ear. Call Eaat JOOa, ,